WATCH: COVID19/11 – Elizabeth Woodworth

Episode Six of Narratives Intertwined

COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.


Episode Six of Narratives Intertwined features Elizabeth Woodworth, author and former chief medical librarian for British Colombia.

Elizabeth is author of several articles and books, including 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation (with Dr David Ray Griffin) and Unprecedented Crime: Climate Change Denial and Game Changers for Survival (with Dr Peter Carter).

In her interview she discusses how she woke up to the reality of 9/11 and how potential treatments for Covid19 were discredited in order to force through the emergency use authorization of the Covid mRNA “vaccines”.

You can follow Elizabeth on twitter here and read her article on hyrdoxychloroquine here. Her book 9/11 Unmasked was reviewed by several of our authors [123] and became the subject of a censorship campaign from Amazon.


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Categories: COVID19-11, latest
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Sep 14, 2021 10:54 AM

Sep 13, 2021 10:14 PM

Oh my. The lady spouts covid 19 propaganda.

Sep 13, 2021 9:19 PM

I am still waiting for the research showing an experiment done to show the transmissibility of bacteria and viruses from PURE cultures to warrant these “pandemics” (PLANdemics) throughout history…

Richard Hoard
Richard Hoard
Sep 13, 2021 7:26 PM


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 13, 2021 5:58 PM

I highly recommend the 9/11 Consensus Panel’s website, this is the group Elizabeth Woodworth and David Ray Griffin founded.

Sep 13, 2021 5:26 PM

As they say your children will be next who are they targeting now??I have heard so many testimonies of children especially young teenage boys getting heart defects.Whistle blowers in hospitals are saying it’s the vaccinated that are coming in.I don’t know what to say I am shocked I never thought I would be in the midst of this evil in my lifetime.I knew it was coming but not like this.I actually don’t know what to do I’m not academic I’m just an ordinary person I’ve written letters I’ve even left notes around my village I’ve spoken to people in the community I know for certain I won’t give up but I know we are fighting against an evil never seen before.Apologies for my grammar when I get passionate dots go out the window.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 5:11 PM

vaccinating 12- to 15-year-olds will reduce impact of school disruption on children’s mental health – Whitty


Well that comes as a bombshell to me. There I was thinking that the vax was about fighting covid. It turns out that it’s fighting the impact of school disruption on children’s mental health!

Sep 14, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So it’s filled with Seroquel… hun, what do you know… they won’t start moving their little finger before noon…

Sep 14, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  eman

That is a very interesting turn of developments.

Thank you for posting.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:48 PM

Who would have thought the most accurate prophecy for our current situation would have come from as far back as 1969?

Cat’s foot iron claw

Neuro-surgeons scream for more

At paranoia’s poison door.

Twenty first century schizoid man.


Sep 13, 2021 4:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Remember that album… was fascinated by it at the age of 12… my cousin’s collection

my parents said know
my parents said know
Sep 13, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I still have my copy downstairs. It’s pretty well-worn.

Sep 14, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The poet and the painter ……….

Sep 14, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Epitaph” from the same album
Peter Sinfield – lyrics, illumination

. . . Confusion will be my epitaph
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it, we can all sit back and laugh
But I fear, tomorrow, I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear, tomorrow, I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear, tomorrow, I’ll be crying

Between the iron gates of fate
The seeds of time were sown
And watered by the deeds of those 
Who know and who are known
Knowledge is a deadly friend
If no one sets the rules
The fate of all mankind, I see
Is in the hands of fools . . .

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:34 PM

On the topic of real health professionals who are shovelling out the shite, this story may provide some illumination: I work in a day centre for disabled adults but when the lockdown came I was relocated to a residential unit. We were of course given the big covid safety spiel but such was the hands on nature of the job that you really couldn’t conform to it. And I certainly didn’t – as long as I thought no-one was looking. When I came back to the centre, I couldn’t believe the psychotic regulations about ways to go and “bubbles” to stick to. Anyway, after a while we inevitably started to loosen up a bit. But then came the day when the boss called us out into the garden. We all thought we were about to get paid off. But I found it hard not to laugh when we found out the reason: there was apparently one covid case in the region! This meant we were back to psychotic shrinking mode. And a short while after that, when some staff didn’t conform exactly (by e.g. entering a room that already had two in it when there was only supposed to be two at tops), the boss went into frothing lunatic mode and practically did a Hitler rant on how we must stick to the rules. Later on that day when I briefly drifted dangerously close to a room I was barred from, one of the staff therein glanced up at me with fear in her eyes. And I thought, “WHAT A HEAP OF FUCKING DEGRADING CRAP!” But that is the situation we are in. It doesn’t even matter if bosses giving the orders believe this shit. If they don’t show how determined they are to impose the prison rules, they will be out of a… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

What a fucked up world we live in George.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:00 PM

Some clarification (probably for my own benefit as much as anyone else’s): Within permitted discourse there is a “Right” position and a “Left” position. The “Right” Position is: The West is fundamentally good (or, for a little more credibility, the best we can currently hope for). But it has formidable enemies out there who will attack it (usually out of “envy”). It also has internal enemies who undermine it (usually out of “envy”). Now we may have a bit more nuance here: in the role of grimy practical politics, the West frequently does deals with those dodgy forces out there who will often bite back – because they are fundamentally untrustworthy. Thus they may assume the role of Frankenstein’s Monster The “Left” Position is: The West is a hopelessly corrupt force which constantly does deals with external forces seeking to use those to further its own dubious aims. But sometimes these forces get the upper hand and bite back. This is the way Al Qaeda is presented i.e. assuming the role of Frankenstein’s Monster. It doesn’t take a genius to see there is very little difference in these views. Indeed the only difference is one of moral reversal: Right (Good West against Bad Others) And Left (Bad West against Good Others). From the point of view of genuine dissent, the Left are sceptical … but not really. Now consider the views of one “Clark” who inhabited the Craig Murray site. Clark came on as a big critic of the official account of 9/11. But he turned out to be sceptical … but not really. How so? Because of the single most contentious issue re: 9/11 i.e. controlled demolition. The moment anyone suggested planted explosives, Clark went apeshit and frothed about “conspiracy nuts”. So what did Clark want to steer us… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t be too tough on “Clark”. I have known him, without actually having met him for over 10 years. He is completely transparent and honest. He has never tried to hide his own identity, nor technical interests. In fact we share a lot in common, at the technical level, and even the music level (love King Crimson by the way – know a couple of bands who still do it live) Before he got into the job of volunteering to be the moderator of Craig Murray’s blog (I am almost certain that he never got paid for it. He perceived Craig Murray as a friend, and there is nothing wrong with that), if I had actually met him (he’s about 10 years younger than me), I am almost certain, we would have got on really well. He is highly intelligent, but has got a mind block about 9/11 and lots of other stuff. But there is nothing evil about him. He has got his political beliefs, and goes out and demonstrates them – now https://extinctionrebellion.uk/ “Demand The Impossible” He is also mentally vulnerable, and I did my best to contact Craig Murray, when he was on walkabout (and did) to contact his friend Clark – and he did. Just because, I may completely disagree with some of someone’s political views and behaviour, does not make me dislike them. Craig Murray’s blog over several periods over the last 12 years, has gone completely crazy, such that I didn’t want to post there any more, and being a UNIX techie, told Clark how to permanently ban me, which he did, until my ISP, changed my IP Address, about 6 months later. Craig Murray’s blog, is a bit like a Cult, but they mean well. They just don’t like me. I can understand… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 13, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

being a UNIX techie, told Clark how to permanently ban me, which he did, until my ISP, changed my IP Address, about 6 months later.

Wow, so you, being a humungous ‘techie’ told Clark how to ban you by blocking your IP! Because only ‘techies’ know how to do high powered ‘tech’ stuff like that 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 9:50 PM

And why would you tell someone how to block you? I smell some serious gaslighting going on here!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Well I think that “mentally vulnerable” does indeed explain a lot. Clark was either by far the most underhanded manipulative commenter I’ve ever encountered or not right in the head. He reached an all time low when he threatened to commit suicide even if no-one would respond to him and respond in the way he wanted!

And so I still couldn’t figure if he was fiendishly clever or actually warped. Either way, I felt he was really bad news.

Sep 14, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

The low tech solution would be just to stop posting comments there, unless there’s a Tourette’s keyboard syndrome problem causing you to post rambling stories.

Sep 13, 2021 3:57 PM

Mayo Clinic-Trained Pathologist Explains How Spike Protein “Vaccine” Injections Are Killing Us. https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/09/11/mayo-clinic-trained-pathologist-explains-how-spike-protein-vaccine-injections-are-killing-us-urgent/

Sep 13, 2021 3:02 PM

I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this?But my doctors surgery has cut down the hours,Can’t get a prescription until 3pm,Can’t get a doctors appointment they do it over the phone?How can I explain my symptoms over a phone???? This is medical genocide they did it in Germany the German government wouldn’t of become so powerful without the help of the so called doctors these doctors are ruthless and don’t care about your welfare they are part of the agenda.Don’t get me wrong not all but majority are just as guilty as the psychopaths running the asylum along with the media.As they say on the farm we’re in the shit(sorry for swearing).

Sep 13, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Annie

I’ve long held the theory that professions attract a certain quotient of ‘opposites’ — doctors who hate people, why not: we know the legal, banking and financial industries attract the crooked, just as religion attracts abusers and deceivers and policing and the judiciary, the gangsters and torturers.

And the press exists (is paid by the above) to say it ain’t so. Part of the press nowadays is run by the military. For 77th Brigade and 13th Signals… your guess at their particular psychosis is as good as mine.

Sep 13, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Confusion that’s what they want and mass murder?!.

Sep 13, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Annie

I was born just east of Beirut in 1958. As a kid you get accustomed to frights. Loud noises, bombs going off. I remember my school not being there, the smell and stench.
I got my nickname Shin because i used to travel through the aftermath.
Shin deep!

Sep 13, 2021 2:39 PM

A very dear friend just pasted away from Pulmonary Thrombosis. A perfectly fit 68 year old women died which doctors are still scratching their heads about. Needled twice!
We are living in a world gone mad.

Sep 13, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Shin

Sorry to hear of your loss. May she rest in peace.

Sep 13, 2021 3:05 PM
Reply to  Azy

Thank you. It’s been a tough couple of months. I’m growing older by the second.
The protocols around visitation is an utter disgrace.

Sep 13, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Shin

Don’t give in. I found Sarah Westall’s talk with Vladimir Zelenko inspiring — I had no idea he is fighting his third round of cancer.

Sep 13, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ll never give in. I want justice and i won’t stop till the day i die.

Sep 13, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  Shin

Sorry to hear that we are living in medical euthanasia I’m sorry to say my friend.

Sep 13, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  Shin

Is the idea that it might have been the vaccine ruled out as a cause of death? Or is it the elephant in the room?

Sep 13, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

The vaccines she received are under investigation. The family filled lawsuits six weeks ago. She had been in the ICU for two months.That fact she was given the booster shot while in hospital gives the family a sound footing for negligence.
At the moment the family needs to wait for toxicology reports.
An autopsy will be performed.
A waiting game insures.

Sep 13, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Shin

The booster shost WHILE she was in the hospital???

Wow. My condolences.

Sep 13, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Shin

Sorry for your loss, but you should take comfort in the fact that your dear friend did her moral and civic duty before unexpectedly and coincidentally expiring for reasons which have absolutely nothing to do with the “vaccinations”.

At least, that’s what the pious scamdemic-mongers would have you believe.

Sep 13, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  Ort

I just read a headline on yahoo news (while waiting to get on my email) – a woman died of covid giving birth. Her husband also died. They have 5 children. I went back to read if they had been vaccinated but the headline is gone.

Lots of covid deaths. And they’ve all been vaccinated.

Will someone pleeeeeeeease explain to me how nobody is connecting the shot to the sickness/death.

And horrible news – it looks like Newsome is winning.

Sep 14, 2021 12:32 AM
Reply to  Judith

Here’s the Yahoo article; it was gone, but it came back:

A California couple who died of COVID-19 just weeks apart left 5 kids behind, including a newborn daughter


Here’s a salient quote:

Vong Serey told the San Bernardino Sun that his sister, who was a registered labor and delivery nurse, was not vaccinated and was hesitant to get the shot while pregnant.

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention have urged those who are pregnant to get vaccinated after finding no increased risk of miscarriage from those who got the shot.

It’s unclear whether or not Daniel Macias, a middle school teacher, was vaccinated.

The usual hearsay and ambiguity. Yahoo’s home page is a fertile source of Megadeath Virus of Doom Little Big Lie infoganda. I’ve even come to perversely collect screen grabs of their daily devotions to the scamdemic. 

This article is headed “Insider”; I don’t know if it’s the same as “Business Insider”, some vile rag that prolifically publishes the most lurid COVID scare stories.

It’s depressing that Newsom may survive the recall attempt, but at this point I have to say, “Forget it, Jake– it’s California.”

Sep 13, 2021 2:22 PM

As everybody knows, the U$ team to the Military Olympics in Wuhan in 2019 (year 1 BCE — Before Covid Era) contained guards from Fort Detrick Bioweapons Lab. The U$ team performed abysmally and some of them were ill. Two years later, other athletes begin to connect the dots:

“The Origin [of Con-19]
More athletes say they fell ill during the Military World Games at Wuhan in October. German volleyball player Jacqueline Brock alleged that she got COVID-19 despite no cases being reported until December 2019. “After a few days, some athletes from my team got ill, I got sick in the last two days. I have never felt so sick, either it was a very bad cold or COVID-19, I think it was COVID-19.” French pentathlete Elodie Clouvel claimed she and her partner Valentin Belaud contracted the virus at the Games. Italian fencer Matteo Tagliarol also said everyone in his apartment in the city fell ill with symptoms “that looked like those of COVID-19”. Luxembourg triathlete Oliver Gorges said he fell ill with a flu and is now to undergo an antibody test this week to see if he has COVID-19.” Read full article →

Sep 13, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

Fort Detrick remains suspect #1 to those with any historical knowledge of this field.

Outsourcing, privatisation and PPP has changed the picture somewhat… which is why they can point the finger at their public-private partners: ‘my hands are clean.’

Sep 14, 2021 10:02 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Just as they point fingers at their privatised/outsourced terrorists.

Sep 13, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  NickM

whatever was here cairns nth qld sept, oct 2019…..one person I knew even ended up on a ventilator in hospital sept 2019….2 others I knew were very ill…we thought it came in with the international students as cairns had a lot back then…it didn’t seem to overly spread but anyone who got IT that I knew was seriously ill…we had a lot of flu, cold type things wandering those days…so at one level I am not surprised there was trouble with illness at those games…with or without fort Dinvolvement…

Incidentally, I have not known anyone to be seriously ill with anything like that since despite all the carry on…I have watched people struggling with jab side effects..

Sep 13, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  Edith

Interesting that you say those who got IT [Covid-19?] in 2019 were seriously ill, but you do not know anyone to be seriously ill like that since. This fits with something posted on OffG about a year ago: that the original Wuhan strain died out not long after it had escaped into the wild.
Fauci’s Frankenstein virus obviously needed constant nurturing by technicians in Fauci’s Wuhan Lab to keep it going at peak condition. Covid-19 is the F-35 of the bioweapons world.

Sep 13, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  NickM

David E Martin has done a few interviews lately that document Fauci/NIH/NIAID/UnivNC/Ft. Detrick/Wuhan.

This thing started back in 1990. His information is very interesting. And all documented.

Sep 13, 2021 2:04 PM

Most of you have probably seen this video but it’s from the horse’s mouth so to speak.It’s on Bitchute,Lindie Naughton -Journalist speaking to John o’Looney-Undertaker.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 13, 2021 1:49 PM

Leonard Cohen, may he rest in peace wrote a song ‘Democracy Is Coming To The USA’ I don’t think he was just referring to the USA but also other anglo sphere countries which have hitched their wagons to US hegemony, the ‘Five Eyes.’ I now understand that great song as the Orwellian ‘democracy’ that was brought to the Middle East which has now come home to roost as a war on domestic terrorism (un-jabbed in Canada) their new invented enemy. Just as they did twenty years ago where they used 9/11 to justify the destruction of Afghanistan they are using covid to justify the destruction of western civil society and their civil rights. The bridges have been burned behind us and there is no going back despite that carrot being dangled to get us to take the jab. It was always about the ‘Great Reset’ and covid is the vehicle to make it happen for these monsters. Instead of bombs, they are using biological terror this time. In a sense we have become Afghanistan. So the great reset is coming and the Oligarchs and war-mongers want it to be in their image because it has always worked for them and not the common people. Our government has betrayed us. There is no transparency anymore, it is rule by decree with no opposition and no debate. For the Canadian Government to call a federal election during a pandemic in a stressed population when there has literally been no opposition or debate for almost two years is the epitome of incompetence, negligence and irresponsibility. It would be more or less the same with any political party. While we were all distracted by the wonders of big tech, a silent coupe has been taking place that has infested every western institution with their… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 3:05 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Funny, they passed a motion in Parliament a while back with only one dissenter (the one who was kicked out of the party): No elections until the ‘demic is over. 
Next election was to be due by Oct 2023.
So does this mean the ‘demic is over and the feds don’t have to spent a billion $ on vaccine passports?
VOTE NO. 118
 Sitting No. 103 – Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Opposition Motion (Elections during a pandemic)
Motion Sponsor:
Alain Therrien (Bloc Q)
Opposition Motion (Elections during a pandemic)
(a) the House remind the government that a general election was held in October 2019
and sadly note that more than 1.3 million Canadians, including almost 360,000 Quebecers, 
have been infected with COVID-19 and that nearly 25,000 people have died as a result; and
(b) in the opinion of the House, holding an election during a pandemic would be irresponsible,
and that it is the responsibility of the government to make every effort to ensure that voters 
are not called to the polls as long as this pandemic continues.
See the published vote in the Journals of May 25, 2021
Results: Agreed To 
Yea: 327
Nay: 1 (Derek Sloan, Hastings Ont, IND)
Paired: 0
Total: 328


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 13, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Looks like Justin is on the way out , a small kindness in my book ! As a US appointed satrap his arrogance and buffoonery were embarrassing to native born Canadians who hold only 1 passport and desire Canadian interests to be primary .

Sep 13, 2021 1:37 PM

The sort of mockery that makes their contempt apparent:


Thirteen happens to be the ‘Death’ card in the Tarot major arcana. ‘There’s some Tarot references in 9/11. ‘The Tower’ card is referenced in the WTC attacks. The ‘falling man’ photo that the media tried to make an icon of the day is in the same position as ‘The Hanged Man’.

At least some of the elite take the Tarot very seriously. Rather curiously, Aleister Crowley got an artist to design a new deck for him… and the artist was the wife of the Liberal Party chief whip. How exactly do certain narratives we’re given (Crowley was a powerless, despised outcast; the Liberals are the part of reason and moderation) make sense in light of this?

Sep 13, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Such a thought provoking post, Edwige. The symbols are there to help us interpret what happens around us. They are also there as a template for the orchestrators and manipulators. The world can take shape around these images.

Turning to the politics, I think the Liberals were as rotten as the the Conservatives in Crowley’s time – and after. A chief whip would know all the dirt. Even today, there are some unsavoury individualism (do what thou wilt) floating around among Liberals (and the rest of course) to this day. The list could go on but here are two for starters: Jeremy Thorpe and Clement Freud.

Sep 13, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  MB-J

Also Cyril Smith. He was like Jimmy Savile, a friend of his, but Smith was obscenely fat and preferred boys.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Sep 13, 2021 1:35 PM

I hope I’m not being unfair.

This is a story from Mail UK about a man beating up two policewomen in Sydney for asking him to move on.

Is anyone on here qualified to assess the blows especially the knee action?

Could those blows be ‘pulled’?


Sep 13, 2021 2:14 PM

Don’t look pulled to me! But we don’t know what caused him to flip either, we didn’t see the actions that led to this, I highly doubt they just “asked him to move on” and he immediately started windmilling. If he did he’s mentally unstable, maybe made more unstable by the draconian legislation.

No way he was mentally fit and flipped when “just asked to move on.” mentally fit people don’t react like that, the only way to get mentally fit people to do that is by provoking them, which the film is unable to show as it starts too late. I can’t find the original so not sure if it was cut, or just missed the initiation.

Sep 13, 2021 3:10 PM

This guy did what I would feel like doing to anyone trying to vax me or my family.

So he was told to move on, maybe an overreaction on his part…but the MSM put out so much shyte how do we know it relates to the reported incident or even if the guy was genuine and not a paid actor? Phukem with their history of lying I wouldn’t put it past them.

The bastards are itching for more aggressive police and now the phukers have an excuse. Thats what they are selling on this article.

Sep 13, 2021 11:59 AM

Funny how those of us who question anything official are never called sceptics. No, that honour is reserved for those who question the ‘conspiracy theorists’. Why? Sceptic is a privileged term these days that suggests rational thought, critical thinking and the like. If you are sceptical about the commonly accepted version of anything, you are not being properly sceptical. To be a sceptic, you have to wait for an alternative interpretation to be expressed and then ‘debunk’ it. How odd.

Sep 13, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  MBJ

There was a day when it was the job of the Press to be sceptic. Remember?

I am ordering some shirts and a bumper sticker that says “Question Everything”.

If I have any words of wisdom to the young people in my life it would be that.

Sep 13, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Judith

“Question Everything”.

And hold fast to what proves true.

Sep 13, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  NickM


Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 14, 2021 11:52 PM
Reply to  MBJ

You’ve put into words exactly what I’ve been thinking for quite a while. I have a nephew who’s a self-described ‘sceptic’ but is totally on board with the official 9/11 narrative.

The 9/11 and Covid ‘conspiracy-theory-debunking’ articles on the RationalWiki website – https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page – are good examples of the phenomenon you’ve described.

I’d love to know who funds those bastards. Had a bit of a poke around but couldn’t come up with anything.

Sep 13, 2021 11:34 AM

All this operation covid has been written in movies for a long time. These movie scenes are not insignificant. This is from Inception (2010). The film itself is about planting ideas in peoples minds. Check this out:

DiCaprio: An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious, and the smallest seed of an idea can grow, it can grow and define or destroy you

Mal: The smallest idea such as ‘your world is not real’. Simple little thought that changes everything. So certain of your world, of what’s real.

DiCapio: I know what’s real Mal.

Mal: No creeping doubts? Not feeling persecuted Dom? Chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces, the way the projections persecute the dreamer? Admit it, you don’t believe in one reality anymore.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 11:03 AM

Psy-op pointers:

The same expressions are being used over and over. Surges, spikes, raging, floods etc. Not always in relation to covid either.

Thus the WSW says

“Covid cases surge in Britain with accompanying flood of hospitalisations”

“UK schools in state of disrepair as they reopen to a raging pandemic”

But these expressions are transferrable to other areas too:

“Eviction filings in US spike in week following end of moratorium”

And nature.com tells us: “emissions continue to spike. That inflates projections of the effects of global warming”

climatesignals.org tells us: “Storm Surge Increase – Climate Signals”

All referring back to one of the most impressive configurations in the Western psyche: the Biblical flood.

Sep 13, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Have you done any research into previous great resets in past eras, I hear there have been many?

Sep 13, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Sa6re

The whole mud floods/Tartaria thing came out of nowhere and most of the people I see pushing it (like Jan Irvin and David Weiss) seem to me like disinfo (i.e. not everything they’ve come up with is wrong but it’s mixed with rubbish).

There were mud floods because basements had windows and there are photos of cities with very few people? There’s certainly fakery in received History – but it needs a bit more evidence than this….

One thing I do find very odd is some of the land on old maps that now seems submerged. The land between Iceland and Greenland is a particularly weird one closely followed by Guam.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  Sa6re

Good question.

One “switch” may be the turn to “neoliberalism” at the end of the 70s. But then again that was based on some memes which were long established e.g. the “inefficiency” of the public sector (inefficient because it blasphemously suggested there may be aims higher than monetary profit maximisation), the notion that the welfare state encouraged “dependency” (although it was OK for state funds to be redirected towards the private sector).

But this neoliberalism didn’t appear as such a huge shake up since it initiated a long slow change – though it had to be constantly backed up by Thatcher’s “No Alternative” mantra.

9/11 was another “reset” and much more instantaneously disruptive than neoliberalism. That event was all about transforming us into “warriors” and so re-enacting the militarisation of the two world wars.

Speaking of which, these wars involved vast mobilisation of fear and an appeal to “do your duty”. And at the bottom was an emphasis on national boundaries that was very much consciously planned to head off all the socialist urging towards internationalism.

But I’m sure there have been “resets” going on all the time through history. (Guy Fawkes was one.)

Sep 13, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

on the global radio today in london a commercial
like many commercials government funded.

london radio station advert that talked of what to do in times of flood
get to high ground was the hilarious very expensive advice.

30 secs later the talking point was climate change and folks blocking motorways to save the planet

everything is psy op everything deception rape murder and theft
everything is year zero bolshevik robbery
converting the sovereign man into civil slave

Sep 13, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc


spuriants — spurious claims of new viruses
samiants — computer models that deviate slightly from the previous computer model
surpfizers — no side-effects, so far, surphizingly
comirnaty — getting facial paralysis while doing your bit for the…

The latter is real and (I believe) a sick Gates joke at the expense of the vaccinated.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 10:47 AM

Ever noticed how headlines seem to diverge from the articles they head? Here is a Graud headline suggesting a clear warning!

“UK epidemiologist warns over third wave”

The article actually says

“On the progress of a third wave, he said modelling suggests there are “slow increases” in case numbers, hospitalisations and deaths, but that “on the bright side” increases are relatively slow.”

In short, nothing that “he” (the ever present Mr Ferguson of course) says would really confirm a “third wave”. But you can’t hold back our headline boys!

In any case, they are already working hard on the next one (again Graud):

“UK vaccine volunteers to help prepare for next virus at new Pandemic Institute
The Liverpool site will work with other international centres to research the threat of emerging disruptive diseases”

Note the plural!

Sep 13, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

modelling shmoldelling…

post-modern gov modelling science Vs actual science..


Sep 13, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

According to Raymond Shaw’s evil mother in the novel The Manchurian Candidate, nobody reads beyond the headlines anyway.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 10:36 AM

Irony alert! Compare two headlines from The Graud:


Society Sharp rise in acute medical beds occupied by children with nowhere else to go

Doctors in parts of England ‘babysitting’ for children who have been displaced due to violent or self-harming behaviour

‘No mental health bed’ Why children end up on acute wards

And this:

Coronavirus Vaccinating teenagers against Covid is priority, says UK epidemiologist

The “epidemiologist” in question is the ubiquitous Neil Ferguson.

Sep 13, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Strange about the stray children. Reminds me of the mudflood conspiracy guys who talk of orphan trains and the 100’s of thousands of foundlings that apparently appeared during the 1800’s and were used in workhouses and such.

Sep 13, 2021 10:25 AM

What’s the collective noun for ‘addicts’ ?
No matter, we all know that politicians and authority figures are ADDICTED to authority.
They will say and do anything to feed their addiction and stay in authority.
It’s not just about money, they get their jollies from playing God.

Sep 14, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

hv long viewed the ruling class as addicts enslaved by an unquenchable thirst for power. feed on negative energy thru assorted perverse addictions & seek to create a world where such become the norm, bringing ppl on board with their dark agenda. indeed they get off on playing god. agree its not just about money, yet there’s seeing oneself as god & occult aspect of money as gold symbolizing god ~ the metal of the sun, solar magick, divine power & intelligence.

Sep 14, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Johnny

A ‘covid’ of addicts.

Or perhaps just a ‘jab’…

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 10:20 AM

Another moral tale now circulating: “A four-year-old child died of COVID-19 last Tuesday in Texas just four hours after exhibiting symptoms, in a tragic example of the expanding impact of the pandemic on children across the United States. Kali Cook of Barclif, Texas, began showing symptoms of COVID-19 around 2 a.m. and by 7 a.m. that same morning she had passed away in her sleep. Kali’s mother was unvaccinated and had tested positive for COVID-19 the day before.” (from WSW) Just as a matter of interest, don’t you think an autopsy ought to be performed in which we could have confirmation of the claims made here? And indeed click2houston.com says, “GCHD & ME’s Offices backtrack, now say they will not count 4-yr-old’s death as a COVID-19 death until autopsy completed ME’s Office says it must first wait until completed autopsy” But we don’t have time for that and the WSW must deliver the moral from the mother: “I was one of the people that was anti, I was against it,” she told Daily News. “Now, I wish I never was.” They are not alone: Independent: “Four-year-old girl dies of Covid after anti-vaxxer mom contracts virus” kansascity.com: “Young daughter of unvaccinated mom dies of COVID in Texas” star-telegram.com: “Young daughter of unvaccinated mom dies of COVID in Texas” (identical wording, no less) The story is irresistible! No time to lose! Flog it! Now, as far as I can see, the autopsy results have yet to be announced and indeed the comments under click2houston.com are interesting: “It’s now Sunday and no one is talking.” “Me thinks the media needs to take a big bite of the sandwich and say they ran a story without confirmation” “If the vaccine can’t stop you from getting Covid or from spreading it, what exactly is the… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I did some background research on this case a couple of days ago (ie. looking at the Facebook pages of all the individuals named, including the child’s grandmother Terena Pike). On Terena Pike’s pages there is a photograph of the little girl sleeping on a hospital bed …dating from December 2019. To quote “Me and Kali are visiting Clear Lake again. Looking like croup. Hopefully go home in a few hours”. This is followed by a lot of sympathetic posts along the lines of “Praying for you”. “Hope she’s ok”.

Not only that, further back on 13 October 2019 there is this: “Please say a prayer for my granddaughter Kali. We are back in the hospital” and “Moved breathing treatments from every 3 hrs to every hr”. Followed by, on 16 October “Lil Miss Kali got to go home today. Thank you everyone for your prayers”. So the little girl clearly had a history of serious respiratory problems.

It is, incidentally, clear from her latest F’book posts that the grandmother is still very much expressing ‘anti-vax’ sentiments.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:21 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks for that info. It really is astonishing how utterly shameless the whole spooked up media are in using anything that comes to hand to shovel their shite. And it is their spin that will carry on through. It’s all about, as Michael Parenti said, “setting the mood”. Details? You want details? Good God! Are you some kind of monster?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I found Terena Pike’s FB page and, sure enough, it still has covid sceptic stuff after mention of Kali’s death.

Not that that makes any difference to the octopoid ministry of truth. A search for Terena and covid brings up this list:


Harwood’s mother, Terena Pike, had previously posted skepticism about the vaccine, but now Harwood said that she and her fiancé, …


Harwood’s mother, Terena Pike, had previously been skeptical about the vaccine, but Harwood is considering vaccination for her and her …


Harwood’s mother, Terena Pike, had previously been skeptical about the vaccine, but Harwood is considering vaccination for her and her …


Harwood’s mother, Terena Pike, had previously expressed skepticism about the vaccine, but now Harwood has said that she and her fiancé, …

I presume they were all supplied the same song sheet?

Sep 13, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I wonder what is going through v*c resistor’s heads when they go an get tested?

I know one in my circle. Vehement anti, but lined up far a farking test as soon as he had a sniffle.

Sep 14, 2021 10:33 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“4 hours after exhibiting symptoms”: Even if they had PCR-tested her, the result would not be available in 4 hours.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 9:42 AM

I just returned from a birthday party in which there was much hugging. Indeed one old friend who hugged me did so again almost immediately and I reckon it’s because he was surprised I hugged him back the first time.

When I told my wife this heartening story, she was appalled that we dared to do this. Yes, she has imbibed the newly programmed covid pitch and has been reconfigured along these parameters. She then started to wonder if there will be another lockdown – which if it happens (if?) she will probably blame me for.

I lost my temper at this point and started blasting off about how much shit it all was and she countered by saying that I could talk it over with some acquaintance of her who happened to be an NHS nurse. At which point I wondered what such an encounter would teach me. After all, my very own doctor had given me the straight faced speech about the terrible virus (i.e. his face was straight. I don’t know if my own face managed it).

Sep 13, 2021 10:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

doctors! friend with history of heart attacks and a pacemaker/stents was told to get the shot 🙁

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 13, 2021 3:19 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Shoot em up with saline at $200 US a pop and hope for a placebo effect ? A real money maker from many of our business school motivated doctors .

Sep 13, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“I’m not a real actor, I only play one at the hospital”

Sep 13, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I can hook you up w that girl from Canada

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Great stuff! And it’s so heartening to see the response:

Up votes: 8.9K

Down votes: 42

Sep 13, 2021 5:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yeah… they want us to believe we’re a minority… people are just hiding…

Sep 13, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Brilliant GM you do make me laugh in this madness

Sep 13, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Never mind the prospect of another lockdown. I really don’t want to know the details of your connubial bliss, but if a wayward hug with a third party “triggered” your wife as described, I assume that you’re now required to quarantine at home.
“Lysistrata” comes to mind. 😉

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 13, 2021 9:32 AM

More concentrated excrement from the wicked witch in the east.


Ha ha ha ha she actually thinks she’s going to get 80%. Not only that you must be double jabbed!!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 9:22 AM

And after the update on the covid-o-rama, this icy blast of reality:


Again, note the theme (only this time it’s real!)

“UK must prepare for more economic shocks, says TUC

The UK needs to be better prepared for future economic shocks, says the TUC.”

Good God! That covid thing is really going to sink us all! But hang on a mo! Did you say “covid”?

“”Covid is not going to be a one-off,” the union federation’s general secretary, Frances O’Grady, will tell its annual congress later on Monday.

Climate chaos is here already and the longer we put off getting to net zero, the more disruptive it will be,” she will add….

Speaking to the TUC Congress in London, Ms O’Grady will highlight the danger to workers from further pandemics, climate change and technological disruption.”

I really think we should have a new department: one dedicated to Prophecy and Premonition! I have certainly never heard such a load of crystal balls!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 9:14 AM

So what is the flavour of our “words for today”? See if you can spot a theme here: “Covid: More than 300,000 suspected of breaking quarantine rules Nearly a third of people arriving in England and Northern Ireland as the coronavirus Delta variant took off may have broken quarantine rules. More than 300,000 cases were passed to investigators between March and May, according to figures seen by the BBC. The government was not able to say how many of these were found to have broken the rules or could not be traced.” “May”/”could be”/ “according to figures seen” etc. Cue angry Left response: “Incompetence! Criminal negligence!” etc. And what do you know? Here it is! “But Labour’s shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said the figures obtained by the BBC “confirm our worst fears” about the government’s “lax border policy“. And he accused the Home Office of “gross negligence“.” Outcome: chaos, confusion, panic, … gaslighting! Uh-oh Look here: “The Home Office has said it aims to pay home visits to all travellers suspected of not following the rules.” Expect a knock on the door anytime soon. (Even if you haven’t been travelling, it may come. You know how “incompetent” they are!) Now how about this? “People arriving from high-risk countries – deemed “red list” – had to quarantine in a hotel.   Those coming from “amber list” – or medium-risk areas – were required to self-isolate for 10 days and provide evidence of negative Covid tests. And a link to this urgent article: “Which countries have been added to the green list?” Red and yellow and pink and green/Purple and orange and blue/I can sing a rainbow/Sing a rainbow/Sing a rainbow too And let’s keep the back burner hot: “What is the Delta variant and is it more dangerous?” And let’s… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Labour still counts as “left”? Starmer would be shocked, and demanding expulsions…

Sep 13, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yep he’s busy expelling anyone left of him!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 13, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  DaveMass

anyone left of him!

Isn’t that everyone?

Sep 13, 2021 8:31 AM

UK Column News – 10th September 2021 To Shoot Or Not — Mixed Messages On Children and Boosters Savij Javid, UK vax vamp: boosters to be authorized soon Sarah Gilbert, Oxford researcher: only for vulnerable Wales Online: Wales is preparing to give 12-15 y/o Covid jabs despite JCVI guidance Hertfordshire CC: Vaccinations start for 12-15 y/o with supressed immune system/ a condition that means they’re at a high risk from Covid-19 Javid goes on TV to undermine parental consent (doesn’t mention parents get stuck with the bill if something goes wrong.) EU Regulator Admits AZ Vaccine Paralysis Risk – But ‘Very Rare’ Guillain-Barre syndrome affects fewer than one in 10,000 Daily Mail graphic suggests half all global cases are in UK MHRA apparently still not investigating vaccine harm — has ties to pharma companies. UKC report on man paralysed from neck down resulted in the channel being banned from YouTube UK Flu Vaccines Are DNA Variety Recombinant Vaccines To Replace Egg-Based ones @00:16:19 UKC told in email from NHS staffer Mystery Fatality Figures — Misinformation and Muddle from UK Gov Covid Deaths Rate In UK Questioned 3,459 Deaths from Feb to Sep 2021 – NHS Public Health England 19,790 Deaths from Feb to Aug 2021 – UK Gov 722,358 Cases from Oct 2020 to Aug 2021 – NHS PHE 5,465,000 Cases from Oct 2020 to Aug 2021 – UK Gov Mike Robinson: PHE must by measuring a subset. What methodology is used to sequence and select, how can the public know the data is balanced and objective? Why don’t fact checkers find out why the UK is not providing clear information because the data is rubbish and officials can make up whatever narrative they like. Brian Gerrish: MPs get the same dodgy data via ministers or the House of Commons Library. Defence &… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sky: COVID-19: ‘Anti-vaccine posters found with razor blades attached to back of them to cut people as they are taken down, union says.’

Good lord the razor blade legend again. Another culture war meme updated for covid.

Sep 13, 2021 8:28 AM

a book convinced her about 911?

Someone send her Matt Ridley books so she can wake up completely and stop calling people climate change deniers.

Deos eveyone get a pass because they get 911 and covid, but want to enslave us in other ways?

The woman has zero credibility IMO.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Sep 13, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Zero credibility? Imp! Stop shouting at that mirror!

Sep 13, 2021 11:15 AM

pot kettle idiot

Sep 13, 2021 8:17 AM

As predicted. The hospitals are filling up……….with the vaccinated!!!


Ilya G Poimandres
Ilya G Poimandres
Sep 13, 2021 8:03 AM

Does anyone know of any studies, of any data – even anectodal personal experiences, of people who have ingested the bioweapon, who then got sick ‘with covid/delta’, and who used ivermectin?

I know it’s super safe anyways, but I am leaving for Russia for good (rat jumps the sinking ship that is the UK), and will bribe doctors for it to get it to my friends in the dead country.. a little bit of relevant evidence would help them not be as scared perhaps!

Sep 13, 2021 8:33 AM

I read in a report somewhere that either in Canada or Australia in hospitals they are giving ivermectin to covid patients who have been vaccinated and are sick with covid, presumably so they get better. Unvaccinated patients are being put on ventilators and not given ivermectin. I don’t know if this is true or not, but it seems plausible.

Sep 13, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Kitty

Ivermectin? Isn’t that now re-branded “horse de-wormer”? That’s all the media seem to keep calling it.

Sep 13, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yep it is the headline in MSM even though it is used for scabies, river blindness, etc. And is available from doctors!
Cheap and generic Nobel prize winner…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Sep 13, 2021 9:41 AM

Doesn’t matter if you can’t get ivermectin, as long as vitamin C in large doses is freely and cheaply available – as it is in Britain. It does the job conclusively, on its own, so long as you take at least 30 grams (sic) a day, as the pure powdered form, ascorbic acid or the milder-tasting sodium ascorbate, in water, in divided doses: a mouthful from the jug every half hour, round the clock. Higher doses can be taken, and are wholly safe.

My experience with covid is that this regimen takes a maximum of three days to finish it off. Less trouble than a very mild cold in all that time.

C is an essential nutraceutical food supplement, not a drug. There is no known lethal dose. Excess is just peed out. See ‘Doctoryourself.com’ for extensive information about C as prophylactic and curative.

Vitamin D supplements alongside a daily prophylactic C intake of two-to-three grams a day, in slow-release tabs, will provide belt-and-braces protection. Note that this vitamin regimen is even safer than ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, though these drugs have long, long worldwide records of use, and are very safe also. Neither of them clash with C or D. Take a combo if you wish, but C will do it alone.

Ilya G Poimandres
Ilya G Poimandres
Sep 13, 2021 10:19 AM

Thanks, I’m just trying to see whether it is worth getting some foreign friends to send some to my bioweaponed friends in the UK!

(I second the Vit C no lethal limit thing, as well as its effectiveness. I liked the taste as a kid and munched through 1/2 a year RDA every day for three days as a teenager (yummy!), only had a small patch of skin turn a bit yellow, but otherwise nada bad!)

Sep 13, 2021 12:41 PM

30 grams a day for eveyone?

When the TUL is 2000mg? and anyone with iron accumilation issue would have serious consiquences, like those with hemochromatosis. Not to mention kidney stones.

Even the FLCCC protocols limit Vit C to 2000mg per day.


Do you own research relevant to your own medical history, don’t listen to idiots.

Sep 13, 2021 4:45 PM

Here in Thailand fruit and veg is so cheap I get lots of C and D plus other vits.
Walk in sunshine helps too!

Sep 13, 2021 5:14 PM
Reply to  DaveMass

30 g a day that’s what, 1.5 tons of oranges a month (?)

Sep 14, 2021 12:30 PM

:- Commonly used across Africa for some prevalent diseases.
:- Indian government was handing out packs that included it for home treatment – until it went big on the jab.
:- Japanese professor urges WHO to use it.
:- Japan approves ivermectin.
:- 305 studies of effectiveness of HCQ and the 96 studies of effectiveness of Ivermectin. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/06/10/when-will-the-mass-murder-by-public-health-authorities-and-health-care-providers-cease/

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 13, 2021 4:43 AM

comment image
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 13, 2021 4:56 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image
comment image

Sep 13, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I don’t know how you think them up, S. Cooper. Brilliant.

Sep 13, 2021 6:01 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

The NY dr also indicated that extract of green tea works as well….these things are only transporters for zinc as I understand it….so one can get access to what one needs….and the interesting bit should be noted by all is these protocols should work on any cold and/ or flu given they exist…..I had fun telling this to a pro vax today who was complaining that his son was quite ill with a general cold….they really have trouble making the connection between a general cold/flu and covid…it is like they think covid comes from Mars…

Sep 13, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

There is no test for the ‘Delta variant’ — and it is not used as a descriptor on the wards, according to a U.S. nurse whistle blower. Hmm. Suggests Delta is nothing but a particularly virulent form of propaganda.

Anyone who ‘tests positive for Covid’ is put on a Covid ward — fast tracked to Remdesivir and ventilator — whether or not they have respiratory symptoms.

First-degree murder. No other word for it. It is not euthanazia or ‘mercy killing’.


Sep 13, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This comment supports the above.

Juan Nadie
Juan Nadie
Sep 13, 2021 2:37 AM

Those who are vaccinated with the Covid lethal injections should be trembling with fear at what they’ve done to themselves. We’re on the cusp of a colossal public health disaster of Vaccine Enhanced Illness. Read Karl’s account at The Market Ticker: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=243548&ord=3705599#3705599

Sep 13, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  Juan Nadie

i know/love 2 such persons. i am certainly trembling with fear 🙁

Sep 13, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  Juan Nadie

The original post is a worrying description of Vaccine Enhanced Infection (ADE is a subset of VEI)

“it’s a pull the damned alarm right now because the risk of people being imminently ****ed en-masse is on the table sort of event.”

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 13, 2021 2:24 AM


Thank you Elizabeth Woodworth.
It would be great if real democracy actually still existed and there was a choice for Canadians in this coming Sep 20 federal election but there isn’t.
Anyone that thinks that voting for another colour-party like blue or orange will stop this covid train wreck is kidding themselves. They are all servants to a global elite (whatever you want to call them). It’s a sham designed to give Canadians the illusion of choice.
As a Canadian, i will not be voting.
If enough Canadians did this it would at least signal a non-confidence in a Government that has abandoned it’s people, shattered the trust it had and destroyed the fabric of Canadian society. And they are just getting warmed up – wait till the Liberals get their majority – you ain’t seen nothing yet.
But alas, most Canadians are in a trance and seem ok with demonizing the un-jabbed who are being pummelled in the media as akin to domestic terrorists.
The quizzing Justin (and his handlers) are seeking a mandate to squash those refusing the jab and to get rid of them once and for all.
Don’t give it to them.

Sep 13, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  simon crow

Is Alberta still a covid bullshit free zone? btw the media are liars. They not representing what people really think. It’s part of the delusion they peddle. “being pummelled in the media as akin to domestic terrorists” in the media. The liars. They do the same thing in Aus but the vax rates tell a different story.
According to the latest stats only around 50% of Aussies have received one jab.

Sep 13, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  simon crow

How does not voting bring down the government? If voting and not voting makes no difference then why is your solution – not voting – any more of a solution than voting? They don’t vote in China, but they still have all the oopression of social scoring, goverment as parents, etc. Surely there is a way that voting can be used to overcome the current fiasco.

Sep 13, 2021 4:15 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Yes Agreed 100%. The voting system is a total crock. The whole system must be wiped out. Just look at the usual suspects. A revolving door of the same two parties taking turns and ensuring that the rich get richer. The end.

Sep 13, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  John

Voting ritual does work….its works perfectly for them.
their system was create exactly like that.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 13, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  John

Josef Stalin is reputed to have voiced the following:

“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything,”

Fact checkers claim there is no evidence that he never voiced this, which in itself is strong evidence that he did.

Big al
Big al
Sep 13, 2021 4:46 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

We cannot vote for those that seek to subjugate, and even kill us, i.e., the oligarchy controlled political parties. We can however vote for ourselves. We must organize as a collective force. There are enough of us. In the U.S., both political parties only include about 50% of the voting eligible public. Each political party only represents twenty something percent of Americans. Independents now almost outnumber the total of both democrats and republicans. But we have no one to vote for because we’re fragmented and have never organized as a major block to challenge the oligarchy parties, and the system has effectively blocked third party challenges, and the media has trained the public to accept everything within the two party narrative. That’s the only way within the current systems. It can be done, but it would require a gargantuan effort, a lot of money, and a determined set of organizers.

Sep 13, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  simon crow

I see that the Northern Truth Seeker site from Canada has been taken down. He has been all over this scam since day 1 with accurate reporting of just what Manitoba state has been up to and that cretinous lapdog JT. Hope he is safe.

Sep 14, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  simon crow

Send a message. Vote for Max. If enough people noted PPC, the government would gave to start paying attention.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 13, 2021 1:51 AM


This is right out of the Fauci play book. Remdesivir is deadly and causes more deaths in hospitals than any other drug via kidney failure. (Vancomycin close second)

So you get your jab. A few months later, you have the “delta variant” (i.e you now starting to die from the “vaccine”).  Go to hospital and they give you this shit!! Guaranteed to kill you. It’s euthanasia.

And big surprise the Aus Bullshit Corp is pushing it as a safe and wonderful treatment. I wanna puke!!

Don’t go to hospital. Once they diagnose you with covid they follow a protocol designed to kill you. Doctors these days are nothing more than glorified Big PHarma pill dispensing machines. Plenty of herbs work for viral/bacterial infections. I suggest everyone get 2 books called Herbal Antivirals and Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Buhner. Haven’t taken a drug in years.

Sep 13, 2021 6:05 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

We were wondering up here why they were spending millions building new hospitals without extra beds and I suspect that is becoming clearer by the day…and it won’t be for the unvax as they tend to be far more healthier…it will be where they put the vax to sleep so their numbers are deduced and so not as many beds are needed…

Sep 13, 2021 6:39 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

The NIH actually states it and Fauci insists it’s used. Who is this guy!

Remdesivir.  Read the abstract…
This is the nicest most round about way I have ever heard a Government department state that something will destroy your kidneys. Guaranteed.

“Based on ARF cases reported in VigiBase, and despite the caveats inherent to COVID-19 circumstances, we detected a statistically significant pharmacovigilance signal of nephrotoxicity associated with remdesivir, deserving a thorough qualitative assessment of all available data.”

Sep 13, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Kidney disease has a very close association with severe pneumonia/ILI.
The treatment leads to the symptoms it’s meant to be treating.
AZT all over again.

Sep 13, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Echinacea tincture (infuse dried root in your choice of 40 proof spirit) is great for giving your immune system a now and again heavy boost. Take it at the first sign of a cold and wake up next day with no traces anything was ever there.

A very good daily immune system strengthening drink is fresh turmeric lemonade. Make with fresh root, fresh ginger, squeezed lemons or limes, honey to sweeten, ground black pepper (needed to activate the turmeric) and a bit of water to pad it out, blend together, keep in the fridge and drink a shot glass full daily. Lasts around 5 days before it starts to ferment. Talk to your doctor if taking blood pressure reduction medication as this does the same and taking both together is not a good idea.

Sep 13, 2021 12:41 AM

i like christopher bollyn it seems his work is not of interest here
if mr david ray griffin is a hero
is christopher the bad guy or a peddler of conspiracy theory.

one can define a man by his position on the ritual that was the 9 and 11

one can also define a site that never mentions important men like bollyn
never talks of 100 billion dollar projects like 5g and the synergy it will bring to covid vaccines and soon to be mega flu vax roll out…

no heroes here just data based

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 13, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  gorden

Hello gorden: Yes. I’ve posted references to Christopher Bollyn’s work a number of times. Nothing but crickets chirping. I’ve also posted links to other solid 9/11 investigations. No one seems to take an interest.

I’ve also posted RICO Statutes pertaining to acts of Terrorism, Collusion, Racketeering, and the illegal nature of providing biological warfare materials to non-state operatives. Nothing but crickets…

I can only conclude that most readers come here to gripe about covid bullshit, As if pissing and moaning is going to accomplish something…

Sep 13, 2021 7:02 AM

Bollyn is a low-key personality – no noise or clamour.
That’s probably why he isn’t better received.
But he’s a very thorough researcher.

Sep 13, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I read and watched Bollyn’s articles and videos a few years ago.

For me his hypothesis seemed too focused on Israel alone. And I imagine that is why he is not better received. ?

(I’m not commenting as regards Offg. Just sayin’..)

Sep 13, 2021 3:59 PM
Reply to  Judith

That sounds likely, Judith, although I didn’t find his focus on the 911 details narrow.

Sep 13, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

NB: I’m going to avoid using certain words/terms that might throw this reply into spam check limbo.  I’ve never commented on my abortive attempt to check out Bollyn, but even though it’s very “anecdotal” it resonates with Judith’s point. I have a close relative, X., who shares my skeptical and contrarian perspective; we are both happy to have a simpatico person to discuss events like 9/11 and the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic. Over the years, we share articles and videos on such topics; occasionally, we send each other links to material we haven’t read/watched yet. Several years ago now, I guess, I sent X. a link to a Bollyn presentation that I hadn’t watched; some forgotten third party had highly recommended it. I think I watched the first few minutes, and was impressed enough to send X. the link. To my surprise and dismay, X. (who is more sympathetic towards Israel than I am), promptly responded by warning me off Bollyn in no uncertain terms. X. reported that he was horrified and thoroughly creeped out by Bollyn’s underlying vicious anti-*ism. X. said that although Bollyn wasn’t direct and explicit, his subliminally-expressed rabidly bigoted agenda was so disturbing that it made the hair stand up on the back of X.’s neck. X. characterized his outrage by saying things like, “This guy seems to think that every businessman with a *ish surname is a criminal!” My preliminary sampling of this video obviously didn’t trigger this profound revulsion, but I was so “chastened”, for lack of a better term, by X.’s insistence that Bollyn’s perspective was too toxically biased to be worthwhile that I was vicariously put off from watching the rest of the video or checking out Bollyn afterwards. Now I think this might be a proverbial “bad rap” to, as “NYPD Blue” TV detective Andy… Read more »

Sep 13, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Ort

I gave Bollyn a wide berth because I was interested in what he had to say. Also, because I do not think that just because someone says something “bad” about Israel or Israeli’s (bad being quite often true), that they are anti-semitic. That is just not true.

He is indeed accused of being antisemitic because of his focus on Israel, but he states that he is not. I think he is or was (?) married to an Israeli, or a woman who’s religion is “Israeli”. (I’m trying to escape spam).

He lived on a kibbutz for awhile.

I will say that the hair on the back of my neck stands up when I read anti semitic slurs, subtle or otherwise, which is why I don’t read unz. But I think it is unfortunate that in most circles the second you utter anything anti Israel, or anti zionist, you are accused of being anti semitic. It’s very frustrating.

I think the situation with Palestine is despicable. I never liked Netenyahu. If I can say simply awful things about my own government why can’t I say them about Israel?

Anyway, Ort, the blowback you got – when you hadn’t even watched the video – must have come as quite a surprise.

Sep 13, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  Judith

Yes, the blowback was a shock; I didn’t see it coming. Fortunately, the elders in my Italian-American family didn’t have, or display, obnoxious ethnic chauvinism– by this I mean extroverted, uncritical boosting of all things Italian. In parochial school, there was some incidental internecine “competition” over the relative superiority of Italians over Irish, and vice-versa– especially around St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s feast days. But it was very silly and superficial.  I mention this because, although it was intense enough to scare me off Bollyn, when I reflected on X.’s reaction a parallel occurred to me: X. sounded exactly like a proud older Italian-American– a Knights of Columbus or Italian-American Social Club official, maybe– reacting to, say, a “60 Minutes” exposé of the Mafia.    You know– watching the first few minutes while one Italian surname after another flashes on the screen as crime families and kingpins are identified by the reporter, then suddenly exclaiming heatedly, “Hey! I think this guy’s real problem is that he doesn’t like Italians! According to him, every Italian businessman is a mafioso!” Then my hypothetical paisan’ would either turn off the TV or leave the room in disgust. You may be aware that some older Italian-Americans, including some of my relatives, stoutly denied that “the Mafia” even existed as an international organized crime syndicate; they opined that it was just an exaggerated anti-Italian smear perpetrated by the mass-media to sell newspapers. Anyway, that was how X. reacted to Bollyn; I think he was so “triggered” that he couldn’t tolerate watching further, or process and assess the merits of the analysis. Oddly, X. also was upset by the term “Z**nist”, which X. incredibly claimed he’d never heard used in such a “pejorative” way. BTW, I never dared to share this comparison with X., because I’m pretty sure it would anger him. ___________________________________________________ Re: “I… Read more »

Sep 14, 2021 4:17 AM
Reply to  Ort

Yes, I’ve heard the complaint about the Mafia portrayals misrepresenting Italian American’s.

Funny, we Irish have no complaints about how we’re represented. Because we know – you’re either Irish, or you wish you were!


I’m not sure if you were joking about the wide berth.
Please explain emoji here.

Sep 14, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Judith

The idiomatic expression “give (X) a wide berth” generally means “avoid somebody; keep away from somebody. Example: He has fallen out with her adviser and has been giving her a wide berth for a couple of months.” 

See: https://www.theidioms.com/give-a-wide-berth/

So it made no sense to me that you would avoid, or steer clear of, Bollyn if you were interested in what he had to say.

I now realize you probably meant it in the sense of “gave leeway to”, i.e. to use another idiom, you “cut Bollyn some slack” because you were interested in his perspective.

FWIW, I’d never heard “wide berth” used in the “leeway” sense before– thus my perplexity.

Sep 14, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Ort

Well, that’s very interesting, Ort.

Obviously that Catholic school you attended had higher standards than mine.

Or you paid attention where I talked to the person next to me. ( I’d put an LOL here but it really wasn’t funny because I should have paid attention. I could have gone to law school and become a Constitutional lawyer and sue the shite out of the US Govt)

In any case, yes, I stand corrected.

If I ever meet Tony Fauci I will give him a wide berth.

Sep 14, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Judith

No, it’s more complicated than that.

It wouldn’t be fair to say I learned nothing in parochial school, but I was an early reader and most of my real education was extracurricular, or autodidactic.

But I didn’t learn the correct use of “wide berth” by paying attention– no, I was the person next to you muttering witticisms until you conspicuously cracked up and got in trouble. 😉

Your other comment reminds me of the only line from a British comedy skit that stuck in my mind when I heard it in my teens; it was decades before the Internet, and possibly before “Monty Python”, and involved a group of miners bemoaning their fate.

It may have come from a “Beyond the Fringe” record, and it was spoken in what I assume was a Welsh accent: “I could’ve been a judge. But I never had the Latin; I never had the Latin for the judgin’… so I became a coal miner.

Oh, and I have EEE-width feet. So if I ever met the abominable Fauci, I’d be tempted to give him a wide boot. See what I did there?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 13, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Hello wardropper: I hadn’t even though of that. You’re right. Chris Bollyn is pretty low key. No tattoos, rings in his nose, doesn’t have the smoky cigar voice, and doesn’t scream into the microphone. How silly of me to not notice…

Sep 13, 2021 12:28 AM

I never believed that it existed as no respectable scientist has ever claimed it existed, only the corporate criminals like Fauci … https://www.globalresearch.ca/laboratories-us-cant-find-covid-19-one-1500-positive-tests/5754978

Sep 13, 2021 12:42 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

If you want a complete synopsis watch this


I did have one question. How did Dr Merritt know that every lab in the world over cycled the test and then claim on this basis conspiracy? (which we all know it is) The WHO instructions clearly state that in the last 2 steps of the thermal process 40 cycles is to be used. But I have no idea in which step that is relevant.

Step Temperature Time Number of cycles
UNG incubation 25°C 2 minutes 1
Reverse transcription 53°C 10 minutes 1
Activation 95°C 2 minutes 1
Denaturation 95°C 3 seconds 40
Anneal / extension 60°C 30 seconds 40

I’m assuming path labs don’t use PCR tests a lot if at all pre covid so why wouldn’t they just follow WHO instructions?

Sep 13, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  John

Dumb comment, sorry. Answered my own question. She was right but it’s obvious that at the Health system level around the world it’s being directed by the WHO. Dr Merritt has my highest regard.

Sep 13, 2021 12:27 AM

“this is not about freedom” Joe Biden

These are not words that should come out of the mouth of a US President.
Bill Lee – Governor Tennessee

Sep 13, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  John

Ditto the premier of nsw claiming she would not want to be in a room full of unvax people…well sweetheart you have spent most of your life in a room full of unvax people so why the sudden carryon?

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 13, 2021 9:25 AM
Reply to  Edith

But she is in a room full of unvaxed people everyday? Her family, her cabinet, herself etc. I’m confused.

Sep 13, 2021 11:01 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Exactly. I would wager that not one mainstream politician or so called royal has had anything more than saline if any jab at all. All part of the propaganda machine. Himmler would be over the moon! The public should have a lottery draw to be able to pick a random vial of the so called vaccine to inject an MP of their choice. Please let me win a ticket God!

Sep 13, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  semaj

Biden has exempted Congress, the Senate and the CDC from getting the vaccine. You can’t make this shit up it’s so farcical!