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The People's Economic Impact Statement for the TPP
by the TPP Resisters, April 2016 Background: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international agreement that was negotiated in...
I am not Greek! But is Schäuble a German?
by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, via DDP I usually work more than ten hours a day and most of the weekends....
The EU and the Deforestation of Ukraine
by Dmytryi Kovalevich Since 2014 we have in Ukraine a mass deforestation. The entire forests and parks are being...
Stiglitz: Europe Can Do Better
by Vaska Here’s Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz on how Europe can return to a more sustainable economic path. Stiglitz...
Freedland: "I, for one, welcome our Corporate American Overlords"
American lawmakers are a global force for good, one for which we should all be grateful…according to the Guardian....
Why Basic Income Can Never Be A Progressive Solution
by Francine Mestrum, for Social Europe, April 14, 2016 Most advocates of basic income only answer the arguments of...
How Obama and Congressional Republicans Intend to Pass TPP Into Law — After the November Elections
by Eric Zuesse Back on 10 December 2015, the head of the U.S. Senate, the pro-Obama-trade-deals Republican Mitch McConnell,...
Ukraine, the price of survival: From civilian aircraft to attack drones
by Tina Schivatcheva Is the end of an industry also the end of an era? The Ukrainian aviation conglomerate...
The Facts on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Compared to the Obama Administration's Claims
by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 12, 2016 Just yesterday the World Bank published a comprehensive analysis of...
Russia to EU: Dump the TTIP and embrace the Eurasian Union
Translated from German by Tom Winter, for FortRuss January 7, 2015, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten Reposted here January 9, 2016...
IMF's Rogues Gallery: Crooks, Rapists and Swindlers
by James Petras, December 28, 2015 The IMF is the leading international monetary agency whose public purpose is to maintain the...
RT: Ukraine to default if parliament rejects debt restructure proposal – finance minister
by Systematic Natalya Yaresko. Photo Michail Polinchak/RIA Novosti) RT reports: The Ukrainian government will declare a default if its...
Paul Mason’s Privileged Utopia
by Joshua Tartakovsky How should one view the economic crisis in Greece? Is it fair to view it not...
Ukraine privatizations to exclude Ukrainian and Russian capital
Photo © Roman Pilipey/EPA/TASS by Systematic Ukraine is creating privileged conditions for Western countries to participate in the upcoming privatization...