WATCH: D4CE Symposium #4: “The Hour of Justice”
In case you missed it, Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE), in association with UK Column, hosted their first digital symposium on July 29th and 30th. Four sessions, over two days, with over a dozen experts in discussion on a range of topics, from the science behind the “pandemic”, to the “great reset” and role of the media.
Presented for you here are the edited highlights of Session IV: “The Hour of Justice”. With Patrick Henningsen, Reiner Fuellmich, Sucharit Bhakdi, Vera Sharav, and a guest speaker.
We previously posted sessions 1 & 2 and 3. They are also available on UK Column’s Rumble page.
We also suggest you follow D4CE on Twitter to stay up to date on any more presentations or events in the future.
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I am sorry but the continued references to Nazis, eugenics, the “Holocaust” and the “Nuremberg Code” are very tiresome and more imporantly : tactically wrong.
The NC is not law!! Nobody is obliged to follow it! The Borg have already rejected the NC argument, saying that it does not apply here, as this is an emergency and the masking, lockdowns and vaccine mandates are not considered by them to be experiments. This is the line that all courts will follow if you try to invoke the NC.
The Nuremberg trials were kangaroo courts and a mockery of justice, revealing the true nature of the winners. The SS officers who had been involved in human experiments, torture and execution, including the real masterminds who were acquired by the US and put to work on greater things, should have been summarily executed without “trial”.
Sucharit Bhakdi mentioned a book. It sounded like the author was named Bruce Charleson, the book may be about or titled “science no longer exists.” But I can’t find anything. Anybody know who this author is and what the book is called?
Vera Sharav’s presentation is stunning.
The best defense is identifying and arresting the evil people behind this. W;here are the men of action? Where are the military whose duty it is to defend our rights? Where is your outspoken request for justice?
If we pussyfoot while evil acts boldly. . . .
The Swiss Police? Ask the pope to mobilise the Swiss Guard…?
We can’t do that until we’re the majority.
Not so. Neither the American Revolution nor others were fought by the majority. And many more will join after the action is begun.
I think I’m in love with Vera Sharav. What a wonderful Human Being full of love, wisdom and courage. Her inner beauty shines forth and one cannot but be persuaded by her integrity and intellect. Thanks to all at OffG and D4CE for this great panel. I see that Dr. Zelenko has also spoken to a top Rabbinical Court in Israel and told them to wise up to the reality of WWIII.
This is fantastic. Thank you for posting. What an incredible panel. I agree with everything that’s being put forth, because I started doing my research the second all of this began.
Heartfelt thank you to you all! Especially thank you Prof Bhakti for suggesting another approach than the WAGING of (yet another) WAR as response to the current Corona war against the people.
What will manifest in the world if we completely abandon the lexicon of WAR?
And is it possible to also stir away from the corrupted RE-words; reset/rebuild/remake, on and on, words that point backwards and inside a locked fantasized WEF loop.
Why buy a dog and call it “Fauci” ? Unless you have an urge to kick someone to death ! Poor dog !!
“The aim is not to descend to the level of depravity and barbarity as the corporate fascist mobster psychopaths.”
No, but it should descend to the level of saying that acceptable collateral damage includes bumping a lot of them off.
The proof that no virus is required to diagnose a ‘case’ of COVID disease is provided in the recently updated standardised surveillance case-definition of COVID-19 disease (2021). The definition includes:
1.. you dont need to have a positive test to be counted as a case of COVID-19. Anyone with certain symptoms who has spent at least 15 minutes within six feet of a “probable case of COVID-19,” OR, is “a member of an exposed risk cohort as defined by public health authorities during an outbreak, or during high community transmission,” and who does not have “a more likely diagnosis’ is counted as a COVID-19 case.
2.. Any death certificate that lists COVID-19 ” as an underlying cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death” with or without any laboratory evidence of COVID-19, is counted as a COVID-19 death.
3.. The symptoms to be counted as a case of COVID-19 disease include the acute onset of or worsening of at least two of the listed symptoms or signs in this updated document. 21-ID-01_COVID-19.pdf
However, what is not mentioned in the document is that all the listed flu-like symptoms are caused by hundreds of other infectious and non-infectious agents, and no proof is required by a doctor to diagnose the symptoms as being caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. (The Definition of A ‘Case of COVID-19 Disease’ by Dr Judy Wilyman. Posted by Principia Scientific 14 August 2021)
COVID-19 symptoms include: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of taste, loss of smell. (NSW Govt entry for COVID-19)
In the Australian national capital Canberra: lockdown imposed as one man coughed.
In Sydney: Bus depot closed down, all drivers put into house arrest as two drivers had runny noses. (As good a diagnoses as that by “Experts” using their criteria).
I seem to remember the southern qld lock down started with a high school teen complaining of a headache…
let’s face it they are going to do these lockdowns regardless of what cause…so the real case is what are they setting out to achieve by them,…well other than totally wreck the aust economy and get us used to not travelling any distance…and why is this important? What have they done to be blackmailed like this? What have they signed off on or hocked to international bankers….
I suspect these are the real issues we should be taking a look at not going around and around over vax and definition of virus etc….all smokescreens…
My opinion is that they will keep having the lockdowns until maybe 70% or so are jabbed and then they will bring in vaccine passports.
Once the passports are in place they will have a medical apartheid system, and a system very much like the social credit system in China. No jab, or at least a negative test, then no access to a lot of places.
This is what the 0.01% behind the scamdemic want to institute across the World, along with a Central Bank global digital currency, biometric id and so on.
A freedomless panopticonic digital prison Edith. Total control.
I have noticed some Left voices becoming a bit fidgety over the “somewhat extreme” rhetoric over pushing the vax. Though even then, these voices blame previous media bullshit for making the public “unduly sceptical”. When the rhetoric of vax flogging reaches Hitleresque proportions, this Left will still be complaining about “over-zealous” vax promotion (while continuing to demean scepticism surreptitiously by blaming previous media frauds).
George… I’m still in trauma after my visit to Democracy Now yesterday, and reading the disgusting Amy Goodman wanting children jabbed and masked.
All the fake pseudo left who are in essence borgie middle class Toy Che’s playing at being “radical”. Betrayers of humanity. I deleted the link and I’m not going back to find it. It was about a August 11th story interviewing a children’s health expert. Fuck the lot of them. Okay, here’s something meaty if you haven’t already read it.
Thanks for the link.
When you spoke about Democracy Now, I thought you meant Open Democracy which is just as toxic. Their latest is a hit piece on Brexit which doesn’t make any actual arguments to back itself up but simply spends its time drawing supposed links with the Right and Far Right. Interestingly – these links are provided by WikiLeaks. I always had my doubts about Assange but even if you don’t, I reckon his site has now been thoroughly co-opted.
Open Democracy also has a piece drawing inspiring “woke” messages from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (?!) about how “we” can march boldly into a “post covid world”.
These sites should supply the readers with a sick bucket!
Ah, for years I watched “Democracy Now” religiously.
I rooted for Amy Goodman, thinking that she was a courageous independent journalist “speaking truth to power”– the image she assiduously cultivates.
My uncritical positive regard for her turned to critical positive regard after Amy refused to substantively challenge the official narrative of the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, even though she was right on the scene in New York City.
Like other highly-regarded “progressive” journalists, she retreated to a coy hypocrisy– allowing that there were dubious or unexplained aspects of the “terrorist attacks”, but explicitly refusing to be drawn into a “rabbit hole”.
Of course, we’ve seen this exact response from like-minded Left Behind journalists and pundits to the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic.
Still, when she was hassled and arrested while covering the 2008 Republican National Convention and protests in St. Paul, Minnesota, I was outraged.
I can’t remember a specific “last straw”, but it became clearer and clearer that she is a wily, self-serving media personality cultivating an image that preserves and enhances her career. Once I lost the habit of watching DN, I didn’t look back.
It really does seem like another lifetime!
Like you guys, I used to listen to Democracy Now and even bought the book she had co-authored with her brother. I think she was once legit, but has been corrupted. The scales fell from my eyes in 2008 (the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of RFK). John Pilger told her that he was there and that he counted 13 shots (though Sirhan’s gun only held 8 bullets). Amy simply changed the subject to duscuss Pilger’s dislike for RFK. Pilger too has beer thought to follow up this irrefutable proof of conspiracy. Pilger is just as corrupted as Goodman (an ironic name as Dorothy Day said of Truman).
Prescriptive Text is proof that AI is for mugs. I wrote: “Pilger too has never thought to follow up etc.”
The use of “rabbit hole” is interesting and I’ve heard it from others. Seems to say “i am too comfortable/lazy/frightened to think for myself”.
The Left LOVE many of the elements of this current farce: Big Government, one-size-fits-all interventionism, censorship of different opinions, labelling and harrying of opposition (fascist running dogs!), etc.
Friday’s Covid Propaganda Gazette (previously known as the Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney’s morning paper) published details, front page, of the newly opened Fronts of the state’s War Against the People.
1..We’re told “children the latest victims of COVID-19.” – kids under 9 got it from other kids who got it from their parents. ie “How to turn parents of kids against other kid’s parents.
2.. Public Transport: we’re told entire workforce in suburban bus depot consigned to home detention because, after 18 months of drivers brazenly defying The Bug by continuing to work through “The Pandemic”, two drivers finally have tested “positive.” Expect drivers from other depots to suddenly be found to be “positive” ie, expect even greater disruptions to public transport.
3.. Australia’s workplace watchdog has given employers the right to mandate employees be injected with experimental gene manipulating technology .The only
restraining requirement – the business is in an area the government has declared a ‘Hot Spot’. (Which the government does now anyway. And the army is in training for it.)
4.. Pubs may re-open next month if pubs agree to the condition that all staff and patrons are ‘fully vaxxed’.
The only reason for lockdown was to let businesses know they’d continue to suffer unless they agreed to act for the government. The government doesnt hide that fact as it’s ‘offer’ to the pubs makes indelibly clear.
It never has been about protecting our health.
That is truly awful for you all…and I guess it is coming to a place near me in qld soon…they all follow each other around and around..,so what has NS.w hocked in that they are forced to behave like this? I suspect the reef may have something to do with qld enthusiasm….
no govt really ever worries about health.,,.very few drs even do from my dealing with them….a few may have entered the profession to help but I suspect that is soon beaten out..,a few enter politics to help but ditto happens…George Christensen made a speech on freedom and ending restrictions and both sides caned him….they are not the least bit interested in any let up..,so what is the sword or bribe that drives their enthusiasm for all this and what is the agenda? It is all too well planned here in aust not to be following one..
and the media is beyond disgusting….
I haven’t looked at the filth media for days and didn’t even know about this les… I just read and linked this article, but you already know it anyway. The moral and ethical bankruptcy in this country is jaw dropping. Need to go and have a cigarette. Yes, I knew this was coming, but to actually read it in print is… My head is spinning a bit right now. And I think of all my customers who fully support the vaccine passports, and the bloody hipster staff at that mag.
“The Australian” report claimed the workplace watchdog gave employers the right to mandate “vaccination” ( provided their business was in a government declared “hot spot”).
We know the injection is not a vaccine.
This deliberate deception has to really be combatted.
My bush-lawyer opinion is that any worker who is sacked because of (his) refusal of the injection has a good chance of winning an unfair dismissal case.
So let’s hear it from you lawyers Out There !
Thanks les… Good luck to you to. I have been avoiding the media, and it was only by chance I saw your comment. These guys are reputed to be very good, however they’re handling the aged care workers class action lawsuit and have been told by others they’re very busy. Legally, I’m a subcontractor, so not even employed by The Big Issue mag. And I had to sign a covid safety clause in my contract to be able to start selling again last year after the long lockdown here.
Hello les online: Yes. Let’s hear it from the lawyers. The legal class has set themselves up as top shelf legal “experts”. Fine, Were are they?
From what I understand, the real issue is to do with PEAK OIL. There are not enough natural resources left on this earth to keep 8 billion plus people in the manner to which we have become accustomed (so perhaps to slow down consumption of oil, stopping most flights in and out of AUS would help? then stop most car journeys over 5kms with lockdowns. Then start to reduce the population with poison-laced vax that may also cause infertility?) Sounds too evil to be true, but may well be from all that I have seen unleashed on us over the last 18 months. I’ve heard that we are termed “useless eaters” by the elite…(and uselessly consuming oil on our constant travels…)
It becomes weirder by the day…
Something like Covid-19
Potential Case of…Covid-19 [Australasia]
Maybe the other illnesses are just under Additional Comobilities? Therefore they are incidental.
Ozzie, what I did is make a list like
a) loss of Smell……..check..yes/no
b) loss of Taste……..check..yes/no
c) nunny Nose………check..yes/no
d) short Breath……..check..yes/no
e) sore Throat……….check..yes/no
f) cough………………..check..yes/no
g) fever…………………check..yes/no
h) additional comobilities…check..yes/no
Whatever you want…it’s basically what I did researching influenza 1918 as a kid, I was fascinated by the Great War.
Course, I had no idea people would freak out beginning 2020!
Good heavens! Good luck Chum.
U.k it by text message dont even need to be tested.
Any death certificate that lists COVID-19 ” as an underlying cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death”
Multiple government have instructed hospitals to count every death as from covid if the certificate mentions covid at all.
I paid cash on Friday and told the shops why I was paying cash. They had heard about the push to the cashless society and were in agreement that it would be dangerous to our freedoms. It’s just a small thing but it felt empowering for me and them.
that is good….now, what of that small percentage of circulating promissory notes, when they go, (barrows full traded for tinder wood ?) what items of true value should we trade with ?
I’ve been withdrawing cash so i can pay cash for across-the-counter medications. No credit card details to enable Big Brother to profile my (un-)health tier .(throwing a Spaniard in the Works by not helping the Bastards)… First they came for the grannies, then the handicapped. I’m already categorised as a “Useless Eater.” I might be able to dodge the trip to the Soylent Green Factory a bit longer by paying cash… Hope so.
I always pay in cash despite the frequent resistance. Good on you and those who accept it.
Yep. Pay cash whenever you can. Especially using large piles of small coins that the big chains then have to transport physically to the bank. Even we little folks can fight back.
I don’t understand the idea of Fridays only. I continue to try to pay in cash everywhere I can every day of the week.
It looks like it has all been planned for a long time and proof is “hiding in plain sight”
This short video shows what is on the WEF website.
Well, I found out from that link that the vaxxed are going to become ‘enhanced humans’ if they don’t die first!
Checkout Tom MacDonald’s new video “Brainwashed”. He’s one of the only artists telling the truth.
Thank you so much Brian Gerrish and Patrick Henningsen for setting up this precious symposium. I have saved it. I will never forget Reiner’s mask story. It was so moving. As Tomas said – we are the many and Schwab’s World Economic are the few.
Even more encouraging, Schwab himself is only one…
The world couldn’t handle more than that.
Trouble is our various govt have been blackmailed, bribed or whatever to hand us over to them for whatever game they want to order to be played…did any of us consent to this? I think even the most unaware would be doubtful about this…whenever I mention agenda 30 to any of them though their eyes immediately glaze over…even the more awake ones….
suspect we are so out done by most peoples belief that their govt couldn’t possibly do something like this to them…
Every year in our town there is a big Agenda21/30 event. It’s a car boot sale to raise money for “Agenda 21 targets”. It’s always well attended. How the globalists must laugh at the sheep paying for their own slavery.
Simon and Garfunkel I am a rock I am an island.Keep believing friends you are more than what they say you are,we are ruled (not really)By phychopaths (not really).You are the answer the question the solution.
An explanation on why breaches such as ”crimes against humanity” are seldom prosecuted: >
Excerpted from: The Mandate of the International Criminal Court
“Each state party has to adopt laws that set out how the state is going to implement its obligations under the Rome Statute. Such laws cover, for example, the technicalities of the cooperation between the state and the Court, and define the crimes covered by the Rome Statute. Such laws are often called “implementing legislation.” [End quote]
Summery: There are gaping holes in the filing process, and gaping holes in describing culpability. These obligations are left up to the various “states”.
Another example of a selected conditions: >
Can the Court prosecute acts of economic exploitation or pillage?
“Economic exploitation as such is not part the Court’s jurisdiction. However, it can be a war crime to pillage, starve civilians, or destroy or seize enemy property. A leader or member of an army or armed group involved in such crimes can be prosecuted.
Individuals can become criminally responsible by facilitating a crime. For example if an individual involved in economic exploitation activities facilitates a war crime, he or she can be prosecuted. Corporations cannot be prosecuted.” [End quote]
Nearly all business enterprise’s are corporate syndicates. There are numerous enforcement holes throughout the entire Rome Statute.
The International Criminal Court: The Mandate of the International Criminal Court (
The Court of International Criminals.
Other gaping holes:
:- A country can withdraw from membership when the going gets hot.
:- A non-member (such as a certain Great Democracy) can get its puppets to pursue the prosecution of its enemies.
This is important to all, skeptics or not who still believe that getting jabbed once, twice, trice etc., will get you flying airlines, think again.
There are currently over 70 approved vaccines in US more boosters and new are coming every three months now with mRNA technologies and all of them may be required to boats the flight if this pass.
if we step on this conveyor belt of Nazi hygiene tyranny there is no way out but death of thousands jabs.
Now airplanes later all mass transport and that includes also car rentals and ride sharing will be prohibited among second or third class citizens of United States of Apartheid.
I have had people say to me that they are getting jabbed so they can get on a plane again and go on overseas holidays. They actually believe everything will be going back to “normal”. I don’t have a car Kalen, and wonder if the vaccine passports will include being barred from public transport? Here’s an article from the vile covidiots at The Conversation pushing for vaccine passports in Australia. Unfortunately, Australia seems to be drowning in these soulless automatons who are playing their part in bringing about a technocratic dystopia. They have literally lost their humanity.
We’ve gone from “Fight them on the beaches in 1940” to “I need to the jab to go to Chiantishire” / “My howwible boss told me I had to get the jab.” My sympathy for these sheep is fast approaching zero.
And I’ll be getting a phone call tomorrow from the 2IC manager at the magazine I sell probably to give me a stern lecture about “conspiracy theories” because I tried to talk another staff member out of getting the jab and he hung up on me after telling me he didn’t believe in “way out conspiracy theories”.
Fuck the lot of them. These fake leftists and middle class hipster brats and all the rest of the chardonnay and soy latte sippers are dragging us all over the cliff. I just have contempt for them. Gutless simpering eunuchs and cowards, and at heart, fascists. Sorry to rant at you Steve.
Has anyone seen a maths expert getting excited to find that the vars reporting system was also fiddled with…jan 29 2021….this makes it far more difficult for these concoctions to show up dangerous.,, they just changed the formulae for doing that….Robert Malone Twitter site has some info for those who know their way around the web better than me..,
there doesn’t seem to be anything they left to chance in this game…and agenda 30, WEF always made provision for the non believers….
The Secretary of Homeland Insecurity
Off Topic.
Kabul fall: A curious case of western coverage of another regime change In Afghanistan.
As SkyNews reported today Taliban forces took over town just 7 kilometers from Kabul and that fall of capital can come as quickly as on 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Two observations. 1. After Ukraine, Belarus and over a decade of war in Syria no one sane would accuse western media of objective sober reporting of actual facts and truths representing reality of the ground. Instead media play documented active role in the very regime change program their pretend to objectively report on.
so what the hell is going on with coverage of another this time undesirable regime change removing west friendly regime by those who just few months ago were branded terrorists by media and western governments.
Second observation:
Today Taliban soldiers are called anti regime fighters exactly like friendly to the west militants would be called. The enemies of western interests would have been called terrorists or killers not (freedom) fighters. Even now in Syria al-Qaeda offshoot HTS terrorist killers are called by the west anti regime freedom fighters not terrorists.
Question: Is Taliban still enemy by the west or not?
Let’s see current western coverage of nominal enemy that controls 85% of territory, much for months and years;
No accusation of Taliban murdering collaborators but fears only, killing children and youth who refuse to join or girls for going to school, no executing stoning women for minute violations of Sharia laws. No blowing up historical monuments, no closing universities, professional schools. No one word of Taliban connections to ISIS and al-Qaeda that started all of it in 2001. If one thinks that perhaps Taliban is no longer doing those atrocious things and hence no coverage, must be reminded that lies never stopped western media from reporting them about contemporary enemies.
The tone of medial reporting is one of tacit approval of supposedly inevitable fall of the regime with quite strong and trained army and solid Air Force (nominally backed by US capable to at least fight a good and long fight) US spent $6 trillions to keep alive ( half of so called rebuilding money was transferred to Taliban because of rampant fraud tolerated by US) like no big deal, not really any threat of perhaps likelihood of providing fertile ground for terrorists as 2001 argument went.
Lack of medial hysteria, lack of condemnation by so called “international community”, lack of NGOs lamenting fate of women under Taliban rule and meek official US/UK response not of resisting but of surrender via mere evacuation of civilians is very very telling.
And all of it is telling, telling us that something rotten is going on in kingdom of Afghanistan.
My guess is that there was a deal between US and Taliban to dump Ghani regime and although they hate each other guts Taliban and West became allies for greater good or greater evil of geopolitical confrontation with China.
The shocking Lack of “public” and government concern about potential rebuilding of new ISIS and other terrorists bases in Afghanistan is perhaps understandable if it is to be (as in Syria) US that will be doing “building” and providing cover for terrorists directed east toward nearby border with China. After months of courting between Russia, China and Taliban recent 180 degrees reversal and diplomatic attacks on Taliban regime by Moscow and Beijing seem to corroborate such scenario.
What do you think? Is that US attempt to turn embarrassing defeat into strategic victory?
the taliban that are negotiating with various countries have been wearing face masks
what does that say
haiti said no to astro zeneca had leader killed
today another earth quake
Well the US govt can hardly go on about evil regimes who exclude women from school and force them to wear veils when it is forcing both male and femal to wear masks and not go to school at home because of an imaginary killer virus….I know that is simplistic but all appear to be operating in similar fashion these days…
and when has US ever cared about spending trillions on lost causes..the money tree just keeps producing doesn’t it?
Good points, Edith
It’s ironic that after 18 months you still haven’t figured viruses aren’t real and that the wars are orchestrated in order to murder the population, not to enact regime change.
All regimes including Russia. China, Iran and Afghanistan are centrally controlled by the drug cartel, defense cartel, banking cartel and the corporations who extract the resources from the ground and “farm” the debt slaves.
Wars are to depopulate and destabilize. To sell weapons and equipment and terrify the population with tyranny. To debilitate the people and the region. Its organized racketeering.
Advice: read and comprehend before commenting, as all your arguments are strawman arguments I have never made in my comments.
Your comments are entirely deceptive and misleading. I’m not going to let lies stand with nobody to counter them. Even if I am the lone voice of truth.
The wars are orchestrated between the countries at war, in order to murder the population.
War is a racket. It’s not real. Terror attacks are not real. Mass shootings are not real. Pandemics are not real.
The only people who die in wars are the citizenry and the duped and exploited soldiers.
Its a scam. A con. And you act as if it’s real! So how is my criticism of your belief in these wars as a reality, possibly a straw man?
You and the others who live here and write complete nonsense appear to be incapable of ever figuring out the truth or relaying it any comment.
The wars are orchestrated . . . .but are not real?
Tell the thousands of maimed Afghanis that their missing limbs are imaginary.
Tell the thousands of Afghani orphans that their parents are not really dead.
Are you real?
I already explained. People die. But they are planned. They are not real in the sense that the reasons given are false. Because they can regime change without war. And that each side at the very top know it’s being orchestrated. Which is the reason they don’t end and drag on forever.
Moreover, most of the information reported about them is literally fabricated. So there is very little information in the press that has anything factual. The press repeat “narratives”.
Late in 2019 there was a story that the Kurds were being slaughtered in Syria by Turkish forces. It was fabricated. They used footage from a Kentucky gun show. There was no slaughter. There was no attack at all. All the narratives you think are real are not real.
Can’t disagree with last paragraph
The population won’t march to war now,let’s find a new way to reduce population…and steal all the money too.What’s happening right now feels like that.
Which decent young man would want to join the US or British armed forces these days?
What about herpes?
I’ve seen this comment before linked to the non-existence of viruses, but don’t understand it. Could you explain?
NB I’m only a very occasional commenter, but have noticed another with the same Mark L name so have modified mine to Mark EL to avoid confusion. I don’t suppose it really matters though.
I have been through the Herpes question previously. It’s a vaccine injury, triggered by hormones including sex and stress hormones. When people’s overall health status is weakened, breakouts reoccur.
Herpes is a localized inflammation and expelling of toxins through a skin sore. We detox 24-7, we don’t fight germs. We also detox through the lungs, skin, mucosal tissues, lymphatic system.
For each specific poison or toxin exposure, our body creates specific bacteria and enzymes to break down the poisoned cells, toxins and by products, which manifests the symptoms related to the specific toxin exposure, that are then falsely labeled as “viruses”.
Herpes and the viral fraud is explained in this video. Herpes is not contagious. And it’s not a virus. They never test for a virus. Only non-specific antibodies. Or in the case of SARSCov2, short genetic non-unique sequences that already match sequences in our genome, dozens of times. It’s racketeering. It’s fraud.
Thanks again for the comprehensive explanation and links Researcher.
I was irritated by Pig Swill’s constant refrain of ‘what about herpes?’, presumably his(?) idea is that it ‘proves’ virus theory and transmissibility. I was hoping for some ridiculous explanation that would again show up how fraudulent the idea is. Seems PS doesn’t want to play!
Until the start of 2020 I assumed virus theory to be true, having never really thought about it, which is ironic given how many times I’ve told students to question everything and believe nothing and no one without critically examining the evidence. As a lifelong ‘cold sore’ sufferer, I was though always puzzled by the fact that no partner or child of mine has ever had one.
We have been literally mind controlled. Most still can’t release the false narratives that exist in their minds through the constant repetition of lies.
Everything doctors claim about herpes is false. It can be cured. People have cured themselves of Herpes. I & 2. Which contradicts the allopathic lie.
Agree on the mind control. So many ex colleagues from the uni when asked what’s persuaded them the fake plague is real just look blank, then eventually say the most inane things: ‘it must be real’; ‘it’s everywhere’. It hasn’t even occurred to them to question the narrative. I’ve read enough on psychology to understand how this is explained, but when faced with it from (now ex) friends it’s quite shocking.
The video is over 2 hours long. Where is the bit on herpes?
It takes far longer than two hours to deprogram the brainwashing that takes place over a lifetime. I suggest you find the time to watch the entire video by breaking it up into segments over a day or more.
Afghanistan is role play. U.S. and NATO withdraw like a stopper through a glass tube, creating a vacuum into which the Taliban are drawn.
This law of physics is totally anticipated by the West, as I shall show. Keep in mind that the same thing happens every time the West fakes its withdrawal.
The “show, tell” is that the Taliban is the government at local level. There is no other. Taliban run soup kitchens and social services, medical clinics and advice services, schools and emergency services. Why? Because the government in Kabul sits in a compound.
The Western military know this. Everyone knows this. Say what you will about the Taliban, they provide the services in the absence of anyone else.
Being controlled by the military, why would The Guardian embarrass the military unless it was part of a Western military tactic — ie, Our Boys are up to sumat?
Headline: “The last military town in the north falls to the Taliban,” complete with comforting photo of happy Millennial Taliban chappies?
The media gives the game away. We know the media is controlled by military and governments. The evidence being that BW (before Woke) the media used to knife each other. This “we’re all together in it” shit is, well… … …
Like Hezb’Allah and Hamas, the Taliban are a grass roots organization of local patriots. Unlike us Western Democrats, these groups have no interest in imposing their ideology on countries thousands of miles away.
The best way to understand the Taliban is to cast your mind back to WW1. Imagine a recruiting officer from Westminster trying to recruit an Irishman in British-occupied Ireland to go abroad for England.
“I have no quarrel with Germany. Bring the Germans over here on a Saturday night and I’ll pick a fight with them right enough”.
“Don’t tell my mother I won your Victoria Cross. She thinks I went abroad to fight the British.” — Bernard Shaw, O’Flaherty VC.
It’s not much better in Pakistan.
“Services” provided by a theocratic authority come at a very steep price to the people-subjects.
Is it a defeat? I don’t think the US military does anything, or stays anywhere, it does not want to. For as long as it suits them.
There must be a new twist to the agenda.
That’s what’s puzzling. Historically imperial armies were used to squash forces opposing empire and then leaving countries only when dependent and friendly regime is installed..regardless of devastation it was called a victory. Is that the case that Taliban is such a friendly dependent on US regime, if not why not continue the war protecting current friendly regime. There supposedly should be 50-100 thousands of foreign mercenaries in Afghanistan plus at least 150,000 of Afghan army with highly trained special forces. Where are they? So far most of Taliban advances came almost without shit being fired.
It was indeed a massive defeat. No skirting around that. Even today’s crooked pols have to take into account Americans’ great sensitivity about too many body bags coming home. Don’t worry, another war will be along soon.
James Corbett has a very interesting article about this on his recent Corbett Report.
Yes, there is always something in the pipeline. If you’ll excuse the pun.
I heard Steve Bannon saying this Vietnam all over again. Hard to argue with that.
Vietnam with turbans.
Uncle $cam is always trying “to turn embarrassing defeat into [a Hollywood film of] strategic victory”. Ever since The Men from Uncle lost China and Chairman Mao revealed that Uncle was a paper tiger, Uncle $cam has been pursuing one “strategic victory” after another: Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Russia and now Afghanistan.
Uncle $cam should stop watching Rambo movies and re-read an old classic, a self-help manual written when the U$A really was the Mecca of young go-getters from all over the world: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
Maybe the Taliban are pro-trans, so not the REAL enemy anymore? Seriously, I think it’s just the Biden regime wanting to sweep this major embarrassment and crushing defeat under the carpet asap. I wonder if Tony Blair is available for comment?
There are trillions of dollars worth of minerals there. The Empire things it can do another deal. At least that is what the “think tanks” and “perfumed pinces of the Penatgon” tell it.
They’ll find a way to rebrand US involvement in Afghanistan. They won’t let their heroin revenues and access to goldmines in metal mining in future to be compromised.
I’ve been having a hard time working out what’s going on in Florida and with DeSantis. Abbott in Texas has crumpled like the fake he always was – but DeSantis? However it’s imcomprehensible that the Governor of such a large and strategic state isn’t controlled.
DeSantis = Death Sentence. Another one of their little jokes?
What is the effect on citizens as political animals and supporters of a party or tendency nowadays?
Look at the real political divide on the Hill: there barely is any resistance at federal level. Yet partisan rhetoric has never been stronger.
Will the Republican governors hold out, as thousands of self-identified patriots sell their homes and move to Texas and Florida.
It certainly looks like politics is toxic and the toxin is injected into every part of the Covid debate, from mask mandates to vaccine passports. We struggle to remain impervious though we are urged to regard those we disagree with as ‘other’.
Many more Democratic voters have had the mRNA gene jab according to polls, which in this climate of state-controlled media must be taken with a large grain of salt.
Those who’ve accepted the mRNA are encouraged by media to regard any who refuse the shot as a physical danger. For their part those who resist mRNA are told the vaccinated could be “shedding” spike proteins or that the vaccine itself is transmissible. The subliminal message is that your political opponent is not just obnoxious. He is infections.
Many of those stories come from the new media, part of which is doubtless controlled by state propagandists and manipulators. Why do I say this: because all those U.S., Israeli, British and Australian troops assigned to desk duty for their local version of the 77th Brigade or 13th Signals are unlikely to be sitting on their hands.
Psychological manipulation is a key tool of government nowadays, as the psychologists in the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) have admitted. Laura Dodsworth has the details in her book A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic, published in May 2021.
In a well-ordered society our various wills are supposed to coincide. What, though, if individuals are deplorable, not virtuous enough and refuse to accept restrictions on their conduct agreed by the whole, and what if society clots into factions? If contemplating one’s self-interest somehow fails to merge with the general will, virtuous people might identify with the general will but privately refuse to obey.
This failure to comply is universally blamed on the poor — even though it is the rich that often live above the law, beyond the reach of law enforcement and outside the conventions of society.
The faults of the poor are called weaknesses and ascribed to bad genes, to be removed by eugenics. In contrast, dynasties see their emotional deformities as character-building which they have turned into a system of control over centuries through institutions like the English boarding schools
Call it what you will: cultural identity, corporate tribalism, family loyalty, ideological identity. Family and ethnicity are central to our current predicament — and I do not incite anyone to pick on either — because the psychology is transmitted by ties and bloodlines, and it also operates by obligations and omerta.
It is no coincidence, to my mind, that Jeffrey Epstein, sex trafficker and blackmailer, exited the scene in August 10, 2020, just three days after Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test without which Event Covid could not have happened.
It is easy to see how the British end up at the centre of theories about global control. There is no doubt they have tried, through Rhodes and Rothschild and Milner — molding scholars and promoting compliant academics, policymakers and journalists to this day.
All we are seeing is control on a broader scale. The psychologists are manipulating and nudging the populations to take experimental vaccines. The media is narrating a uniform message, without hesitation, as if all possible questions have already been answered. Opinion polls are likely manipulated in order to support the same yarn. We are in a global feedback loop in which outcomes are managed and the only information that is allowed must support those pre-determined outcomes.
Who determines these managed outcomes? The reader immediately identifies several problems: if not a vested interest, group of families, or militant ideological tendency, where does the Lawgiver or global tutor come from? How does he know what is good for us?
As I wrote in Journalists! What is to be done?:
The battle for dominance is central to this present crisis — as is the familial way in which many of the players have recognized their own kind and combined forces to subvert the populace.
The danger is clear as it is present.
Excerpt: Übermensch or Lawgiver: Who Rules Among Us? (full access for paid subscribers on this one but read more of it here).
I never trusted the DeSantis story or the Texas story.
And hasn’t the Gov of South Dakota caved?
Florida Bill Banning Vaccine Passports Contains Hidden Clause Allowing for MASS FORCED VACCINATIONS, Mandatory Solitary Confinement Quarantine of Residents With COVID-19
Yes. Bait and switch. Say one thing publicly, do another privately..
I am forever grateful to OffG for posting these D4CE videos, which I probably wouldn’t have seen, at least any time soon. I think OffG deserves a shout out, since the most informative videos and respected experts can give the best presentations in history…but they are meaningless if nobody sees them. For this reason, I consider the people who run this site as heroic as the experts and whistleblowers they present and share.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Wholehearted thanks, Tim Glass! Much appreciated indeed. I’ll pass this onto the team. A2
I hope I don’t rabbit on too much about Iceland, but I do find it interesting how a small country like this copes, stuck as it is between trying to be a viable part of big-brother Europe, yet still trying to have an independent view of the world.
Everybody here except the oldest citizens speaks excellent English, but the people are proud of their language and of course speak it as their number one priority.
That made it especially pleasing, as I went for a walk today with three of my grandchildren, to see scrawled, in very big letters, several times, on several walls, and in English:
I thought to myself: “Society here knows…”
What a wonderful sight to behold
Iceland was the only country which jailed politicians for getting the country into debt by making QE bailouts (“too big to fail”) and refused to pay the debt. The sheeple countries bleated bad future for Iceland, and one of the wolves howled out Iceland was terrorist (British Prime Minister Brown, now a director in Rothschild’s Carlyle Arms and Finance and Co).
Try this for a moral conversion from far-left to far-right.
‘’The ‘devil shift’ was seen very clearly through the metaphors used by Paul Mason, writing in the New Statesman’’ – another ex-left cum neoliberal woke publication which suited Mr Mason’s conversion from ex-Trot to Neo-con piece of shit – ‘’that like Dante’s inferno, Covid denialism is structured in concentric circles – and since the innermost circle of hell is reserved for prominent lockdown sceptics such as Toby Young, Allison Pearson, Laurence Fox, Julia Hartley, and Peter Hitchens, all bar one are journalists … well connected Conservative journalists and their views are dangerous.’’
No doubt Mason would make a good recruiting sergeant for the SA (Sturmabeitilung Nazi Storm Troopers)
Paul Mason calling out the controlled opposition. Yawn. Those “conservatives” are playing a part, using the same old divide and conquer narrative in their fake left-right clown costumes and masks.
There are no viruses and germ theory is fraud.
Covid is just one, in a long line of scams being played out on the general public.
I was just thinking to self what a great idea covid was…the one thing you can bet on is people having sniffles for one reason or another a few times a year….so weaponise the most common thing that seems to happen, the common cold…
you tell a bunch of lies, create endless panic and fear in the great unwashed, use a science based test that could be showing anything, create a vax that seems aimed at damaging the cardio vascular system via the ace inhibitor route….change the vars reporting system so damage doesn’t show up as well…keep people divided with all the shit about vax passports, shedding, mandates etc…you have all the laws sorted before you get vicious ala Australia…in US you have a trump v anything carryon for a couple of years beforehand…
so of course there has to be controlled opposition all over the place….and the playing of good cop v bad cop…
keeping ones head is indeed difficult…I do feel we have to be kind to each other…there is just so much to process on any given day…and I rarely go near general media…those who do must have no hope really.
Yeah but it’s a lot bigger than covid, unfortunately. The deception around covid and germ theory is the tip of the iceberg. And here, in the comments I see a pattern of make-believe that there’s legitimacy to announcements in the media.
The press has never been anything but a brainwashing tool. Even the alternative media who are there to steer those who question reality, away from the truth and into a side road of secondary deception.
The entire communications industry was dreamed up by defense departments. Within the same governments who maim, kill and enslave for profit and control.
But rarely does anyone state the obvious because then it would expose the left-right, red-blue, fake parliament and congress scam: A criminal, racketeering operation, populated with Freemasons and Jesuits who swear a blood oath to rule, enslave, exploit and farm the many using coercion, fraud, violence, theft and deception.
There isn’t a single power structure on this planet that isn’t a corrupted and iniquitous scam. Once the veil is truly lifted from your eyes you can’t put it back on.
As I found when I started to really see so many rabbit holes to go down last year…sort of ended up with the sense that most things I had believed during my life were all lies and I had always been a fair sceptic… was somewhat shattering and disorientating at first….
oh the memories of being so excited that man was landing on the moon and one could see it on magical TV…so much magic happens in a life and then one finds so much of it unreal and/or can be used against one.,,like all the wonderful little tech gadgets….but they do let me find things out too…mixed blessings….
in our deluded state some of us got the best that was to offer for a long time.,,and really never questioned that much of that was on the backs of others slaving in the various sweat shops of Asia and elsewhere..,and we will go down complaining bitterly as we are reduced to that same level as the war lords suck the life and joy out of everything in the next few years for some game they are playing..sadly an extension of the one we all participated in for so long…
Right. It’s hard for people to let go of their illusions. Because they have emotions attached to events and their own identity and beliefs wrapped up in the manufactured narratives. Whether that’s germ theory or a false belief about a party, politician, economic system or even a country or a bloc. Like the East vs West narrative.
Governments-media-education specifically manipulate our perceptions and beliefs firstly to keep control, secondly to profiteer from the fraud and racketeering and thirdly because the science behind trauma based mind control allows for them to accurately predict behavioural response and learn from each trauma and shock inflicted.
It’s all mind control. Govern = control. Ment = Mind.
“panic and fear in the great unwashed”
All the Believers that I know have been hygienically brought up, and all are educated — some at PhD level. In other words, I am seeing panic and fear in the great washed.
There are deeply primitive instincts at work here, behaviour patterns for the survival of social animals that developed in a distant era long before the arrival of humans on the planet.
This was posted today…….
Most significant thing I have seen yet……
Great video… so convincing in its rawness.
Locally, my hospital (northeast U.S.) has just given an ultimatum to its 3,000 workers: Get the vaccine by Oct 1 or be fired. This mandate is all-inclusive from surgeons to part-time kitchen workers & janitors. And to boot, they counseled them that exemptions have been capped at a very low number. The order is not only laced with hostility but also patronizing and infantilizing.
Here in Canada too, Gov’t workers and workers in Gov’t regulated industries (!!!!) must be jabbed, anyone boarding a plane, train or ship with sleeping quarters–double jabbed 🙁 well I guess I’ll have more cash in my pocket from not travelling…until I lose my job that is!
Their 3,000 employees should put together a liability form for the named administrators of the hospital to sign and be personally and fiscally responsible for any injury, death and disability incurred as a result of the “vaccines” or masks.
These types of actions by employees banding together will stop this crap dead in its tracks.
Well said. Let the people chip in to fund class actions. Let the Lawyers see there are fees to be gained from a just cause.
Exactly. NAME the exact employers who are doing this. Make them 100% PERSONALLY liable.
Yes. Because the employees would not be disagreeing to take the pathogenic injectable. They are agreeing *if* their terms are met, which nobody’s going to sign, therefore the coercion to inject can’t proceed. The only mistake they would make in a case such as this, would be to put the corporation’s name on the liability form instead of the individuals within the corporation demanding the injection.
Why don’t the workers chip in and crowd fund a class action? From Wayne’s Link:
“Hawaii Lawyer Michael Green has filed a class action lawsuit representing 1,200 first responders against the Governor and Mayor’s vaccine mandates, with thousands more expected to join the lawsuit.”
I think a lot of employees use employer bullying as an easy way out: “Sure, I didn’t want to get the jab, but I had to for my job/family/salary/pension/promotion”. Much easier than having to fight.
I’m getting tired of saying this: this is totally, 100%, completely illegal, according to the Nuremburg Code. People need to grow a pair, lawyer up together and fight this.
I respect everyone’s right to mask or not to mask but I had to turn the video off when the fellow with the big blue mask started speaking. It was just ridiculous. But thank you for the link.
Wish the fire fighter wasn’t wearing a mask…
Exactly. It’s fucking ridiculous.
The dude sitting there with his designer mask on is concerning.
I don’t know if this positive or negative but many of the people I know are not taking the second jab.
My golf group organizer may have come to his senses and actually did some real research of his own instead of relying entirely on the MSM, which he admittedly was.
He also has two son’s in their 20s. We know about the stats with men in their 20s who developed heart issues after getting jabbed.
He has no grandchildren yet.
He put me back on the golfing invite list.
He can FUCK OFF!
That feeling is not going away for a long time.
I think I remember your original post about your golf organiser. You know, my advice is to forgive and be friendly. Not for the sake of golf but just to observe what changed his thinking or attitude. Rise above it. I’ve felt the same as you in the last few months and upset a few relatives when I lost it through utter frustration.. But they seem to be coming around. Perhaps they just needed a jolt.
It is hard work to speak out when you know that most people have been conditioned to be against your view.
However, I have found that it pays to speak out, and have always gained, rather than lost, because of it.
Sometimes my little two-cents’ worth has even been the voice which gave others the confidence to stand up and say they were with me.
My earlier life was never like that.
I was the ‘born follower’, and didn’t feel that what I had to say was significant enough to make a fuss about, but then the day dawns that you realize there are many others who feel as you do, but nobody is saying anything.
So you do say it, and, suddenly, there they are – lots of like-minded supporters.
Golf list🤣🤣🤣. Give it a go You might convince more
I think you win the hole if you accept.
Don’t freeze a misunderstanding. He was misled yet saw the light. Con-19 was designed to fragment society, split families and estrange friends. Don’t give the Con-artists that satisfaction.
i have always wanted to enter a golf club with a digger for some creative landscaping.
I am hounding the family to watch the Doctors for Covid Ethics videos. I have watched them all. Some were weak but the overall messages were super. Someone needs to help them better organize their information and resources on their web page. My kids are facing the wrath of a tyrannical governor and compliant schools. I was hoping for better information for the family to use toward combating the tyrants and it was weak, at best.
I’ve watched some fabulous clips these last few months. I suggest for a newbie watch someone like Dr Simone Gold. Plenty of other credible ones – perhaps Dr Fuellmich, lawyer although while very convincing may shock them too much. If any others come to mind will post.
One thing which has struck me lately is the sheer gulf between the unknowing and these experts. The unknowing amaze for their utter ignorance and inability to think, the independent experts shine for their passion, intelligence and credentials. We should all be encouraged by that.
Watching Dr Mike Yeaden, he didn’t want the limelight. But hes come out as one of the most powerful, passionate and articulate speakers I’ve seen. Just shows you, in a crisis, true quality shines through, the utter dross becomes obvious.
It seems the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths to sell the fear are going to even greater extremes of bizarreness with their Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ Propaganda.

“They need to go.”
Yah. I don’t think even CNN could get away with that sort of outrageous lie.
It’s clearly fake – someone’s sick idea of a joke.
“If there was no scamdemic in the first place it would not be there.”
We are living in illusion times my friend
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”
yeah, but the Oligarch in charge of the politicians that run the nation state have done two things: they insulated vaccine developers and the scumbag physicians that distribute the stuff from liability and they declared a state of emergency to avoid the constitutional questions and rule of law.
According them, emergencies supersede the constitution and the rule of law. By that logic, all they need do is declare an emergency and kill whomever they wish.
The term “Crimes against humanity” may sound officious or profound, by there IS NO COMMON DEFINITION NOR INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ENFORCEMENT PROCESS. Look it up.
Legal proceedings utilize agreed upon legal definitions such as this:
Excerpted from: Constructive fraud – Wikipedia
“Constructive fraud is a legal fiction to describe a situation where a person or entity gained an unfair advantage over another by deceitful or unfair methods. Intent does not need to be shown as in the case of actual fraud. Some unfair methods may include not telling customers about defects in a product.
The elements are: a duty owing by the party to be charged to the complaining party due to their relationship;
violation of that duty by the making of deceptive material misrepresentations of past or existing facts or remaining silent when a duty to speak exists;
reliance thereon by the complaining party;
injury to the complaining party as a proximate result thereof; and
the gaining of an advantage by the party to be charged at the expense of the complaining party.” [End quote]
Complete text:
If for some reason you have “issues” with my sourcing of a Wikipedia entry, look up the definitions listed at Blacks Law Library. You may also source the appropriate statute at the Legal Information Institute located within the Cornell Library.
The law is not there to protect us plebs. It never has been or never will be.
It’s to protect the founders of law.
Hello Shin: Your interpretation of the rule of law has been dictated to you.
The founders of Law range back to roughly 2400 BC in early settlements located in Assyria (now part of modern Syria). Sargon of Akkad was believed to be the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire. These laws were provided as a descriptive text detailing the civil obligations of trade.
Nothing has changed but the incessant word pollution’s defining the terms of peaceful commerce…
So it’s a term?A farce their are no laws really to protect us.
Possession is 9/10ths of The Law.
90% of Law is about possession, ownership – which The State protects.
The remaining 10% covers your civil rights and such things – which The State can trample on when VIPs like little billy gates requires it to.
All I got to say is you are beautiful you live your life doing beautiful things and all around you love you.If by chance you go to or mix with dark forces you will wilt.Beware.
Thankyou offgaurdian for posting 👍x
Narrative reminds me of a fairytale,Narrative means a story a story is second hand news.
“Covid ethics”, what does that even mean? It signals a fundamental agreement with the covid narrative, just please abuse us more gently.
Yes don’t hit us to hard
To be fair, it could also mean,
“The maintenance of ethics amongst doctors, despite considerable pressure being currently put upon them by prominent, wealthy, covidian cultists to be corrupt”.
“Covid ethics” = oxymoron.
Is an oxymoron like a vaxmoron?
Certainly, in the sense that they are both absurdities!
What I can’t fathom is why in my local shop they’ve all had the vaccine both yet they are still in masks?Who are they protecting if they’ve had the injection they can’t catch it the can’t spread it right?You would think.It does not make sense the whole world as gone mad,Except those that have had the veil lifted.In the bible it says the veil will be lifted to those that want to see.
The vaxxed have been told they still have to wear masks. If that fact doesn’t wake them up, then nothing will. They are lost. Forever.
Come on offg don’t spam check was nothing I wrote racist just stated the obvious.Being Romany myself.
It’s automatic. Not personal.
Is it computerised?
Yes, I believe so. I think it just picks up comments at random. It’s done it with another comment I posted today on another thread.
Thanks I think certain words get plucked.
Refuse ALL fear narratives
Be wary of any mainstream, or even ‘alternative’, news story that ends up promoting a deadly virus – by any route.
I include in that all stories about the Wuhan “lab leak”, any alleged “gain of function” research, ‘spike protein’ shedding, ‘breakthrough infections’, vax-created super-virus, and even the claims that Ivermectin and HCQ can ‘cure Covid’.
All these stories, whether containing grains of truth or wholly imaginary, and however honestly promoted, all work to the same end – to convince you there is a new and deadly virus, either naturally occurring, made in a lab or mutated in the bodies of the vaxxed.
Even when promoted in good faith they all serve the ultimate agenda of fear and estrangement and control.
Catte Black
Virus narratives have been convenient cover-ups for over a century.
HCQ and Ivermectin work wonders on flu and pneumonia symptoms, and would have done so in 2019 and all previous years, prove me wrong.
They might well, but their effectiveness against viruses was only discovered last year when they were trying available drugs to see if they worked on it.
Vitamin C and D works better. And you don’t need a doctor to prescribe them.
There are coronaviral infections, just as there are other respiratory viral infections.
But this (so-called) “novel” SARS-causing coronavirus is wholly fabricated.
There are no ”infections”. Germs Debunk Corona. Your second comment comes closer to the truth.
On the other hand, there’s the school of thought in the Germ Theory vs Terrain Theorydebate that there is no such medical condition as a viral infection.
It’s a belief system based on a theory.
Speaking of fear narratives, here’s one that just won’t go away. Now, Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity (dubious in my book already) brings back Geert Vanden Bossche to scare the living daylights out of…. the unvaxxed. Yes, even we who refused the jab are now supposedly susceptible to the big horror show, thanks to all those ghastly meanies allegedly being shed from the vaccinated.
I’m not going to provide a link. If you need more fear porn, you’ll have no trouble finding this shit (and a ton more from the other so-called alternative doctors, like Tenpenny, Coleman, etc.).
“Even when promoted in good faith they all serve the ultimate agenda of fear and estrangement and control.“ Agreed, except that I believe they know exactly what they’re doing, and are being richly rewarded for it. I could be wrong though — maybe they’re just trying to scare us because they care so much. Try not to laugh.
I had already noted Geert VB and thought what the….the only kind thought was perhaps they just run out of anything else to say so recycle rubbish….be afraid, be very afraid….
and yes seems to be about normalising the narrative….see you lot there isn’t a lot more you can but go join the club….otherwise look at this…this scary thing that may happen to you……..get vax and please mummy and daddy who are trying to get you to eat you veg and grow up big and strong….infantile
Martenson was spreading fear from early 2020. He’s a shill.
I do have to say not only were the Jewish murdered but romanys ,polish ,homosexuals ,elderly black people,Disabled.
“Decades old laws against itinerant gypsies – even Heydrich’s decree against ‘gypsy fortune-telling’ – never caused a sea change in policy towrds the Roma or Sinti as a race. Nor were the majority of gypsies murdered in death camps… Himmler ordered Arthur Nebe and the Kripo to “establish a closer and more positive contact with the gypsies… in order to study the gypsy language and, beyond that, learn about gypsy custom”.”
Eric Kurlander, ‘Hitler’s Monsters’ p.256.
Kurlander goes on to argue that while thousands of ‘mixed blood’ Roma and Sinti died in Auschwitz the ‘pure blood’ were regarded as Aryans and vital racial stock.
Hence why I’m still alive joking I know a lot of Roma are mixed blood I do still speak the Romany language and adhere to the customs.
I believe “studying” the gypsies/Roma had something to do with their genetic traits at the group/ethnicity level. Possibly a mental dissociative ability. Which is one of the unspoken themes of what tptb have in store for humankind as part of the unrolling combo of covid jabs, AI, 5G etc.
I sense a similar subtext with the dozen ethnically Albanian megastars the pop industry has spawned in recent years – Rita Ora, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha, Ava Max, the list goes on and on. To some extent, this could just be part of the deal between the US agencies and the drug lords of Albania and Kosovo (“oh btw Hillary, I’m sendingmy daughter to Hollywood. Do put in a good word for her, will ya.”). But it’s hard to shake the impression that these young women have been uniquely malleable in some weird, ‘trauma-based conditioning’ dimensions.
I can personally vouch for the trauma based conditioning effects….strangely I suspect that is one reason I recognise it right now and walk free and these days give thanks….then again mine was medical induced so perhaps theirs isn’t..,though when young I was just as vulnerable…
Of course Albania’s not-so-distant past accustomed everybody to doing what they were told.
I still remember ‘Radio Tirana’ (broadcast in English) from my teens – you could pick it up on the cheapest transistor radios – rather spine-chilling to listen to…
I know only two modern Albanians. The loveliest people, very conscientious and talented.
But they wouldn’t dream of challenging authority.
I don’t think it’s genetic at all. Their parents were simply brought up in a totalitarian state.