Pfizer “vaccine”: kill 200 to ‘save’ one?
Analysis of official data shows the risks attached to Covid "vaccine" far outweighs any theoretical reward.
Kit Knightly

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In the early days of the “vaccine” rollout, we ran several articles discussing the risk-reward of the new mRNA jabs. Dr Sadaf Gilani, in particular, did good detailed write-ups on “absolute risk reduction”.
To explain “absolute risk reduction” (ARR) in simple terms: if an unvaccinated person has a 10% chance of getting the disease, and a vaccinated person has a 1% chance, then the ARR for the vaccine is 9%.
Of course, that’s just an example, the actual ARR for the Covid “vaccines” is nowhere near 9%:
This is the absolute risk reduction for Pfizer/BioNtech (each group had over 18,000 people):
Injection Group: 8/18,198 = 0.04%
Placebo Group: 162/18,325 = 0.88%
Absolute risk reduction = 0.84%
From the “absolute risk reduction”, you can then calculate the “number needed to vaccinate” (NNTV). This is the rough number of people you need to inject in order to definitely prevent one case/death.
To continue the example above, if your vaccine reduces the odds of infection from 10% to 1% (an ARR of 9%), you need to vaccinate eleven people to prevent one infection, giving you an NNTV of 11.
Again, the NNTV of the Covid vaccines are much, much, MUCH higher than 11. Estimates range from between 88 and 700 to prevent a single case, and anything up to 100,000 to prevent one solitary death.
And remember, all this data was for adults. Children are at a far lower risk from Covid – both in terms of hospitalisation and death. In the US, children aged 5-11 have a 99.992% chance of surviving “Covid” – so it naturally follows the NNTV for this group will be far, far higher than for adults.
But, now that the FDA has approved Pfizer’s “vaccine” for emergency use on children aged 5-11, “far, far higher” is not good enough. We need to calculate an actual figure for the “number needed to vaccinate” in order to hypothetically protect one child from dying “with Covid”.
Fortunately for us, someone else has already done it.
Writing on his Substack, economist Toby Rodgers PhD has collated the numbers from Pfizer’s own trials, the FDA and the CDC and done a very thorough write up. You can read the whole thing here, we’ll just present you with some of the highlights:
As of October 30, 2021, the CDC stated that 170 children ages 5 to 11 have died of COVID-19-related illness since the start of the pandemic. (That represents less than 0.1% of all coronavirus-related deaths nationwide even though children that age make up 8.7% of the U.S. population).
The Pfizer mRNA shot only “works” for about 6 months (it increases risk in the first month, provides moderate protection in months 2 through 4 and then effectiveness begins to wane, which is why all of the FDA modeling only used a 6 month time-frame). So any modeling would have to be based on vaccine effectiveness in connection with the 57 (170/3) children who might otherwise have died of COVID-related illness during a 6-month period.
At best, the Pfizer mRNA shot might be 80% effective against hospitalizations and death. That number comes directly from the FDA modeling (p. 32). I am bending over backwards to give Pfizer the benefit of considerable doubt because again, the Pfizer clinical trial showed NO reduction in hospitalizations or death in this age group.
So injecting all 28,384,878 children ages 5 to 11 with two doses of Pfizer (which is what the Biden administration wants to do) would save, at most, 45 lives (0.8 effectiveness x 57 fatalities that otherwise would have occurred during that time period = 45).
So then the NNTV to prevent a single fatality in this age group is 630,775 (28,384,878 / 45). But it’s a two dose regimen so if one wants to calculate the NNTV per injection the number doubles to 1,261,550. It’s literally the worst NNTV in the history of vaccination.
630,000 children injected with 1.2 million doses to save one life. That’s incredibly inefficient. However, it could be even worse than that.
As we covered last week, according to statistics cited at the VRBPAC meeting, only 94 children from the 5-11 age group have died. If this lower figure is correct, the NNTV to prevent a single death jumps up to 915,641.
In other words, in order to hypothetically prevent a single child from dying over a six month period, you would have to inject nearly one million children with almost two million doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
What kind of risk are those 915,641 children facing from their two doses of Pfizer mRNA soup?
Well, early studies found around 11.1 cases of severe anaphylaxis per million doses of the Pfizer shot, so already any “fully vaccinated” child is almost 22x more likely to have an allergic reaction than to actually be protected from Covid.
Other severe reactions are harder to calculate.
It is known, for example, that Pfizer’s own trial showed increased all-cause mortality in the vaccinated group vs the placebo group, to the point the trial was abandoned after six months and all remaining placebo members were given the vaccine, effectively destroying the control group. To quote Rodgers again:
As Bobby Kennedy explains, Pfizer’s clinical trial in adults showed alarming increases in all cause mortality in the vaccinated:
“In Pfizer’s 6 month clinical trial in adults — there was 1 covid death out of 22,000 in the vaccine (“treatment”) group and 2 Covid deaths out of 22,000 in the placebo group (see Table s4). So NNTV = 22,000. The catch is there were 5 heart attack deaths in the vaccine group and only 1 in placebo group. So for every 1 life saved from Covid, the Pfizer vaccine kills 4 from heart attacks. All cause mortality in the 6 month study was 20 in vaccine group and 14 in placebo group.
So a 42% all cause mortality increase among the vaccinated. The vaccine loses practically all efficacy after 6 months so they had to curtail the study. They unblinded and offered the vaccine to the placebo group. At that point the rising harm line had long ago intersected the sinking efficacy line.
Former NY Times investigative reporter Alex Berenson also wrote about the bad outcomes for the vaccinated in the Pfizer clinical trial in adults (here). Berenson received a lifetime ban from Twitter for posting Pfizer’s own clinical trial data.
It’s not in Big Pharma’s interest to have an accurate collation of severe vaccine reactions, combine this with the (acknowledged) potential for totally unknown long-term side effects, and calculating the complete potential risk becomes very complicated.
However, Rodgers – using the VAERS data as his basis – makes a very reasonable effort:
- Because the Pfizer clinical trial has no useable data, I have to immuno-bridge from the nearest age group.
- 31,761,099 people (so just about 10% more people than in the 5 to 11 age bracket) ages 12 to 24 have gotten at least one coronavirus shot.
- The COVID-19 vaccine program has only existed for 10 months and younger people have only had access more recently (children 12 to 15 have had access for five months; since May 10) — so we’re looking at roughly the same observational time period as modeled above.
- During that time, there are 128 reports of fatal side effects following coronavirus mRNA injections in people 12 to 24. (That’s through October 22, 2021. There is a reporting lag though so the actual number of reports that have been filed is surely higher).
At this point, going purely off official data and VAERS reports, you can conclude that injecting every 5-11 year old in the US would theoretically save approximately 31 lives, but kill roughly 116 children.
That’s clearly already a very bad outcome. However, if the predictions for under-reporting of vaccine harms are accurate, it’s potentially much worse than that:
- Kirsch, Rose, and Crawford (2021) estimate that VAERS undercounts fatal reactions by a factor of 41 which would put the total fatal side effects in this age-range at 5,248. (Kirsch et al. represents a conservative estimate because others have put the underreporting factor at 100.)
- With potentially deadly side effects including myo- and pericarditis disproportionately impacting youth it is reasonable to think that over time the rate of fatal side effects from mRNA shots in children ages 5 to 11 might be similar to those in ages 12 to 24.
[…]Imagine that, at most half of American parents will be foolish enough to inject this toxic product into their kids. At a 50% uptake rate, the ACIP decision to approve the Pfizer shot will likely kill 2,624 children via adverse reactions in order to potentially save 12 from COVID-19-related illness.
In conclusion, going purely off official data, vaccinating 5-11 year olds will create 22 allergic reactions per death prevented, and could very well result in four deaths per life saved.
And, if Rodgers’ calculations are correct, the Pfizer shot could kill over 200 children before it has saved a single one.
As always, the point of this analysis is to illustrate that even the establishment’s own data doesn’t support their conclusions, it is NOT necessarily an endorsement of that data, or of the idea that “Covid” is indeed a “pandemic” that poses any kind of risk to anyone.
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There is now an audio version of this piece, available at the head of the article.
As there is no actual virus, and as there is no actual covid illness (only euthanised people and people who died from previously known diseases such as pneumonia) it is incorrect to say that 200 are killed to save 1 person. It is correct to say that thousands of people die for nothing at all.
They test for the flu since they’ve never isolated Covid-19. Which makes me wonder how they can tell there is a delta variant. They never isolated the virus but they use a test to show the damage of a solution does on monkey kidney cells then show the cellular debris as proof of the virus. So, they can use this method to claim an UNENDING! amount of variants. A lot of cancers and “viruses” are probably just different forms of parasites. Since the tests can’t differentiate between cold and flu and covid then doesn’t that mean ivermectin cures both the cold and the flu? Welcome to “they’ve been lying to us our entire lives about everything”. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!
If they have never isolated virus how they build Inactivated vaccines?
You should be able to isolate viruses to build a Inactivated vaccines.
Hospitals in USA and in first world countries are refusing life-saving Ivermectin treatment even with court orders. Big Pharma doing everything they can to jab us no matter what, while alternative COVID cures EXIST! There happens to be heavy censorship who are looking for these treatments. The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
The shots will kill far far more children than any statistical model can possible show at this stage because you not only have to take into account immediate deaths but heart damage, vascular/arterial damage and neurological damage, prions, etc… The intermediate and long term affects will never be properly measured.
Can somebody help me getting hold of the data that documents this?
“As Bobby Kennedy explains, Pfizer’s clinical trial in adults showed alarming increases in all cause mortality in the vaccinated:
“In Pfizer’s 6 month clinical trial in adults — there was 1 covid death out of 22,000 in the vaccine (“treatment”) group and 2 Covid deaths out of 22,000 in the placebo group (see Table s4). So NNTV = 22,000. The catch is there were 5 heart attack deaths in the vaccine group and only 1 in placebo group. So for every 1 life saved from Covid, the Pfizer vaccine kills 4 from heart attacks. All cause mortality in the 6 month study was 20 in vaccine group and 14 in placebo group.”
Thank you 🙂
Some smoke…. any fire?
ASTROWORLD COVER UP? Hugo Talks #lockdown
Age-restricted now!!
F*ck GooTube!!-Hugo-Talks–lockdown2:c
Very interesting. I think all this new nightclub and events spiking and drug injecting is being made up to cover up what is really happening which is young people dropping due to the c-jabs and some other factors combining at the same time, maybe 5g, or some other stimulus.
It has been reported there was a strange vibration ongoing throughout.
Some speculate that this vibration (unknown if it was magnetic) affecting the Graphene Oxide within the “jab” caused young people to collapse.
One thing we know for sure there was definitely more than 8 deaths.
Twitter Poll: Will you be vaccinating your 5-11 children?
Right away . . . . . . . . . . 6%
When it’s mandated . . 2%
Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92%
173,429 votes
Final results
Nov 5, 2021
C’mon man… “theoretical reward”?!
Not theoretical at all!
Just look at the number of new billionaires and the billions (going to trillions) in revenue they are making.
The REWARD is very real… The bonus part is that it also helps Them (SRF & Billionaires) to start cleaning Their Planet.
Try not to miss the point of the article. Try reading the whole thing, or there’s an audio version. Not much excuse 🤷♂️ 😅 A2
May I ask what is “the point” of constantly washing the awake people with an avalanche of obvious evidence of fraud VERSUS the crooked ruling class constantly washing the unawake people with an avalanche of propaganda?
With all due respect … we don’t need MORE and MORE clear obvious evidence of the clear obvious Covid SCAM of what has long been clear and obvious from the very start.
The relentless focus on this new area of fraud or that new piece of information on the Covid scam going on every day in the alternative media is at this VERY LATE stage A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME AND DISTRACTION from what everyone needs to immediately LEARN about to CONSTRUCTIVELY fight this obvious pseudoscientific Scamdemic.
I mean how much MORE clear evidence do you need to see the obvious?
UNLESS people take it to the next level it’s just describing more in a slightly different way of the same obvious fraud….
For people to GET to FIGHT against their destruction through Covid jabs they first need to have a proper grasp of the nature of the world they live in — they need to (want to) “see the light” first — because if they do they will be MOTIVATED to fight.
The most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to RE-learn is that psychopaths typically are not physically violent crazies but always stealth predators (exploitative deceivers, which explains why the public has been fed a MISLEADING understanding of psychopaths). And then… the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a network of manipulating psychopaths ARE governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE — you and I. But that’s only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition.
It is NOT just a matter of “draining the swamp” at the top and we’re back to our former sick “normal.”
The true, WHOLE, but “politically inconvenient” and “culturally forbidden” reality is more encompassing because “the swamp that needs draining” on a psychological and behavioral level is over 90% of people anywhere. Study (NOT briefly scan) “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at
Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
“The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today.” (from cited article)
I think chronicling this bizarre situation is also important. People also need reminding of the basics, even ‘awake’ ones, lest they get sucked back into the borg! I’ve encountered it again and again, after an enlightened conversation in which someone expresses their genuine problems with the narrative and seem on the point of totally ‘waking up’, they sort of ‘reset’ back to an unawakened state by the time I next see them.
30 Facts You Need To Know: Your Covid Crib Sheet by Kit Knightly is one of our most viral recent pieces, which seems to demonstrate the need for these refreshers of the fundamentals.
Surrounded as we are by forces trying to obfuscate and confuse, perhaps this is hardly surprising!
Thank you. I see what you are saying. However, you are missing my point.
It’s about FACING the ultimate causes instead of CONSTANTLY describing symptoms, ie describing the crime scene, the prison cell… but never talking about who and WHAT the culprits really are. So the constant avalanche of peripheral info is mostly an exercise in vain and keeps the “awake” public in the erroneous state of being “informed” and “awake” when they are not.
This mode of operation assures the endless stream of such “necessary” info (and its creators, ie the news media) without ever making any meaningful headway. Because it’s an obfuscation of the truth. Something you acknowledge in terms of the ruling class and its followers ONLY (“Surrounded as we are by forces trying to obfuscate and confuse, perhaps this is hardly surprising! ”) yet failing to see YOU and the rest of the “alternative media” does it too!
But as the article I cited notes humans are mostly self-defeating for a single reason….
Quite the opposite, the off-guardian’s chronicling of Covid has been some of the most concise, analytical and rational coverage out there. It’s provided me with a plethora of ammunition to stand my ground against the flood out there, as well as provided clarity and confidence, which is critical against propaganda, which seeks to confuse and demoralize.
I can’t say the same for some of the “capitalist-psychopath” articles, which tend to fall into endless abstraction and ambiguity. There’s a lot of talk of concepts, some of the more promising articles have references to real-world events, but I find it to be a bunch of self-congratulatory wanking. Some of the most constructive articles have been reposting Corbert’s solutions watch, but that’s from an anarchist’s perspective, which is a faulty and flawed one. Our world is that of authoritarianism and might, the challenge is finding which one is right.
You say,”May I ask what is “the point” of constantly washing the awake people with an avalanche of obvious evidence of fraud VERSUS the crooked ruling class constantly washing the unawake people with an avalanche of propaganda?”
So they forget about Nov, 3 2020.
Read it. Still the magnitude here cannot be determined, so the article although technically correct is not really helpful in describing the real impact that I am confident we will see if the campaign is permitted. There really will be less than zero (a negative) “death prevention” in children.
Try not to miss the point of the comment.
So just to understand this correctly.
Increase testing leads to increased cases leads to vaccinations however not enough so banish social events to increase vaccinations all the while maintaining testing, eventually achieving the preset goal of x % vaccinated, end testing , lower cases, all good?
Nope. Increased vaccinations begin causing increased illness and increases in deaths.
Now people start really dying. Whats to blame? Well its the un-vaccinated – the ones that got the two but not the third or fourth or fifth …. more dying more blaming .
How do you think the idiots in Australia and Canada will react to this?
I rather think we should be moving to Sweden now.
Back in the day communism worked the same way. Now its Imperial Britain and its commonwealth minions that are working their magic once again.
One might also consider how whatever number “need” to be injected with a bioweapon for effects of a bioweapon if not boogeyman or more dangerous effects from injections doesn’t “save” anyone, least of all children who have virtually no risk, at least initially. That would be altogether “inefficient” for everyone but the mass murderers running this war.
Thing is the pharma guys and the corrupted officials have been lying about vaccine safety for a very long time, lying in order to make money out of a dangerous product is nothing new.
The anti-vaxxers are right.
Many informed people are anti this mRNA/DNA inoculation, not necessarily anti all vaccines.
Yes, very conservative figures… especially as doctors can already identify vaccine damaged children just by glancing at them! As so little is known about why it’s happening, I’ve written the following… It explains how and why tissue damage occurs and how to arrest it. It is helpful for anyone infected with spike proteins, whether natural or engineered. This means the advice given can help prevent permanent tissue damage in everyone! It also explains how and why the jaxxinations are causing severe injury and death… with a heartbreaking case study of a pro mountain biker, who months into his pericarditis ordeal is still in pretty bad shape… but, thankfully, improving!
Today there was a Newsmax story about the court ruling that issued a “stay” on Biden’s vaccine mandate in private sector businesses with more than 100 employees.
Newsmax calls itself a conservative news outlet. Well…..I was surprised (or maybe not surprised) that they are still quoting the CDC Covid death rate of 1,100 people per day in the United States while not mentioning VAERS reports. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, they are.
I commented with corrections as any tire-of-the-propaganda-pissed-off-average-American-grandfather-who-is-trying-his-best-to-protect-his-family.
Might as well be living on some isolated plain in a loin cloth sitting on the highest rock watching for the nearest neighboring tribe to try and invade and kill my family and steal my meat. I have my “spear” in hand and I am ready for war. I wrote something to that effect last week to all of my political reps.
I worded it something like this: “There will be a war in our country if Covid vaccines are mandated for children”. It is the final straw.
No doubt, they are now looking at me. It is likely they already were.
Got to watch out for “old people muscles”. A quote from a video of an attack on an old white man in a subway I watched a few years ago.
It is time.
Primordial urges are taking over. It’s fight or flight and I can’t run.
They are leaving us no choice.
Only a few crucial things matter here:
1) Revoke the indemnity the drug companies have against freely murdering human guinea pigs – us. It is a criminally insane bowing of the knee to satan.
2) Stop pretending that ‘covid’ is different from any other seasonal bug, even if it is a rather nasty one.
3) Restore the meaning of the word, ‘symptomless’ to its rational definition of ‘healthy’.
4) Stop ‘testing’ people for the purpose of being able to say that they are ‘diagnosed with infection’ and need to be ostracized.
5) Threaten all the mainstream media with closure if they don’t start hiring reporters who are allowed to report based on the scientific conclusions of actual scientists and not on the whims of scientifically illiterate politicians.
Repeat after me: there is no pandemic produced by a pathogenic virus. The pandemic is the injection. The pandemic is the injection.
Hi Kit, is it accurate to calculate the absolute risk reduction from studies that only include relative risk individuals? As I understand, all studies comprised healthy individuals, not a true comparison to the real or absolute world. Keep up the great work!
How can the jab save anyone from a non-existent pathogen ?
Kill Bill gates of hell, best buddy of Maxwell Epstein pedovore in chief and Mossad kiddy porn director along with filthy Swi$$ money laundry and spawn of genuine kosher German Nazis, the Hollyweird central casting SS cutout lout aka Satan Klaus Slob, Rothschild bagman geriatric peddler of fellow Jews to Nazis, the inimitable Gyorgi “Soros”, all these demons would have you believe that their Tony Jaws Fauci and his Fort Detrick (debt trick) Wuflu virus has it all sewn up and you are nothing more than a redundant head of tax cattle down on Rancho Goyim, USSA soon to be slaughtered for the greater good of the zero 1% reptilian slime that imagines it has “inherited the earth”.
The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and gimp bastard €urodollah or their evil genocidal asses in the coming Nuremberg reloaded. The Wall St shitter is about to blow their Ponzi sewer to hell and all the fake covaids and DARPA mRNA death pricks won’t put Humpty Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative shit washes over Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of filth. Simply by staying unjected we win when the millions of vaxxed sheeple start falling like dominoes in the months ahead; Dark Winter comes with a vengeance. Then guess how long the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitute hos will cover for the cabal of reptilian scum that unleashed this vile insanity on the planet. These porcine scum will have their own offspring croaking like flies and even pigs and sheeple finally understand the stench of mass slaughter the nearer they come to the slaughterhouse erected by the reptilian alien slime now running planet moron.
There’s going to be a lot of entitled, hubris bloated elitist garbage dangling from lampposts in the years ahead andnothing is going to stop the stampeding poisoned sheeple from taking grisly revenge when the herd finally grasps the totality of their stupidity and the enormity of their betrayal at the hands of our “Western democratic” kakistocracy. Forget about the ravings of trans slash humanist oddball geriatric retards and their great psychopathic “reset” and get ready for the greatest flush of demented loons that humanity has ever seen in its sorry history of depravity at the hands of gubermint puss and the ghouls that wallow in it.
YOU are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure
Onward to Ouch Witz; the joke is on all of US
Pfizer macht frei
Same as it ever waZ
The covaid$ Caper in under 2 minutes
“Billy Eugenics and the rest of the alumni of the Jefferey Epstein Charm School for Wayward Pedos need to go.”

“Thank heaven for little girls.”
Glad you got that off your chest …
VACCINATED? In recent weeks, more than 20 top athletes have collapsed or died?
Anyone notice a pattern yet? More athletes die or have serious health issues
Also of note Roger Federer and Nadal will be out for 6 months at least after taking the jab. Both pushed Novak to take it and Look what happened? Nadal missed Wimbledon and the US Open. Roger pulled out of Wimbledon? and missed the US Open. Both are desperate to stop Novak overtaking them on Grand Slam totals.
Something else I noticed is both Deontay Wilder and Anthony Joshua looked very tired early on in their losses. Both took the jab?
“Pfizer “vaccine”: kill 200 to ‘save’ one?”
I shouldn’t think it has anything to do with saving or killing.
It’s about risk-free profit.
The chaps at WSWS noticing you can die of Covid in spite of being fully vaccinated. Not that this affects their line, indeed it makes them more panic-stricken. Easing up in New Zealand clearly bothers them…
‘Fully Vaccinated’ with what? A substance that is not a vaccine but a poorly performing prophylactic. The term ‘fully vaccinated’ never existed till 2021. You were either vaccinated or unvaccinated. If the former, you could not catch the disease the vaccine prevented. The language here shows the extent of the clown-world we are in.
‘If the former, you could not catch the disease the vaccine prevented.’
That is yet another lie the vaxxers have sold to people, there are a huge number of vaccine failures, they are very common, their solution being to inject the patient with more magic sauce.
“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) is a Langley-Land disinformation misinformation operation.”

“Former CEO David W Green (aka David North) of Grand River Printing and Imaging Corporation (Belleville, MI), also the CIA Party head, tries to make Leon Trotsky look like the late Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple.”

“Pay them, and him, no heed.”
All brought to us out of the SOA in Fort Detrick
Is that startlingly uncharismatic photo actually the young David North? He does have a nice wristwatch.
The late and by me unlamented “State” Proyect does use the photo and present it as North. I have to say more recent photos of North do not resemble this photo – if it is really the same person he has gone to a good plastic surgeon.
The man in the picture is one of the original american deplorables. He and his family were the poster children for eugenics in the day, held up as fear porn for the masses as to what happens when your gene pool was too shallow.
His name, while it escapes me was certainly not ‘North’.
The WSW has never wavered from its recipe:
First, to “simply” present the statistics, these appearing like the chiselled ten commandments direct from the mouth of God.
Second, to repeat the (Godlike?) pronouncements of various “experts” (“We are going to have many people, many young people, get COVID and get long COVID as a result.”)
Third, to emphasise that good old “strong science-based response”.
Fourth, (and very important for that stirring revolutionary buzz!) assurance of an approach which “prioritised public health over business and other economic considerations.”
Fifth, emphasise that some groups are being neglected for the blessed vaccination e.g. the Maori are “still way behind the rest of the country in terms of uptake.” (It helps if you dwell on the generally impoverished state of the Maoris too and make it look as if the poverty they suffer is linked to the lower vax rate.)
It is important to emphasise that any lessening of the covid restrictions is always “premature” and is “not a public health based decision” but is always based on “business and politics” and concern “about the economic consequences”, and restlessness “at having been locked down for so long.” i.e. any lessening of the covid restrictions is not scientific and revolutionary!
The “responsible” approach is to go for the policies that “would likely have restricted the spread of infection, even if it did not completely eliminate the outbreak” – because, speaking in a properly scientific way, the outbreak will never be completely eliminated!
Therefore it’s “irresponsible to say we’re never going to go into lockdowns … even when there is high vaccine coverage. If there was a new mutation of Delta” (… pause for jarring chord and creepy music) “things could get …really out of hand … and a lockdown would be needed.”
And here is the most important sentiment from this people’s party:
“Viruses are spread by people …One of the most effective public health measures that we can adopt is to restrict movement.”
“Viruses are spread by people… Restrict movement”. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just adopt the firebreak of killing everybody just to ensure the virus does not spread?
Yet they can’t help enthusing over some demos at least, often over economic issues, despite the fact that they mean large numbers of people gathering together and “social distancing” be damned. They have never really explained the contradiction, perhaps because it is impossible.
I do get the impression demos against Covid restrictions are growing internationally – people are fed up with this thing, increasingly, and screaming for essentially endless lockdowns is no way to build a mass movement, which you might assume is what the WSW would want. Or perhaps I am being naive here.
So, we’ve done peaceful protesting, statistics, logic and legal proceedings.
There’s a very narrow but obvious path to follow now.
But that’s EXACTLY what they want.
We must remain peaceful to rob them of their chance to retaliate.
I reckon March/ April will see us through this
Excellent write up Kit.
Thats why I only do the research, and leave it up to the wordsmiths. Difference between a witness statement, and a Barrister building a case 🙂
Another ‘short illness’
Perhaps there’s a Nietzschean point to be made here i.e. A species can become so fixated on fear of dying that it never lives.
Or as Master Oogway said in Kung Fu Panda “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.”
One of these protests is genuine and one isn’t. See if you can guess which one is which?
I don’t see much social distancing at either of them…
I was listening to podcast 54 here where one John Bower (owner of bar/restaurants in LA) describes the devastating effect of the vaccine on his business where all the staff took the vax and all fell ill. It’s interesting how his staff experienced a sea change in their entire political outlook after this and how he explains how it’s the more liberal quarters of the city who seem to fall for the covid crap more readily. There’s also conversation on the schizophrenic arbitrariness of mask etiquette, the tearing apart of friendships, the cutting off of regular health services etc.
Ironically ‘liberals’ follow state dictats with religious zeal. They have adopted a form of state worship.
Similar experiences in our establishment. No one is vaccinated until one dimwit gets a shot to go to a sporting event, before you know it the entire crew is down with flu like symptoms. The dimwit tests positive as does the other vaccinated individual that came out of the closet…. the rest test negative.
Go figure that one out. Only one person never suffers anything and they had something bad at the onset in 2020 or late 2019. Natural immunity? Nope that’s not proven.
Real life situation. I am just waiting on the two dimwits to drop dead.
The purpose of the Pfizer and other convid “vaccines” is to kill 6-7 billion people. To save the survivors?
A house concert last night was a bizarre experience.
Mind you, people are required to be either vaccinated or tested to enter public establishments and as of November 1, staff are required to check people’s papers. So, one would presume that people attending the concert would be dissenters, at least to some extent. Still, one motherfucker showed up in a face mask and kept the fucking thing on the whole time, only to take it off to stuff his face with peanuts from a dish used by everybody else, underscoring his endless stupidity. But that’s not the point.
The point is that apart from the hosts, who are on the same page with me, nobody uttered a word about any of the current events, the sanitary fascism, the fact that things will likely get worse. The crown was international, some guy was talking about flying to New Orleans and musing about music events he’s gonna see. Business as usual.
For a second, it made me question myself whether the dissenter me is being paranoid. I see the world as coming to an end, well maybe not that, maybe through a huge changeover, the imposition of a new regime. But obviously not them. They’ve accepted the new status quo. They probably see what’s happening as a minor inconvenience, well maybe not minor, but certainly not the end of the world.
You know, one thing is for sure. People AIN’T WAKING UP. That’s delusion to think that they will.
Not in an optimistic mood today …:-( …
I don’t know man, I’ve been working at gigs every weekend for the past few months and I’ve found that a lot of people have woken up, particularly the younger musicians who I’ve talked to. I’m open with people about my views. Fuck testing the water any more. I don’t give a fuck if it upsets people. The main problem for me is that people aren’t saying it on stage. I’m playing a gig in a few weeks fronting a band I used to be in and I think the room will be full and I’ll definitely be saying a few things. I’ll see how how the room reacts, who is upset and who applauds. I always enjoyed pissing normies off from a stage. I think people here in the UK are happy just to be out and about, maskless again, but not many are really aware of what’s in the pipeline.
The venue that I work at have told me that trying to implement any vaccine passport is completely untenable for them and most other small venues and I think if that bullshit is brought in here then lots of people will pretend to do it. Either way, my job doing the sound there is safe, they’ve said.
I’m glad I’m not in Canada, Germany, France or New Zealand right now.
Good for you, buddy. I think that last night’s might be the last gig for quite a while if not for good, since I’m getting kinda sick of the sheeple.
I don’t give a fuck if I upset people anymore either, you’re right, we’re way past of the stage of pussyfooting around the masked zombies lest you hurt their feelings. It’s just that it’s to no avail. Most people think that I’m a lunatic. They’re fucked up. Even if garden gnome Fauci told them that the coast is now clear, they would get the jab just to be sure and keep wearing a mask or two.
I’m endlessly lucky to be self-employed working on my own, essentially from wherever I like. If I had to go to some office, you’d be seeing me in one of these.
Anyways, hang in there ..
Oh, yeah … so much for going back to Canada. I was gonna go with a friend, haven’t been for so long, but she says I think we have no choice but to say aideu au Canada.
Lots of people know its all bullshit, most are just scared to say so. The booster will wake a lot more up.
The problem with all Covid statistics, either whether you give it your best (unbiased) try or when you try to bamboozle the audience with statistics (lies), is that the statistics don’t add up.
We know we’ve been lied to and that this whole mass hysteric event doesn’t make any sense. And the no sense includes the ‘you own nothing’ quote (for if you own nothing you are truly free, since if that happens you are no longer troubled by the things you posses, that can then no longer posses you!)
To me this covid business looks like a conn trick that has gone badly of the rails. It is as if the magician was able to hypnotize the total population (which was needed to get the conn done), but didn’t really think through how to wake the people up.
It doesn’t matter from what point you look at this, staying in this conn is bad for all.
So why doesn’t it end? – I don’t know. But pure from an observational point of view it seems to me that the far majority likes their mental slavery and that they would do everything (and that includes injecting their children with poison) if that takes away the burden of being responsible for their own decisions. That. Plus that there are always people who love to make decisions for others. But the latter are just as enslaved as the former who the latter boss around, since they too follow the mandates, minus a tiny few who party like it’s 1999 as if they know that their days are counted.
How is this going to end?
I don’t know, but since I think (and maybe it is a biased view…) that man in the end is a rational being, I think at this point that human kind can only learn from their mistakes. Taking the jab is a huge mistake! It leads to excess mortality in all countries in which jabbing is prevalent (here are the numbers from NL till October 2021: But the problem is: the excess mortality is not severe enough. That footballer players die, on the field, etc after they took the jab, etc to even someone who is close in your surroundings, is too easy to dismiss as coincidence.
It’s ‘not fun’ to know that you, by letting yourself get jabbed, inserted a ticking time bomb in your system, so the cognitive dissonance is huge. If I look at my friends, I thin they would only wake to reality if about one third of them suddenly died in the next few months to years, and maybe a third is still not enough!
So yes, I am rather pessimistic, but cling to the death statistics as they seem to be the only statistic that cannot be tampered with.
Oh and “Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed” that is that I consider the voting thing should be re-installed ASAP!
Phase 1 is almost finished….the November eclipse in Taurus will bring a nasty reality to a few…living in delusion will become harder now….still a wide aspect between neptune and the xmas eclipse but other forces are threatening….uranus and saturn will have another face off by the end of the year…..2022 will have little room for delusions….more likely economic despair as the mess unfolds….this eclipse in a few days carries the potential for an amount of carnage,….last time the yanks went off to create carnage in Iraq…it looks more whole sale this time…and I would think that the health of the vax make them more susceptible than the unvax to health mayhem…
I guess one could say living through big moments in history are always interesting though this one has been very confusing….
Pluto Return back in USA chart will explode thing come February onwards, wake up and shake up x 1000000
It’s a combination of things.
Laziness, buyer’s remorse, an inconceivable amount of money spent on psychologists and advertising.
But I think the main reason is the completely insane notion that we are in the midst of a global takeover.
To most people this is outside of their sphere of thinking.
I sometimes have to come to a site like this to reassure myself that it is real.
As I have written before, it’s like the 1980’s “Magic Eye” pictures.
Impossible to see – until you see it. Then you can see nothing else.
How is this going to end?
With present circumstances, very badly, I’m afraid.
The manic push to get everyone jabbed by the New Year tells you everything you need to know.
If you are a Hasidic Jew, you now have a valid religious exemption from the Covid vaccine via the following.
Official translation of the Halachic delineation
Have you given any more thought to getting the vaccination? You can’t say that billions around the world are wrong or that people like you in the 1% know more than the experts. You’re not going to get sick or die from it. It mitigates the effects of the virus. If you’re not going to get it we’ll just have to hope that you’ll be fine somehow.
– call from father 5 mins ago.
He’s a vigilant watcher of the 6 o’clock news.
Just a very uncomfortable conversation.
“But everyone’s doing it!”
Great argument eh? How can you possibly deny his razor sharp logicand mental acuity? I mean, I can’t think of a single example when following the herd was a bad move. Hordes of fear driven automata – what a great role model. My father is as good as yours – really great advice there Dad. Thanks!
Very saddening. It’s hard enough and the future is uncertain enough for me as it is. I took a stand against masks 3 months ago when my employer forced masks at work. Haven’t been back since. Well masks are normalised now. Masks are a lock. Fully accepted. And the narrative has steamrolled on from there to ‘inject or lose your job’. And on top of that, I have a boomer father who is ill-informed, siding with GovMediaCriminals and is helping to further back me into a corner. I know he means well and he’s just operating under the logic he has at his disposal. But it leaves me basically alone. I have literally nobody I can even talk to. Haven’t heard from friends in months. etc etc
Hang tight. When it makes sense, join the crowd. Until then, go with your instinct. You’re following the science, which is what they tell you to do.
“You’ve not really been keeping up have you dad?”
“If you are going to have it, I’ll just have to hope you’ll be fine somehow”
“Good job you’re not a sportsman eh!”
If your dad wants to be really vigilant tell him to rocky up at a hospital and watch all the non covid patients turn up.
I’m surprised a man of his vintage still believes what he watches on TV. 9/11 or the US election teach him anything? Or the endless wars?
No. I think his main thing is that I’m not working and earning money. This scares the hell out of him. He’s very much against “conspiracy theories”. He gets extremely defensive if I point out that he’s watched 6 o’clock news every day of his life without fail. He hates me pointing that out. Not that it means anything necessarily. But I can’t go into the minutiae of the current situation because his frame of reference only comes from TV news, newspapers and radio. It’s impossible to have a discussion. Years ago I tried to talk about 911. I even showed him building 7 sinking in perfect controlled demolition. He fobbed it off. He’s just a typical boomer. He’s ruled by fear and has enjoyed a life of sport, leisure etc. Born after the war. He thinks life as he’s lived it is perfectly normal. He’s spent an entire life questioning nothing and going along with everything.
The first(?) public promoter of conspiracies was good old JFK, pointing the fingure square at the CIA and deeper stuff. The CIA then had the chutzpah to create the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ to silence anyone criticising its whitewashed investigation of the events.
JFK – Secrecy is repugnant
Proof of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy is there, even if you take the premise that Oswald was ‘the sole shooter’.
Ignore the commentary. The pulled minders were there to prevent an attempt on the president from behind the car. They would know which direction the shots came from and would negate the Oswald patsy story if present. They had to be pulled for the murder to proceed.
Sure he’s your dad?
Show him pictures of the queen without a mask mingling with other maskless people. Many PM’s do the same. Mask up in front of a camera then take it off when the camera stops.
Don’t try and force him for the lack of a better word but ease into it. Nobody wants their reality shattered least of all by a youngen.
Small steps and choose your words carefully. Never say I told you or see I was right you were wrong. Things like let me show you something and then say what do you think and leave it at that. Never look for a win. If they come around that’s the win you want, not the proven right win. Things like dad I don’t know what do you think is better than I dad this is what it is.
Just plant a seed and watch it grow.
It is all so disheartening. But I noticed this last week that I’m almost falling into complacency about it; I’m beginning to ignore it, the same way you’d ignore a steady ‘drip, drip’ of an annoying leaky pipe somewhere in your basement. Is it the banality of evil so great that it fades into the background, or do we just have a limited capacity to remain in a state of utmost alert regarding a threat of grave seriousness against our offspring and families? Hard to say, but maybe this weary outlook on things is what was meant when we were told we were entering an era of the “New Normal”
Agreed. Every day the news programs have yet another MD pushing the need to Covid vaccinate and there is nothing that can be done to stop this propaganda. This is how you lock in the messaging.
I have learnt there is hardly any need for news any more and I can ignore the flashing road signs urging me to get the jab….seeing a vax van outside Bunnings on sat morning was almost hilarious….our premier is threatening to lock us down for not complying and I almost get to the point of cheering them onto the vax bus to simply shut her up…..while I remain totally fascinated that they are so desperate to get some juice into peoples bodies that won’t stop anything, save their lives etc etc.,,a totally exercise in futility…demonstrating yet again we have let idiots in charge of the hen house.
It was never “News”. Owned and controlled it was always THEIR news.
I make it my business never to look at those flashing road signs. I need to get out of this city.
What pisses me off the most from this con is that government’s suddenly think they can order whole populations to have a toxic jab when in reality they have no legal or medical right to order anyone to take a fucking aspirin.
And even worse, it is against Nuremberg Laws to inject a population with experimental agents without their consent. The trial population of adults gave their adult consent so they were heroes (or mugs); but the children who died were victims of untried and potentially harmful experiments, of the sort punishable by Nuremberg Convention.
Most adults including myself were needle raped with the use of extreme, extreme coercion.
Ohhh, that’s an interesting ‘aspirin’ … 😉
Some very good news – CEO of Pfizer arrested – hope this is true.
“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was arrested at his home in the affluent suburb of Scarsdale, New York Friday morning by the FBI and charged with multiple counts of fraud. Bourla is being held while he awaits a bail hearing. Federal agents are in the process of executing a search warrant at his home and at multiple other properties he owns across the country.
Albert Bourla faces fraud charges for his role in deceiving customers on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Pfizer is accused of falsifying data, and paying out large bribes. According to an FBI agent that spoke to the Conservative Beaver, Pfizer lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines, and mislead customers about the serious side effects the vaccines can produce. Pfizer is accused of paying off governments and the mainstream media to stay silent.”
no, May Hem. It’s far to forthright to be real. The language isn’t sufficiently convoluted– isn’t bureaucratese.
Wishful thinking. The pigs are too busy brutalising protestors.
You should do a web search to confirm before posting something like this. You’d find that it is not true and that the “conservativebeaver” isn’t exactly a site anyone trusts for valid info.
No worse than the Main Sewer Media.
Both sides use disinformation. They just want to plant a seed.
Over at Discord I’m mulling….Did the vaxx kill at least 8 youngsters at the Astroworld music festival in Texas on Friday?
The official story is bizarre: Random person injecting people. With what? Was someone passing bad drugs — to victims who were 14 and younger?
Videos show scant evidence of a stampede. If it was a crush, how did someone walk around pricking people in the neck? What about reports of people “going down” with cardiac arrest?
From TMZ:
“…somewhere far out in the crowd she shouts, “There is somebody dying!” over and over again…
a video shows Travis (performer) looking down onto the crowd, where an unconscious guy is being lifted up and carried out…
According to Houston Fire Chief Sam Pena, “People began to fall out, become unconscious and it created additional panic.”
If it was a crush it would take a lot longer than 40 mins to treat the victims and disperse 50,000 people.
MSM lies, using pictures of crowds rushing the front gates but that’s not where the deaths happened. There is no other video showing any stampede. The old media is conflating different locations —and people died “collapsed… with cardiac arrest” in various places, not just at the front near the stage.
Something smells
Correction: I did find pictures of a crush on Twitter (how I hate to use it). Still, it seems to have been localized and not a stampede.
Still does not account for the bizarre qualifiers: if all the casualties caused by crushing, why is a police chief rabbit holing about some guy going round injecting people?
Why are the headlines dominated by: Police confirm victims may have been injected with drugs at Astroworld crowd surge —
“A terrifying new drug-spiking trend could be behind the crowd surging that led to the deaths of at least eight people and injured hundreds more at Astroworld Festival, police have said.”
Well, ain’t that a coinkydink. Because many had indeed been injected with drugs: the Covaids vaccine clot shot.
Evidence of vaccination (full course of shots + 14 days) or a negative Covid result was required for attendance.
25 people taken hospitals, 300 treated on site, CPR on 11 of the victims. By Saturday afternoon, 13 were still hospitalized, Turner said. Five of those patients were under 18-years-old.
Also interesting is the organizer/performer Travis’ failure to stop singing while he was looking directly at the pit and at least one victim. Goes against common sense, let alone his own financial interest. He’s going to be sued.
Who advised Travis to go on with the show despite concertgoers climbing on stage and pleading for them to stop?
But, then, it was Houston. People danced on top of cars and ambulances as they tried to reach the victims. Is this how the Zombie apocalypse begins?
You cannot go around just ‘spiking’ people with drugs. For all intravenous drug ingestion they have to be consumed in the same way that ‘normal’ drugs are when ingested intravenously and that is via a vein.
Injecting into a vein is a difficult task for the unpracticed as I can testify after being continuously mis-spiked by a couple of nurses.
I think that part of the story is deliberate mis / disinformation at least.
You can inject ketamine IM, that much I know. 😉
I had 3 different people send me the link asking it I thought it was some sort of energy weapon! lol
I presume everyone was double jabbed to be able to get in, high excitement from the concert, high heart rates, coupled with a bit of extra panic from the “crush” (I also saw the pcis on twitter) explains it to me in the context of vax injury.
The injection spiking meme has been rasing in the media for a coupe of weeks in the UK, non of the reports seem genuine to me tho, they’re all plastic people ‘influencers’. Seems a psy-op on the face of it.
What’s the excuse going to be when they’re stiff in their seats at the end of a classical music concert? The sublime strings wafted them over the Styx or a woodwind elf blew poison darts from his clarinet?
I shouldn’t joke. Just watched more of the event.
At 00:09:00 minutes you can see people getting CPR, with no crush around them. Plenty of space. They collapsed, many with heart attacks.
Here is the deep end: Travis is clearly into the dark arts. He likes his (monarch) butterflies. Concertgoers question what caused people to collapse.
Was it triggered by frequency, vibration, strobes… given that the vaccines cause all manner of neurology and cardial issues?
Maybe it was an experimental use of 5G to see what would happen if turned on briefly.
Brass section energy weapon of course 😉
Eh classical, we’re all over the hill. Several heart attacks at the performance of Mahler’s first is to be expected.
My suspicion meter wonders if this incident will be used against us “anti-vaxxers” in some way. An anti-vax “terrorist” shooting people up with something as revenge for their compliance? The new face of terrorism – a crazed anti-vaxxer attacking any venue that mandates a vax? Whatever it is I agree on psy-op. It’ll definitely increase the fear the vaxxed are under, now not only are they not “safe” around so many “anti’s” in their daily lives but they can’t even “go back to normal” now since we’re all terrorists who will attack them if they try? God only knows, but if the MSM is hyping it you know there’s some use for it.
There are also allegations of a drug-spiking trend in the UK. More coinkydink?
Moneycircus, remember the Lew Rockwell story that they are all ready w the next “pandemic”– hemorrhagic fever– although there’ve been scant cases in the past 15 years. According to Rockwell they already have atest & vaxx for it. The investors in the new vaxx are really big — like Goldman Sachs & Vanguard, if memory serves. (Can’t find the article at the mo).
Whenever I hear of people collapsing I think maybe it’s the beginning of the next “pan.”
Hi Penelope. That’s certainly another possibility, especially being Texas. There have been numerous stories about Texas’ long mosquito season being perfect for Zika, Dallas had an Ebola “cluster” in 2014 — three patients I think. And of course it now has the border influx.
The press is happy to tell us that the migrants are unvaccinated, that Immigration and Customs Enforcement “cannot force individuals in detention to be vaccinated”… another pretext in the making.
It would be the perfect scapegoat for whatever comes next and, as GWB said of 9/11… “No one could have conceivably imagined it.”
For now, the “man going round with a needle” story reminds me of the warnings were now seeing that children can have strokes, too… It’s a cover story.
Young people were told if they got the clot shot they could have their life back, go to sports events and concerts and have fun. Now we’re seeing what actually happens…
… and it cannot be allowed to derail the jabbing of young people that’s still ramping up.
I am also trying to get my head around what could have happened.
The “serial killer” injecting people randomly is very obviously a fabricated story to confuse, or a cover up. And it points to the vaccine as a culprit.
Interestingly, online conversations mention the possibility of a bad batch of some drug (I wonder about the effects of MDMA or cocaine on vaccinated hearts), but the official stories have bee shy to even suggest that.
It is also not clear what caused the surge, if it was before or after the cardiac episodes, not even if there was one.
And as much as I am not convinced by these kind of “conspiracies”, it has to be said that the whole thing feels very awkward and that the event was a very blatant display of occult symbolism, taking many to speculate if this was not some sort of sacrificial ritual.
The stage was a pyramid with an eyeball moving around in the middle of it. A demon with wings appears above the pyramid, as does the digital signage “see you on the other side”. Have a look at the concert´s poster.

The “singer” Travis Scott (as many of other participants) seem to be promoting these sort of symbols, with their videos featuring hints to MK Ultra programming, satanism, murder, and sacrifice.
There is this extremely eerie video of him singing a very gloomy “yeah” as he looks straight into a fan (probably dead) being taken out of the crowd.
Too crazy, I know. But as Mark Crispin Miller pointed out recently, “satanism in the media is becoming so blatant, that only crackpots will deny it”.
And the question is: what for? do they believe in those things? is it some sort of psychological warfare? a distraction?
Either way, we can all agree that there are many powerful people out there who would gladly kill and injure hundreds, regardless of the purpose. And that there is an obvious push for these sort of ideas in the media and entertainment, that deserves perhaps more attention.
Check out Vigilant Citizen’s latest article about it-
Ooo I’ve received my first “pending”.
Check out Vigilant Citizen’s latest article (I think the title put me in the pending)
The hands in the poster look like they have been nailed as well as looking like eyeballs.
I’ve read some reports and comments that go with .Nobody seems to consider the possibility of Larsen screeching.Loud enough and centered on you,it can cause heartfailure,IMO.Another possibility would be infra-sound heavy bass patterns.It could be useful to find out the victim’s position to the loudspeakers and subwoofers.
Or the vaccinated may have enhanced sensibility to those high and/or low frequencies.
Dr. Peter Mccullough Issues Emergency Warning: Vaccine Created Spike Protein Deadly to Human Body!
Nov 6, 2021
Dr. Peter McCullough joins The Alex Jones Show to issue a warning to the public and expose corruption behind the growing medical tyranny state.
[The interview starts at 5:30]
McCullough states or implies (@ 61mins) that there were no protests for other vaccines and mandates. This is demonstrably incorrect; for instance:
Dec 7, 2019
Mark Blaxill: Vaccine mandates are bad policies based on false premises
Below is Mark Blaxill’s testimony to the Public Health Committee in Massachusetts last Tuesday. Despite a snowstorm that delayed proceedings, more than 600 people attended to voice their opposition to bills including the “Community immunity act.” The “day” ended after midnight on Wednesday, such is the dedication of the Health Choice community.
Dec 11, 2019
Village Connection Network Interview with Professor Mary Holland and Dr. Larry Palevsky About the Gardasil HPV Vaccine
From Village Connection Network, Long Island, New York, Professor Mary Holland and Dr. Larry Palevsky, on HPV vaccination. As of this date, New York State is seeking to mandate HPV vaccinations for school attendance in S298B. Even parents who have fully vaccinated their children per the pediatric CDC schedule see this bill as overreaching in terms of public health. Of course, if they refuse the Gardasil vaccine for their sons and daughters, they will join the ranks of the “anti-vaxxers,” in an automatic inclusion.
Jan 6, 2020
Occupy Trenton Against S2173 Starts On Epiphany
Robert Kennedy Jr live from Trenton today as concerned citizens speak out about state bill S2173. . . . what better day to occupy the New Jersey State Capital in Trenton than Epiphany? From Children’s Health Defense about this 8 day event:
Join RFK, Jr. in Trenton, NJ as He Stands with Activists for Religious Freedom!
NJ activists needs your help. Join them for Occupy Trenton, Jan. 6th – Jan. 14th.
NJ legislators have until January 13th, the end of the legislative session, to bring legislation to a vote that will remove religious exemptions in NJ. If another state falls, even more states will be targeted for the Spring. We must all take a stand for medical rights!
Dr Larry Palevsky at Public Health Hearing on Vaccine Safety – Feb 19th 2020
Dr. Larry Palevsky is a NYS licensed pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a three-year pediatric residency at The Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC in 1990, and served as a pediatric fellow in the ambulatory care out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital, NYC, from 1990-1991.
Since 1991, his clinical experience includes working in pediatric emergency and intensive care medicine, in-patient, and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, newborn and delivery room medicine, and conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric private practice. Dr. Palevsky is on the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine.
Critically Thinking – Episode 69 – Nov 04 2021
Dr Larry Palevsky
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
So the vaccine iprotects you from covid (cough) but doesn’t protect you from the un-vaccinated?
How stupid do you have to be?
Most of the people I spoke to said no way they are getting a booster. They say “we done our bit”.
If only they did their bit to stop world hunger. They can jab everyone 10 times over but can’t feed the starving. 8 million die every year from hunger.
Almost 3 months in and only 5% of Americans have taken a booster. Around 12% of the UK so far. This is where it gets interesting. Even more so if unfortunately more get sick as many hospitals are getting overwhelmed with non covid patients.
Isn’t it fascinating how the solution to a coronavirus is bailing out the wealthy, crushing the lower/middle class, and installing a technocratic-social credit system tied to lifetime subscriptions of pharmaceutical products
Yep that says it very clearly
Vaxx began Dec 8, 2020 in Britain, many more vaxxed in Jan, Feb. So here we are NINE MONTHS later:
“A British funeral director interviewing with says he’s seeing untold numbers of dead babies and newborns in cold storage and piling up in mortuaries waiting for their funerals.
The unprecedented numbers of babies that he and other morticians are dealing with are matched only by the excessive number of younger people in their 30s and 40s who have been dying since the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out, he says.” More at:
I think They should stop calling it ‘The Age of Science’, call it ‘The Age of Statistics’ instead. Except for Offguardian (and S Cooper – below), i’ve stopped reading articles that rely on stats to make their point.(Though i assume being a Statistician is a Good Paying Job). Seems Everyone has gone Stats Mad… Like Mothers, they have their place, but you dont want them going to a Dance Party with you…
I suppose it really boils down to; i dont know a good stat from a bad stat, which means, if i
like what you’re saying, your stats are OK (and i dont mean ‘Vital Stats’)
WEll as they say there are lies, damn lies and statistics
There are true statistics. For instance, this one quoted by Kit:
“Pfizer clinical trial showed NO reduction in hospitalizations or death in this age group [children aged 5 to 15]”.
Children are the group Least Likely to die from flu. Well known statistic.
“Statistic: numerical information gathered about a State”.
Ektually I read an article/post a few years ago by a statistician complaining of the lack of jobs. Some while back, before computers, the calculations were tedious in the extreme and scientists, especially those of the medical variety, were quite happy to have a statistician on board, even if he would sometimes point out that their numbers were bollocks (technical term). Nowadays they enter their results onto a spreadsheet, import it into a PC package and Bob’s your auntie.
Nineteen months of masking, distancing and social conditioning have already done profound and lasting damage to hundreds of millions of defenceless chidren. They’ve been taught to fear their own bodies, each other, every human they meet, and the air we all breathe.
It was obvious from the start that all this would hurt them physically, mentally, emotionally, developmentally. Yea, spiritually,.
Any parents who still can’t see that will also subject those children to The Prick.
Adults are using kids like voodoo dolls.
“Overlooked culled them and used them as lab rats.”

“All aboard to the Auschwitz Express.”
“Lockdown macht Frei”.
Apparently, Lockdown is the German word for Lockdown.
“When he can remember.”
“Groper Joe is not a really a doctor but he plays one on TV.”
“Soon I expect my nose to be this long.”
He also plays a president on TV.
Federal court blocks Biden administration’s vaccination mandate.
Here’s the court document- it is surprisingly frank and void of legalese:
In a breathtakingly broad emergency rule, the President of the United States, through his Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), has ordered millions of American workers to vaccinate or submit to weekly testing.
While vaccination may be the right thing to do for some, this type of federal management of personal healthcare decisions, even if permissible in the abstract, must be lawful in its execution.
This extraordinary diktat does not come close.
On November 4, 2021, employing a rarely used federal law granting OSHA the power to issue “necessary” orders to address a “grave danger” without any notice or public comment, the Biden Administration ordered – 2 – all businesses with 100 or more employees to require vaccination or weekly testing and masking.
This rule makes no allowance for employees who face little or no risk from COVID. Instead, OSHA claims that COVID is a “grave danger” to any unvaccinated employee employed in a business with over 100 employees, regardless of whether they have natural immunity, are otherwise young and healthy, or whether they work primarily outdoors or remotely.
Petitioners—two Wisconsin-based manufacturers—will suffer irreparable harm immediately unless a stay is granted. Petitioners must decide between two impossible choices: if they impose OSHA’s mandate, they will lose employees who do not wish to be vaccinated or tested weekly and precious days of productivity due to testing, vaccinations, and vaccine side effects.
But if Petitioners fail to comply, they will face staggering fines from OSHA. This harm is being imposed solely by Presidential decree.
There hasn’t been any process allowing public comment on the rule. In fact, the text of the rule was not even publicly available until today, and it goes into effect tomorrow.
What’s more, the rule places upon employers not simply the obligation to make their workplaces safe, but it deputizes – 3 – employers into acting as agents of an unprecedented federal public health program.
While the relevant law grants OSHA the power to impose emergency standards for workplace safety without public comment if these standards are “necessary” to address what OSHA believes is a “grave danger,” this surely goes well beyond what Congress intended.
If OSHA can use this authority to force 80 million American workers to vaccinate or test weekly, then it is hard to imagine what OSHA could not order.
American businesses could be ordered to monitor and intervene in virtually any employee behavior that might pose a risk to others, whether directly related to the workplace or not.
Considering the serious statutory and constitutional claims at stake, and the immediate and irreparable injuries facing Petitioners, OSHA’s emergency temporary standard should be put on hold immediately while the Court considers this case.
I think it was DeSantis in Florida who remarked that ‘The president doesnt have the power to force health care policy through a workplace safety department.’
This link seems to be to a motion, not to a court decision.
Exactly July, it is a Motion by Lennigntion Esq. for an Application of Stay of behalf of Petitioners, the Federal Appeals Court has yet to make a Finding. Chances are pretty
good if the Stay is granted it will be appealed to a higher court. Pfizer et al. isn’t going to let a mere Appeals Court stand in the way of their money making machine.
“Fear is the great mind killer” goes the start of the Bene Gesserit mantra in the great novel, Dune. Covidian minds have been killed through fear and virtue signaling. Of course the whole scamdemic is one pack of lies for the start to the present, and all the statistics presented by the CDC, FDA, Dr. WHO and similar criminal organizations throughout the planet are fraudulent. Even with their great fraud, they couldn’t jigger the fake statistic enough to prevent numerate and clear headed people from writing articles like that above showing that the global response at best is ludicrous and is, in reality the greatest and most evil crime in known human history, and we ain’t seen nothing yet. So I cannot help but wonder just how useful this well written article proving the stupidity if not the pure malevolence of their agenda, depending on one’s perspective (and mine is obvious), can be. But the tide, at least in the USA appear to be turning.
The primary tactic was to “blind us with $cience) as well as they favorite tactic of fascist aggression, termed blitzkrieg by the German NAZI’s and ‘shock and awe’ by the American NAZI’s. But the shock and awe has worn off and double vaxxed Americans are dropping like flies in a cloud of Raid.
Biden is senile demented now, but throughout his life was always a pervert, a grifter, and the dullest knife in the rack. Nevertheless he has become the symbol of the new tyranny, though he is fortunate if he can locate his box of Depends. But he was designed to be expendable, to be superseded by the equally incompetent couch Kamel. Crowds shout at sporting events, ‘Fuck Joe Biden’ which has gotten transformed into a mocking chant of ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’ This represent a sea change. The one thing our evil masters fear the most is the recognition among a growing number of the hoi polloi that the people hold the keys to power and not the oligarchs. We grant them their power only through fear or stupidity, usually both. There will be a potential nationwide strike coming up in the USA this coming week directed at all employers and corporations vowing to enforce Biden’s illegal mandates. It will be interesting to see where this leads. I would regard it as an honor when Fauci is convicted of crimes against humanity and genocide at Nuremberg v.2.0, and sentenced to death as were many of the NAZI doctors in 1946, to slip the noose around his neck.
The Death Cult has been planning this for centuries, but not only are they evil, they are also deranged by their arrogance. As the great American philosopher, Mike Tyson, pointed out, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” and that is our job.
Great comment.
Fear can be a direct body killer too. Many people in this panic-demic have been literally “scared to death”. The fear after testing positive (unspecific and arbitrary tests) literally “froze the blood in their veins”. Adding ventilators, aggressive therapies and medications…, it’s a wonder not more people died.
This is from 2008:
““Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” and that is our job.”
Let’s hit’em hard then!
Racial targeting, regional profiling or lot number lottery?
All vaccine deaths come from 5% of vaxx batches. In one early case it killed four members of one family.
Yet others get saline — two public cases involved “accidental” placebos given to large numbers of people who thought they’d been “vaccinated.”
It does appear that the raging horde of Anti-vaxxers waiting on the ‘net to pounce on all who enter is just as much a product of the fevered imaginations as is The Thing Hiding Under The Bed. Surely if such numerous sites existed there’d all be in a mad rush to publish the story of the 5% Bad Batches = The Cause of So Many Vaxx Deaths.
Where are all the propaganda headlines about “Vaxx Lottery”, “Russian Roulette Shots” etc Why arent the alleged many Anti-Vaxxer sites reporting this news ? Has bill gates bought them off too ?
The story came out on Oct 31. This is just an update.
Dr Mike Yeadon also covered it on the 1st.
The tigers and gorillas have company….
What would hyenas be most associated with… it wouldn’t be a mocking laugh, would it?
Denver is a well-known cesspool of intelligence agency and Occult goings on.
Props to the man who stuck a swab up their noses.
Went through Denver one last time recently in hopes of pleading with family there to wake up and get out of that devil hole. Way too late.
No exaggerating any of this:
All were already jabbed and working hard to get whatever second and third injections were offered mainly to be sure they could go to Disney W
Dad now lives with the current wife of a major polygamy cult leader. Though unemployed for years he has managed to claim a long list of loans, grants, and, benefits that he does not qualify for by any stretch of reason. He used this money to buy a large expensive home, toys, piano, computers, and Cheech and Chong size bale’s of marijuana.
Mother has become some kind of New Age Qanon mystic busy working night and day on the imminent alien rescue of the human race. Space ships are stationed behind her million dollar suburban home awaiting orders from Jesus, Hercules, and Captain Kirk. She began getting high with her driver (she’s blind) a few months ago and married him the other day (in another dimension).
Needless to say, our whole “you’re in danger and really need to get outta Denver” message was a sad waste of time. They were always pretty crazy, to be fair, but nothing like this. If they didn’t have all the money they would be a clear danger to themselves and others. Not sure what it’s like in other countries but America celebrates the wealthy insane.
Yikes.Distance is your friend.
About 2000-2004 anyone who questioned the paradigm was treated to an array of weirdness, some of it government diversions, some of it the product of well meaning but unstable people. A lot of people fell down that limited hangout rabbit hole in the day and were effectively neutralized by being sidetracked into waiting for angels/aliens/the ‘good’ elites to come save us among other delusions. Qanon is their more cynical and weaponized inheiritor. It sounds like your parents might have been among them.
I am unable to edit to add this, but re: Qanon, I know several people who took the bait. They had been quite successful, but let their businesses slide as they just ‘knew’ that the government would give them so much money they never had to work again. Well, I guess they were half right, they got their stimulus checks and no one can afford their services anymore, so there’s that.
Thanks I never really knew enough about what they were a part of to see it as an organized (or manipulated) group. When I was younger their new age alien beliefs and interests never seemed to be dangerous and were always close enough to xfiles and star trek fandom that I left them to their fantasies.
But wow, fast forward a couple decades and the hindsight is wreckage. Lost homes, friends, careers, health, and finally their minds. Strangely they are at no risk of the sort of homelessness which we endured the last couple years because the government is really pouring out cash to the boomers and they have no ethical dilemmas about cashing in while the world burns (and defrauding wherever it works)
Mom inherited sweepstakes sort of cash from family and lost most of it through financial scams involving Dong, Denari, and Alien Socialist Rescue etc. Painful to watch.
We sold everything and moved to nowhere Texas. A single min wage job down here (no masks, no jabs, healthy suspicion of government, nice people) got us back into housing. Thank God.