The “ISIS Resurgence” is Fake News
The evidence is clear – ISIS are, and always have been, a US creation
Kit Knightly
Donald Trump’s decision to “withdraw” from Syria has kicked up a lot of dust – there’s sympathy for the poor Kurds, concern for the stability of the region, fear of “increased Russian influence”…and dire warnings of a possible “resurgence of ISIS”.
Lindsay Graham and his chorus of retired generals and bloodthirsty lunatics have been tweeting about it all over the place:
Every concern I had about President Trump’s Syria decision is coming true in spades.
➡️ The reemergence of ISIS is on the way. And if you think only Europe is threatened — you are sadly mistaken.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 11, 2019
Nearly all of our allies around the world and through the Middle East have condemned this unnecessary operation that risks a revival of ISIS and destabilizing NE Syria, which had been the heart of ISIS’s caliphate.
— Brett McGurk (@brett_mcgurk) October 11, 2019
Trump shameful decision to green light the Turkish attack on Syrian Kurd allies has directly menaced the US and Europe with the revival of the ISIS terror threat. There are 12,000 ISIS fighters who may break free. 15,000 ISIS already loose.
— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) October 13, 2019
Politico, Newsweek and (of course) The Guardian have been enthusiastically spreading the story. As have dozens of others.
How seriously should we take these warnings?
Well, not seriously at all, honestly.
It’s vital we all remember that “ISIS” – the balaclava-wearing, black-clad, sword-swinging, TV-channel having death cult; with fleets of matching Toyotas, their own end of year reports, a brand new currency and a plan for world domination – are not real.
They are a creation, a myth. The CIA’s traditional “Islamic zealot” proxies, with a video-game generation make-over and their own twitter accounts.
As the media’s favourite bogeymen are warming up for an encore, we look back over our coverage, highlighting just how absurd the “ISIS” narrative has always been.
The Holes in the Narrative
The narrative of ISIS has always been vague, they’ve had four different names, no recognised leaders and an uncertain backstory. Ask the average person on the street what separates ISIS from, say, regular old al Qaeda and they couldn’t tell you. Not really. That’s because ISIS have always been simply “terrorists double extreme mode”. They don’t have an ideology, they have a brand.
A backstory so thin you can puncture it by just asking a few questions.
Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS: #1 – those Toyota trucks
That’s what Catte did back in 2015, the first article of ours to get any real attention – something that needed to be said. A question that needed to be asked. The first step in collapsing the ISIS myth.
Other absurd claims were deconstructed later on.
Does ISIS really smuggle “$3M worth of oil” into Turkey EVERY DAY?
ISIS having their own oil-engineers, selling billions of dollars worth of crude oil, was only clearly ridiculous…and it only got more so.
We were told that ISIS was minting their own currency, selling millions of dollars of heroin and planning to, literally, take over the world. They even had their own financial reports, released at the end each year. They are laminated.
This maelstrom of absurdity, exaggeration and theatricality lead one experienced Middle East reporter to say:
There’s something very weird and strange and not right about ISIS. I watched events unfold…nothing looks right, nothing rings right. I covered 14 wars in my time as a war reporter and I’ve never seen anything like this. It looks more like theatre than actual fighting….
All of which leads us to the most obvious question of all…
The idiotic image of ISIS: are we losing our critical thinking?
The Serving of the Agenda
Now, OK, I will grant you that weird things do happen. Some stories seem too strange to be true, and yet they are true.
There is, at least, a theoretical possibility ISIS really are the supervillains the media describe.
But there’s more to it than that – there’s the agenda ISIS serve. We’ve covered WHAT they are, now we look at WHY they are. And when you ask why ISIS exist you’re really asking two questions:
- What does ISIS do?
- What does the existence of ISIS allow others to do?
The first one is fairly simple to answer – ISIS fight wars.
Not wars against Christians in Europe or America – or even Jews in Israel – no they fight wars against other muslims. A LOT of other Muslims.
They fight against Assad in Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthis in Yemen.
They even fight against China and Iran in Afghanistan:
Hmm…Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, China and Iran. That’s an interesting list of enemies, isn’t it?
Noticeably absent from that list is Israel – despite being brutally antisemitic Islamic zealots, ISIS have never actually declared war on Israel. They even published an article explaining why they don’t want to.
Yes, seriously.
(The one time ISIS accidentally DID fire on the IDF…they apologised).
That is what ISIS do: they attack a list of enemies that curiously resembles NATO’s list of enemies.
But what about the second part of the question – what does the existence of ISIS allow Western governments to do?
Well, internationally ISIS have allowed the US to remain in Iraq long after they planned to withdraw. They allow US bombers to attack Syria under the guise of attacking ISIS, they allow Turkey to move into northern Syria, and Israel to reinforce the Golan Heights.
US Drones Attack Syria’s Military, “Disguised as an Airstrike against ISIS”
That’s foreign policy…but what about domestic policy? How have ISIS affected that? What agendas are served by the “threat” of ISIS?
Well…there’s mass surveillance:
ISIS is back – just in time to prove we do need the surveillance state after all
The fear of ISIS was used to justify an increase in military spending, extending “emergency powers” in France, and the speed up the militarization of the police in the UK as well:
So, to sum up: “What does ISIS allow Western governments to do?”
Whatever they want. Funny how that works out.
The Admission of Guilt
OK, OK…so we’ve established that the narrative of ISIS doesn’t make any coherent sense, and that ISIS either directly pursue – or allow NATO countries to pursue – Western Imperialist policies.
That’s strong evidence, but it is admittedly circumstantial.
What about some direct evidence of ISIS and the US working together? Well, there’s actually quite a lot of that.
Whether “allowing” ISIS to escape or dropping them aid, or warning them before air-raids, the US has shown more concern for ISIS than they usually do inoccent civilians, let alone enemy combatants.
They also tend to end up fighting on the same side:
Many open source investigations, political researchers and journalists have come to the conclusion that ISIS is a creation of the West:
US funding ISIS and promoting civil war for hegemony and profit
After all, the US has a long history of employing Islamic extremists to attack, undermine and destabilise their enemies.
But if all THAT still isn’t enough to convince you…then how about the fact the US (and allies) has admitted to it? Multiple times?
General Michael Flynn admitted it was a “willful decision” to support Jihadists in Syria in an interview in 2015:
Hasan: You are basically saying that even in government at the time you knew these groups were around, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it, but who wasn’t listening?
Flynn: I think the administration.
Hasan: So the administration turned a blind eye to your analysis?
Flynn: I don’t know that they turned a blind eye, I think it was a decision. I think it was a willful decision.
Hasan: A willful decision to support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood?
Flynn: It was a willful decision to do what they’re doing.
If that isn’t enough, then there’s leaked telephone transcripts showing Turkey were supporting ISIS in Syria:
Leaked telephone transcripts show Turkey is helping ISIS in Syria
And then, of course, there’s this…
The bottom line here is that we already know what ISIS are, how they came to be, what they’re used for and who pays them. They aren’t a terrifying death cult, they’re a story used to frighten us at home – and mercenary proxy army used to wage an illegal war abroad.
They serve Western interests with western weapons for western money. Their social media accounts are allowed to exist, their fear porn videos broadcast widely and loudly.
IF ISIS have a “resurgence” now, either home or abroad, it’s because that narrative serves US interests.
And IF there is real, innocent blood spilt, we know who’s hands it will be on.
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General Michael Flynn admitted it was a “willful decision” to support Jihadists in Syria in an interview in 2015:
There is more documented proof than the statement by Flynn. The early versions of the plans for the invasion were clearly set out in the US Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual 2010 TC18-01. In that document it clearly set out plans to identify and recruit dissidents and to use them to set up discrete underground cells and supply them with arms and training to carry out raids to kill police and army members in their barracks in order to create discord in the communities. At this stage the UK and Israeli Special forces were already operating subversively in Syria and the US Special forces joined them in 2011.
Developments today in south Bangladesh with no US or Israel in sight / yesterday:
and today:
Absolutely hilarious.
John McCain’s, Lindsey Graham’s, Hilary Clinton’s, David Cameron’s, CNN’s, BBC’s, Alex Crawford’s Syrian “moderate rebels”, complete with billions in US and UK supplied weapons, with White Helmets in tow, are doing their usual party piece, head chopping and throat slitting their way through the Darling Kurds like a dose of salts.
Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?
@Mark: “Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?”
Beat me to it. But here’s a Link to Elijah Magnier’s magnum opus on the End Game in Syria:
Thanks for a useful and thought provoking piece
Here is an update by Max Blumenthal about what is actually happening in Northeastern Syria. A must read in the context of the rabid warmongers in the fascist democratic party and their MSM mouthpieces.
Nobody should hold their breath though for revealing the truth, since these facts will not appear on U.S. TV screens, nor their online agents.
He saw something, and he honestly said something. So, why have the UK and US, with the complicity of Sweden and Australia, the pillars of Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights, confined him to a grim cell in Belmarsh Prison in southeast London, in “””Great Britain”””?
Please spread the message
Please keep asking the question. Ask your friends, ask your company, ask the media, ask your member of parliament, ask your government.
Please share far and wide
Hmm, where do I start on this one..? I know: – I’ve lived in France for many years. The Charlie Hebdo ‘terror attacks’ were in January 2015. Several related attacks followed in the Île-de-France region, where a further five were killed and eleven wounded. This was just as civil unrest in France was beginning to swell.
In November 2015 we had another terrorist jolly, on Friday the 13th no less. It took place in Paris during the evening. Three suicide bombers struck outside the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, during a football match. This was followed by several mass shootings, and a suicide bombing, at cafés and restaurants. Gunmen carried out another mass shooting and took hostages at an Eagles of Death Metal concert in the Bataclan theatre, leading to a stand-off with police. The attackers were shot or blew themselves up when police raided the theatre. Syrian passports were found near the bodies of two of the terrorists and the next day ISIS claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks.
Now, with regard to the Paris attacks, we are asked to believe that a heavily pregnant woman hung by her fingernails from a windowsill for more than five minutes on a very cold November evening…
As usual there is no cctv footage of any of these attacks, and as usual these ‘terror attacks’ completely mirror the agenda of the psychopaths who rule us. Ie:
With ISIS on the run in 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry was due to fly to Moscow on 15th July for talks with President Putin about the situation in Syria. One day before these talks took place another major terror event occurred in France. A large cargo lorry was deliberately driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and injuring 434. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. Hours after the attack, President Hollande addressed the nation. He stated that France was now at war and the state of emergency, which was due to expire on 26th July, would be extended by another 3 months, with considerations for it to be made permanent. There was no cctv footage of the ‘attack’ in Nice. There never is with these ‘terror events’, despite the fact that we are the most surveilled peoples in history.
I could go on and on with all this, particularly with regard to so-called ‘terror events’ in the UK.
Given the fact, ISIS is the creation of the US for geopolitical purposes (same as ALQuaeda) then the question is: With whom, France is at war with?
Controlled Mass Media wants us to believe we are at war with Muslims (but not the rich Muslims).
Maybe a better question: Who France, and Europe, ought to be at war with?
@Mortgage: “Maybe a better question: Who France, and Europe, ought to be at war with?”
Europe and the AngloSphere ought to be at war with Anglo Zio Capitalists. Vive la Revolution!
I oft mention that the ISIS videos look exactly like the Abu Ghraib torture photos. Is imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery, or were they trained there?
I think the criteria for getting a job as a news reporter includes a certain amount of gullibility. This might explain a couple of recent journalistic comments that I’ve read. One was that the withdrawal of US troops leaving a vacuum that has allowed the Syrian government to extend its influence in those areas of Syria (“think about it….”).
The other is a bit more sinister but I don’t think its got any traction just yet. I’ve come across one report about the use of white phosphorous as a Syrian chemical agent. This stuff is supposedly banned but its actually used by both the US and Israel as a ‘smoke agent’ — which it is, sort of, because it does create dense white smoke when it burns. In reality its primarily an incendiary agent that’s used against personnel because it burns everything in its path, including and especially people (it will burn you it from the inside if you accidentally inhale it). Since chlorine just doesn’t cut it these days as “Assad using chemical weapons” this is a logical extension — the stuff’s in the area thanks to the US and if it can be pinned on the Syrians and the “Butcher of Baghdad” then the media will definitely give it a go.
Lest we forget, a lot of effort was placed on the high-resolution videos of ISIS brutality; all of the beheadings, caged men drowned in a pool, the Syrian pilot burned alive, the gay men thrown off of the rooftops, etc..
Was it all Psy-ops, revenge of the Iraqi Army graduates of Abu-Guirab prison torture, or a weird other in America’s quest for oil control?
It was horror-porn, a typical Hollywood product, catering to the basest instincts of the sadists who invented ISIS and the people who believe they are fighting ISIS.
I have found that people are more willing to accept that the MSM position on Syria is fabricated of late. They still think Assad is a monster who bombs his own people, Russia is manipulating the “civil war”, the Kurds are heros etc. But the real facts are trickling through regarding the White Helmets and their fake videos, people wonder at the “treatment” of traumatised children pulled from the rubble. People are also starting to doubt claims that everytime Assad seems close to retaking an area, he uses chemical weapons. The rows of Toyota trucks didn’t go unnoticed, nor did the fanatical demeanor of the young men Ch4 news and Krishnan Guru Murthy liked to introduce as FSA “activists”. I don’t think many were fooled by the gas cannister bomb either. So far they’ve managed to keep the lid on things like the extensive networks of slave built tunnels, the ease with which Europeans were able to travel to and from Syria, the Jihadis who were allowed to return through Hungary and the efforts of the Syrian government to implement peace and reconciliation.
I do think history will judge the Democrats and the coalition UK government very badly and hope some good may come of the worst geopolitical foreign policy in my life.
ISIS also had its own logoed people-carriers used by balaclava-wearing men who would turn up to tell locals that there was a new sherrif a la the British military psyop text-book.
In fact, there was a fundamental way of knowing who ISIS was by tracking its personnel out of Anbar and Libya (ex-LIFG). Big clue was the way the US Army would airlift the leadership out of an area to be granted to the SDF/FSA.
What Mr. Graham “appears” to ‘neglect to mention’, (it must have slipped his mind) ALREADY, 🙂
“Every concern I had about President Trump’s Syria decision is coming true in OLE KENTUCKY “
Old minds, same shit, new day … with the Rothschilds & Kurdish Oil & Gas Reserves.
Now, who was it that conceived standard oil procedures, S.O. Esso Exxon & B.P.?
Rocker-feller ? or something like that: who sponsors The Guardian ?
Regulate their media, that promotes Wars ! It’s obvious . . .
Here in the U.S. we literally have Democratic Party hacks and the bi-partisan MIC hacks “tweeting” their outrage at Tulsi Gabbard – and calling her both a liar and Kremlin stooge – simply because she spoke the truth during the last fake Democratic Party debate and publicly blamed both political parties for our endless amoral wars and for supporting for our head-chopping jihadist terrorist buddies who are so useful as proxies in our regime-change madness. Nothing like publicly speaking the truth to fire up the bi-partisan Wall Street approved, MIC endorsed – propaganda machine – into overdrive mode. My guess it is was rare glimpse of “truth” spoken in a public forum that spurred that propaganda machine to unleash Hillary and her recent bat-shit crazy attack on Tulsi as essentially the “Russian proxy candidate.”
Meanwhile in the completely fabricated “reality” that most Americans live within – created through watching or listening to MSM – we Americans are gallantly – “fighting ISIS” – rather than arming and protecting them at every turn. Freaking amazing.
Great post Kit, thanks.
The GrayzoneProject has been doing some excellent work on this topic:
J have to say I just loved the way Tulsi responded to the wicked witch .
The wicked witch who has not been photographed standing up in months?
After reading above link this morn I shed a tear after sending Tulsi $50, twice my last 2 donations. I know she is not perfect, and does not confront Israeli policy (yet?), attends CFR, but she surfs, soldiers, does yoga, and reads Consortium News! While media is asking Kamala about plastic straws, and Liz is championing taxpayer funded gender reassignment surgery for criminals in prison, Tulsi is addressing our criminal offensive war budget.
I apologize to the commenters on this forum as the comment I wanted to add is this one.The above is Tulsi Gabbard clips during the debates.The actual video does not seem to be available of the debacle where Tulsi puts Clinton back in her box .The below is an audio.
I don’t doubt Tulsi’s integrity/honesty (and I do admire her) but you have to realise that the game is totally rigged. Ie, no one is allowed to get close to power if they go against the neo-con consensus (which is the biggest rip-off in history).
Those that do go against the consensus will either suffer total character assassination, or else real assassination (such as a bullet in the head).
The only sane solution to it all is to completely change society (aka, revolution).
It is beyond me why the masses are so vulnerable to a bunch of neo-con artists. Is it because the masses demand to be conned?
Unless they are billionaire themselves and have an overconfident muppet as main opponent. Surprises like Trump did happen.
Georgian journo followed the money and every EU capitol
,Washington,Tel-Aviv,Ankara and all the GCC should all be tried on Article 50-51 based on the Nuremberg principles. But hell Assad must go. Look @ Libya 2day a bastion of of human kidness(human slave trade and organ trade). Responsibility to Protect – global corporations.
Post Scriptum: From Yugoslavia to today the caos the millions of death and the total destruction of infrastructure ,housing and arable land is mind boggling.
Docius in Fundem:The slavs and the Chinese have put a stop to their takfiri/Muslim brotherhood pipe dreams for they know their history. Laurence of Arabia anyone,Sykes -Picot
The resurrection of ISIS joins a long list of infamy.
The White Helmets.
The Kuwaiti incubators.
The door to door massacre in Benghazi.
None of it was ever true – in fact the only logical position is to assume official sources ALWAYS lie until a commentator with a shred of credibility proves otherwise.
It goes without saying the MSM will uncritically accept what the war-mongers feed them so as to keep the public onside while western forces ‘spread democracy’ in the Middle East.
The article reminded me of that Adam Curtis documentary “The Power of Nightmares” where we see Donald Rumsfeld talking about Al Qaeda’s vast and menacing resources and holding up a picture showing a cross section through a mountain with passages and chambers full of computers. And it occurred to me that this kind of cartoon scaremongering goes back all the way through Western TV and movie shows such as Thunderbirds, Superman, Mission Impossible etc. The world is full of hidden fortresses away in deserted realms with rockets under volcanos, tank carriers behind rocky facades, fleets of submarines below the ocean floor etc. Implication: we must build our own fortresses.
I knew the moment the poor wikkle Kurds got a shout out from cuntporate media that tales of isis on the move would swiftly follow and I’ve been proven right again
Meanwhile back in the real world, somebody remembers that what looked like Kennedy’s defeat in Vietnam was followed by Nixon’s triumph in China:
Sualdam posts BTL SyrPer News #303669 [edited by Vexarb]
“It [Syria] is a much bigger defeat [to Anglo Zio Capitalism] than Vietnam. Vietnam was essentially a backwater of no real strategic importance in geo-political terms [Vietnam was a Kennedy Go anywhere Pay any price ego trip]. Syria, on the other hand, is at the centre of [cross lines in] the global power balance. The defeat of the US and its allies and vassals in Syria (combined with the coming collapse of its economic war against Iran) is already transforming the political dynamics of the Middle East and will be a catalyst for a global shift in the East-West power balance. It is historic.”
[On this scale of events, with Trump possibly about to do a Nixon and leap overnight from chump to statesman, ISIS is just a little noodle in the CIA / MI6 / Mossad alphabet soup of imaginary “existential threats”]
Vexarb. Whilst I generally agree with much that you write, I would take issue with your equating Vietnam to Kennedy. Along with much other shit, JFK inherited Vietnam, the CIA having been there during the 1950s (Graham Greene’s “Quiet AMERICAN”). JFK was strongly anti colonial and knew that the US would face the same defeat as France. But since when did the CIA respect JFK’s views on Vietnam or Cuba, Russia, Congo, Algeria, Indonesia etc.?
The war in Vietnam went full throttle after LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin false flag operation. Since it was the CIA who murdered JFK, one ought to exercise a degree of skepticism of the official history which equates The war in Vietnam with Kennedy.
@Hugh O’Neill: “JFK inherited Vietnam”.
They all say that — including Jim Hacker in Yes, Minister. Blame my predecessor.
In the Empire of Chaos, with itchy trigger fingers an d more guns than people, it is hard to find out who is shooting at whom. Just duck.
“Yah, missed me!” — Danny Kaye
Hugh – excellent post. You’ve obviously done your homework. Many “regime-change leftists” here in the U.S. (the ‘CounterPunch’ crew is notorious) continuously spout the “Kennedy did Vietnam” nonsense in spite of massive evidence and documentation to the contrary. This propaganda line always leaves me rather suspicious I must say since the information is readily available to anyone who cares to look .
Morning Gary. You see the world as I do, so my sincere thanks to Offguardian for this platform. Understanding the why of The assassination of JFK is the key which unlocks the door to the prison we all inhabit. Despite the efforts of men like Bertrand Russell, Mark Lane, and all the way to James Douglass and David Talbot, many still refuse to see the blindingly obvious. None so blind etc. many are called, but few are chosen. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I prefer truth, and let the chips fall where they may.
Hugh – I quite agree. There is a great quote from de Gaulle, I think from the Douglas book, that sums up our situation in the U.S. quite nicely. De Gaulle had just returned from JFK’s funeral and he knew the true assassins were the CIA and military, but he didn’t think the American people had the stomach for that truth. He commented to an aide who later shared de Gaulle’s words: “The American people don’t want to know (the truth), they don’t want to find out, they won’t let themselves find out.” Truer words were never spoken.
@Hugh O’Neill: “The assassination of JFK is the key which unlocks the door to the prison we all inhabit”.
Whoever killed JFK was powerful enough to make sure that the Johnson regime falsified the Warren Report. The other thing I read about Johnson was a surviving sailor’s story from U$$ Liberty: When he reported to Johnson that Israeli warplanes had bombed his ship and an Israeli helicopter had lowered commandoes to machinegun his crewmates, Johnson said: “I’m not going to embarrass Israel just because a few sailors died.” So Johnson was both a tool of the assassins and a tool of Israel. That is as far as I can go in agreeing that the death of Kennedy might be the key to the death of 3,000 New Yorkers on 911 and “the prison we [in the West] all inhabit”.
To complete the symmetry: Whoever murdered 3,000 New Yorkers on 911 was powerful enough to ensure that the Bush regime would falsify the Official Report. So we have a symmetry in which two very public murders in the U$A (the first of which produced a treasonably pro-Israel president, and the second had Israel’s fingerprints on it) were followed by the U$ ramping up to max what had previously been only a simmering war against a little country opposed to the globalist rule of Anglo Zio Capitalism.
“Whoever murdered 3,000 New Yorkers on 911 was powerful enough to ensure that the Bush regime would falsify the Official Report.”
JFK told you that also! The whole world is controlled by Secret Societies.!!!!!
The Bush’s from the Skull N Bones Secret Society of War & Death gave us all the Wars. Including their PNAC ‘New Pearl Harbor’ 911 Staged False Flag.
Which gave us the 100 Year War of Terror that we are 18 years into.!!!!!
“The assassination of JFK is the key which unlocks the door to the prison we all inhabit”.
Every day now I am reminded of one of the most remarkable films ever made. Koyaanisqatsi. It is likely the best depiction of what ‘Pale Face’ is driven to do. ‘Driven’, because pale face has no choice. Removed from the natural world, the technological world takes its place. High tech wars – soon without vulnerable and potentially unwilling pale faces – are the pointer towards a time in which existence is completely removed from the world of interdependence.
Terrorism was invented by pale face to force its will onto those who resist its unnatural ways. ISIS et al exist to enforce Monsanto, Coca Cola, McDonalds, Budweiser, Microsoft, Apple, Ford, Chevy, Kenmore, Heinz, Blackrock, Vanguard, Deutsche Bank and its countless post national corporation brothers and sisters to remove the last vestiges of resistance to Koyaanisqatsi – to the world out of balance designed by pale face.
A for-profit-out-of-balance-world. In 1989 Russell Means testified before a Senate hearing on the organized deprivation of the North American Native Indian Nation. ISIS et al are the logical continuation of the same policies pale face has dished out to the Indigenous North American Indians. It is no coincidence that Indigenous peoples all over the planet are mistreated, oppressed and killed – their lands forfeited.
NTO1, your Link to Russel Means was agony to watch. And his dystopia could be in store for the rest of us “VolksDeutsch” (Russel’s reminder of Hitler’s term equivalent to the U$ Civic Classification of Indigenous Americans). “First they came for the Indians”.
Which is why Truther sites are invaluable: for here you find The Salt of The Earth — the irreducible grains that carry the seed of the Kingdom. “Thy Kingdom Come”. Not without cruxifixion. Not without the blood of the martyrs. But with Faith, Hope and Charity; and the greatest of these is Charity.
“Ye shall know the Truth;
and the Truth shall set ye free.”
“καὶ γνώσεσθε τὴν ἀλήθειαν,
καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς.”
vexarb – You might add “The Devils Chessboard” and “JFK and the Unspeakable” to your reading list (among plenty of other easily accessible sources on the matter) in order to better understand “why” Kennedy was killed by the CIA and U.S. military hierarchy. It wasn’t because he was just another faithful servant to the MIC as you suggest.
Their incompetence, inability to assess a situation correctly, has led to religious fanaticism now being a real and very serious issue.
Religious fanatics can now not be removed any more from the equation. They might take a breather and be quiet for a little bit but then will come back with a vengence.
Only if funded, Wilmers. Mercenary atrocities don’t happen without someone ponying up the moolah. Follow the money and you find the authors. Choking off of cash-flows means that those particular disposable pawns are now being discarded as no longer useful.
As Anglozionist imperial military power continues to wane irreversibly, expect more of these narrative-control theatricals. Cheaper than an unbroken string of actual military defeats. But just as futile, ultimately.
That you, Catte, along with others at independent sites like Moon Of Alabama, The Grayzone, Global Research, etc can ask such basic logical questions about ISIS; that the presstitutes in multi million (billion) dollar news organisations Never ask tells me all I need to know about their vile complicity and craven servitude to the Anglo Zionist Empire.
How more morally bankrupt can you get? No wonder some of these creatures launch full blown smear campaigns against reporters like Eva Bartlett, John Pilger, Seymour Hersh, Vanessa Beeley and others who have more integrity in their little toenail than what these propagandists have in their entire bodies.
Oh yeah, how was it ISIS was able to keep their social media platforms?
XR members get only a faction of those of ISIS but than the hassles are much less.
ISIS also attracts sociopaths, psychopaths and violent Islamic zealots, all who will fight even for free.
I have little doubt that ISIS was paid well by the CIA and the Arab royals.
A correction: – no they fight wars against other muslims.– does not hold up for Yazidis.
Paid groups can also get out of hand: Al Qaida.
What is your opinion on the “Taliban”?
[Pepe Escobar with the same broad view, on Saker Vineyard cross-posted from Consortium News]
What is happening in Syria, following yet another Russia-brokered deal, is a massive geopolitical game-changer. I’ve tried to summarize it in a single paragraph this way:
“It’s a quadruple win. The U.S. performs a face saving withdrawal, which Trump can sell. Turkey has the guarantee – by the Russians – that the Syrian Army will control the [Kurd-rich] Turkish-Syrian border. Russia prevents a war escalation and keeps the Russia-Iran-Turkey peace process alive. And Syria will eventually regain control of the entire northeast.”
Syria may be the biggest defeat for the CIA since Vietnam. Yet that hardly begins to tell the whole story.
Pepe’s ends on a constructive note, because this war was won by the Three Wise Men from the East (Pres.Putin, Dr.Assad, Rev.Nasr’Allah) — nation builders all of them:
Rebuilding Syria
The reconstruction of Syria may cost as much as $200 billion. Damascus has already made it very clear that the U.S. and the EU are not welcome. China will be in the forefront, along with Russia and Iran; this will be a project strictly following the Eurasia integration playbook — with the Chinese aiming to revive Syria’s strategic positioning in the Ancient Silk Road.
Vexarb – ‘ What he said ‘
(made me truly smile, again).
Another sound prognosis, Dr. Vexarb, rest assured.
Have a good evening,
& sleep soundly.
Spin some Vinyl,
I had heard that Al-Qaeda was the name of a Western database containing details of Muslim terrorists i.e. it wasn’t a structured organisation in itself. But I see the Wikipedia entry says it was indeed such an organisation going back as far as 1988. A bit of revisionism here?
There were databases in the 80s.
I daresay there were databases going back to the year dot. But AQ was never “marketed” as a database.
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
The head of ISIS in Libya was unmasked as a Mossad agent.
All these oh-so-radical and oh-so-extremist Moslem fanatics have never lifted a finger against Israel.
Just all the enemies of that loathsome regime.
Anyone who stands in the way of Zionist expansion and globalist corporate interests.
Iran, Syria, Libya, Russia, China, Yemen.
ISIS doesn’t really exist.
It has no independent agency.
It is a phantom organisation, second cousin to Roger The Rabbit.
What does exist are thousands and tens of thousands of terrorist mercenaries, the scum of the planet from over 100 countries, forming a Zionist Foreign Legion with no coherent aims or objectives other than murdering, burning, raping, looting, torturing, and enslaving to their hearts’ content, serving Zionist interests in the process.
Even most last century ME violence was not Israeli inspired: start simply in nearby Syrian Hama which had a 1925 uprising, another in 1982, and again in 2012 all with intolerant Sunni fuses:
Ottoman soldier al-Qawuqji formed the Hizb Allah (“Party of God”)
Wikideceivia delenda est!
It appears that Nato countries are very helpfully using a safe corridor to move Isis head choppers and families out of ‘prisons’ ‘guarded’ by the Kurds (who are now rebranded as SDF!!) – To stop them falling from nto the hands of the Syrian Army – who may find many loose lipped European soldiers and their families and their wage slips!
Oh and the White hats have evaporated, leaving just a noxious smell of Le Mesurier and Hamish De Bretton Gordon and his telly tubby outfitters and still no Skripals, no cctv from Salisbury and NO inquest into Sturgess or answers to the inconvenient testimony of Rowley.
A full lockdown by the usual suspects and only Trump to count on to do the right thing!
Tomorrow the counter offensive starts. We will have an end to the lies. The GJ’s and Catalans have set the way – mass public disorder and denial of absurd authorities. Not the contrived XR type.
Let’s get back to what you were thinking on September the eleventh, when you saw on TV how the two formerly tallest buildings in the world truned to fine dust and a few pieces of steel skeleton.
Then we look at a convoys of terrorists calling themselves ISIS with 500 brand new Toyota trucks. It had the same effect on me. Tall towers turned to dust equals 500 brand new Toyota trucks for terrorists that cut innocent people’s heads off. Was the knife from Solingen?
There is only one important question left. Who is more pathetic, those who deny that ISIS is the proxy terrorist organization of Western regimes and is paid to be never defeated, or those who demand it to be defeated? Both groups are suffering from severe cognitive dissonance, and/or are total psychopaths.
Here is a link to Toyota Rebate for bulk purchases by armed forces to which ISIS logically belongs. That’s where they got their pretty trucks from. Maybe someone kept a receipt for the thousands of HILUX and TACOMA trucks?
There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance out here NTO1. A lot. Have friends who believed the narrative that the Free Syrian Army were staging a ‘revolution to topple animal Assad’ or who believed the White Helmets were a genuine civil defence org or who believe the crap emanating from The Guardian, etc.
I was basically painted as a conspiracy theorist, so gave up discussing Syria, Yemen and elsewhere with them. Most of the time there was no response at all.
Perhaps the truth of who ISIS and the White Helmets really are, what their purpose is, the evil they represent, is just too confronting? It would shatter their carefully manufactured beliefs of the…. civilised West. That’s the main reason I come here.
***For some reason when I went too post this comment, Hugh O’Neil’s name and NZ email address came up on my phone. Odd. Gezzah P.
Gezzah. There is something odd going on for sure. I have written several posts here which appear at first, then disappear later…There is also dissonance between my desktop and my iPad which shows Offguardian at different stages i.e. differing levels of comments behind. I can’t get my head around it….but I don’t think our minds are being fused as one just yet (other than metaphorically).
Kia Ora Hugh. Am originally from near Invercargill, lived in Christchurch for 7 years before moving to Aussie. Greatly miss Paua Patties, Whitebait fritters and Kapiti Coast Ice cream. Ok, topic at hand. The above comment I made to NTO1, when I went to post it, your name and email address appeared on my phone instead of my mine. Found that really weird.
Also, since yesterday morning with my phone, the articles at Offguardian have been all out of sync, like they’ve been frozen at a specific time, as you noticed. Couple times I went and checked at an Internet cafe to confirm this was happening. Yep, it was. I think I’m back to normal now??
So we’ve both experienced the same thing. Hmmm. Have a good evening, G.
P. S…. No, not back to normal. My phones gone wonky again. Articles out of sync like yesterday. Coz the number of comments on the article page are very different to the number of comments when I look at same article in the Latest Category section. Something weird is going on.
Golly, with all the links…that was two hours worth. It’s like watching a favourite movie that you think you know the dialogue off word perfect. But with each watching you absorb a new snippet here and there . eg, I hadn’t grasped the significance of Iran co-operating with the Taliban. A good and detailed piece of work…I hope lots of people read and become more aware of the fake reality we live in.
Al-Qaeda set up by MI6/CIA in the 1980s. ISIS just a rebrand. If I were a fundamentalist Islamic group, I certainly wouldn’t name my organization after an ancient pagan goddess. If I were working for an organization that wanted to degrade ISIS, I would use this as a weapon. Hasn’t happened. Strange that.
Kit, this is probably your best ever article. Genuine thanks.
A few critical steps for ordinary -but aware- people that can be followed:
– Find ways to force all this information in this article to appear prominently on the front pages in Controlled Mass Media, particularly, Murdoch’s press.
– Present this information to every US suppporting politician, in every country on this planet, and demand answers, VERY CLEAR ANSWERS as to when support to US policies will stop, and when the US will be stripped from immunity from prosecution.
– Demand answers to when and how the US, together with their so-called allies, will be prosecuted, and consequently start paying restitution for the crimes [every crime] they have been committed with immunity.
I believe, by having a few deep breaths, and proceeding calmly and methodically, the above can be achieved peacefully. There would be some drama, but violence can be largely avoided/sidestepped; one reason is that the evidence of monumental crimes commited by the US and so-called allies, surpasses all doubts, to such an extent that the guilty party has no choice but to surrender.
Yeah, that sounds like a realistic strategy, Holly. What are we waiting for!
All very telling points that won’t appear in the corporate media. For concrete evidence of the quartermastering of the different ‘moderate rebel’ groups by the imperialists and their allies, see this latest by Max Blumenthal, with a detailed the table at the end.
Why the switcharoo? You point out the absurdity of a supposedly virulent ‘Islamofascist’ group, all of whom seem to want to wipe Israel off the map, except this one, but then backtrack to asking how ISIS benefits ‘Western governments’. Why not ask how they might benefit Israel? Would you consider that anti-semitic to ask?
I think the atrributive connection is best described as ‘ISIS is an Israeli-US creation’. This calls to mind the nature of the relationship between the two countries and their objectives (something that we would disagree about significantly it would seem from OffG’s retweeting of the obligatory ‘Israel is not a Jewish state’ etc.).
You say that ISIS has served NATO/ Western interests in the region. It’s not clear how?
If though we consider the Yinon plan to balkanise Israel’s enemies then it could be argued that ISIS serves Israeli interests primarily. US foreign policy is arguably made by and for Israel and pro-Israel supremacists in Washington.
The ISIS videos were released through the SITE group (Israeli). Baghdadi was rumoured to be a Mossad agent. ISIS have been in combat with US military, but not Israeli (except the occasion mentioned).
Neither Al Qaida or ISIS were Israel inspired: they were Arab oil Royals and Pakistani ISI inspired. The CIA is copying the Pakistanis in creating a denial-able army to battle for them, similar to what is going on in Afghanistan and Kashmir for decades.
For similar reasons the CIA deploys Western “contractors” instead of actual US military. NATO member soldiers will also do well as stand-ins.
I know that you are generally considered a straight forward troll hre, but a reply gives excuse to expand upon this sticking point.
A lot of research into the backstory of how the Mujahideen and the ‘Afghan Arabs’ became ‘Al Qaeda’ seems to airbrush out the role of Israeli intelligence. 9/11 truth research in general seems broadly divided onto two camps : those who regard Israeli involvement as central and those who de-emphasise this involvement (usially for reasons that are not explicitly made clear), or prefer to emphasise the role of Saudi Arabia.
Is there a response to Bolyn’s account (below) which cites the relationship between Mossad’s Washington station chief, Zvi Rafiah and the infamous Charlie Wilson (of Hollywood movie) ? Did, in fact, Israeli military intelligence train the future Al Qaeda branch of the anti-Soviet force under Ehud Barak (pedo buddy of Epstein) ? Was Ali Mohamed the very well connected Al Qaeda trainer, really a Mossad agent ?
The gulf states most definitely were involved in the creation of AQ and subsequently ISIS, but it seems only really by providing personnel and money. The ideological framework, training and co-ordination seems to come from Israel; whilst the significant US actors in the 9/11 event, it’s narrative enforcement, and the Al Qaeda/ISIS developments that followed were most of them pro-Israel and Jewish.
When writers like Kit here use phrases like ‘Western Governments’ or ‘NATO’ it is not clear how Israel fits into this scheme. It is sometimes described as ‘a partnership’- but one with only one real beneficiary. Most often, the whole discussion point is brushed over because it leads to awkward conclusions. The Epstein case tells anyone ready to accept, the truth.
Is there a take down of Bolyn’s argument anywhere (one that uses facts rather than insinuation and smear, that is) ?
So even Al Qaeda or Taliban meant for USSR satellite Afghanistan were trained by Jewish Mossad instead of Muslim ISI inside their own country Pakistan?
LOL !! from this ‘troll’.
Why do you think the CIA closed their eyes for Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan’s activities then, to reward Israel?? A Daniel Pearl didn’t last long in Karachi. You would feel right at home there.
Next: the SS was actually trained by “the Zionists”.
Saudi Arabia, which of course has been in bed with the Zionist Regime for decades, has been set up as the convenient fall guy for 9/11 when the official narrative and explanation for the attacks simply become untenable. Hence all the hyperventilating about the censored “28 pages” to provide a distraction and a diversion from the Zionist orchestration and central involvement in 9/11. Saudi Arabia is to 9/11 what Lee Harvey Oswald was to JFK.
The hasbara troll factories are working overtime to throw up smokescreens about Saudi Arabia, oil companies, and any other scapegoats they can think up. If they could, they would blame the leprechauns or the Martians, just don’t mention Israel. They are like a giant squid squirting out a cloud of black ink to make good their escape.
Yup. It’s funny how the MSM can tell you what those 28 pages contain, yet still refer to them as “censored”. By way of contrast, why can’t they ever seem to tell us what it is that the CIA doesn’t want released from those Kennedy files that were supposed to be released two years ago? Maybe some secrets are just more secret than others, eh?
ISIS = Israeli State of Iraq and a-Sham
Good article .Just in case you didn’t know who funded them , provided armaments ,transportation etc.
Isis never attacked SA,never attacked Qatar ,never attacked Israel or Turkey .We don’t have to wonder why .
ISIS is as kosher as salt beef bagels.