Monkeypox is following the Covid playbook step by step
Kit Knightly

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Monkeypox is back in the headlines as of yesterday, back to work after a short break.
It burst onto the front pages, with concomitant BIG RED NUMBERS and daily case updates a couple of weeks ago, and then went quiet. The press pretty much stopped talking about it.
…until they started again.
Yesterday it was reported that the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has “upgraded” monkeypox to a “notifiable disease”, meaning any positive test must be immediately reported to the government agency.
Ever one for subtlety, the Telegraph’s front page reports this as “monkeypox upgraded to same level as leprosy and the plague”
Across the pond, the US CDC has made the curiously synchronised decision to increase their travel alert on Monkeypox to level 2, which recommends people “practice enhanced precautions”.
Let’s be clear here – the “monkeypox outbreak” is a joke.
Anybody actually taking any of this seriously after the last two years of Covid hysteria needs a major reality check.
At this point you should be assuming any disease “outbreak” is a hoax until proven otherwise. Really proven, not “trust me, I’m an expert” proven.
For those who haven’t got to that stage yet, consider all the ways that monkeypox is following the exact same path as “Covid”…
- The monkeypox outbreak was “predicted” by an exercise a few months before it happened. Just like Covid.
- We’ve seen the narrative re-inforced by rumours that it’s a bio-weapon. These accusations have gone both ways, with the Western press saying Monkeypox is a Russian bio-weapon and Chinese rumours claiming it was deliberately released by the US. Just like Covid
- We’re seeing institutions revising history in order to inflate the potential threat of the disease. just like Covid.
- Monkeypox is being diagnosed via a PCR test. These tests are going to become more widely available as test-makers “seize the new market” and governments plan to “ramp up testing”. Increased testing (with an unreliable test) could artificially inflate “cases”, and feed the panic. Just like covid.
- The monkeypox narrative is being pushed by countries on both sides of the “New Cold War”. Just like covid.
They’re already resorting to the “new variant” headline, that wasn’t a thing for Covid for almost a year. Is this due to desperation or impatience? Who can say, but there must be some reason for the accelerated timeline.
They’re even trying to bring masks back into style by claiming monkeypox may have become airborne.
And, of course, the biggest similarity is in the solution: “vaccines”.
It has already been decided that vaccines originally designed for smallpox work for monkeypox too, and that they are best way to stop the spread of the disease.
Meanwhile, the monkeypox story over at Science tells us…
As monkeypox threat grows, scientists debate best vaccine strategy”
It seems the “experts” can’t decide between “ring vaccination” – where you vaccinate every close contact of a confirmed monkeypox case – or “broader vaccination campaigns”.
Note, they don’t debate if we need a vaccine strategy at all.
The US government is already set to spend at least 180 million dollars on smallpox vaccines.
In Europe, pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic is seeing a huge up-tick in its contracts as EU nations treat monkeypox as a “wake-up call”.
So, vaccine manufacturers are set to make a tidy profit…Just like covid.
Whatever eventually comes of this story, it certainly seems that Covid has put a “pandemic” playbook in place, one that each new scare-disease will follow.
It’s all so predictable…and yet the people in charge actually expect us to believe it. Worst of all, some people actually will.
I started by calling monkeypox a joke, and that might be literally true. It’s hard not to feel like they’re making fun of us.
And if that’s the case then, just like at school, the best thing we can do is simply ignore it.
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Monkey see,
Monkey do
Suzanne Humphries had a video where she talked about smallpox following 911. There had been reports about it being sent in the post. The idea of ‘vaccinaing’ was considered but it was decided that the ‘vaccine’ was so dangerous it would cause major harm. The idea was quietly sheleved and all the ‘vaccines’ were destroyed. She cites Dr Thomas Mack as the expert on smallpox. The video was on youtube till recently. You can find it on bitchute Smallpox: 1797-2005 (Dr. Suzanne Humphries, 2018)
Has Fergusson run a model yet ?
Last I read he was off amongst plants & bushes with one of his Gates kaping ying xi-ing backed London college cronie groups in one of our back gardens, the fucking idiot.
He’s probably got a new computer and latest version of home office which spells disaster for the Planet.
Since Ferguson was caught early on violating scamdemic rules to have a tryst with his married lover, thus establishing that he is indeed literally a fucking idiot, I would guess that he’s curling up somewhere with the lucky lady– or perhaps one of her successors.
maybe she rolled over and squished him like a bug.
sorry, i am generalising here.
you’re not saying that having a
tryst (with someone married or not) makes one ‘a fucking idiot’, are you?!
No, not at all. Just observing that Ferguson, perhaps maddened by lust, heedlessly and idiotically flouted The Scamdemic Rules (however spurious and fraudulent) he indirectly helped to create in order to indulge his urge to fornicate.
To express it with a sanitized US idiomatic expression, Randy Neil stepped on his own organ of procreation.
“The professor added that while people seem to think the pandemic is over, the virus has not gone anywhere.
Maryam Zakir-Hussain10 June 2022 13:36”
Got the message?
Lockdowns coming back in the September timeframe, according to “unamed sources”
Announments are a measure of the least effected. In 2020, It was not the British.
Dumb dumb Corp. must have inadvertently omitted Our National, Public Holiday Periods of Ireland Wales Scotland and England’s Citizens. imo.
Other Countries can net English speak for themselves.
are you an AI disinfo bot, or merely illiterate?
Why are you worried, you didn’t fight for them. Next time try something eligible, instead of common digital; are you a…? or just…..? er no and explain illiterate?
Sorry, I don’t tag, teach me say something else, 🤔
A pandemic doesn’t need to be proven, it needs to be witnessed.
It’s been witnessed for the last two years: a pandemic of fear porn, lies, exaggerations ignorance. There never was a true pandemic. Any excess deaths resulted from collateral damage from disastrous policies put in place. There was something abnormal going around and some people getting ill and dying, however if nothing more than normal had been implemented, no-one would have noticed anything more than a bad flu season.
In 2020 and 2021, most excess deaths were due to (a) the restrictions (b) euthnasia (c) withholding medical treatment for prevalent illnesses including flu. In 2021, additional excess deaths were due to the jab. Let some health authority publish the figures for all-cause excess deaths for the 2 years and prove me wrong.
I fully agree!
What I meant was that if we didn’t witness a pandemic is because there wasn’t any. Statistics, measures, and experts chatter on TV would only serve as an attempt to analyse what we are seeing in real life. So, as with covid no one saw it happening for real, statistics, measures are experts chatter was all an induced illusion.
If the world can be make to believe they are in a pandemic when there isn’t, what else can be made up? A war, a terror attack, a moon landing?
If I hear the media say it’s raining, I look out the window to see for my self.
what else can be made up? A war, a terror attack, a moon landing?
go big, or go home.
Alien BOMBSHELL: Watch “leaked” US Navy footage of “UFO that DEFIED PHYSICS”
Americans say Pandemic because the US is a massive part of the North American Continent. It’s only natural, not enough has been talked about the massive around the clock air travel spreading of global illnesses and diseases imo.
Bingo! Thank you.
Cats are scary …. but watch out for dogs too!
as resistance to change and the peversities strengthens the lizard claws fumble around the bag searching for the next shiny toy to dazzle the masses.
what next monkeycovidtaiwanspecialmilitary op?
indeed as zane points out, just how soon will monkeypox and covid “get it on” 28 days later or 28 weeks later, we all know that the online dating thing can be such a tease?
here on the septic isle as i do my thing ensuring i have materials, spare parts and so on, i deal daily with those “in the mill” and they are waking up pretty fast.
Just yesterday at a major metals supplier with big biz “bio-controls” ring bell at door and so on, the annoyance and exasperation of “playing” along was evident.
but more than that many among the gently awakening masses are also aware that something much bigger is just around the corner.
radio 4 spoke re the price of fuel, the cost of “living”, the smaller electric suppliers clamped to a capped rate are dropping like flies, thus the “big 3” will soon have autonomy.
i suspect the uk and others will have a social/credit/entitlement/energy/fuel sytemn within months, maybe weeks, “got your ap sir?”, “no?”, “no fuel for you sir”.
vax pass was a dry run, unless fuel/leccy etc are optional to you…. you will be pressured to play along
as those pesky russian meerkats say “simples”
Watch out for the Delta Gamma Upsilon Tau Zeta Sigma Turbo Monkeypox variant from Ouagadougou. It infects normies 0 – 60 in 2.8 seconds!
46 US-funded
biowarfarebiolabs in the Ukraine alone. It’s perfectly plausible that these places do more than just twiddle their thumbs, play video games and pretend that viruses exist.
For example, they could surely spend their time more productively by putting genetic inserts into spike proteins to make them more acceptable to human ACE2 receptors. They could insert flu portions into the rest of a virus to make it more transmissible. Could even do some “gain-of-function” research on the side. Would be a more productive use of their time and budget.
But then they’d have to watch out for things leaking from their labs, or being deliberately leaked by funders / rogue employees. Leaks from those with excessive hubris from running computer simulations.
Covid turned out to have a low mortality rate and didn’t warrant the measures taken (lockdowns, ‘vaccines’ etc) but that isn’t necessarily the case with other ‘leaks’
Thank Kit, Nicely done.
YES, I’m afraid they’re serious…
I think the towers going up in your area is more important that this f8cking ridiculous nonsense. it is a deliberate distraction.
If one saw this on a notice/planning application – what would one think it is..?
Prior approval procedure – Proposed 18m high slim line phase 8 monopole c/w wraparound cabinet at base, 3no. additional ancillary equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works.
BTW what is in bold above is the misleading title name written on planning applications and notices for 5G.
Akin to an invisible elecrified fence prison style around urban areas.
My all-knowing and infinitely wise net feed mechanism (as a Luddite I have no idea how it works but I know the media corporate central committee decide on what’s to be slapped in your face) have sent me this:
It’s the customary phone directory long blather which seems to want to wear you down with its endless waffle but the main jist is that cats are evil and apparently not part of the “ecosystem”. The writer of course poses as a feline lover but experiences “cognitive dissonance” over feelings of affection and the scientifically verifiable thesis that all cats must be put down for the sake of “the enviroment”.
“Perhaps pandemic fatigue addled my brain” says our scribe. Addled is not the word. Once again the phantom plague has provided another excuse for a societal/species plundering.
I recall a programme that said, in order to deal with the Black Death, the medical authorities of the time issued a command to put down the household pets. Since the plague was spread by fleas carried by rats whose numbers would have been minimised by those pets, this of course had the effect of extending the plague. Interesting historical parallel.
This sentiment towards cats may come from Australia. It may not have occurred to them that cats are not native to that country.
The article is about Iceland. At most it’s about a third the size of the UK and the population as of 2020 was 366,425. I reckon if every inhabitant had a cat it would make fuck all difference to the precious “ecology”.
Here is all the information – from real experts – on this latest hoax. Watch “The Monkeypox Mania Summit” video and all will become clear.
Groundhog Pox.
How many chances do we get till we swallow our pride and acknowledge the obvious?
Time will tell.
PCR ‘Test’.
Beware of normalising weaponised ‘communication’ as it isn’t really a relationship, but a manipulation.
Monkeypox – so called was originally caused by smallpox vaccination of lab monkeys.
But wait, smallpox virus never has been properly isolated (as the invested belief in them persisted despite and regardless evidences not supporting the claim.
Conscious disregard can also be seen as the ability NOT to take the proffered bait.
The official PR is always seeking emotional reaction. This triggers an army of free propagation via people sounding off their emotional response.
Laughing free is different to mocking as an attempt to hit back.
Contagion fear is the operating system installed and maintained on which to run not only a captured revenue stream, but a bio-insecurity state along with livestock and pet control.
The fraud that is germ theory runs on superstition, such that the ‘protections’ are clung to as the lock-in to the fear they mask, and are not real solutions, but repackaging mutations of the underlying conflicts.
ViroLiegy is a good written resource. Sam Bailey can usually get a lot of dot joining through in a bright and active way. Freeing the mind from ‘pathological biology’ is the beginning of questioning the ‘pathothological mind’ where we can truly address.
The symptoms don’t validate the story!
When the story is used as GoF for a loveless & manipulative agenda – all the more call to question the story rather than charge at the red rag of an emotional insult, or kneel for the coup de grace of a spiked payload.
Dont dismiss all of virology bc it is a mess and built on a foundation of bad science. We know pathogenic microorganisms (anthrax for ex) exist. We know they can be passed, in some cases, from one person to another.
You have refs for that claim?
It’s about time people altered the Chicago mafia dictum to: ‘Once is coincidence, but twice is enemy action’.
You don’t treat enemies with decorum, you treat them as if they were war opponents.
US is Fem. run by Trannies don’t come here you’re not going to like it. Whole place went bonkers jan 1st ’20 imo.
The beginning of the slide to insanity I put down to the Saturday Night Fever Virus. I think it was around that time I thought, US lads can’t dance and look like Black & White Robinson’s Gollywogs.
This must have spread South to London Cronies and so began The Gollywog War.
Wogs sacrificed themselves, bless em. The Golly Legion allied with The Jelly Bellies and Well…The rest is history.
Today, you may still come across jam in the Labelled Section under ‘Organic’. Sadly, the Wogs & Gollys have all but disappeared, but not forgotten as a reminder of better Times some of us still come across their medals.
The Jam & Banana Butty Club.
Wicked witch of the West: “Fly, Fly, Fly”... > Wicked Witch of the West Sends Flying Monkeys to Capture Dorothy – YouTube
Lion: “I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I do!”
Must have been a Bill Gates prescience. Poor Dorothy…
Amusing fun for the coincidence theorist:
“Webb’s primary reflector has 18 segments and is 6.5m wide”
“Analysis indicates the mirror segment known as C3 – one of the 18 beryllium-gold tiles that make up Webb’s 6.5m-wide primary reflector – was struck”
For the lulz
3 6 9
The goose drank wine…..
Is there any number that does not “flash warning signals” to numerologists?
If so, please name it, because life is short.
Yeah, name it!
“…and at that point we didn’t really understand the fatality rate. We didn’t understand that it was a fairly low fatality rate, and that its a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like flu, although a bit different to flu..”
-Bill Gates in recent interview.
I don’t know about you, but I am going with Kit Knightly on this, as, going on the last pandemic, he seems roughly 28 months ahead of the curve of the most highly funded public health foundation in the world when it comes to figuring out what is going on.
Absolutely! While Bill Goats’ mea culpa reads like “I thought I saw… and sorry…
I didn’t realize the gun was loaded”
Still observing a lot of mask wearing devotees amongst our Chinese citizens here. Very strange. Some kind of robotic gene at play perhaps.
Grafter, I’ve seen videos of Chinese wearing masks for DECADES; I guess concern over poor air quality. Lots of areas burning coal, etc.
Over 1 million people a year die from pollution in China, same in India
I’m talking about here in my home town in the UK where an abundance of good healthy clean fresh air is prevalent.
They do it out of a historical self preservation instinct, acquired not from pandemics but from government and authorities.
Japanese in cities too, complete with gloves. It was a germ thing.
Sounds to me you’re in need of personal dictates, one of mine I don’t take in serious issues from people who drink rain water out of plastic bottles., which eliminates many Americans not that I don’t like American People.
Another is a stop: Do you believe in The Individual?
I don’t like the word “World”, for some reason I can’t explain here. I much prefer Mother Earth.
Just me, fine, anyway some Dickweed with lazy fingers would just start tap tap ME, 🤔
it worked before. not that it’s about profits.
Is it true, is it fake. No one but the people who are driving these scenarios actually know which way they will go. We all simpley speculate what we think may happen or is happening. We think we connect the dots from the dots we are given by either MSN or Alternative News. Yet there is no 100% certainty out there, I’ve looked. Much speculation has occurred on the interweb and a lot of it has not come true and some seems to have been true. Everyone’s trying to gain that useful bit of info to stay ahead of the game, yet the game is constantly changing. Perhaps game is the right word for it all?
Connecting the dots from the dots we are given. I like that. That’s pretty much the size of it. In other words, we don’t know shit.
Most of the links in this article reference back to MSM. I do understand the author is describing a like for like playbook scenario. But it is still MSN where the information comes from. Truth, lies or deception (a sprinkle of both).
First item on Icelandic radio news today:
“Two men have been diagnosed with monkeypox after the first tests to be carried out in Iceland. The results will be sent abroad as soon as possible in order to confirm the diagnosis”
… along with a scary photograph of something from an electron-microscope, of course …
Are you scared yet…?
I couldn’t read any more than those few lines, although I’d love to know what on earth prompted those two men to go and get tested for monkeypox…
I have had a slight sore throat for a couple of days now, but I would want my wife to have me committed to an asylum if that was supposed to be a reason for taking a monkeypox test…
Everybody here will know that the non-operative words from that news item are, “diagnosed”, “monkeypox”, “tests”, “carried out”, “results”, “confirm” and “diagnosis”.
Not much room in that short snippet for anything which is NOT propaganda, is there?
I recall what Jordan Peterson called the “terrifying statistic” that one in ten people has an IQ of less than 83… Could this be a requirement for public office today…?
Damn them all.
> I have had a slight sore throat for a couple of days now, but I would want my wife to have me committed to an asylum if that was supposed to be a reason for taking a monkeypox test…
An old school working brain! To bad your kind is a dying breed …
Yeah, I know that sounds pessimistic but take a look around, working brains don’t seem to be the norm does it?
If I believed in God(s) I would have prayed for a miracle …
I sometimes think the non-functioning brains are the miracle…
Well, at my age, you have to be ‘old-skool’… No choice in the matter at all. 🙂
I don’t think stupidity is a requirement for public office, but a minimum level of practical amorality at best or outright psycho or sociopathic evil at worst are.
I agree.
Perhaps there are two kinds of sub-humanity:
The terminally stupid, and the terminally immoral?
Only the former kind have my compassion and pity.
As “Hanlon’s razor” would put it: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
I believe people make a grave mistake in not accepting the existence, and at times prevalence, of malice. Stupid people do indeed act maliciously, but they seldom do as much damage as intelligent people acting maliciously do, and there are some people who are by nature malicious.
I agree.
FWIW, I’ve learned not to be impressed by epigrammatic assertions that at first glance seem to be wise, trenchant and profound– especially the ones that become so popular that they acquire a title, e.g. “X’s Law”, or as in this case “Razor”.
Some are better than others, and the better ones are clever and insightful. But I consider these expressions to be more of a comment on the incipient-submissive search for authority.
One good example is “Godwin’s Law”. I don’t want to veer off on a comprehensive examination of its background and use; a search of the term will overwhelm the searcher with results.
For the moment, suffice to say that Godwin himself has pointed out that he formulated it more or less whimsically, or facetiously, and never expected it to catch on like wildfire as a staple of Internet commentariat disputes.
Alas! Godwin’s “law” had that mystical authoritative cachet, which is catnip for adolescent-minded Internet commentators searching for authoritative “Gotcha!”s. So it’s invoked as if it were scientific revealed truth, like Newton’s Laws.
I support repealing Godwin’s “Law”.
This is how SARS-Cov2 started.
Allow me please:
Now you’ve taged two people in Iceland who may or not be ill.
Your behaving like an idiot, you are not talking to anyone but yourself.
Do You Understand?
Your Sick, you don’t give a shit about these two people in Iceland.
Sick Fucker! 😉
Just Two Men having a conversation ok.
Want a beer?
Could this be a requirement for public office today…?
It is a requirement for the polity to tolerate and even re-elect the government.
Jordan Peterson when he was allowed, or told, to tour again, he made being vaccinated (proved by a vaxx pass) a requirement to enter the venues where he was performing.
It seems that a higher IQ will not endow the person with common sense, a moral fibre or a backbone to tell the truth.
I noted this before – and I’m deadly serious about it: branding is everything. We no longer live in a carbon based world but in a PR based world.
Monkeypox if NOT a name you can take seriously. There are those in my community who predictably hop on every latest TV (i.e., PR) created fear. Not one has even so much as mentioned monkeypox so far.
That disease is strictly DOA. They’ve got to re-name it to get any real mileage out of it. And you watch: in the next couple weeks or so, if they haven’t come up with a better hoax in the meantime, they’ll discover it wasn’t really monkeypox exactly but some new hybrid variant of (hunta, ebola, corona – one of the tried and true brands).
Cannot help calling it the ‘MoneyBox virus’.
I was thinking the same thing when I heard it first.
Yes monkey pox just sounds too innocuous to get inoculated. Like you say, they’ve got the branding wrong on this one, they need to get out a more serious name that will latch onto the normal irrational fears of the hypnotised masses.
There is no monkey pox, just poxy monkeys feeding us more lies. Shingles is most likely, probably caused by the quaccines. Is anyone monitoring the ‘cases’ to see how many haven’t been jabbed?
Yes, I reckon whatever ailments that are normally out there are going to more severely impact the jabbed because their immune systems have been significantly damaged by the jabs. VAIDS springs to mind and all the immune deficiency acquired illnesses that go with it.
And Chomsky says that if the Bush administration had done 9/11 they would’ve chosen Iraqi terrorists rather than Saudi which shows how little he understands the Emperor’s New Clothes effect. In fact, most people while they may see it, don’t really get how massive the effect is and how the power elite rely on it so heavily. They don’t get how boundless it is and how the power elite can have complete confidence in it working for them.
If they can push out “monkeypox” just after everyone – believer and disbeliever alike – has had a gutful of covid then there is simply no limit whatsoever to the Emperor’s New Clothes effect.
Of course, they’re laughing at us, they’re always having a laugh at us.
The link to Iraq was meant to be established through the anthrax trail – but that fell apart when it became clear it was weaponised anthrax that was beyond the capabilities of Iraqi manufacture.
Edwige, the anthrax attacks was a multi-layered psyop just like covid and a few others including one I won’t mention, you know the one, my favourite.
They pushed out terrorist anthrax and then they made lone nut Bruce Ivins the scapegoat (another guy got passing implication too) but at the same time made it obvious to anyone with the slightest skeptical nature Ivins was being made the scapegoat.
But the whole thing was a big fat hoax. There is zero evidence of anyone being killed or harmed by anthrax and I have to say I do wonder what is in Graeme MacQueen’s book on the subject. My research suggested that it was a complete hoax so very obviously.
Old Noam understands it alright as a member of the ‘literati’ and master gatekeeper. He will talk about the what, yet will always skirt around the why.
It’s the bloody shingles from the jabs
It seems NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg might just have a touch of “vaccine” injury.
He just now called off a series of in-person meetings in Germany and Romania because he has contracted shingles. Stoltenberg is “fully vaccinated”. I’m guessing he probably took an extra jab before the Bilderberg meeeting last weekend.
Shingles often surfaces as a skin rash with blisters. It can be particularly painful for adults – so very similar to “monkeypox”, except the PCR-test.
> It seems NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg might just have a touch of “vaccine” injury.
Det e lov å håpe (one can hope) …
Stoltenberg was Norwegian Premier at the time of the alleged Breivik attack (on 22/7…. 22 divided by 7 = 3.3).
22/7 = pi i.e. 3.142 – not 3.3.
It not matter Seansaighdeor, it’s total bullshit anyway.
He’s just covering his arse, so that when he meets his judgement day he can just say, “I was vax-injured too”, and expect exoneration…
But don’t these guys know very well not to take the shots as they are part of the elite who know what the shots are really for?
From the bloody jabs, Marilyn.
Yep. Shingles is a lot more likely than anything from a monkey making it onto our streets…
maybe – but shingles presents in distinctive pattern rashes – not overall – e.g. a narrow band on one side of the lower torso extending precisely from the spine around to the navel – just speaking (mostly) from personal experience.
Shingles is a funny thing. Sometimes it does what it’s supposed to do, sometimes not. I get shingles from time to time on my right knee (so far nowhere else). The only constant seems to be the one-sided dynamic – unless the person actually infects his other side accidentally.
I think you are exactly right on that! Something to do with the Zoster virus if such a virus exists or as is more likely such ailments are due to immune deficiencies rather than an externally acquired viral infection.
There is no virus: virology is fraud. If virology was true, no one would be alive to believe in it. Beauchamp was right, Jenner was a charlatan
How can People claim anything if their Investments are linked to another persons body?
Three orwellian novel pollutants in the body politic, «the»science, scientists, experts.
The earth is flat and lead may e turned to gold etc….
You need a small brain, «social media» and plutocratic oversight to conjure the alchemy.
Plus that wonder ingredient..FEAR.
Different circus, same clowns.
This monkey business is a joke alright, and jokes are not to be taken seriously.
I just wish we could have a very large stage put up in Trafalgar Square, where we could indulge in some serious public mockery of these jokers.
It is a hoax, sure, but maybe it is a bit more sophisticated than it seems at first look. I know of 3 people ( 2 grown-ups one adolescent, I’ve seen the adults up close) who developed Dell Fever after the 3rd shot.
Dell Fever: Molluscum-contagiosum-Virus, a kind of pox virus, they say. Their GPs would diagnose for Dell but they themselves were already hysterical what with the monkey pox story being marketed up and down.
Dell is transmitted via close contact. In order to claim it being airborne you need to rebrand it or invent something different, e.g. a variant. So let’s go for monkey pox, it does have that marketing edge.
But imagine: If this time people could actually SEE the disease!
There’s no such thing as Dell fever. You wdn’t be putting us on, wd you?
I actually saw a woman on the train who actually put on a mask. True, she was obviously a real, hold-out. One thing which did not discontinue (much to my chagrin) has been the daily sounding of ambulance and police sirens sounding off as if the end of the world was coming. I would swear blind that I hear between 3 and 5 on a regular basis every day, at least ones which come into my hearing range. People, however, just walked on as if nothing had happened, which was very wise.
About 5% of supermarket visitors and staff, still wear masks. The world changed with the stupid phone. Staff still have an occasional cough that wasn’t there pre-2020 – me also.
We do sell a lot of bananas.
They are still using an empty school playground near me to base the crisis acting ambulance drivers. Park them there overnight, set off and return there going nowhere near even the direction of the nearest hospital. Cruising around empty country roads blasting their sirens all the way (which are legally only supposed to only be used when approaching traffic or obstructions). Always wearing their blue surgical masks of course.
But the most bizarre aspect is the locals that live right near that school still haven’t started to ask any questions whatsoever after 2 years of this in-your-face fakery. Lights are on but nobody’s home. Prime candidates to morph into pox-monkeys at any moment is what I’m afraid of.
Without knowing, you might have put your finger on the increasingly accepted authoritarianism in Canada. In my local large grocery store half to two-thirds of shoppers, and even more employees, wear masks. These are not hold-outs; they’re the majority. (Maybe it’s my neighbourhood??)
This Monkey Fox plague sounds serious. Zoonotic diseases are running rampant these days. Isn’t it time the government threw a few more billions the pharma way? After all, money is the cure for everything. What’s wrong with placebo injections for placebo diseases? The wheels of commerce must grind or we’ll all die. If we don’t nip this one in the bud it’ll probably jump to birds next and then pigs. Do you want to see flying fox pigs excreting disease everywhere? Act now before it’s too late.
I was among the first to agree with OffG that the Covid-19 Plandemic is a Globalist Con-trick, from the same Anglo Zio Capitalist crime studios that brought us Con-911, Con-WMD and Con-NoviJoke. But I went further, agreeing with China and Russia that Covid-19 was a failed bioweapon escape from one of the numerous U$ Frankenstein Virus Labs funded by Fauci all over the world: notably in MaryLand U$A, Wuhan China, Ukraine and Nigeria.
In Lagos, Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Lab is working on MonkeyPox which is 10 times more dangerous than Covid-19. MonkeyPox is like Smallpox, an escape from the Lab into the general population will not be a joke like the escape of Covid-19. Smallpox infection kills more of its hosts, and leaves unsightly scars on the faces of survivors.
PS Re Vaccines: Right from the start I pointed out what GP knew from annual “flu shots” but few dared utter for fear of losing License to Practice: You can’t beat a flu epidemic with a vaccine. But on the other hand, I believe that we did beat Smallpox with a vaccine; hence we should develope one against Monkeypox — a conventional one, like the conventional smallpox vaccine. There is already a Russian MOD report (which I posted in OffG) that Smallpox vaccine also protects against Monkeypox.
PS2 I said from the start that China was the only country which not only was fully aware of what Dr.Fauci&Co were up to at Frankenstein Virus Labs in Fort Detrick U$A and Wuhan China, but had an integrated Biowarfare Civil Defense Program ready to roll. They prepared cheap and effective conventional whole-virus vaccines against Covid-19 (SinoVac, as effective as any vaccine can be against flu — ie, not much). I am sure China can roll out equally cheap (and much more effective) conventional vaccines against the MonkeyPox version of Smallpox.
Russia and China have lodged a request to the UN to put Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Labs on the Global agenda.
Unless these Frankenstein Virus Labs are destroyed, the scientists in them will eventually succeed in their endeavour to produce a highly lethal virus that could decimate the world population if it escaped. Judging from the U$ Military’s carelessness with Spanish Flu, Anthrax, Covid-19 (and probably HIV also) our chances of Viral Armageddon by accident will soon exceed our chances of Nuclear Armageddon by accident — because (unlike an escaped virus) an escaped nuclear weapon does not spontaneously “increase and multiply according to its kind, and fill the earth and subdue it”.
“To Decimate: to cause 90% reduction in a population”
More fear-porn. The last tired attempts by the cabal to salvage something from the cesspit they’ve dumped us all in for decades. Go tell your bosses it isn’t working. You can fool some of the – oh whatever.
Well put.
RE: I believe that we did beat Smallpox with a vaccine…
NickM, you should read this book: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History.
Most of the “infectious” diseases were not caused by viruses but by poor sanitation, squalid living conditions, long work hours, bad food, vitamin deficiencies, environmental toxins, polluted water and polluted air – including smallpox. Vaccines and their promoters take credit for achievements they had nothing to do with.
Viruses working in synergism with poor sanitation. Medical experts agree that sanitation is the more important factor:
“Good drains are worth more than the entire Pharmacopeia” — Medaware.
But don’t knock good vaccines.
RE: But don’t knock good vaccines.
OK, which ones are they? Seriously, which ones are they?
For example, the polio vaccine is trotted out as the reason polio disappeared. The reality is that polio was already in sharp decline before the Salk vaccine was ever introduced. The real causes of paralyzing polio were environmental neurotoxins like arsenic and DDT (which was liberally sprayed on children as a de-louser and of course, declared “safe” by doctors). Viruses had/has nothing to do with it.
Today the target populations for polio vaccination (thanks to Bill Gates and the WHO) are in Africa and the most common source of polio is the vaccines themselves.)
There are no good vaccines, period. It is and always has been a hoax about vaccines. Various environmental toxins, including natural occurring bacterial spores etc in squalid environments or man made toxins (inhaled, ingested, absorbed, injected) combined with malnutrition, stress etc are the cause of disease. The Spanish flu was due to end of war and post war toxins used combined with post war stress, poverty and malnutrition. The word virus comes from Latin word for poison. The vaccines are then brought in to “rectify” the situation but in reality the illness passes through and natural immune resistance is built up. It is ultimately and always human natural immunity that ends disease and absolutely never vaccines. Vaccines only serve to propagate and keep disease in populations.
The typical blood test looks for abnormalities in a vast range of markers. It evades deficiencies and poisons. It is all about profit.
Exactly right! No vaccine has ever stopped any of these so called contagious diseases. The vaccines had much more to do with causing and spreading disease than preventing it.
More fear porn, and more affirmation of the entire contagion myth, which the “bio weapon” narrative fits into perfectly.
NickM, Smallpox vaccine DOES protect against monkeypox, but the two available list horrendous possible side effects including blindness. Also shedding, so that the people around you have risk of side effects. Gross! Far as I can tell monkeypox is no worse than chickenpox & obviously they’re purposely spreading it.
@Penelope and Tom Larsen.
Alright, vaccines have deleterious effects as well as the beneficial one, but there is data available for statistical analysis. Before the invention of polio vaccine my baby sister contracted polio and recovered through her own antibodies. My little cousin recovered from double pneumonia spontaneously. Since then, over the past 60 years my family of 10 have taken shots against polio, typhoid, tetanus, flu and childhood diseases without ill effect. Last year my 89 year old wife took 4 shots of untried Pfizer RNA vaxx without ill effect so far (thanks be to Heaven!).
Statistics over large numbers and many years can lead to reasonable conclusions about the efficacy of elementary hygiene and natural immunity versus pharmacological aid, under normal practice. The problem is now, that normal practice has been suspended: the conformist opinion of proven charlatans like Neill Ferguson (conformist to what the Westminster regime want the public to believe) are promoted in Official Media, rather than the views of reputable physicians.
The wells of truth have been muddied, and the world is sick. We must clean up the wells of truth by open debate, open interenet info, and by penalizing (instead of rewarding) academics like those two F**s who do nothing but promote false government propaganda.
Which is why I write to Truther sites like OffG, sift the truth as I see it, and am open to correction. At the moment I see these WHO Viral Plandemics the same way that OffG does: they are Global authoritarian Con-tricks designed to panic the sheeple into acceptance of fiercer culling and closer shearing. But I also see them the same way that China and Russia do: as a Global military threat potentially more dangerous than Global Nuclear Armageddon because of the self-replicationg nature of biological pathogens once they are released into the Global population.
Isnt time you got off the “Anglo-Zio” thing, you come off as typical cultural Racist dummy.
fully aware of what Dr.Fauci&Co were up to
The research on “bat viruses” financed by at least Fauchi and Canada continued at Wuhan until 2020 April or September, according to 2 different sources.
I’m sad to say but masks won’t cut it this time. We have to cull all the monkeys and gay people.
Already attempted with AZT and continuing with ‘free’ Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis or PrEP being offered to gay men.
I have no doubt we’ll see a raft of money-making health issues in individuals who have taken the poison pill.
as well as all the people from Milton Keynes and Bognor Regis…
Hey, why not…?
There are too many differences between covid and monkeypox, so I’m pretty sure that whatever these bastards want to achieve with this joke as you say, they won’t repeat at all these two years (and counting) of madness with another virus. If they do it with another covid variant, who knows.
Just one thing: there are PCR tests for practically everything, so the fact that there is a PCR test for a disease, doesn’t say very much. A PCR just amplifies an specific DNA/RNA sequence, so you could design a PCR test for virtually any genetic material that you want. Since this alleged “virus” was discovered many years ago, it’s not surprising that they have tests for it.
I don’t really care about negative votes, but I’m curious to know if there are arguments against my comment or if maybe I haven’t expressed myself properly 😁
Well, here’s an argument:
PCR isn’t a test at all. Its recently-deceased Nobel-Prize winning inventor, Kary Mullis, said so himself.
It’s there on YT:
What you rightly call “these bastards” are not remotely interested in facts.
That’s wrong. The PCR is a test. What it’s not is a “diagnostic” test and this is what Kary Mullis has said. As far as I know (because I’m not an English speaker), a test in this context is just a tool to detect something, plainly speaking. This is what the PCR is: a tool to amplify specific sequences of DNA/RNA.
As I say, it’s not diagnostic by any means because it gives zero information about the pathogenesis of the disease, and this is even guessing that the germ theory were true, which is much to say.
But to be honest, reading your comment I think that we have the same opinion about this matter, and it’s just that I haven’t explained myself properly, or that I don’t know all the nuances of the word “test”!
“I haven’t explained myself properly, or that I don’t know all the nuances of the word “test”
That’s right, you haven’t and you don’t.
But don’t worry about down marks, nor about explaining yourself properly right now, because right now OffG opinion is in a whirl. After 2 years of rightly not believing that Covid-19 is more dangerous than common flu, Truthers now have to face the unpleasant truth that Con-men are continuing to develope Nano Frakensteins in U$ Bio-Warfare Labs around the world. Unless this development is stopped it will be at least as dangerous as the development of nuclear weapons.
“The discovery of nuclear fission has brought mankind closer to its long cherished ambition of universal suicide” — Erwin Schroedinger, circa 1940.
Same applies to the discovery of recombinant viral RNA nucleotides. Nucleotide warfare should be placed high on the same Global agenda as nuclear warfare. This is what Russia and China have demanded of the UN; and what sane people everywhere should demand.
You can’t just say, “That’s wrong” as if it contained within itself the proof of its own truth.
Did you even look at Mullis’s video?
The clear explanation he gives of his own invention is that it can’t do any of the things a ‘test’ would be expected to do – like tell you whether or not you are sick.
Elsewhere, he says that PCR can only do one thing: To take a tiny amount of something and make it into a whole lot of something so that you can see what you’re working with more easily. It cannot distinguish between one sequence of DNA/RNA and another as far as the potential for causing disease is concerned.
The pathological mania for using the acronym, “PCR” in order to make a scientific-sounding term frighten people into taking part in the biggest fraud in the Earth’s history has certainly done its job to perfection.
But not all of us live in a fake world:
If Beethoven says, “This is a trombone”, people listen to him because he has a lifetime’s reputation of knowing what he’s talking about.
If, however, he shows us a trombone, and says, “This is a rabbit”, he gets carted off to a home for the prematurely senile.
Well, Mullis knew what he was talking about.
Don’t you see that I am saying exactly the same thing as you are saying with my comment? What I am saying is exactly the same as Mullis: PCR is not useful to diagnose, only to identify the presence or absence of genetic material in a sample (for that, obviously, you have to amplify this tiny amount of “something”).
And yes, I have seen this fragment of the interview that you have passed me, which is just a small part of a longer video where he says many other interesting things.
The problem is that you associate the word “test” with a diagnosis, and it is not. A test, in this context, is a laboratory process that leads to a result. That’s all it is. It has absolutely nothing to do with a diagnosis. This is the part where I think that you were wrong. By the way, just after saying this in my last message I argumented why I thought that. I didn’t use these words for free.
Here you have the full interview, in the case that you are interested:
Sorry, I only found it with subtitles in Spanish but the video is obviously in English.
“If someone shows us a trombone, and says, “This is a rabbit”, he gets carted off to a home for the prematurely senile.”
aka, The White House.
Yorks/Lancs In Real English:
>Test< itself is a Positive, whether the result is negative or positive.
It's a simple engineering equation., results are always a positive.
Drop "The" & "Test"…
Result of PCR…..?
After all these years why would you think PCR would diagnose a disease?
Sorry, don't understand.
The PCR is just a laboratory process which, by the way, doesn’t necessarily has to give a negative or positive result. Why? Because you might have a tube with a known DNA sequence (you know that it’s there because you have analized it previously) and you just want to amplify it to have it more for certain experiments. In fact, the PCR is just the amplification: to have a negative or positive you should carry out something like a gel electrophoresis, for example.
Having said that, I have stated in multiple comments that the PCR IS NOT DIAGNOSTIC, at least for “viruses” or bacteria. Genetic diseases is another topic to talk about.
I have the impression that people here think that the PCR is only used for diagnostic of viruses or bacterias, when this tool is even used for paternity testing, forensics and so on.
Your downvotes were ill-deserved as you stated, correctly, that PCR is not a “diagnostic” test.
Phaeton, it seems to be a dogma on this site that there is no level at which PCR tests for anything are valid. For that matter, most have a similar dogma that there is no such thing as the covid illness,. Also that viruses & contagion don’t exist. Even that all germs are harmless and only terrain matters. The authorities thought valid are Drs. Kaufman & Lanka. The fact that other methods of identification are available for both covid & pox viruses just falls on deaf ears.
All of this is like the Flat Earth intell op that discredited otherwise effective people.
Not sure why you got so many negative comments. I think monkey pox is just a shingles type illness which is now much more prevalent due to so many gullible fools getting jabbed 2 or 3 times and by so doing have significantly damaged their immune function. Now we will see a proliferation of many immune deficiency type illnesses.
One feature of the UK during convid that I’m seeing returning is the weaponisation of bus stops. The local one has “When your abuser controls your finances, your abuser controls you” blazed across it in more outright mockery. We have HSBC to thank for that one, one of the prime corporations of the Anglo-American globalist clique. Do they really imagine anyone chooses their bank because of its ‘safe spaces’?
On a broader note, anyone interested in secret societies and the medical profession might like to give this series a try:
It should appeal to anyone who’s wondered why there’s been lots on the Knights Templar but the Knights Hospitaller seem strangely neglected in comparison. This isn’t of course an endorsement of everything the series argues or a statement that I think the maker is particularly trustworthy – but it has some amazing footage and points down some avenues I hadn’t considered.
David whitehead are you sure..? Trust worthy LOL remind us of what he has been shilling since 2014/5…..
He is Michael TShillARION gimp. Any serious scholar stop listening to him when he started shilling that politicians (mainly from the right side) where trust worthy again and terrorist attacks where no longer state sponsored or occult/ritually related at the exact same time that Alex jones and Redice radio etc also did the Switcheroo.
Could only watch a hour of that crap before it was fully released and as he is known as regurgitate dave who is a die hard ‘Trump supporter’- and guess what ?? like all his other shilly work- It paints (the right) Conservatives as freedom fighters in the BS19 scam. Imagine our surprise.
He sells the Socialist Commi. China. Moslem Terrorist dribble.
Regurgitate Dave and Tarshillion. Trust the plan.
So you’re not down with Tsarion’s tarot magic?
I thought all the experts were busy being baffled with SADS:
It doesn’t take much to baffle the average doctor.
They’d miss out on their bafflement bonus otherwise.
Have you noticed on tv how the heart foundation is pushing to normalise the idea of young people with heart problems? Any age group can develop heart problems i know but the teen girl dropping on the football pitch is just too much
pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic is seeing a huge up-tick in its contracts
An investigation into changes in ownership of its shares over the last year or so would reveal a lot.
A decade or so ago I read that 90% of the world’s media is concentrated in 6 companies (can’t recall all their names but one was definitely Disney). I daresay the situation is now even worse. But the point is that this media monster can pretty much say whatever it wants now. It could run articles that Santa Claus really does exist, that the world really is flat etc. Hell, they could even “discover” God and bring him out as a game show host.
Or bring back David Bowie.
Very true but the sheep in general can’t see the connection between these conglomerates and the “news” they consume on a daily basis. It must be real because they see it on the Tel-a-vision.
Black rock/ Vanguard are two of the main ‘we own everything – you buy our shit’ brigade. Strange that Black Rock or Rupus Nigra plays a big part in the Flat Earth theories (see Lost History of Flat Earth by
Ewaranon). Now are they trying to tell us what they’re really trying to cover up 😂
A short while back Youtube reminded me that it was World Tarot Day. A day devoted to superstition in a world full of folks yelling at us to “follow the science”.
As always there’s plenty of grim humour:
Even though “notifiable” has a strict meaning here, this implies that the media have been notifying us about monkeypox before monkeypox became “notifiable”.
Yes there’s nothing like a bit of Biblical resonance. (In a way you might say the human race has never moved on from the Bible as the ultimate mind molding manual.)
So no more “mile high club” then?
I just caught an argument between Petra Liverani and some arsehole on Quora disputing the Sandy Hook shooting in which said arsehole bases his entire case on “But you’re not an expert! Listen to the experts! We need experts!” etc. “Experts” are the new priesthood.
Monkeypox promises far more fun in this department. Oranga-pox, Chimpo-pox, King Kong pox etc.
Funny you should mention my name in relation to a “you’re not an expert” argument, George, because just a couple of days on the Logically Fallacious website the reader, Schmuel, suggested a subtype of the Ad Hominem fallacy, Appeal to the Unqualified Person:
A logical fallacy where [opposite to the Appeal to Authority fallacy]- instead of accepting an argument because it comes from “authority”, in this fallacy, the argument is rejected [refused to be heard or weighed objectively] because the speaker of the argument is supposedly unqualified or not an authority on the matter.
Carson: ‘I believe there is evidence that DDT is detrimental to people’s health. There are studies that show”.. [Interrupted]
White-Stevens: ‘Are you a Chemist? Do you have a degree in medicine? You are not an expert or authority on the matter. You should keep your opinions to yourself.’
Explanation: While Carson is ‘just’ a marine biologist and environmental activist, she has the right skills and moral aptitude, which give her a unique perspective on this matter. Regardless, her theory, logical argument, and evidence, which she wants to present, should be considered objectively, regardless of her societal ‘rank’ and place of ‘authority’.
To me it seems as if the words should be Dismissal of rather than Appeal to. Perhaps I will suggest this.
I’ve always found it odd when people ask or say derisively, “Are you …,” or “He’s/she’s not …”. Analyse the content. What is said? Does it seem reasonable? It’s as if people are too scared to use their own brains.
I posted my own question about logical fallacies a couple of days ago too.
Do the terms “conspiracy theory/theorist” embody two fallacies: loaded question and strawman?
Loaded question:
The use of the term “theory” tends to imply that the event in question does not have overwhelming evidence showing the crime of conspiracy has been committed.
The use of the term “conspiracy theorist” implies that the person criticising a narrative believes a conspiracy has occurred when they may only be pointing out anomalies without thoughts beyond those anomalies.
Strawman fallacy
Particularly in the case of relevant experts who criticise a narrative from authorities, their first claim will never be that a conspiracy has occurred but that there is something wrong with what is being told. In some cases the critic may not think a conspiracy has necessarily occurred, in others they might but might make no allusion to it while yet in others they may call conspiracy loud and clear. Regardless, it is never their first claim, they are, in the first instance, simply putting forward a criticism that will often be prompted by their professional expertise. Rather than being a conspiracy theorist they are simply a critic of the narrative. In my own case where I see the reality of an event not matching what we are told that is my only real concern. I’m not really interested in the fact of conspiracy or who the conspirators are, my main concern is showing how we have been led to believe something that the evidence doesn’t support and how that is done.
Reader, Dr Richard, suggested two other logical fallacies embodied in the terms!
The Fallacy of the Argument from Intimidation appeals to moral self-doubt and its reliance on the victim’s fear, guilt, or ignorance. It is used as an ultimatum demanding that the victim renounce a given idea without discussion, personally attacking by threatening the victim of being considered morally unworthy. An ad hominem attack. In my experience, the pattern is always: “Only those who are evil (dishonest, heartless, insensitive, ignorant, etc.) can hold such an idea.”
It is also the Fallacy of Diversion, because it is a means of forestalling debate and bypassing logic by diverting the focus of the discussion and utilizing psychological pressure by threatening to impeach an opponent’s character through his argument, thus impeaching the argument without debate. Example: “Only the immoral can fail to see X’s argument is false.” The intimidator arbitrarily asserts the falsehood. I think the best way to deal with it was illustrated by Patrick Henry, “If this be treason, make the most of it.”
And also: just looked up Tom Bethell (perhaps from a link on OffG can’t even remember even though it was so very recent) where he says:
“The great problem with science as it is understood today is that authority more and more replaces evidence … The whole notion of science is that it should be open to the idea of questioning claims that you make.”
“as it is understood today” should be “as it works today”.
All I can say is keep talking-honestly,their endless thrust of vax mania will -hopefully-be their undoing.
See no evil Speak no evil Hear no evil Do no evil…or you could get it !
They talk about monkeypox so they don’t have to talk about the covid swindle and the vaxx murders.
The question is: why would we?
The monkeypox hoax is good news.
If there are people out there with a potential to ‘wake up’, i.e. to allow themselves to acknowledge that COVID was complete bullshit and that we’re witnessing something other than a pandemic, then there is nothing better than something equally as phantasmagorical as COVID.
Whoever gets fooled into believing this crock of shit must probably be considered a lost cause. And a potential enemy, since these idiots are quite militant. But I’m optimistically assuming that lots of people, especially those who succumbed to the pressure to keep their job, who naively got injected to be able to go out, and so on, will say no this time around. I don’t think that two years of propaganda is enough to completely fuck people up.
There are many pissed off doctors, lawyers, all sorts of people standing by, getting ready to opposite not only the likely resurgence of the COVID crap, but also this monkey bullshit. The fake Ukraine war and, more importantly, the way it’s been used to squeeze people while glorifying motherfuckers of Zelensky’s kind, will add fuel to the anti-establishment fire.
I mean, did somebody think that they’d let up? That the assault on humanity would go away? No, no. The pricks won’t stop. The only way to stop this shit is to stand up, refuse to comply, push back, and ideally stomp them into the ground. For that as many people need to be recruited to the freedom-fighting army as possible. Nothing better than this monkeypox bullshit to do that.
The masses have not realised that science and tech are thoroughly subverted. The warnings of academics (Carl Sagan, John Ioannidis, etc.) were too refined, and suppressed.
You care to elaborate what these kinds of blanket simplistic statements are good for? You think that the rest of the world must be convinced of your view that EVERYTHING IS FUCKED, THEY’RE ALL AFTER US, NOBODY KNOWS SHIT, WE’RE FUCKED, with the implicit addendum that it’s time to ingest some cyanide because it’s all obviously of no use.
No, science and tech are NOT THOROUGHLY subverted. Sure, wrongdoers use shit to their benefit and to the detriment of others, but things are a bit more nuanced than proclaiming the everything is “thoroughly subverted”.
I’m sick and tired of these everything’s fucked doomsday attitudes.
The actual truth is that tech is not thoroughly subverted. There is a lot of tech that works wonders. Science is a bit different because it is a concept of exploration, skepticism, and discovery, which might not be at its best at this point of history, but still.
There is enough hopeless pessimism around, your contribution is not necessary.
I do believe in Pfizer, I do believe in Pfizer, I do I do I do…
Good for you. Why you think the rest of the world needs to know that, I understand not. Maybe you can take a pill for that.
Most importantly, kindly refrain from appending your drivel to my comments. Somebody might think that we’re conversing. An interlocutor equally as fucked up as you will be a much better choice for you.
Jacques, your comments are one of the reasons to frequent this place.
Agreed Jacques. I’m also a bit tired of hearing how everyone else is ignorant or a sheep. Many, many people are awake as to many parts of the scam.
-For example, the vast majority of Americans have extreme skepticism about the media; only politicians are held in more disfavor. Just think– in order to get Trump elected they had to present him as someone whom the press was AGAINST.
-a great many intelligent people working in the sciences and tech are enamored of the truth, and that’s why they work in those fields. The psychopathic class and their controlled media present a degraded & lying science.
The degraded minority you see in the media is not typical. If you cannot remember that, throw out the idiot-box: It is distorting your apprehension of reality– which is its purpose!
Have you considered (admittedly, I over-consider it) that the majority of people are quite happy to live in a fucked up world? That way, they can go about their lives concentrating all their energies on getting that next promotion, or that new SUV, or some other token of social status.
And not to fret over how they might leave the world a little better than they found it – because, in a fucked up world, all you have to do to leave the world better is make sure your kids get better jobs than you did.
You’re probably right.
In the 1950s, following the installation of bolshevik regimes in Eastern Europe, the CIA launched Operation Splinter Factor. They didn’t like to see a large part of Europe in the USSR’s sphere of influence (apparently the reason why the US went to war wasn’t to fight Hitler, but to prevent the Soviets from taking over Europe), but they didn’t want to get directly involved. So what they did was to sow the seed of paranoia among the bolsheviks to make them distrust everybody and engage in extensive purges and terror against everybody. The premise was that when the population is pushed too far, they would rise and topple the regime themselves. Whether that’s true or not, the bolsheviks indeed terrorized the population. The result? People stooped even lower. There was no revolt, no pushback to speak of.
Then again, history has been an ongoing progress toward greater and greater freedom and prosperity for all. Despite these rough patches.
I guess it’s that it’s unrealistic to expect people to stand up for the greater good in some absolute sense, apart from the occasional historical moment, but people will little by little work toward what’s ultimately good for them and achieve it.
Gotta stay optimistic, mahn!
I’ve never met a medical doctor who wanted anything more rebellious than early retirement.
red lester, I’ve met doctors who are rebellious– they are all alternative practitioners or chiropractors or what’s called “functional” doctors. There are also quite a lot of them on the internet.
But those who are not retired or independently wealthy can’t just commit financial suicide, so have to be careful about the degree of their rebelliousness.
Also there are quite a number of rebellious doctors who are speaking up en masse, thru associations.
MonkeyPox™ is deadly, it is a killer. It is worse than that.
Women, when you catch MonkeyPox™, your vagina will rot and stink like one of those corpse flowers. And Men, your penis will ooze foul red and white puss from the many boils that will develop all over the shaft, especially during erection.
But fear not, my company is entering into secret agreements with governments, big tech social media and news outlets world wide to make mandatory the purchase by citizens of our new product MonkeyPox™GenitalSpray®.
This new technology was developed over many hours in our petrochemical/gene editing labs in conjunction with the CIA to bring you the latest odour mitigation technologies using advanced CRISPA gene deletion protocols to effectively inactivate the sense of smell.
Although smoking is not recommended whilst spraying onto one’s genitals, rigorous testing on mice has demonstrated that breeding is still possible, and that will ensure the continuation of a sufficient human labour pool.
Local police in all areas at convenient roadside stops and door to door visits will assist in detecting cases using our new MonkeyPox™GenitalSwab® so that trained nurses can spray the afflicted areas and escort patients to our newly constructed MonkeyPox™WellnessFacilities®
MonkeyPox™ IS COMING TO GET YOU. We have made sure of that need to respond is met.
Harmful disinformation from any quarter, be it medical, political or personal will not be tolerated and our new MonkeyPox™GlobalPoliceForce® will provide you protection as you lay within our newly designed MonkeyPox™StainlessSteelLung&LifeSupport.VR® pod vulnerable to malignant Russian PutinBots.
The pathway to health and happiness has never looked better. The future, in this time of fear and dread is so full of promise and hope and that is thanks to our new splash on After Pandemic MonkeyPox™Hope&Promise®.
Forget “Al Qaeda” and “ISIS” and all those other clumsy prototypes. The Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots are the Terror Threat in its final, perfected form. Those sneaky little bastards are literally everywhere, all the time, they want to kill everyone indiscriminately (“we are all in this together”), and they are detectable only by an exclusive Expert Class of brevetted white-coated experts who speak in code and deploy the latest gee-whiz technology.
So follow TheScience™, suckers — that’s an order. (“Are you a virologist?”)
Yes the viral scam is the logical conclusion of all propaganda: the drive to scare the population about an “invisible” enemy and have them all screaming in fear and dodging each other is now literally transferred to their actual physical selves.