PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick”

The MSM have been going all out trying to pretend this never happened, turns out it did

David James

There has been a great deal of controversy over claims that Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR technology that is being widely used to test for so-called ‘cases’ of COVID-19, did not believe the technology was suitable for detecting a meaningful presence of a virus.

Those making these assertions were attacked and ‘fact checked’ (deemed inappropriate by propagandists) by news outlets claiming that Mullis’ comments had been taken out of context.

So when a video surfaces with Mullis talking about the efficacy of the technology it is worth paying close attention to what he is saying. He died last year, so it is the best ‘fact check’ available. In the video, Mullis is discussing AIDS. He first deals with a criticism from the audience that the PCR technology is being misused [timestamp – 48:40].

I don’t think you can misuse PCR. [It is] the results; the interpretation of it. If they can find this virus in you at all – and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”

Mullis does not explicitly say that the PCR technology is unsuitable for detecting a meaningful presence of COVID-19. How could he, given that he died before it came to light? But such a conclusion can safely be inferred:

It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there is just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of in your body.”

Mullis then addresses the question of what should be considered meaningful, which is the central issue with the use of the PCR tests. Do the ‘case’ numbers being used around the world by governments to impose police states and egregious lockdowns of the population, especially in my home state of Victoria, actually mean anything? The answer seems to be ‘no’:

That could be thought of as a misuse: to claim that it [a PCR test] is meaningful. It tells you something about nature and what is there. To test for that one thing and say it has a special meaning is, I think, the problem. The measurement for it is not exact; it is not as good as the measurement for apples. The tests are based on things that are invisible and the results are inferred in a sense. It allows you to take a miniscule amount of anything and make it measureable and then talk about it.”

Mullis also addresses, by implication, another question about the incidence of ‘cases’. If you test positive – and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration has admitted that they do not know if this means you are infected or not – are you actually sick? In the past that is what the word ‘cases’ has meant: someone unwell from a disease. Mullis’ position is clear [emphasis added – timecode 51:49]:

PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.”

Mullis’ comments are unsurprising for anyone who has been paying attention to the behaviour of the authorities during the COVID-19 catastrophe. The technology relies on amplifying results many times over. If they are amplified less than about 35 times, no-one will test positive. If they are amplified 60 times, everyone will test positive. The flawed thinking is obvious enough.

Why is there is such a concerted effort to quell anyone exposing problems with the use of the technology? There is no doubt that these attacks are designed to deceive (including predictable use of that shoddy ad hominem phrase ‘conspiracy theory’, a rhetorical trick to insult people rather than address their arguments).

Look closely at the ‘fact checking’. The Reuters article uses a mixture of a straw man argument and a red herring. It asserts it was wrong to claim that Mullis said that: “PCR tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all”. This is obviously a deliberate misrepresentation intended to wrongly characterise the opponents’ argument and then ‘expose’ it as false.

Then we get the red herring. The Reuters article claims that: “The quote is actually from an article written by John Lauritsen in December 1996 about HIV and AIDS, not COVID-19 (here).” Neat trick. Assert that your opponents got their sources wrong, and then dismiss them because of their poor research.

It is transparently untruthful, but why are these news outlets pushing such propaganda?

In one way, it could be said to be just business as usual. For those of us who have worked in newsrooms, especially in the finance and business sections, being subjected to propaganda is as routine as the daily cups of coffee.

The techniques are endless: outright lying, misleading but true facts, half truths, quarter truths, lack of context, lack of corporate memory, deceptive jargon, false statistics, lobbying by astro-turf organisations, threats of legal action, threats to complain to the editor or proprietor, threats of removal of access to important sources, promises of getting first access to important stories, subtle requests from former colleagues for assistance, and, of course, my favourites – free lunches at expensive restaurants and travel junkets.

The situation, always bad, has worsened with the destruction of the media’s business model by Facebook and Google, who have taken half the world’s advertising revenue. It has forced the hollowed out newsrooms to rely more on outside news feeds. And, as Matt Taibbi has noted, mainstream media organisations are, for commercial reasons, no longer interested in “selling a vision of reality they perceive to be acceptable to a broad mean”.

Instead, they deliberately sow division and only appeal to niches. Forget facts; inciting prejudice comes first.

But none of that explains why there is such intense propaganda about COVID-19.

The endless spin inflicted on media organisations is transparently related to satisfying greed or enhancing power, but what is the motive here? True, the US health system is one of the biggest profiteering exercises in the world, corrupting health everywhere. Health accounts for 16 per cent of US GDP, which is about twice the level of, say, Australia or the UK (countries that have universal care).

That extra eight per cent equates with $1.6 trillion in profiteering, or about two per cent of the global economy – an eye-watering scam conducted by pharmaceutical companies, hospital conglomerates, insurance companies, lawyers, consultants and so on. Those vultures will be trying to control the media to profit from a vaccine and who knows what else.

But they will only be one group of players and probably not the main ones. The most important question is who is funding the ‘fake news’ that COVID-19 is an existential threat and what is their agenda? Most countries have been greatly harmed. It has resulted in a medical dictatorship that has shut down Victoria; health bureaucrats may, absurdly, be given police powers.

There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry.

David James has been a business and finance journalist, editor, and satirical columnist for over 30 years. He has PhD in English Literature and his web site is bardbitesback.com
January 24 2021, video link updated- ed


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Larry Barkins
Larry Barkins
Jan 27, 2022 10:33 PM

And I’m just here cleaning my toaster.

Harry's Pretzel Mug
Harry's Pretzel Mug
Sep 28, 2021 1:46 AM

There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry.

Yes, and it’s called the “New World Order”, which has been planned in the shadows decades in advance, and something which has been discussed openly by scumbags like Bush, Sr. and David Rockefeller. Nowadays, it’s called the “Great Reset”, but the primary aims (one world government, one world religion, one world economy, and now one world medicine) are still the same, which are being quickly realized as we speak thanks to the Coronavirus PsyOp.

Jan 16, 2021 2:50 AM

you might consider replacing the dead youtube with a bitchute version

Jan 24, 2021 6:38 AM
Reply to  Aletho

And the title and author of the video should be included – otherwise it is hard to search for.

Spiro Skouras — We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7eF5vDATxBq/
Also there are different clips of Mullis in the following video.
HIV – Covid19 – The Coincidence Theory (Upcoming Documentary Trailer)

Bettynho Zirigdum
Bettynho Zirigdum
Jan 28, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Saw the Spiro Skouras one today at the morning, now at night it was removed from YouTube. Truly hideous times, a shame what that website has become

Mar 13, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Aletho

Bitchute’s a royal pain. Better Rumble, Brandnewtube, GabTV, or anything. BC sucks.Imo, and apparently many others’.

Dec 29, 2020 5:52 AM

When you look into vaccines way back to smallpox they have only had negative impacts and the germ theory story spun by Rockefeller Pasteur Koch (all eugenists) etc is a total lie. The terrain theory by Lechamp is keeping body in good order so you’ll be protected because your immune system is strong.
The vaccine lie has allowed big pharma and it’s overlords to push their poisons for profit on a brainwashed public that somehow think a toxic batch of poison brewed up in a week can somehow do better than our own immune system that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.
This Covid lockdowns, masks and social isolating has nothing to do with health, it is social programming for the technocratic totalitarian one world government that’s coming in the great Reset using digital slaves and Agenda 21 to bring us a social credit system like China
The vax is to change our DNA so our health biometrics and our thoughts will be controlled by AI and surveillance in real time by 5G and also to depopulate the earth
It’s the worst form of slavery ever thought up

Patricia P Tursi, PhD.
Patricia P Tursi, PhD.
Dec 12, 2020 10:02 PM

Thank you for this great video. However, since Dr Kary Mullis died Aug 2019, this illustrates the importance of dating videos and other posts when they were released rather than when the poster posted them.

May 28, 2023 7:14 AM

how dose his date of death alter the ability for PCR to measure viruses?

D Edwards
D Edwards
Nov 16, 2020 12:09 AM

“If [results] are amplified less than about 35 times, no one will test positive.” This is not accurate. The lower the cycle thresholds, the more likely a “positive” result will be legitimate and produce a viral culture. Above much more than 13-17 cycles, according to one study, the ability to culture a virus drops off. At 30 Ct just 12% of tests will result in a “live” viral culture. At 35 Ct the initial material has been multiplied over 250 billion times. At 40 Ct, the US lab standard, it’s amplified by over a trillion times. That’s why the higher the Ct, the less likely someone is to be infected with enough virus to cause illness (create a live culture). But at 13-17 cycles, most positives will really be positive. There just aren’t enough of those to make the politicians happy, so the Ct is raised to 40, which means they’re taking virtually nothing, multiplying it a trillion times, and then declaring victory. It makes it look like gazillions of people “have” covid-1984, when the reality is that the test can’t even determine which virus’s RNA fragments (it doesn’t find “live” intact virus) it’s looking at. It could be rhinovirus. It could be one of the other coronaviruses that cause common colds. It could be something your immune system fought off months ago. If you have to multiply something over a trillion times to “find” it, then you’re not looking at a sick person.

May 28, 2023 7:12 AM
Reply to  D Edwards

amazing, i didnt realize you knew more about PCR than its inventor! hahaha

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Oct 6, 2020 7:07 PM

I have to hand it to Big Pharma and our evil Overlords (though the former is just a major division of the later.) Invent a fake viral disease which is simply a syndrome (AIDS), find a psychopathic MD who considers himself to be a virologist (Robert Gallo). Use his ridiculous presumptions in his papers (totally anti-scientific) to conflate this fake disease with a real but harmless retrovirus (HIV), then get a younger but just as evil Fauci to start spreading the Gobbelesque big lie and violà, you have a fearsome pandemic. But my greatest accolades goes to their next step. Pull a cancer chemo out of mothballs that was rejected because it killed people much faster than the cancer itself (AZT), and broadcast under emergency decree that this DNA terminator be recommended in dosages guaranteed to kill a horse in less than a year. But here is the beauty of it all. The AZT produced the symptoms of AIDS. So all the false positives for HIV (really 100%) eventually got “AIDS” from the AZT which destroyed their immune system, and pretty much everything else in their bodies. Simply brilliant marketing. Hundreds of billions for big pharma, and hundreds of thousands of unneeded deaths for the eugenicists along with an exponential rise in the use of condoms. Plus decades of terror for the sheeple and untold misery. And best of all, a successful pilot project for Covid-1984.

Oct 6, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Good summary of what has turned out to be the template for our current nightmare. Following The Infectious Myth back in April (RIP David Crowe), I told a friend of mine: “They are making hiv positives of all of us!”. But one can easily perceive, actually, the commercial advantages of the Covid job over the HIV/AIDS one.

Oct 6, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Similar to Catherine Austin Fitts’ thesis that pesticides are allowed to / inadvertently cause diseases. To avoid a legal payout, simply tell the press you’ve discovered a syndrome (that describes the effects of the pesticide) and market a vaccine that is said to cure the symptoms of the syndrome / pesticide… withdraw the pesticide… trumpet the success of the vaccine.

There’s a similar scenario to Climate Change: Industrial pollution is allowed to/ inadvertently cause a syndrome / environmental harm. To avoid a legal payout, simply invent another syndrome (excess CO2) and promote a treatment (carbon trading and taxes) that is said to cure the syndrome (quietly reduce pollution.. or not)… trumpet the success of carbon credits. Impose the costs of the treatment on the customers rather than the producers of the pollution.

The great and never-to-be-forgotten Mae Brussell once wrote a paper on how to spot a CIA Operation… her brilliant reduction to a checklist.

“How can you recognize a CIA espionage plot as opposed to a “third-rate” burglary? The methods of operation include:

  • The Cover Story
  • Deniability
  • Dummy Front Corporations
  • Funding
  • Communications, Radio Control
  • Aliases
  • Migratory Birds, Job Changes
  • Housing
  • Local Police, Military, Treasury Dept., Justice Dept., FBI
  • Dirty Tricks
  • Cities and Countries
  • Coincidences
  • Witnesses Never Called, Questions Never Asked”

Here’s why it works: politicians and bureaucrats (the unIntelligent organs are bureaucrats) are not creative; quite the opposite. When they find a trick that works they flog it to death like a horse.

Spot the one-trick pony and all you need is a nose bag of sugar cubes.

Oct 7, 2020 8:11 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

– major last-minute insider trading in the “free market”
– major red herrings on-site
– instant naming of the terrorists
– rushed policy or contracts that benefir cronies.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 7, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Great Mae and the amazing Sherman (Skolnick): the Golden Age of Parapolitical Research! (And their offspring, e.g. John Judge).

Download Mae’s Radio Shows: http://www.worldwatchers.info/

And archived copies of the Realist: http://ep.tc/realist/

(You can find The Lobster, pre-and-post break-up, online, too)

Oct 6, 2020 6:53 PM

(Reposting for the 3rd time after deletion. Monday mods here really want me gone)

fully agree about the ‘sinister international agenda’, and that the corrupt corporate MSM now aims to manipulate popular opinion by ‘inciting prejudice’ rather than informing citizens with the facts. This is why I support Trump, who named the sinister agenda as ‘globalism’ long ago, and who has famously been warning us all that “the fake news media is the greatest enemy of the people” for years now. At his third address to the UN, one of the greatest bastions of globalist ideology, Trump explained how his ‘America First’ agenda is the solution for ending the globalists’ insidious and growing control over our democracies:

“The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them, or replace them. The true good of the nation can only be pursued by those who love it, by citizens who are rooted in its history, who are nourished by its culture, committed to its values, attached to his people.”

Love your people and nation before any ideology, and globalist control will have little purchase and then die says Trump. Of course, most posters here hate and want to transform nations like the US or UK because they see them as evil capitalists who cause all global suffering, and will spit at this post. Mods will likely soon delete it as offensive ie blasphemous. That reaction illustrates the depth of the problem. Leftists put love of ideology before love of nation, and so a) prevent national unity by dividing people into good leftists and evil nationalists; b) favour undemocratic control by globalists who also reject nations, not by elected but hated nationalist politicians like Trump.

The awful conclusion is that leftists’ refusal to love their own nations and peoples fuels and facilitates the ‘sinister international agenda’ many of them now rightly deplore.


Oct 6, 2020 7:20 PM

A downvote, and my post remains up! 3rd time lucky…?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 6, 2020 11:00 PM

I see it as the ideology taking over the person, I think this is called identity politics. Seeing only an image in their minds, they can hate you and still be good because the human being you are is eclipsed. Ideologies are dehumanizing, instead of loving real physical people they cause you to love an ideal which is a product of only the mind,it has no soul. Of ten this mental image is invented by very unscrupulous people who can then use you to an end which is at variance to what they pretend. People trapped in the left~right paradigm are at the mercy of any manipulator who only has to use the right words to control them. Thus the mass of people,bewitched by mere words can be used to make war on someone who has got something you want.

Oct 7, 2020 2:34 PM

 Oct 6, 2020 7:22 PM
 Reply to I_left_the_left
Stop lying. Your comments are NEVER deleted. We do not delete comments unless they are obvious spam, racism or empty ad hom. Plus I am the sole mod here most of the time lately, and if I don’t delete something no one does (the eds don’t moderate the comments). So I can guarantee you have not been deleted.


I_left_the_left lying troll

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 8, 2020 11:42 AM

You left the left and now think that Trump will save us. Let’s see how it pans out.

Oct 6, 2020 5:45 PM

(Just reposting this pro-Trump opinion of mine from earlier today, which was deleted as predicted in the post).

I fully agree about the ‘sinister international agenda’, and that the corrupt corporate MSM now aims to manipulate popular opinion by ‘inciting prejudice’ rather than informing citizens with the facts. This is why I support Trump, who named the sinister agenda as ‘globalism’ long ago, and who has famously been warning us all that “the fake news media is the greatest enemy of the people” for years now. At his third address to the UN, one of the greatest bastions of globalist ideology, Trump explained how his ‘America First’ agenda is the solution for ending the globalists’ insidious and growing control over our democracies:

“The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them, or replace them. The true good of the nation can only be pursued by those who love it, by citizens who are rooted in its history, who are nourished by its culture, committed to its values, attached to his people.”

Love your people and nation before any ideology, and globalist control will have little purchase and then die says Trump. Of course, most posters here hate and want to transform nations like the US or UK because they see them as evil capitalists who cause all global suffering, and will spit at this post. Mods will likely soon delete it as offensive ie blasphemous. That reaction illustrates the depth of the problem. Leftists put love of ideology before love of nation, and so a) prevent national unity by dividing people into good leftists and evil nationalists; b) favour undemocratic control by globalists who also reject nations, not by elected but hated nationalist politicians like Trump.

The awful conclusion is that leftists’ refusal to love their own nations and peoples fuels and facilitates the ‘sinister international agenda’ many of them now rightly deplore.


Oct 6, 2020 6:29 PM

You articulate my thoughts…

This is beyond party politics.

Oct 6, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  richard

Thanks. I’m unsure if your comment or my post remaining up is more gratifying.

Oct 6, 2020 10:18 PM

The issue I have with Trump is why did he defund the WHO and then start heavily funding the Gates owned Gavi.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 7, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  Paul

Trump is not funding Gavi. See debunking here:

There are two different amounts of approx $1bn. The Operation Warp Speed $1bn has gone to a group controlled by Trump. It is working in competition to GAVI/WHO. USAID is an independent agency. It’s not controlled by Trump. Its “programs are authorized by Congress.” The pledged $1bn has nothing to do with Trump.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 8, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  Paul

The WHO is now “owned” by Gates, but not to worry.

Oct 6, 2020 5:26 PM

“There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry.” That’s not remotely true.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 8, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Arby

The blurryness soon fades away when you focus your attention on Bill Gates.

Oct 6, 2020 4:47 PM

I do not think the plan behind the biosecurity/bioterror false flag events are at all blurry, the UN/WEF/World Banker/IMF consortium have spelled out their plans in intense detail already enacting many of their models through corporate fascist “public-private partnerships” co-opting free will and local self government. Mass impoverishment and installation of martial law/surveillance is a prerequisite to “global stakeholder capitalism” as the WEF calls it in their plans for the “Great Reset” “4th Industrial Revolution” of herded, reduced, rationed, and engineered transhumanist humans relying on a subsistence welfare economy based on “behavioral scrip/digital currency” and AI automation.

Wrenchinthegears.com is a good resource. As are the writings on biocapitalism totalitarian society by Giorgio Ambagen. James Corbett of corbettreport.com ties it all together as well, his propaganda watch videos are excellent. (My favorite is the one on climate change being woven into the cv19 narrative from this spring, he called it.)

Oct 6, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Love

Yes indeed.

relying on a subsistence welfare economy” – I think the idea is probably that eventually there will be but one employer – the State…

Oct 6, 2020 4:26 PM

They of course chose this PCR test on purpose (knowing Mullis can’t speak out now), to inflate false cases and saying cases are sick people and justify all their evil measures.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 6, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Apolline

Stop saying that only Mullis speaking out can contradict them. Mullis invented the technique, he did not develop every application. Huge numbers of people are totally competent to speak out about PCR.

If you have ever worked around Nobel Prize winners, you will know that whilst they have certain unique attributes, they are not necessarily any more of a genius than thousands who will never win the Prize.

Any competent senior postdoctoral researcher who has used PCR regularly for 5 years is more than competent to discuss with authority the principles of PCR, the limits to its applications and how it can be used in ways it was never intended to be used.

Oct 6, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Good point, the inference being that in that case (plenty of people knowledgeable about the PCR test), there just aren’t enough of them who care to join us in our pushback.

Oct 6, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Using PCR for five years doesn’t make you a genius. And nobody claimed Mullis was a genius – altho I think he was a pretty outstanding guy in every respect.

Janie Doebuck
Janie Doebuck
Oct 7, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

so where are all these “competent senior postdocs”? why are they silent? heads down, below the parapet in the parlance of the day…. Mullis took a lot of heat for his stance on HIV….he had knowledge AND spine….. can that be said for all those “competent senior postdocs” cowering in place?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 6, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Apolline

Stop saying that only Mullis is capable of speaking out. You clearly have no knowledge of the reality of scientific research, which is that vast numbers of people fully understand a technique when it is 35 years old.

Any competent senior postdoctoral researcher who has mastered the PCR technique is capable to speak out. There are thousands of those world wide.

Oct 6, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I’m going to venture a guess here that perhaps a group of us are mentioning Kary Mullis by name because he is the face of the PCR test for those of us who are learning about PCR tests for the first time in our lives.

And because at present the results of those test are holding us hostage.

I will concede your point that vast numbers know all about the PCR tests. Of course that would be the case after all these years.

But he does make the point, quite specifically, that the result of the test does not tell us we are sick.

I think that is what newbies like me are focused on.

And with all that you and other qualified people have written, it seems to me he was correct.?

Oct 6, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

But don’t they fear endangering their jobs and reputations by speaking out?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 6, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The problem is this Mr Jaggar, we, the great unwashed have heard all this so many times before~ the condescending expert telling us that we just aren’t clever enough to understand. One thing we do know is that most people will lie or obfuscate if they have a good enough motive. Mullis said that the test will find anything, and, knowing this tendency we will reach the obvious conclusion~ they’ve found what they want to find and it means nothing or everything. It doesn’t take s genius to extrapolate what they’ll chose.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Oct 6, 2020 4:01 PM

Why would the government use an unreliable test when there is a reliable test: viral culture? That is not a rhetorical question. I think it ought to be answered by both the government and its advisors, especially Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson, and Chris Whitty and Patrick Valance. One would have thought any competent journalist reporting on this topic would have asked them. Yet it has not happened.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 6, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Viral culture tests for a potentially dangerous pathogen? You can do that testing in small numbers, but scaling up to do millions of tests is hugely expensive and would probably require building a new fully robotic containment facility.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Oct 7, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You appear to be implying that public policy should be based on unreliable and inaccurate information rather than reliable and accurate information on grounds of cost. How much do you think the government has spent on the basis of this unreliable and inaccurate information?

D Edwards
D Edwards
Nov 16, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

A containment facility for a cold virus that’s 99.98% survivable? Why would anyone bother?

Oct 6, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

It’s irrelevant. They could have properly checked (Koch’s postulates) to see if there ‘is’ a virus, but haven’t. They don’t dare. To my knowledge, they don’t check for viruses, period. It’s my belief that viruses don’t exist.

Oct 6, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Competent journalists would ask why these top dogs dance to the tunes of Bill Gates and the WHO (of which he and chum Xi Jinping are now the main funders). For example, shouldn’t they be highlighting the fact that Boris never responds to tweets by British voters, but chose to respond immediately to our US saviour Gates?

“Great to see the UK commit vital funding to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are available for the world’s poorest people. PM @BorisJohnson’s plan will improve the way we prepare for future crises like this.”

“Fantastic to have your support Bill. We will work with our friends around the world to ensure vaccines reach the poorest and deliver our five point plan to protect humanity against another pandemic.”

You can check this sickening exchange on the Russian news outlet RT!


D Edwards
D Edwards
Nov 16, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Because if they did that–if they made the Ct cutoff below 20, when there’s a real chance of getting a culture if the subject is actually harboring enough virus to sicken him–there would be virtually nothing to talk abou. That’s not politically useful. 40 Ct is a deliberate policy to let governments scream about “The cases! The cases!” even though there’s just a 12% chance of getting a viral culture at 30 Ct, and approximately none at 40. Over 90% of the positives at 40 Ct are false. A positive test is not a “case” in a meaningful medical sense of “a symptomatic sick person.” A positive test result with a 40 Ct standard is just unmitigated crap. It’s noise, not data.

Oct 6, 2020 3:42 PM

A bill currently submitted to UK Parliament, the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill, will give the Department of Health and Social Care, among others, powers to authorise criminal conduct.

Why does the Department of Health need powers to authorise crime?

On this page, the bill is summarised as:
“Summary of the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2019-21
“A Bill to make provision for, and in connection with, the authorisation of criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of covert human intelligence sources.”
[emphasis mine]

The second reading was yesterday, Monday 5th October. All final stages are scheduled for 15th October. I am not a lawyer and do not have legal expertise. However, as a layperson, the bill seems extremely concerning. By my reading, it appears to put already powerful sectors of UK society outside the rule of law. This shouldn’t slip though unnoticed.

The bill can be found here: https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/2019-21/coverthumanintelligencesourcescriminalconduct.html

Inspection of the Bill reveals that it is not restricted to intelligence agencies, but rather includes a list of Relevant Authorities. The list is rather long:

Police forces etc
A1 Any police force.
B1 The National Crime Agency.
C1 The Serious Fraud Office.

The intelligence services
D1 Any of the intelligence services.

The armed forces
E1 Any of Her Majesty’s forces.

Revenue and Customs
F1 Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

Government departments
G1 The Department of Health and Social Care.
H1 The Home Office.
I1 The Ministry of Justice.

Other bodies
J1 The Competition and Markets Authority.
K1 The Environment Agency.
L1 The Financial Conduct Authority.
M1 The Food Standards Agency.
N1 The Gambling Commission.”

There doesn’t appear to be any restriction on the type of crimes these bodies will be permitted to commit. There is mention of the Human Rights Act 1998, but the checks and balances appear weak:
“Subsection (6) is without prejudice to the need to take into account
other matters so far as they are relevant (for example, the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998).”

Oct 6, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  geoff

Holy shit. It’s a bill literally spelling out government workers are above the law, they may do anything “following orders”. That is the epitome of being ruled, not governing!

Oct 6, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Love

It goes pretty far. As the UK Column News presenters, who talked about this at length, point out, they’ve been breaking the law for a long time. But… the Ministry of Justice?!! I remember years ago coming across information about the Canadian government’s authorization of law-breaking by our police. I’m sure all States allow this. They couldn’t go far, as gangster entities (doing imperialism, counterrevolution and counterinsurgency) within the gangster Corporatocracy if they actually were democratic and law-abiding. I got a good look at elite’s idea of ‘law’ when I read William Greider’s “One World, Ready Or Not – The Manic Logic Of Global Capitalism,” in which he mentions a discussion he had with a Boeing top official about the constant violation of the (then) GATT rules. The official acknowledged that they broke them all the time and Greider then asked ‘then why have them’ and the official responded that they were like speed bumps. In other words, They slowed things down so that the whole edifice – neoliberal capitalism – didn’t come crashing down on everyone’s heads. But the concern there wasn’t for everyone’s heads. Rather, it was for the heads within the affected, smashed, community (the world) that mattered, namely elites, their allies and servants.

“Counterrevolution And Counterinsurgency”

Oct 7, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks for the reference to UK Column. Do you mean they have discussed this bill? I couldn’t find it. Could you share the link? (Yes, the Ministry of Justice is another particularly twisted aspect.)

Oct 7, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  geoff
Oct 8, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Arby


Oct 8, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  geoff

My pleasure.

Janie Doebuck
Janie Doebuck
Oct 7, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  geoff

also October 7 uk column

Oct 8, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Janie Doebuck


Oct 6, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  Love

It’s politicians vs the people. I hope posters badmouthing the ‘sleeping masses’ will wake up to this fact.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 6, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  geoff

Rolling around in hysteria about the concept of UK adhering to Human Rights Act – Just ask anyone who’s been denied legal defense in court for starters.

Shocking what they -gubbment and media – think they can get away with now. SHOCKING. The Bank of E thinking they can keep Venezuela’s gold because they don’t approve the current regime.

Just can’t think of any way out of this one.

Oct 6, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Yet the British did end slavery, develop and globalise human rights and free speech, and always chose and defended democracy rather than mass murdering Communist or Nazi dictatorships. Reasons to be proud rather than ashamed, I’d say.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 7, 2020 1:04 AM

Exactly where do you dig up your statements?
British enslaved half the world and justified it by “we brought the railway”. They were the first to create opium addicts for the sake of their cuppa. They denied women ANY rights and Brit women were slaves until only a few decades ago, defined by their tit size and unable to get any loan or self-determining independence.
Defended democracy? By murdering an entire generation of their own boys FOR WHAT exactly?
Proud/ashamed?? I don’t define myself by faux nationalist ideas which are created to further enslave me. Read some history that isn’t penned by the masters and then get back to me.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 6, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

It’s like the Geneva Convention,they break all the rules. You’re not supposed to destroy the civilian infrastructure but what has been the target in the Middle East? Just that!

Oct 6, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

GJ: “Just can’t think of any way out of this one”

better is, not to be completely – In it. The few trifling cretins that hold some sway in this reality count on the many to close the door to higher clues , and concentrating the spotlight on the imitattions of egomaniacal goons, leaving the neglectful subordinate trapped in a delusional bubble.

Oct 6, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  geoff

You left out the Ministry of Justice. Think about that. That body will be able to authorize criminality. That tells you all you need to know about the UK system. The government is comprised of gangsters. And the UK ‘government’ is just one crime organization within the gangster Corporatocracy dominated by the US and directed by the Transnational Capitalist Class, which David James seems ignorant of.

“Authors Of The Global Biosecurity Police State”

Oct 7, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  geoff

It bears resemblance to the Enabling Act of 1933, by which Hitler essentially gained totalitarian power through legal means. The preceding Reichstag Fire Decree “nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens”, a role which Covid-19 has played in the present case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 (Wikipedia reference only. Feel free to add a better one).

Oct 6, 2020 3:32 PM

About COVID testing from LA county health official.
From ABC

Ferrer took the opportunity to reiterate that if someone is exposed, they should self-isolate for 14 full days regardless of a negative COVID-19 test.

What does it say about value of diagnostic PCR test in determining infection status ? The value is ZERO.

Oct 6, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Kalen

That’s attitude. That’s powertripping. That’s a ruined world because there’s not a few people acting that way right now. The world, I’m happy to report, is ripe for Armageddon.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 6, 2020 2:54 PM

Let’s agree on one aspect of the covid scam: PCR tests are not, and never have been an accurate measure of viral infection. PCR testing was only designed to be used as part of a clinical diagnosis or for research studies. Summaries have been posted on a myriad of web sites, and the following discussion pretty well states the known facts.

Crimes against Humanity
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
October 3, 2020

Jon Rappoport has covered the PCR topic extensively, and his references are excellent. > https://nomorefakenews.com

Speaking of crimes against humanity: >
Victims Crippled and Killed by the Flu Shot Compensated by U.S. Government

I downloaded the above link in 2015 — Civilians are still being crippled and maimed…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 6, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Arby

Hello Arby: Thank you for the links. Number of deaths per year from medical malpractice far exceed the number of deaths per year via gunshot wounds. No one talks about the arrest and conviction of incompetent doctors… The “alternate” media can spew all they want. Few ever study legal method nor consider the plausibility of citizens arrest…

Excerpted from: Causation (law) – Wikipedia
“Causation is the “causal relationship between conduct and result”. In other words, causation provides a means of connecting conduct with a resulting effect, typically an injury. In criminal law, it is defined as the actus reus (an action) from which the specific injury or other effect arose and is combined with mens rea (a state of mind) to comprise the elements of guilt. Causation only applies where a result has been achieved and therefore is immaterial with regard to inchoate offenses.” [End quote]

Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causation_(law)

Oct 7, 2020 1:22 AM


Oct 6, 2020 2:30 PM

Renowned HIV Researcher Frank Plummer Dies Suddenly at 67 – Winnipeg, Feb, 2020
The former scientific director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, is being mourned as a “maverick.”

Someone should keep a tally.

Oct 6, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The professor didn’t die of covid 19. Covid 19 is a made-up disease.

Oct 6, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Actually, that was mentioned in a video that I saw recently (but published in May) by a fellow named Max Igan. It came up in a conversation with Andrew Kaufman. I wasn’t aware of it. That would be good to investigate.

Have I mentioned that we live within a gangster Corporatocracy?

Oct 6, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Arby

Corporatocracy-Kleptocracy-Kakistocracy combo, I think.

JPR, like Kary Mullis, was already in the bad books of TPTB — they quite likely feared that he would be “unsound” on Covid.

As Piers Robinson notes in his Off-G article:

“In an earlier era, Robinson played a key role challenging the false claim made by the US government that Soviet-backed forces in Laos and Cambodia were deploying toxins. At the time of his death, he was completing a chronology regarding chemical weapons and the war in Syria.”

Oct 6, 2020 2:17 PM

It is easily proved that the testing does not prove infection. Assuming everything they say on testing is true, finding 2 out of 3 spike antigens only shows part of the virus is detected. We have no tests available to show the viral load or number of copies to demonstrate infection. This is simply misinformation to report to public that the ‘infection rate’ is increasing where the testing is more and more resulting is more positive test results, which are also debatable due to amplification levels over 40 times in current PCR tests.

Oct 6, 2020 1:57 PM

The state of the mainstream media is absolutely shocking.

Truly awful. It’s full of absolute tripe.

There is no journalism of any description going on.

It’s either state propaganda or smear campaigns against Trump.

And is anyone really expected to believe that Trumps Covid is not totally staged or Hancock lost 16,000 ‘Covid cases’.

Calling it gutter journalism would be too generous.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 6, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Paul

True, and in Australia there is also endless football, male sport, quiz shows, and american tripe. and, of course, many, many irritating ads.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 7, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  May Hem

As my grandfather who told the Queen “thanks, but marxists don’t take OBEs” always said – Sport is the opium of the masses.

Oct 7, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  Paul

agreed. abundantly clear. repeaters describing the “collapse” of building #7 much before it’s demolition. and all questions suppressed. weapons of mass destruction, babies taken from incubators in Kuwait, it’s a long steady list.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 6, 2020 1:57 PM

Important German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is specialized in customer protection in the US and in Germany, who already won lawsuits against giants like Deutsche Bank, VW or Kuehne-Nagel, calls out the crimes against humanity committed in the name of “protecting against covid”, denounces the guilty and launches, along with hundreds of lawyers around the world, a lawsuit against those responsible for those crimes; his plea is also a precious summary of how what he calls “the Corona Scandal” developed:

Oct 6, 2020 5:59 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

The guy is not a nobody. Alex Thomson goes into detail about him in a recent UK Column News show. He’s really a super lawyer.

Oct 6, 2020 1:50 PM

Johnson this morning:

“After all we have been through it is not enough just to go back to before. We have lost too much, we have mourned too many. We have been through too much frustration and hardship just to settle for the status quo and to think that life can go on as before the plague and we will not.”

Is it clear enough yet that this is about the Great Reset?

We’ve heard lots of the years about real socialists: how about some real conservatives, ones who really believe in conserving?

Oct 6, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, but who does that elusive “we” refer to, I wonder?

Oct 6, 2020 1:49 PM

comment image
comment image

Oct 6, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  John

Neil has a point, but what can you do about it? It’s a free universe. People made wrong choices, just as Adam and Eve, did, fatefully, in the beginning. The first catastrophe was the majority allowing itself to be turned into cattle by uncaring, unprincipled, predatory elites. And the second catastrophe was covid 1984, which would not have happened had the first catastrophe not happened.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 6, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  John

No can do… Sweden’s a red zone !!
Of course I’m being sarcastic…
Sturgeon, Johnson and all the rest deserve to be gone in the matter of hours. The sooner the better, as it’s their fate anyway, whether they like it or not.
Some time in prison may be in that pipeline as well: all the lives they’ve destroyed and keep destroying, based on a huge scam !!
Not even one in ten of the supposed “positive” RT-PCR tests is a real positive !! And they base their second lock down on that new pile of lies !!
Take only the one million breast cancer screenings that have been missed due to covid panic policies. … And ALL THE REST !!
These guys have really committed crimes against humanity !! When people realize how much they’ve been duped, and that time will come, their rage will be terrible.

Oct 6, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  John

Ah, the image reveals that the Scottish government scamdemicmongers have a powerful propaganda tool not available to like-minded governments: branding masks as “face-kilts”, clan tartans and all!

Oct 6, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  Ort

If she wanted to be truly ‘independent’ she could have done a Sweden or a Belarus and said ‘no’ to the WEF, Gates, Pharma, World Bank etc…

But of course, she’s not independent at all, and she doesn’t want to be

Oct 7, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  John

What kind of nation elects Jimmy Cranky to be managing director? Barmy!

Oct 7, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  John

sheep can not fly

Oct 6, 2020 1:20 PM

I see this site is not now 100% censored. Did people keep righting the truth? Terrible.

Oct 6, 2020 1:16 PM

We, who oppose the insane measures of our governments are being funnelled into the arms of the far-right and their web sites, like Alex jones, David Icke, Column UK, Corbett report, etc…. who offer up the usual idiotic explanations for what is causing this operation, including an international jewish conspiracy, because all measured opposition has been banished and banned.

But what the far-right do offer is the truth about how the scam is being operated, since the alt-right are the political wing of the CIA, and they know how their friends in the CIA are coordinating the scam.

As part of the CIA’s long term war on the left they are trying to associate Covid measures with our democracies, the left and liberals, in the minds of the public and it is working.
They are promising to ‘pay-back’ those who have caused this destruction and when they take power during the economic destruction to come, I have no doubt they will because unemployment is the fascists friend, but what they will also do is put us all in tyrannical ‘lockdown’ of their own.

Oct 6, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  Dexter

You or your analog posted the same yesterday. I reply as a journalist who’s worked for all your blue checkmarks (should I hang my head in shame?): Reuters, BBC, Sky, NBC etc.

Icke & Jones sell a view of the world, take it or leave it — Corbett and UK Column are journalists.

You are a troll.

Oct 6, 2020 1:06 PM

Chris Witty’s father was killed by Palestinian terrorists.
Tobias Ellwood’s brother was killed in the post 911 Bali bombings.
See how this game works?

Oct 6, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Is the game working though?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 6, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Tobias Ellwood’s brother was killed in the post 911 Bali bombings.

Was he now? I remember Tobias at the Phony Fake Westminster Bridge Show.

He was a big hero!


Oct 6, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The ones I like are the people find themselves in multiple terror attacks.

American who survived Brussels, Paris and Boston terror says he’s ‘lucky’

A 19-year-old Mormon missionary emerged unscathed from the Boston Marathon bombings and Paris attacks — but wasn’t as lucky in Brussels, where he suffered severe burns and other injuries.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 6, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’d rather investigate the French DGSE rather than the Mormon connection though…

Oct 7, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I can’t remember the exact details but there was a journalist who happened to be present at the Berlin truck attack or one of the shootings that happened, who then miraculously turned up at the exact right moment at a terror attack in Nice, i seem to remember. He was also the first person to buy an iPad. Pure coincedence, no doubt.

Oct 6, 2020 12:55 PM

I fully agree about the ‘sinister international agenda’, and that the corrupt corporate MSM now aims to manipulate popular opinion by ‘inciting prejudice’ rather than informing citizens with the facts. This is why I support Trump, who named the sinister agenda as ‘globalism’ long ago, and who has famously been warning us all that “the fake news media is the greatest enemy of the people” for years now. At his third address to the UN, one of the greatest bastions of globalist ideology, Trump explained how his ‘America First’ agenda is the solution for ending the globalists’ insidious and growing control over our democracies:

“The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them, or replace them. The true good of the nation can only be pursued by those who love it, by citizens who are rooted in its history, who are nourished by its culture, committed to its values, attached to his people.”

Love your people and nation before any ideology, and globalist control will have little purchase and then die says Trump. Of course, most posters here hate and want to transform nations like the US or UK because they see them as evil capitalists who cause all global suffering, and will spit at this post. Mods will likely soon delete it as offensive ie blasphemous. That reaction illustrates the depth of the problem. Leftists put love of ideology before love of nation, and so a) prevent national unity by dividing people into good leftists and evil nationalists; b) favour undemocratic control by globalists who also reject nations, not by elected but hated nationalist politicians like Trump.

The awful conclusion is that leftists’ refusal to love their own nations and peoples fuels and facilitates the ‘sinister international agenda’ many of them now rightly deplore.


Sheldon Wax
Sheldon Wax
Oct 6, 2020 1:05 PM

”globalist control”

You mean global control. No? …….. Maybe you don’t need to search out invisible phantoms, or use hitlers model of ‘international jewish conspiracy’, to explain what is happening to your country, maybe history and geopolitics will point you in the right direct. Have you heard of the USA, it is the largest empire in the history of man. The illusive phantoms are not invisible at all, they own your phone, your information, your media, your culture and your governments, the demons are staring you in the face, so why do you refuse to acknowledge them?

Oct 6, 2020 1:24 PM

”globalist control”

You mean global control. No? ………… Maybe you don’t need to search out invisible phantoms, or use hitlers model of ‘international jewish conspiracy’, to explain what is happening to your country, maybe history and geopolitics will point you in the right direct. Have you heard of the USA, it is the largest empire in the history of man. Because really the illusive phantoms are not invisible at all, they own your phone, your information, your media, your culture and your governments, the demons are staring you in the face and they are American and all work toward the interests of America, so why do you refuse to acknowledge them?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 6, 2020 1:29 PM

“…most posters here hate and want to transform nations like the US or UK because they see them as evil capitalists who cause all global suffering, and will spit at this post. Mods will likely soon delete it as offensive ie blasphemous. That reaction illustrates the depth of the problem.

You fume against a reaction that hasn’t happened and is unlikely to happen since I can clearly see your post. Oh you are a laugh!

Oct 6, 2020 2:04 PM

Okay, now tell me how best to ignore everything the “free world” has done to the mean old bad “Third World” in order to steal all its resources – and I can get on board the America First choo-choo train!

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 6, 2020 4:50 PM

There are large numbers of right wing folks, ‘conservative’ with a small c, who have total contempt for the UK Government right now. Starting with Peter Hitchens…

Oct 6, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

True enough. I used to avoid all Conservatives (and I still have my issues with them). Ironically, I’ve probably got more links to small ‘c’ conservative sites than progressive ones. I might keep them in a category called ‘selected mainstream’, but I find that I check on them often (and increasingly more often) and often find useful material there.

Oct 6, 2020 12:02 PM

This statement from Microsoft “News” needs to be analysed.

“COVID-19 accounts for 2.2% of all deaths in England and Wales, according to the ONS.
It means that more than 58,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been registered in the UK, according to data from the statistics agencies.”

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 6, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I couldn’t find your article on Microsoft News. But I found this:


After which we get a lot of this:

“Excess deaths involving COVID-19 …deaths that involved COVID-19… coronavirus-related deaths”

But there is the apparently more certain

“COVID-19 accounts for 2.2% of all deaths in England and Wales, according to the ONS.”

But this is followed by the unexpectedly hedging:

“It means that more than 58,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been registered in the UK, according to data from the statistics agencies.”

So I don’t know what to make of this. If COVID accounts for all these deaths, then why not call them “coronavirus deaths” instead of “coronavirus related deaths”?

Oct 6, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is not any “coronavirus deaths”. This is easy to determine since there is not any deaths caused by any germs. The germ theory being a terrorist ideology that causes hundreds of millions of deaths.

Oct 8, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Simon

I didn’t listen to the whole show, but the expert was interesting and I agreed with a lot of what she had to say. I was uncomfortable with her constant references to cults while revealing her involvement with Buddhism. Christians were called a ‘sect’ in Jesus’s day. (And If that’s how you feel, that’s fine. But I am a Christian.)

One thing she said (and it’s a keeper) that I really liked was that if vaccines were such wonderful products, then why would vaccine companies need governments to mandate them? Bingo!

Oct 6, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Oct 7, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

weaselword festival

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 12:00 PM

Dr Vernon Coleman
01 Oct 2020
Why I Believe Politicians and Advisors Will Go to Prison

Oct 6, 2020 11:53 AM

New Corbett on the Great Reset is essential listening.

The man interviewing him has done some great work finding that Bernays was on David Letterman!

Oct 6, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Can you post a link to the new Corbett

Oct 6, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  Mark
Oct 7, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

Nice one

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 6, 2020 11:51 AM

Well here’s an odd one:


Chad Dorrill, a 19 year old has died of the mysteriously worded “neurological complications related to Covid-19”. (Expect the “neurological complications related to” to disappear shortly.)

From the article:

“It was a COVID complication that rather than attacking his respiratory system attacked his brain.”


“doctors suspect that COVID-19 triggered an undetected case of Guillain-Barré syndrome in Dorrill. Guillain-Barré causes the body’s immune system to attack nerve cells. It was also linked to the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil in 2015, where it caused paralysis in those affected by the syndrome. As of June 29, according to the journal Neurological Sciences, there have been approximately 31 reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome caused by COVID-19 worldwide.”

Now note this next bit:

Significantly, Dorrill was living off-campus, taking only online courses and, according to his uncle, “told us he was always careful to wear a mask.” Yet, he still contracted the virus, leading to his completely avoidable death. His mother, Susan Dorrill, said that “if it can happen to a super healthy 19-year-old boy who doesn’t smoke, vape or do drugs, it can happen to anyone.”

Isn’t this a conundrum? This guy took every precaution and yet we still hear about his “avoidable death”. “It can happen to anyone” seems to be the WSWS motto here.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 6, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, they want us to believe we all vulnerable, but of course there is no proof that Chad Dorrill died of complications of Covid-19, or that he ever had the infection. Doctor’s suspicions and the PCR test mean nothing in regard to this illness.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 6, 2020 1:02 PM

I was thinking of putting a query to the WSWS but I have a depressing premonition about what would happen. First, as always, there’s “awaiting moderation”. This happens as a matter of course there. Then (assuming that they print my query) they would give me a lecture that this death was avoidable because the virus was avoidable and then I’d get a bit about how capitalism created this virus because – well, because it had to. (And I speak as a non-lover of capitalism – but I love the way these Leftist sites jump the gun on this one without even examining the evidence.) And ultimately – if I kept pushing my case, I’d end up getting shadow banned like Charlotte Ruse.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 7, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The WSWS has become a total disgrace. They used to be an interesting site, but their Covid coverage has been so terrible as to beggar belief. Not one trace of skepticism or genuine investigation, just non stop fear porn.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 7, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Agreed. I am now drifting towards the suspicion that they are a controlled opposition . I mean – no genuine critical mind could be THAT dumb surely? And it’s too late for them to retrace their steps. They have dug their own COVID grave.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 7, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Their behavior has been inexcusable. They’ve had hundreds of chances to retract or reconsider their views, but they prefer to berate and censor anyone who dissents from their hysteria. They won’t even glance at contrary facts. I suspect they aren’t that dumb, but because they think a pandemic will mean “the end of capitalism,” in their deluded minds, and usher in the new age of utopia and triumph of the proletariat, they refuse to budge. Mere factual truth doesn’t matter to them, only their grand narratives. They couldn’t care less about trying to sort out what is factually true.

Oct 6, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Fascinating article – fascinating for what it omits. Opponents of mask wearing have said all along that the mask could result in an overload of “germs” being carried to the brain via the olfactory system. Thus resulting in exactly what happened to Chad Dorrill.

But it’s safe to say, you didn’t hear it there (WSWS) first!

Oct 6, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

Add that to his other health destroying precautions. And probably a nervous wreck.
Poor kid.

Oct 6, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

It could be a flu ‘vaccine’ he would have been given when he was admitted to hospital. These have been known to lead to GBS before. If he was doing sports with a mask on and wearing masks a lot then he could have had Co2 buildup. There may also have been 5g at the university.

Hypercapnia has been long known as a potent stimulator of cerebral blood flow (CBF) through its vasodilatory effect on cerebral vasculature.1–6 Gas mixtures with elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) are commonly used in both the research and clinical settings to evaluate cerebrovascular reserve, most frequently in patients with stenotic or occlusive cerebrovascular disease before extracranial-to-intracranial bypass.2,7,8 Even small increases in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) on the order of 5 to 6 mm Hg are capable of generating appreciable changes on perfusion imaging.


Oct 6, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Simon

In a statement, Dorrill’s mother Susan said that her son was tired for two weeks prior to his diagnosis…. One of Dorrill’s friends, Sydney Bell… said that Dorrill had been in hospital earlier in September but was released to go home on September 22.


Oct 6, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Every precaution? Guillain-Barré? College require flu shot? Vaccine injury?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 6, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) attempts to help the CORPORATE FASCIST propagandists and Langley-Land two ways. It pushes further the false scamdemic narrative, as well as being a rather crude attempt to discredit the memory and legacy of Leon Trotsky, by having his name associated with it. Fortunately Trotsky’s historical legacy is stronger than that. It will survive these not so subtle machinations.

Oct 6, 2020 11:30 AM

The problem has been that references to Kary Mullis have usually been appeals to authority, which is a rhetorical device that is then just dismissed with counter-rhetoric. We need to say how PCR is being abused, which this article does touch on. Any diagnostic technique used badly will deliver bad results. Used sensibly, PCR is a very useful diagnostic technique, for example for TB it’s much faster than bacterial cultures and it can tell you which antibiotics a given TB infection will be resistant to, so that you get the treatment right first time.

Oct 6, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

You make a good point, thanks.

I am impressed by Mullis’s commentary, and consider it authoritative and even dispositive. But, as you point out, it’s not enough to leave it at “because Mullis said so”.

I often hark back to a bumper-sticker that used to be popular among fundamentalist Christians in the US, and may still be:


Just based on the video, I’m absolutely certain that Mullis would appreciate the respect and trust, but would discourage the practice of quoting him as an article of faith.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 7, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

Unfortunately, while you’re entirely correct with regards to formal logic and the use of fallacies, most people don’t think logically, especially when in a state of panic. Unless they’re already predisposes to doubt the narrative, they’re not going to read dozens of pages of text to understand the PCR test in more detail. But explaining who Kary Mullis is and then explaining what his opinion was sometimes gets people to perk up. But that’s about as far as their attention goes unless they’re already a disbeliever in the Scamdemic.

Oct 6, 2020 11:22 AM

UK Column News – 5th October 2020

UKC correspondent Alex Thomson says Britain and the U.S. have much to lose by the rush to Civil Law, or rule by magistrates and judges.

Continental, Napoleonic or Civil Law is closely associated with the promotion by NGOs of what they call Civil Society > Open Society > George Soros. Read on.

Thomson picks up on the video of the German-U.S. lawyer, Dr Rainer Fuellmich, who is bringing a class action law suit having its roots in English common law. The distinction is increasingly important as governments suspend trial by jury, expand the use of secret courts and abandon the processes of common law.

In continental European courts:

  • discovery of evidence before trial is lacking (so the powerful have greater opportunity to destroy it)
  • understanding of tort or harm to the individual or group is weaker (one has to prove intent)
  • judges have greater sway and defer to the powerful, such as corporations and their state paymasters
  • judges tend towards philosophical arguments (how many angels can stand on the head of a pin) rather than addressing quantifiable harm

Thomson quotes European Centre for Law and Justice director, Dr Gregor Puppinck, who has studied Strasbourg and ECHR judges, and who says whereas common law stakes its reasoning on analogy, continental Civil Law operates in a vacuum, with little reference to first principles and precedents. “The consequence is judicial activism; government by judges”.

Puppinck is the same researcher who revealed George Soros’ hold on the European Court of Human Rights.

Fuellmich targets his case at culpable individuals, stripping them of their ability to hide behind their organizations.

The three men Fuellmich has targeted for prosecution are:

  • Berlin virologist Prof Christian Drosten who wrote the computer script that became the WHO Covid test;
  • Berlin veterinarian Lothar Wieler who called for children to be made to feel responsible for “the painful, tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they did not stay away from them”;
  • WHO DG Dr Tedros Adhanom for rewriting the definition of pandemic.

Even French and Germans wonder why the British stopped thinking and gave up their common sensed-based common law, says Thomson. Officials increasingly implement directives without any thought. This gives a new meaning to a rules based society.

Local government and institutions are increasingly under direct central control. This is dangerous. It means in practice that, handed a sheet of paper with rules, they will implement them instinctively, without any concern for local circumstances or divergent situations.

Wartime cliché it may be, but a bureaucrat waving a sheet of paper and insisting, “it’s the rules, there’s nothing I can do”, is a real and terrifying propsect.

As an example Birmingham City Council’s Covid Engagement Board sets out the rule for implementing central directives. The board includes police so there is no separation of powers.

The Engagement Board has been presented with a plan of action, presumably created by central government or even the military, judging by its language. One series of charts goes thus:

Strategic Cell > Tactical Cell > Test & Trace Cell > Health Protection Forum… and so on.
Test and Trace service “to control the virus and enable people to live a safer and more normal life.”
The “contain tool” has a reference to the national Joint Biosecurity Centre that will work with Public Health England and local authorities to identify and manage local outbreaks.

Outbreaks of what, precisely? Resistance?

Proposed Social Distancing Framework leaked to state and corporatist media. This includes a traffic light alert system:

Local Alert Level 1

  • Rule of Six
  • Support bubbles up to 15 people

Local Alert Level 2

  • No gatherings, even in gardens
  • Essential travel only

Local Alert Level 3

  • No social contact outside your household in any setting
  • Restrictions on overnight stays
  • Only professional sports, closing of hospitality and leisure

As UKC comments, it’s unlikely that police and authorities will distinguish between these levels. The ‘leak’ serves as predictive programming.
Brian Gerrish: You see the local government board that are comprised of yes-men and police. Add the piece of paper and they will implement the law without question.

As highlighted in a post on Off-Guardian, local authorities in Wales are seeking a Covid Mass Vaccination Programme Manager.. to vaccinate the entire population of Cwm Taf Morgannwg (the Vale of Glamorgan).

Salary 38-44,00 pounds per annum.
UKC viewer quips: “That’s not a lot of pay for killing half the population”.

The Vale of Glamorgan is what Americans call the ‘rust belt’, former mining and industrial regions which the powers regard as past their use-by date.

UKC’s Alex Thomson uses the phrase “population optimization” and quotes a warning from the writer and theologian C.S. Lewis.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth.

This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

BBC reveals the mindset of the people running UK Gov through the names they have given to the vaccine candidates:
Imperial College’s is called Ambush
Oxford-AstraZeneca’s is called Triumph

BBC says mass vaccination sites are being commissioned as part of a “massive” exercise.
Health Sec Matt Hancock confirmed these vaccines are already being produced and stockpiled before testing and licensing. Handwipe insists that unlicensed does not mean untested.

Me: The process is interesting. If the vaccine is being produced, surely it can be tested. If it can be tested, presumably it can be assessed for licensing.
Some tests are taking place. Thus there surely are indications whether or not the vaccine will work, or at least of how long the testing regime will take.

UKC’s Brian Gerrish agrees: how long does it take for a group of people in a room to license a product once it’s been tested. So either it’s passed its tests or it has not.

France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany are subject to the full panic wave, says Alex Thomson.

There are indeed some worrying cases concerning chest x-rays and a couple of people seriously ill. It is not clear what type of flu this is… perhaps one of the H-variants, which include Spanish Flu.

CrowdSourceTheTruth has alleged that Spanish Flu may be present and following a later trajectory than Covid and thus has not yet bottomed out.

Pharma giant Abbott releases $5, 15-minute, BinaxNOW test – which Lufthansa plans to offer first and business class passengers.

Abbott’s small print has a disclaimer: the test is not FDA cleared or approved. It’s been authorized under FDA emergency rules.

UKC: Fast tests are thought to be even less reliable than the PCR test and more likely to produce false positives. This is upping the angst, getting people used to being tested. Next they will get used to being vaccinated.

Oct 6, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Government is the problem rather than the solution”, said hated conservative Ronald Reagan. The bigger and more intrusive the government, the bigger the problem, the greater the opportunities of the power which corrupts. Trump the great anti-politician and fan of Reagan is reducing government, and knows it’s time to put people and nation first, not politicians and ideology. He also knows that the best way to stop the globalists is to develop (and so control) an alternative vaccination program from which they will not profit. Rumour has it that he even used himself to test the new vaccine while at Walter Reed Hospital, and that his own ‘Warpspeed’ program may have saved him. He certainly beat off covid in 4 days and is already back work at the WH, at the age of 74.


Oct 8, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That was a nice snapshot. I do that regularly on my blog. UK Column is one of the shows I do that sort of reporting/commentary on. I add images and links and personal commentary here and there. UKC is my fave for that. They are gritty but good. They are not perfect. I don’t view government and capitalism exactly the same way they do. David Scott has been thoughtful about my criticisms, engaging me instead of simply dismissing me. He recommended a book, which I bookmarked. Maybe one day I’ll get around to it. But I am sure that I won’t be changing my mind about capitalism – any form of it. I don’t even believe in money.

Oct 6, 2020 11:19 AM

UK Column News – 5th October 2020

330 MPs voted to extend the Coronavirus Act 2020 renewal. All were Conservative MPs.

Of the 24 who voted against, the honorable few, were six Labour MPs, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Dawn Butler, Kevan Jones, John Spellar, Graham Stringer and Derek Twigg defied the Labour whip to join six Tory rebels, the Green Party’s Caroline Lucas and the Lib Dems in rejecting the extension of the legislation.

300-odd MPs didn’t abstain, or pair off against MPs voting the other way, so they simply didn’t turn up.

These no-shows account for all the Labour MPs, excluding the six who voted against, along with the SDLP, DUP and SNP.

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said “in a pandemic any government needs extraordinary powers.. we will not block this passage”. He noted the 42,000 deaths and one of the worst recessions on record… but he saw no reason to ask if the measures were making this worse.

But he didn’t actually put his money where his mouth is and vote ‘yes’.

Me: Labour remains absent, having fled its post.

UKC: Basically he’s saying the government that caused many of these problems, deserves extraordinary powers to solve these same problems: the excess deaths, resulting from lockdown, unemployment and the trashing of the economy.

A UKC viewer wrote to Ellwood:

“Everything out nation is currently experiencing is a lie and I believe you know this…. to trigger this Great Reset, the collective and corporate deep state had to trash the global economy. So, enter Covid-19.

“To put it bluntly you are actively partaking in the rollout of global fascism.

“Now please prove to me whose side you are on. Are you with us, the ordinary people, or are you with the corporate deep state with their plan for a Great Reset and a completely fake Green New Deal that’s based on extremely bad science.”

So how did officer and gentleman Ellwood respond [email protected]

Tobias Ellwood MP: “You’ve drunk the cool aid (sic). Visit a hospital and wake up.

UKC’s Alex Thomson say Ellwood knows that “drink the Kool Aid” refers to the Jonestown cult mass suicide and visit a hospital means have your brain reframed — especially coming from a Lt Col in the 77th Brigade psychological operations unit.

All the Queen’s companies and all the Queen’s men, couldn’t put Coroni’s numbers together, again.

Turns out the file sizes for positive Covid cases were too big and could not be uploaded. Nor could the corporate bods and bureaucrats working for Public Health England make computah…
Result was, surprise, surprise, the number of positive tests was even higher than previously announced. Or as the Daily Mail put it: Tracers Lose 16,000 Cases

PM BoJo says situation is Bumpy, likely to remain Bumpy and could be Bumpy through Christmas and beyond.

UKColumn provides loads of links for these stories under the video on its YouTube site:

UK Column News – 5th October 2020

Oct 6, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

UK Column News – 5th October 2020

Dramatic increase in the frequency of surveys to give the impression that people agree with the government.

One survey doing the rounds (origins unclear. UKC says it popped up on Sky News but it seems to be everywhere, perhaps originating with UK psyops teams).

Survey question: “Are you satisfied with Boris Johnson’s decision to face the current situation?”

Me: that’s a leading question right there. It supposes that there is a “situation” (though leaving the precise definition unclear) and implies that the PM must “face” it.

Survey results: ‘Yes’, just about two-thirds; ‘No’ and ‘I don’t care’ about a third each.

Not ‘don’t know’ but ‘I don’t care’. So even the labels for respondents are intended to smear those who are critical of the UK PM’s behaviour.

This supposed survey gives no indication how many people voted so, as I say, it looks more like a propaganda item that’s been fed into Google Adwords or some such… so it pops up on web sites where the advertising would be.

21st Century Wires Patrick Henningsen did his own survey for 21Wire asking “Do you believe we are actually in a real pandemic right now?”

Of 9,800 responses, 15% said yes, 85 % said no.

Oct 8, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I saw that. He’s done such polls before. ‘We’ will like his polls and the results but, as he acknowledged in connection with an earlier poll, there is the wee problem of who is likely to see the poll and respond to it. In other words, there’s a bit of an issue here with preaching a line to the choir that regularly sings it.

Oct 6, 2020 10:29 AM

The screws are tightened by the day. Today’s main headlines in Czech newspapers:
– “Saying someone died ‘with’ covid is FASCISM!”
– “The hundreds of doctors who oppose lockdowns are quacks. Ignore them!”
– D-list celeb’s daddy has passed away: “Killed by those evil mask-refuseniks of course!”

Oct 6, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  Dayne

I live in the Czech Republic.

Interesting how things here went pretty much back to the old normal in July and August. COVID essentially disappeared. Then, a WHO delegation allegedly signed some agreement with the Health Ministry, and COVID began to resurface. Sometime in September, the WHO slapped the Czech government on the wrist for “not doing enough” and it’s been a scaremongering tsunami ever since.

I wonder what sort of knife they put to the government’s throat. Or bribe.

The good thing is that most people don’t take it seriously. Or so it seems …

Oct 6, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Jacques

This is great evidence for the case that globalists are capturing and controlling our national democracies, helped by the communists at the WHO (Dr Tedros was once a communist terrorist in his native Ethiopia) and the leftist mega-billionaire who now funds them (ie Gates). That’s why Trump quit and withdrew all US funding; he sees their game and is the arch-enemy of the global cabal. As he warned the UN back in 2016, “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism”. Sadly, the outrageously rich and powerful globalists (who also own and run the MSM) have successfully convinced millions of leftists and normies that Trump is the Great Satan, and that Gates just wants to save the world.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Oct 6, 2020 10:14 AM

“There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry.”

Not as blurry as you would imagine. This popped out of the bag recently – visible in plain sight:

I can’t vouch for its authenticity but I have checked out the sources and references which I have yet to dispute. Make up your own mind – conspiracy or otherwise.

Oct 6, 2020 10:08 AM

‘ satirical columnist for over 30 years ‘

How the choir and the echo chanber loves it.

Oct 6, 2020 9:22 AM

Very informative video and article, as usual coming from Off G. Been seeing Mullis turn up in indie media of late. It seems that Kary Mullis was calling out everyone in Pharma long before many of us knew what was what. I find it sort of, uhh, well, strange that he passed away late in 2019. I appreciated Mullis’ comments on Robert Gallo too. It was known what he did regarding HIV but was covered up. However, I feel that quoting MattTaibbi is not the best thing to do anymore in relation to the scamdemic. For one, Taibbi has fallen for the narrative hook, line and sinker. Strange as he was one of the most prominent voices in discreting the RussiaGate media circus distraction. Also, Taibbi recently had Gallo on his Useful Idiots podcast with his cohost Katie Halper where they both praised Gallo as bing a hero or some other crap like that. It boggles the mind.

Oct 8, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  James

“I find it sort of, uhh, well, strange that he passed away late in 2019.” In the absence of information about his death, I do too.

Ross Hendry
Ross Hendry
Oct 6, 2020 8:48 AM

MUST WATCH: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “Probably the Biggest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed”:

Apologies if this video has been posted here before but it’s an encouraging development.

Oct 6, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Ross Hendry

Always worth a re-posting.

Oct 6, 2020 8:33 AM

PCR used for bogus HIV=AIDS scam since 1989! My buddy was 31 years HIV+ no symptoms, no drugz, until he developed a common ailment, constipation, then they convinced him to take PREP and SSRI’s and played smoke and mirrors with his ‘viral load’ – scheisse, they even told his brother he now had HIV dementia, illustrating that the ‘…virus had climbed up his spine to his brain’ – hah! He’s fine for years since then, and in-fact never had a single symptom associated with so-called ‘HIV’ – and never passed it on to his partners! He’s stopped the SSRI’s very quickly, but still sucks on their nonsense about PREP, and somehow trusts the church-of-medicine white-coats about ‘viral loads’. Detection of ‘antibodies’ is proof you’ve dealt with the threat already! PCR abuse be gone!

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Oct 6, 2020 8:14 AM

“There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry”.
No it’s not, but it is so powerful, so entrenched into every lever of power in our world nobody dare even mention there name.
Just follow the money.

Oct 6, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Freeborn John

I name and berate the globalists, and support the patriots and nations they hate, every single day.

Oct 6, 2020 8:13 AM

The emphasis on ‘cases’ in MSM reporting, and I sadly add RT.com to them(!),
is the con of cons.(Watch Boom / Bust!)
Here in Thailand, one or 2 new ‘cases’ in last 90 days, total admitted deaths, 59.
Better immune systems due to better diet? Vietnam similar numbers.

McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King hava a lot to answer for!

Oct 6, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  davemass

Also, different age distribution. Sub-Saharan Africa has a median age in the mid teens and there have been negligible deaths even as it spread throughout the population despite the lockdowns; there’s a study from Kenya here: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.02.20186817v1.full.pdf

In the case of Korea, their low death toll may have been mortality displacement after 3 consecutive bad flu seasons https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1312463303625469952.html and perhaps Thailand had the same.

Oct 6, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  davemass

Check out Taiwan, a small, densely populated island with 23m people, which has had 7 deaths from covid19. Their healthcare system has used HCQ universally and correctly since at least March.

Oct 6, 2020 7:46 AM

We must keep talking about the fact the test is faulty, meaningless and a scam. Because the whole of the scamdemic rests on this test.
Bring down the government, bring down the people who have destroyed lives and livelihoods. Leave no stone unturned as we jail these satanic psychopathic liars.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Yes, they basically fiddle the number of cycles until they get the “answer” they want.

Swiss Policy Research
September 2020 – Medical updates:

PCR tests: As previously reported, many of the people testing positive may not carry infectious virus. A new analysis now confirms that in the US, up to 90% of positive PCR tests may have been “false positives” detecting non-infectious virus fragments.

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
Published Aug. 29, 2020
Updated Sept. 17, 2020
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.

Oct 6, 2020 2:31 PM

Excellent article. Any idea what CT the UK is using?

Oct 6, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Sounds tempting. But who can we trust to rule over us, will we be able or allowed to vote for them, and if we can, how will we ensure that the rest of the dumb plebs or herd vote right? Your ‘solution’ ignores peaceful democracy, suggests violent revolt, and so invites the only alternative system of government: control by an unchosen, unremoveable authoritarian elite or dictatorship. You seem to want all power to go to the (new) politicians.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 6:00 AM

Re: The Great Barrington Declaration
On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States, by: . . . [see website]

In my view, the Great Barrington Declaration is limited hang-out, medical fascism. I suggest people study it carefully before deciding whether or not to support it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 9:39 AM

The whole scam is collapsing. There are serious calls for every “emergency” measure to be reversed and for there to be both criminal prosecutions and civil claims. As people look into other areas, such as vaccination, this is will feed into an ongoing collapse of the medical-fascist state.

My view on this GB Declaration is that it is a desperate attempt at salvage and damage limitation. In summary:

a) It is a massive, permanent expansion of the medical-fascist state.
b) It not only does not prosecute those who committed this crime against humanity, it leaves them in power.
c) It is entirely Big Pharma friendly

Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns
Oct 5, 2020
Fox (Laura Ingraham)
via: Jim Hoft
Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns — Signed by Over 1,700 Medical Professionals

Oct 6, 2020 6:38 PM

How can opposing authoritarian lockdowns as very harmful and unnecessary support and expand the ‘medical-fascist state’?

Oct 6, 2020 6:51 PM

My response that these experts are vital allies against authoritarians has been deleted.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 11, 2020 4:35 PM

Video Reposted

Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns
Oct 6, 2020
Jim Hoft
Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns — Signed by Over 1,700 Medical Professionals

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 15, 2020 8:50 AM

Alison McDowell of “Wrench in the Gears” on why we should reject the declaration:
Note: this is a long, detailed article which I haven’t yet properly assessed, but it seems to be aligned with my own thinking.

Propaganda network promoting the declaration:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 12:34 PM


The Great Barrington Declaration

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States, by:

Oct 6, 2020 7:20 PM

You got it. This is the first step towards medical tyranny and the future impunity of pharma, science and tech.

So therefore anyone supporting the “protect the elderly and children” mantra are controlled opposition and have been from the start.

That is why I was trying to tell people about the lies of HCQ and how the doctors who are touting its efficacy are not on anyone’s side. They are operatives, herding people (Especially conservatives and Trump supporters) into a corner to believe that the virus is real, and testing should continue.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Of course, I don’t know as a 100% fact about HCQ, but the people such as Raoult and Zelenko seem credible to me. However, it would become fascist if a person were forced to take it, or if other treatments were denied.

Oct 6, 2020 7:56 PM

Raoult is not credible. He is a fraud funded and linked to Sarkozy going back many years. He uses underlings and post-docs to write hundreds of papers and puts himself on them as an author.

Also the language he used was so deliberate. “A gift from god” meant solely for the Christian Right. His study, wasn’t even a published paper but a YouTube stunt. Zelenko is not credible either.

Everyone is going to get better if they are not put on a ventilator or neglected in a nursing home.

The biggest proof of no new virus is that the mortality stats haven’t changed from this year to last. In the CDC weekly mortality stats, they simply swapped a portion of what is normally attribute to flu deaths over to covid19, to get their Covid19 mortality stats.

All cause deaths remain statistically insignificant from last year to this year.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

As I say, I can’t ever know as a 100% fact. And there’s all sorts of scams going on, such as Trump’s “illness”, but it reaches the point of not worth looking into.

Oct 8, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m sort of with you on that. I try to not be extreme. And I try to be informed. The result is that I have definite views on various subjects. But I’m still not extreme. It can’t be denied that doctors are using HCQ to good effect. What I have a problem with is their explanation of what they are treating when they use HCQ to get that effect. And – blame Jon Rappoport for this – I view all pharmaceuticals (which I’m guessing doesn’t mean all drugs, if we take the view that some chemicals are natural and can be given as natural treatments) as toxic. With regard to colds, Do I want to take a toxic drug (even in a ‘safe’ amount) for a cold that is actually my body de-toxifying? I hate this framing that our side has been doing. Yes, there are other issues and it’s good that they’ve been aired. We have talked about why the attack on HCQ by gangster Fauci, et al, is happening, which was welcome. But still… I remember checking Didier’s website for myself when Del Bigtree was praising him to the heavens. Right there, without having to dig, you’ll see that HCQ is not without side effects and dangers. ‘If’ it might save my life (setting aside what kind of illness I may be experiencing), then, fine, have a caring doctor give me some. Otherwise, Hell no!

I’m taking Irbesartan right now for my blood pressure. I don’t want to and I am extremely uneasy about it, but I just don’t have the time or funds to look for a homeopathic or naturopathic (they’re different and I never remember just how, but one is more general) doctor to replace mine, or I would. I wish I could use Andrew Kaufman or Thomas Cowan as my GP!

Oct 8, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Arby

Have you read about using Ceylon Cinnamon for blood pressure? Cocoa powder? Quercetin? Hibiscus tea? Green tea extract? Green coffee bean extract?

Polyphenols provide additional benefits to your overall health, whereas drugs only mask symptoms.

If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can supply you with online references to studies on the benefits of specific polyphenolic compounds for lowering blood pressure.

Then you can decide for yourself which route you wish to take.

As for HCQ it has a mild anti inflammatory mechanism of action nothing more. I looked at research papers on it early on. Fauci is against it because Fauci and Trump are playing good cop | bad cop. It’s theater.

Oct 8, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks. Actually, among the more than a dozen websites that I use as my main resources for regular info on the hoax there are a few that carry all that info. I’m already on it. I just don’t have the time and freedom to take care of myself. Half the time, when I do go out, I’m so mentally busy and upset with the craziness, I can’t even remember what I set out to do. (Alzheimers?) I biked, in the middle of the day when I should have been sleeping (I work overnight), a long distance in order to get some groceries that I haven’t been able to get for a while, and when I got to the supermarket, I bought a few things and forgot what I was mainly there to get. In the common (Carrot Common in Toronto) where I buy my organic food they have a dispensary. I meant to also go in there and ask them about hydrangea (my kidneys). I found out about magnesium with taurene (magnesium for those with atherosclerosis) from a site (not one of my regulars) that touted the wonders of magnesium. (It can scour calcium from your body.) I bought a bottle of capsules, but I swear, when I take them I feel like crap. Am I imagining things? I will listen to my body before I listen to my unprofessional doctor. That much I can tell you.

Oct 8, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Fauci, et al, are profiteers. They have their sites set on Remdesivir and such expensive, and therefore profitable, drugs. Cheap stuff, even if better and safer, doesn’t interest them. And they are gangsters, ergo…

Oct 8, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Arby

The way I prefer to frame it rather than “de-toxification” which is non specific and non descriptive, is that it’s an immune response to an introduced substance or an external set of conditions causing changes at the cellular level.

Oct 8, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I like detoxify myself. It’s simple and accurate, in my opinion. Unless we are talking about different things.

Oct 6, 2020 6:35 PM

I read it. In my view, the Declaration is a vital ally in our fight against authoritarian control, useless lockdown, and the capture and corruption of our democratic systems by globalists and corporate allies. I see no way anyone in big pharma or government could gain any political or financial advantage whatsoever by funding these medical professionals and informed critics of current policies. But I’m positive they fear such expert criticism far more than they do the ‘virus doesn’t exist’ nonsense. I really think you need to explain why you call this protest ‘medical fascism’

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 6:47 PM

Re: I read it . . . I see no way anyone in big pharma or government could gain any political or financial advantage whatsoever by funding these medical professionals

GB Declaration: Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates . . .

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

You didn’t read it very well, did you!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 7:16 PM

THIS is medical fascism. What happens if these “vulnerable” people decide they don’t want to be “protected”?

Melbourne police captured on CCTV taking down disability pensioner
Apr 3, 2018
ABC News (Australia)

Dramatic video has emerged of several cases in which Victoria police have allegedly gone too far, with people bashed and brutalised during arrests. Now Victoria Police’s internal investigation of complaints is being questioned. Read more about this ABC News/The Age investigation here:

Oct 8, 2020 1:50 PM

You are mentally and spiritually ruined when you can be paid – even if money ‘does’ mean life in this twisted system of things – to engage in that kind of brutality and terrorism. And the ruined are being removed.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 12, 2020 7:20 AM

The Religion of Public Health = Medical Fascism

G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922)

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith on the Oct 2020 mask-burning protests in NYC; and the Religion of Public Health

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 8, 2020 1:35 PM

In addition to Fox News (see above), the GBD is also being pushed by:

The Daily Mail

Zero Hedge (Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News)
It should be noted that ZH went hard-core fear-porn back in Feb and March.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 8, 2020 2:02 PM

Zero Hedge links to this video by UnHerd (aka Lockdown TV). Back around April, I said that this outfit look like an intelligence operation.

Dissenting scientists issue Covid-19 herd immunity declaration
Oct 5, 2020

Oct 8, 2020 8:35 PM

They are too establishment for my taste. I’m 64 and stressed by covid 1984 and that makes me vulnerable but I am not vulnerable to non existent viruses. Good grief. People get sick. We are imperfect. Our world, directed by uncaring capitalists into a ruined state, is dangerous to everyone. But as we age (a condition of imperfection), we more easily get sick. We still need sunshine and fresh air and exercise. It won’t change our (elderly) basic condition, but how do you measure that? We don’t come in pairs. If we did, and you compared the elderly who are ‘protected’ from sunshine, fresh air, good food, human connection, stimulation from mobility (when possible) with those ‘unprotected’ from those factors, Does anyone believe that the ‘unprotected’ will be worse off than the ‘protected’.

I have no use for those experts’ Rockefeller ideological views.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 8, 2020 3:06 PM

It’s being pushed by Andrew Neil at The Spectator. And he doesn’t challenge the “pandemic” bollocks.

Prof Sunetra Gupta: Protect the vulnerable, don’t lock down again | SpectatorTV
Oct 2, 2020
The Spectator
Professor Sunetra Gupta, a leading epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, tells Andrew Neil why a second lockdown would simple delay the spread of coronavirus, and why governments should instead focus on protecting the vulnerable.

Taken from The Week in 60 Minutes #5.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 8, 2020 3:14 PM

Of course, that Andrew Neil interview was recorded before the official release of the declaration.

Jan J
Jan J
Oct 6, 2020 5:59 AM

The WHO said yesterday that they believe 10% of the worlds population (780 million) have been infected with COV SARS2, which is 20 times what their dubious testing regime has “uncovered”. The equally dubious mortality count is supposedly 1 million COVID19 deaths.

Using their own numbers then, IFR = 1/780 = 0.12% same as the Flu, does that mean we can call of all this nonsense then and get an apology from all those responsible for crashing the economy and wreaking our rights and freedoms? Now even the WHO admits publicly that the IFR is in the range of flu? You can’t say 10% of the world population without also saying IFR = 0.12%.

Oct 6, 2020 9:43 AM
Reply to  Jan J

Seeing as exams were cancelled this year – have this to show us your understanding of basic maths and virology.

World population 7,000,000,000
10% = 700,000,000
1% = 70,000,000
0.1% = 7,000,000

1. How many people die of flu every year?

2. What percentage of flu infections end up needing intensive care?

3. How much intensive care capacity is there?

4, what is the difference between flu and other corona viruses

Take your time.
One incorrect answer will mean you have to retake the whole course again.
No pressure.

Jan J
Jan J
Oct 6, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

The world population is 7.8 billion, not 7 billion, so nice start to your post 🙂

I’m not sure what you are trying to calculate, but I am trying to calculated infection fatality rate (IFR) : number of dead / number of infections.

What I did was take the 1 million “confirmed” COVID19 deaths and divide by the 10% of the world population (780 million) that the WHO think have had the infection.

1/780 = 0.001282 = 0.13%, the only thing I will concede here is a rounding error as I posted 0.12%, seeing as I did this on my phone quickly, it’s not the worst mistake.

  1. Influenza like illness generally has an IFR of 0.1-0.2%. This is homework for you to find out 😉
  2. I have no idea, and it’s not really relevant for the argument. I imagine it’s a fair share of ILIs that end up in intensive care over an ILI season.
  3. This you can look up for the relevant countries, in my country we have 20-ish people in ICU so not terribly concerned 😉
  4. A coronavirus is a virus that causes inlfuenza-like illness- like enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and actual influenzaviruses. There are a number of coronaviruses that cause disease in humans each year.

I’ll give myself an A- on your 5 minute course – and the minus is for the silly rounding mistake. In the teacher evaluation form however, I will give you the feedback: Disinfo-troll who seriously needs to learn some basic maths and virology 😉

Oct 6, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Jan J

Thank you for the reply.

I was using round numbers to illustrate your point of the ifr. Which you also say is typical for the annual ‘flu’.

So a 0.1-0.2 range.

0.1% , if all humans got the flu would equate to a round number 7,000,000 dead. We will leave out the survivors who may have ended up with long term issues because of the infection. 9.2% would be 14,000,000 deaths.

So what is the absolute number per year that is ascribed globally for the flu?

Oct 7, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

0.2% not 9.2 (typo)

Oct 7, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Jan J

Here is a number from a study from 2019

‘ an average of 389 000 (uncertainty range 294 000-518 000) respiratory deaths were associated with influenza globally each year…’


So how to square that with the 7-14 MILLION if the ifr of 0.1-0.2 % you state?

That is just for the ‘flu’.

We can then move onto SC2, that you claims is the new ‘flu’, and see if the absolute global numbers are the same.

If we are already at one million excess deaths caused by SC2 – then ine may see it has already killed nearly 3 times the average annual ‘flu’ deaths. So NOT like the ‘flu’ at all.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

We are not at 1 million deaths CAUSED BY SC2. We are at 1 million deaths ‘associated’ with SC2 – meaning anyone who died after a +PCR (whatever they died from), or after a ‘clinical diagnosis’ – which would simply be an observation of symptoms that could have any number of causes.

In the UK more people have been dying of the flu than of covid19 for months – even WITH the potential for false positives and over-diagnosis. why aren’t you worried about that?

Jan J
Jan J
Oct 8, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Your error is that you are applying the IFR to the entire world population not just to 10% of the population. This was your error from the start.

Also encourage you to read the article posted today which brings up this very topic 🙂

Oct 6, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Jan J

The numbers for the flu are much smaller because they are really talking about influenza associated deaths or influenza and pneumonia numbers which is totally different to saying people died of the flu. Basically nobody dies of influenza. Dr Morse says they die of the treatments. The numbers for covid-19 are also complete nonsense where they are just claiming that the supposed virus had something to do with the death when it was actually caused by them. They killed a million people. Do they want to add some more to the figures and identify the names of the doctors claiming someone died of “covid-19”? They have probably killed hundreds of millions in the last decades with this bs.

Oct 6, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Jan J

The issue I have with these figures is an enormous amount of these deaths have undoubtedly been from other causes.

A death from Covid is being attributed by a PCR test which does not prove what the deceased died off.

Even if it does exist the IFR is so low it’s not worth even mentioning.

But I appreciate the point your making.

Oct 8, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Jan J

Tedros is banking on this dark world protecting him from justice. He has a solid basis for confidence that he can get away with having played, and continuing to play, his role in the huge, harmful, criminal covid 19 pandemic hoax. He’s one of the people who the super lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is going after.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 6, 2020 4:42 AM

Thanks for this David, and appreciate the links also. Being here in Melbourne also, I think the international agenda is not that blurry at all. I think you’ll find a lot of the answers at the World Economic Forum along with the Rockefeller Foundation and at the UN with Agenda 2030.
I believe that Victoria, along with New Zealand have been used as initial testing grounds for ushering in of the Great Reset and a technofascist dystopia that will make 1984 look almost quaint.
Testing grounds to see how much people push back against the totalitarian measures imposed on us, and the so called ‘covid normal’ as the despicable Andrews loves to remind us.
We are now seeing lockdowns and other draconian measures again being pushed in the UK to ‘contain the spread’.
A lot of us know about the fraudulence regards the PCR tests, and it’s good that lawyers are filing class actions against Govts, along with protests in parts of the World, including here in Australia.
Just seen a clip of Victorian ‘journalists’ caught on hot mic prior to one of their luvvie sessions (press conference) with Andrews. Laughing like Hyena’s.
The vile media have been the driving force instigating such high levels of fear amongst people here. I believe a lot of them know exactly what’s going on.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 6, 2020 5:21 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The German case will be interesting, and our media in Australia are the worst in the world with the incessant inability to find out any facts at all.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 6, 2020 5:52 AM

The Aussie media have been absolutely complicit in this Marilyn. Right up to their eyeballs. That video of Dr Rheinech Fullmich has 570K views on YouTube a few minutes ago. It’ll be gone very soon. I tried to download it but unable to.
I’m at the point now I can’t even listen to Andrews speak. I do not want to hear even one sentence from this bastard.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 6, 2020 6:37 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

He and the god awful Sutton are two of the stupidest people in the country today.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’ve not been able to listen to a UK prime minister since 1997. John Major was just about bearable in small in small doses.

Oct 6, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hello I just downloaded it using youtube-dl

Oct 6, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Should the video disappear from YouTube you should find it here.


Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Oct 6, 2020 3:29 AM

https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comExplainer: Electorial Colledge Fights Election Fraud/
US Sheriffs Last Stand Against Tyranny/
Police Getting Your Private Alexa Recordings/
Shocking Vegas Street Brawling Trend/
Assange’s Agony/
Turkey Wants Bites Of 7 Countries.Calls Greece A Snack!

Oct 6, 2020 1:36 AM

‘False’ positive Covid-19 tests saw non-contagious people counted as fresh infections & triggered 2nd wave alarm – Belgian media

Over a half of coronavirus infections revealed this summer by one of Belgium’s biggest labs were old and no longer contagious, but were still reported as new cases, local media discovered.

Belgian daily newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws examined the tests carried out by AZ Delta, one of the largest labs in the country, and made a stunning discovery. Almost half of all positive cases reported throughout June, July and August were actually people with an old infection.

The problem, it turns out, lies in the PCR Covid-19 tests. The paper reports that scientific data reveals virus particles can be detected up to 83 days after the actual infection. This led to instances where people were no longer contagious, but were still registered as positive cases. According to HLN, all of these people had to be quarantined.


Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Oct 6, 2020 1:33 AM
Oct 6, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

That’s 16,000 positive PCR tests not cases the fake news media are referring too.

And it’s not a glitch. It was pulled out of thin air.

Oct 6, 2020 1:16 AM

with you all the way David
until the last sentence

There is a very sinister international agenda here, but the outline of it is, so far, only blurry.

Really ?
You still think its ‘only blurry’

Oct 6, 2020 3:01 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

International agenda? Xi Jinping together with Biden and Merkel?

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Oct 6, 2020 3:32 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

agreed, its NOT blurry at all!

Martial Law, Forced Vaccinations, Nanotech In Every Human
Sicken, Control and Depopulate
Nanny State Goes Evil and Global

Oct 6, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

Small hat mafia. clear as day.
How can it not be when they control all the media and business, all the money?
How can it not be when it’s a fact they want us subjugated as they refer to us as cattle?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 6, 2020 12:18 AM

I remarked about this on my local forum, a small town in England, like nowhere. Transition Town, progressive tory socialists~ censored, nothing.