AP interview with Bashar al Assad

from SANA President Assad gives his view of recent and dangerous developments in the proxy war between NATO and the Syrian Arab Army, and the short-lived “ceasefire.” Read the...

thermite or no thermite? – the saga of the red-gray chips

In 2006 a physics professor from BYU, Steve Jones, made a public appeal for samples of dust from the destroyed WTC towers. As a result he received several such...

How “The Syrian Campaign” Faked Its “70% Fleeing Assad” Refugee Poll

by Tim Anderson at Global Research As one might expect, during a war, misunderstandings are often driven by interested parties. In the case of Syrian refugees in Europe a...

FBI’s Fake ‘Investigation’ of Hillary’s Emails

by Eric Zuesse, originally posted at strategic-culture.org On September 17th, U.S. President Barack Obama, the boss of the U.S. Government’s Executive Branch — including of federal investigations and prosecutions...

Syrian Ceasefire failed, what now?

By Aram Mirzaei from The Saker The “Ceasefire” One week ago I and many other analysts predicted that the ceasefire agreement brokered by the US and Russia last week...

Game of Knowns

by W Stephen Gilbert How about a game of let’s pretend. Say that Owen Smith gets to make the Leader’s Speech at the Conference on the 28th. I know,...

An American in Latakia: “this was no revolution"

by Lily Martin As an eye witness to the entire war in Syria, from March 2011 to present, I can state this was no revolution. I am an American...

VIDEO: Puppet-in-Chief Town Hall War Pageant *Edited for Accuracy

Truthstream Media help the two great minds competing for the job of future POTUS explain what they really mean to do when/if the vote is rigged in their favor...

real skepticism versus pseudoskepticism: a cautionary tale

by Catte Black The 9/11 series here has proved interesting in a number of ways. The scientific contributions have been thought-provoking, as has the BTL discussion, the level of...

US Slams Russia and Syria but not IS

by Tutisicecream The WMSM have carried blanket coverage of the UN Aid Convoy attack repeating US accusations blaming Russia and Syrian based solely on the claims of the White...

The Dangers Behind “Electability"

by Natasha Scott They say Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable. The same was said about Bernie Sanders. Sanders launched his campaign for the Democratic nomination with minimum name recognition. In...

OffGuardian’s 9/11 Articles: A Reader’s Point of View

by Mog I started reading OffGuardian shortly after it set up, following a link from the Medialens forum discussion board. As someone who has both sought out non-mainstream sources...

Why do Momentum get such a raw deal?

by Matthew Lane If you listened to much of the media and some Labour MPs, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Momentum were an extreme, far-left, violent, misogynistic, anti-Semitic,...

Jill Stein Proved Me Wrong

by Kevin Ryan My last blog post was wrong. As of a week ago, it does matter who is elected president. That’s because one of the candidates has openly...

Why did NIST decide WTC steel could not conduct heat?

...This bogus assumption that steel has zero thermal conductivity not only renders the NIST report as a whole deeply suspect, it entirely nullifies even the flawed basis for its...

Who killed Vladimir Petukhov?

However much the likes of the Guardian try to portray Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky as a champion of freedom who suffered under the yoke of government oppression before escaping tyranny...

9/11 & 28 pages of treason

by Joe Giambrone You probably didn’t hear from your corporate media that those 28 pages concerning Saudi state support to the September 11th suicide-hijackers have been released to the...

Steve Spak’s footage of WTC7

Steve Spak’s film of WTC7 prior to its collapse has been cited in the comments here as evidence the building was blazing “out of control” prior to collapse. Given...

War in Donbass: 3,600 Civilians Killed by Ukrainian Forces and Neo-Nazi Militia since Minsk II Agreement

by Theo Russell, from Global Reasearch According to figures obtained from the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) authorities, since the February 2015 Minsk II agreement over 3,600 civilians have died...

9/11: How it costs you friends

Harvey Burgess I recently had an upsetting exchange with a good friend, brought about by my assertion that: “The Americans did 9-11 to themselves.” My remark brought to an...