WATCH: Covid19/11 – Narratives Intertwined (Full version)
In 2021, on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Off-Guardian asked 15 experts, including scientists, medical practitioners, journalists and activists, to share their views on 9/11 and the Covid-19 narrative.
Perhaps these two narratives have more in common than we realise? A global War on Terror filtering into a global war against a virus, both instrumental in cracking down on personal liberties, both instilling unprecedented fear into world populations.
Both, many argue, completely orchestrated.
To mark the 21st Anniversary of 9/11 we present all our 15 experts’ views in a new single cut.
As you watch, allow yourself to consider, what can we learn from twenty tangled years of overlapping, overarching agendas?
What can we learn when narratives intertwine?
In order of appearance: Robin Monotti, Katherine Gun, Graeme MacQueen, Niels Harrit, Kevin Ryan, Elizabeth Woodworth, Catherine Austin Fitts, Mike Yeadon, Piers Robinson, Carol Brouillet, Frances Shure, CJ Hopkins, Cindy Sheehan, Eva Bartlett, Ed Curtin
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With the bogeymen (OBL and 9-11) created and promoted by the cryptocracy such as pandemics, germs, war, terrorism, CO2, over population, hacking, crime, drugs, communism, financial crises etc., they have more than one thing in common.
They are all psychological, physical and economic warfare against the masses. And they all result in pre-planned legislation with rights removed from the public, gaining more power, wealth and control for the cryptocracy.
Explosive Situation in Europe–9bMarTJRMEV_c4FX5LX_gTQqlPUxw==
This is the latest article written by a Swiss bloke called Peter Koenig; he’s a regular contributor to the Global Research site.
(N.B., because English is not his first language, he occasionally writes/spells a word wrongly)
“Torn jeans and ‘The Great Reset’ – a history of mind manipulation”, at:
“How to open a mind: how can we ‘wake people up’ to the dangers of the ‘covid’ jab?”, at:
Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America
I kind of have a new perspective since hearing Patrick Henningsen’s ‘Geopolitics vs The Great Reset’ lecture. If asked yesterday morningabout 9/11 and Covid 19 my answers would be similar to those in the documentary. But now I’d have to say the warring going on in the Ukraine diminishes the memory of 9/11 into a quaint bygone event and the idea of The Great Reset into a piddly Schwabian sci-fi aspiration. This war USA vs USSR is the way the world is supposed to be, the old normal baby! Just read Japan is building two of the largest destroyers (ships) ever and has a new aircraft carrier. That wasn’t on the NHK news. North Korea and China are the enemy now. Covid? Old news. We have a new good old war to fight!
Well you are certainly right on with the message the legacy media (and some alternatives) want everyone to accept. But maybe you’re going just a tad too Harley Guy with it. 😉
Don’t mention the vaccine!
I’m glad I wasn’t drinking a cup of coffee when I read that article.
My computer tends to not work very well covered in coffee and snot.
Dr Vernon Coleman has, on a number of occasions in his articles and videos, very justifiably criticised that Devi Sridhar.
Sridhar, that insufferable omnipresent airheaded juvenile instant “expert”.
What is the secret of her success?
Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar: Five tasks for the new WHO DG
May 24, 2017
Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar set out five tasks for the newly elected DG of the WHO
Excellent piece of work, Off-G crew! It’s truth-finding work of this quality which keeps me coming back to OG as a beacon in the dark – despite your warts! 😉 🙂
Hey guys, guess you know by now–
In the first 2 1/2 hours half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure was down. At approximately 20:00, the Russian Armed Forces launched rocket attacks on the largest thermal power plants in eastern and central Ukraine. It’s unclear whether the other outages just spread from this interruption, or whether there was more destruction.
Ukraine, aided by foreign materiel and mercenaries (Blackwater & Polish regulars), had for the first time taken back some territory. So I guess this is the Russian answer: No more Mr. Nice Guy. Or it may merely be in answer to Ukraine’s forcing the closure of the last operational unit of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant by repeated attack. The closure occurred on the night of Sept 11, and Russia’s answer against the electrical grid occurred the next day.
Electric trains and trolley-buses are also stopped. At least 80% of internet connectivity is down.
Informative article here regarding change of strategy, alternatives, etc.
So the war continues to provide cover for exactly the same destruction of infrastructure that “COVID” was intended to produce. Can we infer this “special operation” is intended to run and run?
Yes, Sophie. But I think the most important targets are the developed countries. Absent the war/sanctions pretext how in the world could they destroy Europe’s economy?
It’s incredible to me that such a thin pretext is “apparently” going to stop EU industry, heating, etc. All they have to do is open Nordstream 2, but apparently the populace is helpless against their WEF “leaders.”
Club of Rome decided at least a decade ago that the NWO requires first bringing the developed countries down to the level of the less developed– and now they’re doing it.
And yes, I’ve thought for some time that the Russians are purposely dragging out the war– just like China is dragging out the lockdown– for maximum econ destruction.
Yes, complete power blackouts across Ukraine, from what I heard Monday. At least 3 oblasts completely without power (Kharkov, Zaporizhnya, and one other I think).
It IS a change of strategy, the striking of civilian infrastructure. Taking a page out of the US war strategy book. I think a fair bit of power may be used for the war effort (if not all), so there may also be some military logic in it.
But ‘No more Mr. Nice Guy’, it would seem, as you wrote
More than likely a complete psyop since all countries are cartel owned and controlled. And nukes were always a hoax and a racketeering scam.
They switch off the power to residents and small businesses and keep the infrastructure operational for the military and cartel owned industry.
This war, like most wars in the 20th century, is a demolition programme, so afterwards they can ‘build back better’ bbb.
This is/was absolutely brilliant … Thanks a stack for composing and sharing the VIDEO.
As I said right at the start of the covid game if you have neptune making hard aspects to communication eclipses the majority believe a false illusion…the same sort of delusion was possible when hiv/aids was perpetrated upon us..,
it is really quite simple but few really ever want to study how the planetary forces determine life on earth.,.so be it…stay dumb…run in circles. The planetary forces do not care
Watch for the signs 👍
You see how they eat each other? This is undoubtedly an initial form of mutual soul-eating. “The soul hunger games” (“the elite” must love this.) But instead of looking at the signs of the planets, they have turned their eyes to Earth’s woes. So we can positively bring it all the way to Nibiru’s arrival.:)
Then what’s next? As in next 3 months?
I’ve just always noticed and been intrigued by your comments but your always pretty vague. Not trying to be a dick, because they do stick out to me and interest me but I’d like to know in more detail what you think is coming other than just general death/destruction.
A lot of people say there was no Pentagon crash on 9-11, but there’s at least one well known person who is said to have died in the crash, ie Barbara Olson, wife of Ted Olson, then US Solicitor Gen. He gave an interview to NPR in 2016.
“A lot of people say”
There’s overwhelming evidence that the alleged Flight 77 is complete BS.
What happened to Barbara I wonder. As she definitely didn’t die in the alleged Flight 77 what happened to her? Was she suffering a terminal illness and agreed to play patsy? Did she want out and say, “I’ll play patsy if you give me a new identity and finance me to live the rest of my life on a Greek island,” or … more sinisterly was she killed for some reason – wouldn’t go along with the 9/11 show? Would love to know the answer to that question.
Or did she die of natural causes around that time, and they used her death as propaganda to create more validation for the non-existent flight?
Impossible to know the answer. But I don’t think they kill their own, they relocate and rename them.
Some Mafia boss or underworld figure fakes their death and it’s “oh yesh – of course”. Suggest it for a celebrity or government/media figure and you’re nuts.
BTW on the subject of keeping secrets, I’m reading ‘The Hunt for Zero Point’ by Nick Cook. The Stealth bomber was kept secret for at least a decade despite 1) huge numbers of people working on it 2) a huge budget spent 3) at least two crashes during tesing 4) multiple witnesses seeing strange things (who were of course dismissed as kooks). It only became knowledge becasue the Air Force wanted to be able to undertake training flights during the day.
I suppose she died in the accountancy room of the pentagram where all the documentation was kept that had receipts and invoices of the 3 trillion that was mislaid.?
I very much doubt they would close this comment thread as they did one of your other comment not so long ago which seem to upset many so called alternate (there not) forums and websites blogs etc. At the time it was a very very dangerous comment.
Some people may be unaware, while the structural engineer’s job is to keep a building standing up, the architect’s is to keep the building from burning down. So, architects develop fire-rated (often UL-rated) assemblies to protect the structural elements. So for buildings to fall at free-fall speed, before the all structural elements “failed” simultaneously, all the fire-rated assemblies had to “fail” simultaneously first.
Questions that challenge the bare “inside job” narrative.
1. What physical things did they want for real on 9/11? Apart from their obvious desire to destroy all the buildings at the WTC (if not on the day eventually) did they want the nominated passenger airliners to crash and did they want to kill and injure people?
2. Assuming you accept they didn’t have a particular desire for the nominated passenger airliners to crash into buildings or to kill and injure people why would they have done either of them for real?
3. In fact, there are multiple streams of evidence indicating that none of the nominated passenger airliners crashed into buildings including relevant professionals telling us that that scenario couldn’t have been managed in any case so that leaves us with the death and injury. Assuming you accept that they didn’t have a particular desire to kill and injure the people for real there needs to be another reason/s for killing and injuring them, assuming it happened. What is it? I put forward possible reasons with pre-emptive answers.
— They didn’t care about killing and injuring people.
Sure they didn’t, they’re killing people in unconscionable numbers now with the jab but an absence of one reason doesn’t mean there aren’t other reasons playing a role.
— It would have been too difficult to avoid killing people
We are told the Loizeaux company aka Controlled Demolition, Inc (CDI), was responsible for cleaning up the WTC rubble but, unsurprisingly, no mention anywhere I’ve seen of their very probable role in bringing the buildings down. However, when we consider that the WTC looked a complete mess after the destruction of the twin towers we must infer that WTCs 3-6 were, in fact, evacuated before the destruction of the twin towers and, of course, there is very little reporting of any deaths in WTC-7 and the couple that were could simply be propaganda. So if they managed to evacuate WTCs 3-7 why not 1 and 2? Of course, the occasional death and injury does occur in demolition so it’s certainly possible that people were killed accidentally, however, we have no clear evidence of it.
Question raised assuming CDI was involved in the destruction of the twin towers:
What would persuade the Loizeaux family to go against their professional standard of ensuring complete evacuation of buildings on the occasion of 9/11?
— They needed real death and injury to convince people of its reality, to make their terror story more real.
This notion is completely against how psyops work. The less the propaganda corresponds to reality the better it works.
“The official narrative is preposterous. On its face it is a ludicrous explanation. We don’t accept it.” – Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies, NYU
4. What evidence presented for death and injury cannot fit “pseudo evidence”, eg, what says that the “loved ones” aren’t actors, what says that the images of the alleged injured aren’t “drill” injured, what says that the survivor stories aren’t made up? I present some survivor stories that test credulity to the extreme.
5. All considered, what favours the hypothesis that 9/11 was an “inside job” over the hypothesis that it was a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise, comprising numerous smaller drills and exercises, many of which they informed us of, pushed out as a real event.
No.4 is illogical and unachievable. All injury that’s merely observed from afar could also be fake. You need to flip the question – ask for evidence that shows fakery and excludes real. For example some of the alleged injuries at the Boston bombing can be shown to be likely fake using video evidence from the day (eg a woman running along a road who later claimed both her Achilles’ tendons had been snapped which would have made running literally impossible).
No. 5 is also illogical and actually misleading. Whether you call 9/11 an “exercise” or something else it was certainly an inside job, right? Unless you are suggesting the “exercise” was executed by Osama Bin Laden?
No 4. I can go with “could all be fake” for the visual evidence of injury just as long as there’s nothing that favours real over fake, “could all be fake” is good enough. “Could all be fake” though means no evidence of reality.
I cannot go along with the miracle survivor stories though, can you? I laughed hysterically when I read those so there you have clear evidence of fakery … and a complete absence of evidence of reality.
The thing is Sophie if there’s absolutely nothing at all that favours real over fake for 9,000 people wherever you turn – 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured then I fail to see the case for real. I find it strange that the fact you have never once pointed out a single instance that favours real over fake doesn’t tend to lead you to fakery. You always seem to be arguing for the possibility of reality but without any evidence for it. Don’t you think that for 9,000 people you need at least one piece of evidence that favours real to argue for it even being possible?
Also, I just think you lack a feeling for this psyop. It really was a psyop with a double-pronged propaganda stragegy and you just don’t seem to see that. It’s not just the evidence for death and injury, it’s the fact that disbelievers of their story were anticipated and massive amounts of propaganda were targeted at us to maintain our belief in real death and injury – I know because I swallowed it completely … but then woke up to it. Can you not see it? Can you not feel it? How they’re all having a big fat laugh about it.
No 5 Why do you demand such carefulness with words. Of course, 9/11 was an inside job but “inside job” is no doubt a propaganda term they came up with for the truthers. Yes, it was an inside job but of a completely different kind than most people believe. No need to be so literal about it.
Petra, I’m totally baffled. What is it that you think happened on 9/11?
Are you saying the buildings were NOT brought down by explosive demolition?
Are you saying that no one was killed?
Petrra, All your reservations & questions can be answered by an excellent Italian documentary, which sticks admirably close to what can be demonstrated by the facts.
Or, a book by David Ray Griffin “The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7”
Subtitled “Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False”
btw, the number of deaths may have been exaggerated, but there were far, far too many witnesses for this to be substantially a “hoax” rather than a false flag. The witnesses vary from janitors and maintenance people who saw incriminating evidence, heard explosions, even in the earlier AM hours– to employees of nearby skyscrapers, 100s of firemen, policemen, and very numerous pedestrians.
Thanks, Penelope. Yeah, I know all about the documentary and David Ray Griffin. In fact, I wrote an article on one of his books published by OffG which I wrote just before I woke up to the true nature of 9/11.
I don’t really have reservations and questions, I’m just making my argument in question form.
Oh yes, lots of “witnesses” but what says these witnesses weren’t actors just like the “loved ones”? 9/11 is an ongoingly h-u-u-u-g-e psyop. In fact, it was the story of “janitor”, William Rodriguez, that triggered my epiphany on 9/11’s true nature. See my comment here:
Last year, Sophie challenged my claim of staged death and injury by stating that the whole of Lower Manhattan would have had to be evacuated to avoid it – the implication being that couldn’t have happened. But I now realise that Sophie was right … at least her first premise was. Yes, it would have had to be evacuated … and it clearly was! How did I not see it earlier? According to the imagery, all the WTC buildings were damaged, some very significantly, at the time of the twin towers coming down so all the buildings would have had to be evacuated to avoid death and injury.
Remember how they told us agencies were organised to be doing exercises on the day far removed from the crime sites, as if this was highly suspicious? Ha ha ha. Propaganda! Agencies weren’t doing exercises far from the sites. No doubt they were on the sites ensuring EVACUATION! Not everyone in the agencies would have been “in on” the exercise so I don’t know how they organised it but I think we can infer that a reasonable number of people had to be involved in evacuation one way or another.
But I think really only two points need to be made that clearly support the staged death and injury claim:
1. Demolition companies needed to do the work of demolition at WTC (not “Dancing Israelis” as has been intimated in their propaganda) and we can safely infer that Controlled Demolition, Inc, the company responsible for removing the rubble, was heavily involved in that work if not completely responsible for it. There is no way in hell that they would have agreed to leave people in the buildings, completely against their professional ethos. No way in hell. The perps would never have asked them to do that. Sure, they’ll get health professionals to deliver the Russian Roulette jab but that’s different – we’ve all been massively propagandised about viruses and vaccines for over a century – that’s a piece of cake but you can’t ask professionals to do something they haven’t been prepared for with propaganda that completely goes against their professional ethos – murder of close to 3,000 people. No way.
2. All the purported evidence for death and injury easily fits “pseudo evidence”.
Come on. There are so many psyops involving staged death and injury. Why not 9/11?
To mark the 21st anniversary I’ve written a three-part article on substack which is about the fundamental critical thinking rules we need to follow and how those in power aim to control the minds of those who disbelieve them almost as much as those who believe them – they certainly have for 9/11. It is so fundamental to get that they target both the believers and the disbelievers and, as disbelievers, we need to be very, very careful of that.
Critical thinking: The moon landings, 9/11 and covid
Petra – if you think anyone could evacuate the entirety of Lower Manhattan on a Tuesday morning without anyone even knowing about it you seriously need to stop the theorising long enough to engage with reality for just a while.
Visit NYC. Go south of Canal St. to the financial district. Walk about. Look around.
Look at the hundreds of taxis, private cars and delivery vehicles.
Look at the thousands of people in the streets and the coffee shops and the private homes and the offices.
Picture the organization needed and the disruption involved in emptying every single person from just one of those massive high rise office buildings you’re walking past. Then multiply it by a hundred (at least).
It just won’t fly. Sorry.
Sophie, Maybe not the entirely of Lower Manhattan but certainly all around the WTC, whatever area needed to be evacuated. According to the imagery (although I have to say it does look a bit photoshopped), the other buildings at the WTC were severely damaged by the destructions of the towers so they would have had to be evacuated no? We don’t hear of any deaths in the other buildings only 1 and 2.
Please explain to me how those other buildings weren’t evacuated.
But there’s these facts to consider:
— The first alleged plane strike was at 8:46 which is before normal office hours
— Not a huge amount of evacuation needed to be done because they ran loads of drills that would have prevented people entering the buildings in the first place
— They would have started evacuations even before the first alleged plane strike, they would have been telling people “something was heard” that meant they needed to evacuate.
— There was 1 1/4 hours between the first alleged plane strike and the demolition of the South tower – that’s quite a reasonable time to do evacuations, no?
I don’t understand why you find it so problematic.
Loads of people were involved in 9/11 including a significant number of corporations. They would have been doing their bit keeping their employees away one way or another and we know there were lots of empty floors in the towers.
I think it’s an interesting point of speculation but ultimately, since I feel it behoves us all to present solidly-reasoned, watertight arguments questioning 9/11 – because there’s an army of believers, bots, shills, trolls or what not eager to ridicule any and all examination of the official 9/11 narrative – I ultimately feel this is a distraction at this point, because we can never really know.
When an official inquest is held to finally bring those responsible to justice, that would be the time to dig into these issues, but we aren’t quite there yet. Unfortunately!
The fact is, two planes did not bring three WTC towers down. If we can be disciplined and stick to pushing the irrefutable evidence, and not get bogged down in distraction, then perhaps the time will come to investigate all this in detail. And boy, I’d love to know the answers! A2
Sam, I do not necessarily trust that those leading us to an inquest are genuine, do you? What’s to say we aren’t simply getting the 9/11 Commission all over again? How much stuff goes on in court that’s all staged? The 9/11 truth movement is very massively infiltrated, and while so is covid truth, covid truth is a different kettle of fish.
At the vanguard of covid truth there are at least some very-qualified and knowledgeable people who are both genuine and know what’s what (they know enough to recognise controlled opposition whether they recognise it as controlled opposition or whether they simply recognise that what the CO says is wrong) whereas at the vanguard of 9/11 while there are genuine people they don’t know what’s what in relation to controlled opposition, they don’t see what’s what as far as the truther-targeted propaganda goes. They are, in fact, clueless in that direction.
As far as I’m concerned, I think it’s best for us to work out what we can and I’m simply baffled at how resistant truthers are to the idea that death and injury were staged. Baffled. Sure, I believed it was real for four years of dedicated study and even for a reasonable length of time after first getting acquainted with the idea from Simon Shack’s website, because some of the truther-targeted propaganda still had me in thrall but there wasn’t someone constantly yapping and putting forward this and that argument for staged death and injury around me as I’m doing. I’m like, “What do I have to do?”
What is the reason for the masses of truther-targeted propaganda aimed at maintaining our belief in real death and injury, Sam? To keep the truth hidden, that’s the reason. Why else?
I think my reply went to spam but I’ll write it again anyway.
I still don’t understand why you think it’s so problematic:
1. Normal office hours are from 9am – sure there are a lot of people who start earlier but 9am is probably the more usual time and the first alleged plane hit was 8:46.
2. Many subway drills were conducted which would have kept people out of offices.
3. We can assume that even before the first plane allegedly hit they would have found reasons to be conducting evacuations.
4. There was 1 1/4 hours between the alleged first plane hit and the collapse of the North tower, quite a significant period of time to conduct evacuations.
Not only that but if there was significant destruction caused beyond the twin towers but we heard only of deaths in the twin towers not in the other WTC buildings we can only infer that they were evacuated too.
Whatever, it’s speculation. What we need is evidence. We have none, not a single piece that convincingly indicates death or injury.
You’ve never been to Lower Manhattan have you? 😀 They may have managed to evacuate a few buildings around the plaza after the initial explosions but there’s no chance in hell they could have moved out every living person below 14th St. Or even Canal St. That’s just nuts.
Sophie, In 1994 I lived on Minetta St (corner of 6th Ave and Bleecker) for six months and I worked in the finance district as a temp secretary with a fake SS number (those old days) for a few weeks but that means zero because my sense of geography is hopeless and I have no real recollection of how things are arranged down there. The following four months I lived on 14th Street. 14th Street? Why on earth do they have to worry about people on 14th Street, it’s miles away. I really do not understand where you’re coming from. The only deaths in buildings reported to us were in the twin towers – no other buildings apart from a couple in WTC-7 which could easily be propaganda – which, of itself, doesn’t add up because seemingly a number of buildings were badly damaged at the time of the twin tower destructions meaning they had to have been evacuated before their destructions. We surely must infer that a great deal of evacuation/keeping people out of buildings was done.
Regardless of how well you and I know the area we don’t know what happened down there. We don’t know what streets were cordoned off and when, we don’t know how many people they engineered not to enter the buildings, we don’t how many floors they engineered to have empty, we don’t know when they started evacuating people, we don’t know how many agency staff they had co-ordinating the evacuations. We don’t know.
There are two rules of critical thinking I follow but which I notice no one else seems to (including my identical twin) and I don’t know why that is because to me they are so simple and make so much sense.
1. Aim to prove your hypothesis wrong (as stated by Kary Mullis in this very interesting interview with Gary Null and Richard Feynman in his 1974 Caltech commencement address, entitled Cargo Cult Science). I look for evidence that contradicts my chosen hypothesis and I always ensure I can respond to any argument against what I believe. If I can’t? I know I need to change my mind.
2. Confine your analysis to the unarguable-with data in the first instance.
Firstly, very clearly supporting the staged death and injury hypothesis is not only the actual purported evidence undermining itself but the clear propaganda targeted to the inevitable disbelievers of their nonsense narrative to maintain their belief in real death and injury.
So we have two separate streams of evidence: obvious fakery and propaganda to maintain our belief.
When I saw the video of the Dancing Israelis I totally swallowed it and thought, “Oh, they got “outsiders” to do the dastardly deed,” but now I recognise the video as ludicrous propaganda. What a laugh they’d have over that one. I also completely swallowed Jeremy Rys’s video all about targeting people in the buildings who were inconvenient to the perps – what a masterwork of propaganda that one is. Totally swallowed it all … but then I woke up.
I never really “swallowed” the 9/11 terrorist narrative though. I knew immediately manipulation was involved and I believed it I think only because I couldn’t see how they’d think they could get away with it. That was because I didn’t know about their long history of psyops and the limitless elasticity of the Emperor’s New Clothes effect – didn’t know anything of that nature
You said you believed they had evacuated the whole of Lower Manhattan as a foundation for your belief that no one died. Traditionally LM begins at 14th.
Not really sure what point you’re making now. I’m sure they did their best to clear WTC plaza and surrounding streets, but in any case video shows plenty of people still milling around, which makes all theories of the financial district being empty basically moot.
I take “Lower Manhattan” back now, Sophie. What I say is they were able to evacuate wherever needed to be evacuated to avoid death and injury. My idea of LM was not as far north as 14th Street it was more just around the financial district but sure I see how up to 14th S is considered LM – it makes no odds – whatever area required I say it could have been evacuated.
Clear evidence:
We are not told of any deaths in any buildings other than the twin towers (with a couple hinted at in WTC-7 which we can take with a grain of salt) so how did they avoid death and injury in all the other WTC buildings which certainly looked seriously damaged after the collapses of the twin towers if they didn’t evacuate them prior to the twin tower collapses?
I have to admit I don’t think we really know what the WTC looked like after the twin towers came down because I don’t trust the images we’re shown, they’re very sketchy looking to me, however, as they obviously wanted to bring down all the buildings eventually it makes sense that they would have ensured damage to them at the time of the collapses so that it would make it seem more reasonable to bring them all down and also mean that they only needed to evacuate them the one time – on 9/11, not be bothered to do it another time. Also, the demolitions of the twin towers didn’t need to be done so carefully if they wanted the surrounding buildings to come down anyway so I’d say to a large degree there was a lot of damage done at the time of the twin tower collapses
My question again:
How is that no one is reported dying in any of the other WTC buildings that seemingly were seriously damaged at the time of destruction of the twin towers?
But it wasn’t evacuated. Because of the numerous videos showing people running for their lives during the collapse of both towers. Also many of the first responder’s vehicles were damaged.
Maybe first responders evacuated (or attempted to) people in the buildings and area after the initial explosions, But to do it beforehand would have raised awareness of people who worked and lived in the area that something was amiss.
So it’s not logical to claim that no person was killed or injured. We will probably never know how many people died. Or didn’t.
And just to add, Penelope. Hats off to you for recognising the falsity of the 9/11 narrative from Day One. I believe I even watched Loose Change in the years between 9/11 and 2014 when I finally woke up after watching JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick but somehow Loose Change (or whatever 9/11 truth video it was) didn’t wake me up. Loose Change is propaganda targeted to the disbelievers but even at the level it was it somehow didn’t wake me up to the half-truth of “inside job” at the time I watched it which was probably 2009 or so.
Congratulations to Off Guardian for producing what is arguably the most important documentary film ever made.. Perhaps the highest compliment one could make for the film is that most likely the hero to millions, criminally persecuted and genuine peacemaker Julian Assange would be very satisfied over the film.
Great presentation!
Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy
September 12, 2022 • Presidential Actions
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of my Administration to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security. […]
Only the blind didn’t see this coming.
The science fiction ramblings of marketing corporations angling for more tax money and achieving nothing more than more ramblings to achieve more tax dollar fundings… ad infinitum…
Sec. 12. International Engagement. (a) The Department of State and other agencies that engage with international partners as part of their missions shall undertake the following actions with foreign partners, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law — with a specific focus on developing countries, international organizations, and nongovernmental entities — to promote and protect both the United States and global bioeconomies:
(i) enhance cooperation, including joint research projects and expert exchanges, on biotechnology R&D, especially in genomics;
(iv) work to promote the open sharing of scientific data, including genetic sequence data, to the greatest extent possible in accordance with applicable law and policy, while seeking to ensure that any applicable access and benefit-sharing mechanisms do not hinder the rapid and sustainable development of innovative products and biotechnologies;
(v) conduct horizon scanning to anticipate threats to the global bioeconomy, including national security threats from foreign adversaries acquiring sensitive technologies or data, or disrupting essential bio-related supply chains, and to identify opportunities to address those threats;
(vi) engage allies and partners to address shared national security threats;
(vii) develop, and work to promote and implement, biosafety and biosecurity best practices, tools, and resources bilaterally and multilaterally to facilitate appropriate oversight for life sciences, dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens, and to enhance sound risk management of biotechnology- and biomanufacturing-related R&D globally;
(b) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the USTR and the heads of other agencies as determined by the Secretary, as appropriate, shall submit to the APNSA a plan to support the objectives described in subsection (a) of this section with foreign partners, international organizations, and nongovernmental entities.
Sec. 13. Definitions. For purposes of this order:
(j) The term “key R&D areas” includes fundamental R&D of emerging biotechnologies, including engineering biology; predictive engineering of complex biological systems, including the designing, building, testing, and modeling of entire living cells, cell components, or cellular systems; quantitative and theory-driven multi-disciplinary research to maximize convergence with other enabling technologies; and regulatory science, including the development of new information, criteria, tools, models, and approaches to inform and assist regulatory decision-making. These R&D priorities should be coupled with advances in predictive modeling, data analytics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, high-performance and other advanced computing systems, metrology and data-driven standards, and other non-life science enabling technologies.
(p) The term “life sciences” means all sciences that study or use living organisms, viruses, or their products, including all disciplines of biology and all applications of the biological sciences (including biotechnology, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and pharmaceutical and biomedical research and techniques), but excluding scientific studies associated with radioactive materials or toxic chemicals that are not of biological origin or synthetic analogues of toxins.
In the path of logic and objective view:
“Policy Horizons Canada (Policy Horizons) is a strategic foresight organization within the Government of Canada with a mandate to help the Government develop future-oriented policy and programs that are more robust and resilient in the face of disruptive change on the horizon. The content of this document does not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Canada, or participating departments and agencies.”
And the latest:
Russia is not behind. Just to note, because I read this and that.
But, everything comes after inoculation, and it remains to hang the question (for some, for others perhaps not) what is in those injections; something in particular?We have to wait for trusted specialists to confirm (e.g. things that W.W. ridiculed) ; until then, speculation can be dismissed to avoid instilling…anything.
And a new law.
(As I recall, last year Chile passed an interesting law.)
Well, the question remains “what exactly is the” biological material ” subject to the new laws”. Is there a spirit in the machine?” and such minor details. There is no way to know without a reliable opinion from a specialist (we hope it will come soon).
Plino, Ghastly! thank you for posting it.
About what’s in the vaxx; globalresearch has two recent articles w darkfield microscopy.
They are all insane.
…but some are crazier than others.
– The Animal Farm (paraphrase)
The more I have lived life the more I realise we are slaves, The police are here to keep us in check yet never check out the parasites.9/11 was a false flag just like pearl harbour.They get away with it because they bombard us with idiotic TV.Yet they never expected that a lot of people are aware awake yet we are conspiracy theorists when we are truthists 👍
But in reality, on the one hand, the slave’s slavery is his freedom. For the more he has of the external, the more he can turn his eyes inward and thus light his seven candles (which burn “in secret”). Provided it does not inoculate and does not take advantage of the other biotechnological benefits, of course.
Either that, or I’ve overdone the Tao of our respected user.
The tradition of the opening ceremony being far more entertaining and spectacular than the main event started in Albertville, in 1992. Four years earlier, in Calgary, they were parading around in track suits. In Albertville women wore dresses fitted w lucid bulbs around their waists inside which feathers were circulating, air-blown.
Then it was off to the races.
Although Alex Jones is certifiably insane, his site is one of the few that allowed Peter McCullough to present interesting data:
The federal government has been involved in Covid since at least 2015, according to published scientific papers that McCullough presents.
David Martin provides more evidence of activities well before 2015…
Thank you Off Guardian – an enlightening contribution from a range of interesting, genuinely concerned and well researched individual’s views on things that are deeply troubling (or should be), to us all.
One positive thing that has come out of all we’ve been going through for the last 20+ years is the emergence of neglected and sometimes new words used to describe the mentally deranged people that are running this circus of horrors we call “society.”
The latest one I ran into is “kakistocracy,” which Merriam-Webster defines as “government by the worst people.”
A few other words I was not aware of until recently: pathocracy, idiocracy, and ponerology. I’m sure I’ve left out a few. Feel free to share your findings.
Of course, government (any government) inevitably will suffer from a lack of immunity to these diseased states of mind.
And so it goes.
“The latest one I ran into is “kakistocracy,” which Merriam-Webster defines as “government by the worst people.”
A few other words I was not aware of until recently: pathocracy, idiocracy, and ponerology. I’m sure I’ve left out a few. Feel free to share your findings.”
Here is a word from me that does not exist, but reflects my deep doubt that a group of people can do without (the emergence of) the familiar governance: anarchocracy
But it may be wise and just, coming from the smaller ranks of the few assembled with a higher morality. Maybe.
opposite would be… autocry… autarky? (not exactly from a trade stance)
I will never forgive you for what you did to me about those stones, you hurt my soul, and in all probability you will suffer in hell for it. But aside from that, yeah, maybe you’re right about the autarky.:)
When I was scarcely more than a child I conceived the desire to fly the bush or outback to make “hardship” money. I trained on a Cesna 150. It was rated for acrobatics, so I took it out over the Pacific, pulled the nose up beyond the stall-warning horn and let it fall into a nose-down spin. I never got tired of the miracle: One simply noticed the direction of the spin and tramped down on the opposite rudder. The result was a beautiful, stationary horizon. I was not flying the plane; it was constructed and trimmed for level flight;
I was obviously too bored w normal flight to become a pilot, but I learned one thing about aviation that shredded 9/11: Large passenger jets that cruise at 600 mph at 30,000 ft CANNOT bring that speed down to sealevel. The wings would suffer major structural damage, probably even be ripped off. Even the fuselage is unlikely to avoid damage.
So ALL the 9/11 passenger plane flights didn’t occur as we’re told– especially not the one into the Pentagon. That’s when I remembered about:
It was a long-practiced Intelligence/Military Op in which air traffic controllers would be fooled. A plane would take off, another would fly very close to it, the transponder on the “vanished” plane would be turned off, jammed or masked while the replacement plane’s transponder became live. The specially engineered planes were remote-controlled, more like fighters than like passenger jets. I have to believe that’s what happened on 9-11, because of the phone calls.
Nine or ten different passengers called their loved ones to report they were in the middle of a hijacking. But in 2001 it was quite impossible to place a cell call from 30,000 ft, or even from 10,000 ft. It hurts my heart to tell you, but those passengers had been hijacked all right. They were sitting on the ground awaiting their fate. They were being forced to report that they were in the middle of a hijacking.
Years ago I heard the recording of a Black woman’s phone call. She manages to whisper at the end, “It’s a frame.”
I’ve been sifting through my 9-11 files & I found the link
The link itself is of an Italian documentary (in English) which is 5 hours long and of extraordinary thoroughness.
This is not what I understood “Operation Northwoods” to be… although your scenario might be linked to it… My understanding was that it involved only Cuba in 1962…
wardropper, check my same link @ 1:33 re Operation Northwoods. I’ll listen to yours now.
Yes, wardropper, your link is entirely in keeping with my memory of the capabilities envisioned for Operation Northwoods. They just chose a different “villain” instead of Cuba.
They had that technology of passing off the identity of a legitimate flight for a crime-committing drone for 40 years, but would-be pilots sitting around little rural airports knew all about it. There were lots of cracks in the controlled media in those days, and of course news of such travelled like wildfire among aviation fans.
And of course everyone became interested in politics when such a young and charismatic John Kennedy became President– and especially we were interested in the political skulduggery against him.
Thanks for the update, Penelope.
It had a wider scope than I realized.
A plane cannot go down to the level of the pentagon and hit it head on its impossible improbable unless it fell from the sky on top of the building.
But Annie, it DIDN’T fall from the sky. It hit the only recently re-fortified part of the Pentagon– where an investigation of the stolen trillions was taking place. In order to do so it had to ignore the entire 30-acre roof of the Pentagon. Instead, it turned and came in just above the lawn, striking from the side.
Judging from pictures of the hole it left and of its remains being carried away, it was a guided MISSILE.
Yes, there’s a lot of evidence which indicates that it was a guided missile that hit the Pentagon.
I know you’re American, Penelope; I wonder whether you’re aware of a broadcaster here in the UK called Jeremy Vine? He (an Establishment broadcaster) has (very rightly) been criticised for having pushed these horrific injections (his nickname is ‘Jeremy Vile’…!).
Well, approx. 7+ years ago, for some unknown reason (!) I read his autobiography. And in it, he related how he and some friends had, some years earlier, visited the Pentagon. He described how he’d said to them [I’m paraphrasing the words he used, for do not have the book, and hence do not recall his exact phraseology], “How strange. There’s no way that a commercial plane could have flown into this building, at the place where it was claimed to have done; the hole is not big enough for a commercial airliner”.
Christine– Jeremy Vile, I like that. No, I’m not familiar w him. He was certainly not giving anything away when he noticed there was no room for a commercial liner there. Do take a look at the photos of the hole:
Nice thing about the video is it has a little table of contents for each DVD so you can scoot over to the part you want to see. In this case you want “Mystery Hole”, which is on DVD 2 @ 13:09
It’s amazing the threads by which the truth is revealed to us, isn’t it? I guess even Jeremy Vile is overwhelmed by the truth sometimes.
Thank you for the link, Penelope, I’ll take a look at it. Approx. 10-15 years ago, I bought and read 20-25 books on the 9/11 atrocities (ones which all disseminated the falsehood of the official narrative).
A few days ago, I replied to another commenter’s post (here on OffG) on a major aspect of the events of that day, and my reply included the titles [and authors, of course] of three of those books which provide a wealth of evidences against the ‘official narrative’. However, the day after my post had been published, I discovered that the original commenter’s post, and my reply to it, had been removed… they’re no longer there.
(Censorship… I’ll say no more).
Yes, when visiting the Pentagon, the aforementioned Jeremy Vine/Vile [!] obviously was caused to consider/realise – to whatever degree – that the official narrative re. 9/11 could not be right, when he realised that the hole was not big enough to have been caused by a commercial plane.
In this current nightmare we are all living through, it was reported online that he, Vine, was hosting one of his MSM radio phone-in programmes [which, of course, I do not listen to!] earlier this year (or possibly even late last year, I can’t recall precisely when it was), and a member of the public got through and disseminated some ‘truth bombs’ re. the dangerousness of the injections. He, Vine, ridiculed what the caller said, and the latter was cut off.
Ie, Vine was not allowed to engage properly with the caller, and discuss, honestly, the actual nature of the injections.
So, presumably, his realisation, years earlier, that the 9/11 official narrative was incorrect has unfortunately not allowed him to question the current ‘official narrative’. He’s just another of the many MSM mouthpieces for the false propaganda which has, sadly, fooled so many people around the world.
A short PS to my reply to you of a few minutes ago!
I’ve now taken a look at the link you kindly provided me with. And I see that it’s from the “The New Pearl Harbo[u]r” DVD! I purchased that shortly after it was released (I had to buy it from the Amazon US, for it wasn’t then available from Amazon UK), and watched it in its entirety.
Yes, an excellent demonstration of the falsehood of the 9/11 official narrative.
For the planes approaching/striking WTC too, the reported speeds were also not possible.
You’re right, mgeo– absolutely not possible. The only thing I learned from my minute flying experience was an appreciation of the importance of aircraft structure– and fragility.
If you sit by the window on a passenger jet, you will see those big wings flex even in the thin air of high altitude when they’re travelling 600 mph. They’re just a different animal than the acrobatics-rated planes you see at an airshow.
I’m listening to your video and take exception to you labeling these people “experts”. Ask Charlie Chaplin to explain it to you if don’t know there are no experts, certainly not in this Life, not now, probably not ever.
They might be scientists, medical practitioners, journalists and activists, but they are hardly experts, certainly not based upon the weak tea presented herein, at least as far as the first three, four or five persons go, though I’m holding out hope on the last three if I can make it that far.
Thanks for this witty exercise in semantics. Enjoyed it! What is it Charlie Chaplin said? A2
Sam, any chance my reply to a Patrick L comment below could be salvaged?
Kiwijoker’s numerous quips pushed it so far down the thread that it disappeared altogether…
Au contraire, it was your comrade Patrick L’s vitriol that evaporated your most important (for the good of all humanity) reply(s).
Release yourself from your desire to be important and you will find the nobility of your true self in peaceful repose.
Take one (1) large unpeeled pineapple, preferably organic, season it with jalapeño pepper, and insert it sideways into [That’s enough. – Ed.]
… the turbo rotisserie and cook for nine minutes.
Remove and baste with orange juice, then cut into small chunks.
Serve on toothpicks with cheese.
And your endless words of wisdom from other authors do NOT reflect a desire to be important…?
I certainly have no such desire, but it is unusual for a comment just to disappear like that.
Hence my relevant query, which you are at perfect liberty to find as trivial and insignificant as you wish.
Forgive me, I didn’t see this until just now. I put your comment back, found it in SPAM, and very sorry for the delay. A2
You must have seen the rest of the movie by now. After seeing the last three, you changed your mind completely, didn’t you?
At last someone who says the truth. Was a factchecker version of experts.
Mike Yeadon a expert in what..? bullshitting and fake credentials then absolutely he is a expert.
Dr Mike Yeadon is not ‘bullshitting’ and does not have ‘fake credentials’.
He is also very good at decorating tea-pots.
Thankyou wardropper you get it .We could be in a gulag but your mind can be somewhere else smelling roses 🌹
When the government is not suspicious,
The people are honest;
When the government is calculating,
The people are cunning.
Blessings follow misfortunes, and misfortunes, blessings—
Who can know the mystery behind it?
The sensible becomes absurd;
Good becomes evil.
For a long time, this has been a mystery for man.
Therefore, be upright yet judge no one;
Be sharp but do no harm.
Be forthright but not unrestrained;
Shine but do not dazzle…
–Tao Te Ching
True 👍
A book everyone should read at least twice.
How’s old Lao doing? The last time we saw each other, he was kind of empty. It was a long time ago, and I don’t remember very well, but I think he said something like, “emptiness is an empty job”.
Tzu is neither young nor old, neither empty or filled, is both present in the past and in the future.
He also says ‘Hello’.
I’m afraid one of the main things I’ve learned over the past twenty years is what I’ve been learning over my entire lifetime, just at deeper levels of discouragement, if not despair: the fuckers in power keep getting away with their shit because we the sheeple keep going along.
It was bad enough with 9/11 to see the world around me turned into the war of terror and hyperpatriotic support for imperialism rear its ugly head more than ever. But the war of bioterror seems to demonstrate mass formation of sociopathy is never enough until people dutifully do their part in the death march of ‘civilization’ by submitting to total conquest and colonization of body, mind, and soul.
I’m more horrified than ever by how people appear to not be horrified by what’s been happening since 2020. If anything, dumbed-down denial seems all the more entrenched as the new abnormal becomes more normalized.
Sure, I can read a lot online (when it’s not been censored) to suggest more people have been waking up, at least in partial ways to perhaps gain some sense of the radical reset underway. But wouldn’t really waking up translate into rising up, in the real world, against this madness, affirming another world is possible by organizing social relations to build it? That I don’t see much of at all, certainly not enough to make a difference (yet?) in meeting the war(s) being waged against us useless eaters.
I could say more, but words more than ever seem to reinforce the absence of meaningful, purposeful action. So I remain in my solitary confinement with my silent scream.
To be alone is to be with the many
To scream silently is to laugh out loud
Each is contained within the other
Be like water
And you will never thirst.
What makes a cup of water the cup or the water think Bruce lee said that 👍
Since I have decided to exit the system at some point when those conditions come, I would like to order you a series on the illusion of possession (and need), if you would be so kind. For inspiration.
It’s frustrating isn’t it how I wish everyone thought like you and I but alas they don’t seem to want to 👍
I feel exactly this way although Corbett offered a sliver of hope last night in his live talk with TLAV, where he said he did this (8-hour documentary on Al Quaeda) because there’s always some possibility of light chinking where you least expect it.
In the doc he showed a 60s CIA plan to fly a plane loaded with students over Cuba and detonate it, accusing Castro. How did this come to light? Because people got interested in the JFK murder when Stone’s movie came out and so then an act was passed allowing access to the Kennedy papers which this gem was hidden inside.
Maybe people will see the light under the tyranny of the WEF pedo shill who has ascended the “throne”, although I’m not holding my breath, but things may get bad enough that they are compelled to.
Well, Nico, I understand everything you’re saying very well. Many people here have similar experiences (according to what I read). I’m no exception. Whatever I say will be a repetition in some variation. So it occurred to me that I don’t know anyone who grew up in any area because it was easy for him. I don’t know how you see things.
It is clear that everything seems increasingly hopeless. But what’s the use.
I feel you man. That’s all I can say, not much comfort I’m afraid, all the bootlicking over the death of that old paedophile protecting see you next Tuesday has me feeling pretty depressed.
Too bad you didn’t have anyone who knows that the “virus” is also a fraud.
I have never met a virus I didn’t like because I have never met a virus.
Hehehe 👍
Any government involved in lockdowns has been banned. It’s official! They never even had a chance.
Saw this yesterday:
The article it was in:
“OOOPS! German Legislator Lets Slip the date…”
I have no idea if its true, but if it is, then the timing must be purposeful.

So, what occurs on 9/24?
The Sun finishes passing through the constellation Crater, crosses the “12th Hour“, and sits in Centaur. There are 24 sidereal hours in the sky. Centaur is also a fit for the 3rd horse symbolism, which means famine, scarcity.
If anything happens on, or about, the 24th, then the following might be a good idea of the schedule:
FFS, I have seen some scaremongering disinfo in my time, but rarely so blatant and hamfisted.
Friedrich Merz of the CDU was addressing the Bundestag on 24 February 2022, the day the Russians launched their “special military operation” in the Ukraine. He misspoke and said “This day, the 24th of September 2022, is a day all of us will remember forever…”, etc., blablabla.
He misspoke. Simple as that. That’s why you hear so many opposition MPs tittering at his mistake and calling out to correct him. (If you’re going to say ‘Today will go down in history’, then at least get the bloody date right.)
The arseholes who blogged and tweeted this out can only have intended to mislead and frighten people. They’re relying not only on their readers’ unfamiliarity with a foreign language, but on their lack of basic media-literacy. Did nobody notice that the clip is undated? Did none of them even ask themselves why it cuts out after 19 seconds, just before he explains what he’s talking about?
I see such things as of legitimate interest to occultists, mystics etc., and they don’t necessarily mean scaremongering at all.
I doubt we’re ever going to reach a stage in human evolution where the whole of mankind will become fervent occultists with clairvoyant knowledge of the end of the world.
Similarly, as a lifelong musician and teacher, I can vouch for the fact that not everybody is going to become a brilliant concert pianist who can sight-read anything put in front of him. For most people, such a vocation has no significance.
So I certainly agree with you that we might as well relax.
So you are entirely indifferent to the date on which he spoke and the topic he was in fact addressing? You don’t care who he was or when he was speaking or where he was speaking or what he was actually talking about? And then you embark on a pseudo-astrological fantasy trip about the possible significance of the date this dull German politician fluffed his lines about?
Any such “mysticism” or “occultism” is worse than worthless. (And the ability or inability to be a brilliant concert pianist is of precisely zero relevance here, so God knows why you bring it up, if not as a transparent smokescreen.)
You could have just said (for instance): “Ah, I didn’t know that about the date and the topic, good to know.”
There are real reasons to be frightened and angry about real things happening in Germany right now and about to get much worse very soon. That’s why this kind of unconscionable timewasting utter bullshit angers me so much and has to be exposed and opposed.
There is a war on.
It is very irresponsible to leave the war on, it could possibly explode at any time.
Best to turn the war off and make a nice cup of tea.
You placed an insupportable burden on yourself when you adopted the username “joker”.
Your little quips have pushed my serious reply to P.L. so far down the page that it has disappeared altogether.
Please take it easy. It took me a while to compose that reply.
You should not be behind; you can see for yourself what kind of machine guns you are dealing with. By the way, while I was busy taking sides in the case, it suddenly occurred to me that we were attending a mini-demonstration of the principles of Tao reconciling the opposites set forth here by this terrible New Zealand maniac.
The sane appear insane to those bereft of sanity.
Tell that to the sane. To me, you don’t seem insane (this is an expression of respect in my latitudes). Of “my lack of reason” I cannot argue; it is obvious.
That’s an extraordinary interpretation of what I said.
I am indifferent only to the mainstream media.
Everything else I take seriously.
So what I said was above and beyond your generously bestowed opinion of what I could have said.
I don’t even disagree with a fraction of what you imply I do disagree with.
My reference to mysticism was entirely due to the comment to which you, yourself replied, because it refers to the Apocalypse. I was precisely dismissing it by implying that such things are a special field which is best left to those who are interested – just like being a concert pianist (or any other arcane vocation you care to name).
In a nutshell, I was disagreeing only with your view that the original commenter was scaremongering.
To me, he is simply going rather off-topic, which is why I drew parallels to other off-topic subjects.
I absolutely agree with you that, politically, Germany has become a horrifying place recently, but as far as timewasting is concerned, it is arguable that all of us here typing comments are wasting time, when we could instead be putting some of our so-called ‘representatives’ in jail. We have more than enough evidence to have them extradicted to the Moon.
Then to cap it all, you practically nullify your complaint about scaremongering by ending your comment to me with, “There is a war on”…
There is certainly something going on, but I can’t say I’ve seen enough verifiable evidence to conclude for certain that it is a ‘war’.
It looks like a stupid mess to me, and I’m still trying to work out what is really behind it.
Watching Zelensky shouting angrily into a media microphone every day, hardly hearing Putin say anything at all, and seeing footage of all sorts of weeping and destruction – which could be from anywhere and any time during the last 20 years – doesn’t quite fit my definition of ‘war’, but I’ll look seriously at any evidence you have regarding this awful situation.
They are creating famine there is no famine.These so called leaders are the bearers of famine.Mother earth has enough for everyone if every insect animal can eat then why are people starving?Its man made.
(This is not a response to the comment, just using the case.)
Update: after the debunking of the honourable Patrick below – which made it clear that the stupid German MP, excited by the programmed nonsense he had to say on and for February 24th, just went wrong – obviously this comment has become irrelevant (as far as it has been relevant before), but I still decided to annoy the debunker (with all due respect to him, of course), as I have a taste for the mystical.
In addition, I feel completely irresponsible for my words and actions, and very relaxed after delving into what a user recently posted:
“There is no such thing as free-will.
Spinoza explains it quite well…
Giants of Philosophy– Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) the Netherlands part3/8
Obviously, since there is no free will, no one is responsible for anything, because his actions are not his, because there is no source. So neither my desire to review this date nor my desire to annoy Patrick is mine.
Missed date by the German legislator, which is something because, seeing the primary source of the publication, well, Hal Turner really has a long series of failed shock predictions.
I have no idea what or if it will happen, but here are some other things about this date:
2022 Daily Holidays that fall on September 24
Historical Events on September 24
“The liturgical feast day of Our Lady of Mercy is celebrated annually in the General Roman Calendar on September 24.”
For September 24th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on September 11.
Shabbat, September 24, 2022
28 Elul, 5782
As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionaly a time of introspection and stocktaking — a time to review one’s deeds and spiritual progress over the past year and prepare for the upcoming “Days of Awe” of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.
The High Holidays – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Yamim Nora’im (Days of Awe) or High Holy Days
September 25-27 & October 4-5, 2022
Rosh Hashanah 2022 begins before sundown on Sunday, Sept. 25, and ends after nightfall on Tuesday, September 27. Full Rosh Hashanah Calendar
Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, the day G‑d created Adam and Eve, and it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year. It begins at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1 (Sept. 25, 2022) and ends after nightfall on Tishrei 2 (Sept. 27, 2022).
I am not anti-any, please do not make mistakes; I wish health and love to all (except for all on the pyramid who make Great Reset, who have to be roasted on a spit in hell)
Well, how about that, Patrick? “Sept. 25 is the birthday of the universe”! Let me see you now.
(Bonus: National Ghost Hunting Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of every September. This year, the world’s largest ghost hunt will be observed on September 24. This is an annual international investigation of the paranormal.)
Otherwise, what would be an effective solution in terms of all those “naive” or perhaps “malicious ” “theorists” who “so irresponsibly” play with dates and numbers (as I suspect some would like)? I don’t see anything but a super moderator AI trained in real information (which we will rely on to be really real, verified and stamped). Or a ban on access. Maybe?
Every time someone expresses strong resentment, I ask myself ,”What would he do in general if he had the power?”
I also have great respect and faith that if I ask him, he will immediately explain to me what went before time and space and what comes after them (and if they have no end – how); where the universe came from; where that from which the universe came; etc. to the end, and the beginning of origin; and such trifles.
However, let me conclude that everything I have written so far is a game, since it is quite clear that the “stupid MP” simply “went wrong”. (Everyone sometimes says “September ” instead of “February”. It happens all the time. Probably, on this busy day of the utmost importance for propaganda, he was thinking of his planned September vacation.) And now at least one German has been saved from the hell of unnecessarily tense anticipation of this date.
This reminds me – my free association, without likening it to parliamentary confusion, of course – of the claim that the Western authorities today act in this destructive way for the population and small business (and more) because they are stupid and incompetent. Or corrupt. Anything but the execution of plan.
Today is Occam’s harvest. imo.
The wise rule by doing nothing.
Sorry, O Bodhidharma, I got distracted by a fascinating blank wall. Would you mind repeating that?
“Master does not repeat”, so open your ears well in the future, scholar.
(There will also be a German School of metaphysics.)
And that was done by a moron without a single hour of flying an airplane that size! Clearly being a pilot is easier than they make it…
I am the top astronaut in the NZ Antarctican Space Program and we don’t have rockets, launching pads or even space suits (saves on the budget) so yes it is surprisingly easy…
“CGI makes it much easier to make the gullible and weak willed believe just about anything… ”

… well almost.”
The last quadrature composition is most obliviously CGI.
I self-identify as the new Princess of Wales and my pronoun is HRH
Absolutely charmed to make your acquaintance.
I’ve seen you at the spaceport with your worn motorcycle helmet. It doesn’t look very professional, but it has a nice old spirit.
Yes the spirit is quite old, I found it in a bottle on a deserted island many years ago.
You can’t stop me from being your fan, no matter what you say to me. It’s not in your power.
“..when they ever have a war on poverty?
but we got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me…”
i ain’t defending the illuminati’s choice and gangsta, but was a good line, a good song, like a lot of rap actually.
“the governments gangsta so cut the crap,
there’s a war going on,
where ya’ll at?”
Chuck D
“fight the powers that be” …..
in fact i never checked all ma homies out over the plandemic, but did see The T sold the shite out early, what’d ye expect from home invasion to CIS, hilarious.
Cube actually spat the dummy about it on a set did he not? but he was always seemed a bit of a dick anyway so we cannot be sure his intent, lol we are back to pyroclastic flows, haha : )
love ma rap toons, old style OG and before. wutangdelaetc check out “piss on ya grave” by ?? can’t remember artiste, but “ye ever have to drink similac so you get protein..” and other rhyming chimes are in it,
i never understood all those honkies who hate rap?? do they hate punk, thrash, rebel tunes too?? wtf?
rata tat tat tatta tat
Hate is just misunderstood love.
I think you mean Hate is the absence of Love,
and, if not, I wonder why you disagree.
Hate is the absence of Love. Love is the feeling.
To hate something is to have no feelings for it.
Honestly interested in an Answer, as I have a lot riding on it, since a something or other i wrote hinges on exactly the above premise.
Have you ever hated that which you once loved?
Have you ever loved that which you once hated?
What was it that changed?
Yes, I’ve maintained for a really long time that you must Hate what you don’t Love. Like really Hate. You should divorce, or disassociate, yourself from all things that you Hate. Hate is Good. There’s nothing the matter with Hate. Maybe I have toned it down a bit with my new thoughts on Hate (i.e. it’s the absence of Love), and, thus, it’s no feelings at all, but that doesn’t discount the facts that Love is not always good. Love causes huge problems in this world. Some (me) would say, sex and food are the two drivers of, well, everything. And, while sex and love are different concepts, it’s Love as much Hate which can lead us to do the most awful things precisely because Love makes us Blind. It allows people to look beyond the most horrific evils done by their loved ones. I concede it is a mixed bag.
I say no, but anything is possible.
Fear and uncertainty or, perhaps, the Love was taken away.
Love can never die but it can be taken away.
He’s a joker, after all, but for a serious perspective, it might be of interest to know that for some philosophers the opposite of Divine Love, at any rate, is Divine Wrath, not hate…
Something to think about, maybe.
well Pilgrim, do explain:
the question has to be in how “justified” you be, gangstagrass ask that well.
Rage, rap is rage, not hate?
aye okay, maybe.
“THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY should leave now and avoid the rush.”
He is the head of a corporation… he doesn’t own anything… that’s why they’re all so happy.
Dont call KC’s medals “Fakes” ! You’ll have The CHEKA (aka ‘Fact Checkers’) hunt you down if you do, after they recover from their apoplexia that is.
His mother felt he too should have some.
How about Del Bug tree? 😡 Let’s focus on the controlled oppostion first hey! 😋
The folks who say there are no germs or viruses could be right or wrong, but they’re getting snooty – sort of like the vax folks. “Quite the showman.” Snorts Miss Bailey, with the mere ghost of contempt on her pouty, plump lips. Go feed some homeless people. They’re piling up everywhere.
How many homeless people have you fed today?
None. I feed my self as I will be adding my sorry carcass to the aforementioned pile soon.
are you crabbit today amigo, or just deutch woes…?
Del Bigtree did a segment on depopulation one time where he said “if this is about depopulation, then that means that the elites are on your side because they’re only killing the vaxxed” lol as if I want 9/10 people to be killed just because they were duped by the govt
You forgot Yuval -you know, the hackable animals thing?
Those who – according to the avowed homosexual professor at the Hebrew University, a proponent of throwing useless eaters into the pit of video games and drugs – have suffered from millennia of delusions about God, Spirit and soul? I can’t know for sure, but there seem to be a lot of people who think the same “God is fake news” way. Some more direct people would call this “the equivalent of the insignificance”. It is a good thing that I myself am endowed with great delicacy.
🎶Where have all the bounty hunters gone?
Long time missing🎶
That alt media will believe a so called expert who appeared out of nowhere who refused to be interviewed on his previous alleged job and who story’s is about as consistent as this one (meme).
Off topic – sorry, but here’s another twist in the conspiratorial mess which bamboozled me:
Something about “stochastic terrorism”. I struggled with it but an old Luddite like me soon got lost. And eventually – as often happens and not only on the Linehan site – I felt such confusion and despair over all this FUCKING WEIRD INTERNET SHIT that I figured I’d be better off not knowing.
All the so-called opposition groups or radicals (including commies, BLM, militias, religious cults, antifa, mujahideen, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhopd, Hamas, Sandinistas, QAnon, Anonymous, Tea Party, Brexit, Wikileaks, ultra nationalists, hippies, Black panthers etc., etc., are created, nurtured and run by The Establishment Cryptocracy.
They are all Astro Turf movements and controlled directly through numerous intelligence agencies, for the purpose of preventing any real challenge to authority, dividing and conquering, whilst forwarding political agendas on a domestic and supranational level.
This especially applies to the internet where complete censorship is the ultimate goal, and faked scenarios with Intel controlled psyops are needed as pretexts.
Spoken like a true spook.
A true Spock.
So true.
No video on DD Go
Hmm try resetting your browser cache or trying a different browser. Let us know if you get it working. A2
How Europe’s Energy Disaster Will Cripple the U.S. Economy
I would say that both 9/11 and covid are examples of a kind of archetypical ur-device used ceaselessly by parasitical ruling classes for most (if not all) of recorded history. The most fundamental aspect of this device is to divide-and-rule by focus on an “external” enemy, after which members of the public – or home tribe – can have their solidarity and “patriotism” called into doubt by showing insufficient malevolence to this enemy. Also – this never ending war was useful for dealing with any who queried why there seemed to be a fair deal of wealth and yet most were living in poverty. “We need the money to fight the good fight and keep you all safe! Don’t you know there’s a war on?”
One obvious example is the witch hunts. Satan lurked in the background i.e. in every part of the background. And he could become manifest through certain humans who had “gone over to him”. The indication for such errancy was always vague and ever-shifting e.g. marks on the body (anything odd would do). Anyone questioning this lethal logic would guarantee the charge of witch being hurled at them. Since they were eager to avoid that fate, they gladly pre-empted suspicion coming to them by hysterically accusing others first.
The McCarthy hunts were merely a modern updating of this. But it continued in a “soft way” for most of the succeeding decades. As Gore Vidal wrote:
Thus the central duty of the media: to explain that “Why? How?” Or, more precisely, to preclude all questions by “showing the enemy”.
With the commies gone and various dead-on-arrival attempts to kick start the Big Bad (“The War On Drugs” Seriously?), 9/11 was the requisitely spectacular big push that started that stalled ball rolling again. But covid is the masterpiece. The “scientific” and therefore undeniable final enemy. And one who could be anywhere not because of backstabbing turncoats but because it could literally be inside anyone. It could be in front of you right now. It could be inside you.
And note how each incarnation of this ruling class device gets closer to the true political reality i.e. that it is the people themselves who are “the enemy”.
They use both “enemies” external and internal (witches, terrorists and diseases are not necessarily foreign at all).
You’re still believing the old narrative about McCarthy. Why? It comes from the same sources feeding these current fake narratives so why would that one be true? China had been ‘lost’ deliberately – the OSS armed and trained Mao’s guerillas and George Marshall stopped arms going to the Nationalists. There were communists in high places who betrayed secrets. THis shouldn’t come as any surprise now that it’s obvious communism was always an elite project. McCarthy was set up to take the rap for purges that had little to do with communism and which were conducted by forces much bigger than one Senator (ranging from Truman to Roy Cohn – it was Cohn who steered McCarthy on to attacking communists when McCarthy talked initially of a conspiracy but didn’t link it solely to ‘Reds’).
He’s a propagandist. Propagandists can’t or won’t let go of their fake narratives and their obvious fake binaries.
I worry that you’re beginning to thrive merely on saying the opposite of what those of us here consider to be common sense, based on long experience.
“The old narrative about McCarthy” is not baseless. The installation of communist hatred into the DNA of the American masses back then quickly escalated into the hatred of socialism in general, and then, eventually, into hatred of anyone who opposed the ruling ‘elite’ – of whatever party.
That phenomenon is still with us. I personally know several Americans for whom communism, socialism and suspicion of the ruling classes are literally one and the same terrifying thing.
McCarthy eventually took the rap for various purges, as you say, but we all know by now that the people who take the rap are rarely the same people who are behind the agenda.
Nevertheless, the figurehead deserves to take the rap, just as Fauci, Hancock, Schwab, Gates and the rest of the dozens of ‘WANTED’ figureheads on Scoop’s comment above deserve to take the rap.
Nobody should be feeling guilty about despising McCarthy.
feeling guilty about despising McCarthy?
thats what your wordy post was about?
I wouldn’t personally feel guilty about poking an arrow into the king of englands eye.
But yeah, feel guilty about feelings to dead people, if you like.
Which bit of “Nobody” in my last sentence did you not understand…?
Perhaps if you were a bit wordier, NameWiselyWithheld, we might get an inkling of what you’re on about…?
I don’t see UK socialism challenging the elite – they are the elite.
Are thieves and murderers elite?
What would anti-socialism be?
Agreed. There is no ‘left’ in western society any more. It’s all ‘elite’ politicians vs. the rest of us.
Fortunately, we outnumber them exponentially.
Socialism is a bait and switch scam, just like communism. The aim is to make people more dependent on the state, so they can be culled and controlled later, far more easily.
In socialism, like communism and capitalism, the people are still slaves, they are farmed for profit and used by the ruling central bank cartel. In all scenarios, the structure of central bank ownership and control doesn’t change, nor do the 100% fake democracies. Countries are FAKE and so are all the political systems.
If you are too naive to understand that all alternative economic or political groups were created by the controllers, then you shouldn’t even be commenting at all. None of what you claim in your comment is accurate. McCarthyism was a Hollywood-Intel-Congress produced psychological operation.
All “George” does is repeat propaganda, and that’s all it takes for mind control to work. REPETITION of complete BS.
“Everything is everything else. Nothing is anything. Resistance to oppression is oppression. Green means stop, red means go, and vice versa. All this is helpful. I am wise. You are sheep. Resist mind control. The Controllers control you. Your arse is your elbow. Countries are FAKE. Visit Langley, it’s lovely.”
I was wondering, what is the purpose of what is happening today? If, Of course, you think that something more is happening than what was happening by 2020. for example. I’m not smart enough to understand it; I even think I imagine that something more than usual is happening.
Is it for money?
Thanks Patrick. I’ve noticed a strange brand of commenter who seems to constantly explode in barely coherent rage about everything in general and nothing in particular but who has mastered a big enough vocabulary to sound vaguely impressive. I only hope they all improve when they reach their teens.
For my part, I have noticed a standard brand of commentators who repeat, over and over again, long-clarified things, in the same old familiar way, stretching out long and meaningless monologues; and, on the other hand, grab some silly little thing and also stretch it into a long but very boring post. And how real problem have they solved so far? None. But they love to read what they have written, experiencing their imaginary importance, as if they were contributing to the salvation of the world (and no doubt – they love to get those delicious thumbs up, which is a real virtual dependency). Funny, and they don’t have time to grow out of it.
Apparently there are all kinds of types (I, for example, do not care if I accumulate a lot of negative points, not only from users; nor what this will lead to) and everyone notices something.
Yeah I hate those commentators too.
But don’t overdo it, though. Self-hatred is destructive if practiced for too long. In moderation, it can be helpful.
If I have managed to express myself clearly in my obscure and not very impressive, but, at the expense of this – modest vocabulary.
Pointing out your constant BS comments and how mind control works through the repetition of lies isn’t rage.
You and your shill 77th TROLL TEAM attack the messenger instead of ever addressing facts.
And how are you today DunGroanin?
Sorry George, I’m a girl and I’m in a different country than that idiot.
“Someone” pointed out that you were a shill operative a couple of years ago, and I was skeptical at first, but seeing how you only post disinfo and propaganda AND your weak critiques always miss the mark AND you repeat the fake left-right Hegelian dialectic day in day out, I concur with “someone“.
She was right about you, and your 77th crew troll team.
Sorry, OT.
‘Server cannot be found’ whenever I search for Iain Davis.
WTF does that even mean?
I take it you mean on this site? Hmm works for me! Could be a browser cache issue.
He is tagged under every article he publishes. If you click on this tag it will take you to all his tags for all the pieces he’s written or been involved with on offg. Try the below link to his tags page and let me know if that works for you. A2
Thanks Sam.
Tag works, but I still can’t access his site as per usual method.
This is his site. It works. If you are using a VPN try disabling it as sometimes browsers don’t let you access certain sites when using one.
There is no possibility that 1 such a level of incompetence is possible when……..
2every major country in the west did exactly the same thing at the exact same moment at a cost of 20 trillion $.
There can be little doubt that the enemy is the international banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum, big pharma corporations, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI and numerous others.
Enjoy “poli-ticalfella-tio”
Anarchy is the only way, and it has nothing to do with “chaos” or antifa puppets.
Perhaps autonomy is the way…?
i do not believe there exist enough truly decent selfless people, to make anarchy work. we already have anarchy – big bucks and hired guns, might is right, and who are you to argue, prole/peasant ??
real anarchy is a nice idea. just that.
Sadly, I’ve reached the same conclusion.