Moon of Alabama – It’s time to say goodbye
…in which we debunk a “debunking”
Kit Knightly
Bernhard, the proprietor of alternate-news site Moon of Alabama, has taken it upon himself to “fact-check” one of our many Covid-related articles. It was done without informing us of his intent, or indeed offering us a right of reply.
Whilst this is regrettable – and highly unprofessional – I do understand, given the nature and quality of the article, why he would neither want us to read it, nor respond to it.
Nevertheless, read it I did, and respond we must.
I would like to start with a few words of regret, mourning for the age of solidarity now passed. Until very recently I had believed – perhaps “hoped” is the better word – that all of us in the “alternate news” sphere were more or less on the same side. After all, OffGuardian and MoA have a long history – continuing to this day – of agreement.
On Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Russia-gate, Assange and MH17 our opinions and coverage have always almost totally aligned. This pattern is solid up to this very day, with the obvious attempted coup Belarus forming the most prominent recent example.
I would hope that such numerous strokes of agreement – accompanying as they do a broadly similar world-view – would therefore be able to comfortably encompass such diversions of opinion as are sure to manifest between even the most like-minded of people. I had assumed that any such conflicts of interpretation which did eventually arise would be handled with, if not amiable good humour, at least passing civility.
Sadly, that is not the case, and whilst “B” is not noted in the alt-media world for either his good humour or social skills, it is nonetheless sad to find a former ally has become so willing an enemy. Disagreeing is one thing, but publicly attacking our intentions and honesty is quite another.
Secondly, I would like to make note of certain contradictions – not only from MoA, but across a lot of those who consider themselves “independent journalists” or “alternative news” or “alt-media” or whatever their preferred nomenclature. Specifically the contradiction of picking and choosing when and how to trust the mainstream.
Many of these people devote their entire careers, if not their lives, to debunking and contradicting the mainstream media – and yet, when a story appears with which they agree, which reinforces their preconceived ideas or bolsters their own particular biases – they gladly accept it. MoA’s “fact-check” is a prime example. I have to say I fundamentally disagree with this approach.
The modern media is not a machine you can trust. Not ever. It is a construction built to control and corral opinion. To shuffle the public mind around a game-board they do not know they are on, based on rules they must never be allowed to understand. It serves no other function. It doesn’t “tell the truth sometimes”; it isn’t “occasionally trustworthy”. It’s a buffet of poisoned courses, selectively stacking your plate to suit your palate will not spare you the toxic effects. You’ll just smile as you choke.
To choose to believe or disbelieve the media only when it suits your case is as foolish as being entirely oblivious to its nature. Perhaps more foolish, because you cannot hide behind blameless ignorance. You, notoionally, know better.
Scepticism is a lens through which one must examine everything, or nothing. It cannot be put aside lightly when you want to score easy points, or salve your own sense of panic, or you just feel like fitting in for once. To do so is moral cowardice.
Using the mainstream propaganda term “covidiot” is a perfect example. It is the product of the same Deep State-media thinktanks and focus groups that birthed “conspiracy theorist” into the public consciousness. More recently we have seen “Russian bots” and “Assad apologist” and “Kremlin stooge” join these ranks – alongside the ubiquitous “denier”.
These are labels designed to encourage groupthink, to “other” dissenters and stifle intelligent and informed debate. To use them is to debase both yourself and the conversation.
Thirdly, and finally, I would like to add a few words about professionalism, integrity and the ethics of journalism. Journalistic ethics are not really different from the natural decency with which one hopes everyone seeks to comport themselves.
It is unseemly, we can all agree, to attack someone and give them no chance to defend themselves. For example, blocking someone on twitter and continuing to bad-mouth them or their work when they can offer no refutation, is not generally speaking “the done thing”. Likewise, it is basic professional practice that, if you intend to refute someone’s work, you inform them of this. It would usually be considered right to offer them space to reply.
Likewise selectively quote-mining is always considered bad form.
Claiming that “It makes little sense to review and refute the whole mess”, and choosing to “concentrat [sic] on the 6 of the 8 [sic] “Take Home Messages” might seem, at first glance, to be an effort at maintaining brevity. However a more cynical reader might point out that, in doing so, MoA has chosen the only section of the text with no hyperlinked sources.
Throughout the original 5,000 word article there are over 60 linked references, the majority to academic journals and peer-reviewed studies. Bernhard does not refute one of these sources, in fact he doesn’t even acknowledge their existence. Instead choosing to attempt to refute 75% of the article’s conclusions, whilst ignoring 100% of the arguments and facts upon which those conclusions are based.
Lies by omission are poor form, you could even call them the hallmark of hack journalism.
With all that said, let us turn our attention to the task at hand. I will address each of Bernhard’s criticisms in turn, firstly quoting the original article authored by Dr Jeanmonod, then Bernhard’s response, and then my thoughts. Dr Jeanmonod has been informed on MoA’s attack on his work, and has given his blessing to us to make a response; while we don’t speak for him, we hope he can approve.
1. Coronaviruses, colds, SARS and MERS
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
1. Corona viruses are one of the viral agents of the common cold, which, just like the flu, invade the whole planet every year. They cause largely widespread, mostly benign, yearly pandemics of respiratory tract infections.
MoA’s response fits a familiar pattern – a rather pedantic nitpick, and then rather dishonest conclusion.
There are seven distinct corona viruses that infect humans. Four of those can cause the common cold. The infections are generally mild. At times they have more severe consequences like pneumonia. The infection fatality rate for these four corona viruses is estimated to be about 0.1%.
This is broadly speaking true. It also doesn’t, in any way, contradict anything Jeanmonod says.
This, however, is a misleading and irrelevant tangent:
The three other corona viruses, SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2 are very different beasts. They cause very severe symptoms in a significant numbers of the infected people. The infection fatality rate for SARS was 9% and for MERS it is even 37%.
Equating SARS and MERS with the other four coronaviruses he already mentioned neglects an important difference: The four “common cold” coronaviruses cause around 15% of the world’s “colds”. That is literally 100s of millions of cases every year. Conversely, there have been only 10,617 officially recognised cases of SARS and MERS combined in over 18 years.
Clearly, Jeanmonod is justified in claiming the vast majority of coronavirus infections as “mostly benign”.
SARS and MERS, themselves already the subject of hysterical “global health scares”, have fatality rates based on such small samples as to make them meaningless. They are suffering from the same problem the Sars-Cov-2 outbreak was suffering from back in spring – we have only hospital admissions to go on. We have only severe case data.
There have been very, very few seroprevalence studies done on these viruses, thus we have no data for how widespread these viruses are. How many asymptomatic infections for SARS or MERS have there been? We don’t know. How many mild cases dismissed as “the flu” or “colds” etc.? We don’t know.
However, even if we accept the high fatality for SARS and MERs, that is irrelevant, which Bernhard himself admits in the next sentence…
The true infection fatality rate for SARS-CoV-2 depends on various circumstances (health service availability, social and medical conditions of the population etc.) but is currently estimated to be around 1%.
Firstly, the fatality rate for Sars-Cov-2 is not 1%. It is substantially lower than that. In May the CDC estimated it to be 0.26%, they then changed it to 0.65%. Dozens of studies have been done all around the globe which roughly confirm 0.2% (the numbers range from 0.08% to 0.3%). According to the WHO’s “best estimate” it’s likely around 0.14%.
But let’s put that aside (we’ll go into it in more detail in point 2) – let us temporarily concede that MoA’s figure is correct – that Sars-Cov-2 has a fatality rate of 1%. Why is he then listing it alongside diseases which have fatality rates between 10 and 37 times higher?
He has conceded that the IFR for Sars-Cov-2 is nothing like as high as the other viruses. Introducing the fatality rates of SARS and MERS is a good example of the Association Fallacy – an attempt to put some large scary numbers into the mix, by claiming an irrelevant connection. All it really does is demonstrate that the Sars-Cov-2 fatality rate is comparatively low.
Summary: The fatality rate of Sars-Cov-2 is much less than 1%, as evidenced by many studies. The fatality rates for SARS and MERS are entirely irrelevant to discussion of Sars-Cov-2.
2. Death rates, selective reasoning and filler
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
2. COVID-19, the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, the current corona mutation, is not more lethal than the flu, with a 0.1-0.2% infection fatality rate.
Bernhard’s response to this is in two halves – firstly a pedantic focus on the word “mutation” and a lot of text about genomes, second an accusation of dishonesty.
This is a. outright nonsense that has no scientific basis and b. a lie.
The paragraphs devoted to waffling about genomes are irrelevant. Viruses mutate very rapidly, for a number of reasons, and it seems undeniably clear that Dr Jeanmonod is using the word “mutation” as shorthand to refer to this seasonal generation of respiratory viruses, that is all.
The accusation of dishonesty is far more serious. He calls Jeanmonod’s claim that Sars-Cov-2 has a fatality rate in line with seasonal flu “a lie”, and claims it is “outright false and easy to refute.”
For some reason best known to himself, he then chooses to ‘refute’ this by doing his own maths using rough, months old data from New York City. Doing this he produces an IFR of 1.29%.
As we discussed above, this is much too high.
The World Health Organization estimated the IFR to be 3.4% back in the Spring. This was an absurdly high number which totally disregarded the possibility of mild or asymptomatic cases. We now know that the majority of infections are symptomless, and the vast majority of those who get symptoms only ever get mildly ill. The corollary of this is the IFR has tumbled.
If Bernhard were being an honest broker on this issue he would, at this point, acknowledge that OffG has been shown to completely right about this. We have been writing that the IFR was inflated and would surely drop since May. Whereas his own predictions relating to IFR have not aged half so well.
Jeanmonod himself links to two studies showing an IFR of 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. At least a dozen other studies around the world have demonstrated similar numbers.
Of course, Bernhard is free to disagree with Jeanmonod’s interpretation, and to pick and choose which evidence he puts weight on and which he does not. But to ignore these data sources and claim the author is lying is incredibly dishonest.
Summary: The 0.1-0.2% fatality rate is based on seroprevelance studies from scientific journals. It is not “a lie”.
3. On age and co-morbidities
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
3. An immense majority (95%) of fatal evolutions happen in old and frail individuals with premorbidities, with an average age of death at or above 80 years old.
Bernhard responded with:
That claim is again an outright lie
I’m going to be charitable and assume that Bernhard’s mistake here is to misread some admittedly ambiguous wording.
He calls the claim “an outright lie”, and proceeds to try and debunk the idea that 95% of Covid19 deaths are over 80 years old, but that is not what Dr Jeanmonod said. The “95%” here refers to having serious comorbidities, not the age. But, as I said, I will cede that this conclusion is ambiguously worded.
Of course, if Bernhard had bothered to tackle the entire article – and not just 6 of the 8 bullet-pointed conclusions – he would know that. Here is the full quote from the body of the text (with sources included):
For example in Italy, 95% of the fatalities happened for patients suffering from one up to three or more pre-existing morbidities, and the mean age of the deceased patients was 82. Such a mean fatality age is very close to the average life expectancy of developed, e.g. European countries (83.6 years for Switzerland).
As you can see, there is no ambiguity here. The “95%” here refers to pre-existing medical conditions, not the ages.
That the vast majority of alleged Covid19 deaths have serious comorbidities is not just limited to the figures from Italy – it has been shown to be the case in UK and the US as well. In fact basically everywhere.
Bernhard does make a claim that these co-morbidities don’t cause death and the virus does. This is unsourced conjecture, and is not in any way verifiable.
What IS verifiable is that government officials all around the world have gone out of their way to point out how loose their definition of “covid death” is, that it has already lead to huge over-counts.
It is also true that the average age of those who allegedly die from/with covid19 is over 80 (you can see a list of average age by country here). Bernhard does not refute this, because he can’t.
Summary: His claim this statement is “a lie” is based on either an accidental misreading of an ambiguously worded sentence, or deliberate quote-mining to take the author’s words out of context. Either way, the original claim is demonstrably true, and sourced to official reports.
4. On T cells, herd immunity and the “second wave”
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
4. Antibody studies, cross immunization with other corona strains and the completion of the death toll curve in many countries are strong evidence that the human population is developing herd immunity against SARS-CoV-2. In this context, a severe “second wave” for SARS-CoV-2 is improbable. We may rather expect a new cold episode from it just like every year, but of regular or even weak intensity thanks to the gained herd immunity.
Bernhard’s response to this is flawed in a few ways. Firstly:
Antibody prevalence even in hard hit place [sic] like New York City is way below the 80% or so that would be needed for some kind of “herd immunity”. In the U.S. and Europe antibody prevalence is in total way less than 10%. The bay area for example has only some 2%. Is the U.S. ready to give 10 times more lives than the 266,000 who have already died of Covid-19 to achieve a only potentially temporary herd immunity?
His figure of 80% exposure for herd immunity is old, and based on flawed modelling which assumed there was no pre-existing mucosal and cellular immunity, this has been shown to be incorrect.
The Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT) for any disease is always, at best, a rough estimate and Sars-Cov-2 is no exception. It was stated as 80% back in April, but back then they said the UK would get 500,000 deaths and the IFR was 3.4%. Sweden worked on the model of 60% HIT. An article in Nature suggested it was closer 50%. Another model put it at 43%.
More recent preprints have suggested the herd immunity threshold is closer to 20% or even as low as 10%.
The point is the HIT is not nailed down, and Jeanmonod’s statement is backed up by scientific studies which Bernhard ignores.
Cross immunization with other corona viruses is a conjecture. We have so far no data that shows that there is cross immunity from other viruses that works against SARS-CoV-2.
This is simply completely untrue. There are many papers and studies showing pre-existing cross-reactive T-cells, likely the result of previous coronavirus infections. Here’s 1, 2, 3, 4 of them.
The “improbable” second wave of Covid 19 is already developing in several European countries. Just take a look at France. And don’t worry. The rise in the still low death toll WILL follow the infection curve with a four weeks lag.
He illustrates this point using a graph of cases from France, insisting that the fatalities will lag but are coming soon (his tone regarding predicting the deaths of 1000s of people, is slightly odd, almost gleeful, but we’re not here discuss his psychology).
What he doesn’t mention is that cases have spiked – not just in France, but the rest of the Western world – ONLY thanks to a huge increase in the number of tests. If you test 100,000s of people, using a test with a known false-positive rate (more on this in point 5), looking for a disease with a high percentage of asymptomatic infections, you will undeniably get a spike in “cases”.
And that’s not actual cases, but “cases”.
You see, before 2020 a “case” of a disease was someone who got sick and developed symptoms. For some reason Covid19 has recently changed that, throwing all previous clinical practice out the window.
Summary: The statement about immunity and antibodies is backed up by several scientific papers, and MoA’s herd immunity threshold is out of date. The “second wave” is likely being generated by huge numbers of tests finding asymptomatic cases and false positives.
5. On PCR Tests and the Casedemic
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
5. PCR testing of SARS-CoV-2 presence does not give any reliable prognostic evidence of its infectious power and lethality. The monitoring of the pandemic state and evolution is given only by the daily evolution of fatalities. In Switzerland as in many other countries, there is no longer any excess mortality attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Positive test rate is low (around 3%), and tests have as always a technical false positive rate and react to inactive viral fragments or to other corona strains.
Since Bernhard’s response to this is refreshingly brief, I will quote it in full:
The author says that to evaluate the state of the pandemic we should follow the number (death) that is known to lag at least four weeks behind infections instead of following the number of new infections per day. That is lunatic. Its driving at high speed while only looking into the rear view mirror. During a highly dynamic pandemic we need current infection data and predictions, not reviews.
Also: SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests DO NOT react to other coronaviruses. The RNA strings they are reacting to are unique to SARS-CoV-2. The tests can not even ‘see’ any other ones.
Before we address the flaws in what Bernhard does say, let’s take a second to focus on what he does not say.
He doesn’t, for example, refute the statement that PCR tests are of almost no diagnostic use. Because he can’t. Because it’s true.
He doesn’t, you may notice, refute that PCR tests have a noteworthy false-positive rate. Because he can’t. Because it’s true.
And he doesn’t, interestingly, refute that there is no longer any appreciable excess mortality. Because he can’t. Because it’s true.
Now, let’s move on to what he does say.
Firstly, his assertion that “new infections per day” is the best way to track the pandemic.
This is seriously flawed in more than one way:
The term “new infections per day” is incorrect. Just because Person A is tested on Monday and Person B is tested on Tuesday does not mean B is a “new infection”, that is absurdly bad logic. If you start widespread testing, testing 10,000s of people every day – you have no way of knowing which infections are “new” and which are old. You could only get “new infections per day” by testing everybody every single day, which is obviously impossible.
If your test can’t tell the difference between viral RNA fragments and living virions (which PCR does not, and cannot), then you can’t tell the difference between someone who is actively infected and someone who was previously exposed to the virus and either never got sick, or got sick and recovered.
If your test doesn’t assess viral load (which PCR does not, and cannot) then you have no way to distinguish between a person who has enough virions to cause disease and someone who does not.
If your test can react to the RNA of other viruses (which, counter to MoA’s assertions, some studies suggest it does), then you have no idea who is “positive for Sars-Cov-2” and who just had a cold a couple of weeks ago.
All in all the “cases” number is unreliable and borderline meaningless. To use it as a measure of the pandemic would be to create a forever war on an enemy which may already be defeated.
Summary: The PCR tests have been shown to be highly unreliable in more than one way, and are a potentially disastrous way of “tracking a pandemic”. Jeanmonod’s preference for dealing with confirmed deaths instead of misleading test results is backed by science and experts in epidemiology.
6. On Lockdowns, Death and Hypocrisy
In the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
General isolation, distancing and lockdown measures, by limiting social contacts, freedom and basic human rights, add to the death toll through an upsurge of psychosocial and economic destabilization, worsening of psychiatric and demented individuals and reduction of medical care to the whole population. We have thus a combined causality for an excess mortality of COVID-19, a significant part of it being not due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself but to the worldwide COVID-19 panic wave and the imposed introduction of drastic and inhumane measures.
Bernhard responds with his trademark tact and charm:
That is the “Lockdowns kill” thesis that many covidiots use to claim that negative side effects of pandemic control measures outweigh their positive effects.
The thesis is wrong. Spain had a total lockdown everywhere between March 14 and May 9. It also had a lot of excess death. A large countrywide seroprevalence study showed where the most people were infected. That data is available on a granular and localized level.
Here we see again the very careful process by which Bernhard selects his data, choosing to evidence his claim that “lockdowns don’t kill people” with a rather tortured statistical reasoning based on numbers from six months ago, and limited to a single country (Spain).
This is where the “debunking” lurches from impolite strident arrogance into complete denial, intellectual dishonesty and – worst of all – abject hypocrisy.
Lockdowns do cause death and destruction, this has never been debated, even by the people instituting them. The question was whether or not the risks of Covid19 merited the undoubted toll of collapsing the economy and shuttering hospitals. No one, on either side of this argument, has ever suggested they do no harm at all. Until now.
Refuting this kind of madness is like having to refute someone claiming they’re a coffee table or that they have six legs. Yes, it’s easy, and yes it probably does need to be done…but it’s slightly demeaning, and since you know they’re only going to ignore you and carry on being crazy, is there really any point?
Nevertheless, here we go: Yes, the lockdowns have killed people, and will likely continue to do so. They kill people in myriad ways which can be broadly defined in three categories:
Denial of medical treatment. The shuttering of hospitals has lead to countless tests, screenings, treatments and surgeries being cancelled. This is not up for debate. The exact number of deaths caused by this is unknown, but experts estimate 24,000 missed cancer diagnoses in England alone. Writing in the Daily Mail, a prominent oncologist revealed that over 110,000 patients are waiting to begin their cancer treatments. A study at Birmingham University found that, globally, over 28 MILLION surgeries had been cancelled.
In a similar vein, the media’s pushing of the message that the virus is incredibly dangerous, combined with worrying people about over-crowding hospitals, has lead to a huge drop in people calling for emergency medical care. Hospital admissions for heart attacks, strokes etc. are all way down from yearly averages. According to the British Heart Foundation, this has already lead to thousands of excess deaths from heart disease in the UK.
Economic misery and poverty. The destruction of the economy, including rendering millions of people unemployed and possibly many thousands literally homeless, will obviously result in death and suffering. Malnutrition, suicide, violent crime, drug use and alcoholism all surge as poverty increases.
Plus the increased anxiety of financial destitution causes stress-related disease – ulcers, heart attacks, strokes – which we already established are not being treated thanks to medical shutdowns. In the United States, with their private healthcare system, unemployment and poverty can mean not being able to afford medications you need to live.
Fear, Anxiety and Stress. The increased stress isn’t just related to financial problems, but the pandemic itself. Fear and anxiety – as well as causing heart attacks etc. – also deplete the immune system, leading to increased risk of other diseases. Further, denial of human contact is known to accelerate the progress of degenerative disease such as dementia. Mental health treatments have been halted, and people already suffering are at massively increased risk of suicide.
Even Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19, said recently:
We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…]just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry…look what’s happening to small-holding farmers[…]it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”
To argue that lockdowns don’t cause harm, don’t cause death, is patently absurd. But, as I said, it’s also hypocritical.
Throughout this whole ordeal we “Covidiots” – or “pandemic deniers” or whatever you want to call us – have been told we are putting “money before people”, that we don’t care about the lives and suffering of human beings. That we’re saying some lives matter less than others. We’ve been called “selfish”, “inhumane”, even “genocidal”.
And now those authoritarians who are so pro-lockdown are turning around and not just backing policies which are proven to result in deaths – they are then refusing to acknowledge the deaths they cause. To wipe thousands of human lives out of existence, and claim they never existed. It’s sickening and, frankly, disturbing.
Summary: Lockdowns cause excess deaths. This has been shown across multiple nations and for multiples causes. Denying that, at this stage, is almost insane. And one senses, more than anything, that Bernhard is attempting to soothe his own conscience more than deal with reality.
On the whole, if there were a theme to this “debunking” it would be “selectivity”.
He carefully selects to refute this article, and not the literal dozens of others we have done over the few months.
He carefully selects to refute the only part of this particular article without linked sources.
He carefully selects to refute the death rate with old data from one city, instead of new data from all around the globe.
He carefully selects to refute the idea lockdowns increased mortality with hastily constructed correlation, instead of officially cited causation.
And all the way through he carefully selects to ignore the academic sources Dr Jeanmonod references, and choose instead to present him as an ill-informed man making sweeping statements based on no evidence, rather than the truth: A highly educated expert making reasoned conclusions based on dozens of academic sources.
It’s not a “debunking” in the true sense. It’s 2000 word strawman, deliberately twisting the irrefutable original into something with which he can argue. It’s intellectually flawed, but it’s also sad. MoA is a site I have always respected, but this is small.
His attacks on the author’s honesty, and the integrity of our site, are likewise unfair and, worst of all, all based on his deliberate misrepresentation of our position. There is no attempt at even-handedness or discussion. Only venal rage and abuse.
If he wanted to disagree with our article – or any of our hundreds of articles – he could simply have done so with a logical argument which acknowledged and attempted to understand our position. That would be reasonable and display integrity. He could have asked for a right of reply (we have never denied one to anybody, ever), or offered us one on his site.
If he would simply acknowledge that we cite sources from academic journals, that our interpretations differ but we have a reasoned argument based on science, and that our worries stem from a place of genuine concern for our fellow human beings, then perhaps some kind of understanding could be reached.
Instead he has set about burning a bridge, and claiming we started the fire. There’s a fevered madness about it. An hysterical refusal to admit any evidence he doesn’t like even exists at all. I don’t understand it, and I can’t excuse it.
If your only recourse to win an argument is to simply ignore all the evidence you may be mistaken, whilst spouting abuse and accusing the other side of dishonesty…isn’t that already an admission of something?
He closes his piece with this quote:
There are quite a number of authors with titles who have preconceived opinions and defend them even when that requires mangling the facts or to simply lie about the science.
The irony is apparently totally lost on him.
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Arguing how many angels could dance on the head of a pin whilst sustaining a shared belief that angels exist and can dance, I guess.
There is no definitive evidence a virus harmful to humans exists. Until such proof is forthcoming, probably the same week the biolabs showered with finagled public funds manage to create one, it is prudent to assume that the pretended infectious virus of note is an illusionists’ creation to hide a multitude of ‘sins’ and to justify the introduction of even more heinous sins.
As well as no definitive evidence the corona virus exists, there has been no proof forthcoming that the imagined virus is infectious.
“Invisible Rainbow” by scientist and researcher Arthur Firstenberg showed that non ionising EMF radiation poisoning was the primary source of induced immune response symptoms credited to the “Spanish flu” god particle. Here’s an extensive review of his updated book with many essential points listed:
Dr. Sal Martingano’s post, “The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died” substantially furthers the claim the influenza phenomenon is not in anyway caused by an inert yet mutating particle containing a human chromosome 8 segment of DNA. The highly readable and entertaining Jon Rapport’s blog, “No More Fake News” (an impossible dream?) contains many articles and research demonstrating that claims of a virulent inert particle causing the flu symptoms have no foundation.
The symptoms claimed due to an inert virus by assorted corporate, financial and geopolitical interests in support of a vaccine to cure the mythical invasive particle are, curiously enough those exhibited in victims of non ionising radiation poisoning in the millimetre range. Even more curious is the fact that 5G roll-out zones are claimed COVID hotspots. Abundant evidence supporting both statements is simple to find at
The simple truth is this, the symptoms credited to the inert god particle are those produced by the body’s defences in response to cell damage, and that includes pneumonia, explained by Dr Cowan in several videos, findable in Bitchute.
The patented “virus” description is identical to a human cell produced exosome, there is one over the cell phone tower depicted on the back of the £20 bank paper.
Some more hard to digest facts: the Wuhan flu “epidemic” coincided with the Pentagon being vacated for 90 days as part of bankruptcy proceedings, I think ended at the end of May. China, Israel, Russia and the West’s Pharms industry came up with vaccines in record time and politicians rushed for the honey. Bill Gates has been on a vaccine propaganda binge since almost before the claimed inert, mutating virus made headlines.
The progress of the confidence trick is detailed in the Rockefeller Foundation’s Lock Step, apparently being used in harmony with the CAGW by CO2 confidence trick (that achieved a global tax, expect a global COVID tax) playbook.
Bureaucracy and governments around the world give every appearance of having been infiltrated by assets of various organisations collectivised in the UN that was formed by former Nazies. Had Klaus Schwab been born a few decades sooner he would, no doubt have been a Nazi.
The (13 bloodlines controlled) UN’s WHO and the UN’s IMF-World Bank controlled UN service corporations masquerading as the US government (and how many other governments?) are in lock step to impose a fascist world government corporation as an EU corporation type coup. This may have been precipitated by the not so stupid Brits voting to leave and winning despite assumed attempts to fiddle the ballot, (sadly normal in recent times), Wuhan providing a deliberate or accidental opportunity to stage the Lock Step coup attempt under cover of a pretend virus that is much easier to control than a genuine item, were such to exist.
Inert bat exosomes have to be introduced into the human body as they do not mutate and cannot be replicated by human cells. To get past the body’s defenses they have to be disguised by a glycoprotein envelope, effective as a toxin, a bioweapon producing immune response symptoms that are identical to some of the non ionising radiation induced symptoms. I leave it to your imagination why these particles would be introduced by vaccines, tests and aerosols in the highly illegal, experimental 5G roll-out zones.
The financial industry including BIS led central banks is in deep doo-doo. A mass elimination of the elderly and infirm would ease their discomfort considerably as would a private bank run digital fiat global currency..
The (Cameron led?) global gov corporation seems to be up and running. To my knowledge 5 central banks are operating a fiat digital currency that appears to be in a mini war in and of itself with China releasing a government supported computerised currency that may usurp the dollar and sink the CB’s phantom fiat coin. The infiltrated communistic US Democrat party in co-operation with Soros (did May and Penn join his coven?) is attempting a Stalinist-Marxist coup.
The blatant censorship of anything that contradicts the official narrative of the pretend virus is further evidence it can’t survive scrutiny. We have criminals in charge that are party to the intended top down Fascist corporate governance of a communised, DNA altered public with a digital global currency controlled by private banks and a Luciferian religion imposed religion. 1000 years of peace – ful plunder. Has a very (European Black Nobility) Fourth Reich smell about it.
President Trump is said to be allowing parts of the (Pilgrims’?) coup attempt to proceed, especially vaccines, to force the Americans to see the evil behind the curtain. (I read somewhere that infant mortality and autism incidence fell due to lockdowns avoiding vaccination).
Being a sceptic and aware of Trump’s association with Rothschilds and his history, his seeming affinity with the Fossils of Zion, the Israeli regime and his son-in-law, I’ve adopted a wait and see approach. It’s a win-win position for the man whoever comes out on top.
Some links I didn’t manage to work into the text:
What is an exosome? This descriptive article is quite informative:
Jaspreet Kaur’s Is covid19 a virus or merely an exosome?
Coronavirus Patents Are Functional Forgeries
And this one could be a coup killer, fingers crossed:
Crimes against Humanity. The Corona virus plandemic is proved totally fake.
Where did the s**t show begin? Perhaps oldmaninthedesert of Rumor Mill found the answer? We’ve been getting shafted for a very long time, apparently.
But then, who am I to contradict Rockefeller Foundation associated UK regime (inc) scientific advisors and Gates foundation associated health officials and politicians?
No apologies for the ramble but it is necessary for people to realise the virus-vax scam-hoax-fraud confidence trick needs to be seen for what it is. All it needs is enough people to know.
A mega thanks to OffGuardian and MoA for existing, two extraordinarily informative sites. UK Column is another from the same cloth, so to speak.
MoA was always very good at presenting alternative perspectives on Middle Eastern and national security issues. B was well-informed about such issues, as he spent the majority of his waking hours reading up on a wide-variety of sources, and he displayed a healthy skepticism for anything uttered by mainstream media or governments.
When it came to Corona he immediately began to speak authoritatively about issues he had almost no knowledge of and he gathered what little he did know from the same mainstream and government sources he till then derided. Why would this happen? It was a purely emotional response driven by arguments that were lacking in any logical rigour or robust structure. The clearest and most reasonable explanation is B’s advanced age, like many others he appears to have let personal fears over his own individual health and safety affect his judgement and at one point he callously dismissed the secondary effects of lockdown (poverty, depression, economic stagnation, social and cultural decline, increases in domestic violence, addiction and suicide) as being trivial matters.
When I posted something much like the above as a critical response I was banned from posting on the site (shadow-banned mind you, as you could still enter a post and it would tell you it had been posted, but it would never appear). B’s knowledge of a specialised field related to humanitarian issues, led me to believe that he had some moral character but it seems he is far more like some other such specialists I have come across, whose work is driven by a combination of hatred for specific groups (governments, ideologies, or classes) and a narcissistic desire to have their voice heard by as many as possible, far more than it is related to any actual empathic concern for other people.
He’s probably dead and they have taken over his web site.
Excellent response.
forget about these MoAs. Go ahead and let this Bernard alone playing with his tiny little penis… perhaps his wife has finally left him for young black guy leaving him shouting bullshits against everyone’s crossing his way…
Forget about this looser please and go-ahead as usual.
Has Admin (collective) yet realised that OffGuardian has now managed to be a nidus for Trumpeters? If that is what you want, that’s fine.
Or maybe this site offers them news they like. In the past 9 months loads of Americans have turned up many of them spouting debunked anti communist propaganda but we can’t stop them
Seperate the issues for goodness sake. This was an excellent takedown of a disingenious and shallow attempt at journalism.To associate it with some cesspool like american politics(theater for the bewildered herd who think voting makes a difference in a global enterprise of crony capitalism) is very weak.
Dr Jeanmonod’s article was indeed excellent. It failed only where almost everyone fails– to identify the perpetrators of the Covid exaggeration. Those of us who understand the fraud and cruelty to which the world is being subjected must name the criminals responsible for it. Until we do we have little hope of stopping them.
Oh, we can try to outweigh the carrots and sticks by which they control the politicians and other authorities. But in so doing we address only the mask, only the employee, only the politician whose campaign has been paid by a Soros or a Rockefeller.
International finance and banking controls the media that lies to us. The same cabal of international billionaires wields Intelligence and numerous NGOs, foundations, funds and international institutions. Neither Covid nor the global warming hoax is a MISTAKE, It’s a conspiracy to complete the overthrow of the world order and replace it with global totalitarianism.
And so to name the errors in the Covid lie is necessary but not a sufficient defense.
If one has not chosen to stack one’s plate with one’s own preferred mainstream delicacies, the names of those behind the two operations can be found within the US Senate Report “The Chain of Environmental Command.” “The left” in the title is a misnomer; they are robber barons.
This is as you say an attempt at global totalitarianism. An attempt to overthrow any independence of will by the world banking system. We are all being carved up, priced up, marketed, indebted and enslaved. The money creators. Those who generate wealth out of dept / deficit are playing us all. This a battle that has been going on since money was first created. It is now on the cusp of total domination. The money lenders have well and truly taken over the temple now. It seems that very few governments or countries have the will or the power to overthrow them anymore. They pull the strings that work the puppets that run the world. All these countries leaders / rulers have allowed themselves to be bought. We the people have watched the wealth be sucked out of our countries as more and more of our world has been thrown into wars, poverty, homelessness and starvation. This is now our ghost presence. If we are not careful we will lose our very souls too. A.I looms ahead of us. While we the people still allow the left / right divisional mindset to hold the narrative. We will keep repeating this game of Hegelian dialectics. Create the quandary that splits and divides us till they provide us with the solution and we take the next step on the game board. Their games become our distractions and we all get sucked further in to the matrix. It is our time now. We can see the game and we can see the end goal. The light starts to shine into the darkness. Our path will become clear. But we must first of all stop feeding the beast.
Kathy, you are so right about the Left/Right divide. It has been heightened by the think tanks which manufacture the extreme arguments on both sides– lest the people should see that our concrete views and solutions don’t differ by so very much.
Our attention is directed against each other. If we will unite against these beasts nothing can overcome us.
Thank you for your insight.
I discontinued reading posts at MOA several years back when the site posted and took another stance in alignment with the official narrative that had also been poked so full of holes the fabric had no integrity left whatsoever. I wish I could remember the article but I will say it turned me off to such an extent I never went back. It should be known that the alt media is rife with sites that are to all intents extensions of the Mockingbird operation that is still alive, well and doing its misdirection and obfuscational works.Is MOA one of these operational nodes? I couldn’t say but the fact the site never strays from the 2D level of the international politics of supposed national entities as the ultimate determining factor is a ‘tell’ that speaks volumes imo
After MoA’s article on the Beirut port I don’t even bother with that site anymore.
Wow, the Chinese are so clever: another sacred ‘fact’ is trashed. With a false positive rate that is touted on these pages of about 2-3% how many false positives would you expect when you test 10.8 million people? Say 200-300,000? Ok here the Chinese tested the whole population of Qingdao because of an outbreak, and guess how many ‘false’ positives they found? 0. Yes they did not find any positives at all. That takes care of that then.
The Chinese Communist Party is very clever, actually. “100% of voters”, “0 infected”.
An inexplicable outbreak of longing for authoritarian regimes has occured. This disease is known to be deadly.
Frankly, this particular authoritarian regime is doing much better than the shambolic pseudo democracies where money can buy anything, including all the political class.
And as to China, have a look at this 5% growth and no COVID-19 for months apart from this small outbreak.
People who espouse CIA propaganda against China and communism are not honest actors
Thank you for this great article of debunking which clearly delimits the boundaries integrity journalism should never wander off.
As for my own experience with B (MoA), I was enthusiastic about his work until he viciously attacked Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton of The Grayzone in one article on matters they had acknowledged, clarified and explained upon a long time ago.
I found in that instance that B was totally unprofessional, dishonest and unjust. I simply could no longer trust his work after it.
MoA pulled a Sibel Edmonds. She was the most blatant controlled opposition I’ve ever seen yet all the thirsty boys defend her because she’s mildly good looking (when she shaves her moustache off anyways)
So let’s be clear about this. We are witnessing the beginning of “COVIDNOMICS” I.e. the most radical restructuring of the whole of Western society since WW2. And I think it goes without saying that this very much open and very much official policy (the lockdown, the restrictions, the relentless fear mongering etc.) is, as are all such open and official policies, entirely for the benefit of the rulers.
Now let’s examine the – ahem! – resistance. The Left. What exactly are they doing and saying?
Well there is a certain variety to their approach:
1 To join in with the fear mongering on the exotic assumption that this virus shows a weakness of capitalism and might even herald the revolution. This is allied to an utter contempt for skeptics of the virus story – these skeptics being relentlessly branded as “Right Wing”.
2 To slight the entire issue as “not that important” or “nothing much happening”. At its extreme, this results in silence.
3 To simply carry on with the “usual stuff”. Assange, the Israel/Palestine matter, how Trump and Boris are bastards, upcoming elections, offences to the new transgender constituency etc. These issues being part of the customary Leftist subject matter – but all spoken of as if COVID wasn’t happening, as if our nice little Right/Left arena was “functioning as normal”.
And that last part is the crucial point. The entire Western democratic facade is erected on this theatre where the two general sides have been clearly demarcated as Left and Right and each has an assigned role- though to be sure, the Right were mainly there to act as a foil to the Left by showing what WASN’T permitted I.e. “conspiracism”. It was OK for the Left to have their deep structural analysis as long as this remained on an abstract level where the concrete minutiae of actual group practice could be ignored and even denied.
It also helped that the very fact of the Left’s existence demanded a belief in a “fair arena” or that fabled “level playing ground”. The notion that they may be open to manipulation was an affront to their dignity- not to mention their boundless sense of superiority. (And it was always annoying when those “moronic conspiracists” had the gall to point out the grindingly obvious).
The rulers always knew that this Left were the ones who most needed to be watched. Admittedly group action through e.g. unions was largely obsolete but the Left were regarded as “the cool side”, the rebels, the revolutionaries. And that is why, when the “big move” (the restructuring) came, it had to be done on a “Left platform”.
Thus the performance of the Left. It only remains to be seen how much longer they can maintain their current COVID cheering role. But I predict that the main thrust of the propaganda will increasingly move to the “negative pole” I.e. demonisation of skeptics. This will be due to two facts. First, that the myth of COVID as “the socialist revolution” will become increasingly absurd. And second (correspondingly) that the skeptics will increase in number.
Sadly the western left are a joke and have been for quite some time. Many of them have a thought pattern of if we campaigned for socialism yesterday voted for it today and got it tomorrow then racism rape muggings murders etc wouldn’t happen because of jobs! It’s a weird way of thinking. Aaaaaand they defend Almost literally every CIA revolution going
George Mc: I have been watching your analysis develop. I think you are right, the Covid/Great Reset had to be done on a “left” platform. At the moment, this analysis appears to be confined to comment sections. It is well documented that the left has been targeted since the dawn of intelligence agencies. However, we hardly have any new documentary info since the revelations of the 1970’s. You should develop this more and submit it to Off-G. This is a huge issue, that is not being discussed. It is the left’s embrace of the Covidian Cult (to use CJ Hopkins term) that gives it the gloss of legitimacy, from MoA, to WSWS, to Democracy Now!, to the Nation.
It is obvious. Everything is done over the left since Clinton came to office, even wars. Once upon a time the left was anti-war, but they are gullible, easy to indoctrinate. The right is conservative, resistant to change. The left is progressive, rebellious or even revolutionary and the obvious choice for anyone who has the billions to foment some radical change.
MOA January 25, 2020 The Coronavirus – No Need To Panic.
Shortly after world leaders met at the 2020 WEF and the narrative changed 180 degrees and so did B 🙂
When facts change. Opinion changes.
If you see icebergs. Don’t steam on full speed ahead on the same course!
But you’d need to be able to think for yourself to do that.
Do you?
Don’t forget the panic affected almost everybody. Even those who were skeptical of the Chinese videos (and still are) is affected when the lemmings unhinge society.
I would not judge anybody by – or hold them to – their reactions of late January, early February. The test is how they responded by April, once there was already evidence of manipulation.
Well said moneycircus
“The modern media is not a machine you can trust. Not ever. It is a construction built to control and corral opinion.”
I so agree!
I note this kind of behaviour – picking & choosing which of the mainstream narratives to agree and disagree with – in all of the dissenting groups I’ve ever been a member of.
It’s like the downtrodden working man who laments his underdog position but who then goes home to beat his wife because he can.
According to this how a Covidiot is perceived by those “accepting” the official narrative:
“Macmillian Dictionary defines “covidiot” as “an insulting term for someone who ignores health advice about COVID-19.” Urban Dictionary takes a pretty similar approach, defining “covidiot” as “someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety. A person who hoards goods, denying them from their neighbors.”
Basically, a covidiot doesn’t take COVID-19 and the risks of the virus seriously, despite what government officials and the global health community say. At the same time, they may also engage in selfish behavior that doesn’t look out for the greater good when it comes to slowing down and stopping the spread of the coronavirus.
Who qualifies as a covidiot?
The term is thrown around a lot lately, but covidiots have been known to do things like act like nothing has changed, say COVID-19 is a hoax or overblown, get pissed off when they’re asked to wear a mask, or refer to COVID-19 as “just a flu.” A covidiot might also declare it’s their constitutional right to ignore social distancing guidelines and local regulations, buy up all the TP, eggs, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer in sight, and host or go to parties where people aren’t social distancing or following other COVID-19 prevention guidelines.”
So in other words, world renowned virologists and epidemiologists who disagree with the official disseminated narrative will be censored on all social media platforms by the security state and be dismissed as COVID DEPLORABLES.
Um, excuse me, I do NOT buy up all the disinfectant wipes and hand-santizer – that’s the masked-up, glove-wearing person behind me.
I use soap and water.
For goodness sake, you should just ask a covididiot what the definition of covidiism is.
God, it’s infuriating….
I thought you’d find my post amusing. It demonstrates COVID has been extremely politicized. Deniers are considered to be lowlife dumbass deplorables. 🤡
No, it’s more a psyop abetted by a whole globe’s arsenal of smoke and mirrors.
Seems like they’re pressing.
When I first encountered the word “covidiot” I thought it meant the exact opposite of what it does. I would look at all the muzzled people on the street (back when it was NOT mandatory outdoors!) and chuckle to myself “lol look at all these covidiots”…
They co-opted the term. It did originate with the people who saw through their op.
Why would a covidiot believe the virus is a hoax, ignore the mask Nazis, then go and buy up all the TP?
I would rather be a covidiot than can think than a mask-wearing lobotomised mutton.
You’re a super-spreader and a danger to society. 😜
Good. From what I’ve seen of society of late, the intelligent ones are drowning in a sea of retards.
Let them drown!
If they run around with a useless mask on all the time and they’ll drown in their own expelled gases and filth.
Society is a greater danger to itself. You can’t be a super-spreader for something that does not exist.
What? “Covidiot” has already hit the dictionary? Bloody hell! Our lords and masters really have built up the most belligerently determined bullshit factory!
The 2020 Dem version of Hillary’s deplorables.
Orwell once said that if you control the words people say, you can control the way they think. But the good news is that language, as the most unavoidably communal matter, is ultimately uncontrollable. it’s a constantly mutating sea and it will always come to express deep underlying currents that cannot be controlled.
Interesting that you used the word “mutate.” This certainly can apply to all coronaviruses which is why it’s impossible to successfully design a vaccine.
As a side note, big tech is trying to control “the words people say” by banishing them so they’ll never be heard from again……..
The Covid cult is a terrorist group. Labelling people idiots is a bullying technique rather than serious effort to address the concerns raised. It is thus evidence of the terrorist nature of the covid cult who are not interested in respectful dialogue but conducting terrorism.
It’s more like scientists acting as a “gang” attacking other scientists who disagree with their findings. Gangs always terrorize targeted victims.
That is actually true. John McMurtry pointed out that in the “free” West, the constant threat of loss of livelihood amounts to a “low intensity terrorism”. With COVID the intensity has been notched up by a very large factor. And needless to say, Mr McMurtry should be telling us this himself. But he has swallowed the COVID crock.
Nah, my friend. What’s going on, in this pyramid, is that the very top is neither Left nor Right, though They use The Right (immediately under them in the power pyramid) and The Left (much further down) as tools to control the enormous fucking lower 80% of the pyramid, comprised of us SERFS.
The top of the global pyramid (call them The Fuckers in Charge) were already working on getting complete control of China during “The Opium Wars”… just as they control India, North and South America, Russia, Europe, the Sauds and the Turks and the Egyptians etc. “History” is the highly redacted, often obscure, generally dishonest, tightly-spun meta-record of that process of Expanding Planetary Control. Follow The Empires as they zig zag across the globe. Follow the cattle-culling hygiene, and map-shifting, events of all the engineered Wars…
The war-loving, materialistic, upper case wealthy Right profit hugely from these wars and so do the peace-loving, secular humanist, highly cultured upper case wealthy Left. Opposing lifestyles, same source of Wealth (which being: the essence of the talent and ability and life-span-energy crushed perpetually out of the Poor, like wine).
The “right” and “left” (lowercase) among the non-wealthy are just acting out a harmless pantomime engineered by their owners. If you aren’t at least some large fraction of a billionaire, it doesn’t matter one fucking bit what you think your politics are or with whom you identify… except to the other poor people among whom you shop, and bank, and disco. They, after all, have to live with you. The upper classes, and the pyramid top, do not (have to live with you). They have to hire clever poor people (the Kapo class) to monitor what you (we) are thinking, from time to time, when they gear up to move their deranged fucking Mega Schemes forward.
On the whole, poor (non-plutocratic) people who identify with The Right (defined as: people who own jingoistic media empires or key Tech Companies and small private armies you call “The Police” etc) are less pleasant, sexy, creative and witty than the non-plutocratic (poor) who identify with The Left (defined as hundred-millionaires like Bowie, Robert Downey Jr, certain “liberal” political dynasties and like… uh… whoever ).
Don’t be confused by Righties (like Clinton, Obamas, Soros) pretending to be of The Left for tactical advantages.
And the legendary “Communism,” as described, on paper, in the books you haven’t really read, is not to be confused with the militaristic, totalitarian, Huxwellianly Right Wing Super-State of Perfect Order, cheap doughnuts and free porn that we are being herded inexorably toward. The “left wing” version of “Communism,” on paper, does not (can not) work in Real Life. Only the Right Wing version works in Real Life. Are you seeing the trick there…?
This is where you fuck up in your perception of “Left” and “Right”: you actually believe in how the plutocrats, and The Fuckers in Charge, define things (and themselves). But, see: World-class Lying is their oldest inherited skill. Stop being so trusting. Take a step back. What is the REAL difference between what you, of “the right,” do… and what I (of “the left”) do?
Zip, baby. Zilch. Nada. Zero.
The only real “class” struggle is to identify The Fuckers controlling us and make them stop. And that will take… (glances at watch)… centuries.
PS The fact that I took the time to address your comment doesn’t mean I’m convinced that your apparent outrage is sincere.
The right vs. left dichotomy, especially as generally perceived, is completely idiotic. It’s an umbrella term for so many divides and issues, totally non-descriptive.
Probably the most sensible way to define the principal dichotomy of what’s referred to as left and right is the collectivist/individualist dichotomy. Both are perfectly valid, there is nothing wrong with being individualist or collectivist. Insofar as either concept is not applied dogmatically. There is a place under the sun for both individualists and collectivists. Both are an integral part of human existence.
The problem is Fuckers in Charge who apply either of these two concepts to the wrong areas and exploit them to divide and conquer.
Now take the next step in your path to truth – look at the ‘full spectrum’ control of narrative and media/Alt sites that are set up to ‘bridge’ the ‘left/right’ extremes for their agreement to support fascistic/nationalistic policies – designed to protect these living veiled, beyond the clouds, in their mighty temples. Where citizens are encouraged to pock, slap and spite themselves and their fellow humans for false causes.
If you can see that and recognise the red/brown frame and see the role of the media – including this site- you will know the battlefield!
So pick a side – and fight!
(Clue – punch UP not sideways like some stooge)
When you said right wing communism works I couldn’t agree more and it brings to mind Lenin’s essay “left wing communism an infantile disorder”
With the caveat that it’s not as though I’m praising Right Wing Communism… laugh.
As a kid from dizzyingly poverty-stricken origins, I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at the campus radicals of the college I was attending as a scholarship charity-case. They could stay up late all night , talking theory and class-critiquing The Man (aka: their fathers) but while they were snoozing through the next morning, I had to be in the cafeteria, at 6:15, to make doughnuts and fill the dispensers with milk and orange juice, as part of my (rigorously humbling) “work study program”. The first bike I ever owned, I bought with my own money… at the age of 25. My understanding of the world was and is un-cushioned and visceral. I’m the kind of Prole that Left Wing Communists (and Liberals) resent, in that they can’t get away with condescending to me.
I used to frequent MoonOfAlabama but got disgusted with B riding his Rona horse
and flogging it.
I do miss the commenters though, but it is what it is.
In hindsight he also overestimated the axis of resistance, creating a false image.
I found a new home (haha) with Penny For Your Thoughts over at
She is one hell of a blogger that pulls no punches with a keen eye
for the big picture / meta narrative / geo politics.
Ah, thanks Mishko 🙂
Not sure what else to say?
Just thanks
When I want an assessment of anything in the middle east…penny for your thoughts is one of my key sources.
Seems like Bernhard took a swig of the ol’ Koolaid at some point…
Any site can make mistakes or be compromised at any time, anyone can get an offer they can’t refuse (a la Capone). That’s the world we live in, we believe half we see and nothing we read. Defending yourself against liars is a mistake I make all the time,but I think you’re doing it now, Mr Knightly. Some time ago,and I might be completely wrong and misidentifying, I put it down as a strawman anti~S. site. It’s a complement!
Pardone moi for tha lenght.
Yeah, OffG, MoA have gone total retard, and He/eh…. isnt alone, the sad thing is, for an long time reader of news, both the MSM and the so called Alt Net, I have become tired, and to be more presise, something happened, I am not even shure my self but something have derailed, completely detached from what it should be, objective, nautral and sincere, but to day, with the new war in Caucasus, I again feel like its come to an watershed moment, like the war on Libya, Syria, etc to Bolivia, Venezuela, again I can see that sites I used to think was good, have becomed biased to such an extent that reading them, for an long time reader like me, is becomed an nuisance, its simply tiring, and drains one emotions to such an extent that this sites affects ones one life, and thats when I simply just cutts them off.
I dont like it when it becomes personal, you loose sight and emotions can colude comon sense, so I take times off, just to get it out of my head, like I say to the youths, you think to much, stop thinking, its not, hehe, healthy in the long run, mentaly and physically.
I have read sites that where good, really good, to something happened where they somehow suddenly become obviously biased, wars etc is one of the main factores, peoples movements like referendums, the same, and its in this, that some of them have lost their intergity and above all, credibility, MoA have just done that, a long time ago, but then you have issues where they have their, whats to call it, playing field, but it rests as much on those few commentars that is there, to, but they, if they diviate a bit from the sites own line, they are cutted off and suddenly the site looses much of the reasons for just stopping there to read, I have since the dawn of my writings always suported the Palestinians case, but I have been kicked out of them all, every one of them have cencured me, from PressTV to so called Palestinian sites, to the right side, like BreitFarts, kicked me out imidiatly, from Anti-war to A. Jones dump, etc, and no explanations. It maybe of course that in one of the sites I told them to stuff the grave stones after some of the SEAL teams causaltys after slaughtering women and children, shooting when been sky high on speed, ( the army have the best speed, liquid speed, but exses use leads to serious paranoia, etc. and so on ) in Yemen to stuff them up their asses, huh, and I was kicked out.
I have lately becomed profoundly shocked by the insane level of lies, and faked history etc, to raw stinking hate propaganda in the Armenia/Azeri conflict, and the one sidedness, the biases against Armenia is for me, jaw dropping, and some sites witch I have followed have turned to be an shithole to be honest, and as I said, regarding the Libyan war witch was one of the worst, when it came to flatout lies and propaganda against Libya and Gaddafy, and few of us whom took the side of the Libyans where scorned, and attacked for been everything imaginable, and of course when it was over, some came crawling back and realised they where wrong but one thing did I notice, non of them admitted anything, I have no problems with admitting been wrong, because sometimes we all are, thats more due to the level of Info we have been given, and sometimes we have to dig deep into the story to find alternative sides and history, and it may take time to surface but eventually it do, and its what you do them that matters do you have the balls to take that and use it.
To round it off, what most people dont understand is fundamental, like critics, that isnt the same as hating in this times where everybody goes bananas because of emotions witch have become the new religion, I can critizes, but that dont mean I hate something or somebody, like I dont always agrees with my wife, thats normal, but a lot of people dont like to be countered, dont want to be countered, or simply hates it, cant handle it, or dont want to handle it, then we can debate why that happens, this reasons can be lots off, but the result is, like MoA, the ugly face of conformity, we are all alike but some of us are more alike, and then cencures everybody whom dont fully suports whatever he/eh…. writes to any given time.
I knew, I am that much educated and have gown up with librarys etc read tonns of books, that I can infact see it if things dont fit, paterns, inconsistencysm, etc, like this CONvid nonsense, I am not even intressed in debating it anymore, nor dive into technicalitys because its the overall image that matters, this isnt worse than whats been before, to then fight over scraps is to me this days an waist of time, and since I am old, time is becoming an asset I walue more and more, I dont waist it on pety arguments anymore, I have said what I wanted and left the arena.
But OffG have keept their intergity and credibility intact all the way, to my surprice I have to admit, hehe, you did it, you nailed it to the bloody wall and some assh…. didnt like it, because you have proven them wrong, all the way.
You should be proud of your self, because you have an good reason for just that, as we say up here in the far north, if nobody else brags, then we have to do it our selfs.
Have an nice day and take care.
Great comment.
One BTL comment on the MoA article hit the bullseye for me and it went something like,
” b has become a whore for Big Pharma”
He allows selected comments but no discussion. Wonder why?
At least b admits his censorship, based on his own assessments, as to what is true or false. Dispensation is given to his ‘followers’ though.
@all – I have deleted about 20 comments on this thread that made obviously false assertions or linked to misleading posts elsewhere. Interesting all but one were from first-time commentators who had not posted here before.
(I left up some comments which I believe to be wrong but which come from regular commentators and are worth further discussions.)
I am still wondering who sends the newbies here each and every time I write about Covid issues.
Posted by: b | Oct 14 2020 10:11 utc | 70
You may well be right Kit, but, to be honest, my five decades of experience in life and the world have made me quite wary also of OffG. But I can’t put my finger on it exactly yet.
Perhaps it was the over-zealous, censorial ‘Admin 1’ earlier this year?
Perhaps it was the silencing of old and sensible voices, whilst allowing insults and abuse from the flood of Ikeists? Or perhaps the old boys succumbed to COVID?
Perhaps it was your public disagreements with respected independent journalists and websites?
Perhaps it was your paltry, almost almost non-existent coverage of the death of journalism, ie the Assange trial?
Perhaps it was your wall to wall coverage of COVID at the expense of other important topics?
Perhaps it was something else?
While it’s certainly true that other things are happening besides the COVID scam, it’s also true that nothing else carries so much weight for so many people as this nightmare scenario.
The fact that something that should have been over and done with long ago is still around and still going strong suggests something way beyond what appears to be is happening.
There are plenty of other sites giving voice to the many important events in the world (such as Global But many seem to be winding down their COVID coverage – and it’s way way too soon for that.
So at the same time COVID-19 is so important to keep discussing on the viral level, something journalists are ill equipped for, but at the same time ignore the political goings on, something that is at the heart of journalism. Why not attack the incompetent responses rather than the science? Look at China, they dealt competently with the virus, and so did many other Asian countries. Did they fall for the scam? No it is here that fell for the scam attack on science and reason.
Consigning the alleged Covid-19 pandemic to “the viral level” in contradistinction to the “political goings on” displays a complete lack of understanding of these events. Even if Sars CoV-2 actually existed (an unproven assertion since it has never been isolated) the coordinated global “response” to it is squarely political. An even if ulterior motives did not lay behind this event, the supposed pandemic would still squarely fit into the category of social medicine. Thus, it is a relevant topic for the mere journalists here.
Your statements are unproven assertions. You probably don’t know how to look for proof that the virus has been isolated.
Of course i know to look. Simply because a publication uses the term “isolation” does not mean that that is what has been performed. Virologists unfortunately tend to use the term “isolation” in a loose sense. But the truly accurate technique is called density gradient centrifugation, and it is how actual viruses are isolated. The paper you link to actually proves nothing at all. The CDC itself has implicitly admitted that no true isolation has to date taken place:
“The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.” (pg. 39)
Note the key phrase: “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”
This pertains to the test and may have been done early. Here is a very detailed article describing the isolation of the virus from the CDC . The virus can be obtained for research from various virus banks as stated. This is obviously an isolate from US but others also exist.
And here is a list of isolates from one of the virus repositories
@Orage @ Maiasta TBH I get a bit sick of this grey area re. isolation, which still seems to exist even now. You got the CDC in July (above) apparently saying that isolation has not taken place in relation to the test (bit of a biggy, isn’t it?), and then your links, Orage, claiming it has been done. Is there anywhere to go to get a firmer understanding of what has actually been isolated, what the differences are etc.? Is it a different term used in different industries, or do different industries class the isolation requirements differently? Prof. Carl Henegan seems to think that isolation is a murky area and he’s not sure it’s actually been done or not.
So…. what are we actually looking at in these links Orage?
The more precise term we’re looking for is probably “purification”. David Crowe sketches out the two contrasting procedures (isolation versus purification) that are commonly conflated under the term “isolation”:
Viruses are small packets of genetic material that are also associated with some proteins, such as an envelope and other structure which allow them to survive outside cells, and also to attach to cells, in the case of SARS cov2 through the spike protein. Viruses do not replicate outside of cells as they do not have the ability to do so, they need to infest a cell, then they proliferate, using the cell’s machinery, either kill the cells or make them sick, and many virus particles are released into the bloodstream, into secretions or into culture medium. Free particles of virus can be ‘isolated by a process called ultrafiltration, as they are too small to get through the filters used, then they must be purified or enriched using special processes called gradient filtration. The viruses can then be studied.
Because the above process is time consuming and need a good amount of viral material, you can increase the sensitivity of this process by taking the virus infected serum, say, and add to susceptible laboratory animals, but nowadays various cell lines that can be grown in the lab are used. Not all cell lines are susceptible to all viruses and therefore you have to chose the ones that are susceptible. In the case of SARS cov2 this is called the Vero cell line. This means that viruses from clinical material, such as a swab is taken and inoculated into the medium where these cells are grown. The effects of the virus are then observed if the cells die, but you will also have much more virus in the supernatant which you can work on. This is in a way also how you identify bacterial infections, by culturing a swab or blood into a petri dish. There is nothing irregular about that.
If you have further questions please come back to me.
No. This is the same problem. Look carefully at the paper you have linked to. This is work with pre-determined nucleotide sequences, followed by a theoretical reconstruction of the virus. The whole organism in this study has not been centrifuged. Moreover, following initial links in the paper itself, it becomes clear that the sequences of interest are derived from the (again theoretical) reconstruction provided by Chinese scientists to the NIH in January.
Ah interesting.A2
And Dmin 2. Please beware the company you keep. See below.
Do we know if a virus has ever been purified?
Yes. The most stringent techniques were first performed – i believe – on bacteriophages. There is filtration, followed by density gradietn centrifugation and then examination with electron microscopy. Dr. Andrew Kaufman explained this to Del Bigtree (whilst referencing Off-G’s article by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter). It’s done frequently, but i’m not sure if it’s done consistently. There are huge gaps in the understanding of viruses, partly because what goes on intracellularly (where viruses replicate) cannot be directly observed. Viruses take their protein coating from the host cell, and this blurrs the distinction between self and other. And as Karin Moelling demonstrated in her book, the discoveries of the last 20 years or so have led to a silent revolution in the way viruses are understood. Rather than being seen primarily as pathogenic agents, its now understood that the virome is as integral to human health as is the microbiome (& the two are intertwined in the gastrointestinal tract). So many conditions that we previously assumed to be viral diseases are starting to be understood as toxicological or deficiency cases, whether polio (in reality caused by DDT and lead arsenate), HIV (selenium deficiency possibly aggravated by a virus), “Zika virus” microcephaly (now proposed to be caused by a novel form of ultrasound) etc. As Kaufman says, much of the science of virology is on extremely shaky ground, because it proceeds from the faulty assumption that the detection of viral-like particles must indicate a disease-causing micro-organism, rather than a response to cellular injury (as is the case with exosomes). Here, Andy Kaufman briefly explains the procedure for isolation (starting about 7:20 minutes):
“Viruses take their protein coating from the host cell,”
No they don’t, they make thier own. The spike protein for example of SARS cov2 is unique to the virus and is used for docking on cells with which have the angiotensin converting enzyme on their surface and the virus gets internalised.
“whether polio (in reality caused by DDT and lead arsenate),” this is simply not true, polio is caused by a virus.
“HIV (selenium deficiency possibly aggravated by a virus), ” HIV is cause by a retrovirus (in fact there are two HIV1 and HIV2 and has nothing to do with selenium deficiency, there is simply no evidence for that.
With due respect Dr Kaufman is not a virologist and a lot of what he says is pseudoscience.
It is true that there are many so called endogenous retroviruses
which act in gene expression and activation, but exogenous retroviruses cause pathology by multiplication and cause damage to the cells they invade. They can be detected also by inoculating into susceptible cells and lyse them and they can be enriched.
As to the shaky grounds, it is Dr Kaufmann who is on it. Detecting a virus in itself never defines a disease as there are many harmless viruses. It is the presence of virus in the presence of a defined clinical syndrome that defines the disease and also the infection being followed up by detectable antibodies which can neutralise the effect of the virus, or bind to the virus or to the infected cells.
Lipid envelope (enclosing the capsid) DO derive from a host cell. That is what i meant.
A viral envelope is the outermost layer of many types of viruses.[1] It protects the genetic material in their life-cycle when traveling between host cells. Not all viruses have envelopes.
The envelopes are typically derived from portions of the host cell membranes (phospholipids and proteins), but include some viral glycoproteins. They may help viruses avoid the host immune system. Glycoproteins on the surface of the envelope serve to identify and bind to receptor sites on the host’s membrane. The viral envelope then fuses with the host’s membrane, allowing the capsid and viral genome to enter and infect the host.
Re: Selenium & HIV. Blood selenium concentration is actually the most accurate predictor of mortality in AIDS, more so than CD4 count. HIV2 is a different virus from a different zoonosis, so i don’t know why you bring that up.
Re: “Detecting a virus in itself never defines a disease”
I never made that claim. In fact, the overwhelming majority of viruses are harmless to humans. My contention is that many of the supposedly pathogenic viruses are quite possibly misunderstood endogenous EVBs, such as exosomes which are produced in response to cellular injury.
Re: Kaufman. You seem to assume that i’m parroting his ideas. But that is not the case. I disagree with him on numerous points, but regardless of that, he is certainly not peddling “pseudoscience” as you claim. His are interpretations which you are unable to accept. that’s fine. But that doesn’t make his postulates unscientific (i.e. untestable).
“So many conditions that we previously assumed to be viral diseases are starting to be understood as toxicological or deficiency cases, whether polio (in reality caused by DDT and lead arsenate), HIV (selenium deficiency possibly aggravated by a virus), “
See what you have done here? You mixed facts with fiction and then claim hurt. You first of all denied existence of poliovirus, then you said the HIV virus was incidental to AIDS, quoting a paper about selenium levels as an independent variable in AIDS and so on. You either did not understand the papers you are quoting or you are trying to pull a fast one.
You know what, it really is not worth my time to discuss with you as you are just acting on dogmatic belief and don’t understand, or wish to misrepresent science.
Not wishing to understand? That’s probably a matter of projection on your part. I shared the papers & articles on HIV to show the relationship to selenium deficiency (which is hardly disputed). As to whether HIV is ‘incidental’ to AIDS, i happen to be an agnostic on this question, although i suspect that Harold Foster’s proposition of HIV sequestering selenium to make its analogue of the glutathione peroxidase molecule is probably a more accurate model. Either way, there is a broad range of opinion amongst AIDS researchers, and the idea that HIV is incidental (the Duesberg hypothesis) is shared by numerous competent & erudite scientists. Most notably, the discoverer of HIV himself does not believe the virus by itself to be sufficient to cause AIDS. I’m talking about Luc Montagnier, of course, and not Robert Gallo.
Re: “You first of all denied existence of poliovirus”. No, you need to learn to parse a person’s words. I was speaking in a historical context. I did not “deny the existence of poliovirus”. I am well aware that organisms that we refer to as “polioviruses” do exist today. But in the context of the 20th century epidemics of acute flaccid paralysis, the evidence that a virus was the causative agent is extremely weak. Widespread pesticide poisoning makes for a much better causal agent when all of the facts are taken into account. I don’t have the time to go into depth on this point (and it’s probaly a waste of time for you), so i will simply leave this reference. Read at your leisure (i.e. don’t try to rebut it after 2 minutes) and please point out to me where you think the author to be wrong:
Off course you don’t have the time, you also do not have the facts. On the selenium story, which part of “ selenium deficiency was an independent factor for developing AIDS in children with HIV do you not understand? All self respecting people who worked or suffered from HIV infection and aids know that being HIV positive does not mean that you have AIDS hence the need for the terminology. But to have AID you need to be first infected with the virus. The same is true that if you are infected with SARS cov2 you do not necessarily have Covid-19, the disease but sadly this is one of the areas that MSM and governments have been very inaccurate about. There are many risk factors to get AIDS and no self respecting physician or scientists will espouse rubbish that selenium deficiency or contaminants are the primary cause of AID.
As to polio what you state has no basis in reality. Current and recent infections with polio are thankfully rare, due decades of successful vaccination and any case of polio whether in 1899 or in 2005 are all due to the same virus. Do not try to slip in untruths and pretend innocence. I know these tactics, have met them before.
Admin 2
You realize that there are different levels of, shall we call it, covid skepticism. There are some who deny the existence of the virus at one extreme, and then there are those who say that the virus exists but that it does not cause that much disease and that the measures taken are causing more problems than the disease itself. However this second group, still rationally believes in the science but may argue about interpretation. The first group that doubt the existence of the virus seem to also belong to a group of people who have other non-mainline beliefs, including denying that HIV is a virus that is associated with AIDS, that vaccines are the main cause of autism, chronic fatigue and other diseases. These anti-vaxxers often belong to a pseudoscientific community of naturopathists and the like.
I believe that the line taken by OffGuardian has often been that of the second group, those who still believe in the science, but I worry that there is now a trend, because of the type of readership attracted, that you may veer towards the unscientific part of the argument. Please be very careful to resist this trend.
Your entire statement is ideological garbage of the kind produced by Dr Paul Offit, Peter Hotez, & company.. These are the massive vaccine profiteers of the pharmaceutical industry, who rake in millions whilst denying the harm that they cause. There are whole volumes of established scientific work on the relation between vaccines and autoimmunity, whilst the evidence establishing the key role of aluminium hydroxide in autism and related brain injury has been building up for over a decade. In 2017, the world’s leading expert in aluminium neurotoxicology put the crucial pieces in place with a discovery that he himself did not expect:
“I did not see a role for aluminum in autism. And I didn’t see a role for aluminum in vaccines in autism. I have to change my mind now on both of these. I have to change my mind that aluminum has a role in autism. I believe it now does.”
–Dr Chris Exley, 2017, on the impact of the Mold 2017 study results.
Now we are showing our true colours. Are you also a man made climate change denier and a Trump voter?
LOL. I was thinking almost exactly the same thing (“now Orage has tipped his hat”). So i guess each of us knows where the other stands.. I am indeed an (anthropogenic) climate change “denier“, but i am certainly not a fan of Trump (not that it matters since i am not a US citizen). Probably our basic premises are too far apart for any productive discussion to be held. For many reasons, i do not hold in high esteem those who deny vaccine injury. So perhaps you would be better advised to direct your feverish rebuttals to some of the other “deniers” on this thread.
Nobody ever denies that some rare complication of vaccines can lead to injury and that occasional contaminants or other errors existed and caused damage. But these were not intentional, no harm was intended, and compensation was given. The benefits completely outweigh the overall benefits. Do you know why we have no small pox in the world today? Because of very successful vaccination. Do you know why polio is rare today? Because of successful vaccination. Do you know why measles has become much less of a problem until Wakefield and his followers tried to fake some results, after which he was found and discredited?
You are right in one thing. Unless we both agree to use scientific facts to guide our evidence, debate becomes useless.
It is standard procedure to grow viruses into cell lines as a way of increasing their numbers and isolating them. Isolating them from human tissue or fluids directly is a much more difficult process. After isolation you can examine them with the electron microscope and then sequence them. If you know the virus and just want to confirm what it is, you can just do a PCR.
And density gradient filtration is done to purify viral isolates. To do so you first have to culture them in suitable cell lines.
For your information.
Ah the haughty pseudo-puzzlement while you’re doing a hatchett job.
“can’t quite put my finger on it” while you know exactly where you’re shoving your finger.
I haven’t seen any “over-zealous, censorial ‘Admin 1’ earlier this year” or at any time. Indeed the Admin has shown admirable restraint.
Nor has there been any “silencing” – the ones who have gone went of their own accord. (I know this well because I keep in touch with one of them)
“Ikeists”? “sensible voices” Excellent straw man construction.
“respected independent journalists and websites”? Would that be the belly grovelling newsguard sycophants?
“Assange”? Oh I think the death of journalism happened a long long time ago.
And OffG is giving us “wall to wall coverage of COVID”? Gosh how rude of them! Only the mainstream media are allowed to give wall to wall coverage of COVID. Let them tell the hallowed official story. Because the mainstream Left sites certainly have no interest in causing any ripples there! (Unless that pathetic Left is going to whip the mainstream bullshit up into bigger bullshit which – it is now revealed – is their true job).
“Assange”? Oh I think the death of journalism happened a long long time ago.
Ah ok. Get it. It is futile to fight for something so basic as the right of journalists to report leaked government dirty secrets, the essence of journalism, maybe the last gasp of freedom of speech, because we believe that journalism is dead? This must qualify as the (please insert any superlative epithet you like) in this whole discussion.
“leaked government dirty secrets, the essence of journalism, maybe the last gasp of freedom of speech”
Yes it’s a marvellous movie!
If “I left with stupid” gets to post over 1,000 obsessive comments, a significant number of them complaints that he is being censored, I don’t think censorship is a significant problem here. Indeed, maybe the Admin should step in more.
You are just throwing shit at the wall hoping that some of it will stick. The very fact that your comment survives, with all its weasel words aimed at sowing doubt, proves you wrong.
Ikeists are welcome, I am not a believer, but I am open to team up with anyone who will fight the current tyranny, as long as they are not advocating a worse tyranny, someone like you who obviously supports the current tyranny.
The current tyranny is supported by fighting the science rather than the current tyranny. In fact the first reaction of the British government to the pandemic was, just do nothing, a few old people dying, no worries, grit teeth and get on with herd immunity. Something similar to what is being advocated here.
Corporate science is not science. Corporate science is beaten with enough cash to come up with a different bunch of corporate science. We don’t have that cash. Real science is either being forgotten or becoming a distant memory. Real science does not come with the huge marketing budget that is required to make corporate science the “truth”.
Thank you for your very clear classification of science. Maybe to avoid politicising the issue we should reserve the discussion to ‘scientific methods’? Can we agree?
Yes we are being urged to be splendid subversives fighting against the system. And who is telling us this? The gatekeepers of the system!
Great comment. There is sadly hardly any coverage now if Yemen, Libya, brexit. Nor the fact that the Labour Party has been highjacked. I saw no important analysis of the possibility that the elections in 2019 were fiddled. Even on the Covid 29 hardly any coverage of the sleaze and incompetence that is going on, just an attempt at refuting the reputable scientists and siding with dissidents and sometimes quite clearly discredited ‘experts’ and others not working in the field. Journalism is about exposing the lies of politicians not second guess ion science .
Yemen, Libya, Brexit are more important than your personal rights and freedoms? More important that the state of your town where your children will have to live? You are in a shrinking prison and you are wanting to talk about the buttercups?
Remember that those who rule want to distract you, look over there, while we plunder the rest of the world. I find your attitude rather supportive of Trump supporters who are under the delusion that the orange saviour is apart from the ruling class and is not part of the swamp.
Yes i certainly want to talk about Libya, Yemen, Palestine etc – it goes back to the old adage,
These same people sanction the destruction of any alternative modes of existence. They have now come for you and your way of life and suddenly you are outraged?
I certainly see parallels with this covid nonsense and the plight of the Palestinians.
Assange and his exposing of actual War Crimes by Europeans and the Yanks has been skimmed over here, to say the least.
The totally corrupt and state of rot of the western ideology spreading to the rest of the world.
Off-G certainly has a limit to their scope of exploration. I by no means want to diminish the extremely valuable work that Off-G has done in exposing this scamdemic and a range other topics. It has been a staff of sanity for me in these mad times. And even more so the free range of discussions by you all that Off-G has given a platform to.
I think its now well established here that this scam has nothing to do with our health.
So whats then going on? whats it about? The latest Corbett report is connecting the dots going forward and i hope Off-G posts it here, as they have done quite a few times before.
Perhaps its the lack of philosophical questioning of the man in the mirror.
That, for me at least, is what is missing with the articles posted here.
“They” ARE coming for you,
and Off-Guardian IS speaking for you.
Good grief. You sound like you want to be distracted from your own oppression, by hearing about somebody else’s for a little while. I suspect there are plenty of places for that kind of schadenfreude on the ‘Net…
“sleaze and incompetence that is going on”
Are you all sitting happily in the audience? Good! Here are your rotten fruit items. Get ready to throw them and shout “Boo!” at the ready made pantomime villains. After all, that designated Left will tell you how to protest “properly”!
“The” science?
“Respected independent journalists”? Is that satire?
Thanks for the tag team show with Orage.
… but I couldn’t wait producing one good piece of smear anyhow…
So gracious ! And pathetic. Though maybe you’re still scratching your head to substantiate your aspersion of doubt on Off-G and this journalist’s honesty … he just proved to you in this very carefully written article on the basics of integrity in journalism.
A sycophant of Elliot H. has something to add:
“my two-month-long career at the service of 77th Brigade after I was made redundant at the 13th Signals and the 26th Cyclists Marching Band (and much video game playing I must add to my credit) allows me to cast profound doubt on the integrity of your journalism…”
I think B was always a intelligence plant. I don’t know who he works for? The Germans? Russia? China? Thats why he protects the official covid narrative. He does work for a governement and not the people.
My suspicion is that some of it is Chinese money as he was adamantly against the HK pro-democracy movement, labelling it a CIA operation and not allowing other points of view in the comments.
I came to that conclusion a long time ago. It beggared belief that he could get many things right but then come up with the occasional shocker in defence of the mainstream.
The psychological side of the problem this article judiciously chose to leave aside would also maybe open a vast avenue of exploration for any adventurer intent on answering your question.
I have been a daily follower of MoA’s excellent reporting for a couple of years and even donated. Things changed with Covid-1984. When I contributed with info about Hydroxychloroquine, he deleted my posts and did the same to others. We were not allowed to speak in any positive way about it. For some reason he believed, without a shred of doubt it seemed, that HCQ was indeed a very dangerous substance and any evidence to the contrary had to be suppressed.
I left MoA for a while but later returned again for some of the good old stuff when suddenly I was faced with this blatant provocation. Calling part of your readership “Covidiot” is insulting and highly unprofessional. I still have no idea why, can only guess. There are more factors at play here.
The corona crisis has shocked everyone and there are two kind of shocks. One is the shock of a dangerous pandemic if you believe the narrative, the other is from the draconian lock-down measures and the Orwellian world that is being shaped right now. With such dramatic events people tend to believe one thing or the other, depending on what shock is the greatest and then stick to it. A traumatic experience firmly imprints your brain with whatever occupies it. Most people remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about 9/11. Constantly replaying the video of crashing airplanes only reinforced the shock effect. Our rulers tried to do the same for Covid-19 with daily death counts and cases.
B was very highly regarded among his followers, almost worshiped by some. A bit too much I think and it creates some sort of arrogance, like there is no way on earth you can ever admit you are wrong and fall off your pedestal.
My interpretation of his use of the word ‘covidiot’ is that he was actively purging dissidents from his followers. It must have been a lot of work censoring the comments and maybe he just had enough of it and simply tried to chase the dissidents away. It ‘ll come at a cost though. I for one stopped donating so one may guess that perhaps he has tapped into some other source of funding, but that is just speculation.
Other speculation includes that he simply agrees with the population control agenda. It is a very simple thought process from agreeing the world is overpopulated to the conclusion that something must be done about it and then thinking the Orwellian road is the only way forward.
The problem isn’t so much what has happened to B and his MoA. The problem is why so many people choose to be followers (of B or of anyone else).
If I like what someone says, and if I believe I’m being honestly informed, I will continue reading their blogs. But I absolutely refuse to be anyone’s “follower.” The only following I will tolerate is my dog following me around the house – and I’m not 100% on board with even that.
“he simply agrees with the population control agenda”
Yep, I think there’s a LOT of that going on in the so-called “alternative” media.
Nafeez Ahmed, long a subscriber of the neo-Malthusian “Peak Oil” Narrative, comes to mind.
I quit reading MOA several weeks ago because of some of the comments, thoughts, and other things said which were off putting. Was a big fan but have moved on to other things as most of us do at times.
Seems like the rebuttal was a bit excessive given the completeness and well referenced original article. But, I still enjoyed it. The Troll that I am.
I suspect that President Trump’s staff also pays close attention to your page. Don’t stop now, please. I am sure that the Democrats hate Off-Guardian as much as they hate Trump.
I know you don’t like him but if he doesn’t win the markets are going to crash the world into a nightmare. It’s not just a campaign threat. “The likes of which the world has never seen.”
Like it or not I am just another “Covidiot”. Just the other day my Veterinarian went after me for arguing against the need for a lockdown. They all do the same thing when they discover the can’t win against stats which is playing the “Old Lady” card. “My mother is 80 years old and she is afraid”.
I said, “So. Who cares. Lock her in her room and put a mask on her! Why should 99.4% of the population suffer because of her! With proper treatment 100% of the affected population is now safe”.
You need to make a bigger effort at addressing “old people” arguments.
Just saying…….
Strange statements by Kit
So the first link takes us to an article in OffGuardian by David James from 5/10/2020. I have not read the article but the headline is a giveaway:
“PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick””Nobody to my knowledge ever said that a positive PCR test for SARS cov2, and for that matter for any virus or other organism, tells you you are sick, the test tells you that you have detected unique viral genetic material, and as SARS cov 2 is a novel virus with limited distribution, it means that you had an encounter with the virus. It is well known that 80% of those who have the virus are asymptomatic or have minor symptoms, so this is really not news. What tells you you are sick is the cluster of symptoms associated with this particular virus, and that is determined clinically.
The second reference about the false positive is a postulation not based on actual observation and is in a prepublication paper that has not yet been critiqued and approved through the peer review process. Of course it asks an important question but its conclusions may not be valid, we will have to wait and see.
Most amazing is the third allegation about the absence of proof that there has been excess mortality. The graphs in the link are very clearly showing that in 2020 there was an overall excess mortality in all age groups except in the youngest age group 1-14 years. Is this a case of a misquote? Could Kit please clarify why the interpretation is different from the graphs?
On excess mortality: nice try, but it clearly says “no longer any appreciable excess mortality”. Maybe you need to learn how to interpret your own sources and switch the view at EuroMOMO from “cumulative” to “weekly” and you will also see like the rest of us that there is longer any significant excess mortality since week 20, even for the 85+ category. Must be good news for you, huh? 🙂
Ah. Bad luck for all those who died before week 20, there was no excess mortality after week 20. Ah but wait, we then had lockdown and are now back to high levels of transmission , hospital admissions and death which usually lag behind for a couple of weeks. I hope it does not happen. It we can only assert that there will not be excess mortality after the event. The figures however for cumulative mortality are much higher than previous years and that is shown by the cumulative graphs.
When you close down health services, the rate of mortality tends to rise, that is why tax-payers want to pay for a health service. The NHS was all but shut down by the tax receivers and their happy-clappy, BBC inspired morons. Go on, tell us all that removing health services didn’t impact people, how it is all Covid.
You mean people murdered under the covid terrorist groups lockdown regime? If you can’t even prove there is a novel virus or that it is contagious or that it causes illness then the deaths can be easily explained as having been caused by the covid cults terrorism campaign which needs to stop immediately.
I will go back and look for the interview but Kary Mullis said “it does not mean you’re sick, or that what they found made you sick…”
It’s very nice of you to explain the PCR testing again, but the point is that when someone in the big wide wonderful world of mainstreamness is deemed POSITIVE everyone in their world is affected. No one in the big wide world out there knows a thing about the PCR test. All they know is POSITIVE – you have it!
That’s the trouble. “I had it. I quarantined for two weeks” You had WHAT? A particle of a sequence?
It’s all just nonsense. POSITIVE NONSENSE.
Laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
Thank you for coming back. The world is complicated and no one can know everything. I for example do not understand the intricacies of how computer works and therefore have to rely on experts for help and explanations. If a computer expert tells me I have a computer virus I trust them and I act according to their advice.
But sadly in these google days some have decided they know better than experts and want to second guess them.
Now sometimes there are some experts in a field that later in life change their attitude to certain things. Because of their past fame they still have a voice that can be heard but it is important to distinguish between what they state as a proven fact or merely as a statement of belief. Sometimes the discussion between scientists can also be misinterpreted by lay people or highjacked by others with an agenda. In such disputes it is very important to look at the actual scientific evidence behind the allegations. I will need to discuss the case of Mullis, his statements and his beliefs latter when I can get to my PC as this is difficult to do on a smart phone, so bear with me.
I am a computer expert: your computer has a virus, it is called Windows, made by the same billionaire who funded Covid. Go figure?
Why did Ferguson not give you cause to doubt government scientists? Even after his exposure as a complete fool, even after the exposure of Cummings as “risking his life” traveling during lockdown, you still believe. Can you see why, if too many people do what you do, the whole country could be fooled just by publishing bullshit? You know, like it is now with the mutton addicted to case numbers.
“No one in the big wide world out there knows a thing about the PCR test. All they know is POSITIVE – you have it!”
This is what 95% of people I know think this result means. POSITIVE = you are a danger.
They do not know that the POSITIVE result is more nebulous than MSM lets on. Every POSITIVE result is being used to increase the alarm and fear level. It is working.
Excess mortality was slightly higher this year. Some have argued that it was because excess death were lower in previous years, which means that there were a lot of people who should have statistically died in previous years, but didn’t. They died this year due to a more potent flu season. A lot of deaths can probably be attributed to the psychosomatic effect of the unprecedented scaremongering – just imagine a person at the end of their life who gets a cold and is accosted by a bunch of medical motherfukers in HAZMAT suits who shove the poor soul into a plastic container and cart him or her off to an infectious facility. The person won’t be recovering very well (not even a healthy younger person would) and if he’s put on a ventilator as a bonus, it’s game over.
In other words, you need to look a bit further than the tip of your nose in analyzing data.
As to “back to high levels of transmission”, you care to explain why the alleged “levels of transmission” were lower in July, August, and September? What was the fucking (alleged) virus doing? Vacation? Where the fuck was it? How come the “levels of transmission” didn’t go up when all the restrictions were lifted? Also, according to the mega-horseshit spewed by the MSM, the main culprits are now young people (those pesky bastards who like to get together, party, etc.). Where is any data supporting any of this bullshit? There’s no fucking data. They motherfukers have obviously run out of old people because the susceptible ones died in the spring and they don’t have enough deaths. They don’t have enough nothing. Excess mortality is below average. So, they’re blaming young people now.
Your interpretation of data is ridiculously naive.
FYI, under the link below is an excess mortality graph from the country where I live. You see anything even slightly extra-fucking-ordinary there? Oh yeah, the MSM are full of apocalyptic doomsday scenarios as to what’s gonna happen. The hospitals are full of people – you know why? Because over 40% there are people who have NO fucking symptoms but have nowhere to go (homeless, retirement homes, etc.). The number of actually sick people is within the normal range.
As to the “cluster of symptoms” associated with this particular virus (you have any evidence that the virus exists?) are exactly the same as the “cluster of symptoms” associated with any other common cold.
Get a life and stop whining. My grandmother who fought in the Resistance during WWII survived the bubonic plague in a Nazi concentration camp. With no proper nutrition, no medications, in terrible conditions. People today can’t make it through a common cold, perhaps a slightly more virulent variety?
Ever dare think different from what the MSM are shoving down your throat? Suppose there is a pandemic – why, for example, haven’t governments worldwide launched a huge campaign urging people to boost their health, immunity? Why haven’t they been distributing free Vitamin C, oranges, apples? Urging people to exercise, get sunshine, etc.? And most importantly, sending POSITIVE, encouraging messages? Like, it’s not so bad, we can make it? They’ve been doing the exact opposite.
How about using your own brain and not falling into the trap of thinking along the lines where the MSM are leading you?
COVID-19 is a crock of shit, period.
Of course excess mortality was higher in 2020 than in 2019 and 2018 and that was the point, to restate that is kind of a tautology, don’t you think?
As to Czechia, it was one of the countries that introduced measures early including face masks and this led to a much better and earlier control of the virus. Well done, you should be proud of your government’s handling of this crisis, something I cannot say we can share here.
You’re a funny guy. “Introduced measures” … You trust official sources so much – why don’t you ask about what went down in reality? Oh yeah, officially, they introduced measures, but few people actually followed. Not to mention that the measures were completely idiotic. At one point, it was prohibited to walk outside in parks, but people were allowed shopping in large hobby markets.
Give me a break with measures. There is absolutely no causality between measures and the zero effect of the alleged disease. Stating “face masks led to a much better control of the virus” is completely false, unsubstantiated. To begin with, “the virus” has never been isolated and it has therefore NEVER been proved that it causes any disease. Second, data from other countries show that pretty much the same scenario took place there, such as Belarus.
You conveniently overlooked all the other points I made above. Not surprised – I can’t imagine that you’d have anything to say.
As to excess mortality … you do understand that people die, right? And if fewer people die in the course of one or two years, then the likelihood is higher that more people will die further down the road, eh? For nobody lives forever. If you look at long-term excess mortality statistics, there is no major deviation from the averages. Certainly nothing suggesting that a deadly pandemic is sweeping through the world.
Vastly more people die of other causes and nobody gives a shit. Certainly not to the point of bringing the world to a standstill.
Stop looking for medical rationale for the crap that’s going on. There isn’t one.
“As to excess mortality … you do understand that people die, right?”
Ah! The devil is in the detail. The word to look out for is ‘excess’.
Did you even bother to read what I wrote above? The fact that if fewer people die in one year, or period, more will likely die in the subsequent period?
While excess mortality is the only meaningful factor in this mess, since the methodology for measuring alleged COVID-19 deaths is so utterly fucked up, looking at excess mortality this year ONLY is only a fraction of an inch less idiotic than shitting oneself because of all the COVID deaths this year (which is what just about the whole planet is doing).
No excess mortality data from anywhere in the world suggest a pandemic of biblical proportion, which is what the PTB are trying to sell. With the willing aid of misguided people like you (I’m giving the benefit of the doubt that you’re not saying any of the above with malevolent intentions).
Incidentally, if the devil is in the detail, perhaps you should focus you attention on the detail that no virus has been identified and proved to cause any disease. The very foundation of just about everything you say has feet of clay.
There is no obligation for me to read everything you write because life is too short. I welcome the same attitude from you towards my writing. It may well be the case that because we had a splendid year last year that mortality ‘appears’ to be worse now because we did so well last year. However you also very cleverly pointed out, and thank you for that, that the massive increase in excess mortality this year was between weeks 10-20, coinciding with the first wave of infections. The suppression of the transmission due to measures introduced, which you sadly, like the three wise monkeys, have neither seen nor heard of, and do not want to talk about, that’s your prerogative. We now have a second wave and it remains to be seen what happens with excess mortality, I hope it does not rise, but that may also be due to medical and other measures that has led to improved care and less case related mortality. Have a nice day.
Yes, we have a second wave of covidiotism. Your allegations being a case in point.
Nobody is sick but the “cases” are rising … 😀 … soon there will be even more cases … au secours … sauve qui peut …
Fuck the three wise monkeys. There is no causal relationship between the alleged suppression of transmission and measures.
We now don’t have a second wave. We have idiots who believe the skewed numbers, the propaganda, the lies.
Will there be excess deaths? Very likely. Why? Mainly because of the FUCKING scaremongering, the gigantic stress the bastards have foisted on the global population, sadly with the aid of people like you.
Incidentally, check out such concepts as cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, etc.
As to life being too short for reading and refuting every piece of imbecility, you’re absolutely right. I’ve largely given up on efforts to this effect, but every once in a while, I can’t resist. Particularly when somebody – wink wink – is shrouding himself in an aura of science, while in fact regurgitating the same nonsense as the MSM.
“The dogs bark and the caravan moves”
Au revoir Jacques bonne journee.
Oh yeah, it wouldn’t be the first time in history when lazy, complacent, misguided, small-minded idiots suffering from various hangups, y compris the ol’ inferiority complex, swept through the world like a fucking tsunami and drowned reason, brilliance, excellence, honesty, and trueness in mountains of mud. The world has been witnessing that live for months now.
Your problem isn’t excess mortality or COVID; your problem is that you don’t have the balls to admit that you’re wrong.
Pathetic …
Isn’t this a clear case of projection? It is those with chips on their shoulders and inferiority complexes who resort to insults rather than arguments. Chill out man, I am not the enemy, look elsewhere.
I don’t know if you’re an enemy, but it pisses me to no end to see a person who appears not to be a random retard (this is a compliment) unable to step out of his shadow and, instead, propagate the same crap as those who I would consider my enemies.
Hint: Why don’t you forget for a second excess mortality, PCR tests, and all this shit and focus on what is NOT being discussed? Namely, anything that would boost people’s health, well-being, etcetera? Your attention is focused in a completely wrong direction.
I’m certainly not gonna chill, I’m pissed off to the max. Not so much at the perpetrators of this crap, I wouldn’t expect anything good from them, but at all the people who have so willingly swallowed this hoax.
Thank you for the compliment, truly appreciated. There may be a hoax somewhere. Some place the hoax too far to one direction, to even question that the virus exists, some place it a bit further down the line and say it does but it is not lethal, others concede lethality but question the measures taken, and yet others think the measures taken did not go far enough or have been mismanaged.
The problem will not be solved by you and me quibbling over this. Pandemics can only be dealt with by stringent measures taken at the outset as was done in China. This serves the Chinese people and now the Chinese economy is bouncing back. The real hoax in my mind is that our leaders in the west have played half heartedly with testing and tracing and isolation thereby giving us the worst of both worlds. We both agree our leaders have tricked us but we think they did so in two different ways. This does not help fight the real culprits.
If there were a pandemic, and if allegedly transmissible diseases were transmitted as alleged, it would make sense to track and trace an infected individual and his/her contacts to isolate the sick and potentially infected in order to stop transmission in its tracks. This opportunity, regardless of whether the virus is real or not, never arose. The infection – assuming, against my better judgment, that it exists – allegedly spread into the population, making tracking and tracing impossible. Too many contacts, too many variables. The whole testing, tracking, tracing thing is idiotic, useless, counterproductive. It accomplishes NOTHING. It only adds fuel to the scaremongering fire (and I’m once again assuming that the virus is legit).
As to complete lockdown, that’s the most idiotic thing that anybody could have come up with (assuming that it wasn’t intentional, which it clearly was) because it virtually destroys the world the way it is. Once again, it accomplishes nothing, it makes people more sick, it fucks up everything left and right – there isn’t a single positive aspect about it.
You’re right that inane arguments between me and you will solve nothing, and I acknowledge that I should refrain from any further comment. In fact, I’ve quit FB and resolved not to engage in any more fights because it’s useless.
However, before fighting the real culprits, it’s necessary to identify who they are. Sure, the leaders are guilty, people like the peddler of shitty software are guilty, the media are guilty. But equally as guilty are all the gullible people who have swallowed all this horseshit as well as people who do harbor some doubts but who have chosen to put up with the shite for the sake of convenience, not to disrupt their comfortable lives. People who have given up on truth, integrity, who keep their mouth shut while witnessing what amounts to the worst crime against humanity ever.
So, from that point of view, voicing an opinion, making an effort to influence others, telling an idiot to shove some stupid remarks up his ass, and so on is the least one can do.
FYI, I’m involved in endeavors that are (hopefully) much more meaningful than making online comments.
OK, I understand, you don’t think there was a pandemic. Fair enough. But when you say that and that testing and tracking and lockdown are not the answer, then I would just point out that China, the origin of the virus, has been successful in dealing with the pandemic and are now virtually virus free, then of course your answer to me will be, there was no virus in China, at which point we will have to part company. Why? Because the implication of what you would say is the CCP initiated a hoax, and its rivals in the west have just swallowed and perpetuated this hoax, thereby destroying their economies, whilst China’s economy, after the CCP has done the right thing, is picking up. I would then say to you, it just doesn’t add up, why is there is a conspiracy involving all the world leaders, rivals and enemies, doing the same thing? This question stands irrespective of laypeople’s interpretation of virologic, PCR, statistical and other data, often far beyond their comprehension and that of journalists with no scientific training.
I don’t really care if you wish to part company; that is your prerogative. This is an exchange of ideas, an exercise in reasoning, a way to test one’s standpoints, conclusions, if you will. If you don’t want to engage in that, I don’t quite understand why you’re making any comments in the first place.
You’re assuming that the pandemic cannot be a hoax because you don’t have a substantiation for why the whole world is following the script.
As to the origin in China, I remember reading on early on that it was some doctor in Germany who was actually behind the declaration of the pandemic – I don’t have time to look it up now.
Nonetheless, your conclusion doesn’t hold water.
Why would it have to be initiated deliberately by China? A much more plausible explanation is that m-effers like the peddler of shitty software and whoever are his puppeteers have waited for a virus like this to launch a fake pandemic (they’ve tried before, most recently with the Zika virus) in order to gain control over the world. And a lot of local and auxiliary interests can be thrown into the mix – this is clearly not an operation with a single objective. I mean there is one – rob people of the control of their bodies, harness them to Big Brother, crash the economy and make everybody dependent on the government (in addition to being controlled thereby), kill off some people in the process, etc. – but there are other (local) ones, plus the situation is evolving and the pieces of shit behind it adjust the scenario based on how it develops.
Your argument about China is as simplistic and as binary as everything else you propose.
Anyway, in a nutshell, all things considered, the m-effers behind this circus have waited for an opportunity (alleged or real virus) to launch a pandemic with the aforementioned objectives, and the opportunity presented itself. The PCR tests and all the other bullshit doesn’t really matter. People have been sufficiently scared and brainwashed – they wouldn’t budge in their fear even Bill Fucking Gates now said that it’s a crock of shit.
As to how they coerce governments into compliance, Belarus has been offered 900 million dollars. It’s been reported that other countries have got loans, this and that. I imagine that there is stick in addition to carrot as well. What exactly I don’t know and I wonder about it myself.
Jacques the reason why this is not a useful dialogue is that to have one you need to share a reality and agree some basic premises. This is not the case here. Your assertions, peppered liberally with swear words, expletives and sometimes , frank insults, are is also distasteful. So you understand my reluctance to indulge in this kind of activity. Good luck, stay safe.
I take it that you’ve realized the flaws in your thinking and have nothing to say other than use the ol’ stratagem of invoking being insulted by bits of colloquial language here and there. You know, I’ve spent some time on the street while wandering around the world and candid, to-the-point language works better than the faked politeness of the academic world, which I’ve found immeasurably more disgusting than the foulmouthed panhandles I used to hang out with.
You are a prisoner of your own conventions. A couple of times, I had the impression that you were willing to step out of the bounds that restrict your thinking, but then you quickly jumped back to your comfort zone, to the dull reiteration of this or that dogma.
I’ll try to stay safe, and hope that so will you.
There have been no excess deaths attributable to COVID 19. That is the detail you’re missing. Once all the over-counting and miss-attribution is accounted for we’re left with people assigned Covid infection from very dubious testing, given no sample of this alleged virus exists in captivity. I’d say if this thing exists at all it is a very low level and garden variety corona-virus by now. Lab created viruses tend to be like that. No resilience.
Starting from a rather low bar can we agree whether there was excess mortality, whatever the cause was?
Didn’t you say that the “devil is in the detail”? Why are you obdurately refusing to accept that data cannot be analyzed in the simplistic way you suggest?
Yes, there has been some increased excess mortality in some places, while there has been no excess mortality in other places. In some places and age cohorts, excess mortality has even declined.
Just like it’s impossible to measure the number of alleged COVID-19 deaths because not only no such disease has been proved to exist, but also, and more importantly, the methodology for reporting alleged COVID-19 deaths is all over the place, this year’s excess mortality data have to be evaluated through the prism of the UNPRECEDENTED hysteria whipped up in connection with the alleged pandemic. Never before in history has anything resembling this year’s scaremongering taken place. Thus, it stands to reason that the psychosomatic effect (harm) of stressing people out to the max would have a considerable effect on health, mortality. Many people, especially aged ones, must have died simply because the m-effers scared the living daylights out of them.
So, all factors considered synthetically, the conclusion can be made that there has in fact been NO increase in excess mortality because any increase there might have been is attributable to the fucking sensationalism (the worst crime against humanity in history – never before has humanity been attacked in its entirety).
You need to stop using simplistic arithmetic in a ridiculously myopic fashion.
Oh dear.
First of all, you say that Covid 19 does not exist. Says whom? There are international conventions for defining what a disease is and there are scientific and medical boards and organizations that define diseases. It is really not up to individuals, websites and journalists to do so. Otherwise there would be chaos if every disease has to be recognised by Jacques.
The difference in death rate due to Covid-19 is extremely variable at any point, in any country, is age and sex related and also dependent on co-morbidity and ethnic origins. These are all established findings observed and published. To refute this in favour of people who have no knowledge of virology, medicine and epidemiology but only analyse the data of scientists is really not a very useful thing to do. So you have reduced a logical system of deductions, based on the recognition of international norms and conventions, to a mere system of beliefs. That could suit you fine, but fails to convince.
If scientists doctors only in the pay of big pharma try to sell you a treatment for a disease, you could well use these arguments that you do. But if most scientists in the world, from countries like Cuba, who have no big pharma, China and Russia, as well as everyone else tell the same story, then you have to start at least questioning as to whom is the conspiracist. And if you wish to discount the high figure of deaths in European countries and US as a hoax, then there is no salvation. I am willing to discuss rationality, but irrationality cannot be discussed rationally.
And Jacques, discussing the fine points of mathematics and virology is not something that can be done with this sort of blogging. There is a better way to spend time. Enjoy your beliefs and I wil enjoy what I have gained from solid knowledge and analysis of facts by experts.
The fallacy you’ve committed is called appeal to authority. Check it out.
Even if a zillion so-called authorities claimed that there is a deadly pandemic of the shits because 100% of people who die have tested positive for fecal matter in the rectum, it would be a crock of shit (pun intended). Some people, however, I admit might die because of bowel-related ailments.
Unfortunately for you, however, I have to tell you that you’ve missed the mark once again because the number of authorities who call out the pandemic as a hoax is about the same as those alleged authorities you refer to, except that the former, as opposed to the latter, don’t have ties to the establishment.
So, nice try but still no cigar.
Diseases ARE CERTIFIABLY NOT RECOGNIZED based on approval by some boards and organizations. The existence of a disease is established based on a procedure called Koch’s postulates. Koch’s postulates have never been fulfilled for the alleged disease COVID-19. It’s not who says that COVID-19 doesn’t exist. Somebody first have to prove that it does exist. You’ve got it upside down / inside out (select the applicable)
End of story.
Another factor to consider in this Corona Psyop is the fact that the virus was already circulating in the late months of 2019 in Europe (sewage data). Another data point is the French athletes who caught it in October 2019 while at the Wuhan Military Olympics. HUGE silence about this.
You make an allegation about sewage data which is intriguing if true. Do you have a reference. Even after the great rise of causes I have information that this has not been found in London, negative results don’t get reported.
The fact that a virus can be found in sewage is like looking for a needle not only in a haystack but in a hanger filled of haystacks. They dilution factor is enormous and the sample purification process overtaken by the putrefaction process.
Perú introduced very harsh restrictions very early on. Nevertheless their official death count was one of the worst in the world.
Belarus did literally nothing and went fine.
How does your theory explain that?
There are many variables that you have to consider when comparing what happened. Peru and Belarus are not comparable. Belarus is probably not a country with a lot of internal and external traffic of populations. In fact if you compare Russia with Belarus, you get a much closer CFR and many of the South American countries had bad CFRs. Sweden for example had a very bad CFR and so did Belgium and UK. Many variables and you need a multivariate analysis.
Belarus is “probably” not a country with a lot of traffic … 😀 … Data analyst hath spoken … Hilarious.
You have noticed that there has been a bit of a revolution in Belarus, with zillions of people demonstrating out in the streets, haven’t you … 😀 …?
I am talking about traffic in and out, international traffic. London and New York and Paris are great crossroads and travel destinations, Minsk isn’t.
You did write “internal (sic) and external traffic”. So, perhaps you should first come to agreement with yourself.
We had over 1000 deaths allegedly from flu in Western Australia in half the time we’d had less than 200 allegedly from this phony pandemic in the whole country! Meaning the measures to mitigate were useless, since flu is supposedly less contagious and proving COVID is far less dangerous than the flu. Stop being an idiot. There’s no pandemic, if there’s even a virus and you’re being set up to be culled with a vaccine being forced onto people before it even exists and which has all the appearances of something designed to destroy an integral part of your immune system, the very same Exosomes whose presence is being ignored in PCR tests which will certainly pick up the RNA these can be carrying. The other thing elimination of Chromosome 8 will do, is reduce your intelligence markedly. The only positive thing is that the measures planned will cull a lot of very stupid people. So if you feel otherwise, please go ahead and get you some of that vaccine as soon as you can. Be my guest and bon voyage.
“Ever dare think different from what the MSM are shoving down your throat? Suppose there is a pandemic – why, for example, haven’t governments worldwide launched a huge campaign urging people to boost their health, immunity? Why haven’t they been distributing free Vitamin C, oranges, apples? Urging people to exercise, get sunshine, etc.? And most importantly, sending POSITIVE, encouraging messages? Like, it’s not so bad, we can make it? They’ve been doing the exact opposite.”
Bingo !!!!! There is ZERO mention of this subject in the sewers of Western MSM.
There are so many controlled opposition sites aren’t there Of Guardian?
I always found and find OG’s one narrative that there was a ” new virus ” & “new disease”( covid) and going on about masks alarm bell ringing .
The concept of controlled opposition entered the parrot circuit of the followers of conspiracy theorists yes, it has been spreading like a cancer, consequently individual and collective morbidity, paranoia and low brows’ inherent democratic hostility does the rest.
In the Netherlands there is a lone conspiracy theorist who lists all the other conspiracy theorists as ‘controlled opposition’, there is a double layer to them he preaches, these are ships which people get on board with, and then those who control the ships will have that ship sinking when they are all on board. By now he has a bad relation with almost the whole world, except his followers, all other people are all after him, or zombified.
Lost of bells of individual morbidity and mental obsessions have been made ringing in the heads of people who are members of the Church of Corona, but lots of bells of psychopathology are ringing among the heretics too.
Controlled opposition is a fact.This article is controlled opposition piece as it sneakily asserts the Covid lie. As I said no new virus and no new disease. If the Of Guardian said or say that UN NWO lie they are controlled opposition- pretty simple to see.
Controlled opposition sites have been spreading like a cancer since people fell off the “believe the govt + msm” wagon .
Sites using tweaked versions of the Big Lie, pretending there is a ” virus” and a new disease( covid) ,heaps of detailed and sometimes contradictory complex information designed to overload and confuse, censoring and using shadow posting ,using rigged up votes and down votes to promote comments full of embedded CIA mind programming.
Comments designed to mind control people who know better in that they no longer believe govt, but are still stuck in many msm systematic lies.
Promoting lies about having a “democracy” supporting the ” alt right “media celebrities( CIA Snowden, agent Assange ), keeping the narrative where they want it with BS covid measure debates, minds remain thinking the thoughts they are programmed to think, dis empowered, hopeless, afraid, angry stuck a rut in alt right-one-narrative media.
The separating people into groups based on beliefs, labeling them, making enemies of who they tell you (msm media spokesmen) and condemning them using alt reich media (which seeks to make alt- right – feel superior) is pathological.
I hope everyone skeptically investigates for themselves and do not do what the controlled opposition wants to form groups of opposed collective egos fully identified with the thoughts/feelings/ideas they get from alt right media sources.
People who believe in “viruses” and “covid” do not have a choice in the content of their mind. They were condioned from childhood to not question and to beleive authority they do not know themselves and are ego mind programmed/ brain washed. On a positive note only the egomind can be programmed, the unconditioned mind cannot. “Who am I”? is the doorway to freedom.
So everyone who falls in between the two opposite points of view is controlled opposition. Honestly, I think you are nuts in the head, and assigning it to be controlled opposition is your method by means of which you hide your own totalitarianism.
“Controlled opposition is a fact.”
You do not even have a proper understanding of what can be established as a fact. A fact is a physical thing, all else is about interpretation, assumption, belief, conjecture. There is no method by means of which you can objectively prove intention. If a man would declare verbally or in written word that the has formed an organization or taken control of it for the reason of controlling the opposition, it is still no proof, because you do not have access to his intention, even that man may himself not have knowledge about his intentions, as people lie to themselves all the time, and their intentions rarely never singular, but composite of competing motives.
John, you wrote
“So everyone who falls in between the two opposite points of view is controlled opposition”.
However when you think about it, iris more likely that the best CO is one that is difficult to detect, and therefore more likely to camouflage as a skeptic.
It is merely the psychological disease of sharp nosed low brow democratic paranoia to accuse organized people of individuals of being controlled opposition. Of which the basis is their own totalitarianism, by means of which they attempt to cast suspicion on everything which agrees to some extent with their views, but does not sufficiently agree with them.
What BDBinc does is to merely cast suspicion without any valid argument which makes it probable. What you do is merely to suggest that the best controlled opposition is the one which appears as the most intelligently skeptic. Both of you employ merely the tactics of suggestion, making an appeal to paranoia, not to reason guided by a list of facts which could make it probable.
I could also suggest that you both are here in order to sow division among the opposition, thus weakening the opposition. But I keep it at what statistically is more likely, which is that you do not proceed by means of reasonable argument.
Correction to the below as the edit functionality here is regularly disfunctional.
“and their intentions rarely never singular”
Should be:
and their intentions are rarely ever singular
Anyway, by assigning it a fact, instead of an intelligent guess, you show your deficiencies… Moreover, as I said, every idiot by now is full of the same jargon, psyop, controlled opposition, CIA, programming/brain washed, it is the jargon of a parrot circuit of freaks.
Controlled opposition surely should be more subtle than that and more combative. The lady doth protest too much. Mirrors can sometimes be very useful.
Problem with this concept of controlled opposition is that the more successful ones are so hard to recognise. Can’t trust anybody really.
5. ON PCR TESTS AND THE CASEDEMICIn the original article for OffG, Dr Jeanmonod wrote:
OK let us look at this.
“PCR testing of SARS-CoV-2 presence does not give any reliable prognostic evidence of its infectious power and lethality.” Can’t argue with this, nobody has ever claimed that a PCR is a prognostic test or a test for lethality so this sentence is kind of nonsense. The PCR, if performed properly will be very accurate in identifying specific sequences in the virus that denotes that the individual tested has had the virus. Admittedly the test may remain positive after a while because viral genetic material may hang around a bit without there being an active viral infection. It has also been very clearly determined that the ‘lethality’ of the bvirus depends on many factors, the infectious viral load, but also host factors, such as age, co-morbidities, obesity, ethnic background . It also seems to be related to other factors that may lead soome individuals to produce what is known as a cytokine storm, and it is this reaction that may lead to the most serious lung pathology. The determination of the disease status and prognosis is done on clinical factors and the clinical presentation.
As to this statement “Positive test rate is low (around 3%), and tests have as always a technical false positive rate and react to inactive viral fragments or to other corona strains.” this is just simply not true. OK if you use sloppy technique you may actually get any result you want, but not if you have a reputable accredited lab.
But to explain why you do not get false positives here is an explanation taken from one of the commenters in MoA on the subject. The writer is a trained molecular biologist who uses PCR for research (this is one of the joys of MoA, the quality of the commenters is often very high, and the commenters know what they are talking about):
Sorry the source is this.
Right. I think I’ll just go with what Kary Mullis said “It doesn’t tell you if you’re sick..”
Got it. Of course it doesn’t tell you you are sick, it just tells you that you have contracted the virus. 80% of people are not sick with it, that is also known.
There’s no virus.
Is this an opinion or a statement of fact, corroborated with scientific evidence?
Of course. My evidence is their non evidence and blatant fraud which is easily provable in a court of law.
1. No isolation.
2. No purification.
3. No culture and replication of isolated virus.
4. No disease proven.
5. No disease replication in healthy subject from isolated or cultures virus proven.
6. No contagion from ill patient to healthy subject proven.
7. No Koch’s postulates have ever been met for any supposedly contagious human virus.
8. Cases based on fraudulent tests.
9. Vague symptoms that mimic radiation pneumonitis or pneumonia.
10. Same criteria applied for (with the exception of #9) Influenza, SARS, MERS, EBV, HIV, Polio, Smallpox, Ebola, Etc.
Conclusion, 100% fraud.
If you say so. Any scientific evidence for these statements? If you can post them then we can have an intelligent discussion based on facts.
Don’t need to post any evidence. They are the ones claiming existence of a pathogen, and of contagion and a disease, but with zero valid, scientific, replicable or proven evidence.
As I stated already, none of the scientists or science has shown any valid evidence of the above points and that’s just a fact. I’ve read their papers, re-read them and figured out their fraud and how they perpetrate the fraud.
The idea of a virus is based solely on identifying “surface“ proteins and then claiming those proteins are forming structures with RNA or DNA inside a capsid. But their crystal structures do not identify anything other than proteins by themselves. Moreover, their spike protein for SARSCov2 is a chimeric lab created vector.
They then piece together proteins into a theoretical structure using a hypothetical model. And there’s zero physical evidence such as MT mass spec to prove the existence of RNA or DNA inside these structures. It’s all fraud. From top to bottom.
The proteins they identify as belonging to any virus may or may not exist but if identified in a human, such as through a test, they are simply proteins or enzymes the body and cells are manufacturing independently of a virus, illness or disease.
Ha ha ha … Didn’t I say that you’re a funny guy?
What sort of scientific evidence could one present for something that doesn’t exist? Like, you claim that something exists and I’m supposed to prove that it doesn’t? Fucking how? You have to prove that it does exist, not the other way around.
The existence of the alleged disease COVID-19 has never been proved in any remotely scientific way. Nada, zilch, rien, zero. It has never been proved that the alleged virus SARS-CoV-2 even exists, let alone cause a disease.
Even you might find it odd that some 95% of people who are tested “positive” have no symptoms of any disease whatsoever and that the 5% who do have some symptoms might be suffering from something caused by something other than the alleged “deadly” virus? Like an anxiety attack from massive scaremongering, for example?
Do I have to show you proof that black holes exist if you tell me that they don’t? No. The burden of refutation lies with you frere jaques. The evidence is already out there, as you chose not to recognise it the loss is yours not mine.
I agree. It is 100% fraud.
True, independent science started getting hijacked by fraudsters 40-50 years back and the process accelerated in the last 20 years. These hijackers have mischievously spread their ‘virus’ theory propaganda to not just mislead and scare people but also to divert the minds of people focus from the most immediate reasons of ill-health:
The symptoms keep expanding, and differ significantly in frequency by country. Th explanation given is “We are still learning about this novel virus”.
Low-dose sarin can induce breathing difficulty even weeks later.
Thanks for that.
The rest we are given as Narrative is just fairytale.
The narrative of contagious viruses are fairy tales. But that’s all you have. Your false beliefs.
We have millions of viruses inside us, but they do not make us sick, so we do not care. I am going wind surfing this afternoon, there are millions of viruses in every drop of sea water that I will accidentally drink.
Please justify why should we care about this virus that does not make us sick?
Cases are a tool used to generate fear propaganda, you are obviously a supporter of fear propaganda as your comment supports the “scare the shit out of the population” mandate.
Ok – was busy for a few days with locking down (😄 )the green for the season and getting top dressing sorted. Will be grand come May.
So it took a while to read this – yes but no but yes – of Kits labyrinthine piece, so many words, so little said.
Takeaway no1.
Why has the original author not responded as well? I’m sure that would add to the hopes robustness of response that Kit has so belatedly delivered.
Why now? Why so long?
Let’s see what b has been writing about lately:
“It’s a hard Brexit’s a-gonna fall”
“ Media Again Falsely Claim That Joe Biden’s Intervention In Ukraine Was Innocent”
“ U.S. Fails To Find Allies For Waging War On China”
“ Professor Chossudovsky Is Wrong – Here Is How PCR Tests Work”
Along with a take down of the NYT, a update on Ngorno-Karabhak (the latest proxy front of the 5+1 eyed Gollum declining and falling empire), and an explanation of how Trump has danced to the Zionists tune … all in the last week!
Meanwhile Oh-Gee has abandoned even its meagre coverage of the On-G … as they move to supporting the Prime Minister in his crusade to get his Seat at the Table – with the support of SurcKeeer – who has completely forgotten he was the architect of the Labour anti Hard BrexShit stance! As he is prepped to form the dumb beast GNU to lead us into that madness in Jan 1st and deliver the final nails in the NHS coffin, to earn his Seat by delivering the Singapore on Thames and the death if the post war social democratic covenant.
2nd Takeaway.
When it comes to what Kit snidely asserts as
“ Refuting this kind of madness is like having to refute someone claiming they’re a coffee table or that they have six legs….”
Well Kit and O-Gee, have fully transformed into the Black Knight, reduced to all but claiming their implacable status, and yelling to come back and fight, so they can still headbutt MoA in the knee!
3rd takeaway.
Btw – where is the retort to Jonathan Cook? Who has equally slashed a limb off in passing ?
I expect MoA, which I believe may be more than just b (he has used the phrase ‘we at MoA’ I recall) might oblige with a knee to what is left of the 0077th-G mission, but that would be like picking on a paraplegic, drunkenly spouting ‘mahcuntterybahk’!
Let’s wait and see for the next round of this mismatched fight – but it seems that raging at the dying of the light – is all that is left for Kit and the ship of fools who still believe the World is THEIR mollusc ONLY.
I can only say, as Kit uses the Trumpian ‘sad’.
So so sad
Well as far as I can make out, your points are as follows:
1 It took a long time for OffG to respond and they haven’t invited MoA to respond back. (A bit rich since MoA never even told OffG about his original piece.)
2 A list of MoA’s latest articles. Irrelevant but what the Hell!
3 OffG isn’t covering OnG
4 Kit has lost his arms and legs and now looks like a chess piece.
5 A reference to the Jonathan Cook piece which, as I said myself, was one long round of question begging.
6 Something about molluscs
7 The customary Tourettian interjections of “Brexit”
Fancy another beer, Dun?
Dun does that cringey combo of incoherence and self-superiority, where narcissistic arrogance fills in for even the scent of having a relevant point.
Both of them.
Both replies went straight into lockdown. Only these two published
someone’s afraid of your keen insight and rapier wit, clearly.
Like the tramp who believes he used to be the CEO of Esso. It just gives you that skin-crawl feeling that comes with creepyness. A bit like Biden.
Dun moanin complaining again that all of his conspiracies are true and we should all follow his lead and everyone else is dumb
‘His conspiracies’
Wtf does that even mean?
Check this out – if you can –
Wow, criticised for replying and not replying, all in one dreary comment. Impressive manipulation of the reader there DG.
In one of his clips, James Corbett says that one of the things people can and need do to oppose or fight the establishment is to not to allow the MSM, and other conduits of horseshit, to shape their thinking. In other words, even if one disagrees with horseshit spewed by the MSM or any other outlets, if one forms thoughts around such disagreement, one is already affected.
I’ve never read anything by Moon of Alabama, but it falls in the same category. If one were to debunk all the crap that is published, one would spend the rest of their life debunking.
Time for real people, as opposed to the plastic covidians, to focus on formulating our view of the world and promoting it.
All the moons of alabamas can go fuck themselves.
How do you know something is nonsense unless you at least look at it?
Life is too short to worry examine whether this or that is nonsense.
As to CV, I’ve been researching facts for nearly a year, and I have a pretty clear idea about what’s going on.
Even if I assume that the virus is real and that everything the debunked text says is accurate, while disregarding the hidden agenda, the response is still completely idiotic because the precedent that has been set will cannot but leave humanity in a state of permanent lockdown, quarantine, public health emergency. For there will always be viruses (assuming that they exist), and no one will ever know whether the next sniffle is not the beginning of another pandemic. From the public health viewpoint, what has gone down this year makes no sense. It’s completely idiotic. A suicidal strategy.
Frankly, it doesn’t matter whether the death rate is 0.1%, 1%, or 10%. It doesn’t matter whether PCR tests do this, that, or the other thing.
What matters is that the world is slipping toward a totalitarian dystopia. Arguing about minutiae of the pretext used to steer the world that way is a waste of time. Plus, I’m afraid that it’s a done deal anyway. Even if Fauci or that Ferguson asshole issued a statement tomorrow saying that they’re sorry, but they’ve been full of shit, born again covidians wouldn’t believe them. They’ve been brainwashed – viz the article about totalitarianism.
To me, it’s time to propose an alternative to the dystopia that’s coming. Ways to oppose it. Not to be forever arguing with the enemy, and ourselves (!), that it’s happening and that we’re right in seeing it happen.
My 2 cents.
Big Pharma and their creepy billionaires are the ones that benefit from the permanent health emergency and the compulsory applications of chemicals into your body “for your own good”. Note how they are not concerned about you buying the injection, they want you to actually be forced to take the medicine so that they can continue to milk the populace of slaves for even more sets of chemical “therapies”.
When the stakes are as high as the covid spectacle, sloughing off the task of debunking isn’t at all practical. this crisis is creating conditions where “fomulating our view of the world and promoting it’ by itself, will be impossible. I do think, however, that after a few debunkings you start getting diminishing returns and become complicit in the overall distraction and misdirection that happens when an entertainingly dramatic conflict crowds out everything else. to me, the most useful work being done right now around covid is by people who are documenting the ways in which the ruling class is using their manufactured pandemic to dramatically restructure human relations around their interests, not least their interest in dominating us forever. they are even securing for themselves means to efficiently kill us.
Whenever I read “Moon of Alabama” I think of some redneck’s bare, flabby ass.
This article seems to confirm that reaction.