White House admits US gov’t works with Facebook to censor free-speech
Press Secretary says Biden admin is “flagging disinformation” which social media giant then removes
Kit Knightly

Government agencies are flagging posts as “misinformation” for Facebook. Essentially telling internet companies who to censor. We’ve always suspected as much, but now they’ve actually admitted it.
Jen Psaki, Biden’s Press Secretary, said as much in a press briefing last week:
We are flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation”
If true – and that’s never a given when Psaki is talking – it’s a frank admission that the White House is actively breaching the first amendment rights of US citizens (and potentially the human rights of foreign nationals too).
The issue of censorship on the internet is one we have discussed at length at OffG. It has been slowly and steadily increasing for over a decade, with marked acceleration after the Ukraine conflict kicked it to the top of the to-do list in 2015.
Every act of terrorism, every controversy, every election…every “pandemic” is new excuse to place fresh restrictions on who is allowed to say what, where.
This culminated in every single social media and internet platform coordinating to completely remove the incumbent President of the United States from the internet.
News that X celebrity, Y journalist or Z website has been deleted or demonetized or de-platformed is an everyday occurrence now. The internet, or at least the mainstream internet, has become a quasi-police state. The digital Gestapo knock on doors in the middle of the night and *poof*…the dissident voice is quieted.
The mainstream media is, of course, fine with this. They outright refuse to talk about “censorship”. Instead choosing to talk about “free speech having consequences”, or arguing that “free speech needs a new definition in the age of social media”
The “liberal” or “progressive” stance has always been that free speech is only about state suppression, not about private companies or individuals.
The argument has always been that Facebook/Twitter/Google etc. are private companies that have every right to decide what appears on their platforms. Of course, if the state is actively instructing the private companies on what to remove…that argument crumbles to dust.
Psaki’s casual revelation means this sophistry is no longer simply logically flawed, it is now inherently dishonest.
It also confirms that the pantomime of government vs social media is just that…a pantomime. Every time a politician rails against Facebook for allowing hate speech, or bemoans the lack of regulations for internet giants, they are lying.
It’s a false conflict. A constructed PR exercise designed to hide a basic truth – The government tells Facebook what to remove, and Facebook removes it.
They said it, and they can’t unsay it…but they’ll probably try to stop us repeating it.
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As usual, he commenters here distract by ignoring the real agenda. The scamdemic is lies. The vaccines are bioweapons. Why is this? It is because for thirty years chemtrails have been hiding the approaching Planet X. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next flase flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran will be the day that Russia, China and the whole SCO nuke and invade America. It is the story in over half the Bible. Execute the criminal, genocidal bastard government or die in WW3 very soon!
Hmm, Kit when you say “the White House is actively breaching the first amendment rights of US citizens” I looked and looked and couldn’t find where the 1st Amendment granted, bestowed, or bequeathed any rights at all. However a reading of the 1st Amendment “Congress shall make no law…” makes it clear, it is a restriction on the Federal government prohibiting FedGov from infringing on our pre-existing right of free speech. If you read the pre-amble to the Bill of Rights you’ll also see it is further restrictions on FedGov not in anyway granting rights. That being said, the WH is clearly infringing on our right to free speech by telling Facebook what to censor. Any viewpoint that departs from the official narrative truthful or not shall not be tolerated.
Good point, but Facebook isn’t a government entity, its a private organization, so it has the right to censor whatever it wants to.
The White House isn’t a trophy, its the administration of the Federal government. This government’s reason for being is ‘to provide for the general welfare’ of its citizens. Its doing what it thinks appropriate for this task, taking whatever measures are appropriate and so on. It has armies of lawyers who can justify what it does so while you can be free to criticize it without fear of retaliation don’t expect it to change course because you say so.
Facebook is a publisher of sorts and back in the old days there were laws in the US designed explicitly to prevent the consolidation of publishers into large monopolies, the purpose being to provide a diversity of opinions. This was regarded as old-fashioned by primarily conservative types, groups that have benefitted immensely from consolidation making it easy to spread their views. This is the bed they made and they were quite content to lie in it when it was to their benefit. Now, not so much, so its all about ‘freedom’. The reality is that you can force right-wing propaganda down peoples’ throats by crowding the radio dial and forcing Fox on everyone at truck stops but given a truly free market people don’t want to play — they might have opinions but they’re just not interested in right wing oriented alternatives to Facebook and Twitter. (Also — if the market was there then you can be sure that Facebook would own it!)
I think a lot of people forget, it’s made very clear in their t&cs that they do not consider themselves a publisher, isn’t it? They are a ‘platform’. I don’t understand the reasoning of people saying every enterprise can do what it likes while ignoring two obvious things. A) they have a monopoly which anti monopoly laws are supposed to guard against, and b) fair societies implement equal rights legislation to protect people from discrimination. These things have utterly failed. It is the definition of fascism when you have large corporations controlling what we can say. A2
You gotta laugh at the logical leap of martin usher when he equalises antimonopoly laws with censoring, on the basis that both are government intervention. It’s like a u.s. pilot telling you that you are denying the benefits of atomic energy just before he pulls the lever to drop an atomic bomb, or someone telling you that “you know when was the last time of a resistance movement? Nazi occupied countries. So stop opposing the government”. And it’s the exact same train of thought, because he equates antimonopoly laws which, in the case of publishers, would guarantee diversity of opinions, to government interfering with a private company in order to censor different opinions!
Let’s look beyond the “debate” on whether this virus exists or not. Let’s look beyond the “debate” of whether Anthony Fauci lied to congress. Of course he lied. Let’s quit allowing corporate owned media to control the public narrative.
Focus on the senator’s comment at 3:00 into the interview. The fact is, corporations have seized control of people’s personal lives all over the planet. The corporate model needs to be exorcised and banned from existence.
Senator Johnson Discusses VAERS Numbers – Reports 84% of New COVID in Israel are Vaccinated
Published July 21, 2021
Senator Johnson Discusses VAERS Numbers – Reports 84% of New COVID in Israel are Vaccinated (rumble.com)
Recently, facebook confirmed, they also glean information about individuals from group photos. Let your imagination figures out the consequences of such practice.
That came about in response to new laws being enforced in India as to disclose information about data collection usage.
Many zombies put up photos of individual relatives/friends, or take the trouble to label them in group photos.
The UK labour is bleeding a couple of hundreds of members daily.
Did they appoint Keir Starmer as the leader or the Executioner of the party?
Interesting times indeed. The members of your own party become undesirables for their dedication to the principles of the organisation!
Corbyn was the last gasp of credibility for Labour – not that he would have been able to do anything but his leadership was dangerous in the sense that it would have created the expectation that he WOULD do something. The rulers were genuinely scared of a hopeful electorate so they led the filthiest smear campaign in history against him. Now he’s gone, Starmer I.e a Blairite clone, has stepped in. I can think of no reason whatsoever for paying any attention at all to Labour now.
Yes. Labour played its part in the system’s equilibrium, however, and the main “opposition” party being utterly useless might ultimately harm system stability. I don’t see the Lib Dems filling the spot.
Still, the message appeared to be that Corbyn was the beast of the apocalypse and had to be stopped.
“frank admission that the White House is actively breaching the first amendment rights of US citizens ..”
FRANKLY, how would you envisage the US rulers give a damn about some (superseded?) text like the constitution when their bread and butter is to devastate entire countries with destructive wars/invasions and even soak entire towns with systemic herbicides (Vietnam)?
Hello strange: It’s not up to the “government” to enforce 1st Amendment obligations. It’s up to the civilian public to enforce the laws inherent in their own Constitution. Like many others, your understanding of the situation is upside down.
The “rulers” have been in breach of contract with the American people since about 1855. See the “Original 13th Amendment… Maybe if people paid attention to history, they’d have a clue as to what I’m talking about.
“It’s up to the civilian public to enforce the laws inherent in their own Constitution”
You mean by being vigilant and proactive? and by having independent press?
“It’s not up to the “government” to enforce 1st Amendment obligations”
Why are they called ‘government’ then?
This is a nightmare where citizens need to protect and defend themselves from government assaults.
Hello strange: In the United States, the civilian public IS the government. Employees in agencies of government, are our servants.
The Constitution was intended to be “By and for” we the people of the new Republic. Civilians have been boondoggled into thinking the government is their mommy and daddy. Agencies of government have also misinterpreted their role. They think we’ve been bad and need a spanking…
Not only entire towns but half of the arable land in the world:
Roundup and Agent Orange — more similar than you think.
Sadly, now, I shudder when I hear the word ‘Approved!’ .. and it is not only about weed killers.
OT but interesting:
Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR test for COVID?
This would explain the reason why the RT-PCR will be removed off from the EUA just look at who are the key players are to make it happen.
So they can’t be sued. Because the RT-PCR tests have always been outright fraud. They were never a gold standard and none of them were even standardized. I checked the sequences of the primers and probes used in the CDC panel in BLAST. They all match with the human genome and bacteria dozens of times. There’s no unique sequences.
Every viral test ever given to anyone for any alleged virus are just as fraudulent. Antibodies are not a measure of anything except proteins in your blood. They’re all non specific. Their presence doesn’t indicate an infection or otherwise.
we must develop a spike protein vaxxine
to cure the raining floods flooding worlds under dome
from global haarp warmings
weather tax modifications
seed the clouds rain them out
infinity tax to the point of death
the covid and the weather men always where the same demonic ghouls
piracy cesti qui vie jim lad
eye eye
ohhhh here cum the floods
we say goodbye to flesh and bloods
The Children come first. I will do anything I can to protect My Grandchildren being injected with this evil. Normal childhood injections I don’t that much of a problem with, Even my kids were injected with that..and they were fine
But COVID is something else.
It is not a Vaccinnation
These Jabs are a Killer Disease.
You can take me out, and kill me. I am well past my sell by date…
But Do NOT INJECT MY GRANDCHILDREN with your Evil Shit, Or I am Coming For You and you won’t know.
We know where you live.
Kill Bill
We have got to fight back, and these Monsters have got to be Afraid from us.
You have killed loads of us, and we haven’t done nowt.
Karma is coming your way.
My Ex is back on my side.
She wants to kill you evil bastards too.
You nearly killed her with your jabs.
Just earlier today you were saying your ‘ex’ is a mask nazi who won’t go camping with you even though she is double vaxed. Now about ten hours later she’s a warrior for the covid skeptic cause.
You also claim to be 67 but sometimes describe yourself as if you were about fifteen years older. And I’m pretty sure you live in the US.
Why do you do it? It’s so weird and fetishistic and pointless. No one believes you. You can’t even keep your own story straight. If you can’t stop it seek help. Seriously.
My sympathy to Admin, the only reader who is obliged to pay close attention to prolix personal anecdotes about everything except the current topic.
We’ve been to Latitude Festival too. It was Brilliant. We lost something. It wasn’t that important, and I can’t remember the details.
There were about 50,000 people there, and they had a blog.
We have lost something.
Amongst 50,000 people I just thougt it was completely Amazing
Someone had found it, and sent it back to us First Class post.
People are Like That at Festivals Camping.
We kind of look after each other.
Everyone who performed and everyone who attended, has given up their freedom, for a bag of gold and a days entertainment, whores the lot of you. Fake vaccines, fake tests and 100% compliance. Suckers.
In fairness I think Tony is talking about going to Latitude a few years ago. It’s also pretty unlikely he ever really went there at all tbh. He makes up a fake life and talks about it here all the time.
Yes you did lose something, maybe it was your freedom.
Latest Robert Kennedy foundation article emailed to me reporting the latest VAERS data: Over 11,000 confirmed dead and counting. And, if you read the fine print on the errors in the reporting system, that number is more like to be 110,000 dead. All of these people would be alive today would it not be for the lies they are telling.
With each lie they think to themselves, “It’s OK. It’s OK, we are saving the World”. All of them in unison.
They’ve all swallowed the pill. The U.N.needs to be in charge pill. As of now they don’t seem to care anymore how obvious the movement is and there is no accountability at any level.
“We are all going die shortly, anyway if we don’t take swift action.” “Truth, fairness and accountability will only slow us down from saving the World”. Or, something like that.
How much time has ticked off since the announcement that the World will irreversibly change in 8 years if we don’t stop climate change?
It’s an emergency and the ends justify the means.
The Earth’s axis is going to flip and the World’s population centers will be under water. That’s one of stories I have heard. I wonder if that is the story Biden is working off of?
They’ve never acted like they care about climate change, though: jetting to fancy dinners, then going home and propping up polluting business some more, is not really convincing!
None of what they say is true. Literally nothing. Stop being afraid. The reality of our lives may turn out to be weirder than we could have thought but hey no more weird than the last 18 months. Fear is their currency – don’t buy it. Just wait and laugh at the insane nonsense of it all. Humanity will get through this and the liars will find we stop listening to them so the lies won’t work anymore. That’s it – job done.
Wise words. Fear is the mind killer.
100 days this am according to John Kerry….so no use getting vax if only a 100 days left to save the planet.
Had not heard that the end is so close. I was counting on getting a few more years of golf in before my back goes out for good.
Kerry has been out of the news for a while. Must be working hard on the treaty to circumvent our sovereignty while getting our debts forgiven and overseeing the blueprints for the Great Reset.
Eating caviar and drinking champagne all the while.
Circle Back Biatch aka Jen Psaki let loose with a Freudian slip the other day when she announced the vaccines can still kill you.
How anyone takes politics or these “governments” seriously, defies logic.
The New York Times has a ‘helpful’ piece out, explaining why ‘breakthrough infections’ in the fully-vaccinated were always expected and are really no big deal. After all, the purpose of a vaccine is not really to prevent you from catching the disease, per se, but to make your experience of it as pleasant as possible compared with the agonies suffered by the unvaxxed.
It is necessary to keep the ‘Delta Variant’ circulating for as long as possible, because that’s the one that attacks children (formerly too much a low-risk group to merit vaxxination).
The big American dailies like the NYT and Washington Post seem to be teaming up to preserve the faith of the herd in their miracle drugs with helpful articles urging them to not stop believing, because universal vaxxination is our only path back to normal. If you’re scared and worried, take it out on the anti-vaxxers; it’s really their fault because if they would just get their jabs we would all be rolling in double happiness by now. For the mainstream, there is no apparent disconnect between that position and ‘vaccines’ which neither protect you from catching the disease, or transmitting it.
As I mentioned in earlier posts, Israel recently recorded something like 78% of its ‘new infections’ among the fully-vaxxinated. Pfizer’s Chief Scientist was quick to explain that these ‘cases’ were probably people who had been vaxxinated back in January/February, and that their antibodies had probably ‘waned, as expected’. So Pfizer has received clearance to administer a third shot; a six-month booster. Which, of course, it says will probably be necessary.
Looks like a good place to review. The mRNA ‘vaccines’ (1) will not necessarily prevent you from catching COVID-19, (2) will not necessarily prevent you from transmitting it to others if you do get it, (3) will protect you from getting sick or dying from it…but really only for about 6 months. Then you’ll need a booster to keep your antibodies active.
Various ‘experts’ and ‘public-health professionals’ have offered their judgment that COVID will be endemic, which is a fancy word for ‘around forever in one form or another’. The magic shot in its present iteration will only protect you for about six months. That means that unless mRNA technology gets even more wonderfuler…you’re going to need to be revaxxed every six months for as long as you live. If you let your antibody strength lapse, you will be the same as an anti-vaxxer, a menace to society and a potential deadly plague carrier.
Sooooo…how are those ‘vaccine passports’ going to be kept updated? Rather than simply ‘getting your jab’ once – or twice, in the case of the double-vaxx types – you’re going to have to keep your ‘passport’ up-to-date by having gotten a ‘booster-jab’ within the current six months. Anyone see it shaking out another way?
Yes, that appears the way it’s headed. I’m convinced their plan is just to jab until death and collect the bio data. They need to get enough vaxxed, before governments shove through the passports and start branding the unvaxxed a menace to society that must be sent to quarantine camps.
Unless the system collapses under its own complexity.
The system won’t collapse on its own. But it can be stopped if people recognize in time, that all governments are not lawful or legitimate but criminal cartels serving a ruling class of psychopathic cult members.
“As I mentioned in earlier posts, Israel recently recorded something like 78% of its ‘new infections’ among the fully-vaxxinated. Pfizer’s Chief Scientist was quick to explain that these ‘cases’ were probably people who had been vaxxinated back in January/February, and that their antibodies had probably ‘waned, as expected’. So Pfizer has received clearance to administer a third shot; a six-month booster. Which, of course, it says will probably be necessary.”
Pfizer’s bid is modeled on the MicroSoft $cam of computer virus protection: Sell crappy virus prone Software then sell anti-virus Software which must be peridically renewed. Rinse and repeat, grinning at your MicroSerfs all the way to the bank.
Doff Microsoft and use Linux, it’s free.
Doff the Hijab and breathe fresh air, it’s freedom.
The problem is not specific to mRNA jabs. All the jabs contain or generate the infernal spike protein.
will not necessarily prevent you from transmitting it to others if you do get it
The jabs cause subjects to shed spike proteins. This is analogous to flu jabs causing subjects to shed far more flu “viruses” than unjabbed people.
The unvaxxed vs the vaxxed.
Come on, you will be fine. You have been double vaxxed. What are you worrying about. You will be fine.
“Would not want to go near you as your not vaccinated and keep my distance when out too.) so no camping sorry.”
So My ex annoyed me again (Brainwashed, but still a nice Girl)
Latest Official Statistics from Scotland “Scottish people are,ergo 18 times more likely to be killed by the vaccine than they are by Covid” those numbers are official and the result of an FOI request to Public Health for Scotland)
social media is just an arm of govt
they collect our data
build profiles
run stats on our data
sell those profiles to various industries
but also use those data as a way to see if their manipulation is working
social media is a hypnosis machine
My comment last night did not appear.
Anyhow, Our family are going to The Children’s Circus tomorrow. There will be 3 generations there, and some poor sod with a mobile phone number very close to ours will probably get pinged, and will have to self isolate, even if he wasn’t there.
-eye can confirm
this pisaki has real red hair
bears do shit in the woods
and refuse to use the jellystone bear litter sani rock trays provided
that paul died in 1966 and his replacement wrote nothing apart from the frog song and the song silly love songs
the lord macapine jeff epstein leon britain greville janner robert maxwell and now then now then owlsabout that guys and girls unkle jingly jangly himself jimmy lord saville
are all in tel aviv helping to solve the long covid and global tax warming problems plague sweeping the weather modifried earth
my life already
It’s precisely these kinds of efforts that make the agenda so obvious one wonders how anyone living can’t see it. Look at the American education system. Almost all govt. money gobbled up by bureaucrats, the best programs eliminated, common core LGBT and CRT ushered now teaching children nothing about life and everything about their fucked up ideology.
Teachers alone with our kids for 6-7 hours a day preaching Marxism, Socialism, Communism, gender, white privilege and how to hate America on 101 ways, and not a single peep from the administration.
MSM having gotten nearly every major story for the last 5 years completely wrong (intendedly) and not a single hand slap or apology.
No… now it’s our private texts that are the problem.
Wall Street and Government’s new job is trying to make us miserable 24/7.
But this is going to backfire on them in the most hysterical way, I just hope we’re all around to see it.
It’s going to be the oligarch’s version of Treasure of the Sierra Madre, who’s protagonist killed all his allies to get the gold, then couldn’t make it down the mountain and ended up losing his treasure and his life.
Most of what you write disturbs me too. I do belive that a way of seeing the world (eyediology – thanks gordon for inspiring me there) is presented to children. It has always been so. Yet the Marxist element does not extend to class or economics does it? Class is something that skips through most minds like a wallaby on amphetamine, if at all.
“Teachers [in the U$A!] alone with our kids for 6-7 hours a day preaching Marxism, Socialism, Communism…”
If only!.
Perhaps you’d like to look up the standard dictionary definition of ‘Marxism, Socialism, Communism’, jude? Some novel discoveries for you there, if you do.
Hint: those words don’t at all mean what USAmerican-Illiterate English uses them to mean. Another hint: they have nothing to do with parochial squabbles between US ‘Republicans’ versus ‘Democrats’, both of which are right-wing fascistic organisations – again according to actual dictionary definitions; and Mussolini’s famous definition of fascism.
It’s exactly what I’d expect from a fascist junta, and that’s what the US has become. There’s no longer any disguising it.
For a long time now it’s been a case of, “Yes, we’re total fascists; so what are you going to do about it? Hahaha.)
‘Shame’ is no longer in Washington’s vocabulary.
Something to do with assertiveness training, I think. Or maybe just potty training?
Yes, that’s it. They weren’t potty-trained.
Just throwing shit around like monkeys, and their misguided parents thought they were so cute – or they just didn’t care.
Yay for vaccines… may sound a trifle childish. On Google, The Washington Post is the first result. “Yay Vaccines, But Here’s Why Covid Will Never Go Away… ” Wah Compost, Feb 2021
Nay to vaccines… is an unlikely form of words, yet it’s three times the hits… at 1.5 million. The search results? Exactly the same as for yay, vaccines.
Manipulated much? It reminds me of the people who sent their lizard’s mouth swab to 23andMe. It’s not so much that They Live, more that They Lie.
Washington Post is the first result. “Yay Vaccines, But Here’s Why Covid Will Never Go Away… ”
Because you can’t stop the flu with a vaccine. Every poultry farmer knows that. Every registered medical practitioner knows that: they’ve been handing out vaccines against annual flu for the past hundred years but flu viruses are still with us. Corona viruses form 10-20% of our annual flu load. Always have been, always will be.
Flu viruses mutate faster than humans can prepare flu vaccines. This season’s vaccine was made against last season’s virus. All the medics knew that; so why do they spread all this misplaced faith in “THE” vaccine?
Thank Heavens flu is not a serious disease — no matter what the regime tells WaPo to tell the sheeple about the “existential threat” of “Con-19 Delta”.
18 U.S. Code § 2331 – Definitions
“As used in this chapter—
(1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum;
(2) the term “national of the United States” has the meaning given such term in section 101(a) (22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
(3) the term “person” means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property;
(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of—
(A) declared war;
(B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or
(C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” [End quote]
Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331
Civilians need to enforce written Laws. “Governments” do not enforce laws. Courts enforce Laws…
Think this lady pretty much rocks, she’s clearly a fellow ENTP too:
John Stuart Mill on Freedom of Thought and its enemies
‘’ It is a piece of idle sentimentality that truth, merely as truth, has any inherent power of prevailing against the dungeon and the stake … the real advantage which truth has, consists in this, that when many times, that in the course of ages, there will generally be found persons to re-discover it, until some one of its reappearances falls at a time which from favourable circumstances it escapes persecution until it has made such headway to with-stand subsequent attempts to suppress it …and where there is the strong permanent leaven of intolerance in the feelings of a people, which at all times abides in the middle classes of this country. It needs but little to provoke them into actively persecuting those whom they have never ceased to think proper objects of persecution…men might as well be in prison as excluded from the means of excluding their bread …
Our mere social intolerance kills no one, roots out no opinions, but induces men to disguise them, or to abstain from any active effort for their diffusion. With us heretical opinions do not perceptively gain, or even lose, ground in each decade or generation; they never blaze out far and wide but continue to smoulder in narrow circles of thinking and studious persons among whom they originate, without ever lighting up the general affairs of mankind with either a true or a deceptive light. And thus is kept up a state of things very satisfactory to some minds, because, without the unpleasant process of finding or imprisoning anybody, it maintains all prevailing opinions outwardly undisturbed, while it does not absolutely interdict the exercise of reason by dissidents afflicted with the malady of thought. A convenient plan for having peace in the intellectual world, and keeping all things going on herein very much as they do already. But the price paid for this sort of intellectual pacification is the sacrifice of the entire moral courage of the human mind. A state of affairs in which a large proportion of the most active and enquiring intellects find it advisable to keep the general principles and grounds of their convictions within their own breasts and attempt, in what they address to the public, to fit as much as they can of their own conclusions to premises which they have internally renounced, cannot send fourth into the open, fearless characters and logical, consistent intellects who once adorned the thinking world. The sort of men who can be looked for under it, are either mere conformers to commonplace, or time-servers for truth, whose arguments on all great subjects are meant for their hearers and are not those who have convinced themselves. Those who avoid this alternative, do so by narrowing their thoughts and interest to things which can be spoken off without venturing within the region of principles, that is, to small practical matters , which would come right of themselves, but if the minds of mankind were strengthened and enlarged, and which will never be made effectually right until then: while that which would strengthen and enlarge men’s minds, free and daring speculation on the highest subjects, is abandoned …
Beautifully expressed, but not one of our current leaders could possibly understand what on earth he’s talking about.
They’d laugh, and say, along with Boris Johnson:
“Well, you know, we have to think about keeping everybody safe and free.
“But also, you know, watching out for the spreading of fake news, which is, you know, so dangerous for our understanding of this deadly virus threat.
“You know, it’s really, actually unprecedented.
“We are in unbelievable danger…
“Principles? Nobody talks about principles at Eton any more.”
The GreatLieDian… tries to reverse the past year’s evidence that youth are resilient to coronavirus aka common cold.
“Young people are getting “seriously ill” from Covid-19, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has warned, as he urged them to get vaccinated.”
These hospitalisations are the injected. Nothing else makes sense.
I find youtube to be an invaluable source of humorous parrot videos. I would like to quit it but I would be desolate if I did so.
My Welsh uncle was a merchant seaman and once returned with a parrot of the most baudy character. He, of course, told it he would “smack your arse” if the parrot mis-spoke.
What do you think was the parrot’s catchphrase?
“The “liberal” or “progressive” stance has always been that free speech is only about state suppression, not about private companies or individuals.
“The argument has always been that Facebook/Twitter/Google etc. are private companies that have every right to decide what appears on their platforms. Of course, if the state is actively instructing the private companies on what to remove…that argument crumbles to dust.” – Kit
Is Kit suggesting here that those liberals and progressives support a reality where private companies can do what they want while governments can’t? Or is he saying that they ‘pretended’ to support that reality.
Of course, governments are not actually in control, although like a police force they have operational jurisdiction (which they don’t abide by perfectly by any stretch). Police can, theoretically, arrest a politician or oppose a government edict if they claim it’s illegal and the public is unanimous that it’s illegal and the police would look awful if they went along with the government (which, these days, they don’t care much about). Similarly, governments can slap down a CEO or company, like Enron.
Police State governments are ‘not’ in charge. They are servants. That’s the meaning of Corporatocracy. That’s the meaning of fascism (which is what Corporatocracy is). The body – government – is not the head or mind. That’s my view anyway.
It would be nice if governments were actually people’s governments, which would mean we had an ally against private, unaccountable tyrannies. Clearly they are not.
Hello Arby: Excellent comment! There are no valid reasons for the current state of public affairs. Civil populations have allowed corporations to completely encircle every aspect of economy and social discourse. Here’s an interesting definition: >
Excerpted from: Willful blindness – Wikipedia
“Willful blindness is a term used in law to describe a situation in which a person seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally keeping oneself unaware of facts that would render liability.
Although the term was originally—and still is—used in legal contexts, the phrase “willful ignorance” has come to mean any situation in which people intentionally turn their attention away from an ethical problem that is believed to be important by those using the phrase (for instance, because the problem is too disturbing for people to want it dominating their thoughts, or from the knowledge that solving the problem would require extensive effort).” [End quote]
Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willful_blindness
Yep. Knowledge, normally, means responsibility. Don’t know, or acknowledge that you know, and then hopefully no one will expect you to act. Don’t know that the virus doesn’t exist and you never have to point it out (and help in the pushback against covid 1984) and deal with any flak that that brings. I just excerpted (to my Bitchute channel) something interesting along those lines. See “Rand Paul Et Al Unmasked.”
Hello Arby: Mr Martin has the situation nailed down tight, and he’s not the only attorney calling for RICO prosecutions. Courts that refuse to hear the long list of charges against persons such as Anthony Fauci, are aiding and abetting multiple acts of treason against the populace of the United States.
The People need to quit going for leisurely strolls down city streets, and calling it a “protest“. District court judges and States Attorneys General have home addresses…
Acknowledged. If there’s better things to do than protest, then for sure they should be done. But I have no problem with peaceful protests. People need to get together just for the human experience if nothing else. Remember, they view us as cattle (Catherine Austin Fitts) and rats (Whitney Webb).
Mark Passio talks a lot about the implications of wilful ignorance….
“Is Kit suggesting here that … private companies can do what they want while governments can’t?”
I read it as a typical ruse by Uncle $cam: the regime does not censor, therefore confirming there is freedom of speech in our liberal capitalist civilization. But the regime also “flags” certain person and messages to private companies who voluntarily choose whether to delete said persons and messages or not, therefore confirming there is also freedom of action in our liberal capitalist civilization.
Totally off topic but so concerning, to me anyway, hope it’s permissible.
Seriously concerned about the intermediate update twixt Windows 10 and 11. Personally haven’t allowed it n have paused updates til August 18th, while i transfer my newest files, to the Linux distro also on this rig. Also burned an iso i created of the last 2104 version update of Windows 10, to a bootable USB. Have checked it works.
My concerns are the latest update might not have IE, which does still work perfectly, so we don’t need Edge, which i think is a total trojan horse. You don’t need any special effort to deny edge. just deny it access in ur firewall settings, set it as untrusted. It’ll whine several times a day, that soon becomes background noise tho.
Windows 11 will be a free update to licensed 10 users, ain’t surprised why, i’ve read thru the particular 11 specifications n have come to the conclusion nobody in their right mind wld pay 4 it.
The immediate standout concerns to me are: Presence requires sensor that can detect human distance from device or intent to interact with device. And: Presence requires sensor that can detect human distance from device or intent to interact with device.
They set off so many danger signals for me, wonder if other techy users of the site, see these concerns too.
oops, second standout concern should be: Two-factor Authentication requires use of PIN, biometric (fingerprint reader or illuminated infrared camera), or a phone with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities.
Two-factor authentication is surely something which is creeping in everywhere.
My bank demands it, as do several of the professional sites I have to use in my work.
But that is true whether or not you use the latest system software.
I do share your concerns about Windows 11 though.
Windows 10 is bad enough.
Cheers friend, personally think there’s a pretty huge difference twixt some places using it n it being everpresent for us tho. Happy u appreciate some of my concerns tho.
Hugs n love to u n urs =)
Oh, I do share them, Cesca. 🙂
Interesting, but a natural progression from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I’ve ended up with a pc with Windows 10 – which I thought was Windows 7 when I ordered it (Windows 7 is still tolerable).
Anyway, my pc is no longer mine – it in effect belongs to Microsoft. I CANNOT refuse updates – which I still could in Windows 7. So it’s no longer mine. When the update to Windows 11 comes, I’m done with pc’s – unless I can fix one of my older pc’s that just up and quit (surge I guess).
I’ll miss websites like OffG. But I will not become a vassal of my own computer!
We can always get back to writing letters and sending them through the post.
People did survive doing that, after all…
Cracked up laughing Mister, think the even more ancient use of smoke signals might be more reliable tho =)
Went to the movie matinee
To see the blue coats try to get away
From a smoke signal
Above the trees
A smoke signal
Shifting in the breeze
Some folks think it’s make believe
Other folks ain’t so naive
About a smoke signal
Could see it coming
A smoke signal
Hear the drums drumming
You don’t believe what you read in the paper
You can’t believe the stranger at your door
You don’t believe what you hear from your neighbor
Your neighborhood ain’t even there no more…
Love it! Cheers n hugs Ort =)
I remember reading how Wordsworth and Coleridge would stroll home by moonlight after tramping ten miles to post a letter.
I am also amazed at “the invisible college” in which great minds from Newton to Darwin exchanged world shaking ideas by snail mail.
You could always use Linux. It isn’t that hard to use. Try it out. You will have more control over your computer.
You can stop the updates on 10. I did it on a laptop my son has and it took only a few minutes. I deleted all the updates for 2021, 2020 and fixed the registry so future updates never occur.
See what ur saying for sure Howard, Microsoft certainly want to control our rigs n us, Windows 10 version 2004 can be controlled to a tolerable degree tho, thru settings management. To pause updates, open settings/update/pause updates, as i said, i’ve currently paused the latest transitionary update til August 18th.
Seriously recommend booting Windows out of ur rig, Linux is pretty easy to get cosy with now. The Mint distro is an easy introduction 4 newbies, powerful enough for seasoned users too, it’s one of my personal faves.
Sounds like what’s happening/yet to come with the “vaccines,” ‘cept it’ll be your body instead of your computer.
yes I’ll add to the Linux mint chorus. I had to get a new laptop recently and it came w/windows and I couldn’t even get through set up without giving all kinds of info, so a friend helped me wipe the windows off it and installed Linux mint. It’s very easy to use. And, I mean, to the extent I’m comforted by anything computer related, which is not very, it is comforting to not have to deal with windows.
Download Linux it’s free as in Free Beer but also as in Freedom. As a South African expat I use Ubuntu, but there are many flavours and Flavour of the Month reviews. Microserfs can install Ubuntu for Microserfs in several ways:
1. For trial inside Micro$oft Operating System (slow)
2. As your main Operating System after wiping M$oft of your hard disc.
3. As your main OS but retaining M$ as an alternative OS on a minor part of your hard disc.
I use 2 but recommend 3 because many commercial applications are MicroSerf apps, they will not run except on Micro$oft OS.
I stopped automatic updates a few years back while still on Windows 8.0
Pls! That ain’t safe n shldn’t be recommended, create a sandbox yes, don’t deny necessary updates.
So sorry, now noticed u said automatic updates, which is totally different to my first thoughts. So sorry friend.
Watching most goverments follow the “instructions” from whoever is directing this global dictator-censor/ship or however you want to call, dont you sometimes wonder if these “vaccines” could be not against Covid, but maybe a way to identify “obediant” citizens, and immunize them from a future “pandemic”, a real one, that would wipe out the non-vaxxed/ skeptic, freethinking uncomfortable citizens, and leave only the obediant media brainwashed population, much easier to control..
Not even the most daring media, like this OffG, mention the fact that most of the thousands of low orbit satellites that are being launched since late 2019, interact with each other using electromagnetic frequencies of up to 10THZ, same range as our Sun’s infrared radiation, does this not interfere with Life? all forms of Life? of course it does, EMR from our Sun is the base of all form of life.
Every big leap in the global levels of human made EMR comes with its pandemic, starting with Spanish Flu, thanks to worlwide military radio waves, then new in the Earth EMF.
I have thought of this, something big is definitely on the horizon, given the unrelenting urgency to vax and sensor. But I think it’s more of an unspecified event, not necessarily another pandemic. The whole 5G thing seems to make more sense to me as well, in relation to the vaxxed. With that being said, will the ‘event’ allow these idiots to control millions w/ the flip of a switch?
My feeling is that this first round of covid injections is designed merely to develop obedience to regular shots. The nanobots and transistor-like technology developed by US based MIT will be injected later and this will then communicate with the latest smart phones and 5G technology for 24/7 total control.
I see your post as a backdoor way of encouraging people to bare their arms for the lethal Covid injections. At OffG you are very likely wasting either your own or more likely your employer’s time. But full marks for trying something different.
Not a chance your theory is correct. They just want absolute power and control of the masses, and the passport system is the easiest way to do it.
Translation- the Corporate Cartel tells the Government what to tell the Corporate Cartel.
It seems odd, doesn’t it? But there’s much truth to it. See my comment above. Reading Canuck Law, as I do, what is being reported, non stop, is private influence on politicians and government. And it’s more than influence if it’s non stop and if the people have no input and if they government totally bends to the will of the private sector. People complain about it, when it comes to their attention, and they often call it communism, completely getting it backwards. Fascism isn’t communism. The history of fascism is far, far darker than communism, which fascism has all but snuffed out. Both systems had leaders, the fatal flaw. Anarchism, in the absence of Jehovah God’s new world, is my preferred system. I’ve never believed in some people having power over other people. I suppose that if we were all perfect (according to God’s blueprint for man) and had good intentions, we could organize for some purposes sometimes and have leaders. But otherwise, I’m not a fan of ‘leaders’ and right now political leaders are what they say plagues are.
I’m very aware that the product descriptions on the cans marked fascism and communism are completely different but what I find in both cans are worms. Fascist dictators are financed by the same people as communist dictators- incredibly old banking dynastys or family corporations, call them what you will. Willful ignorance is the stock in trade of psychopaths and willful blindness of their victims as Paul states. Until people accept the existence of psychopaths they’ve got no hope whatsoever. You can design a perfect society but if you don’t allow for the cunning bastard factor, it won’t last five minutes. Even if one doesn’t take over, you’ll have to turn into one to pay off the loans plus interest on what you borrowed to set it up.
The perfect society is ‘not’ possible right now. And strategic rule-breaking is precisely what the “cunning bastard” does in order to get ahead of and on top of others. That’s how the monsters have come to own, rule and ruin the world.
“Of course, if the state is actively instructing the private companies on what to remove…that argument crumbles to dust.”
Since corporations are a creation of the state, they are beholden to it. It can create or take away any “rights” they have, at its pleasure. That authority is for sale, which is why at times it appears corporations control the state. When in truth, the bank cartel controls the state, which cannot live without the current fiat currency.
In conclusion, the state has always been able to tell “private” corporations what to censor. Just not as brazenly as now.
A large portion of the insanity we see is deliberate. If they are going to be able to implement their shitty not so Great Reset they first have to drag down our current system so the reset looks like the better option. PR/sales 101 for dummies.
When anyone uses the phrase “problematic” you know they’re dishonest shills
Imagine the MSM outrage if Trump was doing this! It would be 24/7 wailing and gnashing of teeth.
This is yet more evidence of the unDemocrats systematically removing free speech.
Here is what I do not understand. I sure hear a lot of people whining about being maltreated by anti-social media. Is there not one of these people smart enough to create a platform not controlled by the Bolsheviks? Not one? I do not use Farcebook, or Twatter, or any of those ridiculous pseudo-social platforms–I prefer actual human contact with those I know–but if you use them for your livelyhood how smart are you?
Just try creating a platform like that.
The minute it goes viral, you will get a call from the CIA.
Then you will become Zuckerberg II, and deserve every insult you get.
There is good reason for the ‘whining’.
We are imprisoned.
It’s hard to say whether those with a more spiritual outlook on life will survive, or those who are prepared to sink to the level of the ‘authorities’ for the sake of a bit of relative ‘freedom’.
Those ‘ ‘ punctuation marks indicate fake news, by the way…
Headline – LA man who mocked Covid-19 vaccines dies of virus
Synopsis – anti vaxxer dies of covid because he didn’t believe in the “vaccine”
Article states – “He was treated for pneumonia and Covid-19 in a hospital outside Los Angeles, where he died on Wednesday”
Conclusion – get the jab you tinfoil hat wearing idiots.
Reality – Man who opposed the “vaccine” dies of pneumonia.
More people have died because they have taken the “vaccine” because they were scared of covid due to the propaganda.
Here’s another conclusion:
If you get pneumonia, do not, under any circumstances, go to hospital.
Look after yourself as well as you can, and recover.
If you’re 103 years old and smoke a lot, your time has probably come.
Sooner or later, that happens to us all – every single one of us – no exceptions.
“…happens to us all….?” Don’t tell that to Elon Musk or he’ll build (single handedly of course) a rocket ship capable to taking him to the Planet of Immortality he sees so clearly in his mind’s eye.
He, of course, is not worth the time of day to a rational human being.
Or to the beach in Israel to join Jeffrey Epstein in having a wiener roast.
Look after yourself? Therein lies the crux…. and the very thing that most do not want to do. People who know how to look after themselves do not get pneumonia. It’s not as if pneumonia drops down on you from the heavens. It develops as a consequence of not looking after yourself and, over years / decades, from delivering yourself over to the lord of drugs and vaccines.
the issue being is it even ‘true’.. an arbitrary notion where the bbc and ‘regime’ propagandists are concerned..
there is no context to most of the drivel, thus no value outside of its imbecile coercion objectives..
this is why they must silence all alternative perspective, because if you are an ‘un-programmable’ individual you may contaminate others with ‘truth’ and ‘facts’ and other such inconveniences for the hollow mens objectives..
truth fears no investigation after all, hence the mendicants addiction to censorship.. ( always an indicator of societal collapse)..
the MSM is a laughing stock to anyone not suffering with terminal imbecility… and should be mocked resoundingly at every opportunity…
Yeah. When I investigated one of these stories last year, the conspiracist allegedly dying of covid after denouncing covid, did not exist. They use manufactured identities, belonging to fake anti-lockdown groups. This “identity’s” only presence was a fake social media account. Their supposed “friends” or “acquaintances“ were crisis actors who worked for the government in one capacity or another and had appeared in other news articles years previously, pushing agendas of climate fraud or trans rights etc.
Nearly all the news in the msm is fake. Not just some of it. Most of it. When they report actual events that occur, that are verifiable from multiple sources, instead of invented events, the spin they have on them is so misleading as to make the entire article worthless. Therefore, it’s literally all fabricated. The msm (and even most alternative sources) can’t be relied upon to impart valid information. After a while of investigating fake news, a clear pattern emerges. Like a template.
Can you give us more details on the invented guy. Sounds interesting.
My father sent me a photo of the “covid denier dies of covid“ story he was reading in a U.K. paper. This story went to multiple mass media markets, even foreign countries.
It’s this story. And this one from the Guardian.
The first of numerous suspicious things was the date of his alleged death. The 13th.
The social media account of Gary Matthews, was a fake Facebook account that was created about six months prior to his alleged death.
The Facebook account had nothing except a picture and name. No posts. No likes. No updates. No friends, no family and no links to the anti-covid group that he allegedly belonged to (and co-founded) according to Charlie Parker. More about Charlie, later.
There were only three photos of this Gary Matthews created identity that I could find online the day after the story broke. Later that month these images were published, probably because there was suspiciously nothing online.
The family member ” Tristan Copeland” who claimed to be a cousin of Matthews is just some photographer/videographer hack in Los Angeles “Bringing film to life, one story at a time”
Copeland’s Instagram. He didn’t have an original photograph of his “cousin” although he’s supposedly a photographer.
Notice how the author and the fake cousin try and throw Syria and a “distrust of the media” into this fabricated story.
Couldn’t find any details on the exact cause of death for covid denier or how the coroner or ME determined he died of a virus. Suspiciously absent. Apparently all it takes is a claim of a positive test.
The anti-lockdown group refered to in the “stories” is a fake Rockefeller/Freemason/Government anti-lockdown group called “Shropshire Corona Resilience Network” where “Mr Parker” the crisis actor “said the group they belonged to had never denied that the virus was real.” Naturally, pushing the virus is real meme. Which, also makes the “covid denier” narrative false. But l digress.
The “resilience” group which was on Facebook in January, existed. But Matthews’ fake Facebook profile had no connection to the group.
I wrote about the Rockefeller Resilience Networks and their overuse of the word “resilience” last year. The main method of Agenda 21 infiltration, is to use various groups like ICLEI and the Resilient Cities Network to infiltrate local councils and local government. This way their activities remain largely hidden from view and under the radar.
Resilient Cities Network and Global Resilient Cities Network is Rockefeller Org.
Just as “Build Back Better” is a catchphrase multiple world leaders use, anything RESILIENT is a Rockefeller-government operation.
Here’s some examples: The U.K. government published multiple documents with Resilient as the dominant branding theme.
From 2012. With regard to “sustainable” and climate fraud.
Another for 2016.
London is part of the Resilient Cities Network. The mayor also signed onto Strong Cities.
I couldn’t find any funeral notices, death notice for Matthews, real friends, real social media accounts, real relatives, real school history (two different tertiary institutions were listed in his fake profile as an artist or photographer (varies).
All those in the Gary Matthews story who claimed to know him, (besides the family who don’t exist and the alleged cousin) work indirectly for the local council or publicized initiatives in the Shropshire area.
Peter Roscoe is a gay attorney who works/worked for the Shropshire council.
Here’s Peter Roscoe featured on the BBC pushing the gay marriage agenda and generating publicity for pride.
Roscoe founded this org which pushes myths and stories.
Another mentioned in the Matthews story, is a professional protestor-publicity-hound operative called “Charlie Parker” who staged a protest on this roof and only got down after the cameras arrived to take his photo. But since the entire roof incident was staged to create publicity for the fake Facebook anti-lockdown group, as was Parker’s alleged arrest, all charges against him were dismissed. Just like they always are with controlled opposition operatives.
Charlie Parker is an interesting character. bring back the smile” campaign.
An article on his antics from 2013. Unicycling. Maybe he does circus and clown shows on the side!
The man on the roof with Parker is Adam Woods, another crisis actor/actor for hire.
Here’s Adam Woods in another faux story. They do not look like a pair. Right? Hilarious photo.
It seems covid denier who died of covid is a construct. His existence is only backed up by the word of three highly questionable people.
It’s somebody’s picture. Looks like a security operative or military. And this is somebody’s bad art. Amateurish. James Bond (MI6) and other Illuminati celebrities or identities seem to be a theme in the art. More weirdness.
The only Gary Matthews I could find in Shropshire was this gentleman. At Matrix Capital.
Cue Twilight Zone music.
the video you posted about the vaccine damaged..well it made me cry. I couldn’t show that to anyone I know, even though I know its true.
It broke my heart in two.
Good Girl
Thank You,
There are two terrorist operations underway. One targets the cattle who can be convinced that viruses are attacking them. The other one targets those who (whatever their degree of knowledge of the Rockefeller medical establishment) don’t just accept everything that their police State government, or pharma-funded tv reporters, tell them and even speak out to ask questions or express skepticism or opposition. It’s bad for the cattle for they are being slaughtered. It’s bad for the still thinking people who have resisted the propaganda because we are up against not just the powerful hoaxsters, but also those who they have bamboozled.
Though I agree with your outline I think referring to people as cattle is disgusting and a mark of the overweening conceit so manifest in the likes of Bill Gates et al.
Okay. Acknowledged. You don’t really want me talking to you (and others), Do you? People have allowed themselves to cattle and I regret it. Bill Gates wanted it. How is that the same? Loser.
The truth is the man in the story does not exist. Nor is he dead. They make these people up. Concocting identities on social media. Hillsong Church should have been your first clue. He’s a crisis actor.
I skim the aptly-named Yahoo home page just to check out the overclass indoctrination du jour; yesterday, I found the latest salvo in the propaganda campaign to demonize those who are resisting and rejecting the Megadeath Virus of Doom “vaccinations”:
I didn’t click on the clickbait, so I have no idea who this guy is– not the GOP governor mentioned in the blurb, I presume. (OK, the Buffalo Bills logo is a clue.)
My familiarity with propaganda techniques suggests he’s a “vaccine holdout”– thus, the unflattering portrait complete with wild hair, squinting, open-mouthed grimace, and missing tooth.
Maybe his image was recycled from a 2016 Clinton Campaign ad decrying the Trump-loving “Basket of Deplorables”. Pretty subtle, eh?
He looks vaccine injured to me.
Getting a tooth knocked out is nothing compared to getting the “vaccine.”
From the ridiculous article:
Last sentence is complete bullshit.The whole article is steaming with it.
That’s Cole Beasley, wide reciever for the Buffalo Bills. He’s said he’ll retire before taking the “vaccine”
In the light of that headline, you’d think somebody would be demanding a new government, wouldn’t you…?
Sheep don’t demand anything.
Angela Merkel states that vaccinated people will enjoy more ‘freedom’ [sic] than unvaccinated people.
If this were the year 1521, I might indulge in an equivalent superstition – such as that people who are not witches will enjoy the privilege of not being burnt alive.
It is clear to everybody now, I hope, that none of the scum presently controlling the western world were elected. They were selected.
There’s a world of difference, and it was essential for the current, criminal narrative that nobody normal would be allowed near the selection process.
How could that not end in tears?
And of course the ultimate irony of the “freedom” fantasy is that, in being “allowed” to participate in society, the vaccinated are just as “unfree” as the unvaccinated.
Either way – the permissions of the vaccinated or the restrictions of the unvaccinated – establishes the iron clad maxim that nobody can do anything without government approval.
Until further notice, however, thinking is still possible without government approval.
I do hope they meet invincible resistance when they try to stop that one…
I “think” our saving grace there is that they still regard thought as a product of competing ideologies/propaganda. So first they’ll purge anything that might prompt unofficial thoughts in our little heads. It would never occur to them that thinking might be self-generated.
But, alas, that’s just another delusion psychopaths have picked up along their way to the throne.
Well said.
Thinking is actually a much more powerful and far-reaching tool than the thugs who control us realize.
You are so right when you speak of their idea that everything boils down to which of the competing ideologies will win…
They don’t realize that genuine thinking doesn’t even exist in their world – the fake world.
There, the superficial appearance of thought will do nicely, instead of the real thing, which is just too much hard work.
I read the first paragraph or so on “anti-vaxxers” and what their issues are from the Atlantic I believe, and the shock the “reporters” had that “anti-vaxxers” have sometimes very differing reasons. One of them even commented it was “fascinating” to discover those who are “hesitant” aren’t a monolith. Of course it’s all about ideology to them, not real facts or legitimate questions, just blind herd obedience to a side, like it is for them. They can’t fathom any genuine thinking, why, that just doesn’t pay nearly as much as obedience.
‘but now they’ve actually admitted it.’
We are reaching the stage where ‘they’ (whoever they may be) could ‘admit’ everything, but the majority would accept it without question. The psychological destabilization of reality is so complete that the public has been numbed into a form of emotional paralysis.
The minority who march has retained conscious control, can see or sense what’s really going on but are powerless to act. The UNITY, we require, demonstrated by public protest, soon dissipates when the crowd disperses back into isolation, from whence they came.
“Educate, Organize, Mobilize.”

That is so beautiful a statement n can’t be posted too often imo. So glad u now get upvotes worthy of the research u put into the pics u post.
Keep the faith, all that’s good to u n urs
[That is so beautiful a statement n can’t be posted too often imo. So glad u now get upvotes worthy of the research u put into the pics u post.]
Agreed about the beautiful statement. I would like to see that as well.
But there is always a question about the “means” and the “end.”
Both Eugene Debs and I would like to see a similar beautiful END.
However, Eugene Debs’ MEANS will not result in the END he aspired too, but rather in something awful.
Commenter S Cooper agreed with Eugene Debs’ envisaged END, and with that I largely agree.
But commenter S Cooper’s MEANS is a tragedy waiting to happen.
It is always wise to discern between (often deficient) MEANS and the beautifully espoused ENDS which the MEANS will not necessarily achieve.
My answer to both u n Howard is the worthiness of the aspiration. Of course it’s likely to fail in our crap system, doesn’t detract from the beauty of the aspiration tho.
And the people demanded that Eugene V Debs become President – right? Oh wait, that was in a parallel universe. Never mind.
I think Mr Debs’ statement is what the “Good Book” calls “Casting pearls before swine.”
Excerpted from: 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
“(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.
Any other murder is murder in the second degree.
(b) Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States,
Whoever is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for life;
Whoever is guilty of murder in the second degree shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.
(c) For purposes of this section—
(1) the term “assault” has the same meaning as given that term in section 113;
(2) the term “child” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years and is—
(A) under the perpetrator’s care or control; or
(B) at least six years younger than the perpetrator;
(3) the term “child abuse” means intentionally or knowingly causing death or serious bodily injury to a child;
(4) the term “pattern or practice of assault or torture” means assault or torture engaged in on at least two occasions;
(5) the term “serious bodily injury” has the meaning set forth in section 1365; and
(6) the term “torture” means conduct, whether or not committed under the color of law,
that otherwise satisfies the definition set forth in section 2340(1).” [End quote}]
Corporations and persons employed by corporations, are not exempt…
Complete text:
there are countless ‘realities’ yet only one ‘truth’….. the aim of the black magcian and his control grids are predicated on ‘systems’…
artificial ‘constructs’ that can be controlled with the input of ‘data’ (which translates approximately to groupings of observations gleaned over many many centuries and committed to formulae or ‘spells’ which are then weaved over the ignorant, nudging them into compliance with the agendas ‘work’)…
Ahriman is technology and his luciferic twin information… the machine and enlightenment..
the cube is visible now…. and it isn’t about funny money…
that should be obvious…
just as an aside .. and i may have mentioned it here before… all of the holy-wood agit -prop is ‘revelation of the method’….
a perfect example of the ‘revelation of the method’, or seeding operation would be the star trek imbecility…
replete with cosmic equity, trans human data bots and cybernetic drones in cubes…. (back rock is comming oooooh!)
just reverse the fairy-tales with these creatures and you will be on the ‘right’ ‘path’..
and be careful you may discover some uncomfartable ‘truths’….
Hello Lone Wolf: Your bottom line: > “The UNITY, we require, demonstrated by public protest, soon dissipates when the crowd disperses back into isolation, from whence they came.”
Exactly. The “public” needs to learn some new lessons. Like how their Constitutions are worded. What civil and legal rights their Constitutions provide. How to file civil affidavits in Common Law courts. What Lawful resolutions are provided by published Statute.
You know. Like how to control their own societies, rather than being controlled by their ignorance of same.
We are getting deeper into fascist-land. Make no mistake. These are not vaccine passports having nothing to do with any pandemic, these are permanent social credit passports.as it is in China. All infrastructure is in place in the west, now they have to intimidate and blackmail people into voluntarily submitting to total control under guise of extreme hygiene, health and individual responsibility for other people health including these people who we will never meet and interact with.
in the aftermath of WWII, Nuremberg trials and push for universal healthcare in US and Europe many social scientists and medical ethicists warned against normalizing and uniformly categorizing, meaning politically weaponizing, previously deliberately vague concept of human health as it was defined in negative as lack of pain and suffering including physical and mental pain, stress and anguish. They openly warned, based on fresh experiences of Nazis medicine and their social policies , that any positive definition of health by setting up health standards or tests inevitably leads to social discrimination , medical apartheid and genocide against those who do not measure up to those supposed arbitrary standards of health.
Nazis who upon taking power immediately extended universal healthcare to everyone introduced unprecedented in the world at that time direct right to be healthy by.. effectively taking away right to be sick, directly by T4 program and medical camps or indirectly by inventing hundreds of new diseases that happen to inflict minorities, so social outcasts and some cultures that were declared as being (mostly asymptomatically) sick and by that were endangering right to health of others and by that threatened entire national health system that needed to be saved. All that as arbitrarily Nazi doctors determined along political lines of NSDAP.
In last four decades preoccupied with appalling state of public health and failure of medicine for profit to provide broad access to medical help that resulted in millions of deaths from preventable diseases we lost sight of new reality of medical authorities arbitrary determination of our health according to arbitrary standards and tests and who is officially sick and who is not regardless of symptoms and all the socioeconomic and legal consequences of such designation.
With Covid jab mass intimidation supported by millions swallowing official social responsibility propaganda as justification of Vax mandates we are paying price for allowing to be propagandized into nations of hypochondriacs running to doctors because they saw TV commercial about screening for this or that phantom disease that suposedly eats us silently inside but never materialize while in the same time millions really suffering are medically abandoned, left to die.
China only has the social credit system in a few cities and their is resistance within the CPC to end them
[China only has the social credit system in a few cities and their is resistance within the CPC to end them]
There are also plans to extend the social credit system significantly. At the moment, that seems more likely to happen than any “resistance” maybe curtailing the totalitarian social credit system.
You seem to have presented only one side of actual, full reality.
Really? We could use some links for that incredible (somewhat positive) statement, if you don’t mind.
A report said that the experiments (Trial Spots) are finished. Social Credit has been rolled out nationwide this year.
Brilliant, that hits the nail on the head. When something is defined it’s dead, love, health, freedom, everything. If only we could keep that in mind.
They are pushing this BS a bit further. A part of WEF:s Cyber Polygon attack on Internet is about trying to take away the semi-anonymity we have. They want some Internet ID for the peons which they then will have the ability to turn off completely if we “misbehave” like with their nightmare cashless bank account.
If I want to know about censorship, I’ll always come to Off Guardian!…………….Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…………………
(Publish this comment, you can test if people have sussed your operation out yet.)
Not too bright are you, Josphin/Foxy. I always publish posts like this because it’s fun to make trollers look incompetent, ineffectual and silly. A2 🙂
I find it interesting that when somebody posts a comment like josphin Pickert’s, they almost always present a brand new name.
That way the casual reader might think “I’ve never seen that name before, so maybe his/her comments really were censored.”
You didn’t publish this one though did you clever ‘sam’ ……..
Or this one
Your trolling, far from being cutting edge stuff we’re sufficiently threatened by to ‘censor’, is in fact childish garbage. A2
The first step towards fascism is the privatization of public services. Last I checked, communication airwaves belonged to public domain, but a healthy functional government has been defanged against predatory capitalism over the past 50 years or so.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
So, no more nations, borders, constitutions, human rights or citizenship. Capitalism’s end game has been to create a world of Owners and Others.
The Idiocracy of America: Corporate Control Over Public FunctionsOur entire political system is designed to let corporate money speak, through campaign contributions and corporate lobbying.
It’s not the idiocracy of America; it’s the idiocracy of letting private banks (mis)manage government finance. They view normal government investment to maintain a robust public sector as competition. So, for the past 40 years, they replaced investment with offering bank credit (high interest credit cards and predatory loans), the perfect recipe for destroying a healthy middle class.
True idiocracy is when the finance class calls people who pay off their debts “deadbeats” because they aren’t generating any profit for the banks in penalties and fees.
Life in a Creditocracy
Good link! Tks.
How about Build Back Bitter!
[It’s not the idiocracy of America; it’s the idiocracy of letting private banks (mis)manage government finance. ]
Here you are somewhat closer to the bone. However, you are ascribing total powerlessness to the political class, as though they are malleable dolts easily controlled by the “private banks” rather than co-conspirators.
If you are so intent on finding your presupposed one and only cutout enemy everywhere, you may miss a lot of what is actuall going on.
And consequently you may lose your freedoms.
Exactly the same as socialism, the description fits both like a glove. They’re both quacking.
[The first step towards fascism is the privatization of public services. ]
No. Fascism in its original sense (Mussolini) is the merger of the state with corporate interests (also termed ‘corporativismo’ in Italian). Nowhere is there any identified “first step” towards Fascism which HAS to be “privatization of public services.”
[So, no more nations, borders, constitutions, human rights or citizenship.]
That is entirely your (incorrect) “conclusion.” The quote you provided did not necessarily imply what you “concluded.” While I understand some libertarians wish to do away with the state, it is debatable how large a number of them there are. In short, it seems you “concluded” a strawman.
[Capitalism’s end game has been to create a world of Owners and Others.]
I do not know what your definition of Capitalism is, but what you assert to be “true” is not so according to most general definitions of Capitalism.
PS. I get the idea you have already “defined” your “enemy” for yourself and have made up your mind. Consequently, it seems you will vehemently parade your cutout enemy at every opportunity by torturing “facts” to fit your presuppositions.
Another crazy conspiracy theory becomes just another headline:
It’s an education in how they try to sell these things. Firstly, they offer it as a solution to a prblem they themselves have created. Lockdown had solwed the economy? Solution: Britcoin! It doesn’t even really make any sense on their own terms but never mind. Throw in a second argument that they think will appeal to this outlet’s demographic. DM readers are nationalistic so mention other countries are doing it and hint Britain will be left behind. The main counter-arguments – surveillance and hacking – are just ignored and weaker pints mentioned for “balance”.
It seems clear that they intend to set up a dual-use system initially then paper currency can be squeezed out of existence through more and more corporations not accepting it.
The slow march of big brother continues.
Now I wonder if the state can reprogram the “vaxx passport” to also keep track of Britcoins.
‘The government tells Facebook what to remove, and Facebook removes it.”
You have it the wrong way around Kit.
More important is who is telling either of those two what to do.
How many times does Trump have to tell you. It’s not Joe Blow Bidaaan. go to 59.45 min.
It used to be the argument that “misinformation” didn’t need censoring because letting people make bad arguments would discredit them. I’m glad garbage like this isn’t censored:
I’m glad I can read total Orwellian doublespeak like this and am not “shielded” from this sort of “misinformation”. I might start to think the official account makes some sense otherwise.
Ha! Have a look at the maths:
Your link says that 63.4% of ‘covid’ deaths have had at least 1 vaccine dose.
gov.uk says 46.5m people have had at least one vaccine dose. Assuming a UK population of 70m, that’s 66.4%.
The difference between those percentages is [probably] statistically insignificant.
Conclusion: the vaccines do fuck all against the ‘virus’.
I love the conclusion! Textbook sophistry. Allow me to quote;
“The fact that more vaccinated people are dying than unvaccinated people does nothing to undermine vaccine safety or effectiveness. In fact, it’s exactly what we’d expect from the excellent vaccines, which have already saved tens of thousands of lives.”
I don’t know about sophistry, as opposed to an utter lack of logic…
A comment under the article:
Much easier for everyone to avoid Facebook en masse. That way you won’t put up ‘disinformation’ on Facebook, you just leave that rotten corporation to the credulous and brain-dead.
Same with Twitter, same with CNN, same with the BBC, same with all the Print Media.
Just bankrupt them silently by cutting them out of your lives.
The more people just stop using them in any way, the less influence they will have.
No Government can force you to use Facebook, after all.
I agree, however, I’m happy to allow this happen organically for now. I think we are winning this battle and the post above confirms it.
I have not used FB for years, but did have a business listing that I recently deleted. I used this account to read Gov broadcasting accounts and in recent times they have been getting slaughtered by the people. This can only be a good thing for now, as the awakening expands. The comments come faster than they can delete. Further, the zombies loose much credibility as they are simply main stream repeaters without facts.
Occasionally you do get some fun from Twitter….today featured chairman Dan from Victoria aust at press conference….he was apparently talking about people doing the protest and said he didn’t know what half them were protesting about and addressed this to a journo who had the guts to say quite loudly….YOU….Dan looked a bit puzzled and said …well it is still illegal…
and so we clearly see the mentality of one aust supposed leader…
Not yet, Rhys; not yet…
Of course, Facebook users (of which I’ve never been one) could turn the tables on Facebook.gov.
Whenever one encounters a piece of pro-official narrative propaganda, one could alert FB to the disinformation – giving a host of facts why it is disinformation. Then demanding that FB remove it.
Good idea, Howard. That’s what I call initiative.
Definitely worth doing – until FB decides it’s had enough and closes your account because of ‘domestic terrorism’…
I haven’t closed my account yet, but I never use FB nowadays, so I can’t see myself soiling my hands by going there again.
Totally ineffective strategy.
I’m not so sure it wouldn’t at least buy us a little more time…
But my personal problem with it is simply the thought of opening FB…
He is either a toady for the forces of darkness that have us in their grip, or a complete and utter moron, or perhaps both.
‘The vaccine may well have saved my life: Piers Morgan reveals how he caught Covid at the chaotic Euros final – leaving him with raging fever and fearful but grateful he was double jabbed.
Pure propaganda – a cheer leader for the cabal.
I’d say both, at least. lol
People believe this shit tho, my wifes friend is in hospital now with “covid”, said she felt like she was dying. First ambulance call they gave her oxygen, a bood oxygen monitor, and paracetamol at home told her if her O2 drops below 85 to call again, 4 hrs later she’s below 85 O2, in hospital for chest xrays then anti-biotics, and anti-clotting jabs as aparantly that’s a symptom of Covid –
she tells my wife (who’s biting her tongue) “I’m so glad I’ve had the jabs or it would be worse”
I don’t remember “Blood Clots” ever being being listed as a symptom of “covid” before the jabs were rolled out? I remember clots being predicted as a symptom of ADE before the jabs were rolled out tho…
God alive, how horrendous, why can’t people see and understand what is going on?
I actually can see the same blank stare reaction to arguments regarding the Covid con, that I used to get at dinner parties, or social gatherings, when I mentioned Palestine or Syria, Novichok etc, and the lies, damned lies. This time, the very same malevolent forces have been turned on the same people who did not understand what my problem was and why I would even mention such unsavory subjects at all.
And these same people are seemingly completely defenceless in this onslaught, despite all our attempts to wake them up, due to the fact that they have been sleepwalking, and never apprehended the lies and propaganda that in the last two decades has gone from warm, to frog boiling levels.
I havn’t been to a dinner party for ~16 yrs, all I said was “no planes” lol
just heard my nephew has “covid” got some symptoms after going to a festival, his mum made him get the test, and now the family is all blaming him for going to the festival.
They told him he can’t have the jabs for another 3 months, I said “good, it’ll probably save his life if he uses the 3 months to do some research on it”
I swear you coulda heard a gnat fart during the uncomfortable silence.
[They told him he can’t have the jabs for another 3 months, I said “good, it’ll probably save his life if he uses the 3 months to do some research on it”]
Ha ha, brilliant!! Thank you, made my day!
Your frog legs are well done mrs. smith. Would you care for some mustard with those?
Almost worse are the ones who used to listen about Palestine and Syria and now have completely swallowed whatever the MSM dishes out. They refuse to make that leap that got them to see the the truth on those other things. I find that almost unforgiveable right now.
MURDEROUS healthcare system!!!!! Stay away from all pharma…..read up on alternative avenues and heal yourselves.
Yes, probably both. ‘Vaccine nearly killed me’ was the real headline – if indeed Moron was actually ill at all. Not sure the Euros final was ‘chaotic’ anyway – a few people gatecrashing (was it intended to be worse?).
You just know those gatecrashers were the unwashed,dirty anti-vax ,anti covid types.