6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan
So, what's REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban "victory" masking the true narrative?
Kit Knightly

Afghanistan has “fallen”, that’s the line. The Taliban forces have taken the opportunity of US/NATO withdrawal and swept across the entire country, taking every major city within a week and with barely a shot fired.
Joe Biden is being blamed for his “lack of plan”, even as Democrats try and shift the blame to Trump who first decided to pull the US out of Afghanistan over 18 months ago.
Meanwhile, the press are reporting dozens of stories about the humanitarian crises, refugees fleeing the new regime, the fate of women under the Taliban, and “shocking videos” of desperate people.
That’s the official story. But what’s really going on?
1. Did the Taliban really just win?
Firstly, let’s be clear, the US has not “pulled out” of Afghanistan, not in the true sense of the phrase. They still reserve the right to bomb the place. There are still private contractors in the country. And the Pentagon are already booking their return tickets.
Secondly, the Taliban didn’t “win”, they were unopposed. More than unopposed, they were directly aided. When the US abandoned Bagram airbase they left hundreds of armored vehicles, weapons and over 5000 alleged Taliban prisoners…all of which “accidentally” fell into the hands of the advancing Taliban forces.
The Afghan army, under command of US puppet President Ashraf Ghani, essentially folded without a shot being fired. Tens of thousands of US-trained and armed troops did nothing to stop the advance of the enemy.
There are a LOT articles in the MSM endeavouring to explain this. The Guardian. And The Telegraph. The Financial Times. And the non-financial Times. They all give it a go.
The Washington Post’s Max Boot, writing for the Council on Foreign Relations, ties himself in mental knots trying to explain how the Afghan army, with superior numbers AND firepower, “collapsed under pressure”.
The Independent reports that the billions the Pentagon spent on training Afghan security forces has “accidentally” benefited the Taliban, who have now seized vehicles, missiles and aircraft.
The press clearly sees it for what it is – a hole in their story they really need to plug.
All things being equal, the simplest explanation is often the most likely. And the simplest explanation here is that the Afghan security forces were ordered to stand down as part of a deal with the Taliban. There are reports and rumours on social media of deals being done:
The Secret Deal b/w US, Taliban & Afghan Govt (A thread):
It is said that the trio agreed to peacefully handover #Afganistan to #Taliban. Which is why the 350K Forces including 10K AirForce collapsed like dominos in the span of a week only and without a single bullet fired. 1/7 pic.twitter.com/0az3qVymhK
— The Afghan Perspective (@TAfPerspective) August 16, 2021
And, of course, the exact terms of the peace agreement, signed by Trump and Taliban last year, are not known. But it’s interesting to note that this agreement actually called for a handover of exactly 5000 Taliban prisoners. The same number “accidentally” left unguarded at Bagram Airbase.
One interpretation is that the withdrawal has gone exactly as planned in the deal signed by Trump. And that the melodrama and “chaos” of the pull-out was either a part of the deal, or a later addition to either cause a distraction or save some face.
2. Is the chaos real?
The media have been generating memes to sell the “chaos” of the Taliban’s advance. The go-to comparison has been the fall of Saigon, because the (completely unintentional) “near-identical images” (completely unintentionally) “went viral”.
We’re treated to a lot of viral video footage. Ranging from the questionable:
Does this video not ring true to anyone else? If these are all desperate refugees, where are the women & children? Why are most of them jogging nonchalantly & making no effort to get on the plane? Why are people stopping, smiling & waving to the camera? #AfghanistanAirport https://t.co/SnBuJ384FU
— Kit Knightly (@kit_knightly) August 16, 2021
To the outright bizarre:
🚨 | NEW: Taliban take control of a theme park in Kabul pic.twitter.com/pdpVlEXtGt
— News For All (@NewsForAllUK) August 16, 2021
All of this serves a purpose, aside from the distraction of emotive metaphors and lurid headlines. It all aids in the construction of a narrative.
In this case, the ideas of US “mistakes” and “incompetence” and “wishful thinking” are discussed at length, without ever touching on the true mendacity at the heart of the Afghan invasion.
The “end” of the Afghan war is being used to re-brand its beginnings. The Taliban are propped up as villains, again, and associated with Al Qaeda, as if they were ever anything but a Western tool in the first place.
People are talking about “spreading democracy” and “counter-terrorism” as if they were the real aims of the war, instead of long-discredited lies.
Marketing Afghanistan as a “defeat” for the US camouflages the truth of it – the war was a VERY profitable business venture.
And, of course, it all serves to reinforce the frail official story of 9/11, a vital keystone in the construction of our geo-political “reality”.
3. What about the heroin?
The press has a long history of, not just lying about Afghan heroin, but totally inverting the truth. In 2019 for example, during the farcical “leak” of the Afghanistan Papers, the press lamented the US’ “failure to curb” the opium trade.
Afghanistan currently produces around 90% of global heroin. When the US invaded in 2001, that number was much closer to zero. The Taliban outlawed the growing of opium poppies in early 2001, and by the end of the year the business was almost extinct.
The US invaded in November 2001, and opium production has increased almost every year since then. We don’t need to go into the CIA’s links to the drug trade here, or how much money people have made from this heroin production. That’s not relevant, what we need to ask is, what now?
Will the newly-reinstated Taliban put an end to this trade again? Or will production continue?
According the press, the heroin will continue to flow. In fact the Taliban will increase production because the “illegal drug trade helps fuel” them.
Reuters reports that the US plan to halt heroin production “failed”, and that the opium trade is a “boon” for the Taliban.
The Telegraph headlines that “Taliban mulls flooding the West with heroin to shore up Afghan economy”. So we should be prepared for the illegal heroin trade to increase now the US has “withdrawn” from Afghanistan.
But the idea that heroin benefits the Taliban, and the US wants to put an end to it is a myth. Afghan heroin is, and always has been, a US/Deep State/corporate enterprise to the bone.
And, If the Taliban do allow the US to continue to use their land to mass-produce heroin, that is yet another piece of evidence supporting a deal between the Taliban and the West.
4. Will there be any Political Fallout?
So what are the next steps? Where is this going?
Well, in the US, President Joe Biden is experiencing some pretty heavy FLAK. Even his usually-stalwart supporters at CNN ran the headline “Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence”. Which could mean they’re in the early stages of prepping us for President Kamala Harris.
Geo-politically, the talk is of Russia and China – the only two counties to officially recognise the Taliban government – “stepping into the void”. This is being played as a victory for America’s enemies (and another stick with which to beat Biden), but does that really mean anything?
The Covid “pandemic” has been an eye-opener in terms of conflict between nations. They’ve shown us that, when they really need to, they work together to the same end. They tell the same lies, sell the same stories, and want the same thing. The wall at the back of the theatre has been revealed, in that regard.
The truth is, no matter which nations notionally hold sway in Afghanistan, the profits from the war, the lithium and the heroin will all end up going to the same few pockets. Corporations rule, not countries. Nation-states are no longer the players of the Great Game, they are the pieces. Toys for corporate megaliths. Their owners can make them fight each other, or bump them together and make kissy noises. Each is equally meaningless.
5. Is there another “Refugee Crisis” on the way?
The Afghanistan narrative will fuel other big narratives going forward.
Firstly, there is the coming “refugee crisis”.
The “worst since world war II”, according to Tobias Elwood MP (who can always be relied upon to promote Deep State talking points), which is weird because I’m sure that’s what they said about the refugee crisis in 2016, too. Oh, and in 2019.
The UK’s Defence Secretary has already announced plans to allow Afghan asylum seekers into Britain without passports. Merkel is advocating for similar steps in Germany, and the US press is also on board.
Will these refugees be forced to stay in “quarantine hotels” at their own expense? Have they all been “double jabbed”? We don’t know. Nobody’s thinking about that, that’s from the other narrative. We’re talking about refugees today, Covid can wait.
Anybody opposing asylum seekers entering the country because of Covid will be branded a racist, and medical professionals will claim that “racism is a public health issue more dangerous than covid”, just like they did when the Covid narrative collided with the Black Lives Matter narrative last summer.
That importing asylum seekers, undocumented, from a near-failed state could be suggested at all during an allegedly “deadly pandemic” is a sign of just how contrived both narratives are.
It’s not said much – but corporations love refugees. Just like illegal immigrants, undocumented refugees can be used as cheap labour, with none of the legal protections of full citizens. They can then be blamed for deteriorating living standards, unemployment and wage stagnation. They act as a heat-sink for public anger.
Further, “refugees” with no passports are a great way to get your trained mercenaries, agitators, saboteurs, and/or special forces across national borders without leaving a trail.
The resulting army of undocumented men of fighting age can then serve as a pool of potential “terrorists” who can be “radicalised” at a moments notice and deployed to spread panic at home or abroad.
Which leads us neatly onto…
6. Will we see a major terrorist attack?
It’s only been a few days since the “fall” of Kabul, but already the “renewed terrorism threat” is making waves in the press.
The Sun, in its usual understated style, headlines:
RED ALERT Britain faces ‘direct threat of terrorism’ from Taliban’s Afghan takeover in new wave of terror against West
A rather more sedate report in from AP says: “Concerns over US terror threats rising as Taliban hold grows.”
The New York Times goes almost fully schizophrenic, reporting “A decade ago, a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq opened the door for the Islamic State. Will the withdrawal from Afghanistan do the same for the Taliban? and warning of other terror attacks in the future…
…without ever acknowledging that the US never “withdrew” from Iraq at all. Or that they armed, and trained, ISIS.
Bloomberg warns that “The Taliban are already inspiring terror beyond Afghanistan”. The Times is worried about the “terrorist elite” the Taliban freed from Bagram prison.
Project Syndicate reports that “The world should not ignore the risk that Afghanistan under the Taliban could become a breeding ground for international terrorism.”
Politicians from France, the US and UK been eager to talk it up, too:
Immediate priority for UK govt: secure safe passage for British citizens & Afghans who have supported us.
But the long term threat is that terrorists will use Afghanistan as a base to attack the UK.
PM must set out a strategy for strengthening our counter-terrorism capability. pic.twitter.com/tOMEkyy80M
— Stephen Kinnock (@SKinnock) August 17, 2021
The former head of NATO has said the West needs to “bolster its terror defences”, whilst the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has said “terror groups will re-constitute in Afghanistan faster than expected” and the UN is calling for “unity against the global terrorist threat”.
There’s a common theme to some of these dire warnings, too. Tobias Elwood MP (him again), told the Independent:
I would not be surprised if we see another attack on the scale of 9/11, almost to bookend what happened 20 years ago,
Whilst Ivor Roberts, another senior Tory, used the exact same phrase in the Metro, as does this article in The Sun.
All of that in just the last two days.
Does this mean we will see a major terrorist attack?
Maybe, maybe not. We are past due for one, certainly. Major international terrorism, much like the flu, took some time off during the “pandemic.” But, in many ways, the threat is just as effective as the attack itself.
The Covid fear fog is thinning, people are starting to wake up a little, and the people running things need everyone to be afraid.
To sum up the official narrative on US withdrawal from Afghanistan in bullet points:
- Trump signed a deal with the Taliban, over a year ago, to withdraw from the country and hand over 5000 prisoners.
- Despite having over a year to plan, the US “withdrawal” was chaotic and messy.
- The US accidentally left behind weapons, helicopters, ammunition and armoured vehicles, which the Taliban took.
- The US accidentally left behind 5000 prisoners, whom the Taliban freed.
- Without US support, the Afghan army, which outnumbers and outguns the Taliban, folded without firing a shot and the Taliban took control of the entire country in less than week.
- Despite shutting down the heroin trade prior to the US invasion, the Taliban now intend to keep it going, and even increase production.
Do you believe this story? Is it at all believable?
Ignore the sound and fury from the media. The press are like a street magician, if you want to understand what they’re up to you have to look past the hand he’s waving in your face, and look at the one behind his back.
It seems fairly obvious, to me anyway, that US gave weapons and vehicles to the Taliban in exchange for a promise to keep the heroin production going (and maybe access to mineral mines, no word on that yet).
Meanwhile, the “fall out” of the totally manufactured “chaos” is being used to fan the flames of fear-porn. Promoting division over asylum seekers and spreading panic about terrorism.
In short, the Afghanistan story, as related by the mainstream press, is a twisted illogical ball of confusion, intended to provide fuel for future narratives of control.
…which is pretty much true of everything in the news, these days.
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Let me tell you about Afghan Jet Engine Safety..!!! By Nicholson1968
An addition to my comment further down re: the possibility that Scwab’s coming “cyber-pandemic” may be blamed on Afghanistan-tied “Islamist” terrorist-networks:
For maximal theatrical effect — and in blatant ridicule of the mind-controlled mainstream population who accepted everything from the official 9/11-story to the outrageous pandemic-deception — may I humbly suggest to the august assembly of leading Cabal crooks that they resurrect Osama bin Laden from the dead, as the evil genius ultimately behind the new cyber-attack 9/11? This is the perfect icing on the cake. After all, it is starkly obvious that the story of bin Laden’s assassination in 2011 during the Obama presidency was fake news. The person shown on the photographs, who was thrown into the sea, wasn’t the real Osama. He might conceivably still be alive, although I think the real one probably died long before 2011. So it would certainly be possible for them to resurrect the guy in some fabricated CGI-video (or whatever) showing him seated with an AK-47 inside his advanced tech-centre in the remote mountains of Afghanistan and have him take responsibility for the “cyber-pandemic”. Obama could then come out of his closet and awkwardly confess on TV that they didn’t really kill him in 2011, but they had heard rumours that he already died a natural death, and decided to tell a “white lie” with the noble intention of instilling confidence in the hearts of freedom-loving Americans who needed to know that justice had been done. “We totally believed him to be dead”, Obama admitted”, “and the years passed without our detecting any movements whatsoever on his part — before now, that is. We are just as shocked as the rest of you, because — looking at the video — it is obviously him! There’s no doubt. Our CIA experts have studied the footage and they confirm unanimously that it’s authentic and unfalsified.”
Osama in the new video, directly from Afghanistan: “For many years, hiding underground, I thought there was no way to strike back at you for your crimes against the dar-al-Islam after our successful attack on you on that great day in 2001. The small-scale amateur-attacks of my Muslim brothers in ISIS always seemed below my dignity. Something greater was needed, something worthy of 9/11. So I pondered this problem for many years, searching and praying to Allah for an answer. I had almost given up hope when this cyber-attack technology — Allahu akbar! — at last was delivered into my hands by friends of me and the Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him), and finally — Allah be praised — I had the means to strike back at you. Get ready for the end of Great Satan America as you know it, infidel pigs.”
And when we’re first started, why not blame “the pandemic” on him too?
CNN: “Evidence is emerging that the bin Laden-network may have been behind the release of the mysterious and lethal new Coronavirus. “We have the evidence, you must believe us”, say officials of the trustworthy, truth-telling and honourable CIA. “Bin Laden is absolute evil”, says Biden.”
CNN: “Osama bin Laden now threatens to take out Pfizer and Moderna factories because the vaccines is the only thing that can stop the pandemic he created.”
OK, everyone, it’s all revealed.
The plane is a FLOAT being pushed along by two vehicles (at front and side). There’s no engines in the engine-casings and the plane windows are obviously not real.
Doncha love it?
Oh, right, Amerikastan had to make an easily debunked float instead of just using a real plane. I see.
See what Petra Liverani writes in a comment further down, beginning: “It’s called “hidden in plain sight” and “revelation of the method””
Look like a bog-standard military defeat to me. The rest is PR to try to hide the fact.
“You guys take no shit”. — Rambo in Afghanistan
Response to Kits article by OneWorld Press. Good to have healthy discussion and debate.
Andrew Korybko seems extremely knowledgeable but for an hypothesis to be correct every single piece of evidence must support and favour it over any other.
Contrary to his claims about chaos at the airport, the evidence shows massive staging if there was any reality to it at all. No one died by falling from the plane – whose nose was graced with “9/11” backwards – not a coincidence – or died any other way.
So that staging needs to be accommodated into whatever hypothesis you want to hold about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Left behind weapons ammunition vehicles running or not is common. continuing weapon development may suggest its obsolete worn out junk.
The videos were just flat out stupid. It was embarrassing to watch commentators try to sell waving, smiling cheerful people running alongside the jet as desperate fleeing refugees. Haven’t seen such blatantly bad footage since CNN showed teenagers pushing wheelbarrows of rescue dummies around post Vegas shooting in white t-shirts and no blood. Its a big laugh to them, they don’t even TRY to make it look real
No, it’s called “hidden in plain sight” and “revelation of the method” and that’s been part of the MO since time immemorial – you can see it such psyops as the Great Fire of London of 1666 and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Fifteen years after the Great Fire they told us that the alleged creator of the fire, Frenchman, Robert Hubert, couldn’t have been guilty because allegedly he was off-shore at the time but then his confession story didn’t add up at the time in the first place – the guy probably didn’t even exist. This is similar to the terrorists calling a PRESS CONFERENCE after 9/11 announcing they were alive.
Supposedly, their rule of sloppy execution incriminating themselves is that they feel it puts the onus onto us to call them out and if we don’t it’s us who are ultimately responsible and they’re spared karmic repercussions – they always, always, always tell us the truth with extra deliberate anomalies regardless of how obviously flawed the basic narrative is. Also, though there’s another reason they do it and we can see it in two quotes:
”The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it – perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose – or else that one keep one’s intellect alive but destroy almost everything that one had previously believed about how society works.”
Gerard Holmgren, pioneering 9/11 analyst, A Theory
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
And as a further expansion to your Dalrymple quote, David Icke recently had a video in which he said that the most powerful incentive to reject the covid crap was the inner voice that urged self-respect. For as long as you submit to the covid crap, you are effectively mutilating yourself.
Yes, I just don’t understand how people have fallen into line with such abject compliance, as if it’s all perfectly OK.
I am aware of their deranged rationale to think they get a karmic loop hole for abuse based on tactics specifically designed to take away sense of reality and then blame people they victimize as deserving it for being too stupid to see how manipulative they are…..
Karma doesn’t work that way, they will find out
I hope you’re right, Rose.
They may be getting ready to introduce Kamala but that won’t be of much use. She was the lowest rated Democratic candidate – if they think they can defend every ugly policy through Kamala as they keep black citizens out of grocery stores while harping on Trump, it won’t be much help. People are beyond done with identify politic lip service while medical segregation rules. My bet is they were going to try to rid Biden before now but Kamala is such a liability, they have just kept him on
Kamela is a reiteration of Killery. Her popularity or lack of it doesn’t matter a jot.
Lol. Killemall Harriss is revealed to be arch villain… Brown Killary. She is a villain of epic credentials.
She pushed for the execution of an innocent man.
Why yes, he was black, why do you ask?
Anyway, a woman in the finest Democrat tradition. Another “race traitor” in many eyes down there.
One of the only cheery things going on is seeing kamala wearing a muzzle behind the deranged president.
“It seems fairly obvious, to me anyway, that US gave weapons and vehicles to the Taliban in exchange for a promise to keep the heroin production going (and maybe access to mineral mines, no word on that yet).”
Sure. That explains the Taliban making diplomatic overtures to Russia and China several weeks ago. The Taliban is on Russia’s (and almost certainly China’s) designated terrorist list. In order for Afghanistan to have a futre as a true state, it will need access to the world. That means cooperating with neighbours for mutual benefit. Russia advised the Taliban stick to international standars of behavious, not the Western ‘rules-based’ crap. Consequently, there was a peaceful transfer of power, all diplomatic embassies were respected and a general amnesty issued. Russia and China want to see action not words. The US however, is threatening the Taliban over control of Kabul airport, presumably to allow more takfiris to be shipped in to destabilise Afghanistan, and Russia/China by extension.
The US has already shipped in, and certainly dispersed, some takfiris to run destabilisng operations – IEDs in market places, random shootings, etc as directed by the CIA playbook.
Maybe the plan is that huge coming cyber-attacks — the “cyber-pandemic” promised by Klaus Schwab, which according to him will outmatch “Covid” in terms of global damage — will be blamed on Taliban and allied “Islamist” networks? I would not be surprised if this happens as early as September, in reference to the attack on the World Trade Center buildings 20 years ago. I think that the 9/11 false-flag attack of the Cabal was actually intended (among other things) as a symbolic ritual enactment of what is coming now (controlled demolition of the economy etc).
China and a trillion dollars’ worth of extractable rare-earth metals is nothing to do with it of course.
Thanks for this in August 2021. Of course the ‘Taliban takeover’ is theater–more of Bad Theater.
Parts of 2002’s book ” ‘9/11’ ” Facing Our Fascist State reported on how much Afghan opium meant to the world’s Banks and Corporations re. money-laundered profits that boost Stock values. Afghan opium and Banks also figured in the “9/11 Guilt” DVD of 2005. In 2010 I did a piece for Bill Jablonski’s puppetgov.com that’s titled ‘Soldiering for the Smack Banks.’ That piece was twice updated in Flipping the Script posts, as Afghan opium continued to increase in harvests under the Obama AND Trump Bad Theater–er, Administrations. Folks might want to see just how compromised soldiers were in this mess and then how much people in Western nations still suffer from (cue Bad Theater) ‘the Opioid Epidemic.’ Keep the accurate analyses coming, O-G! https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/soldiering-for-the-smack-houses-2016
I highly recommend this quick 7 min video where Lara Logan drops some serious truth bombs. She basically believes that this is the deliberate outcome wanted by the power that controls Biden. Basically says the US govt is not stupid, they know that the Taliban supply line is from Pakistan, so it could just bomb it, but it didn’t. Also says that the Taliban is supported by the Pakistan ISI (intell service) and that the US govt basically pays for the budget of the ISI (so IMO sounds like US supports Taliban via Pakistan middleman ISI)
And this guy isn’t buying it either:
‘Prepare for the worst’: Like Bin Laden, Taliban is another ‘American project’ & ‘US scam against Muslims’ – Chechnya’s Kadyrov
The capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban is “another American scam against Muslims.” That’s according to Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechnya region, who suggested that the terrorist group is controlled by Washington.
Lara Logan? Come on, you don’t believe a single word from mainstream reporters unless verified by clear evidence. I don’t believe she was sexually assaulted in Egypt, the story sounds very unconvincing to me – garbled and the usual different versions – one says 25 minutes, another says 40 minutes. It’s so disgusting – so many women who are sexually assaulted, and yet what’s pushed at us is fraud.
There would be dozens of witnesses obviously. You just misunderstand malliscous opportunism.
What witnesses? She was completely surrounded by a vicious crowd apparently.
Apparently the crowd beat up Logan after pulling her away from her TV crew and where they then stripped her and beat her for up to half an hour.
Very vague. Why? She’s a reporter herself. She’s not trusted to tell her story accurately?
Sloppy grammar.
What does “for up to half an hour” mean?
Psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop. They inundate us with psyops constantly … but they always let us know regardless of how flawed the basic narrative is to start with.
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan – Start with the main fundamental question, are the videos real..?
which alt media hasn’t even figured out what staged and real it is 2o21.
Regarding the video is it to late really ?? the energetic response the outrage emotional discharged all gone. The beast has been feed.until next time.
It sure is.
Chad Chaddington was deployed in Afghanistan in 2011-12 and his thoughts are along similar lines to Kit’s with regard to refugees and terrorism. He suggests that welcoming refugees into the US will prompt beating up narratives of radical elements within the refugees teaming up with local militia-type groups allowing implementation of troops on the street/drone type situations. Well they have drones and helicopters surveilling south-west Sydney now! He says that the Taliban are owned by the CIA – they did deals with them to provide them with the many safe houses they had there, etc and when he asked those in the position to why they didn’t just take out Taliban operatives he never got a good answer.
Matty D points out Afghanistan predictive programming in the recently released film, Suicide Squad. I can’t quite follow it but it looks interesting.
Mohammad Gamal notices the parallels too.
Wisdom from Julian Assange
“Julian Assange speaking in 2011: “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”
one significant omission in kit’s otherwise exceedingly astute essay (deeper than Glenn Greenwald’s essay): i read that one of the taliban leaders is an ex-detainee of Guantanamo.
Also, I wish Kit had added a sentence or two about how this could very well be the long-awaited set-up to push head puppet out, insert phony female puppet in order to install real VP puppet of Dick Cheney caliber like Rahm Emmanuel or Schumer who run the public face for Deep State.
Is that necessary ? There was a smooth transfer of power from Jared Kushner to Doug Emhoff.
Wow! Spectacular analysis, Mr. Knightly! By comparison, Glenn Greenwald phoned in a pedestrian assessment. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-us-government-lied-for-two-decades
To which I would add:
1. Note GG’s self-delusion that he and Laura withheld Afghan information because Ed Snowden set the rules for doing so — as if ES, and not Omidyar, is the one calling the shots for what gets published. And then GG blithely reveals wikileaks released all the info anyway, undercutting his own sanctimoniousness for not having not done so.
2. GG correctly sceams bloody murder for how the powers that be lied over and over about Afghanistan and will continue to lie in the exact same way for the next war. Oh, but wait. We’re in a new war – global in nature – but GG seemingly believes our overlords are now telling us the truth! Really?
Having mainlined the plandemic’s premier product, GG fails to recognize the new enemy (humanity incarnate), the novel theater (our bodies) and the strange weaponry (shots from needles, not guns). Oh my. Did covid derangement syndrome crawl into his brain like some 4th gen earwick, and monkeywrench his vaunted ability to call out lies?
Greenwald still pushes Assange. Wikileaks frigging sells t-shirts on American social media and does all their announcements through that platform. How anyone can believe Wiki is anything but a dragnet to catch leaks while Twitter can’t delete the account is a hoot. One of Twitter founders is a former Clinton ally.
I agree with the jist of this article. I would suggest the same applies to Hamas in Gaza, the PA in the west bank and the Iranian regime.
I’m willing to bet all the above are run by Quislings at the highest levels.
For instance; in this recent slaughter by the Israelis against Palestinians in Gaza several Hamas commanders were killed. Here’s a thought; what if these commanders were potential contenders for power and were not in on the back room deal with Israel. The Israelis and the Hamas elite needed a way to get rid of them. Well the answer is simple have a little conflict where these up and coming leaders are set up and slaughtered by the Israelis. Problem solved.
The same applies to the murder of General Soleimani. From what I’ve heard about him he was a man of competence and integrity. On top of which he had a mass following. How can a regime playing footsi with the Israelis and Americans allow such a man to live?
I could be wrong. But after Iran went whole hog on the covid BS I knew they were playing both sides of the street.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
While the above might be true in part or even in whole, I would be willing to bet that it plays into the propaganda of the powers that be that they are all-powerful, know everything and all your base is belong to us and resistance is useless, or at least is entirely compromised in some way.
I don’t feel the powers that be have as much control over events as they wish, despite spending hundreds of billions and even trillions.
The violence reported in the media by Israelis against Palestinians in Gaza was staged – the three buildings came down by controlled demolition and they were all evacuated just like 9/11. Hamas obviously colluded with Israel. I don’t see how the commanders could have been killed for real because you’d think all Hamas would know that the buildings came down by CD so they’d surely have to be in on it at all levels.
The plane crash in Tehran was staged which means collusion between Rouhani and Trump in the taking out of Soleimani.
What prompted me to look at the plane crash was this analysis by someone on twitter (original tweet of text image now gone). Of course, Trump is no longer POTUS. Actually, the playing out of hostility reminds me of the Curb Your Enthusiasm snippet I watched last night where Jeff pretends to be angry with Larry for damaging Susie’s portrait when Jeff, in fact, hates it.
“Many are calling Trump’s move taking out General Soleimani “4D Chess”. I believe there is another strategy in play.
Trump has backchannels to Iran and made a deal with Rouhani to take out Iran’s General who Rouhani was already losing control over. Soleimani was acting as a lone wolf in Iraq. He was there AGAINST ORDERS from President Rouhani. Soleimani was becoming too powerful and he was using Iran’s army as his own personal mercenary force. Rouhani was slowly losing control over his own military and Trump saw this is an opportunity to make a deal with the devil.
Both Trump and Iran want US forces to begin wrapping up in Iraq.
Rouhani wants Soleimani dead because he is becoming uncontrolled.
Trump wants Soleimani dead in order to look powerful and to snub Obama for his pardon of the war criminal.
Soleimani’s death causes a vote in Iraq for US forces to leave. Now Trump can pull forces without battling in congress.
Rouhani and Trump both get what they want. Rouhani gets to cry crocodile tears for his poor general, and Trump has made inroads into a deal with Iran.
There will be some more back and forth fake posturing from Iran against Trump in order to save face and create plausible deniability, but ultimately Rouhani will come to the table.
Iran will come to the table and agree to inspections and denuclearization in return for sanction relief. The president has become old and weary of this path and he sees Trump as his ally against the Globalists. Now is the time when Iran can come to the table and establish strong economic nationalist trade deals that are free of globalist intervention.
Iran realises that their war has always been against the Rothschild banks and Rouhani realises that Trump is their enemy as well, so now is the time to make a deal. The deal must be done in secret, where both sides look like enemies in order to save face to the general public who hate each other’s guts.
This will cause the price of oil to plummet below $30 by end of year.”
Well, we agree that Hamas and Iran are playing inside baseball with the Israelis and Americans. That’s about all.
Thing is, sooner or later the Palestinians and the Iranians are going to figure this out for themselves and then there will be assassinations.
That makes so much sense!
“I could be wrong.”
Well said.
Taliban model is everywhere: A Global movement .Orthodxy Rules.
Don’t worry. Biden’s secretary of state declared that the talibans will NOT be allowed in the US Embassy in Kabul unless they are fully vaccinated.
Thanks for the report Kit.
this narrative sounds and reads as so familiar, I’m shocked more haven’t caught on to it.
If you pay attention to the news out of Afghanistan you’ll read names going back prior to 2001.
I don’t think the ‘withdrawal’ was messy. It seems to me you and I are supposed to believe that.
There is no real withdrawal- just the NATO assets being moved out.
the Taliban didn’t “win” they just waltzed their way to the “prize”
Like dancing with the stars, ya know? It’s a show. Razzle Dazzle.
Saw a report that British officials are saying the Taliban is cooperating with the evacuation.
Hardly seems hostile..
Kit “It seems fairly obvious, to me anyway, that US gave weapons and vehicles to the Taliban in exchange for a promise to keep the heroin production going (and maybe access to mineral mines, no word on that yet). ”
Look at Pakistan. I’m already reading about some action from within…
Much more here then meets the eye
If when building the United states, the PTB placed the Pawnee in power (supported them, armed them) – what do we imagine the Cheyenne,Sioux etc tribes would have done…followed their rule, allowing themselves to be persecuted ? I think the fight would have continued, which would have suited the invaders well, watching the rival tribes slowly destroy each other.
Meanwhile, the Comanche sat back and waited, perhaps they were “friendly” to the idea even.
Question 7.
are the Pashtun/Taliban descendents of the lost tribes of Israel ?
Did they get lost in Europe? Sheesh.
Whatever happened, guess who was not to blame:
Like LBJ and Nixon took all the blame for Vietnam…
Interesting debate. I’m on the fence on this one. I dont know enough of the background and history of the conflict.
As well as this article I was quite interested in this one too, and a subsequent one on the OneWorld Press site. My instinct from some of the language in One World’s article and criticism against “leftists” for their Afghan position made me a little wary. But Andrew Koryobo has an excellent knowledge of geo-politics. Whether his interpretation is correct on this one, is a difficult one to call perhaps even for relatively well informed punters.
He makes some fair points though which should make us think and not always presume every case where the US is involved is the same or similar. Certainly would like to see a debate on this.
I completely agree with their take. I see the same view on MoA frequently.
Pepe Escobar dismissed adverse comments by Western regimes including Australia as sour grapes, thus: “NATOstan’s so-called analyses of Taliban Afghanistan don’t even qualify as irrelevant”.
Cripes……a real close call.
If all the heroin ceased, what would the Bankers do with the shortfall in Banking Liquidity?
Cool trick with the photography eh Tony? That’s some actual talent there. I was discussing this elsewhere.
Perhaps someone could tip a helicopter into scrap furnace or landfill just for effect.
Mind you if the shoe fits wear it.
Do you believe this story? Is it at all believable?
No. No.
Thank you so much – money coming your way.

YOU ARE the bio hazard TERRORISTS..
I shared that little gem.
Everyone is comparing the situation in Afghanistan with Saigon in 1975. I think that’s wrong; a more appropriate comparison would be with Tehran in 1979. Our (US) policy in Afghanistan has been compromised by our inability to come to terms with its neighbor, a country that has been the subject of our unremitting hostility for more than 40 years. As a consequence the events in Afghanistan haven’t just ‘lost’ us one country, they’ve pulled the rug out from us in the entire Middle East, from the Mediterranean to India.
Going forward I think the West needs to rethink its entire strategy towards the rest of the world. We still have this imperialist mindset that only our culture and values are important, an attitude that many others find insulting. Unless we can learn to accommodate others we will never be able to influence them.
(As for things like terrorism and opium production, this is just fear mongering for the ‘rubes. We have a well developed capability to track down and deal with organized terrorist groups. Our problem is not individual groups but our geopolitics that encourages them to create problems for our ‘adversaries’, be it Russia in the 1980s or contemporary China. Opium isn’t an issue any more, there’s a more than adequate global supply (unfortunately) and coordination between governments can help stem any attempt to increase the trade in that area.)
That was ever true. Contempt at a minimum. And I mean every single country in the area.
“a more appropriate comparison would be with Tehran in 1979”
Spot on. Just like 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s fingerprints are all over this worldshaking event in Afghanistan.
Like the ghost of Banquo come back to confound MacBeth and liberate oppressed and bleeding Scotland, so the ghost of Soleimani has come back to confound NATZO and liberate Iran’s oppressed and bleeding neighbours.
The Flight from Kabul and the Legacy of General Soleimani:
Not being omniscient, I’m in no position to say Pepe Escobar is correct and Kit Knightly less than correct on the “fall” of Afghanistan. At any rate, this is a link to Mr Escobar’s article.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Back with a Bang – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
My money’s on Pepe Escobar, he is usually on the nail. Has Kit bought too deeply into what look’s very like a US Intel damage limitation cover?
The US has probably just got tired of throwing away money in Afghanistan and yes it will have made some sort of dodgy deal with the Taliban. However, like everybody else, the Taliban know full well that the US is agreement incapable and they will be preparing for the inevitable US hostility, in the not too distant future.
Hopefully the Taliban has merely promised heroin and won’t deliver. In which case, they’ll have learned from The British.
We can expect more bestgore material because one does not renig with drug dealers. Drone strikes don’t compare to the personal touch.
American contractors should take warning.
All governments are and have always been in cahoots against their one and only true enemy, the people.
well said
Did you believe in the ‘pandemic’ as well?
I believe that Afghanistan has once more shown its ability to throw off invaders but to absorb their good qualities, which it has been doing since Alexander the Great.
But I cannot believe in ‘the pandemic’ when Health Authorities are using a vaccine that does not work to protect the population against a virus that does not exist.
Now see here Nick. Just because I can’t produce a unicorn doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Abstractly speaking.
And just because you’ve never seen a black unicorn, it doesn’t prove that all unicorns are white.
Obviously, in your universe, failure to believe in the trash this article is gibbering about involves being a flat earth evolution denier as well?
Off Guardian is a ludicrous pile of ordure. No wonder Vaska Tumir broke off her connections with it.
Did I mention what a huge fan of the Alt-Right I am? I love how they shift gears depending on which narrative they’re debunking.
If it’s the climate crisis, they downshift to a slow, plodding gear and report “Oh sure, puny little man can manipulate the climate! You have to be a fool to fall for that!”
But then if it’s the geopolitical crisis, they swing into high gear and report “A few human moguls determine the fate of every nation and every man, woman and child on the planet! You have to be a fool not to see that!”
Keep up the good work!
I remember back when this site started it was dedicated to exposing Guardian propaganda. Now it spews out more ludicrous rubbish than the Guardian does.
Prove it.
Pleased to see your name again. I remember you playing “Scourge of the Lord” on other sites. You used to give specific examples of the “more ludicrous rubbish” that other readers “spewed out”. Looking forward to some bracing tonic on the subject of Afghanistan, which I believe to be near your home ground. Sober realism will do me good because I have an intoxicated romantic affection for that area since I read of the heroic Alexander wedding the beautiful Roxanne in Bactria.
He is a Pakistani frustrated that Afghanisan now will be harder to control by his army run “government”.
China is also not pleased: more risk of victims under the thousands of Chinese laborers etc. inside Pakistan. Not silk on this BRI road but more arms for their local Pakistani sepoys – when not closed due to landslides.
Oh right, and you’re Colombian.
@Bis has been schooling MoA most recently. Always welcome.
You’re welcome. You’ll find me on Unz as Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist, Moon Of Alabama under my own name, Southfront as Ragheadthefiendlyterrorist, and Antiwar as Jihadi Colin.
You apparently fail to see the difference between someone claiming to control nature and someone controlling an idea… that is the trouble with wanting to cling to right and left, speckled or whatever sides, ideas etc…they are about nothing but ideas…fleeting fantasy….the earth spins in eternity, is governed by the forces that do all that….not puny humans…my bet is it doesn’t give a shit what humans do…civilisations have come and gone…it still spins along its merry way.
go sit beside a creation of nature that has taken a few 1000s of years and come back and tell me man matters to any of it.
And it was the Grand Canyon USA that I sat beside and got that message…sad for an Australian as it should have been something from my ancient land …but it doesn’t matter…how long did it take to wear to where it is now and just how much did man have to do with that,….suspect we have only been here for a fraction of its time…like on my own ancient land….we are back to fighting the Galileo concept that man is the Center of the universe.
Lol. I agree. Ideology should be, and is, science driven. 😱
Nature is a cruel nihilist. These universe even more so. There’s your secret to life. One that has driven kings and philosophers mad.
The Left ban straws but cut down Old Growth.
The Left cares about what dink you have or not while jabbing you to death with poison.
What you are doing is the perfect example of a straw man argument.
Here is the fellow claiming to be the new official president of Afghanistan.
MARTIN SMITH: As the drone war escalated, the United States has had to develop a network of informers on both sides of the border.
AMRULLAH SALEH, Head of Afghan Intelligence 2004-10: Well, we have very close sharing of information with the Americans about targets. But drone operation is a very sensitive, secret U.S. operation. I don’t know much about it.
MARTIN SMITH: [on camera] But your counterparts in the CIA were running these drones.
MARTIN SMITH: You gave them targets in the tribal areas.
MARTIN SMITH: This is human intelligence on the ground?
MARTIN SMITH: Inside the tribal areas.
Interesting take, de-coupling the Left from ‘progressivism’ which it argues is not the same thing at all:
The writer misses that what we’re seeing is imperialism in another sense, the colonising of the inner space of the body now that all the outer spaces have been incorporated within the imperium.
A good article but constrained by Marxist vocabulary. Imperialism was one phase of banksterism . I have a bankster centric view of things. A view that is obvious in the universal acceptance of the convid creed.
I can’t see the taliban continuing CIA opium production… these men are religious fanatics and oppose any forms of drugs and alcohol..(easy to forget when you are a materialist atheist).. and anyway, no doubt the alphabet men have transitioned to the new ‘smack’ of choice fentanyl…
accountants end wars, so presumably at least for now, they have extracted maximum profit.. so ‘going forward’ it will be spinning new alphabet narratives with which to terrify and ‘distract’ their own bovine populations….
particularly now that they need more effective smoke and mirrors to deploy in tandem with the failing covid/vaccine narrative. and the burgeoning, ahem, ‘resistance’….
you have to view all the ‘liberal democracy’ nonsense merely as an ad campaign and marketing exercise, distraction, all wafted into the media reality most imbeciles exist within by the Great Oz..
and of course presume it is all bullshit..
They could oppose taking drugs but still sell them
indeed, they may in fact franchise the operation to the usual suspects… this is after all how albania functions, a sort of mini afghanistan in europe…. these types of states have always appealed to the financialist criminals for obvious reasons..
slavery and sex trafficking, drugs, arms, extortion, high level criminality and very little over-sight…. all the cash washed and laundered in the ‘city’….
and re-purposed through ‘their’ networks…
It might be OK with them if the drugs are for consumption by infidels, especially Western ones.
It brings new meaning to the idiomatic expression “Knock yourself out!”
the perverts parlay in westminster
talk of bringing are girls home
from afghan plains
to welsch scotch lands and engerlund
6 million ukrainians sorry iraqi sorry libyan bosnian sorry afghan
souls must be exodus
we cannot have another another another 1939 never in the fields of human con tricks
and all that churchill waffle
cake port and whiskey galore
barbera lerner spector wants mutley mixing for extinction killergi
and so it goes
all acts all demonick show
divisions spoils
the lithium is needed for the green electric futures
that is all palmer
and harry
shut the bloody
Every time in the last 20 or so years that the British press have pointed off-shore, I’ve looked on-shore to see what Westminster is up to. If I can see nothing worse than usual there, I’ve asked Americans. If it’s not our lot, it’s theirs, 9 times out of 10 it’s been both. Pointing is a diversionary tactic away from what our governments don’t want us to see.
The jabs have let them down a bit for domestic digital ID. So as ‘bio’ didn’t work very well, maybe this is the start of their ‘security’ trick to get us to comply with domestic digital ID
The conjurer’s trick of misdirection.
I read this
‘My prediction is that the blood feuds and religious fanaticism that have made Afghanistan the asshole of the planet will ramp up in the near future and then be forgotten by the rest of the world . Nomadic goat herders , subsistence farmers , and tribal warlords will return to what they do best , abusing their women and children , while murdering each other over the slightest insult . Gun merchants/manufacturers and heroin dealers are about to fall on hard times. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence or industry will flee across the nearest unguarded borders of one of the “Stans” , or into Iran for the time being. The countries elites have already fled taking everything of value with them ! Hoping to start a business in the US or Britain no doubt.’
and although probably spot on…
The US and the UK have ‘made Afghanistan the asshole of the planet’ religious fanaticism was just their weapon of choice.
We in the West have such a selective memory when it comes to our shortcomings and failures in Afghanistan.
Anyone remember the US attempts at Afghan nation building in the late 40’s and the 50’s?
Who built the wide streets of Lashkargah? Recognise the layout of the town? and where did that Dam come from?
where is Morrison Knudsen these days?
“Anyone remember the US attempts at Afghan nation building in the late 40’s and the 50’s?”
I don’t. Neither does Google, its first page only goes back to the 60’s. Could you enlighten us? I must confess I heard the word Afghanistan for the first time only around 1980-1990, as a catch phrase in a Robert Redford movie; “Afghanistan Bananastan”.
I’ll let Adam Curtis be your guide
Thanks for that “Blick ins Chaos” (Flashback into the Empire of Chaos). I had tried to imagine that for once, back in the distant past of my young manhood, Uncle $cam had actually done a good deed. Alas!:
“The U$ engineers realised this meant that the whole project wouldn’t work. But POTU$A Truman had made a speech promising aid to poor countries. It was the start of the Cold War and Truman was going to stop backward countries (which meant the rest of the world) from becoming communist.
The Yanks liked dams. They were a way of challenging the communists by making people better off without having to redistribute land through a revolution. Faced with this Presidential Initiative the engineers’ doubts about the project were buried and forgotten. Massive loans were offered to Afghanistan by the U$A, and two giant dams were built plus 300 miles of big canals.
Problems emerged. Everything became waterlogged which led to weeds. Salt kept on appearing. But doubts and worries were overwhelmed because the technocrats and politicians had become fascinated by the idea of using good old American knowhow to transform backward societies into copies of the U$A.”
[See Link by Carnyx for unexpurgated version of “Little America”]
Another take-away to this ‘hidden’ history is that the US attempted and successfully brought a form of healthcare system and education system to Afghanistan. With respects to the education system the students (Afghan intelligentsia/elite) soon became disillusioned with the capitalist economic values on offer and instead turned to a socialistic based system which included land reform, education for all and socialised healthcare. which the US wrongly interpreted this as communistic and directly under the influence of the Soviet Union (A pattern the US was doomed to repeat with Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and Castro in Cuba… too much of a Nazi influence within CIA maybe?) The US with UK help then went about resurrecting the old Jihadi myths and set about sponsoring some of the most extreme and diabolical groups they could find. This and the resulting conflict in turn pushed the fledgling socialist Afghan government into the arms (literally) of the Soviet Union.
End result, people who forgot all that describe Afghanistan as “Land of Endless War”.
Someone is going to have to convince me today’s Taliban are extremists as opposed to strict Muslims.
Yeah getting the very same vibe (almost like the Khmer Rouge in 75)… That said someone is going to have to convince me that the US/UK are going to allow the Afghans via the Taliban to have peace. There are already rumblings in the Panjshir and Massoud’s son is being courted and promoted in the media.
There’s much hand wringing in Washington and London… Who will we blame for this debacle? who will carry the can? not us….. say them
In a perfect world those with the true power in the West would use this time to show strength and political resolve to the world by rounding up the Neoconservative (Team B) elements of our political, ‘intelligence’ and security apparatus who have pushed our respective countries to the brink and terminate the stove-piped fear based nonsense by putting a bullet in the back of each of their heads. Not only would this would serve as a lesson and a message to our adversaries both internal and external it would also serve to remove ‘Dumb-Think’ from the aforementioned elements of our power-structure.
I watched the entire Taliban press conference and frankly Zabihullah Muhajid comes across as more credible and authentic than any of the shills at the NATO, ECB, White House etc.
They are going to shut down heroin production. If they can. N ATO wants trouble in Afghanistan and they want to wind up their populations to have them fearful of both virus and terrorism and refugees and whatnot.
However, every day, the cracks in the narratives get bigger and bigger. The writing is on the wall.
The Taliban seem to have spent the last few years brushing up their political satire rather than living in caves eating bugs:
It’s going to be a race between getting to Sweden, Florida or Afghanistan.
That must be the Taliban, because here in freedom loving England **everyone** must wear the Hijab, not only women.
The sheep are forced to wear the masks while the robber barons assisted by their lackey politicians loot the world. How forking weird …
I popped into the crappy Common Dreams website, just because I was flipping through my bookmarks (for mainstream media) and thought I’d pop in. I saw a propaganda piece about Afghanistan and thought I’d off them your above comment. That’s when I discovered that, although I have virtually made only a couple of comments (months ago, maybe longer) since re-joining (just to see whether I could; they had banned me), they had caught up to me and blocked me again.
The Right believes in ‘common’ dreams – for its camp only. When the Right is gone, there will be good dreams for all who remain. The Right? Those who believe in the good life for all – within their tribe only. The Left? They would be those who believe in the good life for all, period. But God does not intend to allow, forever, the world to include human beings who are predators and parasites. That’s my idea of Left and Right. I believe in collective society-building, and problem-solving, whether capitalist or socialist, for ‘all’.

I touched up the Common Dreams image:

My friends wife is now in ICU with breathing difficulties and heart inflammation three weeks after the needle. A perfectly fit women with zero health issues.
What troubles me more than anything is the fact that doctors are not even looking at the vaccine as an issue.
We are in deep water being slowly swallowed by sharks.
I posted a week or so ago that my husband’s 30 year old second cousin John had gotten the jab and developed Guillain Barre and was hospitalized. He also developed pneumonia.
Here is the update:
Once the pneumonia was under control John was taken to a rehab facility to learn to walk again. There his heart stopped. He was able to be resuscitated but no one knows how long he went without oxygen. He is back in ICU. Tests are now being done to see what brain function he has left.
And his immediate family still refuses to link the vaccine to any of the debilitating illnesses that have struck this previously healthy young man. So none of this has been reported to VAERS.
OMG! How shocking. I hope he’ll be OK.
Very sorry to hear that Cyndee. We are now in the throes of legal action. Also an injunction to immediately halt ongoing care until our own doctors and specialists review the findings and subsequent results.
Again, very sorry to hear your plight. Take care!
My goodness Cyndee, this is terrible. Again, so many are harmed and it’s all swept under the rug. What a crime against humanity.
Thoughts and prayers
sorry to read that Shin. I’ll keep her in my thoughts.
Send this to your friend, its the CDC advising doctors to report cardiac inflammation after Vax. Maybe if there guru sleaze lords see that the CDC says its ok to consider it, they may consider the source.
They are supposed to REPORT it.
Thanks Rose and very much appreciated. We have managed to starve off ventilation and an induced coma which the hospital had planned. The injunction worked and she is now stable.
Follow the money.
U$ Foreign Reserves 140 Billion U$D.
Cost of Afghan Operation 2,000 Billion U$D.
Uncle $cam hasn’t enough cash for a $Trillion dollar war in a foreign country. Anyone know Uncle $cam’s current credit rating?
PS Looking forward to wishing Afghanistan a truly happy anniversary on 9/11/2021 (date U$ style).
Another headline (or in this case, a headline about headlines) that tells you everything and makes reading of articles redundant:
Whenever you see an “or” or a “but”, the second half always carries the weight.
And here comes the cheap-labour/divide-and-rule refugee move.
Macron is clearly making political hay out of this potential ‘migrant’ issue, but not on the same side as the UK govt.
And the arguments are now in full swing.
Who knows, this might never happen since the new Taleban are presenting themselves as tame (allegedly attending Shia ceremonies). They’ll be organising pride parades next 🙂
Except for headlines like: Taliban: Threat or Menace? 😉
As Mid-East scholar William O. Beeman, of Brown University, observed, “From the US standpoint,” the only way to deny Iran everything is for the anti-Iranian Taliban to win in Afghanistan and to agree to the pipeline through their territory.”
He called that right — in 2002.
Of course there’s more going on behind the curtain. Only a hack would argue otherwise.
1/ Miners, energy and commodity traders and The Investors behind them are the most powerful financial forces in the world. Think they’re far away?
2/ Drugs? Well they’re kinda the headlines at the moment.
‘Oh, but vaccines have nothing to do with heroin.’
Ask Johnson & Johnson.
‘That’s opioids not opiates — whirr, whirr, fact check, kerr-ching, .’
Moneycircus can assure you licit and illicit drugs are joined at the hip. Hear it from Richard Holbrooke’s own powdered lips (the powder nowadays is not cocaine but the cinders of Hell) here.
The opium trade may not disappear after 250 years but it will change. Cheap fentanyl from Wuhan is strong competition.
3/ Military. Yes, it’s a business. Not just the weapons manufacturing. Generals like money, too.
Four-star general David Petraeus, who from September 2011 to November 2012 was the director of CIA, and worked in the Balkans for several years, becoming one of the major owners of Balkans telecom sector. He also sits on the board of investors Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR).
Whom do we find in Afghanistan but the same man: “It has some of the world’s remaining unexploited world class deposits of copper, iron ore and some other fairly exotic minerals. And it has some limited natural gas. The estimates of the worth of these deposits are quite substantial,” Petraeus told ABC.
4/ China. Maybe the U.S. military will be pushed aside. I suspect The Investors will keep a foothold in Afghanistan because they have a foothold in China.
‘Is it Great Game Over?’
““It has some of the world’s remaining unexploited world class deposits of copper, iron ore and some other fairly exotic minerals. And it has some limited natural gas.”
So does Antarctica – but there the Antarctic Treaty holds…. despite the evidence of unlimited raciousness for resources,… despite these people never keeping a treaty unless it suits them… because they care so much about a few penguins. They’ll talk about mining asteroids ahead of mining Antarctica.
There’s something going on there
Brez… Brzez… (always amuses me how we got both at the same time)… may they return to play gosti and haunt the badlands?
Attention has to be switched from Covid. Few people know anyone who died from the Coroni. If the VAERS/Yellow Card figures are fractionally true, trouble is brewing and most people will soon know someone who “died from the delta,” or lost a baby or the use of an arm after getting the vaccine.
No wonder they want us to stop talking about Covid.
As yesterday’s analysis of Andrew Marr’s article showed, there is a propaganda swing in operation. If Climate doesn’t distract then, maybe, a war in Eurasia.
Is someone being set up? Politicians and intelligence analysts are not creative. They fall back on familiar scripts. Already the headlines are full of “Russia worries: Will US exit from Afghanistan bring back bad old days?
Russia has long blamed U.S. elements for stoking instability and terror on its borders, though in the post-Soviet era this is more about the territories north of Georgia, such as Chechnya, than Afghanistan from which it is insulated by the rest of the ‘stans.
Yet, as the above article notes, lazy hacks are already using Afghanistan to perpetuate the myths about 9/11.
The CFR revived this problem, reaction, solution in its 2020 article This Time, Russia Is in Afghanistan to Win — Putin is replicating his success in Syria in a new theater of conflict—and part of his plan is to hurt American interests once again.
Our age is illiterate in so many ways, many people are unaware of the geography. What separates Europe from Afghanistan are the two regions we love to hate: Iran and the Russian sphere of influence.
Doubtless it would be more profitable for Russia and Iran to vapourise so that NATO could be the only border force between Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and Pakistan. Think of the budgets.
Post world war strategy has been driven by this financial calculation. Peace could never match the profits of war. Thus we had the Cold War. Thus we stand on the precipice today.
LOL easy on the alt media horseshit MC
That smell is your breath, soldier. Shut up and read.
your the one who watches soldiers as a form of
disinformation and calls this news.;0)
Very interesting.
“it all serves to reinforce the frail official story of 9/11″
Frail is very charitable way to put it.
Yes, “thoroughly discredited and laughable” is a better description.
I assumed that “frail” is a typo or spellcheck corruption of “failed”!