5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
Kit Knightly

Vaccination of senior person in hospital
Many of us have friends or family who plan on getting the vaccine. Maybe they truly believe they are in danger. Maybe they think it’s better safe than sorry. Maybe they just want to be able to go to the pub again.
If you know someone who is planning on getting vaccinated against Covid19, ask them these five questions. Make sure they understand exactly what they’re asking for.
1. Did you know that we have NEVER successfully vaccinated against ANY coronavirus?
No successful vaccine against a coronavirus has ever been developed.
Scientists have been trying to develop a SARS and MERS vaccine for years, with nothing to show for it. In fact, some of the failed SARS vaccines actually caused hypersensitivity to the SARS virus. Meaning that vaccinated mice could potentially get the disease more severely than unvaccinated mice.
2. Did you know it usually takes 5-10 years to fully develop a vaccine?
Vaccine development is a slow, laborious process. Usually, from development through testing and finally being approved for public use takes many years. The various vaccines for Covid have all been developed and approved in less than a year.
While the media are quick to offer a TON of “explainer” guides, which cite “foresight, hard work and luck” as the reasons we got a Covid vaccine so quickly “without cutting corners”, they all leave out key information.
Namely, that none of the vaccines have yet been subject to proper trials. Many of them skipped early-stage trials entirely, and the late stage human trials have either not been peer reviewed, have not released their data, will not finish until 2023 or were abandoned after “severe adverse effects”.
3. Did you know that the Covid “vaccine” is based on new technology, which has never been approved for use on humans before?
While traditional vaccines work by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the microorganism responsible for causing the disease, these new Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.
mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines theoretically work by injecting viral mRNA into the body, where it replicates inside your cells and encourages your body to recognise, and make antigens for, the “spike proteins” of the virus. They have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use.
4. Did you know that the pharmaceutical companies can’t be sued if the vaccine hurts or kills someone?
Back in the Spring of 2020 many governments around the world granted vaccine manufacturers immunity to civil liability, either by invoking existing legislation or writing new laws.
The USA’s Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) grants immunity until at least 2024.
The EU’s product licensing law does the same, and there are reports of confidential liability clauses in the contracts the EU signed with vaccine manufacturers.
The UK went even further, granting permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”.
5. Did you know 99.8% of people survive Covid19?
The case-fatality ratio of Sars-Cov-2 infection has been a bone of contention for months, but it is certainly much lower than all the initial models predicted.
It was originally massively inflated, with the WHO using a figure of 3.4%.
Subsequent studies have found it to be much lower, in some cases even lower than 0.1%. A report published in October in the WHO’s own research bulletin finding a CFR of 0.23% “or possibly considerably lower”.
Meaning, even according to the WHO, at least 99.77% of people infected with the virus will survive.
Ask your friends these questions. Give them detailed answers.
It is a rushed and untested vaccine, made using unprecedented technology, with no legal recourse should it do you harm, to treat a virus 99.8% of people will survive.
So the question that really matters is: Do you really want, or need, to take that risk?
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If you are a virus believer, it’s because you have no knowledge of the history of medecine vs Rockefeller (BigPharma), no knowledge of Pasteur vs Béchamp (germ theory vs terrain theory), no knowledge of false flags since the 1900’s.
Here`s a very simplistic video the virus topic…
then do your homework and stop swallowing lies!!
Kind regards.
especially for the git talking ..duh..which way did they go ..about polio vaccine. First of all, there wasn’t news coverage about the side effects or collateral damage. 2ndly, what gives anyone the right to tell you that you have to take a drug that has the potential of maiming or killing you? OK, you had no issue, what about your next generation 20 years from now, what about your best friend Sally who’s 10 year old daughter had a severe reaction, went into convulsions and died because YOU convinced her it’d be alright when she was skeptic? Oh wait, since it wasn’t your immediate family collateral damage is to be expected.All for a virus with a 99% survival rate if you get it. To date I don’t know anyone who had it , several who had the flu though. Get tested, the test results come back as SARS Covid, not covid 19..why> Because they can’t isolate that virus
Did you know there’s a good chance you would not be writing this blog if it wasn’t for the polio and small pox vaccines that were almost universally distributed in this country?
You need to do some more research. The polio and small pox were on the decline long before the vaccines were developed. They used the decline to promote that it was the vaccines causing the decline. Totally false and it has been proven false. The vaccine pushers still use this false information to make more vaccines and money.
What’s even more interesting is that there was actually a significant spike in polio cases in the years immediately after the vaccines introduction. Even today, the United States has more incidents of vaccine induced polio than actual polio EVERY YEAR.
Yep. 2017 200 000 India crippled by gates new polio experimental vaccine. Thousands sterilized in Africa with DPT that sterilized them , intentionally. Look into Gates family history and Henry Kisdinger., Bloomberg all invested in abortion, depopulation Gates grandfather headed the NCI cancer vaccine experiment for the Rockefellers. The Rockefeller website has a scenario protocol for a pandemic BEFORE COVID
Amazing how uninformed most Americans are about the so called life saving vaccines they inject in their bodies isn’t it? Refrigeration and cleanliness did alot for decreasing illness. Many of the vaccines pushed today are not necessary except for the pockets it fills with money!
Amazingly enough, when the polio vaccine came out, there were 3 other diagnosis (transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, aseptic meningitis) that went up at a combined rate very similar to the rate that polio went down. The polio vaccine is one of the biggest scams in US health history (of course, COVID-19 is the biggest).
The definition of polio also has changed in the last six or seven years. Several diseases which were often diagnosed as polio are now classified as aseptic meningitis or illnesses caused by one of the Coxsackie or Echo viruses. The number of polio cases in 1961 cannot accurately be compared with those in, say 1952 because the criteria for diagnosis have changed.
“The Truth About the Polio Vaccines.”, Chicago Tribune, 1960
Well researched article: https://thinklovehealthy.com/2016/11/05/the-eradication-of-polio/
Of course it’s a ‘Karen’ saying this trash
Common people, your concerns are off topic. They are calling dibs and tagging. In likeness to GMO crops.
Look it up. All of a sudden their is no right or law someone can use to keep their employment, should your employer make it mandatory to be vaccinated into this “science project”.
I doubt the private sector has as much to gain from pushing this like the government but they bid on their jobs so they all will fall in line.
Are you prepared for what’s really coming? Because it has nothing to do with the COVID vaccine “science project” and everything to do with patent ownership and control.
Regarding the myth of the Polio vaccine I recommend highly the book “The Moth in the Iron Lung” by Forrest Maready. Great read. You will find out, that the polio cases were caused through toxic pesticides and toxic medications.
I would encourage all Liberals who voted for Biden to please take all the vaccines that Fauci and Gates tell you to take. Please listen to them. I didn’t vote for Commie Joe so I will not be taking the poison
Commie Joe did not push thru this vaccine without proper trials, it was Orange man!
I think all you idiots need to go back to school. Do you think 2.5 million people were all faking it? Funny how every single COVID denier changes their tune once they catch it. #UniteBehindTheScience
Oh, the covid virus is real. My wife and I both had it. It was made in a lab funded by Fauci and Bill Gates. It was released on the world to take control and shut down the economies so the populace would be subservient to their governmental masters. Its not happening the way they planned. The Covid deniers are the scientist that say their is not a pure form of Cov-sars-19 and their is no test for it. The PRC test has a 97% false positive rate and was not designed to test covid. But, all the vaccines are being made from the results of the PRC test which is unreliable. Once covid was released into the public it began to mutate. The virus around today is nothing compared to what hit the US in late 2019. The mutated virus is real, the treatment for it is wrong, and the vaccines are for population control.
Funny had I had th virus. No vaccines for me
I don’t think anyone is denying that the virus exists. Most of us are concerned about the fact that standard testing procedures weren’t being properly followed, resulting in many false positives. When they test your nasal swab, they run what’s called pcr cycles. Now I won’t pretend to know exactly what a pcr cycle is, but I do know that standard procedure for these tests is to run less than 35 pcr cycles. Any more than that and your risk of a false positive sharply increases. Up until the week after biden was elected, the minimum number of pcr cycles being used for a covid test was 37, with some pushing above 40 cycles. After biden was elected, they adjusted cycle numbers and, as a consequence of that, we’ve seen a steady decline in case numbers, which is now being attributed to the vaccine and the wonderful leadership of uncle touchy.
If you want to talk numbers, we could have a discussion about all of the people listed as having died from covid, despite there being a clear alternate cause of death. We’ve seen people that have died of everything from heart attacks to alcohol poisoning get listed as covid deaths.
The virus isn’t fake. The effects are. This is just a bad respiratory infection that won’t cause anything more than some discomfort for most people (before you ask, yes, I have had it).
The virus isn’t real. Even the cdc said its never been isolated. Fake viruses are easier to control and with the pcr test they can control numbers and everything.
I am denying the existence of this very virus because there is no scientific proof of its existence. Lots of papers, lots of gibberish but no scientific proof. And the germ theory is questionable, to say the least.
Good points. But how do you know you had COVID-19 if the pcr test is totally unreliable
If a big conspiracy is going on, It’s “achieving it’s agenda. Because every day with no known threat the masses line up for their first, second, and now their third dose.
If you have flu symptoms, that may be a clue…depending on your immune system, symptoms can be varying. The rule of thumb for decades is…if you feel sick, stay home!
To say something doesn’t exist because there is no documentation is ridiculous. I’m sure there are stars out there we don’t know exist. Just because they haven’t been documented, does not mean they don’t exist.
Your logic is faulty.
I had it too…for 5 days only…it’s just a flu
I had it and will not take the vaccine, it was a sinus infection!! I will not be afraid because someone tells me to be afraid, nor will I stop living my life. There are drugs that prevent you from dying or getting worse, and my brilliant doctor prescribed them to me. Mainstream media is hiding this! When they created this virus, they knew what would cure it so if they caught it they would have a cure!! Wake up!!!
What did your doctor prescribe?
Wonder how many of those dead people would be glad to take the risk now??
There is no science here. This is an hypothesis. An hypothesis is not science until you can repeatedly perform the same test and achieve the same results.
If you want the shot, get the shot.. Easy enough. I chose not to and have no problem with your choice to have it.
We’re a year into this and I still don’t know anyone personally who has lost their life from Covid.. and that tells me quite a bit.
I agree about choice. I always say something but they are bound and determined to get the shot. I know many who have died. My father being one of them.
People have died from taking the shots… even the developers admit the shots do not kill the virus… try nebulized hydrogen peroxide on symptoms: effective against viruses…
here’s Dr Tenpenny on the pernicious mechanism of the so-called vaccine…
until you get a blood transfusion and then you’ve got the vaccine too, or didnt think that far ahead?
FYI – Red cross won’t even take blood from anyone who has been vaccinated. Check it out…now why is that???
Some do since there is a shortage of blood in their areas…I personally won’t take tainted blood…
Whenever someone said ‘someone, or their friend, etc’ died from the covid, I had my 6 questions ready:
Most people will not be able to answer any of the above questions yet they say they were a friend/loved one….which makes the discussion a waste of my time.
The people I knew were ventilated and were given remvesidar, which is why they died. Wrong protocol.
I know at least 5 people..relatives and friends
No you don’t. You just DON’T, ok.
Given a mortality of 0.1% you would need to know 5,000 people with covid before you’d be likely to know 5 people who died of it. Even if we assume a mortality of 0.5% you’d still need to know 1,000 people with covid before you knew 5 who died.
At most you are unlucky enough to know five people already terminally ill who also had a meaningless positive PCR. But I think far more likely is you’re just making it up.
A daily reminder that there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the C-vaxes are safe and effective. Press releases mean nothing!
If the C-vax is so urgent and important, why does Cornell Uni allow its students of colour to opt out?!
Why would govts need to force people, directly and via proxy, to take something if they can prove it is safe and effective?
“Robert F. Kennedy Jr: COVID19 Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost”
With this vaccine, or any medicine, there are basic questions which must be competently and honestly answered:
1. What are the ingredients in that vaccine?
2. How safe is it?
3. How effective is it?
4. Where are the test and trial data?
5. How long has the vaccine been in development?
6. Where are the RCTs?
7. Where is the peer-review?
8. What are the conflicts of interests of all those involved in this vaccine?
9. Will all those involved in this vaccine be the first ones to take it?
10. Will Bill Gates and his family, and the pollies, take it?!
Best post by far!!!
It was needlessly verbose.
Sadly, it seems that many doctors get their medical news, not from respected scientific journals, but from the MSM:
Medical Censorship & Harms of Lockdowns – An exclusive interview with 3 Canadian Frontline Doctors.
This is not a vaccine it’s a DNA manipulator. More people die from the vaccine, than the virus. Why a global squeeze to vaccinate everyone from a virus less deadly than the flu ? Did anyone else notice since winter 2019 no one has had a cold or the regular winter flu 🤒 which is more deadly than the new all 3 in one Covid 😃🧐🤨😂 Plandemic is what it is & MSM Fakery are happy to aid with the panic to rush the 🐑🐑🐑 to be vaccinated. I just realized why all the DNA tests been done, under the disguise of Covid tests. I need to go research something but I may have the WHY they doing it. Stay tuned
Why buttercup you put yourself in danger by sharing this information.
Covid is FLU19 – a bad strain of the flu for some classes of people.
Covid = Certificate of Vaccination ID
You go Buttercup!
Did you know that viruses don’t exist and ALL vaccines are poisons?
Yes that’s why I only use natural
Meds, no Big Pharma Poisons for me, those poisons will kill you, without a doubt
What about the Hepatitis B vaccine that already used mRNA
Side effects such as Bell’s Palsy et al.
Hep B doesn’t use mRNA technology
Bob, Orage and others have convinced me to donate to this site. When the controled opposition becomes so obvious, its time to support the messenger
Seniors are dying like flies
Vaccine does not stop sars cov2 infection.
They are being murdered….
Our nursing homes last year became morgues in Vermont from COVID, (ventilated, crimes against humanity will prevail), We also had 12 seniors die at a nursing home in Vermont just after receiving jabs.
lf the old ones are gone. They can’t tell the young ones when they are being lied to.
Shame on you
Why would I pay to support your printing such rubbish?
I expect one to comprehend this with the name “Window Flower?” Anyway, which one of the five points do you disagree?
I think you would be better to go and get your eugenics shot mate,,
Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler had the same idea!
They don’t print anything but I could speculate if you like.
One important question is that the mRNA poison is likely to cause infertility.
Would be good news if true (fewer congenital dumbshits per head of population). Unfortuately not.
I have noticed that the number of downvotes is directly proportional to factual well balanced and researched statements, whereas upvotes seems to be related to rather juvenile echo-chamber like comments. I am proud of my downvotes.
You’re right. Whenever I make comments which basically reflect the mainstream views of doctors and scientists all over the world, I get downvoted to oblivion. It’s a sign that what I’ve said is completely opposite to conspiracy theorists and COVID-19 deniers believe, and is therefore based on fact and good evidence.
The way I know I’ve won an argument on here is when people say “Go away Bob!” or say that I’m some sort of bot or propaganda machine, or if they link to some strange, unverified website with their ‘evidence’ against what I’ve said.
When they go away Bob they’re just being nice.
lol…you and bob seem to have everything back words. the info within these five questions is all documented.
I would like to share this incredibly good piece of news with you, to counteract this alarmist gloom laden talk about Covid-10 vaccines. They are incredibly effective at reducing hospitalization by over 90%. Two recent studies show this and a summary is in this link:
Orage, if I sever your head from your body, your overall chance of having heart problems is significantly reduced.
Simple inference.
Vaccines were recently introduced at retirement and nursing homes. Many elderly have died. They did not get to hospital.
Go look if there is some sort of commensurate correlation.
The good cop/bad cop thing does not work. People are actually too stupid. Please understand that.
And? Do you think using false analogies proves anything?
When people are dying in nursing, retirement homes due to policies, treatments, a vaccine was introduced and they don’t get admitted to hospital, they don’t have problems with hospitalization…because they died or are ignored.
I can delete both spies.
I’m not going to bother with your sort of attempt at hegelian dialectic. Okay?
Cat Collector
If you sever my head from my body then it sounds like you revel in terrorist style murder. Is this the picture you were trying to convey or have I missed something?
I’m suggesting covid policy has been tantamount to murder.
Rather disturbing false analogy. Need to be careful how you express yourself.
Well, at least your head is intact, and your ‘snide’ factor assures me that; I believe: that no-one wishes you any harm.
Sounds like you support censorship. Censor yourself.
LOL…l think you need some warm milk.
What happens to the cats after they are collected?🤔
You should be OK severing sheeple heads from sheeple bodies but I advise against severing enlightened tits from enlightened breasts.
My eyesight is getting very bad, it is civid-19 not 10 but I am sure you all know what I mean.
Here’s a knowledgible Dr ya might want to listen to. And I can give you links to more than 500 other doctors worldwide who say the same things. https://www.brighteon.com/dc135a49-63af-4925-a436-856b69e85980
Here’s a random sort of thing about compound effects.
So, you know people often talk about glyphosate, right?
Sure, it’s toxic garbage, no good can come from it.
But, the shit with glyphosate in say, roundup, is 30x as toxic as glyphosate.
Now, the thing is, that toxicity isn’t just additive or the same as the individual components’ effects combined. It compounds as a sort of non-linear/exponential effect.
Here’s another random factor I’ll throw at it. So, considering that, at agriculture relevant levels, glyphosate cytotoxicity (without accounting for the other shit in roundup, I forgot the name, but anyway) is elevated rather significantly (order of magnitude or so from what I remember) with the addition of “background” ionizing radiation to that equation.
Of course, what they (nuclear industry) call “background” radiation is rather elevated over natural levels, but anyway.
Another example of compound effects is say with typical wireless EMF, due to the cellular stress involved, oxidative, potentially nitrosative, other effects, it affects levels of numerous elements and can deplete them and affect metabolism as the body uses it to counter/filter or clear toxicity or repair resulting damage. That’s one way how EMF can contribute to deteriorating health.
Then, if you start adding things that are particularly volatile (say fluorides) as well as, say, EM absorption materials, with both of those factors being fairly common in society, it has pronounced damaging effect.
Why can’t you just say the sh!t in roundup is in everything. and it’s killing us. The poison used in roundup is 30x more concentrated in a single ear of corn than aloud in our drinking water. lt’s now found in the rain water around the globe. 60 years ago cancer was a rare thing. But today 5 out of ten people are expected to get some form of cancer in their life time and rising. Monsanto seems to have a get out of jail free card.
They were bought by Bayer.
Anybody been at Rappoport’s blog lately? I haven’t, but I notice it’s not loading.
I have one question for anyone who noticed when I said I’m adjusting the sun, around a week ago.
Have you seen this?
If you go check when I made that comment on february 16/17, it was at exactly that time where things started changing. The comment is still there somewhere.
What’s that about?
Really funny thing btw. If I said, you know, I’m actually just running some pretty advanced algorithms to predict it, people are more likely to believe me.
Just the opposite actually.
You doom and gloom people that are getting paid to troll and tell bullshit “PASS OFF”. This is the flu.
360000 infants were injected with toxic shit today. And that’s only one product.
You better believe this world is doomed. The only direction of progress known to society is into the abyss.
The conditions here in 2021, mimic the 1918 spanish flu, btw. But worse. Though at least, less war and generally better nutrition and conditions. So why do you think they are trying to stoke war, revolts and such, and why do you think they’re engineering famines/food shortages?
That’s the sort of “advancement” people have exhibited. You understand nigga?
Essentially, deficiencies/toxicities from the stress, masks and lockdowns, medications, vaccines, EMF, toxins in water, in food (soil quality, herbicides, pesticides, homogenized, processed, gmo), air quality, additionally general attempts at lowering people’s living conditions, financial fraud, etc.
Whereas spanish flu was localized terrible conditions.
You know how gay soy is?
You should check the comments.
Don’t forget the Chem Trails
0 people have died from or of covid.
Fact check: 2.46 million people have died from complications related to COVID-19 as of 22/02/21.
“Fact check: 2.46 million people have died from complications related to COVID-19 as of 22/02/21.”
So that is from negligent, idiot, incorrect, malicious and damaging policy and treatments as you cannot die because of “covid”, it is not causative.
What sort of punishment is fitting for those who perpetuated that?
Extreme punishment would be worthy of their crimes against humanity.
lockdowns, stress, breathing into masks, antisocial distancing all bring on the complications related to ‘COVID 19’
Hey last year I mentioned opioids along with the start of the covid shit, isn’t this nice?
Opioid deaths up 10x in the past 6 years.
Indirectly, it would have contributed to significantly more deaths, 1-2 orders of magnitude.
Shit like pharma opioids is the sort of thing that fucks up your system really bad, contributes to a LOT of problems.
In 2017-2018 there were 60 opioid prescription per 100 americans, that doesn’t account for street opioids (also from pharma, same industries).
Doctors bribed easily, especially psychologists, psychiatrists, neuro.
Fact Check: The virus which causes COVID-19 is not related to the flu virus. COVID-19 is significantly more deadly and more contagious than the flu.
i thought your team always provided sources – oh wait, not on fact checks? because you are in fact the authority?
Fact check: By what metric Bob? 0.2% (or less obviously) more deaths can be described as 3x more deadly and while both may be “facts” (or not) the use of the word ‘significantly’ is spin given the reality of the situation.
Its a SARS virus, similar to MERS or bird flu
Time is not returning, irreversible mechanism, no world will rise, once and for all.
Now again very selective and misleading. To start with there is no overall mortality figure that anyone can prove without any doubt in an ongoing pandemic that is evolving with a virus that is mutating. Secondly mortality is not everything, the disease causes serious illness in all age groups above 19 years of age. Also there are long term sequelae in some, called long covid.
Shit. Yet another shill.
Instead of attacking the man, do you have any useful comments to make. What I said is factual.
“What I said is factual.”
No, it isn’t.
No it isn’t (factual). Dead matter doesn’t mutate and a virus – any virus – is dead matter and that is all that it is.
Dead matter does change depending on influencing factors. That would be in the body, and people have unique health statuses (varying deficiencies, toxicities, systemic function).
If I shoot you with two different bullets, or you wear different “armour”, the result is slightly different.
Regardless, in the context of “viruses”, the “viral load” is something that resulted from systemic degeneration due to toxicity and deficiency. The “virus” is not causative, it’s a misattributed result.
The death numbers have also been greatly inflated and the pcr testing isn’t accurate either. If we looked at people w/out Comorbidities the numbers would be a fraction
How so Joanie? Can you elaborate?
The pcr tool, which is not a test, used beyond specification, for a supposed “virus” which was synthesized on software, by misattributing common human genetic sequences + some crap.
Knowing the “positive test result” is fundamentally fraudulent based on a synthesized and engineered virus with a tool inappropriately used as a “test” which makes shit up and demonizes the body, and run beyond specification means the “test” is meaningless.
The death number is actually 0, as all of it is misattribution. Which is how flu managed to disappear (though you would notice that people who are vitamin D deficient as usual, still get RTIs with exactly the same sort of symptoms regardless of which “virus” is supposedly implicated, with some symptom variation depending on other health status). All it requires is a supposed diagnosis based on the results of the fraudulent “test” in the past few months.
And per a CDC document, merely guessing/assuming “covid” as cause of death is good enough for their kind of “science”.
All underlying factors are conveniently ignored, as well.
Most of those who have died of supposed “covid” were at or beyond life expectancy.
The “virus”, “test” and “vaccine” is fraudulent. All of it. All supposed “viruses” and vaccines are.
That is not what Kit is saying. Are you contradicting him? Go and tell him there is no virus. He believes there is.
He’s free to read the comments.
It’s also worth pointing out that 99.8% survival rate means than 1 in 500 people die from COVID-19. If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19 (quite possible with no infection control in place), 656,400 people would die.
100% survival rate as all of “covid” is fraudulent and misattribution.
If you had a covid positive “test” result (from the very fraudulent “test” which is misuse of an extrapolatory tool, used beyond specification to demonize your body), in the past 1-2 months, no matter how you die, it could be listed as a “covid” death.
Per a CDC document on misattributing deaths, assuming or guessing covid as cause of death is apparently good “science” and acceptable.
No more time for you.
That’s a valid point Bob but should be in context to other causes of death. IE the annual flu. I do value life (regardless of age). I also supported more research in this area for decades but who really cared? However I refuse to exaggerate the danger of this illness that never was a pandemic. Such word magic and redefinitions are extremely suspect.
It entirely true. They can be sued if they cover up or are shown to be negligent. Basically the licensing authorities indemnify the companies after seeing the data and approve licensing.
Misleading question. There is no such thing as “The Covid vaccine” . There are several vaccines using different methods. Some of these use a novel technique, the MRNA vaccines but there is always a time when something has to be used for the first time, and so far these vaccines are safe provided they are not given to people with allergies. Their major disadvantage however is that they require chilling to quite low temperatures.
Yes I did. But due to much preliminary work on SARS cov and MERS and international collaboration by many groups an accelerated programme was successful and several countries have now used several vaccines using different methods.
Yes we did, that is until now and several vaccines have been successfully trialed against SARS cov 3 and have been shown to be effective.
nice try you absolute oxygen thief
Dry intellectual answer. I am sure you are proud to be abusive. Well done😜
Very not Dry
Dear Orage, I encourage you to get the Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna Covid vaccine after reading their Fact Sheet. I encourage Pfizer & Moderna CEO’s and executives & their families to get the jab also. Please get back to us in a few years to let us know how you’re doing. 🐑💩🐑💩🐑💩
You haven’t had the vaccine and you won’t be getting it either! Fuck off 77th brigade
Nice lot these Offguardian commenters, they are full of abuse. Obvious big chips on very small shoulders. Must be tiring and must be bad for the low self esteem.
Will you get the mRNA or the DNA vaccine orage?
There is no DNA vaccine. The virus is an RNA virus. Helps to get your facts right.
The Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” uses DNA and a modified, weakened version of a cold virus to gain entry and modify human cells. The “vaccines” are killing people.
The way to protect the elderly is NOT with isolation, imposition and shit, btw. That shit is only ever DAMAGING.
The only way to protect them is to accommodate them and address the basic SYSTEMIC ENERGY FUNCTION (MITOCHONDRIA, ATP), which is addressed by lowering toxicity and deficiencies, mitochondrial and genetic repair/support factors.
Less medications, NO vaccines, better diets, more sunlight, where necessary supplemental aid, social support and activity (if possible and preferred by that particular person).
Literally every post you’ve posted has been false.
The astrazeneca vaccine is a DNA vaccine.
Vaccines are to prevent catching and passing a disease. These astrazeneca, moderna and pfizer injections is to help moderate symptoms once caught. That’s not a vaccine. That is therapy (helping once you are ill). So this is gene therapy. But you can sue them for a therapy gone wrong. The companies need it is legal protection; so nowadays you cannot go and sue a company for their vaccine. The tax payer will pick up the bill for any damage.
Sorry SARS cov2 not 3, slip of the keyboard!
I spent 6 months advising my elderly parents to think carefully before receiving this vaccination. Put simply it is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy. I have just read the sheet of paper the NHS gave my parents that clearly states its Mr a and gene modifying. It also states that they can still catch and transmit covid 19 and them both being vulnerable, they should remain isolated and follow mask, social distancing rules etc.
Unsurprisingly our caring government are now suggesting vax ID for entrance to theaters, nightclubs and sports stadia etc. They were right about not making the vax mandatory as they seem to be relying on corporate bodies to do the dirty deed of denying service and admission to the filthy superspreading unvaccinated (ie me). All enforceable due to company policy and corporate rules.
If the vax doesn’t stop the vaxed catching and spreading the bug, then they are no different to the unvaxed so how can they prejudice and differentiate.
You don’t need to be an epidemiologist, virologist or medical expert to be identifying these crazy nonsensical double standards.
It’s for subjugation and babylonian mammon worship. It’s essentially your mark of the beast thing, whatever. As in, you are cattle. That sort of beast.
Thanks cat collector, I’ve been on off g since the Skripal Hoax but usually stay as a lurker and reader. I agree its the ancient babylonia death cult. I see Tony Blair is in the headlines pushing the vax passport today, if you can still catch or transmit when vaxed then surely all you need is medical insurance, not a vax passport.
Oh, I started posting here 2-3 weeks ago. Something like that. As everywhere else, riddled with what is essentially political (Including “science”) misinfo shit.
I don’t have and haven’t had medical insurance in 20+ years, and I don’t associate with the medical establishment.
But the requirement of medical insurance is similar bullshit for financial fraud of course.
“if you can still catch or transmit when vaxed then surely all you need is medical insurance, not a vax passport.”
Thanks for pointing that out. Of course, since it is not contagious (no “viruses” are) as they claim, you cannot “catch” or “transmit” it, regardless, that is a given.
It is merely individual results from toxicities and deficiencies.
The other thing is, the test is meaningless too and based on the idea of reversed GoF.
That is, they trialed a vaccination method on animals earlier, it had horrible results. Then they synthesized a “virus” (which happens to include parts of your body) and a test to perpetuate the belief that the vaccines are “justified”.
The vaccine is GoF goal, the synthesized “virus” and bullshit “test” that demonizes your body engineered to accommodate that.
Every issue they peddle is like that. Problem, reaction, solution.
The engineering process is “solution” first, then “reaction”, then suggested “problem”. Every aspect of that is fraud and engineered.
Regarding “viral signatures”…
What can happen, is with additional toxicity/deficiency factors, or changes, the results of what is suggested as whatever “viral signature” in the body from a “test” can change, thus changing the “viral signature”.
That’s because physics is invariant and results from mechanisms and processes differ depending on the factors.
Which is how vaccines do more damage, but can “appear” to suppress an “infection”. What happens actually is that the body is more broken due to the vaccine so it results in extra, other/different damage (but stemming from that).
And you misled your own parents? Why?
“I have just read the sheet of paper the NHS gave my parents that clearly states its Mr a and gene modifying. It also states that they can still catch and transmit covid 19 and them both being vulnerable, they should remain isolated and follow mask, social distancing rules etc.”
Nice try but I won’t take the bait. Its the NHS, media, and politicians that misled them by instilling constant fear, and giving them a gene therapy that they clearly state doesn’t stop them catching or transmitting the virus. The virus they haven’t even isolated yet. How much is the salary at the 77th brigade?
This 77 brigade accusation is so boring. What is wrong with you anyway? Can’t you be a bit more original. And all the NHS staff and scientists and 95% of the population are being paid by brigade 77? Doesn’t even pass the smell test.
Do you wear red shoes too?
Try not putting it simply. Let us see the original? Understanding the jargon presented, typing in some of the big words and dumbing all of that down to your parents’ ability to understand may not be your forté. Pretty good freeware OCR apps are available for most OSs.
Moderna labs are all about gene therapy. Yes it is gene therapy. The injection is just labeled a ‘vaccine’. It is for marketing. Hence it is their first human vaccine but they are gene therapy specialists. A vaccine is to prevent getting a disease. This injection therapy is to help you once you are ill. The good thing for the ‘vaccine’ companies is that they are protected from being sued by anyone who has an adverse effect.
The indemnification is only for a vaccine, NOT for an mRNA gene therapy study on living human beings. That certainly is a violation of the rules developed during the Nuremberg war crime trials. Finding a judge that hasn’t been to Epstein Island or doesn’t have a photo album full of his 8 and under conquests might be difficult but not impossible. Let’s just stay vigilante, keep record of the monsters behavior and avoid the jab like a plague…oh wait it is a plague.
A good analysis of “vaccine” rollout, new corona strains and increased covid deaths
If you want an idea of another vaccine “rollout”, go look at the vaccination campaigns before the spanish flu in 1918, not that the vaccines were the only factor.
Vaccines, EMF, masks, fear/ civil imposition, deficiency and toxicity all featured there.
Luckily in 2021, we’re not that stupid anymore, now that we have more vaccines, more emf, more masks, more fear and toxicity and happen to push some deficiencies too (thanks to common social “services” and “safety” measures such as fluoride, chlorine, masks and lockdowns… resulting in say iodine and vitamin D deficiency, which is crucial for genetic regulation, immunity, cognitive, hormonal function, among other things).
While your society is vaccinating children and you’re supporting that I ain’t giving a fuck what you have to say.
If you support that shit, you are some combination of misinformed, an idiot or malicious.
Change your ways.
Hi, CatCollector, earlier today, I received a text message from my younger brother here in the UK (he’s 55), stooping very low and claiming that by providing them all with factual information re. the extreme dangerousness of this current injection [and of all ‘traditional’ ‘vaccines’], that I’m “being abusive”. Huh??? The audacity of him, to resort to that sort of ad hominem, when I’ve been trying alert them to the dangers, so as to try to save their lives. As you so rightly say, people who support ‘vaccination’ are misinformed, idiots, or malicious.
Ever since this horror on the planet began, early last year, I’ve been providing family members and friends with SO much factual information re. what’s ACTUALLY going on [providing them with links to high-quality articles, videos, etc, from HONEST doctors, scientists, etc], and yet does a word of it go into their minds??? Not one little bit. So far, my brother’s 35-year-old wife, my sister’s 73-year-old husband, and my eldest niece and her husband [aged 32 & 44] have all submitted to the injection. And in all probability, at least four more of them will also submit to it. More fool them, huh…
Christine, it’s the underworld…
Their perpetuation is their damnation.
If you noticed in Genesis, Adam and Eve fucked up when they introduced children. Contrarily, the bible perpetuates industrialist slavery, later.
And people LOVE their KJV, even though it is associated with the establishment of corporate slavery, from a misogynist, racist, probably gay, pedophile reject, who happened to hunt witches and had been involved with occultism etc.
And the funny thing is, that’s LILITH’S SHIT. That’s what the “freemasonry” veils, her insecurity and evil garbage. Lucifer rejected her.
That’s why the “metrosexual” shit is so pushed, the degeneration of particularly women and children. Because of INSECURITY.
And those who actually oppose that, are obviously demonized, ostracized for not being “modern” or “accepting” of toxic degenerate horseshit.
What I said there applies to that collective psyche, I dunno how to say it. Qlippoth is what I know it as.
If you look there, other than it being DIRECT, also substitute “angel” with “innocent child” there, and think of it in terms of society, legacy, horseshit establishment, traditions, etc.
So in your estimation , 99.8% of Drs and scientists are not honest and just the 0.2 with various agendas are? Good for your brother, he sussed you out. Good brother, go apologise and make up.
There is no pandemic in proof of that i don’t mask up I go to cash machines every day several shops everyday and get tested semi regularly! I have sleep apnea and several health ailments all weakening my immune system! Caught fuck all!
That is such a convincing proof Koba. Those millions in UK alone who caught it must be imagining things and those hospitals that have been treating all those patients in their ITUs with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, must have got it all wrong. Do you trust them that they made the correct diagnosis for your sleep apnoea?
“Those millions in UK alone who caught it must be imagining things and those hospitals that have been treating all those patients in their ITUs with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, must have got it all wrong.”
That’s correct, yes. They’re all wrong.
And you know better than all those people?
It’s pretty apparent that I do, yes.
If you’d like some context, there are one or two comments for this article.
Here’s a basic test of reasoning.
Why, every time you go anywhere near a hospital, wouldn’t you get like 3000 new diseases, despite not wearing masks, etc?
Assuming there aren’t like plutonium releases, that sort of toxic shit, heavy EMF at/near that hospital, if I walk through all of it, no masks and shit, I would not “catch” ANY new disease.
And a lot of healthcare workers are refusing the vaccine as well.
“Some healthcare workers refuse to take COVID-19 vaccine, even with priority access”
When we’ve been contacted by phone by both our GP and local hospital about booking an appointment to have the vaccine, and we said that we preferred to wait until more is known about the longer term effects, on both occasions the person who called us agreed with our decision.
I don’t believe anyone has claimed 99.8% of doctors and scientists are dishonest. It’s a small number, where a lot of money comes into the equation.
“European Parliament to Investigate WHO and “Pandemic” Scandal
The Council of Europe member states will launch an inquiry in January 2010 on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign, focusing especially on extent of the pharma’s industry’s influence on WHO.
The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency of a “Golden Triangle” of drug corruption between WHO, the pharma industry and academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even caused death.
“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines. The “bird-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.” “
You raise two legitimate issues of concern bolstered with links. Thank you. I agree that the WHO and European Governments have mishandled the ‘flu epidemic of 2008. But to their credit and to that of the European parliament this was carefully looked at and hopefully remedial actions in terms of better transparency regarding decision making and conflict of interest. I am very clear that many Pharmaceutical companies have inordinate powers (not only pharma but all big corporation) and there is a revolving door between legislators and big Pharma. But sadly this is all part of capitalism and the way money exerts influence on decisions. This document is worth reading:
Notably it states: “8.4. ensure stable funding for WHO;”. It does not help when politicians like Trump withhold funding from the WHO.
Also I agree with you that vaccine hesitancy is a problem that has many reasons but need to be tackled. Some of these concerns are genuine. For example those who are pregnant, as there is insufficient safety data and those who fear that vaccine contents may clash with religious beliefs and so on. But I think some also believe misinformation about the vaccine altering your genes, which is pure nonsense of course, and other misinformation.
“Notably it states: “8.4. ensure stable funding for WHO;”. It does not help when politicians like Trump withhold funding from the WHO.”
The WHO should not be supported. I refuse to acknowledge them.
They’re corrupt, damaging, inefficient and unnecessary.
The rest of your reply, as with all of your other replies reads like intentional bullshit. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious all the covid shit is fraud. You don’t have to try the good cop/bad cop thing.
Your replies are just abusive, a sign of someone with a big chip on his .her shoulders. Why such low self esteem?
My replies aren’t often abusive, except when I generalize about obvious societal and institutional bullshit, as well as troll/false/damaging propaganda shit.
YOUR posting is ironically hypocritical.
Also sounds to me you are one of those Trump supporters.
Wrong. But with your posts, that’s guaranteed, isn’t it?
You may not know this (they don’t, coz they’re indoctrinated militants).
66 mortality
88 is immortality
86 or 68 is treading the line
Can you derive the masks from that?
As an example.
Let us say there is something, and you don’t know how it resulted.
Okay, so it is some kind of consequence, perhaps a “symptom”, if you will.
Now, in terms of math, it looks like this:
a+b = 2
But, you only focus on that result, the addition operator is hidden to you, you don’t account for that. Though, you clearly see a, b associated with 2.
So are you stupid?
I’ll repeat a joke about the trees.
So if two people, who are isolated, separated, stay in cabins in the forest, very far from anyone else. Nice clean environment.
If they both, in winter…due to staying inside all day, not getting sunlight, yet separated get RTI’s the same way, do they have a quantum relationship or are they both vitamin D deficient idiots…despite noone being around to tell them they have covid?
I just got out of a cave hey. It sucked.
So, uh. I see the light, there are trees and shit.
The thing is, I did some math. And if I cut down the trees, I can make a new kind of cave. Coz these trees are fucking scaring the SHIT out of me. I have no idea what they’re doing, but it can’t be good.
It’s pretty cool idea, huh? I’ll call it industrial civilization.
Because it’s pretty obvious the trees want to destroy me, I have the right to attack them and build my caveshelters. It’s war now. In that caveshelter, I can do more math for larger numbers, while recruiting more people in my army by preaching to them the gospel, so that we can build more caveshelters to fight against and destroy that which we use to build caveshelters.
While we were doing that, the whole environment turned evil and hostile. I have no idea why. Let’s do the math and find out how we can build more advanced caveshelters.
Good luck with those mRNA Franken-vaccines you’re going to need it
“The mRNA lipid-coated PEG-construct– by Moderna’s own study–does not stay localized but spreads throughout the body including the brain. Found in animal studies in bone marrow, brain, lymph nodes, heart, kidneys liver, lungs etc Doctors are saying that the vaccine does NOT cross the blood-brain barrier, but that is NOT true. …If it reaches the brain there will be an auto immune response that will cause inflammation What characterizes virtually all neuro-degenerative diseases is this misfolded protein that is characteristic to Lou Gerrigs disease, to Alzheimer’s, to Parkinsons to Huntington’s etc. They are different proteins, but they tend to form these sheets of misfolded proteins called Beta Sheets. Now you are asking cells in various parts of the body–including the brain– to make alot of these proteins and release them to the outside, and , are we sure that’s what’ it’s all doing? Are you getting clusters of misfolded proteins inside neurons? That would be a bad thing to do.. So you’d like to know where it is, how much of it there is, and which groups of neuronal groups its targeted. .and those are the kinds of questions you like the companies to have solved long before they got authorization and discovered some years later that they have a problem.”
“This is a vast experiment that should have been done in the lab on animals and now it is being done on people ..The potential is that you are going to harm alot of people while you do this experiment.” (“NEUROSCIENTIST’S CONCERNS ABOUT COVID VACCINES”, Chris Shaw, Ph.D, Specialist in Neuroplasticity and Neuropathology)
I voted for this comment twice, and each time it still reads ^0 | 0\/ . I admire Chris Shaw Ph,D but can’t show it with a like. What’s with that? Anybody? Glitch or censorship?
Just click it a few times. Sometimes it does that. Maybe reload the page.
““This is a vast experiment that should have been done in the lab on animals”
No, absolutely not.
It is methodologically incorrect, there is NO justification for it. And what Shaw fails to mention there is that the damage was known, it was used on animals. Before covid-19 shit. The results were horrific.
Sorry Kit but I hate to tell you that your percentages for the death rates of Covid19 are incorrect. Look up the official figures and you will see it is 2-3% not .2-.3%. I had to send a correction to all the people I sent your article to. We need to be sure about our facts before we try to convince others.
It’s the IFR that is around 0.2-0.3%
But if the “virus” is bullshit, if the “test” is bullshit, the “vaccine” bullshit, the deaths are misattributed?
The “official” figures…oh, that’s nice. The same guys who make vaccines for “your health” while ignoring essentials?
It’s fundamentally incorrect to say someone died “because of covid”.
They died with a retarded near arbitrary classification, in the past 1-2 months, based on bullshit demonizing your body, which happens to include practically any kind of death while the flu also vanished!
You believe what they say about covid, but they dunno where the flu went, they can’t distinguish between aneurysms and gunshot wounds. Being shot on a bicycle and lung disease is the same thing.
They might just as well replace the word for death in the dictionary.
Which is pretty abject failure of their “official” system.
Here is the total deaths for all causes in the USA. For 2019 it was 2,854.838. For 2020 it was 2,835,533. So total deaths remain about the same year to year. Please check the US. Census Bureau. What pandemic? Have we been duped?
“Have we been duped?”
Not entirely, many have chosen to support the bullshit knowingly and willingly (which is malicious), that is of course their damnation.
Really? The “official” figures are the very reason this article exists…cretin.
Here’s another excellent article:
“The Twilight Zone: Covid, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Eugenics”, at:
Good article. But call me an optimist. I don’t quite fall for the bit about vaccine scarcity:
I know there are a hell of a lot of dumbasses out there, but I think this scarcity rap is less about scaring people than about just having yet another angle to keep the entire bullshit story out there with as high a profile as possible.
I think most people have adopted a non-committal resignation in the face of this vax. They are not terrified of the virus. But they are watching the news and other people and thinking, “Well I suppose I better go along with this since it’s what we’re supposed to do to fit in with the new normal whatever that’s going to be”.
Yup. Artificial scarcity. Engenders the wish to get it first. Black Friday syndrome at one step removed. Well covered at UK Column a while ago. Cheers!
Bit late for that now. My parents have been jabbed. They’re quite happy about it btw.
Anyway, I will decline the vaccine if and when offered it.
Not because I consider it to be dangerous. (I don’t.) Nor even because I consider it to be ineffective. (On that I remain in two minds).
I will refuse it for the same reason that the proverbial dog licks it’s balls.
Because I can.
Right…it’s only made to hijack and cause your body to produce toxic shit they lied about, unnecessarily.
As long as you’re not telling someone else it isn’t dangerous.
And it is 0% effective, because it causes toxic shit, that’s all it does. What the fraudulent PCR “test” says is meaningless, as the synthesized, faked “virus” is made to demonize your body.
PRS cycle, and people are stupid.
Here you go, from more than a year ago, GLHF:
Jan 25, 2020
I would suggest you shouldn’t use staged and engineered “epidemics” such as that to like, sell crap.
So yeah, that virus is completely separated from, say, me. No idea where it is.
Just today, maybe as much as a thousand people definitely died from opioid overdoses around the world. And maybe even more than 10x die due to toxicity from that, leading to other systemic issues and their resulting somewhat misattributed deaths.
Jan 25, 2020
I’ll try to explain as concisely as possible.
This is the PRS cycle.
So here is how that works:
1. “Problem”: You take something, anything (preferably beneficial) that isn’t really a problem, then, you suggest it’s a problem. That demonization causes confusion and doubt.
2. “Reaction”: You focus media projections, “expert views”, etc on that particular topic (though diverting from meaningful data or considerations) to cause fear, as fear breeds contempt and such. That means you’ve just engineered a suitable reaction.
3. “Solution”: The solution MUST be more damaging than the problem, as that is the basis of “functionality” of the PRS cycle. So as to provide new “necessary services and products” as well as civil/social imposition. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense in financial terms.
Surely you’ve noticed this by now with Co2, Tamiflu (Bush, Rumsfeld), Vaccines (assholes and idiots in general), Zika (florida was sprayed with toxins to “suppress Zika” that caused those symptoms).
Getting the picture?
You’re so right. What a tragedy that so many people are totally oblivious to all those facts which you’ve delineated. Right from the start of all this, I’ve bent over backwards to provide my close family members and friends (spread around the country, here in the UK) with a mass of high-quality information that, if ingested by them, would enable them, too, to be possessed of the ACTUAL facts re. the different aspects of this horror. However, most of them have made it perfectly obvious that they think I’m talking nonsense… “Hah, you’re a conspiracy theorist!”, and “That’s BS!” being but two examples of the many responses I’ve received.
They refuse to open their minds and allow the ACTUAL facts to enter, more’s the pity. The trouble is that they’re all enamoured of the Mainstream Media ‘news’ and the Government’s every ‘pronouncement’.
“You can’t fix stupid” is an expression I’ve been saying to myself, regarding them, for quite some time now…
Well I’m certainly not the only guy saying this stuff, nor the first.
The level of indoctrination is insane though, I’ve been struggling with this shit for years. The main thing is that people are in denial about the medical establishment fundamentals, the Pasteur methodology.
Here’s one of my more recent attempts at getting the point across (it applies to ANY viruses, vaccines, tests they try to peddle), from the “virus” to the “test” to the “vaccine”, as direct as I could reasonably do.
Oh right, a very fundamental thing about this shit, you’ll notice they do their VERY BEST to avoid basic essentials as being implicated or the factors to address (which is exactly what you should address).
You’ll always notice someone peddling some toxic pharma shit, or suggesting a new medicine that will help (even here on offg), but I mean, fundamentally with respect to the pasteur methodology. They try to hide in sort of 90% truth posts, try to act sincere and be “anti-narrative”…they still peddle.
The idiocy of thinking you can avoid essentials and attack results from deficiencies and toxicity with unrelated and/or additional toxicity is profound. Which is ALL of the pasteur methodology, allopathy shit.
And it’s fundamentally broken, intentionally used because of that, as it always avoids addressing the causative, essential factors, calling results causes. That way, continued sick customers, new problems, more new (unnecessary, toxic) products.
You can’t wake up somebody that’s pretending to sleep.
I don’t see why we are trying to stop people getting the vaccine! Let the herd get sterilised they’re idiots so who cares?!
Because it perpetuates horseshit.
That sort of mentality is why I won’t be associating with people, joining any reset or bothering with the world.
Every day, 360000 infants are injected with DTP vaccine toxic shit, that’s just one vaccine.
Sorry but I don’t have faith in people or the world while that sort of shit happens and I will fucking make my hatred for everyone known. Just don’t care what people have to say.
Because some of them are our families and friends.
And I’m not sure we want to find out what they’ll do to the minority that refuse to be jabbed.
They are literally telling us now that they will ensure that vaccines are unrelated to the deaths they cause. “Every time someone gets sick or dies shortly after getting a vaccine, government agencies investigate to ensure there’s no link.” Is this the truth slipping out?”
These pharmacies will be making billions on this vaccine and yet no responsibility for the ill affects and long term effects it may have on people. Our country is full of sheep. We all have brains, we should all have common sense. Somehow for the majority this no longer seems true. Hysteria rules the world. Quick unthought out and studied issues no longer prevail. I know a bit off subject but look at the 734 MAX as an example rammed through and major miss steps that occurred. No true oversight. These pharmaceutical companies do need to be held accountable. They are extremely profitable. This is setting a very poor presidence.
But yes. I basically agree. They should be held liable for intentional damage, malpractice, negligence, fraud, etc.
Oh that’s right, I didn’t see ‘a’
Most people who die from Covid-19 are over age 80 (median age of victims globally is 82, although in some countries the median age of death is as high as age 86). If you are age 80 and infected you have a 1 in 6 chance of dying. On the other hand, if you are under age 70 you have a 1 in 2000 chance of dying. If under 50, you have almost zero chance of dying from Covid-19 (Nature, August 28, 2020). The vaccines are well worth the risk in the majority of those who die (over age 80 or with serious medical conditions– renal failure, some cancers, etc), but really are pointless for the young and healthy, where the risk from the vaccine may be worse than the risk from the virus. With the massive drop in cases in the US (and globally) from early January, it appears there is massive immunity already; somewhere between 140 and 220 million Americans seem to have survived SARS-COV2 infection. Only the vaccination of the Elderly and the seriously ill can be justified.
And yet, the elderly and the seriously ill are the very ones whose compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable to the onslaught of spike proteins the vaccine generates within the body.
So, no matter what the age, the vaccine is a lose-lose proposition.
The vaccine is a lose-lose proposition regardless, because it cannot even potentially be beneficial. It has the exact opposite effect of anything beneficial and ONLY causes damage, unnecessarily.
If you are healthier, you will likely take less OBVIOUSLY APPARENT damage if you get the vaccine, as opposed to someone who is sicker.
It is damage, nonetheless, and it lingers. It cannot help you in any way whatsoever because none of its function or the methodology is fundamentally appropriate.
The only thing it protects against is corporate profit losses. And the only immunity is associated with corporate indemnity from damage.
Do the math. It’s 100% malicious.
Well done Howard. You, unlike many here, recognise that the virus exists.
He never said those words, his exact words were: And yet, the elderly and the seriously ill are the very ones whose compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable to the onslaught of spike proteins the vaccine generates within the body.
So, no matter what the age, the vaccine is a lose-lose proposition.
How did he admit the virus exists (it does most here know this but we know it’s weak just like your mind)?
“How did he admit the virus exists (it does most here know this but we know it’s weak just like your mind)?”
Say what?
“Most people who die from Covid-19…”
Here’s the correction:
“Most people who die after having been classified with as covid positive in the past month or two, based on a totally fraudulent bullshit “test” which makes shit up, with entirely misattributed cause of death…”
“If under 50, you have almost zero chance of dying from Covid-19 (Nature, August 28, 2020).”
Again, invalid. You cannot die from it.
Excuse me, I made a typing mistake or two there.
Here’s a very important document: from HONEST health professionals, sent to Heads of State, Health Ministers, Prime Ministers, in 30 countries, worldwide: telling them to STOP the SCAM:
“International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals”, at:
So, what does one do when the store employees refuse to take your money unless you are masked? It appears to be ok if one steals, or otherwise acts inappropriately as long as you are masked. But no matter who you are, if you are not masked, not only do they follow you around openly harassing you to put on the mask but your money suddenly has no value unless you do. How does one react in such a scenario?
Well, it’s mammon trying to force compliance. Your choice. I mean, you could just cover your mouth by pulling up your shirt, temporarily. Technically, that probably gets around their bullshit.
technically, that is complying with their bullshit, which defeats the entire point. you might just as well wear their obedience muzzle, in the first place.
be prepared to pay the exact amount, without needing them to make change for you. if they won’t ring up your purchase, add it up yourself, and leave the exact amount, in cash, on the checkout counter. if they won’t weigh your vegetables, estimate (give yourself a small discount). don’t worry about any sales tax; if they don’t ring it up, then the government doesn’t need it.
Pull up your shirt. Breathe really heavy like you are having a hard time breathing. Say you feel like your fainting. Pass out and sue the bastards.
Where I am, here in the UK, the local supermarket doesn’t harass anyone not wearing a mask. I’ve NEVER worn a mask [I’m 62], and will not be doing so. I’m one of the very few who don’t comply with the mask ‘mandate’, and have never been questioned re. it, in any shop. Although a couple of bus-drivers did challenge me over it, a few months ago, but I quickly summarised for them the factual reasons why I will NOT don a mask. I told both of them that they should make it their business to become PROPERLY-informed, as opposed to blindly-believing the false propaganda from the Mainstream Media and the Government. As I got off the bus, on one of those two occasions when I was challenged by the driver, I said to him “Find out the ACTUAL facts, you’re manifesting just how gullible and brainwashed you are!”.
Nice one.
Well done. You sure put that bus driver in his place.
That will teach him to try and do his job eh!
Mate you can just burgle the rich. Police in England don’t investigate burglaries unless the burglars actually in the house
Going food shopping once a week or whatever the covid cult are pushing is not healthy. Fresh ingredients are of vital importance. Daily shopping is necessary.
Daily shopping isn’t necessary, and many foods stay “fresh” for a while. You can also buy some vegetables and fruits that aren’t entirely ripe, as well as dried foods, fermented foods, nuts, seeds, etc.
Ideally you would be growing some food, which is something I was doing until I noticed there’s really no point in bothering with trying to survive.
Bizarrely you’ll remain “low-vibration” with mammon support, regardless of the “freshness” of the food you buy, because it’s tainted through that.
there’s really no point in bothering with trying to survive.
don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, as the saying goes.
Hey I’ll grant you some of my pain and you can go deal with that.
Here’s an idea of some of it (I am not Stu though, and I don’t have the sort of justifications he apparently has to live for):
So the next time you see this guy, remember, he won’t be there for you:
Regarding the damage from the antibiotics in that fqwallofpain link, just a warning…
So anyway, I just want to point out. You pretty much never need those pharma antibiotics, though if you really have no options, then I guess it’s your choice.
Personally, I avoid all (pharma) antibiotics. And in particular I would highly recommend you ALWAYS avoid antibiotics (but other medicines in general) that feature chlorine and fluorine, not that those are the only things. But if you see those in the compounds, stay away.
In terms of alternatives, I would recommend some forms of iodine (NOT povidone-iodine) and that you check out ayurvedic concoctions.
Also, if you have that sort of damage, look at ecklonia cava, perhaps evening primrose oil, akuamma might help. There are some other plants but I forget. In general, plants with high anti-inflammatory and/or mitochondrial support function. Oxygen therapy might be worth trying too, as well as nitric oxide related function.
Kratom certainly helps for me, for pain relief, and has some other benefits, but doesn’t exactly repair the nervous system damage.
To wax absurd a moment, regarding “pain”: I used to go to a gym and every time I saw one of the young people with a tee shirt that read “No Pain No Gain” I felt like saying: “Wait till you get my age – you’ll have so much gain you won’t know what to do with it!”
Yeah that “No pain no gain” shit is rather incorrect.
Here are some good random plant sites btw:
Mainly SE asian plants, but useful nonetheless:
Like I noticed I can synthesize gold from that as well as make a very nice dye, ph meter, antinoceciptives, improved rocketfuel and a nice herbal tea and some other uses…from one plant (Bottlebrush). Bees informed me.
I also highly recommend you use plant identification apps or sites to quickly identify plants, on smartphones there’s shit like plantsnap and other things. And there’s at least one good website (though I don’t quite remember the name). It’s incredibly useful.
Daily shopping is necessary.
it isn’t, if you have a refrigerator. do you seriously imagine that your tomatoes were picked the same day you bought them? where do you think they’ve been, since then?
Better to grow your own. And learn how and when to harvest them. Fruits and vegetables change their nutritional values throughout the day, and the nutrition also changes with the daily fluctuations in the local climate. Typically fruits with mature seeds can be left to sit such as tomatoes, plums, pears, avocado, winter squash, many tropical fruit etc. For me apples and peaches are terrible if they are not eaten directly after picking from the tree, but give me a rotting fig with green mold and I will be happy to chomp it. Bananas are extremely variable on when to pick and eat depending on the variety. Seedless vegetables are typically best when they are freshest, just picked. Root vegetables typically store well if you can’t leave them in the ground. Leaving potatoes too high in the ground destroys their nutrition, best to dig them out and store them in a cool dry place. As with most root crops garlic, turmeric, ginger and onion change their flavor, medicinal and nutritional values when they are stored. Different varieties of carrots store differently some being more nutritional when stored some less. Herbs are very variable whether they are best fresh, partially dry or dry. Their nutrition and medicine changes as they are stored or dried. There is a lot to learn. Get planting, nurturing and harvesting. Store produce is the worst. Shop at a local farmers market or find a grower instead. Refrigeration typically damages nutrition and flavor.
A link
Mexican Doctor Has Seizures, Now Paralyzed After Taking Pfizer COVID Vaccine – The COVID Blog
I need to know if my aunt already took the first vaccine is it true she will die from this?
Well it has “contributed” to degenerating her health and damaging her. You interpret that however you’d like.
the only way you could possibly know that, is if you were a government agent. which you are. but that means you’re a professional liar, so it’s still not necessarily true.
to the original poster: there is no way of knowing, at this point, what the effect of the “vaccine” will be, for any specific person. there might be none at all; some of the batches could just be salt water, for all we know. one of the major objectives of the hoax is multi-billion-dollar profits for the pharma cartel; salt water would be entirely consistent with that. the toxic version could be restricted to the batches given to the population targeted for elimination, whoever that is. we don’t know that either.
the possible effects range from nil to fatal; there’s no way of knowing in advance. it’s certainly best to just refuse it.
“the only way you could possibly know that, is if you were a government agent. which you are. but that means you’re a professional liar, so it’s still not necessarily true.”
Excuse me? The only way I could know that? Other than knowing it causes damage, fundamentally, you mean? Other than the evidence? Other than the intent?
You need to shut the fuck up forever now. Here’s a hint:
Remember the time… seems like years ago now, before the covid bullshit started, and the BTL comments here were almost a joy to behold (excluding of course Crispy, William H Bonney and a couple of others) and there was barely a troll in sight. And now this site has the feckers swarming over it. It’s like half the 77th Brigade has been assigned here.
So what exactly about what I said there do you have a problem with?
Look at the trial data.
Look at the functionality (hijacking your body, causing your body to produce toxic shit and kinda attack itself).
Look at the deaths and shit since vaccinations.
*Not directed at Susan: If you are assuming it to be saline you are REALLY grasping. You should be expecting and knowing it is damaging and avoiding it.
Yes, we can assume it’s saline or something on the TV with the celebrity types, sure but that’s irrelevant.
If it’s saline or something other than what they suggest it’s supposed to be (though that is potentially a very good thing, if it does happen to be saline), then you also have grounds for suing the fuck out of them.
So Susan, while I hope there’s nothing serious associated with it, I am not an optimist when talking about these sort of things and tend to caution. If your aunt seems to suddenly be worse for no apparent reason…you pretty much know what caused it (assuming basically consistent, good habits, diet, etc). Take care.
An Excerpt:
A look at early issues of the Eugenics Review shines a light on Galton’s original ambitions. In the 1955 issue titled “The Immigration of Colored People,” an author asks, “What will become of our national character, good workmanship etc. in the course of a few decades if this immigration of negroes and negroids continues unchecked?” The article ends with an appeal to readers to write their parliamentary representatives and urge them that in view of “racial betterment or deterioration” something must be done urgently to “check the present influx of africans and other negroids.”
Today, it appears that the Galton Institute continues to see the immigration of racial minorities into European cities as an unchecked threat. David Coleman, an Oxford professor of demographics and a fellow at the institute runs an anti-immigration organization and advocacy group called MigrationWatch, whose mission is to preserve the European culture of the UK by lobbying the government to stem legal immigration and publishing data that supposedly demonstrates the biological and cultural threat of increasing immigration.
I just saw an article yesterday saying that two of the lead developers of the )xford-AstraZeneca vaccine (Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert) have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society (re-named the Galton Institute) as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. This is of great importance, as we know that eugenicists want to limit population and keep those that they consider unfit from living or reproducing.
A good find. Though the kingpin of the poison prick movement is the notorious eugenicist prick Kill Gates of Hell. The promotion of the Astra Zeneca toxic shit as the saviour of the semi colonial world takes on an additional sinister dimension.
To me, this shows the depth of medical brainwashing which exists in society. Active-duty military are at effectively zero risk of death by covid (even assuming the thing actually exists). Yet two-thirds will voluntarily get vaccinated!
Pentagon Says 1/3 Of U.S. Troops Are Turning Down The COVID-19 Vaccine
Feb 18, 2020
When I tried to tweet about that Andrew Saul video I posted earlier (still in spam check), I had great difficulty. I had to make it a multi-part tweet which slightly complicated things, but I never had problems with those before I got banned from retweeting yesterday. It did eventually appear to get posted though, after multiple attempts.