Heil to the Chief
CJ Hopkins
Guess what time it is, boys and girls.
Did you guess it? I’m pretty sure you did.
That’s right, it’s time for the Big Switcheroo! It’s Morning in America Again time! It’s Hope and Change time! It’s Putting People First time! It’s Make America Great Again time!
Yes, it’s time to change the set of the American simulation of democracy, as they do every eight, or sometimes four, years. The bad guys are out. The good guys are in. Or the other way around. It doesn’t really matter. Juice up your smartphones, switch off your brains, put on your MAGA hats or pink pussyhats. The extravaganza is about to begin!
This is probably going to be a good one. The Ayatollah of Orange Shinola is reprising his role as Literal Hitler, or Russian-Agent Hitler, or Il Duce del Mondo, or some sort of Big Mac-gobbling prophet who has been sent by Jesus to save America.
I’m not joking. He actually went on television and announced this to the world…
That’s right, Donald Trump is on a mission from God to cleanse America of Mexican rapists, cat-barbecuing Haitians, and other non-Americans who bear hostile attitudes toward its culture and government, or who inappropriately criticize Israel, or engage in other acts of terrorist speech.
And those trannies … they’re out! No more trannies!
And the pronoun-using commie professors and their purple-haired students. They’re next on the list!
And the globalists … they’re done! No more globalism! The globalism thing is definitely over. All those off-shored jobs are coming back! No more Mexican and Chinese sweatshops! From now on, all our cars, cheap clothes, and smartphones will be made in America!
Fighting at his side in his holy crusade against the forces of globalism, and wokeness, and perversion, and hostile anti-Zionist attitudes, is Elon Musk, the global-capitalist, military-industrial-complex-embedded, transhumanist, social-media mogul, who has also presumably been personally chosen by God to usher in the new “golden age.”
Musk, who already saved free speech by assembling a consortium of global-capitalist investors and purchasing and rebranding Twitter — which, at this point, resembles a combination of Fox News, National Enquirer, and Der Stürmer — has been hopping up and down and hooting and hollering about something he refers to as “the hammer of justice,” and performing textbook Nazi salutes on television, and otherwise assisting God’s personally chosen president in his quest to save the world from the woke mind virus, and libtardism, and “assure the future of civilization,” or something.
OK, I know what you’re thinking, but no, Elon Musk is not a neo-Nazi. Elon Musk is an autistic person, and it’s common knowledge that autistic persons are prone to fits of involuntary Sieg heiling. Here in Germany, for example, you see them everywhere, autistic people slapping their fists against their chests and then thrusting their arms up and out into textbook Nazi salutes. It’s like one big autistic Nuremberg rally. The poor things just can’t stop themselves from doing it.
Oh and speaking of Germany and political rallies, Elon’s next stop was a campaign rally for the AfD, the Alternative für Deutschland party, where he announced to the crowd that “we need to move on” and forget about all that “past guilt” stuff, which, OK, is a boilerplate neo-Nazi talking point, which neo-Nazis in Germany repeat ad nauseam … but, what can you do? The man is autistic!
Look, I don’t want to sound ungrateful or like one of those cynical “black-pill” types. After all, Donald Trump just outlawed censorship. He did it with a stroke of his pen! That whole “Censorship Industrial Complex” thing is history! It was all just a bunch of libtard commies in the Biden administration, and now they’re all gone.
The global corporations that control everything you see on the Internet are free at last! No more big bad government bullies forcing them to censor everyone, and visibility-filter, and demonetize everyone, which, of course, they would never do on their own!
But, seriously now, this “Make America Great Again” show is nothing like the “Hope and Change” show that the libtards put on after the shock-and-awe phase of the War on Terror. You remember the “Hope and Change” show, don’t you? Remember when Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, ended the war, drained the swamp of all those torture-happy war-criminal guys (i.e., Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al.), and then got to work relentlessly bombing seven different countries in the Middle East and illegally surveilling everyone?
You remember that, right? Of course you do.
Well, this is nothing at all like that. What’s happening now is totally different. “Hope and Change” was just a marketing campaign. Not like “Make America Great Again!” Which is real. Remember, Obama was a Democrat, and the Democrats are a bunch of liars! Not like the Republicans, or Donald Trump, or Elon Musk, who would never lie or shamelessly pander to the American people, or some bigoted market demographic thereof, or treat them like rubes who will fall for the same con job, over and over, and over again. And the Democrats are communists, right? And Hitler was a communist too! And, according to algorithmically-amplified reliable sources on Free-Speech X, Obama’s wife is a transgender woman, who is also a pedophile! Plus, they’re niggers!
Relax. It’s OK to say the word “nigger.” That’s what freedom of speech is about, after all. Criticizing Israel, or Elon Musk, or otherwise expressing “attitudes hostile to the culture and government” of America Made Great Again will get you visibility-filtered into the void on X (or, if you’re a non-US citizen, visited and screened by the MAGA Thought Police), but at least you’re now free to use ugly racial epithets to your heart’s content! Oh, and don’t forget to “express your feelings” to your fellow party members with a Nazi salute, and otherwise celebrate the Golden Age of Freedom!
And, if some libtard has a problem with that, and calls you a “bigot,” or a “neo-Nazi” … well, just tell them you’re probably autistic.
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You forgot to mention, the totally unelected oligarch that is Musk, the man who will be in charge of the Trump admininstration’s money …. is Mugabe also on the team?
Off-shore jobs coming back? Musk is taking the EU to court over tarrifs on EVs imported from China. Why would the MAGA Robin – the Orange Jew being batman – be helping his Chinese factory and not his USA factories. Are you telling me that he plans to continue building Teslas in China and importing them to the EU, instead of exporting them from the USA to the EU and making America great again? Fascism, the merging of corporations and state, every day the USA looks more like the oligarch end days of the USSR.
We mentioned this some years ago now, that the government would become totally crazy and punitive and then a sviour would arrive to save us from the tyranny …. except that the saviour would be a worse tyranny than the tyranny we were trying to escape.
Trump is the saviour, he has come to rescue us, so prepare for life to be tougher than it was before.
Having scraped the bottom of the already decrepit barrel, The Graud is now about a mile beneath it:
“Ukraine war briefing: Hitler wanted to kill me – don’t let Putin, says Ukrainian Holocaust survivor”
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-01-29. 2025: TRUST IS GONE because healthcare is about price of a stock. FDA emails: 1.4m ARs 1st 18m (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
MAGA loyalists
-500 billion for mRNA
-$ionist war hawk cabinet
-AI-driven mass surveillance
-Biometric ‘virtual’ border wall
-Tech bro technocrat take over –
Stargate project data center tracking
-Public/Private stable coin control grid
-Seed oil lobbyist as chief of USDA
I think globalism is in Trump’s sights.
But, of course, it’s not altruistic.
Davos impedes Trumpism.
The @POTUS has asked @SpaceX to bring home the 2 astronauts stranded on the @Space_Station as soon as possible. We will do so.
Terrible that the Biden administration left them there so long.
The big difference is that it’s now Musk playing the “literal Nazi”. Here’s more “hate Musk” propaganda from the belly of the beast:
Courtiers have served several roles throughout history. One is that they act as outriders for the project, they push the most extreme parts of the agenda and in the process start to normalise the ideas for later introduction, Another is that they act as lightning rods for the leader, taking the flak that would otherwise be directed at them. Musk is clearly performing both functions. Trump 2.0 is therefore being protected and the interesting question becomes why.
How about a piece on Usain Bolt ?
Quite difficult reading, like all the author’s articles. Not sure what it is about but I can’t read it again, I am probably autistic (the last two paragraphs were easy)
A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.
Dear Johnny,
Thank you for enlightening me about various concepts. What I meant is that the author (irrespective of his satire and sarcasm) has a very contorted style, mixing ideas and then not following through. I like to see logical statements, not some scared hare jumps. Of course, I can avoid reading that and apparently I should refrain from commenting it.
CJ ain’t no Sociologist.
He’s just a humble playwright with a sharp tongue.
Does anybody know where I can buy a baby onesie with Elon doing his ADL certified not a Nazi, “my heart goes out to you” salute – because those fascists at Amazon don’t seem to sell them!
Try amazon·de ?
Before the scripted nature of professional wrestling became widely known, the term “kayfabe” was used as a code among industry insiders to discuss matters in public without revealing the staged nature of their discipline. It was also used as a warning to other wrestlers that someone who was not “in the know” was in the vicinity; this could even include wrestlers’ family members who had not been clued into the scripted nature of professional wrestling.
A “kayfabe interview” for example meant the person being interviewed remained “in character”; when speaking of a “kayfabe girlfriend”, it implied she wasn’t actually romantically involved. A person could also be said to be “kayfabing” someone, by presenting storylines and rivalries as real.
Indeed the scripted nature of professional wrestling was unknown to most for a long time; the first public acknowledgment of its staged nature came in 1989 when WWF owner Vince McMahon testified before the New Jersey State Senate that wrestling was not a competitive sport. And indeed until as late as the mid-1990s those in the industry believed it was a secret that must be protected at all costs.
A fascinating aspect is that, even after the scripted nature of that discipline became an open secret, most fans refused to acknowledge it. To this day, most enthusiasts suspend disbelief, and feel, act and react as if the whole thing was real.
The heroes of the wrestling theater are called faces (short for “babyfaces”); their personalities are crafted to elicit the support from the audience through traits such as humility, patriotism, determination, etc. Faces usually win their matches on the basis of their technical skills and are sometimes portrayed as underdogs to enhance the story. On the other side of the dialectic, so-called “heels” are villainous or antagonistic characters, whose personalities are crafted to elicit a negative response from the audience; they typically embrace traditionally negative traits such as narcissism, egomania, unprompted rage, sadism, and general bitterness, and employ underhanded tactics such as cheating and exploiting technicalities.
Despite the archetypal character settings, different crowds may still react differently. It is known for example that older male fans tend to cheer for heels and boo faces, while children and female fans tend to stay on the cheer-for-faces-boo-for-heels sentiment. Again, the most fascinating aspect is these emotions of support or disdain are 100% real, as if the whole thing wasn’t scripted.
In professional wrestling, storylines are typically played out beyond the matches themselves; for example, if a wrestler appears on a show after a “brutal” attack they would “sell” the injury by limping or having their arm heavily bandaged in-between matches. Real-life deaths were sometimes even scripted into the narrative where promoters would come up with a kayfabe reason to work the event into the storyline.
Where are we going with all this? After all, this isn’t a website about professional wrestling.
Heaven forbid!
Don’t tell me ‘Kayfabing’ is rife in every sport team sport.
Who woulda thunk it?
😖 Delete first ‘sport’.
My finger is faster than my brain,
Those who still believe ‘They Live’ was some sort of oppositional work need to remember Roddy Piper was an ex-wrestler. The film was about Republicans and promoted the two-party paradigm.
Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ is no better, it’s about AIDS. Firstly, Carpenter has said it was. Secondly, there’s a WW2 VD poster on the wall for no reason. Thirdly, a blood test is the crucial plot device for detecting “the thing”.
This doesn’t mean both films aren’t made with some technical skill and can’t be enjoyed as entertainment. However profound truth-telling they are not and John Carpenter is not some sort of hero.
And Dracula was about the dangers of letting foreigners with their alien ways into your country.
And not just any foreigners: Old Drac was a hook-nose from Eastern Europe!
Carpenter’s definitely a liberal — he’s on record. But that doesn’t mean that some of his metaphors (like They Live) can’t be repurposed for other uses.
Somehow, even when I was a kid, I knew that pro-wrestling was ‘kayfabe’ before 1989.
The same people who still believe wrestling is real are on their 10th booster shot
Musk didn’t say that: twisting his words. Why should offspring be held responsible for misdeeds of their great/grand/ parents is what he said. Cheap shot.
Looks like sergeant Schultz was taking orders from lieutenant Schwab, not from general Biden. Soldier first class Hopk*ns is now recommended for promotion to corporal.
RFK is feeling the heat:
Senator “native American” Warren was on her well paid war path for big Pharma against this recent fellow democrat. Bernie Sanders also on the take?
Similar drama soon around Tulsi Gabbard from her old ‘colleagues’: money talks in the U$.
Racism: only whites can be that way, others can’t in Soros land. Just look at South Africa for example, Musk country of birth.
Next level here: comment not in Pending but completely vanished.
Musk and Trump no!
Gates and Biden were there goodfellas. Like Bezos and Sanders, or Zuckerberg and Harris.
theres some people in maga are starting to question weather musk is really there friend what with him trying to flood the usa with Indian tech workers and calling people racists when they objected so of course he was keen to reestablish his rightwing credentials but he over did just a bit maybe that’s his autism
No worries: they will learn to love Musk again … just as soon as their brains are chipped.
Dementia trumps autism, remember…
If only they had chipped Biden and Harris… Or maybe they did them a trial with version 0.01 😆
40-odd years after Jake and Elwood, it seems we have a new tandem of divine emissaries, this time Don and Elon, the Ruse Brothers!
unfortunately, I don’t think they could pull off a very rousing cover of Rawhide
FAIL at cleverness there, Dude.
Another alligator with a red tie just climbed out of the swamp. He’s pretty full. He ate all the chicks with dicks and now he’s going for the Zionists. They will get a villa on the rubble
Michelle Obama’s a man? is this really a thing? I thought it was Macron’s wife whose private parts were trompe l’œil
The stress has finally gotten to CJ.
This is probably the worst essay of his I have seen… and I been on his stack awhile…
same here.
Kane the citizen, citizen Kane,
Casey the citizen, citizen nigger.
If the $uiturd$ came after you Vera, would you just rollover and let them tickle your tummy?
Nah. I don’t think you would.
CJ is wicked polemicist.
Power to his pen.
That’s interesting. I actually liked this essay.
I wonder why CJ left out MAHA though. Make America Healthy Again. Mr. Warp Speed I saved millions with my vaccine, is now going to save millions more with drive thru cancer vaccines. Vaxx-dash.
The utter insanity of it all.
The saluting, the fist/s in the air, the high fives, the hugs, the back slapping, even the bowing or somersaults are all done out in the open, for adoring public consumption.
What we don’t see behind the scenes are the back room deals, the secret handshakes, the threats, blackmails and of course, the arse kissing.
If only _ _ _ _ _
They’re out there, hiding right in the open. Just watch the “questioning” of R.F.K. by some of the largest beneficiaries of Big Pharma of all.
It’s Big pHarmer Pilgrim.
If someone calls me a “bigot” or a “neo-Nazi I will simply tell them to flip off (with the correct F word.)
The reason everything went wrong in the West is that we tried to be nice in response to these Marxist slurs, foolishly thinking that denying it and trying to reason with subversives was an option on offer. No – the point of these insults is to put you in a lose-lose situation.
For many decades we submitted to this ploy, cowering in fear like vampires seeing a crucifix, and allowing infinite outrages to be committed against everything we hold dear. And grumbling quietly in private – if at all.
That is coming to an end. People are realising how close we are to the end of Western civilisation. We have nothing to lose by standing up for ourselves.
At this point I would literally vote for literal ‘moustacheman’ if it was the only way to fight globalism.
Does anyone have any fashion tips on buying lederhosen?
First have an assessment of the shape of your legs. If they look like toothpicks and therefore shouldn’t be visible go for long ones. Traditional are the ones that end right under the knees. Short ones are for boys or young men. But finally: Let it be.
It wasn’t a Nazi salute. Context… context… context…
Lets hope that Kennedy gets his foot in the door then throws it open and exposes the vaccine truth.
You know when something smells of shite at BBC Verify: By Shayan Sardarizadeh..
Robert F Kennedy Jr has repeatedly stated widely debunked claims about vaccinations.
One of his main false claims – repeated in a 2023 interview with Fox News – is that “autism comes from vaccines”.
This theory was first popularised by discredited UK doctor Andrew Wakefield and has since become the main centrepiece of baseless theories made by anti-vaccine advocates around the world.
Multiple studies since, across many countries, have concluded there is no link between vaccines and autism.
Dr David Elliman, a consultant in community child health at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, said RFK Jr has perpetuated myths around vaccination with “an utter disregard for the evidence”.
Kennedy has repeatedly denied that he is anti-vaccine and insists he wants to improve the science on vaccine safety which he believes has “huge deficits”.
The BBC are corrupt criminal bastrds. They can stick their licence fee up their arse. They protect and employ pedophile child abusers. They lie, and create hate worldwide,. and are involved in criminality everywhere. They are involved in global terror as was obvious when they reported Building 7 on 9/11 collapsed before the collapse. They were involved in the lies leading to the war against Iraq and the nonsense chemical attack in Syria..
To work at the BBC means you have sold your soul & up to your neck in the poisoning of kids.
For BBC Verify’s information, Andrew Wakefield was a hero in trying to protect kids from toxic multi-combo vaccines. He was set up by a corrupt judge Nigel Davis, his brother Crispin Davis GSK, BMJ and Reed Elsiver. James Murdoch GSK son of Rupert and Brian Deer SUN/TIMES/SKY. & DR Death Evan Harris Liberal Democrat in the Houses of lying bstrds.
If only the BBC would fkn try to sue me. I would roast their arse over hot coals. Knowledge is everything.
Which vaccine truth, that there really is a Covid-19 virus?
Of the 72 vaccine doses now imposed on US children, none were tested in a placebo-controlled trial. -Robert Kennedy Jr. 2024-11
The new vaccines are tested against existing and if they are no more deadly they are put on the vaccine schedule.
Fkn unbelievable.
I have a freedom of info on the HPV vaccine. Please dont let your kids get this or grand kids you may never have.
There is no COVID vaccine. Its mRNA genetic modification.
All vaccines contain poisons to trigger immune response—Polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, mercury, aluminium, etc. Aluminium is known to cross the blood-brain barrier and is shown at autopsy with autistic kids who have died having up to 30 times above normal aluminium in their brain.
Verify that you BBC bastrds.
Thing is, this Shayan bloke conveniently forgets that he works for, and no doubt makes a very comfortable living from, one of the largest and proven pro corporate propaganda media organisations in the world.
And here’s one they prepared earlier!
Breaking News: How to Tell What’s Real From What’s Rubbish Paperback – 23 Dec. 2021
by Nick Sheridan (Author)
A funny, practical and ever-so timely guide to the NEWS for 8–12-year-olds. Find out how to understand and navigate 24/7 news, how to spot the facts from the fake . . . and what to do if the news becomes overwhelming.
BBC Scotland presenter Nick Sheridan, 32, died of ‘brain aneurysm after collapsing while running’, friends reveal – as Humza Yousaf leads tributes to ‘extremely talented journalist and author’
March 7, 2024
Skip to @12:50 !
What is fake news and how to spot it, with Nick Sheridan
Scottish Book Trust
Apr 25, 2022
Give your children a grounding in how to spot fake news with journalist Nick Sheridan, the author of Breaking News: How to Tell What’s Real From What’s Rubbish.
This video will help children navigate the peaks and pitfalls of our modern day news cycle, thanks to Nick’s laugh-out-loud antics and interactive activities. It is an excellent opportunity for budding reporters to meet a real-life journalist and a fun way to introduce pupils to critical thinking.
Nick Sheridan is an award-winning journalist and television presenter, with a decade of experience working in broadcast media. He spent two years reporting and presenting RTE news2day, the young person’s news programme for Ireland’s national broadcaster, before relocating to BBC News Scotland. He’s also a regular presenter of Drivetime at BBC Radio Scotland.
This video is brought to you by the Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour.
Do you think this guy maybe might want to get off the topic of Nazis?
He’s got a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump is no better than Biden , A pathetic Lying , SOB, who is partly ( if We take his claims about Warp speed , and Injections at face value)responsible for the elimination of Millions … Is that Trump derangement Syndrome? You cultists dont find that significant? .. still Wanking to Partisan Fairytales of 5 D Chess… ?
Let’s build a bridge:
They all think they’re Saviours.
It’s called the Messiah Complex.
Many rock stars, movie stars, sports stars, journalists and now influencers, are afflicted with it.
And we’re afflicted by them.
Pathetic, isn’t it?
if we were to humanize them – would that be an example of the pathetic fallacy…?
I think the real pathos might lay in our role as co-creators of the afflicted with their addictions that are inflecting the diction… 😉
Pay enough attention and your notice everything gets repeated.
The musk thing is a remake in cheap advertising as the
Richard Spencer Nazi salute Hail Trump repeat thing.
Richard Spencer The president of the alt-right National Policy Institute was the biggest thing on the internet back then.
Nov 21, 2016 — Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump’s victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes.
I believe your wrong on Trump!!!He is so for free speech that you will be deported for having some.
Trump ordering review to identify, punish and deport antisemites — including students on visas
There WILL be freedom of speech!
However, freedom AFTER speech cannot be guaranteed…..