Brave New Normal – Part 2
CJ Hopkins

Image credit – South China Morning Post
My columns haven’t been very funny recently. This one isn’t going to be any funnier. Sorry. Fascism makes me cranky.
I don’t mean the kind of fascism the corporate media and the fake Resistance have been desperately hyping for the last four years. God help me, but I’m not terribly worried about a few hundred white-supremacist morons marching around with tiki torches hollering Nazi slogans at each other, or Jewish-Mexican-American law clerks flashing “OK” signs on TV, or smirking schoolkids in MAGA hats.
I’m talking about actual, bona fide fascism, or totalitarianism, if you want to get technical. The kind where governments declare a global “state of emergency” on account of a virus with a 0.2% to 0.6% lethality (and that causes mild, flu-like symptoms, or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever, in over 97% of those infected), locks everyone down inside their homes, suspends their constitutional rights, terrorizes them with propaganda, and unleashes uniformed goon squads on anyone who doesn’t comply with their despotic decrees.
I’m talking about the kind of totalitarianism where the police track you down with your smartphone data and then come to your house to personally harass you for attending a political protest, or attack you for challenging their illegitimate authority, and then charge you with “assault” for fighting back, and then get the media to publish a story accusing you of having “set up” the cops.
I’m talking about the kind of totalitarianism where the secret police are given carte blanche to monitor everyone’s Internet activity, and to scan you with their “surveillance helmets,” and dictate how close you can sit to your friends, and menace you with drones and robot dogs, and violently pry your kids out of your arms and arrest you if you dare to protest.
I’m talking about the kind of totalitarianism that psychologically tortures children with authoritarian loyalty rituals designed to condition them to live in fear, and respond to absurd Pavlovian stimuli, and that encourages the masses to turn off their brains and mechanically repeat propaganda slogans, like “wear a mask” and “flatten the curve,” and to report their neighbors to the police for having an “illegal” private party … and to otherwise reify the manufactured mass hysteria the authorities need to “justify” their totalitarianism.
Yeah, that kind of stuff makes me cranky.
And you know what makes me really cranky? I’ll tell you what makes me really cranky.
It is people who publicly project themselves as “anti-authoritarians” and “anti-fascists,” or who have established their “anti-establishment” brands and “dissident” personas on social media, or even in the corporate media, either zealously cheerleading this totalitarianism or looking away and saying nothing as it is rolled out by the very authorities and media propagandists they pretend to oppose.
I don’t know exactly why, but that stuff makes me particularly cranky.
I’ll provide you with a few examples.
The militant “Portland anti-fascists” who the corporate media fell in love with and made famous for bravely fighting off the Trump-loving Putin-Nazi Menace over the course of the last four years, as soon as the Corona-Totalitarianism began, did what all true anti-fascists do when the state goes full-blown fascist … no, they did not “smash the state,” or “occupy the streets,” or anything like that.
They masked-up and started making vegan hand sanitizer.
Popular Internet “anti-imperialists” started accusing everyone opposing the lockdown of being part of some far-right Republican plot to “promote mass death under the banner of freedom” or to “normalize death” to benefit rich people, or being members of a “death cult,” or something.
Celebrity socialists took to Twitter to warn that we would “shortly have the blood of thousands of people on our hands,” and call us “anti-vaxxers” and “flat earth fucks.”
Indie political and military analysts patiently explained why governments needed to be able to pull people out of their homes against their will and quarantine them.
Anarchist anthropologists averred that the lockdown wasn’t damaging the productive economy; it was only damaging the “bullshit economy,” and those complaining about being out of work were people whose work is “largely useless.”
Others simply looked away or sat there in silence as we were confined to our homes, and made to carry “permission papers” to walk to work or the corner grocery store, and were beaten and arrested for not “social-distancing,” and were otherwise bullied and humiliated for no justifiable reason whatsoever.
(We are talking about a virus, after all, that even the official medical experts, e.g., the U.K.’s Chief Medic, admit is more or less harmless to the vast majority of us, not the Bubonic Fucking Plague or some sort of Alien-Terrorist-Death-Flu … so spare me the “we-had-no-choice-but-to-go-totalitarian” rationalization.)
My intent is not merely to mock these people (i.e., these “radical,” “anti-establishment” types who fell into formation and started goose-stepping because the media told them we were all going to die), but also to use them as a clear example of how official narratives are born and take hold.
That’s somewhat pertinent at the moment, because the “Brave New Normal” official narrative has been born, but it has not yet taken hold. What happens next will determine whether it does.
In order to understand how this works, imagine for a moment that you’re one of these people who are normally skeptical of the government and the media, and that you consider yourself an anti-authoritarian, or at least a friend of the working classes, and now you are beginning to realize that there is no Alien-Terrorist-Death-Flu (just as there were no “WMDs,” no “Russian hackers,” no “pee-tape,” etc.), and so it dawns on you that you’ve been behaving like a hysterical, brainwashed, fascist minion of the very establishment you supposedly oppose … or at the very least like an abject coward.
Imagine how you might feel right now.
You would probably feel pretty foolish, right? And more than a little ashamed of yourself. So … OK, what would do about that? Well, you would have a couple of options.
Option Number One would be admit what you did, apologize to whomever you have to, and try like hell not to do it again. Not many people are going to choose this option.
Most people are going to choose Option Number Two, which is to desperately try to deny what they did, or to desperately rationalize what they did (and in many cases are still actively doing).
Now, this is not as easy at it sounds, because doing that means they will have to continue to believe (or at least pretend to believe) that there is an Alien-Terrorist-Death-Flu which is going to kill hundreds of millions of people the moment we stop locking everyone down, and forcing them to “social distance,” and so on.
They will have to continue to pretend to believe that this Alien-Terrorist-Death-Flu exists, even though they know it doesn’t.
And this is where that Orwellian “doublethink” comes in.
People (i.e., these “anti-authoritarians,” not to mention the majority of the “normal” public) are not going to want to face the fact that they’ve been behaving like a bunch of fascists (or cowards) for no justifiable reason whatsoever.
So, what they are going to do instead is desperately pretend that their behavior was justified and that the propaganda they have been swallowing, and regurgitating, was not propaganda, but rather, “the Truth.”
In other words, in order to avoid their shame, they are going to do everything in their power to reify the official narrative and delegitimize anyone attempting to expose it as the fiction that it is. They are going to join in with the corporate media that are calling us “extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” and other such epithets.
They’re going to accuse those of us on the Left of aligning with “far-Right Republican militias,” and “Boogaloo accelerationists,” and of being members of the Russian-backed “Querfront,” and assorted other horrible things meant to scare errant leftists into line.
Above all, they are going to continue to insist, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that we are “under attack” by a “killer virus” which could “strike again at any time,” and so we have to maintain at least some level of totalitarianism and paranoia, or else … well, you know, the terrorists win.
It is this reification of the official narrative by those too ashamed to admit what they did (and try to determine why they did it), and not the narrative or the propaganda itself, that will eventually establish the “Brave New Normal” as “reality” (assuming the process works as smoothly as it did with the “War on Terror,” the “War on Populism,” and the “Cold War” narratives).
The facts, the data, the “science” won’t matter. Reality is consensus reality … and a new consensus is being formed at the moment.
There is still a chance (right now, not months from now) for these people (some of whom are rather influential) to stand up and say, “Whoops! I screwed up and went all Nazi there for a bit.” But I seriously doubt that is going to happen.
It’s much more likely that the Brave New Normal (or some intermittent, scaled-down version of it) will gradually become our new reality.
People will get used to being occasionally “locked down,” and being ordered to wear masks, and not to touch each other, and to standing in designated circles and boxes, like they got used to the “anti-Terrorism measures,” and believing that Trump is a “Russian asset.”
The coming economic depression will be blamed on the Alien-Terrorist-Death-Flu, rather than on the lockdown that caused it. Millions of people will be condemned to extreme poverty, or debt-enslaved for the rest of their lives, but they’ll be too busy trying to survive to mount any kind of broad resistance.
The children, of course, won’t know any better. They will grow up with their “isolation boxes,” and “protective barriers,” and “contact tracing,” and they will live in constant low-grade fear of another killer virus, or terrorist attack, or Russian-backed white supremacist uprising, or whatever boogeyman might next appear to menace the global capitalist empire, which, it goes without saying, will be just fine.
Me, I’ll probably remain kind of cranky, but I will try to find the humor in it all. Bear with me … that might take a while.
C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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This vision wont prosper as people is waking up and light forces are acting.
(only by those who are part of the $cam!)
The crash has been building since the trial run in 2008. The Fort Detrick virU$ is simply the cover for the bankster fleecing and the presstitute nonsense and the politcal bacteria that spread the contagion infecting sheeple far and wide. The scam is as old as the so-called Federal Reserve itself and just as evil.
They just needed to change the location…but the rest is busine$$ as usual.
The all new Fort Debt Trick virUS….same as it ever was.
From Fort Riley to Fort Detrick…like goldfish round and round in the goldfish bowl
Rockefeller gave the world the Fort Riley “Flu” (blame the Spanish) and Gates gave the world the Fort Detrick “flu” (blame the Chinese). However, the doubt remains as to whether all this terror will be enough to save the fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petro dollah and the worthless €urodollah.
• The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
• More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
• The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
• The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
• From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
• During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
• One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
• The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
• When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
• During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.
Read what the Kansas press says about the Fort Riley Kansas virus…aka the Spanish Flu. You couldn’t make this filth up….but they did and now they are doing it again…..round and round the goldfish bowl…..
Looking at what Agent Orange has done for the abomination in apartheid, occupied Palestine as opposed to what Candidate Orange “promised” his deplorables in flyover Slumville… could it be that MOSSAD kiddy porn director Pedovore Epstein has the sordid goods on Orange? Is USSA a seething, stinking, foul smelling cesspool where only turds bob in the Washing town sewer or am I in fact mssing something as I behold the morally, spiritually and financially bankrupt frankenstein flounder and crumble?
I am more than willing to be enlightened if there is something more afoot than just the USual seedy Hollyweird script of lies and murder.
The coronavirus hysteria is nothing more than a deep state’s retribution to dare to vote for Donald J. Trump in 2016. The deep state does not care who gets hurt because it’s a self-serving self-preservation of multi-headed monster. I was born and lived in Soviet Russia for 17 years of my life and I do not see much difference between self-serving Soviet politburo with a crushing arm of KGB and other low-life apparatchiks. At the end of the day, the socialist/communist system turn on itself and devours even its own supporters. That’s exactly where we are. Blue states inflicting massive pain on the people under their control. Conservative or liberal or anything in between. Everyone must suffer so that the deep state survives. The US Constitution has been shredded and will not be resurrected anytime soon.
only correction is that the lockdown doesn’t cause the crisis but only speed up a prices that was slowed down for the past 10 years, ultimately they really couldn’t and an awesome excuse just magically present for them, to unload any responsibility.
Reject 5G! Being a non-westerner and an immigrant it is only now after living in the west that I realise how the west was made. Endless lies, the most tragic of oppressions and the heartless exploitation of both man and nature. Inhuman working hours and a meaningless lifestyle based on materialism and over-consumerism. Forced labour masked as a human right and such unbelievably high levels of stress that they could only be demon-engendered. Babes from their mothers’ arms in the name of feminism industry and the growing of economies. Here where even the doctors are sick!… Now that you finally have time to think about things – REJECT 5G! REJECT THE TECHNOLOGY!
Pleaae do not lead our children to the slaughter.
Typo – Babes *ripped from their mothers* arms
The 5g rollout is inevitable. 97% of people have no idea what you are talking about when you bring up subject. It’s coming. Get your emf clothes ready and protect yourself cuz there’s no way out of it.. it may be too late before people wake up..
Good article. But fascism is not the right term. Brave New Normal might not be precise enough, but better. Fascism is a backward looking ideology, idealizing some glorious past which must be restored, like the Italians glorifying their Roman past (fascio = bundle was a symbol for Roman magistral power) , the Nazis glorifying the strengs and independence of their supposed ancestors, the Islamists glorifying the power of the perished Ottoman Empire). But the masters who staged the covid-19 pandemic hysteria are not looking back but forward to a better or more perfectly controlled world. The anticipated any revolutionary developments which could have jeopardized their command. By this bold coup they are a step in advance of us.
Some forms/aspects of fascism are backward looking and reactionary, but some are forward looking and modernising: for example, Moseley’s British Union of Fascists. The key elements of fascism are the corporate state, the suppression of organised sources of opposition and the undermining of individual rights in favour of group rights/interests.
The implementation of the “lockdown” measures certainly is fascism. A select group of ministers and experts are making policy. Individual rights have been violated in the name of the promotion of public health, and all sources of what might have been opposition have been co-opted. It is a classic example of fascism.
Bullshit. Your use of the word “ministers” as the being of the policy and legislative element of government indicates you are probably under British jurisdiction or at least certainly not that of the USA. In that case you might have heard of SAGE.
Firstly, one of SAGE’s internal dissenters from its agreed public line recently pointed out, in a quote in these BTLs, that “experts” such as those on the SAGE committee are required (a) to offer the agreed expert opinion on the matter to hand and (b) to make clear the existence and substance of any professional disputes there might be over those opinions, leaving any and all policy decisions related to that opinion or those opinions left exclusively to the politicians.
Secondly, the conditions you describe as a “classic example of fascism” are, separately or together, neither (!) necessary nor sufficient conditions to describe the resultant situation as “classic fascism”.
Call it what you will, give it a new name for all anyone cares, you’re missing the point. None of this is normal and if you think we are meant to live like this then procrastinating will right up your street .
My understanding, which is gradually being informed by ever increasing tranches of revisionism, is that the whole agenda is far more Bolshevik than Fascist, but that Bolshevism included policies and tactics which tend to get labelled as fascistic. As a general point, I would agree that Fascism is rooted in a mythological past, whereas Bolshevism is a “year zero” mentality.
Who cares what kind of “ism” it is. Doesnt help us.
Brave new normal. Mass depression and suicide of open prison population under lockdown.
From Atlantic:
Again Coronavirus hysteria prevents extremely distressed people because of lockdown and governments imposed economic depression from obtaining critical even life saving mental healthcare and social services .
And we are talking here about large numbers of excess suicides in age group of Coronavirus IFR of 0.01% or less.
Murderous Policies of lockdown and social distancing are taking huge death and long lasting mental disorders toll and it has only just started.
Alternative news…/…/
I’ve been taken aback by friends of mine (some of whom I’ve previously regarded as the most quick witted, switched-on people I know) who have become almost consumed with anger and hate for anyone who dares question the MSM narrative. Solid data, whistleblowing doctors and and considered opinion from respected scientists are met with contempt and ‘flat earther’ comparisons.
I’ve been taken aback by friends of mine (some of whom I’ve previously regarded as the most quick witted, switched-on people I know) who have become almost consumed with anger and hate for anyone who dares question the MSM narrative. Solid data, whistleblowing doctors and and front line opinion from respected scientists are met with contempt and ‘flat earther’ comparisons. Whilst anything the BBC or Chris Whitty has to say is somehow unquestionable, gold plated truth.
I’ve gone from looking forward to catching up with them on Zoom to now avoiding contact as I find the general disdain for open dialogue on this to be more than just a little arrogant.
Such a shame.
Exactly the same for me. And I only had two friends. What my family think, I care less about, I do not see them either. It’s a lonely world when the people around you become intolerable.
In historical terms it is not so long ago that those who dissented from the mainstream narrative were burned at the stake.
Everyone in my family was immediately taken in by the propaganda of BBC to the point where they seem almost like robotic sheep who laugh and ridicule anybody trying to give an alternative view(including me).
Of course I agree with these comments. But I sense the tide is changing ever so slightly. There is some frustration about the lockdown, especially those who have children or young adults, and can see the negative consequences. I’m trying to introduce facts slowly (eg “Did you know if you are under 60 you are more likely to die of drowning?”). You can’t go straight in with “Bill Gates should be tried by the ICC”. I don’t know if I’ll be successful, but I am more hopeful than a month ago.
Also, under 40s more likely to be hit by lightning.
Quick witted maybe or intelligent but when it comes to having a label thrown at them they are cowards.
Fascist, Nazi , knuckle dragger, Islamophobia, climate denier, listen to the experts and if you don’t and deny science you are dumb? Believing in some ancient made up story about a God in the sky instead of science, homophobia and racist.
You can be a sheep or a lion. You can even live your life as a fox and be the silent majority when elections come around but living like a fox only enables the leftist fascists that make everyone’s life harder.
You need to roar like a lion. After all it’s on your coat of arms.
It’s a perfect 180 degree reversal of an “appropriate” direction for anger, that is happening with so many people due the incredible brainwashing they have succumbed to in recent weeks. Those awake to the truth behind these events know well that all the many believers in the absurd rubbish from MSM are actually contributing to the implementation of global totalitarian rule.
This great OffG article from CJ Hopkins makes all this clear. It is only the mass belief (hypnosis) that is allowing the controls to be enforced. If masses were awake to the lies then the entire globalist plan falls apart, due vast numbers not playing along.
Thus, anger towards those who believe the absurd lies of MSM is in fact quite appropriate (and if expressed from the heart, without malice, can actually be a potential “slap in the face” that might help at least a few wake up to the truth):
Those former friends of yours probably still believe in the fairy tale that large aluminium tubes filled with kerosene can demolish steel-reinforced concrete buildings as well.
I think there are many who have gone along with some measures for other reasons, because they didn’t want to frighten or upset others, by invading their personal space, so they kept socially distancing, or that they were legally forced, to close businesses, to leave jobs or schools, or not to meet in groups, there are also those who erred on the side of caution, not wanting to risk harming others, in case there was any truth in there being a pandemic.
I disagree that everyone that had believed the narrative behaved either nazi like or cowardly, and I don’t find it helpful labelling everyone as that, although there may be some truth in that for there are many others for whom that is not true. Many people are just too trusting, and have accepted the narrative too unquestioningly, for me I think a critical problem is that sometimes we create idols in others, of those that are famous, or wealthy, or influential, or even of our own friends and families, and we don’t want to believe they could all be mistaken, or corrupted.
This whole process has revealed many people have faith in others, in a media consensus, in whatever is popular, even when history should teach us medias can be as right and wrong as any people, and just because things are popular doesn’t make them right. I have been surprised by how much belief people have in others, because personally whilst I see there is so much good in the world I also know there is evil to, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been growing for thousands of years, so in some ways none of this surprises me, yet in other way it is still surprising others can treat other people as God like, omniscient, and infallible.
I try to remain balanced in my view of humanity, but I find it hard, sometimes I’m tempted also to be nieve, trusting, believing, and see the good in those that have ill intentions, other times I fall into that other trap and become cynical, mistrusting and doubtful of those who actually care. We have to try and discern what motivates people what kind of fruit people yield, but even then we can make mistakes, we get it wronged, we get lied to, happens to us all, but we have to be honest to admit when that happens, to have the humility to admit we got it wrong, but there shouldn’t be any shame in that, there’s no shame in finding out and admitting we were fooled, only in finding out and pretending we weren’t.
In the end people make fools of each others, it’s a part of life’s trial, but at Judgement Day God will not be fooled by any of us
Beautifully put. There is so much anger at those that aren’t fully aware of the situation and it’s this anger that forces them into a defensive mode. I like to see it as people are walking around with their eyes closed and when you try and rudely waken them up they lash out. It’s human nature to push back when pushed. Instead of forcing those eyes open, I think we should be gentle in our approach. Calling people ‘sheep’ is the same insult as calling others ‘conspiracists’. We are naturally trusting, we’ve been taught from a young age to trust authority so breaking that subconscious patterning is uncomfortable and you need to have motivation to do so. It’s so much safer and easier being asleep and following orders when scared so perhaps rather than shove the truth out at them we could start being more welcoming so that foolishness and right versus wrong doesn’t even come into it. Less ‘them’ versus ‘us’ and more, ‘we all want the same thing for humanity’.
While I understand any sympathize with your point of view, I don’t quite agree. The two camps are not equivalent. For one thing, the “conspriacy theorists” are furiously swimming upstream and receiving widespread abuse while the “sheeple” are in a much more comfortable position right now. As you correctly say, it’s much safer and easier being asleep, at least for now. Secondly, the “conspiracy theorists” will have to deal with the dire consequences of the decision by the “sheeple” to stay asleep. Ultimately, though, we need to be understanding and we have no choice but to try to gently nudge them awake while there’s still time.
Hehehe, yeah, nice one.
I am not cracky, more like the numbness one have after trying to tell people something they dont know, and when you say, like, do you know this, or that, and why, and then about the level of bollocks we are feed that is more or less flatout lies, twisted to oblivion, and when those few I bother to talk to realise that what they know is just propaganda, or “cut and paist” to be more or less just partly correct and in best, twisted, the time lines twisted etc and most of the events leading to thatever actions not even mentioned, they get pissed, and some gets angry to such an extent I just had to tell em to go and f…. them self, so, truth hurts, if it dont hurt, its not true enough, I know, I have expirienced it my self, it may even take years before you admitt that even for your self, truth hurts.
My humble recomandation is, to be carefull this days, with condeming others, some are clearly disinfo agents, others are more like well pissers, then we have the leauge of eh…. brigades etc every one of them are here to divert, some are really good, others relie on the fact most people know just an bit, and that little bit is manly feed thru our MSM incl the Tube, and I mean in everything, from history to science. And I have some few rules of thumbs, after all this years, and I have seen sites come and go, some lasted for some years before their masters told them to do their job and then they changed, others have tried, their best, and have suffered because of that, and I dont accuse them to much, treats them more like distant relaitives, but others are stil just bad, but even in shitholes you can find some good storys, you just have to be more knowledgable to know the difference, but usually, the last years I have started to just ignore them and stopped to go there, dont even bother because I just need a line or two to know the rest, etc. The thing with this ugh… scamdemic is this, I dont say that nobody is dying, the flu we encounter annualy is real, but the CONvid is pure hoggwash, period, the fudging of data witch is already done and dealth with even here, etc to the vaccines, and all the way to 5G, witch is the main surveilance system needed to conect to the chipping, and the real deal is the way they have handled this, with lockdowns and more and more draconian laws and the use of this laws in our day to day life.
I try to look forward, what comes, and I know this have been planned years ago, full spectrum dominance, and here we are, and in an sense I must admire the fact that they managed to pull this off, despite everything, they bloody did it, and will make shure while we are here that the next phase is coming, never let an good crisis go to waist, and again our main problem is the MSMs.
Conspiracys, I could give you profs, of something so mindboggling that most of you would have an mind screetching to halt, ( one of this is called the Reset of 1800) even if the images are real and smack in your face, most people will stil denie that, and so on, but I dont, since I am an grumpy old fart I await, timing is everything, just like this scamdemic is been slammed thru, and I am now in more of an, done that and been there phase than anything else about this CONvid spectacle witch was nothing more than an ordinary flu, hyped to idiotic heights by the MSM and their “experts”, and again I must warn you, they have just begun, what comes the coming months is what desides what will be the future, and I dont like anything of this, but have to be patient, people are just to scared to even know the truth, and I know we where right, never ever doubt that, other sites just exposed them self and take notice, truth your self and trust your intingts, but be carefull with reading coments, specially on sites where cencure is comon, that means they have more controll on what is stated and debated, and they control both sides, but you need to be aware of few things, cui bono and follow the moooney. Its an class war, us and them, thats it.
And to round it up, go out, be in the sunlight, have an beer, or whatever, joint for that matter, and take care, you may need times where you dont think to much, just expirience, since I place much higher value on expiriencing than anything else, yeah, I even nailed an birds “house” onto my house wall, nice couple whom have been around for some years and now I gave em a flat, yup, and be nice, animals can sense that much better than we can.
PS: since we are debating eh…. scriptures, and if you think this centurys politicis are somehow an happenstance, coinsident or whatever, think again, and my link is so controverial most dont even dear to click on this one, because its an heavy loaded narrative, but if you read it, I bet your hairs in the back of your neck will stand.
Nothing happens by coinsident, never, ever think this is just uh… an coincident, that, is one of their great ilutions.
Meanwhile, at Harvard University, sniffing flowers is forbidden.
The bees are fighting back!
I await the day that someone will put up a sign saying “No Masturbation. You can catch COVID from yourself!” I’d love to see the picture for that one!
but its ok if you’re wearing a mask. keep safe.
Oh I’d need a lot more than a mask! ARF!
TMI George. 😉
Come on. This is a joke, right?
Petra, if you’re referring to the sign for no sniffing the flowers, no its really there, in the Harvard Uni Arnold Arboretum.
Oh my goodness. I think that takes the prize for the most insane thing so far.
Hmmm, I’m still doubtful. I don’t think Universal Hub is the most reliable news source. The Arboretum website itself looks pretty over-the-top but I can’t help doubting both the signs. They look a little photoshopped to me. But who knows – there’s certainly lots of other insanity … why shouldn’t it go this far?
Using recent figures wrt “covid” death rates in children, we might start to be able to get an idea of actual “covid” deaths in other demographics.
Based on the link above, “covid” is 12.5x less fatal than regular influenza. We can use that scale to get an idea of the excess deaths in the other age groups. Overall the death total currently sits at ~37,000 in the UK. If we scale that figure using the average influenza deaths for children we get to around 3,000 “covid” deaths.
Since some of those child deaths may be ventilator/comorbidity/misdiagnosis related (see below) the actual scale factor may be even higher, bringing the total “covid” death count lower. And thats not even factoring double ONS counts etc.
Interestingly we’re able to get this picture as most vulnerable children were spared the euthanasia conveyor belt due to being under the care of family, which was sadly not the case for alot of elderly and other vulnerable casualties.
Additionally as the child fatality numbers compare so low with regular influenza, it would stand to reason that those numbers reflect the tail end of a flu season. It would be interesting to see of that scale is seen in the same periods (around spring) in previous years.
Anyway, alot to answer for here.
The latest I have heard, and I do have some evidence for this…
“FEWER PEOPLE HAVE DIED in 2019 to 2020 than in 2017 to 2018”
I have had a very interesting day today and am very encouraged by our British youth. It seems to me, they just thought F’ck It. They are all completely insane. We don’t believe a word…and they have almost completely blocked The South East and South West of England going to the beach. (check the photos in the Daily Mail – they didn’t photoshop that lot – could hardly keep up)
I’ve seen surfin’ USA – but this is something else
USA Beach Boys? – but this is Something Else
“Eddie Cochran Somethin’ Else”
No. Just No. No Deal. I will admit I am terrified of the death towers they have been DEPLOYING in my community and I am boycotting businesses who collect rent or pay lower rent to allow them. And I am currently complying with local ordinance to wear a mask in the places that I do go. And I even try to respect the 6 foot distance as I can, just because other people are afraid. But I have an EMF meter and I have seen the horrendous magnitude of these 4G/5G beams and I am telling you that the 6 foot separation is for microwave targeting. That is what they need to distinguish one person from another for surveillance and that is also the distance you need to be from the center of the beam to be out of the main blast. It has always been my understanding that people have personal boundaries at around 3 feet. We all would be better off sticking together. But those directional beam are going to be blasting anyone carrying a phone. You do not need to have a 5G phone or even to be talking on it. Data downloads can happen any time your phone is on. BOOM! And to anyone that gets in its way. These high power density beams ARE ionizing radiation. It is only the single photon that is not. Multi-photons are exponentially more ionizing. Find out more
It is only the single photon that is not. Multi-photons are exponentially more ionizing.
well, that’s quite true.
zero raised to the power of any exponent, is still zero.
anyway, thanks for your exponentially more informative comment.
I am actually quite interested in this. Any more information on this topic? Sources?
try this. not for the faint-hearted. scares the shit outa me!
Very thorough!! Merci Beaucoup!
Thank you, Lu Puma!
I posted on a different thread yesterday but I’m not sure many people got it so I’m going to put a different slant on it.
Placebo Nocebo
Pandemic Nodemic
Got it?
It’s actually very important. My guess is that the Nodemic has caused at least a third of so-called CoVid deaths world wide. Which just about matches the results from et al.
This has been the biggest bone pointing ever.
Footballers and celebs are being used to genrate submission to this Satanic agenda. They are being used to normalise fascist behaviour, to garner groupthink, acceptance. Footballers are being covid-tested at every juncture, and this paves the way for the rest of society to conclude this is “normal” because if it’s good enough for Harry Kane, it’s good enough for me. Footballers and celebs are the street-pushers of this fascism. They’re not the guys that do the big deals, they are the guys on the street corner whispering in your ear as you walk past, selling crap drugs. They know which side their bread is buttered, and they know they cannot betray the boss’s line because bad things will happen to them. It is this subtle yet very real use of intimidation which drives this world these criminals control. This is one of the spells that needs to be broken.
Having had the misfortune of listening to quite a lot of Radio 5 in this period, two people that jump out as corrupted tools of these demons are Colin Murray and Nihal Arthurniakah. These two men are the friendly faces of the fascists. They are the reps that sell the snake oil to the public, their own friends, their own family. Essentially, what these two people have done with their lives, is to allow their good souls to be hijacked by some of the most evil in society – ie the operatives at the BBC. They don’t really know what they are doing, they are brainwashed, but that is the reality. A personable, likeable talker like Colin Murray is actually the face and voice of the Devil, he speaks for the Devil, he speaks the Devil’s words on behalf of the Devil. The Devil pays him well because the Devil understands his value. The Devil is clever, because the Devil knows that when the Devil delivers the message, it does not resonate in the public mind. But likeable Colin Murray and Grandma’s favourite, Nihal Arthurniakah? Perfect
If you are reading this and you work for the BBC or you are able to pass on a message to someone who does……. You are the scum of the Earth, the lowest of the low. You are parasites, you are dedicating your life to fucking up this world for everyone, including yourselves. You work for the Devil. You are agents of the most evil force on this Earth. And you’re doing it for money and ego. I spit on the ground you walk on while you violate the human spirit for a living
PS Footballer Guillaume Balaguet comes across like some kind of intelligence operative/mockingbird media parasite.
PPS New Zealand has a new law which enables warrantless entry to someone’s house if they suspect more than 10 people are in there. The BBC presenter who delivered this story was all for it, the NZ spokesperson was against it.
PPPS This is outright fascism, as Hopkins brilliantly describes here. An army of 25,000 contact tracers coming to your house soon – the UK to have a “world beating” contact tracing system. How sickening can you get?
Amazing Polly covered the bizarre statement by Conor McGregor (see vid at 35:40). The following is an extract from his wikipedia talk page.
Sexual Assault Investigations
Numerous news outlets are reporting that Conor is under investigation for sexual assault including the NY Times, NY Post and CBS Sports can someone add this information to the article ? Souces. . . . . . . . . . (talk) 00:00, 20 October 2019 (UTC)
– – Not done: for allegations such as these, we need the strongest possible sourcing (see WP:BLP). The NYPost article says “reportedly being investigated” and CBSSports says “per report” – which it later identifies as from the NYTimes. The NYTimes mentions “allegations” “according to people familiar with the matter” and that the “Garda[i] declined to comment on the profession of the person accused”. Based on this, I am not happy to add this to the article. NiciVampireHeart 18:56, 20 October 2019 (UTC)
– – Dana White and his UFC cronies are paying good money to cover the whole thing up. (talk) 12:40, 26 October 2019 (UTC)
– – They probably paid off some Wikipedians to including NiciVampireHeart. (talk) 14:20, 26 October 2019 (UTC)
Amazing Polly
Not So Trusted Voices
31 Mar 2020
Not all of the Internet media capitulated. Since 3/24, I’ve published five articles critical of the coronavirus response, particularly its anti-science and and totalitarian aspects, on my website, Straight Line Logic. Those articles, in chronological order, are: The Last Gasp, Basic Math, Surrendered Without A Shot, Coronacide, and A Silver Lining. I’ve even published a poem, Covids-21 Through 37.
I appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ fine work, but there were Internet voices who from inception have fought the panic and totalitarianism.
Robert Gore
Fair enough, but he’s certainly right about the vast majority.
I’ll agree with you there.
Many thanks for those links Robert. And, while nothing to do with the coronavirus, thanks for this article about George Orwell:
We often “Trot out” George Orwell on these pages, so it is good to have this additional perspective on that great man.
This is everything about the poisoned year 2020 summed up perfectly. I hope all the cowards and sheeple of the Earth are reading this. Maybe a few will find the back bone to face their soul music and join the resistance to the totalitarian march upon humanity.
Beautifully stated!
The results are now in
american billionaires got $434 billion richer during the so called pandemic
Salon owners who want to work are genocidal maniacs though.
We can see everything you describe in Moon of Alabama, the biggest loser site in all alternative media. I am ashamed of my fellow citizens who follow that site after it declared its “alternative” status, but I am ashamed of most of my fellow citizens anyway, they are too comfortable to fight for what they need. This means that they will let their children live under tyranny as long as nobody touches their own comfort: what great parents!
Maybe the oligarchs will be doing a good thing by reducing the population, but unfortunately I doubt they will be eliminating the mindless morons like MoA: we don’t need them, but the rich need someone to be their slaves.
Always loved that site until recently but to my astonishment, my comments are now summarily deleted with no reasoning or explanation. Apparently he didn’t like my pointing out that a post on Syria/geopolitics (his real bread and butter) struggled to garner 45 comments while any and every post about the virus would easily get 300+ and continue on for several days, and wondering what that suggested about the changing nature of the commentariat there. I thought perhaps it was because I said “goddamn”, but later made one more post that could not have been more anodyne and he zapped it almost instantly anyway. I certainly won’t waste my time again, nor refer anyone there. What a disappointment.
I’ve just had a clash with my boss regarding masks. I work as a concierge for a public building (belonging to the municipality), north of S-pain. We’re going to start working with the public (on a previous-appointment basis, which is of course new: new-normal). She’s told me to print a sign which says “Wearing a mask is mandatory”. I’ve sent her an email quoting section 3 of the relevant Health Ministry Order in force since yesterday, which is actually marginally less fascistic, as it clearly states that the de-humanizing, face/soul robbing, terrorizing obligation of wearing a mask applies unless at least a 2-meter distance can be kept among us toxic humans (the other exceptions to the obligation are, as you can imagine, medical reasons; children under 6 are not obliged, but the Therapeutic-Iatrogenic-State recommends that those between 3 and 6 wear them ). No room for such subtleties on the sign, and who cares, “if it saves just one life”… After a short dialogue (“we cannot guarantee the distance etc.”) I’ve had to give in, print the paper and stick it on the door, but not without telling her that I will not be asking people without masks whether they have a medical condition, as it is not my job to police this kind of thing. Smoke was coming out of her head and then I added that I would not contribute to the current implementation of a Medico-police State. That, I should have kept for myself, I realise. Anyway, let’s see what the consequences are now for me for having openly shown the heretic nature of my thoughts.
Personally, I suffer from asthma (although of such entity that I didn’t actually remember having been diagnosed of it some 10 years ago until the Ministry Order was aired by the Media), so that’s going to be my way of individually coping with this awful crap, ie, not wearing a mask. From a political point of view, however, I will continuing seeding the seed of desbilief, the only way I keep myself short of falling into total despair.
I guess I meant sowing the seed…
Us heretics really need to come together, there are more of us than we think. The left in Spain, as elsewhere have appalled me. This week I have been feeling very down especially when they made mask wearing obligatory. My mother who is 85 with two underlying health conditions refuses to wear one. She has lived through many tough times and was born shortly before the Spanish civil war. She instinctively feels something is very wrong and can’t believe what has happened. As soon as she was allowed she was back out visiting cafes and seeing her friends that’s what she enjoys doing and she’s not going to stop now. I can’t believe this is being driven from a podemos/psoe government. They’ve had one of the most draconian lockdowns in the world. But if you oppose it your a fascist apparently. It really is upside down.
CO2 level inside a mask being north of 40,000 PPM when the atmosphere is +- 400 PPM, will cause problems. These simple masks people wear are only for short-term use, when sanding, spray painting etc. for little jobs – not a full shift.
Board Certified Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy – Hypoxia and Hypercapnia
“By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” — Russell Blaylock, MD
Researchers found that about a third of the workers developed headaches with use of the mask, most had preexisting headaches that were worsened by the mask wearing, and 60% required pain medications for relief. As to the cause of the headaches, while straps and pressure from the mask could be causative, the bulk of the evidence points toward hypoxia and/or hypercapnia as the cause. That is, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) and/or an elevation in blood CO2 (hypercapnia).
Always good to point out to a manager, is that he may lose his job should he force you to wear a mask. Any person with poor lung function passing out because of this order, and hitting their head, of course can lead to death.
The company’s public liability insurers would immediately have to increase the premiums, by an amount that might put the company out of business unless it fires the manager that caused the problem in the first place.
Be nice, and say you’re just being helpful…
A nurse posted a comment that wearing masks all the time are not healthy. She gave a detailed explanation and Fuckbook censored it…….
I have only just started to wear masks since it is mandatory in my job as home carer. And you don’t need to read any medical guidance sheet to know it’s unhealthy. It stinks, it feels claustrophobic, after lunch (which they are nice enough to let you drop the mask for) I often feel I’m going to vomit when putting the mask back on. What I end up doing is pulling up the chin part to gasp some actual fresh air whenever nobody is looking.
It’s amazing, more people don’t intuitively know constantly wearing a mask is not healthy. It’s ludicrous to see masks worn by those exercising while biking or walking alone.
I saw an outside interview with a middle-aged woman on the BBC this morning (and, just thinking about it now, the camera seemed very close to the woman being interviewed). She declared proudly that it was the first time she’d been out of the house since the lockdown began. She was wearing plastic disposable gloves and a really tight fitting black face mask which looked like it was welded to her face. She looked like the last person who should be wearing such a contraption. Her joyful words to the camera were “I’m gloved, I’m masked…I’m free!”
Not a hint of irony or satire.
“I’m gloved, I’m masked…I’m free!”
The Western version of the burka, however, most women wearing a burka know they’re not free…….
That’s the thing. There are people who actually go jogging with those muzzles on their faces. Jeez, you almost hope they cop it for a Darwin award.
It’s almost as if they want the healthy population to get sick breathing in germs attached to the mask. And then they’ll inject you with a Bill Gates “special.”
Your anti-mask hysteria is truly extreme. People wear masks ALL the time for various reasons, INCLUDING not spreading communicable illness to others. Basic humanity and compassion. You don’t need to keep them on when ot near people, unless you are coughing and sneezing, in which case it would be better to keep them on. They do need to be replaced regularly, or washed regularly if of cloth.
Your maniacal obsession with making everyone go full Asian with masks is the hallmark of a petty little jobsworth. Save us your pompous pronouncements about “humanity and compassion”. It wasn’t a big issue before this covid psyop, was it? We sneezed into our tissues, we washed our hands, we shook hands, we hugged, we kissed, we stayed home when we had the flu, we got on with life. Remember the good times, Dicky boy?
Only people living inside an Edgar Allen Poe story.
Certainly. I’m 40 and I have only worn a mask while sanding my grandmothers’s dining table. And that because I clearly felt (not my ego, not a demon-fearing ‘I’) that breathing in those small wood and laquer particles was immediately making me feel sick. Compare a PALPABLE threat to one’s wellbeing with some vague, abstract fear manufactured from the top of the megamachine (thanks to the scientific lackey-priesthood) and funnel-fed downwards to the people by mass-histeria media.
Le Sarc, calling people who don’t believe that us humans are toxic to each other and don’t want to go around with covered faces “anti-mask” is a way of turning common sense upside down. The truth is people who are in favour of wearing, and forcing people to wear, masks are anti-mouth, anti-nose, anti-face and (given they view their fellow men and women as venomous dangerous entities), anti-human.
I caught the interview with Sir Ian Boyd (SAGE Comittee) on the late night BBC Coronavirus Newscast episode last night. Whilst he obviously broadly toes the party line, as is to be expected, he confirmed something which ought to be more widely broadcast to the general public, acquaintances of mine included, who like to believe that every expert advising the Government’s actions is unanimous in their agreement. The full audio of the programme is available on the BBC iPlayer. If memory serves me well, the crucial segment is at about 14 minutes in.
Laura Kuenssberg asked Sir Ian whether he was happy with the Government constantly repeating that ‘they were guided by the science’. He confirmed that he did not like the reference to ‘the science’. This BBC article covers some of his response but, by omission of the rest of his response, avoids the main point he was eager to make which tactfully implies there was unresolved dissent within the SAGE Committee.
The comments he made which are not reported in the article were that
And opinion is not science.
And neither is consensus.
And neither is it evidence.
Nor is it evidence.
CJ’s article is well-written and amusing but …
You know what makes me really cranky?
Everyone above the line and I’d say the majority below wilfully refuse to recognise the alleged COVID-19 pandemic for what it is. I do not know why this is but they don’t.
Just as 9/11 was not a terrorist attack but nor was it a false flag … it was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings …
… the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is not a pandemic but nor is it a virus blown out-of-proportion, it is also a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation where no virus of any kind beyond the normal exists. It is a complete smoke’n’mirrors job.
They’ve been doing smoke’n’mirrors jobs on us very, very successfully since at least Diocletian and the alleged lit-by-Christians fires in his palace but somehow people desperately want to settle at either the first-level of propaganda or the second. They baulk at the Emperor’s-New-Clothes truth. They want to see the Emperor as dressed at least a little not completely naked. Why? Is his complete nakedness too confronting?
What is also a problem is that people do not see the importance of the distinction between the two types of phenomena. There is a complete world of difference between virus blown-out-of-proportion and no virus at all. The two types of phenomena are as different as chalk and cheese. They cannot be compared for the simple reason that one is a lie and one is the truth.
To call out the alleged pandemic for what it is is a completely different proposition to the ineffectuality of calling virus blown-out-of-control. To call it out as the first is far more confronting because it is the truth. When you call the truth it is confronting. When you call a lie albeit a different lie it doesn’t work. Why respond to a lie with another lie? What can possibly be the benefit of saying to the power elite:
“You are presenting anomalies in your story of pandemic that indicate there is not a pandemic but a virus blown-out-of-proportion” when the truth of the matter is this:
“There is no virus. There is nada, niente, zilch beyond the ordinary.”
But the power elite recognise the distinction between the two phenomena. Of course they do. They recognise perfectly the ineffectuality of the lie, virus blown-out-of-proportion, against the confrontingness of no virus. And they do everything in their power to have everyone settle at Propaganda Level 1 or Propaganda Level 2. Yes, for those folks who aren’t buying PL1 they push out all the controlled opposition to get them to settle comfortably at PL2. PL1 and PL2 keep people in their place and the power elite know so very well how to keep everyone at PL1 and PL2.
But as we all know, it is only the truth that shall set you free.
When it comes to the crunch, Petra, I’d rather be with you on one side of the barricade.
I agree, but Petra (ex Flaxgirl), who only started questioning events such as 9/11 a few years ago (and I commend her for that) refuses to believe, what I have written several times about 9/11. I actually know someone who was in one of the twin towers, when it was hit. It was the grandmother of two twin baby girls, my wife was looking after as a registered childminder. The grandmother, phoned the kids mother in London whilst inside feeling certain that she was going to die. Despite being told to stay, she managed to get out, past the firemen coming up the stairs. She then ran. The tower she was in was then destroyed seconds later. She survived. Many died. She wasn’t pre-warned about it, and neither were the firemen, and many others who lost their lives.
There are many things I agree with Petra, like many terrorist attacks are faked, or partially faked, but her idea that no-one died on 9/11, or subsequently due to the effects, is ridiculous.
I do not agree with her that no one died in that incident. Those who did were sacrificed at the altar of an horrific evil that wasn’t the work of “17 Muslim hijackers”.
Reg, I believed for four whole years of study that death and injury were real on 9/11 despite the fact that after I woke up to 9/11 being an inside job I very quickly woke up to Sandy Hook and a number of other events including the Manchester bombing being staged. Thus while becoming extremely used to the idea of events where death and injury were staged my belief in real death and injury on 9/11 persisted even when I came across people such as Simon Shack pointing out irregularities in the photos of the people who’d died among other things and knowing the plane crashes were faked which would mean the plane deaths were faked (or carried out clandestinely which is pretty farfetched, no? although I have to admit it did cross my mind). My belief in death and injury started to crack but it still persisted despite pretty clear evidence that called real death and injury into question. It persisted far beyond what it really should have but I know why it did. The magic of propaganda. I was completely indoctrinated by:
— the notion that people were targeted in the buildings because they were exposing fraud
— Bob McIlvaine and his son Bobby who was killed in the lobby of the North tower before it came down
— Other actors such as the Jersey Widows and April Gallop
— the Israelis bringing the buildings down (outsiders making the callousness of the deaths more plausible)
and I’m sure other things that I can’t even remember now.
What finally triggered my awakening was half-watching a YouTube video that appeared on autoplay while I was getting ready for work. It was a video of alleged hero, William Rodriguez, janitor and “last man out” of the North Tower before it fell. What prompted my realisation was the seeming contradiction of Rodriguez’s incriminating claim that he experienced explosions in the basement before the building came down (suggesting controlled demolition) and his receiving bravery awards for rescuing “hundreds” of people. Why would the government award someone who provided incriminating evidence against them?
Once the penny dropped that they were targeting the truthers to believe in real death and injury to hamstring them in getting the truth out (believers would simply not accept the US government capable of such an act) it all unravelled before me, all the dominoes went down bang, bang, bang. And then I had the most visceral feeling of being a dumb bull being yanked viciously by the nose ring this way and that. And then I laughed in awe. OMG!
Just to add, Reg, it wasn’t just the fact that the “magic propaganda” had me fooled … it was that it was so unexpected. The idea that the perps would PUSH the truth of controlled demolition to the truthers, that they would GAG us with it in order to divert us from the equally important truth without which truthers will get nowhere – staged death and injury – was alien to me as it is to most people. But that’s how clever they are with their propaganda. They know that only a small percentage of people will allow the truth of controlled demolition into their consciousness while at the same time accepting the notion that the US government killed those poor people, only a very small percentage of people will allow that. And thus the truth is simply in a stalemate position.
But once I learnt that they will push truth or, much more importantly half-truth, in order to stagnate the actual truth I knew as soon as the novel virus hit that they would do exactly the same with this. I knew that they would push out controlled opposition talking about all the anomalies in the media stories while always pushing the existence of the novel virus at some level.
But the truth is complete psyop just like 9/11. And that’s the truth we need to propagate, not the half-truth of “existence of novel virus at some level” which only adds up to a toothless lie. Only the actual truth has any power and the power elite know all about what is powerful and what is not.
And just to add again. It strikes me as very interesting that:
— The Big Lie of a virus pandemic has huge power
— The half-truth of virus-at-some-level has zero power
— The truth of no virus has huge power
It’s all or nothin’ when it comes to the truth. All or nothin’.
So what’s your response to tony, who knows personally of an escaping granny ?
Scrub that, I’ve just read further down the thread. 🙁
OK, actually just to add, John. The person who was interested in responding to the challenge has met Bob McIlvaine, alleged father of alleged “Bobby”, who allegedly died in the lobby of the North tower. So he knows an alleged loved one but is not able to respond to the challenge nevertheless.
Knowing people allegedly involved simply doesn’t mean anything. Crisis actors will know people. That is a simple fact.
And just to add again – in some cases crisis actors will make a great point of ensuring they know certain people. In the case of 9/11, “9/11 Truth” was planned in advance of the event. The fake 9/11 Truthers were all rolled out at appropriate times and like a mutant octopus they inveigled themselves with prominent truthers such as David Ray Griffin.
there’s no useful purpose served by arguing with an internet disinfo persona.
I think there is, snuffleupagus. I’m extremely open to discussion. I have put my 10 points favouring the staging of death and injury on 9/11 over real death and injury here:
I have also put forward a challenge for people to come up with 10 points with favouring of hypotheses reversed to which no one so far has responded although I’ve engaged with one person very interested in the challenge. The challenger can choose their own judge from the profession of Emergency Response. Alternatively, the challenger can request the rules be modified as they deem appropriate.
I cannot be any more reasonable than that, surely, in a quest for the truth.
Let’s forget the unresponded to challenge for the moment.
Please, I beg you, snuffleupagus, please just give me one point that favours real death and injury over staged for 9/11.
And if you can’t do that and you continue to propagate and believe that death and injury were real on 9/11 then who is the disinformation agent?
Forgot link to my 10 points:
Tony, I don’t necessarily disbelieve your story of the grandmother. The grandmother story could at a pinch be still consistent with no one dying. However, the grandmother could also be paid to tell her “narrow escape” story. There were many, many people involved in 9/11 and we are told miraculous stories of escape that have zero credibility. Read these ones:
We have similar ludicrous Miracle Survivor stories in many events including this alleged pandemic.
I know people who know people who allegedly died in the Bali bombings, Tony, and I know a little girl who went to school with a boy who died in the car rampage in
Barcelona. I know quite a few people who know people connected with these events in one way or another. Doesn’t mean a thing. I also know a guy whose dad worked next door to the bar where the main bombing happened in Bali and he said that when he was called to help the injured there were no injured to help. So who to believe, Tony? The people who believe that people they know died in Bali (I’m sure these people are perfectly genuine in their belief) or the father of the guy I know who said there were no injured to help? When I look at the visual evidence of the Bali bombing, who do you think I believe, Tony? Who do you think?
Bullshit, Tony. I don’t believe you and I never will. You’re a liar, or else the grandmother is. Stop talking.
Thanks for the validation, Reg. I very much appreciate it.
Exactly, Petra. And they’ve been doing this to us for a very, very long time. Just look at some of the videos from Nuclear Vault on youtube.
I’ve recently watched ‘The House in the Middle’ which is a U.S. government propaganda film from 1954—the year I was born, as it happens. Man, do I feel like a schlub with egg on my face, now.
Yet, I feel a strange nostalgia for those films. Go figure.
Disclaimer: I was never afraid when, as child in school, the drill alarm went off and we had to dive under our desks.
Still though, what psyops we have had to endure from our ‘trusted’ governments. At this point, I think I’ll move to Tanzania.
I’m confused. I live in the centre of a city. Every single day I walk at least 2 miles throughout the central area and whenever possible talk to my fellow citizens. These include bus drivers, taxi drivers, shop assistants, delivery drivers, tradesmen, checkout operators etc. I always ask them if they know anyone who has died from Covid19 and the answer is a pause followed by a no. One taxi driver did tell me though that an elderly aunt of his passed away in a care home recently. She was 87 and had heart problems. I also note that bus drivers and taxi drivers here do not wear masks or surgical gloves. I would like to know from a government “health expert” why this deadly virus is not affecting these people who are serving the public on a daily basis and why are the rest of us experiencing a draconian lockdown situation as a result of governmental diktat ?
The Guardian on Sir John Houghton, one time chief of the UK Met Office, and IPCC bigwig:
So this 88-year old had dementia, and what other “underlying health-conditions”, I wonder?
(And was he put on a ventilator, I wonder).
We now have entered the “I’m sorry” stage…
I’ve noticed for quite a while now that in this kindergarten world we are expected, nay encouraged, to make mistakes, and as long as we say “I’m sorry” everything is forgiven.
Politicians understand this very well. Marc Van Ranst, lead virologist in Belgium was confronted with the following contradictions in the corona rules: “Sunbathing in the park is not allowed because of the risk of a crowd gathering. However, a group of twenty cycling tourists is no problem. First to the zoo, then eat an ice cream and do some shopping? Also prohibited because it is a day trip. But each of these activities is allowed.”
His answer: “Welcome to surrealist Belgium!”
It reminds me of what Felix de Azua wrote (in 1989!!): “The infantilisation projects put in place by very powerful nations, like the US, have already yielded a fair BIOLOGICAL result, and the current age of western populations fluctuates with regard to intellectual capacities around eight, nine years. The ailment called ‘children’s happiness’ has strongly promoted the entertainment industry and has changed it in a sort of governmental business that can only be compared to the manufacture of nuclear weapons; the moral demands of the non-existing adults are lowered to the level of kindergarten. No wonder that the educated population is practically analphabetic nowadays in the same way that children are, that is to say: their heads filled to the brim with a huge amount of useless facts which take up all the available space in their brains.”
Politicians understand this very well, “I’m sorry” everything is forgiven.”
That’ll be the day when pigs fly.
Absolutely love the vegan hand sanitiser. Made my day!
I have always detested the plethora of anti-bacterial products pushed at us and was convinced that microbiologists would not be in favour of them. When I finally met one and asked him, he expressed the kind of horror I anticipated and said, effectively, they were a blight outside hospitals as they encourage bacterial resistance and make it harder to maintain effective anti-bacterial regimes where you really need them, eg, hospitals. God knows what all this bullshit hand sanitising is doing to both us and the environment.
I’d imagine all hand sanitisers are vegan and are simply full of horrible chemicals but maybe they are some animal products lurking within. Regardless, I’m not a fan, whether “full-of-nasty-chemicals” or your eco-friendly “rosehip + alcohol”, because I find the whole horror-of-germs attitude ludicrous.
Now. at last, I understand the fear of the pandemic. Hand sanitizers left in a hot car may explode as they’re usually containing alcohol. Aha – at last I can comprehend just how deadly this virus is.
Could it be that the half-English world medical chief suffers from untreated schizophrenia?
“Montgomery warns of open borders”
“Medical chief Montgomery demands forced vaccination against corona”
The virus isn’t a hoax, its just a outstanding example of “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Terrorism wasn’t really cutting it these days so we’ve now got a new monster for the closet, one that’s invisible, irresitable, even ineffable. The perfect enemy, in fact.
I have been very interested in Vietnam’s management of this virus ever since John Oliver broke their Health Ministry’s information video to a wide audience in the West. This video was an absolute masterpiece — a cheerful cartoon with a catchy tune that informed people about the virus, about the importance of hand washing, avoiding touching faces, limiting group contact and maintaining the general health of both yourself and the people as whole. Less obvious to many was that in places it drew on imagery that I’d not seen since the Vietnam War (sequences missing in a later international version). This imagery reinforced the idea that they as a community and a country could beat back this threat like they’ve beaten other threats in their history. A true masterpiece of propaganda that judging by the miniscule infection and death counts was a most effective one. Contrast this with the stern messaging I’ve seen in many Western societies — police, drones, a robot or two, all playing on fear. Its small wonder that authoritarians and wannabe messiahs are out in droves, people just need those authorty figures that can promise safety and salvation. Unfortunately for them the Vietnamese got to me first.
In January, if you’d asked me to guess, I never would’ve picked Vietnam, Belarus, and Sweden as the 3 most democratic countries on planet Earth.
Where is your evidence that it is not a hoax, Martin? Please provide evidence that it is not a hoax.
Some of my evidence for it being a hoax:
— The presaging of this event in the 2012 London Olympics. Too many coincidences to be genuine coincidences. Spot the comment on the Olympic channel’s presentation of the opening ceremony that doesn’t allude to the obvious presaging. If you think that the coincidences are genuine please state why or otherwise state why you don’t think there is any evidence of presaging of the alleged COVID-19 pandemic at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. If you accept presaging, please explain how “real virus” fits this presaging.
— For all alleged sufferers shown to us either they show no symptoms and/or their story contains anomalies. If you can find a convincing alleged sufferer please point me to them. If you can’t, do you make no significance of that fact?
— “Miracle survivor” stories have zero credibility. If you can find a “miracle survivor” story that seems genuinely miraculous and not impossibly miraculous please point me to it. If you can’t do you make no significance of that fact?
— Can you please locate any reference in this scientific paper to where the virus was isolated from the German traveller. If there is no evidence of isolation of the virus carried by the German traveller please provide a reason that we should believe anything in this paper at all. If you think that in a scientific paper it is acceptable for there to be no reference to the isolation of the virus from the German traveller please state your reasons.
I am not arguing whether or not it is a hoax, and I saw the extract of the opening London Olympics, that peekay dug up, that bore striking similarities re hospital beds and dancing nurses, and was impressed about his and your arguments indicating direct linkage.
However, there is an absolutely enormous amount of media history to choose from, to select in an attempt to demonstrate such linkage about almost anything from the past to now, to produce an impressive argument. However, totally amazing coincidences, so far as I am concerned, do happen on a fairly regular basis, which seem to defy numerical analysis (Like out of 7 Billion people – what the hell are you doing here, sometimes half way round the world in such an obscure place? )
So far as I am aware, no one watching the London Olympics opening ceremony in 2012, thought or stated it predicted any significant event in the future. If they did, I would be far more impressed.
It wasn’t quite like the PNAC document. That stated quite clearly what the neocons wanted to happen. I was just totally shocked that it did, and had a pretty clear idea what was likely to happen next.
Tony, the fact that no one who watched the event could tell that it was presaging the pandemic at the time has no bearing on whether it’s presaging or not. It is perfectly legitimate to recognise in hindsight that a past event was a presage from analysis of the connecting attributes with a later event. The thing is while amazing coincidences do occur, when there are a number of them together as there are at the London Olympics then coincidence becomes far less a probability than deliberate. And then we also have the film, Contagion, the episode of the Simpsons, the tabletop exercise, Event 201. It’s not just one thing, it’s many.
I don’t know why other people don’t judge evidence the way I do because to me it seems the simplest and most effective way. What constantly goes through my mind is:
“Does all the evidence support my hypothesis and how well does it support it? Is there any evidence that contradicts it or supports another hypothesis better?” Always.
With the presaging we have a number of ANDs. We have the London Olympics, the film, Contagion, the tabletop pandemic exercise, the Simpsons and no doubt a number of other things. AND, AND, AND. And then, of course, within each item we have some more ANDs. BJ on bed AND corona-shaped arena AND dancing and singing of medical staff AND filming of empty seats during rehearsal for empty theatres AND big scary needle, etc. We also have the question: Why on earth was this the content for the opening ceremony if it wasn’t to presage this pandemic? Don’t you think the content is strange of itself?
We add those ANDs to the items of no clear evidence of virus isolation AND testing useless AND no convincing alleged sufferers AND ludicrous miracle survivor stories.
AND no BUTs. There’s no BUTs, Tony. None at all.
There’s no BUT evidence for real pandemic and there’s no BUT evidence for virus blown-out-of-proportion. It’s all stations AND for no virus.
Can I suggest you look at the comments on the Olympic channel video. The number is really quite remarkable.
I’m afraid the PNAC document was propaganda, Tony. While, to a degree, it may have been genuine, it was pushed out as propaganda targeted at the truthers to make them believe that the power elite were so utterly ruthless in their agenda they would be prepared to let all those poor people in the buildings die.
You know the funny thing, though, Tony, and I’m sure the perps had a great big laugh about it. Pearl Harbour and 9/11 were both indeed catalytic events but the vast majority of people do not know in what way they resemble each other. Over 99% of the global population (at least of those not in the know) I’d say do not know how Pearl Harbour and 9/11 resemble each other.
The most important way they are alike:
They were bombings of evacuated areas. Death and injury were staged in both cases. See
Another way they were alike and in which they resemble this event too is the ludicrous Miracle Survivor stories. See Point 3:
You make some good points, I haven’t yet seen the Olympics footage yet, but will look. I think what you’re saying is plausible but I’m not sure yet if it absolutely proves it.
You’re right to mention Event 201, which specifically simulated specifically a sars like coronavirus, and even mentions it will be from a bat or pig. Bill Gates foundation was connected to that, and in a Netflix documentary he claimed the next pandemic would be from a wet market in china. All this seems possible evidence he knew the intended narrative long before it was reported, what are the odds he could guess correct the type of virus, Corona, that it would be reported from a bat, and from a wet market in China ?! Add the number of animals humans eat with the number of viruses, with the number of countries and you get roughly 400 – 1
The thing is evidence presented would have to be compelling, because otherwise it could be explained away, as coincidence, or just looking for references amongst a mass of information, I need to look closer at some of the evidence, especially the Olympics footage, to further decide if that’s relevant to include in my dossier.
I think the Event 201 is beyond doubt important because Mr Gates is involved trying to implement the digital ID, that’s his or their motive. I also think the Contagion film should be considered, one of the most watched films since lockdown/ shutdowns, as it basically reinforces a narrative to trust the official authority.
Having read your site I think there are some credible points to it, but it still doesn’t necessarily prove it beyond all doubt, but then even a jury only requires a reasonable doubt, don’t they ? But I certainly will be looking for more evidence that I want to present in the dossier
Amoung our group of friends I know two of their relatives that ended up in hospital, one in the ICU. I suggest being wary of the trap that says that because our precautions work that the thing we’re taking precautions against doesn’t exist.
To underscore this there’s an article in the current New Scientist about the preciptous drop in generic influenza cases in Austriaia this year. Its coming up to their winter and so their flu season but the count from last April — over 18,000 — has dwindled to a couple of hundred for this April. Precautions against Covid also work against flu.
To get more of a sense of the spread of Covid in the population as a whole statistitians look at what they call ‘excess deaths’. Its a fact of life that every day a certain number of us die and that number, while variable, stays in a well established range. Its therefore possible to use the difference between the historical death rate and the current death rate as a guide to how widespread the disease is. Its not going to be a truly accurate count — hence ‘guide’ — because of many other factors (for example, during the initial period of the stay at home orders deaths from road traffic accidents halved in the US)(again, just an indicator, there’s not enough information to say with any precision what’s going on and why).
Its coming up to their winter and so their flu season but the count from last April — over 18,000 — has dwindled to a couple of hundred for this April. Precautions against Covid also work against flu.
conversely, perhaps illnesses that would otherwise have been classed as “flu”, are now being labelled as COVID-1984. what would stop them from doing that, since the government has essentially instructed them to do so?
Your statement seems to imply that two people had COVID-19, however, people being diagnosed with COVID-19 on its face doesn’t mean they have it. There is documented evidence of people clearly being misdiagnosed with COVID-19. If you wish to call this evidence you need to give a convincing explanation.
Very probably explanation by snuffleupagus above.
You have not presented anything that suggests evidence to me, Martin. Can you clearly state what you believe is evidence of COVID-19.
And you haven’t responded to my questions.
— Do you reject presaging at the London Olympics. If so, why?
— Can you point me to a convincing alleged sufferer presented in media stories?
— What is your response to miracle survivor stories, alleged cures being antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine (anti-bacterial) and potato soup?
— Please explain lack of reference to isolation of virus in German traveller in this scientific paper.
“Corona” Infected (blue). Me (yellow).
China: Animal world not yet informed about “Corona” danger.
Stay in shape as long the hairdo is in place!
Please don’t post strings of off-topic comments, thank you. A2
From mid-January to March mainstream media news instigated mass hysteria over COVID-19. Ferguson’s doom and gloom hypothetical statistical model predicted millions of US deaths. Obviously, the data did not terrify Ferguson, who after testing positive spent most of his spare time gallivanting with his married mistress. Interestingly enough, the self-isolate mantra professed by numerous celebrities and politicians didn’t apply to them. During the height of the pandemic Justin Trudeau took off on an Easter excursion with his family to their Harrington Lake residence currently undergoing a $8.6 million renovation.
Infected COVID-19 Chris Cuomo, drove out maskless to checkout is newly constructed Hampton’s summer beach house. Isn’t it interesting, how all the cable news commentators stayed perfectly coiffed for several months. I guess their hair never grows and they’re all natural blondes. In the case of Chicago Major Lightfoot, no excuses were necessary. The Mayor, point blankly said her haircuts and personally hygiene are very important. After all, she’s the hypocritical face of Chicago.
A pandemic is also a great time for allowing trillions to be transferred from the working-class to the most wealthy. While everyone is being terrorized Pelosi and her gang ensured the big banks and Wall Street there was nothing to fear they’d be getting a ton of cash and the chance to gobble up most small
businesses. Drive-up food banks are quite a sensation in LA, miles of cars wait for hours for a bag of groceries while Nancy happily chomps on chocolate-chip designer ice cream.
The Democratic Party leadership is in a state of delirium thoroughly exploiting this pandemic in hopes half-dead Biden buried deep within a basement will resurface as a winner. COVID-19 triggered a political feeding frenzy for a wide variety of groups, seizing the moment to gain credence for all past grievances. That might explain why antiwar activists or those who in the past called for revolution are suddenly advocating self-isolation. These groups mistakenly believe hyping a virus will advance their political agenda. However, a crisis manufactured by the national security state never benefits the genuine Left .
And then of course we can’t forget the pharmaceutical companies–CEO’s smacking their lips at the untold billions secured through numerous drugs and vaccines. And like the flu, COVID-19 will mutate and all the advertised crap will be useless.
In actuality, most of the “official info” about COVID-19 turned out to be untrue. Closing beaches, parks, or any outdoor facility preventing people from exercising in fresh air and sunshine was a big mistake. The virus thrives in small confined spaces and does not spread easily in sunlight and heat.
The tests which are constantly mentioned are inaccurate yielding false positives. And all the bullshit about covid living on metal surfaces for 72 hours is also false. The CDC now says the coronavirus does not spread easily on surfaces or objects. I guess you didn’t need to buy 10,000 containers of Lysol wipes, washing your hands with soap and water is quite sufficient.
Covid, just like the flu severely impacts the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. At the end of the day, that’s exactly what the actual statistics reveal.
Coronavirus is turning out to be a nursing home contagion: “At least 28,100 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States. The virus so far has infected more than 153,000 at some 7,700 facilities.”
And wouldn’t you know it, crooked Andrew Cuomo insisted COVID-19 patients be returned to nursing homes causing an untold number of deaths. But that’s not so surprising, since prior to COVID-19 the slimeball regularly cut Medicaid allowances and like all other politicians never gave a damn about the inadequacy of nursing homes. And when all is said and done, that’s why the virus spread so quickly in these facilities causing the majority of COVID-19 deaths.
Special care for the elderly and those with comorbidities is what’s really needed, not universal
lockdowns. However, doing only that would not generate enough panic allowing the usual ghouls to extract political and financial gains.
Putting the scale of Ferguson’s modelling error into context, I note that the total of supposed Covid19 deaths worldwide to date is now 338,000 for countries both with and without ‘lockdown’ – not even near the 500,000 forecast for the UK alone.
And putting that 338k into perspective, the world sees an average of 353,000 babies born per day. Births are currently around 2.5x deaths, so we’ve seen the same number die (including all those dubiously classed as ‘of’ not ‘with’) as we see during any average 2 1/2 days!
Total justification for locking everybody in their homes and rushing in the new crazy.
Another sobering piece by Rappoport. About medical murder.
Sure: There is a moment to pray for each one. I’m no critic of religion, but a logician. If there should be really a “God” who offers me to “sit by his side in Heaven for 1000 years” without all the others who did not follow him as he presupposes (including all my beloved irreligious deceased ancestors and friends), I renounce his offer and rather follow all the others. That is consistent. The only viable motto: “There is life before death!” (The only) “Heaven is a place on earth”.
Why is my reference to “Religious Delusion” censored?
It is a Wikipedia article. I responded to commentator
Janie Doebuck (who was not censored after all).
Cause I was feeling so logical
One, two, three, five
Oh, oh, oh, oh
It’s getting unbelievable.
(Speaking of delusion: The manic “downvoter” has entered the forum…)
“Corona” is not a bloody crown of thorns, just a muzzle,
as it befits a “soft dictatorship”. Yet, the unconditional
belief in the fairy tale of the immaculate infection is a
prerequisite of this new faith and substitute religion.
“Immaculate infection” love it! brilliant! Would like to share this if OK.
TYVM! The best things in life are free.
Religion and Poetry are the Same Thing.
Mr Logician.
I am aware of religious fanatics, but not
poetic ones. I renounce religious poetry.
WB Yeats says you are a philistine.
In the end you probably want to declare Shakespeare,
Darwin, Newton or Galileo religious, Miss Irrational.
And they weren’t?
I like a pipe as much as the next guy, but really?
How many people have returned from death to accurately say what happens after it ? And whose to say what God will do with our Souls ? Can we accept other people speak for and know God’s judgement on others souls ?!
I heard yesterday that Cambridge University are considering conducting all lectures in the 20/21 semester virtually – how bonkers is that? Surely, at some point, someone with clout will stand up and say ‘hang on a minute……’
Why does it matter if lectures are delivered electronically? They are monologues.
Im sorry if thats the experience you’ve had at university.
It is what a lecture is. A discursive, interactive discussion would not be a lecture.
Not just that, but for supervisions (i.e. tutorials), everyone will have to wear a mask.
I wonder if Cambridge university is in effect aware that they are recognizing that for them education is thus just a question of learning some techniques since they acknowledge that it does not require physical presence. This reduction to technique is increasingly the case, but its the first time I see it official recognized by what was supposed to be one of the world’s prestigious historical institutions of learning…
Next time you are walking down the street, and people creep by, all in their identical masks, and straining to avoid eye contact with you, or when you hear those same people clapping with mind-numbing regularity, you might think about this:
It’s a pretty good reading too, if you have 6½ hours to spare. Although I know the story quite well, I still found this effectively creepy.
As for the meaning of the book & film (s)?
(My own world view is agnosticism.)
This Canadian “Counter-Djihadi” is usually monothematic and one-dimensional,
but provides some nice links to the current situation.
The “NAZIS” are always someone else to the NAZIs.
Anti-fa are a theatrical equivalent of the Brownshirt NAZIs. Street Theater.
They had better read up on what happens to the low level street actors when they are no longer necessary.
Covid is a really strange, selective and manipulative little bugger.
It seems to select the countries considered to be the big economic forces in the world- initially China, then Italy, USA, Britain, France, Spain and now Russia.
It has decided to spare Belarus, Thailand, Taiwan, Iceland and many other countries.
Sweden stood up to Covid and said no thank you ; you aren’t going to effect us and lo and behold Sweden’s overall mortality rate January to April is exactly the same as the last 10 years and they imposed no lockdown and advised not ordered their citizens to social distancing.
In the USA Covid has decided to stick its nose into politics. Florida, Texas, Georgia who imposed very brief lockdown and 8 states who imposed no lockdown have been spared by Covids wrath. It must be a supporter of the Republican Party but Covid has unleashed its fury at the Democratic controlled states such as New York, New Jersey, parts of California, Michigan amongst others.
I guess Covid will be voting for Trump at the election.
But it doesn’t end there. Covid appears to adore supermarkets, takeaways as their staff who work in close proximity don’t get effected. It must love it’s food so has decided to spare these places.
Yes a very clever, manipulative, selective and politically biased little bugger.
Oh I do wonder why….
Another good piece, CJ, that I can’t really add to.
I hope you don’t mind if I add a short video that is very pertinent to what you’ve said here.
If it had not been for the Christian Drosten group in Berlin that developed the test for Covid-19 and made it available to China in January 2020, there would not be a single statistic on the spread of the new virus. Not one.
A somewhat puzzling flu-like epidemic would have spread around the world, as has happened a hundred times before. Each time, thousands, even millions of people — mostly old people — died, and were not treated separately in the mortality statistics the following years.
That could be the same this time; nothing more. What is taking place is an anxiety- and media-driven infection of common sense, which is no longer able to balance costs and risks. This inability to balance costs and risks is unchanged since the time of Adam and Eve.
Now, the enforcement of the human right to die in an intensive-care bed is our most important goal. Everything is subordinate to this. The problem is not a new virus, but the inability of mass society to deal with it. ***
Even some bishops are fed up.
But I am curious about this “super test”.
„When the shit hits the fan“, nice metaphor I didn’t know.
(Not surprisingly, there are hardly any fans in Germany.)
According to his blog roll, this seems to be a “racialist”.
But they are probably just knuckle dragging, nascar loving, beer-swilling, gun-toting Trump supporters — even if most of them seem to be from Italy.
I’ve got an idea for a brand spanking new “contact-tracing app” that I think will be of interest to most OffG readers. It contact traces “for” – and measures – “idiocy.” It’s pretty straightforward, it just tabulates how much time a person spends on MSM, and how many MSM sites a person visits each day, and then translates that into an “idiocy” score.
The more MSM consumption the higher the “idiocy” score – the more likely you’ll be glad you have my new contact-tracing app to warn you to avoid the complete idiot approaching who is wearing both a mask and a “please social distance me” t-shirt. Of course, one could just make an “idiocy” guesstimate based on the presence of the mask and the t-shirt I suppose, but what fun is that? 🙂
Good idea -wait there’s more …. then the ap traces the other believers who the first believer has been in contact with over the last week or so. We must stay safe from the believers – the are dangerous!
it’s easy to spot the believers. they’re the idiots who detour three metres around you when you pass them on the sidewalk.
Excellent CJ, as usual. Thank you.
But …
“…smirking schoolkids in MAGA hats.” suggests you didn’t quite follow that story through to the end.
“But John Edmunds, professor of infectious disease modelling at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has warned studies of other coronaviruses suggest “potentially bad news” for hopes humans could develop a long-term immunity.
He told a parliamentary committee on Tuesday: “We can also see from other coronaviruses, from ones that cause coughs and colds, that individuals again do seem to not have particularly long-term immunity to many of those viruses, allowing them to get reinfected later.
“Immunity may not last that long against this virus.””
At face value of his comments, John comes across as a bit of a fuckwit. Until one realises that he is bought and paid for by Bill Gates. He and his school are awash with Gates Foundation money. Then one understands that his comments are deliberately misleading, and quite sinister.
I beg to disagree with your assessment of John Edmunds. He is not ‘a bit of a fuckwit’
John Edmunds is a fully fledged ‘fuckwit’ through and through! There may well be a brain in there somewhere but, wherever it is, it isn’t connected to his mouth.
Sorry, that should be John Edmunds OBE , member of Government SAGE Committee.
Where OBE = “Other Bugger’s Efforts”
Go and look into the backgrounds of any of these ‘expert’ a-holes who stand up at these press briefings and you’ll see corruption writ large.
Jeez, this guy is an openly corrupt son of a bitch.
Hancock, Vallance, Edmunds, Ferguson, Whitty.
Seems like a mandatory job requirement.
Are you in lockdown? I am not, when meeting a fellow human on a pathway i do not move over or stand in the road to avoid their breath as a signal of acceptance. No, if they believe and wish for some security yards then by all means but i will not flatter the fantasy. If, on the other hand they are looking for some normality, perhaps…perhaps i may offer some.
I am in lockdown because international borders are closed, facilities that I depended on (mainly libraries) are closed, eateries are closed, and my house is more cramped than before as people are working from home. Unfortunately there is not much choice in the matter.
The thing about this virus isn’t necessarily about the virus itself.
Humanity has met and tamed ( never conquered ) many that came before – which begs the question:
What is so special about the threat of this particular one?
The world’s a big place and 5m infected – though terrible – is not exactly ultra rampant.
For me the only answer can be is that it is not what it is – but where it is.
If this was Africa/South American and so on the media would report it and the watchers/readers would just shrug their shoulders thinking ‘ Nothing to do with me ‘ and as usual just get on with their lives.
This a a Western pandemic ( exc Brazil) and this is the better of peoples taking the hit this time.
A wellish heeled – well travelled ( how many holiday makers go ski-ing from South African Shanty Towns and vice versa who visits them anyway?- they have no money and nothing that they want
or can make on.
The connexion between China and Milan ( Wuhan and Milan and the Chines who live in Milan ) is the most interesting and even Doctor Donny’s Dear O l’ US of A has a few fingers pointed to it and a poor French BAME guy gets a piece written about him for another scapegoat.
For my money we don’t know enough about this virus ( we never do at the beginning of any virus I suppose ) and the only test whether you are for or against ‘ Lockdown ‘ will be the produced in countries where the virus is left to its own devices ( Herd Immunity?) as in the US and the UK and the results of the countries which locked down severely in some cases.
Call it Empirical but this is what the experiment is in the US – the UK and particularly in Brazil.
We can throw out numbers all day and night if we want but what we don’t know now will become apparent in time.
The question for the West is how many deaths are politically acceptable in order to revive an economy back to where it was prior to the virus?
The second question is: If the alleged Doom Merchants are right and deaths mount up then how high is the price and should a real ‘ Draconian ‘ Lockdown follow?
The Neo -liberal economy has been blown over as easily as an empty Wheelie Bin in a strong wind.
If it had had anything of weight in it in the first place it wouldn’t have blown over.
The thing is ( similar to the ins and outs of Climate Change ) is are we prepared to do a short term sacrifice in order to win the long term game?
Then – let’s say on both counts we were wrong and we wasted a small part of our lives and a fair amount of money on our efforts.
Whomever is right at least we will still be alive to mock ourselves for the errors of our ways.
I think we need to remember that the PTB are not bothered about who dies and why – what they are bothered about is the Bottom Line as always – so it strikes me as strange that they would deliberately scare their main asset ( their workers ) into staying away from their work ann thereby exploitation.
That doesn’t strike me as ‘ Totalitarian ‘
That’s more like panic- and the big panic now for the US certainly, is that China will and is rapidly coming out of this crisis the fastest.
In a capitalist economy it’s the retailed that pay all the bills at the end – the cost – the profit -the taxes etc.
Then add to that the interest on the retail price if borrowing is used.
It’s a massive loss already – so why would the capitalist want to ruin that game?
It makes no sense to be a Totalitarian society.
Maybe because after his name, which I am reluctant to utter, there is number 19. You know, 19 is a prime number, and prime numbers are the bugbear of mathematicians. 🙂
ALL capitalist societies are ‘totalitarian’. Money rules, totally. Your life, unless you voluntarily hit the road and sleep under hedge-rows, is controlled totally by how much money you have.
“It makes no sense to be a Totalitarian society.”
Tell that to the big online retailers. Their sales have gone through the roof during lockdown. I thought it was just food and essentials. But the other day I met someone from the accounts dept from (through work), and was astonished to discover that they are busier than ever right now. All this is backed up by the big increase in wealth of the wealthiest during world lockdown.
In countries where the mask is made obligatory, I wonder if one can make a legal case on purely medical grounds (apart from all the other reasons for refusing to wear one, but these wouldnt stand in a court today): basically they’re dangerous for health as they’re a nest of microbes and evidently the air you breathe in is what you’ve in part exhaled, and so and so forth. This is more and more confirmed by medical studies (you need today to have a scientific study for the obvious) Then one could have a phobia about masks. Im sure I do. They’d make me feel like Im choking. This is why I am stuck as I cant take public transports. Im surprised no court case has yet been made against being forced to wear a mask, especially in the current heat, when its even worse. If there’s any lawyer out there, Id be interested to know.
I’ve heard somewhere that they are especially dangerous for asthmatics.
‘I’ve heard somewhere…’ No need for ‘sources’ of course.
That is obscenely rich from you, Monsieur Le Sarc.
I’m the only one you harass over ‘sources’. Any denialist assertion, even ‘I’ve heard…’ goes scot-free In act I only moaned in order to draw you out.
No, Richard, you are the only one who refuses to give sources for your extreme didactic claims of fact and abusive dismissal of other points of view as ‘lies’. If you simply posted these declamations as opinions and were respectful of the opinions of others there wouldn’t be a problem.
You need to change masks frequently. They must be disposable or washable.
One condition is caused by hypoxia (shortage of oxygen in the body that can be fatal) combined with the inhalation of higher levels of carbon dioxide caused by the user’s mask restricting fresh air.
If driving or using machinery, high levels of carbon dioxide can have similar effects to drunkenness, with all the same attendant dangers. And yet I see people in their cars, wearing these things – the law should pull them over and tell them it’s not only unnecessary, it could be dangerous for other people, too.
Board Certified Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy – Hypoxia and Hypercapnia
“By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” — Russell Blaylock, MD
Eeee Gad! Millions of east Asians wear masks every winter, with no reported incidents of hypoxia and hypercapnia. Where is the evidence from reality, of surgeons or nurses, say, falling over or going delirious during long operations?
Mr Hopkins, CJ,
I would have walked and flown to Berlin to buy you a beer for being the funniest – you inventented Hitler Trump !
But that you decry censorship yet allow it!! Well that takes the biscuit.
Got a cellar full eh?
They sure do! Can hear them sleeping from miles away.
Nothing to say about these missing here?
What are you on about, Dungheap?
I’m talking of censorship and DS shilling their fake media agent provocateurs, setup for their BrexShit messaging, Assange jailing, Scottish ans Catalan independence denying, Macron supporting – sly wormtongues. With their blue monkey troll Army – who seamlessly transformed into ‘Anyone But Corbyn’ and now CV downplayer choiristers.
Where is a alternative view ATL?
How did CJ ‘allow’ censorship? It was the EU that crushed Catalan independence, not Brexit supporters. Where does Assange-jailing fit in?
Alternative view to what?
Are you posting drunk?
No 1, are you pretending to be CJ today ? Or Reg? I am sure they can speak for themselves.
I was happily tippsy last night having enjoyed a sunny evening drinking at my local pub bench as I have done since the supposed ‘draconian lockdown’ – I may imbibe a bit more later, to celebrate the quick proof of my opinion to Reg re the BrexShitters/Covid-19 denialism nexus, by Kits latest!
Ok – while you are here maybe you can update me on how Philip Roddis’s response to my query of how his ‘Open Letter to Off-G’ which was heavily edited abd truncated prior to it being ‘reprinted’ here, is coming along?
And perhaps you can clarify why he hasn’t been published here for sometime? Surely he has written about the pandemic?
Has HE refused to have HIS work re-printed here?
How about other indy bloggers? Why has Off-G never reprinted any of Craig Murrays reporting or the authoritarian DS legal systen being deployed scandalously against him now?
Phil posted a clarification of why he altered the text of his open letter. You can read it on his blog, Steel City Scribblings.
We don’t tend to republish material from outlets with similar or larger readership. Murray’s readership was, until recently, only slightly lower than ours, though I believe the gap has widened recently.
He has never asked us to republish his stuff, if he did, I guess the editors would probably do so.
Good to know you actually were a bit drunk. Thought you might be losing it 😳
Mr Murray has been absolutely clear about republication at tge end of his articles.
Any number of his posts in recent months provided unique insights into very significant issues of malfeasance by the state and msm.
Off – G ignored them all!
Currently he is being subjected to a threat of trial by judges – not jury – and we are invited to :
Will Off-G do it’s moral and public duty and support indepent journalism agains prosecution by the Stare or will it stand- by and condone the State?
Sorry 3 links – i retract that last comment.
You make me angry with your pigheadedness about this clearly orchestrated destruction of humanity. But I agree with you on a lot of other things.
You should apologise to OffG for sneakily accusing them of editing Philip Roddis’s letter. If I was running this place I would have slapped down your stupid drunken rudeness before now. Have some respect for this place. I don’t know why you come here when you hate it so much. Stick to Murray’s gatekeeper bullshit
MLS – I didn’t sneakily or drunkenly or rudely do what you accuse me of .
It started with a passing reference in a comment with a regular poster here :
Read that for yourself and than comeback here and tell me if you still feel the same. And have you read the original yourself? Have my simple questions on editorial decisions been answered? Or ignored?
I have a lot more to add if you want to discuss it further.
When it comes to respect – it has to be earned – rather than demanded as a birthright or because of status – that’s what I believe. How about you?