There’s NO case for “vaccinating” children…& the FDA meeting proves it
Figures and statements from the recent FDA advisory board meeting totally destroy any argument for jabbing kids.
Kit Knightly

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Findings from an FDA meeting are being used to raise alarms about the level of risk Covid poses for children, in order to push for the authorisation of the Pfizer vaccine for kids under eleven.
The real story of the statistics is that children face almost no danger from “Covid”, and the experts at the meeting themselves admit the vaccines have unknown side effects, especially in the long term.
On October 26th, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee held a meeting to vote on allowing Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” for children aged 5-11.
Getting approved by the VRBPAC is a key step on the way to the FDA issuing an EUA, and with the vote passing the Pfizer vaccine is expected to be approved for use on children in November.
The entire meeting was live-streamed, and you can watch the whole eight hours of it below, if you really feel the need:
For those who would rather not, here are the key take-aways:
- Seroprevalence studies suggest, as of June 2021, ~42% of 5 to 11-year-olds have been exposed to Covid.
- Roughly 1.9 million Covid cases have been reported in that age group.
- 8300 of those cases have resulted in hospitalisation.
- One third of hospitalisations resulted in an ICU stay.
- 94 children have died.
These bullet points have been doing the rounds on social media, and in articles, to try and frighten people into believing “Covid” poses a serious risk to their children:
Very good summary from today’s VRBPAC meeting on Covid-19 in the 5-11 year old age group
It’s clearly NOT a benign illness in kids; and there are major racial disparities in terms of which kids get sick@ENirenberg is live tweeting 🙏🙏🙏
— Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH (@GYamey) October 26, 2021
In fact, they show the complete opposite.
Ignore the ridiculous argument about missing school, and ignore the race-baiting nonsense even harder. Focus on the figures.
Five to eleven-year-olds make up roughly 8.7% of the US population, or 28.7 million people. If the seroprevalence data is correct, that means about 11.8 million children aged 5-11 have been exposed to Covid to the point they’ve developed antibodies.
8300 hospitalisations out of 13.4 million people is only 0.07%. So a child infected with Covid has a 99.93% chance of never needing to go into hospital.
94 deaths out of 13.4 million people gives an overall survival rate of 99.992%. Right in line with CDC predictions from months ago.
As if these numbers aren’t small enough, they all come with important riders that make them even smaller.
Firstly, while the hospitalisation and fatality figures are current, the seroprevalence data is from June of this year. Millions more children have likely been exposed to the virus since June, so logically speaking the survival rate is potentially a significant underestimate.
Secondly, we have no idea what (or how many) pre-existing conditions were present in the children that died. We DO know the vast majority of “Covid deaths” have at least one serious co-morbidity, therefore the survival rate for healthy children is probably even higher than 99.992%.
Finally, there’s the most important rider for this entire situation: We don’t know any of these “covid cases” or “covid deaths” ever had “covid” at all.
The existence of the virus sars-cov-2 as a discrete entity that causes the disease known as Covid is not proven. The tests they use to detect this virus are not fit for purpose and can return huge numbers of false positives. And, since “Covid deaths” are defined only as “death from any cause within 30 days of a positive test”, ALL Covid-related statistics are entirely meaningless.
…but let’s put that aside.
Let us assume, for now, that Covid is very real, that all these children had it, and it tragically resulted in 94 of them dying.
Does a survival rate of at least 99.992% justify an EUA for the Pfizer “vaccine”?
To answer that, let’s compare Covid to the flu, and then see what we really know about these “vaccines”.
Covid vs The Flu
According to these numbers, in the US Covid has killed 94 children aged 5-11 since the beginning of the pandemic.
For comparison’s sake, according to the CDC 2017/2018 flu season resulted in the deaths of at least 188 children of all ages, and they report this is “likely an undercount” and the real number was “closer to 600”. The 2019/20 season was similar, with 199 official flu deaths in children, this is also described as an undercount.
The 2009/10 flu season was much worse, when the Swine flu “pandemic” killed at least 358 children.
And that’s just in flu season, the six months from October to May. Covid has been around for almost two years and is allegedly responsible for 645 deaths in children under 18. That’s a comparable rate to flu, without even taking into account the absurd way “covid deaths” are collated to deliberately inflate the numbers.
Interestingly, in the 20/21 flu season, only 9 pediatric flu hospitalisations were reported, down from the expected “several thousand”. While Covid was out there killing people at about the same rate as the flu, only 1 single child is reported to have died of flu.
All of which is pretty remarkable when you think about it.
The vaccines
Having established that Covid has at least a 99.994% survival rate in 5-11 year old children, and that it’s no more dangerous than the flu, is there any argument left for vaccinating children?
Well, yes, there’s the “protect granny” argument.
From the beginning of the pandemic, when it became apparent the allegedly deadly “Covid” plague posed almost no risk whatsoever to children, the argument for vaccinating children wasn’t to protect them, but to prevent them from spreading it to “vulnerable” relatives.
Matt Hancock, the UK’s Health Secretary, even told kids “don’t kill your gran by catching coronavirus and passing it on!”
But do the vaccines mitigate this alleged risk?
No, not according to the latest reports, published in The Lancet and reported by the BBC. The recent study states there is a “continued risk of infection in household contacts despite vaccination”.
So the alleged benefit of vaccinating children turns out to be non-existent. Even if the vaccines were proven safe, injecting them into children has already been shown to be completely pointless…and they are not proven safe.
This is not at all a controversial position, it logically follows that vaccines less than a year old have unknown long-term impacts. Further, Pfizer themselves admit it.
A supply contract between the pharmaceutical giant and the government of Albania, leaked by the independent media, contains a clause that states:
…the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.
The experts from the VRBPAC panel agree. One of them, Dr Eric Rubin of the Harvard School of Public Health, even said at the meeting (6.52.30):
We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is, until we start giving it.”
…which is not at all a confidence-building thing to hear, if you are a parent.
So, there you have it really. Mainstream experts and sources have been clear:
- Children are at virtually no risk from the disease.
- Vaccinated people still transmit the virus.
- The long term side effects of the vaccine entirely unknown.
In light of all that, the relevant question stops being “Is vaccinating your child worth the risk?”. The answer to that seems to be fairly clearly “no”.
Instead, and rather more importantly, we need to ask: Why would any supposedly independent body ever approve an unnecessary, ineffective and experimental medical treatment for use on children?
UPDATE: Amended 06/11/21, calculations previously slightly overestimated the US population as ~350million, have been altered to reflect real number of 329 million.
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There is now an audio version of this piece, available at the head of the article.
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
The fear is so ingrained now, it’s no longer ‘save gran’. I have a friend who finally succombed to being jabbed because their daughter said ‘no jab? Well, you can no longer see your grandchildren’ The youngest grandchild has respiratory issues; the parents fear grannie will make HIM sick!
Here’s an article which states, more or less, what we all suspect anyway. It’s worth a read.
The FDA Is an Absolute Joke: Multiple FDA Committee Members Who Green-lighted Pfizer “Vaccines” for Children Have Financial Ties to Pfizer – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
it should be obvious by now…
that this is an exercise in raw power and control, imbecile kind must offer up their children to molochs gaping maw… or face the wrath of the gods of un-social media.. little timmy must be sacrificed for the ‘common good’… for equity…
… of course imbeciles that believe in absurdity can be made to commit atrocity (which of course they are) and unfortunately for the herd, cow eyes caught in the glare..
unless short sharp justice on a global scale is promptly meted, what’s ahoof is going to get much much worse….
In these godforsaken times, here’s one reason to be cheerful: at the age of 87, the great Alan Garner has just published a new novel:
Now there’s a man who’s never lost the connection to his own ordinary, extraordinary childhood, an artist who keeps the faith and carries the flame. .
Alan Garner – well that takes me back to a time when the local library had real books with depth. Andre Norton and John Gordon and those Ursula Le Guin Earthsea books that could wipe the floor with that Harry Potter puke. I also recall a music library with vinyl albums of classical music through which I gained more education than I ever did at school. But then every technological innovation always results in a cultural pogrom.
I hail from alderley.. (which is a pun that only those from around those parts would understand)… when a lad (and not so much) his books were required reading….
the owl service being a particular favourite..
Is the audio version of this a computer or actual person. If the former its VERY good, what software do you use to do that?
Now look here, Knightly, all this claptrap about arguing ‘for the common good’ isn’t what Building Back Better is all about. Building Back Better is building back better for the chosen elite, not numpties like you who think that logical argument is more important than how rich you are.
The whole aim of mass vaccination is wealth appropriation by the rich (shareholders in Pfizer, Moderna etc) from the numpties we stick the useless vaccines into. You can’t stop us doing this because you’re an outlier, an idiot who doesn’t do what the Jews did in Auschwitz, mate: surrender your free will to us lot. We know what’s best for you and being happy, prosperous and empathic isn’t it. What’s best for you is handing over your money, your life and your land….because then we’ve got you where we want you and you can choose between slavery or death. We don’t care which you choose, we only care about getting your money and your land.
God told us to get rid of the useless eaters so that a new Garden of Eden could emerge.We are proving ourselves worthy of God’s love by looking to get population well under 1 billion by 2050, so we can meet our ‘net zero’ emissions standards.
That’s another thing you need to learn: you don’t get to decide what God looks like, we do. God helps those who help themselves to 7 billion people’s possessions…..
God chose Tony Blair, he didn’t choose you. And very useful he is to us too.
We are the BBBs and the world without you lot is going to be SO MUCH better.
Now do shut up forevermore.
Klaus Schwab
To Build Back Better requires a Better Builder. Humans need not apply.
No, not humans, but new, better humans, more than humans.
Here’s an example of a post that needs no comment as it is a great summation of our overlords point of view. When we had up and down votes this comment would likely have had 50 up votes – mine included. Now, it is just another comment…
+ 1
Exactly why the like/dislike buttons are worthwhile.
Maybe Dr Sigmund Freud was right, maybe humans do have a Death Instinct.
If I was 80 years old and sick, I wouldn’t demand that the whole world stop for me
This madness has nothing to do with protecting anyone. Most of the elderly who allegedly died of covid actually died of negligence at the very least.
The Law of Life, by Jack London
Why would any supposedly independent body ever approve an unnecessary, ineffective and experimental medical treatment for use on children?
The stuff is not just unnecessary,ineffective and experimental. It is dangerous. It has killed and maimed in large numbers.
An Important Message From Sergio Aguero
Sergio Kun Aguero Retweeted
Salut @salutcat
Sep 16, 2021
El davanter argentí del @FCBarcelona_cat, @aguerosergiokun, també fa una crida a totes les persones de 12 anys o més perquè vagin a vacunar-se! Clapping hands sign
Recorda, vacunant-nos no deixem que el virus s’escampi amb la mateixa facilitat. Flexed biceps
#JoEmVacuno #VacunatARA
The Argentine striker also calls on all people aged 12 or over to be vaccinated! Remember, by vaccinating ourselves, we do not let the virus spread with the same ease.
Oct 31, 2021
Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero ‘diagnosed with arrhythmia and will undergo full heart check’ after feeling pain in his chest during his full home debut against Alaves
Sergio Aguero felt pain in his chest after jumping for the ball against Alaves
The Barcelona striker was taken to hospital for checks after being substitute
SPORT claim the Argentine has been diagnosed with an abnormal heart rate
Marca claim Aguero will remain under the supervision of medical professionals
What goes around comes around?
The numbers suggest there may be some fakery going on!
Barcelona have moved quickly to vaccinate playing and non-playing staff
By Jamie Kemble – 12 September 2021, 11:33
Barcelona have moved quickly to vaccinate its players and staff against COVID-19. The pandemic has reached far beyond spot, but in the ultra-competitive sphere of football, clubs are terrified of losing players and staff through positive COVID-19 tests. Players have to be tested every day as part of the current restrictions, and when a positive test strikes, it means a spell on the sidelines for a player and time away from the team for a coach.
Of course, we now know that vaccinations don’t prevent contraction of the virus, but recovery is improved, and with the Blaugrana keen to keep all of its players and staff safe, they have moved quickly to vaccinate them. According to Mundo Deportivo, from the Juvenil section up to the first team, 99.9% of its playing staff have now been vaccinated. And in terms of total staff, that’s playing and non-playing, they have already vaccinated 92% of its workers, working in conjunction with the local medical board.
That’s more than 3,000 vaccines handed out, and the rate compares favourably to the population of Catalonia, where 73.2% of people have received the first does, while 62% have been fully vaccinated.
Barcelona confirm Sergio Aguero sidelined with heart condition
By Feargal Brennan – 1 November 2021, 21:51
Barcelona have released an official statement confirming the 33-year-old has undergone a ‘diagnostic procedure’ which is expected to be the first in a series of cardiac tests in the coming weeks. The club have stated he will be unavailable for a minimum of three months due to the ongoing assessment with treatment under constant review to assess his recovery process.
…while short term side effects have now become quite apparent.
World Wide Walkouts
Worldwide Walkouts (
I’m not on Twitter but I though this would make a nice hashtag to rally around.
An urgent call for … correction:
Nothing you wouldn’t have guessed. But note that the word “conspiracy”, and its derivations, appears 24 times!
They still have some of their old ‘counseling centers’.
Many parents wouldn’t be able to live with themselves if they acknowledged what they’ve done (and allowed to be done) to their kids. That accounts to a large extent for their ongoing stubbornness and their increasingly venomous reaction to “covid-deniers.”
I’m not just talking about the “jabs” and their actual or possible physical consequences. I mean a year and a half of forced-masking, forced screen-addiction, forced antisocial-distancing. I mean a long period of disastrous social & psychologicial conditioning during the most impressionable years of their lives.
Children have now spent 19 months learning to be terrified, not just of other human beings, but of the very air they breathe.
I wish I could upvote this comment!
thank you
Pseudo voting like this is going to significantly increase the number of posts in a thread to wade through.
+ 1
There’s an easy fix for that.
If you give YOUR CHILD this mRNA Gene Jab and your child gets heart disease symptoms or cancers or junior alzys etc OR dies…YOU, AS PARENT, HAVE MURDERED YOUR OWN CHILD… Ray Bradbury wrote The Illustrated Man, in it a tale of all Parents killing their children, the day before a dreamed Worldwide vision of disaster. The next day, the parents woke up. And …all the children were dead🤗 capishice?
I think the voting system is gone forever.
The book of lamentations by Jeremiah describes mothers eating their children
History repeats
Dean Swift proposed that the poor should eat their children. Johnson is preparing a recipe book.
Nonsense. One doesn’t eat the very thing which gives a man the right to pass out cigars to the gents and candy to the ladies.
Moloch hungers…
If we’ve learned nothing else from this scam, we’ve definitely learned about the awesome power of Big Pharma, particularly Pfizer. That level of power helps to answer the author’s last question; i.e., despite personal and private reservations, the panel members had to be fully aware of the consequences to them, to their employment, to their reputations by casting a “no” vote.
Here is a link to an article that helps to explain Big Pharma’s deadly playbook. We are living in a scary world; things likely will get worse before they get better, IF they ever get better.
This thing is bigger than Big Pharma. The banksters have decided to depopulate.
This is how corporate and political life operate in the USA:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
— Upton Sinclair
I just caught a Biden speech in which he nonchalantly mentioned “the next pandemic”. I just gasp in despair. How can anyone watch this without thinking, “Now…wait a minute…”?
“How can anyone watch this without thinking, “Now…wait a minute…?””
It’s 2021, so anything goes. TheScience™ has proven this empirically. Like 9/11 and “Covid”, Biden was a test. Can Democrat voters and liberals worldwide really tolerate a US President who clearly stole the election, who is clearly not safe around children, and who is clearly senile?
“Yes, We Can!”
How does your ‘Anything Goes’ go?
(It’s now more than half a century old, that sketch. Truly another era.)
Well, in all fairness to The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present, he may have sounded nonchalant because while he was making the speech, he thought it was 2009 and he’d just been elected Vice-President.
World Bank miraculously knew it would have a market for “pandemic bonds” in 2016 which it launched 6/28/2017:
“The World Bank announced the creation of the PEF [Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility] in May 2016 at the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Governors meeting in Sendai, Japan. The PEF will quickly channel funding to countries facing a major disease outbreak with pandemic potential. Its unique financing structure combines funding from the bonds issued today with over-the-counter derivatives that transfer pandemic outbreak risk to derivative counterparties….
The PEF has two windows. The first is an ‘insurance’ window with premiums funded by Japan and Germany, consisting of bonds and swaps including those executed today. The second is a ‘cash’ window, for which Germany provided initial funding of Euro 50 million….
The bonds and derivatives for the PEF’s ‘insurance’ window were developed by the World Bank Treasury in cooperation with leading reinsurance companies Swiss Re and Munich Re. AIR Worldwide was the sole modeler, using the AIR Pandemic Model to provide expert risk analysis. Swiss Re Capital Markets is the sole book runner for the transaction….
The PEF covers six viruses that are most likely to cause a pandemic. These include new Orthomyxoviruses (new influenza pandemic virus A), Coronaviridae (SARS, MERS), Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) and other zoonotic diseases (Crimean Congo, Rift Valley, Lassa fever).
PEF financing to eligible countries will be triggered when an outbreak reaches predetermined levels of contagion, including number of deaths; the speed of the spread of the disease; and whether the disease crosses international borders….”World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility,”…
Psychopaths love betting on human life
The hunger games and the squid games are not entirely fictional
The US is already all abuzz with ‘sposin’ – as in, suppose we’re faced with a new “variant” even deadlier and more infectious than the Delta “variant.” Apparently, Pfizer has assured the establishment it could come up with a “vaccine” in a matter of days.
I’m holding out, though – I’ll wait for the “vaccine” they come up with in a matter of nano-seconds. Now that one has to be the creme de la creme.
I’ve been wondering for a while how exactly it was that a novel coronavirus can somehow suddenly have not one, two, three, four, five, six? vaccines on the market in less than a year from it supposedly emerging from Nature, and nobody bats an eye to ask how that is?
How well I remember the 2-3 years after 9/11. It’s the same deadly mechanism at work now as then: a near-total refusal on the part of comfortable, educated middle-class people, especially those in “the professions” to even consider the possibility that their government(s) might actually be lying to them, might not actually care about truth or about human life and health.
It’s not that they’re too stupid, that they lack the cognitive faculties (for many are competent and even highly-skilled in their particular specialised fields). Nor is it impossible or even difficult for them to access reliable information. The problem is, quite simply, that they do not want to know, because they know that knowing would have consequences — professional, financial and social — they aren’t prepared to bear.
True. It’s the affluent, complacent, self-admiring middle class who are the most likely to adhere to Daddy Media. In fact their entire self-image, their entire sense of identity is bound up with this comfortable milieu. And from my own personal experience, the Left/Right issue is irrelevant here. Although the Right may be more likely to have doubts. But in the end, it matters little. As with 9/11, there may be a little frisson caused by a little nudge towards that “forbidden territory” of querying the official account … but it never goes too far. These pillars of the community are always careful not to be so ill mannered as to cast any fundamental doubt on the great and good up above. And indeed, the main function of this pampered middle layer is to spark into a psychotic attack against any actual fundamental query.
Academics who will castigate a worker as a “jobsworth” for closing the supermarket on the dot will happily spend their well-paid professional lives prudently tiptoeing around the bounds of the expressible.
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas; i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.” (Some Old White Male)
“Some Old White Male” ? Is that your way of letting me know you’re woke ?
George … 100% in line with my experience. Spend an hour or two with a member of this cohort and you’ll be staggered at the levels of self censorship built into their lives. These guys long long ago happily accepted their online browsing history is potentially lethal to the safe perch affluence they enjoy , and no way are they going anywhere near a conspiracy fact..
Live to consume … consume to live ….. History will not be kind to these spineless creatures.
Quite possibly. However, with or without that knowledge, those consequences — professional, financial and social, will still have to be borne.
Eyes open or eyes closed, the train is coming.
You’re so correct! My husband and I have been US ex-pats for 5 years and most if not all of our liberal and progressive friends are bought into the covid shot narrative. It’s so political there. It’s shocking how quickly most of them went full authoritarian because they fell for the “I’m not a Trumper” mantra, and censorship of “those people” is ok. Shocking they don’t get it When we try to educate them and show them real research studies to disprove their myths, they won’t read them or worst, they find some idiot “fact checker” to smear the featured person, even if they’re a Nobel Prize winner. I’m just not sure we can stop this train wreck in the making. There’s too many wealthy people who own and control corporations and the media. But, just maybe more people are seeing the cracks in the dam every day, and we can shut this insanity down. I can hope and dream still thankfully. Stay strong and keep fighting, everyone. 😍
The few friends I had were your liberal lefty types who fully bought into the scamdemic narrative, despite me sending them a heap of links to many articles, including quite a few from Offguardian. They didn’t even bother looking, and once, one of them said “they seem like alt right echo chambers”… including Offguardian!!
All my magazine customers – the majority of them your middle class liberal types also lapped up everything the media spewed out. Yes, pretty much all of us here have been in the same position Di.
Good luck to you wherever you are. I hear quite a lot of people have gone to Mexico where things seem fairly normal away from the large cities.
I think there’s a lot more to come to be honest, and the psychopaths definitely have more in store for us.
I’m just taking it one day at a time, not projecting into the future, ignoring the MSM, and handing it all over to the Universe. And breathing!
Anti-Trump hysteria was the more shocking than Covid.
A huge section of supposedly intelligent and certainly successful members of society were whipped up into an out of control hysteria by the MSM, to the extent that their leading papers even had some comedian holding up the fake Trump beheaded head – and they complain about a pilot saying “Let’s go Brandon”. These were society’s intellectuals, actors. comedians, magaizines etc. Why do these people not have any analysis skills, why do they not see themselves out of control, why do they so easily accept instructions to hate other citizens?
That to me was the most shocking experience since 9/11. Now Covid has gotten its own back on them … karma. They all got the shot and I am hoping that a lot of them will die. That would be in keeping with their wishes for the other half of society, so it is hard to feel anything for them.
In the end, it just goes to show that success in our modern society is not about intelligence, productivity or ideas. Success is about protecting the boss’s view of the world, being a good member of the tribe – no, I am not referring to Jews.
These anti-Trumpers would never have had the balls to stand up to their friends and colleagues and insist that they treat Trump supporters with respect. These people are tribal, like a pack of animals, they are not thinking about what behaviour they are happy to be associated with.
There is no thinking going on in the successful tribe and the reason they are successful is because they are willing to trample over anybody who is not in their tribe and does not obey. But now they are killing themselves because their tribe said to get the vax.
God, how can you feel sorry for such pathetic creatures. God gave them brains but they do not know how to use them. They don’t even have common sense let alone any tools to live in the wild.
It’s very – very! – much about that monstrously insane plague on humanity: Winning is Everything! Which, translated, means: Being on the Winning Side!
That’s it in a nutshell. Of all members of society, the professionals are obsessed with always being on the winning side. It’s good for their careers.
Only if government ceases being the winning side will these slimy souls come over to the side of truth. Loyalty is not exactly their strong suit. They prefer “tradition.”
Do we really want or need such people on our “side?”
Thanks, Kit, for another cool clear draught from the precious cup of sanity. As you say, the data mean the exact opposite of what Prof. Gavin “Neil” Yamey MD MPH implies from his alarmist misuse of the same numbers.
The wells of Truth have been poisoned by people with MDs, and the mind of the world is sick.
There’s a net feed that comes in to my computer when I go online. These are my “stories for the day”. I can’t even sample them now. There is one from the New Statesman where the words go:
“The Great Covid Social Burnout: why are we so exhausted? It’s not just you. The pandemic has changed our brain psychology.”
All of these reports are following a script decided long ago. Actual research of the actual situation is irrelevant. Just as what really happened with the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 is irrelevant since they decided they had computer models that were more real than reality itself. Of course even that is not the real issue. The 9/11 simulations, like the covid script, are not “more real than reality”. They are necessary stand-ins for reality. Since the reality, which is well known to the rulers, is something they would never reveal.
The Covid Burnout rap is a new meme to direct the population. This rap says, “Here is what you feel. Here is what you think. Here is what you are.”
So, Del BigTree, Anti-Vaxxer cult leader cuts through some more BS.
The stuff on vaccine trials for childhood vaccines is unbelievable.
Every Country has a similar theme ..
The fake FDA verses CDC verses Health minister verses The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises UK or VRBPAC USA or E>U health departments on immunisation.VERSES SAGE VERSES Presidents Verses States verse congressmen and MP’s
Sorry you fallen for the easiest of psyop they all singing from the same hymn sheets.
This is called
Dilute the blame (confuse the blame) aka PSYOP>
RE: younger lot getting zapped U.K just had the exact same nonsense so did some parts of E>U now USA.
wake up and see the script rather than getting played with this VERSES battle nonsense.
The trouble is, the script is a work in progress. Trying to get to the bottom of the script is rather like trying to get a feel for the beach by studying each grain of sand. The purpose of the beach is to exist; so, too, is the underlying “purpose” of the script.
We can study the script unto infinity; or we can become as the waves of the ocean and simply rip the script apart – though of course it will reform tomorrow.
More than anything else, this script is like the “Replicators” from Stargate SG-1. And, like them, it feeds off the energy it encounters. Whether we embrace it or reject it, it uses our energy to grow itself.
If we ask when did this script begin: that would be when the first human realized it was a “good” think to get others to do his bidding.
Good reply thanks howard
The lingering repercussions of my recent blow up with a friend over covid has made me realise a few matters:
I now have a better understanding of the problems faced by folks like Gezzah living in a country in which the covidian madness has taken firmer root.
I now understand the efficiency of mass brainwashing in a warmongering situation in which a certain mass of the population can easily be manoeuvred into acting as brutal guardians of whatever system the authorities wish to create. My friend is a decent enough guy and good fun but this covidian matter showed up a frankly frightening psycho-maniac who will go to any lengths to protect the belief pattern so easily installed in him.
And that belief pattern and the way it was installed points up his essential superficiality – which I would class as so childish as to be borderline criminal and pathological. The blasé assumption of authority he exercised in previous times was always based on a chronic lack of any critical faculty.
And it keeps coming back to me how easily he was led. Blandly submitting to the bullshit every step of the way, completely unaware of any contradictions, actually crowing over the matter of how all his work buddies were laughing at me etc. It would never have occurred to him that, as teachers, none of his colleagues would have felt safe enough to voice any objections since that would endanger their jobs. And my friend would have been the first to rat on them if they did express criticism. Thus did the Nazis work.
And then, to bring in my wife – another covidian – into it, my friend submitted to the vax, caught covid anyway and this peculiar sequence of events was explained by my wife who said that the vax wasn’t supposed to stop you getting the virus but was meant to stop you dying. A remarkably convenient matter since, if you don’t die, it means the vax works and if you do, then it doesn’t matter since you will no longer be around to complain about it. And – let’s face it! – the papers won’t be reporting it.
Believe me George, I’ve run into many people here in Melbourne just like your friend, and yes, I too was dumbfounded that so many completely immersed themselves in the covid narrative, without any tangible evidence except what they saw on their TV’s and in their newspapers.
They have so immersed themselves in this mass psychosis, or as Dr Mattias Desmet describes as “mass formation” where they angrily and forcefully defend the illusions that were instilled in them.
I found that out many times myself to the point of being verbally abused and even told by one customer he would be very happy to attend my execution.
According to Dr Desmet, four critical elements needed to pre exist in society for people to become highly susceptible to well organised and fear based pysops, such as the scamdemic.
The first condition is that a number of people need to feel a sense of social isolation or a lack of social bonds. I would argue this also is one of the direct consequences of 37 plus years of Neoliberalism, ie, the breakdown of communities and increasing atomisation and alienation of people.
One bizarre circumstance is how the decreasing credibility of the covid crap seems to be matched by increasing vehemence of the covidians. It’s as if this odd contradiction was anticipated by the media who don’t seem to be trying so hard and are now simply resorting to a kind of lacklustre repetition. The plates are now spinning happily on the poles and so the poles only require a little “topping up” of momentum now and then.
But the psychotic fury of my friend haunts me. Seeing an apparently civilised person explode that way. Granted I started the shouting but only to stop him in a loud drone that was interminable and uncalled for.
To recap: I was determined to avoid confrontation and controversy because I knew it was useless. So I delicately tiptoed around the topic. The matter of how difficult it was to tell the difference between covid and flu was something I skirted – and ironically he even made noises in agreement with me by mentioning a person who he felt was experiencing symptoms that may have been produced by auto-suggestion.
But here’s where it gets weird: we were actually simply discussing whether a vax dose constituted two injections or one. Yes, it really was as innocuous as that. But that was when he started on his attack on me via comments he made with his work buddies. And he went on and on and on. I eventually shouted just to shut him up. There was a painful minute or two of silence. And then I attempted to remedy the situation by merely suggesting that we stop talking about it. He interpreted this as meaning that he should stop talking about it and exploded. And so it went.
Now my friend has always been a Tory and a Royalist and his biggest hero is Churchill. He has always lived in a world of cutesy certainty and practically sucks on the teat of the media. Perhaps he is an exceptional case? I hope so.
Increasing vehemence of the covidians is right… And no, your friend is not an exceptional case.
Just came across an ad on my newsfeed for an organisation in Melbourne called CARF – Campaign Against Racism and Fascism. And screeching blue murder about “far right anti vaxxers” and vowing to “drive them off our streets”.
I read some of the comments. You really don’t want to know. Unless you have a punching bag handy.
They look like your typical identity politics addled woke hipsters, with badges saying “Pro Vax, Pro Union, Anti Fascist”. You couldn’t get more fucken demented. The absolute irony that they are fully supporting the fascism they claim to oppose.
I no longer feel charitable enough to think that any aspect of this is “just happening”. It’s all down to the “planetary saviour club” – all those speakers and authors doing the rounds of the forums – who have been well funded and well prepared. To Nafeez Ahmed you can add one Benjamin Bratton, an American sociologist, architectural and design theorist who has coined the term “planetary scale computation“. I mean – for fuck’s sake, these bastard architects rub your face in what they’re doing!
We see. They don’t. We might not see or understand all. They misunderstand most if not all. Not seeing is believing.
Part of the black comedy in Germany last year was taking part in two truly gigantic anti-lockdown protests with hundreds of thousands of ordinary people (working- and middle-class, all ages, all nationalities, all skin-colours, elderly couples, families with babies in buggies, Germans, Africans, Turks, Arabs, Israelis, Latin Americans, all entirely peaceful & good-humoured)… and walking past maybe 60 pasty-faced, dutifully-masked “Antifa” counter-protestors — behind barriers and heavily guarded by the cops, not that they needed to be — accusing us, in thin, reedy chants, of being not just “Covidioten” but actual “Nazis“.
These clowns would have been merely ridiculous or pitiable if the same blatantly obvious lie hadn’t been repeated that very evening in the national media by prominent members of the SPD (“Labour” Party equivalent), the “Greens”, and all other Establishment parties. It would have been funny if all protest hadn’t been practically banned by the sacred State very shortly afterwards. It would have been laughable if it hadn’t been a prelude to what we have now: apartheid, rampant censorship, still-masked children, financial ruin, medical tyranny, and near-compulsory “vaccination”.
Congratulations, “Antifa” (sic): You’ve played an indispensable part in smoothing the passage of a 21st-century fascist coup, this time truly global.
Yep… complete useful idiots who claim to be “socialist” or “left wing” actually shilling for Big Pharma and cheering on actual fascism while portraying those opposing the covid tyranny as… fascists. You can’t invert reality anymore than that.
Antifa, though grouplets of them had been around for years, seemed to burst out of nowhere in 2020, and had overnight grown massively, and in all major US cities (going by The Media).
Like 1930s Brownshirts they served a purpose, they got Their Man elected. So much damage, so few prosecutions. The Law seemed helpless.
If anyone truly believes anti-fascists would throw their weight behind Biden so the Orange haired fascist Trump would be defeated, that anarchists believed there were good fascists, there were bad fascists….
Antifa was well funded – and it wasnt by coins collected at Peace rallies.
Yes… I think ‘Uncle George’ and a few other well heeled Foundations had a big part to play in that funding, along with funding BLM and other confected astroturf movements.
I’m no Conspiracy Theorist, prefer Conspiracy Analyiser. The Italian Red Brigades were well funded, managed to take centre stage just when Italy’s “Historic Compromise” – letting the millionaire led Italian Communist Party enter government.- might occur. Who funded them ? Not The Deep State ? As if The Deep State is of One Mind…
(Was it Jesus who advised: Never let your left hand know what your right hand is doin’ ?)
Don’t be coy, comrade. Name “the millionaire(s) who led the P.C.I. … ?
Another option, STFU …
Dear Vic, your intelligent offer urged me to look up Enrico Berlinguer, once leader of the PCI. Curiously none of the entries mention that he was a millionaire.
Curious, in that back when he was leader it was no secret. My conclusion is that i must have been taken in by a smear campaign by the bloody capitalist media. I feel so foolish now, and apologise for upsetting you. Jubal.
And the WSW. You don’t say when the protests took place but here’s our Trotsky boys in August of last year:
“To help impose the deeply unpopular policies of reopening businesses and schools, the authorities facilitated far-right coronavirus demonstrations that included right-wing extremist and explicitly pro-Nazi forces. At a demonstration of about 20,000 in Berlin last weekend organised primarily by far-right forces with ties to the police, intelligence agencies and the AfD, participants waved the flag of the German Reich and other anti-constitutional insignia as the police looked on. These orchestrated protests are then presented as a legitimate expression of the popular opinion of “concerned citizens” that politicians must respond to.”
And in September:
“Far-right demonstration in Leipzig, Germany, supported by judiciary, police and government
Around 20,000 demonstrators gathered in the centre of Leipzig on Saturday, crowded together and with most not wearing masks, to protest the German government’s coronavirus restrictions. Police waited for several hours, before it officially ended the demonstration due to the crowd’s non-compliance with hygiene regulations. Several thousand demonstrators then marched across the city’s central ring road and attacked counter-demonstrators and journalists. The police not only permitted the mob to run riot, but they also actively supported them.
Numerous videos, photos and eyewitness reports currently circulating on the Internet show how demonstrators defied all constraints under the benevolent eyes of the police. Several videos document policemen in patrol cars lifting their thumbs in solidarity with demonstrators.”
But some brave Lefties took on the fascist protesters:
“those taking part in a counter-demo were harassed and surrounded by the police.”
The thugs were undaunted:
“Several journalists were physically attacked by the far-right demonstrators, with some suffering significant injuries. Again, the police did nothing to protect the journalists, but rather participated in the attacks.”
Incidentally, while I was checking through the archives from our revolutionaries, I found that the only covid coverage they gave, other than the endless ghost train fun, was positive reporting on the school protests against reopening. This always accompanied by that old “murderous herd immunity”. And this little jaunt threw up the following effusions:
“….a massive second wave of COVID-19… hit a new record … dramatic increase in infections … overload … Tripling of new coronavirus infections in Germany in only one month … Catastrophic increase … infections explode”
And this is the role call of hyperbole from Germany alone!
“drive them off our streets”. That may be their plan but as Mike Tyson once said, “everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face”.
And I know that these inner city hipster woke types won’t be able to take a punch to the face.
“direct consequences of 37 plus years of Neoliberalism, ie…”
… there’s no such thing as Society.
Your kakistocracy only wants what’s best for
you…..nudge..nudge…wink…sputter…. cackle…..$quirt!
Professor Mattias Desmet on EweTueb “How can so many still buy into the narrative”
At the risk of seeming like a smug know-it-all, I think Professor Desmet has one thing all wrong: people don’t BUY INTO the narrative. They are PART OF the narrative. They were recruited in the initial phase (i.e., “recruited” in that they have always been a part of the prevailing social narrative) to give the narrative the appearance of authenticity.
It’s so much harder to just up and leave something you’re “part of” than something you simply “bought into.” It’s like kissing the wife and kids goodbye and never coming home again.
these mofos have always been the real problem for us. Their compliance and cult-follow drag us in, spiders’ webs indeed!
they are common just up the road Geo, that is the world i generally live in – no need for predator cop patrols when the public scowlers and micro-lords try their hardest.
i came back negative for the covaids, ha, but i do not intend to return to work. cannae thole it. enough.
Don’t let it upset you, George, both your respect for the Truth and your F&R’s respect for the Group are perfectly normal. Nature, infinitely inventive, uses both behaviours as part of her strategy for survival. Group think is usually necessary for a group to survive; realistic thought is necessary to salvage those occasions when mass delusion leads a group to self destruction. Either way it’s nothing personal, so there’s no need to harbour personal animosity on either side.
“To become an unexceptional member of a flock of sheep it is necessary above all to think like a sheep” — Albert Einstein on the Nazi delusion.
Excellent and I fully agree.
On Friday the Münster University Clinic in Germany stopped giving booster shots to its ICU nursing staff following “an unusually large number of [immediate, negative] side-effects”. So many workers were coming down ill after the shots that administrators feared staffing-shortages and called an abrupt halt to the booster campaign..
More about the series Dopesick I advise all to watch – the corrupt and rotten FDA gave Purdue a special label to claim Oxy was not as addictive as all other opioids because they were conned into the ”slow release” crap peddled by Purdue.
At last count for opoiods deaths over 600,000 deaths can be sent straight to the FDA offices.
The Queen loved Purdue owners, the Sackler brothers, gave them both KBE knighthoods. Raymond Sackler, owner with brother Mortimer of Purdue, “received knighthoods in three European Countries. He was awarded The Honorary Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire, (KBE); Officier de la Légion d’honneur (France), and was an Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau (The Netherlands).”…Raymond’s brother Mortimer was awarded KBE, honorary knighthood of the British Empire in 1995 for his service to education, per Wikipedia.…If the Queen has revoked their knighthoods, it’s not mentioned in Sept. 2020 London Gazette which did mention revocation of Harvey Weinstein’s knighthood. NZ with Ardern’s full facism over this crap is one of the best places to look. 2 deaths this year from so called covid, 91 from the jabs and 10 miscarriages = 50.5 jab deaths per ”covid” death, not to mention all the rest of the horror show listed in black and white. And like all other countries it’s easy to see when the ”cases” piled on, after the jabs and yet there are still 4 times more adverse events than ”cases” in nearly 2 years.
Thanks for the links Marilyn👍
Pretty fucking disgusting isn’t it?
Fictitious comment from a fictitious world “leader” (Ms Ardern): “Yes, we lost 91 Jab(berwockies) – but IMAGINE how many we would have lost to Covid had they not been jabbed with the elixir of life!”
ardern added “ye wannah see me cock?” lol
In 2014 Jacinda was named a Davos “Young Global Leader.”……Jacinda says, “politicians had a short time in power, and the challenge was to embed in that time the infrastructure for long-term change.”…
A for Ms “Elephant Argument” Arden:
Q: Why do elephants paint the soles of their feet yellow?
A: So you can’t see them floating upside down in your custard.
Q: But I’ve never seen an elephant in my custard.
A: So, it works!
Good one! But I have seen a gnat in my custard. Ms Ardern would take that gnat to heart and nourish it till it magically morphs into an elephant. Then she would paint its feet yellow.
There’s no stopping the truly dedicated.
LOL When will the suppository be available?
Complete protection by a single-dose skin patch–delivered SARS-CoV-2 spike vaccine
There will be no suppository. You can fool the brain – but not the gut. It’ll spit it right back out.
So you can stick your poison vaccine up your arse, but at least it won’t harm you.
Good to know.
Not just kids- no-one should be ‘vaxxed’ with this sh*t.
Natural immunity shown to be best.
Some collateral damage, but look at the wars lately, numbers higher from drones than convid…
Let the revolution begin.
These Ghouls in suits are SICK.
A travesty.
This is a simple technique for normalising injections for everyone above the age of children. The narrative has leaped, jumped and bounded away from injecting “people” to arguments about injecting children. Reading between the lines…it’s ok to inject adults. Let’s move the discussion and debate away from injecting people to injecting children. etc etc etc. This is all technique.
Discussion and debate needs to move way back…way back to bat soup and the right to be treated at all times with dignity and respect. Discussion needs to go way, way back to the blunt cave-man like procedure of stabbing hard plastic 6 inches down the nose and scraping and gouging in an age of Godlike cutting edge scientific prowess and expertise. Discussion needs to go way back to the utter ridiculousness of forcing people to wear masks like animals.
But it won’t. Discussion will keep leaping and bounding as fast as it can, at all times away…always away from where it should be.
Good point! I’m sorry that with the battle against forced injections what is sometimes lost is the testing aspect, not to mention the mask, which is offered sometimes, as an alternative. Which means kids and adults are tested constantly.
That stick up your nose is sickening to me and something I will never understand. A virus so deadly you have to stand 6 feet apart, yet they have to scrape your brain to see if you’re “positive”.
I think,and I know it is included in some circles, that the testing and mask mandates should be included with the fight against forced injections. It’s all the same. To me anyway.
So to conclude, Mr Knightly believes there is a virus called covid19 and it poses little risk. Even if we get the injection, we can still transmit this thing, whatever it is.
Where have we proven this virus? It’s seems we have all changed our minds from, “it’s all bullshit”. To “it’s real but nothing to worry about”.
That’s fine, however there has to have been some literature. Perhaps the next OffG post could share this, because I for one an getting a little tired. Just because they bullshit us for nearly two years does not make the virus story real by default.
The author actually says this, read the article Hero.
The framing of the article is beating the narrative at its own game, using its own logic and figures. If a dangerous virus is alleged by a party, and at the same time that party publishes ‘statistics’ which demonstrate quite the opposite, then you don’t need to focus your energy and resources arguing that the virus is real or fake. Let the evidence as presented stand for itself, demonstrate this fundamental self-contradiction to the pandemic narrative believers, while also firmly reinforcing the underlining fact that, behind and beyond this latest scripted narrative pseudo-controversy, there is little to no basis in a belief in the covid narrative from the ground up.
Exactly what the article does, to my mind.
This get my upvote.
No. First you show that there is no “virus”, no “test” and no “new illness”, and then you can additionally show the self-contradiction of the “proof” and the “statistics” of the “official” narrative.
Focusing on the self-contradiction is the real wasting of “energy and resources”, and, you are leaving the root of the scam still intact, and, you are staying still trapped in the narrative, and keeping others trapped in it also.
You are debating the danger of a pink flying elephant, when no pink flying elephants exist. If you do that, then they have you where they want you. And the pink flying elephants notion still stands. And so even if somehow you convince people about one pink flying elephant, the criminals will just need to come back with a story about another.
Kit, you, and so many others, still believe there’s a “virus”, a “test”, a “new illness” and “germ theory”.
There is no “virus”, there is no “test”, and there is no “new illness”. There is no “sars-cov-2” “virus”,there are no “pathogenic “viruses””, there is no (diagnostic, validated, actual) “test”, and “covid” is a virtual and flexible/arbitrary label/basket of already existing symptoms and health problems.
And when you get around to finally seeing the scam as it is, and you start broadcasting that message and insisting on it, more and more people will see it, and then the tide may really turn.
(Oh and these things are not vaccines. Kit, please always use “”. And research the vaccines as well, to see how they were never (and they can not possibly be) good.)
Dash, this is rich. You’re speaking to an outlet which was publishing material about this scamdemic before most others, at the very beginning. We have published a range of views by many different authors questioning every pillar of the narrative, including the lack of evidence of a discrete pathogen and the non-specificity of the tests. I believe we’re still waiting for MOA and the saker and many others to wake up, aren’t we, so perhaps put your valiant efforts to work there?
Rather than your position being persuasive, I find it needlessly combative and antagonistic.
You are clearly not good at reaching out to people with an engaging argument. A2
You forget: the readers of this forum are much more receptive to the non-existence of a virus. But do you think for one minute that people who already accept the validity of the ridiculous “official narrative” would countenance an article asserting that there is no virus?
Wouldn’t that be like walking into a Christian Evangelical meeting and saying “There is no God!”
Thank you Sam.
I don’t give a rat’s arse whether the ‘virus’ is real or not, it is what they are doing in the name of the ‘virus’ that concerns me.
He’s more making the point that if you are talking with someone who does believe in the virus, this is a pretty much irrefutable argument that lining up the kids for these injections is not even remotely justifiable
We haven’t all changed our minds. Viruses exist. Why wouldn’t they have taken the time to create/modify one. Were the Chinese conning Fauci when they took his money for the gain of function research?
Those who oppose germ theory acknowledge that ‘germs’ exist but propose that they only cause harm or only comprise an infection when colonising someone whose health is compromised by lifestyle or environment. It would appear that Covid is only admitted to be deadly in those with severely compromised metabolic systems (and there are more of these than the authorities will admit.
Dr. Zach Bush’s alternative concept of ‘exosomes’ – a vitally-important, ancient, evolved messaging system of the ecosphere – is much more useful than the fear-porn idea of ever-lethal, malignant ‘viruses’ that we must fear and fight always. Look into Zach’s ideas. They smell to me like the vanguard of a Kuhnian paradigm-shift moment in bio-sciences, coming up soon, as we finally bite the bullet of the inadequacy of ‘germ theory’…
I havn’t read Dr. Bushs ‘alternative’ hypothesis, but I’ve read a fair bit of reseach on exosomes, it’s been shown for example they carry the vax mRNA, so it’s not beyond reasonable logic to hypothesize they can also carry viral mRNA, but for the sake of argument lets ignore this ‘viral mRNA’ nomenclature for now.
you may find this interesting:
Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID
Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) Vaccination
prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune
Activation by mRNA Vaccines
we know exosomes play a starring role in lung diseases.. eg.
We also know epithelial cells express exosomes. Epithelial Cells are also known as squamous alveolar Cells and these types of lung cells make for the alveolar wall.
so yeah, shedding could be a thing.
germ vs terrain doesn’t really have to come into this argument since we’re talking about shedding injected manufactured mRNA in exhaled air here.
I believe viruses can exist in both forms: both as free floating particles in the environment that can propagate themselves by infecting a new host; and as integrated sequences in the host’s DNA that can be released some time later eg, as shingles after infection by smallpox virus. Bacteria invented this system to spread bits of their DNA to other bacteria and vice versa; a sort of precursor to sex. It’s a way of introducing potentially useful new sequences of DNA (genetic messages) into the Main Stream gene pool.
When Nature gets down to developing new genes and spreading them around, anything goes. As they say, All’s fair in Love and War.
“Life on Earth, all of it, can be viewed genetically as one single organism” — Keynote Speaker at a Bio-Physics Conference in Copenhagen, circa 1975.
If “viruses” are exosomes emitted by sick cells to tell other cells they are in trouble or harmful DNA/RNA sealed off by a cell then expelled; if bacteria are appearing in “diseased” areas because they break down already dead or decaying matter…. then the appearance of “germs” in health-compromised people is explained without “germs” being the causitive factor.
Nothing in what you said proves germ theory. Physical injury, lack of nutrition, toxins, psychology – these all cause sickness, anything else is debatable. I’m not totally convinced germ theory is false and still take sensible precautions (which obviously does not include masks or vaccines) but do find it strange that the wealth of categorical evidence that proves germs cause disease that I assumed existed turns out not in fact to exist. Even more suspicious is the fact that it seems like it should exist and it’s hard to find other plausible explanations why it doesn’t except some sort of cover-up.
I would argue that it was not the Chinese conning Fauci to take his (our) money for the gain of function.
From what I gather, from different sources, Wuhan is strongly connected to University of North Carolina and Fort Detrick and the gain of function research of Ralph Baric. Professor Leiber, a Harvard Professor, worked at Wuhan.
David E. Martin, among others, has a list of patents and research coming out of the work at Wuhan/UNC.
It seems that when Obama ordered gain of function research to stop in the US, Dr. Fauci transferred it overseas. To Wuhan.
Wuhan was built by the French.
Yup. Blaming China for this is like blaming one particular political party, or one particular President or leader or even country. Blaming China provides, once again, some type of external enemy, which it is surmised can then be beaten by the “good guys” if we all just wake up and blame that one enemy. Like blaming migrants for all the problems in the US. It provides just one more distraction from the fact that the real enemy runs the whole show, and all those leaders are just puppets playing a part and those players are in no way going to stick their own necks out to save us. Same old hero and villain paradigm that has gotten us to just where we are today.
Fills out what I suspected as soon as the U$ team from Fort Detrick fell ill at the Wuhan games. Fort Detrick has form in spreading pathogens eg, distributing Tetanus spores in the U$A. China was well aware that “Novel virus SAARS-2” could be a U$ bioweapon; and China rolled out its fully prepared Civil Defense operation. Rest-of-the-World team is still floundering to catch up.
Note: Eighty years after Hiroshima, the world still has not built adequate Civil Defense against nuclear Armageddon. What hope of WHO producing a World Civil Defense against biowarfare? In both cases, Nuclear Armageddon or Biological Argmageddon, Nature will have try her usual fail safe mechanism: a slow and painful restocking of our species from a few surviving breeding pairs who might have developed resistance to radiation and/or infection.
Working class heroes sometimes educate themselves.
It is hard to find the truth about Corona virus SARS-2 because the fear campaign that I call Con-19 has hidden the truth deliberately. Those respiratory infections that sprang up around Bio-warfare Labs, first in Fort Detrick, U$A and later in Wuhan, China were most probably caused by a Corona virus. Chinese scientists named this hypothetically, “Novel Corona virus SARS-2”. This hypothetical strain of Corona virus has not been produced in pure form as evidence, and the original strain has probably died out months ago. But what we know of SARS-2 looks pretty similar to other Corona flu viruses which cause flu with Acute Respiratory Distress. Campaign Con-19 has deliberately inflated the death rate for Covid-19, but the true death rates for illness Covid-19 are similar to death rates for people hospitalized with flu. So all in all, Con-19 is Much Ado About Nothing; apart from being yet another capitalist $cam to Con-fuse the working class. This time, to fleece the sheeple by getting them to pay for an expensive and potentially dangerous course of a useless new pseudo-vaccine.
I think they are prepping us for vaccine injury among children. Yesterday I saw someone posted a photo of a sign on the side of a bus indicating how many children suffer from strokes. Today in our local news (Seattle, WA area) we have an article about how common heart attacks are among young people: Evil to the core!
Same in Alabama where 400 k-12 schools have been given defibrillators to combat ‘sudden cardiac arrest.’
In Australia they are putting hundreds of nurses into schools
I have to jump in “beak’ first to this thread, here in the good ol us of uk we have been being fed propaganda by the minute by the likes of radio 4, to the tom jones tune…
“its not unusual for kids to die of sudden heart attacks”, “its not unusual for women to have (multiple) miscarriages”, “its not unusual (at the eve of a
summit) to change national legislation to ALLOW sewage to be piped directly into rivers”, though i guess even tom would have struggled with that last one…So, good folk, its global and the message and intent are the same, if you are struggling to determine EXACTLY what that message is then maybe you need to hear it,
short n sweet
?“they will cover our world in darkness, those whom they serve demand it, through their lust for power and dominance they will ride roughshod over your (un-organised, well intentioned, at times niaive, tardy, disheveled, un-consolidated) “objections”.
The bizzarre sentiment that you once held that there is but a shred of decency in those that
you is….spent.”You are all familliar with at least the concept of the “holy sacrament”??, so i present to you the “un-holy” sacrament
So folks from the contract maccy d has with abortion facilities to purchase
surplus tissue
, to the macceration and addition to the sewerage system of the dead in (is it 12 states in the US?), to “shedding” via breath, via your drinking water, which comes via the sewage… need i go on?It all points to the fact that just like the “black goo” back in x files days… you can run, but “sooner or later our nasty shit is gonna get in ya”.
Realising WHO and WHAT your enemy is, is paramount to retaining your existence, thus your
.Some flexibility of the mind will help de-program you, no one said it would be easy, but once
, do you honestly have a choice?Sunday evening and the duck has imbibed of a couple of ciders, so please excuse the typos
The kids will serve the useful purpose of building the case against the Globalists who’ve pushed this nonsense. We need body counts.
Gruesome though this may be, it’s true. The full fury of The Karen Army must be brought to bare on real culprits. The FDA just approved oral blood thinners for kids. A hospital in the USA posted that they have opened a pediatric stroke unit. A poster above mentions additional defibrillators for schools….
Everyone I personally know has said ‘no’ to their kids getting vaccinated, even though a lot of the parents have been double jabbed.
Now they are beginning to see through the facade and one of them even refused to get any further shots or boosters himself.
A big trick these vaccine pushers have are placebo shots and one or more parent says ‘my kids have had them and they’re fine’ then that can put pressure on others to cave in.
Another guy said no vaccines for my kids…unless it becomes mandatory for his kid to gain entry to uni.
I already old my kids not to take that shit no matter what, even years after I’m gone and they become adults.
The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
Correct treatment? People can even completely ignore COVID and it becomes a thing of the past.
“The Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ is a corporate fascist eugenicist Nazi propaganda pharmaceutical advertising campaign. The actual disease is corporate fascism.”
“The cure is honest socialism is the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”
Is that how Tom Hanks, Trump, Boris Johnson and all manner of celebrity covid suffers beat the grim reaper?
No. A number of those you mention are in partnership with the grim reaper — a partnership he is not quite ready to dissolve,
There is no disease to be treated, people have a cold, it’s the deranged treatments that kills them.
Me too, Annie. Well said Marilyn! The two occasions when I think I may have encountered what is labelled ‘covid’ have both been less than mild colds; instantly zapped to buggery with mega-doses, by mouth, of vitamin C; aged respectively 79 and 81 at the time. Absolutely no sweat – literally!
Caution: If you go the vit-C route of self-doctoring, be aware of the rare genetic disorder Haemochromatosis. A very few people have it. If you’re one, you need to see the information contained in Andrew Saul’s ‘’ website, under the search-heading: ‘Hemachromatosis’. It’s not a big negative; it can be managed when taking C. For all others, big-doses of the non-drug, benign, vital-food-supplement C is a sure-fire answer to many afflictions, particularly respiratory ills.
Seems that Ivermectin might be the cure for the common cold.
that’s what i thought – although D,K and C are best i would imagine for the sniffles
having said that – i wonder if this ivermectin thing has been realised as a cure for phuenomia? did they ever use it before for this? all those sufferers that died – i wonder if this would of cured/helped them all along.
A couple of extracts from this 2017 article about ivermectin:
Nah, it appears to work because there are lots of parasites in water in places like India
It almost seems that to so many parents, their children are primarily tokens of Woke.
“I’m so Woke I’m willing to sacrifice my child to prove it! Top that if you can!”
Well they approved Oxy after Purdue lied and said it was not addictive, millions of global deaths on the hands of FDA for that one.
But we have used Ivermectin and the results have been very favourable, particularly in India. Our governments have banned this particular source of treatment because the big Pharma companies don’t want the competition. Hardly capitalism when you think about it.
They trashed & banned the use of Ivermectin because, if there is an established treatment that works for a particular medical condition, there cannot be an Emergency Use Authorisation for another treatment for the same disease.
I really don’t know how to get this message across to those who are determined to jab kids. Facts just don’t seem to make a dent.
I recently had to cancel some amateur theatre which involved youngsters because they were being tested with monotonous regularity at school. There was a positive test (we know what that means) and one of the adults (double jabbed – natch) panicked. He pulled out of the show and blamed the un-jabbed children for putting his life at risk. Needless to say he wasn’t remotely ill and neither was anyone else.
We used to live in a society where adults protected children. Now we have a society where adults demand that children take untested and unnecessary medication to make the adults feel safe, and for children to have fun is seen as some sort of dangerous threat to humanity. I often wonder if our society is worth saving.
Those adults are spineless cowards who deserve the totalitarian misery they will get if they have their way. I have a feeling that they are highly outnumbered and that their day of reckoning will come soon, though.
Me too, Bob. +1
Me three.
They are certainly outnumbered here, but once one steps outside one’s own home, well… zombie plagues are no longer a fiction, I fear.
But where are the big pro-vaccine demos, which unlike the anti-vax assemblies which have been taking place and getting bigger all over the world? We are getting stronger and they are getting weaker.
Unfortunately, “Not So Fast!” It has been demonstrated again and again by statistical “experts” (a contradiction in terms?) that those who are opposed to something – or in some other way don’t like it – are far more likely to express that sentiment than those who accept something. So I wouldn’t read too much into the lack of pro-vaccine demos.
It’s so odd, isn’t it?
Okay, so one can understand politicians, surgeons-general and doctors caving in, due to the very significant bribe money which finds its way to them through the medical-pharmaceutical system in general and through the constant intimidation from the media for them to ‘fit into the official narrative, like good citizens’.
But one can not understand at all why the average parent, without any financial incentive, would agree to let this happen to their children without even looking at the evidence.
The only thing I can think of them saying in justification is something like this:
Well, my husband and I are both triple-vaccinated, so, since family is everything to us, it would be so embarrassing if our child asked, “Why didn’t you get me vaccinated too?”. We believe in openness and equality, after all, and if anything happened to our children, it would be our fault…
I wonder if intelligence tests will ever be a thing again… The current situation is like trying to teach an amoeba how to play the violin…
This month in Iceland, at every gathering I’ve been to, one – or, maybe tops, two – masked people have been sitting sheepishly in a corner somewhere, peering through cowed and startled eyes at the rest of us who don’t give a crap about some stupid ‘flu virus which presumes to be deadlier than anything which has ever emerged from the human imagination since the world began, and calls itself, “Covid”…
These people look ridiculous, and they look as if they know they look ridiculous, but they can’t bring themselves even to look up a short, basic, half-decent article on viruses, pandemics and vaccinations in human history, all of which could set their minds at rest…
After a couple more years like this, their phobia will be so ingrained that it will no longer be curable, at least not without the help of a colossal number of unusually gifted psychologists with enough time on their hands to take on a couple of thousand patients each…
I think most of them are afraid of losing their jobs rather than contracting a mythical virus. Big demo in New York yesterday, upwards of 10,000 people marching over the Brooklyn Bridge. The interesting fact was that most of them worked in the public sector who have been threatened with Biden’s policy of mandating the jab to everyone is this particular economic group. I think that its a very dubious claim that most ordinary folk are frightened of the dreaded virus and are more concerned about putting food on the table.
I live in the UK and it’s interesting to note that 95% of the population no longer with wearing that ridiculous mask, except for the minority of pro-establishment head-bangers.
argh! come to Sturgeonland… 70 % everything, always. We’ll turn into Ireland next, then Oz?
50% of entire Sturgeonland workforce ARE PUBLIC SECTOR, ochone.
At least it’s weeded out the hypochondriacs,spot the masked and walk up close to them see the fear in the eyes.
It’s getting downright weird. Seeing masked people in the supermarket even though they are the majority these days just seem like NPCs. Funny enough I’d bet it’s the vaxxed that are the ones wearing the masks!
“The current situation is like trying to teach an amoeba how to play the violin…” LOL! So true, W!
Maybe they use the Suzuki method for the amoeba? After it learns to play the violin, it can hop on a motorbike and drive off into the sunset.
This probably won’t help, but I’m sure there’s a lesson in here somewhere!
Tahoma High School Choir Sings
Gosh, it would be awful pleasin’
To reason out the reason
For things I can’t explain.
”Facts don’t seem to make a dent.”
True enough. The fog-horns of the media have drowned out any competing narrative. One day, and I don’t think it will be too far into the future, this venal scum in the media, political and economic establishment, is going to have face the wrath of the people who have been lied too, manipulated and treated like dirt.
No surrender, no mercy.
Well said, but I’d rephrase that as “Now we have a society where adults demand that children
take untested and unnecessary medicationrisk their lives to make the adults feel safe”.Doubleplusgood.
I believe the Covidian Cult have a new patron saint: St James of Saville.
Not to mention the guilt laid on children that they may infect granny, or kill their own parents. That one really burns my ass. Talk about some horrific long term effects, nothing like a massive load of guilt on a child to make them a well adjusted adult, eh?
This advertisement is several months old; it was published in a local community-affairs magazine this past spring.
I also have an older image lifted from a mailing from the township recreation department; the caption is “Happy 2021!”, accompanied by several photos of masked children participating in recreational activities. The caption-makers were obviously not being facetious or ironic.
Complacent and conformist Normals have been indoctrinated to believe that they are “saving” children, and are oblivious or indifferent to the reality that they’re actually destroying them. 🙁
This is truly one of the most horrifying images I’ve ever seen. Makes me happy beyond measure knowing I never had kids and therefore will never have grandkids or great-grandkids.
Gotta love how they’ve covered all the “woke” bases with those five kids.
Yeah, that jumped out at me too.
It’s about what I’d expect from the Main Line Art Center, an organization oriented to “upscale”, art-loving prosperous suburbanites.
I hate to cite Wikipedia, but this summary of “Main Line” is correct and saves me the trouble of writing something similar from scratch:
The moniker “Main Line” refers to the Pennsylvania Railroad train line that was built in the area beginning around the 1850s. Originally, many of the small towns were founded by prominent Philadelphia families who built summer homes “away from the city” but who used the newly built railroad to travel back and forth.
Harvard uses occult photo to push the opposite agenda….fear the little children…dirt bags.
Harvard is now worth less to humanity than a much-less-expensive play-school…
Has been so for years!
Gotta love the one eye image of the kid. These minions can’t help themselves.
And the narrative keeps evolving for the worse. Funny to think that all the twists and turns of the narrative to this point were spitballed on the wall in some think tank board room years ago.
We should bake the children and eat them.
“Screw Mengele!”

“Screw Billy Eugenics!”

“Don’t look at me as an anti-vaxxer. Look at me as an unface diapered Beagle loving/doggy loving corporate crime analyzing anti-toxi. Who wants to keep their foul noxious viral cull juice Euthanasia Death Shot brew out of as many bodies as possible. To Hell with Corporate Fascism!”
Brilliant as usual 🤣
I will continue saying this till the day I die: “ALL scientific experimentation MUST be stopped!!!!!”
Dis infor whores and PJW telling the sheep which side to be on LOL
because they are really on the side of the people.
“Whatever the politics, animal torture (which is both cruel and sadistic) is unacceptable. That it is made for corporate profit makes it even more unacceptable and unsavory.”
They can no longer ignore the link:
Public Health England
Information for healthcare professionals on myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination
Published 23 August 2021
Kyle & April – Ride MTB
268K subscribers
https: // www
Kyle’s vaccine experience
Oct 21, 2021
Dr. John Campbell
Pericarditis after vaccination, possible inadvertent intravenous administration.
Yet, miraculously, they are ignoring it.
Our mistake is in waiting endlessly for them to see the light, when they have made it quite clear that they insist upon wearing blindfolds…
With Kyle, one of the doctors was trying to gaslight him into believing that he was being psychotic. This might work with people who are isolated, weak willed or who have less bodily awareness; but there’s now too many personal stories being shared. So the line they’re trying to push and defend is that adverse reactions are extremely rare; or perhaps one being floated in the above video is that they’re due to the injection being given incorrectly.
The “extremely rare” line is going to get increasingly difficult to defend as more people start coming forward and speaking out. For instance, this is Gerard Rennick (Senator for Queensland) on Sky News Australia recently (Oct 26).
Sky News Australia Gerard Rennick Annihilates The Controlled Op About The Vaxxine & Adverse Reactions
October 28th, 2021
Free Speech Warrior
This interview happened on 10/26/2021
REnnick is a racist, a pig and an arsehole but even racist arsehole pigs can be right once in their lives.
Shakespeare couldn’t have said it more poetically 🙂
“Inadvertent intravenous administration”
Right. The local pharmacy doling out the jabs just happens to have an IV drip beside the shot station.
The pharmacy is so short staffed because people are still living off their pandemic payoffs that a cashier who’s on her third straight shift has been assigned to the poison table and inadverdently hooks you up to the drip. Which is full of what??? Monoclonal batshit?
Saturday Night Live, are you there? Monty Python? Anyone?
The NYT has a good article up on this issue Saturday. And most surprisingly, last I checked, there were a large number of comments raising questions about the need to give the kids the “jab”, which is unusual for NYT comments in general. Do I sense a change in the vaccine winds?
P.S. Note how the NYT allows for thumbs up on their comments.
Now where have we heard this before?, hmmm…
Not happy with infecting children’s minds in a bid to screw them up mentally they now want jab them to a possible death. Did I just arrive on the wrong planet?
“could be a big step toward returning to normal life”
is standard MSM Covid propaganda, apparently government required in the USA.
Yes, The point of my post was to direct people to the comments that appear to represent a change in the winds. If I am seeing this in the NYT, then it is likely also happening in other liberal media properties. I invited everyone to read the comments to see for themselves.
Instead, it appears that this went over many people’s heads and they’d rather post dumb snarky one-off comments.
Well, Jojo, I read the entire article plus 50 or so of the oldest comments.
The article is totally pro-vaccine, i.e., it is double-plus not good, as were the majority of the comments.
Of course it is pro-vaccine. What did you expect from the NYT. Now go to their comment section for the article and read the FIRST (oldest) comments. I was surprised that there appears to be some number of parents planning on holding back from Covid vaccinations for their kids. That is unusual for the NYT reader, which was my point. And makes me wonder if we are finally making some progress with people seeing the dangers of the Covid vaccines.
I wouldn’t have thought this was so difficult to understand:
“… plus 50 or so of the oldest comments.”
The NYT is trying to rig the results.
Say what???
Well, If the NYT does it… Not.
And if that isn’t proof we should stay away from voting, nothing is.
A good article in the NYT ? Isn’t that an oxymoron ?
Such incisive wit astounds me.
It’s not wit. There’s a basis for it. The NYT is the famous paper of record, meaning the establishment’s main paper for propagandizing the public. Is it the worst in that regard? I don’t think it’s productive to worry about which establishment paper is most establishment. The Washington Post is certainly awful.
If you’re pointing us to an article (I forget what all of this is about) in the NYT, then all I can say is, don’t expect those of us who have paid attention to the trouble that the NYT has caused to be drawn. I don’t know you. If I did, and I trusted you, then I’d be okay with examining the article if you told me that it was good. If it’s just the comments, that is interesting and not unusual.
What specifically was so bad with my comment?
I know it wasn’t wit. It wasn’t intelligent either, just as your response wasn’t. If you don’t remember what this short comment thread that you started is about, then perhaps you should take the time to go back and review before spouting more BS.
Go ahead and keep your head buried in the sands like a common Ostrich, ignoring valid resources and only listening to your echo chamber. You’ll gain nothing and you’ll learn nothing new. Doesn’t impact me at all.
Jojo, my apologies.
I was not so much commenting on the content of the article, which I would never read because I’d throw the only computer I have out the window, but thank you for the link.
I was commenting on your post script about the thumbs up benefit that the magnanimous NYT allows. But that Offg doesn’t.
I will say, however, as to your suggestion that the winds might be changing? I hope I am not misinterpreting, but….
The winds changing because SOME parents won’t get their kids vaccinated? Because this is where they will draw the line?
I’m vomiting. These are likely parents that have had their kids masked for the past 19 months. That are injected themselves. That have been full on with the craziness.
(Said craziness which I believe is their God given right.) But the ” not where kids are concerned”? Really. Ugh.
But,again, I appreciate the link.
You have to win the small battles to win the war.
I read NYT articles regularly and participate in their comment boards. Their journalistic standards have slipped in recent years and their blatant Covid censorship is disconcerting, at best. But reading their comment boards does give me a gauge on how the mainstream is thinking, for better or worse. To see even small holes in the narrative that the Covid so-called vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread is heartening.
You can’t argue, Can you? If you know anything, share it. Don’t just spew vitriol. But, as I have little patience for trouble-makers, I myself won’t be paying any attention to anything you write going forward.
Sounds like a plan.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-29. Child deaths are 52% higher, stroke admission readiness. Patent issued 4 tracking jabbed worldwide
“Covid-19 in school leads to lost in-person learning opportunities and other adverse outcomes.” That’s at the end of the summary above.
So, what does that have to do with mandating a vaccine because it’s considered so dangerous? The regular flu does the same thing but we don’t mandate the flu vaccine. So does the cold, probably much more than the flu, but we don’t mandate cold medicines. The stated and only logical reason for the mandates is because this so called Covid-19 virus is so dangerous. The stated reason is that we must do our duty and protect everyone else along with ourselves. So we don’t infect anyone else even though that’s been proven to be BS times ten. So why insert at the end that it “leads to lost in-person learning”.
Obviously they’re reaching to try to justify their agenda. Stick as much shit in there as possible to obfuscate. There’s an old saying, “if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit”. I saw it over and over in my fed govt career, did it myself when providing summaries of annual accomplishments.
Also, in that same summary, it clearly states that hospitalization rates and severity are similar/comparable to the flu. How can anyone reading this summary come away with the conclusion that we need to mandate the supposed vaccine to all children? Or at least conclude thru their sick logic that the flu vaccine should be mandated also (in their warped thinking world).
Combine that with the pre-scamdemic flu statistics (see link), and the fact that they have clearly labeled all typical flu cases as Covid-19 cases during this scamdemic, and you would have to be an idiot or a shill to conclude that a mandate is necessary to make sure all kids get the jabs. Most people simply do not want to know the truth.
The Great 2020-2021 Flu Scam (
Do Pfizer have any undue influence over how the news is delivered in the United States? We suspect they do.
Of course they, as all major drug companies do. This is a consequence of allowing drug companies to advertise their drugs on TV and and in print, in case other countries are thinking about allowing this foolishness.
The MSM is beholden to and held captive by the Pharma industry because of the revenues they receive from the huge number of daily drug ads.
This quote applies to the blind eye that the MSM offers the Pharma industry:
“ALL Television Is Big Pharma Funded” (Del Bigtree, a captive of Rockefeller dogma but good on health freedom)
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds half the planet. See Tim Schwab’s (very establishment) article in Columbia Journalism Review titled “Journalism’s Gates Keepers.”
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. tells the story of asking Roger Ailes to book him on one of the Fox shows to address vaccines. This is years before c-vid.
Ailes was a long time friend of Kennedy. Ailes told Kennedy he’d love to do that but right after he did he’d get a phone call from one of the pharmacuetical companies.
I do not have a tv. I stream everything. So I was unaware just how many drug commercials are on tv now. I think they are the biggest sponsors.
Particularly daytime television.
Even so, I consider RFK Jr to be controlled opposition. Roger Ailes was a dog, as I recall. But, yes, pharma doesn’t want to give bad press to its bad products.
He may be controlled opposition but I’ve learned more about vaccines from him and his Children’s Health Defense group in the past 19 months than I’d ever known my whole life.
It’s because of him I will never get another shot in my life.
It’s from listening to his Truth episodes with Polly Tommey starting in 2020 that I know what I do about pharma.
My journey with the cvid nightmare started with listening to him.
Oddly enough never gave him a second thought until a few weeks after his neice and her son mysteriously dissapeared in Chesapeake Bay.
He came out punching in an article about Tony Fauci.
His book about Fauci is due out in two weeks.
Whatever he is, I’ve learned a lot from him.
I’m sure he’d appreciate that, Ort. Thanks!
Acknowledged. That’s how it is for me as well, and not just in RFK Jr’s case. That’s this world.
“94 children have died.”
9+4 = 13, the ‘Death’ card in Tarot.
9-4=5, the pentagram, the Pentagon
9×4=36, half of the division of the 360 degree circle by five (72 degrees)
9/4= ?
Speaking of the Pentagon, I remember another campaign to Save the Children.
Agent Orange.
I was about to write “Why don’t they just spray New York City”, and realized – they are doing just that. In the subway.
It’s just a test though.
There is no case for treating anyone because there is no scientific proof that a new unique exogenous retrovirus has been discovered that is causing any disease. Without human controlled experiments proving, scientifically, beyond reasonable doubt, that there is indeed an infectious agent causing any symptoms, there is no argument to be had on any level. Without a valid premise, any conclusion cannot be true, therefore any measures implemented are going to fail and are null and void.
“SARS-CoV-2” is an illusion, a mental construct, that fails basic logical and biological test.
Sars CoV 2 is a lie, plain and simple. Jon Rappoport interviewed the now famous Christine Massey about their non discovery of the virus.
And like other truth tellers silenced by the MSM and ”social media”. The stuff from the scumbag Doherty Institute in Australia is nauseating crap, but then they are mainly funded by drug companies and are in a collusion with Pfizer since 2019
So all those patients saying to doctors: “I have this nasty respiratory disease. Can you help?” are to be told: “There’s no such thing as covid. I can’t help you”, are they?
Even though lots of people are indeed suffering something respiratory, and an increasing tide of frontline doctors have discovered quick, easy ways to treat it, and get their patients well again? None of that actual realworld (not just airily theoretical) stuff counts, does it not?
Try pushing such bs in the crowded waiting room of doctors who are actually treating and curing the patients’ palpably real illness, CC! Good luck with not getting lynched!
Oh, and what will you do if you yourself happen to cop a dose? Just feed it waffly theorising, and watch it simply vanish away…? LOL! “None so bleedin’ blind…”
The claims are as following:
Also: “SARS-CoV-2” (the virus) =/= “covid” (a set of illnesses).
So all those patients saying to doctors: “I have this nasty respiratory disease. Can you help?” are to be told: “There’s no such thing as covid. I can’t help you”, are they?
Does this tell us anything about the underlying causes of the symptoms? Respiratory diseases are caused by many different things.
“Even though lots of people are indeed suffering something respiratory, and an increasing tide of frontline doctors have discovered quick, easy ways to treat it, and get their patients well again?”
Again, people getting sick tells us nothing about what’s actually causing the illnesses. We cannot make any assumptions.
“Try pushing such bs in the crowded waiting room of doctors who are actually treating and curing the patients’ palpably real illness, CC! Good luck with not getting lynched!”
I’m not pushing anything. I’m simply refusing to accept the unsubstantiated claims about the alleged cause for the open set of symptoms/illnesses labelled as “COVID-19”.
I’m not denying that people are getting sick, I’m rejecting the claims (based on scientific reasoning) about what’s causing (ie “SARS-CoV-2”) all of these illnesses.
invalid assumption about the underlying causes -> misdiagnosis -> mistreatment
Crikey, Kit, did you really watch the whole eight hours? Talk about taking one for the team!
Of course the Oz government is sticking with the agenda:
Australia COVID: Pfizer vaccines could be administered to children by end of November, TGA says
Funerals for your own children.
That’s as bad as living gets.
Of course, they could be using this to end the fiasco.
Maybe the kids will get saline. And no one will get sick. !!
It worked! Whew. Ok, you know what, guys, you can go back to work. Kids, go back to school.
We’ve neutered the super-spreaders. We’re good.
Crack open The Constitution.
WEll they are run by the drug companies, the weasel words they use to claim people who died from the jabs didn’t really are nauseating.
Some have speculated that the intention of this operation is to ultimately turn the people against the current ‘administration’, allowing for a new, global government to emerge from the shadows and formally take over. Mass injection of children and the potential for large scale injury as a result would work a treat in terms of people finally waking up and revolting. It would be terribly sad if this came to pass.
Presumably governments know all that, as do most of the public by now. So we’re left with the possibilities that either a) Governments don’t in fact want children jabbed but need an excuse for rising cases (in a similar way to the alleged failure of the booster jab programme) and/or b) Governments are deliberately trying to stir up division, confusion and anger through a pointless vaccination programme, for reasons not related to public health.
I wouldn’t put anything past these evil b*st*rds.
Yes you are right about both of these. Covid is the new Brexit is the new war on terror is the new trump. The population must remain divided and distracted at all costs lest we focus on the ruling class. The govnt fails when we stop being angry at each other.