Is Soleimani murder ‘beginning of the end’ of US imperialism?
Will Uncle Sam ever be the same again?
Catte Black

Allegedly demonstrators burn the U.S. and British flags during a protest against the assassination of the Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani last Friday – but no source is given so caveat emptor
It’s increasingly clear that – short of QAnon’s wild idea that it’s all about engineering total US withdrawal from the Middle East – no coherent plan was behind the Trump administration’s cold-blooded murder of Qassem Soleimani.
It was an act of pure stupid. A dumb ‘miscalculation’. Another example of the ignorant hubris in the US State Department that almost brought them into direct conflict with Russia in February 2014, when they failed to comprehend the strategic and cultural significance of Crimea and tried to migrate the Kiev ‘Maidan’ coup to Sevastopol.
Few people to this day realise how close that call was. And now here we are again, facing untold consequences from imperial idiocy:
“Yā li-Thārāt al-Ḥusayn”, roughly translating to “O’ the avengers of Hussein.”
I can pretty much guarantee none of those who advised Trump to assassinate Qassem Suleimani saw this coming. Suleimani has been elevated in status to a martyr on the level of Hussein.
— Scott Ritter (@RealScottRitter) January 4, 2020
This one, while posing a less imminent risk of superpower confrontation, is potentially disastrous for US interests in the region, and risks monumental loss of life in any resultant conflict between Iranian and US military forces.
It seems many people are not yet grasping the seismic shifts going on, and are still thinking in terms of this being the prelude to another imperial regime-change operation like those in Iraq, Libya and the failed attempt in Syria.
It isn’t. Not even slightly. It is a whole new and unknown situation, and where it ends is currently anyone’s guess.
Threats from the ever bombastic fool Trump, like these towards Iran’s culture…
….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2020
…and towards Iraq, might bolster the impression that the empire has the initiative and many cards to play, but does it?
What actually can it do against a military far more well-funded and well-supported than anything it has confronted in recent years? Especially now in a situation where almost the entire Shia Middle East has become united in wanting US forces out of the region.
Far from this being imperial business as usual, the Saker, often an insightful analyst, is predicting this crisis will result in nothing less than the end of the empire:
Folks, this is the beginning of the end for the Empire. Yes, I know, this sounds incredible, yet this is exactly what we are seeing happening before our eyes. The very best which the US can hope for now is a quick and complete withdrawal from the Middle-East.
This is pretty extreme, and I’m not entirely convinced he’s correct here, but he shows his reasoning, and it’s fairly compelling, and I urge you to read this linked article and others in his recent output for a point of view that goes beyond the less than adequate “bloody Americans doing it again” narrative we are getting from some sources.
Iran must retaliate for this outrage perpetrated against them. The US is compelled by its own rhetoric and self-perception as invincible to respond to this retaliation with disproportionate force.
Conflict of some kind seems inevitable, and, as the Saker sees it, this will be a conflict the US can’t ultimately win:
So what next? A major war against Iran and against the entire “Shia crescent”? Not a good option either. Not only will the US lose, but it would lose both politically and militarily. Limited strikes? Not good either, since we know that Iran will retaliate massively. A behind-the-scenes major concession to appease Iran? Nope, ain’t gonna happen either since if the Iranians let the murder of Soleimani go unpunished, then Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar al-Assad and even Ayatollah Ali Khamenei will be the next ones to be murdered. A massive air campaign? Most likely, and initially this will feel good (lots of flagwaving in the USA), but soon this will turn into a massive disaster.
Over at RT, in an article titled Iran holds all the cards in coming Middle East conflict with US – unless Trump is ready to drop a tactical NUKE, ex-US Marine intelligence officer, Scott Ritter offers a similar scenario. Like the Saker, he thinks, beyond the bluster and Trump’s rather foolish willy-waving tweets, US military options are limited (our emphasis):
Trump’s threat, however, rings hollow. First, his tweet constitutes de facto evidence of a war crime (Section 5.16.2 of the US Department of Defense Law of War Manual prohibits threats to destroy cultural objects for the express purpose of deterring enemy operations), and as such would likely not be implemented by US military commanders for whom niceties such as the law of war, which forbids the execution of an unlawful order, are serious business.
Of more relevance, however, is the fact that Trump has been down this road before, when he threatened massive military retaliation against Iran for shooting down an unarmed drone over the Strait of Hormuz last May. At that time, he was informed by his military commanders that the US lacked the military wherewithal to counter what was expected to be a full-spectrum response by Iran if the US were to attack targets inside Iran.
In short, Iran was able to inflict massive harm on US and allied targets in the Middle East region, and there was nothing the US could do to prevent this outcome.
Ritter thinks the recent announcement by Iran that it is committed to ending all restrictions on uranium enrichment might give the US a pretext to attack using the one clear advantage it has – nuclear weapons.
Trump has hinted that any future war with Iran would not be a drawn-out affair. And while the law of war might curtail his commanders from executing any retaliation that includes cultural sites, it does not prohibit the US from using a nuclear weapon against a known nuclear facility deemed to pose a threat to national security.
This is the worst-case scenario of any tit-for-tat retaliation between Iran and the US, and it is not as far-fetched as one might believe.
The Saker also considers it quite possible the US or Israel would resort to nuclear weapons, but thinks this also would be ultimately self-defeating:
US/Israeli nukes: yes, unlike Iran, they have nukes. But what they lack are good targets. Oh sure, then can (and will) strike at some symbolic, high-visibility, targets and they can nuke cities. But “can” does not mean that this is a smart thing to do. The truth is that Iran does not offer any good targets to hit with nukes so using nukes against Iran will only make the determination of Iranians (and they allies) go from “formidable” to “infinite”. Not smart.
Whether or not we agree this is the beginning of the end of empire, a messy open-ended conflict seems highly probable as things currently stand. Corporate war profiteers might rub their hands at this, but if the chaos spreads will even they be able to reap real benefits? Will this be the cue for them to up sticks from the foundering Exceptional Nation and re-locate elsewhere in the unending quest for exploitation?
After all it can be argued the British Empire, like the Nazis, didn’t die, but just had to move – somewhere a little further west. Maybe, if we’re cynical, the same thing is about to happen again. Maybe China is about to inherit the earth with the help of some ex-pat neocons.
But that’s speculation for another day.
Another perspective worth reading is that of the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, whose open ‘Memorandum for the President’ is published over at Consortium News.
Signed by numerous distinguished intelligence professionals, including Philip Giraldi and Daniel Ellsberg, it urges the Trump admin to “avoid doubling down on catastrophe”.
The drone assassination in Iraq of Iranian Quds Force commander General Qassem Soleimani evokes memory of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand in June 1914, which led to World War I. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quick to warn of “severe revenge.” That Iran will retaliate at a time and place of its choosing is a near certainty. And escalation into World War III is no longer just a remote possibility, particularly given the multitude of vulnerable targets offered by our large military footprint in the region and in nearby waters.
What your advisers may have avoided telling you is that Iran has not been isolated. Quite the contrary. One short week ago, for example, Iran launched its first joint naval exercises with Russia and China in the Gulf of Oman, in an unprecedented challenge to the U.S. in the region.
Interestingly the corporate media seem currently far from united, or even coherent, in their response to this latest crisis. Threaded through the usual knee jerk demonising of the monster du jour, are unusual elements of skepticism toward the pro-war narrative.
This, for example, on CNN yesterday, in a piece titled Skepticism mounts over evidence of ‘imminent’ threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing (our emphasis)
Washington (CNN) – Top US national security officials continue to defend the Trump administration’s claim that it killed Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in response to an impending threat to American lives, but the lack of evidence provided to lawmakers and the public has fueled lingering skepticism about whether the strike was justified.
And this from the Guardian titled Donald Trump defends threat to hit cultural sites in Iran (our emphasis)
Donald Trump has defended his threat to target Iranian cultural sites – widely seen as a war crime – if Tehran retaliates for the killing of General Qassem Suleimani.
On bellicose form, the US president also lashed out at Iraq following its parliament’s demand for American troops to be expelled from that country, and vowed to respond with crippling sanctions.
This uncertainty probably reflects the awareness, also evident in some of the State Department’s statements, that this is not a fight anyone should have started.
An awareness also reflected in the lame bleatings for restraint emanating from the FCO and Downing Street, including a grovelly plea today from BoJo personally to pretty please let UK troops stay in Iraq?
Of course, these tacit admissions that this is a policy disaster are tempered with the usual mainstream media war rhetoric from those too stupid to get it or valiantly pursuing the dream of imperial conquest to the last.
The Times, for example (behind a paywall you’re welcome to breach if you think it’s worth the money), is running a piece claiming Iran threatened UK troops(Iran denies it obviously).
And in the Guardian a robotic idiot writes column inches of nonsense wrapped around the central premise than anyone who thinks the murder of Soleimani will ignite WW3 is just silly – because Iran is just a little country and we’ve seen it all before.
It will not be a new world war – that kind of talk only shows how effective the American propaganda machine has been in manufacturing the impression that there is an annihilating threat from Tehran…What will happen instead of world war three is an escalation in which Iran, without the ability to retaliate on US soil, will seek to reassert its dominance in the region.
Yes. Great analysis there. Strong comprehension of geopolitics, strategic interests and how conflicts operate. Just what we’ve come to expect from an outlet that describes Carole Cadwalladr, transcriber-in-chief of GCHQ garbage, as an ‘investigative journalist.’
Sadly, we don’t share the very very stupid and bizarrely cosy optimism that this is going to be more of the same old middle east stuff for us all to deplore at a safe distance and for morally vacuous reasons.
While a confrontation between nuclear superpowers as a result of this latest US idiocy is currently highly unlikely, there is still a lot of room for a regional conflict to erupt of a breadth and savagery not seen since WW2, and to quickly escalate.
Once that happens Russia may at some future time be dragged into such a direct confrontation against its will and despite all efforts to avoid it.
And at that point our little Guardian robot might find her comfy little Guardian expense-account, free air miles world of smuggery isn’t quite as apocalypse-proof as she’s been told.
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Or, they saw exactly this coming, and they WANT this to come.
There are serious Armageddonists/Rapturists/Looneys out there, and those of them who inhabit and actually work in the Washington machine just can’t wait to try out their awesome new vast-crowd-control devices (which are, of course, secret, because they want to surprise the world when they suddenly unleash them.
We’ll see who’s right in due course, and I would love my alternative scenario to be wrong.
When will Americans wake up? While they still have a country?
I’m of the opinion that there’s a very significant risk that this war WILL spiral into the use of nuclear weapons.
The US has done this already and they’ve invested heavily into tactical nuclear weapons. It’s even conceivable that they’d do another Hiroshima / Nagasaki in the belief that will lead to a complete Iranian surrender.
Whatever happens, it’s Nutterhayoo who’s calling the shots on this war.
israel needs room too grow the oded yinon maps have been drawn.
the temple is rising the red heffers are already gm o
like spielbergs dino movie
the heffers sure look swell babylon needs too burn damascus 2
not forgetting isfarhan
iran iraq syria new hitlers
simply have too go
so bbc simon scharma can write a new history honest of the ashkanazi khazar
real semite
not turkic
pirate scum
how can you rewrite history with all this old stuff still about
dustification using depleted uranium munitions the method
bunker busters are us
on a side note if tel aviv survives they will need millions of new documented chabad approved semite
as they will soon be a sterile nation from all the depleted uranium bombs and tank rounds fired and dropped on gaza
blowback genetick dna destruction lasting millions of years
no wonder kiss off kissinger said is real will not exist in 10 years.
depleted uranium
blowback means
a sterile khazar run horror show.
And the UK speaks of wanting to “de-escalate” yet somehow feels the need to also announce it could consider airstrikes against Iran!
This country would wipe the arse of warmongering yankyland if asked to, I wonder how all the leavers think now having been told the EU tells us what to do, ha ha ha haha.
It seems likely that the Iranian retaliation will come some time in the next 7 days.
In the meantime the orange one has given a press conference today:
Looks like Donny has just been bitchslapped by the IRGC.
The old draft dodger likes dishing it out.
Let’s see how good he is at taking it.
Bye bye 2020 re election prospects.
When attempting to understand America’s otherwise apparently incomprehensible foreign policy actions – it helps to have a template.
A trip like this down memory lane often provides useful ‘context’ that helps us understand the ‘present.’
When trying to predict ‘future American foreign policy behavior’ – an always useful template – one that has proven to hold relatively true since the end of WWII – is to simply ask – ‘given America’s ongoing illegal immoral military presence in the Middle East’ – “what would Nazis do next?”
Since 1776, and before, the USA has represented the greatest force for Evil that humanity has ever produced. The Nazis come nowhere in comparison, and even the English genocidists and the Mongols etc must bow in submission. Murder is absolutely central to Americanism, deriving from Old Testament/Torah exhortations by ‘God’ to slaughter his ‘enemies’ without mercy, down to the last suckling babe, not sparing their animals or crops, to ensure the genocide is complete. That at the same time the USA hysterically portrays itself as absolute Good is hallucinatory, although I do not share Pinter’s belief that it is ‘witty’.
richard – you forgot to mention how absolutely “exceptional” we Americans are. This amazing “exceptionalism” (think – ‘master-race’ – on steroids) allows us to magically “promote democracy” even as we are endlessly overthrowing the governments of democratic nations. It allows us to mystically “promote human rights” even as we trample the human rights of millions. It allows us to religiously wage ‘pre-emptive” war in order to valiantly “promote peace.” It makes even the intentional deaths of a half-a-million Iraqi children “worth it” in terms of our moral (or should I say completely – ‘amoral’) calculus. And this is of course all completely bi-partisan decade after decade after decade.
The Nazis may have officially lost WWII, but fascism most certainly won, and it lives on in it’s most virulent and violent form here in the U.S. Of course one could argue that the Nazis the CIA brought over weren’t in the U.S. to teach Allen Dulles and his fellow oligarchic psychopaths their tricks and techniques, but were actually here taking some graduate level training in the black arts of some of the true masters. What I have learned over the years is that no amount of cynicism – regarding the true extent of evil of our American leadership class – can possibly be – “too much cynicism.”
Really? Yes they have become evil since the WW2 atomic bombs, but it seems you forgot about a little footnote in history called Stalin who starved and killed tens of millions of his own people. Oh, and some insignificant chap called Mr Hitler.
Frank, i’ve seen mention of Stalin killing Millions by starvation?
Is that really true or propaganda?
Whats the source of this information?
Is this a case of winners writing the History?
Did millions starve because of Stalin/Communism or plain good old fashion crop failure?
Did Stalin kill more because of Communism or because man, irrespective of his/your/mine particular brand of good/bad ‘ism has and never will learn to ladel the scum that floats to the top?
As is the thing, please feel free to class me as a Stalin Apologist.
American Foreign Policy Rule 1. It’s about the Benjamins.
American Foreign Policy Rule 2. Goto Rule 1.
In 1914 Gavrilo Princip assassinated Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, the second most important official of the Hapsburg Empire. The Hapsburg Empire decided to punish Serbia, a small country, but one with a strong ally. The Hapsburg Empire attacked and the system of alliances did the rest. Within days the continent engulfed in a war that no one wanted or intended.
The parallels with the current situation are obvious. The assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the second most important official in the country, is not something Iran can ignore. Its leaders will feel constrained to respond. The US has threatened to meet any such response with disproportionate force. This is a scenario where the system of alliances could, indeed inevitably would, kick in, potentially resulting in a war that no one wanted or intended.
One would have thought the smart people in Washington could have seen this possibility.
The start of the first world began with the invasion of Iraq
The smart people in Washington? What smart people? In DC the stupid inherit the Earth.
They all have to be vetted by the Zionists, who do not value intelligence in the Sabbat Goyim. Just obedience.
“.. Fast and Hard..”
Could it be that the US now has hypersonic tactical nukear missiles in their arsenal ?
Is there any way to defend against this weapon?
Great. Our non-negotiable Trident replacement will be obsolete before we’ve even got it.
I would like to add to the people of Iran , that fat arsed Johnson, or his ridiculous sidekick Raab. DOES NOT represent me, or hopefully millions like me.
Unfortunately, Geoff, large swathes of Britain are on ‘the same page’ as Raab, not least because they have been trained to hate countries like Iran.
This is the only conclusion I can come to after the public gave Johnson a huge mandate despite 10 years of tory misrule.
Public support for characters like Johnson and Raab and the economic Darwinism they embrace is probably a measure of the kind of societal failings that drive right-wing extremism (which now seems to be sprouting up all over the globe).
To put it into Marxist terms democracy is a luxury for capitalism while the rise of fascism almost always goes hand in hand with capitalist decay.
Of course young Thatcher ignored public unrest prior to the bloodbath in Iraq and there is almost no chance that Johnson will put the views of British peace protestors ahead of those of Trump, or other imperial elements controlling America’s empire.
Put simply the British public cannot disassociate themselves from the electoral choice they have made – for now it would appear their preference is for Johnson and the vast tapestry of lies told by the British establishment.
‘The scum will inherit the Earth’. A dead Earth, but their property, their Precious.
Possibly. But another interpretation is that election was hurried through and rigged precisely because Johnson’s bosses in Washington knew a war was looming.
Lies promulgated by their footsoldiers/familias in the Main Stream Media.
The problem lies not with the choice of Bojo or the Tories, but the fact that the population thinks being in a Democracy requires a tick in a box ever 4 or so years.
That’s why the BBC doesn’t show the Gillet demonstrations going on in Frnace. It might incite Couch Potato Blighty, to get of its arse and actually do something, something its so far failed to do in the past 53yrs of my life.
Good Friends of Israel, the pair of them.
Especially Boris “I Am A Fervent Zionist” Johnson.
There’s 72 Labour MPs who are F.O.I. disappointed that Barry Gardner is one!
Did BoJo actually say that?….I used to think he was a Comedian(aren’t all Poms Comedians?) but Johnson is a very nasty bastard……….You cannot trust him.
boris johnson is a ashkanazim just like drumpf trumped.
cam moron and may day may day had a london rabbi called dr sachs or was it sacks
the man that wrote the book
the man that mistook is wife for a hat
boris like churchill before is just a banker tool only fully kosher
all agents of satan
Not surprising in a doenmeh.
At least 11 million.
Quite some time ago, I wrote a piece about ‘Self-Dynamic’. It requires some time to explore the deeper understanding of Self-Dynamic – because of the word ‘Self’. Since the ‘Self’ is interdependent, every aspect of a situation or event has then a multitude of self-dynamically unfolding strings.
Very simply put: when a Beaver builds a dam, there is more happening than just the water level rising. While the Beaver builds the dam for its own survival, it serves countless other important roles in a healthy Nature.
The self-dynamic strings in the terroristic murder of Lt. General Suleimani are like a spider web that is growing dramatically. And since ‘Self-Dynamic’ could also be translated with ‘Out-of-control-Dynamic’ the likes of the historic assassination in Sarajevo.
An intelligent person will assume, that all its activities will create a) some sort of result, b) some sort of effect and c) a life on its own. A willfully ignorant idiot will presume that he knows it all and has it all figured out. There is even a word for that. It is called ‘A Plan’. So, the idiot makes a plan of which he is cocksure that it will produce the desired results. The idiot has of course neither a) knowledge of, or b) insufficient understanding regarding the Self-Dyanamic that is born with any action taken.
The idiot does also not understand that everything is more than the sum of its components. His or her ‘plan’ is delusional in not considering all possible strings of Self-Dynamic that will arise from its actions. The expression of “I didn’t think about that.” is very popular. But there is a law ‘out there’ that was explained by the Buddho way back in time:
“If, what you are intending to do, harms or hurts someone else, or harms or hurts yourself, or harms and hurts someone else and yourself – then the intended action has to be abandoned.”
What does that make of the assassination of Lt. General Suleimani? Of the millions of innocent people murdered for profit and global dominance? Of Julian Assange? Venezuela? Bolivia? Libya?
The alliance of willing idiots must be removed from all important aspects of life.
Forgot the link.
In the Wild West 90% of killings were by a shot in the back. Crazy Horse was bayoneted in the back. Soliemani was lured treacherously to Iraq by Saudi Arabia and the USA, on a peace mission, then slaughtered, in typically cowardly fashion, by the Yankee Robert Fords.
A ritual for sure. Comparable to Patrice Lumumba and Colonel Gaddafi. ‘To make an example’, if I am not mistaken.
The war crime that was the execution of General Qassem Suleimani was a rational intentional act …to a group of people somewhere (not necessarily directly in the US chain of command). It seems highly unlikely to me this was Trump’s call. Whatever the military, strategic, and economic goal …they agreed and authorised this pre-emptive murder on the basis that it was the best strategy to protect American assets in the MENA region. The judgment it was stupid is incorrect. It was beyond stupid into uncharted waters of hyper-stupidity. But such judgment assumes we are dealing with conscious rational agents of free will: and we are not. Anyone aware of Kahneman’s work on Behavioural Economics knows that actors are ‘irrationally rational’ and ‘predictably unpredictable’. I’ll come back to that.
To understand this moving forward we have to look at the geo-economic dynamics in motion. Neoliberal globalised hyper-capitalism died in 2007-09. The illusion it did not is wholly a confection of ongoing stimulus around the globe. Examples of which include the Fed’s $215bn ‘not QE4’ a day in the repo-pocalypse – with a further $60bn per month in bond purchases; open-ended QE in the Eurozone; China dropping reserve requirements and repo stimulus; etc. Without this liquidity stimulus global economic finance would collapse asynchronously and asymmetrically into the offshore blackhole of debts and derivatives. Now.
Effectively: there are two markets – the real and the derived. Both are mutually determinative and their interdynamics create cyclical crises [Rasmus]. Twelve years of hyper-stimulus have vastly over-inflated the derived financialised markets at the cost of the real commodities markets. When capitalism can no longer grow exponentially to service its debts; and Forex can no longer trade at $6.6tn A DAY …there is bound to be a ‘market disruption’, reset or correction. Which means that the largest part of the value-form of the capitalised world will be wiped out. How do you think that ‘rationally irrational’ actors will react to the destruction of the majority of global value? Probably by dropping any vestigial semblance of rationality? [System 2 rational contemplation gives way to System 1 irrational impulsivity].
The simple geo-economic rationale is complicated by entropy and depletion. No one is too bothered about that. They will be when they are sat in a pile of bricks worth precisely zero – with no savings or pension. Because all asset and value-forms are globally interlinked and act as proxies for each other. And the universal equivalent for all global value is the $$$$ …even in Iran. [In fact: it is the Eurodollar – but let’s not complicate things].
Most analysts suffer from linear dynamics: and the identification of nation states as independent economic entities. But the World System globalised and acts as a highly interconnected self-organised complex adaptive system of hierarchical trading networks (core-periphery dependencies of unequal trade) …one which is subject to non-linear dynamics. Every node and every terminal is connected to every other node somehow. What affects the part: affects the whole – with ultrahigh-speed fibre-optic transmission rates (average algorithmic HFT trade: 1 millisecond). Predicting how irrational self-protective investors and speculators will act: and the ramifications for geopolitics and geo-economics in exactitude is nigh on impossible. Safe to say that – in the face of global value destruction – it will be carnage when global investors become really anxious and self-protective. All states will act to protect investors and socialise losses. When electorates and statist subjects realise they are facing permanent austerity …well …
The real problem is why we are we still speculating about the way capitalism will play out? This has never been in any real doubt. Timescales are a bit tricky and the actual sequence of events more or less impossible to determine. But the underlying dynamics are simplistic and naive: environmental destruction, human immiseration, value destruction and internecine war. Caitlin Johnstone summed our options up perfectly last year: absolute fascism; absolute destruction; or absolute freedom.
I prefer the third option: one which opens up when we realise the absolute inevitability of the other options under our current global governance by accumulated capital. Capital that stands to become worthless in the near term. Then the only source of wealth we will have is each other: which is the basis of a true universal emancipatory freedom. Currently this option is lying third with a vanishingly small chance of catch-up …let alone becoming the favoured option.
But that can change by making human inter-experience – embedded in ecology – the main and only source of value. In a life sequence economy: where L – MoL – L’ (Life – Means of Life – more Life: McMurtry). There was no Plan A. The consequences of which are feckin’ obvious to all but a blind, deaf, and dumb person. Plan B depends on us: because the lunatics are taking over the asylum. It would be nice if we stopped legitimating this sort of existential extinction event level of primal monetised behaviourism …which is why we need a Plan B. Only a cursory speculation about how the psychotic narcissists we empowered will act is required from now on. They are going to kill us to save an imaginary form of value that exists only in their heads. What more impetus do we need to emancipate the only real source of value – only to be found in each other?
You are neglecting Labour Theory of Value, BigB. Moreover, one can easily predict what is going to happen quarter by quarter given the fraud embedded, & lack of due diligence across the board from the Accounting firms like KPMG onwards to the Security & Exchange Commission. Each & every information bit reacts in physical opposition to all other information bits whereby interactions are deemed to be mechanically related & under the guidance of Physics proper & Quantum Mechanics as they are not in any way variable physical sciences.
Human behaviour is inextricably intertwined with group behaviour and somewhat co-dependent on the interrelated systems of exchange & markets which are physical systems that operate with exactitude & objectively verifiable paths that are empirically verifiable.
From a perspective of Quantum Mechanics & Behavioural Economics/Macroeconomics our shared & interrelated market based system of exchange extends from the micro-individual to the macro-market populations via currency which is known to be limited in terms of shelf life, and stability too.
Without means of production & trade exchange the system breaks down into tribes much as it did in the movie Lord of the Flies. Tribalism is a regressive form of management that essentially circumvents the market based system to leverage exchange based upon idiosyncratic deal making which is less predictable than the individual parts that make up the Gestalt whole of the entire system of exchange.
When decoupling occurs system wide so too does the theory decouple from the reality of true exchange in tribal culture beset against one another by physical barriers such as borders, trade tariffs, legislative commands, and enforcement regimes.
At a certain level of intellectualization the market based economy is economic interaction between individuals & groups of individuals. If any part of that interaction fails any, or all of the market participants at once we are undoubtedly going to realize that we are all dependent upon market based exchange for survival as a whole Gestalt of civilization.
Uncivilized people exchange war instead of services & goods. At a certain point systems break down & decouple into tribalism & warring factions that limit market based exchange rendering that which is macroeconomically system dependent no longer operable or significant to parties of exchange trading & market based trading between sovereign nations.
America is decoupling from civilization via tribalism & ethnocultural wars simply because it failed to ensure system stability between disparate actors of market based exchange between cultures & within culture.
Distributions of empirical disparity will always blow fat tails eventually as nature abhors a void.
Nature is balanced like a boreal forest.
I haven’t forgotten the LTV (or TRPF): it’s just that I do not agree with them. Marx was critiquing the LTV: not advocating it. The LTV ignores thermodynamics and depletion and masks the global social dynamics of dehumanisation and violence in which capitalism is grounded.
The defining characteristic of a bourgeois society is that it is NOT grounded in actual ecological social relations based on actual divisions of labour. It is grounded in INVENTED social relations based on the fetishisation of (largely imported) commodities. The social relations that have meaning may reflect the status and privilege a commodity may afford the owner: which displace and mask the sweatshop labour and environmental degradation that are embedded in the product. This autonomises the society from the actual global relations of production and from the ravaged environment. After Polanyi: the universal equivalence of ‘general purpose money’ further hides (makes it seem that exchange is fair and equal) the real global exploitation and alienation that is occurring.
This basic theory finds expression in Odum’s ‘Ecological Unequal Exchange’: in which materials and surplus value are extracted from the Global South to build the bourgeois societies of the Eurocentric North. Which combines World Systems Theory; Postcolonialism (New Colonialism); and Dependency Theories of International Relations. In short, following Samir Amin, we need an international labour theory of value that accounts for ‘imperial rent’ and extractivism. Which Ecological Marxism at least attempts to do.
So with small qualification: I am in general agreement with what you say. ‘Advanced’ bourgeois market societies are WHOLLY embedded in the globalised market economy and their invented social relations – not with labour and each other – but with embodied things that have an autonomous life of their own. Our displaced life of imaginary manufactured needs and wants that we view as appearances reflected back to us as the spectacle.
Which is a little hard for people to get their heads around. But when you realise Marx was writing about Fetish 150 years ago; and Debord contemporarised the thesis already 50 years ago – how much further are we alienated from nature, each other, our work, and our ‘species being’ now? And what has social media done to further estrange us from ourselves and alienate us from our power? Alienated powers we give away so cheaply to the market and the state: which are now the fully autonomised market monopoly state. We have created our own pagan animistic market religion based on the limitlessness we once projected as a god. We are so far subsumed in the autonomous market spectacle we cannot see it: until it stops.
There is mention around this subject on the role or lack of, by the UN.
How it exists on the shores of the greatest warring nation is beyond me.
Maybe Greta could tackle this?
Move the UN to one of two buildings the EU occupies on a bi-monthly basis, kick America out and get the UN/ICC to do its job.
Consider Climate change on its way to being tackled.
I’d call it the ‘United Nazis’ any day. Because the belief that the ‘United Nations’ are anywhere near being ‘United’ is obvious. It’s a lousy carbon copy of the ‘United States’ ‘terms & conditions’ applied to the existing Nations and non-Nations on planet Earth.
The history of this organization reads like an Orwellian comic strip. UNSC never sanctioned Israel for the genocide or ‘Palestiniancaust’ over the last 72 years. No matter who the rotating members of the panel are – the permanent Nazis will block any justice for Palestine and other peaceful Nations under the boots of the fascist west.
U.S. regime denies Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif visa to attend UNSC meeting.
This happened many times before with other leaders of non-aligned Nations and it has to stop now. Best to abolish the UN immediately. Without the membership dues of the majority of the global Nations, the UN will close in 24 hours. When its well fed and fat arsed bureaucrats can apply for a job at the local unemployment center.
In a true United Nations, no member would harm another. Ever. United Nations would work together like the people in a town carrying sandbags to prevent the breach of a dyke. Like a sane family that understands that ‘One for All and All for One’ is not a fantasy story. It is the only way to survive. But there is also no shame in going extinct. Only in also taking others down in the process.
The solution is simple, but unwanted. As a courtesy of this mind I give you the solution. (And yes, it is doable and rather cheap.)
Create a large enough artificial island of the kind Jaque Fresco has been promoting since forever. Fully self-sustained and without any adverse environmental impact. An island where the brightest minds can shine in resourcefulness and organization. Far out in Inter-National Waters. Only to be arrived at by boat. Lots of space for boats without combustion engines.
Humanity is in big trouble. Time to untrouble.
The UNSC is hobbled with a voting procedure that has become useless .
The UNSC must be overhauled or removed from the United Nation’s as a source of procedural guidance for the members.
The UN has been made redundant. It happened some time ago. Since the US and the UK chose to walk away to launch an illegal war on Iraq the UN has been irrelevant.
So is this about Impeachment slight of hand or the prescribed method to misdirect people when the International Financial Ponzi Scheme goes pop?
Oh, and Blighty, if I’m not mistaken is still required to pay Iran back monies it paid for tanks in the 80s but never received.
Jesus, I’m at it again. Another day, more talking and another day SpartUSA plying its trade.
Boycott SpartUSA.
I’m interested, to work out at what point do people stop say ‘enough is enough’ and do something?
The USA as Sparta? You are joking, surely. Those fat, slobbering, drug-addled metabolic wrecks ‘Spartan’? It is to laugh. The Fourth, the adipose, Reich.
I merely comment on it as a Nation predisposed to war.
Maybe, just maybe, SpartUSA looking for the ‘One’, you know, the first war it can say it won?
I mean, when they beat Blighty for Independance and won, they won because of the French.
That’s gotta do some damage to the self esteem?
Come to think of it, is War a method of keeping the Imperialist nature of the EU & Nato monsters alive?
Under Sharia murder can be settled by Diya: money payed by the prep to the family or heirs of the victim. Is the drone pilot was a Muslim, a lot of money could end the revenge tit for tat.
Is KSA it is cheaper to murder non-Muslims or women.
Found summat you like about islam eh?
The US ground forces left out there as tethered goat baits in the deserts and navy ship personnel as ducks in a barrel, will be praying that is possible.
Otherwise they are the sacrificial appeasement.
The senior commander having printed a translated memo – not a fake – are aware that the crazy chief of staff has set them up are mutinous and know the game is up. If anything happens to them they’ll have many lining up to pop one in Milleys and Pompeys addled brain never mind their master Nuttinyoo.
Don’t think so.
Iran is currently doing a crowd funding to raise £60 million as a bounty to put on Trump’s head.
Under oil pipline politics, 12 rapists can be absolved and treated as heroes while their victim is punished.
I loved how the rapists and the relatives celebrated when back in Israel by popping champagne and chanting ‘The Brit is a whore’. Surely ‘Gods Upon the Earth’, as Begin would say. Other Israelis protested the outrage, of course, proving yet again that Israelis and Jews are, like the rest of us, a various lot.
Under Judaic Law the goyim may be slaughtered in numerous circumstances, even civilians, and even children and babies if it can be asserted that they would grow up to ‘oppose the Jews’. The inhabitants of an entire city, eg Gaza, may be slaughtered for the ‘crimes'( e.g. opposing the Jews) of a few, and International Law against collective punishment can go to Hell, and join Jesus, up to his neck in boiling faeces. And Judaic vengefulness goes on until the third generation.
Thanks Catte – and trying to get a grip on this challenge is difficult! I don’t see any way that war can be avoided, and it’s hard to see that it will not rapidly become a “world war” – as soon as an Iranian missile sinks a ship in the Gulf ( or is thought to, as the Saker says) . But it seems to me that in fact, as far as Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan are concerned, WW3 started some time ago, and their losses are at least as great as those of Europe and Russia in WW2 – in proportion. Perhaps now is the time that it becomes OUR world war, in which WE start feeling the pain inflicted on the poor and powerless – as Nasrallah has said.
I’d also add that I don’t see this insane and dastardly act of international terrorism as “Stupid” or “thoughtless of consequences”. Nothing suggests that Israel and the US didn’t plan this act long in advance, and fully intend to have a full blown war with Iran – even though they think they can win it. Their main concern was to provoke Iran into doing something serious that enables them to “respond” with whatever beautiful new weapons they choose.
And PS, I believe that both the UK and Australia knew this was coming; what else are the Five Eyes for?
5+1 Eyed gollum, but otherwise sounds right.
However as I intimated below (in my cups!) the Ancient overlords can’t really survive and keep their progeny safe and far away from risk as they used to in the past as they sent millions into the grinder.
IF you live by the drone,,,
The provocation was indeed intentional, but the result was not. Hence the stupidity, as is being pointed out by most good strategic analysts.
The US have waited nearly 20 years for this war with Iran, because they knew they needed some things to be true before they had even a hope of victory.Most importantly they needed control of Syria and Iraq.
After 20 years of waiting the Trump admin have now likely kicked off this war by accident by miscalculating the impact of their latest provocation.
They have done this without having conquered Syria and while simultaneously getting kicked out of the other country they needed to control to have a hope of winning – Iraq. To say nothing of freshly alienating and uniting all Shia populations against them.
They have basically destroyed their ME position, thrown away the strategic advantages they had, with one miscalculated dick-wave. If that’s isn’t stupid,what is?
Well perhaps it is! But there is still a whole nation that thinks it was a smart move, and will persist in more stupid and lethal actions to back it up. What stuns me now is the way that our media and leaders are all discussing how attacking cultural sites would be a war crime and against international law, while ignoring that extrajudicial assassination of someone not posing any direct threat to you in a country you are illegally occupying is so obviously contrary to international law. But yes – willy-waving is certainly involved, and I do agree with your analysis, and the Saker’s in particular.
That’s what our msm is there for, not to report the news, but to make it, along with all our politicians.
The aggressors, Israel and its US puppet, see killing as a religious act, so the prospect of millions dead is not a hindrance, but a recommendation.
Yes definitely the MO of the neocons and zionists .
War with Iran , will not go as planned as now due to this criminal assassination of late, Iraq,Syria,Iran ,Yemen and Hezbollah from Lebanon are will consolidate forces should this happen , with a corresponding escalation of nuclear powers coming into the mix .The neocons made a very bad error that will come back and bite them severely and in most likelihood permanently if they go forward .Personally I fear that they are caught between a rock and hard place now that they have started on this road .And that is what has many of us worried about our families ,children and grandchildren.
What a stupid way to start the New Year.
What I don’t see mentioned here is the key aspect of the day by day growing technological superiority of US especially in what regards the military automation and intelligence gathering. They probably track the locations of individuals also beyond the western sphere of influence – I would be astonished if google, facebook etc did not share their data with NSA. And it is known that Cisco routers had backdoors. I know that already many years ago they could construct a quite precise psychological profile of any person based on just the metadata of his searches. They don’t have to know the exact location of an individual, they can calculate it with a reasonable probability from past data and other indicators. And there are only less than 10 billion people to track, this is not a very large number.
So to speak about the beginning of the end does not make very much sense to me.
The likely only power that can somehow rival this is China, but US drains their top minds by offering much higher wages and more civil liberties (as for the wages, this is even more correct in the case of Russia).
I think also that this growing technological gap is the main reason behind the soaring US stock market, so also dedollarization, if and when it happens, will have limited impact.
Until this is addressed, US will be capable to terrorize the rest of the world just more and more.
”I think also that this growing technological gap is the main reason behind the soaring US stock market…”
Soaring stock market eh? Growing technological gap! why is it people cannot tell the difference between real growth, that is to say the creation of value, and asset-price inflation in traditional paper assets such as stocks. It works like this: the Fed showers the economy with free confetti money, through ultra-low interest rates and QE and corporate CEOs buy back there own stocks – bingo the world is a richer place. No it isn’t. The Fed’s policy is predicated on low and or negative interest rates which simply moves money from savers to speculators, this is not wealth-creation, it is the creation of multiple asset bubbles throughout the economy.
Further down the road this process is going to correct, you can get on it. When ‘soaring’ stock markets hit the inflexion point where the increase in borrowing or income can no longer support the inflated ‘values’ of stocks the whole thing unwinds. See Hyman Minsky.
I hope you are right. But I just don’t think this is the whole story.
Robert Mugabe made everyone in Zimbabwe a billionaire.
Compared to the Fed, he was a rank amateur.
I’ve got a Zim$100,000,000,000,000 Bank Note(one hundred Trillion dollars) and I have given colour photocopies to a number of my friends. When they complained that they aren’t ‘Originals’, I assure them that the copies are worth exactly the same as my original note.
I don’t see a “growing technological” gap in military terms. Short of using nukes, America is vulnerable to short/medium range ground to air and anti-ship missiles. They’ll never risk boots-on-the-ground, so my guess is they’ll involve Israel and attempt to use Sunni countries as proxies.
By writing this I don’t mean to say “resistance is futile”. What I would not like to see, though, is another variant of Polish cavalry attacking german tanks.
That never actually happened.
Like a lot of other things in WW2.
Chinese scientists are flocking back to China, as are Taiwanese and other foreigners. The US is over and China is rapidly becoming the global centre of scientific/technological advance.
The idiocy of US leaders never fails to amaze.
Exposed more for what they really are with Trump as president, whereby the veil of liberal democracy has fallen so easily away and revealed the resident evil beneath.
Many have realised this for a long long time, but preferred to go alone with the Mickey Mouse out of Hollywood version of the story. The US is a country, well a union built on a false premise supported by lies. It is no more the land of the free supporting international freedom and democracies, than Colonel Saunders was a real Colonel or that the myth of the Cowboy was anything but another fantasy built on Hollywood lies. The whole history of the US is not one of good. It is one of evil. Of death and destruction, intimidation and persecution driven purely by greed via criminal capital accumulation. What Marx termed primitive accumulation. Exactly what they tried to import into Russia during the Yelsin years.
2020 the year of the rat and it didn’t take long it to show its dirty face.. again…
I have seen hints that Soleimani was set up, invited to Iraq by the Sauds or the US, to negotiate a lowering of tensions. If that is so, it joins a good many other indications that the Real Axis of Evil, the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel, DO want to destroy Iran. In that case, I suspect that Trump has simply been used-who knows, by Kushner and the other Likudniks who infest his regime, and the aim is to rescue Bibi from gaol by a grand diversion, a New Purim to the Greater Glory of Eretz Yisrael. After all, is there any doubt that Bibi and his regime ARE barking mad?
Excellent and important article.
Writing about nukes in Western Asia without mentioning Pakistan’s ~160 Sunni N-bombs is deficient. They developed their Islamic bombs with KSA money. Western MSM have always been quiet about this in accordance with the Anglo Arab oil dollar protection racket. Iran’s 1/4? Shia bomb is the focus: fake news again.
Even the quoted link is coy about reality. Here a quote from a Pakistani in Pakistan:
They were so focused on nuclear weapons for so long that they forgot (nuclear) power and have an energy crisis since decades: many black outs and brown outs.
What a shame that there is no Pakistani Lobby in Washington, like the Israel Lobby, then, by judicious application of bribery, the Pakistanis, like Israel, might get several billion dollars a year in tribute from the USA. You Zionist had better drop the habits of 3500 years and make peace, before one of your victims get a few nukes, and bye-bye Eretz Yisrael. That would be both a great tragedy, and a pity, that a people could not find it in themselves to live in peace with others.
Never mind the quality-feel the chutzpah. What about Eretz Yisrael’s nuclear arsenal, and its bio-warfare capabilities? Why are they off-limits? Is it, like everything else, ‘antisemitic’?
Oh, go away!
Having gifted the deranged genocidal Zionist Regime the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with 400 nuclear warheads targeted at all its neighbours, (which it has repeatedly threatened to use against Europe), along with half a dozen Dolphin nuclear missile submarines, all completely free, buckshee, a few atomic bombs in Pakistan probably seemed like a fairly trivial matter.
USA Heterodox Economist Michael Hudson on Trump’s bombing assassination.
Hudson nailed it in the above thesis that is a must read for all at OFF-G.
You saved me the trouble. Hudson’s analysis is important. While the beginning of the beginning of the end has been in train for some time, the more de-dollarisations that occur successfully the quicker the real beginning of the end will end and the end itself will come in sight.
No petro-dollar and de-dollarisation, and the Real Evil Empire implodes up its own fundament. They, in the words of the Israeli demographer, Arnon Sofer, the architect of the vicious siege of Gaza, ‘…will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day’. Sounds like a quote from the Talmud.
Nice one Catte, pretty much covered most of the same ground i have in last few days. I have learnt of a few more sources though which should be given more attention. The ‘Echo Chamber’ of western media and alt-media news is shown up sharply by how they try and set parameters, until they can’t. Then a hissy fit follows – long toothed, sharpeyed, Col Pat Lang declared ‘broken arrow’and has fled the open comment field. That leaves MoA, Craig Murray and you ( a few others) . All power to your elbows!
Now the twitter feeds of the ‘beligerent’ great unwashed are heard more. They speak for the ground, past the made up accounts on twitter, Groaniad and whatever of the 77 and hasbara types…
The latest ‘story’ on the assassination is interesting narrative control.
Trump was given a menu by his very small and named cohorts and HE made the choice! Nuttinyahoo set Trump up – but is claiming it had nothing to do with him! Hell, that even makes my favourite sound sane – Trump killed one man to save millions by making world opinion force him to ‘finally withdraw’ and keep his promise so that he wins a second term – I mean was a second term EVEN a plan?
The Empire has been in retreat for a decade. The high water mark is far above. The new Empire is at the gates and allowing a orderly withdrawal, ‘we could do this the easy way or the hard way’ is the what the inheritors are saying. Sure, have whatever story you want we won’t object too much. And as for the General who would be Caesar, he has grown mighty abroad and if you want to stop him crossing our Rubicon, well … you have to break eggs to make an omelette (sorry i am a bit monday night drunk…)
What you say? Many things don’t add up. Does Trump really want to lose insurance cover on his worldwide named hotels and golf courses? Become a martyr like the General?
The Empire is dead. Long live the new Empire.
If nuclear weapons are actually used anywhere on the planet, Iran, Pakistan, India, Korea spring to mind, this is opening a Pandora’s Box where every country in the world, down to the very smallest, will acquire them as a matter of urgency and survival. And if N. Korea, with its weak economy and tiny GDP can produce them, then so can every European, South American, Arab and Asian country. Biological weapons. Anything goes. In the 60s, the US had a programme to produce a single bomb so powerful that just one could destroy the whole of the USSR. Russia went one better. They planned to produce a single bomb so powerful it would destroy the whole planet when detonated. The idea was to put this thing on a big cargo ship and sail it up and down its coast. If Russia was destroyed in a surprise attack, the matelots on board would light the blue touch paper, and goodbye world. Fortunately saner counsels prevailed and none of these monstrosities saw the light of day. After a nuclear attack, scores of countries would have these things, and worse.
Iran has to respond, or as is pointed out, Assad, Nasrallah and the Supreme Leader are next on the Ziocon hit list. A deterrent price has to be extracted. There has to be a price tag on these murders, or else they will be daily events. The Zionists don’t bomb Lebanon because they know there will be retaliation. They bomb Syria because they have been able to get away with it. Nothing less would be acceptable to the millions on the streets of Tehran.
Nasrallah scotched speculation that somebody like a US general would be killed in retaliation. On the grounds that the lives of Trump and all the scum around him were not sufficient compensation for the life of this hero. All taken together, they were not worth Soleimani’s finger nail. The only adequate retaliation was to clear US filth from the whole of the region.
This is not fanciful. Iraq already wants US troops out of the country, leading to another Trump Twitter tantrum. Once they are gone from Iraq, those in Syria will follow. Iran could respond by declaring a security zone in the Straits of Hormuz. Any US ship would be assumed to be hostile and destroyed without warning. Just US ships. Any others, and the tanker traffic, could proceed unmolested. US warships in the Gulf can rust in port in Bahrain, till their presence becomes irrelevant. This would impose a real cost on the US without firing a shot or taking a single life – unless US ships try to force the Straits, like ducks in a shooting gallery. The US would largely become irrelevant, and sidelined. Countries would make their own security arrangements without US involvement.
Iran should also withdraw from the JCPOA completely and the NPT, so long as the economic terrorism against it continues. Trump would be left looking like the ludicrous clown he is.
I believe that Iran has just announced that they are withdrawing completely from the JCPOA especially since the EU has not fulfilled it’s promise to sidestep the US sanctions.
Regarding Trump , he has been looking like a clown for quite some time , as many others in that insanity pit called Washington.
Iran must get nukes asap. The fatwa against them must go, in the interests of self-preservation. A fatwa against first use will have to do, pending full regional, and hopefully planetary, denuclearisation.
As one of a lucky few and someone else whose Welsh name survived Henry VIII’s attempts to wipe out such names with the act of primogeniture, I’m always amused when Carol Codswallop comes up in conversation.
In Welsh, the name is spelled Cadwaladr (the double L occurring only in anglicised variants) and means “battle-leader.” Historically, Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon was king of Gwnedd from c.655-682 AD. He appears in the later (10th century) Armes Prydein from the book of Taliesin as a mythic and immortal character who will make Britain great again by driving out the English: “the British shall be without their kingdom for many years and remain weak, until Conan in his chariot arrive from Brittany, and that revered leader of the Welsh, Cadwaladr.”
“Cynan and Cadwaladyr, mighty in armies;
They will be honoured until judgment: prosperity will attend them.
Two tenacious chiefs; profound their counsel.
Two that will overcome the Saxons, with the aid of the Lord.”
Clearly no relation then…
i think it is like the rifkind,the britain the kents the lord mcalpines the maxwells
codswalloper is just an closet crypto khazar you know a 13th tribe member
a falker
I’ve no idea what your post has to do with the Christian Evangelist whackjobs who currently infest the US Government, or how these whackjobs are all going to drag is into WW3.
You can stick The Rapture up your arse, because that’s where it belongs.
Times Of Israel reports timeline details . . …
” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is believed to have briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of time about US plans to kill Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran’s elite Quds Force who was assassinated early Friday morning, Channel 12 and 13 reported Friday.”
“Pompeo called Netanyahu late Wednesday night ostensibly to thank him for Israel’s support in efforts to combat Iran and after the attack on the US embassy in Iraq.”
“Tweeting Thursday morning, Netanyahu alluded to “very, very dramatic things” happening in our region.”
Thanks for this Catte. It’s almost surreal that we are in this situation, all within a matter of days.
ABC in Australia is now beginning to report the situation in the ME, tho the bushfires have taken up a huge amount of news space here.
I’m gobsmacked at the jaw dropping stupidity and lunacy emanating from the United States. Threat after threat after threat. Like the mafia thugs they are.
They havn’t got a fecken clue what they have unleashed.
I believe the United States will be driven out of the Middle East now; but after much much blood has been spilt.
And once they’ve gone, where does that leave Israel?
Incredibly tense times.
“And once when they’re gone, where does that leave Israel”….Who cares? They have treated the Palestinians as less than human, and, “you reap what you sow”……
Meant that as a rhetorical question Brian.
I couldn’t give a flying rats tinker about the mass murdering, racist apartheid state that has caused such immense misery for the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese and others with their machinations.
I hope it will be the beginning of the end for the Zionist regime.
Yes, it’s hard to feel sympathy for the hard line Ratbags that run Israel. They have been merciless on the Palestinians…..To Hell with them.
Have you noticed, Gezzah, that the ABC is loyally pushing the ‘lack of hazard reduction’ garbage as a false cause of the bushfire Holocaust? Employing all those Murdochites has not been in vain.
The last few days have been going from one site to another site monitoring the situation with Iran & the Evil Empire.
Like that’s actually going to change anything R.
Watched only bits and pieces of the Bushfire crisis last couple days, havn’t noticed them pushing the hazard reduction line to be honest.
But I’m not surprised. ABC is now some grotesque caricature of how a News Agency should be. Perhaps
Is Scomo still off to India to flog them more coal? Or is that a stupid question.
Smoko is secluded, chanting HillSong Pentecostal End Times hymns. He’ll be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil realises that he’s dead.
*** It’s Started…. Reports just in that the United States Al Asad Airbase in Iraq has just been hit by up to 20 missiles from Iran, no news on any casualties yet.
Newsflash on Sputnik News just then.
It’s bloody happening…. Shit and hell.
The imbecile Yanks will retaliate for this. Jay
Stupidity is a subjective term. It was certainly stupid of Trump, but the question is whether Trump took the decision or puppetmasters coerced him into taking it.
It is certainly a good thing to do if you wish to weaken Trump, weaken the Office of the President, give unelected players more power, not less.
There is only a small subset of power players in Western spheres who actually do sensible things in terms of the interests of a population at large. For them, sensibility is about accruing personal wealth and power and damn everyone else.
US Imperialism has never been about the common good, it has been about wealth, power and status for a small minority. IT was exactly the same with the British Empire and various European Empires before that.
So we really should not expect logic and sensibility to come into too many decisions, when seen from our point of view.
What if your goal is increasing oil prices? The more destabilisation the better, especially if you have control of oil supplies outside the Middle East. Corporations do not care what the reputation of the US Government is, all they care about is someone else paying for the wars which get their hands on resources at knock down prices. They would be quite happy having dumb Saudis paying for all the wars instead……..
If you are Israel, you want to create excuses to target Iran militarily. They will be jumping up and down with glee right now. They want Iran brought to its knees and killing the odd general is just up Israel’s street.
IF you are plotting NATO junior partners, anything which weakens the US is good news. So I would expect puppets in Europe to be slightly less puppet-like in future…….they will be secretly pleased at this direction of events.
It is only us lot who are sick and tired of endless killing, endless wars, and endless deaths of blameless men, women and children, who worry about logic, sensibility or the like.
Everyone involved in the grubby power games is solely interested in how to advance their own selfishness.
If Trump could foist blame for bad decision making off onto advisers he would have done it knowing that what he did is not exactly popular. The CIA had prepared stooges heaping accolades on Trump on Canadian television immediately following the global outrage. Iranian Canadians were demonstrating in Toronto and pouring gratitude over Trump’s bombing assassination.
Any idiot Canadian could discern that the televised promotion of Trump’s bombing assassination was pure unadulterated CIA script vetted.
Canadian media is wholly in the pocket of the Trump administration & CIA propagandists.
Trump alone decided to utilize intel from CENTCOM for the hit as no advisers would recommend engaging in geopolitical histrionics that would spike disfavour for Trump.
Trump’s advisers know that he wants popularity & ratings of approval. No adviser would tell Trump to do something that would lower Trump’s approval ratings which his ego depends on for survival.
Trump’s ego is running the United States of America at the request of his id impulse to be popular & admired in false adulation much the same as Hitler wanted to be admired in nationalist fervor & historical adulation. King Trump thinks he is likely King Midas Trump.
Totally disagree. Pompeo is up to his ears in this.
Canadian MSM is controlled by Zionists.
My money’s on Pompeo. Trump has been played by him, big time. Netanyahu was in the loop for sure.
Catte asks the question: Is this the end of US Imperialism? I am reminded of the sentiment which Edward Gibbon expressed in his “Decline & Fall” was the wonder that the Roman Empire hadn’t collapsed much earlier than 1453, when Sultan Mehmed finally broached the walls, establishing a new empire on the ruins. The Ottoman Empire had a good run, but ultimately collapsed after long illness. The vultures moved in to divide the spoils – now mainly the oil fields. Empires rise and fall.
What makes the current collapse so fascinating is the part played by sheer stupidity. When you look at the dopes calling the shots, the physiognomony of ugly thugs like Pompeo, the chinless wonders at CIA, the be-medalled generalissimos, the slavering scribes, the moral deserts within Congress and Senate, the court jesters on the MSM, then one can only marvel at the stupidity of empires. (I suspect that applies to all hierarchies dependent on bullying).
Once again, I make no apologies for turning the topic to JFK who quoted Isaiah: “Without a vision, the people perish”. In the speech he never gave in Dallas, he wrote: “Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other”. In a society in which even learning is commodified, then the group (non) thinking of the oligarchies and sychophants does not challenge the prevailing narrative. The same sickness of mass stupidity and lack of critical thinking infests the entire body politic of the Western World. The emperor is naked. Lets all enjoy a laugh.
What I had meant to say re Gibbon: he was amazed that the Roman Empire lasted so long because it was so utterly corrupt to its very heart. I also recall his particular mention of a war crime (the massacre of surrendered soldiers) which – to Gibbon – was a sure sign that their moral compass was completely broken.
In our uber-materialistic Capitalist West, what need have we for ‘losers’ and empathy, truth, compassion or justice. Let’s worship the golden calf, and to Hell with Moses and his Ten Commandments. Boring! (N.B. this is not a direct quote from Gibbon).
The Qin in China slaughtered surrendered troops with relish, but they did not last long, either. The Romans were always very ruthless-Caesar committed genocide in Gaul, then there was Carthage, Jerusalem, the games, slavery etc. No wonder the US elite set out to become the New Romans.
Agreed. There exist Imperial inflexion points where empires begin to decay and this is always accompanied, and even brought, about by the deadly habit of the elites believing in their own bullshit. Hence the Make America Great Again piece of nonsense.
Generally speaking elites have one set of beliefs for distribution to the hoi polloi, but another which is kept under wraps and for internal consumption only. This never lasts however. The great pioneers of empire pass into history but their progeny is mediocre and corrupt. The rot sets in with second and third generation of mediocrities who simply aren’t up to the job and then, to quote W.B.Yeats, ‘things fall apart, the centre cannot hold’. The British solider diplomat, John Bagot Glubb, nailed it with his 6 stages of imperial rise and fall.
Comparing the Anglo-Zionist empire to this historical tendency, Morris Berman writes, ”the pattern of birth, maturity and decay, would seem to be inescapable … Where is the glory of Babylonia now? Or that of Ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome? Gone, all gone. That’s the historical record. Why then should America escape this fate.” (‘The Twilight of American Culture”) Why indeed?
Chinese glory marches on, after the Western Imperial interruption. India looks much less hopeful.
Quoted your comment on Facebook. Hope you don’t mind.
Qanon is probably half right but really there was no method to this madness. Any sane individual does not kill a revered General and turn him into a Martyr then threaten Genocide as a way of disengaging or withdrawing from the Middle East. This is hubris mixed with insanity. Not. I repeat not “four dimensional chess” as Qanon has claimed as the reason for Trump’s psychotic hubristic idiocy.
Not only is Trump psychotic sociopath but a hypocrite as well. Whining about Obama and Bush’s rush to war while bringing about total calamity. In other words truly a war to end all wars because there won’t be anyone left to fight the next one even with sticks and stones.
No one with even a modicum of intelligence thinks that Russia will idly stand by as the chicken hawk neocon zionist terrorists in the US and Israel launch nukes at Iran.
News Flash. Russia not only has more nukes than we have but better ones that can take out those floating pinatas called aircraft carriers which could also be called garbage scows since they now carry that overpriced multibillion dollar piece of junk known as the F-35.
Not only that but what should actually be called the Iron Sieve instead of Dome offers no defense against a swarming drone attack as the Yemenis have proven never mind hypersonic missiles.
I suggest that those at Qanon and anyone like myself who foolishly supported him because he said he was going to avoid “stupid wars” and stop being the “world’s policeman” DUMP TRUMP and vote for Tulsa Gabbard or my choice Mark Charles who are viable alternatives to those Genocidal Maniacs that have been elected in the past going back to the “founding” or more accurately theft of this nation.
You still believe that voting in ‘guided democracies’ is actually allowed to influence what the gangsters-in-charge choose to do, do you G? Do I need to point to that recent study by two US academics which showed that, in their ‘elections’ the policy outcomes subsequently actually carried out – whatever electioneering promises had been largely thrown about as usual – always favoured the wishes of the gics and their servitors disproportionately, but the wishes of the common citizens barely at all; this pattern persisting always with remarkable consistency.
And what goes for the metropolitan state of the Anglozionist empire obviously goes too for its most grovelling province, with its deliberately anti-democratic – indeed deliberately democracy-preventing – voting and ‘constitutional’ – hah! – system, entrenched, self-perpetuating English-raj class, and the CityofLondon nest of global thieves, and the permanent Windsor circus, and all…
It’s a statement. Something to do other than arrogantly preaching one’s sophist, nihilistic and apathetic eschatology.
Er – che?
q anon and anon and anon and anon into saturn infinity
trust in the oded yinon plan
Really? And your evidence is?
The execution of The Iranian Theocratic Butcher of the Syrian ‘Revolution’ by anti-immigrationist America, opens the long struggle for the LIBERATION OF THE WORLD from the racist, thirdworldist, immigrationist Globalist World Order…!!!
So how are things going in your padded cell, Espie?
We are your DOCTORS… Georgy…
Is that the royal “we” or are you schizo?
What? Do you mean like Dr Mengeles with his ‘experiments’ on jewish children, or like one the multitude of quacks dishing out opioids to dumb down unsuspecting patients?
actually, CIA trolls usually live under bridges, so that they can jump out and molest unsuspecting passers-by.
You ARE awful!’
But I like you!
Well done idiottaco for exemplifying your colonialist arrogant hubris of the sliming shitty on the dunghill.
It is not the beginning of the end- that started the day that Bush and Blair, two stupid overgrown schoolboys that a dying culture had promoted to positions of power, attacked Iraq. And it had been just a matter of time, inevitable since, giddy with hubris, NATO attacked Yugoslavia.
Still it is a very important milestone-of the ‘not far to go now’ variety- on the road to the point a wise observer prophesied in 2001, after the war on terror was declared, would occur when Asian and Latin American troops patrolled the suburbs of Cleveland Ohio.
That day is coming soon and the killing of Soleiman greatly accelerated the process-Trump, after all, is an impatient man addicted to cheap thrills and instant gratification. He couldn’t wait for that expression of gratitude from Netanyahu and Company so he snatched at the chance.
The icing on the cake for the United States and its hapless allies will be Trump’s re-election, for which the entire ruling class will be beavering away in order to push NASDAQ even higher.
No nation could survive the alternating idiocy of the Bushes and Trumps of this world with the instinctive dishonesty and treachery of the Clintons and Obamas a combination of untrustworthiness and folly corrupting every institution of the state from the legislature and judiciary down to the policemen and the immigration authorities.
And the United States- with a currency backed by bayonets and rusting warships- will not buck the inevitable.
As a Canadian of British origin my particular delight will be to remind Ottawa and Westminster, both of which, after centuries of dealing with the United States used to know better, that it has long been clear that the rotting hulk of the US Empire is sinking and they have regularly been warned, from the left, of the dangers of tying the trim little vessels of independent nations to an Empire that has long had nothing to offer its satellites but a share in disasters abroad, humiliations , threats and desperate requests for assistance.
What he said.
Dmitry Orlov’s just-published ‘Predictions for the 2020s’ tends to agree with your overview, b (no paywall):
He’s good isn’t he? One wonders what he writes like in Russian. The original point that I had been going to make, and never got around to, was that US idiocy is entirely self made. I can recollect , in the early sixties, one Owen Lattimore teaching at Leeds University and refusing to say anything in public about the war in Vietnam. He was one of the leading experts in the US on China and Chinese history-it was this expertise and the suspicion that it was ‘pointy heads’ like him who had “lost China” that drove him into exile ans intimidated him into silence.
In recent years we have seen similar things in the driving out of Arabists, which is to say people who understand and study Arab societies, from the diplomatic service in the US. No doubt the same is true in the UK: you have to be a fully paid up zionist to get any kind of diplomatic or even advisory role in the foreign service. Hence the domination of US middle east policy by thugs with links to Mossad and the likud. Hence then the blindness of politicians like Trump who, even if they had the brains to absorb it, never get any information regarding the consequences of their policies which isn’t based on lies.
The military seems to be run in the same way- that is how clowns like Petraeus get promoted, that and industrial scale plagiarism- with the result that wars, largely waged to advance political careers, enrich contractors and serve as smokescreens for looting on a massive ( skids of baled up $100 bills) scale, wars cannot be won. They are not waged to be won but to become permanent conduits into the pockets of three hundred million taxpayers.
So I have subverted my own argument: the carefully cultivated stupidity does have a purpose, and while the world laughs at America’s idiot elites, those elites are stashing billions, trillions in money pumped up from the population into vast piles of assets expressed in just about every known medium with the exception of greenbacks.
Americans like Trump have always been occupiers and lying thieves. Just ask any Native American. The problem is that perfidious abion is just as culpable for sending this plague.
“What actually can it do against a military far more well-funded and well-supported than anything it has confronted in recent years?”
The USA military is shite; everyone knows that. It’s all a con, a complete rip-off of American tax payers.
What many people don’t realise is that the American government consists largely of Christian Evangelists (Trump, Pence and Pompeo being the top three), all of whom are eagerly awaiting The Rapture. These people are complete headcases and make the ‘mad mullahs’ in Tehran look like boy scouts by comparison.
There’s no knowing what such a looney American government will do; but I guarantee they are mad enough to use nuclear weapons.
By the way, when it comes to Iranian revenge, if I was Mike Pence I’d be a bit worried.
I’ve been expecting a New New Pearl Harbor, like 9/11 The Sequel, to justify further aggression against Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon etc, and repression at home, for a while. It just needs a proper narrative, and here you have it. We kill big terrorwist, the terrorwists threaten revenge, and then they blow up, say, Trump Tower (has it be re-insured lately?) or the Hoover Dam or some such ‘icon’ of America the Brave. Just so long as they leave the Museums and galleries alone. Yikes-the Superbowl!
American corporations will start falling into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Q1 if the USA MIC cannot find new contracts to profit from via kinetic war. The USA’s last war was Iraq post-911 and the USA MIC made good money & profit from that war. Without forever wars the USA Ponzi Corporatocracy will deflate. If the USA Ponzi Corporatocracy deflates due to recession it means the end of USA Imperialism.
If the hawks can generate forever wars the MIC suppliers may have a chance to stay in business, but if they don’t get new contracts for new forever wars they all know implicitly that that is a Zero Sum game for the entire USA population.
BIG Chief Trump little penis has only one chance to stay in power at this juncture. He has ordered troupes to Iraq and approximately 2000 marines are on the way right now. In brief, 2000 marines were not ordered to Iraq to escort the base troupes out of Iraq safely. They were sent on a mission.
Impeachment, DOW Share Price, and no Trade Deal with China will put Trump on the defensive and he will start threatening everyone in the world if he does not get his way.
Trump is the kind of child leader that will throw temper tantrums in front of the world. Temper tantrums worked with his parents, and the Real Estate community in New York shitty.
Trump is a child of roughly 6 or 7 mentally & socially. Id impulses are running the world here and when id impulses run the world from the White House we are certain that whatever manifests will be destructive beyond imagination for most adults in the world.
Children with anger management issues & rage issues will understand Trump best.
USA is not much more than a teenager – pretty much still subject to hormonal rage – on its way to responsible adulthood. Take a zero off its ‘age’ to see the angry young man who wants it all, now, and will take it, now.
It’s fathers know that and will sacrifice it… as is long tradition.
Same goes for Israel.
The people at the top in the USA, Neo-Cons, Zionists, Pentagon, CIA, etc, are Hell bent on promoting Israel’s needs in the Middle East, rather than the needs of the American people(who have been shafted good and hard by “Globalization” and “Trickle Down” in the last 40 years).
Successive Presidents in recent years have just been “The Organ Grinder’s Monkey” and Trump is no exception. Always carrying out Israel’s agenda, and ignoring the vast majority of the American people.
The Military Industrial Complex are the enemy of the American people, and you have to wonder how much longer they are going to put up with it.
By the way, WHO is the CIA answerable to? They seem to be a “loose Cannon”, and always carrying out an agenda which is harmful to “The People”.
Is there one accountable CIA (even to its supposed bosses)?
Fragmented operations and networks of ‘need to know’ insiders operate instead of ‘intelligence’.
Who really holds the power to leverage those we may think or presume to be powerful?
And where there are conflicts of loyalty, the double agent or the captured or compromised asset – can be called on – or called off for the Key points.
The MIC and many other tentacles of the same parasitical nature are the Enemy of People. Not just Americans – or US Americans as I expect you mean.
I was particularly speaking of the USA in this case, but you are right. Who is MI6, ASIO, etc accountable too? They seem to operate without any accountability whatsoever….
Someone or ones, funds them, protects them and directs policy. But as I’m sure you know, when deprived of official funding they find other sources – and so are hand in hand with those we might wish they were holding in check.
Not unlike the CID and organised crime. Where does organised crime end and law enforcement begin? The revolving door is an old metaphor. Regulators are captured or neutered by networks of funding that are perhaps too big to fight.
But are they too big to fail to gain allegiance and support through weaponised and multi layered lies?
The control of the narrative and the undermining of the capacity to think and feel – by emotionally reactive identity theft.
MIC = (Military Ind Complex) – but no matter how many heads or fronts – they essentially operate a dissociated and private agenda – that from their perspective cannot be openly disclosed.
Perhaps the underbelly of our society is too ugly to allow disclosure – and yet is seen as the only mans of survival and so Too big to fail means suffering (inflicting) ever greater evils because any alternative is believed much worse.
THEY are the same powerful and wealthy as they ever were of course – long known by the red shield on the buulding THEY occupied at this end of the silk road.
When that much wealth and powet was accumulated across eurasia over generations- does anyone think it would have disappeared?
They don’t claim kingship they practice it. By running a Pathocracy. By finding, nurturing and employing psychopaths to be the public CEO’s of that ancient empire.
But more and more they are known and they can no longer hide behind a label.
The culmination of Western imperialism and capitalist expansionism is leading to another world war.
After viewing millions of Iranians grieving the death of Suleimani I couldn’t think of ONE political or military figure in the US who would command such respect, admiration, or would be so passionately mourned.
The most recent polling data from December 2019 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 27 percent. It should be noted, that most of the population considers the president to be a Buffoon, and if they don’t think that they certainly believe Trump’s a pathological liar.
In 2017 the Committee for a Responsible Foreign Policy—released the
results of a survey citing that “86.4 percent feel the American military should be used only as a last resort, while 57 percent feel that US military aid to foreign countries is counterproductive. The latter sentiment “increases significantly” when involving countries like Saudi Arabia, with 63.9 percent saying military aid—including money and weapons—should not be provided to such countries.”
To put it simply, the US public mistrusts and detests ALL politicians and are adamantly against ALL the endless wars.
Ironically, Trump’s assassination of Iran’s beloved warrior Suleimani resulted in unifying the entire Iranian population. However, in the US it will be quite a different story if an all out war erupts against
Iran. It will lead to massive social unrest, powerful anti-war protests, and utter chaos.
I agree a war with Iran will initiate the civil war that the left and right have been only whining about that aside from the real possibility of a Military Coup since the Pentagon has continually warned him against making such provocative moves.
It might not be a civil war. It could very well “unite” the working-class elevating political consciousness all protesting in solidarity.
Personally I think it’s time to Make Guillotines Great Again. If not Guillotines than the nearest lamp pole will suffice.
You’d get such a crowd in the West celebrating the death of political figures, I would say, if people were not so respectful. I really thought that Thatcher’s promotion to Hell was not marked by sufficient popular rejoicing.
Much depends on who actually made the decision. Was it Trump? Or has he fallen into an elephant trap set by his enemies in the Pentagon and the Intelligence Agencies ? Alternatively maybe they slipped him some LSD which might account for his bizarre threats against statues in the desert.
I agree with the first part. Disproportionate and barbarous threat of instant retaliation is prt of terrorising and unsettling and even freezing the capacity to ‘think’.
All thinking proceeds from presumptions, and one of the ways ‘power’ works deceit is in the ability to set it up so that the ‘controlled’ or ‘leveraged’ believe that their thinking is free while setting the fame of their perceived self-interest.
I just watched Corbett and Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond on this issue, that touches on a little of the military political context – a key part of which is the ‘Israeli’ agenda – and its style of ‘politics’ by pre-emptive strike under aggressively defended narrative assertion.
As for what the US(a) CAN execute as all-out war is linked to the will to do so – along with the costs or consequences of doing so. Meanwhile broad spectrum dominance operates transnationally by stealth… and deceit. The US(a) is wagged by its Corporate tails.
A significant part of masking tyranny under terror is the aggressively defended protection racket. For some this means believing the narrative they are given and for others it means they have to be seen to comply and conform to signal ‘virtue’ of allegiance under an enforced narrative dictate or lose their jobs, and reputation and incur penalties of social exclusion for the rest of their lives.
The act of state-endorsed murder without trial or evidences – that also kills others in the vicinity – aimed anywhere in the world – based in classified ‘intelligence’ that is without any oversight, accountability or challenge – is seeking to be as ‘gods over men’ – indeed a ‘god’ jealous of any and all rival as monopoly over life on earth – such as will survive under such a parasitic and destructive deceit.
Hi Brian… Have made numerous attempts at posting a comment on your blog, and also on the mobile version, including 3 attempts today, and for some reason, they just wouldn’t post.
Yes, this article is from Jan 6th. There is a reason for that. My email address is:
I didn’t want to post it on a recent article and having potentially a couple thousand people seeing it.
I am open to hearing from you if you wish.
Given the situation I’m in, I havn’t really got anything left to lose, and potentially a lot to gain. Right now, I’m just trying to stay within the day, and not project into next week or next month.
I would feel a more comfortable discussing this via email, rather than a public forum. And as I said, for me, it’s disrespectful to the author.
Anyway, have a good day.
Are you sure you want your email address to be published? I can remove it if you want and forward it to Brian privately
That’s why I came all the way back here to Jan 6th, but, yes, forward my email address to Brian Steere please.
Also, I’m going to ask another big favour.
Could you forward my email address to Frank Speaker as well please, as I think I saw him mention you had it, and then delete my posts here.
Really appreciate this Admin👍
I’ve given up on Trump. He’s just another Zionist sell out. DUMP TRUMP.
DUMP TRUMP-elect some other Sabbat Goy stooge!
Trump has gone beyond merely being a “Sabbat Goy stooge” and has turned into a total Golem.