The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution

CJ Hopkins

So, the White Black Nationalist Color Revolution (“made possible in part by GloboCap”) appears to be going extremely well. According to Foreign Policy magazine, the Trump regime is clinging to power, but it’s only a matter of time until the identitarian moderate rebels drive the Putin-backed fascists out of office and restore democracy to the Western world.

Yes, that’s right, just when it looked like the corporate-sponsored, totally organic, peaceful uprising against racism was over, and the Russo-fascist Trump regime had survived, the Global Capitalist Anarchists of Portland and other militant “Resistance” cells have launched a devastating counter-attack against assorted fascist building facades, fascist fences, and stores, and so on, and are going mano-a-mano in the streets with heavily-armed Putin-Nazi goon squads.

According to The Guardian, and other elements of the underground “Resistance” media, peaceful protesters in Portland have been attacking the fascists with rocks, bottles, improvised explosive devices, and various other peaceful anti-racist projectiles.

In Oakland, they peacefully set fire to the courthouse. In Austin, Texas, a peaceful protester armed with an AK-47-style rifle was shot to death by a suspected fascist whose car was peacefully swarmed by a mob after he “tried to aggressively drive past protesters.”

In Los Angeles, peaceful anti-racism protesters have been whipped up into such a frenzy of righteous anti-fascist fervor that they are performing flying tackles on the cops, who then promptly beat the snot out of them. And so on … I think you get the picture.

Portland, Oregon (where just under 6% of the population is Black) has of course been at the vanguard of the revolution, as it has since the Russians stole the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016 by “influencing” gullible African-Americans with a handful of ridiculous Facebook ads, and then installed Donald Trump and the rest of the Putin-Nazi Occupation Government in office.

Not only have local Antifa militants been tirelessly fighting gangs of neo-nationalist boneheads you’ve probably never heard of more or less around the clock since then, Portland is also the headquarters of most of the militant Antifa intelligentsia (characters like Alexander Reid Ross, an anti-fascist geography lecturer who inculcates kids with his paranoid theories about the international Duginist-Red-Brown conspiracy to take over the whole world and mass-murder the Jews. So, naturally, Portland is now the epicenter of the White Black Nationalist Color Revolution.

But this isn’t just the usual Portlandia silliness. This White Black Nationalist Color Revolution has been in the works for the last four years. Since the moment Trump won the Republican nomination, the global capitalist ruling classes have been fomenting racialized polarization, Putin-Nazi paranoia, and other forms of mass hysteria, in anticipation of the events of this summer.

The propaganda has remained consistent. Both the liberal corporate media and the alternative left media have been predicting that Trump is going to go full-Hitler, impose martial law, proclaim himself Führer, and perpetrate some sort of racialized holocaust … for reasons they’ve never quite been able to explain.

He hasn’t, of course, so the global capitalist ruling classes had no choice but to unleash a shit-storm of civil unrest to goad him into overreacting … which, no surprise, he was stupid enough to do. Ordering the goon squads into the streets might delight his hardcore right-wing base, but it will alienate the majority of “normal” Americans, who aren’t especially fond of goon squads (unless they’re doing their thing in some faraway country).

Most importantly, it will motivate all those non-Clinton-voting Obama voters to go out and vote for “Slappy” Joe Biden, or whichever corporate puppet the Democrats have replaced him with by November 3. That seems to be the general strategy.

Now, regardless of whether they can pull this off (and whatever your feelings about GloboCap as a de facto hegemonic empire), you have to at least admire their audacity. The part where the mayors of major cities stood down and otherwise hamstrung their cops, and let the “peaceful protesters” run amok, was particularly audacious, in my opinion. That was a serious gamble on GloboCap’s part.

Trump could have resisted the urge to go totalitarian and called their bluff. He could have made a speech explaining to Americans exactly how these color revolutions work, how this one is going right by the book, and why he wasn’t going to take the bait, and left the cities in question to their own devices (until the mayors were forced to restore order themselves). But no, tactical genius that he is, he had to order in the goon squads, which, of course, is exactly what the “Resistance” wanted.

Now he’s got cities like Philadelphia threatening to order their police to confront and attempt to arrest the federal agents … I assume you see where this is heading.

The other part that was particularly tricky was sequeing from the original protests following the murder of George Floyd by the cops, most of which were authentic expressions of frustration and outrage by actual Black people about systemic racism and police brutality (both of which are very real, of course) to the orchestrated civil unrest that followed, most of which is being coordinated, funded, and carried out by White people. That was also an extremely bold move, but, as the generous folks at The Ford Foundation put it in July of 2016, when they announced that they would be overseeing the funneling of $100 million to organizations in the Black Lives Matter movement:

We want to nurture bold experiments…”

Oh, and speaking of bold experiments, what better setting could there be for a White Black Nationalist Color Revolution than a fake apocalyptic plague that has wrecked the economies of most Western countries, terrorized the masses into mindless obedience, and destabilized whole societies to the point where fanatical, GloboCap-brainwashed brownshirts are macing people in the face for not wearing masks at outdoor picnics and wishing death on entire families if the mothers won’t put masks on their kids?

No, credit where credit is due to GloboCap. At this point, not only the United States, but countries throughout the global capitalist empire, are in such a state of mass hysteria, and so hopelessly politically polarized, that hardly anyone can see the textbook color revolution that is being executed, openly, right in front of our faces.

Or…OK, actually, most Trump supporters see it, but most of them, like Trump himself, have mistaken Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the Democratic Party and their voters for the enemy, when they are merely pawns in GloboCap’s game. Most liberals and leftists cannot see it at all…literally, as in they cannot perceive it. Like Dolores in the HBO Westworld series, “it doesn’t look like anything” to them.

They actually believe they are fighting fascism, that Donald Trump, a narcissistic, word-salad-spewing, former game show host, is literally the Return of Adolf Hitler, and that somehow (presumably with the help of Putin) he has staged the current civil unrest, like the Nazis staged the Reichstag fire! (The New York Times will never tire of that one, nor will their liberal and leftist readers, who have been doing battle with an endless series of imaginary Hitlers since … well, since Hitler.)

I’ve been repeating it my columns for the last four years, and I’m going to repeat it once again. What we are experiencing is not the “return of fascism.” It is the global capitalist empire restoring order, putting down the populist insurgency that took them by surprise in 2016.

The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution, the fake apocalyptic plague, all the insanity of 2020 … it has been in the pipeline all along. It has been since the moment Trump won the election. No, it is not about Trump, the man. It has never been about Trump, the man, no more than the Obama presidency was ever about Obama, the man.

GloboCap needs to crush Donald Trump (and moreover, to make an example of him) not because he is a threat to the empire (he isn’t), but because he became a symbol of populist resistance to global capitalism and its increasingly aggressive “woke” ideology. It is this populist resistance to its ideology that GloboCap is determined to crush, no matter how much social chaos and destruction it unleashes in the process.

In one of my essays from last October, Trumpenstein Must Be Destroyed, I made this prediction about the year ahead:

2020 is for all the marbles. The global capitalist ruling classes either crush this ongoing populist insurgency or God knows where we go from here. Try to see it through their eyes for a moment. Picture four more years of Trump…second-term Trump…Trump unleashed. Do you really believe they’re going to let that happen, that they are going to permit this populist insurgency to continue for another four years?

They are not. What they are going to do is use all their power to destroy the monster, not Trump the man, but Trump the symbol. They are going to drown us in impeachment minutiae, drip, drip, drip, for the next twelve months. The liberal corporate media are going to go full-Goebbels.

They are going to whip up so much mass hysteria that people won’t be able to think. They are going to pit us one against the other, and force us onto one or the other side of a simulated conflict (Democracy versus the Putin-Nazis) to keep us from perceiving the actual conflict (Global Capitalism versus Populism). They are going to bring us to the brink of civil war…

OK, I didn’t see the fake plague coming, but, otherwise, how’s my prediction holding up?

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Nov 19, 2020 4:31 PM

hilarious text and most comments.. in which world do you live? So Trump is not part (and does not support) the global capitalist empire? Wash you head man!

Aug 2, 2020 6:26 PM

MLK would never have taken money from the Ford Foundation.

Aug 2, 2020 10:06 AM

the installment of trump in the first place was part of that same plan as well. Do you think anything can ever take them by surprise, especially an election result? The rise and downfall of populism was all in the plan.
I find it funny though that you paint the picture that there is a battlebetween left and right, right being the good guys suddenly.. As if there really is a left in america. And even though its clear that (real) anarchist thinking has been totally destroyed by mainstream media and scholars and so on.
You think Reid Ross is part of your socalled globocap elite now? Thats a joke.
the globalists are not left or right, they just use both sides to create chaos and order when and where they want it.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2020 1:45 PM

I just had a look at an Alexander Reid Ross article and thought I was reading one of CJH’s piss-takes. Sadly not.

Aug 1, 2020 9:53 AM

characters like Alexander Reid Ross, an anti-fascist geography lecturer who inculcates kids with his paranoid theories about the international Duginist-Red-Brown conspiracy to take over the whole world and mass-murder the Jews. So, naturally, Portland is now the epicenter of the White Black Nationalist Color Revolution.

Reid Ross is (like Politifact and Bellingcat) most likely part of the whole tangle whilst standing forth as someone who proclaims to be a disinformation specialist.
There is something more to all this though, and I recommend watching these two videos about the covert relationship between Israel and Iran (below). A lot of things that I didn’t know about Iran (Iran’s role in the Neocon wars of this century, the very high consumption of Afghan opium there, or the enthusiasm for transexual surgery, as three examples).
There is a lot of evidence of a triangle of power between Russia, Israel and the U.S. Zionist ruling group. The ‘anti-war Left’ ignore that evidence (because consideration of it is “”anti-semitic””). Part One:

Aug 1, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  crank

Part Two:

Aug 1, 2020 12:25 AM

I hope your tongue was firmly in your cheek when you wrote that. If not, well you know, go forth and procreate.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 31, 2020 2:08 PM

This was for some reason held up “for approval”:

Pure brilliance from CJ Hopkins. If it wasn’t all so utterly dismaying, I would say that it is a joy to read a commentator who so can remain so melancholically witty as the ravages continue to multiply.

One comment of mine, however. CJ writes:

“Since the moment Trump won the Republican nomination, the global capitalist ruling classes have been fomenting racialized polarization, Putin-Nazi paranoia, and other forms of mass hysteria, in anticipation of the events of this summer.”

This, of course, is all-too-true, alas, but I would say that the fomenting of mass hysteria began with the Bush/Cheney coup of 2000 and the mother off all mass hysteria, the false-flag 9/11 attacks and the mass mind manipulation that followed, with its concomitant string of bloodbaths, domestic terror attacks and mass shootings, which filled the news cycle through the Bush Jr and Obama administrations.

Only with the advent of Trump has the concentration of ill-will focused its energy completely internally, projecting all attributions of evil no longer on phantomatic external enemies but on the president himself and those who would dare support him. Now the biggest threat is no longer (manufactured) “Islamic terror” (which has–surprise surprise–completely vanished in both the US and Europe), but indeed “white supremacy” and “far right” groups and the supposed ideologies buttressing them.

Accompanying this new internalizing strategy has been a shift in the official conceptual attribution of evil from “left” to “right.” Now all anti-establishment scepticism, rebellion, and populism is “right wing” by definition (according to them), so confident are the globalist capitalists that their embrace of browbeating anti-intellectual identitarianism to the detriment of intelligent class analysis now allows them, despite their greed, bloodsoaked foreign policies, their bloodsucking economic policies, and their satanic attempts to control the very mind of humanity, to identify as the enlightened “left.”

Because, you know, women. And trannies. And Blacks. And Putin. And Trump.

While authentic working-class rebellions like the Gilets Jaunes in France are “right wing” and “populist.”

“Conspiracy theorists,” once roundly considered kooky leftwingers, are now all “right wing” and even “dangerous,” to a man. And woman.

And all we old-school lefties are now supposed to realize that ghouls like Biden, Susan Rice, Emmanuel Macron, George Soros, and Anderson Cooper are the second coming of Che Guevara and Malcolm X, while we are merely part of the vast rainbow of fascism.

If such a complete inversion of reality increases its hold of the collective mind and becomes general, then mankind is indeed doomed.

We must fight it to our last breaths.

Jul 31, 2020 1:47 PM

Where do you get your news from AG the Guardian?

Trump wasn’t stupid and didn’t take the bait and send in goon squads? He sent in federal agents to protect federal buildings. The same buildings these peaceful protesters are trying to set on fire. The feds were not roaming the streets. President was doing his job protecting federal property.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler even begged the feds and dhs for a meeting to discuss a “ceasefire” while feds were protecting the federal courthouse.

Also Floyd was not murdered. You should know very well by now the full autopsy report has been out for a month and found no damage to neck or throat but more importantly found 3 times the lethal dose of Fentanyl among many other drugs in his system.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Hank

Ah so these policemen were only trying to save Floyd by weaning him off the drugs! Fiendish commies distorting it all again!

Jul 31, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Just the facts. You should try it, very liberating. BTW it doesn’t take 8 minutes to choke someone. Ever ask yourself why the paramedics didn’t do CPR on site if Floyd was dead? You did see the paramedic check his pulse while the cop still had his knee there? Didn’t tell the cop to move it, why?

Remember facts over truth

Jul 31, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Hank

And this is the idiot prosecutor in Floyd’s case.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Hank

it doesn’t take 8 minutes to choke someone

Tried it, have you?

And they could have choked him at any point within the 8 minutes.

Jul 31, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  Hank

Not all facts are causative. A paramedic checking someone’s pulse does not indicate that person is still alive. Besides, how does a paramedic do CPR on someone who is being restrained by a policeman? Do paramedics outrank cops in the hierarchy, so that once a paramedic arrives on the scene the cop disengages?

Facts are just things that are happening. It is a fact, e.g., that I had an itch on the tip of my nose while typing this reply. Does that mean my typing caused the itch?

Aug 1, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Alive or dead, overdosed or murdered, the shenanigans around Floyd-Chauvin point to some kind of a happening.

Jul 31, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  Hank

And to add US has 360 million people so the few thousand unhinged Uni students is hardly a nation on the brink of civil war.

Jul 31, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  Hank

A few thousand out there performing, about 50 TV stations and a few hundred phones recording it. A few hundred thousand effected enough to discuss or rage online.The acorn becomes the forest fast in today’s world.What was the percentage of the 300 million who went to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan….they were still wars..

Jul 31, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Hank

Knee? On neck?

Not arguing about the Fentynyl – millions of yanks are on it – how many others end up with knee on neck, till they are dead?

Richard Moore
Richard Moore
Jul 31, 2020 1:42 PM

A great article apart from one glaring error: Trump was no surprise to the elite regime. Rather putting him in office was a key pillar of the destabilization project.

Aug 1, 2020 6:27 AM
Reply to  Richard Moore

He wasn’t a surprise until about September of 2016 then the republicrats started to back him a bit more but they still want him gone mainly due to being an utter embarrassment. He openly says in public what the people who want him gone say in the background away from hot mics and journos

Richard Moore
Richard Moore
Aug 1, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Koba

I respect your opinion, but I have a different view, what many would call a ‘conspiracy theory’. I see the Trump phenomenon as a project aimed at creating extreme divisiveness and destabilizing the American political system. The more Trump plays the fool, the more the ‘woke’ masses detest him; the more he espouses conservative views, the more they, in their paranoia, fantasize him being a fascist threat. The elite-sponsored BLM colored revolution intensifies the divisiveness to near civil-war proportions. And then there’s the COVID-response scam and the Devos ‘Great Reset’. To me it is clear that a multi-faceted regime-change project is underway whose timing and outcome isn’t entirely clear.

Jul 31, 2020 1:31 PM

Fascinating account, but you left me confused about whether we should support Trump or not against ‘GlobalCap’. Clearly we can’t support Biden and the Democrats, who unlike Trump will be obedient corporate puppets. Joining BLM and AntiFa is out, because they too are tools, used by GlobalCap to raise a ‘shitstorm of civil unrest’ to crush Trump and his populist movement, even if, as you assert, Trump doesn’t threaten Globalcap at all. This position that ‘they’ are doing (and risking) so much against a non-threat doesn’t convince, sorry. I’m also unsure if you condemn BLM and Antifa for their violence, or see them more as heroes than as villains or dupes of GlobalCap. Are you sure they aren’t driven by insurrectionary Marxism, as their leaders have stated? Either way, you seem to prefer leftist rioters to ‘bonehead’ Trump supporters, the typical working Americans you claim support the ‘goon squads’ being violent overseas. These unsupported accusations spoil your account and suggest anti-American bigotry. It becomes unclear who you dislike most: American capitalists, American workers, or just Americans. Maybe you should talk to more Trumpers, the millions of peaceful, ordinary workers and small businesspeople who never burn down US cities to realise their political objectives. It’s weird: you see that Trump and his voters aren’t part of hateful GlobalCap, but seem unable to join him, or anyone else in the fight against it. Is there no resistance we can trust? That’s depressing. So I suggest you identify those individuals or groups who constitute GlobalCap, explain what exactly motivates them, and clarify whether you endorse violence as a tactic against them, in the same way they use violent protestors to remove Trump and so end US democracy. It may also be time to ask why you so dislike American patriots, the MAGA crowd who put nation and compatriots first, never ‘GlobalCap’. Trumpers know we must fight the elite oligarchy, the corrupt globalists seeking control of our nations, resources, businesses, capital, democracies, and even thought. Trumpers fight elite control over free citizens and their free speech, we hate the subversion and corruption of once functioning democracies and media by anti-American corporate interests. We really do want to drain the swamp, and hope you do too.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  NicS

Leftist rioters? Where?

Aug 1, 2020 6:30 AM
Reply to  NicS

No such thing as leftist in America and no such thing as soros paid Marxists it’s just pretend Marxists who are extremely gullible and who have swallowed the msm which is odd because Marxists everywhere else on the planet and NOTHING like our weird western counterparts many of whom took up Marxism as a edgy label for themselves but haven’t read Marx hence the whole “everyone is oppressed especially gays trannies and me” hysteria

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 31, 2020 1:13 PM

Pure brilliance from CJ Hopkins. If it wasn’t all so utterly dismaying, I would say that it is a joy to read a commentator who so can remain so melancholically witty as the ravages continue to multiply.

One comment of mine, however. CJ writes:

Since the moment Trump won the Republican nomination, the global capitalist ruling classes have been fomenting racialized polarization, Putin-Nazi paranoia, and other forms of mass hysteria, in anticipation of the events of this summer.”

This, of course, is all-too-true, alas, but I would say that the fomenting of mass hysteria began with the Bush/Cheney coup of 2000 and the mother off all mass hysteria, the false-flag 9/11 attacks and the mass mind manipulation that followed, with its concomitant string of bloodbaths, domestic terror attacks and mass shootings, which filled the news cycle through the Bush Jr and Obama administrations.

Only with the advent of Trump has the concentration of ill-will focused its energy completely internally, projecting all attributions of evil no longer on phantomatic external enemies but on the president himself and those who would dare support him. Now the biggest threat is no longer (manufactured) “Islamic terror” (which has–surprise surprise–completely vanished in both the US and Europe), but indeed “white supremacy” and “far right” groups and the supposed ideologies buttressing them.

Accompanying this new internalizing strategy has been a shift in the official conceptual attribution of evil from “left” to “right.” Now all anti-establishment scepticism, rebellion, and populism is “right wing” by definition (according to them), so confident are the globalist capitalists that their embrace of browbeating anti-intellectual identitarianism to the detriment of intelligent class analysis now allows them, despite their greed, bloodsoaked foreign policies, their bloodsucking economic policies, and their satanic attempts to control the very mind of humanity, to identify as the enlightened “left.”

Because, you know, women. And trannies. And Blacks. And Putin. And Trump.

While authentic working-class rebellions like the Gilets Jaunes in France are “right wing” and “populist.”

“Conspiracy theorists,” once roundly considered kooky leftwingers, are now all “right wing” and even “dangerous,” to a man. And woman.

And all we old-school lefties are now supposed to realize that ghouls like Biden, Susan Rice, Emmanuel Macron, George Soros, and Anderson Cooper are the second coming of Che Guevara and Malcolm X, while we are merely part of the vast rainbow of fascism.

If such a complete inversion of reality increases its hold of the collective mind and becomes general, then mankind is indeed doomed.

We must fight it to our dying last breaths.

Jul 31, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Who D. Who

“the Bush/Cheney coup of 2000” that would be when Al Gore himself, the losing candidate, cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate to accept the Bush-Cheney victory.
The current crises are also manufactured and managed.

Aug 1, 2020 6:36 AM
Reply to  Who D. Who

You said the official conceptual attribution of evil from “left” to “right.” that’s very true also they’ve switched the “lunatics” around. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union it was exclusively left wingers who apparently were the conspiracy theorists who had tin foil hats but since the fall of socialism and the Waco and Oklahoma bombing by the FBI every so called conspiracy is now magically a conspiracy theory of the right and even scarier dun dun dun the far right. And all this so liberals and fake lefties can be seen as respectable by people who hide paedophilia in the upper echelons ignorance society and openly call for war. Fuck the western left it’s a joke and a very sour one at that. Yours Truly a Marxist Leninist

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Aug 1, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Koba

Thanks. Koba. I agree with everything, except that the “Western left” doesn’t exist anymore.

Wakey wakey
Wakey wakey
Jul 31, 2020 1:06 PM

This nonsense has made up my mind….unsubscribe

Aug 1, 2020 6:37 AM
Reply to  Wakey wakey

You’re name and views show us what kind of gullible tit you are. And evidence was provided! Enjoy your woke riot sponsored by Exxon the state department and the guardian

Paulus Wyns
Paulus Wyns
Jul 31, 2020 12:29 PM

You can call it global capitalism if you want and others call it communism but it is actually technocracy. We no longer have capitalism anyway and have not had capitalism for some time now. Yes Trump threw a spanner in the works but this has been planned for at least 150 years. We are about to get an economic reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution with AI and trans-humanism etc. Everything and I mean everything will be inventoried and controlled, tracked and traced. What you are seeing now is the struggle for who will be in charge of the NWO. There are only so many top places to go around.

But you do not mention the elephant in the room. None of you do. The 1% comprises of 43% Jews and they control the media, banking and politics. They are intent on ruling this brave new world and in controlling the population through eugenics. We are mere slaves.

Just like the Russian Revolution the Chinese Revolution was heavily supported by Jews. In the 70’s it was the Jews that opened up China -Kissinger and the Trilateral commission knowing full well that cheap labor would entice the West to de-industrialize and keep the economies going with debt. This was all planned. Now the Federal Reserve (Jewish bank) is printing for fun buying the world for pennies before the great digital reset. Meanwhile the big tech companies in the West used China as a testing ground for their Orwellian technologies.

The “virus” pyscological opperation was released just after the Federal Reserve started REPO on the 18 th Sept and the code proves the Jews were behind it.

See my latest article:


Jul 31, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Paulus Wyns

Excellent post. A few are willing to mention it. Many see it but won’t mention it. More yet don’t even see it (could be fear preventing them from considering it).
Ah well at least we weren’t racists they will say, being herded towards the slaughterhouse.

Aug 1, 2020 6:38 AM
Reply to  Paulus Wyns

“Not real capitalism” yes it’s isn’trael you’re just still brainwashed by years of bourgeois propaganda!

Paulus Wyns
Paulus Wyns
Aug 2, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Koba

Crony capitalism and monopolies is a form of socialism but only for the rich! If you think a “socialist” communist paradise is coming you are the one who is brainwashed. What is coming is rule by the 1% – a technocracy based on “science” (false science) the complete and utter subjugation of humanity. No freedom of movement of thought of anything. That is your paradise? The rich are already much richer since the shutdown and they will get richer still. So you can keep your Jewish Bolshevik Commie ideas because all it leads to is death and misery but so does crony capitalism (which is also Jewish). Using the Hegelian Dialectic and divide and rule they have played a blinder. They even have the communist-Marxists believing their paradise of equality and fairness is within reach. Little do they know that they are just useful idiots. Jewish tools to be discarded when they are done with. The revolution always eats her own children.

Jul 31, 2020 9:00 AM

there is only one superpower chosen and everyone else is less than infact shouldn’t even be alive
Only one life matters

Jul 31, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  ame

It’s funny that when Jews say it openly and yet the normie still won’t believe it. Man these normies deserve everything they get. I’m on the side of the Jew (almost).

Jul 31, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

how do we distinguish what a normie is- is it just someone who isn’t a jew ?

Jul 31, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A normie is someone who has no awareness about what’s going on, either because they are stupid or refuse to look.

Aug 1, 2020 6:43 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Normier are people who think 9/11 was done by 19 Muslims from all qaeda they think 7/7 was legit they hate facts they love being emotionally charged and can’t accept reality. They also think theirs a pandemic and the best thing to do is get those big corporations they pretend to be so upset over pollution etc to stick non tested vaccines in everyone. Everyone but themselves. Because deep down they know 9/11 is all lies they known7/7 stinks they even know the covid is to as bad a side their media says but they fear polite societies scorn for thinking for themselves

Jul 31, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  ame

So the Christians had to cancel Easter due to lockdown
Moslems up north told today they had to stay in, there celebration is tonight
guess who celebrated their big event without interruption..?
it shows you who funds the Kosherservative
lock down is done on demographics ritualistic aligned
image the news saying the chosen community was not social distancing
never happen

Jul 31, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  ame

So many coencidences!

Aug 1, 2020 6:45 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

And like all those coincidences on 9/11 you’re not allowed to look at them or acknowledge the issue

Jul 31, 2020 8:33 AM

‘…authentic expressions of frustration and outrage by actual Black people about

systemic racism and police brutality (both of which are very real, of course)’

Question everything…

‘A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demolishes the Democratic narrative regarding race and police shootings, which holds that white officers are engaged in an epidemic of racially biased shootings of black men. It turns out that white officers are no more likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians. It is a racial group’s rate of violent crime that determines police shootings, not the race of the officer.’

Jul 31, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  crank

..or this:
‘Every article you read, every news story you watch in the mainstream media will compare police activity to a population benchmark [not a criminal activity benchmark]’.
Just like the Covid narrative, the core BLM narrative is straightforwardly driven by misleading use of statistics. Once one realises that, it all falls completely to pieces.
Are we to form political opinion based on facts, or, are we going to select and ignore facts according to our political leanings ? That is the question at play here.

Jul 31, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  crank

Statistics are a construct of white supremacists.

Jul 31, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Igor

Statistics are a construct of white supremacists.

[Thinks to himself : that could equally be satire or a bona fide talking point from BLM activist circles, try a non-committal answer] : Yeah

Aug 2, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  Igor

Actually it is American ‘conservatives’ who (seriously !) tell us that statistics do not matter in the face of sentiment on this issue:
‘It no longer matters if statistics or studies parse out to reveal racism in policing because society is more than statistics. The nationwide agony and anger of millions of black Americans—agony that knows no class or geographic barriers—is evidence enough.’

Aug 1, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  crank

I’m a Marxist Leninist and the hate I’ve received for pointing out that white people are killed the most year on year by police is unreal and they didn’t accept my native Americans deaths by police stats either which proves that statistically native Americans are killed more by demographics

Jul 31, 2020 8:22 AM

‘It’s one rule for them, and another for us’


Hopkins’ mash up of satire and serious insight doesn’t work anymore. The political situation which he presents is so complex, convoluted, and deceptive that it just comes across as an incomprehensible pile of spaghetti.
There is though a quite straight forward, clarifying aspect which cannot be talked about seriously in the dreaded MSM or on ‘acceptable’ alternative media.
‘Because facts really should be sacred‘ – reads the tagline. Does that mean all facts, or just the ones that make us feel virtuous ?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2020 4:35 AM

I think your predictions were pretty much on the money CJ. And I never saw the panicdemic coming either, so you’re not the only one here.
Apparently, Power is the most addictive, morally corrupting drug there is, and the 0.01% – as represented by the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg ghouls will do anything to hold onto their power and control over the World.
Regards who is behind Antifa and Black Lives Matter, on my FB newsfeed a minority of people do connect the dots to GloboCap. They get who is really pulling the strings.
However, the majority of comments I see think that these groups are ‘communist’ and want to impose ‘communism’ on the United States (and the World).
And with the madness and irrationally and zombified brainwashing everywhere regards the panicdemic, what has really stood out for me has been the sheer psychological terrorism conducted by the MSM, plus the complete co option and outright betrayal of many alleged ‘alternative left’ websites and identities.
For those interested in news from Australia from a genuine alternative site, check out Tott News. The Crowhouse on Bitchute is excellent also.

Jul 31, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I agree that power is ‘the most morally corrupting drug there is’, which is why I also fully agree with Ronald Reagan’s belief that “government is the problem, not the solution”. The smaller the government, the lower the number of individuals involved in it. That means much less opportunity for power to corrupt, so far fewer politicians and government officials and public servants to become corrupt or dependent on ‘the system’. By the same logic, those longest and deepest in power are most likely to be most corrupt. Joe Biden has been a senator since forever, and faces serious charges concerning his multiple financial dealings with both communist China and Ukraine. Public servant Dr Anthony Fauci, now also in his 80s, has been a top public servant since the 60s, and reportedly cannot be fired by Trump or anyone else. His corruption involving US taxpayers’ money for the Wuhan scientists to continue their research, his ties with Bill Gates (now the WHO’s biggest funder, and also friend of Xi Jinpeng) and his efforts to patent ineffective drugs against the Wu-Flu while demonising HCQ (which Fauci used to endorse against all coronaviruses), scream ‘corruption!’ to the world. Those following US politics more deeply will know many other horrendous cases in which corrupt congressmen and permanent establishment officials are blatantly enriching themselves at the expense of ordinary Americans and preventing all accountability. This is obviously a betrayal of democracy, when government morphs into bloated parasite of the voters and their labour, no longer representing voters’ collective interests. Sadly, the MSM mostly ignore all this in their campaign to incite hate against someone who has never been part of the corrupt political machine based in DC, who knows all the politicians and their dirty secrets and what drives their selfish minds, who doesn’t need and will never need to seek more money and power, who cannot therefore be bought and corrupted, whom American voters still fervently hope will drain the hated swamp, the guy we are all encouraged to hate more than any other elected leader probably ever: outsider Orange Man Bad. Anyone here hate Trump too? Are you really sure you aren’t an unwitting fool and tool of the elite?

Jul 31, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Financial expert Bill Holter, last year, predicted a false flag event to cover the impending economic collapse and reset. He has since admitted that nobody could have predicted them coming up with a virus. Nobody was monitoring closely what Bill Gates has been up to for the last few years, placing his tentacles into every useful organisation. None of us took any notice of Event 201, which was the last trial run for what they had planned. We were all mugged.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 1, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Tony

I can only say, I fully agree with your comment Tony. I didn’t even know about Event 201 until it was mentioned on The Corbett Report earlier this year.
Incredibly frustrating that I’ve told people about this, about The Great Reset plans on the World Economic Forum site, about the many false positive tests, and other things and they turn round and go ‘Oh, but there’s a pandemic and you’re wrong’….
Hope your weekend is good.

Jul 31, 2020 2:33 AM

‘Why call Zionism ‘GloboCap’? to extend it, so that it includes the corrupt Goy establishments and the puppet of disruptions, the activists, those funded by Zionist masters?

Jul 31, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  John

Who are the Zionists? Do they include arch-capitalist and Jew George Soros? He reportedly funds many anti-Trump NGOs, media outlets, and even violent activist groups like Anti-Fa. Is this what Zionists and/or global capitalist do and are doing? Also, Soros was famously a Nazi Officer responsible for confiscating Jewish property in Hungary during the war, working under Adolf Eichman. Soros expresses no regrets about this shameful time in his life. Is a Zionist Nazi Jew who put other Jews on the trains taking them to death camps, now funding the puppets who say they fight Trump the fascist? And maybe that is part of GlobalCap? I’m confused!

Jul 31, 2020 2:07 AM

They want to kill you as an individual until you’re just part of a faceless, amorphous mass . . .


Jul 31, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  Reg

‘They’ sound so like the Borg, but is Trump the Borg Queen? If not…

Ronald Thomas West
Ronald Thomas West
Jul 31, 2020 12:18 AM

I left this at Fort Russ…

CJ’s bruised titties on full display. He should have recalled Oscar Wilde’s “Truth is seldom pure and never simple.”

If you follow the development of the NATO states intelligence apparatus, well, CJ, you’re in the authentic, contemporary Nazi central at Berlin, Hitler’s meme never went away, rather the Dulles brothers rescued the Reich’s intelligence apparatus and converted it into a Russophobic organization called Bundesnachrichtendienst. They might give you a medal for this essay.

Global capitalism IS fascism, dufus.

In addition to the Pentagon (with its own power struggle, secular vs Christian Zionist, within), you have (at minimum) three other entities (with some overlap) in play around Trump. CIA, MOSSAD & “The Family” (use google ‘the family, Jeff Sharlet.’) He can’t fire them all, in fact mostly he was only able to fire the strategists who got him elected (Bannon et al.)

Where do they play, eh CJ? Nice rant though.

Jul 31, 2020 12:18 AM

It takes two to perform the trick. I can´t recommend this essay enough:

The System´s Neatest Trick

The supreme luxury of the society of technical necessity will be to grant the bonus of useless revolt and of an acquiescent smile. —Jacques Ellul

The System has played a trick on today’s would-be revolutionaries and rebels. The trick is so cute that if it had been consciously planned one would have to admire it for its almost mathematical elegance.

So, in a nutshell, the System’s neatest trick is this:

  1. For the sake of its own efficiency and security, the System needs to bring about deep and radical social changes to match the changed conditions resulting from technological progress.
  2. The frustration of life under the circumstances imposed by the System leads to rebellious impulses.
  3. Rebellious impulses are co-opted by the System in the service of the social changes it requires; activists “rebel” against the old and outmoded values that are no longer of use to the System and in favor of the new values that the System needs us to accept.
  4. In this way rebellious impulses, which otherwise might have been dangerous to the System, are given an outlet that is not only harmless to the System, but useful to it.
  5. Much of the public resentment resulting from the imposition of social changes is drawn away from the System and its institutions and is directed instead at the radicals who spearhead the social changes.

“They know that they want to rebel, but they don’t know what they want to rebel against. Luckily, the System is able to fill their need by providing them with a list of standard and stereotyped grievances”

“There are still significant numbers of people who resist the social changes that the System requires, and some of these people even are authority figures such as cops, judges, or politicians [and even orange presidents]. These resisters provide a target for the would-be rebels, someone for them to rebel against”

“Third, in order to bring themselves into conflict even with that majority of the System’s leaders who fully accept the social changes that the System demands, the would-be rebels insist on solutions that go farther than what the System’s leaders consider prudent, and they show exaggerated anger over trivial matters. For example, they demand payment of reparations to black people,[or to defund the police]

“The resentment of the more conservative members of society is directed primarily against the “radicals” rather than against the System and its institutions, because the changes sponsored by the System seemed slow and moderate in comparison with the more radical solutions advocated, and even these relatively slow changes are seen as having been forced on the System by pressure from the radicals.”

Jul 31, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

I hear echoes of the Protocols of Zion in there.Whether it was / is a genuine paper or a forged propaganda tool bastardized by the Nazi party, it still reads like a blueprint.Between wars, foment civil unrest to make it look like the rabble need to be stopped, threatened, frightened, then controlled.Easy to do. Problem, reaction, solution.Come in as heroes.

There’s a long term goal of transhumanism. The road to that will be bumpy. But they’ll get us there unfortunately. The people gaze at any new technological innovation like the cave dwellers first gazed at a flame then a wheel. If it entertains and dazzles and requires minimum input, count us all in.So the transhumanism will be like the second coming for the sheep.If they hold out their arms for any CIA vaccine full of bullshit and tracking devices, then they’ll bend the knee( already having practice) and let the same psychotic Nazis slip a ‘miracle chip’ into their brain.

We’ll get there via priming.How to eliminate objection is goal 1.

Utilize the internet’s observation pens to foment outrage at anything and everything.If you don’t love the black race you hate it; if you don’t love the jew you hate them; if you don’t agree with sexualising children into transexuality you’re a transphobe.It’s all about black and white, ironically.Grey is last years mistake, and enlightenment is the new black. Martin Luther King would turn in his grave if he knew his crusade was being so badly abused by those who want to ignore the content of anyone’s character but concentrate on the differences of skin colour. And they call them selves ‘woke’…

The priming is on. Remember the word stem ‘trans’. Transexual, transphobic, transmission, transition.Drip, drip, drip, drip. Newspapers ; commercials; posters; catchphrases to commit easily to a mind they’ve already taken possession of.All crumbs for us to pick up as we blindly walk their road like animals to the slaughter.Keep your eyes and ears open for this next step.

We never pushed and rioted for our leaders to question why we gave a so-called pandemic that allegedly swept the planet over to computer code writers and software magnates, while gagging the medical doctors. This will be a distant, confusing memory by then.And it won’t matter either.It will be checkmate.

Jul 31, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

They have us chasing impossible equality.

Jul 31, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  breweriana

They began with a hypothesis. The human race are herders and the best way to spread a contagion is via consciousness. The internet has become the perfect tool to test it. Want to start a movement or collective opinion ? Throw it online, staged and pre planned. Get a few celebrities who know nothing but are famous and there to be adored to endorse it. Then the sheep will do the rest. In the meantime, multi millionaires Will Smith, Lewis Hamilton and Tierry Henry are publicly bleeding tears about white privilege

Jul 31, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Like you, I stand with Martin Luther King. I also detest people who judge or hate me simply for the colour of my skin, my sexual preferences, my religious or cultural background, and for my political opinions. But unlike King in the 60s and other African-American men today, I can attract a much wider range of haters than just racists. I am a white, western, Christian heterosexual male. Leftists label me as eternally racist because I’m white, as a supporter of empires and colonialism because I’m British, homophobic because I’m straight and Christian, and a sexist pig because I’m male. But nothing makes me feel more like a member of a hated minority than when I put on my Trump hat, which I do to express my admiration and support for Donald Trump, surely the greatest target of bigots in our lifetimes. Nothing reveals hate and haters like the MAGA hat does. Those who think they are fighting the prejudice, intolerance and oppression which comes from some anonymous, evil ‘system’ really should wear one around for a week or so. As old friends and even family start spitting and sneering at you almost uncontrollably, you will soon learn where hate really comes from, and what it does to once rational people. And that experience will completely change your life.

Jul 31, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  NicS

This is sadly true.
I have found an odd freedom in my hated status. When you are hated for what you are, even though you are good, really, what’s to be done about it but laugh? And resist like you have nothing to lose.
Only God can judge me.

Jul 31, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

And isn´t Trump the perfect villain for the system to perform the trick?

Is there a new drug big-pharma wants out of the way? Just let the orange clown praise it. An anti-malarian and a desinfectant liquid are one and the same thing. Domiciliary arrest is not that popular? Why, only his supporters would oppose them! A tough middle eastern leader refuses to be put aside? Just let Donald “grab them by the pussy” Trump raise the flag of “isolationism”.

And doesn´t the trick work as well with those on the other side of the aisle?

“3-D Chess. He had to cede something to the radicals, that´s why he had to hire Bolton and bomb Syria”. “He can´t drain the swamp all at once, the banksters (he is making richer) would eat him alive”.

The trick is now a perfect circle with mathematical elegance.

Jul 31, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

I haven’t read Ellul for years, and now I see how very prophetic he was, especially in terms of how power or ‘the system’ coopts protest and popular resentment as a controlling tool to preserve itself. Thanks for this post. Where I part company with Ellul is his mystification of ‘the system’, as if it were a conscious entity with its own non-human plans for us all. Basically, he posits ‘technological necessity’ as our anonymous driver and controller, so ignoring or hiding the very human desires and real ruling elites which always covet money and power. What’s more, his theory (as summarised here) also avoids understanding the dominant fears and ideological beliefs motivating global elites and politicians. Does Ellul discuss how elitists always hate being challenged and removed from power by the ignorant plebs, using the peaceful means of the ballot box? Elitists always fear the power of the demos to vote them out of office, so disrupting or even destroying the crony networks of which politicians are so often an essential part. Corrupt, self-serving rich people always need the poorer, productive classes to exploit both for their money and for their status as superior. Ellul ignores the human dimension here. Also, does he realise that there are ultimately only two kinds of government? That which controls people (autocracy), so turning citizens into powerless subjects, or else… And then there is government controlled by people (democracy), which turns powerless subjects into citizens with a say on who leads and with what policies. In a properly functioning democracy, politicians are subject to the interests of the voters, or else… Voter power can trump political corruption. So I think Ellul and others should worry much less about ‘the system’, and do much more to defend and strengthen existing democracy, which we already know as the only system in history to actually give power to the people. That history is why we Trumpers put real people and democratic nations first.

Jul 31, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  NicS

I agree. Railing against such vague notions as ‘the system’ is like running around without knowing where you are going. You have to target your enemy, if you want to change the situation. I suspect many of those who berate the ‘system’ and ‘globalists’ are either stupid or being intentionally opaque.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 31, 2020 12:06 AM

Another great article by CJ Hopkins. He puts it all together!

Jul 30, 2020 11:47 PM

Trump will be the last President of the USA.

Stop playing the game.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Jul 30, 2020 10:52 PM

I see Timothy Snyder who is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations pushing his propaganda in this article and it`s the same old tired blurb.He is also mates with Luke Harding Twin propagandists and peas in a pod.

Jul 30, 2020 10:28 PM

Trump should call out the election fixing being planned. And stop it.

He knows that Pompeo’s gauntlet is being planned against him. As it was against Corbyn.

No postal votes. It’s a matter of life and death. Only real voters should be allowed to vote. He should issue Ppe to every voter so they can do it in person.

No discussion.

Jul 31, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Well, “No postal votes” is not gonna happen. Oregon has held elections this way for twenty years, very successfully.

Many other jurisdictions offer or even encourage the use of a liberal (relaxed, generous) absentee voting option.

Also, the problems with voting machines have never been solved. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/16/voting-security-crisis-q-a-1466704

Jul 31, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  dus7

Postal vote fraud is the easiest fraud nowadays.

If people genuinely can not get to a voting station and their vote than follows a physical verified audit trail – it can be hijacked – then the solution is simply to take the voting station to them!

Independently manned by at least two persons and than taken to the counting center.

Dubious unverifiable private company owned electronic voting systems are easily manipulated.

Jul 31, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Make vote in person over 3 days. Easy.

Jul 31, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Well, “No postal votes” is not gonna happen. Oregon has held elections this way for twenty years, very successfully.

Many other jurisdictions offer or even encourage the use of a liberal (relaxed, generous) absentee voting option.

Also, the problems with voting machines have never been solved. [https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/16/voting-security-crisis-q-a-1466704]

I tried to post this some time ago, but it’s held up “Awaiting for approval” because of the links? so I’ll try using the URLs only.

Jul 31, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I’ve opposed your views before, but not this time. One question: I follow US politics very closely, but have never seen evidence that Pompey is disloyal, unlike various other members of Trump’s cabinet who were fired for their globalist views and even sabotage of the MAGA agenda. Got a link?

Huang Han
Huang Han
Jul 30, 2020 10:13 PM

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin.
For someone based in Berlin, what do you really know about the US other than what you read, hear, and watch on main stream media

Jul 31, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  Huang Han

Well, MoA is German, Whitney Webb is in Chile, James Corbett is in Japan. Here on OffG, Brits and Merkans (just don’t spell it with an ‘i’…) comment on each other’s politics, etc. every day. It’s call the World Wide Web for a reason.

Jul 31, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Huang Han

You tell us then.

Jul 31, 2020 3:25 AM
Reply to  Huang Han

Hopkins publishes on alternative media, also US based media. If you would regularly consult alternative media, you would have seen his name and articles passing by regularly. If he is an American, this implies also that atleast for some time he had his basis there.

Jul 31, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Huang Han

Those questions apply to me as well. I’m in the UK . They also apply to everyone living in America.What does the average American know about the US other than what they read, hear, and watch on mainstream TV ? Please don’t say history books. Hans Christian Anderson wrote them.

Jul 31, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Huang Han

I’m guessing so many downvotes is a reaction to your weirdly outdated assumption that where you live determines what news outlets you read. CJ Hopkins’ article is full of claims no MSM outlet would ever publish, but you appear oblivious to that. I live in Brazil but that doesn’t mean I use or trust any MSM stories as complete, impartial or even honest. I like independent sites such as off-Guardian, for which Hopkins writes.

Jul 30, 2020 10:00 PM

I watched the video of the “horrible” woman macing the family eating in the dog park – and for the life of me I can’t see where the video either proves or disproves anything. It’s only because the woman whose family is supposedly being attacked SAYS they are being maced that anyone at all would think that’s what happened.

For people who’ve just been maced, they sure are taking it lightly. If that’s all there is to being maced, then I think it’s high time the cops stop using mace.

I would hate to think the anti-maskers – who have science and good sense on their side already – would resort to manufacturing an incident out of nothing. They don’t need to make the pro-maskers look any worse than they already are.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 30, 2020 9:48 PM

A friend of mine put it well: Trump is the Immanuel Goldstein of this episode of “Big Brother.”

Jul 31, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Does your friend also name who is manufacturing hate against Trump and Trumpers, and why? We know who manipulates the proles in 1984 and why: in order to preserve their power and privilege over us all.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 31, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  NicS

Trump is merely a representative of one faction of the ruling elite, Biden is of the other faction. “When you got to choose, every way you look at it you lose.”
How the Trump regime was manufactured by a war inside the Deep State, Nafeez Ahmed, 2/10/17.

Jul 30, 2020 9:37 PM

I have a hart time seeing Trump as some populist threat to GloboCap. I was surprised when he won in 2016 seeing as Hilary is such a faithful servant of the elite. At the time I figured maybe they have a sense of humor.

But now I think Trump’s role is clear. He’s there to be a polarizing figure so that everything going on at the moment can immediately be split between Trump and anti-Trump sides. Everyone falls in line with their clan and rational discussion becomes impossible. Trump opposes lockdown and so right-thinking people are for it and positions are entrenched.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  Horatio

“Trump opposes lockdown and so right-thinking people are for it and positions are entrenched.”

It also helps that “the Left” and the entire “progressive” contingent are vehemently in favour of the lockdown , thus giving the requisite “oppositional” imprint to the proceedings. (The big giveaway is that this “oppositional” stance has inexplicably become the chant of the MSM. But it’s amazing how many don’t see that even when it’s slapping them in the face every second.)

Jul 31, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Horatio

Trump is also exposing the deep swamp and all their crimes which is what scares them the most. Maybe jail time for some, especially Comey,and the like.

Jul 31, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Horatio

Are you saying Trump is the puppet or the enemy of GlobalCap? We Trumpers hate the swamp, and believe that Trump really wants to drain it.

Jul 31, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  NicS

How do you believe he is draining the swamp? I’ve seen no evidence of that. He seems as swampy as the rest to me. So much of what he does just seems over-the-top and designed to fan flames and not much more. How has he undermined the interests of GloboCap?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 30, 2020 8:53 PM


Thirty years of neoliberal economics has proved to be a worldwide disaster for the working-class. That’s why prior to the COVID-19 pandemic “genuine outrage” was being expressed in worker protests on every continent. In 2016, the globalists were astonished by sellout Bernie’s popularity and how the electorate embraced socialism. However, Trump’s win over Hillary was a total shocker, especially when the elites realized more than 12% of those who voted for the “circus clown” previously cast a ballot for snake/Obama.  Trump, won the Electoral College because those living in the rustbelt states were particularly impacted by not only exploitative neoliberalism, but by the unending imperialist wars. Having said that, more than anything a vote for Trump by desperate/disgusted workers represented a fuck you to the crooked warmongering Dems and the national security state. 

In January 2017, the opening act of the resistance began with a million woman pussyhat march well-organized and funded by the Democratic Party, however, all subsequent attacks by the disappointed Hillary contingent focused on depicting the orangeman as a Putin puppet. This dimwitted reactionary strategy was undertaken in spite of the fact that in 2015 the New York Times reported “shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.” In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum. Wasn’t it Goebbels who said: “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” 

And now getting back to the motivation behind this amazing effort to extricate Trump from the Oval Office–it’s an unbridled desire to reassert Western imperialist hegemony by bolstering all post WWII alliances, hence restoring dominance to a declining Empire.

Enter Susan Rice Joe Biden’s possible VP pick.  The following is an informative excerpt from a WSWS article entitled:  “Corporate press promotes Susan Rice as Biden’s running mate”: 

“Clinton appointed Susan Rice to his National Security Council in 1993 and she had principal responsibility for Africa during such disasters as the Rwanda genocide. She was named assistant secretary of state for African Affairs during Clinton’s second term (1997–2001), and was criticized for her close ties to authoritarian rulers such as Paul Kagame in Rwanda and Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia. She was in charge of US policy in Africa in 1998, when twin bombings hit the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and Clinton ordered a retaliatory missile strike that destroyed a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan that had no connection to the attacks.

When Obama won the presidency in November 2008, Rice was a top foreign policy adviser, with wide support in the military-intelligence apparatus and big business. She was named US ambassador to the United Nations and confirmed unanimously by the Senate.

While often touted as the first African-American woman to serve as US ambassador to the UN, in reality Rice’s role was in direct continuity with figures such as John Bolton and John Negroponte, appointed by the George W. Bush administration with the aim of bullying other nations into acquiescing to US demands…

Rice was among the closest advisers to Obama, dating back to when he was a US senator, and was one of the first prominent members of the Democratic Party foreign policy establishment to join his 2008 presidential campaign. The affinity between the two gave the lie to Obama’s pretense then of representing some kind of antiwar alternative to the Bush administration.

In the years before Obama’s election, Rice was part of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a right-wing Democratic think tank that advocated the continued occupation of Iraq, a military “surge” in Afghanistan and a more aggressive military posture toward China. She publicly supported the US war of aggression against Iraq as well as the “weapons of mass destruction” pretext provided by Bush.

Within the Obama administration, she became one of the leading advocates for imperialist intervention in Libya and Syria, on the pretext of pursuing “humanitarian” and “democratic” aims. She was a strong supporter of the Zionist regime in Israel, denouncing as “anti-Israeli crap” any gestures at the United Nations in support of the Palestinians.

In September 2012, after the attack on the US facility in Benghazi, Libya, that left the US ambassador and three other Americans dead, Rice was sent out on the Sunday television interview programs to give the official story that a spontaneous local uprising, not an organized terrorist attack, was the cause of the disaster. The truth, which the Obama administration wished to conceal, was that its policy of relying on Islamic fundamentalist groups to overthrow the Gaddafi regime in Libya had led to “blowback,” as the Al Qaeda-linked groups turned their guns on the US mission.

With congressional Republicans seizing on the Benghazi affair as a weapon against Hillary Clinton, then the US secretary of state and the expected Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, Rice took the fall. She withdrew her name from consideration to replace Clinton and in July 2013 was named Obama’s national security adviser, a position that did not require Senate confirmation but gave her considerable authority in coordinating US foreign policy.

Among the imperialist crimes with which her tenure was associated were the ongoing military interventions in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan; the ultra-right coup in Ukraine that overthrew the elected pro-Russian government; the escalating US-backed war by Saudi Arabia in Yemen; mounting US pressure on China, including the elevation of the South China Sea to the level of a major international crisis; and the savage economic squeeze on Iran that produced the 2015 nuclear agreement.


If Biden chooses Rice as his running mate, it will allow him to satisfy the gender and racial warriors of the identity politics wing of the Democratic Party without making the slightest concession to the working class. On the contrary, by selecting the Democratic equivalent of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, an African American advocate and apologist for American corporate interests up to and including imperialist war, Biden would be sending a signal to Wall Street and the military-intelligence apparatus that his administration will be absolutely ruthless in its defense of the global interests of American imperialism.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/07/30/rice-j30.html

Let me add this to the mix, Kamala Harris, whose sister Maya was appointed as one of three senior policy advisors to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign would be equally horrific, but very acceptable to the Lincoln Project PNAC crowd.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 31, 2020 1:23 AM

Yes, I think you’re right that either Rice or Harris would fit the bill to get back to the GloboCap playbook Trump has tampered with, or rebelled against in his own mild way, as with absurd notions of a Korean Peace and currently pulling troops out of Germany. The January assassination of Soleimani and associates in Iraq is also a reversal, I think, for the playbook. Almost unnoticed, Iraq gave the US one year to pull its troops out of the region from that blunder. For the globalists, Trump’s moves have been amateurish and confused, more important IMV than his being inspirational to the populists that CJ mentions. This factor, I think. is minor against these other internationalist factors as to why the ferocity of the program to get rid of him..

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 31, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Hopkins, points out misery is being used as a way to re-establish order–this is very true. Nina Turner, Bernie’s co-chair gave her heart and soul campaigning and in the end she was dumped like a piece of garbage–they wouldn’t even include her in the Biden/Bernie pseudo task force. That Black life didn’t matter.  
In any event, Turner the other day said:  “voting for Biden is like eating a bowl of shit.”  In other words, the Democratic Party/surveillance/corporate state want to make life so miserable that when election day arrives you’ll be enthusiastic and delighted to consume a bowl of shit………… Biden 2020–Let them eat shit!

Jul 31, 2020 5:31 PM

Great analysis, thanks. I just question what you see as ‘the opening act of the resistance’. I would claim that anti-democratic resistance was much deeper and earlier than that. Two candidates: the Obama-ordered and orchestrated spying campaign, which intended to frame Trump as a Russian puppet before he was even elected, and the shocked reaction of the Clinton team on the night of their great defeat, when they immediately hatched their plan to blame Russian interference for their loss and to ruin Trump’s presidency. Anything rather than accept American voters had rejected the Democrats and their corrupt, globalist priorities. By contrast, Trump promised to stop pointless, costly, endless wars in which American boys never stopped dying, insane neo-con militarism, and bottomless DC corruption. How could you not vote for that?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 31, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  NicS

Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign is a book written by political journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes they point out Russigate was formulated in Hillary’s Brooklyn campaign offices after her ignominious defeat…….

Jul 30, 2020 8:48 PM

The funny thing about that supposed ‘fake pandemic’ is the ONS report today’s exclusion of Germany in the other European countries!

I wonder how that was left out.

Anyway here are these numbers – which throw BrexShit Bozo’s failures in a sharp contrast.
‘no unusual increase in death figures compared with the March figures of previous years can be observed. In April, however, the number of currently registered deaths was 83,500 and mortality was considerably higher than the average across previous years (+9%).’


Is it too soon to say…I told you so?

Jul 30, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Excess deaths started after lockdown. This, despite the virus having been around since last Autumn, which everyone who has come into contact with the virus, except for our government and their propagandists, knows.

It’s long beyond time for you to admit you were wrong

Jul 31, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Tony

Why talk to a Covid Cult nutter?

The vaccine will be used by our government as the standard deciding factor in our lives: COVID=Certificate Of Vaccination ID – without which, you will not work or eat.

Jul 31, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Tony

Err … excess deaths were evident before lockdown and given it take 4+ weeks from hospitalisation to most deaths – the lockdown happened because hospitalisation were getting exponential, which proved infections were also exponential and out of control.

Hence the HAMMER. Now we are in the DANCE.

70k UK excess deaths by failing to get a grip in February- like Germany did.

Because on the government focus on getting it dahn!

It’s way way way beyond time your limbless fake narrative stopped trying to headbutt me in the knees.


Jul 31, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Hospitals are deathly quiet, and have been throughout lockdown. Clap for carers was warranted for staff in nursing homes, who were unethically overburdened by the NHS. But nearly everybody was clapping for the NHS, who were nearly all sat on their arses doing nothing most of the time, bored out of their minds, in near-deserted hospitals, and still are.

Jul 31, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  Tony

Er…..excess deaths were not evident before lockdown. They started significant registration well after lockdown began, and after elective treatments all-but ended, and the NHS started deliberately seeding nursing homes with discharged elderly patients suffering from assorted respiratory problems.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 31, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin


Jul 31, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley


Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 31, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

That was meant for myself–posted in the wrong box!

Jul 31, 2020 1:35 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Hey, hey, listen, old man. There is no “new” disease. There is no “new” virus. They are rebadging all deaths as covidchok. That’s how they create your hallowed “data”. You’ve been in a propaganda matrix your entire life. Haven’t you noticed? When you imprison people and inject them with fear, their minds and their bodies deteriorate. Many old people die as a result. Many youngish people likewise. Despair, hopelessness, suicide prevail when you face no future because the economy has been deliberately trashed and your worth as an individual has been wrecked. And then they call you a carrier of disease. They say you have to submit to being tracked your entire life. Haven’t you noticed what’s really happening? Take off that muzzle. You might taste some kind of freedom. The air isn’t full of “droplets” waiting to pounce on you and kill you. But it’s certainly been poisoned by evil that’s finally ripped off its own mask and is staring you right in the eyes.

Jul 31, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Reg

The sort of BS that was printed in a side of a bus and put as posters of waves of ‘immigrants’ that made people spite their faces leaving them nose less.

Jul 31, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Jeez, you’re beyond hope, Dun. Thoroughly irredeemable.

Jul 31, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  Reg

Don’t buy your propaganda private.

Following Orders is not a valid defence soldier.

Jul 31, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

You’ve lost it. Completely. It’s futile engaging with someone so far gone.

dra varni
dra varni
Jul 30, 2020 8:36 PM

I liked reading the article. It was kind of backhanded wit. All the information was articulated like a comic book. It was funny, yet cruel. Wrong or right didn’t matter. Not so much the people, but the times.

Jul 30, 2020 8:06 PM

Jul 30, 2020 7:43 PM
Awaiting for approval

Jul 30, 2020 7:41 PM
Awaiting for approval
I think this story is written for idiots, and I’ve never been a fan of the CIA’s house style of writing. ………But hay-ho I’ll not make that mistake again and go back to reading the mostly intelligent informed comments below this drivel.

Jul 30, 2020 7:50 PM

there was a book called ecotopia where the western part broke away from the us. perhaps it is coming true? i do think alot of countries that lockdon crimes will fragment. spain is finnished and probably the uk and us. there is no sense getting caught up in the drama of divisive political agendas. instead dodging the obstacles and continuing to create the healthy planet at every level. https://youtu.be/z8BeZXUzHXc

Jul 30, 2020 8:13 PM
Reply to  Rachel

without a wholesome image no state can survive. this is the correct link on ecotopia. https://youtu.be/Z8Be2XUzHXc

Jul 30, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I can envision a future U.S., perhaps with a different name, operating as a federation of semi-autonomous zones (groups of states or regional areas wherein cultures, societal norms, and belief systems would reflect that area). Mine would probably be called “Cascadia”…

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jul 30, 2020 7:45 PM

When the most reliable and insightful reporters are comedians.

Jul 30, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

Comedians are the most intelligent, insightful people on this earth. When one pipes up on modern geopolitics, often time to listen.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jul 30, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Loverat

I agree! George Carlin was the genius of our age.

Jul 31, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Stand up comedy reflects all other mainstream news outlets.It’s a career driven mainly by the dollar and pound.The mainstream can put acts on who’ll reflect the political bent of the TV station or establishment’s narrative, then they’ll be called satirists.They’re not. They’re ‘yes’ men.It pays.

Then there’s the rebels. The ‘no way’men. Bill Hicks; George Carlin ; Lenny Bruce et al. They were real comedians with a real grasp of the reality the mainstream help to bury. The minority are the ‘intelligent, insightful’ ones.

Jul 30, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

The most insightful independent investigative journalists are not comedians.

They are ostracised by the MSM. And worse charged with crimes. Imprisioned without a fair trial and bankrupted.

CJ is a ‘comic’ but he isn’t the real thing.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jul 31, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Name your “most insightful . . . .”

Jul 31, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

Jonathan Cook

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jul 31, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

That’s it? All you got? So there is one trustworthy guy in the world? How about some from Off-Guardian? John Pilger? Abby Martin? Gareth Porter? You only get your information from Jonathan Cook? OK, you want o be a contrarian, but try to be a reasonable contrarian. The point is that comedians have been among the most insightful people in any age and culture. Consider the classic comedies of ancient Greece, just for a point of departure.

Jul 30, 2020 7:41 PM

I think this story is written for idiots, and I’ve never been a fan of the CIA’s house style of writing. ………But hay-ho I’ll not make that mistake again and go back to reading the mostly intelligent informed comments below this drivel.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 30, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Jilly

Hopkins likes to think that he’s being satirical, but it’s really just a way of avoiding commitment in anything he writes.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 31, 2020 1:18 AM

To those who down vote the above, please provide some tangible statements of position or opinion to which Hopkins commits?

Jul 31, 2020 3:43 AM

The best of tangible things is the chair which you are sitting on, and the ground on which you walk, to ask of commentors to provide statements is to ask them to elaborate and speculate, so to add fiction to fiction.

Jul 31, 2020 3:40 AM

Commitment is for the overly serious, who tend to become vulgar and all too realistically descriptive, if not pornographically descriptive, on the whole boringly vulgar and tedious. Satire, being the lowest form of art is a style which avoids at least to some extent such ridiculous pretentiousness which accompanies commitment and the vulgar realism which news is based upon.

Jul 31, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  Jilly

I couldn’t put my finger on it. First i thought it was overladen with cliche.It is, for the most part. Then i thought it was interrupting itself with too many banner mantras.Then i began to suspect it was just the author spewing up a lot of angst and anger he’d been eating too much of. It was too condensed to be cohesive and too angry to retain a flow.And the occasional sarcastic slight aimed at the usual suspects got lost in the fog , which prevented it from being categorized as satire, or humour.

I note that the current internet researchers are discovering the genius of George Carlin years after he was performing, or alive as well as George Orwell. I think they tend to grip most things that are counter culture or ‘alt’ now and inappropriately call it out as ‘cool’ , clever and comedic. Often it’s just a rant.A vent. I can’t get into that. It’s like interrupting someone trying to self – heal.I’ll wait and grab the next bus that stops here..

Jul 31, 2020 3:32 AM
Reply to  Jilly

It appears that all media articles are written for the ignorant, in order to inform them. I dare say all of them are also written for idiots, and it is all drivel. This will be collectively confirmed in about a three-hundred years. Meanwhile, you can chase away your boredom, which is the main drive behind reading news.

Jul 30, 2020 7:37 PM

“. . . . frustration and outrage by actual Black people about systemic racism and police brutality (both of which are very real, of course)”

Actually no, “systemic racism” against blacks is not real. These little virtue signalling asides in which an author admits the other side’s false major premise in passing are really dangerous.

Writers do it in order to earn supposed brownie points for being moderate and “reasonable,” in the mistaken belief that this will give them some extra moral authority for whatever their more specific point is.

If you want to argue that Bigfoot or “systemic racism” is real be my guest. But don’t drop it into an essay with a “very real, of course” and then just slide away.

Jul 30, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

If you would, please explain the reasoning behind the assertion that “systemic racism” is not real. Please note that I’m not going to lower myself to ask for sources and “proof” – because all I’m interested in is your reasoning.

I’ve lived in predominantly black areas for going on 35 years – not because I’m a “woke” soul but simply because it’s where I could afford to live. I won’t insult you by saying “And the things I’ve seen….” But I will say that if one looks beneath the surface, one can begin to understand why blacks see their ongoing situation in America as “systemic racism.”

Jul 30, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

If you would, please explain the reasoning behind the assertion that “systemic racism” is not real. 

It’s hard to know what the term is supposed to mean, since no one who uses it ever defines it. It’s also hard to prove a negative — like proving conclusively that there is no Bigfoot or UFOs. The burden of producing evidence should be on the person trying to prove the mystery item exists.

But I’ll assume the term is supposed to mean that the whole “system” is somehow supposedly rigged to treat similarly situated blacks worse than whites counterparts with the same characteristics. Under that definition, the “systemic racism” hypothesis is disproved by the facts that:

(a) There are no rules that overtly discriminate against blacks;

(b) The law instead makes it illegal to discriminate against blacks, and this law is vigorously enforced through the threat of lawsuits and an HR-Industrial complex that lectures everyone non-stop not to discriminate;

(c) The “system” actually discriminate in favor of blacks at every level by giving them massive preferences in school admissions, scholarships, hiring, contracting, and promotions. Blacks can score hundreds of points below whites in SAT scores and still have the advantage. Every company in America is bending over backwards to hire and promote blacks to high level positions even where they are less qualified;

(d) The actual statistics show that blacks are not shot, arrested or imprisoned disproportionately to the crimes they actually commit;

(e) Blacks have free speech rights superior to whites. They can say all kinds of things that whites are not allowed to say. In our current society, whites must automatically defer to black opinion on everything and are not allowed to challenge it, as doing so is “racist.”

(f) Blacks have massive political power and influence. They are the biggest political constituency in the biggest American political party. They have had a President and soon will have a Vice President from their group.

(g) The government maintains a massive welfare wealth transfer system that disproportionately benefits blacks compared to either their percentage of the population or the taxes they pay.

By contrast, there is no evidence for the counter-proposition of an invisible force field of “systemic racism.” The only “evidence” for this is the circular reasoning that: “blacks have worse outcomes in terms of income and other sociological measures, since it can’t be their fault, it must be white people’s fault.”

That’s the sum total of logic behind the religion of “institutional” or “systemic” racism. It’s just the usual fallacy of inferring causation from correlation.

Jul 31, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

I think much of your reasoning presumes society to be primarily an “official” entity composed almost exclusively of rules and government mandated quotas. But these things are merely window dressing; though I will admit that for a period of time (in the late ’70s up to the mid ’80s) – a period when I worked for the federal government – a constant refrain was “You can’t fire me because I’m black!” Needless to say, that bravado did not endure.

Please do not include President Obama as evidence for black equality. Obama threw black males under the bus early on in his campaign with his unconscionable Father’s Day speech before an audience of black men. That whole speech was contrived to appeal to white, not black, voters; it paraded out every “white” complaint about “black” males.

Blacks may indeed enjoy greater “free speech” rights than whites. But considering how difficult it is to translate “free speech” into any sort of action, let alone effect any change within the society from its exercise, it has almost no meaning. Indeed, “free speech” has for a very long time in America been an oxymoron of the highest order.

No one – I repeat: NO ONE – but the ruling class has any real political power in America. It’s already too well documented to waste time on it, to note that voting has absolutely nothing to do with running the country. Voting merely determines which sock puppet will govern, nothing more.

But in the final analysis, the epithets used to portray people say infinitely more about the underlying condition of a society than the carefully scrubbed terms adopted by official agencies. Whites are denigrated as “crackers” or “honkies.” Not exactly esteem shattering epithets. Blacks are denigrated as a term so offensive, so laden with a history of oppression, that the term has become one of the few remaining unmentionables.

And the fact that I live in a predominately black area because it’s cheaper, while proving nothing, does tend to underscore the black-white dichotomy in America.

Jul 31, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

Blacks are denigrated as a term so offensive, so laden with a history of oppression, that the term has become one of the few remaining unmentionables.

99.999% of N-word usage is black-on-black “oppression.” So you are saying (although you don’t realize it), that black “society,” not white society, is “esteem shattering” to blacks.

Whites OTOH are accused of oppressing blacks by using microaggressions, like saying a black person is “articulate.” So your example about language just proves that blacks, and not whites, are responsible for low black esteem.

By the way, according to “systemic racism” theology by living in a black neighborhood you are oppressing blacks by raising rents and causing “gentrification.” But if you move out, you will be oppressing blacks by lowering rents and causing “white flight.”

Of course arguing that “systemic racism” is an invalid theory because it is circular and non-falsifiable is just oppressive Western logic, which is another tool of “systemic racism.”

Aug 1, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

Your take on the “black on black” use of the N-word suggests that you have no first hand knowledge of informal black culture; but, instead, rely on what others have said about that culture.

While it’s usually (not always, but usually) said as an insult, it is the equivalent of one “redneck” calling another “redneck” a rube or a hick. In other words, there is an element of “tongue in cheek” when the term is used. It’s like saying to someone “You really do fit the stereotype!”

As a side note, I was amazed when a high school teacher (in Rio de Janeiro, where I lived at the time) used the N-word in a class. There was absolutely nothing derogatory intended; it was used as if it were a proper descriptive term. I should note she was of mixed heritage.

Aug 1, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

I get how black people use the word. But that’s kind of my point — it’s not “soul crushing” and it’s not used by whites.

Jul 30, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

Systemic racism is “very real”. https://www.thoughtco.com/systemic-racism-3026565.

Not sure why you’d think otherwise. Perhaps you’re thinking that prejudice and discrimination in the U.S. are (largely) things of the past because of the civil rights activities in the ’60s?

Virtual signaling doesn’t cancel original meaning. We shouldn’t allow the changing of the language by “the worst [who] are full of passionate intensity”.

Jul 30, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  dus7

That article you link to just illustrates what I’m talking about. It’s just the usual jargon and arm-waiving and assertions, with no evidence or proof as to exactly how anything is actually oppressing black people today.

A typical example: The government supposedly didn’t underwrite enough mortgages in certain neighborhoods between 1938 and 1965, therefore America must be “systemically racist” today. It makes no sense. (I know they arm waive about it “must have” caused blacks to not build up home equity somehow, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense either, and the evidence is simply not there).

At this point, advocates of the “systemic racism” myth probably believe their own B.S. because no one ever actually calls them on it or asks for evidence. But don’t kid yourself that it must be right just because there is no upside for anyone to point out the flaws and get called a “racist” for their effort.

In fact, it’s kind of insidious that way. Because no one is being specifically accused (like in an actual discrimination court case), no individual has an incentive to put forth the facts to disprove it. Everyone can blame the faceless “system.” It’s an easy cop out, with no proof required.

Jul 31, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

Some things are considered obvious, and those asking for proofs are naively unaware or bent on revealing their inner prejudice, ha! There are so many ways to look the issue of racism – education, employment, residence/housing, longevity, health, a thousand biographies, etc. Find your own information.

I bet you want proof for misogyny and ageism, too?

“System” is this case means the framework and operation of the country, and “systemic” refers to something that is ‘built-in’, comes with, is an integral part of.

Jul 31, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  dus7

Yeah, “too obvious to need proof.” Touche.

We really do live in an Idiocracy.

Jul 31, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

Who cares whether there is systemic racism or not? People in the USA hate each other much more due to their political beliefs than because of race.

Political hatred is legal, racial hatred is illegal. Morally there is no difference.

This is a total non-issue that just appeals to some mouldy, traditional, left-wing thinking that is rotting away in your brain.

Jul 31, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

In case you just woke up from a drug-induced comma, woke authoritarianism in the name of “systemic racism” is the “political belief” that everyone is hating each other over.

And you really believe that not wanting to be ruled by an insane and false ideology is “mouldy, traditional left-wing thinking”? I think you took one too many bong hits before posting that one.

Aug 1, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

You think the TDS mob that started fighting Trump in 2016 are all about racism? Antifa, BLM and other very white extremist groups are all about racism? You think the different billionaire foundations are donating to these groups – enabling them – because of racism? You are naive.

Jul 30, 2020 6:57 PM

So by now we have: race against race (or black against white), right against left (or rather conservatives against neo-liberals), class against class (or rich against poor), ecological woes against economic woes, women against men, with covid we have, the young against the old, oh yes apparently we’re also now having the short against the tall (apparently you’re more at risk of covid if you are above 6 ft), the masked against the unmasked, or rather I dont see why bother with all these groupings, since with the covid narrative they had put each of us against everyone else as we’re all potential bio-hazards, or is the narrative losing its force, so old divisions are being re-affirmed…

The worse is that its always worked, and its still working…

Indeed people were in different ways showing their frustration and anger in the face of an inhuman globalization in the service of Mammon God. However, it may be that if covid and all could be enacted so easily to regain control it was precisely because a basic common point of many of the protests were parochial on more than one count.

The “ideal of unity” is mirrored by human history, which by and large is the record
of the expansion of mankind’s consciousness from the individual to the family,
to the tribe, to the village and so on.

A distortion of this process has been at work for centuries. Both the ideal of profit maximisation, which requires constant expansion, and that of narrow parochialism with
its rejection of others and its focus on differences, lead not to a collective
consciousness where the individual gains in dignity and significance within a
diversity of cultures, but to a uniformity where he loses his identity, and whose
ultimate outcome is the death of the collective, perforce of the individual.

Already in the early 20th century, Romain Rolland, the French writer, had said that now a choice had to be made between the two ideas: ”Patrie, Humanité”. So rather than a return to a distorted tribal stage, which both financial globalization and a return to some glorified Fatherland” are expressions of, where mutual suspicion reins supreme between groups with access to weapons of mass destruction, perhaps we should try to instead promote
greater harmony, and thereby give ourselves the possibility to let our full humanity unfold in a magnified consciousness of the unity behind our essential diversity.

Jul 30, 2020 6:24 PM

I hope to hear you speak at the demo in Berlin on Saturday…
The Antifa there is now planning a counterdemo against the mainly enlightened people who demonstrate expensively and primarily against the Covid authoritarianism.
Very telling, and grounded in a complete miseducation about fascism.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 30, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  JGerhard

Most likely state sponsored. The doctors, virologists, physicians in Germany (Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof Wolfgang Wodarg et al) who are speaking out against lockdown tyranny are heroes risking their careers. They are the ones fighting fascism. I just wonder if it will be enough.

Dismayed too at the situation in the UK. The NHS is spending money on needless coronavirus tests (traps) whilst millions of essential treatments are cancelled. People will die.

Jul 30, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

They have already died in droves.
20.000 in the UK due to the lockdown alone, sofar.
35.000 avoidable cancer deaths expected there (and that’s from the official sources).
Same in Germany, a bit better on cancer but huge in cardio.
And my mother in law has gone mental, solely due to the lockdown.
More szicides niw in Victoria than Corona deaths- how sick in the head must we/they become before this is stopped?!
Not to speak of the 1.4 million excess TB deaths and the tens of millions of dead in the 3rd world, not because of
Corona/Covid, but solely because of OUR lockdowns!

I wouldn’t be surprised at all, if the Antifa demo is state/MSM sponsored, if the BVS sends right wing informers to the Demo for Freedom to discredit it, and if and when the MSM reports solely on the few, inevitably attending, nutters there, while glorifying the
totalitarian commies demo.
My only consolation if the Antifa comes to power is, that it will then eat all of its centre left green enablers alive.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 30, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  JGerhard

I wish there was a global lockdown deaths counter, the same as the coronavirus deaths counter.

Jul 31, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

There is. Get a pen and paper. It’s a little adding and subtracting.


Paul too
Paul too
Jul 31, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

And paints a very clear picture that is wildly different to that which governments and press would like us to believe.

Jul 30, 2020 6:19 PM

OFF TOPIC. An accurate history lesson :
Lenin was given his marching orders from London.

The inventor of Social Media, Michael McKibben is a leading expert on the inner-workings of the Deep State and the role of the Elites in deconstructing the Constitutional Republic to make way for the Technotarianism of the New World Order.

Jom McDonagh
Jom McDonagh
Jul 30, 2020 5:46 PM

Until the mid 1920s Oregon did not allow African Americans to reside in that state , and even today the lack of “color” in in that state is quite obvious .

Jul 30, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Jom McDonagh

That’s not true. It is true, however, that there were some meaningless, unenforceable words to that effect in the 1857 enactment from before Oregon was a state.

“Delegates to Oregon’s constitutional convention submitted an exclusion clause to voters on November 7, 1857, along with a proposal to legalize slavery. Voters disapproved of slavery by a wide margin, ensuring that Oregon would be a free state, and approved the exclusion clause by a wide margin. Incorporated into the Bill of Rights, the clause prohibited Blacks from being in the state, owning property, and making contracts. Oregon thus became the only free state admitted to the Union with an exclusion clause in its constitution.

The clause was never enforced, although several attempts were made in the legislature to pass an enforcement law. The 1865 legislature rejected a proposal for a county-by-county census of Blacks that would have authorized the county sheriffs to deport Blacks. A Senate committee killed the last attempt at legislative enforcement in 1866. The clause was rendered moot by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, although it was not repealed by voters until 1926. Other racist language in the state constitution was removed in 2002.”


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 30, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

??? You say “that’s not true !” then prove it was ??? Further if you see a person of color in Oregon today it is a good bet that they are tourists or employed by the federal government .

Jul 30, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The part about “not being allowed to move there” is untrue. As I showed, there was never any actual law in effect.

As to whether you think 5% isn’t enough black people. Who cares. I’d say 5% is plenty.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Jul 30, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Jom McDonagh

It might be obvious, but is it a problem?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 30, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

Depends on which segment of that states population you ask I’d guess.

Jul 30, 2020 5:45 PM

If a murderous psychopathic empire were going to dramatically reduce the world population, in a controlled fashion, this is what it would look like.

You can’t leave all the nuclear power stations running at full capacity as people start disappearing, you need to slowly, systematically shut them down and resize facilities, transport networks to suit the new reduced demand, while all the expertise is available.
A bit like a conscientious suicide victim might put his affairs in order before he finally takes his own life.

Shutting down power plants, closing down shops tidily, closing office buildings, Hotels, Cafes, bars, discos, gyms, shutting off oil wells, mines and fisheries in an orderly fashion, as demanded is artificially suppressed by a ‘lock-down’.

After all that has been done, you can roll out the genocide, in a systematic way.

Jul 30, 2020 5:39 PM

It’s going well CJ.

We are still idly watching a global communist coup progress unhindered. Our silence does indeed perpetuate their violence!

Its bizarre how the majority of normal sane individuals are paralyzed in shock at the stupidity of the liberal lefts tactics, so dumbfounded at the ridiculousness of their strategy its actually working. Its no surprise they are trying to wipe-out or rewrite history its not like this hasn’t happened before.

Jom McDonagh
Jom McDonagh
Jul 30, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Objective

The coup is neo-liberal in nature which is a meld of capitalism and socialist ideas. Communism as you envision it died with Mao and Stalin.

Jul 30, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Jom McDonagh

Neoliberalism has nothing what so ever to do with Socialism. It is an economic doctrine linked to Classic Liberalism. It was seen to be useless in the face of the great crash of the 30s when government intervention was imperative. It was revived in the 70s with the popularity of Friedman and Hayeck, hardly Socialists. It has allowed governments to abdicate responsibility for employment, education and the well being of the electorates they are supposed to serve. In their minds the government only exists to maintain property rights, defend Capitalists and maintain price stability (which doesn’t count as intervention when it works in favour of the wealthy). Just because business under neoliberalism becomes concentrated in the hands a few wealthy people doesn’t make it anything like Socialism, that’s like saying National Socialism = Socialism.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 30, 2020 10:18 PM
Reply to  lundiel

if you actually believe that , you simply don’t understand how economics works and we have nothing to discuss here? You speak in the the language of the bot.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Jul 30, 2020 10:31 PM
Reply to  Jom McDonagh

No you are wrong.It`s Marxist driven.With help from the Ford Foundation.

Jul 30, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Objective

They are NOT communists, Obj.
They are bad people. End of story.
They have to be stopped.
If you just think for a moment: Hitler was, strictly speaking, an Austrian, but when considering a history of WW2 does that fact matter one tiny little bit…?
The Queen of England had fairly recent ancestors who were completely German, yet Germany was the enemy even while her ancestors ruled Great Britain and fought the Germans.
Labels don’t work. Ever.
The actual individuals we are dealing with are either the problem, or the solution.
Labels are what people hide behind.

Jul 30, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I don’t know why people get so hung up with labels & ideologies!

Its a entitled over privileged “elite” minority, who think they should decide how the livestock majority should think, behave & live.

It may not be the communist definition we grew up understanding, but it is exactly how mao & stalin would have wanted, a one world government being ruled by plutocrats.

I’m a libertarian minded individual & reject left v right, conservative v progressive, socialist v capitalist because they are all irrelevant theories. And for the record civilization is a socialist endeavor regardless of label. And I’m getting more anti-socialist the more I see how civilization is progressing.

If you’re Scottish please push back today https://freetodisagree.scot/

Jul 30, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Objective

My point is that I wish NOT to be forced to think in terms of labels and ideologies. I am not “hung up” on them, but I resist the tendency of others to think in those terms, because it tends to artificially restrict the conversation to what THEY want to talk about – and strictly on THEIR terms.
The labels distract, sidetrack and hijack healthy debate, which is why I criticize them. That is no more “hung up” than criticizing government propaganda, which does a similar job.

Jul 30, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I realize i replied to you (but only because yours was the last comment) i was responding generically, don’t worry i wasn’t singling you out especially! I can’t relate to any socialist or communist ideologue.

Jul 30, 2020 10:39 PM
Reply to  Objective

Okay. I get that. Thanks.

Jul 31, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Objective

Where the Eff have you been, Objective!!!

Jul 31, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

Hiding from enraged socialists. And living my last ever free days before communist tyranny takes absolute control of civilization. I’m actually planning taking to the hills & living like a wild animal in a bid to live a free & honest manner!

Jul 31, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Objective

If so, at least chime in here from time to time. You disappeared for too long. It is worrisome.

Paul too
Paul too
Jul 31, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Objective

Total ignorance. Mao and Stalin used the communist mantra to fool the people into believing lies which lead to them being coralled and controlled by a dictatorship. Anyone who believes it was sold to the people from day one as a dictatorship needs to catch up on some reading (of the non-Breitbart variety if you want to actually understand and not be manilpulated).

The theory of communism, in case you haven’t read any, has nothing about enforcing dictatorships, nor giving a handful power and control over the remainder, quite the opposite. Because it was used under false pretenses in the same manner Hitler misappropriated the word Socialism doesn’t mean we have to turn off our brains and accept plays on words as literal meanings.

Jul 31, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Paul too

Hi total ignorance.

So what your saying is china isn’t communist & Stalin was a capitalist?

Look all political systems involve a minority of entitled “elite” ruling it over the majority of livestock & they are all pretty evil. Too sum them up in 2 words.

Capitalists = Callous & greedy
Socialists = Authoritarian & envious
communists Tyrannical & intolerant
Liberals = Highly dangerous

Liberals are the greatest threat to all life on earth, because they attempt to subvert natural process. But I have a growing dislike of socialists/communists because they are by nature authoritarian, they have to be to exist, any form of socialism becomes totalitarian because it can not compete with any form freedom of individual action.

So stop being brainwashed with your online/college political indoctrination & do a little thinking for yourself. Take your head out of Marxist, leninist books & observe whats happening around you. Socialists are no more the good guys than pol pot was. They just like to think they have the moral high ground THEY DON’T.

Modern socialism is no different its always been lead by privileged middle class liberals who suck in the working class with illusions of equality & fairness! They are an impossible dream because not all people want the same thing, unless they’re brainwashed or forced to all be the same!

Politics = manipulation to further ONES own goals. It isn’t altruism, its self serving.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 30, 2020 9:00 PM
Reply to  Objective

I don’t know why this got so many downvotes.. it seemed pretty rational to me.

Jul 30, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

Partly because I made the comment & because communism/socialism was used in a negative context. The resident socialists get very upset should anyone dare criticize “socialism” nothing new there eh.

charles kint
charles kint
Jul 30, 2020 5:30 PM

What is this obsession with Putin , yes I could see that he favor Trump over Clinton who wanted a war with Russia
Still possesed about Russian interference in the 2016 election ? proven beyond doubt an inside job in the US democratic HQ , the speed of the transfer is proof of that, could never have been done by Russia
Some folks adhere to the idea that if you persist in a proven lie the general population will eventually accept it as truth the plague of these times
Also It was Putin who who went to war with the oligarchs in his own country succesfully
Thank you

Jul 30, 2020 5:07 PM

Jul 30, 2020 5:01 PM
Awaiting for approval

We should not kid ourselves anymore that anyone, or any group, that raises his or their head even the slightest bit over the parapet is going to be allowed to be on our side.

Those days are long gone. Just look into the terrified eyes of Keir Starmer and tell me we still have a democracy in the UK.

Jul 30, 2020 5:01 PM

We should not kid ourselves anymore that anyone, or any group, that raises his or their head even the slightest bit over the parapet is going to be allowed to be on our side.

Those days are long gone. Just look into the terrified eyes of Keir Starmer and tell me we still have a democracy in the UK.

Jul 30, 2020 4:59 PM

Related to the sponsored protests is the creation of homo sorosensus. Yes, he named it after himself. Read on.

Evidence of multi-generational child abuse is beginning to emerge around Canada’s WE Charity and its supporters. Strangely, these networks weave back into the childhood of PM Justin Trudeau. Yet behind it all, WE Charity may be telling the truth: it does genuinely want to create a new model human being.

WE Charity was launched by a 13-year old Craig Kielburger after a solo world trip – if you want to belief that – to Nepal, Pakistan and India to “save enslaved children”. As so often in these John of God-type cases, there’s a walk-on part for Oprah Winfrey in promoting WE Charity and a cast of dubious characters.

Kielburger’s father was raised in the company of serial abuser Jean Vanier, son of Canada’s Governor General. In turn, Vanier was honoured with a $1million prize by the transhumanist John Templeton Foundation, which pushes topics like “nudging empathy: harnessing motivation to create sustainable empathic choices”, “studying communication between the brain and the male reproductive tract in mammals”, and “research that will change how we think about human existence”.

Justin Trudeau has, sadly, been surrounded in his life by convicted child abusers: Ben Levin, Ontario deputy minister of education and convicted pedophile who designed the sex ed curriculum; Christopher Ingvaldson another pedophile teacher and Justin’s one-time room mate; Peter Dalglish, a UN official and close friend of Justin, who went to help children in Ethiopia, Sudan and Thailand before being convicted of abusing them; and John Seeley who ran the Forest Hill, Ontario, Village Project aka Crestwood Heights, hatched by the military, using psychologists and teachers to address the mental health needs of children in school, 1948-56.

This psychoanalytic pedagogy project came from the Canadian military at the same time as it was financing Ewen Cameron in his work for MKUltra at McGill University. John Seeley went mad, but not before he was took care of Justin Trudeau while he was counseling Pierre Trudeau after he was left a single father.

John Seeley was one of the British Home Children, often orphans, exported from Britain to Canada between 1870 and 1940. These were the descendants of the Barnardo Boys and the ragged street boys who’s abuse inspired Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. It goes back that far.

Polly: Childhood sex abuse or trauma is key to creating this new evolution of men that is easily controlled. That doesn’t have faith. That is willing to sacrifice itself to the extent of becoming a guinea pig for experimental vaccines voluntarily.

George Soros was traumatized as a child. In his Open Society magazine Soros said he was trying to create Open Society Man, homo sorosensus. Yes, he named it after himself. He was Jewish, he had to hide his Jewishness, and he worked with the Nazis seizing Jewish property. He said it was a formative experience and he doesn’t have a problem with it. That’s what he says now but how do children cope with such trauma? That is the key to MK Ultra programming. They compartmentalize it. They turn bad into good.

From Open Society News, 2009: “Homo sorosensus would replace homo sovieticus… this new “open society man” (and woman!) would be committed to democracy and the rule of law, exhibit civic courage when necessary, be respectful (not just tolerant) of minorities, support socially equitable markets, and be a good European while remaining a responsible global citizen. The new open society man and woman would have no experience with rigid idology and suppression of critical thought.”

If you read WE Charity’s mission statements they could come from the same pen.

Polly: Charities and Mind Control https://www.bitchute.com/video/9lmNH3Sob8g/

Jul 30, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s generational satanism…trauma induced mind control

Jul 30, 2020 7:36 PM
Reply to  Rose

I think that Polly has presented the first insight, humane and perceptive, into George Soros.

The Corporatist Media and Anderson Cooper of CNN, pretend to defend Soros by denying, lying outright, that he worked with the Nazis.

Polly, in contrast, takes George Soros’ televised admission at face value, and seeks to understand what that experience must have done to the young György Schwartz.

I give her credit for that and demerit to the Liberal Corporatist Media for pretending to defend Soros while lying and ignoring his experience.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 31, 2020 4:59 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Polly rocks! As does Vernon Coleman… Thanks for the clip M. Since this whole panicdemic began, have discovered quite a few alternative sites that are actually alternative…

Jul 30, 2020 4:54 PM

I fantasize that before the last presidential election, the great and good, the hands on the tiller of gods own empire, interviewed, the prospective presidential candidates. They sat them down served them fine wine, a stiff whiskey in the case of Hilary and asked them this question:

‘We are rearming against China, we are continuing to transfer wealth from the greater population to a small elite, us, and are reducing the middle class to the status of slaves, we are going to loot our allies and extract as much as we can from trade blackmail negotiations and cause civil distractions at home. No new wars this time around. How can you present those policies in the most believable and politically consistent way to maintain the illusion of democracy and popular consent in America? ‘

Clearly Hilary lost in her presentation because despite being a far more skilled politician than trump, her, albeit phony, political framework left little flexibility and would jar with many of the new aims of Empire. Also Trump offered ‘disposability’, where he could be portrayed as a temporary evil, outside the establishment, rather than a symptom of a more malign greedy empire, to the public and the more naive overseas partners.

This time around I think the election is academic, as the Empire has almost done away with the role of Emperor and is running the show almost totally behind closed doors. Next on the agenda is the Collapse of the dollar, re-armament, fermenting civil unrest leading to military law, and an openly fascist state, like so many created by, and beloved of the CIA in south America. This will not leave much room for any finessing, it will be controlled totally by the Militarily industrial complex with very little import from any politician.

Jul 30, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Candis

There seems to be a degree of panic about Trump talking of the election being postponed, however. I don’t think that was in the script.

Jul 30, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  Thom

That would be interesting, a leader actually taking control of the country, I don’t think it is possible anymore. It will just be the route to a totalitarian state, using trump as the front man.

Jul 30, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Candis

Though the Presidency is almost entirely ceremonial, it still matters. I, for one, had no intention of voting. However, this COVID madness has changed that resolution. It all hinges on the vaccine. As much as I dislike Mr Trump, I will vote for him for one reason only: should Joe Biden be elected, I have no doubt vaccination will be mandatory.

I haven’t voted Republican since 1968 and 1972, when I voted for Richard Nixon. Big mistake? Anything but! Were it not for Mr Nixon’s Draft Lottery, I would have ended up in jail. So it worked to my benefit to have voted for “Tricky Dick.” And at the end of the day, isn’t that the only sane reason to vote for either candidate?

Jul 31, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, I’m sincerely curious. Do you really think it will make a difference who gets elected in November (or whenever at this point)?

I am not half as intelligent or discerning as most on this site, and I enjoy reading cjhopkins, and all comments, but I do not believe it matters one iota who is in the White House.

I think that since November 22, 1963, you do not ENTER the White House as President of the United States, unless you know that you are to follow the script. You “deviate”, according to the script, in order to keep the paradigm of Left/Right going, but you do not go off the Reservation or you come back in a body bag.

It seems to me that since that fateful day all Presidents (and Cabinets) are groomed and chosen. And they know the score. And they fulfill their role and they retire, and in some cases make lots of money speaking and writing and creating foundations. And have libraries built in their names.

I sincerely believe that if any President actually took the reins, actually operated against the wishes of the military/industrial/techno cabal (whoever they are) well, that would be lights out.

I was a lifelong Democrat (very proud to have voted, at 18, for McGovern in the only state where he won) who deeply believed that voting was a hard fought right. But I count myself as one of the soured now. I don’t believe it counts.

Honestly, if I thought it might change the course we are on in the US, I would vote for Trump (can’t believe I wrote that and please don’t tell my family).

But I think it’s all smoke and mirrors. He says what he’s supposed to say. I think he was put there to further foment the divide and conquer that we have experienced so viscerally in the past 4 years, and particularly in the past 4 months.

Along those same lines I think the same goes for Public Officials in states and cities. Although I rant against their policies, I believe that Governor’s, Mayor’s, elected officials are doing what they are told – or they will lose their jobs. Simple as that. And on down the line. Everyone is doing what they are told so that they don’t lose their jobs and businesses.

Hospitals, supermarkets, gyms, daycare’s, restaurants, etc are all doing what they have to do in order to both open (government mandates) and not get sued when someone gets a cold and claims it’s covid19 and they got it at said place of business.

It’s madness.

Jul 31, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  Judith

I agree completely with your view. Normally, it could not possibly make a difference which puppet slithers into place behind the desk in the Oval Office. But there’s a chance that Mr Trump might not make the insane vaccine mandatory, whereas Mr Biden almost certainly will.

And for the immediate future, this is infinitely more important than whether the President wears a Blue hat or a Red hat.

Jul 31, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

So much more to vote for than vaccines Howie. So,, so much more.The left is a death cult of destruction, extinction rebellion and climate change doom and gloom. They also want to censure and shut down freedom of speech. If it wasn’t for the left progressives we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Jul 31, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Hank

No, it’s vaccines, period, end of discussion. Moderna’s and Smith-Kline-Glaxo’s mRNA vaccine will be the one making the first round. A vaccine almost entirely untested, which will re-write the victim’s DNA to keep cell receptors from allowing the corona virus to enter the cell. There is absolutely no way of knowing what unintended consequences might ensure from playing god with human DNA.

The Democrats will do their best to make it mandatory; Mr Trump might accept a voluntary regime.

Bottom line: I began life as a human, I’d like to end the same way.

Jul 31, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Hank

Hank and Howard,

I agree with you both but I still think that the left and the right paradigms are set up and operated to keep the division going.

Can you really see a true progressive, who might appeal to both left and right, that had some really good ideas, and was deeply committed to a thriving economic and social direction for the nation, no matter what the powers that be say and do, ever getting nominated much less elected.

I don’t feel that it will ever happen. Not in our system. Candidates at all levels of govt are beholden to the people/funds that get them elected. I think it goes without saying.

How do you say No to a pharmaceutical company that contributed a million to get you elected?

How do you say No to the group/cabal/powers that got you nominated and elected?

I’m not looking for an argument, I just really don’t see how it can happen.

Doesn’t big money – and I mean big behind the scenes we don’t even know these guys money – call the shots?

Jul 30, 2020 4:39 PM

Officially annualized 33% collapse of US GDP confirms greatest economic depression in history of US and as all depressions, it was caused by collapse of financialized capitalism unable to increase rate of return on capital in any other way but monetary debt financing and derivative speculations.

So why we do not see billionaires jumping out of windows as we should and they did before?

Worthless Fiat money printed by Fed and all central banking mafia to make billionaires whole.

COVID was just a coverup deliberate preventive collapse of mainstream economy to obfuscate inevitable collapse of capitalism making ordinary people jumping from windows as a result of 50% unemployment, millions of evictions and foreclosures and extreme social stress induced by propaganda of fear and cruel lockdowns cutting people from family and community support.

This ongoing genocide will be avenged by revolution.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 30, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Neoliberalism emboldened.

The middle classes and the rich who are pushing masks, vaccines, track and trace, chipping and digital identity have no idea that *they* are in for the chop too.

The great reset means a handful of billionaires on earth with the rest of the human race – including the middle classes – turned into tech controlled serfs.

Jul 31, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Do you really think the billionaires will have to succomb, though? No free pass?

As for middle class – up to this point I would have thought people would rebel, but I don’t think that anymore.

After seeing and experiencing what I have seen and experienced in the past 4 months – the masks, the distancing, the running out in the street to avoid maskless me, not being able to visit loved ones in nursing homes, or even dying loved ones in hospital – I think everyone will offer their arm (or wherever they’ll stick it) willingly. ‘Cause we’re all in this together.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 31, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Judith

The billionaires have already enjoyed an upflow of wealth. They’ll be exempt from the new normal.

Jul 30, 2020 5:57 PM
Reply to  Kalen

This is not the collapse of capitalism, it is the collapse of the US dollar and US economy The US is expert at making their economic disasters into everybody else’s problem, when their are not.
When the US go down, like every empire should, they will try their best to pull us all down with them. We must resist, espcially in Europe where our furture is looking rosie in partnership with Russia and China and without the burden of US extortion, billions in fines and trillions in economic sanctions loaded onto European trade.

Jul 31, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  Flexing

When we have 50% unemployed it means collapse of capitalism as socioeconomic system as making money old capitalist ways out of exploitation of masks of workers and stealing surplus value they produced is largely abandoned for financial markets speculations that yield much bigger return on financial capital.

That explains now commonly proliferated in media phony oligarchic social concern of humanity as they do not need billions to slave for them to exhaustion or death and hence they prefer massive population euthanasia and/or race wars. Older people are experiencing this now as their retirement money is being stolen by Wall Street via means of medical murder under guise of COVID

Jul 30, 2020 8:37 PM
Reply to  Kalen

why we do not see billionaires jumping out of windows”

It was the margin calls that finished them. They were only ‘billionaires’ on paper at the end.

Jul 30, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Kalen

The world will never see billionaires leaping from windows. Guaranteed no one saw a Rockefeller splashed onto the pavement after The Great Crash. The real ruling class will always come out on top, no matter what happens. It’s the CEO class that, having no real assets but cash, ends up like Buffalo Bill – defunct.

Jul 31, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Kalen

But this estimate annualizes this quarter’s results and in essence multiplies by four quarters. The real decrease in GDP is 9.4 percent. Go back to CNN or the CCP for your truth.

Germany was worse fyi.

Aug 1, 2020 7:31 AM
Reply to  Hank

Exactly like in Great Depression Germany was worst off until 1933 when Hitler started being funded by US capital. But still worse is coming to US service based economy as soon as measly people’s stimulus and unemployment benefits expire slowly, mass evictions and foreclosures kick in as current moratoria do not cancel interest on unpaid debt. Wall Street will continue to be bailed out public debt reaching $100 trillions by the end of decade.

Remember worse of 2008 crisis for people was not in 2008 but in 2010-11 even 2012 as by then Wall Street recovered. Now because of depth of crisis and ruling elite opportunism to reshape economy to boost their profits with either COVID and GND mantra it could be a decade or more of depression and perhaps real war civil and/or foreign among those who can shoot back threatening US imperial hubris and economic edifice with collapse.

After COVID there is no doubt that oligarchy will torch the earth needs be to assert their control and people should unite in self defense or open slavery returns after genocidal rampage.