Covid: A Collision of Historical and Scientific Illiteracy

Kevin Ryan

It’s been a year since I’ve written anything for this blog. The reason, frankly, is that I have been at a loss for words. What has happened to human society in the last two years has been, for anyone with an understanding of history, beyond belief.

Of course, it should not be beyond belief because we know history repeats itself. And in the last two years it has been repeating with a vengeance.

I spent 18 years working to understand, and help others understand, the crimes of September 11, 2001. Those crimes were never honestly investigated apart from the work of independent researchers. The official accounts are widely known to be false and those who have taken the time to look deeper have found that there are good reasons to believe that people within government and major corporations were involved in planning and executing the attacks.

September 11th was a deception used by rich and powerful people to steal resources, consolidate power, and control the masses. It was just one example of such a mass deception.  Others include the following.

  • The CIA’s assassination of JFK
  • The false Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the CIA’s war in Vietnam
  • The deceptions used to justify the 1991 Gulf War
  • The government-sponsored 2001 anthrax attacks
  • Claims of weapons of mass destruction used to justify the second invasion of Iraq
  • The many manufactured terrorist events following 9/11
  • Previously hyped pandemics, including the 2005 “Bird Flu” and 2009 “Swine Flu” that were grossly exaggerated by the World Health Organization for the benefit of big pharma companies

Along with these conveniently over-looked crimes, the last 18 months have shown that the 9/11 lie was not taken seriously. Anyone who still believes that governments and media care about our health has forgotten that deep state actors murdered thousands of citizens on 9/11. The corporate media and corporate-owned governments then covered it up so that a million more could be murdered to steal resources and control people.

Historical illiteracy is largely to blame for the Covid scare although much of that illiteracy is by choice, through willful ignorance of events that cause cognitive dissonance. The examples cited above are but a few in the long history of deceptions used by governments to drive the agendas of the powerful few. People who ignore these historical facts not only turn a bind eye to history, they ignore painfully obvious features of current affairs including that “terrorism” has mysteriously disappeared.

People don’t want to acknowledge the fact that we do not live in democratic societies any longer. Yet today the world is fully run by an oligarchy and that oligarchy wants us to be diverted and outraged about superficial things while staying ignorant or silent on issues important to us like the following.

  • Indefinite detention without charges at Guantanamo Bay
  • Unwarranted mass surveillance
  • Voting machine hacking and election theft
  • Failure to prosecute the crimes of previous administrations (e.g. drone killings targeting weddings and funerals, torture at CIA black sites)
  • The increasing totalitarian censorship of dissenting views

Some people have accepted or ignored the poverty and famine being driven by the reckless response to Covid. And they have also ignored that the people driving the Covid scare have a history of crimes against humanity.  Not the least of these are Bill Gates, who has monopolized healthcare and has tried to buy off the media, and Anthony Fauci, who is known for having killed nearly 200,000 HIV patients with the toxic drug AZT.

How has the public’s willful ignorance been established so easily?  The Covid crimes were carefully practiced beforehand through a series of exercises conducted by governments and corporations since 9/11. And the operation builds upon elements utilized in all the previous government crimes against humanity.  Here are three primary components.

  1. As has been demonstrated through all of history, the most effective way to dumb down a population is through fear.  Communism, terrorism, WMDs, virus… it all works the same way. This basic feature of the Covid scare is one of many features and outcomes that it shares with previous psychological operations.
  2. Censorship is another hallmark of authoritarian tyranny and we are seeing it raised to a new level in the media today. Any doctor or scientist who has spoken out about the obvious lack of scientific scrutiny applied to the Covid scare has been blocked on social media and ignored or smeared on television, radio, and in print.
  3. In America the most useful tool driving willful ignorance has been the narrative behind the phony 2-party system in politics. The Covid scare works in part because many Americans are easily controlled through the farcical theater of “right-left” identity politics. Today if you want “the left” to take a position, all that is needed is to frame it as opposition to Trump.  Control of “the right” is just as easy. This works despite the fact that we are ruled by an oligarchy that does the same things no matter who is in office.

Added to this formula of fear, censorship, and cartoonish politics has been the complete abandonment of science. Scientific illiteracy is known to be quite high in America, but that has become the case for many nations and today anyone with a lab coat and a pointer promoted by the media is accepted as a scientific authority. What people often forget is that it was doctors, not soldiers, who committed the worst crimes in Nazi Germany. These days it is just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician.

Scientific literacy in America took a giant leap downward after 9/11. The absurd anti-scientific approach taken by the government for the destruction of the Word Trade Center buildings was either accepted or left unquestioned by many Americans. No doubt the death of science with respect to 9/11 was a key step in enabling the Covid scam.

Here are a few examples of how people around the world abandoned science when it came to Covid.

  1. The PCR test for Covid infection in the U.S., which was used in many other countries as well, did not identify a unique coronavirus. In other words, the test had a high rate of false positives. Still, people accepted the narrative of “cases” that drove the fear.
  2. The policy endorsed by the WHO and the CDC that attributed Covid as a cause of death for anyone who tested positive using the false PCR test, no matter what their actual cause of death was, dramatically inflated the number of deaths attributed to Covid.
  3. Both the word vaccine and the word pandemic were redefined by agencies like the WHO to enable the Covid scare.
  4. The “vaccines” are experimental gene therapies that are making people sick and killing them. Those bought into the vaccine narrative responded to this fact with the diversionary claim that the Covid drugs do not change your DNA. But most gene therapies do not change your DNA. Instead, they provide a functioning gene in addition to your DNA. More importantly, all the Covid “vaccines” provide genetic material that drives the production of toxic spike proteins that cause blood clotting, endothelial tissue damage, antibody dependent enhancement, and death.
  5. The Emergency Use Authorizations under which these Covid drugs were granted temporary approvals were based on fraudulent attacks against long-established, effective treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  The suppression of these effective drugs is responsible for the deaths of the patients who did die from Covid (instead of just with Covid).

How do we go forward realizing that many of our friends, family, and coworkers have decided to remain willfully ignorant of history and science and the facts about the Covid psychological operation?

It is a difficult question but one that has a few clear answers. First, we must stop parroting the absurd official narrative regarding Covid. It is an illness that has a 99.7% survival rate for the elderly and higher for everyone else. And it is very obviously a tool of propaganda in a psychological operation that exhibits all the features and outcomes of previous psychological operations. So, the first step is to not accept or repeat the nonsense narrative.

Secondly, since social media and other corporate media are completely compromised and engage in censorship of any facts related to Covid, we must reach people directly. This means speaking out locally, and contacting your city, county, and state government representatives to oppose the Covid agenda.

There are creative ways to resist as well. For example, if you are forced to wear a mask in public areas in order to conduct your life, put a message on the mask that lets like minded people see you. Something like “Mind Control” or “You stay safe, I’ll stay free” would work.

Finally, realizing that this will all get much worse before it gets better, plan to reduce your dependence on goods and services controlled by the oligarchy. If you can, get off the grid. In other words, find alternative sources of power, food, water, and the other necessities of life before the ultimate tool of control—the vaccine passport—limits your access.

The psychological operations of the media and political establishment are ramping up. They’re targeting every weakness of the gullible public, from its scientific and historical illiteracy to its most banal prejudices, in order to inflame superficial separations from the farcical left/right division to racial tensions. They know us better than we know ourselves.

Let’s resist these provocations and see if we can establish control groups within this corrupt system that can survive and educate future generations.

Kevin Ryan is a chemist, former laboratory director, and prominent voice in the 9/11 Truth movement. You can read more his work at his blog. You can also watch his testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 here, his video on the parallels between 9/11 and Covid here and his interview as part of our Covid19/11 series here.


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Jan 15, 2022 5:43 PM

Scientific illiteracy is known to be quite high in America . . .” and apparently on this blog, too. There has not been ONE paper demonstrating that this so-called ‘virus’ has been sampled, isolated, characterized and used to re-infect another volunteer to prove that it exists anywhere outside of a lab. Over 100 government agencies worldwide have been asked for this proof and to date NONE have provided any to the requestors.

Jan 15, 2022 5:31 PM

” . . . it was doctors, not soldiers, who committed the worst crimes in Nazi Germany” – It seems to me that soldiers killing other people just because somebody told them that those other people are “the enemy” is JUST AS BAD as so-called ‘doctors’ experimenting on other people. Neither one seems to have had a conscience.

Jan 15, 2022 4:15 PM

History is fraught with shady characters, deceit/lies, and cover ups. Science is filled with people seeking outcomes that benefit them financially, grants provided only under specific conditions/circumstances, and other nefarious purposes. Considering those are 100% factual statements, I don’t know why it’s such a third rail topic to discuss public/current affairs with a skeptical eye. Did all that nefarious activity go away all of a sudden? Or is it possible that social engineering is actually a thing? If it’s a thing, would they want to cast doubt on those that seek to expose it for what it is? Basic questions folks, keep an open mind.

Jan 16, 2022 7:11 PM
Reply to  cl3

The shot has killed more than the virus.
Did you know that 8 or more countries have banned any speech on the virus, shutdowns, masks, etc because it went to trial and the scientists could not produce proof of the virus? So all restrictions were stopped.
There are thousands of Coronaviruses – cold viruses – it’s mentioned on the Lysol label. This is a major scam. CDC admitted this past week that all dead had 4 or more co-morbidities – already dying of something else.

Rob Geunther
Rob Geunther
Jan 14, 2022 7:46 AM

This is disappointing. The other COVID-related articles on this site were really resonating with me. But then I landed on this one claiming “government and major corporations were involved in planning and executing the [9/11] attacks” and that the CIA killed JFK. This is a bummer and I feel like it casts doubt on the other articles here that are sensible.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 14, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  Rob Geunther

“Hi there fellow skeptics – let us not entertain groundless conspiracy theories which may damage our credibility”

Mark Heffernan
Mark Heffernan
Jan 14, 2022 3:53 PM
Reply to  Rob Geunther

After all, the government would not lie to us about such serious things. And surely we all know that the government is above contamination from corporate control.

Jan 15, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  Rob Geunther

You are very trusting, that’s probably a great thing in many cases but not so much in the practice of civics.

Jan 15, 2022 7:33 PM
Reply to  Rob Geunther

It is difficult to decide which of the “big ones” to believe. The 9/11 and Kennedy stories are most likely true, but it is a stretch to open you mind enough to believe it.

Ben Richards
Ben Richards
Jan 10, 2022 6:06 PM

Coronavirus: should the UK make vaccination mandatory?
With more countries ready to oblige citizens to receive the Covid jab, what are the key questions in the debate?


Jan 8, 2022 8:18 PM

Historical illiteracy is largely … by choice, through willful ignorance of events that cause cognitive dissonance. 

You are spot on with this. I’m myself while seeing obvious discrepancies in the 9/11 official narrative had wilfully dismissed all the thoughts of nefarious government actions and outright killing of its own citizens as “highly unlikely conspiracy theories”. Seeing it back from my current perspective I understand that I should have been way more attentive to those who were opposed to the “consensus” of opinions back then…

Jan 7, 2022 2:55 AM

A wee bit of irony here that Kevin simply assumes the magic virus actually exists in the natural world. We have all been had about many things generally accepted as common “knowledge”. More than anything the 20 months or so have taught me to be humble about what I “know”. I assume everyone has their own schedule and method in coming to terms with this, including if at all.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 7, 2022 12:02 PM
Reply to  LuckyLui

Controlled opposition is rampant in this psyop just as it was in 9/11. Controlled opposition is absolutely huge in managing the narrative.

Jan 7, 2022 5:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 14, 2022 8:04 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Wow the hubris. Have either you or Petra contributed a tenth as much to the understanding of 9/11 as Kevin has? Have either of you been fired from your job as a result of speaking out?

yet you both feel justified in using the slur ‘controlled opposition” just because he does not conform exactly to your idea there’s no virus!?

Jan 7, 2022 12:45 AM

I’d just like to add that “they know us better than we know ourselves” ONLY when we switch off our thinking.
Where we go with our thinking, they don’t get to go.

I don’t mean day-dreaming, by the way.
Thinking isn’t so easy.
It takes practice, and some peace and quiet on a regular basis.

Ever stop to think why everything around us is so noisy these days…?
Yep. It stops us thinking.

You can think while you listen to Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach and Scarlatti.
With “Of Monsters and Men”, not so much….
And the owners of all our media know that.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:53 AM
Reply to  wardropper


Laws regarding environmental issues like noise have largely been ignored by the authorities. Now your neighbor can party all night and calls for help will fall on deaf ears.

It’s all been engineered towards driving us out of our minds in a bid we turn on one another in fits of rage. Basically, they don’t give a flying fig any longer.
The plan to collapse everything we once knew is going to plan.

Jan 7, 2022 7:00 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

It’s also too demonic to have been hatched out by a few guys sitting around a bottle of expensive cognac, wondering, “Hey, let’s see what happens if we drive everybody out of their minds so that they will turn on one another in fits of rage!”….

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper


I watched it unfold in the 70’s. Here they waited for the older population (Most had served their country in both wars in one way or another) to die off naturally before hatching their plot. The destruction was noticable within 15 years. The big guns moved in and drove all (yes all) local businesses to ruin with regulations slapped on them that came at a cost they couldn’t afford. With all this comes depression, sucicides, alcaholism and drug abuse to name a few. I wonder what kind of people would hatch such a plot, hmmm. 😈

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:28 PM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

They called it “CHANGE”

Jan 8, 2022 8:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Agreed. The endless cycle of “make money – consume – make money – consume” that is accepted as a prestigious model of behavior in the society serves the same purpose: don’t let them stop and think

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 8, 2022 9:23 PM
Reply to  QParameter

Eloquently put. I’ll use what you said as an example when trying to explain the fraud to friends and family.

Bull Gator
Bull Gator
Jan 7, 2022 12:06 AM

Yes pissing into the wind does get tiresome. Unfortunately you have to stay away from the lunatics and morons because they will destroy you. Only the most strong and independent minds will survive. Obviously the Clowns in charge have fully thought out what kind of individual they are selecting for to survive. It’s a sick kind of funny actually. Payback is gonna be a Moo Fing. Bitch in Spades.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 6, 2022 11:19 PM

My wife and I are reeling from verbal body blows and kidney punches from family members accusing us of cowardice and selfishness for not taking the jab.

She doesn’t see all of the stuff on here. Or on other alt media.

She just knows in her soul that something’s not right.

Still, she stands her ground, even against her children.

My wife has been a fucking hero.

It shouldn’t be like this.

Anyone feeling the darkest before the dawn moment?

Jan 6, 2022 11:33 PM

I know how you feel Clutching.
All I can say is hang in there.
Truth comes with its own light.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 3:14 AM
Reply to  Johnny


Chin up. Stay strong.

Jan 7, 2022 7:01 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Jan 7, 2022 5:58 AM

it must be hard, hearing it from your own children.

with anybody else, you could just tell them to go get triple-vaxxed, and die.

Jan 7, 2022 7:05 AM
Reply to  covidiot

It is hard.
Many youngsters today are so quick to go on the attack when things aren’t the way they think they should be.
No diplomatic skills at all.

Jan 7, 2022 7:01 AM

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 7, 2022 11:10 AM

Thanks to all who replied.

No easy answer.

Black Cat
Black Cat
Jan 7, 2022 12:48 PM

I’m with you. Hubby and me. I’m currently sitting in A&E, zombies all around. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need to be and I can’t wait to leave. Hope I don’t have to have anything else done here. They are absolutely obsessed with face coverings above anything else. It’s sick.

Trying hard to stay strong. It’s hard but we have to. Good to know there are others like us out there.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 7, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  Black Cat

Hope you get sorted in A&E.

Another couple of months will see this chapter closing.

Goodness knows what else they have planned for us!

Keep clicking the red shoes!

Black Cat
Black Cat
Jan 8, 2022 12:45 AM

Thank you… in fairness the nurse I saw in the end was decent. I was there for what should’ve been a GP appointment (extremely blocked ears) but I can’t get an appointment with my GP surgery as they’re closed!! The nurse told me she and others are furious (not with the public) but with GP surgeries closing due to ‘covid’ so people have no choice when they’re desperate but to visit A&E. This, along with staff shortages is part of the reason as to why hospitals seem busy atm. They’ve had to create a new emergency surgery for small injuries/ issues. There were a lot of people there in the waiting room while I was there.

The nurse pointed out that hospital staff have worked throughout all this but oh no, doctors surgeries had to close… wtf?…

I was able to go to specsavers for them to look at my ears but see my GP? Good heavens! There’s a pandemic, don’t ya know! Disgraceful.

Hope you’re right and that this all ends soon but I won’t hold my breath. Crazy times, eh?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 8, 2022 10:52 PM
Reply to  Black Cat

Good to hear that specsavers are doing ears. (lol, assume predictive text?)

Probably because all of the “doctors” are hiding on their yachts?

Jan 8, 2022 8:45 PM

Good for you! I’m lucky to have a wife with the same mindset as mine. And it looks like we have some success in curing the mind of our older kid who got completely brainwashed in school

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2022 7:39 PM

Are these covid headlines TRYING to be pathetic?

From BBC:

“Covid: Anti-vaccine campaigns are mumbo jumbo, says PM”

Ooh steady on, Boris! Such harsh language!

Now this from Yahoo.news:

“People with Omicron don’t gasp for air as much as with other variants, but are getting ‘really sick in a different way,’ an ER doctor said”

What’s next? “Omicron not quite so bad but still jolly inconvenient and requiring another dozen lockdowns”?

But then Yahoo goes on:

“The variant exacerbates other medical conditions and there’s “so much of it,” Dr. Craig Spencer said”

How interesting! Omicron will make your other illnesses worse. So although you might be suffering from them, you’ll really be suffering from Omicron!

Jan 7, 2022 5:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes. A great convoluted effort to
:- conceal the fact that the virus – if there is a virus – is becoming harmless
:- prevent the crash of all those medical stocks.

Jan 8, 2022 5:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I also have to wonder about to what degree Omicron is being used to cover up vaccine injuries. The vaccines depress your immune system and residual illnesses emerge and/ or become worse. The vax is the underlying problem.

Jan 6, 2022 6:09 PM

A vaccine side effect: Covid Toes.

Non-life-yhreatening side effects on the skin were possible, researchers noted that skin sores or bumps known as pernio or chilblains—also described as “COVID toes” by some patients—were also reported.
The condition, which was also reported to affect the fingers in 10 percent of patients who saw the symptom, is likely caused by inflammation of blood vessel walls and can cause digits to swell and turn deep red or purple.

Fortunately, researchers say reacting to your shots with discolored digits is not a sign that anything is seriously wrong.

“Having your toes turn purple is uncomfortable but it’s not a reason to not get the second dose,” the senior study author, Esther Freeman, MD, PhD, director of global health dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, told USA Today.

Jan 6, 2022 7:23 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

These creeps are so bad, you’d think they’d never seen a real comedian in action….

Black Cat
Black Cat
Jan 8, 2022 12:53 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

I first read of this ‘covid toes’ shite on one of those problem pages in a Take a Break magazine last year. I was astounded that so early in the so called pandemic this term had been coined so quickly. Couldn’t just be a trapped nerve or poor circulation now could it? You know, like it most probably was was before in the good old sane days?? Now everything is covid related apparently.

Felt like tearing the magazine up but I’d not finished the crossword so…

Jan 6, 2022 5:47 PM

Public opinion is controlled by interest rates.

New York Chamber of Commerce “Special Currency Committee” – 1906,

“By the control of its rate of interest and of its issues of notes it would be able to exert great influence upon the money market and upon public opinion. Such power is not possessed by any institution in the United States.”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 6, 2022 5:33 PM

In terms of how the public is paying the price for its own lack of intelligent behavior, I can certainly agree with the general thrust of the article. But it kind of falls apart right here: >

Finally, realizing that this will all get much worse before it gets better, plan to reduce your dependence on goods and services controlled by the oligarchy. If you can, get off the grid. In other words, find alternative sources of power, food, water, and the other necessities of life before the ultimate tool of control—the vaccine passport—limits your access.” [End quote]

Erm… Most of the world’s populations exist with no title to land. The “property” they rent as serfs, is owned by oligarchy and plantation owners. >>> See term: “Royalty”…

They have no access to clean water nor access to non-GMO produce. Off-grid living is not available to anyone but the wealthy or desperately impoverished.

If you plan on things getting much worse, you’re only accessing your own entrapment…

Jan 6, 2022 6:17 PM

“Most of the world’s populations exist with no title to land.”

That’s the Truth. It’s the root of the problem.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 7, 2022 4:19 AM
Reply to  Aristaeus

Three states in Australia have already sold off their (ie, our) land title offices to private companies – without much media comment. You can no longer obtain your property title paper – it is a digital record stored on blockchain under the control of private companies. If you pay them a fee, you can get a sort of copy – not the actual title deed – via email. This should be headlines in our media, but it ain’t. Most Aussies are not aware how vulnerable this makes them.

I’ve been wondering how the globalists will take our private property, as is their plan. Could it be that you have to prove ownership of your property but can only do this if you have a current I.D. certificate? Or will they just repeat the enclosures of the past and march in, tossing us out?

One man in the state of Queensland is now traveling all around the state, and trying to get this legislation overturned. I heard him speak at this recent, local meeting, to a full hall with excess people unable to get in. Len Harris needs and deserves our support.


Jan 7, 2022 6:01 AM
Reply to  May Hem


Jan 7, 2022 6:00 AM

We are beginning to see the end game in the global trend to urbanisation, whether forced or planned.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 7, 2022 9:27 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Not the endgame, just the penultimate kakotopia, before it all collapses – as has happened to many regional ‘civilisations’ before – and goes back to forest, with a thin garnish of human forest dwellers, aka off-gridders.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 7, 2022 9:18 AM

Paul, think of the off-gridders as the smallish surviving contingent of hom sap, once the Long Descent away from industrial ‘civilisation’ has emptied the giant cities, and turned them into ghost lands, suitable for John Michael Greers ‘Guild of Ruinmen’ recyclers to move in and get to work.

Those with an instinct for survival for self and families will do whatever it takes to move into off-grid mode. Best option available.

Jan 8, 2022 8:50 PM

Indeed, the idea of fighting the system by running from it doesn’t sound like a good plan to me.

Jan 6, 2022 5:14 PM

Just vomited in my mouth. Nancy Pelosi is putting the finishing touches on elevating the Jan 6th “insurrection” above the significance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We need to show Nancy what a real insurrection looks like. It’s going to happen if they keep pushing.

Jan 6, 2022 7:20 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Well, given that she no longer appears to be able to shut her eyes – however blind-drunk she may be – we should force her to look at videos consisting of nothing but scientific facts for two months.

Jan 6, 2022 5:06 PM

If this does not piss you off, nothing will. Have a drink before going here. People are dropping like flies so quickly we can’t tally them fast enough. Apparently, WHO has not begun tallying. Over 21 million otherwise healthy people have been killed and maimed just in the United States. Roughly, 300,000 have died from the vaccines that were never needed. I am guessing that WHO needs a new abacus and someone that knows how to operate it.


Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jan 6, 2022 4:55 PM

You deserve a 5/5 for this. It is frightening to see how easily people are manipulated. Thanks for this past. Will keep it as a succinct reminder whenever I start to doubt myself.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 6, 2022 4:39 PM

comment image

“Mini Hitler seems to be on a roll”
comment image

Jan 6, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Un Fucking believable. This man is scum. Every way you look at him. Scum. NSA are you reviewing this? Joe Biden is the scum of the earth.

Jan 11, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Once again the scum has floated to the top of the pile … eh.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 6, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Murder the public. Get THEM to pay for it. Carry no liability. Rake in the billions. Serve the Almighty Devil! How? It’s all in the syringe, my friends. Take a closer look..”
comment image
comment image

It is almost year three of the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazi Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ crime against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”

Jan 6, 2022 7:16 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Are all these creepy pictures of Uncle Joe verifiably genuine?

Just curious, since I could easily make some up myself with my humble graphics software…
Seriously, I’d like to know how well-founded in fact his spooky reputation is.
We don’t do ourselves any favours by faking anything, unless it is an obvious joke….

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 6, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  wardropper

These are genuine are along with a host of YouTube videos named ‘Creepy Joe Biden’


In days gone by you’d be labelled a Pedo, sex pest, or a weirdo if you did this at gatherings. (Jokes incoming)

Jan 7, 2022 12:38 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Thx. His best friend really ought to tell him….

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I used to think the female in the relationship would have told their husbands that this kind of behaviour was unnaceptable and threaten divorce if they continued. Then Hilary Clinton came along….

Jan 7, 2022 7:07 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Thank heaven she’s not every woman’s role model of choice….

Jan 7, 2022 6:53 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Jan 7, 2022 6:55 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:31 PM
Reply to  covidiot

+10 😖

Jan 11, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree, it’s far better to allow the media, government and ‘intelligence agencies’ to do all the faking. After all, they are the experts in the field.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 6, 2022 9:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

One of the “global leaders” aka “global shapers” who grew on the lap of Klaus Schwab; arrogant and high handed. It’s the new way to do – infantile – “politics”: consider the public like clay to be shaped by any means necessary. That’s the reason he is childishly challenging the unjabbed (which, besides the general public, includes scientists, doctors, engineers, and other professionals) by pissing them off out of social life. Who but the enfantile and hysterical would appeal to such means instead of inviting to a serious debate. His highhandedness reminds of those skinny boys who, having just watched a movie of Arnold Schwarzenegger, get on the street in real life thinking they can bully the big boys.

That’s how you get when you graduate from Schwab Institute of Shapers of the World.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 3:03 AM


Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 6, 2022 4:32 PM

Gaslighting from the WHO.
Steve posted the comments from the Facebook page on his Substack blog.

Below are the comments that stood out.

  • Gerald Rogers (883 likes)
  • This is what propaganda looks like… and look at
  • This is what propaganda looks like… and look at the 8,500 comments of people who share story after story after story of serious to lethal side effects! 8,500 people so far speaking up on one post, and hardly a single comment praising the shot.
  • The World Health Organization, does not promote “health”. Neither does the CDC, the government or most health care systems.
  • If their agenda was for us to be healthy they would be encouraging exercise, good food, fresh air and natural herbs.

I get that for “most people” the jab doesn’t affect them much.

  • But here’s the other Fact. 99.8% of people that get Covid have mild to none side effects long term, plus they have what the body is built for. Natural immunity.
  • And a lot of us, have strong immune systems because we focus on real “health” so our bodies never get it.
  • For those who love TRUTH and FREEDOM keep asking the question “WHY”?
  • – -Why did The pharmaceutical companies start developing these shots for Covid-19 before the virus was released?
  • – why has Pfizer locked up all the research and data for about 50 years?
  • – Why has the government made it impossible for anyone who was seriously hurt or affected to sue or legally hold accountable these companies?
  • – Why have all the groups on FB of people gathering to share their experiences and their horror stories after the shot been shut down and banned?
  • – Why have countries like Australia gone militant enforcing mandates and violate the choice and freedom of its citizens?
  • – Why does the government legally require companies to force their employees to comply and get the shot, or lose their jobs and benefits?
  • – Why are there places in the country that even the movie theaters and restaurants have been required to join the enforcers of these stupid mandates?
  • There are a lot more questions to keep asking.
  • We live in crazy and unprecedented times.
  • I want to reiterate this…
  • I’m NOT anti-vax
  • I’m anti-propaganda, anti-manipulation and anti-deceit and harmful practices
  • I’m PRO health. Pro-freedom. Pro-responsible decision making.
  • For those that choose to get it, I celebrate and honor your choice and hope that you stay healthy and strong.
  • And if you’re like me, that chooses to take responsibility for my own health, then let’s keep letting our voices be heard so they know WE WILL NOT COMPLY and have our rights abused.
  • Nicole De Graff (6,000 likes; 177 replies)
  • Long term heart damage, paralysis, blood clots and death are not mild. May God bring swift Justice to the perpetrators of this evil.
  • Leona Burton (7,100 likes; 558 replies)
  • The people have spoken and they’re not happy.
  • I hope these companies aren’t spending their profits? I see big huge lawsuits before too long!

Link to the original Facebook page. You need to log in to see all comments. All negative.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 6, 2022 5:43 PM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

I would but an Australian ”human rights lawyer’ reported me for telling him not to give illegal medical advice

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 6, 2022 6:00 PM

That’s a shame, just assume they are all in this together.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jan 9, 2022 3:10 PM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Why this need to emphasise that you’re not antivax? It is like saying I am against only the consequences of this plan but not the root cause of it which is the belief in this unproven ‘science’ of vaccines. It is a fact that for many people vaccines cause more harm than good while for the rest they add no provable benefit. It is a fact that the health of the population has been in a decline in the last few decades and there are more vaccines all around.
So I am antivax like many more others should be, and rightly so.

Jan 6, 2022 4:16 PM

Masked agenda is private or secretly concealed and withheld thought and intention or desire. The masking is both a withholding or blocking and a presentation of justifications.
here is the invocation of a dark agenda of ingenuity in self-evasions to replace a Creative relational honesty of being.

Using the symbol from the Bible, when we turned to identity in imaged self-specialness – according to a ‘serpentine’ or unstraight way of thinking and seeing, we not only look through a lens of conflict, but in a protective masking against disclosure that dispels our invested illusions.

So WHO tells you you are naked – is a matter of where your particular investments are most deeply cherished, and therefore most protected in diversionary deceits that make uncovering the real cause of your fear into an endless maze of rabbit holes that lead only to more complex ways to hide.
Likewise the persistence of such defences as effective ‘solutions’ compounds toxic errors with accrued interest.

Moral judgement of others is used for praise and blame or leveraging of a narrative or image-based sense of self – starting always with self-judgement – in which what is selected is given (and associated with) light, while the rejected is cast out in darkness and denied re-entry.

Moral judgement of others is always involving personal judgements collectively held or instilled under collective coercions. That is, they will contain elements of attacking our denied or concealed sin in Others, as if to get rid of it by exclusion from light and association with darkness as pathological, not least because those elements of our self that are denied have every right to acceptance regardless being feared as retribution.

I wrote this from reading the first part of the article. If we are not aware of the psychic underpinning to our mind, perception and experience, we are effectively programmed to take our experience as reality itself rather than a result to embrace and share through.
Private thought is not made real or ‘shared true’ by being framed victorious. Rather, such death is invoked to set a greater sense of subjection to externalised ‘darkness’ or deeper fragmentation of unconsciousness.

The psychic is not settled, but can seem to be be stuck or frozen. Be more curious. Appearances can be deceptive.

Jan 6, 2022 3:59 PM

Slightly off-topic – but relevant – is the running issue of disease versus detox. If you add climate engineering into the mix, with its constant polluting of the atmosphere with all manner of toxins, and those toxins raining down on everyone all the time, and everyone all the time breathing them in – then it stands to reason that the human body would be in detox mode most if not all of the time.

That sneeze was probably to get rid of some aluminum nano-particles or some polymers you inhaled – and not to get rid of a “virus.”

I don’t know about anyone else, but I sneeze and my nose runs far more on overcast days when the sky becomes a hazy, milky blob than on nice, sunny days with relatively blue skies.

Jan 7, 2022 7:08 AM
Reply to  Howard

You don’t even need climate engineering.

On overcast days, rainy days or at night, some factories release a lot more smoke or gases. Many smoke-polluting factories have been operating for decades. At the most, they just move to a more corrupt country.

92% of all people breathe unhealthy air [FAO 2010]. Outdoor particulate air pollution (PM 2.5) from petroleum fuels alone kills ~8.7 million people/year [Birmingham U. 2021]. 

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 7, 2022 2:34 PM
Reply to  mgeo


The Elephant in the room that seldom gets a mention.

bachgen cymru
bachgen cymru
Jan 6, 2022 3:49 PM

Boris is fed up with the ‘mumbo jumbo’ spewed out by the anti-vaxxers on social media…

Well, if I highlight that Biontech, in their Annual Report to the SEC for the financial year ended Dec 31st 2020, repeat the previous year’s concern that they still ‘can’t promise our mrna vaccine won’t permanently change your dna’, or that all governments still consider their products to be ‘gene therapy’, and in their own words…”mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to limited regulatory experience with mRNA immunotherapies.”

Also…”Our COVID-19 vaccine was granted emergency use authorization in the United States and the United Kingdom, and conditional marketing approval in the European Union, in December 2020, followed by emergency or limited use authorization in a number of other countries and approval for use in certain other countries. Prior to this, we had not sold or marketed any products in our pipeline.”

And finally…”Our first commercial stage program is our BNT162 vaccine program to prevent COVID-19, which includes our COVID-19 vaccine development program, BNT162. We are co-developing BNT162 with Pfizer, Inc., or Pfizer, worldwide (ex-China) and with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd., or Fosun Pharma in China. We initiated the BNT162 program in late January 2020

So, to be clear re the above ‘mumbo jumbo’, this is taken directly from the consolidated accounts prepared by the creators of the Pfizer marketed jab, and presented to the SEC on behalf of investors.

In summary, we have an entity with years of loss making trading (and I mean LOSS MAKING), with ZERO commercially produced products entering the market place until the hugely suspect super-fast development of a concoction that they were apparently instructed to start making in January 2020…January 2020, not March, or April, but January, and of which they can’t promise it won’t permanently change your DNA.

To fully grasp the above, swap Biontech for a nascent car manufacturer suddenly getting half the world sat behind it’s steering wheel with the promise that the brakes should be fine, it’s ‘highly unlikely’ they will fail.

Would you buy it?

Pesky Mumbo Jumbo, hey?

And all from an outfit that hitherto specialised in cancer…hmmm, odd. Better keep an eye on those cases of cancer over the next couple of years.

Major C
Major C
Jan 6, 2022 3:24 PM

French PM Castex has just said “France is ready for its 4th dose”

Will the French wake up? I doubt it.

Jan 6, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  Major C

I suppose those countless generations of wine-drinking had to take their toll on French DNA eventually….

I don’t think the human body was designed to tolerate much alcohol.
My brother’s body was, however.

Jan 6, 2022 5:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

they’ve too much sunshine to handle their drink?


Jan 6, 2022 2:25 PM

Do not comply. Resist. NEVER surrender your FREEDOM under ANY circumstances.

Jan 6, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  Grafter

“But… but… but… they broke through by putting money in my hand!…”

(pace “The Goon Show”…)

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Jan 24, 2022 2:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The writers of the Goon Show didn’t know how prescient that line was going to be, especially as most of the world’s governments and medical bureaucracies have capitulated for thirty pieces of Big Pharma silver – silver which is taken out of our pockets. And we get a death sentence!

Jan 6, 2022 4:03 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Considering we are where we are at the moment, are there any hints and tips on how to go about what you are suggesting??!

Jan 6, 2022 4:37 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Start by writing to your GP with the pro forma letter in BIRD Groups website requesting a prescription for prophylactic ivermectin. The letter even gives them instruction on how to do it.

They will refuse, as mine did, but they are on the hook if anything happens to you or your family.

Then pen a letter to your MP in the strongest (but polite terms) and demand that he/she go to Westminster and have all your questions answered. Don’t mention theories about global takeover etc., just keep it factual.

Once again, they are on the hook if they don’t respond.

I wrote to my MP a few years ago pointing out the folly of NetZero when it was first proposed and before anyone had a clue what it was. My recent letter is a bit ‘I told you so’ as I anticipated everything it would entail principally around cost to the public never mind the Taxpayer.

Everything I have written is evidence based, especially around the NetZero nonsense as I’ve been investigating climate change for 20 years or so.

The whole process is tedious and slow but if we don’t do it these bastards get a free pass to do what they want. We can’t give them the excuse that they didn’t know!

Jan 6, 2022 7:34 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

STOP wearing a piece of cloth on your face. It’s the equivalent of a chain fence around your house trying to stop a fly. It takes an electron microscope to see a virus particle. Let people know this simple fact. STOP watching “TV news”. It’s owned by the criminals behind this scam. Tell people they are a bout to lose the most precious thing they have. Their Freedom. Get off your arse and demonstrate, March and let others know we’re not having it. We can do this against this worldwide crime.

Jan 6, 2022 2:06 PM

‘Anything Macron can do, Boris can do better’. Sing along

Anti-quaxxers are apparently spreading ‘mumbo jumbo’ and putting pressure on the National Covid Service (sic).

30-40% of those in hospital in the current ripple are apparently unexperimented on. Which would mean, of course, that 60-70% of them are genetic-code-injected. And that the vaccinated (falsely-so-called) would be the ones who are putting the most pressure on the service.

The prime minister said he wanted to keep a “voluntary approach” to vaccination, noting that other European countries are “going for coercion”.

Maybe he’s on to something. Perhaps it’s time to start turning the tables, and begin ‘coercing’ anyone associated with Pharisaic vaccination measures into doing the right thing?

Jan 7, 2022 7:50 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Yet, Boris was lying on TV about 3 days ago, claiming that it was the unjabbed that made up 60%.

Jan 6, 2022 1:21 PM

We need to go after these fuckers with both barrels blazing. The fucking lies keep mounting every day. Alternative information sources are pulling back and becoming less aggressive. Bongino. Shapiro. Rogan. Tucker. All are being a lot more careful. The only one that seems to be holding tight is Bobby Kennedy Jr.. I am getting more and more worried as more countries topple by imposing stricter mandates. Story in The Defender published by Kennedy talks about life insurance companies experiencing a 40% increase in premature claims. If that is not a smoking gun, I don’t know what is. The implication is early deaths and disabilities caused by the vaccines. How insurance companies are handled by the governments will be all telling. Will they give them “hush money” by bailing them out? Will the threat of dropping unvaccinated patients continue or will insurance companies cut bait and drop those that are vaccinated? I smell a continuous flow government bailout cash to allow insurance companies to continue raking in the dough without threats of major losses from the vaccinated. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Jan 6, 2022 2:09 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

you might look first a Blackrock and Vanguard.. these two holding companies own or control nearly all of the businesses that operate off of copyright, patent and government contracting monopolies. they have been the beneficiaries of nearly all privatization in the world.. and I think they own phizer.. Ocean Tomo August 2021 , said >90% of the assets these giant corporate businesses list on their balance sheets are intangible assets ( intangible assets are like the corona virus they cannot be isolated from nature.). In other words, without a nation state to make the laws that create from hot thin air, monopoly powers and governments to give the benefits of those monopoly powers created by government made law, to private parties, there would not be intangible assets.

the scam is to make you believe it is the governments doing these lock down things, it is not; the politicians do not have the power to legislate against the privately owned massively powerful global corporations, when corporation order lock down the whole world will eventually be locked down by the governments that respond to the beck and call of the corporations. These corporations that own nothing but stock patents and copyrights [all paper tigers] are bigger than all the governments and more power than all the governments. .

Vent your anger at the right parties.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 6, 2022 4:11 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

RE: Will the threat of dropping unvaccinated patients continue or will insurance companies cut bait and drop those that are vaccinated?

If you saw the Defender article, (some) insurance companies will increase rates in counties with higher un-vaxxed rates. That is, those wise enough to avoid the dangerous jabs will be paying for the healthcare costs of those brainwashed who did.

Jan 6, 2022 4:52 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Bongino. Shapiro. Rogan. Tucker etc. are valuable in that they are staying on the mainstream. Mind you, Rogan could hardly be called holding back after his 3 hour interview with Robert Malone.

And Malone is now all over alternative media on the back of that interview, and more people are turning to alternative media. Stew Peters interviewed Malone a night or two ago and gave him an astonishing introduction. Peters gives more than both barrels. He can be a bit over the top, but so what. Malone was also amazing and discussed the insurance disclosure.

Folks are coming round, they have covid exhaustion and beginning to question what we questioned from day one. People are falling sick when they shouldn’t be, and beginning to question that as well.

If you wan’t to be wealthy in the future, invest in John O’looneys undertaking business, he’ll be the busiest man on the planet over the next five years.

The next distraction is the energy crisis. No politician on earth could be stupid enough not to see this coming, so it’s another divisive tactic thrown in to sow division, panic and fear.

We are being worked over good and proper, but I’ll never give in and as they days go on my resolve strengthens.

Writ to your doctor demanding he prescribe ivermectin/HCQ, they are both off label drugs they are able to prescribe no matter what they say. If they refuse, they are on the hook if anything happens to you or your family.

The same with your member of parliament. Keep it factual, don’t mention global takeovers or anything, but demand answers. They must be bombarded with evidence based arguments.

Jan 7, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The insurers can reject claims from those harmed by the “experimental” or “emergency-use” jab. Will they do it?

Jan 6, 2022 1:15 PM

Your government lies to you, your media outlet lies to you, your mechanic lies to you, your plumber lies to you, your food company lies to you, your pharmaceutical company, above all, lies to you. Our entire society functions based on lies, deciet and treachery. What we are seeing is just the result of what we really are. Sorry if I am being pessimistic, but I don’t see any way out of this any time soon. Power belongs to evil people. Good folks tend to not be in positions of power. They don’t like to rule over people. They don’t need to be filthy rich. The opposite however, we all know what they really want.

Jan 6, 2022 1:11 PM

Vaccine codes???

Charlie Ward mentioned in several videos that the vaccines have a barcode.

  • those ending with one are harmless,
  • those ending with two are a simple flu vaxx and
  • those ending with three contain the lethal junk”


Jan 6, 2022 4:40 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Fuelmich has recently covered the extrapolation of adverse reactions/deaths relative to distinctly identified batches of each proprietary injection – staggered so as not to interfere with each other. Some batches are orders of magnitude more toxic that others
He says this is clear evidence of criminal intent and thus no immunity for anyone concerned.

I saw your info, some time back or similar and so it is part of recognising no standard of homogenity in the injections – they are not vaccines but you can call anything anything if you own/control the Media etc. However, to contract in support of such name-manipulations is complicit.

Jan 6, 2022 8:48 PM
Reply to  binra

Just found this:
Targeted Genocide – Deadly Vax Lot Numbers Identified – Stew Peters & Dr. Jane Ruby

Jan 6, 2022 12:35 PM

Every single day now, Icelandic Radio announces that “there have never before been so many ‘cases’ of covid”. It’s all fear, fear, fear, fear….
Utterly sickening.

Yesterday the radio announced that “the vaccine for children is not ’emergency-only-approved’, or ‘experimental’, but has been properly approved for widespread use and has been thoroughly researched.”

The scientific data behind such a claim was not forthcoming…. Who approved the jab, and who researched it, remains a mystery….

Every single day, we get these nonsensical, gibbering lies.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 6, 2022 4:30 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“Nothing spreads like fear”.

Tagline of the movie Contagion.

Jan 6, 2022 5:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Be persistent in NOT using the terms of a gaslighting flu d’etat as if sensible parlance.
The spell depends on shock associated meanings to the misuse of words.
So if you meet such claims, state that ‘cases’ – unless clinically defined as severe symptoms, are nothing more that ‘test’ results, which are not actually verified or validated to test for infectivity or infection, let alone a specific disease called covid under many variations, none of which are shown to be cause by such a pathogen, and none of which pathogens have in fact been found directly, but are ‘found’ by a process of genetic reconstitutions of bits of indeterminate matters.
Seek and hold the ground that requires proof of claim – regardless how much smoke is generated within the multiple themes that feed each other.
Else you are understandably made sick by attempts to uphold counterclaims that can then be used to tie you up in endless impossible requirements.
No call to claim the non existence of anything.
This global fraud is based on claims lacking substance.
Go to the roots, for every head cut off grows several more.

Fear is the energy source for control.
Fear as a resource is protected against healing.
Fear of loss of control can be deeply disturbing.
Find your peace.
Let your peace guide you as to listening, hearing and seeing.

The liar not anly has no shame, but will target provocation to all that we hold dear.
Gather the case for a court of law, in that we are the Consciousness in which the false claim will be called to account, the crime will be called to the record and judgement. Dont fret on how, just become aligned in the Body Politic as lawfully associated.


Jan 6, 2022 7:05 PM
Reply to  binra

Absolutely right.

Jan 6, 2022 12:03 PM

More soma anyone?


There’s more chance Boomers will accept 9/11 was an inside job than that they’ll consider their beloved psychedelics and all that went with them were a deep state operation.

Why did Huxley call it soma? An inversion of the Biblical prophet?

Jan 6, 2022 12:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Soma is a tea that figures in the Vedas, I think. There’s ancient poetry about it

As ‘1984’ was Communist Russia translated into a UK setting, so ‘Brave New World’ was India’s caste system similarly migrated (Brahmin as Alphas etc)

Jan 6, 2022 12:55 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Which reminds me of a roadside chat I had recently with a wandering Hindu preacher (or possibly Buddhist, I forget). From India, although oddly, he spoke Russian. Anyhow, he was fully aware of ‘soma’. Described it as much better than alcohol, in terms of its effects

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 6, 2022 12:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Psychedelics were an instrumental part of my awakening to the lies, deceit and fake reality presented to us every day by the state and by corporations and deciding to live outside of that system as far as possible. I know lots of other people who’d say a similar thing. They were also hugely influential in my journey towards freedom from addiction to the state sponsored drugs, legal and illegal. The mushrooms that I picked for free every year from a sheep field on a hill near my house were nothing to do with the state, or with big pharma, and were everything to do with nature supplying us with a rich resource to enable us to expand our mind, our horizons and to let go of our ego and to properly appraise our place within the Universe. As usual, these things may be used as part of a deep state psyop, but they definitely did not come into being because of anything like that.

I said from early on in my psychedelic usage that if everybody in the world experienced this, and felt how absurd the modern World really is, and laughed at it with peals of unstoppable laughter, then we might not be so easily controlled by evil bastards pulling at our ego strings, we might not be living in so much fear. I haven’t used psychelics for a good while now, I got everything that I needed out of them. Less ego, free from addiction and doing things my own way without fear.

Jan 6, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

+ 10

Jan 6, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Actually, psychedelics are not needed to arrive at the conclusion that man is way too big for his britches. A good healthy dose of cynicism will do in a pinch.

Cynicism means (almost) never having to say you’re wrong. Attribute the worst possible motives to most of what happens in human societies and you nail it 99.9999% of the time.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 6, 2022 7:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

You might not have needed them but they did me a World of good after an at times hellish childhood. They definitely increased my already high levels of cynicism.

scott work-shy
scott work-shy
Jan 7, 2022 12:01 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

well said Bob, I avail myself of nature’s bounty every year, bumper crop this year I’m happy to report, almost as if nature feels compelled to nudge a few more sleepwalkers from their stupor in these apocalyptic times…

dr death
dr death
Jan 6, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Soma… Fly Agaric mushroom, milk and honey… is an incredibly ancient ritual sacramental infusion… even mentioned in the vedas, rather than the fake old T I’d take a look at ancient hinduism although it’s also known known to the Sámi shamans who filter it through raindeers and drink the piss…

the ante-diluvian elixir great for a the existential hang-over… and well above the heads of mental midgets and curators of the imbecilic like shucksley…

dr death
dr death
Jan 6, 2022 2:16 PM
Reply to  dr death

shucksley got into LSD as he withered on the vine scribbling his pointless cIA meandering in the terminally dull tome ‘the doors of perception heaven and hell’… which read like a drunken sixth formers diary…

it also furnished the moniker for the bland and tuneless jim morrison social enigineering vehicle the doors…

thankfully most of them are dead now.. and experiencing the wrath of Satan up close and personal..

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 6, 2022 4:33 PM
Reply to  dr death

“Strange days are falling…”

Jan 6, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Gotta ride out the storm

The Doors – Riders On The Storm

Jan 6, 2022 5:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

What OTHERS intend does not set the result of your intent.
So if you want to give power to Them, they will I’m sure be glad to take it, but you are your own learner.
Yes there is much that we live in that is in a sense a story set for whatever reasons by those in position to leverage to the receptivity to such actions.

Like wise with external sources of intimate or psychic connection.
The experience is not IN the agent, but by association can set lack-based dependency.

Unintended consequences are the mutating toxicity of our attempt to control our experience from a point of presuming to stand outside and apart from life. They are also the unexpected grace of noticing what had seemed real before or had passes unnoticed before.
What do you make of it?
Or are you the robot of another?
(We are all conditioned by learned habits in various degrees).

Jan 15, 2022 5:04 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Why call out “boomers”, that draws division. Love of and prosecution of psychadelics is alive and well today just as much if not more. I get your point and it’s valid but have some basic respect.

Major C
Major C
Jan 6, 2022 11:36 AM

France has just passed the vac passport approx. 210 for 95 against.

Jan 6, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  Major C

OMG It is virtually same type of number for U.K (210 for 95 against). i bet the papers sold the 95 as rebels. (which they are not) telegram script get used all over.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 6, 2022 11:06 AM

Any legal eagles out there?

I was just pondering on the legality of Macron’s statement that he wants to “piss off the un-vaxxed”

Up until now restrictions on the un-vaxxed have quoted “scientific” reasons, presumably to avoid accusations of coercion?

With Macron’s latest outburst has he maybe crossed the line and even broken international or EU laws?

Jan 6, 2022 11:54 AM

I’m asking the same question as I’m more concerned with the intentions of the Italian government who are proposing to prosecute and fine those individuals who have not been injected with whatever God-knows-what substances under the guise of it being a proper vaccine. I believe we might be a stone’s throw away from following suit in this country simply because our government has up to now poured scorn on such a notion of it happening here, if their previous denials are anything to go by.

If such an idea should become a possibility here I would like somebody to produce a written template response that would stand some chance in a court of law and getting me off as I have no intentions of complying.

Jan 6, 2022 12:38 PM

The law has presumably been changed so that ‘coercion” is now a legitimate way to run a country….
Surely nobody expects a human conscience, or shame, to play a role in world politics any longer….?

Jan 6, 2022 12:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Isn’t coercion sort of the point of governments?

Jan 6, 2022 3:19 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Yes, that was Mussolini’s classic definition of Fascism: the Coercive power of the state joined with the Persuasive power of money.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 6, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  NickM

I like your paraphrase.

Jan 6, 2022 4:05 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Well, it isn’t supposed to be….

I’d say the point is to ensure the smooth functioning of the three mainstays of human society:


As things stand, Economics currently controls everything, and guess where all the money is….

Our politicians have allowed that to happen, by having two planks of wood installed where brains would normally reside….

Jan 6, 2022 1:37 PM

I suspect that Macron’s statement was intended to be heard and his retraction demonstrates some ideal of a good man driven to anger by the anti brigade. Same with Blair’s ‘idiots’. Even though both pulled back on what they said, by putting it out there they are making it fine for others to say or think it.

Both are testing the waters, retaining their statesman-like stature (in their sad eyes) and voicing anger that will probably get all the louder.

Jan 6, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  MB-J

He does what he is told.
He fears nothing for consequences as he believes he is protected by Power that gave him a role to front out as a mouthpiece of political manipulations.

Jan 6, 2022 10:37 AM

Novak Djokovic has just become the greatest tennis player of all times!


No wonder that the man has balls to stand up against the evil sanitary fascist establishment. He should know. I’ve read that when he was a boy, training to be a tennis player, it was at the time the globalist fucks were conducting humanitarian bombing (a term coined by the dimwit Havel) of his home town, Belgrade. If I remember correctly, he was being coached by his mother, and every day, they used to pick a tennis court to practice on that was in a part of town that was bombed on the previous fucking day. They assumed that the likelihood that the shitheads would drop bombs in the same area two days in a row was low.

So, Novak clearly knows a thing or two about trusting the alleged good intentions of the self-proclaimed ‘democratic’ establishment!

Kudoz to the man and I hope that he never participates in any tennis competition again. Whatever rackets he might have left can serve the much better purpose of being shoved up the assholes of the utterly corrupt apparatchiks.

Jan 6, 2022 5:37 PM
Reply to  Jacques

We may well still see him in the Australian. I suspect there’s more to run in this saga…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 6, 2022 5:49 PM
Reply to  Jacques

And when they report people were fuming they mean the hypochondriacs in the media.

Jan 6, 2022 9:49 AM

One can always spot important parts of the agenda because they’ll cough up some money for them:

It’s a mad idea to reduce farmland when there’s food price inflation and insecure supply chains – but of course there’s not a peep of criticism (except for it not going far enough).

They want to stuff these rewilded areas with animals like wolves and bears to keep people out of them. Once people are crowded into Human Settlement Zones, overpopulation will seem more credible and people will enforce population reduction on themselves.

Jan 6, 2022 11:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Spot on and what with getting shot of those filthy diesel ships, food’s going to be fairly scarce this side of the channel.

Jan 6, 2022 4:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Jan 7, 2022 9:46 AM
Reply to  Edwige

In the past 2, 3 years I have noticed that more and more forest paths are being clogged up by dead wood. On purpose. The loggers just shove the remains of the cut down trees too small to be sold and processed into the paths. Signs have come up: ‘Stay on the paths, don’t enter between the trees, you might disturb the animals’ (I have torn down a number of them). Some paths have been ‘rewilded’ indeed with the use of heavy gear. Constant warnings of rabies, swine flu, tick bites. Every now and then a wolf is being spotted (they must be the most stupid animals by far: always, really always a wolf will have been run over by a car, preferably on the autobahn).They have even tried to regulate the amount of mushrooms you can collect. I can indeed feel their desire to push people out of natural environments.
It seems to backfire, though. Never spotted so many people trekking as during lockdowns. For many little children it will have been the first time their parents took them out into nature.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 6, 2022 9:01 AM

Is the Covid Scam beginning to fray at the edges.
As they try to hold together the inconsistences
As the mass testing is causing lots of people that actually do stuff that needs doing being off work.

  • Statements like Plan to limit PCR tests to those with symptoms rather than asymptomatic to ease the pressure on the system

Yes if they only tested and treated the sick and not the healthy that would help.
Only if you have symptoms can you be considered sick.
I had the sniffles for a few days . A mild cold in winter no it must be Omicron.
I had a few lemsips my normal remedy. No need for PCR or lateral flow test.
Are so many Tory’s against restrictions as they have lots of business interests that are being effected. Only if it hits them in there pocket do they care.
But mass testing at school will drive the lockdown cycle again. They are shortening the quarantine and trying to reduce delay by removing PCR confirmation of lateral flow. That might make it worse as each PCR non confirmation removes another quarantine.

Jan 6, 2022 12:09 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Only if you have symptoms can you be considered sick.

Just like with non-political diseases.

Jan 6, 2022 5:30 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

It a frayed at its very core.
But shifting the mask of appearances is used to keep the attention in its narrative as if anything is happening or about to happen.
Lawlessness is active under such mind capture.
Well intentioned seek to operate within the narrative that is based in arbitrary modelling parameters and nothing real.
Covid can be sealed into ‘reality’ by Malone et al as Good Cop saving the day. Bad Cop set it up for acceptance of Biosecurity state as saviour?
Resist ye not evil for it knows exactly when to let you push in and ‘win’.
Truth depends not on evil to be itself.
Hence ill intent always provokes reaction to be contagious as a reality distortion from which to be unseated, and entangled by attempt to overcome or escape it.

Jan 6, 2022 8:58 AM

How do we go forward realizing that many of our friends, family, and coworkers have decided to remain willfully ignorant of history and science and the facts about the Covid psychological operation?

It is a difficult question but one that has a few clear answers.

As long as the media and social networking sites have the power to shape the dialog, to eliminate the voices of those who won’t hoe to the narrative, who can promote fear all day long with breathless reporting on the TV using wheelbarrows of bogus statistics and blaring scare headlines in the newspapers, the answer is that nothing will change.

Forget about governments. it is the media and social networking sites that need to be taken down.

Jan 6, 2022 11:41 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Yes, it’s the global public private partnership cartel at the back of it that needs to be addressed but everyone stuck in the left/right jive is too blinkered to see that any government is just one of the partners and not too senior at that.

Jan 6, 2022 8:50 AM

We need a ‘collision’ between the suited psychos in a spaceship and Uranus.

Jan 6, 2022 8:19 AM

Yesterday’s new cases UK:

Left side: 113 (backwards 311, 3×11, 33)
Right side (a palindrome): 18 (=6+6+6) also 9 (3×3)

All adds to 32 (which can be expressed as 311, see above)

Jan 6, 2022 8:35 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

As your name says………………

Jan 6, 2022 9:41 AM
Reply to  David

33 is a particularly significant number in freemasonry. There are 3 bones from the coccyx to the brain symbolising the path from base consciousness to masonic enlightenment.

Clear enough now?… Alternatively, you could bother doing some research instead of making lazy, smartass comments.

Jan 6, 2022 10:26 AM
Reply to  Edwige

What significance does 77 have in freemasonry?

Jan 6, 2022 11:13 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Could you please then enlighten me as to the percentage of Masons in the overall population and, statistically, how many are in positions where their influence is such that these numerological coincidences actually have some significance.

Jan 9, 2022 12:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Your numerology bullshit is as clear as mud.

Jan 6, 2022 10:27 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

comment image

Jan 6, 2022 11:14 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Give it a rest.

Jan 9, 2022 12:13 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing


32 can also be expressed as 11111 or 1112… oh wow!

Jan 6, 2022 7:07 AM

issues important to us
Here are 2 more:
– pervasive failure and refusal to serve the people
– diversion of almost all public wealth to cronies (the plutocracy).

all the Covid “vaccines” provide genetic material that drives the production of toxic spike proteins
Incorrect. This only applies to mRNA. The others contain the spikes.

Jan 6, 2022 6:18 AM

Macron says what all leaders also say or are thinking.
Time for guillotine or Tyburn (London)…

Jan 6, 2022 4:51 AM

In case you missed it, here is an excellent Interview with Aboriginal tribal leader David Cole and Fischer/Füllmich and committee.

Jan 6, 2022 12:47 PM
Reply to  fame

Forgot to mention the interview begins at 2:55:00.

Jan 7, 2022 3:01 AM
Reply to  fame

bless you. and thank you for this interview

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 6, 2022 3:43 AM

…Covid: A Collision of Shit and Fan:…


…- Finance and Global Economy background to the scam…
(…- Warning: Very, *VERY* Long, but *VERY* well worth it… (And I *Never* usually bother to read, or post links to, apparent wall-of-text screeds…))

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 6, 2022 3:45 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

…- Arrrgh, *FECKARSE*!!… – Wrong link – that one’s last year’s ‘Year In Review’…

…- Here:…


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 6, 2022 3:18 AM

Damn ! So many choices ! There’s “true” science, and “real” science, and “fake” science, “Western” science, and even “rocket science.”. Oh ! And there’s “junk” science, too…
I think i’ll stick with being a bartender. At least the only disputes i have to referee are over the Science of Football.

Jan 6, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Let it be verb
Do it.
Claim need be substantiated to stand.
Without attempt to disprove itself or openness to such it cannot be more than claim in dispute.
While precedent is used as basis to build on, where foundations are found to be questionable, they are brought from fact to dispute.
But where will you stand to do it?
There is historical bias or conflicts set in science that it sought to discard.
So ‘science’ itself is in dispute pending resolution.
How can fundamental shift be a persistence on colour by number gap-filling for an invested orthodoxy that increasing replaced empiricism with modelling?

Jan 6, 2022 1:50 AM

The Covid cult has been awful for my analytic prowess … I’m turning into a Jack Nicholson alter-ego …
These days I tend to look at people I previously admired, and/or respected and place them in the FW or NFI box. Quite sad really …
I thought I would be able to stop at Bankers, PMs or Presidents, but I dunno why the Royals keep hopping into the box[es]

Jan 6, 2022 5:45 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

I don’t indulge personal gratifications as I cant afford to waste energy in what doesn’t actually serve me now.
On top of which it only winds up Nurse Ratchet to induce lobotomy care
So there is that which is actively serving me and there is that which I release. Now it could be said that many become a witness and reminder for who I know I am not!
Blessing I have lived and shared are not devalued by what later unfolds.
Shake off the dust on your sandals and leave with a blessing. You have the benefit of blessings that are theirs to receive when they are ready or willing.

Jan 6, 2022 1:46 AM

Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Started Three Hours Ago in China.

I can’t find what I posted earlier about it. Damn. Lew Rockwell predicted months ago that it wd be the next virus, cuz there had been almost no cases of it for years yet some very big players had inexplicably developed a “vaxx” for it. I WANT the names in that post, but I can’t find it on Lewrockwell.com. Can anyone help?

Don’t you get it? We have to get the facts in that post out to vaccinate people against whatever story TPTB are going to use. We have to post the suspicious facts about it everywhere.

Jan 6, 2022 1:57 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I found a later Lewrockwell article about the damned hemorrhagic fever:
“During my research into the false claims of excess deaths caused by COVID-19 and the pseudo-sciences which supports it, I have stumbled over some very worrying developments which I will summarise due to the urgency I feel to highlight them to the public as follows: –

Bill Gates GAVI published an article on 22-Apr-2021 titled “The next pandemic: Marburg?”. There have been numerous Mainstream Media articles highlighting an upcoming threat Marburg and referencing the WHO in recent months.
Marburg Virus is a relatively rare haemorrhagic fever which was first described in 1967, there have only been a total of 376 related deaths, and only 16 deaths since 2005.
Primerdesign developed a one-step Real-Time PCR test genesig® in 2018 for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. Why would they develop a test in 2018 for an illness which has not had a major outbreak since 2005?
Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA. Approval of ricin toxin vaccine will utilize the FDA Animal Rule to eliminate the phase 1, 2 & 3 trials. Why such a rush now, to trial a vaccine for which there has only been a total of 376 deaths since 1967 and only 16 deaths since 2005? The main component of the Rivax vaccine is Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant.
Soligenix shareholders include BlacRrock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.
Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant. Ricin is very toxic if inhaled, injected, or ingested. It acts as a toxin by inhibiting protein synthesis. It prevents cells from assembling various amino acids into proteins according to the messages it receives from messenger RNA in a process conducted by the cell’s ribosome (the protein-making machinery) – that is, the most basic level of cell metabolism, essential to all living cells and thus to life itself.
A paper tilled Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus was published by the NIH in January 2021.”

There’s more; please go read it. Damned disease is being reported in China now.

les online
les online
Jan 6, 2022 2:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

+ 100

Jan 6, 2022 7:00 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Related development: According to a video, a doctor in India claims to have come up covid medicine in the form of sweets, made from coconut and castor oils. Supposedly, one state authority in Tamil Nadu is testing it.

Jan 6, 2022 4:03 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Well, I don’t know what happens in India but what I do know is that coconut oil is antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial, thus most probably ingesting and using the oil in sinus areas will protect one from whatever may come around through the air .

Jan 7, 2022 5:46 AM

The oil should be extracted without heating. I have never heard of it being applied to the sinuses. Washing out the sinuses with mild saline may be safer.

Jan 6, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  mgeo

To be reasonably fair, I could come up with something similar in my own kitchen…

There’s money in it, you see….

Jan 7, 2022 5:47 AM
Reply to  wardropper

A lot less money than from the jabs, without the need for foreign currency.

Jan 7, 2022 7:17 AM
Reply to  mgeo

More than enough for me, however…. 🙂 

Well over a year ago, a friend of my wife’s told her she was going to start making covid masks.

I can’t deny that being quick as a flash is good business these days – if you’re a shark….

Jan 6, 2022 7:21 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Lectins — jolly good vegetarian food. Eat it up, poor folks, and leave the meat for your betters.

Jan 6, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  Orthus

If God had intended us to eat meat, He would not have allowed our canine teeth to degenerate into the ineffectual tools they are now.

Good for selfies, but not much else….

Jan 7, 2022 7:13 AM
Reply to  Penelope

We still have to acknowledge that PCR (polymerase chain reaction) IS NOT A TEST.
Ignoring that fact can make it so easy for ‘the authorities’ to continue scaring us shitless.

les online
les online
Jan 6, 2022 2:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

+ 100

Jan 6, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I copied these to my documents folder sometime last year:
1. 29Sept2021The next pandemic: Marburg? | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance by Priya Joi 22Apr21
2. Getting to zero in the DRCongo Ebola Outbreak Published Online
March 9, 2020
PII S1473-3099(20)30056-6
3. WHO guidance Critical Care of Survivors of Ebola Virus 22Jan2016 p31list of essential medicines interested me – IVM, fluoxetine, Diazepam, etc

Jan 8, 2022 7:25 AM
Reply to  Pauline


Jan 6, 2022 4:01 PM
Reply to  Penelope

maybe it is merely shoals of yon graphene shard, getting to purpose?

blood price,

they’ll call it whatever they want.. ?

Jan 6, 2022 12:31 AM

Here’s a wonderful new song/video to consider posting and sharing. The message is very much inline with OG’s postings, which I have thoroughly enjoyed following for the past few years.

It’s called “More of Us” by Matt Brevner, a Canadian artist who also works with Rebel News in Canada. Below are the various current ways to link to the song. Apparently google has already tried to get him offline.

https://brevner.bandcamp.com/ (has full lyrics posted)


I believe he’s also on spotify, itunes, etc.  

Jan 6, 2022 12:19 AM

Great Article by Kevin Ryan. I did 9/11 to death, till I got bored shitless with it. I failed almost completely to convince anyone, just got a load of grief. I have got even more grief over this covid bollocks, with similar lack of success. I keep thinking the entire narrative is going to collapse, but these psycho’s in control keep doubling down again.

What is the point in testing 100,000 “essential workers” and school kids every day, when everyone knows all the tests are worthless – producing random positive results regardless of whether you have got a cold. All that does is send people home to isolate in very large numbers, such that essential services are certain to breakdown, cos nearly everyone is at home watching the telly…cough cough.

The only reason is to (a) crash the entire economic system, and freeze and starve people to death, and (b) try and cover the acknowledged 40% increase in overall death rates, as a direct result of jabbing 70% of the population.

I find the entire thing rather depressing, but this just cheered me up.

For years I used to work with a very nice man from Naples.

“Mayor of Naples bans fireworks on New Years Eve threatening 500 Euro fines”




I have really appreciated your posts over the last couple of years. Although I was trained in Maths & Pure Physics, to a fairly high level, I have never claimed to be a scientist, because I wanted to do and did computing (it was far better paid). However in 1972, when I started my job in computing, I had massive respect for both scientists and engineers, which most of my family were. The idea of corruption was completely ridiculous, and so far as I am aware, almost none existent. That certainly wasn’t true of the computer industry, but even then you could trust the vast majority of doctors to do their best for their patients. Of course there were mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but it was extremely rare to come across anyone outright evil.

Now almost all “professions” are completely corrupt.

You can drop lucky as I did almost a year ago, when I got very ill, and weighed up my chances of survival, and decided on balance, though dreading it, asked my son to drive me to my local A&E. There was almost no one there, cos almost everyone was afraid to go to go hospital.


Jan 5, 2022 10:49 PM

Novak Djokovic has been refused a visa to compete and defend his Australian Open tennis championship due to his vaccination status. Here in Australia its jeers for Novak who is a 9 time champion and cheers for Australia and it’s “tough stance”. The indoctrination of the masses is strong and unflinching. They’re true believers.

Jan 5, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  JoeC

A dark time for sport. When talent is banished in favour of compliant mediocrity.

He was carrying the flag not just for Serbia, but for natural immunity and common sense everywhere

Djokovic: Tennis world number one denied entry to Australia


Jan 5, 2022 11:05 PM
Reply to  JoeC

NoVak(cination). Nomen est omen.

In italy mandatory vaxx for + 50.

Jan 6, 2022 4:56 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Didn’t the tennis fans boo the gov’t official when covid and the “vax” was mentioned at last years Australian Open. Seems to me like they were afraid of the tennis fans cheering Djokovic on.

Jan 6, 2022 5:31 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Novak lives to fight another day.
His detractors ? Well _ _ _

Jan 6, 2022 7:46 AM
Reply to  JoeC

He’s won enough of it to bother defending another one. It’s alright.

Jan 6, 2022 9:24 AM
Reply to  JoeC

French Open is next major on the tour. Will he get banned there also?


New Nane
New Nane
Jan 6, 2022 9:40 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Scumo needs to be guillotined.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 5, 2022 10:41 PM

People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-01-05. Governments Admit Using #MassFormationPsychosis. 61% Teens Hospitalized Had Severe Obesity (link).

Jan 5, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

But I AM an anti-vaxxer, and very proud to be so, too. Have been anti-vax for 35+ years (I’m 63). I carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into the evil things termed ‘vaccines’ 35+ years ago (using those often overlooked things called books…), and have researched more, during the last ten years, and discovered that there’s a veritable wealth of medical, scientific and historical data/evidences which PROVE that ‘vaccines’ are a medical scam. That they are NOT for the benefit of health, far from it.

Many of the authors of books which reveal the extreme dangers of ‘vaccines’ are past or present members of the ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment around the world who have chosen to be WHISTLEBLOWERS re. the immense dangers and lack of safety of ‘vaccines’.

Jan 5, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

P.S. I wouldn’t go within a million miles of ANY [so-called] ‘vaccine’, let alone the current injections.

We all have a ‘god’-given immune system. That is all that anyone needs.
And to keep that innate immune system boosted, with natural stuff: vitamins, and other natural immune-boosting/health-boosting substances.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 6, 2022 7:06 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58


One of the most discouraging and depressing things witnessed in the last two years is the sight of people active in the holistic healing field who have totally bought in to the scamdemic, and are now 100% behind Big Pharma, vaccines, masks, and all the rest (IMO, often a result of “anti-vax” astroturfing within the autism spectrum community over the last couple of decades). What the hell happened to their previous faith in unprocessed foods, sunshine, fresh air, time outdoors in nature, exercise, and, if necessary, oil of oregano and supplementation with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.???

As Kevin says above, “What has happened to human society in the last two years has been […] beyond belief.”

Jan 6, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

God gives Existence and Life.
The concept of an immune system is rooted in a sense of lack that seeks to boost or bolster itself by external means as a result of disconnection from unconflicted wholeness of being (Spirit) – as if to be an autonomous ‘spirit’ that progressively locks down to image, body, and mechanism – that calls on the ‘externalised sense of separateness to manage, direct and protect it.

I not having a go at you or vitamins but pointing to the normailsed captive subjection to acquired and inherited beliefs that then filter and frame how we see and what choices are available.

Vaccines have archetypal pattern of sacrifice set to forfend Terrors assigned as divine retribution (to a hidden sense of guilt) or demonic psycho-path-ogens – or active evils.
Without a deeper recognition, the pattern will reset to new forms for a temporal relief at cost of futile repetition.
It easy to say face your fear, or release and walk out of shame and guilt, so the talk is cheap, and gives a way of seeming to be a good guy while finding lots to think about and say.

If God is our true need but we cant yet own this, we put all kinds of steps in between. The synchronicity of giving and receiving as one is not a result of such processes. (I realise many don’t choose to use the word God but none of us create existence or awareness of being).

We have a God-given mind, but are trained to prefer to use a masked or private agenda as a means of survival in a masked world.

Jan 7, 2022 7:29 AM
Reply to  binra

I have black moments when I think “God gave Existence and Life (past tense)”, and now we’re screwing it all up.
It’s a big threshold to cross, trying to realize that ‘getting back to God’ is going to involve rejecting the entire material world.

The God of the Old Testament said, “Do this, do that, and I’ll fight alongside you.”
But since the age of the New Testament dawned, it’s as if He is sending a strong message that He has done His bit, and now we have to do ours.

The biggest problem there is that we currently have no idea what ‘doing our bit’ means….

Jan 7, 2022 7:21 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

Jan 6, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

 👏  👏 

Jan 6, 2022 7:54 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

So? There are anti-vaxxers and anti-authoritarians. Can’t they invent two different labels, and then let them mock those opposed to the creep of totalitarianism (can’t use that word just yet)?

There are anti-vaxxers opposed to all vaccines, anti-vaxxers who think they have been over-sold, anti-vaxxers who are just opposed to the untested variety. Wouldn’t be too much to expect from the quality press, would it?

Jan 6, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

I think in the course of the last two years, many have started to realize that all vaccines are scams. Many who previously did not give it a second thought.

I think that “eventually” this vax nonsense will come crashing down – but so will everything. Not just “Western” society.

Jan 5, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

Words longer than vaxxer hurt their heads. Three word slogans count as science dissertations.

Jan 5, 2022 10:35 PM

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