Igor Strelkov led the revolt in eastern Ukraine but later returned to Moscow [BBC] […] Igor Ivanovich, I will open with the most “terrifying” question. In your interview with...
This extract from a form describing a project to be funded by the United Kingdom’s inter-agency “Conflict Pool” indicates one of the ways HMG is spending British tax money....
Once in a while a book appears that forces us to rethink the previous cognitive patterns. To use the celebrated phrase from Thomas S. Kuhn’s influential, The Structure of...
If color revolutions throughout the former USSR have something in common, it is the smoothness with which they bring your ordinary “comrade oligarch” to power, courtesy of the US...
… Interviewer: You wrote, I think in 1997, in your book about The Grand Chessboard … this same phrase which I wrote down about Russia with Ukraine is an...
by BlackCatte For the past several months Stephen Cohen has been warning the world about a potential catastrophe looming in the standoff between NATO and Russia. The political and...
Or how the term “Jingoism” came to life by Harry J. Bentham, Beliefnet.com Probably no regime has sacrificed more of its soldiers towards distant and irrelevant conflicts than the...
by Brad Cabana, RockSolidPolitics There is something so bizarre, so inhumane about Western countries boycotting the parade for the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Germany in World...
from Sputniknews.com As Washington continues to sound its war drums despite the second Minsk ceasefire, it’s worth asking why NATO continued to remain such a bellicose organization after the...
by ANDREW LEVINE in COUNTERPUNCH Suddenly last summer, Vladimir Putin, formerly once a decent enough Russian leader (with a few unsettling quirks), turned into a malevolent, almost demonic, force....
European Council President Returns from Washington, Explains Commandments If you ever wondered how would a Polish snuff-loving politician lead a major European institution, created to promote dialogue, please partake...
by Tara McCormack at SPIKED-ONLNE.com The current mainstream argument in the West about Ukraine is seriously misguided and dishonest. According to Western media and politicians, Russia has become an...
Crimea’s Attorney-General Natalia Poklonskaya will head the Russian-Japanese Friendship Society, Russian media reported. The news was broken during former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama’s visit to the peninsular which rejoined...
“And don’t forget to arm Ukraine!” (A. Temerko – left) At some point on the cusp of the centuries American television invented and quickly proliferated the idiotic genre of...
by BlackCatte The Guardian’s slide from liberal, informed media outlet, to crass, Ministry of Truth propaganda-sheet, gathers pace every day. Yesterday, for example, came this offering: Vladimir Putin describes...
By Danielle Ryan All sides must be challenged relentlessly — with evidence, incontrovertible fact and perhaps most importantly, a decent, honest attempt to understand other human perspectives. What is...
The Mail Online, 21 December 2014 “…It seemed fairly clear to me… that war had in fact been a miserable affair of fear, hunger, threadbare darned clothes, broken windows...
America revives the Cold War on the cheap By Boris Kagarlitsky I had not been in America for several years. Not for some political reasons: I just had too...
Ukraine cannot have a united and successful society unless it has a reasonable relationship with Russia CNS News. The United States should not risk a “spiraling confrontation” with Russia...
Britain was pulled closer towards a renewed cold war with Russia when David Cameron announced UK military trainers are to be deployed to help Ukraine forces stave off further...