Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
President Harry S. Truman
Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality. Lockdowns.
This is not the language of freedom. This is not even the language of law and order.
This is the language of force.
This is how the government at all levels—federal, state and local—now responds to those who speak out against government corruption, misconduct and abuse.
These overreaching, heavy-handed lessons in how to rule by force have become standard operating procedure for a government that communicates with its citizenry primarily through the language of brutality, intimidation and fear.
We didn’t know it then, but what happened five years ago in Charlottesville, Va., was a foretaste of what was to come.
At the time, Charlottesville was at the center of a growing struggle over how to reconcile the right to think and speak freely, especially about controversial ideas, with the push to sanitize the environment of anything—words and images—that might cause offense. That fear of offense prompted the Charlottesville City Council to get rid of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that had graced one of its public parks for 82 years.
In attempting to err on the side of political correctness by placating one group while muzzling critics of the city’s actions, Charlottesville attracted the unwanted attention of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and the alt-Right, all of whom descended on the little college town with the intention of exercising their First Amendment right to be disagreeable, to assemble, and to protest.
That’s when everything went haywire.
When put to the test, Charlottesville did not handle things well at all.
On August 12, 2017, government officials took what should have been a legitimate exercise in constitutional principles (free speech, assembly and protest) and turned it into a lesson in authoritarianism by manipulating warring factions and engineering events in such a way as to foment unrest, lockdown the city, and justify further power grabs.
On the day of scheduled protests, police deliberately engineered a situation in which two opposing camps of protesters would confront each other, tensions would bubble over, and things would turn just violent enough to justify allowing the government to shut everything down.
Despite the fact that 1,000 first responders (including 300 state police troopers and members of the National Guard)—many of whom had been preparing for the downtown rally for months—had been called on to work the event, and police in riot gear surrounded Emancipation Park on three sides, police failed to do their jobs.
In fact, as the Washington Post reports, police “seemed to watch as groups beat each other with sticks and bludgeoned one another with shields… At one point, police appeared to retreat and then watch the beatings before eventually moving in to end the free-for-all, make arrests and tend to the injured.”
“Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville,” reported ProPublica.
Incredibly, when the first signs of open violence broke out, the police chief allegedly instructed his staff to “let them fight, it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”
In this way, police who were supposed to uphold the law and prevent violence failed to do either.
Indeed, a 220-page post-mortem of the protests and the Charlottesville government’s response by former U.S. attorney Timothy J. Heaphy concluded that “the City of Charlottesville protected neither free expression nor public safety.”
In other words, the government failed to uphold its constitutional mandates.
The police failed to carry out their duties as peace officers.
And the citizens found themselves unable to trust either the police or the government to do its job in respecting their rights and ensuring their safety.
This is not much different from what is happening on the present-day national scene.
Indeed, there’s a pattern emerging if you pay close enough attention.
Civil discontent leads to civil unrest, which leads to protests and counterprotests. Tensions rise, violence escalates, police stand down, and federal armies move in. Meanwhile, despite the protests and the outrage, the government’s abuses continue unabated.
It’s all part of an elaborate setup by the architects of the police state. The government wants a reason to crack down and lock down and bring in its biggest guns.
They want us divided. They want us to turn on one another.
They want us powerless in the face of their artillery and armed forces.
They want us silent, servile and compliant.
They certainly do not want us to remember that we have rights, let alone attempting to exercise those rights peaceably and lawfully, whether it’s protesting politically correct efforts to whitewash the past, challenging COVID-19 mandates, questioning election outcomes, or listening to alternate viewpoints—even conspiratorial ones—in order to form our own opinions about the true nature of government.
And they definitely do not want us to engage in First Amendment activities that challenge the government’s power, reveal the government’s corruption, expose the government’s lies, and encourage the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.
Why else do you think Wikileaks founder Julian Assange continues to molder in jail for daring to blow the whistle about the U.S. government’s war crimes, while government officials who rape, plunder and kill walk away with little more than a slap on the wrist?
This is how it begins.
We are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.
In the wake of the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol, “domestic terrorism” has become the new poster child for expanding the government’s powers at the expense of civil liberties.
Of course, “domestic terrorist” is just the latest bull’s eye phrase, to be used interchangeably with “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist,” to describe anyone who might fall somewhere on a very broad spectrum of viewpoints that could be considered “dangerous.”
This unilateral power to muzzle free speech represents a far greater danger than any so-called right- or left-wing extremist might pose. The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.
Watch and see: we are all about to become enemies of the state.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware.
So what’s the answer?
For starters, we need to remember that we’ve all got rights, and we need to exercise them.
Most of all, we need to protect the rights of the people to speak truth to power, whatever that truth might be. Either “we the people” believe in free speech or we don’t.
Fifty years ago, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas asked:
Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet… [A]t the constitutional level, speech need not be a sedative; it can be disruptive… [A] function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger.”
In other words, the Constitution does not require Americans to be servile or even civil to government officials. Neither does the Constitution require obedience (although it does insist on nonviolence).
Somehow, the government keeps overlooking this important element in the equation.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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COVID-19 lab-leak theory debunked by Australian professor who has been dubbed ‘the virus hunter’ – ABC News These delusion crackpot Aussies just never fucking stop
We ae seeing the acceleration of the divide and rule tactics playing out large before our eyes. The miscreants are working hard to keep us divided and at each other’s throats, gay vs straight, men vs women, racial and ethnic antagonisms and class divisions are all in play. Notice how the police stand down/by and allow violence to break out at large rallies and demonstrations whether it was BLM and ANTIFA following the George Floyd death, the ultra right’s behavior in Charlottesville or the January 6 debacle where local, state and federal officials failed to coordinate and protect the people and property they were charged to keep secure.
Free thinkers who dissent from the accepted narrative are demonized, ostracized and marginalized if they remain true to their beliefs or are skeptical of the government’s motives. The fear porn and psychological warfare will continue, they are pumping up Monkeypox polio and assorted virus threats to push their vaccine agenda. Notice how there is no talk about natural immunity or how to strengthen our immune systems!
The overlords are ramping up their time table. Things are going to get worse, look around the world and see what the globalists are doing in places like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany and France or how leaders in Africa mysteriously died who didn’t toe the COVID line. The almost universal acquiescence to the overlords “plandemic” and “climate change” narratives prove this is a scripted global psyop designed to usher in the New World Order/ Great Reset..
Yep it looks like the fear mongering memes of virus, climate change, inflation are being joined by a resurrection of the old Islamofascism:
Rushdie knifed, Rowling up next. Oh yes, the attacks are being prepared to keep the plebs and any troublesome celebs in line.
The west only like Rushdie because he pissed all over Iran
In a pathologically crowded field, this marks some new kind of record for hyperventilating frothing over-massacre:
“Guardian analysis shows human-caused global heating is driving more frequent and deadly disasters across the planet, in most comprehensive compilation to date
The analysis of hundreds of scientific studies – the most comprehensive compilation to date – demonstrates beyond any doubt how humanity’s vast carbon emissions are forcing the climate to disastrous new extremes. … killer heatwaves …broiling seas…”
Then this curious bit:
“The studies analysed used a scientific technique called attribution to determine how much worse, or more likely, an extreme weather event was made by human-caused global heating. The technique’s power is in drawing a direct link between the disasters that people suffer through and the often abstract increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases caused by the mass burning of fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution. It brings the scientific reality of the climate crisis crashing home.”
Eh??? They are linking the disasters that people suffer through and the “often abstract” (?!) increase in … WHAT?
Never mind! Moving on quickly:
“The climate information website Carbon Brief compiled a new database of attribution studies of more than 500 events – every such study available – and shared it exclusively with the Guardian.”
“Exclusively” with the Guardian? What happened to peer review?
“The analysis of the database and interviews with the world’s leading attribution scientists…”
So we now have “attribution scientists”? That would be scientists who find this mysterious link between actual disasters and …. that abstract stuff? Hmm …. I am starting to feel that another name for these “attribution scientists” would be “spin doctors” or, more succinctly, “liars”.
In any case these exemplars of this exciting new field have shown “beyond any doubt that we are already deep into the era of climate death and destruction.”
After which, the phone directory’s worth of FUCKING TERRIFYING “YOU JUST CAN’T HANDLE IT!” DOOM AND DESTRUCTION !
“Everything’s destroyed. There’s nothing left of the city centre. The numbers of dead keep rising every hour. Emotionally, we’re at our limit.”
“….rampaged around the planet …reality of global heating into the homes … far worse extreme weather … wrecking lives and livelihoods today… super typhoons ….crash further inland….ferocious “heat dome” … That is scary.”… once unimaginable calamity …previously impossible is happening on a planetary scale…”
Accompanied by graphs, charts, photos, analyses, endless catalogues of NONONONO! OHMYGODWE’REALLGONNADIE!
And finally Steinbeck:
“In the grip of the Dust Bowl, Steinbeck’s character Ma also understood that the future was yet to be written. “Up ahead they’s a thousan’ lives we might live,” she said, “but when it comes it’ll on’y be one.””
Well there’s nothing you cannot do when applying “attribution science”!
Don’t tell me they are “computer modelling” again?
The “attribution science” is such a blatant con. It reads like the fabled small print that’s there to cover the confidence tricksters. Buried away in the early part of the spiel, once they’ve sneaked that one past you they are free to put in the customary Bible of blah, the endless accumulation of horror tales which are suppose to illustrate their bogus science but which are tied together only under this hocus pocus pseudo-method.
Defund the government.
Defund the defunct function funnily.
I do not acknowledge govern-ment. It is an illegitimate construct of thugs.
But yes, if the pleebs stopped remitting funds aka extortion to govern-ment en masse we’d see the change we seek.
Charlottesville was another staged phony event. The so called Nazis and antifa came in the same bus. It’s no different than wrestling. They probably all went out together that night and had a good laugh at how dumb the public is
Yes, there were ads for crisis actors before Charlottesville, and the big car scene where people went flying was obviously staged.
Jan 6 was staged too.
Collateral Murder was faked to infiltrate Wikileaks.
You are seriously a crack pot aren’t you.
You see how you only have ad hominems to present whereas I have evidence.
Anyone who believes someone who says they found a refugee boat journey to Australia “exciting … like a movie or film” is a crackpot in my book … or rather they are anchored in their belief created by meeting people who claim to be survivors and they cannot release themselves from that anchoring.
And that’s what those in power rely on, they rely on our anchoring in one of the various streams of propaganda pushed out so when evidence is presented that so very clearly contradicts that belief the victim of the propaganda simply cannot turn their mind to confront that evidence and make it mean what it must mean. They simply cannot do it. The sunk-cost fallacy will also play a role.
I had no clue about those boats, I certainly didn’t notice their rather coincidental proximity to the federal election and their occurrence in August and October sandwiching 9/11 and I had no clue that John Howard happened to be in Washington on that day. No clue at all. Back then I was so completely clueless.
It was only a couple of years ago when I was talking about staged events with my massage therapist and he mentioned how he wondered about refugee boats happening around election time. And so I wondered too and checked it out and found pretty quickly as I recall the absolutely jaw-dropping Leaky Boat that lays out the truth underneath the propaganda as clear as day, You are, at least, famililar with their “revelation of the method” technique, right?
If you simply allow yourself to be anchored in whatever you believe now, Marilyn, and don’t check the evidence that contradicts your belief, you’ll never get to the truth. Dispense with the ad hominems and look at the evidence and then get back to me.
Who knows?
Who’d be more inclined to be a crackpot these days btw? Those who ask themselves if they’re going crazy or those who don’t?
I really don’t know the answer. I feel I once sort of did.
It’s so simple really.
You make a very big mistake if you think they only target the “masses” with their propaganda, that is a huuuuuuuge mistake. They target the “masses” and they target those they know won’t believe them – of course! They need to be controlling everyone’s minds not just those who swallow everything, they need to control the minds of those they know won’t believe them too. Power cannot rule simply by targeting the masses, that’s so not the way … and they really get a kick out of controlling the minds of those who don’t believe them too you can see how they get a real laugh out of it.
They told us that refugees threw their children overboard. Those inclined to be xenophobic and worry about “jobs being taken by foreigners”, etc will believe that nonsense while those who don’t believe that nonsense will think the government is lying about those poor refugees to try to turn us against them and fear them. Yes, they are, yes they are lying about refugees throwing their children overboard – so utterly ridiculous – but they’re lying about the refugee boat in the first place. Why wouldn’t they? They don’t concern themselves with being thought of badly by those who already think badly of them. Power could not give too hoots about “looking bad” if it works to keep them in power, and “looking bad” works so very well to keep them in power in certain situations.
It’s spelt out in Leaky Boat so very, very clearly. Watch that film – no better example of “revelation of the method” is to be found.
“In the weeks after September 11th, the government’s polls continued to climb. John Howard called the election.”
John Howard:
“This is a time, of course, to choose strength and purpose and stability over the alternative.”
Stephen Mills, New Zealand Political Researcher, smilingly:
“It was as close as you can get to a khaki election, that’s an election that’s held during a war where incumbents are usually massively favoured and fear, anxiety, hatred, anger tend to rule voting choices.”
And Kim Beazley was in on it too. That’s politics.
They did the same for 9/11. They had:
— the masses believing terrorists killed and injured all the people and
— the disbelievers believing the US government killed and injured all the people.
They had us in a false dilemma (or the fake binary Catte speaks of)
Everything about 9/11 was a lie apart from the destruction of buildings: the planes were faked and death and injury were staged. The most common response I get to that claim is “but they wouldn’t care about the people,” a straw man argument. No one is saying they care about people, they’re killing and maiming us now in unconscionable numbers with the jab. They’re killing and maiming now for whatever agenda – depopulation? – but they didn’t on 9/11 because they didn’t want to, they just wanted us to believe that people were killed and injured – either by the terrorists or by the US government, so that no one had the truth about that event, that it was, in reality, a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills pushed out as a real event. If you haven’t got the truth in the first place how can you persuade others of it?
The refugees most likely arrive in planes or boats chartered by NGOs funded by govt and big foundations.
Otherwise what’s the story? Someone in for example Somalia saves money for years to then cross country through several borders Africa to reach Lybia and then pay thousands to some gang of rogue sailors to cross the Mediterranean, to then travel across Italy and France to then climb on a dinghy to cross the English Channel.
Or another alternative would be to apply for a visa at the USA embassy in Somalia (and be granted it), to then board a plane, land in America and claim assylum.
It seems a little far fetched, but if someone knows the real process by which someone arrives as a refugee in the UK or the US for example from a country like Somalia, I’d like to hear it.
I have no idea about Somalia but I know that a small number of refugee boats arrive in Australia (I hate to think about the ones that don’t make it), but we should always be suspicious of the ones they plaster all over the media.
As blatantly said by senior Defence staff in the revelation-of-the-method Leaky Boat.
Brigadier Gary Bornholt: “In Defence it wasn’t a big deal because these numbers of people were very, very small and that’s why they didn’t represent a security threat.”
Admiral Chris Barrie, Chief, Australian Defence Force: “We don’t actually remember that most of our illegal immigration takes place at our airports.”
Vice Admiral Chris Ritchie: “It was the news story of the particular time that we were in and you can drive anything to hysteria by beating it up enough.”
Dylan Moran with his oblique take on “gun” events in the US.
To Sophie – Admin. 1:
Just in case you’ve not spotted them, I replied (via two posts, at 2.30pm and 4.30pm today) to your query to me, re. the funeral director, John O’Looney, posted at 8.30am today, on this Off-G article (nearer the end of the thread).
Modern Moron Slaves must be kept in their deserved place…
Without the millions of MMS/3i’s that “work” at the “Police Systems” [Militarized police. Riot squads] the Owners & Billionaires can’t achieve this…
The first paragraph and image at the head of the article could refer to any existing Nation or State. Civil control strategies have remained the same for thousands of years. The military/fascist problem is hardly new. Only the technology is new.
The question should be: Why do civil populations continue to produce these deranged artifacts? Governments don’t create militaristic morons. People do…
Governments don’t pay taxes. People do…
And the question is – Why?
David Icke’s characterisation of the soulless at the top as “reptiles” isn’t altogether appropriate. Real reptiles are blameless creatures. Of course they take up this suitable demonic role due to a metaphor i.e. they are “cold blooded” – but that has a strict biological meaning i.e. unlike mammals they cannot regulate their body heat. But this is then taken in a metaphorical way i.e. “cold blooded” to mean coldly calculating.
I would be more inclined to draw a parallel between these vicious overlords and insect species – though obviously we are still in the realm of metaphor. The rulers are like machines, doomed to a two – or even one – dimensional realm that shows a complete lack of any comprehension for the true reality of both humanity and the natural world. This insect species at the top are like an embodiment of the theological notion of Evil as an absence. The Devil as Lord of Illusion and Prince of Lies. The ones in power, far from displaying superior qualities, do not even have the most basic qualities of the most modest levels of humanity e.g. empathy. The rulers are the most miserable degraded examples of humanity – if they are human at all.
One forgets that – just occasionally – our rulers were rather excellent, educated and informed people.
Now you have to be certifiably microcephalic even to be considered for government.
Please, somebody, put a stop to it. It’s excruciating to watch.
An Empire is ruled by an Emperor
A Kingdom is ruled by a King
A Country is ruled by a …
Well said.
And you aren’t even exaggerating here. It’s just the truth.
There is no longer any difference between any of the western nations as regards their governments, and the ‘narratives’ all come from the same place – straight from hell.
At least the Hindu gods knew a thing or two about cleaning up before a new beginning, just as in Wagner’s “Götterdämmerung” the slate is wiped clean at the end, with Valhalla going up in flames and the Rhine catastrophically overflowing its banks, sweeping away the old system.
It would be one thing if what we are now witnessing was some similarly lofty, organized spiritual cleansing, in preparation for a further stage in man’s evolution, but these overgrown little demon apes are throwing shit at the Universe just for the fun of it.
Lock them up and throw away the key. Then let’s think about what a human society could be.
A count?
One head of the news hydra (The Graud) serves as an “example” of the whole – though in truth it is more a case of cloned duplication i.e. “Spot the difference” time:
Now that catastrophe is the emphatically adopted posture, the disasters can have their own slots: “Climate Crisis”, “Ukraine Invasion”, “Cost of Living Crisis” etc.
-“Salman Rushdie Author on ventilator and ‘likely to lose an eye’ after being stabbed on stage”
-“Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow warns US over diplomatic ‘point of no return’”
-“Extreme heat warning in place for England and Wales as 500% increase in wildfires reported”
-“Domestic violence Vulnerable women put at risk as courts in England and Wales reveal refuge locations”
-“Spain One dead and dozens hurt as stage collapses in high winds at festival”
-“‘It’s madness’ Ukraine holds breath as Putin turns nuclear plant into frontline”
-“When food shortages bite What to eat and drink in the age of empty shelves”
-“Megafloods could add to California disaster woes, study says”
-“Millions more in England facing hosepipe ban”
-“How UK farms are coping with looming drought”
Repetition of the catastrophe vocabulary, hypnosis induced despair, lowering of mass psyche …. all this being backed up by various items still held in reserve: the increased selling of insect food, labelling of farm food as “dangerous to the environment”, the ever present viral apocalypse, the looming health crisis as waiting lists for REAL conditions lengthen, the general sex/gender instability as the murk of this Trans movement advances etc.
All to usher in the depopulation agenda as well as corralling the people increasingly into a totally atomised Matrix world.
True disaster after disaster pain despair woe is me the sky is falling in.These news casters should be ashamed of themselves pushing this crap it’s laughable.
The ‘national calamity’ narrative is so ubiquitous across all British media that it looks suspiciously like some kind of government propaganda operation. And nothing seems to be actually happening that hasn’t happened many times before in most of our lifetimes.
I say bring it all on!
Who’s going to suffer the most with this heating or eating?Who suffered the first from the plandemic? They are slowly but surely eradicating the elderly the generation that has foresight to what is good and bad.This whole agenda has been Evil beyond Evil.I wish others would wake up it’s happening under our nose’s.
It’s a general depopulation agenda though it will obviously impact most initially on the elderly. The calculated terror formation laced throughout the population e.g. collapsing hope for future, despair over declining status of livelihoods, anxiety over the erasure of savings – all of this will take their toll. Add in the slump in communication/ articulacy in the youngest who have had their most precious formative years damaged by social distancing/ masks – and you have the seeds of a slow genocide. The new feudalised mass, depleted though eventual lack of proper nutrients via insect food, will not present any kind of opposition to the new techno-barons.
Or the action plan may be to give the masses some funny money like with the covid act to keep us entertained while the all spectrum poisoning does its job.
These politicians celebrities are doing appalling things behind closed doors.It’s just another kick in the teeth to us mere mortals paying for their flights of fancy.
Initially a group of people obtained a permit to speak against removal of the Lee statue.
Then mayor of Charlottesville sued to prevent them from speaking-The court ruled against the mayor-free speech and proper permit
The mayor railed against this publicly and then the Governor of Virginia chimed in and expanded this from a local issue to a national issue.
Then all the crazies came out of the woodwork and we got what we go.
If they had let the speeches go on with maybe a hundred people listening then nothing would have happened except some local grumbling
They had to make this into a big national event and then create chaos
Well of course the racist issue must be whipped up again and again. And if this issue was allowed to lapse – which it could easily do since the vast majority of the general public couldn’t give a fuck about it – then the little media hacks would have to come in and complain loudly that the white race hasn’t apologised nearly enough etc. Or you could substitute any other race there from the vast catalogue of race crimes extending back to the dawn of time.
Right on. The entire debacle was a psyop. The race card has been a handy card to play, and the public plays the fool…
Don’t forget how these protests came about at the dawn of covid when everyone was supposed to be locked down and distancing. But then this entire episode proved how oddly sophisticated covid was: a bug which always stayed away when the issue was protest against media defined racism!
Don’t get me started!
One of the most outrageous displays of virtue-signaling doublethink was that not only were the 2020 “anti-racism” protests permitted and encouraged, many of the despotic “Woke” (Democratic) incumbents and public-health officials participated, and openly flouted the very draconian laws they otherwise viciously and aggressively enforced.
It’s too aggravating to go look for specific sources and links, but even the conventional scamdemic-boosting mass-media couldn’t ignore the flagrant double-standard. When the most egregious hypocrites were confronted over their proud participation in rallies, devoid of masks and even nominal attempts to “social-distance”, they piously explained that they felt morally compelled to make an exception.
The ass-covering talking point justification they expressed was that yes, the “COVID pandemic” required those draconian measures. But structural and cultural “racism” was also a sort of “pandemic” with an even more pernicious history and magnitude.
So it was perfectly proper, even imperative, to greenlight and personally participate in public protests in which mask-wearing and distancing simply weren’t feasible. Only a hardened cynic (and/or a racist) would insinuate that rushing to the head of the unmasked and undistanced procession constituted reprehensible demagoguery.
Thus honor was satisfied. 😡
The other thing is the Internet is being scrubbed and a new reality is being created by the monopoly media just like in the novel 1984
The net is different than it used to be.
Does a person have a constitutional right to be a fifth columnist?
Suppose, for instance, that Charlottesville was an organised hoax from the get-go. That it’s main purpose was to subvert the fabric of US society. That this was part of a long-running “secret war” against the US. That this secret war involved foreign powers. That a US citizen worked with others in the commissioning of this hoax. And that this individual was reasonably aware of what he was participating in.
Hello, Lost in a dark wood: Yes. Charlottesville was indeed a hoax. Not as newsworthy as the Sandy Hook hoax, but Sandy Hook was better planned… You might find this article interesting. >
Fake News and the Programmed Viewer
By Jon Rappoport
April 4, 2018
I think Charlottesville was very well planned; whereas Sandy Hook was a bit shoddy. However, there are indications that SH was intentionally shoddy; and that this shoddiness serves some multi-layered purpose. For instance, since the calling out of crisis actors was used to purge people from youtube, the acting was necessarily OTT. Also, it creates a kind of 2+2=5 reality when you’re required to treat “Robbie Parker” as being in anyway real.
Charlottesville included the formation of the Unite the Right pseudo-movement; and as implied by the Defend Assange tweet (see earlier), this is connected to the hoax “nazification” of Ukraine. Prior to the Ukraine war, I had assumed that the objective of Charlottesville was to damage Trump by creating some association with White Nationalism. However, I now think the campaign had been planned prior to Trump’s election run, and that it was part of a wider agenda to break the US. This is why I think the hoaxers should be viewed as enemy combatants and tried accordingly.
The term ‘unlawful enemy combatant’ means —
(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant . . .
Excellent analysis. The breaking up of the united populace in the United States has been ongoing for well over 150 years. The Organic Act of 1871 entrenches organized crime within the judicial system. The Supreme Court is a supreme joke, and the joke is on us… Thanks for posting.
It is surprising how quickly pig excesses in the post convid era have been forgotten and apparently forgiven. There were across the globe waves of brutal unabashed violent repression that was unprecedented. This global phenomenon is manifestation of a new attitude in the ruling banker class and in the political, propaganda and bureaucratic layers reporting to them. Convid was in itself shocking in it’s duplicity and ubiquity and sheer cynical malevolence. The unleashing of militarised police on peaceful protesters everywhere to enforce the concomitant dystopia was equally shocking. It was a break from the tradition of pretending that civil liberties and human dignity mattered. It was sadism for it’s own sake and because the banksters realized their ponzi scheme had collapsed. It portends a dark future.
Doesn’t seem to be much fear when I went out today.
Everyone enjoying the great British summer and I counted three people wearing a facemask in my high street – and that was in an indoor shopping centre that ‘recommended’ it!
It all seems a long, long time from that March when Boris Johnson and his Far Right bosses told people they had to stay home.
No wonder the Tory media are trying to frighten the public with droughts and energy shortages and everything. I doubt our hopeless media and spies would be able to panic people about a plague of locusts these days after covid fell flat!
The fear and terror is of our elites on the run.
I pressed upvote and it made two down votes?!?
Perhaps the two down votes appeared because your vote refreshed/updated the totals.
That said, the voting feature has been buggered again for several days. It’s been reported via the e-mail “contact” address, but I’ve seen no administrative acknowledgement or status report.
Maybe they’re so fed up with dealing with the problematic voting feature that they’re leaving it “broke” so that users will get fed up too and simply stop using it. 😠
If they are your elites then you should be cheering for them.
The general public have always displayed a lack of concern for the fear being whipped up by the hydra heads of the media. This of course has annoyed the insect hacks no end. But the phony dissident sites can be handy here as comments on the Craig Murray site proved on a recent visit. The entity known as “Clark” responded to a “climate change denier” with the following identikit bulletin:
Neat, isn’t it? All the synthetic causes united in one unholy bundle. The ice is melting, the world is about to explode, millions dying of various instantly resurrected plagues, “brave gender questioners”, whose bathetic presence here nearly sinks the whole scam, especially when this leads into the “murder of oppressed minorities” …. etc. etc.
It may as well be autistic software generated repetition.
“UK heatwave: Five common myths debunked”
“1/ ‘Weather maps are alarmist’….”If some of the dark red colours used to display some of the extreme temperatures seen in July are considered alarming, it’s likely [to be] because the temperatures themselves were alarming and were not figures that we’d ever put on to a UK weather map before,” said Stephen Dixon, a Met Office spokesperson.”
It’s not the maps that are red. It’s the country that’s red! AAAARGHH!
“2/ ‘Runway temperatures are making it hotter’The Met Office was accused of manufacturing and manipulating the record-breaking temperatures, because some were recorded at Heathrow. Some suggested heat emitted from the airport’s runway had skewed temperatures.”
Answer: Of course we’re not doing that! And you can trust us! Look how much honest reporting we’ve given you over covid!
“3/ Weather warnings are fear-mongeringThe Met Office began issuing weather warnings in 1988 – including for wind, snow and rain, as well as for lightning and thunderstorms. But extreme heat weather warnings are relatively new. The Met Office introduced them in June 2021, citing the importance of protecting infrastructure and the wider public.”
Presumably, protecting infrastructure and the wider public was never important before?
“4/ ‘It’s just summer’The UK has very variable weather. But in recent years, climate scientists have observed periods of intense heat becoming more frequent around the world, more intense and lasting longer as a result of human-induced climate change. “This is climate change: not a typical British summer,” said Prof Richard Betts from the University of Exeter.”
It’s not just summer! My God we’ve never seen anything like this before!
“5/ ‘It was hotter in 1976’Hundreds of people have also shared their experiences of the 1976 heatwave on social media, with many making the false suggestion that this summer’s heatwaves were “no different”. However, the peak temperature in 1976 was 35.9C (96.6F), more than four degrees lower than the 40.3C recorded on 19 July. Nine out of 10 of the hottest days ever recorded in the UK have been since 1990, according to the Met Office. The hottest day from 1976 ranks as 13th in the list.”
1976? Pah! That was nothing! Wait till you see what comes next! And we already know! It’s all written down here!
The weather forecast was meant for fishermen how has it ended up on msm?!? Fear mongering that’s why.
I’d forgotten the old telly forecast map with the sun and raincloud stickers. I could never get used to centigrade though with the BBC weather cronie.
ie: how warm is 10? Blooming idiots.
Perhaps we’ll see another lady bird plague?
Let’s just check whether both of those peak temperatures were recorded on the tarmac at Heathrow airport, or only one of them…
The illusion lies in the concept ‘they are building a police state’ ‘cos they have already built it, we’re in it have been for a few generations, the police state is mental, a psychologically oppressive, emotionally repressive, distorted cynical perception of ourselves and our environment that bears little resemblance to reality.
Our current disconnected anti-natural lifestyle is an oppressive sensibility promoted by the taught history, anthropology, media and cosmology and its all founded on complete ignorance. Finding some scant pieces of bone using highly suggestible dating methods does not reliably paint the picture of history and meaning taught in universities or documentaries.
So the offensive state we are in is mental, emotional, spiritual belief system and from that is encouraged physical chains, sometimes self-fulfilling cynicism, if you can’t see these chains, if you can’t realise the modern oppressive perception of reality, which is all false, then the rise of a physically political oppressive environment will no doubt arise.
It’s all programmed around us, in our history; JFK was killed on Elm Street, Dallas, a nightmare on Elm Street.
The term ‘state’ is also misleading because much of it in the West is directed by corporations and not government. They don’t aim to ban most things outright (banning bestows power on to something) but to ring-fence them which is why shadow-banning and “don’t look there, they’re crazy” are the weapons most often deployed. I know shadow-banning is real because a certain UT channel, however much I watch it, is never recommended to me (although things I watched once months ago are constantly thrust in my face – as was someone like Russell Brand even though I’d never watched anything by him).
I’ve been seeing another of their tricks on Paypal recently. Every transaction asks if I’ll donate a sum to “rewilding Britain”. Build your own prison! Smart cities won’t need fences when the surrounding countryside is full of bears and wolves and the populace denied any weaponry.
‘banning bestows power on to something’
That explains why certain contraband are outlawed, it also sets a boundary in your mind, I think this is partly how common-folk develop an exagerrated fear of their incompetent rulers which only serves to support their own enslavement. If you fear a sociopath, he takes what he wishes.
As a sociopath/psychopath and married 2 garden variety of the same, I agree.
Mainstream doesnt produce documentaries. A documentary into main stream relied on narrated cultural revision. To accomplish this whats used is a natural revisionist speach even with live broadcasts spanning Oceans.
The measure of your perception isnt on what is said but what is wittnessed on film. imo.
This is Public knowledge, a futher educated person perhaps will explain it better who is fluent in other languages.
I read a comment on Henry Makows site which recommended the reading of Etienne De La Boeties essay “The politics of obedience: The discourse of voluntary servitude”
I have started reading it and even if it is looks interesting it was written five hundred years ago and not much have changed than voluntary slaves now having more modern clothes and funnier gadgets. With this non existing speed of change and the herd now being zombiefied with injections I find it hard to be optimistic. Sure, the few can show the many in a “monkey see, monkey do” approach but that won’t matter if the herd is made brain dead with injections. They have pushed this crap beyond the point of no return and there are probably aspects of it that we haven’t yet seen.
I think it can only get worse they the 1% want the world and resources to themselves,They want just so amount of people to pander to them.How have we let this happen?!?? These parasites are living off us without us they could not survive.
A bunch of bad eggs.
We have become spineless and lazy – easy prey for the parasites.
We find the act of physical resistance to oppression just too uncomfortable to bother with, and we imagine that the millions of adult humans in our society have a serious reason to be afraid of the ‘elite’ few.
It’s the media, folks. They are Public Enemy No. 1.
Not only could the parasites not live without us; they couldn’t live without the media either.
They are the ones who should be afraid, but we can’t even be bothered to show our teeth, so of course they don’t even know that they’re parasites…
It is so depressing.
nuttin new here
the guv don’t overlook nuttin
the guv run the show in Gulag Amerika
that slaveholder ‘constitution’ . . . it don’t mean nuttin to PoliceMan Guv
just ask George F.
Oh dear, I’m sitting in front of my computer, its 07.40 am and guess what is happening! There’s an ambulance or police car ostentatiously sounding its siren already! The first of many during the day and night. Got to keep the plebs in fear! Pathetic!
Same thing here. It’s widespread.
I have also noted the escalation in ambulance sirens and have had a suspicion of theatre myself. It wouldn’t take much to set off such tricks: Just get some to phone in on false – or overstated – claims. It creates an atmosphere of impending doom.
Could also be bringing in the “vaccine” damaged and dying.
Where I live they come and go from a disused school playground. Park up there at night, set off from there in the morning sirens blaring all the way, even on empty roads with no traffic. Usually 8-10 parked up each night and I strongly suspect they go nowhere near hospitals or patients.
It’s even happening in my small town South Australia
Please bear with me, for this post directly relates to what you’ve said in your post!
A couple of days ago, I came across a new book (re. the ‘covid’ scam), co-authored by a bloke called John Hamer. His co-author being an American woman called Shannon Rowan. Its title is “Welcome to the Masquerade: prelude to the Great Reset”.
It’s a chunky book (750+ pages). I ordered a copy yesterday, for it looks excellent (a couple of years ago, I bought and read another of his, called ‘The Falsification of History’; I don’t agree with certain claims in the latter book, but most of it is correct).
However, the reason why I mentioned that is the following. When, prior to ordering a copy, I utilised the ‘look inside’ facility on Amazon, and reading some of the early pages, I found this. It directly relates to the observation which you (and others, including myself) have made.
In the lengthy Introduction, it says the following:
“As to the afore-mentioned sirens, co-author John met a man who refused to shut the doors to his own small business and as a result has been able to keep it, unlike so many others who acquiesced to New World Order diktats and who now find themselves jobless and, as such, wards of the State. This man, whose curiosity was piqued by the incessant ambulance siren noise in his home town of Preston, in the county of Lancashire in northwest England, decided to covertly follow the ambulances from point of origin (the hospital) and back again. In each instance of tailing an ambulance he discovered that it travelled from the hospital to some miles outside of town, stopped in a random location and then turned right back around again, arriving at the hospital, without having picked up anyone – and all the while with sirens blaring and blue lights flashing. This show repeated with one empty ambulance after another driving on, it would appear to be, predetermined routes in every direction, always with sirens engaged. Since hearing of this report we have corroborated this man’s accounts with others who witnessed the very same thing in their own towns in early 2020.
Not only have empty ambulances been ordered to drive about with sirens wailing simply to create an atmosphere of fear and set the stage for the masquerade… [and then continues with other aspects of the scam]”.
Have skimmed through the link you provided me with. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. That ambulance drivers have to go on trips without people in the ambulances, with sirens blaring, as part of their training, perhaps?
Anyhow, the site you provided me with is from the Homeland Security… ie, in the US. I’m in the UK. So what the HS data is, would not necessarily be the same as here in Britain (and Homeland Security doesn’t exactly have good [what’s the word/phrase I’m thinking of…?]… credentials?? I’m genned-up on the actual facts re. the actual nature of the atrocities on 9/11 [I carried out a great deal of research into it, some years ago], and know that Homeland Security is… well, I won’t say…).
The point I’m trying to make — badly — is that I don’t believe that ambulances are racing down the streets pell-mell simply to terrify the populace. So, yes, your surmise is correct: ambulance drivers go on training runs.
Additionally, here in the States, crime is up across the board, all cause deaths are up, along with vaccine injury, and there may simply be more ambulances in use.
I’m simply skeptical of the idea that ambulances are just racing down the streets, empty. Maybe they are, but it doesn’t make sense to me. If living in an urban environment, most people learn to tune them out most of the time.
When driving wittnessing a US parting of the Waves happening before your very eyes is something to cherish., and thank Him upstairs for a brake pedal.
Is he a coloured moderate rebel fish & shop owner, only joking.
About same time of day? yes I noticed that as well, I think most people noticed.
Lancs, good luck to the Gent and his business.
The Falsification of History is a great mind expanding read and it is very close to what the much ridiculed ( I don’t know why) David Icke has been trying to tell us for the past 35 years. Whatever your beliefs it sure prompts you to find out more.
Yes, you’re so right! That book is indeed a great read.
This mask business is very patchy. Where I live on the edges of south London I would estimate 97% of the population do not wear masks – even on public transport. Some of the shop assistants do but that’s because their employers force them, but even here the practise is tapering off. I would say that the people who continue to wear masks are some elderly female OAPs, who feel safe when they have their face nappy’s on. The only irritating thing about the current situation is the behaviour of ambulances and police cars. They tear up and down the streets all day and night, making as much noise as possible trying to frighten people into believing that the virus is still present. But the general population just ignores them. You can actually set your watch by them. It starts around 9 in the morning, just when people are going to work, and then more or less carries on to about midnight.
The only people who do wear masks are usually teachers doctors, nurses and civil servants – the ever reliable Orwellian ‘outer-party’. In short the middle-class professionals in the public sector and bought journalists and politicians.
Soo good to hear cheers Donald.
The forces of fascism have long been alive in the USA. As for these fake riots and protests, they are mostly arranged by the FBI aka Obamastapo themselves in cahoots with George Soros. We live in dark times.
But Rick De Santis is anti-Soros…. De Santis in 2024!
Let’s see how he fares on one of the big tells that Trump is a complete fraud:
Oh dear….
Add rendition, abduction and torture to the list.
Ruler’s (parasites)Only have the interests of other rulers (parasites).They cause wars disruption only for the interests of their counterparts not for us.There’s a big club and we aren’t in it says George.Let’s make our own club I bet they’d be no wars or pillaging of the planet.
We the people have given these rulers (parasites) too much leeway too much authority and they have taken our rights with gusto.Slowly but surely over many generations we have been brow beaten to authority to laws that slowly but surely further enslave us,If anyone is to blame it’s us.
Just look at Australia. An armed man can pull you over and demand you put something he gives you into your mouth and blow. If you refuse it’s a criminal offence. You’ll be heavily fined by a man in a black dress and robbed of your meagre income credits. All for doing nothing. Australian general public has been fine with this for decades. No worries.
yep its fuggin sickening
they’s all wants to be obedient safe stooopeed sheeple
disgustin 😷
This is ironical because Western and Marxist and other societies encourage alcohol consumption. Alcohol is the real life soma. It is profitable to those who produce, distribute and promote it. Along with distractions like sport and entertainment alcohol it is a powerful force for control and internalising obedience and loyalty.
Absolutely. They uber advertise booze on TV…push it to the hilt.
Frankly, after reading my nightly Off-G, alcohol is the only way I can sleep.
Utter Bollocks! Your Own mind has done enough Social damage as it is. Ban Group Fascist!
Something else, You have made ‘Safe’
A copyright TAG!
Grow UP!
It’s been a slow drip drip dripping over decades to accustom citizens until they think it’s normal.It ain’t.
Have people lost the ability to read? >
The most famous and perhaps most eloquent expression of a people’s right to “dissolve the political bands” which tie them together was penned by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
– Thomas Jefferson –
(April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826)
The statements in the document seem pretty clear…
Here’s the problem with Jefferson….”That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.”
Licensed rights, licensed freedom isn’t freedom.
He is saying people create governments in order to secure their rights against anyone trying to abuse them. What does ‘licensing’ have to do with it?
He / she means
The government works with ‘licensing’ as in needing a license to do xyz and ‘registration’ as in birth, car, marriage business’s owning a house and land etc which is apart of there maritime admiral law which is what this shit show is run on. Contractual consent etc.
Try sorting out a someone’s passing (death) within that governmental system without a death certification aka license.
Someone with real legal le bar black law etc knowledge would say that ‘Thomas Jefferson statement ‘would say something completely else as the words used mean several different things using the laws which they use which a majority of the people completely dont no about as in mislead lied to.
That is what he she is trying to say and he she is completely right.
Overview of the World System of Bondage
A comprehensive presentation explaining how the world system is constructed to place all of humanity into perpetual bondage. It integrates many threads of law, history, esoteric symbolism and monetary system into a whole cloth that provides a clear understanding of the system as well as how to remove oneself from its binding structures.
Governments license everything.
‘secure their rights against anyone trying to abuse them’. That’s why we have the 2nd Amendment.
Hello, Pig Swill: Jefferson was very clear on civil control of governance. The licensure issue followed the dictates of Letters Patent. The origination of Letters Patent is British. Not American.
The Patent Law Amendment Act of 1852 (British) initiated the practice of human licensure.
Regardless…licensing a third party – a government, to keep ‘my’ affairs in order and look out for ‘me’…is doomed to failure. I’ve already shot myself in the foot if I agree to allow a third party group to manage my affairs for me.
Excellent point. Either we have the rights [ from God ] or we have to give power to someone else to give them to us. Interesting. Good on you for seeing this.
I think I’m beginning to see a pattern!
Aug 13, 2017
The new face of America is eerily familiar.
Defend Assange Campaign
Account run by the legal campaign to free Julian Assange
About a year after Charlottesville, a comment on an article about it linked to the ‘Dwayne Dixon Chronology’ video which I watched in shock. Dwayne a professor, and member of an armed Redneck Rebellion antifa type group went to Charlottesville with his rifle. After the protest he waved off the Dodge Charger guy who was slow rolling by with his rifle.
He yelled at the protesters to block intersections on routes out of town, box in the intersection behind and ” prepare to get hit”
I found most of the original video in 2 parts; here is the described incident:
Glad I saw this before the endless 2020 protests.
After forcing young people in Australia to have Pfizer jabs before a transplant I have found 2 liver transplants failures in one fucking day from the jab, one was 24 years old
Is it true they don’t except blood from the vaccinated?.
gotta a link to that?
And it looks like this 27 year old girls body and heart totally broke down.
Database of Adverse Event Notifications – results ( If you get the front page search for comirn and Pfizer jabs will come up from there it’s easy to find them. These are just the last couple of days and are the people filling hospital beds, there are dozens of bad reactions every day
Just say no. And keep saying no. I will not enable or be complicit in this convid fascism in any way, although the large majority of people in Melbourne are obviously very happy to go along with it. Especially men here who seem to have been thoroughly emasculated en masse.
I wonder how many of these people actually know its all bullshit, but just go along with everything anyway so as not to rock the boat, or risk getting fined or risk being socially shunned.
I’ve talked to people who knew there was no pandemic yet they’re still wearing facemasks outside. They didn’t want any confrontation with the brainwashed. Earlier this week I saw one of my awake customers on the same train who knows the truth about the convid pysops and knows about The Great Reset, yet she was still wearing a mask on the train.
Until a much larger number of people practice civil disobedience, say no and refuse to get on their knees, the noose will keep tightening around all our necks.
And yes, the facemask has nothing to do with health or safety. It’s a visual symbol of submission and obedience. And a constant reminder of a “deadly virus”.
💯 .
Nary a mask to be seen in Northern NSW Geezah.
Melb is paranoid central.
It’s nuts here… I don’t know what they’re putting in the water here but I’m standing on a suburban shopping strip right now, beautiful sunny morning, and a noticeable number of people walking around outside wearing masks. You can really see the fear in their eyes. 10 minutes ago just seen a father with his 7 year old son, both masked. The boy is taking bites from his croissant, putting the mask over his nose again, chewing, then when he took another bite pulled the mask down, then pulled it back up to chew. Seriously, what the hell?
Yes, I’ve heard that most parts of Australia are almost sane and normal compared to the demented lunacy here in Woke Melbourne, the wokeist city in Australia.
“THEY” really amped up the tech juice in those “life saving vaccines,” which seem to have crazy, powerful mind control effects. I’m serious. It’s sooooooo fucking bizarre to me. SO much obedience. Any perceived “authority” (at school, college, religion, government, medical and mental health care workers, etc etc) over myself as if I need someone to tell me how to life, what to do, how to think, etc HAS ALWAYS bothered my deeeeeeply. I am the cpatin of my soul, damnit. I have all the tools I need, so kick rocks. I struggle with ALL “authority.” It feels wrong.
This whole CONvid changed me. I look around and realize that my perceptions are so far away from these other people STILL beLIEving in the fake, medical nightmare of a “reality.” Seeing everyone just living like they were pre 2020 and to me? It all feels so different to me. I am plowing forward through this new “improved” way of life, though. I don’t look back, It was “normal” even then. We will never not see people in a mask anymore. It’s in these ridiculous “pandemic” movies that seem to be planting seeds in the mind of the collective conscious to usher in “THEIR” vision of a really diabolical dystopian hell hole. It’s SUFFOCATING.
Everyone that sees through this deception have always been the ones that thought outside the box from childhood.
I think these types of people follow the trend I bet their profile picture is the Ukrainian flag.
probably green shirt fake zeeleenskeeze from Vogue
On my rare trips out among the general public in Brisbane there’s many, many people masked. I’ve totally given up on caring what any of these people do. My family is still under the spell, behind the fog. It’s so far beyond comprehension now that people are still on the hook with this bullshit that I’ve just stopped thinking about it. I’ve been suspicious of the whole thing since the start of 2020. It’s all so very, very lame to me. People are just lame. I’ll occasionally catch a segment of TV news here or there. It’s all so tiresome. It’s impossible to talk people down. Everybody is living in their own reality. Even me, the side of the fence I’m on still doesn’t bring me any closer to any real insight. I can only go by two things. 1. I’m not taking injections and 2. I’m not wearing a mask. This helps to keep things clear for me.
The tough Ausiie male is consigned to the history books..
Now just soy latte sipping Simps, acquiesces to every new thing and afraid of his own shadow.
The tough Aussie is a figment of some crackpots imagination, I have never met any of these tough Aussies.
Next you’ll tell me that Mick “Crocodile” Dundee is a fictional character!
Have you seen the size of that knife he carries?
Don’t believe the old crod yarn, it was the shittest film ever.
When I read “tough Aussie” the Dundee character immediately sprang, brandishing his phallic knife, to my mind.
IIRC, at the time (mid-1980s?) there was an infatuation with Australia in the US. Now that I think of it, I can’t say why such fads occur. I suppose they could be traced back to commercial marketing influences, but that’s not clear because marketing campaigns also pick up on existing trends as well as create them.
Anyway, Australia was seen as Sweden once was, except with better weather and geography: a sort of pleasant, paradisiacal utopian land where rugged, manly men and extroverted beautiful women cavorted on picture-perfect beaches, and knew how to have a good time. Kangaroos and koalas too!
Then the dingo ate the baby and it was all downhill from there. 🐈 😎
beta-boys and cowards
Even the tradies tucked tail and complied to everything. Never saw a tradie at a shop without a mask during the mandates.
Men have been the biggest fucking sooks.
And women have been hysterical
Women have been out front Centre in the US Media for two years.
Correct Paul… the tough Aussie, anti establishment larrikin was all a myth. Okay, maybe there are still men like that out in the middle of nowhere like Bourke or Cunnamulla and other little bush towns, but in the large cities and towns, nope. Thoroughly emasculated soy latte sipping simps. I’ve seen tradies, labourers, suits, old men, young men, buff gym guys, all meekly obedient and wearing facemasks, scanning the QR codes and no doubt getting jabbed to keep their jobs. Oh and the new trend here amongst the hipster males – wearing women’s skirts and dangly earrings in public. I’ve seen several of them in the suburb I shop in recently. And they’re not even blushing.
Notice that the “virus” never contaminates the exposed food. Traces of sanitiser transferred from hands to food will do the believers good.
Yes, funny that. Few days ago while waiting for my coffee at a cafe, a guy came in to pick up his order of food. After the cafe owner handed him his wrapped food, he stood there and furiously rubbed sanitiser on every individual finger before he picked up his bag of food and left. Complete insanity. I had a run in with the same guy a while ago. He was in front of me and was using so much sanitiser that the fumes were going up my nose.
I turned around and said: “shouldn’t you be wearing a hazmat suit to keep safe”? He got angry and told me to mind my own business and to respect his space!! Even though I had fumes going up my nose. These people are completely gone Mgeo. There are a lot of people like this guy in Melbourne.
Burnett are out peddling hysteria again.
Lots of muzzles in Greater Sydney.
I notice the Burnett crackpots are out bleating about the benefit of masks again.
that was a highlight fear-porn spew by the aussie bullshitt cabal (ABC) in the AM
Follow the money trial Marilyn… Who has given the Burnett Institute generous grants and awards? This is what is keeping this bullshit going: $$$$. Oh, and the complete moral and ethical bankruptcy of these creatures at the Burnett and the Doherty Institutes.
Was watching the Rugby league at old man’s place last night…ad came on….Dr imploring Australians to get vaccinated, wear masks and save lives. Still it goes on. Mentioned the mysterious death of Paul Green to old man….nothing…not a word sideways about the injections or the possibility that these vaccines could be fucking with some people.
Saw a report today of a 20 year old English soccer player who collapsed and was airlifted by helicopter to a hospital in Bristol. It was all a big mystery apparently. Not even a hint that the vaccines might have had something to do with it.
I posted a while ago that between March 2021 and March 2022, 769 athletes and soccer players had collapsed and either died or they suffered a heart attack or other illness. Prime, fit young people. Average age was 23.7 years old. But of course nothing to do with the jabs. That’s all a conspiracy theory apparently. Sigh. Yes, we know the media is deliberately covering all this up, but the denialism out there by Joe Bloggs is breathtaking. It takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance not to comprehend what is really going on.
Reading the conversations below I can only conclude that we’ve fallen into the trap.
Divide and conquer is their strongest tool.
Wasn’t The idea was that a forum of intelligent minds with a common purpose could have a discussion about the shitshow and come up with some positive ways to get us out of this?
Instead, all I see is infighting, downvoting anyone that has a different opinion rather than debating and the constant “no virus” theme.
FFS, it doesn’t matter if there is a virus or not. That’s not the point.
The point is we’re being fucked over and are being made to look stupid by petty bickering.
People, just grow up and let’s get back to facts otherwise we really are fucked.
It means everything to know the Truth about “deadly viruses.” It’s not that diseases don’tr exist; it’s that contagion is a MYTH. It’s a lie, dude, 100%. If the slaves/peasants/masses/humans knew about the medical MISHCIEF right off the tails of “germ theory,” and that it is INDEED a lie–a massive one and you know it AND the majority wouldn’t be obeying shit like this and could see right through it, immediately, because “THEY” are unable to MAKE US SICK anymore with their wonderful pharm POISONS to “keep us well” and “safe from one another,” because it’s “all for the greater good,” when “THEIR” snake oil is POISONING us and creating ailments being LABELED “autoimmune deficiencies,” or a “cold,” or the “flu,” or “pneumonia,” or CONvid; you get jest and “THEY” also have the solution/ “medicine”/”life saving vaccine” for you to “help you be well when get one of those lables.
“THEY” are creating ailments to create CUSTOMERS of their very insidious medical and mental health POWERFUL businesses: It’s INVERTED as hell! And the LIE/ medical fraud/SCAM/heist/BAMBOOZLEMENT/ that this current fake, medical nightmare is, is held up by dangerous made up shit called “Germ Theory.” “THEY” are making out like BANDITS from this and maiming us, killing us, and controlling so many more people by just taking their products and no one cares to know what is going inside their bodies/bloodstreams. If people knew the Truth and had access to it, the masses would far less likely to acquiesce and obey without at least questioning, especially the ingredients.
So yeah, it’s VITAL that we know the Truth about “germ theory” being a massive lie warranting mega wealth, control, and power. It’s a very important spiritual war. Step up to the plate. No one on the screens is out to “save” us with a concoction that needs to go inside our bloodstream. “THEY” want inside our blood. It’s beyond powerful in there. Germ theory justifies “life saving vaccines.” “THEY” are weakening us. Sickening us. Poisoning us by their products, which “THEY” have convinced too many that those poisons and toxins creating ailments us saves our lives and keeps us healthy. DIABOLICAL tactics and tricks.
Health does not come in a vial.
GERM THEORY IS A LIE. There are zero “deadly viruses” that we “catch and spread” to one another. It’s impossible. Your bodily sovereignty and the integrity of your mind is most vital right now.
Very true we get sick because of toxins and toxic buildup in our body’s.They inject children from birth without their consent and at the bow beating of the parents to protect your child from childhood illnesses which in the long run slowly destroying the immune system.
You nailed it! What a lie (germ theory) to pass off so it scares people into going to get the remedy from the perpetuators of the SCAM. It’s nuts to me and that I once fell for this bullshit, too, has me doing such inner work about the large picture to all this. I have really had to forgive myself for being unconscious around this area and taking all my “health tips” from Medical and mental health “professionals.” Don’t get me going on the poisons called “anti-biotics” and what they are doing to people, as well. Gives me chills and I get so angry when I think about it. Far too many people are still far too swooned with “doctors” and “philanthropists.”
I can certainly empathise T. Same experience. Are you me?
Which seems to be why the very old and baby boomers are living longer and healthier while GENX and Y are sicker and sicker.
Bang on T. Gave it 10 upvotes – because the system let me!
I’m glad you are on to the deception, as well. It’s a huge Truth to come to. Coming to this knowledge puts a lot of puzzle pieces together. “THEY” have so many people beLIEving that poison is medicine and that our body in compromised (have all these “deadly viruses” that we can “catch” and “spread”) upon birth so we need the ghouls’ “protection.”
So, how do you persuade people of this?
You keep bringing up the fraudulent “science” that is apparently “settled” and dismantle the hell out it. You need to know how to articulate the Truth about this bullish called “germ theory” and educate people about terrain theory and get people looking into energy, frequency, and vibration and how it’s being used against us through the use of high voltage radiation/frequencies/powerful psychotronics and very advanced technology that everything thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
You must study it in order to educate people it. Remember, even many of those who call themselves “awake” to what is going on still swallow the lie of “germ theory” as “truth.” This is a paradigm shift that A LOT of people can’t grasp. They’d rather beLIEve we are all infectious, biological weapons than INNERstand that we are powerful and our DIS-ease, our joys, our pains, our happiness is generated from WITHIN, which is why “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) want INSIDE us.
Humans have more bacterial cells than human cells in their bodies.
From which the only conclusion that can be drawn is that humans are the germs.
This conclusion can also be painted, or represented as an interpretive dance.
More like fungi, but I digress. Regardless, germs evolve OUT of cells; germs do “infect” cells.
That all sounds good, but here’s a second set of questions: how do you convince people that wearing a mask does not benefit them, and actively harms them? Or that the Convid shot is medically unnecessary? Or that the PCR “test” is not a test? Those should all be easier to prove than the idea that viruses don’t cause disease/contagion.
Well, if you know intuitively that “deadly viruses” never have existed, then you wouldn’t *think* you need a mask and you also know that masks will harm you if you play a long with deception. You also know intuitively that getting inside your bloodstream with poison is not part of your “reality” any longer, because you have a deep KNOWING that things are not at all what they seem in the physical realm.
We do not have the ability nor the responsibility to stop people from getting sick. They get sick due to the creation from their CHOICES (what they are ingesting) of a poor terrain. I know that the answers for people/ Truth have to be conjured up from within themselves. My energy is not used to “convince” people of anything. I am not here to “save” anyone else but myself.
Doesn’t the ratio of up and down votes rather prove my point ?
Patronising people has always been a way to win them over.
Virus believers talk alot but then they go and get a job delivering jabs for pfizer or wear a mask in the supermarket. Such people are signed up to the cult and will try to drag you down with them.
The one’s who all themselves “awake” but still beLIEve in one of if not the BIGGEST scams called “germ theory” are very hard to communicate with.
“Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition”
Yes, indeed it does! So check out ‘The Light’ monthly newspaper which will put that to right by reporting news across the UK and the rest of the globe without the censorship and propaganda of the mainstream press and those who control it. Its also downloadable free.
The Light | The Uncensored Truth (
Andrew Turner
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Judging by the sudden influx of down votes the suggestion of reading the Light Newspaper has probably ‘set the cat among the pigeons’ and is an anathema to the likes of Guardian readers and other MSM worshipers, anti-conspiracy advocates, and those who don’t like to have the reporting and interpretation of current events ‘challenged’ by anything other than their favourite mainstream presstitutes. In other words, those who offer next is no ‘challenge’ at all! Small wonder why the majority of people are confused and are having a difficult time in figuring things out with regard to the current situation – more papers like the Light are needed – the more the better!
You are so right! Why on earth are there so many down-votes for The Light?!?
It’s an excellent publication; it says it as it is. Ie, the facts. I take a print of every issue, for my voluminous files on this subject (the horrors of the past 2.5 years).
Glad you agree Christine, and thanks for the positive comment in support of The Light!
I didn’t have my consciousness put into a meat suit to kneel down to these ghouls/”tyrants” or shut my mouth, because I am fearful. Fear must be transmuted constantly by being courageous! Magic happen when one is practicing boldness, guts, and valor.
A German politician was quoted recently as saying that he was worried about the possibility of people demonstrating about cuts in their standard of living (i.e. rising prices) because it could ‘undermine democracy’. It probably lost something in translation but the gist seems fairly sound, if rarely stated outright — democracy isn’t rule by the people, its rule of the people. The science and method of manipulating the mood of “the people” is well known but when it becomes difficult to engineer a result governments take to manipulating the electorate or just plain ignoring them. The US has numerous obvious examples — in fact many people counter them by saying that “its not a democracy, its a constitutional republic”, implying that democracy is only tolerable if it delivers the right result. (Then there was what I think is the most brazen example of anti-democratic activity in a democracy, the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn before the last General Election in the UK — wholesale vilification and subsequent turning him into a ‘non-person’ by a new, reliably conservative party leader. Still, if the UK electorate are dumb enough to fall for this sort of thing then they pretty much deserve what they’re going to get — a PM that’s not chosen by vote of the electorate who’s policies have no tangible benefit to the country and its people.)(…and to emphasize this, both of the candidates offer nothing to the people, just words…truly democracy in action…..rule by the majority of deserving people, not the Great Unwashed.)
There’s still a lot of chatter on this site about Covid restrictions but in case you’ve not noticed the CDC in the US has effectively lifted them. Sure, we’ve got monkeypox or whatever to worry about but its not the same, its a Gen-u-ine Media Scare Story, not an existential threat to society.
Doesn’t the fact that the same people who told you that “covid” was an existential threat to society are now telling you the same thing about “monkeypox” ring the odd alarm bell in your head or give you even a hint that you may have been duped?
Martin was here throughout the convid scam posting regular messages parroting the official government line all over well researched articles very clearly tearing it apart and showing it to be false. I find it hard to believe he’s not paid to do it.
Still waiting for my first check.
BTW — Monkeypox isn’t anything like as infectious as Covid but its just the thing for media organizations starved of hard news. Something like polio shold be more concern but as most people don’t have personal experience of when it was a ‘thing’ (it was the Covid of its day) they’ve probably got a bit complacent.
Totally ignores that if there are still injection mandates it has not been lifted, just that enforcement is not needed if everybody in those jobs has had the injections. They are not even giving up on boosters.
Covid is over actually placates the injected mostly. I know this from my son, who tells me not to worry, it’s over, when I suggest his unexplained illnesses indicate against having any further boosters.
Many Covid restrictions still in place here in NZ — and incessant false figures on “cases” and Covid deaths.
He was never going to win even with many ppl seeing the hit job. Labour voters were presented with no choice…Corbyn should have gone…Labour voters who had voted labour all their lives and found it their duty to vote – switched. And it happened all over the red wall. It was shocking but like Brexit I understood why. However two years have passed. I’ve educated myself in this one party dictatorship and will not be playing their game any longer.
Corbyn would not have made a good puppet PM. And during Covid? Fuck me – we’d all be in gulags by now if he’d have been charge.
>we’d all be in gulags by now if he’d have been charge.
I’ve lived through several Labour governments (not Tony Blair’s fortunately)(tucked safely in the US for that one) and saw no sign of any Gulags even when the USSR was around to help. Its the standard scare stuff that the electorate falls for every time. The media doesn’t even bother updating it, they figure the oiks are so gullible they can say anything and it will be swallowed.
>I’ve educated myself in this one party dictatorship and will not be playing their game any longer.
Better late than never. (Meanwhile I seemed to have exited the frying pan for the fire. Pensions here are better at least.)
(As for Corbyn himself, ask yourself “Could things have been any worse?”)
Funny that, because Corbyn is one of the only MPs who voted against “covid measures”. I am of the opinion that him not getting into power in the UK was one of the central planks of the whole scam. He may be many things, but what he isn’t is a globalist in the arms of the WEF.
(from a German newspaper: “Maske auf – so ist’s richtig:
Hinter einem Kind ohne Mundschutz steckt oft
eine psychisch auffällige Mutter”)
Wow, that is BONKERS. I was adverse to those immediately. Masks are super symbolic of “shutting your mouth” and strips people away from their identity. Not being able to see people’s smile and reactions is by design. Still seeing these around is just sickening to me.
Sickening is the word.
Let’s call them sick-bags.
What gets me are the fucking gen x crackpot doctors who keep peddling the muzzles because they must surely know that is people get throat and chest infections or colds after wearing them they then can’t wear them
It’s sooooo wrong.
Bullies, sadists, and psychos.
Part of domestic economics was promoting Fems. as authorities on home health. Masks and distancing were two.
The 6 feet was utterly unnecessary in the US, the Public are more libel to stay 4-5-6 even further apart as per normal.
So we had a series of international shows where Masks & Distancing were agreed upon as a generalisation even when not needed.
“6ft” is the length of most coffins. Also, it seems the advanced tech coming through won’t be able to scan people clumped together to get a good read on them, so the masses are being groomed to be scanned everywhere they go and “6ft” apart is just enough space needed to get information on a person from a scan.
In some countries, 6 ft or 2 m was considered impractical, especially indoors. So, it became 1 m (3.2 ft). This “virus” is amazing.
Masks are dehumanising. You’re being treated like an animal. “Stay safe” to me, from the start when this became a giddy little popularised catchphrase, always meant “stay safe in your thinking”. Don’t think. That was my first thought when I heard that catchphrase. It goes nicely with the mask. Shut up, say nothing, don’t think. That’s what it all means.
monkeypox – the fourth monkey, think no evil
Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
”Still seeing these around is just sickening to me.”
Agreed! But how many of the mask-wearing fraternity actually believe in the validity of mask-wearing! These are not true mask-wearing believers they are just gutless cowards.
Hmm, the translated term “mentally conspicuous”, or “mentally striking”, is ambiguous. I assume it’s meant pejoratively, so maybe it’s an idiomatic, euphemistic way of saying “mentally deranged”.
In other news, this week Philadelphia, PA residents with children in Philly public schools were on tenterhooks awaiting the School District’s announcement on “COVID policy” for the upcoming school year. To mask or not to mask!
Today they broke the suspense and announced that– surprise!– masks are indeed mandatory. After two weeks, the district will evaluate the mandate on an ongoing basis.
Not having an, er, dog in the fight, I didn’t wait for the full radio report. I did glean that the ongoing assessment is ostensibly based on the usual bogus public-health statistics. In other words, the usual formula of perpetuating FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).
I don’t like FUD, uncertainty IS doubt. May I suggest FOD? (fear, obedience, doubt).
How low can they go.
I swear we were taught this in school. Like, the “land of the free, home of the brave”. How our “forefathers” fought for “freedom” and wrote the Constitution, and how “this land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York Island”. All those war movies about Americans fighting for freedom and democracy and to defend our Constitution, Superman, apple pie and Chevrolet and George Washington would never lie. All that. What happened to that?
You know what, they, our forefathers (at least some of them) knew this would happen. They knew it. They said “if” WE let this happen or that happen, and sure enough, WE did.
But as I’ve said before, alot of us believe this stuff. Freedom, liberty, the idea that you are not better than me and I am not your slave or servant. Not only believe it, but it’s in our blood. Evidently, it’s not in everyone’s blood, especially those that have now had their DNA altered by their owners. So it’s us against them, freedom vs tyranny. Who’s gonna win?
Freedom ALWAYS does.
Ya well, it’s a little behind at this time. Better have a good fourth quarter.
Oh, are we at the end of this battle? This type of shit has happened time and time again…freedom has always won or we wouldn’t still be here for another round.
If you don’t think this isn’t the fourth quarter so to speak and liberty and freedom aren’t losing, I think you better look closer. I don’t disagree that we will overcome these psychos trying to rule the world, but “this shit” right now is at the end game stage as far I can see.
Your forefathers actually stole the land from the indigineous peoples, killing shedloads of them and racially segregating the rest of them.
All your talk of freedom is on the back of enslaving the First People and importing slaves from West Africa.
You need to stop being so selective in your history.
You were fighting for avarice, greed and racism, not for freedom for all. Freedom for your lot, enslavement for the rest.
But let’s remember the ‘indigenous people’ actually migrated too, from Asia and while nothing justifies the genocide of the native Americans and their culture, the concept was not invented by Europeans and it was not an Eden before they arrived. There were inter-tribal wars and ‘land-theft’then too.
And disparaging the notion of freedom that sprang from western civilization is exactly what the globalists want and encourage.
There is a good article here by Henry Reynolds of ‘Forgotten War’ about native property rights and Terra Nullius.
Really? What a rather childish diatribe and rather ignorant too. The indigenous people of Australia have been here for about 80-120,000 years, white people turned up 250 years ago and started genocide, just as they did in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and so on. The UK are the greatest criminal system ever born – and those who migrated from Asia and Africa to the USA and other places were kidnapped and trafficked as slaves
Everybody knows that Marilyn, especially on here, or at least they should. That wasn’t the point, the point was that in the U.S. we have a certain freedom and liberty supposedly enshrined in our Constitution and we’ve been trained our entire lives that we enjoy freedom, liberty, and democracy, and as fake and bs it might have been, that’s what we’ve been taught and now it seems that everyone has completely forgotten or have developed some perverse alternative as to their own definition of freedom. Like Sylvia said, we should separate the ideals (not practices) of freedom and liberty that came from western civilizations from the crimes committed to take these lands. Because that’s what we have to work with now.
Hi Albert, whatever is enshrined in the Constitution i.e. “freedom, liberty and democracy” still remains “enshrined” since slavery for example, was never really abolished it was simply extended to all instead of the few.
Its probably also important to note here, that nobody today on this Earth is ever completely ‘free’ to act independently of at least some form of control, conditions, constraints or interference by another or by some particular circumstance – so “freedom” is strictly a relative term and is often sorely misused politically.
I wasn’t fighting for anything, I didn’t even exist. And no shit Sherlock, way to miss the point.
‘On August 12, 2017, government officials took what should have been a legitimate exercise in constitutional principles (free speech, assembly and protest) and turned it into a lesson in authoritarianism by manipulating warring factions and engineering events in such a way as to foment unrest, lockdown the city, and justify further power grabs.’
The first time I heard the Hippocratic oath — First, do no harm — I laughed. Then I thought, wait a minute. That’s really good.
I had the same reaction reading (two years ago): Liberty is the freedom to do what the law allows.
“In other words, the Constitution does not require Americans to be servile or even civil to government officials. Neither does the Constitution require obedience (although it does insist on nonviolence).
Somehow, the government keeps overlooking this important element in the equation.”
Put simply, because sadly, “We The People” continue to ALLOW them to,
with no accountability and no consequence.
If the world simply put aside all the petty
distractions and artificial differences that the 1% endlessly propagandize to keep us all at each other’s throats and divided
and would Once And For ALL, UNITE,
Taking to the streets by the millions,
ARRESTING these criminals in suits, for all the
heinous crimes against humanity, they’ve committed,
Until THAT happens,
at LEAST small groups of
us around the world WILL still…
“Tell Them NoMore !”
EVEN when the REST of the world
is STILL too, brainwashed to SEE, or too
AFRAID to DO so.
SIMPLY because the MAJORITY are WRONG but AGREE, does NOT make VICE, VIRTUE.
But KNOWING they’re WRONG and
– The Jackal’s “MARK”