Let’s talk about…the JFK files released!
"Promises made, promises kept!" is the battle cry of the MAGAs right now, but was this a promise worth keeping?

Last night Donald Trump’s administration released two-thousand files, totaling over 60,000 pages, pertaining to the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
You can read them all here.
The files are in seemingly no order, with no index or search system, so combing through them will take a while.
The National Archive press release claims these are “all records previously withheld for classification”, but that’s then admit that’s not technically true [emphasis added]:
In accordance with President Donald Trump’s directive of March 17, 2025, all records previously withheld for classification that are part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection are released. The National Archives has partnered with agencies across the federal government to comply with the President’s directive in support of Executive Order 14176. As of March 18, 2025, the records are available to access either online at this page or in person, via hard copy or on analog media formats, at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. As the records continue to be digitized, they will be posted to this page.
This is only the digitized ones, the undigitized ones are all available as well, you just have to go to the national archives in Maryland to see them. They’ll put those on the internet too, just as soon as they’re done digitizing them. Honest
Of course, the process of “digitizing the records” and the weeks it’s expected to take “historians and experts” to go over the files keeps the narrative open. They can add new files as they see fit to steer the conversation.
So far the media coverage has been exactly as you’d expect, with a quasi-religious repetition of the Official Story best exemplified by the pathetically predictable New York Times, where Adam Nagourney headlines simply:
Here’s what to know. (Oswald still did it.)
Propaganda so laughable you wonder if they’re really trying…and perhaps they’re not.
Social media reactions have been as you’d expect, too.
Republicans claim this is a case of “promises made, promises kept”. Democrats claim there’s no new information here, it’s just the same files Biden released with parts unredacted.
As is usually the case, it’s likely neither is entirely correct.
It’s possible this data dump is actually happening earlier than planned, an attempt by the Trump admin to win back some support after many of his base were alienated by his bombing of Yemen and continued support for Israel. There was, allegedly, a “24-hour scramble” to release the files, but that might just be a story designed to make Trump look chaotic.
Some of the “revelations” being discussed so far are really no such thing. For example, the idea that the CIA having hundreds of their agents inside the State Department is new information is ridiculous.
Although, the prominent and widespread discussion of potential CIA involvement is noteworthy.
In our prediction on the JFK files back in January, Kit wrote that…
It can’t be concrete declarations, because deniability – and therefore more debate – must be built in, but it will be enough to lend legitimacy to some of the milder or more fringe “conspiracy theories” in a way that fuels what will become a very public controversy.
And so far that seems to be bearing out, with unredacted mentions of both Israel and “Israeli intelligence services” already dominating the discussion:
CIA suppressed top officer James Jesus Angleton's connection to Israeli intelligence as shown by this newly unredacted JFK assassination records file.
Angleton had subverted JFK's policy of preventing Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons and was praised by Mossad head Meir… pic.twitter.com/68La055aZY
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 19, 2025
But what do you think?
- Does this release vindicate Trump’s anti-establishment reputation?
- Do you expect there to be any new or important information?
- Will there be any further releases?
- Will the CIA and/or Israel ever be officially blamed?
Discuss in the comments below.
Also, there’s a lot of information in 80,000 files, so if you find something interesting others may have missed, post it in the comments and we’ll try and add it to the main post.
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Have they found documentary evidence of the holothingy yet? don’t hold your breath.
Not worth the time.
Lyndon Baines Johnson ordered Malcolm Wallace to kill Kennedy. Wallace organised and directed Mafia killing teams. At least three teams of three each where used. The fatal shot came from the front. Lee Harvey Oswald shot from behind into Kennedy’s back. Although a serious wound, it likely would have been survivable. However, James Earl Files fired the fatal shot from the front, at Kennedy’s brain. However, the big problem is that James Earl Files (83) is still alive.
The CIA operational modality, thus the capitalist modality, is to create as much external confusion as is possible while everything internally, is a done deal. As the bamboozled refuse to connect the obvious dots because they “trust” the parent class, treating us as children, the scammers just keep their Empire rollin’ right on.
Just by a quick summary of a few documents we can see that Oswald was a CIA asset.
104-10071-10239 is a very interesting read.
The Subject is most certainly Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was worried that he might get the attention of the Soviet Security authorities. The Subject clearly was communicating with the CIA while in the Soviet Union and had anti-Soviet sympathies.
There also seemed to be a lot of commotion surrounding Mexico City as well and that the CIA feared that the Soviets can identify double agents.
Those familiar with the history of the CIA/NATO terror campaign called Operation Gladio may recall the rather pertinent quote from one of its convicted and imprisoned operatives – Vincenzo Vinciguerra.
“This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings that remain unpunished, (because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened).”
And the State never will convict itself – expecting otherwise in this document release is a flight of fantasy.
Those files have been curated to make sure the guilty are not exposed. You will also find plenty of fake documents inserted to send people in all directions except the truth.
“Oswald still did it.”
Well, there goes any discussion with my family. NYT lovers all.
God, how utterly pompous.
Release those files
Metaphorically speaking
The only decent theory was in the book King Kill 33 by James Shelby Downard, Michael A. Hoffman.
The rest is all fantasy about some wonderful Kennedy who nearly made it and they (them) killed him as he wanted to help us poor plebs.
50 years later.
h opium ... Still fully drunk. Rfk appears and hope is restored double hope with Trump 2.2 extra topping.
The excuses.
WAIT WAIT and WAIT until we get the right man in office.
You wait…..
You watch/ keep watching!
NO.. NO.. NO…. this one – it is different.
They stole the election.
He / she did not mean it.
5 d chess.
This time is different.
Next time, it will happen. Keep watching and just keep believing.
Pray harder.
The deep state is stopping him her from doing this.
After covid and another fake boring inquiry into covid.
Why have some of you believers not learn’t ?
The president has never been powerful and elections are fake.
The psyop is always the same.
Worked with Trump.
This ‘dump’ of files 80.000 is about as real as the elections.
Interesting. Spread the good news. Orange Jesus has released the JFK files, the CIA and the ‘Lobby’ may perhaps have known something, or play a role, maybe? Researchers could always spend a few months sifting through the mess in Maryland (beautiful place BTW)!
Talking of wasteful, unpatriotic institutions, when will Musk start hacking and chainsawing his way through these profoundly disputable institutions?
I think it’s far more important to expose Trump’s Reichstag!
My favourite JFK conspiracy theory: he was accidentally shot by the Secret Service….
There was an effort to push this just over a decade ago. An Australian cop was selected to front it – there must have been poll data showing they were trusted but lockdown madness should have changed all that. None of the dozens of eyewitnesses thought a shot came from within the motorcade but that’s no obstacle.
I’m only surprised the NYT doesn’t repeat it as fact. Perhaps they want to leave the door open to claiming it was the Russians after all (seriously: that was the Fraudian’s angle at the time of the last data dump).
He actually died of Covid.
Are you absolutely sure it wasn’t a dose of Tobacco mosaic virus.
Interestingly, at least according to one theory, that’s more or less what actually did happen to Louisiana Senator Huey Long in 1935: he was accidentally shot by his own bodyguard during an attempted assault by an angry constituent. The last bodyguard left alive told his version of the story to the program Unsolved Mysteries back in the 90s: Huey Long – Unsolved Mysteries. (Of course, there are other theories on the internet about this event, too.)
As with space travel, moon landing, 9/11, Kennedys/King murders/assassinations, an endless list of wars started, the public will never know the truth. The ones that question know. The same people, organisations will continue as long as there are governments and big media. So there will be no real news ever. DIVERSIONS…from the ongoing crimes..
Go warring be happy:
Israel in the top ten happiest countries.
Is that SICK, or what?
Whatever the motive for releasing these files now, it is not for the transparency and openness. It is serving part of an agenda. It is part of a script.
First, the alleged assassination led to the coining of the phrase “conspiracy theorist”, usefully serving to undermine anyone who doubted official government narrative. It set the precendent for the creation of an official narrative and then a counter official narrative for those who doubt the first one.
Second, was it a real or hoaxed event?
I haven’t researched it enough to know for sure, but the idea that two members of the very well connected Kennedy dynasty got whacked on the orders of others in the same ‘big club’ strikes me as odd. Also, the number of other strange deaths surrounding the family has added more circumstantial evidence to stir the pot.
If really murdered, then it sends out a very bad signal to others in the club. Much more likely to cause division within the ruling class and lead to in-fighting and a breakdown of trust.
Therefore, who in their right mind, knowing that their father and uncle were assassinated would want to remain in the limelight as RFK Jnr does? He doesn’t appear to be a man constantly looking over his shoulder. It makes more sense that he is able to stay in the public eye, and now so close to government, if the others were not really assassinated.
The possibility that these high profile role players on the world stage are retired from time to time to time to live somewhere else or take on new identities, while their scripted deaths are used to create drama and serve agendas seems very plausible.
I believe there are some high profile fake deaths. It seems obvious why it would happen.
But I don’t believe it with the Kennedy’s. I mean at this point I’d believe anything – or at least not be shocked by it. But I doubt the 4 assassinations in the 60’s were faked.
In any case, “Oswald still did it.”
From this we can deduce that the covid files will be released in 2080 and they will also tell us fuck all.
Spot on and profound George.
Shredded in 2035 as anyone left will already know their content.
Well, I personally don’t know anyone who
studies (or even pays for) the WaPo or NYT
every day. But I know of billions of people
who consume “Judentube” on a daily basis.
Mr. Sunic says he dislikes negatively
connotated terms such as nationalist
or patriot. So I recommend “nativist”.
Presumably, however, the term nativism will not prevail, because since the “world’s number one language” is English for historical reasons, white Australians, who have only been “at home” on the fifth continent for just two centuries, as well as white Americans, would be in dire straits. And Mr. Saleam, according to his ancestral origins, would have to move to Lebanon. Up to now, America and Australia have followed Hitler’s motto: “Only those who know how to use territory most sensibly and effectively are entitled to it!”
Unfortunately, precisely this plan failed in the war against Bolshevism, because those “democratic” Americans and Australians sided with the Bolsheviks, who incidentally themselves appropriated the huge empire of the tsars, only to ruin it for 70 years. A compromise could be found in New Zealand, because the Maori themselves were regarded as invaders who had only colonized the hitherto deserted islands for a few centuries longer than the whites.
The satanic Jews who led the misguided Anglos to war against their German brethren were the most cunning of all: they appropriated foreign lands that they claimed to have owned 4000 years ago, their unholy “scriptures” would clearly prove this. And everything, even the “genetics” they practice in their “gene institutes”, is in the service of this agenda.
Incidentally, I’ve just read the sad story of a child named John Hudson, which is apparently so embarrassing to the Brits that there isn’t even a Wikipedia article about it in English. https://archive.ph/5sfZ0
Btw., have you also noticed, as I have, that the self-reinforcing vicious circle of “multiculturalism” is based on exactly the same mechanics as symbiotic co-dependency in individuals? Let’s assume that an altruistic, even masochistic woman is in a relationship with an alcoholic perpetrator of violence who regularly abuses her, but from whom she does not break away as a logical consequence, but even intensifies her efforts to “save” this poor tormented person (see also “drama triangle”).
When children in the “liberal” West once again fall victim to a terrorist attack by imported murderers because they were unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time, politicians, just like the alcoholic perpetrator of domestic violence, now really and finally vow to do better and publicly commemorate the victims with candles and flowers at the scene of the incident. After one or two weeks, the incident disappears from the media; the population has long since become numb to this type of violence.
However, no consequences are drawn from this. At the next election, these citizens, who are “outraged” at every “individual case”, vote for exactly the same politicians who make them the same empty promises every time, and everything continues as before, with masses of foreign invaders who are up to no good being allowed into the country. The corrupted system itself is deaf, blind and “stupid” in the most literal sense, i.e. incapable of learning.
What is so patently self-evident is that so many files were made secret. There was only one entity with the means, motive and ability to both execute JFK (MLK and RFK) and to co-ordinate the cover-up forever. The diabolic evil in the JFK assassination was that the CIA had laid enough trails of ‘evidence” to play Oswald as a Soviet, blame the USSR and bomb Russia into oblivion. It was RFK and Jackie who sent family envoys to reassure the Soviet leadership that they suspected it was an extreme right-wing group (aka CIA). Jack and Bobby each stopped WWIII, yet their killers ensure that the sheep must never know the truth. Light litmus paper, then retire…
This same suicidal insanity still infects most of the American and NATO puppets. Perhaps the WEF likewise approves because they desire massive global depopulation.
Trump is no Kennedy, however, he is for now the only sane voice after Putin. Imagine Kamala (bomber) Harris?
Dulles. The pipe smoking British looking boss with mustache who extended Western evilness to the bottom.
So, family members of “prevent the spread of Communism Operation Ranchand Agent Oange (JFK) 400,000 Dead Vietnamese” went to placate the Communist group already set up, allegedly, to bomb the suicidally insane right wing Muricans into oblivion via MAD.
In reality, if they had really wished for MAD then it would have happened with a first push of the button (the “opposition” placated or not).
Jaysus, there’s always a story to make sense of nonsense.
The only good thing about JFK is that a low-level Mafia scumbag’s life was ended early.
Reading between your lines, I suspect that you are no fan of JFK? Here’s the deal: stick to the known and provable facts. Know too that no POTUS has absolute power over his own staff, diplomats, Intelligence, Military – all of whom did their utmost to thwart JFK’s agenda. Most of what is written about JFK is part of the second assassination: dead men cannot offer any correcting challenge.
It is so easy for those of us on the sidelines of history to think we could do better and to demand more of the man who fights the bull.
“Here’s the deal: stick to the known and provable facts”
😂 😂
Secrecy is essential to oligarchy. It is applied by default, regardless of fairy-tale promises.
– Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that cannot bear discussion and publicity. -John Dalberg-Acton, 1861
– People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. -John Galbraith
– What’s good is bad, what’s bad is good; You’ll find out when you reach the top; You’re on the bottom. -Bob Dylan, 1975
– In controlling territory, suppressing rebels, dominating the populace and extracting money, a state is similar to organised crime. It differs only in holding elections. -Wong Chin Huat, 2009
– After WWII, the Communist parties were heading for easy victories in France, Italy and other European countries. USA and UK employed terrorists to derail the elections. Recent polls show that most Westerners are against capitalism. Yet, they cannot change the system. On the other hand, the people of China and Cuba have the system that the majority want. Comparing the books and art available in major cities of the West and of China shows that the latter are better informed by far. -Andre Vltchek, 2016
All great quotes with which I can agree. I am surprised that you did not quote JFK himself:
“…The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know…”
In 1991 the question:
“Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which the rights and freedoms of a person of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?”
resulted in “YES” = 77.85% from (an alleged) 148.5M votes.
It neither matters whether you are better informed nor what you want.
RFK was going to grant gold status as a sovereign state to Palestine and make a deal with the USSR to mining rare earths in Birobidzhan, so for that Mosad killed him. Now I am in the library and reading the file, it has not yet been digitized.
The main meta message is clearly perceived by the rightist subconscious minds to whom it is sent: Donald (hereditary elitist and pampered boy, but this is not part of the message, but a suppressed element of history), shoted twice, but doubly saved by the Abrahamic God’s hand, embodying the spirit of a prima-rebel against the evil enslavers of the people, is the spiritual continuation of RFK (hereditary elitist and pampered boy, but this is not part of the message, but a suppressed element of history). In the services of mass irradiation of the population with meanings, they work with sensual images, embodying simple and clear messages, only later sent by the master deep sensory apparatus to the inferior psychic apparatus, which translates them into the accepted semantic framework (biological AI slave translator). That’s how I feel things.
I almost start think it all comes down to “#Stand by Israel. Forever” and so it seems, however, however, however, it is so obvious and served on a plate (even Tommy Robinson was openly Zionist, impudent, apparently, without hiding it… that’s how we found out that the Mossad was and behind provoking the far-right riots – openly, brazenly, without trying to hide, my Gosh..), exactly according to the preferences of a wide part of the audience (which for many years has been salivating in dreams about the main course, about some Manifestation, about some development on the Jewish question, which swells like a festering boil, suppressed by the authorities and the media, and besides, the same audience received first-class, but still an unsatisfactory appetizer with developments in Ukraine with the dirty proxy war of the Russophobic deep state that whetted its appetite… And now – boom, everything ready-made, with rapid development, Golden Chicken Soup with Kreplach, 100% kosher 24/7 in the media..), that most likely it is not so, and it is part of the “game with the audience”, as in the TV games.
But still, the Mossad killed the JFK, we know, so just digitize the files, Bibi – to a tribunal, then fulfill the UN charter
Here’s a case of TAS (Trump Awareness Syndrome) for the blinkered believers:
Obama-Biden was best! Hillary was top.
Orange man bad.
I only knew her as Killary. But if you say so I believe it, because then YOU are responsible!
Orange man is Jfk.
Just Fucking Kidding.
“Safe and Effective”
“Promises Made. Promises Kept”
Who’s The Genius who comes up with these brilliant slogans ?
All you need to know in three or four words… Pure Genius !!!
Thinking made Convenient – like every thing else, these days…
“Oswald still did it.”
Cosy as:
The FEDERAL RESERVE killed Kennedy…”with a little a little help from my friends”.
Does anyone seriously believe these “released files” are anything but more fiction ?
“Declassified” is code for we told you some lies, but people can see the numerous flaws in those Lies, so heres us changing our story to try and explain away the numerous flaws.
I wager most of what is “uncovered” has already been researched by folk who have been deep diving this issue for decades. And written several books about it.
The JFK Assassination Forum members have been disclosing files and othe research for many years.
A 60,000 page nothing burger.
Everyone knows “Oswald still did it’.
Its a tragedy isnt it. A tragedy for mankind.
Using an innocent man as victim for the crime of the century they themselves rotten to the core did, and then afterwards spending 60 years of covering it up in front of the whole universe.
So Oswald got famous as patsy and scapegoat for the big majority of cowards.
But isnt this the same story which happened 2000 years ago? It happen then, it happen now, and this will continue to happen.
Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy
Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Only one group had the power and therefore, the means, as they did on June 8, 1967, September 11, 2001, and still do today. Israel assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy for stopping them from obtaining nuclear weapons. That was the number one motive. Yes, there were other motives, and these were; having the American Zionist Council (AIPAC today) register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act; Executive Order 11110; ending the Vietnam War and therefore the military-industrial complex; stopping the oil depletion allowance for big oil; and splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces. All went along with it for their own psychotic reasons, but Israel obtaining nuclear weapons was the true motive. James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, and starting in 1951, also the head of the Israel desk and the emissary with Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet agencies. Angleton was the liaison between Israel and the United States that facilitated this barbaric coup d’etat.
I researched and found out, of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.
Also, almost no one knows of the five Jewish members on the Warren Commission that somehow miraculously all came to the conclusion of the single bullet theory simultaneously. The totally preposterous single bullet theory, which was used to prove a lone gunman was responsible and therefore no conspiracy, was put forth by Arlen Spector (later a five-time United States Senator from Pennsylvania) and four other Jewish members of the Warren Commission. “Warren Commission staff lawyer Norman Redlich was asked by author Vincent Bugliosi in 2005 whether Specter was the sole author of the single bullet theory and he said, ‘No, we all came to this conclusion simultaneously.’ When asked who he meant by ‘we’, he said, ‘Arlen, myself, Howard Willens, David Belin, and Mel Eisenberg.’ Specter did not respond to Bugliosi’s request for a clarification on the issue.” Bugliosi, p. 301 – 306.
by Mark R. Elsis
If so they were probably just jealous that there was a bigger psycho than themselves.
If the Nuremberg laws were applied, JFK would have been hung for his Vietnam actions.
Huh? There is nothing new. It’s the same s*it as usual. All the killers are dead by now.
Was exactly like covid. The JFK event was staged and fake just like the moon landing and Donald assassination attempt.
absolutely he is no doubt living large in Antartica
Great weather for a convertible…?
beyond the ice wall i hear it’s very warm 😀
A huge underground bunker. Hitler is living in the same complex as Elvis.
When you say it was exactly like covid, was there a mass campaign to manipulate the world population into being injected by seriously dodgy lab juice after his brains had been blown over the road… Or did masses of people get caught up in the hysteria whipped up by the media machine and all of a sudden wouldn’t go out the house without wearing a mask?
I wasn’t aware of JFK’s assassination by the CIA being exactly like covid.. I can’t recall the Chinese being blamed for it either.. Please help me with the similarities??
Whilst exploring the realm of grand conspiracies you have to retain the ability to think critically.
Well who’s a bag of logical fallacies, its pretty clear what he meant by “it was staged and fake just like the moon landing” and covid ie he meant it was “staged and fake” made for TV fiction. Stop trying to win the argument by creating convoluted strawmen.
He’s confused…
Pending purgatory below.
What gives?
His allege killer was a Commi and the angry towards commi due to the JFK stage worked perfectly to get anti war into the cold war acceptance that CCCP did it.
Mood of the nation changed.
In todays speak, a massive amount of conspiracy’s believe lableak by China over covid happening.
Cold war ramped up.
Stalin was not a Sunday school boy, and the Wuhan Laboratory financed by Bill Gates and Fauci exist located in China.
Meaning it was with full accept from the highest level in China everything happened like the jfk thing = China did it = China is responsible and must pay.
Every little slant eyed Chinese must pay to the rest of the mankind for what they did to humanity!
If not, We in the Jewish World Congress will impose tariffs on rice. BIG tariffs.
Take that one China and understand, when US talk we mean business.
Watch ‘JFK-X’ to see how it was done (Amazon and Netflix). New video editing software shows JFK attaching a ‘squib’ to the side of his head. When it exploded with fake blood, Jackie had to climb over the back of the limo to retrieve to mechanism.
You’ll notice that these people here smuggle claiming to be “critical thinkers” arguments are purely based on belief in what they have been told, not critical thinking ie it must be true because they told me it was over and over again, they weren’t there, there is no fundamental logic which dictates it wasn’t another Hollywood production just Belief ! and their only argument is ad hominem and gas lighting EXACTY the same tactics the Liars use when gapping flaws are exposed in their Story that they have no answer for, Low life tactics, let them rot in endless debates with one another over fictitious stories, whilst meanwhile in the Real world, the Liars take everything they possess !
So what’s next?
The MLK files?
The RFK files?
The Malcolm X files?
The WMD files?
The 911 files?
The Afghanistan files?
The South American files?
The Ukraine files?
Just give us the Mickey Mouse files and be done with it.
(Donald Duck is waiting with bated breath).
That’s just it: Building another “controversy” with a lot of blah, blah. It’s a diversion from more pressing Reset-related issues, nothing more.
The CIA and Israel are responsible (same for 911), this will never be admitted to.
Zionism is the root cause of every evil…
“Zionism” is the ultimate scapegoat for the Atlantic-Anglosexon cabal.
Going back to ancient Babylonian bloodlines.
You remember that weird occult shouting German leader with the little mustache? He was talking the same way:. not us, THEM!
There’s a difference between zionists and jews. The Austrian with the little mustache blamed jews and was financed by zionists. He was just a pawn in their game.
He was good in Europa: The Last Battle
Learn some real history…in the meantime STFU…!
Dunno about ‘every’, but they certainly have their grasping claws in a lot of pies.
Is there a difference between “classified documents”, and “previously
withheld for classification?”
The latter formulation indicates no “classified documents” have been
I knew you were a Public Office Servant les online. You cant hide it. No chance.
Wasn’t JFK actually Trump according to Q..?
It’s a total coincidence that Bette Nesmith invented Tippex, or Paper White in USA, in 1958 and the CIA have had 60 years to liberally splash it around on “top secret” documents.
As her famous son said on record:
“I’m a believer”
🎶Hey, hey, WE’RE the monkeys🎶
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-03-17. Dec 2020, still making S protein – scariest shit I’ve ever heard. Midazolam isn’t healthcare, it’s murder (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
I’ve heard nada about LBJ’s role in the assassination, which according to the excellent and detailed book by Roger Stone, was very much the principal focus and driving force of the entire operation…
Everything’s a Rich Man’s Trick
And Trump is one of them
A dick
So the CIA’s top concern was to delete and protect the identity of its controllers, and surely continues to do so. Surprise, this is not. Zionists direct the US war machine (and the West) on behalf of greater Israel and Jewish banksters, and have done so for decades. As such, blaming the CIA for JFK’s assassination and much else is now old hat; it was always a smokescreen, a limited hangout. Trump’s disgusting servitude to the genocidal Zionists will surely become more obvious and problematic following this revelation and others to come, as he surely realized it would. MAGA stands betrayed and divided. What’s Trump’s game? Is he really just Bibi’s servant? Or is it possible that he intends to support the Zionist mission until its logical and lethal conclusion, to fully expose and destroy the evil by taking them down with him? Will releasing the 9/11 files make impossible any further alliance with the Synagogue of Satan? One lives in hope.
all of these intelligence services are connected.. no one in nation governments can be trusted.
You can’t love um, you can’t trust um.
I don’t think they knew of, never letting a good crisis go to waste, back then, imagine where we’d be right now if they had acted like they do today.
Trump’s role is as a chaos agent to splinter and mislead populist Conservatives who were wising up to the Globalist Agenda , Populist Conservatives and people who no longer buy the top down labeling within a very narrow political framework designed to alienate People from one another so they cant mount an effective Anti Globalist revolt, are the biggest threat to the System,meaning those who see through the scam of this fake Democracy.
So they groomed and deployed , a Manufactured Populist Candidate .. Some PR executives caricature of what Populism is, precisely to Shepherd those People back into that narrow useless ineffective framework ..Fomentation and cultivation of Fear of those who aren’t part of “our Cult” The Right the righteous People , Demonizing they the Evil Left and their Woke Mind Virus is essential to this Operation .. dividing people into simplistic caricatures of Waring Tribes then Manipulating us into hating those Caricatures , is a time honored practice, Trump is a great Manipulator , and Very Successful in that Role.
The Money Masters – Full Length
Jim Garrison the former District Attorney for New Orleans (Oswald’s hometown) was the only person/organisation to actually investigate Kennedy’s murder. During that investigation he found that Oswald was arrested, by the Dallas police, 2.5 hours after the murder. They immediately carried out a cordite test to prove he had recently fired a gun. IT WAS NEGATIVE.
After that the FBI took over and removed all evidence from Dallas.
He did have quite a few connections to the building, but the route was changed at the last minute bringing them past the plaza, so go figure.
Do they really think we are stupid enough to not realize that they have had enough time by now to bleach everything that might implicate the US “best” friend in the ME ?
…and if this opinion is anti-shitismitic, so be it, then I am a proud anti-shitismite.
FUCK THE ZIONISTS…is that direct enough?
When a mess-up occurs in an “operation”, the common options are (a) destroy the evidence or witnesses (b) “embargo” or “seal” the evidence or findings until the perpetrators are dead (c) stymie the courts with the “national security” claim.
I’m sticking with the Red Dwarf theory on JFK’s assassination.
Cheeky buggers.
If my government still says it was Lee Harvey Oswald who did the jfk thing, then there is no reason to travel to the national archives in Maryland to confirm it.
Oswald did it because he was a Commie, wanted to be famous, and envied our values!.
ROTFL as I’m assuming your joking. You need to make that a little more obvious IMO
Top trolling!
You already have experience with his masterful trollage after the last biblical quarrel under the previous article (you were almost going to eat the slaps then, it was on the edge).. It is important to note that as a Scandinavian, Mr. Nielsen is, so to speak, a troll by blood. It is possible that even one of his ancestors was an authentic troll who fell in love with a beautiful Danish woman (and therefore now 50% of Erik’s heart seems to be made of stone). But this is a hard story, I don’t want to talk about it.. In general, IMO, he is a fake Christian, an agent of Odin – his dossier should be declassified instead of them again diverting our attention with thawed soups from the freezer for the stupid story of the drama with the boring dead elitist with a profane taste for women (the Marilyn bun, my God..).
I actually meant it as a compliment 🙂
I do enjoy a touch of satire.
🙂 Thanks for explanation; everything makes perfect sense now except for underground poet. But maybe he’s also joking or otherwise has some similar gigantic karma ballast.
Rather dry sense of humor…
1961. Minsk. Turner of the “Minsk Radio Plant named after Lenin” Lee Harvey Oswald with his wife Marina Prussakova.
By the way, one unpopular version is appearing and gaining more and more strength. As can be seen from the photo below, taken in Lee’s Minsk period, he is in the company of a young Belarusian lgbt member and, behind him, what do we see? Isn’t a demon woman? Who can deny. And the demons are the Federal Reserve. (After all, maybe it was Lee.)
Why all the downvotes? Obvious sarcasm.
If you’ve seen the video clip with the goons that were going to sit on seats above the boot being called off at the last moment and the astonished reaction of one of them, you don’t need to read any documents to know he was wacked by the secret service that were supposed to be protecting him.
Even though the car had those steps, it would have been difficult to balance yourself even holding onto the bars once they got up to speed and started making those unpracticed turns, nothing more embarrassing than an agent falling off the back of the presidential car during an event.
Like you, the agent was confused, but the the boss on the other hand, was not.
That’s rubbish your talking.
POTUS is due in city X; how long in advance do you think security rocks up – 5 minutes? 2 weeks more likely. And only as the motorcade sets off does change of plan seep down to essential operatives. They just realized those guys might fall off – really?
So exactly what are the seats and handrails for if they are not fit for purpose of watching the back?