Doctors & Scientists Write to European Medicines Agency Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

A press release from the Doctors for Covid Ethics campaign

A group of scientists and doctors has today issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to answer urgent safety questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, or withdraw the vaccines’ authorisation.

The letter describes serious potential consequences of COVID-19 vaccine technology, warning of possible autoimmune reactions, blood clotting abnormalities, stroke and internal bleeding, “including in the brain, spinal cord and heart”.

The authors request evidence that each medical danger outlined “was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.”

“Should all such evidence not be available”, the authors write, “we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA.”

The letter is addressed to Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the EMA, and was sent on Monday 1 March 2021. The letter was copied to the President of the Council of Europe and the President of the European Commission.

It states:

We are supportive in principle of the use of new medical interventions.” However, “there are serious concerns, including but not confined to those outlined above, that the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute ‘human experimentation’, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.”

You can read the full letter here, and watch the video statement by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, below:

In a public statement the group said:

No sooner did we deliver our letter than the Norwegian Medicines Agency warned that COVID-19 vaccines may be too risky for use in the frail elderly, the very group these vaccines are designed to protect. We would add that, by virtue of the mechanisms of action of the vaccines, to stimulate the production of spike protein, which has adverse pathophysiological properties, there may also be vulnerable people who are not old and already ill.

New data shows that vaccine side effects are three times as common in those who have previously been infected with coronavirus, for example. None of the vaccines have undergone clinical testing for more than a few months, which is simply too short for establishing safety and efficacy.

Therefore, as a starting point, we believe it is important to enumerate and evaluate all deaths which have occurred within 28 days of vaccination, and to compare the clinical pictures with those who have not been vaccinated.

More broadly, with respect to the development of COVID-19 vaccines, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has stated in their Resolution 2361, on 27th January 2021, that member states must ensure all COVID-19 vaccines are supported by high quality trials that are sound and conducted in an ethical manner.

EMA officials, and other regulatory bodies in EU countries, are bound by these criteria. They should be made aware that they may be violating Resolution 2361 by applying medical products still in phase 3 studies.

Under Resolution 2361, member states must also inform citizens that vaccination is NOT mandatory and ensure that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to become vaccinated. States are further required to ensure that no one is discriminated against for not receiving the vaccine.

The letter comes as a petition against UK Government plans for vaccine passports passed 270,000 signatures, more than double that required to compel consideration for debate by MPs. The petition will be debated in the UK Parliament on 15th March 2021.

For comment contact Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD, or Associate Professor Michael Palmer MD
Doctors and scientists can sign the open letter by sending their name, qualifications, areas of expertise and country of practice to: [email protected].


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J. Stoike
J. Stoike
Apr 12, 2021 5:45 AM

May I donate a little something with my Visa card?

Mar 22, 2021 6:49 PM

Why bother writing to these people they’re part of the scam, is the good doctor a ‘conspiracy denier’ like the previous article I read here. Considering the lies we’ve had spewing from the political classes, NGO’s and all the rest of these freaks for the last three decades concerning invading other countries even using a proxy army of ‘terrorists’ across Syria after being instructed by the people to keep their noses out how is it that we still have supposedly highly educated people turning to those who have continually said this rubbish is ‘safe’ in the hope they’re going to get a different answer, this is the madness.

Tor Guttorm
Tor Guttorm
Mar 19, 2021 5:45 PM

Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. Whether it is or is not more efficacious I do not know.
— Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

Mar 15, 2021 12:56 AM

Option 1: This is phase 1 of a massive depopulation agenda which is going to happen soon anyway, all we debating is how. Phase 2 is the real virus.

Option 2: Government around the world truly are thick and have lost the ability to see the wood for the trees.

I still can’t figure out which one it is. Option 1 is preferred only because the alternative is far far worse. Option 2 means Governments have no plan and “far far worse” will become a reality.

Mar 15, 2021 12:51 AM

Why on earth would you vaccinate yourself for the common cold? I don’t get it. I’ll never get it.

Mar 14, 2021 9:07 PM

Do the concerns of the scientists also apply to the Novavax vaccine, which does not inject DNA or mRNA into patients? See https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/novavax-covid-19-vaccine.html, but rather “spike proteins from the moth cells” assembled “into nanoparticles”. The article states that “While the nanoparticles mimicked the molecular structure of the coronavirus, they could not replicate or cause Covid-19”.

Mar 15, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Phil

I wonder if they sell their Genetically Modified nano-particles as a breakfast smoothie?

J. Stoike
J. Stoike
Apr 12, 2021 6:27 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It’s darn well better be labeled.

J. Stoike
J. Stoike
Apr 12, 2021 6:32 AM
Reply to  J. Stoike

correction [It]

Mark Oshinskie
Mark Oshinskie
Mar 14, 2021 4:25 AM
Mar 15, 2021 12:59 AM
Reply to  Mark Oshinskie

Anyone with a functioning brain knows Coronavirus is contrived nonsense.

WHY is the question that should be concerning people.

Mar 15, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Bill

Maybe the oligarchs got bored.

And they just wanted to see how gullible people are.

Kinda like a global ‘Darwin Award’.


J. Stoike
J. Stoike
Apr 12, 2021 5:58 AM
Reply to  Bill

Join the news team at WYXY, Bedlam Theatre, Mpls. MN

bernard kerkhof
bernard kerkhof
Mar 13, 2021 12:19 PM

EMA,science,médecines,health? (In the photo)
Exactly the 3 things missing.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 14, 2021 12:56 AM
Mar 15, 2021 6:54 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

People would be very surprised to discover what was going on in Europe and the US during the 19th Century (the Asians have known for thousands of years). Stuff that boggles the mind and it worked. The incurable became easily curable. Hundreds of books and journals written about it by MDs and Professors of Medicine and Chemistry. University Departments and Hospitals dedicated to a special form of curing people. All conveniently and literally dissappeared overnight with the rise of allopathic medicine thanks to Carnegie and Rockerfeller around the beginning of the 20th.
Now people think if they don’t see a Doctor and get some pills all hope is lost. Very sad and very wrong. There is no thought anymore or imagination or lateral thinking. Just over qualified pill dispensing machines.

Mar 13, 2021 5:07 AM

When we meet again, which I am sure we will

We will just hug each other

You haven’t been on Facebook for a year…

Is your lovely wife still here?

and then she says hello

I wouldn’t be here without her.


Mar 13, 2021 12:29 AM

I Replied Yes, but I am not going to have an injection or wear a Mask

Look at me – do I look ill?

I have got a complete valid passport, and driving license, and this is my wife next to me

Are you going to let us through…


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 15, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Stop spamming this thread with long OT rambles. I have now removed. May I respectfully remind you, this is not your personal blog or your public diary. Happy to have your posts here, but please post On Topic material, and this is crossing a line here.

if you continue down this path i will have to place you on premoderation and monitor your comments again.

I don’t want to, and hopefully you can rein this in.
Thank you, A2

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 12, 2021 8:00 PM

8 European Nations Stop AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine On Reports Of “Serious” Blood Clots
March 11, 2021

European 8: Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Norway and Iceland

Recently, a 65-year-old man in India collapsed and passed away just five minutes after getting first dose of vaccine against covid-19. He was injected with 0.5 ml dose of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine Covishield intramuscularly.

Even Australia’s Health Minister Greg Hunt in charge of rolling out Australia’s coronavirus vaccine program was hospitalized just one day after taking the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

According to a report by Germany’s Standing Vaccination Commission, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is only 8% effective in people over 65. Three European countries of Sweden, France and Germany have decided not to use AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for people over 65. This decision was made due to the lack of data available about its effectiveness in elderly people.

Mar 16, 2021 1:26 AM

the insane prime minister of canada insists it is safe; line up idiots.

Mar 12, 2021 7:10 PM

Today I had this talk with X. Every time she talks to me, I feel like I am reading the news papers. 

X: ‘Once we’ve had the vaccine, all will return to normal’

I: [silent]

X: ‘yes, it’s looking good. Haven’t you seen that the elderly are dying less now. The vaccine seems to work quite well.’

I: ‘Well I wait for September, I want to see what’s happening then, before I even start to make a judgement about the effectiveness of the vaccine’

X: ‘But it looks good, haven’t you seen the numbers’

I: ‘These numbers are too difficult for me. I have no idea what they mean, they could mean anything’

X: ‘But they look good’

I: ‘Well, I postpone judgement, will wait for September first.’

X: ‘yeah but by September there will be a new variant, and we will have new surge of cases’

To which I thought: So what is the point?

The difference between now and last year, is that last year I tried to have a conversation with X and explain that this is nothing more than seasonal flu. Now I am beaten so down by these conversations with X that I try to pretend talking about covid. Yet she always returns to the issue. It’s kind of a mantra that keeps coming back in our conversations. Is she secretly in doubt? Does she try to convince me that all is well?

Then part you need to understand in this is: X means well, she has just never thought about the things that people who visit this place think of. Now I already explained X everything about the ‘vaccine’ trial that you need to understand about it, and still it hasn’t stopped her for longing for the ‘vaccine’. Will she take it when the time is there? Can I pretend her from taking it? 

In April, X and I are next in line to get the jab. Feels like dying. And in some ways, it of course is. Of course I will pass.

Yesterday they introduced vaccination passport in NL. 17 March we have elections here. If you see how this guy is rallying here for a crowd of maybe a thousand (and this was today), explaining  what a nonsense covid is, which the crowd happily accepted, one knows that it’s not over yet and that the tables could turn.


Mar 12, 2021 7:28 PM
Reply to  Willem

With apologies for the typos…

Mar 12, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Willem

If it was me, I’d let her take it and tell her I no longer wish to discuss the topic with her, period. You could tell her that her position contradicts the facts. Her hopes, wishes, secret desires, prejudices or beliefs are not facts and that you have nothing to add to her mantra that you haven’t previously explained.

You could give her the VAERS link and tell her to start reading through the more than 1200+ deaths so far, from the synthetic injectable gene therapy.

Mar 12, 2021 6:29 PM

Freedom Talk with Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Andrew Kaufman & Dr Thomas Cowan
(all three for the first time together?):

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 12, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Antinfo

Thanks, that’s a good start. Next, I want to see all three in a live debate with Sucharit Bhakdi, Dolores Cahill, and James Lyons-Weiler. I will contribute $$$ to make this happen.

Mar 12, 2021 4:11 PM

When is Off-Guardian going to publish or link to the Statement of Virus Isolation by Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Sally Morell?

More than six thousand people from around the world have already signed in support of this statement. Other doctors have already published it on their own sites as a pdf.

“Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.

– Oxford English Dictionary

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus.

First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles.

These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 

(As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3“

Continued here.

Mar 12, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If we are ever to escape from this fraud perpetrated on the entire world we need to get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Do you want to print facts, or keep relying on special methods only virologists use without use of controls, claiming that words like isolation mean cell culture and who write junk papers that are worthless, misleading and harmful? 

The variant lie can keep the fraud going in perpetuity. The Contagion Myth can keep the new threats emanating every few years. Ebola, Zika, SARSCov3, Swine Flu, Bat Flu, Avian Flu. We have never had a better time to stop this fraud in its tracks than right now. 

Ultimately it comes down to facts.  The fact is there is no novel virus and no illness or disease called Covid19. There is no isolation of this virus or any allegedly contagious virus. The RT-PCR test is scientifically meaningless. It’s being used to generate stats that keep the lockdown and false emergency laws in place. 

The vaccines are causing deaths, injuries and are not designed to stop transmission of any disease or illness, but are being used for other purposes such as creating a medical and legal precedent for forced medical intervention, and to potentially sterilize the population and sicken them. 

The mass vaccination is being forced on healthy populations to control their behavior and make them submit to state edicts based on several easily provable frauds. 

Those who do not wish to submit to unsound and unsafe experimental gene therapy, or participate in the racketeering and profiteering of governments, health agencies and their private pharmaceutical and biotech partners are being smeared and harassed, fined, labeled, threatened and terrorized. It won’t be long before medical kidnap by governments becomes commonplace. 

Enough lies. Time to stand up for truth and honesty in journalism, science and medicine. 

Mar 12, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Maybe OffG don’t dare sticking their necks that far out. Luckily they have commenters like yourself to help them.

Mar 12, 2021 8:21 PM
Reply to  Jesper

It’s not sticking their neck out. It’s just the absolute unadulterated truth.

If nobody can ever find these particles it’s not because the process is too difficult or complicated. It’s because they don’t exist. Which is why epidemiologists and doctors have not been able to demonstrate contagion in any experiment or study. It’s the entire reason they invented models.

Mar 12, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

My understanding is:

Isolated means all other materials have been removed and only the target remains.

Purified (biological) means that the target can be replicated over and over again and only produces copies of itself.

Simple example: (geochemical) you isolate gold from the parent material (quartz etc) and then you purify it into pure gold.


Mar 12, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

There is no ‘virus’ in the ‘vaccine’ because it has not been isolated or purified which is why the ‘vaccine’ is a Genetically Engineered strand of RNA.

Mar 12, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

“There is no ‘virus’ in the ‘vaccine’ because it has not been isolated or purified which is why the ‘vaccine’ is a Genetically Engineered strand of RNA.”

No, RNA is quite simple. The shit in the vaccine is a bit more complex, which is why it has around 27000 base pairs (iirc). Along with other shit. It’s also why it has 6 overlapping amino acid profiles, as well nagalase homology, homology with syncytin, vmat, hemoglobin, etc. Coz it’s quite specifically designed to cause problems. Which it clearly does…

Think about it. Through belief, “mental contagion”, it is that engineered weapon that people tried to pin on what is the false covid (as in from the bullshit “tests”), it is a trojan and the only actual “virus”.

Mar 12, 2021 9:33 PM

The RNA is primary my friend. It zips along the DNA (through translation etc) and creates enzymes which form amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins and cells.

I understand you exasperation with the responses you get here from some minds who vehemently oppose your postings without rhyme or reason but I find most of what you share to be on point.
I am intrigued that you know what adjuvents etc are in the ‘vaccine’ when these have not been published anywhere.

Impossible to refute that:

There is no ‘virus’ in the ‘vaccine’


The Infection is in the Injection


Mar 16, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

thinking the monster gates views the body as a system and dna/rna as code to program it to his insane vision.

Apr 13, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

They havent isolated it,but what are people dying of,I had it,it wasnt bad at all,but some of my friends got it bad,some died..I dont believe in vaccines,its not at all logical to think some kind of gene therapy can be better than your immune system…we are all confused…

Apr 13, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  Andtea

Your friends and you had a test. A test that has proven to be fraudulent and has nothing to do with being ill or having a virus. People are dying from all the various things they usually die from, pneumonia, preexisting conditions, plus medical malpractice. Many died from flu vaccines, antibiotics and mechanical ventilators. Maybe some even died from 5g radiation.

When I put the primers and probe sequences in the RT-PCR tests used in a covid study, into BLAST which is a publicly available nucleotide and protein sequencing tool they matched with human genome sequences 100%, dozens of times. So the RT-PCR tests are basically testing if people have human DNA! That’s fraud.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2021 1:55 PM

Not exactly “NEWS” to many coming here, but well worth disseminating to jabbers who haven’t quite got the message.

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA
March 11, 2021

“In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.”

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA • Children’s Health Defense

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 3:11 PM

Dr Shiva: RFK jr is the not so obvious establishment, pro vaccine controlled opposition.

Mar 12, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

If you think Kennedy is controlled op you need a better argument.

Shiva happened to have run against Kennedy’s nephew for Senator in MA last Fall. He sent out a conveniently edited video of Robert Kennedy, Jr which was false and silly.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  Judith

Vaccine safety is an oxymoron like humane slaughter.

Where would you place Dr. Joseph Mercola, Barbara Loe Fisher, and Del BigTree in this matrix? You think I am ‘RADICAL’ for raising this observation and concern? THE ‘RADICAL’ LABEL that FISHER, MERCOLA, BIGTREE and apparently KENNEDY put on Horowitz to justify in their own ‘cognitive dissonance’ contributes to deadly genocidal hypocrisy. Each of these ‘heroes’ have justified their position that ‘vaccines are good, we just need to make them ‘safer?’ This more politically-correct position is not considered ‘RADICAL’ despite its stupidity. Making mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde ‘safer’ for injection along with human fetal tissues and deadly GMOs is only possible in the minds of delusional people. Don’t you think?


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 13, 2021 12:42 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Hello Peter Sky: At approximately 36:40 minutes into the presentation, Dr Shiva launches into a diatribe against Robert Kennedy Jr. Yada, yada, yada.

Observe the year 2008 date of Mr Kennedy’s Global Citizens award. Attacking another person for receiving an award 13 years ago? Hello?
Observe Mr Kennedy’s year 2000 endorsement of Hilary Clinton. Who was Hilary Clinton running against in the year 2000?

Character assassination might puff up the egos of some persons, but what does it have to do with Mr Kennedy’s recent efforts?

See Judith’s comment below.

Mar 12, 2021 12:53 PM

Here’s a softer type of revolution but also originating in Paris:

Mar 12, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

This was posted here the other day. Thanks for posting again. I’ve been listening/watching it repeatedly. It’s a brilliant act of resistance. Notice how the police/security didn’t want to intervene. If these brave people were fined or arrested for singing and dancing, the optics for the ‘authorities’ would have been terrible.

Mar 12, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  kevin

These are the lyrics googly translated so possibly corrupted arf arf;

‘We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords
Oh, no no no no no no
We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords

We are birds of passage
Never docile nor really wise
We don’t pledge allegiance
At dawn in all circumstances
We come to break the silence

And when the evening on TV
The good king has spoken
Came to announce the sentence
We are irreverent
But always with elegance

We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords
Oh, no no no no no no
We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords

Self-attestation that we sign
Prescription absurdity
And woe to him who thinks
And woe to him who dances

Every authoritative measure
Every whiff of security
Sees our confidence fly away
They are so insistent
To confine our consciousness

We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords
Oh, no no no no no no
We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords

Let’s not be impressionable
By all these unreasonable people
Fear sellers in abundance
Anguishing, to the point of indecency

Let’s know how to keep them at a distance
For our mental health
Social and environmental
Our smiles, our intelligence
Let’s not be without resistance
The instruments of their insanity

We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords
Oh, no no no no no no
We want to keep dancing again
See our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a grid of chords’

Mar 12, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

Vive la France!

Mar 12, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  StartHere

How do I add an image to my post?

Mar 12, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  StartHere

Find a link to an image. jpg seems to work here sometimes, but I don’t think the mods like too many images, and include it with what you are writing. links to youtube videos work sometimes too.

eg without the space or you might see a cat

https://www .catster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/google-cat-search-2014-_0.jpg

Mar 12, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  StartHere

On a pc, I used copy image location from your link, and pasted it.

comment image

Mar 12, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  StartHere

Just click on the image until you are on the URL of the image itself. Then post that link into the text-comment box.

Is this the image you wanted posted?

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 13, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  StartHere

Gilad Atzmon discusses Israel: A Guinea Pig Nation
David Scott (Northern Exposure)
Mar 8, 2021

Israel has adopted the Covid Lockdown policies with a severity unmatched internationally. They have pushed vaccination at a rate that leaves even the United Kingdom far behind. Gilad Atzmon, joins me to discuss the effects of this policy, the statistics coming out of Israel and the questions we should be asking.

Mar 16, 2021 2:16 AM

jews killing jews again?
whoops; might be in trouble. pardon.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 13, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  StartHere

Outcry To The World, From Israel
(NL+ENG subtitles)
Mar 10, 2021

Mar 12, 2021 11:50 AM

The dreams of psychopaths push the People to their limits.

pubs without beer
parks without benches
sports bars without televisions
supermarkets with goods “not for sale”
non-essential children without birthday parties
the curtains drawn on old folk, smiles shrouded, the last wave cut short
Millennials who brought us Random Acts of Kindness are now trained in Random Acts of Cruelty.
Professionals of all generations compete to see how much torture we can take.
free hugs replaced with ‘don’t touch me!’
orchestras mime in silenced bubbles
gymnasts sweat in private tents
leave your garden outside
sit down, don’t exercise
you caged dogs

Is that bustle of matron’s dress, the flapping of her starched white wings.
You’ve come with my tea? Why are there three… of you?… No, I don’t want it!

When did old folk cease to be part of the Volk? Those who brought us into this world, cared for us as well they could, until it was our time to care for them.

Is that bustle of matron’s dress, the flapping of wings, or the bellows of a ventilator? Anyone can become an angel of death: “I was only following orders. I’ve got bills to pay just like everybody else.”

Mar 12, 2021 11:36 AM

Firstly, a personal anecdote: I had some dealings with a tradesperson yesterday. He seemed very unconcerned by social distancing and whatnot and I thought, “great, here’s someone not taken in”. Then he said he’d just had his first jab….

Covid-fear does seem in decline here in the south of the UK. Well, what a coincidence that the lead story in the UK media is a revival of one of their old fear narratives. An abduction (of a 33 year old on 3/3) means that women are being told they should be afraid to go out. Twitter can’t wait to trumpet that #Curfewmen is trending. That the chief suspect is a Met policeman is extremely curious. It’s all feeling a bit poor man’s George Floyd and defund the police for novices.

It’s become an opportunity to re-boot Jess Phillips. Who hasn’t been thinking “just what I need now is to start hearing from Jess Phillips again”?

Mar 12, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It is also interesting that The Times is mentioning his families garage is next to a Knights Templar Church in Dover and that they are investigating the tunnels underneath it.

The officer is also a military reservist. A large picture of masked Met officers laying flowers is also given a lot of prominence – looks ritualistic.

They also managed to attack fantasists who ‘made up’ VIP child sex abuse claims in the same article.

Mar 12, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I don’t buy numerology, but I agree with the rest of your post.

It is not unusual, for people to go missing. Sadly, it happens far more regularly than most people realise, often with almost no publicity.


This story quickly went national, and is now International in Time Magazine:

“The Met said that the officer is in his 40s and part of the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command.”

“He has also been arrested on suspicion of an indecent exposure”

“had found “what appears to be human remains” ”

So the “suspect” is an armed top cop. Such people are highly trained and screened, for quite obvious reasons. Whilst I accept that anyone can “lose it”, I would have thought such personnel would be the least likely too.

What “appears to be human remain” – exactly how hard is it?

There is no evidence that she is actually dead, yet the story has gone world wide viral across all social media, tv, newspapers and magazines, resulting in mass abject fear, particularly amongst women.

I accept it may all be true, but as I believe very little of what appears in the media, I remain suspicious.


Mar 12, 2021 11:11 AM

I don’t know if anyone has posted this discussion regarding virus isolation etc but it is well worth listening to if you believe that viruses have been isolated and characterised and are the cause of infectious diseases.


Mar 12, 2021 11:26 AM
Reply to  -CO

The above discussion with Dr Kaufman also covers the basics of how ‘live’ vaccines are produced and much more.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  -CO

There was an interesting discussion between Kaufman and Judy Mikovitz. Despite her argument that the virus deniers are downplaying the threat of the injection I would argue the opposite, that the virus not existing makes the genetic engineering all the more worrying because it would mean they are altering some process in the body that is supposed to be there and its not a virus at all but part of a healing process that may not function properly if altered. She says he is arguing practically the same thing as her but this is really not the case. The virus not existing has all sorts of implications that are different from the virus existing position.


Mar 12, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

That’s a good point Peter. I’ll have a look at that. I think we are all now caught up in a tangled Web that can confuse everyone. There is no doubt that viruses can be engineered with modern technology.

However, the same conditions and criteria regarding their isolation/purification etc and proof of their ability to be the cause of an infectious disease must apply. But, obviously no such scientific proof appears to be forthcoming from those who call themselves ‘scientists’ to date.

Perhaps the nearest we get to it is the synthetic mRNA in the Covid vaccines, if it really is mRNA and not RNA in its other forms. But, even that is Combined with nanotech materials and adjuvants.

So we don’t even really know what causes the averse vaccine events if the RNA is mixed with all the other crap in the witches brew if you catch my point.

Mar 12, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  -CO

“There is no doubt that viruses can be engineered with modern technology.“

What is being engineered is not a virus per se but genetically modified organic material or synthetic material that produces genetic modifications in the host or cell culture.

Mar 12, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

People are really bad at this, and it’s really quite tragic we don’t have someone like Kary Mullis, or Steiner to remind them.

To engineer a “virus” you would have to induce toxicity, deficiency resulting in say, genetic regression. “Viruses” as they are called, do not have motile function, they do not have propagation function, and they do not, most crucially, have ANY ENERGY CAPACITY. THEY CANNOT DO SHIT.

Now, if you INDUCE something that causes “viruses”, say, such as with toxins from vaccines…then you get results from say, those chemokine, cytokine responses related to cellular damage.

Should we pull up some of those CDC coronavirus patents?

Mar 13, 2021 6:13 PM

An email cant do shit mate – but if you click the exe attachment you can run shit on your system.
The pathogenic CAUSE is a non starter for me, but the idea of extracellular communication is open and alive – perhaps by many levels of resonant exchange – that may mean that cells that disintegrate (die) hold information as to their experience that is ‘read’ and run by other cells when recycled or taken up for re-use – subject to recognition or match as a communication code.

I have no doubt that bacteria operate extracellular communication.
I have the sense that what we mis-assign as pathogenic viruses may also participate.

It may be no less true that a person as we think our self to be is no less fictitious and cant do shit – but is an expression of the terrain.
So I agree that projecting our narrative identity onto our world is liable to self-reinforce an ignorance.

Mar 13, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, I agree but the virologists still call it a ‘live’ virus in a vaccine despite the fact that viruses are not alive and are not even organisms in the strict biological sense of the term! Just a bunch of metastable organic particles.

We are stuck with having to use the term “virus” unfortunately whether or not they can be physically proven to exist and can be isolated or not. Or, whether they are incomplete nucleic acid strands or not – we need not quibble on that.

One big mistake is that few people at the moment are attacking virus theory itself and are concentrating almost entirely on virus isolation and purification etc failures.

As I’ve said many times if the theory is wrong it won’t work out in scientific practice. But as usual it seems to have fallen on deaf ears and the same stuff keeps on being repeated ad nauseum about virus isolation, albeit important as it is.
There are other problems too concerning virus isolation that nobody has yet explained because they have not come to grips with the theory on which viruses are allegedly based. See if you can figure out what they are.

Mar 13, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  -CO

In my last sentence when I said “see if you can figure out what they are” I meant other than what Kaufman, Cowan and Lanka have said (as good as it stands) and has already been posted on Offguardian.

Mar 13, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  -CO

“One big mistake is that few people at the moment are attacking virus theory itself.”

Which is why I keep putting up the links to Dr. Stefan Lanka’s article, The Misconception of Virus.

It appears difficult for people to give up germ theory and embrace terrain theory and pleomorphism. Partly because antibiotics have limited or short term success in eradicating symptoms therefore people believe microbes are the cause of illness instead of a contributing cause of the symptoms.

The problems that I can see are the contradictory issues within the theory, mechanisms and origin of virus.

• Dead and alive, yet viable and then unviable. Or the concept of a Zombie pathogen. If it’s not a living organism how can it be killed?

• Unable to stop replication implies that it can’t be halted until the host is destroyed yet viruses are supposed to achieve a balanced homeostasis within the host without killing the host.

• Unable to show an energy source or mechanism for obtaining energy to replicate and fuse to cells.

• Unable to show motile function or ability to move means it can’t penetrate the cell.

• If viruses can only use the host to replicate what happens when the host dies? The virus should also die out permanently. But the virus is not alive so we arrive back at the first point.

• No origin of development or evolution since it is allegedly obtained from outside the host yet can only survive in the host.

Mar 13, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

That’s a good start, but even Dr Lanka doesn’t go far enough. Virologists do have answers to questions that Lanka does not address.
You mention for example that viruses have no energy (I.e. They can’t make ATP ). A Virologist would say they derive their energy from the breaking of chemical bonds when using the host cell machinery after they enter the cell. But they don’t tell you that viruses have to compete with a host of other molecules first -many of which could combine with the virus and prevent it from ever locking on to a special host cell receptor in the first place.

However there is no proof that these postulated host cells possess such receptors – they have never been observed by electron Microscopy. There remains the problem as to how viruses derive energy from chemical bonds -any ideas on the problem with that fantasy? I’ll leave it at that for now but I can come back on some of the other interesting issues you raise if you like.

Mar 13, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes please. I am always interested in your comments.

Mar 13, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Have you thought about the energy from chemical bonds problem as it alone has serious problems for alleged virus repliction and reproduciton? Then we can take things from there.

Mar 14, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  -CO

In order to break chemical bonds viruses would need enzymes.

Mar 15, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Virology postulates a set of functional imperatives that a virus must fulfil if it is to replicate and reproduce. Virologists then assign special host cells as the functional means to provide EVERYTHING for the virus, so it can fulfil those functions.

Once the virus enters the cell a predefined series of chemical reactions allegedly follows which nobody has ever observed that are claimed to lead to the production of new viruses. Virology also claims that the steps are completely passive I.e. predefined by the nature of the molecules that comprise the virus particle. Infection is thus a serious of chemical reactions.

Several problems arise from this process which is based on functionalist teleology. Theoretically the origin or ‘sart’ of the process is the chance encounter of the alleged virus with a special host cell. A serious of uninterrupted chemical reactions follow but they are not just completely ‘passive’ steps as predefined.

Why? Because they are also constitutive of the movement through each stage of the process of replication and reproduction, and cause it to go in a definite direction if it is to ‘go’ at all In accordance with the information coded in the viral genome in order to achieve its supposed teleo-functional end, namely, a new progeny of virions.

The problem is that teleology won’t work if all other physical, biochemical, mechanical etc causes not pertinent to the process cannot be Excluded such as other cellular reactions and cell signalling that would disrupt viral replication.
When chemical bonds are allegedly broken and made by viruses in the cells the chemical coupling to transfer their information would be accompanied by a massive loss of energy. The small amount of energy that remains therefore limits the amount of information that can be carried by the molecular signal of the invading virus. Which means that viral replication and reproduction is unlikely to work at all.

But I have left things out regarding teleology as it would take too long to go into further detail. But will answer any questions you may have if I can.

Mar 13, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I wonder if the idea of the virus as the hack and hijack to a mutative replication – that ran as a cover story for toxic or psychic crises, is in a sense being embodied as the attempt to hack biocode (RNA/DNA).
The so called vaccines may be all and any manner of ‘attempted hacks’ while the lab-human reactions are mapped out using ‘A.I’ The big prize being the means to ‘recode’ biology. Hey – and why not open the Gates of hell to set up a 4th Reich over those who are herded from Immunity into the lock-in of dispossession normalised as ‘Happiness’?

What could possibly go right?

On the other hand I do not believe DNA is what it was wished to be or claimed to be, such that the ‘its bad genes etc’ is just another cover story to fund a masking denial with sacrifice to feel momentarily safer, but degraded of the capacity to tell the difference between true and false.

Mar 13, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Binra

You may be interested to know that your belief that DNA is not what it was wished to be or claimed to be by mainstream biology. It turned out to be something else.

In fact, an article appeared in Nexus Magazine years ago on a report by Dr Chiang Kanzhen translated from Russian proving that DNA is like a “cassette” with recorded information whose actual carriers are electromagnetic signals.

It is the EM field plus the DNA together that make up the COMBINED GENETIC MATERIAL which exists in 2 forms passive as DNA and the active EM form.The passive form preserves the genetic code, and the active transmitting form is able to modify it. The original report appeared in the journal AURA-Z, vol, 1, No.3, Spring 1994.

Mar 14, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  -CO

Interesting. That would account for why geneticists couldn’t figure out why so much of it was what they called junk DNA. That seemed to have no purpose. That was their claim.

So my theory is that these vaccines work with the EMF. That it why they introduced 5g at the same time they are attempting to alter human DNA.

Mar 14, 2021 1:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Bruce Lipton found a different empirical reality to the idea of DNA as the brain or controller. He saw it more as the gonads of the cell with all the primary determinants operating as the boundary condition or balancing of inner and outer terrain. What we call the membrane – though again I see that is more an energetic interface than a barrier covered in ‘receptors or ‘pumps!’.
So in a sense ‘structured water’ operating through proteins as a living interface or translation of Field to form. Gilbert Ling found a lot that was paradigm changing – Gerald Pollack has sought to make some of that more available and then stumbled into EZ water and radiant energy as magnification of the charge separation effect.

The hacking code idea is one facet I mentioned. Another is all this nano-robotic bio-tech linking to 5G controls.

The 5G IoT etc also represents the symbol of the ‘ego’s’ last ditch attempt to save the ‘Prison Planet’ of ‘Separation from Universal Communication, that can be pointed to as Infinity, or multidimensional being. Separation as ‘salvation’ is life taken from the denial of its Source, and the denial of the denial.

In one apparent choice is to double down in darkness of fear and control, or in the release of that mind is the restoration of a full awareness. This is nothing we can think and much of what we take as thinking can trigger psychotic or traumatic experience. If we were manually ‘in control’ of this time of change, we would not hold the conditions for life at all.
Holding the conditions for ‘control depends upon fear and guilt and conflict to run as a narrative. So when it breaks down, the masked over and locked in fears ‘rise’ to awareness. Freakout!
But the burden of keeping fear suppressed or repackaged in various narratives grows intolerable – hence the persistence of control is the denial or limitation of life and consciousness.

So alongside the narratives of ignorance and arrogance are also all kinds of inspirations that reveal coherence at a level and quality of inspiration. The masking in fear control, and the unmasking to know and be known in truth.
We have the human alloy of love and fear and it manifests as two mutually exclusive directions or conflicting identity.

There was a meeting of Lipton and if I recall right – Rupert Sheldrake that was rich and touched on the covered up failure of the Payoff for the Genetic Discovery. But rather than release a bad investment for aligning more truly, the double down in the invested model is so far the only option open to control agenda.
As like the discarding of anything helpful that cannot be patented and used for leveraging wealth and control.

Mar 14, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Binra

I think of the consciousness as the controller and the DNA as the receiving adaptive technology that manifests proteins, enzymes, growth, adaptation and illness.

Vaccines and 5g seem like an attempt to hack that process.

Mar 14, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  Researcher

In principle -Yes.
My sense of consciousness as a channel and focus through which idea as tangible experience – is lived.
A clear channel functions as a vehicle through which the terrain knows Itself in all that is. This ‘knowing’ is being. Nothing added or taken away.

We also have a different order of experience in self-conscious inhibitions arising from imbalance in which attempt to control the flow of experience can overlay coercive limits, rules and denials that can become a habit pattern of learned behaviours in which the sense of loss of being, is substituted for by the face or mask of control. This can be seen as a mistaken identity that gets in its own way, to operate from fear-threat as a psychic ‘control’ imposed upon the flow of being/communication.

So whatever the electrical/biological processes involved, an underlying energy field of conflicted and limited distortions and filters, effectively blocks true alignment and adaptive integration, at leat at the level of what we take to be ‘waking consciousness’ as the filtered results of the acquired experience of the personality complex.

Are we hacked to run a phished or stolen identity?
But as a normalised sense of adapted conflict and imbalance seeking resolution ‘externally’?

I realise I have ‘gone abstract’ on you again, in attempt to sketch or point to the pattern that I see underlying the faithful rendering of our thought as our experience – if not as the derivative sense of private thought, control and world that we ‘sleep’ in, while ‘They’ live.

The sense of being controlled, and subject to controls as an imposition of alien mind or will, rather than a free alignment in our being, is the result of the measure we have set as the intent and attempt to deny, limit, mask and manipulate our experience – as the polarised sense of conflict WITH experience. The conflict is then – in a sense – externalised to ‘conditions’ that become learned associations and triggers to repeat and adapt strategies for the survival and persistence of the ‘protective encapsulation’ of the conflict. (This resonated with Dr Hamer’s ‘New Medicine’ that Lanka embraces and expands.

My attempt here has been to open a perspective in which the ‘conflict-complex’ we associate with a dissociative ‘control’ agenda, can be embraced, or reconnected within its Terrain, rather than fed more denial (hate and fear). It is a complex of hate and fear – and the body and world is the arena of its ‘conflict themes’, because that is where we polarised to seek magical ‘solutions’ for what is in truth a conflict at the level of decision and acceptance.

I share the sense of horror and grief in the experience of such degradations resulting from manually ‘overriding’ and blocking true Sustenance of being for a cover story of a masking nightmare that wont come off.

But hold that there is no truth in it, and so I will not give untruth or deceit the right or primacy of context or terrain that then results in a mind and world of lies. I then find Life itself has both inner listening or discernment, and outer alignment of enquiry, research, and serendipity that
grows a different ‘consciousness’ from which I am moved and share in, that is of the nature of acceptance, recognition and alignment, rather than denials, given priority as a sense of private control – or struggle!

Though I don’t like the term materialism if it degrades our appreciation of the physical, it is generally the idea that what matters is self created or self-existing as a blind creator of a world that is divorced of its true Context for the engaging in ‘Separation’ experience.
If what ‘matters’ to me is image and form over truth, I will be phished by the attempt to grasp or possess reality instead of abiding in the desire and fulfilment of resonant recognition.

The idea that ‘energy’ informs and guides all that is, is a step towards re-cognising a Living Universe. Rather than locking down life in image and form as ‘thing-in-itself’ to a dissociated and ‘alien’ or ‘othering’ mind. Is there really a choice between truth and illusion? Not to a truly informed consent. Aligning in love of truth cannot be a ‘struggle’ except we hide our own decision as a mind-habit or unrecognised pattern of perception-response.

I appreciate the uncovering of electro-biological support for our lives where it undoes the fear-set denials and deceits that effectively recycle the same core patterning of fear, hate, guilt, shame and masking attack.

And the sharing of perspectives ‘buried’ in such comment pages!

Mar 14, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Binra

Hey, thanks for the Gilbert Ling and Gerald Pollack reference.

Mar 15, 2021 12:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You are welcome. It is a pleasure to share some of what brings more light on life and world rather than be reactive to misguided or manipulative provocations. Regardless any differences of approach or expression, I appreciate for your contributions.
And glad I trawled down through whatever, to participate in this shared thread and themes.

Mar 14, 2021 12:33 PM
Reply to  Researcher

from my inbox immediately after my response :

(I am not promoting the video!)
Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc.(SALES PITCH ALERT!), explained in a 2017 TED talk how the company’s mRNA vaccine was designed to work. Over the last 30 years, he said, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, (CORPORATE FUNDING STRUCTURE) and I’m here today to tell you (!) that we are actually hacking (fucking with) the software of life (SUPPORT), and that it’s (BY) changing the way we (YOU) think about prevention and treatment of disease.” (FEAR-THREAT). He went on to explain (TELL the story) that the human body is made up of organs and organs are made up of cells. “In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all (NOT) made out of. (Its a model of Life as broken or inadequate machinery). This is the critical information that determines what the cell (SELL) will (enable us to) do. So we think about it as an operating system. (Not as a relational being).
“So if ( THIS IS THE BIG IF), you (meaning Moderna et al) could change that, if you (?) could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the (PANACEA warning!) flu to cancer.” (And every kind of aberration by design or as a ‘side’ effect.
– – –

Bold is my edit – as are (bracketed) and strikethrough.
Did I miss any hidden viral payload?
The Tell is the Sell is the hack to invested identity.
I’m sure a spanner in the works will bring results, and with more (as we speak) human research, can craft the ‘treatments’ to deliver results than can be used to present the narrative of ‘phenomenal success’ against always new ‘variants’ of the ‘disease threat’ demanding Action Now! – or Else!

Mar 14, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Binra

It is interesting seeing through their narratives and sales pitches. They are always more revealing than they realize.

I like what Stefan Lanka said in his recent video with Kaufman and Cowan about the need to change course away from the materialism of the last two millennia.

It feels like humanity was hijacked a long time ago and our world consists now of mostly false but highly managed perceptions.

I still think their ultimate goal is depopulation. When people show you who they really are (eugenicists who want a less populated world) believe them. There are no cures to the masses of illnesses they are creating with these injectables.

Mar 14, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Nothing is really hidden but that our minds are trained to hide.

Depopulation is part of ‘genetic control’ which is a form of sorcery or ‘hacking source code so as to create the ‘reality’ we THINK we want.

However hacking away at our own life support will meet an insane and terrifying lesson. I do not recommend it. But some burn in order to learn, while other burn out their faculties to become a sad or grievous warning to others. IE: WE don’t have to make the same mistakes that others reveal by their results.

While the Source is beyond editing, the mind can run off like Prometheus (or the Prodigal) with a copy – and suffer the torments of the belief it has actually become the death of God – or if it lends more meaning; of love. Self-lack, conflict, fear and guilt hijack a true integrative expression of our being. However truth is masked over not ‘dead’ or become a terror of vengeance.

I’ve been wanting more from Lanka for years – so I’m pleased to see him coming out into English speaking ventures.

You say there are no cures. Perhaps because they are being falsely addressed? the masking of mind is the ability to false flag or displace and divert psychic-emotional conflict by means of cover stories, diversions and distracting conflicts that keep the true underlying problem from awareness.

The release of ‘virology’ reopens the questions as to the cause and nature or function of what we generally seek to suppress, evade or forfend by forms of ‘limited sacrifice’.

My sense is that for many of us death would eventually become a ‘saviour’ from deeper fear – that the mind cannot or will not face. I call it deeper because our defences make it so.

‘Cure’ is generally only used by pharma in PR for pipeline carrots – that are part of maintaining the mask of a sense of progress, while attracting funding.
But when we experience the release of a siege-like burden, struggle or dissociation associated with conditions, symptoms or oppressive circumstances – we recognise and are grateful for our release to the joy of living. So I agree that the materialist reductive mind is itself a lockdown, distance and mask, that became a ‘normal’ or conditioned ‘reality’ of experience – even if based on false or partial and distorted narratives.

Mar 15, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Remember the Steiner Quote on vaccines to get rid of all notions of soul and Spirit?

Mar 14, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Researcher

See also Jacques Benveniste on molecular signalling in the body based on EMFs. He got hounded for that before he died.

Mar 14, 2021 11:00 PM
Reply to  -CO


Mar 15, 2021 12:45 AM
Reply to  -CO

I also read some interesting work by Abraham Liboff some time back.
Toward an Electromagnetic Paradigm for Biology and Medicine ABRAHAM R. LIBOFF, Ph.D.
Subtle electromagnetic interactions in living things
(Cant find this link but have it as rtf).

Mar 15, 2021 10:44 AM
Reply to  Binra

Further trails connected to something I met from Int Water Conference videos but this pdf is very interesting:
By Mae Wan Ho

AbstractThis paper reviews the quantum electrodynamics theory of water put forward by Del Giudice and colleagues and how it may provide a useful foundation for a new science of water for life. The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains in which the water molecules oscillate between the ground state and an excited state close to the ionizing potential of water. This produces a plasma of almost free electrons favouring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms. Coherent domains stabilized by surfaces, such as membranes and macromolecules, provide the excited interfacial water that enables photosynthesis to take place, on which most of life on Earth depends. Excited water is the source of superconducting protons for rapid intercommunication within the body that may be associated with the acupuncture meridians. Coherent domains can also trap electromagnetic frequencies from the environment to orchestrate and activate specific biochemical reactions through resonance, a mechanism for the most precise regulation of gene function.
Keywords: light matter interactionquantum fluctuationsquantum coherent organismwater in nanospaceproton superconductioncollagen proton conductionacupuncture meridianselectromagnetic intercommunicationresonance
1. Emilio Del Giudice

Emilio Del Giudice was a prolific and original scientist, whose intellectual legacy needs to be fully assessed in the decades to come, being so far ahead of his time. He is best known for pioneering the quantum field theory of condensed soft matter, especially water (see [1]). I confess I only began to fully appreciate his work after becoming convinced from examining the more conventional literature that water is quantum coherent even under ambient conditions [2]. Quantum coherent water underlies the quantum coherence of organisms [3]; it is the medium of life in that it enables quantum macromolecular machines (proteins and nucleic acids) to work at close to 100% efficiency and with precise coordination down to molecular and sub-molecular levels. I call that “quantum jazz”. Inspired by Del Giudice, I began to see clearly how quantum coherent water also fuels the biosphere and provides the electricity that animates life and makes quantum jazz possible. That led to my recent book [4], Living Rainbow H2O, which presents quantum coherent water as “the means, medium and message of life” [5]. Del Giudice has given us a unifying basis for a new science of water for life. In the rest of this paper, I shall give an overview of how I see the subject in the light of his contribution; and more importantly, how it could be taken forward.

Mar 15, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thanks Binra. Have you read any Lacan? I notice in one post you refer to desire. Lacan says that desire is the motor of the psychic apparatus and that it’s also like a lack in our being that we are always trying to fill but can’t! Your thoughts?

Mar 16, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  -CO

No – should I?
desire is the most fundamental ‘force’ or field of attraction and alignment. BUT the sense of self-lack frames a movement of fulfilment in the frame of ‘getting’ as a driven sense of lack. This is what most use ‘desire’ to refer to. At that level Lacan is correct.
But the motor or self fulfilling futility depends on the self definition or core beliefs in lack and limitation as a substitute for the true movement of being – that may be recognised as true desire that is more like a cup that runs over than an emptiness demanding to be filled.

I often call that ‘getting’, wishing or substitution for intimacy of being. The psychic apparatus of an adaptation to Separation trauma has a dissociative mind or displacement map. True desire is not separate from the movement of our being that is both seeking and finding, giving and receiving, asking and answering, sowing and reaping.

At this (current) late hour I precis to say we have a reversal of cause and effect in our ‘adaptive dissociation’, such that the key is to simply be actively willing to align the conditions in which you recognise the moment at hand as simply being. Desire is already moving as your life’s unfolding, but the busyness and chatter of thinking about sets up an overlay of masking diversions that can be called restless wants, and if not met, can become dramatised as a sense of deprivation! How in touch with your desire to know and rest in the being of you with all that is will perhaps indicate conflicting wants that still catch your attention.

We are talking of the true will as distinct from the push and pull of a split or conflicted and lacking sense of ‘driven wilfulness. It cannot be difficult to freely align in what you truly want, when you simply recognise it as nothing else. But the complex of unresolved conflicts can generate narrative overlay of invested identity.

The mind can seem to want all kinds of thing, none of which truly heal, answer or fulfil – UNLESS the experience is resonant with the heart’s knowing. Then the blessing of that ‘touch’ is awake as a point of experience of giving and receiving as one – regardless what the thinking mind interjects or re-asserts. We think that we ‘lose it’ but really it is that we have found something else in which to lose awareness of. If we are not ready or willing to accept our reality as it is, we seek and find something else in substitution. Dissociation. Thus we also learn the ‘reality-experience’ that we make’ as a masking over, which has its own demands,and rules that frame the scope and depth of our desire.

The manipulative mind operates on a sense of lack, fear and conflicted guilt – whether from Others or as your own patterns of adaptation that are shaped by your own ‘separation trauma’ that is not necessarily outwardly ‘heavy’ – for we are born into a world that is already running the themes of adaptive strategies to the ‘Human Conditioning’. Love and fear. Love has only one need and that is extension. Fear has many – and all all for ‘getting. learning to discern the difference – in my view means a more honest acceptance of where we are at now, as a freedom to grow and learn along the lines of our true (uncoercive) desire. This calls for trusting ourselves as a way to let more honesty in. The blame-hate of self judgement triggers ‘separation’ scripts.
Oh well, so much for a precis!

The territory is not the words or symbols. I sketch in order to say – look!

Mar 16, 2021 10:03 AM
Reply to  Binra

Yes Binra I think you would find Lacan an interesting but most challenging read particularly wrt the unconscious and the orders of the symbolic the imaginary and the Real.

Mar 17, 2021 12:51 AM
Reply to  -CO

I watched an overview. He makes sense to me.
there is a boundary condition with the mind of adaptation to our experience of self and world, that is in a sense oppositionally polarised and liable to reversal in which the cause is assigned to effects, that usurp truth and set up reversals – exactly as in our world today in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner)

I wrote more but sit on it for now.
The mind wants to translate everything into its ‘model, narrative structure’ as if to define for the purpose of control IT takes as ‘understanding’.
(New Wine into old wine bottles).

To be as a child without knowing in a ‘new language or revealing fulfilment, is to let it abide with and grow within. Likewise to process what someone is saying while speaking sacrifices the Primary Quality of relational being for the getting of a personal handle for private motives – no matter how well intentioned.
Receiving the presence of another is the attunement to the Spirit within the situation as a whole.

I may read a bit to feel him between the lines. i don’t grow or resonate with agreement so much as inspired intent. That changes the mind of the reader rather than a process of struggle towards some future goal. Unfolding an ongoing fulfilment is from a different ‘place’ or basis that the getting somewhere, somewhen else as a disqualification of presence.

The revealing of truth is not permitted as the spoiling or short-circuiting of the gift of unfolding experience. And pushing receives pushback, and yet withholding also generates a ‘stuckness’ or inability to move.

I did not see any reference to the Timeless or Non physical in the summary of him, but his acknowledgement of the Relational as the true source-nature of All, is transcending and embracing of all other facets of what are not really separated parts or levels but all together now.
Ha! I wrote more again.

Truth does not hide. In concept, we hide.
Principally by means of conflict between imaged reality projections and Reality as Is, that generates conflicting symbols of qualities that then archetype as Powers set over that underlie our human consciousness as our world. True Power is then usurped in our mind by idols of representation taken as the God or Power or Significance given it.
But reality is in no way involved in conflict. Illusions battle within themselves.

Who are we to mask in image and form but a phish out of water – running a mis-taken covert ID.

Beneath all the narrative or masking control struggle in our time is the revealing of ourself to our Self. I invite looking within, which is a way of saying look now, not introspective thinking. Let any thinking follow the alignment of emergent perspectives that pre-thinking blocks or subverts. Or else we make manifest in the image of a past made in anger and extend it as future of its protected persistence.

I resonate in A Course in Miracles, but it is a specialised tool that I live the integration of, rather than push as a teaching form for others. All of what I so far read of Lacan is within the Course – though more holographically revealed.
When there is a need and call for the reintegration to presence from an invested presentation, the means and supports align in their timing to each according to readiness and willingness of recognition and acceptance. But the point is an awakening quality of trust and discernment within the situation – which includes all the meaning it is assigned or representing within the Relational ‘Field’

Regardless any words or sketches or attempts to say, the territory is not the map and so let the Terrain align the need without getting in our own way.

Mar 15, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes with the right signal and carrier that can be done. Remember it’s not 5g per se but what’s carried in it and by it! With the U.S. Moscow Embassy affair they used a microwave carrier and scalar technology the health problems were generated in field free areas. John’s Hopkins University were called in to i investigate but couldn’t figure out why at the time that the potentials persisted in the field free areas!!

Mar 20, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Extracted from Mae Wan Ho

In the Rainbow Worm, I define quantum coherence after quantum physicist Roy Glauber [57] (who later got the 2005 Nobel Prize for his work in quantum optics) in terms of factorizability. I later expressed factorizability as follows (see p.40 in [4]): “a system is quantum coherent when its parts are so perfectly correlated that their cross-correlations factorize exactly as the product of the individual self-correlations, so that each appears paradoxically as though totally uncorrelated with the rest. It is a state of maximum local freedom and global cohesion; something that’s impossible in a classical mechanical system.”
Quantum coherence is a sublime state of being whole: a superposition of coherent activities over all space-times, a pure (ideal) dynamic state towards which the system tends to return asymptotically. I use the idea of “quantum jazz” to highlight the immense diversity and multiplicity of supramolecular, molecular and submolecular players, the complexity and the coherence of the performance and, above all, the freedom and spontaneity, with each and every player improvising from moment to moment, yet keeping in step and in tune with the whole.
To appreciate the scope, as well as the precision and finesse of quantum jazz, we need look no further than the “natural genetic engineering” or “natural genetic modification”—cut and splice operations on DNA and RNA—that cells and organisms need to do constantly in real time in order to survive (see [58]). Leading molecular geneticist, James Shapiro, at University of Chicago Illinois in the United States is so impressed with what he and others have been finding out over the past four decades, and especially since the human genome was sequenced, that he says evolution happens by natural genetic engineering and not by the natural selection of random mutations. In fact, there is almost nothing that’s random inside the cell and organism. Organisms are constantly adjusting to the environment by turning on and off the right genes, creating new genes if need be, shaping the environment and preparing for the future.
Just to produce a single protein, originally thought to be one continuous genetic message, requires elaborate cut and splice operations. The international research consortium project, ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements), data have revealed that vast areas of genomic DNA include many “non-coding” segments. The “gene” is actually scattered in bits across the genome, overlapping with bits of multiple other genes that have to be spliced together to make a messenger (m)RNA for translation into a protein. 
The idea of random genetic mutation is a masking concept over Life by design.

Mar 14, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  -CO

Not just a belief 😉
Energy as information is the matrix of all appearances.
But a local ‘copy’ or transcription can become ‘corrupted’ as in a blocked ‘channel’.
From my appreciation to wilfully choose to corrupt the Communication is to open an experience of conflict – and all the progeny of fear.
But this is because our Word is the active principle and not because truth is actually corrupted.
So while I feel horror at ‘what we do unto ourselves’ I leave the final Word with God – not the body of the world set as denial, distance and lockdown. That is to say to release the oppositional polarisation of fear-conflict to align with the Source and Nature that is always truly Current.
The ‘Model’ is never the Reality it seeks to reflect or represent, and so the broken Model is not the broken Reality it seems though we may die to our true awareness in clinging on to figments or kill in the attempt to regain a lost sense of wholeness or power from unrecognised denials.
Thanks for the linkage.
Energy calls forth out the alignments of true desire as synchronicity.within a wholeness we have forgot how to recognise and rest in.
Though I sense a biocomputer-like element to our lower functions, I am convinced it is orders of magnitude more complex and contextual relative to our first steps in binary coding – no matter how fast it can be run.
The wish to control Life will always be that. A wish that for a time can promise a carrot that never really comes, while generating a stick that can never be escaped – within the mindset or focus of the wish. Be mindful of what we wish for or rather, truly align active willingness rather than set a wish program running as emulation at cost of whole presence.

It seems to me that we uncover more of what and who we are by the results of the attempt to be what we are not, and make it so, as a coercion and deceit or conceit – in place of directly aligning in the movement of our true desire – which is not the wants of what we generally mean by the word desires set in the presumption of lack, rather than unfolding fulfilment.

Mar 12, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

I distinctly recall a segment where Judy Mikovitz distinctly said she never detected the AIDS virus even though she was “swimming in blood.” Her years in prison may have affected her mental acuity.

Mar 12, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Her years in prison may have affected her mental acuity.”

It clearly does…she shouldn’t be peddling bullshit, you know?

Mar 12, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, I could be wrong but I believe that what she meant was that she and her colleagues were up to their elbows working on with hiv and other viruses but they never got sick in spite of not wearing masks.

Mar 12, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Judith

So she works with HIV, but she doesn’t get contagion issues…


My sister worked with HIV and TB (vaccines, AND B&M gates funded..also, with some of her work disappeared)…she’s retarded. While she does not recognize that, I’m certainly not related.

The reason why there’s such an HIV and TB focus, btw, is because of african poverty. They’re genocidal racists. I mean, someone like bill gates is absolutely the dumbest kind of stupid shit you can even imagine.

Why can’t we have discussions?

My sister is for instance a doctorate geneticist, but she doesn’t even know the very basics of geometry or physics. None of it. And, hilariously, everything of the bastardized garbage she was indoctrinated with, is derivative of that.

She doesn’t know anything other than reading instructions and marketing, it’s quite sad.

Go find me a chemist, and I’ll show you a failed physicist.

And that’s PhD quality…

Mar 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Judith

In ‘Fear of the Invisible’ by Janine Roberts – (recommended read). There is account of a long term study of sexually active partners where one was diagnosed with AIDS and the other not. About a quarter openly admitted engaging in ‘unprotected sex’ and if I recall these were not all monogamous relationships. But over 3 years not one of the non HIV partners ‘caught’ the virus. Because this was in the era of such a heavily funded, protected and marketed narrative belief. It was considered an anomalous result and ignored.
Also the promoted fear of HIV being contagious as a spread to heterosexuals never came about.
Ergo: Claims HIV is an infectious virus are unfounded, as are it claim to cause AIDS, as are claims it was isolated in the physical sense – rather than as a computer assisted recombination of pieces of genetic code found in soup – like you could ‘find’ the this post in any novel if you regard it as letters and groups of letters.

Mar 17, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

If you are aware of her background, personality type and maltreatment you will understand why she has huge identity investments as a result of experiencing gross violation of rights and of her work and worth through that work.
She’s tough and obstinate but not intentionally deceitful.
If you saw her with Andrew Kaufman in the first interview (haven seen the second) she resorts to every kind of obfuscation and diversion rather than enter the arena of the questions asked.
But she DID blow the whistle regarding covered up danger to health in vaccine contaminants (which are always present in vaccines), and paid the price for going against a governmental and globally protected narrative.

I find reason and coherent sense with Kaufman and others challenge of the pathogenic viral theory – excepting as it applies to psychic patterns of unresolved conflict identities, which CAN on some level be seen as denials seeking acceptance and release.

Judy M has the characteristic of a denial shock that runs as a protected grievance seeking to regain lost self, (vengeance and self-vindication).
I only appreciate parts of her latest book and don’t seek her view further, but I do wish her well. Grievances hurt the one who carries them and do not release us until we release our self (in others too).

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 12, 2021 11:05 AM

Sometimes the facts are so blatant that even the PTB cannot contradict them. The most manifest reality which has finally been made public is the number of older and/or those people with underlying health issues who are dying after receiving the dreaded ‘jab’. Apart from being an absolute outrage, this process has also completely disrupted the health system causing ever increasing queues of treatment for illness which is not being attended to.

Being the case-hardened cynic I am, I suspect this is a long-term plan to cull the elderly and sick population. Think of the savings the state can make when they no longer have to pay for pensions. The NHS will gradually be privatised, in fact the process has started already. No money, no treatment.

Oh, but I forgot. After the Great Reset by the great helmsman, Klaus Schwab, we will own nothing and be happy. Now I can sleep soundly.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Mar 12, 2021 11:30 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Don’t forget the munificent harvest of inheritance tax our betters will reap.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I think what’s interesting about culling the elderly, is that people who support the policy must believe they’ll never become elderly… They could be right…

Mar 13, 2021 6:20 PM

Take Prince Phillip. He’s not so specific in terms of ageism. Credit when its due – but uses a virus as sub-personality through which to share his desires and alignment of support. The Eugenicist is not IN the experiment as they set their plans. There is a deep hatred of Life in the minds of those whose Ideal is spoilt by the living.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 14, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Binra

Hello Binra: I’ve studied pictures of faces and physical postures held by these “elite” personalities. The most striking asset is that the majority are ghostly pale and often grossly overweight. The self-absorbed and far away stare is classic.

My belief is they’ve been physically sick since birth, and their bodies hate being alive. Their bodies are the messengers of death that their minds refuse to acknowledge. It’s all projection…

Mar 14, 2021 10:43 PM

Bodies cannot hate, but a hatred of life can manifest a body or torment – that can take all manner of forms. So you may hate the embodied incarnation of your life as a failure or betrayal of your ‘ideal’ or idol’.
Disembodied ideals can seem to confer virtues while feeding an arrogant discard and disregard of the living. There is no virtue but a mask over hate, betrayal and fear of life deemed unworthy or disgusting. THAT is projection making perception!

Those who are locked down and distanced in the body as a mask and pretext for a private self, have generally adapted to narratives that normalise it as the human condition, or the way the world works.
If we use the body lovelessly we will not have the awareness of its function as the tangibility and visibility of You.

I don’t generally focus on the personality level. It is not what I would strengthen and share.
Those who seek population reduction, as the above mentioned person publicly does, never regard themselves or their own group identity or family as the ‘problem’. In larger terms we all have some elements of seeing the ‘problem’ as the other person, or our tools or the world or our past upbringing etc and etc. I see ‘problem’ consciousness as a loss of our right mind as a program running that cant release but is set on ‘resolving’ its problem in a way that actually feeds and protect it – while actively blocking healing.

I cant live another’s life or make their choices. But I am certain that in the moment of our actions we are operating of of a self-justifying sense of self- survival, OR as an expression of Life through us. Joy in life is a light and radiance of simple presence that doesn’t have to announce, justify, apologise or sell itself to others in exchange for acceptance or support. It extends support for being in our integrity by unselfconscious example.

One can seek to evaluate the motives of others – but not without risk of projecting our own. So I see behaviours that speak of belief or definitions that frame others to choose to behave the way they do. As I also use this to uncover more of my own otherwise invisible presumptions that set rules and filters which bias or distort my perceptions and perhaps block my own free willing association with a love and joy in being alive.

It is easy to hate those who behave in hateful ways, but if I host this, who suffers? The old saying was ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. These words can misfire as the past has shown, so love the living and let the dead bury the dead. Somewhere in everyone alive is the spark of life – no matter how covered over by terrible fear, pain and loss that is itself masked over, and denied.

The messengers we send out, come back with the witnesses we seek. Those who look for justification for the denial or withholding of love’s blessing to other lives, will instantly seek and find all that is wrong with them. Those who are disposed to see the worst may mask it in socially coded correctnesses. But it is up to you what world you shall live in by what you give. Not by what we think to get from it.

Be present so that the false must either feel the tight fit of their mask or release it to a freedom to be. This is not coercive on their choice, but revealing they are already actively choosing, and so can choose differently.

Mar 12, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

The most manifest reality which has finally been made public is the number of older and/or those people with underlying health issues who are dying

The havoc is right across the board:

Mar 12, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

If you haven’t already viewed the James Corbett video on “Bioethics and Eugenics” which was posted here on OffG, please do so – and pay particular attention to the segment on Dr Ezekiel Emmanuel, Rahm Emmanuel’s brother, who Biden has picked for something or another.

Dr Emmanuel – a dyed-in-the-wood “Bioethicist” – thinks everyone should willingly die at age 75 so as to lessen the burden on society. He says he wants to die at 75 – and the rest of us are counting the years.

Mar 12, 2021 10:59 AM

All Covid vaccines tested up to 2020 had failed and been withdrawn. Untested vaccines from 2020 have been rolled out. A clue in there.

Mar 12, 2021 9:56 AM

I recently wrote the below message on Facebook, having not used the site in years, to see if I could wake a few sheep up. I was promptly locked out of my account. A friend sent me a screenshot of the replies and it seems there are more than a few black sheep among the herd not believing the official narrative.

[Part 1]

To all my Facebook friends,

Facing an avalanche of fake news surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, I think it is important that we stamp out the misinformation of the crazy conspiracy theorists that dare to question the government narrative. To that end, I hope some of you can help me answer the following questions I have come across, as to date, I have yet to locate the official government talking points for me to parrot in response.

Thank you, and remember, never question your government!

1) Why are we treating COVID-19 as an unprecedented threat to human life when the survival rate is at least 99.77%, and the average age of those who die with COVID-19 is greater than the average life expectancy?

2) Why are we using the PCR technique to diagnose people as being infected with SARS-CoV-2 when its inventor, Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, explicitly stated that PCR should not be used as a diagnostic test?

3) Why are countries using CT values of 35 and above, when anything north of 30 cycles renders the results meaningless, and produces a wave of false positives?

4) Why have Koch’s postulates never been met for the isolation of SARS-CoV-2?

5) Why were scientists never able to identify the complete genome of SARS-CoV-2, instead taking 37 base pairs from human samples out of a total of 30,000, and generating the remaining 99.9% of the genome using a computer program and a database of other viruses?

6) Why do countries such as the US and UK count all deaths within 28 days of a positive PCR result as COVID-19 deaths, irrespective of the actual cause of death?

7) Why don’t we use the same counting mechanism for those who die within 28 days of having a COVID-19 vaccine?

8) If these new experimental vaccines don’t actually grant immunity, and don’t prevent transmission, as the manufacturers clearly state, then why are they being held up as a panacea, and how can they even be considered ‘vaccines’?

9) Given that our natural immune system is more than 99% effective at combating SARS-CoV-2, why are vaccines with a supposed effectiveness of only 95% being hailed as miraculous?

10) If the vaccines grant immunity to SARS-CoV-2, why are those who choose not to be vaccinated, and thus who risk becoming infected, depicted as a threat to vaccinated individuals? Aren’t the vaccinated immune?

11) How do we know that the vaccines are safe, given that clinical trials will not be complete until late 2022 at the earliest?

12) If the vaccines are safe, why do the manufacturers insist on being granted complete legal indemnity?

13) How will we know what the long-term side effects of the vaccines are, given that the vaccine manufacturers are already attempting to vaccinate the placebo groups from their clinical trials?

14) If lockdowns are an effective policy, why do countries that institute the hardest lockdowns, such as Belgium and Peru, also have the highest death rates?

15) Why didn’t governments implement lockdowns during previous flu seasons, given that up to 640,000 die from the flu in any given year?

16) Why didn’t they implement lockdowns to prevent the spread of tuberculosis, which kills well over 1 million every year?

17) If lockdowns were just a temporary 2-week measure to ‘flatten the curve,’ why are they still being forced upon us more than 1 year later? Just how flat exactly must this curve be?

18) Why do lockdown measures, which we are told are essential in order to save lives, not come into immediate effect, but instead are implemented hours or even days after the initial government decree? Does the virus choose not to infect people in the interim period so as not to undermine the government’s authority?

19) Why is it that so many experts keep flouting their own rules supposedly designed to protect us from the deadly virus? Do they have a death wish?

20) If New Zealand’s closed borders are responsible for its low death count, and a single community case could potentially cause catastrophic mortality, why were there so few deaths between December 2019 and March 2020 when the country had open borders, no mask mandate, no testing or quarantine for new arrivals, and no vaccine?

Mar 12, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

[Part 2]

21) Given that Neil Ferguson predicted up to 50,000 Brits would die from mad cow disease, when the actual figure was 177, that up to 150 million would die from bird flu, when the actual figure was 282, that swine flu would kill up to 65,000 Brits, when the actual figure was 457, and that up to 150 million would die from foot-and-mouth disease, when the actual figure was fewer than 200, why are his calamitous predictions for COVID-19 deaths playing such a central role in determining government policy?

22) Given that Bill Gates is a college dropout with no medical training whatsoever, why is he playing such a central role in determining government policy?

23) Given that vitamin D deficiency is said to greatly increase the chances of dying with COVID-19, why are governments locking people in their homes, thus depriving them of natural vitamin D from the sun?

24) Given that obesity is said to greatly increase the chances of dying with COVID-19, why are governments locking people in their homes and closing down gyms while keeping fast food drive-throughs open?

25) Why is it dangerous to enter a restaurant without a mask on, but perfectly safe to sit unmasked inside the same restaurant eating and drinking for hours on end?

26) Why is it dangerous to enter an airport terminal or plane without a mask on, but perfectly safe to sit unmasked in your seat, elbow to elbow with the passengers beside you, as you eat your meal? Does eating or drinking provide immunity from SARS-CoV-2?

27) Why did the WHO, Dr. Fauci and others initially state that masks were ineffective at preventing viral transmission, then later state that masks are the most effective form of protection?

28) Given that Fauci has since stated that wearing 2 masks offers more protection than wearing just 1, doesn’t it stand to reason that wearing 3 masks offers more protection than wearing just 2? And 4 more than 3? And 50 more than 49? Why didn’t any mask manufacturers ever think of incorporating multiple layers into their original designs?

29) If SARS-CoV-2 particles are so deadly, and they are captured by masks, why aren’t there biohazard containers everywhere to dispose of used masks?

30) Why hasn’t there been a wave of deaths among garbagemen who handle these deadly discarded masks?

31) How have global flu cases almost completely disappeared?

32) If masks and social distancing are responsible, why haven’t these same measures been effective in eliminating the spread of SARS-CoV-2?

33) Why are curfews being adopted to combat the virus? Can SARS-CoV-2 tell the time? Is it nocturnal? Will it pass someone by at 9:59 because the 10 o’clock curfew hasn’t arrived yet, but infect the very same person at 10:01 as a punishment for not following government edicts?

34) Why is the safe social distance 6 feet in the United States, 2 meters in Canada and 1.5 meters in Australia? Does the virus follow the metric system? If two people are standing facing each other on either side of the US-Canada border, is the safe social distance 2 meters or 6 feet?

35) Why are social distancing exemptions granted to people attending funerals? Does the virus choose not to infect the bereaved out of respect for the dead?

36) If hospitals were so overrun with COVID-19 patients, how did the nurses have so much time on their hands to choreograph elaborate dance routines and upload them on social media?

37) Why were anti-lockdown protests potentially super-spreader events, but Black Lives Matter protests and gatherings to celebrate Biden’s presidential inauguration perfectly safe? Does the risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 depend on one’s political leanings?

38) If Wuhan wet markets gave us SARS-CoV-2, chicken farms gave us avian flu, pig farms gave us swine flu, cattle farms gave us mad cow disease, and camel markets gave us MERS, why haven’t we shut down the global meat trade? Does our desire to take animal lives outweigh our desire to save human lives?

39) When did the mainstream media become a reliable source of information? Was it before or after they told us that Saddam Hussein helped orchestrate 9/11, had WMDs and took babies out of incubators and threw them on the floor to die, that Assad repeatedly gassed his own people just as the US was set to pull troops out of his country, that Gaddafi distributed Viagra to his troops so they could go around raping hordes of women, that Donald Trump was a literal Manchurian candidate handpicked by Vladimir Putin and controlled by the Kremlin, and that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in his suicide-proof cell while the guards were fast asleep and all the security cameras malfunctioned?

40) When did the Western powers become so concerned with protecting the vulnerable at all costs? Was it before or after their invasion and destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen?

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Why is it dangerous to enter a restaurant without a mask on, but perfectly safe to sit unmasked inside the same restaurant eating and drinking for hours on end?

This gives the dullards some excuse to continue believing in covid. “The masks must be the reason covid didn’t suddenly break out. ” It is a method to keep the belief alive while transissioning out of lockdown or into lockdown: “the masks must be the reason the lockdown didn’t reduce cases”. Opening up gradually/ closing down gradually is to obscure the reality the measures acheive nothing but harm and do not prevent “covid”. It is an effort to maintain belief inorder to continue with the lockdowns, injections etc.

Mar 12, 2021 12:52 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Point 40 is a powerful end to an excellent post

Mar 12, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

It seems like you are complaining the measures are not hard enough. You need to stop that. They will ban food on planes, make the distance 3m, and force masks whilst eating.

Rosie T
Rosie T
Mar 12, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Superb points. Thank you. I need them at my fingertips to bludgeon the stupid people when they sign up to all diktats. Is there a way of copying this, BranchCovidian?

Mar 13, 2021 9:21 AM
Reply to  Rosie T

I can’t offer you any link to my original post, as my Facebook account is permanently locked, but feel free to take any part of it to repost yourself.

Mar 13, 2021 11:30 AM
Reply to  Rosie T

Highlight/select the text you want; right click the mouse; click ‘Copy’; then paste into a word or pdf document.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 12, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

It helped me to imagine George Carlin’s voice as I read this……..otherwise too depressing……..

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 12, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Brilliant. I think you must have addressed every hole in the officiall narrative. These questions deserve to be spread widely.

Thomas W McDonough
Thomas W McDonough
Apr 13, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Brst points I have read so far.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 12, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Take this man to the correction centre! He will be charged with ‘thought-crime’.

This is not far from the present situation.

Mar 12, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

Why are vaccines being rolled out when the vaccine guide from the NHS illustrates there is no cure for vaccine and it’s not known whether it stops you catching or passing on the virus. It also illustrates that  “Many people who have Covid may not have any symptoms” and “A small number may go on to have severe symptoms -(which they label as disease to frighten you) and may lead to hospitalization. 

Mar 12, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  BranchCovidian

“1) Why are we treating COVID-19 as an unprecedented threat to human life when the survival rate is at least 99.77%, and the average age of those who die with COVID-19 is greater than the average life expectancy?”

Wrong, survival rate is 100%. As “covid” is a conflation of the result of various factors regarding health status.

You do not die because you are told you have covid. You die because you ignored vitamin D deficiency, aluminum excess, fluoride destroying your system and someone gives you even more fluoride antibiotics and a ventilator and HCQ, while you also have potassium deficiency, chlorine excess, and HCQ worsens that, and now you have a vaccine that also worsens your internal oxidation status as well as causing cellular cannibalism and coagulation problems, while also ignoring how EMF worsens that.

Because, I mean, without industry, life wouldn’t be possible. Go ask some birds about that. Maybe try argue with the sun?

Mar 13, 2021 9:25 AM

Yes, sadly, as I was addressing a normie audience, I decided that leading with the fact that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist would cause most people to ignore the other points. This is also why I didn’t include (valid) examples like 9/11 in point 39.

Mar 12, 2021 9:54 AM

Damning indictment of lockdown as policy:


Still, it’s from the Wall St Journal so all the typical Compatible Leftist has to done is recite “People before profits” a hundred times and the spell will be lifted.

The failure of any government to conduct a cost-benefit analysis should be a red flag anyone can see who’s virtue isn’t obstructing their vision.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 12, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The point hasn’t been lost. The influential figure of James Rickards, no less, has argued that we are 1. In long depression since living on borrowed fake monies was never going to last, agreed and 2. That the lockdown has been a failure since the number of fatalities was much the same whether or not a lockdown was imposed. You would have thought that such empirical evidence would have settled the argument, but no, the idiots who run the show and big Pharma want the circus to go on. OK, so Rickards has a new book to market, but the conclusions seem incontestable.

A recession is 2 or more quarters of negative growth.

A depression is a crash in the economy, followed by a partial recovery, and a long period 10 or 20 years, of sub-optimal growth. And this is what is spooking the PTB.

Mar 12, 2021 9:53 AM

One of the points that hit me in the video, was the emphasis on giving a vaccine (followed by adverse effects) to a person who was in good health before the vaccine. Historically, we have done this only where there is indisputable proof that the disease is very very dangerous.
If the adverse effects of the vaccine have been “limited” its because
a) the adverse effects are written off as coincidence and
b) fortunately, a good number of people have survived the vaccine. So they probably would have survived covid as well. One would expect the medical staff who have taken the vaccine to be in reasonably good health with good immunity. Elderly people who live independently are more robust than one might imagine.
The only time we may consider taking an experimental therapy is if we are already very ill and no other therapy has worked. If our quality of life is already awful, one might consider the experimental therapy.
But what’s the purpose if you already are perfectly healthy?
If it ain’t broke, DON’T FIX IT!!!!

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 11:18 AM
Reply to  rraa

Historically, we have done this only where there is indisputable proof that the disease is very very dangerous.

Not true at all. Measles ‘vaccine’ was given to perfectly healthy kids and was for what was considered a mild childhood illness joked about on tv. To this day no proper control studies have been done to assess the impact. Vaccine pushers have a long history of deception, pseudoscience and reckless abuse.

Mar 12, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

A bird just whistled at me when I donned my punisher pendant. Pun is her. So funny.

Mar 13, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Most people, including the bulk of rank-and-file doctors, cannot bring themselves to consider the evil in medical “science”, “profession” and industry.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2021 9:32 AM

After a dispiriting conversation with a COVID believer I felt I had been introduced to that strange parallel universe that was playing out in the media where apparently there was indeed a rich diversity of opinion on TV re: the virus, although oddly enough every strand of this controversy was based on the gospel that COVID was indeed the the great driver of human life to extinction.

But knowing that this doomsday scenario was now the fundamental metaphysic of our age, it seems irrelevant for anyone to point out absurdities and discrepancies.

As Michael Parenti once pointed out, media is all about setting the mood. And all that requires is constant repetition of a certain tone. The fear vibrations have been relentlessly deployed for almost a year now and seem irreversible.

Mar 12, 2021 9:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

To borrow a famous quotation about Katharine Hepburn, they covered every opinion from A to B. (A being lockdown and B being more lockdown…. )

Mar 12, 2021 9:09 AM

Consequences? Err… How about GOALS.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2021 8:41 AM

From the Daily Record:

“Public Health Scotland figures on Covid reveal 24-hour surge in South Ayrshire”

Kinda puts me in mind of the Kinks’ “Dedicated Follower of Fashion” with new lyrics:

“It’s surging here
It’s surging there
All through the crowds
And everywhere”

Anyway – expect lockdown 57.

Mar 12, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Great track!

Mar 12, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Only surprise is wee nippy isn’t blaming it on rangers winning the league!

Mar 12, 2021 8:35 AM

As bad as it is that people die shortly after the genetic vehicle peddled as a vaccine, I’m more worried about long-term consequences, which include

a) disease/death from the genetic mutation, whether intentional or due to the fact that the fuckheads are playing god without having the first clue as the what they’re doing,

b) the fact that people will be made more dependent on pharma as their natural ability to survive will be further atrophied,

c) this is the beginning of the genetic transformation of humans into who the fuck knows what, and

d) a scenario where many vaccinated people die and the shitheads in charge will use it as a pretext to declare martial law, shut everything down, make world one big prison, mandate more genetic shit.

If you consider that the predecessors of the very people who are orchestrating this had no qualms about instigating world wars or, more recently, destroying the Middle East, anything is possible. Suppose that this is WWIII. Nobody says that it has to be fought with guns or tanks. It’s much more expedient to fight in people’s heads, with a little help from the friendly pharma company.

Mar 12, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes, so-called non-lethal weapons have long been where the action is. Jacques, you will remember when Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999. The day after, the skies opened and it rained non-stop for a MONTH (in July). Soon the entire country was submerged under 6 feet of water. People were getting airlifted off rooftops. I’d call it weaponized weather par excellence.

bachgen cymru
bachgen cymru
Mar 12, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  Jacques

For a while now I’ve been thinking the same thought, ‘Why now?’…why 2020? What has triggered this expertly staged brainwashing of the majority of the world’s population? I keep coming back to one thing – the roll-out of the 5th generation of you-know-what.

Rewind back to March, I was petrified. I even thought I ‘had it’ late March (a cold, as per normal for me, but somehow heightened to the point I studied my breathing in fear!)…then April came along, and the statto in me just couldn’t correlate the overwhelmed NHS as per the news, with the reality in front of us.

Long story short, I’ve since discovered James Corbett, Carrie Madej, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kauffman, James Perloff, The Bernician, Barrie Trower, Amandha Vollmer, The Last American Vagabond, Global research, Vermont Independent, Childrens Health Defence, Del Bigtree, Hugo Talks, Jon Rappaport, Eugenics, Planned Parenthood, Joe Imbriano, even the really weird Lucis Trust.

And Terrain Theory. Wow…this makes more sense to me than tiny virions floating in the air waiting to launch into unsuspecting olfactory openings.

I’ve literally dived headlong into a world I didn’t even know existed until Mid-2020.

And one thing keeps getting repeated by those who appear to understand EMFs -the frequency that the 5th gen is broadcast on affects the cells’ ability to absorb oxygen(?).

If that is true, then we have witnessed an astonishing ‘strawman’ (correct useage?!) in the shape of a virus, causing a disease that appears to create a deadly impact on lungs and blood oxygenation(?) identical to the affects of EMF.

If there is a mass roll-out of the 5th gen planned to occur across the globe, and it does indeed create these symptomatic outcomes then rather than address this potentially sea-changing issue, and it’s fiscal impacts, they can instead blame a novel virus ‘discovered’ in a country second only to North Korea for secrecy, which has somehow defeated said virus, while the rest of the world struggles with it?

With Moderna openly admitting to it’s jab being a software application, is there also the more worrying contemplation that these injections carry the ability to be ‘switched on’ by the beam forming accuracy of the 5th gen broadcast?

Mar 12, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  bachgen cymru

Billions of people have got mobile phones, and it has always been accepted, that the radiation associated with them does pose some dangers.

I am far from convinced that all aspects of 5G is safe, but it is currently only available to a tiny percentage of the population. If you check the coverage maps for the UK, it is currently only available in parts of the centres of some cities.

Whilst I accept that mobile phones are nearly as bad as watching TV to drive 75% of the population COVID mad, 5G cannot be a major cause because hardly anyone has yet been exposed to it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2021 1:29 PM
Reply to  bachgen cymru

Hello bachgen cymru: “Long story short, I’ve since discovered James Corbett, Carrie Madej, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kauffman, James Perloff, The Bernician, Barrie Trower, Amandha Vollmer, The Last American Vagabond, Global research, Vermont Independent, Childrens Health Defence, Del Bigtree, Hugo Talks, Jon Rappaport, Eugenics, Planned Parenthood, Joe Imbriano, even the really weird Lucis Trust.”

You have discovered quite a lot this last year. Unfortunately, civilian populations are addicted to the effects of EMF. Like any addicted drug addict, they will refuse any information that is critical of the drug…

Complete text: The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences (pjms.org.pk)

Mar 12, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes. This is WW3. Not a doubt about it. The mass killing is coming.

Mar 18, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Jacques

It is WWIII – it is a quiet war fought with silent weapons up to now, the perpetrators having the current advantage. But as I have already indicated on other threads it could become noisy at any stage. Luckily, that has not yet happened and I hope that it never does.

Mar 12, 2021 8:22 AM

it is important to send these letters, for the trials later and the historical record. They are going to deny any knowledge of the true facts, Information even a dullard like me has had access to for nearly a year now.

These crooked CIA backed scientists in their advisory boards are providing them with cover and excuses for their disgusting abuse, murder and torture of their populations.

Mar 12, 2021 8:21 AM

we are hearing various reports ( mostly outside of MSM) regarding vaccine injuries and death. My main concern for all of the injected lab humans is what happens when they come into contact with the next coronavirus ( common cold/seasonal flu). I have read many reports about the bodys immune system going into overdrive and harming/killing far more than the initial reactions. I have a feeling that this will happen in the next seasonal flu season at the end of 2021. Maybe thats what Bill cruelly laughs about when ” we will all sit up and take notice of the next one”.

Mar 12, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  paul

Absolutely. In the UK, Witty & Valance are already talking up a bad 21/22 flu season which will conveniently mask vaccine-related deaths and usher in further lockdown initiatives. Given the significant recent increase in road traffic and public on the street, I would like to think the populace might kick back but reading/hearing the unbridled joy of many who have been offered the “vaccine”, I’m not so sure. Where has the critical thinking gone ?
It’s the uptake of second doses that I’m waiting for (ramping up in the UK right now), as anyone thereafter that succumbs to seasonal flu is going to get hit pretty bad in my opinion.
It’s clear that those that don’t wish to have the monkey-gunk will be singled out as the main reason for any future uptick in cases. The classic divide & conquer routine. Unfortunately, we will undoubtedly be in the minority and be vilified by those arrogant, virtue-signalling knobs who feel they have the right to taken the moral high ground.
Murderous scumbags and collaborators

Mar 12, 2021 12:23 PM
Reply to  paul

Imperial College are already preparing the narrative for such events (‘immune system going into overdrive’). According to their findings, cytokine storms are another potential serious side effect of Covid19.


It’s more than evident that ‘the science’ is being manipulated to steer people away from any suspicion that vaccines might be behind any surge in such events.

Mar 12, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

“. According to their findings, cytokine storms are another potential serious side effect of Covid19.”

Provably, cytokine storms are a result from toxicity. Such as from vaccines. So they have no arguments and the hole they’ve dug is closing over them.

A typical flu vaccine, for nstance, has a quite horrible cytokine and chemokine, inflammation response (direct measures of physical toxicity) associated.

The fact that these vaccines are also based on bastardized homology (trying to get your body to attack itself by demonizing it as a virus), does NOT help their case. DEFINITELY worsened by say, the results from animal trials with the same sort of methodologies and approach, even almost the same ingredients.

Especially, when you go look at say, CDC patents on coronavirus related BULLSHIT. Coz if you remember, you can’t patent nature…which means what?

Mar 13, 2021 7:09 AM
Reply to  paul

In the countries enforcing vaccination, the harm is increasing among younger (below 60) adults. The causes may include
:- the covert additives that can travel to any organ including the brain.
:- transmission the “leaky” vaccine causes
:- ADE (that you mentioned), largely in the future.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 7:45 AM

In the second hour of the Richie Allen Show, Dr Rima Laibow says the worst case scenario is some 20 millions people will die in the UK in the unlikely event the injections are stopped immediately. If they continue we could see most of the country wiped out and the cult would claim it was the virus and the fault of those who had not been following the restrictions. The moronic public might even believe them and attack antivaxxers.


Mar 12, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

If millions die, you can be sure it will be blamed on the unjabbed. The blame game is already underway in the media. However it will get much more serious.

If people are to be scapegoated for the death of millions, it won’t just be nasty headlines in the press. There will be narratives crafted as carefully as previous show trials like Nuremberg or Stalin’s Purges. Paraded in front of the cameras will be some of the dissident doctors and agitators who stood up against the plandemic.

They will turn out to have been a 5th column all along. Saboteurs working with an external enemy. Maybe some country withheld vaccines or pushed a fake one. Remember The Third Man… the circulation of fake penicillin? Fake vaccines would be a useful narrative. It is a limited hangout, covering for the untested Western vaccines but blamed on some “bad actors” over there.

There will be military arrests, quarantine camps, racial hygiene laws and people wearing badges.

There is no other way that TPTB can orchestrate such a Holocaust. They will find someone to blame.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Those injected should be quarantined. That way if the die it will be clear it wasn’t “the virus” but the injection. Quarantine for those injected and socialising for everyone else is a good plan. There is still new years to celebrate and christmas and lots of peoples birthdays etc. A rapid opening with lots of celebrations so it is absolutely clear there is no virus and this bs is put to bed once and for all.

Mar 12, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

I hope so. In classical times, those who would not worship the pagan gods were a threat to the social order.

The superstitions today are masks, social distancing and lockdown — which means burning to the ground our society and culture in the belief that ‘the gods’ will 6uild 6ack 6etter.

Already people are saying the reason we don’t have millions of deaths (yet) is due to the magic of lockdown. Flu has vanished because of the magic of masks! This belief contains as much reason as stepping over the cracks in the pavement.

The hour will come that people may want us dead in defence of their gods. Those of us who refuse to socially isolate or distance, to wear masks, to get the jab or the mark, will be seen as threats to society.

Whether you are religious or atheist will not matter to them. When people were martyred it was not because their faith was a threat to the state — it was because they refused to bow to the state’s pagan gods.

Whether you see evil or merely madness is of little matter. All that is necessary for it to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

We are given courage because one day we’ll need it. But what gets in the way of unleashing that gift and feeling that courage? We let ourselves down, we feel shame, sin, lack of worth and so we convince ourselves we are not worthy to speak out.

Fearing to confront small things, we are blocked from unleashing our courage on the big things. We stop our mouths when we should speak.

Know that all of us who reject the superstition of masks and distancing and lockdown are a threat to the order, to society, to the state. There is no longer any point to fearing anyone.

As Anthony Hannon broadcasts from Ontario, the Great Spiritual Reset will probably be the fruit of many martyrs. Others fought and died for our freedoms. It is time for us to show our courage.

When the order is unjust, a dissenter is a light to the world.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 12, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I share your fears.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 12, 2021 7:57 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Failure to lift restrictions now given that “flu season” is over, there is no emergency and no justification for such restrictions could thus suggest intent to blame antivaxxers for the mass murder they are conducting and deaths they are expecting to have caused.

Mar 12, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Which vaxxers, are physicists with a good understanding of biology, chemistry, geometry, electromagnetism?

Coz I have a few things to say.

Mar 12, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

She clearly believes what she’s saying. The facts of the last 12 months and pattern fits in with such a scenario. Of course can’t verify the science but shes says others have said similar at least in terms of the affect the vacinne has on immunity.
Obviously, many of us will dismiss on basis its unthinkable. But they’ve willfully killed people through their actions and we’ve been playing catch up for 12 months from one horror to the next. If this plays out, it likely means something evil, not of this earth has been set loose. Unlikely, unthinkable but I don’t dismiss anything these days, especially when everything I research and observe fits in.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 12, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

I don’t think we should be using the term “antivaxxer” which the MSM uses to pillory all those who adopt a critical approach towards the gene therapy being rolled out in the guise of “vaccines”. Some of these people may be opposed to vaccination in principle, but I think the majority distinguish between beneficial vaccines and harmful ones.

Mar 12, 2021 7:27 AM

O/T The Admin-stallation tells the NYT it’s planning “a hush-hush, don’t-tell-anyone” cyber attack on Russia.

It will be secret “payback” for the Solarwinds hack… cos it couldn’t have been rivalry between U.S. corporations or our under-employed 17 unIntelligent agencies… or Britain (who perpetrated Russiagate and the Smartmatic voting fun) or Merkel after Obama hacked her phone… or a favour to Biden’s business pals in Ukraine.

“Someone spied. someone died. Who cares! Does it matter who they hacked?” — Gov Andrew Cumon.

Wasn’t there some Chinese hanky-panky, the Bidens and spies sleeping with the House Intel Committee? Shouldn’t we deal with Microsoft who is being hacked right now. Shhhhhh, we need a war, quick, to distract from the ole feller before he drops his drawers on the White House balcony.

The Duran takes a look

Mar 12, 2021 9:01 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Biden’s Anything” is a joke. This is already what Tim Kelly called “the Weekend at Bernie’s Presidency”. There are some good compilations of Biden’s “misstatements” starting to appear (which are not ad libbed replies to questions because he won’t take any – even some of the MSM goons are starting to complain about that). My current favourite is where Biden said 200 million would be dead by the time he finished his speech.

On things cyber, here’s Whitney Webb:


Sounds an awful lot like Event 201 doesn’t it? With the aded bonus of direct WEF involvement! If they want to bring in a digital currency, this clearly shows how they could do it.

Mar 12, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Corbett said in his chat today that the password for solar winds was solar winds 123 (from memory) …so the kid down the road could probably have gotten in with that much security.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Mar 12, 2021 5:03 AM

None of the vaccines have undergone clinical testing for more than a few months, which is simply too short for establishing safety and efficacy.,

This is not only true but blatantly obvious. Yet the NHS, PHE, the Chief Medical Officer, the Health and Social Care Secretary, etc, all say that the so called vaccines are safe and effective. The most fundamental health care ethic is voluntary informed consent. This organised, coordinated lying is a clear ethical violation.

Mar 12, 2021 4:57 AM

It seriously bothers me that we’re even accepting Govt dictats/acts when they aren’t the law of the land, which is Common Law. In a Democracy, we are meant to be governed/policed by consent, meaning the ppl are the masters n our agents servants.

Our Govt n statutory Courts use Maritime Law, the law of the sea, basically so massive companies/corporations can interact with others of their ilk. We’re issued with birth certificates shortly after we’re born designating us as mini corporations so we can be dealt with under maritime law, which is totally wrong n so harmful to us.

Important things to remember while u learn more is to call members of the police force Constable, Sergeant etc, if u call them Officer ur opening urself to being treated under maritime law. If they’re being seriously unreasonable, which they mainly seem to be now, ask them where they think they stand under the Nuremberg Protocol or Helsinki Declaration.

Common Law, the Law of the Land is beautiful in comparison to legalese, the basic tenet is do no harm and severity of punishment depends on the the thinking/mental state, behind harmful/wrong actions. This is a good site for learning about the basics of Common Law: https://reclaimthelaw.org/ This site actually has enough jurors to support some common law cases, needs many more to join to make it seriously operational tho. Allows u to create a common law birth certificate for free too n tells u how to buy ur fictional id, important cos everything u own, inclu ur home has probably been born under it. https://www.commonlawcourt.com/

Mar 12, 2021 5:02 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Again, as I’ve stated, you don’t want to do that unless you appreciate say, soviet russia.

Anyone peddling that you sign up for common law without explaining to you WHY it disadvantages you or addressing the OTHER means is subversive. You need to understand that shit properly, first. Weigh your options.

The reason why you are at a disadvantage is because they use commercial law and equity…and you don’t.

You are delusional if you think common law will suddenly help you without addressing those established corporations and such, first (by opposition, with opposing principles, and boycotting).

Personally, I am NOT signing up for common law. You are free to do so. I don’t need to sign more contracts, thanks. You can go look at my posts to figure out what kind of guy I am.

Fundamentally, people have a problem with state worship. Common law will worsen that. The basic problem being industrial excess. Common law itself, won’t fix that. Behaviour will.

Mar 12, 2021 5:29 AM

Don’t understand why u say again, ur nick says a lot about u, i certainly wouldn’t bother reading ur comments usually. Learn something about Common Law b4 dissing it please, u clearly know nowt about it. I provided useful links in my post, avail urself of them!

Mar 12, 2021 5:37 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Well, you see, there has been this predictable propagandist sort of push regarding common law in articles recently…

Your attempts at alting doesn’t really veil you, hey.




That one is very telling.

It’s not about the supposed law, it’s about the behaviour.

People support various monolithic corporations (countries, google, etc)…with that support, and commercial law, they get away with many things…while you don’t, since you have lesser laws applied to you.

If you for instance, declare “sovereignty” it means you are OPEN GAME.
What you have to realize is that THEY have been using YOUR property for THEIR gain…and they fucking owe you. Don’t absolve them of that.

Mar 12, 2021 5:50 AM

If you do not address the DEBT they’ve accumulated (without your informed consent), you are essentially giving them a clean slate. I am NOT giving them a clean slate.

Mar 12, 2021 5:50 AM

Sweetie, what is propagandist about Common Law? It is the Law of the Land and supersedes any other type of law practiced in the UK. We have forgotten it n need to remember it fast, our *servants* are praying so many of us stay brainwashed they can get away with whatever we want.

Do urself a favour and check out those links with an open mind, we can restore our natural Common Law if enough ppl wake up.

Mar 12, 2021 5:55 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Lol, they want, not we want, their determined to try n stop us regaining what we want =)

Mar 12, 2021 5:55 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Okay, go subject yourself to common law. Show me what you practically achieve. Until then, don’t be a parrot.

Common law is for instance, what allows robber barons, in fact, it’s what allowed this system. With established state, that is MUCH worse.

Do you think the state, corporations and such will just give in to your desires?

You go walk into a liquor store, take a few bottles of whiskey because “you deserve it”, and go argue your case.

Read, in particular, this discussion for a more elaborate understanding:


As it is, THEY OWE you. If you then walk down to common law, that absolves say, state, of the DEBTS they accumulated by ILLEGALLY using your personage.

It is not about the supposed law, it is about BEHAVIOUR. No matter what supposed law you try to suggest, I’m NOT going to rape anyone. But, I’m also gonna fucking make sure MY society which I establish, not by some communist edicts, does not allow rapists or pedophiles.

Mar 12, 2021 6:06 AM

Those supposed “law of the lands”…and where did they come from? Oh right…someone wrote them down, from their opinionated projections.

Those are not the law of the lands, and there are serious societal, cultural, environmental differences making the singular communist edicts worthless to me.

I for instance, have my society, with MY morals and ethics and values. You might then choose to associate with me or not, as I would choose to associate with you, or not.

Mar 12, 2021 6:19 AM

I notice ur reply posted at 5.37 am has massively expanded, after reading it i detect the aroma of a bunny boiling. As i said the basic tenet of Common/Natural Law is do no harm, if u do n punishment is necessary, the severity would be dependent on whether or how much malice was intended. Corporations, Govts etc would be seriously stripped of power under Common Law, Corporations are granted the same rights as ppl under Maritime Law, which was actually designed so they cld interact with each other. Corporations seriously qualify as total psychopaths.

Common Law precedes both Communism n Soviet Russia by hundreds of years, think ur comparisons between them emanate from somewhere the sun doesn’t shine!

Mar 12, 2021 6:24 AM

An example there, they say you can’t sell food, privately or publically, as a person…right? They want to say that’s illegal, for you “commoners”, that’s the law that applies.

But you can, as a private corporation…understand?

Mar 12, 2021 6:55 AM

You are peddling misinformation, purposely or out of ignorance

“It’s not about the supposed law, it’s about the behaviour.”

The principle of Common Law is that a constable is no higher in the food chain than me. Unless he can shown I have broken a law, I am entitled to ask him to vacate my presence.

That is not a matter of behavior, or how I ask him or how well or badly the officer behaves. It is Common Law.

Common Law is one of the pillars upon which the government’s unlawful activities can be challenged and we can expect rather low-grade attempt to “diss” it.

Mar 12, 2021 6:07 AM
Reply to  Cesca

SocioPsychopatriotism is a spook that promenades him/her/what-the-fucking-ever-self here under various nicks.

Common law is evidently something they’re trying to discredit because it has a potential to toss the monkey wrench in the works.

Mar 12, 2021 6:31 AM
Reply to  Jacques

So appreciated Jacques, think they have too many bats in the belfry to be a spook tho, a bit worried about them now.

Cheers n all that’s good =)

Mar 12, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Jacques

GL with that. Where does the bible come from. That’s right. The same place as “common law”. Political construct.

Btw, weren’t you involved say, with associating with govt? Oh the irony. Sure, you’re just a “translator”…but amazingly, you can never understand my language.

Mar 12, 2021 6:45 AM

Tahni do prdele.

Mar 12, 2021 7:05 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Verstaan jy, dat ek glo jy’s ‘n hipokritiese sleg kak poes?

Mar 12, 2021 8:07 AM

😀 ….

Tahni do prdele slidile …

Mar 12, 2021 6:54 AM

Btw, good luck finding ANY post that i’ve posted (and I’ve been SUPER truthful, unlike some others) about my support for govt or even any corporation. Fucking go get the evidence.

Here are some of the names I’ve posted with:
Frank G L

I do not even try to hide, you can very easily tell by my posting who this is.

Mar 12, 2021 10:17 PM

Just out of interest
Why change your names?
Which is the very definition of hiding who you are.
And announce it now?

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Mar 12, 2021 8:23 AM
Reply to  Jacques

One example of a tiny wrench is the withdrawal of implied right of access, used to thwart the BBC by stopping TV Licensing goons from coming to your door. That exercise of English Common Law rights cost the BBC millions. It is deprecated now because it draws attention to yourself and can lead to a search warrant being granted, but it does show the power that Common Law still possesses.

Mar 12, 2021 5:35 AM
Reply to  Cesca

You want to hear standard Government reply to your point? Here it is ready….”but…yeah but…but but…but…but COVID.”

Mar 12, 2021 5:43 AM
Reply to  Ooink

So agreed mate, my reply would be ”but…yeah but…but but…but…but B.S.” Urs was a smart reply for this time in the morning, kudos!

Mar 12, 2021 4:47 AM


Some stats from the UK.


You’d have to combine the numbers from there, but yeah, that’s what it is.

Total reactions for the COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine: 212 deaths and 85,179 injuries
Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine Oxford University/AstraZenec vaccine: 244 deaths and 157,637 injuries
Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine brand unspecified vaccines: 4 deaths and 796 injuries

And those are merely short term effects actually reported, known. Also with very few, comparatively having received a 2nd shot.

Remember, 25-50% of those in the BULLSHIT TRIALS WITH SHIT LIKE MENINGITIS VACCINES AS “PLACEBO” had adverse reactions. Immediate sort of effects. Not long term.The only specification in vaccine trials was reduction of mild symptoms (like coughing, which is easily conflated, or suppressed)

The bulk of the damage was projected to occur within 2-3 years (conveniently along with that denial of data)…

Previous trials with similar toxins were quite horrific. Do the math.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 12, 2021 9:42 AM

And they dare to claim people died within 28 days of a positive test when we know the tests are fakes.

dr death
dr death
Mar 12, 2021 1:52 PM

and those are the stats they are willing to publish,t he inarguable as it were.. the truth is much darker… and as you say the ball has yet to gather momentum as it trundles downward…

and of course it will.

Gitte Jensen
Gitte Jensen
Mar 12, 2021 3:25 AM

Covid19 has been completely eliminated in Australia, as shown in the governments own figures at :
Since September last year the daily case numbers have been in terminal decline across Australia, trending to zero in most states, and almost all positive cases being overseas travellers (now quarantined) . Not one death in the last 120 days and none for over 340 days in Western Australia. We have achieved total elimination before and WITHOUT vaccines. As there is no pandemic, epidemic, or community transmission now inside Australia then why the clamour for mass innoculation against a virus with such a low infection rate of 0.2 % and from which nobody has died for months ?
It is almost that the Ministry of Fear dreads the reality that there is nothing to fear and thus no justification for the ongoing states of emergency , hence the massive propaganda drive to vaccinate but the sinister deliberate slowing of the “roll-out ” to drag out the imposed culture of fear as long as posssible.

Mar 12, 2021 3:50 AM
Reply to  Gitte Jensen

Spot on. That is of course that this deadly Armageddon virus truly stood on two legs.
Which, we new long ago it never did. The stupidly of mankind knows no bounds.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 12, 2021 3:54 AM
Reply to  Gitte Jensen

I know people here in Melbourne who plan to get jabbed solely for the reason of being able to travel overseas.
Not for any health reasons, or for getting sick from this alleged virus, but because they’re aware of the certain restrictions coming with things like air travel or going to a restaurant or cinema for those not vaccinated.
Yet, they will have no sympathy for people who refuse to get jabbed for moral or conscientious reasons and they also won’t really give a fig about the stripping of civil liberties, censorship, police violence against so called “anti vaxxers”, unless it affects them personally.

Mar 12, 2021 4:00 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

they will have no sympathy for people who refuse to get jabbed

nor should we for them, when a few years from now, they’re all dying from weird autoimmune diseases and mysterious cancers.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 12, 2021 4:12 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

“There is nothing lost there. They do not have sympathy for anyone else, period.”

Mar 12, 2021 4:29 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Maybe they don’t really die but become ZOMBIES!

Mar 12, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Well, that certainly provides an explanation for some of my recent shopping experiences.

dr death
dr death
Mar 12, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

they are already zombies, the undead, shells, hollow men, ‘frank the cat keeper’ is right on the qliphothic element of what we are seeing though I tend to disagree with kabbalistic musings on the whole and the terminal gibberish and mental gymnastics expended on it, a new spiritual framework (or an old one rediscovered 🙂 will be required to combat this evil, the first step of course is to see the evil for what it is and stand firm against it..
on an optimistic note there is without doubt an unveiling of the filth at the top and accompanying mistrust of them by remnant ‘humanity’..

many of us were already aware of course and now welcome the new lunatics to our modest little fringe.