10 Steps to Turn a Pandemic into the Brave New Normal
Catte Black
Now, dear reader, I know you’re not a member of an institutionally sociopathic elite caste, trying to extend your power back to the good old days of supreme monarchs ordained by God himself.
But imagine you were.
Imagine you were one of the richest people to ever exist, and your vast network of wealth and influence was based on some imaginary money and the widely cultivated belief that “there is no alternative”.
Now imagine the lies which secure your position are suddenly and violently challenged. Imagine Yellow Vested protests in the streets of Paris, an independence referendum in Catalonia. Anti-globalists, on the left and right, surging in popularity all around the world.
Imagine Brexit and Bitcoin and PirateBay and the myriad tiny ways people won’t do what they’re told.
What you’re suffering from is a loss of control of the narrative. What you need, really, is a new story. Something to instil everyone with a sense of common purpose. To frighten them, and distract them and keep them busy.
You need a threat, something that will make everyone “come together”. To put aside “divisions” and “hate” and all work together to face a “common enemy”
And enemies, like cakes and lemonade, are always far more satisfying when you make them yourself.
Here are the 10 steps you should employ, if you want to turn an unthreatening virus into a global power grab.
- Start with a poorly defined virus, add an inaccurate test for it, and encourage as many terminally or critically ill people as possible to be repeat tested until they test positive.
- Report your inevitably very high death rates and get vague about whether these people died OF the virus or simply WITH it.
- Create a ‘response’ to the ‘crisis’ that rolls out a vast network of authoritarian measures, some of which have been in planning for a long while, and only a minority of which have any possible application to pandemic-prevention. (Make sure to cancel elections until further notice and to hugely increase police powers of arrest and surveillance)
- Shut down your hospitals to all but ‘covid cases’. Cancel elective surgeries, kidney dialysis, cancer treatments, normal GP consultations and all “non-emergency healthcare”. Thus inevitably increasing all-cause mortality.
- Change your laws in numerous ways to allow almost all of these new deaths to bypass normal checks and balances and be easily diagnosed as ‘covid-19 related’, either with the inaccurate test or simply by ‘clinical presentation’.
- In case some attending medics are reluctant to go along with this, change the law to allow a single MD, who may never even have seen the patient in question, to diagnose covid19 at his/her own discretion.
- Report the startling numbers of ‘new cases’ you find as a result of these various manipulations, as evidence for how essential the new authoritarian measures are for ‘saving lives’.
- With no sense of irony introduce mandatory Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)s for any demographic you consider useless eaters. (If challenged talk about human suffering, limited healthcare resources and ventilators)
- Don’t forget to add any ensuing deaths to the covid19 totals.
- Make sure the media calls anyone who questions any part of this a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
Not only will these ten steps allow you to create a quasi-fascist police state, but the chattering classes will actually criticise you for not being enough of a police state and beg for more.
No doubt some will say this is excessively cynical, maybe even ‘conspiratorial’. But is it?
Since February 2020 we have dedicated this site to bringing you the factual reality of the entity called the “covid19 pandemic”. We have done this using official statistics and data, and the ignored testimony of experts in the field.
What has the orthodox story brought, in the same time frame?
The claim for this being a unique pathology requiring unique levels of intervention is being made every day, in virtually every mainstream outlets, many alt news outlets and by virtually every major government and health-related NGO.
It’s a deafening cacophony, a 24/7 bullhorn of fear and certitude, a fog of headlines and speculation and ‘what ifs’ and ‘some experts claim’ and forests of unsourced or unexplained numbers.
But what is it based on? What data, what statistics, what observations are forming the basis of this narrative?
Is there anything solid behind the noise?
Despite the atmosphere of panic being generated, and despite frequent usage of epithets like ‘deadly virus’ in the popular press, no one is claiming covid19 kills a lot of people.
In fact quite the opposite, as we pointed out recently. The very same sources that are promoting the need for unique action over this virus will tell you in the next breath that there is nothing uniquely dangerous about it at all.
According to the UK’s chief medical officer, 80% of those infected will get no symptoms or a mild cold, only a tiny minority will even need treatment in hospital, and even of those, the vast majority will survive.
So, what, in actual real-world terms, is being claimed? If the problem isn’t that this virus kills a lot of people, what is the problem?
The only response to that is to talk about health services being overrun due to the ‘R0’. As if you can take that number in isolation and have it mean something.
It’s nonsense. A high R0 is not concerning if the virus is harmless to most people who encounter it. The common cold has an R0 of between 2-3, pretty much the same as SARSCOV2. It also can kill vulnerable people, sometimes in large numbers.
So, if this argument makes sense we should be locked down permanently for fear of catching a sniffle.
The R0 argument used to get additional cred from referring to the Imperial model and its prediction that the health service would be overrun if some kind of lockdown was not enforced.
But this is more than problematic. The Imperial model has now been widely discredited, and its author, Neil Ferguson, exposed as a serial incompetent, or serial data-fudger for the govt or the Gates Foundation. It can no longer be used to support either the claim for uniqueness or the argument for lockdown. There is nothing to show it does either very well if at all.
Which means the entire ‘flatten the curve’ meme is also discredited, by the way. Far from being overrun, the NHS is virtually shut down, apart from those almost empty covid19 wards. Yet apparently it’s going to take the UK govt 12 months to get elective surgeries back.
Because, you know, reasons.
Covid19 reasons.
NOT an opportunistic bid to finally shut down and privatise or otherwise commandeer the NHS.
That’s definite.
Seriously though, people. If you think there is any coherence, rational thought or data behind the global, Gatesian official position – please tell me where it is.
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Please support the new legal action against the lockdown, social distancing, testing etc. in the UK that will lead to the failure of lockdowns, social distancing, testing and coronavirus vaccine policy around the world. The fight back starts here! https://click.pstmrk.it/2sm/www.crowdjustice.com%2Fcase%2Fthe-coronavirus-act-2020%2F/iwKdMQg/UnpD/peaXLgm8or/Y2FzZV9hcHByb3ZlZA
Why can’t people see and hear with their own senses what is going on around them? I’m so scared they will come and force me to have a chip put in me in the guise of a vaccine. I thought nearly my whole town would be dead by now but I don’t know of ONE confirmed case of this covid 19. They are LYING to us!! I am targeted as I have severe emphysema. The first thing they did when this ‘pandemic’ arrived was stop my strongest inhaler!! I had to fight to get it back. It’s all about culling and control.
Your Post is Spot on. The psychology of control is easily seen and abused by combining two studies and one theory namely Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the Milligram study And the Stanford university prison study. By understanding the outcomes of these experiments one can see how they control us.
OffG keeps on repeating ad nauseam what we know about this COVID situation. Almost every article has been COVID related for weeks / months. We can see that the MSM do this, but FFS, can we have some non-COVID articles please? Lots of them?
The situation has rather warranted it. If a lot of covid-narrative-driven bullshittery is going to be pumped out across the board, one is sort of obliged to try to counter it. Or is the ‘new normal’ old now?
Do not take your eyes off this! When people stop countering this bullshit, it will be over. Take it from someone who lived under soviet regime.
The “virus scare” and “lockdowns” are being used to very rapidly destroy our human societies globally, with likely full scale economic collapse happening globally by the Northern Hemisphere autumn. That’s only a few months away. So, seems like the Off Guardian is actually doing a good job in keeping their eye on the most critical issue of the day.
bit of a troll, aren’t you? What boutique issues would you have them talk about? Joe Biden’s running mate possibilities?
Sent to my local newspaper in the UK.
I note from your news feed that the deaths with the virus in Dorset have risen to 143. The BBC virus reporter (bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274) for the area has not been updated since 8th May, and shows 139 deaths of people who tested positive and the coronavirus is mentioned on the death certificate.
However, if you download the ‘COVID-19 Daily Deaths Summary’ from the NHS, (mine is dated up to 5pm on 18th May), the two Dorset NHS trusts show only 36 deaths combined.
I have emailed both the BBC (Big Big Coronavirus) and the email address on the spreadsheet, asking for some clarification.
I also have a report from the Lancet, which is an analysis of autopsies on Italian virus victims. The cause of death in the majority of cases was Pulmonary Thrombosis. It would be interesting to see if a similar finding was made in the UK, but I have no idea if they are performing autopsies.
Inactivity caused by lockdown?
‘Pulmonary embolism is a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in your lungs. In most cases, pulmonary embolism is caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs from deep veins in the legs or, rarely, from veins in other parts of the body (deep vein thrombosis).’
‘Deep vein thrombosis can develop if you have certain medical conditions that affect how your blood clots. It can also happen if you don’t move for a long time, such as after surgery or an accident, or when you’re confined to bed.’
I think you’re being too kind. You forget that the “Never Again Project” has, as it’s ultimate aim, mandatory vaccination from cradle to grave and the requirement to prove your health by submitting to a digital tattoo, namely micro chipping us like dogs. The microchip will allow the governments of the world and their corporate cronies to constantly watch us, where we go, who we meet and for how long, what we buy and to imprison, fine or punish us for any behaviour the powerful do not like. Chinese social crediting has already denied millions the right to travel by train. With the 5g antennae and satellites going up like billyoh during the lock down (coincidence? No) we will be tracked 24/7.
And then the vaccines, the launch of Dr Mikovits’ book Plague of Corruption must have spooked the vax billionaires. She explains how vaccines grown in animal tissue can cause zoonotic transfer of retroviruses from eg Cows to humans. The cows have evolved to deal with it but not us. Retroviruses caused HIV AIDS, ME and have been implicated in cancer and Alzheimer’s. What could go wrong?
Finally, talking of cows, 2019 was supposed to be a bad flu year, so they ensured the flu vaccine contained Swine Flu and several other strains. Where are the flu deaths? Surely they wouldn’t rename the flu deaths….would they?
This whole situation had a bad smell about it from the start. I am sure most of us have been aware that governments across the globe have been scratching their heads for a solution to the vast numbers of elderly people in society not to mention the long term sick. Rasing the petition age is just one way of getting rid of a few. But this virus threat is doing a much faster job.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention China’s arrest of 11 Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters during the lockdown – a quid pro quo for their provision of the Wuhan narrative and their health minister was there at event 201.
Strange then that the kind of people you say are on a power grab are the same people now urging opening-up measures to get people back to work. And that the Brexit government fooled about for ages, dismissing ‘lockdowns’ as unnecessary until public and some medical pressure brought it on. Or perhaps ‘that’ was just another ruse to merely make it appear they were anti-lockdown? There’s always a new slant to fit the narrative right?
If the deaths/infections are so tiny, why bother trying to hide care home stats? After going to so much alleged trouble to “test and re-test” to create a fake pandemic scenario?
There is in fact so little actual control over what populations, now unencumbered by a 9-5 grind, are doing under the radar. The only thing worth positing is the deliberate running-down of saved assets (any money assets and that won’t be much after 40+ years of austerity-based economics) by the general public so that they will be begging to engage in wage slavery. The idleness actually gives people more time to read and think, not less time as in a life filled with work commitments. So this doesn’t quite add up does it?
The problem with the ‘Bitcoin’ radicals is they are economically utterly clueless. Instead of working towards meaningful economic justice via intelligent, democratic fiscal policy, they think arsing about with fantasy currencies makes them anarchist radicals. It doesn’t.
There may well be elements of control measures being rehearsed as part of this Covid-19 scenario, but the tendency of hobby conspiracy theorists to build grand narratives is getting utterly boring.
Yes, the lockdown has made us all so free and anarchic! Everyone can come ang go exactly as they please. No more queuing! People can go and hug each other and just look at the enormous revolutionary protests! Nothing can stop us now!
I do think Johnson’s dithering was choreography – he was always going to go full retard and lock us down but he had to appear to have tried a less drastic approach. It’s not as if he gave herd immunity a reasonable trial period. However, I agree about your Bitcoin comments – it’s been a deep state construct from it’s very inception, paving the way for a cashless society, sold to the masses as sticking it to the man by shysters like Keiser.
I really hate the use of the word ‘retard’. People who are ‘retarded’ are being given illegal DNRs as we speak – they too are regarded as ‘undesirables’, just like the elderly, and just like Germany, 1933. And frankly, all of the ‘retards’ I’ve know (people with learning disabilities) just want to be allowed to live their lives like anyone else. I know everyone uses this word, but if you had a relative, brother, sister, uncle, who had a learning disability, the use of that word would really, really sting. I’m not saying ‘end freedom of speech’ although I know it’s what everyone will think. I just wish that people who don’t actually know learning disabled people would realise a ‘retard’ would never, ever do what these politicians have, and that there IS a continuum between using ‘retard’ as an insult and the government declaring people with learning disabilities as ‘not worth trying to save’.
Well, could it be that the people alleged to be on a power grab are far higher up the food chain than lowly figures in the UK government? That they are the global ruling class, with Bill Gates acting as their frontman, and their agenda may conflict with that of the current British government. Could it be that they were displeased to see the UK flouting the imperative to put the world under lockdown, and that is why they saw to it that Ferguson’s alarmist forecasts were released and the government was forced to change track?
“The idleness actually gives people more time to read and think, not less time as in a life filled with work commitments. So this doesn’t quite add up does it?”
Read and think? What the hell are you talking about??
The zombies are all sitting plugged into the SMART grid watching endless box sets and netflix series. Glued to their devices in whatever (ANTI) social media echochamber platform getting ‘factchecked’ news streams downloaded into their brains.
You mate….are a fucking moron!
Indulging in their digital opium.
Yes, yes… everyone else is sleepwalking except you and your compatriots. There are several ways of monitoring how influential groups and individuals affect world affairs and the least venerable is bleating out doomsday quackery based upon guesswork, hearsay and the rantings of the online ‘experts’ frequenting what are basically conspiracy sites of the worst kind.
It’s not that I think there aren’t groups who try to exercise power and influence, but many of these actually compete with one another for that power and influence. The only real binding thread is neoliberal economic ideas and practise, which both feeds and feeds off the various groups propounding half-baked economic experiments: so e.g. the late Milton Friedman and his list of sycophantic followers; the right-wing groups dabbling in ‘eugenics’ because they think they represent the intellectual elite against your ‘zombies’; flat out capitalist greed merchants who have come of age in the last 45 years of economic stupidity. Among others.
Plenty balanced individuals have provided good political overviews of concerted efforts to subvert basic democracy, the more known names like Naomi Klein and John Pilger, and dozens of others more narrowly focused.
I’m focused on economics (because that is my speciality) specifically the subversion of monetary operations and resulting incoherence of neo-liberal fiscal policy. I can entertain reports about back-room shenanigans in big business and govt, even run from meetings between powerful bigwigs, because they go on all the time. But murky talk of ‘the global elite’ as some sort of organised worldwide organisation of super-villains putting a nanomachine into your head is for the David Icke crowd.
“The problem with the ‘Bitcoin’ radicals is they are economically utterly clueless. Instead of working towards meaningful economic justice via intelligent, democratic fiscal policy, they think arsing about with fantasy currencies makes them anarchist radicals. It doesn’t.”
Spot on.
“There may well be elements of control measures being rehearsed as part of this Covid-19 scenario, but the tendency of hobby conspiracy theorists to build grand narratives is getting utterly boring.”
Grand narratives? What’s with the shaming language? Oh, and this isn’t a hobby for us, although it may well be for you, Sir.
They didn’t try to hide care home stats. For the first 4/6 weeks they let people in care homes rot by effectively cutting off their access to doctors and normal health care services that keep them alive. At the same time they discouraged anyone over 75 from going to hospital and got them to sign DNR forms which must of scared half of them (or more) to death. One can make a great argument that these policies ensured excess deaths in care homes that they would later (and they did) incorrectly add to the total deaths when the numbers started to tail off from the rest of the population. This happened just in time for the Gov to justify keeping the total lockdown going. The only reason they are relaxing the lockdown now is because hospital admissions and deaths have levelled out and the people are restless. The next opportunity they get we will be back inside. Cannot believe how naïve some people still are.
Timmy, they did try to hide them. The govt’s official declarations shifted back and forth or official spokespeople claimed ‘not to have current figures’. They’ve spent the entire time trying to play down death numbers; if they wanted to frighten everyone they could just claim a much higher death total and get away with it, because it’s not like anyone has done a major statistical review.
If all these elites were such great masterminds they wouldn’t be ballsing it up and getting caught out by amateur detectives on places like Twitter.
No doubt certain -for want of a better word – ‘radical’ populist governments like to make capital from disaster, even to orchestrate discontent and guide views (Brexit being a prime example).
One has to wonder why you are even here posting? As you stated conspiracy theories are boring to you. And you are also not proving anything other than you attack people instead of showing evidence of your beliefs.
It is the lowest form of debate when you attack another person instead of their argument. Maybe you’re a shill or part of controlled opposition? Or perhaps sadly misguided.
One does not need to be a genius to see through the official narrative. Stats have come out from all quarters that Covid is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. But don’t believe me – look yourself.
And while you’re at it please explain to me why they feel the need to inflate the death toll from Covid ? This is all over the news. The mainstream news.
Without one more piece of evidence than that, it is obvious there are ulterior motives afoot.
Go ahead Ferdinand, keep mocking people who don’t accept the official narrative. Because whatever the government tells you must be true, right? Tell that to victims of the holocaust who believed the propaganda shoved down their throats – until it was too late,
I won’t censor you, like the governments are censoring anything opposing what the WHO says.
But you have to really wonder why they are so terrified of free speech – unless they have something to hide.
And please – it’s not because they are concerned about our health. That is the most thinly veiled lie I’ve ever heard.
But hey, go ahead dismiss me, Logic, and reason, and mock it all as “conspiracy theories.” It’s so persuasive when you do.
Don’t you think it’s a bit odd to posit, on the one hand, some hidden ‘meta-reality’ beyond mainstream information and then to claim on the other hand that something seemingly showing this is obvious because it is “even all over the mainstream news”?!
The so-called ‘fact’ of covid-19 being no more dangerous than “mainstream flu” is the work of people with zero knowledge failing to interpret the statements. The virus belongs to the same broad group, but it is more “dangerous” because a) no-one has had it before, b) it is highly contagious (as a result of no-one having had it) , c) it’s mechanisms and nature are not fully understood. The deaths of people who don’t normally die of seasonal flu demonstrate that like the Spanish flu pandemic the immune systems of young people go into overdrive against an unknown virus (or virus variant). This doesn’t happen with seasonal flu.
I never said THEY (who are they?) were specifically concerned about everyone’s health; though to suggest the opposite requires some real damning evidence well above what has been offered.
As I said no solid statistical or final cause-of-death assessment has really been done, so you can no-more claim low figures than anyone else can definitively claim higher figures.
I’m not looking to mock anyone, but some make it easy and tempting. It’s possible to remain sceptical (as I am) and still remain within the bounds of credibility. You talk a lot about “evidence”, but you really don’t have any, and nor do I in real terms. It isn’t me claiming that the covid lockdown is a plot to enslave everyone though is it?
You can’t see past your own intellect. There is a concerted plan to orchestrate all world governments into consistent action with desired pre planned outcomes. If you cannot see it by now you never will. Others can see it. Keep arguing to the contrary if you like.
Really sounds like you have been living on another planet Ferdinand. How could they possibly have artificially inflated cases or deaths any more than they already have?!
You don’t have the foggiest notion about anything, do you ? I hope someone’s paying you for your rancid propaganda.
When people call you a conspiracy theorist then you have to did deep and bring forth actual facts to prove your theory. Keep digging folks, share with everyone what you find. At the moment the ‘theorists’ are greatly outnumbered by the general population, but gradually the sins of those in charge will be found out. Just one example: ‘Colorado forced to revise its virus tally after alchohol poisoning counted as Covid19 death. Colorado now says 878, not 1150 have died of Covid in the state.’ See the website Anti-Empire
The curve is as flat as a pancake. The virus death rate is below that before lock up, but still we are locked up. BBC subscribers were horrified that people went to the beach for fresh air yesterday in the good weather to ‘spread their germs’. The total brainwashing of 90% of the population is the reason for this continuing lock up. You can’t just blame the Government, it’s the mass media as well.
Protest and Survive.
But not an ounce of blame for the 90% who are too f……n clueless to understand that the official narrative does not make any sense?
Or is this a result of sucking down the cool-aid dosed with “everyone wins a prize” and “I am not responsible for my actions because I was drunk”?
Many of the new decrees being passed have absolutely nothing to do with public health or the CCPvirus, we have here agents of the state bothering people in buses because they were standing up, the horror. Some towns are going to declare “corona curfews”, oh why is that, is the virus some kind of werewolf creature that comes out at night? The whole global response to this virus is a farce of the highest order, a series of ridiculous, tyrannical laws designed to infuse fear into the population, and to paralyze everyone into submission due to the sheer absurdity of it all.
We had a 10 pm to 6 am curfew here in Cyprus until today, when certain measures were relaxed!
Marcelo – Yes the sheer absurdity of it all. I was in the countryside yesterday in the car. I went past a girl walking her dog with a mask on. There was not a single soul around for miles! Maybe she didn’t want to give it to the dog! You are preaching to the converted on this website unfortunately. It’s the general population that needs a little enlightenment, but they only read the biased daily papers and not OffGuardian. A case in point. My husband disinfects everything in the house constantly in case it has Covid19 on it, even though we have had no cases where I live. Not only no hospitalisations or deaths, but nobody’s got it! Still, he thinks there’s a plague sitting outside the front door!
“Which means the entire ‘flatten the curve’ meme is also discredited, by the way. Far from being overrun, the NHS is virtually shut down, apart from those almost empty covid19 wards.”
As Del Bigtree notes, the deal was, originally, flatten the curve to preserve the functioning of ICUs and ERs. When it turned out that covid 19 just wasn’t killing enough people to even be called a pandemic, they moved the goalposts. Now it’s about keeping everyone locked up until there’s a vaccine. Of course, What kind of vaccine is the question, since what Bill Gates has in mind isn’t even traditional vaccine technology.
Soon, The people will not only have to contend with guns in the conventional sense, but guns in the unconventional sense as well. The latest weapon in the arsenal of the counterrevolutionaries is: The Gene Gun.
You cannot say what the number of infections and deaths would have been without the lock-down. What’s done is done, and, hopefully, lessons will have been learned. In the case of the UK and USA, I am only kidding.
There are plenty of countries that didn’t lockdown so those countries infection rate and subsequent death to infection rate will provide a reference. If the infection rate and death to infection rate correlate as appears to be the case than that provides a ‘control group’. The lockdown has had no effect on the infection rate of the UK as the graphs show the rate as the same before and after lockdown.
Which John Giesecke who advised the Swedish government has been telling people.
Oh, yes.
The ‘rain dance’ fallacy.
A form of panic, a tremor, is apparently setting in with the orchestrators of the panic-demic, involving the problem of sustaining the BS. (Are we straining yet, as “social distancing” conditions grow ever more ridiculous?)
I say this because today we have a lot of news that the vaccine is galloping to us and will solve the problem of Mr. Death for the time being. And we might notice a certain strained tone and look on the face for the advocates of this “final solution” (as Mr. Gates unfortunately slipped and called it in an interview with Colbert) because my, my, my, people are getting out and about finally.
In Wyoming, a state with few virus casualties, you can now go to pole-dancing clubs. The dancers and all personnel wear masks (not the customers; and social distancing would seem a tad difficult to hold onto in a pole-dance sort of place). Lap dances are not allowed (yet). The pole is cleansed regularly during the evening. Presumably there is a sign out front (as on California highways) scripted by Bill Gates: “Recreate responsibly.”
The one thing not really taken into account sufficiently in this theater of the absurd is a unique quality in Americans, aside from principles of the constitution, that they like doing what they feel like doing, which means getting out and having a good time, besides being overall a gregarious and friendly type of people.
So to the haste to get that vaccine down (dammit let’s get it on here!) with the Moderna Corp saving the day and the stock market rising! But this Harvard expert says wait a minute:
“The final solution to the human problem”
The premature announcements of ‘vaccine progress’ are simply meant to goose Wailing Wall Street, awash with Fed Reserve shekels, and make Big Bucks for deserving plutocrats like Bill Gates. ‘No billionaire left behind!’.
On that vaccine subject – nobody will take it. Fear of the health service has been evident throughout the lock down, with people avoiding hospitals wherever possible. Distrust and suspicion of the government exists. At the very least our government has bankrupted many small businesses, caused huge demands on food banks and arguably a lot else. Essentially few will want the vaccine, and by the looks of it from their failed app idea, will only try to persuade rater than coerce people into getting jabs. The pantomime plan is apparent, the gullible nature of celebrity leaders apparent, and the smell of hidden embarrassment is tangible.
Hansard Man Guard. Oh so true. Your last sentence says it all.
The people that have the annual flu jab will take Bill’s love juice. That’s fine with me, should kill off most of the population after repeat inoculations. That will leave just the top 1% and the bottom 1%. Game on ! I’ve got a few names on my list.
There is no evidence of COVID-19 at all and there is evidence against it as testified to by the media stories of alleged sufferers, apart from evidence suggesting that the alleged virus hasn’t even been isolated. If they are going to do as suggested in the article, then the pandemic must be, by definition, a plandemic. The whole thing must be controlled. No virus broke out in Wuhan, skipped over to Bergamo, landed on the shores of Australia in the Ruby Princess, etc.
All planned … and from the opening ceremony at the 2012 London Olympics, we can tell it was planned for quite awhile. Spot the comment on the Olympic channel’s presentation of the opening ceremony that doesn’t refer to the presaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4As0e4de-rI
22 years back remember ravers also used to wear gloves and masks identical to PPE wear
So scary. The ball which kind of resembles the coronavirus also resembles a sea mine.
Exactly there is no virus. They have turned a flu season into a pandemic and deliberately too.
Wuhan shutting down was completely staged. It did happen but not because of a virus.
The WHO praised China and said lockdowns were the only way to defeat a virus.
The WHO did this deliberately and who is the biggest funded and promoting lockdowns…you guessed it.
As has now been famously quoted ‘ if you want to see the west tomorrow look at China today ‘
Paul – Just one example. The suggestion that we ‘disinfect’ children front and back before they are allowed into school. A good old scrub with soap and water when they get up out of bed should suffice. Just wonder how the next generation are going to turn out. Spoke to a young girl in the pet shop yesterday. Said she wished she was around in the 70’s when things were real. I said yes, you missed a really good time. I am 61 and cry for those days.
“Imagine Yellow Vested protests in the streets of Paris”
Yellow Vests are protester slaves. They protest in the uniforms assigned to them by authorities. They have to wear these vests because they are mass man obsessed with driving around, and they have to wear these security-signalling vests because they risk to drive each other into the hospital or into the grave. They are so obsessed with driving in their cars, obsessed with speed, that a man who steps out of his car, or who is a pedestrian, or a bicycler is in high danger (in my country the latter two often also wear protective stuff, else they get hit by some mass man empowered by his deadly weapon, his holy cow). Imagine that.
So, they are slave protesters, mass man and his holy cow, his car, protesting in these vests is an expression of identification, they even identify with this uniform. They are not even ashamed of it. Elites are not at all afraid of such slaves.
Right. What’s “mass man”? This is a down vote.
A Roman Catholic?
Ernst Toller, a German radical, wrote a book called “Masse Mensch” which expressed his somewhat anarchist ideas about mass mobilisation. Maybe this is a reference to it. Toller got out of Germany when Hitler came to power and committed suicide in exile.
It was a play, rather than a book. Toller was influenced by events in Germany in 1918 and 1919.
Thanks for that.
The use, or rather uselessness of ‘protective’ masks. Clowns noses would be more appropriate, or perhaps strings, with which ‘authorities’ guided by modern oracles, so called experts, control you…
I can’t get a handle on who is talking in the video. And the voice is hard to make out. This article, “Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy,” however, is clear. (https://www.technocracy.news/blaylock-face-masks-pose-serious-risks-to-the-healthy/) It is looked at in one of Del Bigtree’s videos (The Highwire). The doctor seems to have drank the Kool-Aid on the idea of a pandemic, but the info on masks is interesting. Dr David Brownstein had a good article on masks as well, but I’ve lost track of it. As well, He’s been targetted by the authorities for not saying things that WHO likes. I like him.
It looks like the article is no longer retrievable online. Censorship you know. But I did quote from it in one of my blog posts: https://arrby.wordpress.com/2020/05/02/covid-19-thanks-cattle-the-exploiters-see-that-their-hoax-worked-and-will-therefore-press-on/
The link technocracy.newslink above worked for me, I’m glad to say (thanks). Did you mean that it was non findable via search-engine?
No, no. I’m talking about Dr Brownstein’s article on face masks. His site has been stopped in its tracks by the criminal WHO, ergo… (I don’t know why that article wouldn’t be there. Maybe it’s just my lack of skill in digging stuff up. I don’t know.) All I have now is my own quote from that article.
Ah, ok sorry.
Sorry to hear that. They have something to fear, and/or to hide.
The World Hell Organisation.
Lewrockwell.com has the article: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/dr-david-brownstein/we-must-wear-face-masks-show-me-the-science-behind-that/
Alas, It’s not Dr Brownstein’s entire article. I will copy articles to my hard drive for archiving when I think that the article is important and/or in danger of disappearing. I wish I had done that for this one, although there’s been a few other good articles on masks since. One article, by Mike Orcutt, on the subject of covid 19 (which I don’t believe exists, but let’s set that aside) on surfaces was quite good. He writes for MIT Technology Review. I grabbed that, as I can easily see that disappearing. This hoax isn’t over by a long shot. Therefore, neither is the censorship and police State abuse.
I’m sorry the article isn’t complete. I figured, with its length, that it might be… but I’m no graphomaniac, so what do I know, eh?
A lot of links and sources (also on masks) are here: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
Refreshing to see a lot of sober voices speaking up…
I have a feeling of foreboding that covid discussion will become a secondary issue, taking a back seat to “systemic racism”, and many of the “crisis-time” regulations will be left in place in (probable) absence of strong public pushback against them.
Convenient timing, that.
It will be convenient, as covid 1984 is just getting started. Thanks for the link.
“Will Help Ourselves” organization.
I like him too. One of the “iodine doctors”. Not his only interest, but the thing I know him best for. The human body does not need fluoride (which is in fact toxic to it), but if definitely needs iodine/iodide, and not just in the thyroid gland. Another good guy in this respect is Dr Jorge Flechas. Of course mainstream “health” authorities are wrong about this, as about so much else. Fluoride tends to destroy human intelligence; iodine/iodide tends to increase it. Guess which one the authorities like to bombard us with?
That’s interesting. I have become very leery of manmade chemicals since learning, thanks to covid 1984, that manmade chemicals are the invisible enemy, not bugs. One of the reasons I only use sea salt is because it doesn’t have iodine added. I like my food natural and that’s not going to change. So it sounds like what I need to know is what foods naturally have iodine in them?
Not many. Ocean fish, seafood, seaweed (e.g. kelp). The Japanese get a relatively high amount of iodine that way, and apparently have a much lower level of cancers than in the west, with the exception of stomach cancer. (The “iodine doctors” say that’s possibly due to high nitrate content in some other foods that the Japanese favour).
(The problem with ocean fish, etc, is that they are widely thought to be polluted by mercury, and even official sources seem to encourage only moderate intake of them).
The UK is among those countries that are officially borderline iodine-deficient in its soils. And parts of the USA are famously so: the so-called “Goiter Belt”.
I did look into it all fairly carefully at one time, and decided to supplement, using Lugol’s Solution (which one can buy online, reasonably easily). The other way of supplementing is via tablets called Iodoral. I don’t know how readily available those are outside the USA, and I suspect they are expensive outside of the USA.
But you do have to be a bit careful; there is a whole “protocol” established or at least usually recommended to go with supplementing with iodine, involving other minerals, such as selenium (which quite a few people are recommending for Covid-19, interestingly. Also fairly liberal use of sea salt (for its many trace elements), so you are ahead of the game there. Some other things as well.
You might try looking at the “Curezone” forum, in the iodine threads.
And/or read Lynne Farrow:
(and surprise surprise, it looks like she’s had a video taken down by Youtube!)
The censorship is sickening. Anyway, Thanks for that. The only meat I eat, coincidentally, is seafood. I’ll look into this though. I also discovered when researching covid 19 that magnesium with taurene helps rid the body of calcium, a component of plaque. That interested me as I have atherosclerosis. I bought some capsules just as the lockdown was tightening up (and some lady in a mask in the store where I bought them was absolutely annoying as she ‘helped’ me locate the product on her store’s shelf) but I dont know whether they are quality and right now I don’t feel like talking to crazies who have swallowed the covid 19 pandemic hoax about it, so I’ve paused on taking the capsules until I’m sure. They seemed to not sit well with me. As Dr Kaufman says, Your body knows. Listen to it.
If you are having a suspected coronary infarction you will often be put on a magnesium drip in the ER, as low magnesium is known to cause or exacerbate acute thrombosis as well as atheroma and atherosclerosis. Yet dietary supplements are still not routinely recommended, because nutrition is not a core part of medical training in the west. If I was on statins or blood pressure medication or had atherosclerosis I would take magnesium daily. Magnesium citrate is good and fairly cheap. Or mag glyconate or mag malate are well absorbed.
Thanks. When I investigated, I landed on a website of some doctor who’s main focus is magnesium. (And he wrote a book about it.) His website recommends, for me, magnesium with taurine or something like that. I emailed him to ask about calcium. I sometimes (hardly ever now since my diet is good) take antacid (with calcium). He emailed me back and said emphatically that I should stay away from calcium. Okay.
Does that mean cheese too? I don’t want to give up cheese.
When I can talk to people face to face, no masks or plastic boxes, I’ll ask about the magnesium I have. I want to take it, but I’m concerned about the quality.
I get my daily dose of iodine via the teat spray I use in the dairy 5 mornings a week. My thyroid levels are mildly high and when i quizzed my GP about this being linked to daily exposure he went away to read up on the subject. Waiting for that answer….
He wanted to put me on statins for high blood pressure, after doing a bit of reading I got a ketogenic diet and dropped my weight from 108kg to 91 in 8 weeks. Went back for a follow-up and blood pressure back to normal, thanks. Eased off the diet, and have found that bread and other wheat products are the biggest problem. I dropped the morning cereal as well so I only eat a snack after work, an evening meal and lunch. Rarely hungry, more energy, and get more done.
A balanced diet will do the trick without the expensive trace elements
This may be an additional comment once what I first posted showed up, so forgive me. I just wanted acknowledge the response and say that the censorship is sickening.
“So it sounds like what I need to know is what foods naturally have iodine in them?”
Very few I’m afraid outside supplements, but dried sheets of nori seaweed are naturally high in iodine and very tasty.
Good to know. Thanks. The ones I’ve tried were not tasty. But maybe there’s seaweed that is palatable and I have to just discover it.
Arby I was at University with a Food Scientist who was doing a degree in psychology because he wished to pursue a different track in his career. He said very seriously and very articulately that he would never eat anything that wasn’t natural. I.e. Margarine, yoghurts, salad cream, meat pies and any processed foods and many other so called ‘healthy’ food items. He said the best and most healthy food is the natural food such as butter, mayonnaise, real meat etc. It seems, from what he said, that the human body is not designed for chemically based intake. The British Medical Association did, I believe it was a 7 year longitudinal study of the effectiveness of chemically based vitamins – the type you can buy in the shops, on the human body. Their findings? They found that there were no benefits at all, not one, of buying or taking these vitamins as they were alien to the body and were chemicals. Therefore, all the vegans, vegetarians etc who bring their children up as such and supplement their diet with bought vitamins were playing russian roulette with their children’s natural body. They did another study and found exactly the same thing. I listened not so long ago, may be a year or so ago, to an American Scientist on a Radio 3 programme “Free Thinking. He made a clear distinction between an ‘edible food like substance’ and ‘real’ food. Yogurts and similar products came in for a roasting!
Also, with iodine, yes your body does need it and most people get it naturally if they eat well and properly. Your thyroid depends on it. If you do not have enough of it naturally then it needs to be raised by other means. Beware though, many people with thyroid disorders eat things like broccoli, cauliflower, kale etc that are all iodine suppressants. It is not to say you should not eat these things rather, that you eat them in moderation and, if you feel any effects starting, then cease eating them.
Well, I replied but don’t see. I’ll check later. This, then, is a quick ‘Thanks!’
Isn’t it so ironic that the BBC are encouraging people to report misinformation to them to protect our health.
Well I have reported misinformation to them- BBC, All MSM, WHO, politicians and the so called ‘scientists ‘.
It is absurd, but rather everything is upside down in our times, so it fits very well. What foul is fair, and what is fair is foul.
It has become an “Alice Through The Looking Glass” world. What’s wrong is right, and what’s right is wrong.
Have you tried reporting their own misinformation to them?
Somewhere in Shakespeare there is a reference to dogs returning to their own vomit.
Paul too – now there’s a thought. I might just do that!
Yes, but it’s not easy as it’s a huge corporation. I’ve sent numerous communications to my MP too. I think he is sick of my rants. I’ve e-mailed Matt Hancock also. I think he has a lot to answer for. Barrage you MPs folks, that’s what they are paid for!
It’s misinformation if you side with the BBC and other MSM. Never ever listen to or side with those liars the conspiracy theorists. I do hate that word. They use it all the time just to try and shut people up! You only have to watch the UK Column news channel to see that there are some very well educated, rational and probably correct conspiracy theorists out there.
Where are the pre Covid steps 1 to 10 to prove she isn’t just making this up with hindsight! That’s as bad as the MSM!
I have said here before, another topic, that I used to follow UFO conspiracies then “other” conspiracies since the internet age, conclusion : conspiracies are NOT conspiracies they are simply screw-up, arrogance, ass-covering stirred up with a hefty does of greed,corruption and ass-licking. There is no way in hell that any group no matter how much money they had could organise this event on a worldwide scale across the myriad political, social and religious systems. Impossible, but it does give the conspiracists a wee buzz .
As for screw-ups, well that’s easy especially when there are only 2 sources of worldwide health research, the USA and the UK (the EU is dominated by UK health research). Panic is infectious like a virus especially when whipped up by the press e.g. Piers Morgan thumping the desk with his hand, twitter storms, memes….boom! instant political panic induced screw-up.
So here we are with a worldwide political class that panicked and because of the toxic press the politicians cannot hold up their hand and state “sorry folks we got that wrong”. Instead it’s carry on with plan A as if they meant it! and rollback gently. Trouble is plan A has massive unforeseen consequences so it actually requires an instant rollback BUT they used fear to gain support for plan A…ooops (another screw up preventing rollback). Just wait until furlough support is removed then swathes of companies will go into administration.
oh, right, it’s the toxic press that stops the doltish politicos from saying “I screwed up” not their own hubris and cowardice…thanks for setting us all straight
Yorkshirelad, this is known as the logical fallacy, argument from incredulity. While it may seem extremely to imagine such a hoax being perpetrated, one must consult the evidence. The evidence says hoax.
We’ve been massively hoaxed for millennia and still haven’t caught on. As shown in Gloria Moss’s excellent article on the Great Fire, what’s said in the history books about it is a load of bollocks.
Reminds me of a faux Peanuts cartoon. Lucy says to Linus. ‘Father Christmas must exist. How could so may people keep it secret.’ My mother when she was told Father Christmas was not real was shocked that her parents she completely trusted had been lying to her. A school friend had told her and she had been outraged. Unless an person has a cognitive understanding of something, they will automatically believe anything they can’t see with their own eyes if told by their guardians.
Great analogy, LLoyd.
Unforseen consequences, really?
Wonder if the Pendemic test with the NHS in 2016 threw up some unforseen consequences?
You are right: right enough to get you scads of downvotes in this cesspit of whining, projection and denial. The virus is potentially very dangerous. Whether that potential is realized depends on factors that ‘approved’ virology can’t even assess because it’s below the currently acceptable academic dogma. It’s unlikely that the call for WHO to explain itself will show up anything relevant because China will not cooperate “until the virus is under control” and the results of the steps taken to do that will provide China with the information it needs to get itself into a cooperatable position without actually having to contribute information it would prefer to keep confidential to the contents of the report. Snake eats its own tail but will have difficulty swallowing its own head. Given a century of serious underinvestment in public health services including communicable disease control, with only a few transient upticks, we are stuck with tools and techniques that are woefully inadequate for the current situation even though we, all of us except those who chose to ignore it, knew it was coming. We can’t even reliably determine whether the official response to the disease was/is the best we could expect using those antidiluvean tools and techniques or an extraordinary display of pissing into the wind, way out of proportion to its enormous economic and social cost. Certainly our economic and social systems are even more useless and antiquated than our public health systems to the extent of being next to useless in protecting the interests of ‘the people’ from the gold rush of high level crooks and carpetbaggers who have seized the opportunity to exercise predation and control freakery on a mind boggling scale, a scale that, in conjunction with the oncoming perfect environmental storm, will take more time to repair–if it can be repaired at all–than it has all but assured we have left as a living species. Bit of a mess really. But at least we have brought on ourselves.
I would like to share this thoughtful discussion about the battles yet to come, about human behavior and other things:
O’Neill is more or less pure filth.
Murdochite ‘Australian’ readers’. OK-they get other people to read his garbage to them.
Most of what I’ve been saying all along. What this article ignores, however, is that the Covid pandemic is being used as the Trojan Horse to usher in the new Medical Tyranny regime. This has been planned for decades. This is 1984 with a virus. In order to subjugate a people, first you have to destroy their infra-structure. Bombs usually work, as in past wars. But this time, they have destroyed the world’s economies. Remember, the more confused, frightened, hungry, desperate & sick we are, the easier we can be controlled.
I really fear this rushed ‘vaccine’.
I fear being forced. I suggest watching The Corbett Report on Youtube or on his website. Start with Corona World Order. He really pulls it together.
Corbett is the man! So is Spiro Skouras who is a true journalist and reporter for the Activist Post. Another fine website who I support.
Jean Bush, wise words. Well, it seems to me that the poorer countries and continents are coming through much better than we are. I commend the African countries who have this week expelled WHO representatives from their countries for internal interference. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. Also, the Latin American countries who have not bothered to lock down. China, over the years has invested very intelligently in the African Continent and Latin America. The problem seems to me to be that it is the NATO countries who are pushing this agenda. Countries who are not vassals of the USA are doing it differently. I have total respect for the Presidents of those African nations. I hope more follow suit.
Yes, I agree. However, world domination means just that, not a few countries here or there. I think the rest will fall, eventually. Venezuela has been crashing for years since it’s socialist president took over, now it’s burning out, it’s starving people refugees throughout South America. They will not be attacked from the outside, that would be too obvious. They will be hollowed out from within so their fall will be more quiet & unnoticed til it’s too late. What will China do to protect its investments? We’ll have to see.
Fantastic. Yes that is the logical conclusion.
Someone I know in an elderly care home in US has to choose between 1) being locked alone in one small room for two weeks because of a visit to the doctor or, 2) skipping that doctor visit and being allowed to leave their room (It doesn’t even have to be a doctor’s visit, they would not be allowed to leave their room for two weeks if they stepped outside of the facility). You would think the doctor would accommodate with a visit? No way! These people in elderly homes are already under prison-like conditions, deprived of entertainment, walks outdoors, interaction with friends and family. They are not even allowed to receive letters! It’s a state-wide policy. Policy of atrocious cruelty.
Where are doctors, psychologists, social workers? They know, they know everything, and yet virtually no-one is speaking up.
How do you explain the sharp increase in all cause mortality? – https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/weekly-all-cause-mortality-surveillance-2019-to-2020
What do you think will happento the death rate if we lift the restrictions?
Care home mortality – read a bit more widely.
Dear Lewis – A lot of people have thumbs downed you without even giving a reply to your question. This is just my observation. Others might disagree: The big spike is caused by 1) True Covid19 cases, many of whom are over 80 and in care homes and whom this lockdown was supposed to protect but hasn’t. 2) People dying from strokes, heart attacks, cancer and other causes because they have been either denied treatment or have been too terrified to go to hospital in case they caught the virus. I can see the all cause mortality rate going up further, but not from the virus. I envisage the NHS being overwhelmed with cases in the coming months, but not with Covid19 cases, but with a long line of people waiting in line for emergency treatment.
I believe this was the cause of the start of the narrative of the “killer virus” in China as well.
They couldn’t possibly admit that the allegedly superior socialist healthcare system couldn’t take care of an increased amount of patients (since they started herding anyone suspected of being infected into hospitals, crowding out other urgently-needed care) so they introduced this killer-virus narrative.
The healthcare system is great, superior, untouchable – it’s the virus that’s so deadly that not even socialistic medicine can do much about it…
It’s just a hunch but it lines up with the little information I was able to find on the Chinese goings-on in Jnuary and February.
More like there will be more deaths due to restrictitions : sharp hospital visit decrease for hearts attacks, stroke due to covid fear, twice numbers of famine hunger cases compared to last year, more delay in taking care of non related covid cases: cancer, diabetes, depression, suicide, home violence, psycho trauma. Hey, you could have survived cancer if we took care of it earlier, but you know flu like virus is more important.
My personal estimation? 10 times number of true cov2 deaths (actual numbers are overestimated).
“I was speaking to a friend of mine who is a general practitioner earlier today and he told me that he’s already had not one, not two, but three patients of his die from heart attacks… Why? Because when those early signs of heart attacks happened, they were afraid to go to hospital because they didn’t want to get coronavirus.”
– Patrick Slattery, host of National Bugle on Republic Broadcasting Network.
As usual, link does not imply 100% endorsement his but facts on the Plandemic are always solid.
Other highly recommended programs on RBN: Mark Windows (from UK), Mike Rivero, and Steve Elkins.
And Mark Anderson
Black American Dissident. Interesting comments but I’ve got a different take on that. I don’t for one minute believe that people who are in the early signs of heart attack, strokes, diabetic trauma etc are terrified to go to hospital out of fear of catching CV-19 – the majority of people would seek emergency medical treatment, it’s natural. I doubt if anyone has said “don’t take me to a hospital because I’m afraid of catching CV-19”. They would want to prevent death from a massive heart attack, stroke, diabetes etc. It is another ruse by here in the UK by the NHS to blame patients rather than themselves. I strongly suspect that they have been refused ambulances or something like that or told they have to wait an hour for an ambulance (as has been reported here) or, if you are elderly, denied hospital admission, a GP visit or treatment.
I don’t think people would willingly die of a preventable heart attack or stroke for fear of CV-19.
‘Stroke due to CoVid fear’??!! What next-death by voodoo, or ‘pointing the bone’? I do love mass hysteria. Your other observations are far more cogent.
My mother had a mild stroke two weeks ago and she believes it was due to the anxiety caused by constant doom and gloom media, worry for mine and my brothers careers and not being able to see her grandchildren and friends. She had a very active social life prior to lockdown and that has been taken away from her. She was also terrified to go to hospital but we insisted that it was necessary and the doctor she saw agreed. So, yes I do think ‘Stroke due to CoVid fear’ is a very real possibility.
The only mass hysteria is the insane overreaction to this.
What an odd statement.
If you haven’t seen the panic-faced, freaked out looking nerve-bags wearing gloves and masks scurrying around you really must be the only one who hasn’t.
I very much doubt they are feeling particularly zen as a result, just as I very much doubt they don’t have highly elevated stress levels and blood pressure.
There will be a sharp DEcrease in all cause mortality?
Lewis, this year all cause mortality (according to the ONS weekly death figures) did not exceed the five yearly average until after the lockdown measures were implemented. Moreover, thousands of those above the five yearly average deaths are not accounted for by the coronavirus related deaths, even if we take those at face value.
I forced myself to watch Prime Minister’s Question Time today, mainly to see how Keir Starmer would do against Johnson. Starmer did ask some tough (mainly Covid-19-related), but I thought his delivery was lame in the extreme. He displayed about as much charisma as one of those 1970s TV Open University lecturers, and was reading his questions.
Johnson was abysmal, and didn’t give proper answers, but we expect that.
I’d been led to believe that Starmer was a black-belt QC, used to the cut and thrust of the courtroom. I didn’t see any of that today. Perry Mason he isn’t. He wasn’t even Rumpole.
It has been said that both of them do badly without all the braying and shouting that normally goes on at PMQ. That is probably true. Without that din, you can hear every syllable they utter, and then you realise that there is much less to them than meets the eye.
Starmer, just like Blair his mentor, is a closet tory.
no, he’s actually worse
The only thing I know about Blair is that he comes across as a dangerous fanatic to me.
But he is a Zionist, and that is ALL that counts to the Jewish Board of Deputies, the UK’s real rulers.
Good observations.
Starmer is controlled opposition and will only ever pick apart the government handling of the official narrative.
If he was real opposition he could destroy Boris and the official narrative in seconds. The official narrative is as solid as a wet cardboard box.
He might get destroyed in his turn. They went after Corbyn for years because his face did not quite fit.
Why would anyone feel the need to control a parbaked pasty?
Not really any kind of opposition at all. Controlled opposition generally means people who look like they are opposition but are not on closer inspection. Starmer does not even bother with the surface appearance.
Paul, Corbyn was real opposition, that’s why he had to go. Had Rebecca Long-Bailey won the Leadership election things would be very different.
I should add that the standard of questions from MPs was pretty poor. Some sycophantic ones from Tory backbenchers seeking to curry favour. Ian Blackford was ok (for once).I didn’t notice any Lib Dem questions (because they were not called, or because they didn’t submit questions? I don’t know).
I was less impressed with Lindsay Hoyle than I’d expected, although his lack of histrionics compared to John Bercow makes a pleasant change, and he did manage one savage and well-deserved put-down of Matt Hancock, so there is hope.
Mike, thank you for this. Stoogie Starmer is a BoD and MSM stooge. Corbyn was far more incisive in PMQs, far more. He routinely destroyed the Maybot and in the two he had with Johnson, he showed dignity, tenacity, a full grasp of the issues in question and stood with dignity whilst Johnson shouted personal insults at him and in one session, Corbyn said, yes that may be but you haven’t answered the questions. Starmer, is true blue. His idea of uniting the Labour Party is to get rid of anyone remotely left of Margaret Thatcher.
I can’t bring myself to watch Question Time. So thanks for diving into the poo!
There is nothing behind it no virus causing a “new deadly disease COVI19”.
“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
To have manipulated minds by a narrative, to make what is not real real in minds, its pretty important to become aware of it.Fear banishes courage and reasoning. Love can easily overcome a form of collective madness.
Why the hysteria? You can argue cogently that the pandemic has been ruthlessly exploited by the elites, you can argue that is less dangerous than initially predicted, you can argue a lot of things, but that the virus does not exist is EXACTLY the same as other denialism like anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialism, and there lies madness.
The common or garden symptoms and mortality of the pandemic makes this point increasingly less relevant. The questionable specificity of the test makes uncertain whether we have ever been looking at one virus, or rather coronaviruses in general.
The Test, The Test… There are two Tests (snot* and blood). The snot test is susceptible to false negatives, the blood test is susceptible to false positives. Furthermore, the snot test has to be pushed to its limits and the collection of samples is haphazard, neither of which helps much. The blood test would be good if it could be definitively shown to pick up, specifically, SARS-CoV-2, which it probably could be one day; just not so far. Furthermore, if infection cases are rare it falls apart statistically, but–more importantly–it is this test and not the much more common snot test which can get confused between types of coronavirus and so bump up the false positives even further. Which is a bit of a shame.
* not really snot, just looks like it, ramming that king size Q-Tip out of the back of your head. It’s really bits of crushed spinal cord.
I recognise the science of climate change, Richard, but I see no evidence of a virus. Please tell me where you see the evidence of this virus’s existence.
Hiding to nowhere, Richard.
Don’t watch this if you had enough of absurdity. This is completely deranged:
The whole thing is deranged as it is madness.
If only more people would see the madness.
“What protects madness is the belief that it is true.
It is the function of insanity to take the place of truth it must be seen as truth to be believed”
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire
‘ . . . fear is more catching than the plague, and is communicated instantaneously.”–Nikolai Gogol
Virtually every covid policy is a rhetoric tactic used legitimize the official narrative while short circuiting critical thought. This one, with any luck, will backfire a bit and open a few eyes.
Critical thought seems to have gone out of the window, except for this website and a few others. Only a few eyes will be opened if it backfires a bit. We need it to backfire a lot!!
Who is deranged, exactly? The retired high court judge who seems to be as sharp as a tack and clearly outclasses the TV interviewer, or the TV interviewer?
My vote is the TV interviewer is seriously out of her depth and desperately trying to push a narrative that she barely understands.
He seems to have benefited from a broad education, long experience and neing retired, which makes him relatively fearless. She seems to have none of those advantages.
She was laughing because she knows these measures are absurd, and also she wasn’t really thinking about tennis balls.
They *want us* to see it as deranged.. Pervasive and persistent-enough propaganda works like a charm (or it wouldn’t be used).
that way madness lies..
And they know how effective it is at dividing people to make and keep them totally ineffective at opposing any of the measures.
Interesting. I haven’t thought of it that way.
Now here’s a funny thing. Having accessed yet another stack of masturbatory death projections on WSWS, I thought I might cross reference with various other places and whilst googling around, I lighted on this link which involved the Swiss Propaganda Research site:
But on clicking on the link, I found this notice:
There was however one comment permitted to appear which rubbished the SPR:
So much for cross referencing!
And I just noticed something odd about that statement:
True to WHAT purpose?
Looking at the Deaths per Million of population Statistics, we will see that while Belgium is heading for 800 (not much about that), Sweden and Ireland are tying for about seventh place at 350/320 approx respectively.
However countries with more urgent crises ´´Syria and Yemen´´ are still under ONE per Million!!
Don’t tell me, you the one that has to ask the grocer “Which of these is an Apple?”, to which the grocer replies “That one is an Orange, Sir.”.
Syria and Yemen are currently outside the globalist loop. They are not involved in the program that Catte so eloquently describes in her OP.
If the virus is so harmless (or even nonexistent, as some dare to claim), how do you explain what is happening in Brazil and Ecuador? Ecuador didn’t introduce lockdowns till the corpses will literally piling on the streets, and Brazil still doesn’t have a lockdown. They both have a pretty bad epidemic.
Oh, but I forget. You Americans never know anything that happens beyond your borders. That’s why it’s so easy to make you gobble up bare-faced lies. If you knew what happens outside America, you might even figure out how many false gods you worship, that get no credibility at all anywhere else. For example, the notion that independent websites exist to charitably tell you “the truth”. Follow the money, people. Somebody is making money out of telling bare-faced lies that could even cost you your life. Ask why.
Are you from Brazil?
So what you know from here that you talk about with all this authority?
Yeah, we do have Lockdown here, and plenty of fake news as well. By the way I’m healthcare professional and the hospital where I work is empty as never before.
Stop talking about the things that you learned on mainstrean media and open your eyes to reality.
She saw pictures on TV. And those pictures created a story in her head. And then the story came out of her mouth like that green stuff in The Exorcist. Yeah, she is possessed.
And she thinks that’s an America site, have you noticed? People are so indoctrinated then até capable only to repeat what was told. Those zombies don’t think by themselves anymore.
>lockdowns till the corpses will [sic] literally piling on the streets
Please present your evidence for this less-than-coherent claim. Thank you!
Doly Garcia – Your quote ‘You Americans never know anything that happens beyond your borders. ‘ Well, from the 51 thumbs down and the reply below from Barbieri, you don’t seem to know much about what’s going on either! You have made no counter arguments at all, or provided any evidence except to accuse people of telling bare faced lies.
Yeah, yeah
Then invent a LOT of excess deaths?
What? The ‘lockdown’ caused these?
But why have they ‘disappeared’ , while it’s been in place?
Ah that’s because of Care Homes being turned into death camps you may say?
But why hasn’t that happened in every country?
But all the ones caused by cancellation of elective surgery you may argue.
But surely there’s an offset from the lack of traffic and work related accidents ?
But 5 G!
And Geddiddunnn!
Narratives are designed as sheepdogs to confuse us, while we not only die unnecessarily, like every war, but to use it to fill their boots, like in every war, and extend their power and plans from any crises!
The narratives are the good cop, bad cop of fitting-up! Whilst the real killers get away with murder.
The statistics don’t speak for themselves. They speak for those who compile them.
These who compile these statistics died to make themselves count.
Just because their 80 not 18 – they are still canon fodder. In this war.
God, you’re a drama queen
And you Reg are a mere cog in the Pathocracy – three bags full worth.
Certainly it caused a proportion of them. We don’t know how many.
I agree!
We will get a pretty good idea as soon as the additional data is collected and analysed, by lots of researchers doing it – being that it is crucial that we know sooner rather than later.
I would love if you could do a story on the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine. The money spent, slide of hand, supposed lives saved, what goes into them, how they’re made and side effects?
Vaccines = aborted human fetuses amongst other things. If you’re up for it look up Spirit Cooking on Youtube.
One known side effect of the flu vaccine is increased susceptibility to coronavirus!
The exact opposite of natural immunity.
Acquiring any CV naturally (such as SARS1 or common cold CVs) provides cross-immunity to the “novel” virus because of the many similar proteins.
‘…slide of hand..’??!! You gotta love it!
England, 2017-18, Public Health England (NHS) report stating the 2017 season vaccine was overall 15% effective. I’ve heard US reports of up to 40% for that season but nothing higher.
Yes, 15%!
and forgot the link…
I read somewhere that the CDC only estimates the effectiveness of vaccines. Unless they predict the exact strain the vaccine is useless.
Paul too -Thanks so much for the link. More evidence for my portfolio.
Paul, are they estimates or confirmed by tests? Is there any way they can actually prove the effectiveness?
I don’t think flu is verified by test but may be wrong. My guess would be they just count anyone who comes down with flu like symptoms after having the vaccine. There’s no detailed info I can find on the Public Health England website that clarifies further.
Just had a look at the Government website that Paul too posted. The flu vaccine was only 10.1% effective for those 65 years and over! And look at the numbers who get really bad symptoms after taking it. I wonder how effective this new Covid19 vaccine will be. You have the so called anti-vaxxers like Sherri Tenpenny and Robert Kennedy Jr. giving their evidence, but of course they are banned by the mainstream. Anybody who questions the safety of these vaccines is called an anti-vaxxer, just as I am branded a conspiracy theorist. They love to give you a label just to shut you up!
And the triumphalist trumpeting of those Lefties the WSW (turn the letters upside down and see what you get) is deeply ironic given their admiration for Leon Trotsky. Imagine Trotsky’s epic “History of the Russian Revolution” if it happened under the guidance of today’s Left:
The Trot bros think Harvey Weinstein is the victim of a malicious society. They think Roman Polanski, the great artiste, has been hard done by. And they think The Great Covid is not being given the respect that’s its due. They want their worldwide revolution to happen under quarantine and draconian social distancing. Someone needs to tell them it’s their ideological enemies that have set the agenda and are firmly in the driver’s seat. What a bunch of jokers.
That is a big theme with them. Before they had Covid there were complaints about men being witchhunted following the charges against Weinstein. The WSWS are an offshoot, in some complex way reminiscent of an urban railway network map, of the Workers’ Revolutionary Party. This imploded in 1985 after rape allegations made against its leader Gerry Healy, though these claims never went to court. Healy does seem to have been a nasty piece of work and the WRP under his influence thought state repression and fascism were right around the corner. A certain apocalyptic mentality in the WRP of old can also be seen in the WSWS. Their attitude to Weinstein et al. can be interpreted in two ways –
1. They think sexual allegations are a plot to undermine individuals or organisations, and there is some truth in this, although I don’t think they defend Healy. Assange and others have been targeted in the same way and it does look like a fit-up. That said, rumours about Weinstein were already around in the 1990s (I am a film buff and I was hearing stuff at the time) and Polanski is an admitted rapist, although whether the authorities should still be going after him when decades have passed is open to question.
2. They might be dominated by sexually predatory males themselves and tend to be sympathetic to others of the same type.
Personally I go with 1, and there may be something of 2 in there as well. Since Covid hit and they have proved to be somewhat crazy I am more inclined to be negative and suspicious towards some of their other attitudes.
Actually, on thinking more about it, I have no evidence for 2. at all, and would modify my post but there does not seem to be a facility for that. Would it be possible for an Admin to delete the last two paragraphs?
You could have turned that bit about the chattering classes into:
Step 11: Present the virus as something the ruling class and corporate interests DON’T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT. So, they PLAY IT DOWN and even DENY IT.
Anyone who plays it down is automatically A RIGHT WING NEOCON NEOLIBERAL.
Anyone who plays it up as the deadliest virus ever is A REAL GROOVY REBEL MOTHERFUCKER.
Just to remind OFFG readers that this weeks’s Moderna Therapeutics financed from US government COVID research fund at BARDA, stock price skyrocketed to about 300% since beginning of this year. Not surprisingly the vaccine MODERNA is working on, untested in concept, implementation and efficacy is a potentially dangerous new mRNA vaccine Gates is a “champion” of worldwide.
From Wikipedia:
In other words in mRNA “vaccines” method virus dead or alive or impaired is not introduced via external delivery mechanism but instead pathogen is produced by host cell itself which DNA is modified to produce pathogen and by that solicit appropriate immune response that would by effective to bind or neutralize pathogen, or actual virus here SC2. All that amounts to engineering of new pathogen (means patents and money) which would cause immune response adequate to provide immunity to naturally occurring viruses.
What can go wrong with deliberate infection of people with engineered RNA rushed into production schedule of 6-12 months like Moderna investor prospect insinuate, instead of “regular vaccines” 12-15 years scientific research and testing program.
Whitney ebb has some comments on Moderna
Great article.
However, I see what’s happened with this pandemic moyah as best explained in the succinct expression of disdain, by Irish statesman and philosopher, Edmund Burke, in the 18th century, about The Penal laws, when he said: …”a machine of wise and elaborate contrivance, as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment and degradation of a people, and the debasement in them of human nature itself, as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man.”
Well I happened upon a site that might explain a lot. It looks a bit like the confinement is a dummy run for the much larger climate change related imprisonment. It may be just my interpretation and I can’t make the link work. Google: Business green heading for climate lockdown.
Exactly as Mark Windows and Sandi Adams were saying on May 12 Windows On the World — are you familiar with either of them?
“I happened upon a site that might explain a lot. It looks a bit like the confinement is a dummy run for the much larger climate change related imprisonment.”
Metaphorically. The proposition is that lockdowns in climate change emergencies will be directed towards the suppression of individual suppliers or supply chains of climate-toxic materials rather than the suppression of biological pathogens. Thus the manufacturing customers of the former will be isolated from the climate-toxins concerned as are the potential individual human victims of the biological pathogen SARS-CoV-2 being isolated from it by the current COVID-19 lockdown, assuming the same political and regulatory mindset that informs the COVID-19 response will inform an acute climate change response.
(1) Very likely, (2) already happening. Also happens in the political and other spheres, c.f. & e.g. economic sanctions being deployed against regimes promoting toxic human rights policies or the suppliers and distributors of now-socially-unacceptable ivory. But also remember, intra-familial arguments are often not at all about what they are ostensibly about. And all metaphors break down at some point.
I Just watched a discussion between Dr Dolores Cahill and Dr Judy Tenpenny. I jotted down a few points that struck me
– US official statistics 600,000 annual flu tests (swabs) of people presenting with the usual symptoms, typically show that only 15% can be classified as Influenza: the other 75% are described as ´´Influenza like illnesses´´
– Of these 75% Influenza like illnesses, 40% exhibit (or contain elements associated with) Corona type viruses (known in the human population already for over 60 years)
– There is a 36% increased risk of severe reaction to the Covid 19 if you have received recent flu vaccines which are often grown in liver tissue of various animals that themselves have animal Corona type viruses. This could explain the high death rate in certain flu vaccinated gereatric groups (immune system overload) and some US military recently given flu vaccine
– Covid19 really seems to function more as a blood disease (rather than a respiratory one), where the virus, a bit like Malaria takes Iron away from Hemoglobin, which then affects oxygen supply. This explains the success of Hydroxycloraquin (the malaria drug) in treatment for most people (don´t forget Dr Wodarg´warning re a percentage of some African populations) at the early stage.
– People with High Ferretin are at high risk of a bad Covid19 outcome ( people with Hemochromatosis)
– Age is not the main risk factor..rather ones overall health profile at any age,
´- People should be encouraged to up Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc levels, exercising, socialising etc
– Masks interfere with oxygen supply (and expulsion of co2) and provide perfect conditions for the resurgence of our many other latent viruses.
– The lockdown is depressing our immune systems.
– As with the flu, exposure to high levels of dioxins (Wuhan, Northern Italy heavily polluted air), will intensify symptoms.
– Anyone recovered will have antibodies is no longer a ´´Case´´ but should be regarded as a person Immune to this Covid19
That would not suit the governments narrative.
I watched too & the info is highly useful for those who are not already following the immunity protecting/enhancing protocol (Vit C, Vit D, zinc) as a regular part of staying healthy & when exposed to or immediately upon feeling “unwell”. That’s been our practice (& more) for 20 yrs for me & husband (75 & 82 yo) & we have NO comorbidities.
The Irish Inquiry vid of Prof Cahill & Dr Tenpenny link can be obtained here
Great research. Thank you.
There is no “COVID19 a new deadly disease” .
But it seems if you get the ‘cold’ regularly you have a greater resistance to the CV.
The thing about unknown unknowns is that you need time to find out as much as possible.
Hence do what is necessary to buy that time.
SARS-CoV-2 binds primarily–but, it seems, perhaps not exclusively–to the ACE2 receptor, which is distributed throughout the body but particularly prevalent in certain vital organs. Hence, on both counts, the wide variety of symptoms in those who have developed COVID-19 with symptoms separate from the symptoms characteristic of the most serious common symptom of deep lung respiratory failure. One of these ‘anomalous’ symptoms is found in the ‘walking hypoxic’.
SARS-CoV-2 is an extremely dangerous pathogen. One could almost think SARS-CoV-2 had a mind of its own, though that would be a scientifically unjustified anthropomorphization and, moreover, one which could possibly also be construed as a political slur.
On the topic of its having at least a metaphorical mind of its own, the limitation of not only the dumbfuck* amateur but also the dumbfuck* professional understanding of virology being aired in this series of articles and its BTLs to almost completely solely within the contraints of the current academically orthodox Neo-Darwinian paradigm is dumbfuck* mind boggling, especially in view of the supposedly free-thinking backbone of the site as, in the absence of a more scientifically advanced formulation of the relationship between eukaryota and viruses than is currently permitted, any attempted analyses are essentially confined to denials or stupidities.
* technical term
a more scientifically advanced formulation of the relationship between eukaryota and viruses than is currently permitted
why don’t you provide references, then?
Because I can’t be bothered.
Greatest of all warnings, was Trump. The rest, money wise, well it depends. News of billions made, the virus way, did give hope of good times coming. Follow Trump, his health, and your financial future, are linked.
Another WSWS masterpiece:
“Under conditions of mounting social unrest and class conflict, the police are a critical component of the apparatus of state repression to be directed against the entire working class.” (Article about Ahmaud Arbery shooting in USA)
Yes. I’ll go with that – but who does the WSWS think is enforcing the lockdowns that they so enthusiastically support?
FTA: Under conditions of mounting social unrest and class conflict, the police are a critical component of the apparatus of state repression to be directed against the entire working class.
So that I don’t have to bother reading the article, could you tell me which side the WSWS has taken? Thank you.
On the virus or the Arbery shooting?
If you mean the Arbery shooting, they note that every year the police, who are protected by rhe state and courts, kill over a thousand people in the USA (the shooter in this case was ex-police but presumably operated with the same mentality he had as a cop). When it isn’t lockdown enforcement, the WSWS have the attitudes to the police you would expect a left-wing site to have.
I meant:
– the police as a critical component of the apparatus of state repression
– the entire working class.
I just wanted to know where WSWS stands these days.
They probably would claim to be on the side of the entire working class and see the police as a critical component of state repression. However this does not get factored into their attitude to lockdowns, which the police enforce. When it comes to that the WSWS attitude proves to be contradictory. The police and state turn entire countries into open prisons because of the virus and the WSWS is perfectly OK with that, and in fact horrified at the possibility of lockdowns ending although inevitably they must sooner or later.
I hear trump has written to the WHO and given them 30 days to respond – blaming China
I hear Trump has stopped funding the WHO
I hear that USA has warned Iran from sending oil tankers to Venezuela and is threatening action
I hear that there is every possibility of war with Iran, China and Russia
I hear the UK is formally involving the miltary in it’s covid operations to spy and act against the population
None of this is on the news – none of this is being scrutinised by anyone – there is a deliberate blackout in the lockdown to keep the population passive
Whilst the british population remains appallingly ignorant and lazy about what is happening the powers that be and want to be are having a field day with our constitution and that of many other countries – this lockdown is not about health – it is about central control of the planet … I’m sick of hearing about the inconsistencies within the covid narrative – something much bigger is afoot and our lives and communities are very much at risk from something evil – and we will have no say in any of it – when are we going to deal with this – and in reality, from a lockedup position, what the fuck can we do??? This is frightening and I’m glad I’m old cos I dont like what I see coming down the line ……
The geopolitical events going on in the background to this trouble me also. But I guess until there’s evidence where you can link things up we can only point out the glaring untruths and inconsistencies.
Whatever may or may not be behind this or connected, if we point out what is clear as day with 5 minutes simple reflection, more people will get on board and unravel whatever has happened. My view is these events unlike other questionable ones, affect us all – so nobody will let this go whether we are talking mistakes, incompetance, negligence, profiteering, world control etc
Once the this question gets a hearing i.e what was the point to all this? things will get interesting. Other than that, keep praying and take encouragement you are on the right side of history, possibly soon to be vindicated after calling out yet another disaster.
I repent for all who do not understand or do not believe in the one true GOD. He is ultimately in control of all. Prophecy is being fulfilled in front of our eyes. Christs return, I believe as do many do, Christ is closer now than ever. Hallelujah. I fear not what is going on in this world for I am only passing through, this is not my home. I do pray, however, those who do not have the Holy Spirit in them, shall repent & be Baptised in the Name of JESUS, read It for yourself, KJV Acts 2:38 …. And receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
It was written by the same liars in the ME who don’t believe in it, it was the forerunner of the police, written to aid control of the ignorant masses.
Evidently Linda, you don’t have children or grandchildren.
And whilst we’re on the subject of belief based on word alone with no evidence….
Hello Linda – You have a lot of thumbs down to your post. I say you have the right to your beliefs just as do the other people who post on this site. However, if Christ is closer now than ever, I hope he doesn’t try to anoint my feet with oil, as he will get carted off by the police for not social distancing! My belief is we are beyond redemption, and the man sat up there in the sky on his big throne is having a bloody good laugh.!