The Global Gang Running the World and Ruining Our Lives

Paul Cudenec

My understanding of the world in which we live has undoubtedly increased greatly since I wrote the material which formed the first of a series of compilations, Fascism rebranded: exposing the Great Reset, a selection of essays from 2018 to 2021.

In four subsequent volumes – The Great Racket: the ongoing development of the criminal global system; Converging Against the Criminocrats: Essays and Talks for the New International Resistance; Our Quest for Freedom and Other Essays and then Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! A condemnation of the global criminocratic conspiracy – my ongoing research allowed me to be increasingly specific in my descriptions of the global entity whose existence was rendered so visible by the 2020 Covid coup.

My new book, The Global Gang Running the World and Ruining Our Lives, drawn from material originally published online in the second half of 2024 and the start of 2025, further advances this process to the point that, I respectfully submit, there can be no further doubt about the nature and identity of the criminocracy.

The truth revealed in nearly 500 pages is not one that is easy to swallow or that sits comfortably with the “consensual” view of the world that has been deliberately manufactured by the ruling cabal.

But it is one which, once seen, cannot be unseen, and which is of such pressing importance that no person of good conscience could not make every effort to share it with as many others as possible.

In the first of these essays, The two-way mirror of oppression (August 9, 2024), I look at the concealment and control that have been created to hide and maintain the unacceptable reality of our enslavement to the global gang: “This horizontal mirror acts against our interests in, appropriately enough, two ways. It allows the ruling mafia to spy on every detail of our lives and it hides that same mafia from view. There are no two ways about it, some mirrors are meant to be smashed!”

In Change for the better? (August 16, 2024) I lament the way in which the system, while pushing its own nefarious type of “change”, has trained people to be afraid of the one kind of change we really need, which is to rid ourselves of its machineries of domination and reclaim our freedom.

I write: “There is nothing scary about the prospect of turning our backs on global centralisation, on the military-industrial complex, on data-harvesting and surveillance, on Big Pharma and the World Bank, on lithium mines and nuclear power stations.

“There is nothing scary about scaling down our societies, growing our own food, educating our own children, creating our own cultures, defining our own needs, nurturing our own values, living to the deep and slow rhythms of the Earth that bore us”.

Several people have subsequently told me that The strange career of Samantha Cohen (August 21, 2024) was a real eye-opener for them.

The story of one woman’s astonishing professional life, although of little importance itself on the grand scale of things, leads one to wonder whether this was a purely individual affair or whether she was, all along, working on behalf of a certain entity with the muscle to place her in such key and varied posts at the heart of the British monarchy and government and of international industry. As I ask: “What sort of world would that mean we are living in?”

In Authenticity: a quality to defeat quantity (August 28, 2024) I complain: “Everything in our society has to serve the hunger of one sole god – Mammon. Value has been replaced by price, creation by consumption, quality by quantity”.

And I urge: “Let’s declare ourselves to be partisans for life itself and for the victory of its affirming authenticity over the grim grey forces of artifice and death!”

The corruption is real and sickening (September 3, 2024), which later became the basis of a much-viewed video, provides further stones for people to look under, if they are unconvinced of the utterly rotten state of our society.

I warn that we are ruled by a mega-organisation which does not aim to do good for us or for our world, which is why it has to take such pains to conceal its existence and its activities. “It is an unimaginably vast, ruthless, greedy, destructive crime syndicate which has grabbed global control by means of lies and usury, blackmail and bribery, manipulation and murder”.

The spirit of Sophia is an essay published in several parts (from September 12, 2024), based on my reading of a book called The Heavenly Country. I suppose that the religious-mythological concept of sophiology may seem obscure to some readers, but in fact it takes us to the heart of what we are facing today.

I relate, for instance, how Sophia apparently came to a 17th century English mystic in a vision and warned her of “the Dragon and the Beast, with all his horned power… which the whole World hath worshipped and admired”.

She said that this vile entity “hath long had his Time, to impose strange Laws, and Injunctions and hath been in Universally obeyed” and declared that “Sorceries, Witchcrafts, and Deceits have worn out many Generations, who was ignorant of the Depths of this subtle Serpent” and had tricked them into accepting “this false usurped Power and Authority”.

I am in overlapping territory with Life philosophy, another multi-part essay which appeared online from October 14, 2024.

This looks at the inspiring work of neglected German philosopher Ludwig Klages, who said that modern advances in science, and other fields of learning, “serve only Capital” and warned: “Only a few people have become aware of the real existence of this Mammon which is taking hold of humankind as a tool with which to eliminate every form of terrestrial life”.

In Industrialism is a manifestation of evil (October 28, 2024) I ask: “Do we want industrialism to continue its cancerous growth until it has killed everything and everyone? Do we want the Evil of artifice and destruction to prevail over the Good of nature and life? Or is it time to think again, to dare to imagine a quite different future?”

Vote for Nobody! (November 1, 2024) is a very short contemporary updating of long-standing anarchist wisdom, in which I advise: “Nobody will stop arming Israel. Nobody will restore power to the people. Nobody will challenge the power of the central banks. Nobody will stop the systematic theft of your collective wealth. Nobody will defy the evil global criminocracy. Vote for Nobody!”

The stench of the system is fairly long piece, published from November 4, 2024. The three parts, based on three books I had just read, are like three spotlights illuminating one object from different angles.

One has to take a step back to understand what one is looking at – or to identify the odour of the corruption one is smelling, to use the language of the article itself.

In exploring whether we can identify an “underlying continuity” between totalitarian regimes of the past and neoliberal states today, I find myself, yet again, faced with the name “Rothschild”.

After this informative dip into recent history, I return to the contemporary world with Amsterdam, gaslighting and the horrible truth (November 13, 2024).

Here I take a look at the astonishing claim, made by the Israeli state and echoed by media and political leaders/puppets across the world, that some minor street fighting provoked by racist Tel Aviv football supporters in the Netherlands amounted to an anti-Jewish “pogrom”.

I remark: “The obvious mis-match between the words of the global ruling class and the reality on the streets of Amsterdam woke up many more people to the fact that something is badly wrong with our world.

“Having always succeeded in hiding their nefarious activities with endless fakery, the criminocrats have arrogantly gone too far. The fog of deceit has cleared and the horrible truth about their corrupt and violent global domination is now there for all to see”.

In Terrorism and the demonocracy (November 19, 2024) I judge that the authorities’ use of the word “terrorism” and their deployment of “anti-terrorism” measures against dissidents is extremely twisted.

I write: “Defined as ‘the use of violence against non-combatants to achieve political or ideological aims’, actual terrorism seems to me to have most obviously been deployed by the likes of the British empire, Nazi Germany, the US empire or Israel – and, yes, I am very comfortable with bracketing them together in this way”.

I conclude that the term criminocracy is not really strong enough to describe the nature of the child-slaughtering global imperialist mafia, with a more appropriate term being demonocracy.

With Truth, essence, knowledge and light (November 25, 2024) I take a trip into the past in search of inspiration, namely through the metaphysics of Persian mystic Shihab al-Din Yahya Suhrawardi.

I explain: “It is as if he had one foot in the past of Greek, Persian and Egyptian gnosis and the other stepping out towards the future, with his outstretched hand clasping a precious scroll of inherited universal knowledge that he is inviting us to take from him and communicate to 21st century humankind.

“As the darkness of modern Evil increasingly blocks every last chink of divine light from penetrating this degraded world, we certainly have great need of Suhrawardi’s timeless illumination!”

Primeval freedom, the anarch and the anarchist (November 29, 2024) homes in on Ernst Jünger’s novel Eumeswil, on the basis of which I compare and contrast the writer-philosopher’s understanding of anarchists, and his alternative proposal of anarchs, with the outlook of those today proclaiming themselves to be anarchists.

I declare: “For me – and, I would say, for the classical anarchist viewpoint – individual freedom is not something that is opposed to the collective well-being, but is an essential aspect of it.

“Individual and collective happiness depend on each other; they fit together like the yin and yang of the familiar Taoist symbol. No community can be free if all the individuals within it are not free and no individual can be free if he or she lives in a community that is not free”.

The contents of The single global mafia: The Rockefeller Foundation’s multiple links to Zionism and military-industrial-financial neo-imperialism (December 9, 2024) will already be familiar to the thousands of people who have downloaded the free pdf booklet, as well as reading the articles online.

But, as with The False Red Flag, an earlier 2024 booklet to be found in Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!, I think it deserves to exist in the real world, within a printed book, and so I have included it here.

It’s an in-depth examination of the members of the Board of Trustees at the Rockefeller Foundation which absolutely confirms, with much telling detail, what I have been saying about the criminocracy.

I conclude: “It is plain that the Rockefeller entity, as reflected by the profiles of its president and the trustees of its Foundation, is not in the least distinct from the Rothschilds’ empire. It is part of it. They are the same thing.

“What is revealed by following the threads of the activities and affiliations of these 14 individuals is a single interlocked web of exploitation and control, implicated in the Zionist genocide in Palestine and intent on profiting from a vast wave of industrial imperialism in Asia, Latin America and, in particular, Africa. There is only one global mafia and here we have seen its ugly face all too clearly”.

Stickergate and the crumbling of the system (December 25, 2024) is a piece of satire, published on Christmas Day, and purporting to relay part of a historical account published in 2052 referring to events just before the “Great Uprising”.

The historian-of-the-future tells of an incident representing an important milestone in “public awareness and rejection of Rothschildian industrial-financial-political domination which, as we will see, led not just to the ignominious collapse of the British government but ultimately to the crumbling of the entire globalist system”.

For one people’s resistance! (January 1, 2025) is a short piece for The Acorn marking the start of a new year, in which I write: “The one people’s resistance that will rise against the single global mafia will not be some kind of top-down organisation – if any such thing ever emerged it would undoubtedly be yet another false-flag device manufactured by the criminocracy itself.

“Instead, it will be a very broad grassroots phenomenon, a ‘something in the air’, a wave of popular indignation and revolt gaining spiralling momentum as it surges forth across the world”.

The British population is under attack (January 1, 2025) is an article in the same bulletin which focuses on new UK prime minister Keir Starmer and his sinister globalist agenda.

I write: “Not only is his regime clearly not too bothered about the well-being of ordinary Britons – as opposed to Ukrainians or Israelis – but it is looking as if it actively wants most of them dead!”

Rarely has the reality behind the global mafia been made so clear to me as when I was doing the research for The truth about Davos (January 17, 2025).

Starting from enthusiastic accounts of the Friday evening Shabbat dinner which is apparently the concluding highlight of the annual WEF shindig in Switzerland, I followed threads which revealed very close complicity, to put it mildly, between the Davos conspiracy and global Zionism.

And if anyone is wondering if this means I am now questioning the accuracy of the title of my 2020 essay ‘Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset’, the answer is a resounding “no”!

Modernisation means pillage and profit (January 31, 2025) is a study of French politics and society in the decades after the Second World War, but its lessons apply equally to any corner of the contemporary world.

In a wave of propaganda promoting industrial development, anything traditional or rooted in the past was depicted as bad, old-fashioned, out-of-date and in need of being swept aside by the steel broom of “progress”.

To advance this cause, what has been described as a “spider’s web” of influencers was set up, quickly occupying key roles in the civil service, academia and the media.

Involvement from outside the country is clearly visible and among the organisations known to have funded this profit-seeking “change” agenda, this globalist resetting of traditional French life, was none other than our old friends the Rockefeller Foundation.

I gained great personal insight from re-reading ten years’ worth of The Acorn, the online bulletin which I edit on the Winter Oak site.

Some idea of what these might be can be gained simply by glancing at the subheadings for the various sections of A decade of dissent: 10 years and 100 Acorns (February 6, 2025): Enemies of modernity; Against corporate dictatorship; Parasites in power; Resistance and psyops; The violence of the system; We are the 99%!; Tide turning, fog lifting; Defying the global psychopaths; Smears and revelations; Zionism and the criminocracy; The struggle goes on.

When I had finished compiling this retrospective, which turned out to be much more comprehensive and in-depth than I had originally foreseen, I sat down and wrote, in pretty much one take, the final article featured here, Zisglom (February 6, 2025).

This piece is – like the book as a whole – not just a summary of what I learned during 2024 and 2025, nor of what I have written about for the last ten years or so, but of everything I have read, seen, heard, experienced and pieced together through many decades of fighting a series of seemingly separate battles against what I now know to be various hideous heads of the same vile global hydra.

The essays in the book can all currently be found online, but with the increasing censorship of the internet, this may not continue to be the case. You can keep your own copy of the contents by downloading The Global Gang for free here or by buying a printed copy here.


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Mar 27, 2025 4:03 AM

In his prior Substack writings, Cudenec states that due to the Rothschilds great wealth, they’ve been able to engage in sophisticated self-concealment. Yet, despite their purported superordinate wealth, the Rothschild’s power of self-concealment is amiss, given they’ve been identified on millions of websites as the “secret” rulers of the world. This is not concealment but its antipode—a pre-packaged meme wrapped up with a pretty bow.

Cudenec continues, “One suggestion, often encountered on Twitter/X, is that the Rothschilds are in fact just a front for an even murkier network of old European aristocracy linked to the Roman Catholic Church. My doubts regarding this particular theory have led to [accusations of] me being ‘controlled opposition’ and, by focusing on the Rothschilds, ‘diverting attention’ away from the ‘real’ rulers of the world, whom they never seem to actually name.”

If, in fact, Cudenec is correct, that great wealth is able to conceal itself, how does this comport with his perfunctory dismissal of the argument that the old European aristocracy are not the real rulers, because no one is able to name them? Does not this anonymity actually support his argument that the old aristocracy and not the highly visible Rothschilds are the preeminent global power?

Cudenec mentions but skims over the 1848 uprising where insurgents set the Rothschild’s home in Paris on fire. He also raises The Times of London’s response to the 1895 bombing attempt at a Rothschild address: “An Anarchist outrage on one of the Rothschilds is not greatly to be wondered at. In France, as elsewhere, they are so wealthy and hold so prominent a place that they stand out as the natural objects which Anarchists would seek to attack.”

Cudenec sidesteps the obvious question: would anyone who controlled the press, and demanded utmost secrecy, ever permit The Times to write that they and their family were the natural objects of an attack? Or is it more likely that The Times was deflecting attention away from those truly responsible? This deflection was, of course, the aristocracy’s pattern throughout the Middle Ages. Consider having pillaged incalculable wealth from 1,700 years of wars, crusades, and indulgences, yet because of scripture’s prohibition against usury, unable to lend out their ill-gotten gains for interest. As an end-around this impasse, the aristocracy appointed the Rothschilds as the Royal administrators of the Exchequer, to publicly oversee the collection of interest on their booty. When anyone complained about the cost of funds, the aristocracy would simply blame the Rothschild shylock, while also “protecting” them from the unending parade of blood libel, inquisitions, and pogroms which the aristocracy incited, in order to keep the Jew in his lane.

Given this was the prevailing system for millenia, what is the probability the Rothschilds went from ghetto pawnbrokers to rulers of the world in 45 years (circa 1770 – 1815)? Also, think French Revolution (where the Royals were executed in the street) and technological innovations like the scoped long rifle could kill from a great distance, and you’ll have all the rationale you need to understand why the old aristocracy decided to remove their public
crowns and hide themselves behind the Rothschild meme.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 27, 2025 9:56 AM
Reply to  jtkong

What an interesting comment. A2

Mar 27, 2025 3:00 AM

Yeah folks, life is simple in woke land: just let Hamas / anybody destroy Israel and the world is well again.

Much more rabbit ideologies like those of the CPC or Islam will than magically vanish.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 26, 2025 9:15 PM

You mentioned that “We signed up for this before we incarnated”

That is the standard New Age view. The same New Age movement that has its origins in the works of Alice Bailey and her organisation the Lucis Trust (originally the Lucifer Publishing Company) enshrined at the United Nations.

The opposing view, the Soul Reincarnation Trap (or trick), is that we did not consent to reincarnate and were coerced at best or forced to reincarnate at worst. Consent under duress or through trickery is not actual consent, even by using the legal system definition that passes for law in our reality.

Rather than regurgitate my previous comments, I explain more below in a debate with another commenter:


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 26, 2025 9:16 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The above comment was meant for CaptainSpock.

Mar 26, 2025 8:23 PM

Hats off to Paul Cudenec for his huge contribution. Concerning his oft-mentioned terms ‘global mafia’ and ‘Zionism’; are any of the former not agents of or subservient to the latter? And about being ‘comfortable’ bracketing together the British empire, Nazi Germany, the US empire and Israel; does Nazi Germany really belong in there? I think not; after all, they had the only leaders who recognised and sought desperately to resist the evil of Zionist control and parasitism. And how Germans were made to pay for that defiance in 1945-7, and ever since! Cudenec might want to study some revisionist historians of the Holocaust; their shocking findings really shed light on the identity and tactics of the very worst agents of human suffering and destruction.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Mar 26, 2025 4:11 PM

We just want the kids, hand over the future to your children and grandchildren, and we promise that no adult will get hurt, you will live the rest of your life in peace (maybe in a nice resort, what do you say for Trump-Gaza, in a hotel on the site of a blown-up children’s hospital, it sounds tempting, right?) Just give the kids (or chiped them voluntarily at the nearest Neuralink chipping point). Now.

Mar 26, 2025 3:30 PM

The books about “Wetiko” by Paul Levy are absolutely essential to either read or listen to, so as to understand deeply the nature of the mind virus and the vampiric entity which has possessed humanity for millenia, giving rise to our current predicament.. Once seen and known for what it is and how to bring mastery to the dynamics within our psyche, we begin to reclaim our true power and the power of Wetiko is diminished.

Mar 26, 2025 8:28 PM
Reply to  CaptainSpock

Does this vampiric entity possess humanity in uniform fashion? Or does it target and weaponise some groups and tribes more than others?

Mar 26, 2025 1:54 PM

Imagine a simulated universe where the game’s object is to wipe out the natural world.(The killers).
They are given some tools: hidden knowledge, a race of people, & zero empathy.

The people or ‘sims’, dont know they are in a game and use trust, faith, love and natural instinct to try and survive.

The killers can only use deception, trickery, bribery, usury, threat, propaganda, lies, fear, and blackmail.

If we dont bow to the above there is nothing they can do.

I.E., We register our kids on condition we receive full disclosure into the registration process.
We want full disclosure from our bank into why is my account name written MR JOE BLOGGS and not Joe Bloggs
We need full disclosure from our criminal government into our passport and driving license ID.
We need powers to fact-check OFCOM, FULL FACT and our corrupt media.
We need to know without redaction who controls the central banking system and the money markets.
We need to be able to hold corrupt, lying mainstream journalists to account.

We only accept the fkrs authority by consent, which we all do daily.

Im fed up writing but you get the drift.

Mar 26, 2025 3:27 PM
Reply to  rickypop

The controllers and planet killers don’t understand the simulation game that we’re all in.. Being sorcerer’s apprentices, they’ve just learned to temporarily manipulate and control part of the game at the fundamental level.. They believe that they’re winning the game when in actual fact it’s a bit like snakes and ladders and they don’t see the snake that they’re about to slide down, right to the very bottom..

To graduate from the level of the game we’re currently stuck within then we must see through the illusion of the dualistic ego mind and return to the integrity of the soul.. Pierce the veils which have been woven by the spells and actually take responsibility for our predicament.. We signed up for this before we incarnated.. The tricky part of the game is that we completely forget that.. It’s a game of remembering, and once we remember we will do no harm and unseen doorways open up within.


Mar 26, 2025 3:53 PM
Reply to  CaptainSpock

If I didnt know better I’d say you are Spock and correct as usual.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Mar 26, 2025 4:15 PM
Reply to  CaptainSpock

I’m the embodied Don Genaro, if you have questions about tonal, nagual and these things, just ask. We’re gonna beat the blacks.

Mar 26, 2025 8:39 PM
Reply to  CaptainSpock

‘We signed up for this before we incarnated’. If I can’t recall this event, how might its memory be restored and verified?

Mar 26, 2025 1:45 PM

Thanks Paul for sharing this knowledge, it’s just a matter of time now until be reach a critical mass, or a tipping point, of awareness. Thanks OffG for publishing articles like this.

Mar 26, 2025 2:52 PM
Reply to  Freecus

That expression – critical mass of awareness – is only one third of the equation. Another third is caring about what has become aware. And the other third is doing something about it. Just being aware does nothing if that awareness is not critically important to the “mass” that attained it. Nor is awareness and concern of much value if they are not acted upon.

And, ironically, the “acting upon” is the easy part. The “mass” need not do anything – they need only stop doing what they’ve been doing for millennia. Stop believing the lies told by the “ruling class” to acquire and keep power. Instead of pitchforks and torches, the masses should come armed with earplugs – the most powerful weapon ever devised.

Mar 26, 2025 3:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

This is something I didn’t appreciate when I was younger. I thought people just needed to become aware and the rest would fall into place. Over the years I have been disabused of that notion and realized you can try to inform people all you like but it won’t do any good if they couldn’t care less.

Mar 26, 2025 8:44 PM
Reply to  TRT

Can we reliably know how many people care or not? If not, then your realisation seems problematic.

Mar 26, 2025 8:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

But how to protest lies we can’t hear?

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 26, 2025 1:07 PM

The psychopathic plutocrats whose aim is to rule the world and transform it so it mirrors their depraved and degenerate minds, no longer care some of us know what they are up to. The writer obviously sees beyond the veil and is putting the puzzle together quite nicely. Good for him and thanks for sharing!
What must we do to thwart the wicked agenda of the globalist psychopaths? We must energize our minds stop feeding at the trough of mammon and decadence. We must relearn to think for ourselves, root out their insidious poisonous programming and perceive the world in new ways based upon the timeless values of mutual sharing, respect, cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
Modernity/progress is not all its cracked up to be especially in a criminogenic society ruled by psychopaths who use their technology to enslave, sicken and kill the world’s population. We have been duped and tricked into buying our own oppression, surveillance and menticide. Only when we begin to peel away the layers of programming and mind control we have been subjected to will we be able to redefine our reality and live in harmony with nature and our brothers and sisters in the spirit.

Mar 26, 2025 9:20 AM

Thank You Paul for all the phenomenal work You do , and for making digital archives of Your Work freely available.. I prefer physical Books and plan to buy it .. as well as to disseminate the Digi version .. Hugs to You !… We need to revolt en Masse, Now . To refuse to continue to abide this illusory Hollow Spectacle we are sold as consensus reality ..

Mar 26, 2025 8:42 AM

Next day: the gaslighting continues, as the big story today was Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg (ewish of course, allegedly anti-Trump) accidentally being added to a Signal group chat of top defense officials like Hegseth, Gabbard, Vance, Waltz, and Rubio, discussing bombing Yemen and the Houthis. Goldberg admits it was national security advisor Waltz who “accidentally” added him to the list.


Because these people don’t meet in a secure room in the Pentagon or somewhere to discuss wars plans face to face, they do it online in a chatroom with no security and then send out emails to a subscribers’ list. 

comment image

You have to laugh at how childish and transparent that is. This is IQ70 news. Grown men and women
supposedly running our military texting about illegal (though fake) bombing with emojis and double
exclamation points. 

It is almost impossible to believe they thought anyone would buy this, but I guess you understand what they are up to? These people wanted to leak you this fake group chat and have you read it, because it seems to confirm the fake war in Yemen and the fake bombing. I have shown you the Houthis are just another CIA/Mossad construct like Hamas, Hezbollah, BLM, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, the American Nazi Party, Antifa, and just about every other group you have ever read about in the “news”. They are the manufactured enemy on the other side of the world, the Eurasia of Orwell’s 1984, propped up on sticks as the target of our fake military, which will use this tale to burn up pretend bombs and other hardware, which will have to be replaced by military contractors, who will bill you for it. Do you see how that works? This is a war economy so this can’t not happen. A huge portion of your federal taxes go to these fake wars, most of the rest going to the bankers who are invested in the military contractors . . . so support those troops! 


Mar 26, 2025 8:55 PM
Reply to  dimsim

So the Houthis aren’t the only group fighting the Zionist war machine intent on genociding Palestinians and creating ‘Greater Israel’. They are really part of this machine, despite currently being bombed to pieces by the mighty US servants of Zionism. Alternatively, the ‘everything is fake’ theory only refers to itself, and serves only to obfuscate.

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Mar 26, 2025 8:14 AM

Shrinking the state (unless they wear khaki uniforms)? Doesn’t this sound a bit like the DOGE agenda? But aren’t Labour and Trump sworn enemies?….
How many people who voted Labour supported this? I’d guess a fair few of them are public sector workers now finding themselves in the crosshairs.

And like any apparently intractable dilemma, the solution is waiting to be rolled out… step forward (probably under a new name and with some minor tinkering) UBI!

Mar 26, 2025 7:09 AM
Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 26, 2025 6:34 AM

You basically need to immediately criminalise anyone who joins the Security Services in any Western/Israeli country. They are all amoral wastrels, disloyal traitors, in-it-for-themselves scammers, blackmailing peep-show perverts to a man, to a woman and to all those who still aren’t sure.

You need to target every individual that screams about climate change whilst owning gas guzzling Chelsea Tractors, flying two dozen times a year for selfish gratification and doing absolutely nothing with their own money to further a genuine sustainable agenda.

You need to declare every Security Service vaccinated wastrel as mentally defective, incompetent to serve. Only those that saw through the Covid19 nonsense are capable of serving people honestly.

You need to declare every Security Service wastrel caught hacking computers and mobile phones as a predatory rapist, as not one of them has consent for their activities. They should be sent to prison as rapists and let the violent criminals inside deal with them as they will.

The Security Services infiltrate every single organisation that actually tries to do anything in this country, in order to vandalise it. Every single prostitute should face the wrath of all and none should receive mercy for their behaviour.

Will the world ever change?

Probably not.

But it cannot change until the Security Service prostitutes are subjected to a pogrom that would make Jews feel that they got off lightly……

Mar 26, 2025 8:57 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Are you sure that Jews today don’t control the pogroms against gentiles?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 27, 2025 12:49 AM

Are you sure that they do?

Mar 27, 2025 4:40 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

As the long history of malware and the treatment of Huawei shows, the self-appointed masters demand that every ICT device and system be accessible to hacking or even manipulation.

In any type of enforcement including military, most of the grunts (besides the sadists) are not-too-bright people unable to find any other option, and happy to follow orders.

Mar 26, 2025 12:28 AM
Mar 26, 2025 12:16 AM

And here is a small example of their work:
comment image

More here:


Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge
Mar 25, 2025 11:54 PM

I do appreciate the focus — “bad” people in power running the world. But is everyone else as innocent, uncomplicit and “good” as the argument implies? Whose actions empowered Gates, Bezos, Musk, etc through effectively “voting” for them (or investing in them) through their unquestionable consumption preferences? Of course it is great to have bad people arond to be blamed for everything — to avoid consideration of our own rather relative “goodness”. And, sad to say, the good guys dont seem to have a Plan B on which they can agree — other than to ensure that the Plan A of the bad people gets stopped. Of course this argument is itself quite unacceptable to good people. Is it the good gys who are bad, and the bad guys who are innocently doing their exploitative thing — exploiting whatever they can?

Mar 26, 2025 1:34 AM
Reply to  Anthony Judge

I concur, apathy towards evil is every bit as evil as those actively doing the evil deeds. What you put up with, you are agreeing to. Saying you want to stay out of it because you are afraid to be targeted is an excuse, but that is all it is.

Mar 26, 2025 3:48 PM
Reply to  Anthony Judge

“innocently doing their exploitative thing”

So the real bad are innocent and the real innocent are bad. It’s just all bad and that’s how things are and always will be because humans are just bad people. So live with it, right. This endless cynicism serves no purpose other than to see and do nothing as humanity spirals down to oblivion. Bon appetit!

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Mar 25, 2025 11:38 PM

Who Runs the World?And how do they exercise control?

Prior to the current folks who run the world, a small group of Brits ran most of the world.
How does a small group of people run the entire world? The same way a major multinational corporation is run. You have the board of directors who call the shots, you have senior managers who are highly paid to execute on the game plan, lower level managers who are well compensated and incentivized by the possibility of a promotion. And finally you have the foot soldiers, the workers, who have bills to pay and do what they are told in exchange for a reward (otherwise known as a salary).


Is the Deep State Evil?Or are members simply doing what is necessary

Assume you are a high achiever and top of your class in a good university. A recruiter approaches you offering a ‘government job’.

Initially you express lukewarm interest preferring the private sector but the recruiter convinces you to attend info sessions in Washington with first class flights and a suite in the Hay-Adams hotel. All expenses for your week long trip are covered.

During the week you attend a series of seminars along with other candidates for these ‘government jobs.’ Essential you are shown behind the curtain and made aware of how things really work.

The Ministry of Truth representatives explain how they create ‘the matrix’ by feeding propaganda to the MSM outlets. Prominent journalists discuss how they are nothing more than trusted talking heads tasked with promoting various agendas aimed at controlling what are referred to as barnyard animals i.e. the masses (Fast Eddy presents his paper on ‘Barnyard and Circus Animals’). Essentially you are told that everything in the news is fake.

Next up is a presentation detailing how elections are fake – how the politicians, like the famous journalists, are nothing more than actors. They have no power and are expected to do as they are told. If they rock the boat they are dismissed. There is a reference to JFK at the end of this presentation.

For the final seminar 100 barnyard and circus animals are invited to a Q&A and the organizers expose them as total morons. The highlight of the day is the appearance of an army of Swifties. Ryan Seagrave is tasked with asking random Swifties skill testing questions such as, ‘from which direction does the sun rise?’ You watch as the Swifties repeatedly fail when trying to answer all of the skill testing questions.


Mar 27, 2025 4:45 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Colonialism and imperialism needs satraps, traitors, quislings, wannabe WOGs, etc.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 25, 2025 11:08 PM


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 25, 2025 10:46 PM

That’s a really good pulling together of the various threads of the spider’s web, at the centre of which sits the ultimately one and only global mafia.

For the longest time, I’ve had this feeling that all of society’s systems were organised mafia style with the threats, fear, exploitation, slavery, murder, including war, etc.

In a way, your book is the turning around of the one-way mirror where we get to see their ugly deeds while regaining our privacy. All we need to do is to turn our backs by refusing to comply and by building our own, less digitised communities.

The free download offer is very generous – thank you very much.

Mar 25, 2025 10:42 PM

Paul’s piece has some similarities with Chris Hedges latest:


While bemoaning the assault on the ELITE higher education system, Chris ignores the roots of the problem.

Paul exposes them.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 25, 2025 9:52 PM

Very interesting, what he’s not saying.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 25, 2025 10:17 PM

Slow day for news, in Britshire, Teachers are getting stressed, don’t tell kids untruths.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Mar 25, 2025 9:46 PM

demonizing does not offer any constructive path to a better system, it just turns the world into a battle between Us and Them in which all’s fair if it serves Our aims, but who are We anyway?

I’ll admit that it’s in some sense better to talk about Demons, rather than any particular social, economic, ethnic, national or political group or institution, since history is full of revolutions that, after achieving their goal of destroyed the hated oppressors, more or less immediately erected some equally dismal apparatus of control

so the problem definitely does seem to transcend those epiphenomena, chattel slavery, absolute monarchism, fascism, capitalism, and instead have its roots in a more fundamental level of human nature, which we could call “demonic”, if we understand this idea in a Neoplatonic or Jungian way, as a sort of shadowy archetype living in our collective unconscious, a part of us all, huddled masses or one percent of the one percent, and not in the Wrath of a Christian God sense, since the last thing we need is to march off on a crusade in search of the Devil’s minions

Dominus Owen Markham
Dominus Owen Markham
Mar 25, 2025 9:11 PM

Thank you for this. And awesome overview for the book… Can’t wait to dig into it.

Best regards
Dominus Owen Markham

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 25, 2025 9:02 PM

Hope you guys enjoyed my meltdown the other day, think that’s about my 7th on here, you’ve got some catching up to do…

Mar 25, 2025 11:03 PM

Old man rocking with guitar.
I can relate to that.

Mar 25, 2025 8:21 PM

Thanks a lot for your work.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 25, 2025 7:56 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-03-24. Milei: lockdowns crime against humanity. Risk Hair Loss, Shingles, Endometriosis, Gum Disease, Warts (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Mar 25, 2025 7:34 PM

Hand clap from me for the clear mention of

Rothschild and Rockefeller

The first of those names was once well known to the British public, so much so that it featured in a popular satirical magazine and bawdy music hall ditties. Now days even some people purporting to tell it how it is will skirt around the top tier of the global (Khazer?) mafia, To avoid an “anti-semetic” witch hunt?

Palestinians are among the real modern semites and who’s arrayed against them?

Mar 25, 2025 6:32 PM

I coined the term demonocracy/demoncracy quite a few years back, but I’m very pleased to share it because IT’S THE TRUTH. I believe I have a song featuring it in the title, and anyway I pray against the demonocracy specifically every day.
‘May they be confined and disempowered.’

Mar 25, 2025 11:05 PM
Reply to  ariel

Corparasites is my humble contribution.

Mar 26, 2025 1:28 PM
Reply to  Johnny

‘I/we disempower and confine the corporate, banker, political, bureaucratic, military, religious, pseudo-medical, and techno-demons, their acolytes, servants and slaves.’

Mar 26, 2025 10:24 PM
Reply to  ariel

I wish.
Not enough people seem aware of the Corparasites and their political enablers.

Mar 25, 2025 5:39 PM

Somehow I thought this was going to name names. Of the Global Gang that Rules the World.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 25, 2025 6:48 PM
Reply to  Aloysius

Probably because he doesn’t know and neither do we. The true controllers are an unknown entity.

Therefore, we can speculate:

We know lots of the frontmen, puppets and minions and some of the bigger names such as new money Rothschilds and Rockefellers (both third tier bloodlines) who are named by Paul Cudenec. In addition, there are the higher ranking bloodline families, comprising the top tier and the second tier (Black Nobility and the Papal bloodlines), not mentioned that much these days.

Next, there is the ubiquitous Crown Corporation (not the British Crown) which is where City of London, Vatican and Washington DC fall under as sub-corporations which together make up the Holy See.

Now, all of the above could only be partially true and then there could be something totally unknown that they all answer to, which is moving into the metaphysical. This raises questions regarding the nature of this realm, that is beyond the remit of this website for most people.

Mar 25, 2025 10:30 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Most of that stuff I never heard of. What is it?

Mar 26, 2025 3:11 PM
Reply to  Aloysius

You need to read this book: 180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe

Mar 25, 2025 11:13 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

People in positions of authority and force attempting to assuage their Love-less lives.
We should pity them.

Life shines and sparkles all around them as they rage against their own emptiness.

Ignorant pricks.

Mar 27, 2025 12:52 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Mar 26, 2025 3:12 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Or – and this is the fun part – there could be no one at all at the center of it all. Wouldn’t it be a gas if it were all on the periphery with nothing holding it in place? That sure would explain why every hundred or few hundreds of years it all goes bang and humanity has to start over.

Yes, somebody could be doing it deliberately, this crashing of the system, in order to better hide their identity at the system’s center. Or it could simply crash from centrifugal force because nothing is holding it together.

Doesn’t it seem just a bit strange that in all of human history nobody has even come close to identifying those at the center?

Mar 25, 2025 5:29 PM

“For me – and, I would say, for the classical anarchist viewpoint – individual freedom is not something that is opposed to the collective well-being, but is an essential aspect of it.“Individual and collective happiness depend on each other; they fit together like the yin and yang of the familiar Taoist symbol. No community can be free if all the individuals within it are not free and no individual can be free if he or she lives in a community that is not free”.

Absolutely. This perception defies the modern false binaries that bamboozle casual observers and reiterate solidarity amongst humanity as the long lost default norm we must get back to. Too much cynicism about the default nature of human beings is a deadly virus to overcome. It exists in Christianity’s original sin projections upon our cave walls, casting humanity into a ditch of guilt.

Would Universe create a sentient physical expression of itself that was designed to self destruct because it sees itself as evil? Imho, no. This idea is as ridiculous as the idea of original sin that keeps humans on their knees before the arrogant, truly evil without conscience, psycho-sociopaths “parents” we allow to make decisions for us.

Thank you Paul. I continue to be inspired by your insights and intent to manifest a liberated humanity free to live a personal and communal life of joy and spirit. Bless you!

[And I’m buying your book to read and go in my library to pass along to others.]

Mar 26, 2025 12:19 AM
Reply to  sandy

Wise words Sandy.

Mar 26, 2025 3:35 PM
Reply to  sandy

I have to challenge the idea that the Universe created a “sentient physical expression of itself.” The Universe needs no such thing. Sentience is merely a human term for qualities humans have but nothing else is allowed to have – just one more way we’ve attempted to place ourselves at the center of the Universe.

It’s certain that plant life is sentient. But no, say humans, plants don’t have brains therefore cannot be sentient. This is pure hubris, nothing more. For all we know everything is sentient – even down to the atomic level. By limiting sentience to humans, we make ourselves unique in all the Universe. And we wonder why the world is so messed up.

Mar 26, 2025 9:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

‘The Universe needs no such thing’ is a big but unsupported claim. Source?

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Mar 25, 2025 4:04 PM

Nice symbol of pay more for less while being brainwashed into thinking it’s really cool:

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 25, 2025 9:47 PM

Reminds me of the one eye symbol. What next?

Mar 25, 2025 4:02 PM

Can Paul Cudenec comment on Rene Guenon and his connections to the Martinist order and Evola. As explained here http://visupview.blogspot.com/2015/08/propaganda-due-strange-and-terrible.html :
“What is beyond a shadow of a doubt, however, is that Reghini was one of the individuals chiefly responsible for pointing Evola towards the works of Guenon. Initially Evola was unimpressed by the French man’s work, but by the 1930s Guenon would wield a considerable influence over Evola’s philosophy. And behind this influence is the specter of the Martinist Order, which Guenon was directly involved with and which Evola may have been indirectly influenced by via Reghini. It is highly probable that both Guenon and Evola also had some familiarity with the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim from their occult mentors as well.”

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Mar 26, 2025 4:17 PM
Reply to  Vanusha

Brother Rolruric’s a fraud, you know I’m right.

Mar 25, 2025 3:33 PM

A grievous error threads its way through every essay thumbnailed here. Namely, that those who “rule” are bad but those who are “ruled” are good.

Those “ruled” have far more in common with those who “rule” than with any who seek to point out the essential evil (though I would call it insanity) of the system.

As I’m assuming Mr. Cudenec already knows, globalism is not a new phenomenon. The only thing new about it is the inclusion of the entire globe and not just a part of it once thought to be the entire thing (assuming of course that we really have finally charted the entire globe).

Getting back to people, everything that happens, regardless who suffers, manages to profit just enough of the majority to ensure their continued allegiance.

Those – and they are legion – who constantly demand solutions and not just problems to be solved (never mind that some problems – like death – are unsolvable) always shy away from the one and only therefore the best solution: wait a million years and hope humanity evolves away from its current preoccupation with pursuing a “better life.” Ask for a better life and the psychopaths will come calling with just what is needed – which always involves taking what other have and giving a little of it to whomever asked. And keeping the rest for themselves of course.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 25, 2025 5:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Those “ruled” have far more in common with those who “rule” than with any who seek to point out the essential evil (though I would call it insanity) of the system.

For the most part that is because they have more to lose than knowingly gain by risking a change.

That applies equally to those who are wealthy or comfortably off as to those living on benefits (welfare). Those in the first two categories may have achieved it through inheritance, marriage, theft or sheer hard work and are therefore beneficiaries of the system and feel no need to rock the boat. Those receiving all types of social security benefits are dependent on the system to pay them, so also have a vested interest to remain within it.

The Plandemic demonstrated that amply – by throwing peanuts at monkeys eg furlough, Work from Home etc. that people will consent to most anything. Also, welfare payments continued to be paid unimpeded throughout the time.

Until people have nothing to lose or as close to it, then they will continue to accept their lot in life.

That is the reason I have stated previously, that an uncontrolled financial/economic collapse of the system and not a controlled demolition would be a wake-up call for many. If welfare benefits, pensions and salaries could not be paid and the banking system declared a ‘bank holiday’ due to a systemic collapse, we would see fireworks very quickly.

Mar 25, 2025 8:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

‘Assuming of course that we really have finally charted the entire globe’. Assuming the world is a globe.

Mar 26, 2025 4:52 AM
Reply to  Jos

If the world is flat l have a few questions:
•Why is the moon a sphere?
• What’s under the flat Earth. More flatness?
• Why do ships disappear over the horizon?
• How do we get night and day?
• How do we get seasons?
• Why do hurricanes (North) and cyclones (South) spin in different directions?
• Why is it colder at the ‘’Poles’?

Looking forward to your logical elucidation.

Mar 25, 2025 2:53 PM

Book plugging fair enough – but you could’ve at least given a few blurbs for each topic.

Mar 25, 2025 2:40 PM

Another self-book promotion…sheeeeshhhhh….!

Mar 25, 2025 3:19 PM
Reply to  Scoobis

So what? You can download it for free so it’s pretty hard to argue the profit motive. What’s wrong with trying to get the word out? Isn’t that exactly what we should be doing?

Mar 26, 2025 12:22 AM
Reply to  Chicot

Scoobis believes President Vain will save him and his fellow followers.

Mar 25, 2025 3:34 PM
Reply to  Scoobis

You know the statue huh? Seems to be a pattern among certain contributors.

Mar 25, 2025 3:35 PM
Reply to  Scoobis

Though I’m of the school that finds it a bit tacky to promote oneself, I don’t find it downright objectionable if what’s being promoted has merit.

Mar 25, 2025 4:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, I admire Mr. Cudenec’s work although sometimes I have the feeling that he is preaching in the desert. I cannot follow all the eventual solutions but the materials make an informative and pleasant lecture. There are probably too many anarchist systems of thinking (not that I know any of them) but I believe that every text drives a nail into the globalist coffin, merely by the sparks of conscience it creates.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 25, 2025 11:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Actually, that’s one of the problems of the masses: Cutting down tall poppies. Let others shine already! And try to do the same.

Mar 26, 2025 4:13 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If it were only that simple. But too often considerations other than merit cloud the issue. There’s a YouTube channel I’ve grown fond of – wise daily reflections – which gives thumbnails on philosophical thinkers throughout the ages. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable though not necessarily well read; but many of the thinkers profiled, I’ve never heard of. And I’m sure most haven’t.

Societies it seems have always limited how many would be given wide recognition and who they would be. So those who stand head and shoulders above the rest may be dwarfed by yet others never heard of.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 26, 2025 9:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

I agree that fame, such as it is, is a game of “who you know…” but what I meant was that at this pivotal point in time we need to support and welcome anyone who stands for true freedom and individual rights, no matter their wider opinions about things, so that we can grow critical mass to oppose our nasty oppressors.