Do the Pfizer “data dumps” really mean anything?
Kit Knightly
The latest batch of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine files just dropped. 80,000 pages of patient files and “trial data” and so and so on.
You can read them all here.
The question is, do they really tell us anything we don’t already know?
The big revelation doing the rounds at the minute is that the vaccines were never trialled with, and were specifically not recommended for, pregnant women.
But is this new information?
When governments started “recommending” the Covid vaccine to pregnant women in the Summer of 2021, everybody who had been paying attention knew that position was not backed up by any data at all.
OffG got temporarily banned from twitter for pointing this out.
More broadly speaking: Of course the vaccines were never tested on pregnant women, they were never properly tested on anybody.
It takes 10 years to safely produce and trial a vaccine, not 18 months. And what “trials” they claim to have done in that year and a half were a complete sham.
In a way, the “not recommended for pregnant women” disclosure is actually good for Pfizer.
Behind a facade of being legally mandated to publish these files, it’s now become public knowledge that Pfizer (allegedly) told people not to give the vaccine to pregnant women, but many countries did it anyway.
This shifts the blame (and potential legal liability) away from Pfizer and onto the governments in question.
A good example of how “forced disclosure” can be used to reinforce and direct a narrative, through a pretence of reluctance.
Going further, shouldn’t we be asking: Can we trust anything in these documents at all?
Just because Pfizer has been (apparently) legally “forced” to release them doesn’t mean they are important, relevant or even real. Who’s verifying the documents? Who’s auditing Pfizer to make sure they release everything? The US government? Some other government or agency?
Do you trust them?
The real damning documents – if such ever existed – have likely been shredded, burned and buried in 20 feet of concrete by now…and that doesn’t matter, because we already know everything we will ever need to know about these Covid “vaccines”:
- They were not subject to proper long-term testing.
- They have totally unknown long-term side effects.
- They allegedly “treat” a “disease” with a 99.85% survival rate.
- They don’t prevent infection.
- They don’t prevent transmission.
- The manufacturers are legally protected from being sued in the event they kill you.
Pfizer can release all the documents they want, nothing will change these facts…only distract from them.
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More proof of Pfizer pfraud pfrom this data dump:
So true Kit.
There are several revelations (more to the point, obfuscations) from the ‘final’ batch of Pfizer docs. The data show only a 12% efficacy rate – at lessening severity of symptoms in mild cases only (this was discussed ages ago; very early on it became known that 95% was relative, not absolute, ‘efficacy’). Also, only 3% of the alleged 44K trial participants are accounted for – see here, e.g. :
The documents are proof of major fraud. To me, that means the answer to the above headline is a resounding Yes!
The excellent Dr Kevin Corbett again:
Anti-vaxxers are pests to our blessed NHS staff:
Also setting up a potential false flag down the road when some medic is “killed” and it’s blamed on anti-vaxxers?
What a coincidence that the time stamp of the story so reads right-to-left “1 after 9-0-9”.
They did what they were told.
People did what they were told was the ‘right thing’ by politicians & the media & many were injured. The ‘right thing’ now is to support them, so why are you ignoring them
#WeWillTellTheirStories coming soon!
Re: So why are they now being ignored?
The word “suckers” springs to mind!
“This shifts the blame (and potential legal liability) away from Pfizer and onto the governments in question.”
Legal liability, haha. Liability is for low ranking schmucks. They never had any to begin with, negotiated as part of the sale.
Depp is doing some good work for all men there. The court case is about Heard’s defamatory statements and not about sex trafficking, child abuse etc. There is no comparison.
Here’s some info from Dr Jessica Rose, a very knowledgeable and competent researcher who has been working on uncovering info about the Covid “vaccines” and who tends to dig pretty deep.
If this article piqued your interest you may want to check out this interview as well:
BREAKING. voltaire: “NATO readying for war on its eastern front, without US troops”
“increase of armed forces on NATO’s eastern front, while US troops stationed in Europe
have retreated back to US. Everything is in place for an Allied military confrontation
against Russia, but w/o US troops.”
Forward positioned forces in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
My guess is they’re going to partition Ukraine– before Russia can take Odessa.
I can find no mention of current war games; last ones were scheduled 3 week ago in the Arctic; don’t know if they took place.
Last night Russia blew up rail lines into Ukraine from Europe– to stop transport of war materiel (& maybe troops?)
“As it became known, the target of several strikes was the infrastructure involved in the reception and transfer of Western weapons and fuel.
The head of Ukrzaliznytsia, Alexander Kamyshin, said that the Russian Armed Forces launched six missile attacks on railway stations in the center and west of the country, he described the damage as severe:”
(Russia reports “no victims”.)
Sorry, the link is
Heard fighter planes in the sky above Iceland today and earlier in the week.
I reckon the games took place.
Zelensky also addressed the Icelandic nation today, and all the politicians and media are pissing themselves with excitement – the Prime Minister called Zelensky’s speech, “unforgettable”.
You can say that again… They would have been all over Uncle Dolf too, what with his cute moustache and all…
The blowing up of the rail lines is primarily to prevent weaponry coming in. Troops in and of themselves aren’t of that much value. Drone technology, such as Switchblade and Phoenix Ghost are the main threats given their precise targeting.
I heard something interesting earlier (although I don’t know how significant it is) about Poland potentially dropping all its border requirements with the Ukraine.
If that were a mutual step then would that make the Ukraine effectively part of Poland until it suited it otherwise. In one short step, becoming a de facto member of Nato/EU with all that that entails?
Although making yourself a vassal state generally doesn’t work out well for the ‘vassalee’, as dictatorships as a rule tend to be more fun for the dictator than for everyone else involved 🤔
According to The Duran/Alex/Alexander (and other sources, I’m pretty sure) Poland is preparing to invade/occupy/annexe (?) the part of Galicia (including Lviv/Lvov) which it lost in the German-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, and which it never regained after the end of WW2.
They speculated as to what would Russia’s response be, and they seemed to think Russia wouldn’t be terribly bothered, as they only want southern/eastern Ukraine. Plus they have plenty of other things to be getting on with just now.
I’m a bit sceptical, but who knows.
We’re up to 228 cases of pediatric hepatitis in 20 countries now. Argentina says its 8 cases are NOT unusual; they are all isolated, nothing to see here, no connections between them– just be sure to get your vaxxed against hepatitis. So maybe they’re plumping up a nothing to get a needle into kids’ arms.
No word as to whether these cases are adenoviruses, like most of the others were oh-so-neatly reported to be. As Marilyn points out, the Astazeneca is based on chimpanzee adenovirus. (where it causes cold symptoms)
The youngest kids (1 month) would’ve been in utero when Mom got the vaxx, and the oldest (age 16) may have gotten the vaxx themselves. Naturally they’re not going to tell us anything useful.
There is no vax for autoimmune hepatitis.
I’ve linked to this in another reply, but please see this:
(Basically, he thinks the way this is being presented by the epidemiologists is more pressure on parents to get their kids injected with the “covid-19” “vaccines”).
Oh good, now I can finally prove to my friends and family that they were lied to. Think they’ll listen? (rhetorical)
well balanced, big picture view article
Where Margaret Thatcher’s up-front, blatant, in-your-face desire to wreck the NHS failed, the latest lying, deceptive, hypnotizing and manipulative trick of inventing an idiotic false narrative looks like succeeding…
From now on, the state of your health will be what ‘the authorities’ say it is.
How you actually feel will be an irrelevant consideration.
As far as ‘new normal’ life is concerned, some will rise to high office. Others will be tossed onto the scrap heap.
Unless we do something about it, of course…
had an NHS moment just an hour back – some shift change or break at the fairly local granny leveller, Nicola’s Hell Service facility…
5 chicks strutting their NHS attire, 5 big fat asses, 3 total waddlers, completely out of proportion to their shoulders… these overworked heroines have never even had time for a tiktok workout… poor essential feeders.. sorry, workers ; ) i suppose that strut is essential perhaps?
At the mention of Corbyn’s Labour Party, a friend made a reference to anti-Semitism. Yes, that ridiculous old pantomime was something he took seriously then and apparently still does. Now at one time I would have exploded over the idiocy of that but now it seems remote and miniscule. The one relevance it has is to show how easily influenced some are before the sacred sermons of the media.
The layers of illusion are numerous – two not mentioned are the Johnny Depp Show and the abortion eruption – but the truth occasionally bubbles up intermittently. Last night there was a news item referring to worsening economic conditions which of course are blamed on covid and Ukraine whilst not a word is said about the crash to end all crashes that has been long predicted for decades, especially in “Left” circles which have undergone some peculiar process of amnesia inducement that emerged all of a sudden in spring 2020.
Interesting Trotter reaction to the WHO report which was apparently “much-awaited and anticipated” (by the pharma-capitalists the Trotters serve?). They seem excited that the newly produced (seasonally adjusted?) death figure is three times higher than the feeble mere 5 million given by the corporate media who, in the phantasmagoric world of North’s boys, have been doing their best to keep covid out of the news.
But note the curious WHO definition of excess death/mortality as “the difference between the total number of deaths and the number of deaths that would have been expected in the absence of the [COVID-19] pandemic.” i. e. including deaths caused by the “fight against covid”. And it really doesn’t take a lot to note that the deaths referred to here are those caused by the lockdowns, restrictions etc. That would be the deaths due to cancelled operations, aborted consultations, suicides, the destruction of public health through the psychological terrorism of enforced idleness and separation etc. And of course not forgetting the deaths caused by the vaccines which I am sure these venomous hacks will not hesitate to include as “covid deaths” or “covid related deaths”.
Orwellian reversal:
“That the scale of death doubled or tripled in 2021 only confirms that all remaining inhibitions for the social murder of the population had evaporated.”
It is precisely the “inhibitions” of the lockdowns, distancing, masks etc. along with the disastrous effect of these on the economy and livelihoods that caused the death figures to skyrocket. And since the WSWS clearly support more of these inhibitions, then they are calling for more deaths.
And when the WHO say, “About half of countries globally do not regularly report the number of deaths from all causes”, this is indeed true in that the actual story is not being told – least of all by the WSWS who are spinning all this as the effect of covid when it is the effect of the utterly contrived “war on covid”.
But the tactic should by now be obvious enough. These plastic “Left” sites will continue to trumpet the viral horror show i.e. that utterly phony construction centred on a bogus phantom virus. And the very real breakdowns and deaths caused by the manufactured “fight against the virus” will likewise be trumpeted as the result of the virus or the result of incompetence in dealing with the virus.
Thus this pseudo-Left help spread the initial lie and then seize on the disastrous effects of the lie which they then misrepresent as proof of the lie!
And the next phase is a whipped up bit of class warfare via some newly conceived “vaccine hierarchy” trope:
Something called “Paxlovid” is being touted as the “posh” vaccine – i.e. a placebo which won’t contain any of the lethal ingredients of the real “vaccines”. But it will provide the basis of the Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake” epic the Trotters want to promote. Whilst of course underlining the “absolute necessity” of continuing with the zero tolerance absolute clampdown project i.e. the psy-op on which the pharma gravy train depends.
RE: pseudo-Left
I have been waiting over 2 years to see an article like the one below. A lot of the info you will be familiar with, but Christian Parenti (son of Michael Parenti) makes a comprehensive and devastating case against the organized left. Recall that an “autopsy” is a procedure done on something that is dead.
Parenti’s concluding remarks reinforce what I was saying from late March of 2020: the left’s enthusiastic embrace of the Great Reset agenda, (while at the same time saying that the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory), that they became de facto Brown Shirts for the new Bio-fascism, means that the left’s historic agenda just may be condemned to the political wilderness for many, many years to come: The left is dead. (Hat’s off to the CIA.)
It’s hard to know if this article will have much impact. Christian Parenti, while respected on the left, is considered a bit dodgy as he (like his father, to his credit) did not buy the Official Conspiracy Theory TM of the 9/11 Commission. But, maybe there are some cracks now showing in the left’s monolithic edifice…
How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind: an autopsy
by Christian Parenti·March 31, 2022
It is hard to destroy your own cause and feel righteous while doing so, yet the American left has done it. After more than two centuries at the vanguard of the struggle for freedom, the American left, broadly defined, executed a volte face and embraced anti-working-class policies marketed as purely technical public health measures.
Read the entire article here:
I agree that generally, Parenti makes “a comprehensive and devastating case against the organized left”, and that this is the fundamental point of the article.
However, I couldn’t help but cringe at Parenti’s assumption that apart from the way the authorities have administered the “pandemic”, and the organized left’s atrocious response, “COVID” exists as advertised, and that properly designed and researched vaccines are efficacious, e.g. “The vaccines do however lower the probability of hospitalization and death from COVID-19, but if overused, they might not even do that.”
Parenti’s blithe and frankly ignorant acceptance of these Big Lies is disappointing.
Agreed. I also noted that C. Parenti seem to indicate the Plandemic TM was not a conspiracy, but rather the product of typical bureaucratic incompetence while then he supplies load of examples that the corruption was incentivized, that is, planned, therefore a conspiracy. But that sort of waffling against his own research would be typical of left intellectuals. I remember the last chapter of Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine where she pulls her punches and seems to refute what should be the obvious conclusions of her earlier excellent chapters. However, he’s done a lot of heavy lifting here, while not saying so explicitly he lays out a case for crimes against humanity. It took courage to write that article, he could lose his university gig for writing it.
It’s probably unnecessary to say so, but I concur with your observations– both the irksome (to me) penchant for leftists to “waffle”, and that whatever the article’s flaws or shortcomings, Parenti is to be commended for bravely pushing back against the grain.
It’s a fluke or flaw of temperament, I guess, but when I encounter work that I think is mostly good and worthwhile, I inevitably take notice of the perceived flaws and shortcomings and feel compelled to call attention to them. I’m a mostly unabashed “Negative Nellie/Debbie Downer”.
During my teens, or “formative years”, certain lines and phrases– mostly from songs– became embedded in my head as a kind of “touchstone” that would come to mind forever after. More than a few came from Bob Dylan songs written during the peak years preceding his pre-motorcycle accident and subsequent re-invention.
One is from his 1965 song “Queen Jane Approximately”: “Trying to prove that your conclusions should be more drastic…”
Even though it isn’t even a gramatically complete sentence, that seminal phrase pops into my mind when I find myself “nitpicking” otherwise praiseworthy analysis.
“the vaccines were never trialled with, and were specifically not recommended for, pregnant women”
same for the elderly and those with allergies. the initial medical advice was –as logic dictates– the elderly shouldn’t receive the vaccines until tests are done.
but without any explanation, governments suddenly decided that vaccines to be offered to the elderly first!
In the UK at least, that would be the very same government financially liable to provide pension and medical costs for said elderly, whilst at the same time admitting the pot doesn’t have enough funds in it to do so.
In the words of Kit Knightly: “Funny how that works”.
First human trials begin for brain computer interface!
Not Pfizer this time; another Medical Mafia “family”:
FDA restricts Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine due to clot risk
We’re not really making any progress.
Let’s say everybody here agrees that there’s no virus, and that there is therefore no reason at all to develop a vaccine, even over and above a normal testing span of about 10 years…
It makes no difference.
Our views on what is, and what is not good science are simply not required.
We have to find a way of making a critical dent in the media narrative.
It’s either that, or lock ourselves away in cloisters, illuminating precious manuscripts salvaged from the days when science was science.
‘The Great Reset’ might really be more aptly named, “The Miserable Thirty-Nine Backward Steps”, God forgive them.
Quite apart from economic considerations, the mental anguish these arrogant thugs are inflicting upon those of us who believe in meaningful human evolution is beyond description.
Is there a virus? Etc..
It doesn’t matter hardly. The concept of one has worked a treat and so will the ones still to come, especially when the WHO, sorry: Big Pharma Inc.+ Billy, get their control over national health systems.
If anything can turn this sh$tshow around it is awareness in the public around adverse reactions to the injection. They are taking their toll on the public but at a low enough level to allow the MSM jackals to credibly avoid reporting it much but anecdotally it is everywhere.
I always expected the media was the biggest barrier. How else to promote this carnage? Demos are sidelined, social media seems less than credible to Joe and Josephine Public…
A good summary.
I agree, it doesn’t matter.
My view on viruses is that you need to have access to special equipment even to begin to try and verify them.
I have no such equipment, so all I have to go on is the opinion of others, and in many cases they don’t have access to such equipment either.
Even what others have read is not actual evidence. Some of it is sensationalism, some of it is artists’ impressions, some of it is wishful thinking, and some of it is a scientist’s interpretation or projection of an electron-microscopic image, where the general intelligence, objective excellence and depth of experience of the scientist concerned is often not clearly demonstrated.
I repeat: Without compelling, objective, replicable evidence, the existence of viruses doesn’t matter to the public, which will generally believe anything it sees on TV.
As you rightly say, the media are our greatest enemy.
The “there is no virus” slogan does not work. People take it to mean “there is no disease” which is patently false because they were ill or had close relatives that were/are ill.
What we need to be saying is Healthy people do not spread disease. This is what attacks the foundational lie of the scam.
Better yet would be to keep saying Unhealthy lifestyles cause disease. Unfortunately, every one of us here suffers from an unhealthy lifestyle simply from breathing in the innumerable toxins spewed throughout the world.
And from swimming in an electromagnetic sea.
And from taking one or two too many medicines to keep us healthy.
And from surreptitiously glancing at the Nightly News on TV.
I agree with you basically, but you have to be careful how it is phrased.
“unhealthy lifestyles” implies (or at least sounds like) fault on the part of the person getting ill, which may be true to some extent (e.g. eating junk food, but poverty may mean that junk filling food is all they can afford).
But the “innumerable toxins spewed throughout the world” are not the fault of the average person.
The is no virus. In which case what is the injection for.
Murder and profits
To kill the human ‘virus’ that’s what it’s really for!
Well they could start by doing themselves in…
I wish they would 😉.
“The question is, do they really tell us anything we don’t already know?”
Yes, they provide a lot of details as to how poor these concoctions are.
The irony of this whole scam is that Pfizer has never lied about anything in its press releases. In the first press release from Nov 2020, when it announced the famous “95% effective”, right from the scarce data in that same press release, I could see the ARR was less than 1%. It was up to the media, academics, medical journals and associations, legal bodies, government regulators etc. to point out the problems.
Pfizer is only one piece of a giant puzzle that basically involves co-opting the entire professional class of doctors, academics, lawyers, scientists, regulators and media. You either play the game or quickly get blacklisted, delisted, fired etc. And that was even before the actual injection blackmail started later in 2021.
But the most numerous pieces in the puzzles are our own neighbours, friends and family. Everyone who was so scared of disease and death that they fell for the propaganda.
Everyone who was so Sinophobic that they believed in the deadly viruses escaping from the batsoup eating Commie labs. It seems the top Chinese leadership has been played by their own fifth column as much as anyone else.
Have facts ever been important? September 11: engineers, architects and pilots were silenced. Assange jailed for exposing the war crimes and the lies over the last fifteen years.
Please refer to this outrage as some thing like covid jabs, not vaccines.
Not necessarily endorsing or agreeing with their findings – but they are at least asking the right question… was there anything nefarious in the vaccine?
One things seems safe to say about the pfizer data dump – it won’t contain disclosure of the “proprietary” ingredients that they’ve refused to disclose all along.
Assume for the moment the claims about nanotech are correct – what might it be? The first answer most people reach for is something connected with communication or surveillance. While this isn’t unreasonable, I’m also reminded of one of Bill Gates’ less quoted desires – that he wanted an internal contraceptive that could be switched on and off without the person’s consent or knowledge.
I wonder what really is in the poison pricks. It seems certain now there is graphene. Microscopy of the stuff in several countries appear to confirm this. Of course the ingredients vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and from batch to batch. Placebos or less lethal stuff form the larger part of the stuff distributed to limit fatalities and serious adverse events and reduce suspicion. Something in it is damaging the immune system. Everyone who has been pricked is falling sick. It is a pity the alleged truth movement has trashed the snake venom hypotheses.
In fact the ‘vaccines’ could carry many totally different ingredients. Covid as a smoke screen to roll out test runs for a dozen or even a hundred completely different pharmaceuticals. Discernable by batch numbers. After all we know that there are very dangerous and less dangerous shots. Would explain why 2 school friends my age have died whereas my aunt at 94 has taken 3 shots totally unfazed. So there might not be that one goal they want to achieve but a whole raft of them.
That matches Dr. Sankara Chetty’s experience and statement to the “Court of Public Opinion”.
Also, none of the thousands of medical authorities (a) questioned WHO for ignoring the need to confirm the needle tip is not in a blood vessel (by withdrawing the plunger slightly) before injecting the supposed intramuscular stuff (b) imposed this requirement themselves.
One wonders if capillaries are considered blood vessels. If you cut yourself you’ll bleed. So why would anyone suppose there to be a blood-free zone anywhere in the body? The poison doesn’t have to work its way into the blood stream – it’s already in there from the get-go.
Patently false!
The adverse effects for the majority of those affected may not show for years and will be impossible to “prove” without large, long term studies with control groups, etc. for which the funding will never be available.
Not altogether false. I’m the only one not vaxxed at work. A cold has been spreading around and guess which ones got that, and which one didn’t? The mighty covid went around in January, same deal with that of course. Now, there could be no connection, and this is purely anecdotal, but I cannot help but see it every day. As for the long term effects, I completely agree that many of those will not show up for years perhaps. I worry for those who’ve succumbed to that damned shot. But I cannot say that out loud, they’d not believe me and probably accuse me of gloating, which I really am not. I am extremely angry that they’ve been scared shitless into taking it.
A vaxxed friend told me last night of a friend of hers who supposedly has “long covid” and had what was described as a minor stroke. My friend had a major stroke 12 years ago, congenital issue from what we were told. She took that damned shot from fear of the covid. I’ve tried explaining how the PCR test is completely bogus, and since that is the case, how can one truly know if they’ve had it. But how to broach the subject with her of the deaths, the injuries, the stuff I’ve read about what may happen to her later, I haven’t figured that out yet. I want so badly to shriek that there is no godamned covid and “long covid” is merely cover for what is most likely a “vaccine” injury! But I can’t. Not yet. My friend has enough on her plate without my telling her she’s been duped. She will have to come to that on her own as I cannot make her see that. She will simply shut down, put up that subconscious wall and probably double down on her fervent belief in a killer virus should I even attempt to really get honest. So I skirt the issue, try to drop subtle hints, come away from those conversations frustrated and terrified. But hey, we’re all getting used to such conversations now, aren’t we? I am hardly alone there.
Who would you rather entrust with your health – Tesla or Rockefeller?
In 1896, the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States, later forming the Tesla Ozone Company.
Benefits of Ozone Therapy:
Ozone Therapy Can Treat:
I don’t know how jumpstarting the immune system by injecting toxic adjuvants into an already toxic body became the norm. Rockefeller medicine has been a century of UN-healthcare.
human hubris vs complex systems … then exploited.
It’s a good question isn’t it? I’ve made no secret that I question the whole validity of the vaccine paradigm, not just the “covid-19” so-called “vaccine”.
Books like “Dissolving Illusions” certainly provide much reason to doubt the whole concept, and there are other sources of doubt if you go looking.
What would be needed would be long-term genuine clinical trials with all the usual supposed safeguards, like double-blinding. (Not talking about the covid vaccines, which we know weren’t properly trialled, but of the more usual ones like the many childhood vaccines).
But of course they would say, no no no, that is not ethical.
But apparently it’s perfectly ethical to inject very young children with a cocktail of highly dubious ingredients including these so-called “adjuvants” without any reliable trials.
And unfortunately, it’s the honest doubters like Andrew Wakefield who get struck off, and not those with a vested financial as well as professional interest such as Paul Offit.
What would be really interesting would be the disclosure of the minutes of the various meetings when the banksters made the decision to cull the population. Pfizer was contracted to do part of the job, a bit like hiring a pest controller.
But the buck may not stop with the banksters, or most of them. The latter would then be useful idiots unaware of the darker purpose of mass vaccination. The tiny core group of Malthusian pyschopaths and fanatics in the know surely prefer maximum secrecy. Same logic applies to most politicians who serve the WEF and reset agenda.
A remider of what the NHS was telling pregnant women about vaccination:
BTW the outline around the woman is coloured blue and gold which just happen to be the colours of the freemasonic logo.
also the colours of Ukraine’s flag !
This Ukrainian flag?
The vaccines do not have an ingredient list and there is no independent verification of vial contents. As such, it cannot be factually said that people are injected with spike proteins.
The only thing that can be stated with any certainty is that people are injected with the patent.
Therefore, any and all side effects from the vaccines should be viewed through the use of the patent, and not with the assumption that spike proteins exist.
People would probably be shocked if they researched the patent. The patent includes technologies for crossing the blood brain barrier and installing carbon nanotubes. These are included in the Moderna patent:
One of the nanotube patents notes that they can lengthen the tube when it gets to its location, so that it can’t get back out.
They even have technologies to suppress the immune system:
Why aren’t celebrity covid doctors talking about this?
There is definitely immunosuppression in the clot shots. The number of people falling ill with a variety of illnesses has increased perceptibly since the injections were made cumpulsory.
Without a control group (i.e. ‘normal’) the data mean nothing at all. People die and people get sick all the time. The annoying (if not outrageous, scandalous, criminal, I am lost for words here…) thing is that the basis for the whole scam is the lack of a control group
Remember the case fatality rate (CFR)of covid that was reported by WHO to be >3% in those ‘infected’ with ‘covid’ at the start of the pandemic?
Which really meant nothing at all as the case reports (of people that were admitted with covid in hospital and who were mostly elderly people with lots of comorbidity) that showed this CFR, never compared that CFR compared to normal (elderly people with lots of comorbidity but without covid).
And when a person (like me) actually compared the numbers to ‘normal’ (like people who were admitted to hospital with flu in a normal flu year), and found that the CFR was also >3%, he found out the hard way that academia (and supposedly ‘science’) was not interested in that comparison, as one was comparing ‘apples with oranges’ (a meaningless slogan) and that covid was much more serious than flu (another slogan, which in fact wasn’t true, but the truth was censored by academia in science).
I am still stupefied (or lost for words) by the stupidity of academics, doctors and scientists at the beginning of the pandemic who could (or would) not see through the obvious meaningless of the CFR without a comparison group. They happily said that ‘with 50% of the data in, one must make 100% decisions’, which was another meaningless slogan!
The data dumps of Pfizer use the same trick (of not providing a control group). They show us (at most) 50% of the data, while 100% of the data would be needed to make meaningful conclusions.
Actually, there was a control group (at the start of the trial), but
-the trial only lasted for three months (after which placebo users were given the vaccine)
-And in the experimental group (those who received the jab) there were more people lost for unknown reasons than in the placebo group (which reasons probably went through the shredder). But who cares if you can dream up from those numbers a ‘95% efficacy rate’ (which was, again, another meaningless slogan!) which will make people ‘decide’ to take the jab in over 80% of people in my country (NL).
This is so annoying that I (and many others here too) stopped following ‘the science’ (as there is none)
The only thing I am still looking at, is at the total mortality and excess mortality since the start of the pandemic, which is there (almost week after week) in all age groups, and with a clear correlation (in the younger age groups) between date of start of vaccination and start of excess mortality.
Pages where you can find these numbers are here
And here
All these people are now FUBAR (many will die or get sick due to vaccination), but without knowing it, since excess mortality due to vaccine is considered tabu in most countries.
In the meantime many stand in line to get their fourth ‘booster’ shot. They do it (in Dutch) ‘voor de zorg’ (broadly translated: they do it for NHS), which is another meaningless term… But it sounds good and sounding good is good enough. Much better than sounding bad which my words actually sound like, because all this vaccine nonsense is bad for the population at large for all sorts of reasons including early death.
My oh my…. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Thanks for that Willem. Common sense, as usual.
The true scandal is that control groups were deliberately destroyed by injecting the participants.
Also, the placebo group was given a supposedly safe jab, not something truly neutral like distilled water. Correct me if this is not so.
It is my belief that some were given another jab as a placebo — one that causes the same side effects as the Covid jab, this would tend to show the Covid jab as safer than it is.
See my reply to mgeo, but basically you are right, at least as far as the “Oxford” Astrazeneca one is concerned.
I know that the “Oxford” Astrazeneca placebo group were actually given a meningitis vaccine. This was reported on by the local Oxford press at the time (I live near Oxford). (I can’t speak for the other “vaccines”).
(I happen to know one of the OA trial group personally, and he reported that he felt ill for a few days, but then was ok. I don’t know obviously, but I suspected at the time that he’d got the “placebo”, i.e. the meningitis vaccine, and that’s what had made him feel ill).
I thought this was very odd and highly irregular, and I emailed David Crowe to ask about it, as I was in occasional contact with him at the time (before he died, of course). He replied basically saying that they always did that, and it was to disguise adverse reactions to the actual vaccine that they were testing, i.e. it was totally cynical IMHO.
We are the control group, Willem.
But they don’t like us enough to give us any publicity.
“Comorbidities” is a very slippery slope. I, e.g., now have “comorbidities” which I didn’t know I had – nor did any definitive test even suggest I had.
I had a heart attack – which I didn’t but which the troponin from a charley-horse allowed an ER doctor to conclude. And now, all of a sudden, I also have diabetes – or at best pre-diabetes – which I don’t but which an elevated glucose level on a morning when I had eaten a piece of bread allowed my cardiologist to conclude.
So for the rest of my life these “comorbidities” will follow me around like an Albatross. And when I kick the bucket, my death certificate (i.e., proof of death: it’s safe to stick him in a coffin now) will say I died with “comorbidities.”
If there were not already a medical profession, absurdity would have to invent one.
As you probably know (or know now), a single blood glucose test is just a snapshot in time.
A better test is the so-called HbA1c test, which is supposed to give an indication of your average blood glucose over the previous 2-3 months.
But even if that’s high (again as you probably know), that’s by no means a fixed thing and can be relatively easily controlled by diet, as even conventional medicine is now beginning to admit. (Basically reduce carbs, especially sugar).
(Talking strictly about type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes here, not type 1).
‘Following science’ is unscientific or anti-science, if you mean treating scientific knowledge as a singular, infallible voice of authority like technocracy does. Technocrats turn science into the faith of scientism in order to dictate truth and impose control on us all. But actual science, especially in new areas of investigation, has plural opinion, and fallible, provisional knowledge. It is highly subversive to be scientific, which means endless scepticism and questioning of established knowledge. Only in this way can knowledge be improved and progress occur. Authoritarian governments like to assume expertise knows best. Scientists believe in the ignorance of experts in order to advance knowledge.
Sorry Kit, love your work, but this message of “the vax just wasn’t done the ‘right’ way, to make it ‘safe’…” is complete BS. Your list applies to every vaccine ever made. Every last one is nothing but a poison cocktail, justified by centuries of medical fraud posing as science.
Not only has there never been a disease-causing virus isolated, but bacteria also have never been proven to cause any disease. And where’s the scientific proof, or even shred of evidence, that poisoning people makes them more healthy, or improves their lives in any way? On the contrary, there’s a lot of evidence that poisoning people makes them dumb.
So why the need to pretend that there’s any reasoned argument in favor of vaccines?
Have you taken a lot of vaccines?
You can guess most net comments are from people who have been injected their whole lives. Not to be disrespectful but if they have had so much as an annual flu injection, in an actural face to face social setting it’s interesting casually noticing their range of bias.
The advantage hah!, of being observing singularly, the American public will be naturally bias so what’s the point listening to the more generally aggressive on the Net, apart from the English language on anything regarding “vaccines”.
An interesting incidental it was Americans who convinced (in fact boomed across the English speaking world), we should all drink water out of plastic bottles.
Further, since I got up this morning I easily filled a 5 gallon bucket with rain water. It is raining….
In a little while do a little bit of shopping, not to hoard just what I need.
I bet you a thousand dollars I’ll see our friends buying water in plastic bottles.
An American will not drink a drop of water stood in the middle of a thunder storm.
Food Crisis? I have Not seen An American grow A Single Carrot in 3 yrs!
You gotta luv em!
If the Covid scam has done any good, at least it’s woken some people up to the vaccine scam as a whole.
This is my fervent hope, although I would not bet on it. The brain washing goes deep.
Well, that’s why I said “some”. I’m one of them.
Yes, you’re right, the brainwashing goes very deep indeed, unfortunately…
I’m 63, and have known for 35+ years that ‘vaccines’ are a medical scam (having carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into them, years ago).
When this scam began, 2+ years ago, I provided many family members and friends with a great deal of high-quality information, which should have made them realise i) that what’s going on IS a global scam/PsyOp, and ii) that the injections are immensely dangerous, and should not be gone within a million miles of. And yet ALL my family members, and all bar a few wised-up friends, ‘believe’ all that they hear on their beloved TVs (even though I told them that the Media is owned and, therefore, controlled by, the Globalist cabal who run/control the world, and that hence all they’re getting from the TV is false propaganda), and have all rolled up their sleeves and submitted to the injections. My brother-in-law [aged 75] had his 4th, earlier this week…
Some time in late 2020, my younger brother [now 56] asked me to provide ‘scientific evidence’ to support what I told them re. the fact that ‘vaccines’ are a medical scam, and dangerous. So I did so. Including the providing of much documentation from HONEST doctors around the world giving much evidence to prove that ‘vaccines’ are indeed a medical scam, and that one should keep well away from them. I even gifted a number of family members and friends with certain books which relate the scam of ‘vaccines’, and how dangerous they are.
My brother’s reaction, when I’d provided him with an immense amount of high-quality data from HONEST doctors re. ‘vaccines’?? I was astounded when he replied by saying, scathingly, “That’s merely pseudoscience”.
I tried to explain to him that it’s the ‘official narrative’ re. ‘vaccines’ that’s the pseudoscience, but he wouldn’t accept that.
My brother’s wife read one of the books I gifted them in 2020 (Dr Suzanne Humphries’ excellent volume, ‘Dissolving Illusions’), and said to me, of it, “What an eye-opener…”. And yet she STILL excitedly (!) rolled up her sleeves to have what is now either two or three of these current injections. So, even though she took on board the contents of the book, which exposes the scam of ‘vaccines’, she was so brainwashed by the propaganda from their beloved telly that she willingly submitted to the ‘jabs’.
None of my family or friends [apart from the wised-up friends] understand why I’ve adamantly refused to have any of these injections.
So yes, you are so right when you say that the brainwashing goes deep.
Countless practicing scientists believe and say various vaccines have been effective, and would surely reject your claim to superior authority. How to respond? Science is always ongoing debate, right? Saying all those experts who reject your claim are brainwashed won’t win debates.
Most doctors are themselves lazy, and thus ‘blindly believe’ the blatant lies of the corrupt pharmaceutical industry re. the safety (or otherwise…) of ‘vaccines’. Ie, most doctors, too, are gullible/brainwashed, by the corrupt pharmaceutical people who deliberately deceive the doctors around the world, re. this issue.
I’ll be charitable and say that most doctors are busy (at least in the UK NHS, especially in hospitals) and simply don’t have the time or energy to question, or to read reports, especially anything vaguely alternative. Plus their profession is innately hierarchical, like the catholic church (or maybe any church), or the civil service.
There are obviously a few exceptions and some of them we know about, thanks to the internet, and many of them are declared anathema by their profession, for obvious reasons.
So similar here with me, and apparently the vast majority of those of us awake to the plethora of scams across the board. We care enough to share and try and save them from the poisons, the traps, the deceit, and what do we get in return? Scorn, ridicule, silence. Then they turn us into pariahs. There’s something seriously wrong with humanity and it’s all so depressingly apparent now after the past 2 years of obedience from the masses. Brainwashing, spells, cults, and conformity without question. It’s all so incredible. I peek out from my cave from time to time, mostly to find the few, the sane, the real. There aren’t many. Thanks for sharing your story, sister.
Yes, you’re absolutely right, of course. We care enough to share the factual information, in order to try to save our loved ones from the poisons and the deceit, and what do we get in return? Scorn, ridicule, and abuse.
There is undoubtedly something very wrong with humanity, when the majority of people believe lies and disbelieve facts/truths. It’s so horrifying, that the majority of humanity is so lacking in correct discernment that they fall for the lies, and choose not to carry out their own research into whatever the subject matter might be.
I was advised that many if not most people who are gifted books do not read them. I did not want to believe this because I’ve gifted many books to many people, but I suspected that the advice was correct because I’m a bit reluctant to read books that I am gifted (unless I have actually asked for the book in question which occasionally happens).
I recently did some part time work in mechanical transmission systems. I was surprised during workshop banter just how deep was this belief in Total Medical ‘Science’.. must be in some people.
Both he (60’s) and his wife are ‘Science Health’. btw She still wears a mask He doesn’t, so including working for different companies how does that work out?
Does that even entre rational thought to you?
I observed “In the beginning”, 85% of people wearing masks were American women out in Public.
Which left managers little choice but to “request” at first their employees while at work also wear masks, adding break time whereby they exist the rear get some fresh air, go back in wearing a fresh mask.
End of the Beginning ( Winston Churchill).
May I ask, do you see as part of treatment an individual may need an injection to immunize against a specific?
Yes or No? because neither you or me even know the individual or the circumstances of the illness.
Btw, just to show I’am not being bias, I noticed my fellow Man, stopped shaking hands! And day one there was this dummy shopping wearing a Paint Booth gas mask!
Not as a joke, He is The Orignal Action Covidian Man. And He is White!
My God!
Well said.
Swamp bacteria in mud leads to gangrene in wounds if the person isn’t put into a pressure chamber or the say limb isn’t amputated they die. The pressure kills the bacteria.
I was just watching it on u-tube last night, about a plane crash in Florida.
A friend of mine in the Military died even though they amputated his leg. This bacteria in his blood infected his body and he died.
Years ago a bacteria infection after a motorcycle accident in the wound a person I knew died after a bacterial infection.
The program reminded me, it spread quickly leading to both legs being amputated. Admittedly it was probably another bacteria. He died.
If you think these people were infected in a hospital you’re mistaken.
I am not going to attempt to contradict your experience, especially as I have heard of similar things happening to people in days gone by, before the days of antibiotics. And not just after serious accidents, but after apparently minor accidents while gardening, for example.
Also, I have heard Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman talking in a video conversation cum lecture. Neither of them believes in the virus as pathogen theory. I think their position on bacteria is more nuanced, and I heard them say that while they were not convinced that bacteria caused infectious diseases, they both believed or knew that certain bacteria emitted toxins under certain circumstances.
I would like to have been able to ask for a bit more information about this, but I was watching a recording, and it may not have been a “live” video in the first place.
However, as I understand it from people like Cowan, Kaufman and other sources, the primary function of bacteria is to break down dead tissue in animal or plant matter back to its basic components which can then be re-used.
(One conventional medical definition of gangrene is it is what happens to tissue in your body which die after loss of blood through injury, “illness” or “infection”. So if that was a “bacterial infection”, than conventional medicine has identified bacteria at the site of the “infection” and deduced that the bacteria caused the infection. However, if the tissue is dead because an accidental injury has caused loss of blood flow, then perhaps the bacteria has been “summoned” by the body’s natural healing mechanism (and we know that the body is full of bacteria and other microbes in our “microbiome”) in order to break down the dead tissue.
And if it is an “infection” rather than an injury, conventional medicine says that the bacteria caused the tissue to die, but alternative voices might say it was something else – lack of nutrients, poisons, whatever which caused the tissue to die, and the bacteria just happens to be at the scene of the “crime”, doing its best to clear up the mess.
Note that I am not contradicting your experience, merely offering an alternative explanation of the role of the bacteria.
I don’t know for sure what the natural role of swamp bacteria is, but my guess it would be to break down plant material that naturally finds its way into the swamp. Obviously, in the normal course of events, it should not find its way into the human body, but may do so if someone who has breaks or injuries in their skin finds themself in a swamp for whatever reason. Swamps are regarded as unhealthy places generally.
Presumably, once the bacteria enter the blood stream, they can feed, breed and multiply and presumably emit toxins (which is what I would suggest cause the gangrene). Before antibiotics, just about the only thing people had to kill bacteria was iodine, and this has a long history of use in disinfecting wounds. Lynne Farrow in her famous book about iodine describes finding iodine containers in the medical kits of military medics in the American Civil War.
I agree with your overall point, except that I don’t think that all vaccines are necessarily a poison cocktail; some seem to be merely ineffectual.
Personally, a few years ago (seems like a lifetime ago) I obediently got a second shingles vaccination after my primary care physician regretfully informed me that it was necessary because it turned out that the prescribed shingles vaccine I’d obediently gotten the previous year proved ineffectual.
This seemingly simple and straightforward pre-scamdemic experience raises many questions now; FWIW, at the time I complacently didn’t think to ask “What is wrong with this picture?”
I’m not discounting the possibility that a vaccine’s toxic effects may be delayed, hidden, and generally denied by Big Pharma manufacturers and the vaxophiliac medical profession
But it seems as if some vaccines may be like blank cartridges loaded into a pistol to make the Russian Roulette effect less straightforward– perhaps because the “blanks” bolster the Big Pharma product line, and keep both the medical profession and the public confused.
HEPATITIS – is this a set-up?
According to a WHO April 23 report, at least 169 children, from one month to 16 years, have been diagnosed with a mysterious acute hepatitis. Cases have occurred in 12 countries, with 100 of them in Britain.
Other sources indicate this particular hepatitis virus is not of the A, B, C, D, or E type. Earlier it was described as autoimmune, and so severe as to require liver transplant in 17 cases.
It is now said to be an adenovirus:
” testing has found adenoviruses in at least 74 of the cases. Not all of these cases have undergone more extensive molecular testing. However, of the ones that have, adenovirus type 41 has been found in 18 of the cases. Twenty of the cases had active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infections and 19 had the not-so-dynamic duo of both SARS-CoV-2 and adenovirus infections at the same time. Of note, the U.K. has been experiencing an upswing in adenovirus infections in general. So has The Netherlands.
“But before you say that you know that it is adenovirus, keep in mind that such severe acute hepatitis would not be a typical presentation for adenovirus type 41. There are over 50 different types of adenoviruses. Usually adenoviruses will cause respiratory symptoms”
Really stupidly sprightly writing.
[Wd so many transplants be available so quickly? Is this story reliable? Is this a substitute for giving the covid vax to kids, since so many parents won’t?]
The vax goes directly to the liver.
Page 21;
As mentioned in Section 5.1, luciferase expressed by the modRNA formulated with Acuitas LNP8 drained to the liver as visualized by luciferase expression at 6 h in the liver region …Acuita …
AstraZeneca contains adenovirus
Thank you, Marilyn.
This entire HEPATITIS is interesting and I ask just one question; why are tiny tots ie babies given a hepatitis vax (I believe in the States its mandatory) and now their immune system fights itself?
100 in the British Isles consistently ill and how many of us Brits consistantly live on or below the poverty line. I vividly remember the late ’50 ’60’s back streets of Manchester and train trips to London markets back streets etc. It didn’t take a great deal of social perception to understand how your world revolves as a young boy.
California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional – you get it.
California has introduced six other bills:
— to criminalize “amplification of harmful content,”
–create a centralized vaccination registry,
–strip funding from law enforcement that refuses to follow public health orders,
–mandate COVID jabs for school children,
–authorize minors to consent to vaccination, and
–school districts to conduct routine COVID testing
Is that all?
Do they want to replace 50% of their current population with illegal immigrants?
I would be getting the heck out of CA pronto if that load of nonsense became State law and I bet several million actual Californians are thinking similarly.
Rhys, yep, companies & families leaving here in the thousands. The only worse place in the states is NYC.
Grim. Very grim.
California isnt the United States.
School children are already “jabbed” so scratch that one out. Sorry some others out there are maybe unfamiliar in “The World” and authorities no doubt monitor overall health of children in school, as do the vast majority of countries around the planet so scratch that out as well.
Why the upper case Italia, just down the road in a supermarket there is an advisory board plain as day for anyone to notice if interested, covid is half way down the list of free jabs….if you want.
IF YOU WANT kids Children or whatever you want to call them in passing didn’t notice if they are even mentioned.
Let’s irradiate EXPOSE this MASK CRAP, because EVERYBODY knows where it came From and NO it was Not “Big” Pharma whatever the Fuck that means.
WHO estimates 4.7 million COVID-19-linked deaths in India
& India to contest WHO’s COVID-19 excess deaths report
The WHO needs high excess deaths from India to shore up their scary global graphs. The Modi government wants low excess death numbers to show that all his lockdowns were not in vain. The long lockdowns caused a lot of misery but were not as intense as those Chinese ones. Vaccination stayed voluntary all through, kudos. Covid? Hardly noticed it. In a land of Dengue, TB, road rage etc. it is at most another hazard.
WHO and MSM are evading the very successful usage of IVM in India (some states), Japan, Peru, Mexico (Mexico City), etc.
And ignoring Africa, the continent with the lowest number of C19 cases and fatalities by far, also the lowest vax rates by far.
As a ”covid” death is called anyone who within 28 days of a fake test + probable without test ergo no one
there is no virus. The nanobodies that cause Covid 19 were developed in 1972.
From the 2020 Moderna patent on nano particles in vaccines;
“[0682]… single domain antibodies, camelized antibodies and fragments thereof, humanized antibodies and fragments thereof, and multivalent versions thereof; multivalent binding reagents including mono- or bi-specific antibodies such as disulfide stabilized Fv fragments, scFv tandems, diabodies, tribodies, or tetrabodies; and aptamers, receptors, and fusion proteins.”
They don’t prevent “infection” or “transmission”? Of what? Is there a proof that the virus actually exists physically, rather than an “in silico” mathematical creation sitting inside a mainframe? Good article, but stuff like this totally legitimates the false narrative.
Nah, just many pretty computer generated ”pictures
Infection or transmission of “the disease” consisting of all sorts of confalted sysmptoms. Which appeared just as flu was going on leave for anout 1.5 years.
Damn, damn, damn … so I guess I have to stop hoping that facts will,demonstrate the US of As developed and tested the virus in biolabs in Ukraine and Georgia and then released it at the Wuhan military olympics?
Sniff, sniff … tears.
But not worry, tomorrow something else will emerge to torpedo humanity’s worst enemy. And I don’t mean viruses …
That ship of fools must be sunk.
WE already know about the vax, but an incontrovertible source (Pfizer itself) will convince some who were previously unreachable– if they ever find out about it.
.. and the lying mainstream media is not covering the data release details. so a lot of people are still in the dark. i find it strange this website says there is nothing important here.
The medical industry, governments and MSM have batted away every harm you can name as (a) due to the stress or deprivation of the pandemic (b) a dangerous new strain. Even severe/fatal heart disease and hepatitis in children.
+ 2
.. and the lying mainstream media is not covering the data release details. so a lot of people are still in the dark. i find it strange this website says there is nothing important here.
It’s beyond logical reason to think that a corporation like Pfizer, which has been sued up the ying yang for billions and probably has enough lawyers and legal aides to overrun a small country, would release some information that would end bringing their own corporation down, end the global reset and instigate global crimes against humanity trials against their CEO and shareholders, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Jill Psaki, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, the oligarchy owned media, your political representatives, local doctors, police, and school boards, and everyone else who orchestrated this genocidal crime against humanity. Which is what we all want this stuff to mean, right? If not, then they really don’t mean anything.
Nope, ain’t gonna happen. But maybe they’re not as smart as they think they are.
They are doing pretty well on the philosophy that you don’t need to be smart if you are preposterously wealthy…
Here’s the only “download” or “data dump” or whatever you choose to call it you’ll ever need:
Vaccines are BAD.
Three words. No frills, no fake tests. Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.
Pfizer and Moderna are satanic mass murderers and enemies of humanity. If you think this sounds extreme your perspective is seriously skewed. What’s extreme is accepting these frankenstein science injections and the rest of the psychopathic mandates issued by these parasites and their pawns at the WHO. They should all be terminated after a Nuremberg 2.0 trial.
Other than “satanic”, I agree with you.
I find it annoying that my Twitter stream is polluted with Pfizer ads.
Who knows what’s behind this abomination.
It’s not important whether or not they are satanists, but, if they are, they’re hardly likely to advertize themselves in the same way as the Southern Baptists in the USA do…
As far as I am concerned, they might just as well be satanists for all the harm they are doing.
7 . They were never even necessary in the first place.
The correct approach would have been to build up and support underlying health by natural means.
Mike, only if the desired result was safeguarding people’s health. As you know, it wasn’t.
Actually they didn’t have to do anything.
Some good news, even if they’re a bit late ….. Supreme Court of India: “No One Can Be Forced To Get Vaccinated”
We’ve been wondering where to escape to if the noose tightens,,, Mexico? Now, India!
It was startling to see Mexico showing a fatality rate among “infected” of 8%, last tkme I checked a month or so ago. Totally anomalous and out of proprtion to surrounding countries. Has anyone explained that? I’ve read all kinds of propaganda as to why Venezuelan “virus” casualties have been so miniscule, but not why Mexico is so high in counts. I just assume it is more grossly manipulated data, for political reasons, but it would be edifying to have an explanation. Perhaps others have covered this here. but Mexico may be soon a refuge for me, since it is a stone’s throw from us, two hours drive, and rent is about 5% of here, literally, just south of L.A. !One friend bought a house for her father on the beach near Ensenada for $7,000. I owe more on my 6 years old Nissan Leaf than that!)
They played this game in Russia.
Vladimir Putin’s very words were that vaccination should be completely voluntary.
It didn’t stop various mayors from enforcing the jab in their cities.
Many US states don’t have mandatory vaxx, but companies & industries are free to dictate their own compliancy regulations.
If an employee, a customer, doesn’t like it, they can take a walk.
Same for just about every other “democracy”.
I think it’s much worse in the lesser 5-eyes, Canada + Australia + NZ.
Non-mandatory vax just means that they aren’t going to go door to door, or throw the unvaxed in a gulag.
But life can still be restricted in other ways.
antitermite Yep, same here in China; central gov clarified the policy that vaccinations should be voluntary, but only after several months of allowing Provincial and local gov to nag and cajole plus (they actually ring you up) turning a blind eye to employers mandates
Here in Canada, he unvaxxed can’t board a plane or train. I believe the only country in the world with this policy.
‘Innuendo’ they enjoy naive which relates to virgin – innocents and the taking off.
the fact they call it a ‘dump’ and so called educated people (their not) would play this game. Your being fuckd again they enjoy watching this type of sickness like Christians /CONvserative wearing MAGA ‘caps’ the worse type of inversion. Maga, the fifth degree of the Church of Satan.
Q dumps an insult to spirituality..
Ridiculous stupidity like a, Ex-Pfizer Scientist Ceo even a real child would sniff lies yet theses so called adults have digressed to the point of believing in whistleblowers that said NOTHING that wasn’t public knowledge 50 /100 years ago.
Vaccine medical goes hand in hand with the Church and State.
You’re spot on about humanity having been duped for so, so long. Religion, government, banking system, moon landing, woo chem medicine. However, it’s got less to do with “education”, nor even intelligence, rather than the degree to which a person has been brainwashed from early on.
Reading comments and remembered that several thousand years ago, physicians in China did not get paid unless they made you well. Incentivized virtue.
I gave this a 5. But questions need to be raised about these points.
Do we have any proof that there is a distinct disease at all?
Prevent infection with what? Prevent the transmission of what? Any proof of an actual virus, vs an in silico computer model created mathematically?
So good.thanks
AFAIK, the approved jab (Comirnaty) is not available in USA. What is still in use is the “emergency-approved” jab: the same stuff with a different label.
There was some analysis of the data dump in an RT article yesterday:
Top German professor raises Covid vaccines alarm
The article also notes that, from a survey of 40,000 vaccinated people, one in every 125 have struggled with “serious side effects”