189 Search Results for Gaza
What the Press Hides From You About Venezuela
Eric Zuesse INTRODUCTION This news-report is being submitted to all US and allied news-media, and is being published by...
Mass Psychosis and The Church of Humanitarian Interventionism
David Penner Ask any American liberal aged sixty-five and older what they think about Franco, Mussolini, or Hitler and...
Fiasco In Islington
Part 2 is available here Richard Hugus Jazz saxophonist and writer Gilad Atzmon was recently banned from playing at...
BOOK REVIEW: Injustice – The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five
Vacy Vlazna Survive prison I must, for when I come out I would hold no grudges, or hate, or...
Open Letter: Justin Trudeau and the BDS movement
Canada to formally Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, giving his speech apologizing for 1939 decision to turn away ship...
Australia and its Israel Embassy: What are they Thinking?
James O’Neill According to recent media reports, the Liberal candidate in the Wentworth (Sydney) by-election, former diplomat David Sharma...
The NYT Whitewashes Haley
The decampment of Nikki Haley from Trump’s military regime is, or ought to be, a nonstory....
How an American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became the MSM’s Man in Nicaragua
by Max Blumenthal, September 26, 2018, via MintPress The Guardian, The Washington Post, the BBC and NPR have assigned...
How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria
America has been at war to transfer control of Syria over to the Saud family, who own Saudi Arabia;...
Still Running Wild
W Stephen Gilbert The issue of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party has not gone away, nor will it. It...
Three Point Failure: The Guardian’s racist campaign against “dirty Russian money”
Kit Knightly Since the initial press hysteria over the Skripal case, the major political parties of the UK have...
Washington’s Long War on Syria Isn’t About to End
by Stephen Gowans, September 10, 2018 The United States has a new strategy for Syria, according to The Washington...
P is for Phosphorus and for Projection
Hope K On Thursday September 6th, US Ambassador Nikki Haley warned Syria and its allies Russia and Iran that...
Those Permanent War “Progressives”
Joe Giambrone Get out of here, you lowlife scum!” Sen. John McCain to anti-war protesters, January 29, 2015 One...
IRAN: US Regime Change Project is Immoral and Illegal
Contemptuous of international law, the US makes no secret of its plots to overthrow the leaders of internationally recognized...
No, Carole Cadwalladr, THIS is what war looks like…
Carole Cadwalladr has been applying her fingertips to her keyboard again. This is usually bad news for anybody offended...
Australia needs an urgent reappraisal of its place in a changing world
James O’Neill It seems likely that the Australian House and Senate will pass the governments legislative proposals, ostensibly aimed...
Anthony Bourdain’s State Department Smorgasbord
by Lorenzo, June 10, 2018 Anthony Bourdain’s suicide in June 2018 will cement his reputation as a progressive celebrity...
Exclusive: The Complete Moral Collapse of Labour Friends of Israel
It is hard to imagine anything so nauseating as a group of affluent liberals defending the mass murder of...
Do you want to travel around the Middle East? Think twice!
Text and Photos by Andre Vltchek Do you think it is that simple to travel around the Middle East?...