Ukraine crisis accelerating rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies
Kit Knightly

A joint project between the Central Bank of Canada and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be researching the possibility of an entirely digital Canadian dollar, it was announced yesterday.
The digital dollar would be a state-issued cryptocurrency, or “central bank digital currency” (CBDC). (For more detail on CBDCs and how they work, you can read our previous article here.)
It’s not just Canada – countries from all around the world appear to be accelerating the research and implementation of CBDCs as we enter the second quarter of 2022.
In our New Years post, OffG hypothesized that the introduction of central bank digital currencies would be a major news thread of 2022, and that prediction looks to be coming true before winter has even turned into spring.
CBDC pilot schemes were already active in the Bahamas and Nigeria before the end of 2021, and Jamaica is rolling out their own later this year after a pilot scheme last year.
Dozens of others are not far behind, including the US, UK and the entire Eurozone. Sweden’s “e-Krona” is currently in the testing phase. Joe Biden has called research into CBDCs a matter of “highest urgency”.
Ukraine is right at the forefront of CBDC research and has been prepping for such since 2016. There were plans to implement one later this year, though it’s possible the war has changed them.
The Russian central bank was developing a “digital ruble” before the invasion of Ukraine, and it is now being suggested as a way to circumvent Western sanctions.
China was already leading the race to total digitalization of their currency, and have used the “vulnerability to Western sanctions” as an excuse to push ahead even harder.
India, South Africa, Malaysia…the list goes on and on.
In short, pretty much the whole world has been at least considering the move to entirely digital money.
Why should this concern you?
Well, because a digital currency would mean every single transaction you make can be monitored and recorded by the state, as well as your bank.
The implications for the right to privacy are obvious, but privacy is the least of it.
Much of the research being done on CBDCs concerns making them programmable.
Meaning either the state issuing the money, or the company paying it as wages, could put controls on how or where it is spent.
To quote a Telegraph article from last Autumn:
Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible.
As I wrote in October last year:
Governments and employers making sure the money they issue can only be used on “sensible” things, and not be used in “socially harmful” ways? It doesn’t take much imagination to see just how this system could evolve and re-shape society into a truly dystopian nightmare.
…and that was before.
It “wasn’t hard to imagine” then, now we don’t need to imagine. They have shown us exactly how they would use that power.
Just a month ago, the government of Canada was tracking down Freedom Convoy protesters – and even those who just donated money to the protests – and ordering banks to freeze their assets.
Consider how much easier an entirely digital currency would make that process.
Not only would it be easier to seize people’s assets, but you could stop people donating to the “wrong” causes in the first place by changing the “programming” of your digital money.
Reader funded alternate news sites – very much including OffG – could find themselves branded “harmful misinformation”, and placed on the “funding blacklist”.
People who refused the vaccines, or don’t publicly denounce Russia (or any passing enemy of the moment), could have sanctions placed on their bank accounts.
Western governments are currently declaring financial war on dozens of private citizens who have not been charged – let alone convicted – of any crime, just because of their nationality. It’s being done under the guise of “punishing dirty Russians”, but what can be done to an oligarch can be done to anyone.
Essentially, anyone who doesn’t support current thing would be living under the threat of financial ruin.
The possibilities are as endless as they are terrible. Central Bank Digital Currencies are a death knell for the very idea of individual freedom.
It’s almost impossible to overstate the important of this.
As I said in my recent interview on Perspectives with Jesse Zurawell, if you’re only concerned about one thing this year, it should be this.
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The possibilities are endless because they are so terrible. Central Bank Digital Currency is the death knell for the very idea of individual freedom. Your article is very good! Thank you for sharing!
One again I hear Ted Kaczynski is pounding his head on the wall saying I told you so..
All of humanity must reject central bank digital currencies or our enslavement will be total and complete. Go with decentralized (de-fi) or consider gold backed (non-governmental, and non-big bank) with peer to peer direct transactions with no intermediary, Preferably those that offer complete privacy.
CBDC is completely different from private CryptoCurrency but both are governed by same underlying blockchain technology. This will not cause much problem until government banned using of all private crypto and allow only to use state or central bank (government) issued crypto (CBDC). So that they can control and track every bit of transaction history of you. They can do anything with your money if they want (freeze…).
This is why DE-centralized currencies (like Bitcoin) are the ONLY type of digital currency people should buy/use. Transactions:
But notice how governments are only talking about centralized currencies (ie ones they can control).
Yes and these government crypto’s will be the nails in the coffin of every single freedom we are clinging to for dear life.
I get it- Russia develops cbdc to stop the West interfering. The West develops cbdc to stop……blah, blah. They have a war to prove it’s really necessary…..blah, blah. The whole world is owned by bankers…..what a surprise. I never would have guessed. Have I missed anything?
We can take it away from them if we all band together and play by our own decentralized and completely private blockchains and currencies.
Why the fuck is this programmable credit at the company store being labelled as “crypto?” Crypto refers to a secret. As every purchase of underwear or bubblegum will be immortalized on central banks blockchains, there is absolutely nothing crypto about it. It does make me suspicious regarding the real, decentralized crypto currencies also with the fictional Satoshi inventor. Was this just a loss leader as they say in the supermarket business to get the sheeple used to and enthusiastic about this powerful CBDC weapon?
Technically, “crypto” is not in the name – Central Bank Digital Currency. I think people have just become accustomed to using “crypto” as slang for all digital currency.
Just say no to everything digital.
Say no to robotization. Say no to Tech.
That’s right turn off your gosh-darn dumb phone.
True in many ways, especially excess technology – the mortal enemy of humanity.
A few days ago Biden asked the Fed to consider issuing a digital dollar.
“A few days ago Biden asked the Fed to consider issuing a digital dollar.” If this is true then it would be the ultimate admission that the Fed owns the US and consequent capitulation to private industry. It would amount to the exposure that America is run by the private consortium, viz. ‘The Fed’ It wouldn’t bode well for the countries controlled by the US … read Israel, either.
We the people should go back to barter trade, seriously.
Might have to.
Trucker Convoy Update (USA)
This cartoon has been removed from Instagram
.. so I feel it my duty to spread it around 😜
Plus 100. funny.
The declaration of national emergency is not legitimate. Only one person needs to stand up in court and state this as a sworn affidavit and it becomes actionable by every lawyer in the country.
Get arrested:
Go to court:
State the facts:
Start litigation:
You don’t have to be concerned about CBDC. Just don’t use them.
Remember that the governments are businesses. They do not possess any power or right beyond anyone else. A just like any other business no one is obliged to do business with them.
Only the King has the right to levy taxes and pass law. The last legitimate monarch left this world ~5000 years ago. The King is the representation of God, and as the Lord’s representative is bound to act in man’s best interest which is to preserve justice and to lead man out of the darkness of nescience and in to the light of knowledge. Any monarch which does not act to uphold goodness by punishing criminals and using their power to lift man out of darkness is a false monarch and should be stripped of all assets, title, position, power and if necessary life.
The governments can only make legislation, and execute power given to all men under constitutional/common/natural law
The Judiciary is bound under oath to preserve the constitutional rights of all men. No act of government that causes ANY harm can stand in court.
All trades for basic resources MUST be freely available to all without ANY restriction. This is LAW and woe-be-tied all who try to stand over.
Keep using cash. If payment with cash is refused stare clearly “Are you refusing payment for these goods/services?” If the answer is yes then you are lawfully entitled to not pay for the goods as consent has been given to not pay for them, and you are free to leave with your free goods/services. Record everything. Stand firm in your rights, do not resist arrest, do not antagonize the police, do not accept cautions, warnings, fines, or anything other than a court appearance. Do not accept legal representation, a lawyer can advise you and help you with a case, but you must stand for yourself in court when defending your constitutional rights. Constitutional rights are part of YOUR constitution, another can not represent YOU.
Clear as day that the ‘war’ in Ukraine is being used to push CBDCs and other aspects of the NWO aka ‘great-reset’ – good overview here of what the ‘war’ is being used for problem > reaction > solution style:
You believe in laws. But puppet legislators, prosecutors and judges determine what it is in effect.
Commercialisation to the bitter end.
Thanks Kit.
CBDC should be the number one concern of anyone living on this planet who is not in a self contained community.
This whole shebang is now moving at such a pace that it is hard to keep up with the narrative.
I think that the jabscam has gone much the way they wanted.
They obviously expected resistance and factored it in but was it more or less than they calculated?
The relaxations over the last few weeks in Europe, Australia, US etc. may seem to be a victory for the demonstrators but, in France at least, The ‘pass of shame’ is still required for hospitals.
They now have a big stick to bring out of the cupboard whenever we become naughty because we let ourselves be beaten with it the first time.
I honestly expected climate to be the next excuse to cower the world but, of course, I was blindsided by the “war”
Make no mistake, as usual, the poor bastards at the sharp end of this are suffering and for that I hate the perpetrators even more.
But things are moving apace. It seems that this “war” is to determine the advent of CBDC and the end of liberty.
If we had the ‘troops’ we could stop this but 50 years of preparation have gone into this and the people we need to help us resist have gone through the ‘education’ mill of the previous 4 decades.
Time to buy a rotavator !!
buy a mattock instead, excellent cultivating tool that is, in the worst of conditions.
mattocks, buy them. in fact am gonna buy stocks in mattocks in crypto ; ) hargh.
i always saw war, resource wars..not yon scamdemic, but almost like a full loop, UKR, maybe it surges forth now?
history is written indeed, we’ve all been had since???.. . are we not just witnessing “history”?
Mattock indeed.
As you say, a perfect tool for gardening……………..
And defense!
In fact, I don’t think you could wield a more effective tool.
Relatively light, orientable and heavy at the blow at the same time.
I prefer machete but you cannot dig up much with one of them….then again perhaps we should not be digging our soil…destroys the fungi webs
welcome to the mattockhood ; )
A lot more than 50 years have gone into preparing the failure of the NWO agenda.
Clear as day that the ‘war’ in Ukraine is being used to push CBDCs and other aspects of the NWO aka ‘great-reset’ – good overview here of what the ‘war’ is being used for problem > reaction > solution style:
Giving ‘levelling up’ a whole new meaning..
Left Lockdown Sceptics is holding a public meeting in Manchester on Saturday 2 April, “Building Momentum in the Freedom Movement: Activism, Outreach and Strategy”.
Find out more here.
UKC News: The Orwellian ‘Online Harms’ Bill + Nazis and Ukraine’s Foreign Legion (
Australia really, really hates Ukrainians, we are sending them guns and coal
Bring on the anarchy
From who?
Serious question.
Most of the potential anarchists have been neutered by 50 years of “progress” and I phones
It’s up to the individual:
I thought we lived in an elite anarchy system anyway?
bring on Life.
Life begins when you understand it’s purpose:
That is offensive to real Anarchy.
No it isn’t, A real anarchist wouldn’t get offended.
An-archy meaning no master.
Meaning self mastery.
Meaning not being a slave to your senses.
Meaning not getting offended.
For some the military intervention by the Russian Federation in the Ukraine is a contrived action. Here is an interview from Sergei Lavarov, RF foreign minister, explaining how the RF tried to avoid it .
Also another aspect which is overlooked is Lukashenko, leader/dictator of Belarus, refused to take the $1,000,000,000 + bribe from the IMF to implement a Covid lockdown as many other “ nations” had. His reward for this was a Soros type colour revolution coup which failed. Why did it fail ? Well, Putin interceded to ensure that they didn’t have not only a controlled Ukraine but also a Belarus. Here is what Lukashenko has to say about the lurgie !
Speaking for myself: i do not try to follow, in depth, The War in The Ukraine. (I’ve no desire to become an Armchair General, nor a believable Cassandra)…
My ‘knowledge’ of developments, thus my understanding, is mediated…
What i am interested in is how the reporting of events is shaped by intentions to influence, even manipulate me…
The link Jeffery Strahl just posted mentions that in The Ukraine ” highly corrupt financial and political institutions have driven the population to rely on cryptocurrencies.”
There’s a widely shared perception in Australia that there’s corruption in politics, state bodies, and some financial institutions. This belief will be exploited as the selling point for CBDC…
Brushed aside will be any concerns about the loss of freedoms CBDC regimes portend by the baying for the punishment of the Wrongdoers…
Well, I have lived in Russia and studied the history, language of it. I have seen first hand the consequences of the West controlling and trying to balkanise it.
Moreover, I have seen how, unlike many countries in the West, the beggars were not homeless people but old women, most of the old men never reached retirement age, unable to live on their pensions because the rubble had become worthless under the shock therapy instigated by the victors of the Cold War.
Putin was anointed by the West because he chosen to be their puppet, Boris Yeltsin’s heir, he didn’t live up their expectations and crossed the Rubicon when he prevented Syria following along the same path as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan etc according to the plan revealed by former head of European NATO military Wesley Clarke.
The concerns of digital currencies pales into the background if there is nothing to spend it on !
“ ruble had become worthless “
Here is an interesting complement to this excellent article by Kit Knightly.
Ukrainian Gomorrah: Sanctions, Cryptocurrencies and Pricing Revenge, Raul Diego, 3/3/22.
+ 100
interesting link Jeffrey…
How does gold fit in?
Will we be allowed to own,buy or sell it?
Gold is analogue, so they can’t do anything about it. Silver will be used to transact every day items. Clear as day that the ‘war’ in Ukraine is being used to push CBDCs and other aspects of the NWO aka ‘great-reset’ – good overview here of what the ‘war’ is being used for problem > reaction > solution style:
This is a headline I just saw.
“Zelenskiy urges Swiss to target Russian money ‘helping to wage war’ on Ukraine”
The faux war gets them the East versus West Digital Currency War and the coming cyber pandemic.
Anything the cryptocracy do now; price gouge, ration and restrict energy, abolish cash, cut off supply chains, close down factories, ports and entire sectors creating poverty, creating homelessness through forced evacuations etc., can be blamed on the absurd war they fabricated. Problem, Reaction, Solution.
This is exactly the same MO they used when they blamed the lockdowns, iatrogenic murder, loss of jobs and businesses, restricted movements, expanded national debts, coerced poison jabs and the greatest transfer of wealth in history, on a non existent virus.
i just saw zelenkozelenskiy, argh!
He’s a regular pop-up in parliaments these days. Guaranteed a standing ovation, whatever he says.
UK, US, Canada, Germany, France on the 23rd I think. Coming to a Government near you (usually via videocall
from Poland)Does anybody still remember Tsikhanouskaya? She was a similar paper-mache personage.
Playing the piano? Or cross dressing? The cryptocracy get a kick out of rubbing it in our faces that so-called “leaders” are a joke on the public, and merely puppets.
y’all, am aware of the muckfuppet that zelensky is, i was alluring that altdocprof zelenko’s name and the mindfuck of the two. especially in the anglosphere ; )
Spot on
Where I live the local restaurant is charging €20 for locals for tonight’s special but free to Ukranians.
i don’t remember them doing that for Yemenis.
The point is to split the public into two opposing blocs (good cop, bad cop) while manufacturing a faux war orchestrated by the two blocs – BRICS (Russia) vs NATO (Ukraine) at the behest of the central bank-merchant-military cartel. They don’t even need a real war. They can evacuate millions, shell or bomb abandoned buildings. Fly fighter planes overhead. Blow up a remote controlled tank or two. Blast sirens nightly and have armed soldiers walking the streets. Mission Accomplished.
KR knows this because he’s another Masonic shill, like all the other talentless, promoted “celebrities“ in the fake “news” cycle. Divide and conquer couldn’t be more simple. Works every time.
Interesting perspective. The BRICS & UN-WEF& NATO all want to implement their form of communism and all the leaders want to control he system of One World Government. They all want to be head of the pile. China’s neutral stance is clever, they are on the Russian side but waiting to see which horse wins. Then they will decide to take them on if they are badly wounded enough or side with the perceived winner and share the spoils.
But since the world is centrally controlled through the banking-merchant-military cartel, the machinations of separate countries acting as independent bodies (geopolitics) are always orchestrated as a way to dupe the public. Each country is an incorporated legal fiction with global central ownership and control. So the specter of war is theater. It’s obviously unnecessary. Like the lockdowns, masks, vaccines and destruction of jobs: Ordo ab Chao.
Plus 100.
The problem with this ‘Kid Rock’ is that he belongs to the rich & famous. He has 1.7 million subscribers on Youtube and we all know the latter do not put up with people who speak the truth. He has huge followings on social media such as Facebook & Twitter and this means he’s serving the ruling class’s agenda.
Just a suggestion that we keep our terminology crystal-clear:
“It’s not just Canada – countries from all around the world appear to be accelerating
the research and implementation of CBDCs as we enter the second quarter of 2022.”
“Countries” are really doing no such thing.
Only the new mutant ‘human-representive’ spawn from hell are “accelerating the research…” etc…
The actual people of countries from all around the world want dangerous, unsupervised, unregulated and invisible research to stop.
The Post Covid World:
Remember the guy who said this?:
Well he now runs everything!
As Putin recently described it: “An empire of lies”
Yes but are you able to point to any real objection of Russia to the agenda at stake except for this high-horses spur of the moment’ rhetoric of ”An empire of lies” apparently lying there in the West? Where and when did they, the Russians, say ”no”? To what? They sang unison, leading the choir many a time, copying whatever was there to copy from ”An empire of lies” to the dot. The Russian state is ridden with the knut of the agenda at stake just like all other NATO states. No difference whatsoever.
They said ”No” no the knut only once, but it was in October 1917, with very different people at the helm of the state, one of them Georgian, with hard Caucasian facial features, speaking Russian with a harsh accent [ certainly Churchill was wetting his pants sitting next to him in Yalta, once a resort of all the Romanovs], as it was not even his native language, and hated for it by the White-skin cynical, softly malleable and gently complying Russian Moscovite elites.
Maybe Russia has been saving up all its ‘no’s for the current moment:
‘No’ to Nato expansion.
‘No’ to dollar supremacy.
‘No’ to hegemony
‘No’ to a unipolar world.
‘No’ to US puppet regimes
And encouraging other countries to come along with it – China, India,…
No, not at all. On the contrary, this current war is smoke in the eyes to the world, but most importantly their own public. When all eyes are on irrelevant Zhelensky/Kolomoysko duo, the Russian Duma and their grotesque actors aka MPs frantically these weeks pass legislation to speed up all NATO agendas and inject it into the Russian state and society. All that you hear from Putin/Lavror/Zakharova is a well rehearsed and scripted carefully strategy to further stupify the Russians, who accustomed to Navalny’s/Zhirinovsky regular heavy shelling cannot take in anything below a similar heat and intensity. Any bounds of reason left the Russian state long ago.
It is interesting when you start to analyse how much Putin has tried to avoid a confrontation with the Western elites and how they have dismissed him out of hand.
For example at the 2007 Munich Security conference, he asked the West to accept the RF as part of it. They refused.
He spoke directly to Clinton when in 2000 he visited Moscow as the US president and Putin asked him whether the West would accept the RF as a NATO member. Clinton told him no.
Moreover, Putin tried to persuade the West to pressurise the Ukrainian regime to accept the 2015 Minsk accords. The West did nothing.
For someone who is supposed to be part of the club , in the words of George Carlin “ It’s a big club.” and Putin “ ain’t in it “ !
But in the examples that you list, Putin was in the NATO waiting room, with a petition to be allowed in.
Besides, a war-monger incessantly lusting for war needs an enemy. Russia is a convenient one, as they eventually are predictable and can be managed, unlike the one in Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq, truly self-governed and not in the waiting room with petitions to be let in. So Putin is a safe enemy worth keeping.
Hmm, you are missing point. Putin and his like, minded fellow Russian Federation members didn’t want a return to the status quo of the USSR which by the way was the normal relationship Russia had with the West from about the Teutonic Knights evangelical crusades onwards.
Their reasoning was to be given a breathing space because the Western elites will never accept an opponent to their globalist aspirations which has been evidence from before as Rudyard Kipling put it “ The great game” .
Remember, if wasn’t for Russia Napoleon would probably have won, not forgetting that without the USSR Nazi Germany would have probably won in Europe since most of the French and British establishment supported the Nazis as did the US.
Yes, they did give birth to the Bolshevik Revolution but Stalin didn’t follow the game plan. As Putin is not following their game plan either.
Recently revealed documents demonstrate what the Ukrainian Nazis and their Western masters had in store for the Russian Federation.
Ivan Maisky, former Soviet ambassador in the U.K. from the early 1930s until 1943 had some very revealing insights into Who Helped Hitler. Well worth reading!
Russia isn’t going to be a convenient enemy. Now isolated from the west by the west, Russia is free to act without a care of life and limb of the west. People tend to forget just how big Russia is and how long the Russian people have been living a life of austerity. The excess lifestyle of the west is totally unsustainable, as clearly evident by out of control inflation, and increased thirst for power and control. Make no mistake Russia taking the Ukraine (and it wiil) is going to destroy the western economy as Russia will control a huge percentage of the worlds food and energy production. The USA is going to implode. A lot of people are going to die in the next 30 years most of them in the next 5 if the people of the west don’t hold their governments to account. All out nuclear destruction is not out of the question and global economic crash, famine, and civil war is extremely likely. Humanity is at a nexus point. If it doesn’t come together and unify it will destroy itself.
I agree Russia is great. Enough to mention Sputnik-shock crisis. Or see their Red Army early photos. Or contemplate Zhukov in Berlin and the Red Soviet flag on the ruins of Reichstag. I wish Russia and Russians well. I simply detest Putinism.
The task of characters (who tag team) is to push the Hegelian Dialectic so you (and others) can’t see the obvious truth of global rule, as it has always been, throughout the ages.
These fuckers are all playing n the same team. This is why this particular war seems like a TV show and just not real. I’m not wasting my attention on it anymore. It’ll be done within the month.
He’s part of that empire. Make no mistake. He’s just another puppet on the stage.
And you’re not?
And Putin fully participates in the biggest lie of all, the “pandemic” fraud, forcing Russians (including the children) to be injected with the Sputnik-Astra Zeneca genetically engineered poison.
Assuming Sputnik wasn’t a saline solution. It did get rolled out pretty quickly, after all. Just a thought 🤔
No, sputnik killed and injured… It may not be mrna but whatever proteins and junk in it like any vaccine, can kill.
Virology is a fucking scam too… But governments keep on playing it cause it instills fear of biological contagion…
Not saline. It’s derived from exactly the same NIH owned adenovirus patent as the Astra Zeneca Oxford shot.
Which it probably was.
I’ve always seen the earth as full of projects since 91. We have the ongoing Brave New World project in western countries. Then there’s the Russia project. ‘We’re capitalists honest – no communism here.’. Then China relatively open until 2014 then the ultra nationalism starts. More 1984 than the others – and still has the communist infrastructure.
China won.
More like Totalitarian with technocratic support. Smells like fascism or NeoChinese Communism.
That is certainly a giveaway.
As in the notorious Russian saying: ”Po slovam ya Lev Tolstoy, no po dzielam ya…. prostoy”.
It rhymes in Russian: ”Judge me by words, I am Lev Tolstoy, judge me by deeds, ….”.
Probably a good summary of his philosophy. A Count by title, but honouring the life of the simple (‘prostoy’) peasant by deeds
No, this Russian poslovitza is very rough. In the way you explain it, far from its real meaning, there is a pun on words inadvertently hidden, which is much closer to the original meaning of it.
Ok, I see (I think). A play, perhaps, on ‘Lev Tolstoy’ as a ‘fat lion’ contrasting with ‘prostoy’ (ordinary, simple), or something along those lines
Here it is in the Russian language: ”На словах ты Лев Толстой а на деле хуй простой”
Hmm…well that version is a bit ruder lol 😯
I’m sorry. It is what it is. And it is very good the way it is.
Yeah he can fuck off as well. He’s just a horse of a different colour.
Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible.
if alt media wasn’t ass licking elites in the last 5 /10 years or so
you would of realised the lower caste POOR have had this all done on them.
vouchers – coupons which is Digital cash or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible.
already happening in your own country off-guardian. Last 10 years!!
where have you been? to busy asslicking the elites and shilling fake savior politicians. .
In the US benefits are paid by pre-paid Visa card which cannot be used for non-approved transactions. This practice has been going on for years.
“Well, because a digital currency would mean every single transaction you make can be monitored and recorded by the state, as well as your bank. The implications for the right to privacy are obvious, but privacy is the least of it. Much of the research being done on CBDCs concerns making them programmable.”
Excellent article, this is part of the Great Reset/New World Order/Brave New World of total surveillance, tracking, control and manipulation. The overlords’ time table and window of operationality is the next two to three years which is why the COVID psyop/scam will continue. Health and safety will be the rationale, the economic and financial system implosions/crash and currency confiscation will make cash obsolete hence the digital currency.
Study the Chinese social credit system, this is the template for what the overlords intend to install globally. Resistance and noncompliance are our only solutions if we want to remain human!
The Internet of things and the Forth Industrial Revolution are pushing human augmentation aka transhumanism. The overlords’ agenda is to transform not only nature and the planet but humanity (those of us who survive their culling/killing process) into their degenerate image, because they have a god complex.
And of course not forgetting that the spoils are shared. The Gov gets VAT from the transaction and the going direct selected few will get the transaction fee. A Win-Win as they say in PPP’s lingo.
Can the big boys remain big without rigged competition and kleptocracy? How have the big imperial businesses been getting around all the imperial “sanctions” so far?
CBDC is for us little people.
Build back better Boris and the conservatives not to be out done by Ukraine agenda 30 credit system.
all last month adverts all over the U>K local radios stations etc about UC is coming into full affect by 2024‘
Get to know UC (universal credit) the adverts say.
Then yesterday
The 3rd biggest employer announces 42 DWP centres to close with thousands of jobs at risk by june 2023.
The usual government Double speak – press release.
‘enable a customer-focused, digital-first organisation with more self-serve and automation”
wow sounds great but what is the legal technology meaning as joe public will not no.!
(Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. )
that fills me with dread. Because what the DWP really need is fewer staff available to process claims and make decision.
This high court judgement that recently came in -( it is all very strange/suspicious how it all aligns.)
All social security decisions (including pensions) are made by the Secretary of State, nominally at least, acting under delegated authority. We think of decisions being made by someone with the job title “Decision Maker” but that is just a DWP term. There are no special rules or requirements as to who authority can be delegated to and indeed there is specific authority for decision making to be conducted automatically by computers (e.g. in uprating) – see s2 SSA. There is recent authority on ‘stop notices’ been produced automatically without human input which the UT (The Upper Tribunal is a superior court of record ) did not find objectionable – SK v HMRC & SSWP [2022] UKUT 10 (AAC).
Yes. That’s where this is all headed. Automated, central control of everything. Not just social services. But bank accounts, access to water, power, food, travel, jobs, housing. No human contact means no appeal process. Just a global Bio-ID SMART card with forced jabs to keep the card functional. Every “country” and every person will be forced into this AI run system through the abolition of cash and the implementation of CBDCs.
Decentralised or centralised, both can be automated. And we have the Unions to thank for automation. This was necessitated because of the ransom tactics of we demand by unions bosses. As energy prices rise ( politically artificially induced – green climate Wind Solar profiteers etc) automation to maintain profits by reducing heads was the easiest obvious route.
Unions were created as a hierarchy system (really, why does the world only have top down pyramid structure, hierarchies?) that never gave workers any autonomy or control. The union bosses were always working on the side of the cartel. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
You can see this in their constant capitulation and their connection, historically to organized crime and “the state“.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Lenin
Technocracy’s ultimate goal is converting currency to digital energy credits:
Correct. Energy is the best functioning currency – That is why the technocratic Elite have gone into carbon credits and Crypto “digital mining” which is in fact a perception or virtual reality.
The “digital coin” is created as a reward for the work of mathematical computation. These computations take high power computers to produce. So, it is actually trading real energy for perceived value, (because of work and high energy that limits the ability to counterfeit it) held in cyberspace (by the way not a real space).There is nothing tangible in this virtual perception only a sentimental value in a belief system.
Real mining brings gold to the surface so you retain the embedded energy. There is no way to embed energy in space.
Don’t be silly – digital curencies (or Defi as they like to call it now – which just happens to be a 666 encode) will empower us all and stick it to the financial elites! Who says? The good old Atlantic Council:
the online casino, in your pocket!
quite hilarious how they try to make out these things are in some way “legitimate” finance instruments (as much as anything could be, the financial system is a casino and always has been)
for a laugh, have a look at the numbers here:
When if ever has my money been actually my money?
If it’s in a bank (entrusted), it has been transferred on the basis of “trust”. (which if you lived in Cyprus through the bank crisis in 2013, or Argentina in 1980 or 2002 you will know to be a sham).
If it’s in your pocket or under your mattress, it is just paper or coins which you “trust” to be accepted in exchange for goods and services, at any rate, while you have no control over inflation, deflation, validity, or the availability of any goods or services you may demand in exchange, be they essential or otherwise.
The guarantees of trust which the value of money depend on are shifting to the necessities of the global institutions it depends on, for their own continuity and security. So you must “trust a NWO”, which also you have no say in.
If you were happy with the artificial system that existed before based on trusting commercial banks and central banks, why not be happy tomorrow to “Own nothing and be happy”.
Get used to it. (because no one is giving you a choice)
Get used to it.
No thanks.
(because no one is giving you a choice)
We’ll see about that.
If everybody was happy with owning nothing the system would break down very quickly. Why have have humans evolved to be so self destructive in comparison to the other creatures on earth?
I hope this will spur a massive global black-market barter system.
Well, Kit, totalitarian (of the fascist kind) centralized control of the economy has worked out well in the past. What are you worried about. I mean even if you have to wait in line for two days to get your allotment of eggs, at least you get some eggs! No bread though, the harvests weren’t so good this year. I wonder what they’re feeding the chickens? Never mind, I am sure the central planners thought of it! They think of everything, those smarties.
I love the tip: Get rid of extra weight. What – go on a diet, throw out the kids / your mother-in-law?
Wow- so good,Cooper.
Digital currency is hardly a new idea. Central banks have been utilizing arbitrage and derivative forms of currency for over 85 years. The utilization of these modes of exchange promotes the basis of economic sanctions, embargos, and commodities “agreements” between competing interests. The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Bank for International Settlements hold all the cards, and National reserve banks are their patented operatives. The fact that the public is shocked at their own participation in the scam, is rather amusing.
Welcome to the New World Odor. Same stench as the Old-World Odor but enhanced with derivative values no one but included oligarchs can smell ahead of time. >
“Debt, Inflation, Interest = Servitude.”
What IMF Conditions Has Ukraine Accepted?
March 16, 2022
What IMF Conditions Has Ukraine Accepted? – The Expose (
you mean used as reason, like price rises and such ?
“China was already leading the race to total digitalization of their currency, and have used the “vulnerability to Western sanctions” as an excuse to push ahead even harder.”
I don’t think it’s useful to lump all central bank digital currencies together. The contexts are different. For instance, in China today, if you want to lend 20 bucks to a friend who is standing right in front of you, you just scan their code from their phone whereas in Canada, you’d probably hand them a banknote. If they wanted to, Chinese tech firms (Tencent/wechat, alipay) could already trace more p2p transactions than they do in NATO.
At one level, a central digital currency is nothing more than having anonymous cash on a digital device (so who has your sim card registration?). I’ve never seen reliable news that China wants to move entirely to a digital currency. There’s a big difference between moving entirely to a digital currency vs having a complementary digital currency system.
The first is very alarming. The second, not so much.
Canada with less than 35 million adults is a WEF lab at least for the moment. Its banks and regulators have shown themselves to be willing henchmen for the WEF. Digital currency is seen as further life support for a NATO financial system already in a coma, made worse by the chaos of boomerang sanctions+Big Brother stuff.
Right now you can use crypto to trade for stuff with others or hold it speculatively but the moment you want to cash out into any central bank currency, your identity is revealed. I really like the idea of completely anonymous p2p currency and blockchain but the energy use is a huge problem and makes no sense as a sustainable system for the future. It kind of makes sense for central banks to control the supply…if only they were trustworthy…..
Right now, Chinese banks are not very involved in commissions from payments which are rather managed by tech firms (wechat, alipay). China banned bitcoin due to the enormous energy consumption of mining. The Chinese digital yuan would let banks participate in payments and provide limited anonymity as in you keep cash on your phone and law enforcement rather than private companies can track you if they really want to, through your SIM card activation docs.
From a privacy viewpoint I don’t know if this is worse or better than what currently exists (everything is already traceable anyway through wechat and alipay) but it should not be compared to Canada because the current payment schemes are so different. As so many people in China already use mobile payments for practically everything, I don’t see what additional Big Brother stuff will come out of their e-CNY. I also don’t think the Chinese banks are in as big of a solvency/liquidity crisis as the biggest banks in NATO.
This is what DB says on China’s digital currency:
-e-CNY fully backed by the PBOC operated by payment service providers
-greater anonymity yet still keeps sufficient records for tracing (through SIM card)
-PBOC defines e-CNY as cash in circulation, or as M0
-Defining e-CNY as M0, rather than M1 or M2, means that it is a a liability of the PBOC, while M1 and M2 include certain liabilities from commercial banks. This makes e-CNY risk free…. (to the extent you trust PBO
-digital wallets that hold e-CNY will not be considered bank accounts. The PBOC’s pilot programs so far require only a mobile phone number to have a e-CNY wallet
-no interest can be paid on e-CNY. Interest can be paid on M1 or M2 (bank deposits), but not on M0 (cash). This is important because most digital currencies, including some CBDCs currently being considered, have not ruled out interest payments.
-only banks can convert e-CNY into bank deposits and vice versa.
An important consideration behind the e-CNY’s M0 definition is that it is likely to prevent disintermediation of banks. By defining e-CNY as M0 and banning interest payments, the PBOC likely envisages only a limited amount of e-CNY in circulation to replace cash, but not to replace bank deposits.
Sod off with your bs.
Is that the best you could come up with? Can you not handle details and actual analysis?
Two words come to mind, both drivers of capitalism: Efficiency, Control.
“Slowly, slowly, catchee Monkey.”
“Little by little.” (The Stones cc1964-65)
Capitalism–the theoretical version–has never been about control. Rather with an efficient market, poorly performing players should get tossed out of the system.
What we have in NATO countries is not even close to capitalism. It is kleptocratic oligarchy. There is no free market. Most industries are highly regulated specifically to give the advantage (through political lobbying) to a handful of companies within each industry.
It’s pointless to keep throwing empty words into the air without understanding the details of how various systems function.
Do you know what ideology is ? Do you know its relation to the (Freud’s) Unconscious ? Is It a direct, or indirect expression ?
Do you think you could manage a large enterprise without controls ? Would every human cog in your enterprise function as you want them to, towards increasing your profit, of their own volition ?
Are the klopto-oligarcs capitalist ? Is the free market capitalist.? Through how many forms does capitalism express itself ? Would they exist without controls ?
The Situationist International theorised, “When consciousness rots, ideology oozes out.”
Of course I know what ideology is. The entire political and economic structure of NATO economies is ideological: we rule, we have guns and we will take what we want from you. Of course I don’t want a central bank digital currency in this already crazy ideological madness. I am just trying to study the details of it instead of throwing a complex concept implemented differently in different countries into one ideological bucket. We don’t need digital currency any more than we needed credit cards.
There’s a huge difference between theory and reality. Under pure forms of capitalism, no firm would ever get too large because then you get past the limit where it can be efficiently managed. In fact if you look at corporate history in the late 19th and early 20th century many firms, even profitable ones became dinosaurs and failed.
Today’s mega-organizational structures exist due to political lobbying and military backing. When a European resource company goes into steal stuff from Africa, they do so with mega weaponry and security forces.
Are the klopto-oligarcs capitalist ? No. They are klepto-oligarchs.
Is the free market capitalist.? There is no free market in any NATO country which purports to be some sort of free liberal market economy.
Through how many forms does capitalism express itself ?
No theoretical form ever exists in practice, because we are humans and we are not rational actors. We are generally neither very good nor very bad, but most of us prefer a comfortable life without working too hard. However some people are power freaks and most people in big companies like to follow orders at work because that way they don’t need to take responsibility for their decisions. So they end up following the orders of power freaks, because the power freaks are the ones most incentivized to climb to the top. I’ve worked within small business and big corporations and there’s a huge difference. Small business folks have an amazing entrepreneurial mindset and roll with the punches. The corporate ones are zombies. Smart zombies but zombies.
If you read about leadership in traditional tribal societies, you need a good leader for the tribe to thrive. Some may have had hereditary tribal leadership, others vote to pick a wise person.
Would they exist without controls ?
The theoretical version of capitalism (which doesn’t exist anywhere) isn’t only about profit. The profit is a side effect of proving a good functioning product or service that the market wants. Moreover, with an efficiently functioning capital market, the profits would be reinvested into society in something useful and generate dividends or interest. I am not arguing for or against any system, be it capitalism or communism or anything in between. I am just quoting from Econ 101 texts.
Thanks for the info on China.
The long-term goal of CBDC is control over individual wealth, not anonymity.
China banned bitcoin due to the enormous energy consumption of mining.
Why have all the other governments anguished over climate change not banned it? Because the “free market” owns them.
don’t think the Chinese banks are in as big of a solvency/liquidity crisis
Because China (and Russia) use MMT. Canada used to have it, until 1974.
not Russia. The Russian Central Bank allows Russian banks to issue domestic loans only up to the amount of Russia’s foreign currency reserves, in accordance with the IMF requirements.
‘Digital currency’ is just sugar coating.
Its really ‘Programmable Currency’, or slavery for short.
The scripted Ukraine garbage not only helps usher in the totalitarian currency, but also provided a convenient excuse to wipe out any trace of covid/bioweapon development in the labs.
WEF acolyte Putin destroyed them by design.
Buildings still standing and contents being examined last I heard …. do you have a link that disputes this ?
What we’re witnessing isn’t so much the beginning of digital currency as it is the end of currency altogether.
There’s a corollary to the expression “An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” It is “An Idea Whose Time Has Gone.”
When money no longer has any attachment to reality – i.e., when trillions of dollars/pounds/whatever it’s called appear magically – the end is pretty much nigh.
Ah! but there’s property! Really? Property that’s based entirely on money will quickly lose its value when there’s no way to keep it in working order. Even a mansion is just empty space until workmen make it livable.
There’s always barter! Really? What skills do most of us have that’s worth offering a plumber or a carpenter or a roofer or a farmer in exchange for his services? I have 35 years of accounting experience – will that do? I have writing skills – how about that in exchange for fixing my toilet? I’m a decent photographer – a photograph for a potato?
We’ve been sold a bill of goods. And now all we have to show for it is a few squiggles on somebody’s ledger.
I could imagine CBDCs working ok, if they were simply one among many options, or only used in certain contexts. The problems would appear to arise if they were the only form of money permitted. For example, it could stop someone on benefits, spending all of their allowance on alcohol. Which would seem to be a good thing.
A bit like the relationship of cash and cards. If cards were the only option then all transactions would be monitored (by a concomitant surveillance State), but in conjunction with cash they serve a useful purpose
“For example, it could stop someone on benefits, spending all of their allowance on alcohol. Which would seem to be a good thing.”
Who the hell are you to decide, if someone wants to end their slavery with a drunken party?
Freedom means being able to decide your own life, not that of others.
A life is affected by the lives of others. The same people that squander all their money on their ‘habit’ are the same people that harass people on the streets for more. Often in very aggressive ways.
If they can’t control themselves, then let others do it for them
Well, there you go. I think we’ve got a fan of programmable currency. Perhaps you don’t see that yet, but the very idea that people who “can’t control themselves” and act as you deem fit should have their rights taken away from them is right there in line with what our owners think. Congratulations.
Put slightly differently, fans of the concept that some authority ought to righteously “save people from themselves” tend to identify with the would-be “savers”.
They imagine themselves as either a member of the authoritarian “saver” class, or as bystanders who look on approvingly as the savers rescue misbehavers from irresponsible and wanton self-destruction.
It’s a variation of the supercilious defenders of government surveillance who believe that such oversight should be welcomed, or at least tolerated, by those “who have nothing to hide”.
They may feel differently if and when they are the ones being unilaterally saved, willy-nilly.
I agree with your logic. Now, the necessity of introducing digital currencies is dictated by the failure of the “old” fractional reserve banking system, a constant a long-standing headache for the bankers because of its inherent inflationary effect. It seems that the bankers have said “Enough!” after the bitter experience of pumping out 9 trillion from thin air to save the Repo market in just six months form mid-September 2019 to mid-March 2020 (about when the so-called pandem**was declared).
The new idea is that Central Banks shall supply directly to the market – bypassing commercial banks (what will happen to these banks by the way?) – the exact amount of currency needed, and thus avoid having to make use of the inflationary fractional reserve system. To be able to achieve this, Central Banks need to have real-time information about the need for currency at an individual/group level; they might also, of course, make “recommendations” regarding our consumers habits. The individual need for currency being function of consumers habits, information about these habits will be needed also.
The format of currency that admits of these features is obviously the digital one. A digital ID would store all the needed information and a digital wallet contains digital currency would update after every commercial transaction.
From our perspective, the above means kissing our privacy and independence goodbye.
Now, get this: IMO, Carstens, or Carney, or Powell dont wake up one morning saying “We want to piss people off; we want to know everything they do,” It’s a very tempting attitude towards these characters, but I don’t think it reflects reality. These characters are at the head of a gigantic machine, the stopping thereof most people can’t even conceive the consequences. So, they are compelled to try to save the machine and all-digital seems to fit the bill.
Once one understands the logic that underlies the capitalist system and its inherent contradictions (the system that is supposed to be synonymous with freedom of enterprise, in which financial information is sacrosanct, wants to have control over the finances of everyone) one loses fear of supposed characters deliberately conspiring against us. Indeed, there is conspiracy, there is psychopathy, there is a death pulsion, but they are not primary in the human consciousness; they are in the system, which then compells those who hold the controls. Understanding that makes huge difference in regards our attitude towards the whole business.
Now, what is OUR counter-argument against these characters? IMO that they didn’t ask our opinion; that we don’t have a say in the matter; that those who are making the decisions are not accountable to any one individual or institution; that the central banks should come out and explain why they are doing what they are doing, and what conflicts and contradictions are completing them to make these decisions that will get into our privacy; that if central banks are to supply the public directly with currency, we should demand direct contact with them; delegations from all the world’s people should be instituted to discuss with heads of central banks.
Anything short of that is equivalent to them, together with their associates and allied armed forces, waging war agains us. In that case we should demand they desist from the current system, and turn loose all lucrative or idle properties they own.
If they don’t want to discuss not to to surrender, it’s declared class war.
Just an opinion.
Good points. Interesting one that it’s the system itself shaping people’s thinking. Like an extension of Marshall McLuhan’s “the medium is the message” to “the system is the message”.
We do indeed need a counter-strategy, method of oversight, transparency, or at least ways of ‘voting with our feet’
Exactly, the system is message.
I should add that my agreement with “If they can’t control themselves, then let others do it for them” is purely logical. One way I use to try to understand somebody’s opinion is to put myself in their shoes.
The defect of that statement however is not that it lacks logic (for example a parent constraining their child from crossing the street is perfectly logical) but in that it doesn’t ask the question “why can’t they control themselves?” – Question not necessary in the case of a child of course. – It just states a subjective unwanted fact and one “generic reaction” to it, but is not concerned with trying to understand the unwanted (to whom?) fact to reach it at the root; it is not interested in healing the unwanted fact, and it should be.
The topic of this outstanding off-guardian article is frightening. I’m not joking.
Say hello to grassroots underground currencies, as the fake digital state ‘currencies’ – read provisional permissions to spend – develop. The wildcat trading media are already brewing where I live. Also, all over the world, for several thousand years and still at full blast today, every common shlub with two pennorth of practical good sense trusts physical gold – and other precious metals. (My nearest and dearest are all provided – by me – with little practical, keep-at-home stashes of high-credibility gold coins.)
That persistent, universal trust is the key.
What a silly-billy romantic I am, aren’t I? “You can’t eat gold!” as the mooncalves like to bray. No dearie, but neither can you eat paper notes, much less digits. What you can do, though, is exchange these tokens for the stuff you actually need, with anyone who trusts the tokens! It’s the trust that’s the absolute sine qua non!
WTSHTF big time, which medium will you trust: the one that all the people with real goods to trade are accepting and circulating, or the one which the – collapsing – governments in their also-collapsing, illusory 4thindustirev techietechie-towers want you to use?
But in any case, there’s really no need to panic about this 4thIndustirev bs. Sure, elements of it have been introduced already, and more will be added – for a while longer. Treat them all as a strictly transient evanescence…
If you ever needed a stark example of the practical, actual realworld way that The Limits To Growth will, and indeed are right now, manifesting themselves, look no further than the current panic about inflating prices, commodity shortages – real ones! – and the advent of what’s being called ‘structural inflation’, where the literal physical absence of sufficient amounts of vital commodities means that they simply can’t be had at any price at all, no matter how high; regardless of how much paper, digits – or even gold – that you might offer. When it’s not there, you don’t get to buy it.
Yes of course, the current terrifying inflation is artificially induced by the fatuous brain-dead response of the Anglozionist empire to Russia’s cleansing operation in the Ukraine. But don’t let that artificial thing blind you to the much bigger, and permanent, real thing lying just beneath it; and here for the long term. In fact it’s the permanent thing which is kicking up the idiot response of the artificial thing: Permanent economic growth into finite planet doesn’t go. The gics – the gangsters-in-charge – know this, but they don’t know what to do about it, and they’re panicking.
The wholly-human-controlled society – and world – which Kit describes with such – justified – disgust is simply never going to happen. We have never, ever, been fully in control of our world or our fates, we aren’t now, and we never will be. Wake up from the illusory techietechie nightmare!
So cool it Kit! No need to hyperventilate about a fatuous human delusion that’s never going to work out in its full ghastly manifestation; not in the real world, where little human farties are just dust-motes in a vast, indifferent, and fundamentally uncontrollable-by-us, physical reality.
Though of course there’s a world much vaster yet above and beyond physical reality. But that can scarcely be discussed with any degree of assurance amongst the unfortunate people of the de-spiritualised modern West, let alone be ‘controlled’. Controlled, FFS! 😂
Sorry about the all-boldery. Don’t know how that happened. I only bolded a couple of words…
Well said !
It’s not about Us being totally in control of Our world and Fates. It’s about Them being in control of Us, and maintaining Their control BAMN…
They are driven by insecurity, and dis-trust. They seek control feeling such gives security. (it doesnt). The strife from their strivings is merely collateral damage. (The bombing of Dresden, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, even The Camps > collateral damage).
Are we born Trusting ? We certainly learn dis-trust (starting at a very young age).
So much talk these days about “Trust deficit”. The decline of trust in everything (especially every Big Something.).
A global economy that relies on Trust, and on Guilt, to work.
The backdrop to Orwell’s “1984” > a “collapsed economy”. Exposed is the control mechanism.
It’s a tale about our insecure, distrusting Overlords, and the punishments (Room 101) of those who stop trusting Big Brother, those motivated to act-out their distrust (Dissent)…
Without guilt who’d bother to pay off credit card debt ?
Without guilt we’d all be psychopaths.
The crisis of commodities and planetary resources (land, water, air) you allude to cover only one side of the problem. There is also the inability to pay for these things (demand), which is not getting better any time soon. Capitalism has killed its golden goose.
WHEN (not if) the CDBC goes ahead, power grids will become instantly vulnerable to attack, online via hacking, or offline in physical reality.
Take out a dozen big ones, there’s suddenly no money, and if we’re not growing our own food, we ALL starve.
But who would be behind any attacks? It’s the wealthy, psychopathic eugenicists’ wet dream.
We are sleepwalking into more insanity. The hardware side alone is a joke. Whether the CBDC user device is phone-based or utilises additional bio-security, it is itself vulnerable to damage or theft. There is also the danger of unaffordable charges for the poor.
The factors that can bring down the infrastructure include unaffordable fuel or war. A solar CME could destroy all electrical and electronic infrastructure and devices over half the planet or more; an EMP bomb will do that on a smaller scale.
Tens of millions of Folks are paid cash for their labour.
Tens of millions of Folks pay cash for transactions legal, and illegal.
Tens of millions of Folks live outside state economies.
The Sheeple will comply, but
there’s gonna be a tsunami of resistance to this, especially in third world countries.
Hopefully the exploiters have bitten off more than they can chew.
Not to mention the illegal but very profitable drug and weapon trade. Aren’t they million dollar businesses? Are they going to be digitized now?
What about all the bribes that keep the world running? Digitized?
What about mafia’s and gangs? Digitized?
I do not doubt that this digital bank currency can/will happen but I do wonder about all the economies, very profitable, that run on cash.
I do realize that a large part of the USA population will be controlled by the digitization – social security, medicare, medicaid, any type of aid from Fed and state govt – but I wonder about wealthy/very wealthy folk – celebrities et al. Will they be forced into this too?
Most “illegal” drug and weapons trade is run by covert intelligence agencies. They will be greenlit whatever happens
Yes, of course, but what about the guys on the street doing the actual selling?
I still think there are a lot of questions as to how this will really work.
I just can’t see millionaire sports celebrities going along, or billionaire’s all around the world.
Not something I will have to worry about. lol
But still……
The drug trade and the weapons trade are either controlled by the overlords or are allowed to operate by working in cooperation with their minions. These are cash operations (some do use crypto currency) Think police (DEA, ATF, Border Patrol take your pick) taking bribes to look the other way as illegal gambling, drug trafficking and prostitution flourish. How is it possible the opioid crisis boomed without official corruption?
In the past the “officials” looked the other way when it was people of color being targeted and hooked on drugs but now the masses of whites are the target because addiction is a form of control, addicts rarely ponder what is going on or how their addiction benefits others. Whether CBDCs are implemented or not, an underground economy will still exist somehow.
Can the big boys remain big without rigged competition and kleptocracy? How have the big imperial businesses been getting around all the imperial “sanctions” so far?
CBDC is for us little people.
And it ain’t the only globalist measure being adopted in wartorn Ukraine. This is the perfect excuse to roll it all out. “Coincidentally”, Clearview AI’s face recognition programme has now been officially adopted by the extremist, far right government to ‘identify enemy combatants’, dead or alive. What’s not being admitted is it can and very likely will be turned to target anybody; opposition politicians, reporters, foreign mercenaries and anyone fool enough to put themselves in the crosshairs.
rebel media talking about censoring when its run by m*ssad
“Hedging ones bets or acting out like what one is not…

… is as OLD AS THE HILLS.“
Picture is of Valentina Tereshkova not Gagarin.
Ha ha, this was supposedly her ride
Perhaps they prefer medical experts.. like White Helmets?
As soon as you’re born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you’re clever and they despise a fool
Till you’re so [unverified] crazy you can’t follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they’ve tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can’t really function you’re so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
There’s room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
Lennon came from a fractured family, not a working class one. His father was a probable freemason (see the checkerboard sleeve of the record he made) and ‘Imagine’ is a veritable anthem of NWO causes (“imagine no possessions” = “you’ll own nothing”). There’s a photo of him and McCartney exchanging a masonic handshake.
Ans some people still want to quote him like he’s some sort of hero?….
yea, what kind of NWO moron wants to give peace a chance
In a world very short of heroes, he may be as near as we are going to get.
Check on his relationship with his father, freemason or not.
Some people?
They were his own words, used in a very ironic way.
The important part of the lyrics are:
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see
Thanks! +1
Additionally: In 2014 (Maidan-Coup) US stole the gold of the Ukrainian central Bank and flew all the gold out.
The quantity of gold was at least 37 tonnes.
Though loaded from unmarked lorries onto an unidentified plane, a government official told the press it had gone to USA for safe-keeping. Later, the central bank stated that it was “missing”. -zerohedge 2014
Shouldn’t the Afgan picture include some reference to opium?!
I don’t trust any system that is digitally controlled. Be it state controlled or privately controlled. We have all seen how private industries are complying with government diktat with no objections.
The whole idea of a blockchain is repugnant. Its is simply digital block and chain that will lock you into their system.
How do we refuse to comply?
I think for starters get away from the QR code demands.
Secondly refuse to use your private property, your cell phone to make things convenient for the corporations. The free of charge is danger, nothing is free and there are always strings attached. i.e. (terms and conditions )are strings attached.
Marginally off topic but…
St Bono has written a poem that contains these lines:
Yes well … What I find interesting is that, for me anyway, the above has the opposite from the effect intended i.e. instead of raising Zelenskiy up to the level of St Patrick, it makes you wonder what St Patrick was REALLY about.
Incidentally, the media have responded by calling the poem awful. But that may just be another trick to promote it.
I wonder what Barbara Hewson, Bono’s barrister cousin who wanted the age of consent lowered to 13, would have made of it?
Oh, I’m pretty sure that St. Patrick was controlled opposition!
Also, to repeat a comment I just posted to another reference to Bono’s smarmy doggerel:
I would observe that Bono is a despicable leech burrowed deeply in the crevice of the overclass buttocks, but then I would have to apologize to the leeches.
So we have a central bank printing ‘money’ that actually is not based on any form of value. It is money because they say it is money. Weird. Is it any different from traditional fiat money or Gold or even Bitcoin? Will it be accepted as having any value just because the central bank says so? How will the population store its value, will saving become a crime? Will a barter economy emerge?
Frankly the whole thing sounds ludicrous. The rich, however, will continue to appropriate and store value in one form or another, but it won’t be in any digital ‘currency’. Remember what the US did in 1933 when it made it a law to hold gold. You had to swap gold to the Fed initially for $20 per ounce, but once the Fed got its sticky little fingers on the yellow metal, the price was raised to $35 per oz.
Digital ‘money’ the grand larceny.
The slave Agenda 2030 moving forward.