by Alexander Mercouris Britain struggles to respond to Russia’s diplomatic counter-offensive, stonewalls all Russian attempts to gain access to Yulia Skripal If during the first three weeks of the...
by Alexander Mercouris at the Duran As the Novichok ‘evidence’ collapses, the criminal investigation into the Skripal attack has become corrupted The events of the last few days in...
by Alexander Mercouris at the Duran British authorities admit have no proof poison made in Russia; entire case against Russia based on a classified assessment On the eve of...
Alexander Mercouris at the Duran writes “the High Court Judgment however appears to confirm that the British authorities are doing all they can to freeze the Russians out of...
by Alexander Mercouris at the Duran It is becoming increasingly difficult for the British authorities and for the British media to deny that ‘due process‘ – ie. the well-established...
When Theresa May made her statement about a Russian law permitting the murder of Skripal on English soil
she was either disgracefully uninformed or was intentionally misleading Parliament. ...
by Alexander Mercouris, originally published in the Duran British government lacking evidence of Russian guilt reverses the burden of proof After a week of speculation and allegations British Prime...