The NHS just changed how they count Covid “cases”…here’s why.
NHS source claims new data will be “more realistic” in the future, by removing “incidental” Covid from the records.
Kit Knightly
The UK’s National Health Service has received new instructions from the government on how it should record Covid19 “cases”, separating those who are actually sick from those who just test positive.
From the beginning of the “pandemic” last spring, the NHS (and other countries all over the world) have defined a “case” as anyone who tests positive for the Sars-Cov-2 virus, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms.
Given that as many as 80% of those who have been infected have no symptoms, and the propensity for the flawed PCR tests to return false-positive results, this lead to likely massively inflated numbers of “cases”.
Now, though, the NHS is going to attempt to differentiate between patients who actually have the alleged disease “Covid19”, and those who are in hospital for other reasons and only “incidentally” tested positive for the virus.
According to a report in the Independent [emphasis added]:
NHS England has instructed hospitals to make the change to the daily flow of data sent by NHS trusts […] Hospitals have been told to change the way they collect data on patients infected with coronavirus to differentiate between those actually sick with symptoms and those who test positive while seeking treatment for something else.
The distinction between “with” and “from” in Covid deaths – and “with” and “for” in hospitalisations – has been one Covid sceptics all over the world have been keen to make for over a year, but this is the first time any institution has really recognised the difference. And, certainly, it’s the first time any healthcare service has endeavoured to actually catalogue them differently.
So what does the NHS expect the impact of this change to be? Again, from the Independent:
One NHS source said the new data would be “more realistic” as not all patients were sick with the virus, adding: “But it will make figures look better as there have always been some, for example stroke [patients], who also had Covid as an incidental finding”.
That’s a frank admission, and an important one.
For the last eighteen months, voices all over the alternate media have been saying the Covid numbers are unrealistic, specifically because they include people who were never actually sick. We have been called “deniers” and “conspiracy theorists” for our trouble.
But now an NHS source has actually said, going forward, the Covid data will be “more realistic” as it will discount all the patients where Covid was only “an incidental finding”. This is a bigger story than the media coverage suggests – only the Indy and Telegraph are covering it right now, and neither with the focus it deserves.
NHS England is, essentially, tucking away a covert admission that a lot of their fear-mongering statistics were never “realistic”.
Why would they do this? And why now?
Well, here’s what they claim [emphasis added]:
[The NHS said] the move was being done to help analyse the effect of the vaccine programme and whether it was successfully reducing Covid-19 sickness.
But it doesn’t really make any sense, when you think about it.
It will “help analyse the effect of the vaccine programme”? How so?
How does changing the definition at this point possibly help “analyse” anything? Doesn’t it confuse the issue?
Won’t it, in fact, effectively reduce the numbers of official “covid cases”? Doesn’t making the numbers “look better”, at this stage, make the “vaccine” appear more effective?
It’s also important to note that the changes in data collection will only apply to new patients, it will not be retroactive. Prof Keith Willett, NHS England’s Covid incident director, was very clear on that in a quote for the Telegraph [emphasis added]:
In lay terms this could be considered as a binary split between those in hospital ‘for Covid-19’ and those in hospital ‘with Covid-19’. We are asking for this binary split for those patients newly admitted to hospital and those newly diagnosed with Covid while in hospital.”
So, the old (and now admitted unrealistic) data, will not be subject to change. The Covid “case” numbers before June 7th are etched in stone – everyone who tested positive was a “case”.
But after June 7th they will be separating Covid cases who are actually hospitalised due to Covid19, from other patients who only have “incidental covid”.
Any good scientist will tell you you can’t change the way you measure or collect your data halfway through an experiment, and you can’t compare data gathered in one way to data gathered in another. That is not “analysing the effect” of anything, it’s altering the experiment conditions.
The difference between “with” and “for” has always existed, but by applying that filter only to new data they will make it appear that it’s a new phenomenon, caused by the vaccination programme.
It is incredibly bad science.
…but it’s also totally in keeping with the trend of altering Covid practices to create the impression the “vaccine” is having a positive impact.
We’ve already reported that WHO changed their Covid diagnosis guidelines, and their PCR test guidelines, in late 2020 and early 2021, right in line with the first vaccination programs being launched. The US CDC has likewise been repeatedly fiddling their definition of “breakthrough infection” in order to make the vaccines appear more effective.
This NHS change is just more of the same – altering the experimental conditions to achieve the desired outcome. A total, complete inversion of the scientific method, by the same people who zealously scream about “following the science”.
It is deliberate manipulation of the data, being done brazenly in the public eye.
But what impact will it actually have? Throughout the pandemic, how many patients were ever sick with only Covid, and how many had cancer, or a stroke or Alzheimers along with “incidental covid”?
Well, official figures on deaths have shown that well over 80% of so-called “Covid deaths” had at least one serious pre-existing condition, and Bernard Marx did a great breakdown of how the cause of death figures are manipulated. But that’s deaths, what about hospital admissions?
Although only anecdotal, we have been sent results of several Freedom of Information Act requests that UK citizens submitted to their local NHS trusts. These FOI requests ask for the number of people currently in hospital being treated for Covid, or numbers who died solely due to Covid or variations on that theme. Here’s 1, 2, 3, 4 them. There are a lot more available.
The numbers are uniformly small. So, it’s entirely possible that, under this new method of “analysis”, the NHS’s list of “Covid cases” will shrink to almost nothing.
Don’t worry though, should that happen we will likely never be told about it, because NHS England has made it quite plain that they might never release this data to the public. Both the Independent and Telegraph say so, with almost word-for-word the exact same sentence:
NHS England has not yet confirmed whether the data will be made public, as it must be checked and verified first.
They need to “check” and “verify” the data before we’re allowed to see it, huh? It’s almost as if they’ve got something to hide.
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And now we have dying “with” the vaxxxine, instead of dying from the vaxxxine. Yep, “safe and effective”.
Absolute proof that the NHS hierarchy are full of masonic brother and sisters of the Masonic Globalists that are in Government helping carry out a world wide Coup so they can rule the world. The false tests, the care home deaths, infection rates, death rates, idiot data projections from Gate paid academics, CAGE members filling their pockets from their own false actions …… the whole excrement show was planned ages ago however you still need compliant masonic insiders to ensure a smooth journey. Now the emergency injection, passed easily by the Globalist led MHRA and all the other Globalist Pharma paid world wide Public Health Agencies turning their blind eyes to the obvious facts that this clinical trial should have stopped ages ago but will continue until they have guaranteed they have doomed millions to their injection fates in their manic quest for depopulation. These psychopath masonic Globalist don’t care about legal threats of Nuremberg 2 as they believe they have already won their war and will only be rewarded not locked up because masons are in every position of power Army, Police, Judiciary, Health, Parliament and control all the shots.
The National Homicide Service: the words of a man who lost two parents to the NHS euthanasia programme, under cover of Event Covid.
The NHS as death factory, spawn of the eugenics religion, was the subject of my earlier post.
I wrote that the explicit euthanasia protocol, called the Liverpool Care Pathway, aka starving the elderly to death and denying people a sip of water on their deathbed, until their mouths crack open in blisters, was abolished in 2014. I was misinformed.
It was quickly replaced with another euthanasia protocol, a cocktail including morphine and midazolam, which the U.S. prison service stopped using in the 1920s on the grounds of cruelty.
Matt Hancock, Rockefeller stooge and UK Health Secretary, imported extra doses of the execution drug in preparation for Event Covid.
In 2016 the NHS did a dry run for a pandemic,
Exercise Cygnus, in which they would clear space in hospitals by moving patients to nursing homes r giving an end of life injection.
British families have now come forth with evidence that NHS staff used “Covid” as an excuse to kill their relatives as young as in their fifties. We know that many more deaths — 60% attributed to “Covid” in Britain in 2020 — were people with learning disabilities. All we killed on the order of consultants who box-ticked
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation.
This was murder, and eugenics at its most plain, at the order of NHS managers and Secretary Hancock.
For nearly a year now, journalist Jacqui Deevoy has been investigating claims that people are being unlawfully euthanised in hospitals and care homes in the UK. She is interviewed by Richie Allen asking with relatives who provide testimony.
Sean of SGT Report does a shorter interview with Jacqui Deevoy alone , describing the NHS as death merchants.
Here in New Zealand, my aunt was euthanised by withholding all sustenance, so she died of thirst (about five years ago).
And the “Sheeple” line up for their “Jabs” ( For a free Lottery Ticket )…..
What a joke.
Great article, let’s not get duped: “…you can’t compare data gathered in one way to data gathered in another. That is not “analysing the effect” of anything, it’s altering the experiment conditions.” Effectively, and yet all through this manufactured pandemic we have been exposed by the Main Stream Media and State sponsored “experts” to asymmetric information with no statistical or clinical continuity. But I guess that in a few weeks, as you point out, the “Officials” will credit the great efficacy of the vaccination campaign and who knows, they might even credit the “Infrastructure Plan” of the G7 for it.
Are the also going to add a section of if these “cases and deaths” have or haven’t been vaccinated
This is a similar problem to how ONS measures COVID deaths. U07.1 for ‘virus identified’ and U07.2 for ‘suspected not tested’. ONS does not have separate codes for COVID deaths when the virus was caught while in hospital (as opposed to admissions due to developing COVID outside hospital) or for breakthrough COVID from vaccination – which is problematic as it means you can vaccinate your way into a pandemic and control figures from within the NHS.
The Lethal Injection Is Just That
Dr Roger Hodkinson talks to Anna Brees – David Icke
That interview is no longer available.
It’s available on Bitchute and some other platforms. YuTube has deleted it.
You will need to use DuckDuckGo to find it, no doubt. I watched it two days ago, not on Bitchute but another channel.
Twitter is warning “This link may be unsafe”
It’s time Twitter started to feel unsafe.
Its robots are certainly malfunctioning.
They do that with every link to our site. Soft censorship.
Wait, so “cases” isn’t synonymous with “people who are sick or dying”? Well I never!
No, ‘it‘ never… never was.
Aside: I, too, believed the oft-repeated “Flu has been rebranded as Covid.”
But no, apparently this is untrue:
“Instead, influenza viruses have been displaced by the more infectious novel coronavirus. This displacement effect is well known from previous influenza pandemics: the 1918 flu virus was displaced by the 1957 flu virus, which in turn was displaced by the 1968 flu virus (see chart).
The link is here
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 10-06-2021 | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) 62 more people died after the vax poison in Australia in the last week, they still claim it was old age but when people died of old age after a fake PCR test they were considered to tragic we had to shut down the country. People are getting shingles, GBS, blood clots and still they persist, way more people have had adverse reactions and deaths than ever had from the so called virus yet still morons are lining up for the jabs.
This displacement effect is laughable. SARS-CoV2 started with the new test.
Edim, I assume you mean the fraudulently used PCR, invented by the late, Kary Mullis, PhD Biochemistry, for which invention he won the Nobel in that field.
Dr. Mullis stated in MANY interviews/lectures that PCR was never meant to be a diagnostic tool, rather an amplification technology for research only.
But the criminals who launched the fake pandemic assumed no one would notice.
Thank you for the interesting links, but I question the assertion in para 7
” countries with little or no covid – most of them are islands – also have no influenza? Because they closed their borders early:”
The same coutries with low PCR ve rates have always had significantly lower levels of influenza in the past than the geographically and “climatically” more vulnerable, Europe, Northern US, Russia.
Attributing this to border closure is unsafe.
This is a better link…
BS! All PCR tests are always 100 percent false and fraud!
“Why the results of PCR tests are always 100 percent wrong and still serve as the basis for incidences, case numbers and infections.” – (use translate option if necessary)
See the latest from Swiss Policy Research on asymptomatic cases (or as they put it, Pre-symptomatic transmission is very real). Apparently, those with no symptoms are still infectious. So, are they ‘cases’ or are they not? Well only to those they infect!
Oh, and it’s now pretty much ‘official’, masks don’t work as infections don’t spread by droplets but only by aerosols (unless you French kiss random passers-by).
Thankfully here in France we no longer have to kiss strangers!
not true, in the sense, does asymptomatic/pre transmission actually confer a higher enough viral load to then make someone else sick ? NO, in fact this sort of transmission is beneficial and how herd immunity is always achieved. Kids can have high viral loads and no symptoms, studies show being around kids REDUCES deaths from covid and all else, this is why. I’m so sick of this asymptomatic lie ! It’s a complete nonsense ! It’s not relevant to managing any pandemic but it is with covid as it’s a blatant scam !
Amen to that but the Covid Religious hangers-on will be unable to disavow their belief, NO MATTER the evidence. Willful ignorance and Confirmation bias is holding a firm grip on their brains.
Of ~10 million people were tested in Wuhan, the asymptomatic positive cases and their close contacts were isolated until negative – for at least 2 weeks. All close contacts of asymptomatic cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatics were unlikely to be infectious. -research in China published in Nature 2020-11-20
Do you know what asymptomatic meant until January 2020? HEALTHY
Thanks for drawing my attention to this.
The article rightly distinguishes between pre- and asymptomatic, arguing that although pre-symptomatic spread is considered common, asymptomatic spread is very hard to demonstrate, though there is apparently a Swedish paper claiming to have demonstrated the latter.
I remain unconvinced by both pre- and asymptomatic spread as I am unconvinced by contagion generally. I’ve looked at the papers linked to in the article that claim to have discovered active virus in the air in a hospital room and an infected person’s car, but both use PCR tests and neither mentions at what CT value the positive results were achieved. Basically, the article argues that there is no other plausible explanation for how SARS-CoV-2 spread so far so fast. It thus dismisses those studies that failed to find the virus in air samples as an artefact of the task being very challenging.
On the other hand, SWPRS has an article on what was common between low-to-zero-incidence countries that did not lock down: they closed their borders early on. Might that commonality be evidence that supports germ theory? Perhaps. But perhaps also the absence of fear and no social isolation, perhaps lower CT values for PCR tests and stringent insistence on testing for at least two proteins might explain better explain it. And perhaps general levels of health, fitness, lower obesity rates, etc. The evidence the article presents is not quite convincing enough to settle things one way or the other.
I would like to see these papers looking at terrain-theory explanations of disease. There are so many face-to-face experiments out there that fail to cause infection between infected and test subjects, that something may well be fundamentally wrong with germ theory. Until there is proper and open exchange between expert proponents of both theories I don’t see that the evidence presented in favour of pre-symptomatic contagion is conclusive.
Toby Russell, great presentation of relevant questions. I was writing to friends on these very issues in the early stages of the PLANdemic and getting virtually NO responses; I realized then that this was ALL political and that my erstwhile friends perceived that and didn’t want to pursue a political discussion…all confirmed now, after the fact.
There was NOT, nor has there ever been, an existential threat to mankind from Covid; it was a coup that succeeded in the ousting of DJT, with the help of the criminals rigging the election of 2020. No standing before the SCOTUS? Seriously?
If ever there were a case deserving of a hearing, it would be that.
“It is incredibly bad science.”
It never has been about ‘science’. It is all about money. £400 billion has materialised out of thin air. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for grift.
The ‘science’ thing is the equivalent of “Saddam’s WMD”, pure bullshit to mask underlying corruption and mass murder.
Well said.
It started off as ‘bad science’, but now it’s no science at all.
A first-year student would not pass his preliminaries if he tried to use the crap being thrown about by all our ‘representatives’ and ‘experts’ in the name of ‘science’…
If only it was just about money…
Kit, you start off by stating: “The UK’s National Health Service’ but the thing is confined to NHS England. Do you have a problem with the word ‘England’, Kit? Your approach is highly misleading as we need to know what the devolved nations are doing too.
This must be because our betters are immune.

Brenda is certainly old enough to be in the most vulnerable category for the dread contagion, but where are the masks, except for the peasants at the back, where is the two metres’ distancing…
Reminds me of the story where one of the female Royals were questioned on why she had long white gloves as part of her first night wedding apparel – “ well Mummy told me I may have to touch the beastly thing”
their exempt
They were vaxxed in their teens as part of their satanic initiation.
well, there we have it… blatant manipulation of ‘data’ to reflect positively on the ‘jabberwocky’ roll out… a tawdry narrative management somewhat like bludgeoning granny to death in public then denying it and going down the pub…
now of course they can manipulate the new data and claim ‘victory’ (the relentless roll-out of the new abnormal) in the ‘covidius’ wars particularly concerning IFR’s, whilst forging a counter argument to vaccine ‘deniers’® as they interminably roll out more toxine ‘variants’…
it’s so transparent and obviously agenda driven that even those far advanced with terminal imbecility should ‘catch it’…. though I fear this villainy will, like many of the others pass through the public’s sponge-like brains and out the other side without effect..
this ‘could’ be the ‘gotcha’ moment…. but it will be crickets from the maggot medias and state hirelings so the heavy lifting no doubt will be done by whistleblowers..
By lowering the case numbers any deaths in future will increase the infection fatality rate, currently about 0.15 %, so no worse than a bad flu. Raising IFR will make the disease much more scary and easier to push the vaccine on the gulable or worse still bring in mandatory vaccines.
Yes exactly, this is why early on so many were scared, as the only ones being tested tended to be very sick and that made for a high infection fatality rate! We’re going back to that, we’re not over yet…
Ironically, many of the heart disease victims (the leading cause of death) were probably young men who had just been vaccinated.
Germany, “some hospitals have declared fewer free intensive care places than they had to receive more public money”
Some signs of hope coming out of that country, after apologies to children from Bild for making their lives miserable for no reason.
Yes, it has become glaringly obvious to anyone who can think straight that 1. The existence of a ‘virus’ is a moot point, and 2. that the vaccine and not the virus is the cause of the pandemic.
This results in the insane policy of injecting perfectly healthy people with a toxin that is poisoning them and then doubling down with more of the toxin which will exactly the same result.
Looking at the history we can see from past pandemics/epidemics, for example the Black Death and the Spanish Flu. that they followed a similar pattern – similar to the trade or business cycle. They rose, they peak, they decline, moreover the resulted in herd immunity.
In our own time epidemics/pandemics have not been allowed to follow their own course, they have been kept going by artificial means of manipulation and mass psychology. Mass vaccination, the repeated cure, has turned out to be the cause of the forever pandemic not the cure. Thus the emergence of the dreaded ‘variants’. How long the PTB can pull off this bullshit is another moot point.
The black death was caused by a multitude of things and had nothing to do with a microbe. The theory it was carried by rats has been shown to be nonsense for a myriad of reasons. The Spanish flu was caused by overdosing people on aspirin and injecting them with experimental vaccines then forcing them to wear masks. Are you seeing the pattern?
well over 80% of so-called “Covid deaths” had at least one serious pre-existing condition
As another article here pointed out, that was before the jabs started. Now, “covid” deaths and injuries are affecting previously healthy people of all ages, including the jabbed and unjabbed.
All diseases have a charactristic profile. From the events up to June 2020, the covid-19 fatality profile is elderly (probably 75+) or multiple co-morbidities, males more so than females. The profile following vaccination is completely different. Young people, and those totally healthy are affected. Whatever is happening post-vaccination, it is not covid-19.
I have a friend who used to work in a bar. When the first lockdown came, he naturally had to stay home as the bar was shut. He later got a “job” working 12 hour shifts helping with vaccinations.
Now my wife says she knows about a job working grinding shifts in a PPE factory.
Welcome the return of the Dickensian workhouse!
What’s that? You complain? Don’t you know there’s a plague on?
These must be the green new jobs.
George, this was a coup on many levels; the unwitting, fear-avoidance electorate has forfeited their freedoms incrementally, as planned, all in the name of security. The agenda will be fulfilled and most will be seeking another savior, when the savior is we, the people.
Ironic that we don’t seem to understand that; perhaps a more robust civics curriculum would have been better than what we have gotten.
Yes they like to move the goal posts as it suites them.
They send out self test Covid kits and ask people to put these long sticks up there nose.
But read the warning on the much shorter cotton buds.
WARNING: Never insert a cotton bud into the inner ear or nose.
Keep out of reach of children. For external use only.
Improper use can cause injury.
More qualifications to cover their butts:
:- This test is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. -package insert for PCR test from Roche
:- Some tests may detect other similar strains of virus. The type of specimen to take from the patient has not been validated yet. -WHO “Covid-19 technical guidance: laboratory testing” c. 2020 Jan.
:- Detecting viral RNA may not indicate the presence of the infectious virus, or that it is the cause of clinical symptoms. -US CDC clause for its non-std. PCR test c. 2020
And Roche suggested a ct value of 40
They aren’t doing this for any other reason than that their credibility is in tatters.
The first rule of ruling as an idiot is never to admit error and to slip through admission of error silently through ‘policy change’.
If Johnson, Hancock, Whitty, Vallance, Van Tam and Ferguson said: ‘We made an absolute horlicks of this whole episode and wasted well north of £100bn of taxpayers’ money doing so’, they would all last five minutes.’
So they don’t say that…..
Ah, honey, if only it were a mere “error.”
Has any other health system done this? Time to clap for the NHS.
As a covid sceptic, it’s good to see more and more evidence of the con.
The NHS has been setup for sale.
By debasing its actions, under state demand, it’s ripe for Yank medical groups to move in.
Well done Britain!…
”The NHS has been setup for sale.”
Yep, of course, a key point. When a state is no longer sovereign it cannot formulate its own policies. The UK has not been a sovereign state since the 1946 American loan, followed by the debacle of Suez in 1956, as well as the accession to NATO – regardless of which political party was in ‘power’ and he same applies to most of Europe. It is also true that the ‘special relationship’ makes the UK a US lap-dog more than most of Europe.
Moreover, the Transatlantic behemoth – the US – is told by Israel what to do.
That’s it. In a nutshell.
Israel the country is only a tiny part of the ME, but it embodies the hopes and dreams of peace for a large proportion of mankind — the Peoples of the Book. But global Israel is the concerted financial, political, ideological and propaganda power of Anglo Zio Capitalism: a worldwide behemoth spawned by the financial City of London, which dwarfs the TransAtlantic U$ behemoth. Both Israels contains a high proportion of Jews in the upper reaches of administration, which means that AZC wars tend to be directed against “existential threats” to Jewish interests, but this is an accident of History. The AZC behemoth is a transient form of Capitalism; I guess it will eventually drop the AZ and morph into classical global Capitalism as described by Marx. Unless that Capitalist behemoth is frightened away by the spectre of Communism, as predicted by Marx and Engels.
The Peoples of the work of fiction. FTFY.
I’d say all those US military bases in Germany, Japan, Italy, Norway, Spain and many other countries paint a picture of a rather promiscuous ‘special relationship’ – and with far too many customers.
Is corruption automatically immoral?
Is immorality automatically corrupt?
It doesn’t matter. The US has more than enough of both.
It is fashionable to say the NHS is a religion. Actually, eugenics is the Anglo religion of the past 150 years and the NHS is its spawn.
F. Galton worshipped eugenics. J. Huxley thought it the highest branch of science.
The NHS, like eugenics, has always had both a financial and an ideological role. Both are a tool of rationing care. The NHS has always been allopathic, unlike many of the medical systems in the post-communist world. Many countries, like Russia, retain a connection to traditional preventive medicine — partly because they were less exposed to Rockefeller medicine (though the Rockefeller syndicate made inroads in China.)
The NHS was born out of two world wars that were begun and prolonged by banking interests (1) and which saw the spread and financing of eugenics in Germany by Anglo interests.
The U.S., Canada and England provided the research and in the case of Mengele, the personnel. It was funded by Macy, Kellogg and Rockefeller and inspired by the Cold Spring Harbor and Tavistock institutes.
Moreover, the Allies fully intended to continue the Nazis’ research. The OSS-CIA hired many of the Nazi scientists and have them new papers or identities.
Why the Allies made medical abuse central to Nuremberg is a mystery, when they could have covered it and hanged them for something else. Why let eugenics be thus defiled?
The only explanation I can summon: they knew it was bloody evil so they couldn’t resist the opportunity for psychological projection upon the Germans. It was a periodic cleansing of sorts.
The New Statesmen looked at the British origins of the movement in an article a decade ago (2). How different things look now.
“None other than William Beveridge, the architect of the post-1945 welfare state, was highly active in the eugenics movement and said that “those men who through general defects are unable to fill such a whole place in industry are to be recognized as unemployable. They must become the acknowledged dependents of the State… but with complete and permanent loss of all citizen rights – including not only the franchise but civil freedom and fatherhood”. A belief in eugenics was certainly not confined to the jackbooted far right.”
The New Statesman predictably skirts the establishment and operation of the NHS itself in the eugenic context, though the slogan “free care for all at the point of delivery” clearly had a different meaning to certain of its founders.
Labour MP Will Crooks described disabled people as “like human vermin” who “crawl about doing absolutely nothing, except polluting and corrupting everything they touch”. A bill for the compulsory sterilisation of certain categories of “mental patient” was proposed in Parliament in 1931 by Labour MP Archibald Church. Though never passed many sterilisations happened anyway under various forms of coercion.
Children were seized from young mothers and forcibly exported to Canada and Australia where they worked in slave conditions. This happened with the participation of charities such as Barnardo’s and it continued until the 1960s at least (as my own uncle can attest).
Event Covid cannot be blamed on the NHS but it has, as an institution, willingly played its part in killing the old and withdrawing care from millions.
Even before Event Covid there was controversy over the NHS’ ritual starvation of the elderly. And it is ritual. The “Liverpool Care Pathway” has nothing to do with The Beatles though it leads to a yawning Cavern underground. It meant killing people by denying then a drink of water on their death bed. It was supposedly abolished in 2014.
But that’s not the disabled, one might object. Really? The Nazis are said to have euthanized 200,000 disabled individuals over a decade. During nine months of Event Covid, fully 60% of reported deaths due to “Covid” were people with severely learning disabilities: more than 30,000 people and that’s before the “vaccine” injuries of which one in 10 is recorded. (3)
Do Not Resuscitate orders were handed out like confetti. Even the state corporatist media could not cover it up. (4)
Drug, vent and kill became a worldwide technique of extermination.
Anthony Fauci’s emails show he knew oxygenation was less deadly than ventilators; that treatments could help people escape the drug, vent, kill routine; but apparently he said nothing…
That would have obstructed emergency authorization for the “vaccines”. (5)
This foul record does not include the NHS role in brainwashing and psychological torture of the people (torture that meets the UN’s own definition — drawn up by J. Huxley.)
The psyop of claiming hospitals to be overwhelmed when the evidence shows many were practically empty (legal cases are underway to sue NHS Trusts.) The Clap for Carers pantomime while nurses competed as dancing automatons on TikTok.
Knowing that they were withdrawn care from people with cancer, urgent operations and mental issues who were doing at home or record numbers
And pushing the “vaccine” without any patient information leaflet… a shot that many (most?) heath workers and doctors refuse to take themselves.
Eugenics was the Anglo religion. It seems it remains so.
Sorry for typos. God help the children who have to take school over a stupidphone… and the rest of us who will shortly receive health care over one.
“Knowing that they were withdrawing care from people with cancer, urgent operations and mental issues who were dying at home in record numbers.”
Looking at the (still) ‘provisional’ data for 2020 at the ONS there were substantial EXCESS deaths at HOME for 52 of the 53 weeks for 2020. However conflating the cultural norms for the entirety of the twentieth century so that people born in the latter quater of the nineteenth century share the same sensibilities as those born nearly a century later seems like another attack on the NHS designed to promote privatisation over ‘free health care at the point of need’. The cultural values of eugenics do have to be challenged and relevant information is as essential free will and the freedom to exercise it. Hopefully you will not be offended by my opinion.
Excellent read. Thanks.
James Corbett did a great interview,possibly two, with Dougherty and McGregor about the real origins of World War 1. I got their book out of library. Fascinating.
You can find the interview at archives.
Thanks Moneycircus
Great response … thanks. Liverpool Path still continues. Ludicrously called the Care Path still the same nil fluids nil food extremely slow unpleasant death. Companion animals enjoy a much quicker and painless pass over …. suggest NHS transfer their extermination work to vets.
They have!
CEO of Pfizer is a vet.
Moneycircus, thanks for putting all that up. The New Statesman piece was interesting.
The Bush Family Ties to Eugenics and Race Hygiene:
At one time there was a Bush, Sr. speech as a Congressman lauding eugenics, but it vanished from the internet.
Re: World Wars. F W Engdahl’s The Anglo American Century is a nice, readable, documented book.
I am really upset how this covid-1984 scamdemic has put the various seasonal flu viruses into the category of endangered species. I am sure that some military biowarfare labs such as Fort Detrick or Porton Down must have a couple of H1N1 bugs lying around next to the bottles of smallpox and bat vomit. We should call for volunteers to be inoculated and become super spreaders before the good ole flu goes the way of the dodo. Once the seasonal flu covered the snow covered plains of the USA like the thundering herds of bison in the 18th century. And now the numbers have diminished to the point that the CDC can no longer count them. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.
I’m with you el Gallinazo – SOMETHING MUST BE DONE…………Absolutely, Forthwith to stop the complete extinction of the endangered ‘flu’. We must enlist the help of the WHO, I mean the WWF, No, I mean the WEF, or could Extinction Rebellion help ………….OR we could just RE rebrand covid 19 as the flu (you know a bit like when Oil of Olay used to be called Oil of Ulay! I much preferred Oil of Ulay).
Extinction Rebellion are a soros psyop planned since the camp of rome had a meeting about using ecology as a fear weapon because joe public were getting sick of going to war.
Extinction Rebellion(government sanctioned)are a damp squib and means the extinction of rebellion. They are climate change conspiracy enforcers and again we apparently only have ten years to live.
I know you are being sarcastic Ann but this is my 2p on XR, who say nothing about EMF toxicity. In fact they will not even discuss it and close you down if you try. Dr. Gail Bradbrook is an elitist shill with interests in 5G, probably explains why.
When in doubt move the goal posts…
Compulsive liars can not stop lying and to be in government these days being a compulsive liar is compulsary.
I don’t know where we are going, nor when, but I will soon be trying to find my flippers, underwater mask, snorkel gear and underwater camera. I am a lot better now. Haven’t yet got my PADI certificate, but I know I can do it – given the chance.
You know tony, when you reply normally to posts you seem smart and make a lot of sense. However NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LIFE. So either your a bot, troll or 77th doing interference. Either way it’s not working. So either you can’t read our reply’s, your too dumb to understand when people don’t like what your doing or saying, or I just don’t know.
Look at the down arrows bro.
Governments lie, all the time. Why would anyone expect that the NHS would be any different?
According to the CDC 475 post- vax cases– in people under 30– of pericarditis/myocarditis. They’re studying 226 of the cases; the others don’t meet their “working case definition.”
I sit here with my head in my hands…
As do many…but then my punchbag hanging in my shed takes an hour of punishment…
Just wanted to let you know your email address is missing the ‘l’ of ‘gmail’. A2
From Reuters today: “Biden’s plan to donate 500 million more doses – a key element in the G7’s plan for 1 billion donations – raised some questions about whether Washington could drop its support for an IP waiver at the WTO.”
Are we surprised that the plan has been all along to procur more jabs then necessary and then donate them to poorer countries that can’t afford them. That way you can get the West’s taxpayers to foot the bill for depopulating the third world. These evil people who control our governments have no conscience and consequently know no shame.
“ have no conscience and consequently know no shame.”
Never have done.
My brother, a virologist of more than 25 years has always said covid 19 doesn’t exist, it still hasn’t been isolated and identified. And I should NEVER have a test, wear a mask, social distance or have ANY of the vaccines, Thanks Bro
I wish I had a brother like yours. My brothers are vaxxed-up, masked-up, fully-tested, socially-distanced and immune to critical thinking. They aren’t virologists either.
My dad is a retired haematology PhD,microbiology expert etc. Senior hmso for 25 years. Called it bs from the start. When he was head union delegate,he had to fight the local trust to prevent mandatory flu jabs for staff. So like your bro with you I got an education. When I was young I wanted to follow my father,but he made sure I didn’t. Now I appreciate why.
Good on your brother, but you don’t need to be a virologist to figure out those things are a bad sci-fi script, only a little common sense and a somewhat critical thinking mind would suffice. Things that by the way most ‘scientists’ these days do not possess.
The covid stuff is easily provable bullshit from Astra to Zeneca.
The world has been hypnotised, so much so that people are now agreeing to have this toxic shite pumped into the arms of children.
Beam me up, Scotty…
I’ve asked Scotty on numerous ocasions. I think the transponder is down. I’m still here!!!!
Perhaps Scotty
is self isolating? You won’t find this kind of humour funny when the Borg and Klingon variants arrive in the coming weeks.
“From Astra to Zeneca”
Love it!
In a sane world, Kit Knightly and many others would get warehouses full of awards for coverage of this scam. Sadly we don’t live in a sane world.
It’s more like, “Trust the science fiction.”
I keep thinking Anthony Fauci here in the US should be forced to do every interview in a child-size Judge Dredd costume, after recently claiming that criticizing him is an attack on science itself.
“I am the science!”
I can debunk the entire pandemic theater narrative using only “official trusted” (government) sources:
Even if I believed there was a pandemic novel coronavirus (see page 42) going around, why would cheap effective treatments be suppressed? Why would you have to submit to an invasive and painful swab jammed into your frontal lobe for a test that is not suitable for diagnosis, is only approved under emergency use authorization, and is deliberately being amplified (see pages 26 and 36) to return false positives? Why would you submit to experimental gene therapy with no medium to long-term safety data – wholly apart from the mounting toll of adverse reactions including deaths reported to VAERS that are higher in six months than all other vaccines in the previous 20 years combined (and VAERS is a voluntary reporting system that the FDA itself claims represents less than 1% of adverse events), for which the phase 2 and 3 clinical trials are still ongoing even while their manufacturers have applied for full FDA approval so government will be allowed to mandate it and are indemnified by that same government against liability for adverse reactions? Why would you wear a mask that restricts your breathing and effectively dehumanizes you by hiding your facial expressions, when even Saint Fauci himself wrote a paper in 2009 demonstrating that almost nobody died directly from the flu pandemics of 1918 and 1957, but rather from secondary infections such as bacterial pneumonia which is vastly more likely with moisture collecting inside a mask but can conveniently be coded as “Covid-like”?
A big lie on a global scale simply for profit and power is the best-case scenario, and it doesn’t matter if the people carrying it out are incompetent or criminal. They should be prosecuted either way. The worst-case scenario is that this is the mass-murder campaign folks at various “philanthropic” foundations have been fantasizing about for over a century, and over two centuries if you trace the ideology’s roots back to Malthus.
Masks will make you sick. PCR tests are not fit for purpose. The “vaccines” are bio-weapons. If you’re stupid enough to submit to this, that’s your choice, just as it’s my choice to refuse and call you an idiot and give no f@#ks when it kills you. If you force your children to submit to it, you’re a child-abuser.
Was the Whole Pandemic about the Vaccine?
There Is No Proof that SARS-Cov-2 Exists
The vaccine IS the virus. For the millionth time.
Paving the Way for the Ronascam
Covid, Learned Helplessness, and Control
Westworld season 2: Elephants
I was out for lunch with three masked friends. Outside temperature 22c. One of them filled in the obligatory form to order food. They bemoaned the current “crisis”, criticised Johnson and the Tories . One friend stood up to get coffee and the others said “Don’t forget your mask.”
They don’t say that to me!
The three have been injected . All say lockdown won’t end on June 21.
Shrug their shoulders and say Well there’s the Delta variant, it’s very worrying .
I have Never worn a mask nor been tested .
No injection either.
Bet they wish they were you…but don’t have the cojones.
Didn’t they ask you how come you’re still alive? Doesn’t that *fact* make them any suspicious or at least curious?
I’m the only one in the whole neighborhood who doesn’t wear a mask; some of the muzzled look at me as if I just landed here from another planet. Nearly got into a fight on 4 occasions just because I don’t want to play this game of the mind everyone else around here seems to like.
Iceland looks as if it is back to normal.
The country’s chief of infectious diseases is naturally playing safe by saying that we should all exercise caution despite the recent relaxation of most restrictions.
He knows that the cove lurgi is all b/s, but he also doesn’t want to be fired.
And then of course Iceland wishes to benefit from the massive influx of tourists coming to see the very photogenic volcanic eruption in Geldingadalir.
One thing that does please me is to see people in hotels, restaurants and coffee houses completely happy without their masks – it’s like they couldn’t wait to ditch them. I was expecting quite a high percentage of cautious souls to continue wearing them “Just in case”, but common sense seems to be making a welcome comeback.
Fauci would call it Scandinavian recklessness, but Icelanders are more literate and better educated than he is. Their history of reading and writing puts that of the US to shame, and they can do it all poetically too.
Smaller countries, small communities in large countries and immigrants tend to be more multi-lingual, multi-cultural, educated and alert. That is the long-term reason for the collapse of empires.
You may be right, but Iceland was beginning to have me quite worried a few weeks ago.
The media are owned by the same type of mafia as the UK/US/German/French/Canadian/Danish versions are, and the garbage they spew out here is identical. Literally identical, except spoken in Icelandic…
It’s the general public who have raised my spirits this week.
Glad to hear that, really, because we need that for our own sanity. I hope it’s contagious.
Over here (South America), the Left, as anywhere else, has long ago abandoned its ideals and has become only the left arm of Capital. The ideology of Progress, which doesn’t acknowledge the possibility of immutable principles upon which a human being can rest whatever the situation, and only values the superficial excitements, the vertigo of, and the loss of one’s self in a movement to nowhere, is queen here.
The average person here is very sophisticated, shallow, politically correct, changes according to the wind, and dreads to stand out.
In short, W, you’re very lucky.
The description above regards of course the middle class-type of an average person. The struggling class, as a rule more authentic, is nevertheless used and abused for political purposes (votes), kept ignorant, fights for reforms under Capital (of course!), and its only aim is to resemble the middle class, just in the same way the later looks up to resemble the higher class.
Radicality, higher ideals? No, thanks.
Total Lockdown is Not going to happen This Year.
We are going Camping With Our Friends
Tony & Wife
Wow Tony, I had this weird dream last night…
You and me ended up in A&E after banging our heads together in a mosh pit at a Motorhead gig. Lemmy, lager, leaky legs, nice nurses… It all got well messy. We were sat there waiting forever, or so it seemed, on them plastic chairs, both of us drippin’ a bit of claret but still laughing, when suddenly the blue swing doors swung open and, guess what? – only an effin’ Dalek! A Dalek! Barged right in it did, its little arms wavin’ syringes and it was screaming “Vaccin..ate, vaccin..ate” in that croaky crackly voice of theirs…
Yes I occasionally think of those Daleks when I see rubbish about the needle…one can sort of imagine them coming for one with needle ready….not sure the people doing the injections are any more alive than most daleks…
The thing about Daleks, though is that they couldn’t cope with stairs. All you have to do is run up a storey or two.
Bit like Detective Ironside! Back in the late 60’s and 70’s they were, like now, quite up on disability rights. However, he was buggered when it came to chasing the bad guys on account of him being in a wheelchair.
I still remember the hysterics an entire generation had when they suddenly realized that the Daleks had that fatal flaw.
They were never very bright baddies anyway.
I would have installed some sort of vertical jet-propulsion, borrowed from the hovercraft concept. “Stairs? No problem. You will all still be exterminated…”
‘Infection’ is defined medically as when the presence of a pathogen causes cell damage.
Cell damage is of course what causes symptoms.
The presence of a pathogen alone does not make one infected.
No symptoms = no cell damage = no infection.
Semantics matter.
This is the most salient point,because with no deaths or hospitalisation the asymptomatic lie is the only thing keeping the narrative propped up…
They got it all planned
“UK’s National Health Service has received new instructions from the government on how it should record Covid19 “cases”, separating those who are actually sick from those who just test positive.”
More likely Corporate Pharma Clergy is directing governments
This is much bigger than Big Pharma.
It might not be on the scale of Latitude, or that other Posh Festival we used to go to To.
But surely The People at Off-Guardian can Organise a Book Festival at a Musical Festival
And Speak The Words That They Write.
In my experience the writers draw an audience, and they hung some of their friends books in the trees – Larmer Festival was really good at that..but it was rather expensive to get in.
So my mate she texted us, next time go to -this other festival, which is free to get in…just pay for camping.
So we did, but swamped the local town. We were both told not to publicise it…And went back again the next year.
He did say. I told You. Keep it Quiet.
They have an enormous Camping Field and Upton-On Severn is a completely lovely little small village town.
We do not wear Masks.
There is nothing wrong with us.
We just like camping and live music and people.
Is tony_0pmoc a bot?
Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, THEY’re fucking with us.
I don’t think so.
Whatever he is, he has no business giving us good reason even to wonder about it.
I’d say it’s a distinct possibility that he is, in fact, two robots, with the same email address.
One of them has been programmed to make sense, and the other to distract us from focusing on the matter at hand.
I remember a house nr Morwenstow, on the Embankment – there were 3 cats that were always sat on the wall, one black the other white and I forget the color of the last, but its hair was longer than the others….my sister told me they belonged to the old man that’d lived there up until he was called upon to write a story about rolling hills and small fluffy creatures for an eccentric billionaire who lived somewhere isolated.
He hadn’t forgotten the cats, there was a healthy supply of fresh fish delivered regularly to the house by a small old lady who wore a green bonnet and talked to them in a language I couldn’t understand.
I were nowt but a nipper when I first saw’t lass were tuh be my wife. I saw her inverted nipples across’t room and that wurrit. I took her home to meet Mam and dad while ut Hovis ad music played in ut background. They fell in love wi’ her like I did. In fact dad used to tak er in ut back room and roger the livin daylights out of her some days – but that wer alright, we were family.
she’s still with me. Well most of her. She han’t been quite ut same since the horse drawn Hovis van ran her over last Michaelmas, but she hops on her one remaining leg and is mostly fine.
No way -too creative
Nay lad, he’s just an old Lancashire hot pot who likes to ramble through his rheumy-eyed thoughts and drop gobbets of homespun wisdom and some off color sexual innuendo.
Nah he’s too eccentric and sometimes entertaining to be a bot me thinks.
It’s a made up persona because he / it doesn’t respond to anyone like a real person with the kind of character portrayed would do. It works because we are trusting by nature but you soon get sick of it and just scroll past.
I take it your in a care home suffering from dementia then tony?
Nobody gives a f**k
Craig Murray’s most prominent house troll, Clark, used to blow off about those who insisted on the difference between deaths “of” and “with” covid. I’ll bet he conveniently forgets all that now.
And on a related issue: When is a “conspiracy” no longer a “conspiracy”? When the MSM admit it – at which point it is renamed “the way things usually work anyway”.
I believe he is / was a moderator but agree troll is a more accurate assessment.
Some very curious character lurking around that blog the most interesting thing is working out who they really represent….
They are all from the security services.
Craig seems to be entrapped by them, for whatever reasons.
Clark is the biggest cunt on the planet mate…I gave up on that website as I just couldn’t be bothered with him…his antics on the 9/11 thread is the biggest shutdown of free speech I’ve seen. Narcissistic on a grand scale.
I regret that I’m not being the Bigger Person who sensibly puts my nagging resentment at a trivial slight to rest, but Clark also precipitated my departure from Craig’s site late last year.
I’d posted a sympathetic reply to a rare worthwhile comment by a reactionary/conservative regular I generally disliked. I can’t remember the OP, but it alluded to some UK electoral-politics skulduggery. My reply alluded to the obviously shady and hijacked 2020 presidential election.
Clark sailed in to sternly caution me against further attempts to bring unfounded conspiracy theories to the threads. I thought about appealing directly to Craig to reel in the bumptious ass and his aggressive junkyard-dog censorship, but instead I just tuned out.
This is being done to push the vaccines as a success.
I’ve been writing about how the seasonality of respiratory viruses played into the vaccine roll out. In the UK as well as here in Canada and the US.
Looking at Seychelles in particular where they rolled out their vaccination scam in January (spring summer) only to be inundated once the season changed to their cooler climate (version of winter) this past month. (May/June) They were the most vaccinated country in the world and being an island it’s a perfect lab setting to show the uselessness of the vaccine- they’re considering boosters. NHS wants to hide the fail by fudging the numbers, same as they sold the pandemic, by fudging the numbers.
More Experimental Vaxx Failure to Impede Transmission- Seasonality the Reality: Australia/Seychelles
Reality vs Fallacy: Covid Seasonality FACTS vs LIES of Vaccine Efficacy- The Pandemic’s Big Human Experiment
and yes the words big human experiment were uttered here in Canada- I’m sure they sunk into very few heads.
mixing vaccines is part of the pandemic’s big human experiment…
pretty plain speaking.
phln-statement-on-nucleic-acid-test-false-positive-results-for-sars-cov-2.pdf ( And finally we know the PCR tests in Australia were all run at over 35 ct, which means out of 19 million of the fucking things used on healthy people, some as many at 15 times, and a mere 30,000 ”cases”, there was not actually anything at all.
same here in Canada and some as high as 37 and into the low 40’s.
It was the easiest way to create the case-demic.
This will be a bit of a rant but I need to write or I will explode, also asking for advice..
Me and my husband are from different countries but we met in uk he is also UK citizen. I don’t have acitizenship and frankly after the covid sh.tshow, I was afraid to pursue with it as I didn’t see a bright meanwhile we were in uk for months because of the “pandemic” border closures after June we were living in my country.
My country is another worse horrible shitshow with nonstop curfews for the last 7.5 months and full day lockdowns on weekends and chinese style track code system which without it public transport, banking, malls and planes are off-limits. Coincidentally they are very very keen on vaccinating and bought 270 millions of doses of various brands. Our president got his 3rd..yes 3rd vaccine and with 90million population it is obvious people will be turned into pin cushions..
What is bad that people totally lost their minds never a protest never a no but wearing double masks outside and fighting with unmasked, crazily but crazily supporting even child 2 months ago I almost lost it and we went to my husbands birth country which is much more relaxed as far as this idiotic rules but not very liveable for a long time..(religious regime) so now It is time to return to my country and this is the problem because every family member I talked to was talking to me that they are pretty sure I will get my vaccine especially praising biontech one like gods, my mother even suggested without them I wouldn’t be able to go to uk or travel which I love, my father’s wife literally told me that she was very exited that I was going to get my vaccine without asking me even if I was, she was that sure!!!
I was sending pictures to my best friend and she was asking why we were not wearing masks etc…so today I phoned my best friend it was her birthday and she said did you get your vaccine appointment as you are coming in 2 days, continued to say that they were wearing 2 masks, never came in close contact with people and disinfect but she was afraid that her baby was exposed and because they couldn’t put a mask on a baby she was going to ask about it to a doctor…I was on the verge of fainting at that point that I only could murmured that I didn’t know if I would get the vaccine and she was shocked I finished the conversation quickly…
This pressure is unbelievable and in my country I am pretty sure with the undivided support of the huge percentage of the population, vaccination will be mandatory for pretty much every basic thing and place.
What will I do..these are my family, my friends..I love these people I don’t want to cut ties but I can’t deal..I still miss them..i literally had a panic attack today because on Sunday I am returning…there is no one, no one that shares my feelings.
Help me..tell me what you did or will do in similar situations…???
Where are you?
Be true to your beliefs. You will NOT be helping them if you get The Jab. I am in a similiar situation with family members. I am very blessed to have a wife who thinks along the same way that I do concerning The Jab. She is a retired nurse.
I will NOT get the Jab and if I truely care about others, I will tell them WHY I am not getting it. We have a long road ahead of us which will be filled with MANY obstacles to overcome. Being true to ourselves and being INFORMED about the dangers and the HUSTLE that is being played on the world community is important for us to know.
Be not afraid. You are on the correct path. Be thankful that you know this. Others do not. That does not make us better than others. It makes us more aware that others, not with good intentions, want to have control over everyone. Stay focused and DIG DEEP. Peace.
“Here is George to help put it all into perspective and resist the urge to become a Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot Toxic Viral Cull Juice Lab Rat.”..
“If this girl can resist the corporate fascist eugenicist Nazi psycho criminals so can you.”

How many times do you reckon you’ve posted a George Carlin video clip on this website…?
That’s not the problem.
The problem is that it’s always the same one.
Any other site would consider this gross spamming, but Scoop has been posting some excellent new pictures recently.
Carlin is great in this sketch. I wish I had not already seen it here a hundred and fifty times, because it goes right to the nitty-gritty.
But I find it downright offensive that somebody can get away with posting the same video almost every day.
It’s enough to know that Carlin is a go-for-the-jugular type of comedian.
We can look it all up for ourselves – and I often do.
Good for her, and I hope she’s holding out on getting jabbed too.
The other day I made one of my increasingly rare trips on public transit to get a haircut. Nowadays the local weather seems to oscillate within a 30° or more range; we were in the “unseasonable” heat wave phase, with 90°F.+ temperatures and high humidity.
At one point during my trip, I observed groups of kids walking along the street. They’d obviously just been dismissed from a local school– a middle school, judging from their pre-teenish appearance. Many were not wearing masks at all; some had masks hanging loose below their chins. They were carrying on normally (in every sense of the term) as kids will. But several wore masks in the blistering, muggy heat– even solitary kids trudging along by themselves.
I admit that I didn’t notice any kids stretched out prostrate on the sidewalk, but the sight of these poor masked kids plodding along, zombielike, in the heat wrenched my heart. If buses still had windows that could open, I would’ve opened one and urged them to at least pull the vile things down.
Even at this late date, it beggars belief that the grownups in charge encourage or tacitly tolerate such needless child abuse.
Learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe. You should have learned this already being married: is it possible to have a healthy marriage without knowing how to stand up for yourself? Would you stay with your husband if he did not respect your decisions? If your family and friends can’t respect your decision then you need to put some distance between you and them: it is not healthy to keep doing stuff to try to gain acceptance or please other people.
As for “missing them”, there are thousands of people who have not seen their families and friends since this scam began because they are not allowed to travel. Maybe you will just have to miss them like many of my colleagues who have not been able to return to Australia.
Basically you are suffering from the retarded nature of most people: they are willing to apply social pressure dictated by the government: this is how the Nazis forced the Jews to live in ghettos. The majority are doing what the government want but that does not make it right and although they pretend to think it is right, they cannot be thinking people if they think it is right. Are the Israelis right to persecute the Palestinians? Would you decide to help persecute the Palestinians if you moved to Israel? Would it become right just because the government wants it?
Being away and miss them is one thing, being reacheble physically but being millions of miles away mentally is another thing. I know I must accept this and I feel kind of better today as initial panic attack resolved and I can think a little clearly. Yes some healthy distance is needed between me and best friend , this is obvious. Maybe she will come to her senses one day so we can still be good friends but seeing that we are so fundamentally different scarred me and probably her too and I have my doubts we will ever be as close…
As for family, these people are dear to me but if I’m forced beyond this point when I am back I am ready to make the “we need to talk” talk…if they really love me as much as I love them they will accept, if not it means that they are mesmerised by propaganda enough to distance themselves from a first degree family member. This level of brokenness I can’t deal. I will respect their fear and retreat…
I have fell out terminally with my sister,who despite a vaccine damaged child,is praying for the vaccine. She is toxic to me and my kids,every comment I put up(source linked to official sources) is fake news and I’m apparently Donald Trump. So I told her to fuck off and have a good life. I don’t need that shirt. My parents refused the vaxx for reasons I posted earlier,but I’m to blame for it. (My dad has several PhD s in medical sciences,knows its bs). Surround yourself with love and positivity,these people are living in a fear they won’t escape. They are not worth your energy.
You have to save yourself and at least stand up for the truth, and what’s morally right. There is nothing to be done for people who watch television, or believe that the authorities, masks or vaccines are going to save them from invisible microbes. You probably need to find an anti-lockdown group or anti-vaccine group whichever country you end up, whether it’s Turkey or elsewhere. There are groups of people in every country who will be against the measures and understand the current situation in terms of the serious danger of the vaccines and the encroaching tyranny. You will have to search through online forums on numerous platforms in the language of the country you are in, for those specific groups. Start with anti-vaccine groups and the alternative medicine and holistic community. Those groups are already aware of the dangers of allopathic medicine and vaccines.
Anyone still calling this ‘fascism’ ? Are there any members of fascist parties on SAGE ?
“Just goes to show that the quality of boot licking fascist toady hacks is not what it used to be.”

“Poppa John and corporate fascism forever. On onward to the Big Cull.“
F@ck me the mummy returns….
Almost makes you believe in mason Icke’s lizard people
Are you really suggesting a former member of the CPGB cannot have fascistic tendencies?
No, I am not.
I think I read that Mussolini, Moseley and Hitler all started out in politics associated with the socialist Left, so there is nothing odd about someone like Michie making a transition.
The point is that there are no markers of her flipping. Likewise with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, did he flip from Communist to Fascist ? When ? The whole caravan of lies has come from the CCP. When did the CCP become fascist ?
Anyone who still recites the dogma that Communism was solely about a proletarian revolution toward economic emancipation should read more accelerationist writings.
The majorly empowered voices in the West who are leading us all to hell are mainly coming from academia. Marxist ideas famously lost in the political confrontations of the 20th century West, so went into the academe, and like a virus multiplying in a cell have now broken out in this globalised, corporate, New Normal, woke-ist, CRT, LGBT tyranny. The messaging from Boris Johnson and the G7 yesterday, was that ‘fascistic’ in tone ? No.
Convince me otherwise.
‘…those who torment us ‘for our own good’ will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience’. C S Lewis
Totalitarians in Totalitarians clothing
You think the WHO, Rockerfeller et al work for CCP? Really?
You sure it’s not the other way around?
Look! over there! Worzel Gummidge !
You do not argue against the claim made in the statement you quote.
Neither do you.
Hitler didn’t – he read anti-Semitic pamphlets in Vienna at a time when the leader of the Austrian Social Democrats, Viktor Adler, was known to be a Jew, he was kept on in the German army after WW1 and used as an informant, something no known “Red” would be allowed to do, and he made his first recruits among people shaken by the Bavarian Soviet Republic of 1919 and eager to prevent a recurrence.
You are getting too hung up on labels. An individual or group can call him/ her or itself anything. What counts is how the individual or group operates – at which point the theory spouted becomes, to say the least, compromised. And so e.g. a figure could be a self described communist, rise to become a figurehead and then gradually become absorbed into a capitalist management system. Sometimes without even being aware of it.
As for “Marxist ideas”, Marx himself wrote mainly an analysis of capitalism. But I reckon what YOU mean by those ideas are all that identity politics woke crap. And the very fact that this ostensibly Marxist stuff had to run for cover in the colleges is an indication of how impotent it is.
As Thomas Frank pointed out, much of the supposedly “Left degradation” of Western society came from capitalist consumerism anxious to exploit that very identity crap.
Why do you write like an American politician? And why do you quote C S Lewis, a man of the far right?
It’s not a ‘frank admission’ at all – it’s a redirection now that huge numbers of ‘new cases’ are neither needed or desirable. In order for the narrative to appear realistic – to wit, that humanity has been saved by the appearance of innovative vaccines from the munificent pharmaceutical industry – it is necessary for (a) cases to trend rapidly and steadily downward, and (b) the obvious majority of ‘new cases’ to appear among the unvaccinated.
That’s why the CDC has provided new guidelines which state that ‘breakout’ cases which occur in the fully-vaccinated need only be reported if they result in hospitalization or death, and tests of the fully-vaccinated shall not be done with amplification above 28 cycles, while the former guidance remains in place for the unvaccinated.
I don’t know why the continue the myth of break out cases, hundreds of millions still get flu, TB, hepatitis of all sorts, pneumonia and things even if they are vaxxed and they always have.
That’s exactly right.
I’m angry I’m bloody angry.This is a fake.
“Given that as many as 80% of those who have been infected have no symptoms, and the propensity for the flawed PCR tests to return false-positive results, this lead to likely massively inflated numbers of “cases”.
No Kit. Asymptomatic transmission has been debunked. It was just another stick to beat us with. This is the reason that they claim that you can be infected and have no symptoms. It’s bollocks.
I do wish people would stop claiming that people who are infected but are healthy were ever victims, they are just fucking healthy
Kit never said asymptomatic transmission hadn’t been debunked.