Cynthia Chung “Hell is empty and all the devils are here” William Shakespeare (The Tempest Act I, Scene 2) War has always depended on a reliable system to spread...
Subtitled and transcribed by Terje Maloy In 2014, the German journalist and writer Udo Ulfkotte published a book that created a big stir, describing how the journalistic profession is...
Ian Fantom Professor Carrol Quiqley in his now famous book The Anglo-American Establishment wrote in the book’s Preface, “The ability of Englishmen of this [Establishment] class and background to...
Udo Ulfkotte’s book “Bought Journalists” (Gekaufte Journalisten) was scheduled for publication in English in May 2017 under the title “Journalists for Hire”. However it seems the publication was delayed...
Udo Ulfkotte’s book "Bought Journalists" (Gekaufte Journalisten) was scheduled for publication in English in May 2017 under the title “Journalists for Hire”. However it seems the publication was delayed...
Alerted by James Tracy’s piece in on 8 January 2018, which mooted the apparent suppression by powerful background forces of an English translation of Udo...
James Tracy The English translation of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte’s best-selling book, Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalists) appears to have been suppressed throughout North America and Europe. On May 15,...
From 2014, but still highly relevant. Udo Ulfkotte, one-time editor of The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung talks about the alleged control of western journalists by the intelligence agencies. I’ve been...