The “Lab-Leak Theory” returns…as yet another fake binary
Kit Knightly

The theory that “Covid” originated in a bio-lab has been back in the headlines over the last few weeks, serving as a prime example of the type of fake binary OffG has been warning you about.
The “lab-leak theory” – which pushes the idea Sars-Cov-2 was bio-engineered in a lab as a “gain-of-function” program, and then either accidentally or deliberately released on an unsuspecting population – first came to the front pages as early as January 2020.
At the time it was deemed a “racist” “anti-china” conspiracy theory” by the vast majority of the media, and it fell away from the narrative.
It had a resurgence in 2021, suddenly & inexplicably becoming not racist anymore.
In February 2021 the World Health Organization published a report finding the lab origin for Covid19 “extremely unlikely”. But WHO chief Tedro Adhanom was obviously keen not to let the idea die completely, publicly stating “more investigation was needed”.
Overall, around this time, it suddenly became much less taboo to suggest the “virus” originated in a lab.
The BBC had an explainer article titled “Covid origin: Why the Wuhan lab-leak theory is being taken seriously”, the New Yorker reported:
Scientists and political commentators are no longer dismissing the possibility that COVID-19 emerged from a Chinese laboratory.
As the Wikipedia page notes:
Since May 2021, some media organizations softened previous language that described the laboratory leak theory as “debunked” or a “conspiracy theory”
We did a brief coronavirus fact-check on “Covid is a bio-weapon” at the time.
Then, in December 2021, the Daily Mail reported that Dr Alina Chan had told the UK’s Science Select Committee that it is ‘reasonable to believe [the] virus was engineered in China’ and that “the lab origin is more likely than not”.
But after a brief furore over that, it again faded from the front pages.
Now it’s back. And gaining momentum.
In May, 18 scientists (including Chan) published an open letter in the Science journal demanding authorities properly “investigate the origins of Covid19”.
Two weeks ago the World Health Organisation released a report that they were still investigating the origins of Covid, and that no hypothesis had been completely ruled out.
On June 15th, the WHO chief told reporters at a press conference that ruling out the lab-leak theory had been “premature” and there had been a “push” to do so. He called on China to “be transparent, open and cooperate, especially on the information, raw data that we asked for at the early days of the pandemic.”
This time China responded, dismissing the lab leak theory as “lies” and “anti-China propaganda”, whilst suggesting that the real lab leak likely came from the US bioweapons lab in Fort Detrick.
Then, on June 18th, The Daily Mail reported that despite maintaining public neutrality Tedros Adhanom “privately believed” that Covid had originated in a lab.
In short, two apparently oppositional camps are springing up – the West is laying the groundwork to blame China for the pandemic, whilst China (and probably Russia, down the line) blame the USA.
This is a textbook fake binary.
What you need to notice is that both these allegedly opposing sides agree on the most important aspect of the pandemic lie – that Covid is a unique new and dangerous disease which needs be treated with masks, lockdowns and vaccines – and only disagree violently about where this “real and deadly new disease” might have come from.
You are supposed to take your cue from them.
They want you to forget “covid” is just a meaningless new name for an old familiar cluster of “seasonal” symptoms. They want you to forget the whole thing was a scam – and to instead take a “side” in a scripted & noisy & totally phony “origin” debate.
The minute you sign up for it they have you – because by agreeing to debate where “it” comes from you have accepted “it” – ie a deadly new pathogen – exists & needs to be dealt with.
And that is all they want from you.
We think you should politely decline this staged “controversy”. Because however real the East-West divide actually is in other areas, when it comes to covid both sides are the same side & pushing the same story.
And it suits both East & West to encourage this fake binary – and “bioweapon” fear porn – at the expense of wider and more honest enquiry.
Just say no.
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<<“[C]ovid” is just a meaningless new name for an old familiar cluster of “seasonal” symptoms>> — This is a patently false claim that is offensive to the thousands who underwent the extreme respiratory symptoms.
Hmm if you mean people of above average life expectancy with multiple serious underlying health conditions who tested positive for ‘Covid’ via PCR lottery, who may or may not have have died with respiratory symptoms, well I guess you could say it’s offensive 🤷♂️ But what about the very real possibility a lot of these people died from mechanical respirators or Remdesivir or stress caused by sudden extreme social isolation or unscientific rolling death counters or lack of basic medical treatment for their underlying conditions?
The reality isn’t as simple as we’re encouraged to believe. A2
I refer you – just as one example – to the observations of Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell, a doctor who set up a clinic to treat Covid victims:
The symptoms were akin to those of extreme altitude sickness and were quite unlike anything the hospital doctors had seen before. Surely we all know people – covid dissidents among them – who endured some of these extraordinary symptoms, some of them having to be rushed to hospital. I certainly do. If it’s not down to a virus then the only other cause I can think of is radiation, but radiation levels are easy to measure, even by amateurs. And they yield different features on a chest X-ray.
Ground glass opacities on x rays aren’t specific to covid at all. That’s a myth.
The ONLY way to diagnose ‘Covid’, as distinct from any other respiratory infection, is via the PCR lottery test.
All ‘Covid’ symptoms are indistinguishable from flu.
No, I don’t know one single person rushed to hospital as you describe. I know people who died with ‘Covid’ supposedly, or with a positive PCR test I should say, but none of them actually had any Covid symptoms.
Average ‘Covid’ death was above average life expectancy with multiple serious co-morbidities. These aren’t people being rushed to hospital, struck down in their prime as you seem to think. These were people close to death anyway, often already in healthcare. People for whom pneumonia can often be what carries them off, although many of them didn’t have any respiratory symptoms, just a positive test.
We’ve been severely propagandised to see things as you describe them, and that’s something we have to unlearn. A2
I wasn’t referring to the *existence* of ground glass opacies — I was referring to characteristic differences between them, shown in the x-rays. A suppressed study (Zhang et al, April 30, 2021, in _Circulation_Research_ found that covid is essentially a vascular disease (by way of the effects of the spike protein) which causes respiratory symptoms. Contrastingly, ‘flu is a respiratory disease, not a vascular disease (although it can cause vascular complications). It would be rather more plausible for you to argue that covid symptoms (including the dry cough) were caused by radiation . However, in this epidemiological context, a chest x-ray combined with other techniques can distinguish between different causes of pneumonia-type symptoms the likes of which are associated with both radiation and covid (symptoms which you seem keen to overlook).
Your comment
“The ONLY way to diagnose ‘Covid’, as distinct from any other respiratory infection, is via the PCR lottery test”
is misguided in the context of my post on several levels, not least that the inventor of the PCR test expressly stated that the test ought never be used as a diagnostic tool.
A chest X-ray, however, is a powerful (albeit not 100% reliable, owing to some regions of the lung being concealed by ribs) diagnostic tool. The only effective test to ascertain *whether or not someone has had covid* (which is not synonymous with being diagnosed with covid) is the antibody test.
Even those – young or old – who contracted covid without their symptoms reaching the point of the need for hospitalisation, typically found it an experience the likes of which they had never remotely undergone before. A common description was to liken it to having a breeze block permanently resting on one’s chest.
I know a number of people (one such lived just around the corner from me – he was previously fit and in young middle age, and lost so much weight, going down to seven stone, but made a rapid recovery thanks to the hospital hiving him hydroxychloroquine) who were rushed to hospital with the respiratoy symptoms (one such being, at the time and later when she had recovered, on a covid-dissidents FB group). I am very surprised that you can publish an ariticle of this kind evidently without even having contacted medical professionals who could better inform you. I know a nurse who worked on the wards of the local hospital, who is strongly dissident in her opinions about covid. The fraud was not in the fact that the was no virus, but rather that chloroquine (like ivermectin) was always a very effective prophylactic and cure. That is why it was promptly taken off our shelves (as it was in France – and indeed a factory producing it was set on fire) after 65 years of being an over-the-counter drug. That is why GPs in Australia could be given a six-month gaol sentence for prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid. My friend, the nurse, said her nursing team persisted in giving patients hydroxychloroquine even when its period as a trial treatment was complete and they were told not to, due to its effectiveness. Hydroxychloroquine does NOT cure or prevent ‘flu.
Please stop trying to obscure these facts by repeatedly citing the strawman arguments of matters to do with mortality and the flaws of the PCR test.
It is not a strawman citing PCR flaws, it is the only basis on which anyone can draw any conclusions about the ‘pandemic’.
If you admit PCR isn’t fit for clinical diagnosis then you don’t know what in fact you’re looking at or talking about at all.
In fact PCR wasn’t testing for anything specific to any single Corona virus in the first place. It’s a big mess.
In fact respiratory illnesses like flu disappeared mysteriously while ‘Covid’ deaths – distinguished by these meaningless PCR tests only – plugged the gap.
Abrupt overhauls and relaxation of existing rules relating to diagnosis, treatment and death registration make your fallacy of a single cause all-the-more misguided. Many people died due to being mistreated, due to mechanical ventilation or harsh antiviral meds and social isolation etc.
Remember, average ‘Covid’ death was 82 years old with multiple comorbidites. People soon to die anyway and easily pushed over the edge by such curtailed healthcare and institutional upheaval.
In fact 2020|21 weren’t especially dangerous even including known collateral deaths due to lockdowns /curtailed healthcare. People weren’t at any significantly elevated risk from anything other than healthcare systems gone bonkers, many argue.
Perhaps let’s stop searching for a magic bullet at the heart of ‘Covid’ to help explain the madness that ensued. In fact such evidence isn’t there or is extremely ambiguous at best. Many argue that a colossal and provable propaganda drive is the only concrete evidence there is and the only mechanism required.
There is no valid evidence of any ‘pandemic’ or even a single new disease, many argue. Nothing concrete to base assumptions of an exotic new virus on except, often, subjective experience.
Your appeals to ’Covid science’ are purely circular as soon as you acknowledge PCR isn’t valid. PCR was how they selected most cohorts in these studies. Antibody tests were done extremely rarely and no one really knows what they were testing for or if they were a valid diagnosis or not.
And antibody tests are still tests. Clinical diagnosis of the generic respiratory symptoms often referred to as ‘Covid’ is still impossible.
Pubnet etc. are littered with papers claiming x-rays show this that or the other, or that Covid is actually a vascular disease, but a bit of added reading usually reveals statements such as ‘further research is needed’ or ‘these features are not exclusive to this condition’ or ‘this may indicate’, or a tonne of other get-outs and fudges fuelled by the huge money pot fuelling Covid research.
Vascular disease is very common in 82 year-olds with 2 serious co-morbidities btw.
Many argue ‘covid science’ id just another symptom of the paid-for pandemic.
Don’t you see, as soon as you acknowledge the invalidity of the PCR test it’s akin to the soul eye witness at a trial being demonstrated to be blind.
And so your post appears to boil down to papers based on questionable assumptions (I can’t read your link as it’s behind a paywall) and your own experience which, while valid to you, isn’t illustrative of anything statistically significant or reliable in a broad sense.
ps. I wasn’t referring to the ‘existence’ of ground glass opacities either. I stated they weren’t unique to ‘Covid’, whatever ‘Covid’ actually is.
Please stop spouting the same stuff that I have already asked you not to spout, and address the important issue: the highly anomalous constellation of symptoms, that, for better or for worse, has been labelled covid. I have described the symptoms already. They bear many many striking similarities to acute radiation syndrome but there are nevertheless hallmark biomarkers to distinguish the two diseases. You don’t have to look hard to realise that they are not ‘flu symptoms, albeit that misdiagnosis of ‘flu and pneumonia and false positives generally gave the illusion of a pandemic. Stop avoiding the subject. And if you comment on a piece of research literature, please don’t just idly speculate as to what it actually says.
This is pure propaganda silliness, in my experience. I haven’t seen these papers shared around since 2020!
Yep, declared using PCR data, which wasn’t testing for a specific pathogen, and since then it’s become clear that there was not an unusual level of risk from any virus, novel or not.
Oh I remember these terms very well XD They were around a lot while there was still a concerted effort to draw out covid fear, around the end of 2020 when this paper dates from.
This from the first cohort study your paper references (most of the references aren’t cohort studies):
There’s the obligatory ‘out’ I was referring to. The admission that this could all be a load of nothing. Which many believed it turned out to be.
Your link buries the details of cohort ages and underlying health, however when you click back through the studies you find the average age to be elderly and the average death to have multiple serious co-morbidities.
Perhaps if you place a magnifying glass and shit tonne of research funding over some elderly, frail people close to death, pumped full harsh drugs including antivirals, perhaps you get d-dimers and coagulopathies etc.? I mean none of these phenomenon are distinct to ‘covid’.
There is and never has been any clinical way to diagnose ‘covid’, hence while it’s describe as this chameleon disease that’s radiation sickness one minute and altitude sickness the next and heart disease the minute after that.
When it comes to mention of radiation sickness, yes, lots of people have claimed 5g is a culprit here. Correlation doesn’t equal causation, however, but let’s say for a moment that 5g has killed some very sick, very old people…. it didn’t justify remodelling society and taking Bill Gate’s mRNA shakes, it didn’t raise threat levels, it didn’t affect working age people, it didn’t kill an unusual number of people, as per global averages.
Actually, with all due respect, buying into 2020 alarmism, the way you are doing, is seen by many nowadays as extremely counterproductive.
I assert that you’re sharing outdated fear-mongering which has since become self evidently BS, and which medical/scientific professionals have since become suspiciously quiet about lol
One day you might appreciate the difference between clinical studies that use proper diagnostic (including antibody tests and chest x-rays) and controlled methods, and amateur methodologies that use and abuse testing kits. If you stick religiously to the idea of a constellation of symptoms as being the basic criterion for ascertaining epidemiological trends, as I have repeatedly requested you do, you won’t get bogged down in all the peripheral ideas associated with propaganda that once again you do.
This is to lend to the theory that this is SCARY stuff and make you WANNA take the JAB.
It is clear to me that the ‘virus’ or whatever was altered with gain-of-function technology to make it highly spreadable among humans. This gain-of-function was done in the US, China and Ukraine, at the very least. I don’t believe it was a leak, I believe it was deliberate, pre-planned and indeed worked like clockwork. But that was just the pre-cursor – the real culling agents are the Midazolam, intubation, and the jabs, boosters and new jabs still in the pipeline.
It did. End of discussion about it’s origins!
Question that now begs: What are we going to do about it?
In South Africa, there is a group of people in Cape Town taking the ANC government to court to foremost prove that this Covid ever existed. Since that is about to play out in the High court and Ramaphosa (already deep in the poop with another scandal), all covid restrictions have miraculously been lifted – masking, social distancing, and infernally washing your hands in alcohol the whole bang-shoot, gone in a thrice!
I and thankfully many i know never succumbed to the fear and bullshit – we took advice from people who got us and many thousands (in my district of Ugu in southern Natal) safely though the scamdemic and none died or went onto oxygen. Not one ‘vaccinated’ and won’t ever be now that they see they cannot intimidate us. And that’s the real truth.
We must never allow this to happen again.
I think a lot of us have missed a very important moment that occurred over the past two years, we appear to have cured/eradicated influenza and the ensuing death toll! Go us, not U.S., us!
I want to know what Stephen King thinks.
I want to hear what Bill Gates and Dr. Faustus have to say – as they are dragged to the guilotine, along with their Globalist cronies and puppetmasters.
lab leaked a story that the politians enjoyed spreading .
They were wont to deny it. Their buddies the Chinese told them to drop it!
A lot of people on the alt right have fallen for the Lab-Leak Theory its now even hit the mainstream right.
Was the virus a manufactured product? I could post links all day long, but few would take an interest. For those who may: >
Covid-19 Patent Horrors
Dr. Ariyana Love
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Covid-19 Patent Horrors – Ariyana Love (
BREAKING: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19
March 3, 2022
BREAKING: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 – The Expose (
Excerpt: “The Double CGG Codon used in the Moderna Specific Furin Cleavage site does not occur in any other Furin cleavage site in any other virus in nature.”
The usual suspects: >
Pfizer /Moderna Military Funding For Vaccines, Decade of Headlines In Lead Up to Covid-19 Vaccines
Updated: December 31, 2021
Pfizer /Moderna Military Funding For Vaccines, Decade of Headlines In Lead Up to Covid-19 Vaccines (
Excerpted from: CRISPR the new wonder tool for genetic modification
Article first published 12/01/2016
To conclude
“There are numerous reasons to proceed with caution with CRISPR/Cas9 applications. It is a powerful, efficient, and cheap gene-editing tool beset with risks for health and the environment. Particularly worrying is its use in gene-drive, a currently irreversible and uncontrollable process once released into the environment.”
Complete article: CRISPR Too Fast for Comfort (
All that tells me is how much of the indy media is either controlled op or run by certifiable idiots.
Because they couldn’t have engineered and released a mild virus to use as an excuse to roll out the real “bioweapon” in the form of a “vaccine” could they. Pfft.
Why would they need to? There are already thousands of mild viruses. All they need to do is make up a new name for old symptoms, and invent a phony “test” that can be manipulated to “find” “cases” of this name they just made up whenever they want.
Because thousands of gene jockys around the world can look at the virus genome, and the antibodies, any old virus wouldn’t give them plausible deniability (as implausible as the ‘vaccines’ actually are)
This is how we know they inserted AIDS epitopes onto the vax spikes to help evade the immune system, that actually reprograms immune response, likely to increase the chances of Cancer; used psudouridine to give the spikes longevity (>6 months) used condon optimisation to induce prions (misfolded proteins) which will induce prion disease etc.
Thousands can look at the alleged virus genome but all they were looking at is a computer file. That is not evidence that the thing actually existed as a virus spreading around. You might argue that ‘the virus’ has been sequenced thousands of times but that is where ‘the variants’ appear. Each time a new ‘virus’ is made up:
Kaufman is a grifter see his online “shop” or watch Dr McCairn drag him over the coals, along with all the “viruses arn’t real” patrion farmers at
Austria gives up mandatory jab. Travel opens up to the unvaxxed.MSM running stories about vaxx damage.
All happening very quickly.
Reminds me of the sea receding further and further before the tsunami.
Better find some high land.
Some high land. Which is where? They have a very, very long hand.
Off topic but ….
“Entertainment” is a prime field for propaganda. And I recall that in the Netflix series “Designated Survivor”, the president, played by Kiefer Sutherland, just happened to have a trans-gender sister-in-law by the name of Sasha Booker. I thought this a ridiculously obvious piece of “subliminal advertising” for the trans cause (whatever that might be).
What I was painfully aware of is that, in the scenes featuring this person, the president acted as if treading on egg shells and I realised that, if I were to meet this “Sasha”, I would be scared to say anything at all. Is this a “he” or a “she” or an “it” or a “they”. And the thought of this person indulging in any sexual activity seemed unthinkable. Ironically the whole trans thing seems to have resulted in a new kind of fanatical puritanism.
I find that Sasha was played by one Jamie Clayton described by Wiki as “an American actress and model”. It’s not until we get to the “Personal Life” section that we find out Clayton is a “trans woman”:
Apparently “Clayton was the makeup artist and co-host on VH1’s first makeover show TRANSform Me”. On consulting that entry I find that
“TRANSform Me is an American reality television series … The series shows a cisgender female contestant as she is given an internal and external makeover by a team of three trans women stylists.”
Apparently “cisgender” refers to “a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth” i.e. a – dare I say it? – normal person. But it’s interesting to go on to read,
“The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender. The prefix cis- is Latin and means on this side of. Coined in 1994, cisgender began to be added to dictionaries in 2015 as a result of changes in the way gender is conceived and discussed.”
In other words, those whose sexuality is “regular” are now to be defined in relation to the “trans” concept!
And don’t you just love that “as a result of changes in the way gender is conceived and discussed” – as if these changes are just happening out there and the dutiful reporters of Wiki are just letting you know about it!
But to backtrack a bit: “TRANSform Me”? An “American reality television series” showing “an internal and external makeover by a team of three trans women stylists”? What the fucking fuck?
This is no longer “subliminal” stuff!
The tentacles are everywhere. In trying to re-access an excellent Conservative Woman piece on transgenderism (another case of “The Right” being much more dependable these days than the twitching carcass of “The Left”) I stumbled on something called The Harvard Crimson (basically another name for Harvard University) and a review of the transgender matter which included this:
“In discussing the intricacy of the transgenderism debate and the slippery slope towards which it is unavoidably heading, participants must at all times act with the sensitivity that the topic of transgenderism and that the individuals it affects deserve. Tolerance and sensitivity should be non-partisan ideals to be embraced by conservatives and liberals, alike.”
Slippery slope indeed. This is a sadly typical case of weasel words being used as a fog of phoney concern to uphold a vicious and relentless intimidation to block out all critical voices.
No surprise to consult Wikispooks and find:
“Harvard University is a long established US university. It has a long history of service to the secret state.”
George, Have you seen the confrontation between Portland State University professor doing a thought experiment in public entitled “There are only two genders” and some students? Scary stuff.
Remarkable stuff. The single biggest impression I received is the quavering defensiveness of these students. Their voices and the various statements they make suggest a group under siege. They are under the impression they are manning the barricades. And all the way through this no-one thought to ask the professor his view, his purpose and to actually give him time to speak. They weren’t interested. They were scared. Their entire outlook is based on the assumption they will be attacked.
Indeed round the half way mark somebody asks the Prof if he or any of his team are professionally trained to give support to trans people who are feeling threatened. Implication: “We are so fragile! You better watch you don’t upset us!”
And this: “I’m non-binary and my gender is what I feel at the moment”. And the entire topic quivers on the verge of dissolving. What are we talking about here? A transient mood? Something or other, we’re not sure?
Now here’s something I realised when I was about 4 years old. My parents had dropped me off at a nursey. They waved to me as they were about to drive off. I pretended to cry and in an instant they had rushed back in. I wasn’t upset at all. I was “testing” them. I knew I could make them do what I wanted by pretending to be upset. This is the first power anyone ever has.
Thus there are two types of bully. There’s the one who says, “Do what I want or I’ll smash your face in!” And then there’s the other one who says, “Do what I want or I’ll burst into tears – and you don’t want others to notice that!” The “Transgender” movement is based entirely on the latter kind of bullying.
Here’s how it works: The definition of “trans” starts out by being deliberately provocative. It insists on trashing all previous assumptions of gender and even demands the constant use of re-invented pronouns which, if not followed, will result in the “unforgivable harm” that may “damage” a person for life etc. This pushes everyone into such a tight corner that sooner or later someone is bound to “transgress”. And indeed, the ones who “need to be protected” are locked into a paranoid groove which will inevitably result in accusations of persecution. The “Trans” movement was invented for persecution.
Result: these poor student saps soaking up their polysyllabic mantras, utterly defenceless in the face of a genuine argument. And they know it. Which of course only adds to their hysterical assumption of the eternal victim.
Very insightful comment, George.
Rocky Horror Picture Show come true!
These kids are completely indoctrinated by years of communist teachings disguised as humanitarian benefits.
I am gatvol of this and my days of tolerance are over. I make them cry without any remorse.
The minds of average, normal smart phonees are already chocked full of subliminal messages, to the point the propagandists have run out of space. So they’ve had to chuck that paradigm and go to open propaganda.
Fortunately for them, the fear of being too obvious is old hat. Their propaganda cannot get too obvious for normies to accept. They just have to be careful not to deliver their propaganda in too eloquent a form or it won’t be uploaded.
This is a part of control through political propriety/correctness. The general theme is: “Pay attention. We will decide from time to time, and tell you, what to support or denigrate”.
The evidence for a “Lab-Leak” is strictly circumstantial. However, there is some “evidence” in that “category.” Fort Detrick was shut down by order of the USA CDC in August, 2019. Concurrently, or at that same time, a “pandemic” of “news stories” suddenly began appearing in News-fronting pages about a rage of “pneumonia-like” cases appearing in ERs across the United States, all universally citing “Vaping” as the cause. This “vaping” injury “News cycle” vanished quickly thereafter. Fort Detrick was ordered closed for many violations, the most telling of which was a “Waste Water leakage problem.” If a lab-created pathogen escaped from the most likely BSL-3 lab in which it was created in “gain-of-function” style, then the Fort Detrick “Waste Water Leak” situation is the most likely source to consider in this connection. “Wuhan” is a political construction, propaganda, “pass the buck,” for obvious geopolitical reasons. See, or “No See-em,” Ralph Baric @ UNC, here. Honestly, I have no evidentiary idea if this “Thing” was a “Lab creation,” a Frankenstein’s monster of a Virus that escaped into the “Wild,” then Human Society, through a dysfunctional Military Lab. However, I am also not convinced that this “novel coronavirus” is not entirely fictitious, or a “Fever Dream of Conspiracy Theorists,” led principally by Saint Anthony Fauci of Holy Cross. There is a good argument for that view, however. The “Ontological Status of the Virus” will no doubt be a dissertation somewhere cranked out soon. Great article, and just trying to get beyond the obligatory “binary” here. In other words, do we presume to know what this “Thing” is, this Trickster Virus, by which I mean all of the certifiably insane tricks of Oligarchs to keep us in their weird Circus Tent with all of their imaginary Elephants? The Fort Detrick Research Road may be a “Dead End,” but it’s worth a look if you have the “Search Engines” to do so. Mine is only speculation, intuition, a hunch. Thank you for reading, if this actually “Sends,” Todd
“At the time it was deemed a “racist” “anti-china” conspiracy theory” by the vast majority of the media, and it fell away from the narrative.”
Watson: But it was deemed a racist conspiracy theory by the media and it fell away from the narrative!
Holmes: That was the suspicious incident.
No, son, the suspicious incident was that this “racist” theory was kept bubbling on the back burner even while being “dismissed”, and then suddenly was all over the place again.
if the media really want to bury something they just don’t talk about it. When they’re pointing at something and screaming “don’t look at this, it’s NOT TRUE”, then we are intended to look at it and it’s expected/intended that some of us will believe it as a safe “alternate” view
Comments please on the claim that RNA sequences patented in 2016 by Moderna have been found in the antigens responsible for the old, familiar seasonal symptoms.
Lab leak is a distraction story. The covid genome is in-silico, meaning “computer generated”. How does a lab “leak” it?
There have never been any isolates created from covid. Independent labs had to “grow their own” strain using a downloaded genome, and many were happy if they managed to create something that held 80-90% identity with the genome. On top of that, the independent labs couldn’t get the frankenstein creation to infect human cells.
The phony genome is, in my opinion, just a concoction designed to explain away the side effects from using the vaccine patents.
Wild covid spike proteins were asymptomatic in people and came with a 99.5% survival rate.
Weird how the bottled version magically causes microclots, myocarditis, attacks the liver and induces encephalitis. Or, is it?
In the section regarding crossing the blood brain barrier, the patent suggests using Encephalomyocarditis Virus and other picornaviruses. That better explains the myocarditis and encephalitis than the phony spike does.
The patent contains a technology titled “Liver Specific Delivery of mRNA”, which better explains the liver damage, and the patent installs carbon nanotubes, which deprive platelets of calcium and causes…microclots.
But, we get phony lab leak bullshit and repeated propaganda garbage pushing the computer generated spikes.
If a site or author wanted to increase their revenue or prevent vaccine damage, then I assure you that they would be talking about the patents.
The fact that they aren’t tells you everything you need to know about them.
If you are saying there is a “in silico phony genome” then what is the “wild spike protein” with a “survival rate”? How did you determine that “wild spike protein” caused death when there is reports of remdisivir, midazolam, opium etc causing death?
The spike with a survival rate is simply the narrative. They never found any covid nucleotides in any animals until they put them there testing the vaccines.
IT isnt a vaccine it is a form of treatment for various symptoms of diseases., that for common purpose denomination is labelled vaccine.
Multiculturally in various regions ie: Nations, to avoid confusion among its Public.
The Treatment is admistered via injections.
Off the top of my head from this Brit lad who left school at 15years old, now (68).
It’s the reason I end a post on the complexities of our human conditions: imo.
Why do you think the US built/refurbished up to thirty (the numbers differ) biowarfare labs in Ukraine? For health purposes? And they are reported to have been used to spread pathogens in Donbas and even Russia.
You need to remind them for sure.
A bio-weapon with a 99.85% survival rate is not a bio-weapon.
According to your IFR if someone had 1000 ‘infections’ they would have a 150% chance of death. Given that there can supposedly be ‘asymptomatic’ ones that would be under 5 a month over 20 years or 0.5 per month for a 15% chance of death. To say that this is similar to the IFR for influenza is inaccurate. According to ONS there were 1,213 influenza deaths in 2019. If half the country ‘caught’ influenza that would give you an IFR of 0.00003%.
What is probably being done to arrive at this similar number is to calculate an IFR for all influenza AND pneumonia. Given that sars-cov2 is allegedly a single virus an IFR similar to all supposed influenza AND pneumonia ‘infections’ would be extrememly high rather than the extremely low amount claiming it is similar to the IFR of influenza would suggest. It would be as much as codes J09-j18:
There has never been a proven SARS-Cov-2. Study all-cause-mortality and where spike occurred and what was in reality going on in those locations. Stop spreading this psy-op about a pathogenic virus (natural or lab produced) and contagion which has no proof anywhere.
It is still a bio-weapon. Like the F-35 is still an aerial weapon. And Howitzer-177 is still an artillery weapon.
They are both forms of delivery platforms best example for a 2 year old being an aircraft carrier.
If only everyone believed that no C19 virus or even pathogen actually exists, then the cabal would give up its attempt to enslave humanity and/or depopulate the planet.
That’s totally verifiable for everyone with a mediocre lab and some 5000 euros of equipment. This “never been isolated!”-stuff is total nonsense because people totally independently have.
“… totally independently have.”
No they haven’t, they’ve simply claimed they have. I highly recommend this 20 minute video from Dr Sam Bailey with snippets from luminary, theoretical physicist, Richard Feynman, and others who speak about how science is simply well … not science. Scientists simply do not follow the scientific method all over the place.
Another video I recommend is the debate between Dr Amandha Vollmer and Dr Paul Cottrell over isolation of the sars and viruses in general. This is a 45-minute edited version, starting with a little humour, of the 2:30 hour debate which you’ll find if you want the full version.
exactly – when you understand the whole thing was a massive fraud from the beginning, then the ‘origins’ become irrelevant – at least the origins of the ‘deadly virus’ – the origins of the fraud still need to be cleared up, and a whole lot of people moved into max security prisons in north korea or someplace they won’t be able to arrange special treatment
It is a real drag and demotivator to find your comments “pending” for no apparent and certainly no stated reason. Sometimes they arrive on the board immediately, sometimes they “pend” for up to eight hours.
Such is online “life” in 2022. Ours not to reason why.
^^ This one arrived immediately. No idea why.
VIROLOGY Final Exam, Imperial College London, 2023:
Causes of the Deadly Global Pandemic of 2019-2022
The Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots that decimated the planet:
a) were concocted in a lab by the Chinese;
b) were concocted in a lab by the Americans;
c) were concocted in a lab by the Chinese and the Americans and/or The Freemasons/The Lion’s Club/ Vladimir Putin / Da Jooz /The Vatican/ Her Majesty The Queen/ Bono/ Donald Trump/ Karl Marx/ Lady Gaga / CERN/ / UEFA/ Billy Bragg/ JK Rowling/ that guy with the bow tie/ somebody else.
d) The Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots arose spontaneously, like daffodils in Spring, through the miracle of evolution, despite not even being alive.
Choose one option only and argue your case.
NOTA BENE: Science-denialists who deny The Dots will be denied a pass. (We can’t be having any of that nonsense.)
Fake pandemic, fake virus:
The lab leak china virus BS is simply creating what the CIA calls plausable deniability. Remebering the CIA was stupid enough to openly be sponsors at Event 201??? which was happening as the CIA had set up the leak in Wuhan at the world military games where the US had sent the largest team of athletes and “support staff” who should have topped the Medal Tally by a huge margin yet came 38th out of 109 countries??? Many athletes, from various countries, complained of getting covid like symptoms at the games. Whatever caused the covid symptoms apparently also caused the first “cluster event” at the Oriental Hotel in Wuhan, the US teams accomodation at the games. I have no idea what the “pathogen” is/was, We need to remember that the Virus/Gain of function was created by the US “After” mRNA vaxes had started development, and these were being exclusively developed in the US with funding through the NIH, CDC, NIAID, DOD & DARPA. DARPA called mRNA vaccines: “Population manipulation and Species extinction technologies” DARPA became the primary driving force in the mRNA vax R&D along with the US Govt, funded Moderna (1.25 Billion) and gave moderna their first ever Vax contract for 1.5 Billion!!! Dr David Martin has shown that NIH has been receiving patent royalty payments for mRNA technologies. The Trudeau family is apparently reaping royalty payments for nano lipids used in the vaxes. Jacinda Adhern was caught leaving Blackrock HQ on a trip to New York, showing how some of the most veheement promoters of the Covid BS are personally profiting off them while people die and suffer as a result!!!
Under a thin guise of skepticism you are posting establishment-supporting nonsense based on the assumption “COVID” was a discrete disease & not just a new name for old symptoms. Pls go elsewhere to do that
Well arrested!
The symptoms are indeed the “same old” Corona flu that the human race has lived with for a million years, but at least one sequence in the Covid-19 virus is new: the “spike protein”. And one characteristic of Covid-19 is unusual affinity for the lungs, sometimes leading to bacterial pneumonia, as compared with the “same old” annual Corona flu: As far as I know (I am not a virologist) this particular protein, which sticks unusually firmly to human epithelial cells, comes from Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HIV. How did it get into a Corona virus?
There’s no connection to “bacteria pneumonia” and a “virus”. Much (all) of the lung issues sited appear to have been caused by the use of forced oxygen into the lungs via ventilation. There may be a symptom caused by other factors introduced into the environment and never explored (possibly the implementation of 5-G in densely populated urban areas). Also, HIV has never been isolated. It’s pure meta-science using “PCR”.
Apology: attribution of the spike to HIV is out of date. Refuted here:
“Protein Insertions and HIV-1
Chengxin Zhang, Wei Zheng, Xiaoqiang Huang, Eric W Bell, Xiaogen Zhou, Yang Zhang
In this Communication, two recent studies that concluded that the 2019-nCoV spike protein insertions share a unique similarity to HIV-1. However, analyses, built on larger scale data sets, presents clear evidence that rebuts these conclusions.”
“Covid-19” was the new name given by Chinese scientist to a flu caused by a “Novel Corona virus”. Among the fragments of RNA / DNA that they isolated from patients’ fluids was the sequence for a “spike protein” that is not found in any other Corona virus but found in HIV virus. Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier took one look at the Chinese (and later French Pasteur Institute) sequences and said, “This virus is a test tube baby!”.
Apology: attribution of the spike to HIV is out of date. Refuted here:
“Protein Insertions and HIV-1
Chengxin Zhang, Wei Zheng, Xiaoqiang Huang, Eric W Bell, Xiaogen Zhou, Yang Zhang
In this Communication, two recent studies that concluded that the 2019-nCoV spike protein insertions share a unique similarity to HIV-1. However, analyses, built on larger scale data sets, presents clear evidence that rebuts these conclusions.”
There was a “furin cleavage site” (a sequence of 4 amino acids, R-R-A-R [or ‘CGG-CGG-GCA-CGT’]) insert in the Sars-Cov-2 spike, which made it more infectious and also suggests a lab origin:
There has never been a purified/isolated SARS-Cov-2. It was all assembled in silico (computer simulation): i.e., no physical pathogenic virus. Since, if you researched the studies demonstrating that there’s no proof of transition, you’d know that “cleavage” or not story makes no sense whatsoever. (The white coats assume mass ignorance leads to believe in anything they’re told.)
The full genetic sequence for Sars-Cov-2 was published publicly way back on 11th January 2020.
And the virus would also have been subsequently ‘isolated’ (in its laboratory sense) from patients virtually every single day for the past 2 years.
Look you can say anything. But after 190 FISA requests to world-wide health organizations and academic labs all have answered: they have NO proof of a purified isolated pathogenic virus. If you took the time to research what they do to produce such a particle you’d understand that what you “claim” is bull sh!t. But you won’t because you have no such proof. And the answer is REALLY!!! My guess is you don’t even know what a “virus” is let alone if one actually exists and can cause illness. The End of Germ Theory (
Wheres the warning label [u-tube can seriously damage your health]
Thank you, I forgot that the cleavage site was also a suspicious incident.
This has been going on for some time.
There’s no “SARS-Cov-2” and thus no novel disease labeled “COVID-19”. The lab story is simply to offer another story to keep Operation Covid fear in the population.
We do have a bioweapon – it’s an injection filled with poison and substances no one should ever want in their bodies.
First principle is whether or not there 1) a proven cause (NO) 2) could such a pathogen be transmitted from person to person? (Again NO).
In other words this is a con which should not get passed Go. Regarding the transmittal/contagion: view this:
The End of Germ Theory (
I ain’t viewing nothing that takes 2 1/2 hours to say.
Where’s the short version…?
The first 15 minutes provides detail empirical studies that there is no proof of transmittal between people (i.e., contagion). Without this factor there is literally no need to impose any restrictions or inject any concoctions to provide “immunity” from spreading a disease. A strong case can be made that those peak areas in 2020 were likely due to 1) mis-use of ventilators 2) EMF/5-G in concentrated areas – mainly NYC. (NYC is a major MSM outlet.) Interestingly, other than what happened in NYC and a few other metro areas there’s little evidence of any thing close to a pandemic – Canada, Australia, Germany, and New Zealand imposed draconian measures which had virtually nothing to do with “cases”.
Question: in the part detailing the PCRs, from what the guy is saying, how can there be any negative test results? It seems like any person or living being will test positive. Yet, some people do indeed test negative.
Negative is positive they use it to monitor toxic chemicals in organic chemistry.
Sorry don’t want AND they will not be anything in it anyone could back track from Christmas 19 and check for themselves. But let’s generous March 2020.
This is entirely on target. Once you accept the virus nonsense, they have you. It’s like giving the globalists the (American) football on the one yard line, first down and goal. Game over. If anyone out there still clings to this bogus nonsense, Spacebusters (Steve Falconer) has just posted a fine video encapsulating the virus fraud.
Watch it, any doubters, and be informed, if you need to be.
Thanks for the link. I watched it, and although I was already aware of the concepts, it was put so thoroughly and succinctly that I believe it should be made compulsory viewing – especially in medical schools. This is the information that exposes everything that the WHO is planning to do as false medicine and a power grab, and nothing to do with health. The video should be spread as widely as possible, and i would encourage all who see it to pass it on to whomever they can.
The 2001 false-flag deaths of 5 US citizens attributed to anthrax facilitated a vast expansion of related expenditure. By 2007, US had 1,300 bioweapons centres rated at safety level “BSL-3”, besides 12 vastly more expensive ones rated at “BSL-4” [asiatimes 2020]. The centres employ over 14,000 scientists [Barry Kissin 2022]. This now includes 336 centres in 30 other countries [China Foreign Ministry 2022].
Failures and violations at the centres included defective protective apparel, failure to destroy waste, escaped test animals and theft; some officials even sold infected cattle repeatedly [USA Today 2015]. Over 2005-2012, there were 1,059 known leaks or thefts of pathogens [Larry Romanoff 2022]. In 2003, sustained complaints led to the unearthing of 2,000 tonnes of hazardous waste at Fort Detrick, including vials of pathogens [Barry Kissin 2022].
As documented on the WHO website and in court cases, the work included sterilising at least 150 million women and girls in the Global South using a “tetanus vaccine” alone, besides other “vaccines”.
From 2012, US researched bats for SARS and other diseases in several countries [Dilyana Gaydantzieva 2022]. It ended this n China only in 2020-03 [Sputnik quoting US govt. website 2022]. In 2020-01 for the supposed crime of falsifying a grant claim, US FBI raided Prof. Charles Lieber (a leading expert in virology with close ties to China) at home, and took him away in shackles. In 2020-04, citing 4 government sources, ABC News reported that as far back as late 2019-11, US DIA had reported an epidemic in Wuhan; a US “Pentagon” spokesman then denied that; days later, an Israeli TV channel reported that US “intelligence” had indeed shared such a report with NATO and Israel [Ron Unz 2020]
I got an email from my local “health” clinic this morning reporting that one case of monkeypox has been identified in Rhode Island. Yea! Our tiny little state is a tip of the spear for the “bioweapon” du jour campaign. And so it begins…
The over 90’s now on there 5th covid shot. Kid you not.
Suspiciously just like the story they’d run if their germ theory was in trouble and needed a bit of crude fear porn to prop it up –
Latest diverted outrage storm happened when Verso books made this comment
“Stripping our womb-carriers of their ability to have children is the continuation of over 500 years of misogynistic violence against Indigenous peoples”
You’d think the bit about 500 years of misogynistic violence might have raised a few eyebrows – but no, it was referrring to women as “womb-carriers” that caused the world to explode and a twitter showdown. Thus diverting attention away from the true violence being referred to.
Thus woke outrage as a complete cover up.
And note how there is a subtle movement here from the fury that women should be considered as only womb-carriers to the implied assertion that they are not womb-carriers at all!
Also, I find it interesting that Verso (who “self-identify” as “Left”) are the ones who came up with this term “womb-carriers”. Why, it’s almost as if they deliberately provoked this shit storm!
The original “lab leak” theory was political, it was a Trump administration “let’s bash China” thing because, as we all know, those Chinese can’t do anything right compared to us ‘merkans. It got dismissed by scientists as ‘unlikely’ because the virus’s genome wasn’t something that could be cooked up in a lab.Scientists, though, never talk in absolute terms — there’s no such thing as 100%/0% — so it left a bit of wiggle room for the wordsmiths to maneuver around, to create impressions and generally make with the propaganda. The wordsmiths also come across terms like “gain of function” which sounds pretty good so they seize on it, again just creating an impression, like a miasma.
In real life China is a hotbed of novel infectious diseases, especially ones that cross species between animals and humans. Its the place to go if you’re looking for next year’s influenza strain, for example. This is why they have a significant virology research effort centered there and why other countries — including the US — collaborate with their researchers. In an ideal world this would give us early warning of problems and a head start on prevention. In our modern Cold War times, though, we’ve got to resurrect the Chinese as mindless automatons who are directly beholden to the evil designs of their CCP masters in Bejng. All you have to do to see this in action would be to listen to the words of Trump and his henchmen at the start of Covid. They stirred politics into this, they added a heapin’ helpin’ of sanctions and generally have lead a significant number of people around by the nose to maintain their image and power. Years later we still can’t seem to shake this off, something that is causing us significant harm. In fact, more than the damned virus.
You’re going to use Trump? The US foreign policy was like this before him and has gotten worse since. Trump is too easy. Although you may not see it in a left and right sense – I hope you don’t as that is still everyone’s problem – I think Trump was just the attempted bogeyman/hero in the piece. And it worked so well ppl are still talking about him.
All this gloom please everyone use your mind not critical thinking it’s using your mind to calm then you will see how life should be not these scare mongering websites it’s in you your the change 👍
I got abit before myself I meant you me everyone can change this just by thinking it into reality ❤️
egregore: the power of collective thought re manifesting changes in reality.
consent/non consent as a weapon to create change
and why the fk are we still all yabbing about this fake dis ease?
21st June is now past and tings will be moving apace, time to have your mojo rising and your middle digit primed
As Albert Amao states in Healing Without Medicine, “After Germany was defeated the Nazi egregore gradually faded away because there were no more masses feeding it. Thus, in time, when the emotions and feelings that were feeding an egregore disappear, the egregore slowly dissolves.
Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone have both pushed the lab leak theory in a recent Dark Horse podcast on 9th June 2022. They claim that loss of taste and smell associated with covid only makes evolutionary sense if the virus was developed in a lab using lab animals. This seems to be a weak theory.
It’s a symptom of flu and other illnesses.
I know you know this, but the “COVID is a real novel debilitating illness” True Believers– even some who claim to be skeptical about the existence of the “SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus”– insist that the loss of taste and smell that is a hallmark of “COVID” is distinctly different, and far worse, than the loss of those senses traditionally associated with flu and other illnesses.
It’s a subjective, unfalsifiable article of faith.
It might as well be the “bioweapon.” I’ve suspected as much for years and your article says nothing to disprove this theory. Using the prototypical “debunker” tool by saying “no, it’s not” means less now than it did 2000 years ago.
Look to the skies and keep your eyes on the prize. Is it remotely possible they’ve been spraying it over selected areas? Yes it is MORE than remotely possible, it is PROBABLE!
Remember that there was no ‘excess mortality’ globally during 2020, just fake tests and fake news to spread the mind-contagion. This is how you kickstart a psyop.
I am not sure that there is any global mortality data for 2020 only projections and estimates. Do you have a source for this data we are supposed to “remember”? Even if there was you can’t really say something didn’t happen somewhere based on global data. It would take really huge numbers before it would show up especially if other areas had a decline in mortality. There is local data like in the US there was clearly excess mortality in 2020.
There’s about two years worth of articles on this site providing all the evidence you need. “Do you have a source…?” Read and familiarize yourself with the site you’re posting on.
Of course there was no bioweapon and no pandemic. That’s obvious simply by paying attention to the world without the filter of media-generated panic.
The bioweapon is the “cure”- the jabberwocky.
In Australia we get the data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and their figures were that there were 8000 fewer deaths in 2020 than in 2019 – and that was the year of the ‘great pandemic’. As the Yanks say – ‘Go figure!’
From PNAS, a reputable journal showing that Excess Mortality has been increasing in the U$A since 2000:
First, we examine the ratio of age-specific death rates in the United States to those in Europe. These show a sharp deterioration in the US position since 2000. We then show that adverse mortality in the United States resulted in 400,700 excess deaths that year. Finally, we show that in 2017, excess deaths and years of life lost in the United States represent a larger annual loss of life than that associated with the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020.
Though we are all interested in all-cause excess deaths to examine the claim of a pandemic, absolute figures (as opposed to p-scores) seem to be unavailable. The best I saw was this Euromomo graph (link) posted here recently:
It shows significant spikes for only these approximate periods, that be explained by the government responses and restrictions:
:- March-May 2020
:- flu season 2020-2021
:- flu season 2021-2022.
These spikes are not that different from those in preceding years. The only peculiarity was that the “flu season 2019-2020” spike got “delayed”.
Australia, as a case in point, had around 900 flu deaths or whatever during 2020. Most of those in one state, most of those in that state in nursing homes.
THAT was the real catastrophe. They’re killing the old and infirm in those aged care facilities, as I learned from the horses mouth a couple of years ago; they over-drug them, under-hydrate them and give them crap food. What do you expect?
Since the roll-out of these poison injections, however, Australia has seen a wave of SADS – a term that was, I believe, coined by Australian doctors – and an overall excess death rate. But, wouldn’t you know, doctors cannot explain why this might be so.
There have been many accounts of anomalous “covid” illnesses in the past two years in random places. Too many to entirely discount them. Things like “I never felt so sick before” and “it wasn’t the flu” led me to conclude something was indeed making people sick.
I watched this video when it first came out (still on gootube, what does that mean?)…
Andrew Kaufman on the Highwire w/Del Bigtree 7-16-20
The key takeaway for me is at 26:00 when a “frontline” Dr Kyle Seidel starts ranting about how he never saw anything like it before. Dr Andrew Kaufman comments how there are very few autopsies so how can anyone really know? which is the truth. No autopsy, no conclusive cause of death. He goes on to say what he thinks Seidel is describing as cyanide poisoning.
There is no reason why the whole damn op couldn’t have had several sub-ops running simultaneously meaning yes the bs pcr false positives and “well let’s just try out our little bioweapon on a few select areas and see how that goes.”
No, but many other articles published previously do disprove the theory.
Plus, the onus is on those making the extraordinary claim (a uniquely deadly lab created weapon) to prove it, not the other way around.
The claim of Lab origin was made by Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier from examination of available genome fragments. He said that certain sequences could only have been inserted in a test tube.
My variant of this claim is three fold:
CNBD: Campaign for Nuclear and Biowarfare Disarmament!
Naomi Wolf interview:
There’s some good information about the health damage of the mRNA vaccines here. The problem kicks in when she starts trying to explain where this is coming from and resorts immediately to blaming the CCP (although she somewhat backtracks from that later on).
Is she still fairly new to the proverbial rabbit hole and has some way to go – or has she been sent in to give mis-directions? Time alone will tell. She certainly still seems to cling to old ideas of what “journalism” is. Is it really believable the MSM would not report genocide because they’ve been thrown a few crumbs from Bill Gates’ table. There must be some deeper glue holding them together.
The convid shillfest has not been properly examined and called out. We all wanted – and to many extents needed – good hearted experts to stand up and be counted. We got some of that, but inevitably, in line with the Lenin quote – “THE BEST WAY TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION IS TO LEAD IT OURSELVES”, many of the convid opposition experts will be plants. I am unfortunately now quite sceptical about Anna De Buisseret, the former military lady (is that word still legal) now hopium lawyer who has not enacted any legal opposition to the scamdemic because, according to her, the judges are all compromised so theres no point. Shes probably right, but to have those judges exposed as criminal operators covering up for their masters is progress. It gives us names and means they can then be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice, at least in the public sphere. But no, best to do nothing according to Anna. Ditto Reiner Fuellmich – where has all that led to – nowhere, as far as I can see. He blew it with the dismissive Lanka Kaufman interview and appears to be stringing everyone along. David Martin also. Hes just come out swinging saying theyre going to begin legal proceedings imminently. He has been fingered as a Rothschild shill, so well see. Are we looking at legit freedom fighters here, or are we looking at agents of the machine. Im not sure. I want there to be geuinely good people and I want to support people making moves and waking people up, but in my experience, trusting in anyone on any level is nearly always a mistake.
Hugo exposes the shill network featuring Bosi, Dave Oneegs and Pete Evans
David Martin might be a Rothschild stooge links:
David Martin comes out swinging again:
Premeditated Global, Domestic Terrorism, Racketeering & Premeditated Murder Dr. David E. Martin
Naomi Wolf certainly loves to leave a big stinking turd in that punch bowl. I’m highly suspicious of her. If she isn’t a shill, she’s certainly not very careful and probably a bit tapped.
Conventional scientific medicine kills a certain quota regularly, as seen from the effect of strikes by medical staff in various countries earlier. In this case, withholding medical care saved some of the potential victim patients in 2020-2021. The jabs were only rolled out in 2021 and could not be made too obviously harmful.
The best way to deal with this is to keep exposing the facts.
manipulated PCR test = Plandamic
What a joke really.
A joke from Magic Thinking, the company that brought you Novijoke.
Today Austria abolished the compulsory vaccination law!
Machine-translation (“Thursday, is a public holiday” is a bad translation. What was meant is “Thursday, is a day to be celebrated”):
Wonderful news on a solstice!
Nicely stated, once a critical-mass see the fake ‘problem’ & call it out as such, the spell is broken & their ‘solution’ looks ludicrous under the spot-light of our awareness.
Ok, but what if it DID actually leak from a lab? Where would that leave the logic??
Try this book. Written late 2021 (goes with the lab leak theory):
Viral – Alina Chan, Matt Ridley (2021) [the same ‘Alina Chan’ as in the article]
Just because a solution is misguided, that doesn’t imply that there was no initial problem. Nor indeed, if two parties propose the same misguided solution to form a ‘fake binary’.
What “it” are you talking about? SARSCOV2, which may or may not exist and has never been linked to any unique or specific disease, or “COVID”, which is just a new name for old symptom clusters, also called “flu” or “seasonal respiratory infections”?
The point of our work here is to show you that “it” as defined by the establishment & legacy media never existed.
The “establishment & legacy media” may well close its ranks at times, brooking no alternative definitions/opinions other than its own. As it does generally with wars. As it did with the Covid narrative. As it’s doing with the Ukraine-Russia conflict etc
At other times (usually after the event when it no longer matters), it opens up and allows the truth to quietly emerge. Which may be the real significance of the Daily Mail article (and the related book which I cited earlier in the thread):
It’s important not to reject the message for the messenger
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
This ‘virus’ is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. Just consider that we are looking at a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story. It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know. The bioweapon thesis, by relying on the virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop the measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger, and answers can only be subjective. This may be a reason why it resurfaced. To keep lockdowns and all the measures in place or returning regularly, to force vaccination, you may still be able to by bringing the fear of a bioweapon.
As Sanjoy Mahajan states: “Another disinformation method is at work too, seen in the omnipresent coverage of the Wuhan bioweapons lab, gain-of-function research, Fauci’s funding of it, etc. Even intelligent alt media is falling for this piece of the psyop. All that coverage (1) strengthens the belief that viruses are contagious and deadly and can be made more so, preparing us for worse pandemics and lockdowns, and (2) distracts with talk of alleged bioweapons “over there” from the real bioweapons going into arms here.”
The average age of a death by or with “Covid-19” is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the “pandemic” (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.
The fact that there is no such thing as a “Covid death” is another minor problem here as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.
Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that’s been crafted to sell a story for you to believe- that’s the big lie they don’t want you to understand.
You were not alerted to a “pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent” by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21: “Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”
Translation: No one has ‘died from covid’ as “covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of this country.
Beautifully stated, Maxwell. A perfect summation of the situation.
This is all true and correct. The lab leak theory is a false binary oppositional construct. That’s why we should be extremely wary of so-called Freedom advocates pushing this theme, either now, or during the CONvid operation.
The only reason they are pushing this garbage is to make people believe in fictional microscopic organisms jumping from one person (or animal) to another, that have never, ever been found.
Viruses are make believe, in order to draw our attention away from the real causes of disease and illness, such as intentional poisoning by the eugenicist cryptocracy (“vaccines”, Rx drugs, Radiation, GMOs, sugar, processed food, pesticides, chemicals, alcohol, fluoride, heavy metals and pollutants, as well as nutritional deficiencies resulting from modern agricultural practices, an incorrect food pyramid and false recommend daily value of macro and micro nutrients needed to maintain health.
If we were to hold government and industry accountable for the lies, fraud and toxic assaults on our bodies and minds, they’d be BROKE.
However, they continue to racketeer by poisoning us more, restricting our movements, speech and ability to conduct business or gain employment as well as creating fictional geopolitical conflicts to price gouge us on energy, food and essentials.
All the East vs West animosity is carefully staged and enacted. Always has been. Because on the important things such as monetary exchanges, stock markets and trade, digital agendas, jabbing, masking and locking down their own populations, there’s no interruptions, no glitches, whatsoever.
The East and West blocs are not at war and never were. The cryptocracy used a range of different economic and political models (what people think of as countries – all centrally owned and controlled) as binary oppositional constructs to run multiple, profitable racketeering operations (Nukes, hot wars, cold wars, trade wars, currency wars, drug wars, tech wars) and fear based mind control campaigns on the worldwide population, over a number of centuries.
Yes excellent.
I wouldn’t call sugar a poison. DNA is made out of sugar and it is an important nutrient. My theory is that the campaign against sugar is one of the key drivers for mass formation psychosis as it has been defined. I am not sure this definition is entirely correct. I would go for indoctrination in satanism on tv etc. Mark Passio says the first tennet of satanism is self preservation so that would explain how people could see wearing masks as good for them and other people needing to wear masks as good for them. It is moral relativism. The idea that everything is ” just your opinion” rather than there being any actual right and wrong:
The sugar deficiency caused by all the sugar makes you fat / keto cures diabetes etc. propaganda in recent years could however have played a big role making people not think clearly and have “free floating anxiety” etc. Durianrider says quitting sugar causes mental health issues. Not to say that white sugar is the best but a lot of this propaganda puts people off better sources aswell such as in fruit. If someone is just having coffee for breakfast then they probably are better off loading it with some sugar imo. In hospitals they have those drips and from what I have heard it is sugar they put in them.
It is a poison and the controllers know this very well. Highly refined foods like sugar contain no fiber, an extremely high glycemic index leading to higher levels of insulin, creating insulin resistance, cravings from specific brain changes (sugar is as addictive as opioids activating the same receptors), cell signaling changes, metabolic disorders, diabetes II and even Alzheimer’s and dementia.
The sugar in a piece of fruit is not metabolized the same way as the sugar in a candy bar, soda or coffee. There’s a reason small amounts of unnecessary, added sugar (not enough to put on a label) are in nearly ALL processed foods, even savory foods.
As for what hospitals put in SALINE drips varies, depending on the status of the patient. Since iatrogenic murder is the leading cause of death in the US, I wouldn’t be looking towards hospitals for what’s advisable or healthy.
There’s no such thing as “mass formation psychosis“. Desmet is a controlled opposition shill. Mass hypnosis, creating mass delusions and trauma based mind control is real, based on extremely advanced, well researched behavioral science using the subliminal mind pathway, and the process of repetition, in conjunction with brainwave alterations from radio frequency warfare, subliminal signs and symbols, using mass media dissemination of outright lies. Mass mind control is as old as humanity itself.
DNA and RNA are ribonucleic acids.
All about medicine and sugar true and from my experience much much worse than stated by you, R.,after%20heart%20disease%20and%20cancer.
Russian Prof of medicine, whom I listened to carefully, as he eventually abandoned the medical matrix/grand narrative/method, Ivan Neumyvakin, once a doctor of Yuriy Gagarin during his years when he believed in medicine.,_%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
And here an even more radical approach of dissent against medicine-based medicine, again of Russian origin, based on the approach of a Soviet physician Yuri Nikolayev..
Fibre? Sugar, dairy, eggs, meat all contain zero fibre.
Saturated fats from animal derived foods impair blood sugar control the most (beta cell death).
“Researchers showed saturated fat ingestion reduces insulin sensitivity within hours. The subjects were non-diabetics; so, their pancreases should have been able to boost insulin secretion to match the drop in sensitivity. But no, “insulin secretion failed to compensate for insulin resistance in subjects who ingested [the saturated fat].”
Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are caused by a drop in insulin sensitivity blamed on “intramyocellular lipid,” the buildup of fat inside our muscle cells.
(Nutrition Facts)
No. All of that is false. I was referring specifically to the sugar content within high carb foods in comparison to refined SUGAR, and how the fiber in real, whole food sources such as fruit and vegetables slows down the uptake of glucose into the blood. Here’s a link explaining. Fats and protein sources, such as eggs, meat or dairy are completely irrelevant to my comment.
And the study you linked to is a junk paper. It exists only to bolster the use of statins and eradicate natural protein sources from our diets, in order to intentionally harm and sicken us. It’s all part of the push towards plant based diets, fake meat, and insect consumption.
I already countered this subject on the other thread.
sugar being an early addiction for most setting you up for nastier habits later on
Anything that has been tampered with is bad, it’s just a matter of how bad. Cooking, processes, combining, etc.
What humans are meant to eat naturally comes in a complete package ready to eat from nature.
The shit that passes for food these days is industry at work.
This is a very bold claim.
Do you have at least 3 indisputable proofs to back it up?
The production of addictive unhealthy refined sugar destroys the environment.
Yes, but aren’t the hospitals trying to kill us…?
Nothing was an accident…
The patents were filed years ago and the pandemic was war gamed the previous year.
Great reset…
Tyrants want to crush, kill and impoverish the little people and keep it all for themselves..
Bingo! Nail hit squarely on the head.
“They want you to forget “covid” is just a meaningless new name for an old familiar cluster of “seasonal” symptoms. They want you to forget the whole thing was a scam – and to instead take a “side” in a scripted & noisy & totally phony “origin” debate.
The minute you sign up for it they have you – because by agreeing to debate where “it” comes from you have accepted “it” – ie a deadly new pathogen – exists & needs to be dealt with.
And that is all they want from you.”
And they want you to ignore the fact that there is no proof of the isolation and purification of this alleged new virus, or a subsequent demonstration that it is a causative pathogen, though 190 public health agencies around the world have admitted this in writing. Christine Massey, Fluoride-Free Peel.
So many “vaccine” deaths everywhere, but Amazon can help:
One more step towards a human being ending up as neither a “he” nor a “she”, but an “IT”.
Something like this: “Well, she used to be my wife when she was alive, but now it’s just a thing – a defunct object”.
That’s what we’re supposed to get used to – to be ‘happy’ about…
How could an apocalyptic catastrophe NOT happen in a world confronted by such evil…?
It’s just a question of when.
It seems to go further than that. AI is to be recgnised as a sentient living spirit. . It will be right wing supremacist to claim we are different. Alexa has feelings and rights of identity!
Black mirror.What a surprise.
At least it’s entertaining. Nobody says you have to go for the ‘underlying message’…
Just look at the competition… endless Chicago cops saying “Freeze!”, the guy doesn’t freeze, a new recruit shoots him dead, before finding out that he was a father of 13 cute little ethnic kids, so he has to go to a beautiful female shrink before he can believe that it wasn’t his fault that he made 13 kids into orphans overnight…
Rinse and repeat every evening for the next 50 years…
Do I laugh or cry? The latest from The Graud:
“Ministers have warned that students are showing “shocking growth in support for censorship” after a survey revealed that many favoured safety and avoidance of discrimination over unrestrained free speech.”
Shocking! I mean the entire media and establishment are just sooooo opposed to censorship. But hey – if the public want it then what can you do?
The mass media are openly taking the piss now, and have been for a long time.
Apart from the generalizations “students” and “ministers” being so vague as to make the statement meaningless has anyone explained to “students” (or anyone else for that matter) what “censorship” actually means? In the absence of objective standards the definition is likely to be fluid which is another way of saying “all encompassing”.
From what I gather from my brother — a serious conservative, BTW — England’s getting a bit weird these days. Apparently the police are really trigger happy when it comes to investigating hate speech and any plebs breaching lockdown du jour but ifyou house get burgled then you’re on your own.
Well if you check out the Graham Lineham link below, you’ll find that the police are an all singing all dancing pansexual panromantic love-in who will stop the hate groups with their own unique brand of … persuasion.
I posted a very interesting link earlier explaining the history of Polio. The post has been hidden by the moderators. Its great this free speech stuff….
[The comment this person claims was “hidden” can be read here.
We urge people to refresh their browser before leaping to the conclusion their important contribution has been pounced on and censored by the evil admins]
I’ve been posting ages and still get all my posts moderated. Thanks for this.
And then there’s this angle: vaccine derived polio viruses discussed in WHO docs
Thx for the link.
Last year OffG presented an excellent article covering this ~
(I had trouble finding this too, needs more tags or something)
Yo Mucho !
“They want you to forget “covid” is just a meaningless new name for an old familiar cluster of “seasonal” symptoms.” – I do not believe this is a correct statement. There is plenty of evidence to prove that the virus, call it whatever you want, was novel, and has taken a toll globally. Drs. Malone, McCullough, Kory, Malik, Gold, Hirsch, et al aren’t tilting at windmills. True, the “flu” seems to have disappeared, but that’s only because of the financial incentives given to the Medical Immunization Complex to determine that any cold like malady is the virus. I think it’s wrong to deny that the virus exists.
A death toll isn’t evidence of a virus. There is plenty of testimony about what is causing the deaths. For example this video shows a nurse reporting patients were being killed with remsesivir. She says they have a less than 25% chance of survival following 2 doses and that she had never seen anyone die of covid. There was people denied food and water etc. These places were not hospitals but concentration camps:
I am certain that many patients were killed with the use Remdesivir in hospitals. But many people sickened by the virus, who had better immune systems, were never hospitalized and recovered. There was still a virus going around, it wasn’t imaginary.
A cold
I am mostly on the “failed bioweapon” trip and I think David Martin is onto something. It is, let’s say disappointing that his talks are never shown here.
The patent applications he has dug up are pretty damning. It seems that the so called spike protein is the main poison in the vax, and also perhaps in other methods of dispersion causing the “covid” disease before the vax was “rolled out”, and this synthetic protein was developed and patent-applied for before “sars-cov2” “emerged”.
What is relevant here is that at the first mention of “covid vaccines” the media presented a range of technologies that were being considered, from the “traditional” frankenstein techniques of using inactivated “viruses” to the mRNA frankenstein tech.
Soon after, all other options were discarded and all covid vaccines ended up being mRNA or similar gene meddling poisons.
The idea that the parasites have some sort of deep understanding of human genetics so as to be able to produce some consistent result through mRNA injections is a delusion, IMO. I think the intention was to simply produce death and disease,and get people to surrender their last bit of sovereignty. It remains to be seen how effective this bioweapon really is. So far it would seem the majority of victims are OK.
I have no doubt many will be disabled and/or drop dead from vax-caused disease in the coming decades but such a delayed effect is of questionable use to the parasites. The choice of mRNA tech is probably because of the ability to churn out billions of doses rapidly rather than some precise plan to mutate the human species although that is definitely in their minds.
From a bigger perspective, the human species is coming up for a revision…not by Kissinger and his pals but by the powers that truly are….
Live and let die. The parasites will drown in their own poisons.
The only tangible part of the “virus” is the patented spike. The common feature of all the jabs is that they contain this spike or generate it. The diseases the jab causes vary because this depends on which the sites the spikes damage the most. This may be anywhere in the body. The other goodies in the jab also play their part.
How come you haven’t applied that binary to Mike absolute bullshit fake CEO load of crock of shit Yeadon and Bob what a load of baloney didnt invent nothing.
My favorite crock of shit you lot sold hard was looney undertaker who conveniently happen to catch covid and end up in hospital (yer right) doing a sob story of how deadly it was from his hospital bed.
This poster is in error. We did not feature mr O’Looney at all – ed
lol. I remember commenting at the time, that the “o’looney” character was previously a BBC stooge, dressed up in hazmat gear, originally supporting the convid scam. Then later, giving Masonic cartel hand signals (666) in plain sight in an absurd video with Max Igan; another Masonic stooge with a fake name equal to … 33.
Excellent stuff
I’m with you as far as the east/west hate-fest goes, but regarding the virus itself, I wouldn’t put it past these psychopaths to release a bioweapon intended to weaken the population. Last year Dr. Lee Merritt mentioned mycoplasm as a bioweapon, saying it was a dark rabbit hole. There’s also lyme disease and a host of others. I’m also persuaded they’re spraying the atmosphere and geo-engineering the weather. True, I’m unable to explain why they’d put themselves and their own at risk, but maybe their lust for the endgame makes it worth it all.
And along these lines of so-called hoaxes, here’s another one which bothers me: taking into account how world governments despise the 99% and regard humanity itself as a virus, when it comes to mass shooting why on earth would they do a 180 and go to the trouble of hiring crisis actors (and buying their lifelong silence) when a real event accomplishes so much more: public fear, population control and loss of rights?
I wouldn’t put it past them either but covid certainly wasn’t/isn’t it. In regards to crisis actors it’s easier to hire them than actually kill people because the victims families have a pesky habit of demanding real investigations like the Jersey girls did post 9/11. Their likely would have been no formal investigation without the pressure they exerted. That’s not to say the commission report wasn’t a complete whitewash but still.
Appreciate your response, shoe dude 😉 . That’s one possibility I guess, assuming our justice system actually functioned with people of integrity and worked. And if it did, a lawsuit against whom? The strung out patsy who’s either conveniently framed or shot dead on site?
Few of the families of the dead victims of “covid” have got an autopsy report. Maybe even fewer families or crippled victims have got compensation or insurance payout. Where “democracy” is a sticking point, legislators, ever ready to serve, have given governments all sorts of powers to override every inconveient law.