Nobels and Knighthoods for “Vaccine” Shills
Kit Knightly

Last week the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to two people for inventing a vaccine that doesn’t work against a disease that doesn’t exist.
Not since Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize has the ceremony been rendered so ridiculous.
Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after less than two weeks in office and went on to be at war with at least two nations for every single day of his eight years as President.
…and, even so, this is still more of a joke. That’s how ludicrous it is.
It parallels the treatment of AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot – sorry that should be Sir Pascal Soriot. After all, he was handed a knighthood by the British royal family. One of the few global institutions more obviously corrupt than the Nobel Prize Committee.
The knighthood was a “well done” for AZ’s own Covid “vaccine”.
…that would be the one multiple countries no longer administer because it causes blood clots.
It’s unclear if Weissman and Karikó are amongst the 40 new billionaires created by the “pandemic”, but the patents they licensed to BioNTech and Moderna certainly make it theoretically possible. Soriot is without doubt a millionaire and, patents or no, the other two will be joining him thanks to the Nobel prize fund.
As Tom Lehrer observed after Kissinger won his own Nobel Peace Prize, “political satire has become obsolete”. But at least it serves as a reminder of the nature of “The ScienceTM” and the rules of the game.
In late July, in my piece on why ‘you should NEVER “Trust the Science”’, I wrote the following:
“The ScienceTM” is a self-sustaining industry of academics who need jobs and owe favours. An ongoing quid pro quo relationship between the researchers – who want honors and knighthoods…and the corporations, governments and “charitable foundations” who have all of those things in their gift.
…and the world wasted almost no time in proving my point.
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Media Blackout: UK Gov. quietly confirms Vaccinated account for 95% of COVID-19 Deaths in England over the past year; 94% of which were among the Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated
October 15, 2023
… another price – same institution:
Nobel Prize awarded for discovery of quantum dots that changed everything from TV displays to cancer imaging
Oct. 4, 2023
With this “twist” to it:
Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel
And this link:
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement
…and a blast from the past:
Did a Drug Company “Buy” One of This Year’s Nobel Prizes?
December 17, 2008
“Rumors swirl, but a Swedish prosecutor will only confirm a “preliminary investigation” into allegations that pharma giant AstraZeneca fixed the Nobels for financial gain”
Mistakes were NOT made.
Academia is corrupted, so the clever dicks too are corrupted. It’s been going on for years and the Noble Prize no longer has credibility. It is laughable. I am sure Greta Thunberg and Al Gore will be awarded one too.
See these older posts. -
Ooh Hamas are now using Israeli children as human shields! Allegedly of course.
I wonder if it ever occurred to the psychotic shills that the more they insist the less credible it looks? I am starting to wonder if ANY Israelis at all were killed or even harmed. I’m starting to wonder if Hamas even exist.
…the Pageant and Pantomime continues as per usual.
Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls
For that homicidal maniac Nutanyahoo and his vast chorus of evil cheerleaders : You do indeed have the power to crush the defenceless. However the days of our species and that of the innumerable other creatures that share our planet are numbered. Gloat, but your God (or the other fellow) will not be able to save your descendants.
The scamdemic, the clot shots and the already underway genocide in Gaza are all grim manifestations of the same thing. The final victory of the central banksters. They can do whatever they like to whoever they want to. Did someone say Final Solution ? We are on the verge of one final solution, that of the inconvenient Palestinians.
Don’t cry for me, Palestinia!
The Palestinians in Gaza cannot win, but Israel may find it a Pyrrhic victory.
Why are the nations rushing to this conflagration carrying cans of petrol instead of buckets of cold water?
According to Alex Mercouris, only some BRICS+ diplomats are “working the telephone” to damp down this local conflagration.
Here’s a telling juxtaposition, both items from Sky News:
“French holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard faces extradition from Scotland”
Such denial is an offence in France but not in Scotland. Now it seems that “UK extradition law only allows people to be sent back to their homeland if there is an equivalent British crime to the one that foreign states plan to prosecute them for.”
Naturally the Sherriff overruled this and Reynouard is to be sent back.
This curiously mutable attribute of international law also infects this second item:
“Israel PM says Hamas is ‘enemy of civilisation’ and ‘will be crushed’ as he thanked US for support”
Where considerations as to the legality of Israel’s attack are rapidly set aside.
This recent eruption in Israel is the most revealing episode since covid. Just as the entire media snapped into line behind the “terrible pandemic” narrative, so the entire media has automatically marched to the tale of the “appalling atrocities committed by Hamas”. There is it all the way across.
And the increasingly shrill insistence on “this utter abomination” varies indirectly to the evidence. The more strident the outrage, the more obvious it becomes that there is nothing to back it up!
And the pseudo-evidence becomes increasingly embarrassing. Reporters who are clearly well dressed and in good health are trying desperately hard to convey exhaustion and trauma. They are trying to make their voices sound cracked, they are trying to adopt a glazed numb look. And we see backdrops of streets with a few holes in the ground. With abandoned cars that “tell a tale of paradise lost” (and no, I didn’t make that up! It’s on the front page of The Times beneath a photo of dishevelled genuinely traumatised kids who are in fact Palestinian kids though the paper tries to mislead you.).
So who is calling the tune here? Why are these seemingly endless tiers of puppets all dancing so determinedly? What is it that they are afraid of? Who are they trying to placate? Who is the pied piper?
“Who is the Pied Piper”? That Anglo Zionazi Capitalist based in The City in London.
Who are the Peacemakers so we can bless their efforts?
According to Alex Mercouris, only a few BRICS+ diplomats are “working the telephone” for a concerted international call to both sides to stop attacking civilians: to cool it now that both sides have wreaked their bloodthirsty vengeance. Where are the rest of the global peacemakers? They are not all in it together.
Andrew Neil sinking lower and lower into the most crass infantile propaganda. And the rest with him. Has there ever been a time when the media has sunk so low?
He was the same over Covid – saying that the unvaccinated should face serious sanctions. He’s clearly being blackmailed about his sexual dalliances, so he keeps the shekels flowing in by being a good little boy.
At one of the anti-DU websites 20 years ago, I read that radioactive additives were put in depilatories for hair removal, and for quite some while some brands of toothpaste as well…. Until some consequences that were finally linked.
Science and the Market have produced a lot of unholy unions.
[Of course, Marie Curie died from radiation poisoning. Also oral: licking her paintbrush after coating the clock and watch hands that she was daubing with the radium.
And so it goes. Nuclear.]
There was a reason why it was called COCA cola.
Yes, but is a legitimate American business, unlike those criminals in the highlands of Columbia who deserve to be bombed.
Its up there with Trust the plan and Trump’s drainage of the swamp!
Downvotes incoming.
Trump, the original Outsider.
Or, first full-fledged Mob “USA Inc” capo. Your choice.
The same Trumpster whose uncle John was given all the papers of Nikola Tesla, the day after the latter was found dead in dress clothes on his unslept bed.
Dr. John G. Trump of that non-Intel affiliated uni, MIT. As OAP (Office of Alien Properties) Custodian.
Forget it Kit, it’s Chinatown.
A Polanski morality tale about L.A. networks and its incestuous relations with alphabet agencies, and other such “family”.
Dear Off-Guardian, how much does the RuSSian Federation pay you for putting forward such stupid bullshit?
You mean all the articles in Off G about how the Russian Federation is part of the global push into the Great Reset/4IR, digital IDs, mandatory, shots, …….? I’m sure Putin loves that kind of stuff. 😂
Well, when someone invents the best poison of them all, one that leaves no trace, kills rapidly or slowly, mimics dozens of actual diseases – wouldn’t you expect some prize to go to them?
Right, you get a knighthood because of great service to the Empire.
Mimic? The diabolic poison attacks every system (including defence) and organ in the body. Many of the symptoms match existing diseases.
The new Netflix show The Fall of the House of Usher is a scathing indictment of the Pharma industry. Highly recommend.
Yasser Arafat won the Peace Prize,enough said.
Didn’t a Nobel prize go to the guy who pioneered the Frontal Lobotomy?
I think his surname was Muniz.
Considering the images, he started with a lobotomy on himself …
“Too good–good enough to realize that all our science is just a cookery book, with an orthodox theory of cooking that nobody’s allowed to question, and a list of recipes that mustn’t be added to except by special permission from the head cook.”
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.
I’m flummoxed about Aldous Huxley. He is at once a go-to guy for pithy critiques of the Establishment; and at the same time a charter member of the Establishment. Which is it?
I knew his widow Laura, if briefly but memorably (my Daddio JWE was her longtime attorney). They were all part of the (very very very) spooky penumbra between UCLA Psychiatry (where she taught) and the overlap with PRS (Philosophical Research Society, about 7 miles east, in the esoteric center of Hollyweird). Both campuses we’re deeply embedded in LSD (aka NAZI) “research” when it was still legal in the 50s and 60s ~ and: correct me if I’m wrong, even after it was no longer street legal. Dr. Louis Jolyon West was quite suddenly head of that dept. for twenty years, [after his 1963-4 sabbatical as Jack Ruby’s jailhouse drug therapist 5 years prior) and after both he and Charlie Manson arrived in town in 1969, shortly before the Sharon Tate Polanski murders. [The LaBianca murders the next night, supposedly random killings, right, were one/two literal stone’s throw from the back boundary of PRS in Los Feliz at the foot of Griffith Park: obviously all that no more than riveting coincidences, thrilling fodder for theorists
only; although they must be very scarce since fifty years in, I am the first that I know to mark them.]
Laura, who taught psychology courses at both UCLA & USC, known CIA hotbeds and was (comme moi) a performance pianist, spoke with a strong Italian accent, having grown from girlhood into adulthood, parallel to the entire tenure of Mussolini.
Hmmm. The two of them, husband & wife, are both fraught with many overlaps of old school European fascism, and New World Intelligence hookups. (CIA/NAZI) I was drafting a screenplay when we met, and she, with brio, offered to introduce me to her two young film enthusiast student friends, “Steve & George” ( yep, Spielberg and Lucas).
Remembering Aldous’ primer on LSD, really the first highbrow literary one, “The Doors of Perception” (as many know, where [MKUltra victim] Jim Morrison got his boy band name) it was the catalyst for many I knew in L.A. then to trip their heads off, with very very mixed results. It all also ran perfectly parallel to the hallucinogen “experiments” [Mengele West?] at UCLA then.
[Fun Fact: I have been gathering signatures for California state initiatives for 35 years, very now and then, but I stay updated, and currently there is a statewide question before the public, 1st of its kind on the street to legalize hallucinogens with special provisions for clinical experimentation?]
On one edition of Laura’s seller “You are not the Target” I spotted a dust jacket cover photo that I vaguely recognized from years ago: an extreme closeup of the face of an apparently pregnant Sharon Tate. I was stunned for a long moment. Physically. At 70 that doesn’t happen often, but I had to stop a moment and take some breaths.
These dots are all Real. Cut in stone now.
A Masonic Dualist? A double agent? Triple? Certainly evidence abounds. Intel LOVES such types, specially when they can maintain a cover forever of plausible deniability! Hidden in plain sight. The fact that he was the go-to avatar of LSD, a Nazi confabulation, export to Hollywood, is compelling. His widow Laura was a close friend of that CIA spymeister perp Timothy Leary, the bane of San Francisco’s decline, among others!*
The Academy Awards for the authorities.
“All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me, satan.” – Matthew 4:9
Awesome slogan. Pure poetry. Thanks 🙏 👍
Ah, but they don’t wear invisible corporate logo emblems and ovals à la NASCAR drivers, as politicians all do. Just primary University colors. Imperial College for the Fergusons. All the big unis in USA sport them.
I brought up this topic below and it might seem irrelevant to this article but I reckon it really gets to the heart of the matter.
Nothing signifies the true value system of the media than the elevation of Jimmy Savile to the status of “national treasure”. And it’s very important to realise that it isn’t Savile himself who reveals so much but how the system around him responded – and continues to respond – to the eventual scandal.
And there is no better example of that than the recent Steve Coogan biopic which you really ought to watch. This was made by the BBC – i.e. the very organisation that employed Savile. And that ought to give you a heads up about the nature of the film. Sure enough, Savile is depicted as an aberration, a lone wolf. The ones around him are either taken in by his “charm” or they suspect and mutter amongst themselves. Towards the end, there is an acceleration of increasingly open disgust shown towards him, leading up to a ridiculous death bed scene in which a hospital orderly is leaning over him and demanding that he confess his sins. Which, of course, he doesn’t.
The whole thing corresponds to one of the media’s favourite tropes – the one bad apple. Savile is an anomaly who “inexplicably” got away with it. And the whole matter of his depravity is painted as a matter of “personal sin”. Meanwhile those around him are either dupes or enraged accusers demanding that he face up to his crimes. There is a huge dollop of wishful thinking here as he is confronted by these very accusers. And an even bigger dollop of the BBC trying to “atone” for its “one mistake”.
But consider what a totally honest and truly perceptive movie would say about Savile. It would unravel the various connections between him, the media, the royals, and – I have no doubt – various underground organisations. And it would be fascinating to watch. But who would make such a film? Not the BBC. Not anyone in the mainstream media.
We can be sure that there are plenty of Saviles in the entertainment, corporate, and political arenas, and plenty of their mates and protectors.
As cosy as a nest of vipers.
“Last week the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to two people for inventing a vaccine that doesn’t work against a disease that doesn’t exist.”
“Not since Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize has the ceremony been rendered so ridiculous.”
Who cares for this. How about this instead.
Today I announce the best OG post awards. These awards are reserved for only the best, of the best, of the best, posts.
And the self elected winner is… WorkingClassHero. Round of applause please.
Fuck me, anyone who wears these badges/knighthoods and awards, needs to take a real close look in the mirror. I’m embarrassed for them.
Just a small club of people who respect each other regardless of how many heads they have stepped on the get there. And for the females how many blow jobs or perhaps the blokes do this too these days.
Linehan disgraces himself:
Celebs are hopeless. They can get correctly all heated over a bullshit psyop like the trans thing but it’s such a strain to go against that big daddy media and they are anxious to get back in its good books.
So Graham and JK note that here is a way to get back in and grovel. And they gratefully do just that.
Michael Parenti, expanding the context of hypocrisy with his 2012 essay “The Nobel Peace Prize for War” ~
Increasingly difficult to convince that anything is wrong with the vaccines since Nobel is considered noble.
It’s like a Truman Show episode where Truman stays in the show because his big buddy would never lie to him.
An episode..
What will be the next episode?
A war?
Oh, sorry, that is on the other thread…
Have the wannabe rulers of the world bitten off more than they can chew? :
Maybe we should create our own prize. I don’t know, we keep letting them do all this shit and complain about, but we never do our own shit. We don’t have to use a human name, although if you want to use Big Al, I wouldn’t mind it, but maybe something along the lines of prizes for the biggest overall liar, biggest war crime, best impersonation of Satan, worst scientific achievement, most despicable oligarchy media propaganda reporter/writer, shit like that. Like, the Big Al War Prize, instead of Peace. We could include runners up and third place finishers to make sure more scumbags are exposed, or maybe even a top ten. Just spitballing here, man.
Great idea.
Corparasite of the year.
pHarmer shill of the year.
Kid killer of the year.
Warmonger of the year.
Corporate arse kisser of the year.
War criminal of the year.
Ssssycophant of the year.
(Insert yours here).
There’s nothing noble about the Nobel prize.
Climatosis. A form of mental derangement commonly known as ‘climate hysteria’…
Climatosis hasnt yet been granted an entry in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)** probably because Big Pharma hasnt yet invented a drug, or injection, to market for its ‘management’ / ‘treatment’, but rest assured, they’ll be working on it…
** DSM – standard classification of ‘mental disorders’
Recommend as Christmas present for the young…
As a preventive, inoculating them against catching The Greta Thunberg
Climate Crisis Derangement Syndrome (GTCCDS) < very contagious
amongst schoolkids…
A good piece on propaganda from Media Lens but they are self censoring on ‘Covid’. Funny that:
Nick Cohen? The Guardian’s resident Zio-shill? I’ll pass.
The article’s just pointing out that the mainscumedia’s coverage of the creep Cohen’s actual abuse of women was near non-existent in comparison to that of the ( dubious/manufactured ) accusations against Brand, whose chief crime has been gathering a large amount of viewers who dare question the legitimacy of project Convid on WHOTube. 😀 ( I think The Fraudian’s quietly retired Cohen.)
At the start of the ‘pandemic’ I questioned something on Media Lens’ FB page and they banned me. Since then the BBC have banned me from viewing their FB pages (probably because I was contradicting their narrative).
The Nobel Prize winner for Literature omitted ‘the’ from his latest book. I find that beautiful in the science context.
Do you mean Jon Fosse left out the article “the” from his 2022 book, Swedish title “Aett nytt namn” (A new name)?
As opposed to “Det nya namnet” (The New Name, which is the title of one English translation)? Also translated into English under the title “Another Name”.
It seems to be a novel written in one long sentence. I tried a sample but could not get past the first three lines without feeling dizzy.
We’ve all seen them at their talkfests, piss ups, glutton gigs and onanistic award ceremonies.
Enthusiastically shaking each other’s hands, patting each other’s backs, even hugging and kissing.
‘It’s a club and we ain’t in it’ (George Carlin).
Why would any decent human being want to be in their club?
They make me puke.
Psychos and hypocrites en masse.
What’s an appropriate collective noun for the LIFESUCKERS?
This piece is so perfect! Nice to see someone else use the word shill.
Nobel Prize winners appear to have something in common: Their discoveries or patents (wittingly or not) are used to promote scientific, political or economic fraud, and benefit the powers that shouldn’t be.
Very little of “the science” especially pertaining to allopathic medicine, is evidence based.
Vaccinations: Ineffective and Dangerous
If you look deep into the social security system, it looks like a benefit program, but in reality its a mechanism to control you financially, almost like you can’t spend more than you declare at retirement as we shoot your health care costs into orbit.
Thank you for the book link.
It’s long since been known that the degree of efficacy of most conventional treatments have been misrepresented (and side effects downplayed).
“…only 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence…(and)…only 1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound…many treatments have never been assessed at all…”
(Smith R. Where is the wisdom…? The poverty of medical evidence. Editorial. British Medical J 1991;303(Oct 5):798-799)
Full article: Where is the wisdom:
This suggests that 99% of published trials, or at least the reporting of them – cannot be relied on.
“…only 5% of published papers reach minimum standards of scientific soundness and clinical relevance…” and that “…in most (medical) journals the figure is less than 1%”.
(O’Donnell M. Evidenced-based illiteracy: Time to rescue “The Literature”. The Lancet 2000;335:489-491).
“…Only 6% of drug advertising material is supported by evidence…” (British Medical Journal, February 28, 2004, p. 485 P Rome)
Patients suffering adverse reactions to their prescribed medications, with around 20,000 deaths per year, take up one third of hospital beds in Australia.
“…At least 80,000 hospitalisations related to medications occur in Australia each year. Between 32% and 69% of these are considered to be avoidable.” (Malpass et al. An analysis of Australian adverse drug events. J Qual Clin Prac 1999; 19: 27-30)
“The number of reviews indicating that the modern biomedical interventions show either no effect or insufficient evidence is surprisingly high. …. a surprising degree of subjective interpretation involved in systematic reviews. Where patterns of disagreement emerged between authors and readers, authors tended to be more optimistic in their conclusions than the readers. Policy implications are discussed.”
You’re welcome. It’s really worth reading. Good quotes btw.
I believe in all my vaccinations and I am going to take all the vaccinations that my government offers me.
Methinks this is sarcasm 👍😅
OK, where is Eric, and what have you done with him?!
Yeah, this is what you expect, brain-wash since child-hood, don’t believe your sense of where or what you are. No thanks to OffG.
You ‘Flat-Earthers’ need to have a reality check.
That category of people even claim that stars don’t exist… claiming (OH so foolishly) that photos of them are ‘created by CGI’. When one would have to be foolish (not the word I’m thinking of, but can’t write the latter here, online…) not to know that stars can be seen by everyone, with their own eyes!! All you have to do is to look at the sky, once darkness falls [other than if it’s a cloudy night, and/or if there are too many city lights, etc], and everyone can see the stars!
Sailors used to navigate by them, hundreds, and thousands of years ago! Maybe ‘Flat-Earthers’ are not aware of that fact?!?
Astronomical things such as globular clusters, nebulae, are also visible with the naked eye (if one knows where to look). I studied astronomy between the ages of 10 and 12, so do know where in the sky to find such things as the Pleiades, the nebulae in the constellation of Orion [just under ‘Orion’s Belt’], and others.
The true signifier of the values of “our” award system is SIR Jimmy Savile. From the establishment point of view, it was unfortunate that his … proclivities got out. He became known for what he was to the public. But his mates up there in that firmament didn’t have any problem at all with him.
Speaking of which, I just saw the much touted Steve Coogan Savile biopic. Pure wishful thinking on the part of the BBC who produced it. They tried to make out that most of the people around him were on to him from the start. And he fair gets a lot of bile poured on him to his face. Thus do the BBC try to absolve themselves.
He may have deserved the title for services rendered, in the same way that Jeffrey Epstein served the US hoi polloi. If I were his lawyer, I would argue that at least, he was not a titled privateer, slaver or supplier (by the shipload) of opium to China.
Bulls Eye!
Corrupted souls awarding Corrupted souls..
its all baked into the system, and we don’t know weather the system was granted this power or if it simply took it.
Trust the science o_O
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
First off: I love your page and read it regularly! Thanks for sharing your thinking and writing!
I may be misinformed, but IMHO:
(1) The fact that Covid-19 doesn’t exist is debatable. There are arguments for the thesis, that it is completely made up, then there are IMHO better arguments that it exists since long and is (was) nothing very noteworthy, and last there are also some (IMHO not so good) arguments that it really is (was) a new beast.
(2) Obama won the prize after two weeks?
According ro some public information he was sworn into office beginning of 2009..The price was announced in October 2009. Give and take some to settle into office and some prize-decided-ahead-of-announcement time… two weeks still seems to be … very short (to be called a fact).
My above remarks don’t change the fact that I agree with the core of your opening statement.
It just seems to open (unnecessary) room for attacking them.
But maybe I am thinking weird or my (supposed) facts and sources are faulty.
Anyways – cheers! : )
One cannot prove a negative. For example, prove that unicorns do not exist. Thus if one states as a fact that unicorns do exist, then that person must supply very strong evidence to support that statement. I was educated at a top university as a chemist so I was able to follow the details of this fraud and deception easier than many.. The reason that most people at this site claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax and a fiction, and thus covid-19 as well, is because the evidence to support it is provably, deliberately fraudulent. I am not going to go over the details of the fraud for the zillionth time in this comment. As to it being debatable, as a New York judge once said, you can indict a ham sandwich.
So, apart from you supposedly having enjoyed a top-knotch education: What exactly is your argument or train of thought?
And where don’t you agree with my statements above precisely?
First, my point was not that I had a great education, but rather I studied chemistry which has allowed me to follow the details of the fraud more than, say a person far more intelligent that I am, who studied European history. Are you asking me to go into the details of the fraud, such the fact that the virus was never properly isolated and purified and thus its genomic sequence could never be honestly ascertained and that it would be quite impossible for a rt-PCR test to check for it, even if the PCR test in the best of circumstances were capable of doing so, which its late inventor yelled from the rooftops that it was not in relationship to HIV? Well, I won’t.
Back in 2021, a friend of mine felt ill enough with flu-like symptoms that she visited A&E to get checked out. The doctors took blood samples and said the results would be ready in two weeks’ time. When she contacted the doctors at the required time they were none the wiser. By this time she felt okay. It always struck me as odd they couldn’t pinpoint what she had.
A virus is a foreign synthetic agent in your body like dust, asbestos.
So the symptoms will normal go away after the natural immune system has rejected it.
No medicine helps. Only cigars, cigarettes and whiskey can absorb it.
BTW, “one cannot prove a negative” is science half understood. It goes rhe same for “positive”.
The problem is rather, that one cannot prove a theory to be right, usually. Only that it is wrong.
Feynman explains it pretty straight to the point:
(You might know him, being a chemist, and all)
Well, Feynman was a quantum physicist so obviously as a chemist I never heard of him.
Obama was indeed awarded the prize 11 days after he took office: “”Nominations for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize closed just 11 days after he [Obama] took office.”….….”One of the aspirations the committee expressed for Obama’s award two years later was that he would help clinch such a deal at a UN climate conference in Copenhagen, which only yielded modest voluntary pledges.”…10/22/2013, AP,
Thanks! Sounds convincing. As I stated above (1st post), it doesn’t make much of a difference to me if it was two weeks, three months, or nine months. I remember having wet eyes when I heard Obama’s first speech. I thought: “Hey, maybe it is going to turn for the better now”. Well,… it didn’t much.
But he sounded convincing (IMHO).
Yes, exactly. The Nobel Committee made the dubious, even reprehensible, decision to apply a novel rationale in choosing Obama.
In a nutshell, it admitted that Obama hadn’t actually done or accomplished anything to promote world peace. But they liked the cut of his jib, and thought he was a fine, well-spoken embryonic peacenik– moreover, a Peacenik of Color– who would be inspired and fortified by this nominally prestigious vote of confidence.
This Nobel theater was offensively bogus from start to finish. I stand by my original response, to wit: the ostensibly august Nobel Elders abused or abandoned the traditional selection criteria, and cheapened and reduced the award to something that resembled a tradition in US high schools.
I don’t know if they still do it, but promising high school seniors were given a “Most Likely to Succeed” award. 😠 🏆
To your first point. One has to find irrefutable evidence of something first to claim its existence.
Instead of downvoting you I’d like to introduce you to Steve Falkener’s video as well as to Dr Sam Bailey et al and their book Virus Mania.
Perhaps these may dissipate your doubts as to the existence of pathogenic viruses.
‘Virus Mania’ book – New updated 3rd edition
Intro by Dr Sam Bailey on U-Tube:
Viral transmission from human to human has never been proven!
I still feel it is possible to become lost in contemplations of this ‘not proven’ kind.
Throughout my long life, I have probably had ‘flu as often as most people (which is pretty often), and what has almost always been the obvious source of my own illness has been the close proximity of somebody else who also had ‘flu – whether it be my wife, or a student, or some stranger sniffing and coughing in an airport waiting area.
So what if nobody has proved that a ‘virus’ was at work between source and target?
The only important thing is that there was a transmission of something, and, frankly, I don’t care two hoots about what that something might be called.
“Virus”, “Germ”, “Microbe”, etc.. really, any such word will do.
The linking of the horrible symptoms in one person to the very similar – and equally horrible – symptoms in somebody else who has had some recent contact with them, usually paints a very clear picture.
My point is that we don’t always need scientific ‘proof’ to convince us that something has actually happened.
The experience of it happening is more than enough, and, in the case of ‘flu, quite horrible enough to convince anybody.
Of course scientific analysis and proof have their rightful place in genuine medical practice.
I am simply referring to the danger of making far too much of a ‘thing’ out of catching a cold, when most of us already know from much-repeated experience everything important that is entailed…
Confirmation bias W.
I’ve been in close and extended proximity to countless thousands with colds and flus throughout my life and not ‘caught’ anything.
Since the start of 2020 I’ve hugged more strangers than in my previous sixty years; still haven’t ‘caught’ anything.
It only means you personally have a strong immune system, but other people with weaker immune systems still can be jeopardized with foreign “something” their weak system cant bear.
I can find no evidence for the oft-claimed ‘immune system’.
Rather we appear to have an excretion system.
This can be occasionally overwhelmed by lack of necessary nutrients or other essentials, or when over-stressed by environmental toxicity – this can include such things as EMFs and even cold!
Then you’re unique in my experience.
Again, after many years of marriage, out of, say, twenty bouts of ‘flu, only twice did I NOT catch the ‘flu my wife had.
I know some people are rarely ill – lucky them – but that does not cancel out my own long experience.
This isn’t an either/or scenario.
I’m talking empirical data here, which I know to be similar to the experience of almost everybody else I know – even if my own father never missed a day of work in his life.
Try some Vogel “Allergy Relief” homeopathic nasal spray for a few months. It healed my immune system many times.
It ended the allergies of every person I recommended.
[Oil of Oregano, minimum 80%+ carvacrol, cured every upper respiratory infection malaise I ever had. Well reported in “The Cure is in the Cupboard” by Cass Ingram. I ingest it in cold seasons and also spray a d huff it, cut with water.]
I’m aware the conditioning runs deep W.
I’m aware that nothing I say will make a difference.
Your empirical data is not evidence, same as mine isn’t.
Can you not entertain the thought that there are different explanations for you being ill at the same time as someone you share an environment with?
Perhaps you have occasional infestations of the invisible poisoned-horned unicorn?
Could it be that you and your wife went into a detoxification mode at the same time due to your similar circumstances? Perhaps you were both going through a stressful time, perhaps you had both over-indulged in things your body didn’t want.., etc. Similar people do similar things, under similar circumstances and produce similar results, which appear like contagions. That’s why “flu-season” comes right after Christmas.
There are people in certain parts of the world who are totally isolated. I once watched a tv programme where a man in Alaska lived at least 40 miles from the next human. He was always careful to keep dry in case he “caught “ a nasty cold or got flu. You don’t need contact with a human to get influenza.
Try some Vogel “Allergy Relief” homeopathic nasal spray for a few months. It healed my immune system many times.
It ended the allergies of every person I recommended.
[Oil of Oregano, minimum 80%+ carvacrol, cured every upper respiratory infection malaise I ever had. Well reported in “The Cure is in the Cupboard” by Cass Ingram. I ingest it in cold seasons and also spray a d huff it, cut with water.]
Indeed Marc.
Strange how the profound impact of cold weather on us is so often discounted.
The propagandists for ‘global boiling’ always omit the fact that cold kills far more than heat.
Spot on. You know children when staying at home they never get sick, but the moment the enter the Kindergarten all kind of leave and heavy fever days starts.
Another proof of contact infections of “something”.
Try some Vogel “Allergy Relief” homeopathic nasal spray for a few months. It healed my immune system many times.
It ended the allergies of every person I recommended.
If your scenario is accurate, which is unlikely, invisible killer dots are the only possible explanation?
If the kids are all well at home, who brings the killer dots to pass around?
‘Transmission’ is all about frequencies. You can pick up the program if the frequencies are close enough. You can ‘cure’ people, or to be more accurate remove ‘symptoms,’ by transferring information/’data.’ If you are skilled enough you can get them to see you as a sort of mirror in which they can reflect themselves and ‘see’/realise /(real-eyes) what they have been doing. Pay attention to dreams.
I hardly ever have a ‘cold’ (maybe once in 5 or 6 years… that’s the extent of it, for me), and don’t think, in all my so far just under 65 years, that I’ve ever had ‘flu’.
This is not restricted to viruses. No tranmission of any disease has been proven, despite efforts from at least the 19th century.
Mandan Indians say hi!
Is the use of the word ‘price’ instead of ‘prize’ a Freudian undergarment?
Kit, you are such a breath of fresh air, always looking forward to reading your analysis. There are so very few of you out there. Thank you.
At a talk Kary Mullis gave in Toronto, Ontario in the 1990’s, he said, “The first question you must ask about any scientific study is who funded it.”
Brilliant !!!
And the recipients wore masks to the ceremony at which they picked up their awards, no doubt illustrating how much they trust their invention. Can’t make this up any better. 😂
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-11. Damaged heart muscles of millions. DNA plasmid & SV40: cancer. 2 jab poster boys dead. Depleted SPR (blog, gab, tweet).
Prof Norman Finkelstein should receive a Nobel Prize for exposing the “Holocaust industry.”
Here he is on Gaza:
For that matter, so should Edwin Black for his work on IBM and the Third Reich.
If Black had won the prize he deserves, we would not be contending with Bill Gates and the Rockefellers.
We are probably talking a huge time-frame here – and far into the future, but among many other startling and prophetic revelations from Rudolf Steiner, there is the evolution-related indication that one day people will no longer be able to hide what is in their hearts and souls.
According to that indication, outright wickedness will show as a distorted image on the faces of those who harbour that quality in their soul, just as moral integrity will have a beautiful appearance.
It goes without saying that we are not there yet (except for a few exceptionally clairvoyant people), and jumping to conclusions right now would constitute abuse of a gift which mankind will possess in due course, according to Steiner’s teaching.
This potential for abuse should be obvious once we start thinking of all the people we don’t like and then start imagining distortions on their faces which are not really there.
Then what about handicapped people who are born with distorted features?
Clearly our organs of perception have to develop too. We can’t go around condemning such individuals as ‘evil’, since that simply doesn’t correspond to the truth. If we do that, we are right back at the “She’s a witch!” stage of our moral evolution.
I mention this teaching of Steiner’s only because it at least promises the hope that one day hypocrisy and evil will not be hidden by lies and bribery as they are today. Then, perhaps, the possibility of truly casting out evil will exist.
After all, hope is certainly something which decent people need today.
As a species, however, it looks as if we are going to have to be very patient.
Evolution is a complicated matter, and involves more than just our physical appearance.
For example, one of the principal difficulties with the notion of karma is that when, in the future, we achieve a further step in evolution, we probably won’t remember having first heard about it in a previous life…
Then there is the consideration that although serious research (and training) is what Steiner outlined and recommended, ‘dabbling in the occult’ has always been regarded as a very dubious activity.
He was also a pioneer of the idea that development in what he called ‘spiritual science’ (not to be confused with Christian Science, Scientology and the like) should not remain ‘occult’ (hidden) as it had been for a very long time.
He maintained that such things must now be talked about, thought about and seriously researched – with our fully-conscious participation, since they are now an actual part of our evolution.
Of course this matter is not for everybody, since our individual evolution up to this point has not brought us all to the exact same level.
It is for those who feel called to it, just as being called to play a classical musical instrument at the level of a virtuoso, or to write about philosophy, is something which some people consider to be an utter waste of time, while others enthusiastically devote their whole lives to it.
To sum up, we can look forward to a time when we will see evil intent in a person’s face, which will be so obvious that mankind in general will be able to confront it, stop it, and say, at the very least, “You need help”, while we will be correspondingly naturally drawn to the wisdom of those whose morality, integrity of soul and good intent are also obvious to all.
The bad news for those who still consciously wish to tread a ‘Black Path’, is that they will be unable to do so without advertising it on their faces.
Unusual food for thought here, but, as I said before, there is also hope for an eventual end to evil in it.
Except evolution has to take place in secret, once the discussions begin, so do the problems.
Yes humans have evolved to the point they need to physically, but add a beauty scale and somehow her magic goes away. Either the looking glass get broken or too many chiefs spoil the formula with discussions, when God says she doesn’t have all the answers, there is no reason to believe that we should have them all either.
Its like we are caught in the middle between heaven and hell.
You’re right about the problems beginning with the discussion.
Talking about this sort of thing does carry a risk.
It’s just that people of good intent need to know what is available to them if they wish to take part in the evolutionary tasks confronting our species.
I had no idea as a young student that such paths even existed, but good fortune put me in the hands of a great teacher who soon convinced me.
That’s why it seems only right to do my bit to try and ensure that coming generations will have the same options that I did of realizing that paths other than ‘the usual ones’ do exist.
It’s a bit like the career in classical music which I have gratefully followed all my life.
If my circumstances had been just a little different, I might never have had the chance to do that, so what I am really talking about is the possibility of contributing to the creation of a social environment where people can stumble upon such beautiful things in the same way that I did.
If those things are not in the environment at all (and beautiful things are always under threat) then nobody gets to work with them, and our species is the poorer for it.
The point is to try and make sure that beauty, art, spirit and all the other good things in Creation are always there, if only to counteract the horrific things in our environment that don’t seem to need anybody’s help in order to flourish.
Other than that of course, it’s entirely up to the individual.
Exactly, but there was a time not so long ago I gathered up all sorts of things with the intention to introduce them to todays youth as a clean way to have fun, like old coin operated machines and such.
But as societal evolution was occurring, I found these young critters were about as interested in the things of my youth as they were in getting another hole in the head.
And its only gotten worse as the time passed. Finally I gave up on the task and just let the little critters be themselves even if it was to the detriment of their generation and society at large.
It was a tough decision to arrive at and trying to change the button pushing kids seemed futile so instead I joined them and added to their button pushing nirvana.
True seeds work! Just not immediately. You and I wont get any admiration here and now but on the long run they will pop up if our children if they have the potential.
I still remember my teacher E. Bjerrings in my mother tongue from ground school taken her profession seriously teaching us basic gramma and to make letters with red thread and conclusions and poems.
I remember my Architect from High School who taught me how to draw summer and winter trees in plane and facade.
I caught my vision in a large Contractors Company who made the most complicated civil contracts to agreed time, promised budget and agreed budget. No cheating, just honest challenging difficult contractors work.
We are men and have an obligation to protect women and be there for our children and give them true knowledge. It may not give respect here and now, but on the long run they will remember the true to them.
The seed is then there inside them when they grow older and become more experienced and more able to make use of it.
If they have avoided to be vaccinated 😂 😅 😁 .
Fortunately, the things I am trying to support in our environment are not “the things of my youth”, but the timeless works of the most creative minds in our entire history.
Another fortunate thing about those things is that they are there for people of absolutely any age.
I am most certainly not talking about ‘kids’, although I was pretty young myself when my teacher opened the first doors for me.
Our greatest minds sometimes blossomed early in their lives, while others developed in their latter years.
The same goes for those who try to learn from them.
Europe’s Ryeer Cup golf captain went to the Rudolf Steiner School.
Funny how Europe won that despite the USA players having much higher rankings – and jus when the elite are trying to keep the EU together while disintegrating the USA. Europe’s unofficial anthem during the tournament somehow became ‘Zombie’ by The Cranberries, their lead singer being one of the many musicians to turn up dead at a young age in a bath tub.
I am no an expert on Anthroposophy , nor am i particularly clairvoyant, yet the advertising you speak of is perceivable via the eyes.
As I said, it depends upon whose eyes.
Most people don’t see it.
Steiner was an exceptional human being. There have only been a handful of people with his clarity of perception and extrapolative abilities.
I would count Peter Kropotkin , Jiddu Krishnamurti, Simone Weil, Gurdjieff, Ramana Marhashi, Alan Watts, Barry Long and Bill Mollison and David Holmgren (co-‘creators’ of Permaculture) in that group of people. I’m sure there are others.
A few years ago a little book came out from Australia, “Rudolf Steiner: Journey of a Grail Knight”, by Alan Whitehead, which consisted of stories about Steiner stemming from interviews with people who had actually known him and worked with him.
A very interesting book, and I remember particularly one comment by the author, concerning the disbelief by many that any individual human being could be so very exceptional.
It was something to the effect of, “Is it really so difficult to accept the idea that once or twice every few thousand years a truly exceptional human being will exist among us?”
Steiner was not arrogant. In fact he was always duly modest. But what he had to say had to be said, and of course that involved the effort necessary to counter a fair amount of opposition from certain people who inevitably hate having their boats rocked.
“A man without enemies is a man without backbone”, (Paul Newman, Actor).
Thanks wardropper.
“Reincarnation” and “karma” are not synonyms.
Nor did I say they were.
So why do you imply that I did?
As you and I both know, they are historically part of a certain philosophic outlook on life, but I don’t say they have to be.
In my opinion we are close, not to see it in the face of people but to hear it in people’s semantics, lies/hypocrisy versus truth.
An open honest sincere explication can wipe out an ugly appearance. We judge people (celebrities for example) first by their handsome appearance, but when they open their mouth and declare they a pro forced vaxx, they become ugly yes?
This Senator from Romania who send out a declaration on youtube does not have a physical appearance to sell tickets, but when you hear her telling straight out facts she become a person with soul and integrity, a true personality.
As I am living in Europe pt I can hear immediately in a persons conversation whether this person is the usual European hypocrite, or the rare occasions when I meet a true human.
The red lines between the two are being drawing up in all these division media campaigns; Corona, CO2, Clima, Particle Pollution, Ukraine, Maui, Globalism, m.m.
Your fine comment are very similar to descriptions of the same in the bible.
I think what Steiner was saying was that a time would eventually come (not now) when a face would be as readable as a book is at present.
I think we’d be in deep trouble if mankind in general possessed that ability right now…
I am currently ploughing through a series of 13 lectures on St. John’s “Apocalypse” that he gave in 1924, the year before he died.
It is unusual, to say the least, to have an authoritative explanation of such a notoriously mysterious book, but authoritative it is.
Already it appears that inordinately large portion of the human brain is devoted to recognition of the human face and the interpretation of facial expressions. Italian Renaissance masters attached great value to learning how to “register” a mood via face and gesture. Vasari says that, even as a young apprentice asked to finish off an altarpiece, Leonardo painted the face and expression of an angel to complete the area where his Master Painter had only been able to paint the face of a boy.