History as ghastly repetition – Anna Lindh & Jo Cox
In 2003, just four days before the Swedish referendum on joining the Eurozone, a prominent pro-Euro MP, Anna Lindh, was stabbed to death in a public place. The man...
Jack Matlock: We must return to the position Reagan and Gorbachev set out
via East West Accord On Tuesday, Ambassador Jack Matlock testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Amb. Matlock told the Committee that he is “deeply concerned with the direction...
Syria: French Academic Exposes Left-Wing Charlatans as Harbingers of Terrorism
by Bruno Guigue, 21st Century Wire Following the death of a prominent leader of the Arab-Lebanese resistance, murdered by the Zionist forces while on Syrian soil, I address this...
Deconstructing Russophobia
Imagine that Vladimir Putin were not a murderous autocrat and kleptocrat who has spent his fourteen years in power living up to his KGB past and dragging Russia ever...
NATO Says It Might Now Have Grounds to Attack Russia
by Eric Zuesse, via The Saker On Tuesday, June 14th, NATO announced that if a NATO member country becomes the victim of a cyber attack by persons in a...
Greece's "left-wing" Syriza joins NATO's gas war
by F. William Engdahl, NEO Only eighteen months ago prospects for a major southern Europe natural gas pipeline from Russian gas fields across the Black Sea, into Turkey and...
British Troops Enter Syria and Libya to Ensure That War Outlives ISIS
by Dan Glazebrook, via CounterPunch The Normandy landings, launched 72 years ago this week, saw the opening of a second front against the Nazis in Europe by the US...
Hillary Clinton’s Project For A New American Century
by Dan Wright Here we go again. Earlier this year, some were surprised to see Project For The New American Century (PNAC) co-founder and longtime DC fixture Robert Kagan...
Covering up Clinton's involvement in TTP : Emails to be released only after the election
by J. K. Trotter Last year, International Business Times reporter David Sirota filed a Freedom of Information Act request for emails between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and...
Buy Buy Europe, Part 5: What Kind of Europe Do We Want?
by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, Film Review Buy, Buy Europe by Peter De Vos (2013) is a five-part miniseries describing how European banks have hijacked the euro monetary union to...
Nuland to Congress: We Spend $100 Mil a Year Trying to Destabilize Russia (Video)
by Ricky Twistdale, via Russia Insider On Tuesday [June 7, 2016], the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations scheduled a two-hour anti-Russian hate-fest. Lies, misinformation and jaw-dropping stupidity were...
Buy Buy Europe, Part 4: Bratwurst, Lederhosen and Minijobs
by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, Film Review Buy, Buy Europe by Peter De Vos (2013) is a five-part miniseries describing how European banks have hijacked the euro monetary union to...
Why Raqqa
by George Ades The priority on the battlefield in Syria has shifted from Aleppo to Raqqa (so called capital of the Caliphate) in the East of the country. The...
How The Guardian told me to steer clear of Palestine
by David Cronin OFFG says: This piece was originally published in March 2015, but is still highly relevant. It gives us an insight into the culture of polite self-censorship...
How “German logic” turns into irrationality
by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, Katehon I remember the talk I had with the German Ambassador in Athens and Mr. Tsipras in February 2013, during a reception at the Russian Embassy. ...
Suppressing anti-NATO protests in Poland
We are republishing two linked Katehon articles on Poland. The first, by Mateusz Piskorski (translated by Jafe Arnold), NATO will suppress protests in Poland, is followed by Katehon’s account...
Buy Buy Europe, Part 3: Tax Haven Europe
by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, Film Review Buy, Buy Europe by Peter De Vos (2013) is a five-part miniseries describing how European banks have hijacked the euro monetary union to...
Buy Buy Europe, Part 2: Austerity Till the Grave
by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, Film Review Buy, Buy Europe by Peter De Vos (2013) is a five-part miniseries describing how European banks have hijacked the euro monetary union to...
Closing down Dr Burzynski – updated
from BlackCatte’s blog Chemotherapy often doesn’t work. Everyone admits it’s not a perfect treatment. So, why, when a man comes along with a new approach that seems to yield...
In the Image of the Market: How Neoliberalism Threatens Democracy
An interview with Wendy Brown (UC Berkeley) about her recent book Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution. Echoing Marx’s classical exposition of capitalism and its alienating effects, Brown explains...