Something’s Coming, We Don’t Know What It Is But It Is Going To Be Bad

Edward Curtin

“With a click, with a shock
Phone’ll jingle, door’ll knock, open the latch
Something’s coming, don’t know when but it’s soon…”
“Something’s Coming,” lyrics by S. Sondheim, music by L. Bernstein – West Side Story

Shock should not be the word, but when World War III breaks fully loose many who are now sleeping will be shocked. The war has already started, but it’s full fury and devastation are just around the corner. When it does, Tony’s singular fate in West Side Story will be the fate of untold millions.

It is a Greek tragedy brought on by the terrible hubris of the United States, its NATO accomplices, and the genocidal state of Israel and the Zionist terrorists who run it.

Tony felt a miracle was due, but it didn’t come true for him except to briefly love Maria and then get killed as result of a false report, and only a miracle will now save the world from the cataclysm that is on the way, whether it is initiated by intent, a false report, an accident, or the game of nuclear chicken played once too often.

Let us hope but not be naïve.  The signs all point in one direction.  The gun on the wall in the first act of this tragic play is primed to go off in the final one.  Every effort to avoid this terrible fate by seeking peace and not war has been rejected by the U.S. and its equally insane allies.

Every so-called red line laid down by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians, and their allies has been violated with impunity and blatant arrogance.  But impunity has its limits and the dark Furies of vengeance will have their day.

“It is the dead, not the living,” said Antigone, “who make the longest demands.” Their ghostly voices cry out to be avenged.

I wish I were not compelled by conscience to write this, but it seems clearly evident to me that we stand on the edge of an abyss. The fate of the world rests in the hands of leaders who are clearly psychotic and who harbor death wishes. It’s not terribly complex. Netanyahu and Biden are two of them.

Yes, like other mass killers, I think they love their children and give their dogs biscuits to eat.  But yes, they also are so corrupted in their souls that they relish war and the sense of false power and prestige it brings them.  They gladly kill other people’s children.  They can defend themselves many times over, offer all kinds of excuses, but the facts speak otherwise.  This is hard for regular people to accept.

The great American writer who lived in exile in France for so many years and who was born 100 years ago this month, James Baldwin, wrote an essay – “The Creative Process” – in which he addressed the issue of how becoming a normal member of society dulls one to the shadow side of personal and social truths.  He wrote:

And, in the same way that to become a social human being one modifies and suppresses and, ultimately, without great courage, lies to oneself about all one’s interior, uncharted chaos, so have we, as a nation, modified or suppressed and lied about all the darker forces in our history.

And lie and suppress we still do today.

Imagine, if you will, that Mexico has invaded Texas with the full support of the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian governments.  Their weapons are supplied by these countries and their drone and missile attacks on the U.S. are coordinated by Russian technology.  The Seven Mile Bridge in Florida has been attacked.  The U.S. Mexican border is dotted with Russian troops on bases with nuclear missiles aimed at U.S. cities.

It’s not hard to do.  That is a small analogy to what the U.S./NATO is doing to Russia.

Do you think the United States would not respond with great force?

Do you think it would not feel threatened with nuclear annihilation?

How do you think it would respond?

The US/NATO war against Russia via Ukraine is accelerating by the day. The current Ukrainian invasion of Russia’s Kursk region has upped the ante dramatically.

After denying it knew in advance of this Ukrainian invasion of Russia, the demented US President Joseph Biden said the other day when asked about the fighting in Kursk, “I’ve spoken with my staff on a regular basis probably every four or five hours for the last six or eight days. And it’s — it’s creating a real dilemma for Putin.  And we’ve been in direct contact — constant contact with — with the Ukrainians.”

Do you think Kamala Harris was kept in the dark?

Now how do you think the Russians are going to respond?  How many red lines will they allow the U.S. to cross without massive retaliation?  And what kind of retaliation?

Switch then to the Middle East where the Iranians and their allies are preparing to retaliate to Israel’s attacks on their soil. No one knows when but it seems soon. Something is coming and it won’t be pretty. Will it then ignite a massive war in the region with the US and Israel pitted against the region? Will nuclear weapons be used? Will the wars in Ukraine/Russia and the Middle East join into what will be called WW III?

While the US continues to massively arm Israel, Russia is arming its ally Iran and likely training them in the use of those weapons as the U.S. is doing in Ukraine. The stage is set.  We enter the final act.

Natanyahu wants and needs war to survive.  So he thinks.  Psychotic killers always do.

The signs all point in one direction.  No one should be shocked if the worst comes to pass.

“Phone’ll jingle, door’ll knock, open the latch.”

If you have time.

Edward Curtinis an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Oct 12, 2024 5:34 PM

brilliant writing.
I also sense something is coming….

Sep 6, 2024 6:59 AM

Yeah, Mr. Curtin is right; we already are at war w Russia. However IMO Putin and the US Deep State are acting in concert. I continue to see Putin as a co-conspirator to what’s coming, not a Russian patriot. I thimk he was mentored by Kissinger. In fact, from Gorbachev onwards I think elements of the Russian leadership have been in full cooperation w the US traitors & their dreadful one-world govt.

Sep 6, 2024 2:17 AM

Half truths and half lies like a half-baked cake.

George Robinson
George Robinson
Sep 5, 2024 9:29 AM

No. There is no war coming. We have learned from previous WWs to disregard the salivating bankers and industrialists.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Sep 2, 2024 4:13 PM

And the worst will come to pass if those driving us towards the abyss do not learn a simple syllogism from history: every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore that is the fate that awaits humanity. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate might be to accept it. I explore this theme in my e-pamphlet The Doomsday Syllogism, if anyone is interested in reading it – before it is too late.

Sep 2, 2024 3:33 PM

Thank you, Edward Curtin, for being another much needed voice-of-reason. God help us all. I live in England in total despair seeing how year after year decade after decade it’s government fails the voiceless and powerless British people and pumps billion after billion of pounds into foreign wars and foreign deaths.

paul smith
paul smith
Sep 2, 2024 12:33 PM

Yes, like other mass killers, I think they love their children and give their dogs biscuits to eat.”
Alack, in Mr. Biden’s case, that ‘love’ sometimes took place in the shower, and not all the biscuits in the world will convince Commander not to snap at the fingers (and points south) of his sunglass’d and besuited Praetorian protectors.

John Litmann
John Litmann
Sep 2, 2024 3:02 PM
Reply to  paul smith

Lucky to get such comments past off-guardian’s censorship. I guess Biden bashing is fine, as long as you stay away or don’t go off script on the war in Eastern Europe. I placed a little wager with myself, that this comment, too, will not see the light of day.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 3, 2024 12:25 AM
Reply to  John Litmann

Rookie move. Offg doesn’t really give a crap what you think as long as you say it half legibly and not too unkindly, plus publishing comments like yours only makes us look even less like censors! Own goal, you lose, we win 🙂 A2

George Robinson
George Robinson
Sep 5, 2024 9:35 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

OffG does ban people who disagree in a civil manner but cross unstated red lines. I was banned from commenting after an article about the Twin Towers’ destruction. The reason was that the admins would not tolerate any details from Dr. Judy Wood’s book “Where Did The Towers Go?” being fed by me into the comments section. Her authoritative book is off bounds.

My protest to the admins afterwards went unheeded. I have to use a different email to comment now.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 5, 2024 10:14 AM

Well that’s news to me. When was this? You seem to be commenting right now. You know what. I’m not going to play along. No one has been ‘banned’ for discussing Judy Wood, that’s just a fact.

I actually have no idea, no memory, no strong feeling, but perhaps way back you got put on premod for a bit because you make shit up?

Try not doing this 🙂 Let’s keep this community honest, there’s enough people out there trying to lie to us. 🙂 A2

Alison Bevege
Alison Bevege
Sep 1, 2024 5:15 AM

Apologies, I meant to add the source for the Hamas Covenant 1988 – Yale University

William Wall
William Wall
Sep 6, 2024 4:21 AM
Reply to  Alison Bevege

The 1988 Hamas Charter was a bunch of polemic expressing rage at Israel. If you really want to know what Hamas’ values and aims are, best to read their carefully considered (and far more recent) 2017 Charter. (https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full).
In this, they make it very clear their opposition is to Zionist colonialism, not Jewish people or the religion itself. This distinction is important for all who oppose the Zionist/European colonisation of Palestine, which (naturally enough given the basic human values of the Torah) includes many Jews.

Alison Bevege
Alison Bevege
Sep 1, 2024 5:14 AM

Hamas Covenant 1988

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).”

Article 7:
“the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).”

See how Hamas does not say “Israel”, they say “the Jews”.

So who is actually, publicly genocidal here?

Hamas are also just the Palestinian wing of the much larger Muslim Brotherhood, backed by Qatar, Al Jazeera, and large amounts of energy wealth and the universities whose loyalty they buy (like Georgetown)

Also from the Hamas Covenant:

Article 11 – the whole of the original British Mandate Palestine must be ruled by Muslims until the Day of Judgement because no land conquered by Muslims can ever be relinquished to non-Muslim rule. That is why they won’t allow Israel to exist even if it is the size of a postage stamp.

That is despite the fact that the land was continuously occupied by Jews since before the Romans conquered them. The Muslims then conquered the Romans.

From Article 11:
“This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.”

This is what Hamas say about themselves. Who am I or you to argue with them, surely they are the experts on why they do the things they do.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Aug 30, 2024 1:46 AM

“Despite all the hostility directed against Modern Matriarchal Studies, it is not possible to disregard its findings. It presents us with a well balanced, egalitarian and basically peaceful society. It can exist without life destroying inventions like wars of conquest and the rule of dominance. This is why I am convinced that matriarchy is needed in the struggle for a humane world.” Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth


In the Meantime

Aug 29, 2024 8:50 PM

Lets revive the the so called hippie movement mantra of the late 60s which said “suppose they gave a war and no one came”. Its the same throughout all this oppression and control nonsense such as the non existent covid bollocks, do not comply, its so bloody simple but unfortunately the masse are even simpler it seems.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 8:04 PM

I’m getting confused about what the “oh my gaaahd ww3!” story actually is right now.

Is it that Ukraine is trying to drag NATO in to a war with Russia it doesn’t want?

Or is it that NATO is trying to create a wider war using Ukraine as a provocateur?

Don’t see how it can be both. So – which is it?

Either way, both these narratives are flawed because they simply pretend MAD doesn’t exist – as I said before.

Bottom line is if NATO (or, yes, a NATO PROXY, Brian) had at any point in the last 70 years been fool enough to invade Russian territory, Russia would have invoked MAD and if the invasion was not halted and withdrawn there would have been a nuclear exchange leading to mutual destruction.

Which is precisely why there was NO such invasion of Russian territory in all of that time.

So, once again let’s ask the question,

Why has that changed?

Why can NATO now send its proxies in to Russia with impunity?

Why is Russia allowing its people to be invaded and killed when it could prevent it by simply adhering to the same policy that kept its borders safe for 70 years?

Is it connected to the fact it’s also still happily selling its gas to the same NATO countries allegedly threatening its very existence?

I mean it almost looks like there’s some kind of gentleman’s agreement in place doesn’t it?

But that’s taboo right?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 28, 2024 8:31 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Shillboy Brianborou can’t take your call right now, he is busy scratching around online to see if any of the professional talking head shills he follows have an answer he can parrot to you.

Failing that, which is a certainty, he will come back with some waffle and flannel but will NOT even attempt to answer your questions either directly or indirectly.

Aug 28, 2024 9:53 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Oh dear, sour grapes!

Aug 28, 2024 8:54 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

You claimed “ I am old to remember when a NATO incursion into Russian territory was unthinkable because it meant instantaneous nuclear war “ .

Your evidence for Ukraine being a member of NATO was zero.

Moreover, you fail to grasp that the West refuses to accept Ukraine as a NATO member because it would trigger article 5 of the NATO treaty which would set the world on a collision course for a nuclear Armageddon.

In addition, you completely fail to grasp that Zelensky has been desperate to entrap NATO directly in the conflict in the Ukraine because they have lost : 100,000s of troops Kia or wounded, hence why the Ukrainian military is kidnapping males over the age of 25-65 to be press ganged to be used as cannon fodder regardless of their medical conditions.

Notwithstanding, they are continually begging for military equipment from the West since the Russians have destroyed so much to it.

Not forgetting, the fact that over 50% of the Ukrainian electrical generating capacity has been destroyed with 12 hours blackouts in many parts of the country which does not bode well for the Ukrainian people this coming winter.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian defense Donbas is on the verge of total collapse in key areas.

Therefore, it is hardly surprising that Zelensky is absolutely desperate to draw the NATO countries directly from into the conflict.

I have provided evidence to support my posts.

I am still awaiting your evidence to support your assertions !

Aug 29, 2024 4:01 AM
Reply to  Brianberou

It’s rather frustrating that you repeatedly refuse to address the OP’s point. Why isn’t Russia any longer using MAD to protect its borders? Nothing you have posted (and I’ve looked carefully) even tries to answer this crucial question.

Aug 29, 2024 7:28 AM
Reply to  Hannah

If you read their sentence ” I am old enough to remember when a NATO incursion into Russian territory…”

And the indisputable fact that Ukraine is not, repeat not a member of NATO.

In addition to the fact, The US/ NATO members will not grant Ukraine NATO membership plus Zelensky has continually tried to entangle NATO directly into a conflict which Ukraine has suffered devastating losses plus destruction of infrastructure and he knows it is almost past the point of return.

Therefore, the Russians do not need to employ nuclear weapons since they do face an existential threat which they have said in their doctrine regarding the use of nuclear weapons.

Notwithstanding, i provided plenty of evidence to support my post !

Now, if you can provide evidence to support their thesis let’s see it !

Aug 29, 2024 8:24 AM
Reply to  Hannah

” The Russian Federation shall reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy 7 ”

Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine: What We Know, What We Don’t, and What That Means (csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com)

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
Sep 1, 2024 8:02 PM
Reply to  Hannah

“MAD” is a hoax and a global psyop. We live in a monolithic world order. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5OAyRrUsQ19i/

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 28, 2024 9:00 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Those two pipelines that transverse Ukraine supplying Russian gas to Europe strangely enough never got blown up. Russia even pays Ukraine transit fees for their use. Then Russia was selling diesel to Moldova which was then sold on to fuel the Ukrainian military.

Yet, NS2 a deepwater undersea pipeline was supposedly blown up by (insert your chosen suspect here)…….. A lot more difficult for any intrepid journalist or anyone else to verify. What did we actually see ? Bubbles on the sea surface. A sea that could be anywhere or nowhere. Photos that were as much use as showing fart bubbles in a bathtub.

Then, there were the Kiev walkabouts from the likes of BloJob Johnson, Turdeau, Joe Brib’em and Ursula Fond of Lying. No flak jackets required. Plus, visits from Sean Penn and Bonio (the dog biscuit) and other assorted zlebs. It seemed like the party capital of the world in 2022 for the great and the good.

Why were the supply lines from Poland, the infrastructure and even major cities in the western half of the country not crippled?

When the US went into Iraq the place was ‘shock and awed’, levelled and turned into a parking lot in days.

Two and half years later and this ‘theatre’ of war is still ongoing, and that is what it is…theatre for the dumbed down masses.

Where are the 500,000 plus dead Ukrainians buried?

What about the injured with misding limbs?

Why are the grieving wives, mothers and sisters not crying on RT and Sputnik? Wouldn’t that be a major propaganda coup for the Russians?

Were is all the video footage from the battle zones? I don’t mean some grainy, low resolution, shot from a distance, few seconds worth of footage on Telegram of an empty field with a few trees.

You don’t have to be Sun Tzu to understand that if you want to win a war, you want to win it quickly and with the least loss of life and the least financial cost to your nation.

The Russians should be embarrassed but they are not because it was never meant to be a real war. Blowing up empty ex-Soviet abandoned towns and fighting WWI trench warfare in 2024 is laughable. It is amazing that anyone buys this bollocks.

Aug 28, 2024 10:14 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Perhaps, you can supply your tag team partner with evidence to support their assertions?

Aug 29, 2024 4:35 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

There are those – more than just a couple – who suggest that 1) Russia knew perfectly well that an invasion was planned; and 2) Russia used that knowledge to set a trap for Ukraine/NATO forces. The move by Ukraine was a PR stunt to make it look like Ukraine was not all but finished as a nation, let alone a fighting force (unless you wish to entertain the notion that half a million Ukrainian soldiers have not been killed).

Ukraine has attempted to cripple Russia’s nuclear capability by attacking (with drones & missiles) its nuclear defense facilities. Clearly, Russia’s nuclear capacity is no threat to Ukraine since Russia is winning its “Special Military Operation” hands down. So it pretty much follows that such an attempt is being dictated by NATO/US.

Speaking of the US, of recent years this wonderful bringer of freedom and democracy to everyone has begun touting the efficacy of “tactical nuclear bombs” – whatever that means. Apparently, tactical nuclear bombs slink their way around the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction. Come on, you gotta hand it to the US: who else keeps coming up with all these slick new ways to destroy without actually destroying all that much?

George Robinson
George Robinson
Sep 5, 2024 9:46 AM
Reply to  Howard

The reasons for Putin’s Special Military Operation were stated publicly at the outset. He was even quite restrained about the potential threat of the US bioweapons being developed across the Ukraine:


Aug 28, 2024 2:45 PM

If somehow the *people* in all countries say No simultaneously, then the psychopath “leaders” are nothing and can do nothing.

This may be easier than it seems. Remember NO regular people (the very vast majority) want a crazy war to happen, save maybe a crazy few. That is the most important prerequisite.

Check the phenomenon of Puerto Rico in 2019. In a matter very few days, the governor was no more and gone without a single minor injury to anyone.

Aug 28, 2024 10:43 AM

More fear porn is coming, that seems a safe assertion:
Whether as a mindfuck or just as the tangled web of their deceptions, this story is next to one about another sportsman collapsing and dying at a young age. I wouldn’t necessarily believe that either.
There’s some fun with numbers in the article – their claimed sample of 1085 reduces to 113 [8+5=13] and 11×3=33. That’s reading right-to-left in appropriately Satanic fashion of course. Anyone still thinking there’s nothing to numerology should give the Kate Bush song ‘Pi’ a listen.

The Fraudian sewer is ripe with plenty of chunky turds this morning – it must be after the last bank holiday of the year and they’re warming up for the big autumn push. Here’s something on one of my regular themes, the abolition of pets:
Get a celebrity to lead it off – funnily enough they had, not long back, a story about how celebrities didn’t work as influencers anymore but they can’t seem to help themselves using them (a mark of desperation I hope). Then, for Fraudian types who are too superior to stoop to celebrity news, they get a columnist to pick it up and develp the theme. Two regular strategies are noticeable here – firstly, the change in language so getting rid of a pet becomes “rehoming” (aw, they’ll have a lovely new home – not an appointment with the gas chamber) and secondly, they’re trying to get people to do it to themselves without legislative fiat (which doesn’t mean that won’t come one of these days but only after social engineering has produced a fake-organic change first).

Aug 28, 2024 7:23 AM

Dear Edward, It is now to know who we REALLY are; We all have to get up, stand fearless in our bodies and lives, we have to think and say every single day: I am not only body, I am the Universe.If we ALL state that this Earth is peaceful…it will come. The more of us who ‘ll leave our old thinking patterns behind (‘I am small and limited’) the faster this will resolve. The ones who do not believe in this aren’t ready for this. The ones who are ready have to start expressing and FEELING peaceful emotions and thoughts NOW.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 6:48 AM

Question for the true-believers in this strange “ww3” scare story.

When did MAD stop being a thing?

I’m old enough to remember when a NATO incursion into Russian territory was unthinkable because it would mean instantaneous nuclear war.

So, when did that cease to be true? And how? And why?

Both sides still have nukes (we are told). So, what’s different? How come it’s now safe to mess around on Russia’s borders?

Seems to me that would only be possible through mutual agreement.

Rather like the “covid” scam.

A little, limited but endless “war”, just scary enough to distract, is very handy for the globalists right now. Gets people afraid and vulnerable. Softens them up. Makes them forget the fact these “enemies” are all pushing the same agenda on their people.

Orwell was right again, wasn’t he.

Aug 28, 2024 7:31 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Ukraine is not a member of NATO!

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 8:45 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Are you actually putting this quibble forward as a serious argument?

Are you actually contending that during the Cold War, a technically non-aligned state, funded and armed openly by NATO, could have invaded Soviet territory without triggering an immediate escalation to a nuclear exchange?

Aug 28, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

” I am old to when a NATO incursion into Russian..”

To reiterate my orginal post which is fact. ” Ukraine is not a member of NATO! ”

If you evidence to the contrary, please present it. Rhetoric doesn’t count as evidence.

JT Kong
JT Kong
Aug 28, 2024 12:21 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Proxy def: A proxy is a person or thing that is acting or being used in the place of someone or something else.

Aug 28, 2024 12:45 PM
Reply to  JT Kong

Have you evidence that Ukraine is a member of NATO, please produce it otherwise it is just rhetoric!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 29, 2024 12:10 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Missing the point isn’t the same as arguing the point. People are wondering why Russia’s response doesn’t seem to add up. A2

Aug 29, 2024 4:08 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thank you! I’ve just been reading through this ‘debate’ & finding it incomprehensible and maddening that Brianboru keeps blatantly evading the question!

Aug 29, 2024 7:44 AM
Reply to  Hannah

It seems the tag team members are not understanding the fact that Ukraine is not a member of NATO doesn’t not pose an existential threat to Russia which is laid out in their doctrine regarding the use of nuclear weapons!

Aug 29, 2024 7:40 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hmm, if you read the lines at the beginning of their post, you would grasp the fact that their argument revolves around a NATO incursion into Russian territory in order to use nuclear weapons by Russia. Therefore, the argument is not valid since Ukraine is not a member of NATO is doesn’t threaten the RF with existential destruction.

If you look at the Russian doctrine regarding the use of nuclear weapons they lay this out in detail.

Aug 28, 2024 8:18 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Besides the fact that Nazis are gaining political strength in Ukraine and all hell will break loose if they manage to put themselves into power, it has been the general feeling that Putin has reacted this way to prevent nukes from being installed in Ukraine through NATO. When was that vein of thought abandoned? Having radical Nazis in control of nuclear warheads on Russia’s border might a problem. Just thinking out loud.

Aug 28, 2024 10:34 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The Ukrainian Nazis have a very long timeline in the Ukrainian. They have been supported by the West since the end of WW2, for example operation Paper Clip allowed many of the Galicia SS division, who committed horrendous atrocities, to relocate to the US/ U.K. and Canada.

With the Maidan Coup, which has been well documented, the Ukrainian Nazis have regained control with the inevitable results of murder, persecution of both Russian speaking minorities plus the attempts to destroy their language, culture and religious beliefs.


JT Kong
JT Kong
Aug 28, 2024 12:45 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

1. If you do something by proxy, you arrange for someone else to do it for you.
2. A proxy is a person or thing that is acting or being used in the place of someone or something else.

Aug 28, 2024 5:09 PM
Reply to  JT Kong

Since you can offer zero evidence to support your claim that Ukraine is a member of NATO, de facto you concede that Ukraine is not a member of NATO!

JT Kong
JT Kong
Aug 29, 2024 12:15 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

The argument whether Ukraine is or is not a member of NATO is a straw man. Ukraine is NATO’s proxy and its actions are being funded and directed by NATO. Is your point simply rhetorical, or is there some substantive reason you’re making it?

Aug 29, 2024 9:23 AM
Reply to  JT Kong

It was the thrust of TPs post which was finally conceded that Ukraine is not a member of NATO and is very unlikely to be a member of NATO since the US/NATO members realise that they would have to enact article 5 of the NATO treaty resulting in Armageddon.

Moreover, Ukraine has been desperately trying to engage NATO directly by a series of provocations against the Russian Federation the Kursk intervention being the latest one. The reasons for the Ukrainians provocations are very straightforward to grasp. They have lost 100,000s of Soldiers KIA or wounded plus the enormous destruction of equipment and infrastructure. In addition, the Ukrainians are on the verge of losing the Donbas.

In addressing the point of the Russian Federation not employing the use of nuclear weapons, one needs to grasp and read what their doctrine over its use is which states

“ The Russian Federation shall reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in respond to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/ or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy “

Since neither the Ukrainians nor it’s US/ NATO sponsors are attacking it with nuclear weapons nor is it threatening the very existence of the state with the use of conventional weapons, it has not required to use nuclear weapons.

Aug 28, 2024 4:23 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I believe you make a big mistake when you take one thing as proof of another. Yes, almost every nation went along with the Covid scam, as they do other scams – such as the WEF. But when it comes to national self-interest, the old – the real – agendas come to the fore.

Russia colludes with the West when and as and if it can – it always has ever since Peter the Great decided to Westernize his nation. That concept is Geopolitics 101. But when collusion threatens the real, true interests of a nation (as opposed to the superficial interests), a very deep and clear line in the sand is drawn.

Russia has far greater natural resources than half the rest of the world combined – and the failing empire of the US craves those resources. Russia is not going to simply hand its resources over to the US and roll over and let the globalists whisper sweet nothings in its ear. It will fight if it must to protect those resources. What’s so difficult about that to understand?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 29, 2024 5:58 AM
Reply to  Howard

Does Russian ,”national interest” include injecting their own population with a toxic sludge, known as Sputnik V?

They weren’t just colluding with the West, they were the first country off the starting blocks, having approved Sputnik V before any other competing injectible was approved.

Would you like to have a stab at why they played along with the Scamdemic; shutting down their economy, enacting lockdowns, mask mandates and PCR tests? Also, what do you think were the real ingredients of their home brew injectible?

Aug 29, 2024 5:11 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

As I noted previously, Russia has been attempting for centuries to incorporate itself into the West. That has failed. Now Russia is aligning itself with the East.

A good speculative case can be made that its Sputnik V was its first volley toward rapprochment with China. After all, there was nothing stopping Russia from accepting Pfizer or Moderna’s toxic brew. Perhaps it wanted to outdo the West, even if that resulted in numbers of dead Russians.

One thing the globalists have not succeeded in eliminating from their path is National Pride. Every real nation (as opposed to artificially created nations manufactured on order by the “great powers” seeks to recreate some real or mythical Golden Age. And every people of these real nations pose the greatest possible roadblock to the globalists plans – Russians are Russians and will never come to see themselves as global citizens.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 29, 2024 8:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

First, kudos to you for at least trying to answer the Sputnik V question. Shame others, or one in particular, have always ignored this issue amongst other questions when asked.

Since there was no pandemic in terms of number of deaths, information which the Russian government was privy to, therefore there was no need to jab and harm its citizens. Therefore, there is still no valid explanation for having been in lockstep with that global programme. If they were just playing along, they could have used saline but they did not.

I agree with you that the Russian people are nationalistic as are the Chinese. It is for that reason that I believe that the controllers are taking a different approach with countries that have a strong national identity.

The move to technocratic global governance in those countries will require a version that still gives their citizens the appearance of national pride with the appearance of strong leaders, who will ultimately betray the people.

It will avoid obvious globalist destabilising tactics such as open borders, multiculturism and woke identity politics which have been employed in the West. These tactics have failed so far for the most part in eastern European ex-communist states too.

Aug 30, 2024 4:05 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The West was always a piece of cake for the Globalists – because, face it, most of these Globalists are from the West. And, yes, I would certainly buy into the notion that the Globalists have succeeded in capturing the West – in particular the so-called Five Eyes nations.

The expression “Nothing succeeds like success” has a dark underbelly. It goes like this: “Nothing deludes like success.” The Globalists, drunk on their success in the West, imagined in their hubris that the rest of the world would also be a cakewalk. Not so. Even with the IMF and World Bank’s iron grip on the Third World – or perhaps because of it – the people’s of the Third World have resisted.

One after another regime change has been called up (the latest in Bangladesh). One after another the ploy has failed. What the psychopathic Globalists utterly fail to realize is that it’s much much harder to convince poor people to enchain themselves than rich people.

William Wall
William Wall
Sep 6, 2024 4:28 AM
Reply to  Brianberou

Thanks for this link – one of my preferred sources for rational assessments of UK militarism.

Aug 27, 2024 9:54 PM

Oasis reforming and giving it that New Labour 1990 feel.
Unfortunately it is not the same.

Aug 29, 2024 5:29 PM
Reply to  mersay

I don’t think it’s a case of things can only get better now more a look back in anger at being duped and lied to back time

Michael Alexander
Michael Alexander
Aug 27, 2024 9:23 PM

Too many people think Israel is God’s chosen people and, therefore allowed to be as bad as they want to survive in a place they should never be. Israel is not defending itself. It is terrorising its neighbours and committing acts of genocide, breaching international laws on the use of prohibited weapons, and slaughtering men, women and children in public, and the world is cheering them on. Israel is not as evil as the dumbed-down sheep who enable and encourage this insanity. There was peace in the Middle East until Balfour, the Rothschilds and the Brits all conspired to fulfil Hitler’s promise to Ergun and the Stern Gang to give the Zionists the sovereign land of Palestine.

If someone killed my parents and stole my land and placed me in eternal prison … I would become the world’s biggest pain in the arse for the bastards who perpetrated this crime against us.
We must never permit these barbaric actions by anyone, let alone a people who proudly proclaim they murdered Jesus Christ, and have publicly stated that if Jesus returns … “We will kill him again”.

No one gets to commit atrocities and get away with it.
No one.

75 years of aggression and the victims retaliate. The world has turned a blind eye to these crimes, so the powerless, voiceless and homeless victims fight back. Who wouldn’t?

And to believe that a people watched with the world’s most advanced technology, that has every move documented, that cannot get a crayon for kids to draw with without the occupying army’s permission: was able to obtain paragliders and weapons to fly into the most controlled airspace on the planet, without being taken, out with the most advanced defence systems in the world, clearly is not using the grey stuff in their skull.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 27, 2024 8:45 PM

Such an Apocalyptic heading – it makes me think this is what Jim Jones told the folks to encourage them to drink the Kool Aid.

Aug 29, 2024 8:32 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

It might have been flavor aid

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 27, 2024 6:41 PM

There’s an establishment shill in the comments here, put here to soft sell the establishment line on absolutely everything from climate change to false flags, and who is routinely massively downvoted as a consequence,

But he still gets nothing but upvotes when he sells the NATO-Russia war narrative.

It’s as if the cog diss is so deep people don’t stop to think – hang on, if this proven shill who sells nothing but watered down establishment narratives is also selling THIS – 

well, maybe I need to have a bit more of a think

They haven’t updated their inner landscapes to keep up with the rapidly changing realities.

Just like the author of this article

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 27, 2024 7:54 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

There are also a few BRICS/multipolar shills in the comments, cheerleading for that side of the manufactured binary.

My message to them which applies equally to any NATO/Western shills, is to be careful what you wish for.

Though I believe a kinetic WWIII is not on the cards, at least not yet, since there are plenty of other options to exhaust first such as Mpox, Bird Flu, economic collapse and banking crisis as well as a Cyber Polygon event. In reality, an unofficially declared psychological WWIII has been declared against the bulk of humanity and has been ongoing since at least March 2020.

However, the controllers may run with one of their Banker Wars if there is enough public interest. By that, I mean giving it your time and energy, including picking a side and cheering on that side. They don’t care who you support or even which side you fight for, so long as you die in the process or you and your family end up as impoverished serfs.

So, if you and/or your children were to be conscripted (drafted), then those of you who believe in this Team A vs Team B concept will actually be adding fuel to the fire, by helping set the stage.

Now, as an extra bonus for the BRICS shills in the comments, most if not all of whom, live in the West, will give the controllers even more satisfaction that you will be fighting against the team that you support if you continue to live in the West. Unless, of course, you decide to leave ‘Dodge City’ before to live in your preferred country in order to fight for your ‘side’. An interesting predicament.

We have no idea how this realm works, but thoughts and emotions are energy. Don’t allow your energy to create a reality that none of us should want.

Aug 27, 2024 11:02 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Great point. Something I increasingly ponder. We don’t know how this realm works but it is definitely not just the materialist version held by most. I was only discussing this morning how people around us actually cannot energetically/intellectually hear the words that come out of us shrews mouths. They listen to the latest radio plug that nasal vaccines are coming for the vax reluctant and then don’t make any connections between that and the constant lines in our sky’s. Or even the fact that it’s become common place to be bombarded with demands we test for every ailment possible and continue with plugging endless shots.
The people around me are not unintelligent but i have concluded it is a frequency they must be tuned into. A radio station in a metaphysical sense
Some of us just don’t tune into that same frequency or no longer do and stare at the clown show around us in bewilderment.
Energetically I find it hard being around some as I find their field so full of satans influence, again due to them energetically aligning with that frequency and taking as many of its trinkets that it offers.
Many I love i also find hard to be around as we are no longer able to understand each other.
Spiritually/ metaphysically there is no doubt a split that has happened.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 7:03 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

All true. I think one appeal of the “oh my gaaahd ww3” meme is that it’s familiar, almost cozy. It harks back to the pre-covid era which, in comparison with the freakish frenzy of today, can now seem reassuringly “sane” and “safe”.

We knew where we were back then. The narrative was well-established and deeply rooted in moral absolutes. NATO was the aggressor. Russia, the gallant resistor.

Covid ripped that mask away, and exposed the binary as nothing but a kabuki performance that could be switched off in an instant. And for the duration of the pandemic everyone was lost. All the anti-war types (and I include myself) had a moral compass that no longer worked. There were no good guy leaders. Just a bunch of lying manipulators happily tormenting and killing their own people.

I think the war narrative was deliberately reinstated as a means of diffusing the rage and resistance building up as a result of that. And people eagerly re-embrace it and eagerly become amnesiac about 2020-22, because it’s just too much for them.

They can’t face the true horror so they adopt an alternative one. One that used to be true (maybe), but now has the reassuring fictionality of watching a scary movie they know can’t really hurt them.

Aug 28, 2024 10:03 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Totally agree, although wonder if you accept that events in Gaza also qualify as part of the theatre designed to distract the masses from what is really going on? Or is it a genuinely catastrophic event with potentially apocalyptic consequences? My point being that if one is genuine and the other is not, what is the point of the ungenuine one?

Aug 28, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

There seems to be a shill for the globalists among us. Those big bad globalists run every nation, manage every conflict, stick their fingers in every agenda. BE AFRAID – be very very afraid of the big bad globalists! Period.

William Wall
William Wall
Sep 6, 2024 5:14 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

As a BRICS shill myself, I believe this alliance is circumventing (at least in part) nefarious Western control of much of the world, and does offer an alternative, however imperfect, to the deranged greed of the oligarchic West. I believe your key point to be that BRICS is just another player in global control by oligarchs (?) playing the divide-and-conquer game against humanity. Only time will tell if your assessment is correct, but I suspect it may be overly cynical, & that there is enough objective information out there to indicate BRICS offers far better economic prospects for nearly all countries of the Global South/Majority than persisting in reluctant membership of the US controlled Western Empire. Whether this economic gain then leads to greater social harmony and life quality for many more people rather than a handful of oligarchs is of course moot, but I suspect it will. PS please note not all of us “BRICS shills” live in the West, and to claim “many” do may even be inaccurate, as there are millions of expats who, like me, have escaped the West. Hopefully, quite a few read and comment in the Off-Guardian!

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 28, 2024 12:52 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Well update this,


I cant put my index finger on the problem exactly, but a Ukraine default is as good as any to start a panic if an elite panic is about to begin, troubling? indeed??

Aug 28, 2024 5:34 AM

GDP per capita of UK is reportedly less than that of ex-colony India, and percentage of hardcore poor is higher. What is the solution? Maybe more aid to Ukraine or Israhell, or more totalitarian immigration.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 28, 2024 7:52 AM
Reply to  mgeo

11.6 Billion to the green hole ?

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 7:08 AM

Tom Luongo is a fool. Just watch how he humiliated himself in that panel discussion hosted by OG and Whitney Webb. Riley Waggaman and Iain Davis ran rings round him.

That “analysis” you linked to is just another intellectually moribund attempt to explain the current geopolitical situation without referencing the Great Reset.

About as honest and useful as trying to explain the Russian revolution without mentioning the Bolsheviks!

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 28, 2024 3:54 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

The reset my boss has in mind doesn’t occur for quite a while yet, and they don’t much care what happens during your reset, nor even needing to explain theirs.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 28, 2024 7:38 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It’s inevitable that there are shills here.

This site with a daily traffic of some 25000 if the calcs are correct.

They’re not going to let us get away with exposing their plans without a bit of a counter attack.

It’s quite exciting really, I wonder who they are are ?

Pretty sure I’m not one, but you never know !

Aug 30, 2024 4:33 PM

We seek them here, we seek them there, we seek the shills every fxxxing where 🔭

Aug 27, 2024 5:21 PM

The thing is, war is already rife, under reported, and is spreading.
Some 30 or more countries now off limits to westerners.
Proxy wars, like that in Ukraine, fought throughout Africa.
If you were the mainstream media you could easily create the feeling of the third world war by just reporting upon the conflicts already raging.

In the same way there was a virus X that was hypothetical, but useful when it arrived and given a name, so theres a war X, with a similar range of contingency plans and legislative reactions in place, new forms of emergency codes of conduct, rationing of food and fuel etc.
But not necessarily the war to end all wars, like covid proved not to be the ‘one’.
It just hasnt been named yet. But maybe call it phoney WW3 in advance.

Aug 27, 2024 4:26 PM

Everything the human race has done up to now has led to its inevitable extinction. Nothing has changed; absolutely nothing has been learned. The only lesson of history humanity has taken to heart is that Might Makes Right. All the resources the planet holds…just sitting there awaiting the human touch to come alive – so humans believe. Mountains of fissile matter also awaiting that all important human touch.

People keep imagining that Science could have taken a benevolent turn and all its discoveries been used to benefit humanity. They overlook the simple fact that without the wish to destroy so as to reap some reward humans wouldn’t have created Science in the first place.

Science has never been the friend of humanity. We’re finding that out too late to do any good.

Aug 28, 2024 5:38 AM
Reply to  Howard

When cleverness and knowledge arise, great lies flourish. -Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Aug 29, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Should by some miracle humanity survive, a thousand years from now the aphorisms of Lao Tzu will still be quoted and honored. And guess what? A thousand years from now Lao Tzu will still be honored as Chinese. Try as they might, the globalists will never stop populations from identifying with their nation rather than with some technocratic designation.

Can you even remotely think of any globalist whose words would survive his passing (or the dispossession of his physical form)?

Aug 27, 2024 4:25 PM

The bullshit is deep in this one.

Fred Farkus
Fred Farkus
Aug 27, 2024 3:06 PM

“Zionist terrorists?” What garbage be this?

Aug 29, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to  Fred Farkus

It is superfluous, isn’t it? Zionist is a synonym for terrorist.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 27, 2024 2:51 PM

I can’t wait to see USamerican youth and Euroyouth lining up in front of their draft boards and ducking it out to be on board the first airplanes to Ukronazia and Israhell … elbowing their way to the frontlines.
Oh, OK … it won’t be that kind of war. So whose youth is going to do the fighting and the dying if not the youth of the Beautiful West?

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 28, 2024 12:59 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

We have enough brainwashed zombies here in the states to send at a moments notice and do some real damage, but if they wait much longer, they’ll be too weak to fight anything but gvt.

Aug 28, 2024 5:41 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

If the conscription may start in January, the small proportion of young people who are fit and not protected by connections have enough time to disqualify themselves medically.

Aug 27, 2024 12:32 PM

Prepare for fear.
Sing, dance, laugh and be merry.

They fool only themselves and other fools.

Aug 27, 2024 11:25 AM

Something big? WW3

Aug 27, 2024 9:11 AM

Useless fear mongering. Very low effort content. Comparable to mainstream news.

Aug 27, 2024 2:46 PM

Tend to agree….article reads like classic far left agitprop from yesteryear. Apparently we should all ‘be afraid…be very afraid.’ Accusing Israel of genocide is not an easy thing to prove in these days of conflicting narratives designed only to increase division and alienation.

Saying the USA fuels conflict across the globe may be a no-brainer, but it doesn’t take into account the fact that many Israelis and Ukrainians have perfectly valid reasons for wishing their foes to be vanquished, whether Hamas or Russia.

German weaponry in Kursk may inflame Russian antagonism towards NATO, but let’s not forget that Russia, whatever the provocation, did invade Ukraine…a nation which doubtless remembers the Holdomor perpetrated against them by Stalin.

Everything’s not black and white…what happened to refusing to fall for the NWO smoke and mirrors, the orchestration of scary stuff designed to distract the plebs from what is really going on behind the scenes?

Aug 27, 2024 3:15 PM
Reply to  apikorsim

Hasbara boy, sing your false tune at another table!

Aug 27, 2024 7:45 PM
Reply to  Gabriel

Curious that you consider me a spreader of Zionist propaganda. My moniker certainly has Jewish origins, which you seem to have decided indicates I am taking sides in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Don’t believe that suggesting black and white, good v evil narratives are false supports your suppositon. But then your moniker suggests a familiarity with the archangels known to those who might take a manichaeistic view of things…

Sep 1, 2024 12:18 PM
Reply to  apikorsim

About that manicheistic bend you accuse me – it is a certain guy that use something like “Amalek” and talks about war between good (that’s him, of course) and evil and while I talk, he kills.

Aug 27, 2024 8:54 AM

“We’re doomed. Doomed!”

Aug 27, 2024 8:31 AM
Aug 27, 2024 4:58 AM

Yes indeed. In a word the United States has become evil.

Hoi Polloi Boy
Hoi Polloi Boy
Aug 27, 2024 2:54 AM

Bravo Sierra on your comment about Netanyahu. He is fighting for the survival of his people who are surrounded by savages. 

Aug 27, 2024 1:42 AM

Every so-called red line laid down by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians

Strange combo of of groups created here. Actual cultures defending themselves would be Russian, Iranian, Israeli and Arab.
Hezbollah and Hamas are foreign arms of Ayatollahs, who foster a death culture – for others.

Hamas or Hezbollah didn’t cross any red lines?

The author is fully blind to Islam’s negative force ravaging this planet: pretty woke.

Aug 27, 2024 10:38 AM
Reply to  antonym

Hezbollah and Hamas are foreign arms of Ayatollahs, who foster a death culture – for others.

Please explain the death culture.?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 27, 2024 5:18 PM
Reply to  vestama

They’re engaged in a total genocidal extermination of an entire …. oh hang on!

Mr Perceval
Mr Perceval
Aug 27, 2024 1:40 AM

Genetic modification of the lower order is on the menu.

Aug 28, 2024 5:48 AM
Reply to  Mr Perceval

It is largely done, and ongoing. Consider GMO (genetic mutilation of food) alone:

The common GMO “promoter” compound CaMV 35S may mutate (human) genes, reactivate dormant genes and create new viruses. That should ring a bell. Remember the many forgotten illnesses that resurfaced during the mass covid jabbing. The jab contains the SV40 (Simian Virus) promoter compound to drive DNA into cell nuclei.

This insanity poses a global oligarchic threat to farming, food and health:

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 27, 2024 1:03 AM

Until you have to register yourself for your dead mums brown bin

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 27, 2024 1:14 AM

Sorry, thought I was still dead. (edit is fake and gay).

les online
les online
Aug 27, 2024 12:31 AM

What’s coming ? Well. the widening of the War Against Russia
is coming… A Rand Corp document of a few years back suggested
that to bring about changes in Russia, changes friendly to US & global
corporations, destabilisations – such as the use of the Ukraine as a
prodder – were ideal… However, like the economic sanctions also
used, Russia remains firm… So The War, in keeping with the Rand
Corp idea, must continue, and that will necessitate it’s widening…
The Ukraine has a large build-up of it’s forces at it’s border with
Belarus, and USNATO is building up forces in the Baltic states on
Belarus’ border… What’s coming ? Provocations to widen the War
against Russia are coming…

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 27, 2024 2:34 AM
Reply to  les online

You might be confused, Belarus has a large build up at the Ukraine border, [possibly even Chinese soldiers], at the ready for what is coming, while us/nato is an observer.

Aug 27, 2024 7:58 AM
Reply to  les online

Somewhat like “management consultants” who pontificate on any business, a “think tank” proposing war cannot be wrong – at least to denizens of the imperial echo chamber including “chicken hawks”.

Tilly Peterse
Tilly Peterse
Aug 28, 2024 9:00 AM
Reply to  les online

i refer you to the point I made above. Have you forgotten about MAD?

Remember the “mutually assured destruction” that made it impossible for any conflict to occur between NATO and Russia since circa 1950?

Russia still supposedly has a nuclear arsenal big enough take out many if not all major population centers in the US. It also allegedly has superior conventional weaponry.

So if Russia really wanted to stop this Kursk nonsense it could just say it will regard any incursion by Ukraine as an attack by NATO and invoke MAD.

In fact at any point prior to 2020 they would already have done that.

This situation can only be happening as described in the media if there has been a prior agreement/understanding NOT to invoke MAD.

Hmmm…now why would that be the case?

Aug 28, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Tilly Peterse

Just to reiterate the point once more. Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 1:30 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

It is massively revealing that your only “rebuttal” is a quibble that you repeat endlessly because you have nothing else.

No, Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It is however funded by NATO and armed by NATO and is recognized as a NATO proxy.

As I already said in response to your first iteration of this facile point –

Are you suggesting that during the Cold War a non-aligned country, armed by NATO & seeking NATO membership, could have invaded Russian territory and killed/wounded Russian people without immediately triggering an escalation to nuclear exchange?

I know you won’t answer this question, because frankly you can’t without conceding what nonsense this “ww3” narrative is. However it’s kinda fun to see you try to wriggle away.

Aug 28, 2024 4:38 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Perhaps it really does natter whether Ukraine is a proxy for NATO – which is certainly is – or a member of NATO. If Ukraine were a member of NATO rather than a proxy, the US could put as many nukes as it wishes right on Russia’s border.

True, if they’re working together to trick people into thinking they might go to war, then it doesn’t matter except for appearance sake. But if they’re not working together to scare the world’s people, then it does matter whether Ukraine is a member or merely a proxy of NATO.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Aug 28, 2024 10:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

I think maybe the Alzheimer’s is kicking in for anyone who’d seriously equate this current climate and the Ukraine situation to any Cold War tensions of the past. I just disagree that any true east/west tensions have posed a global threat since 2013. Lately it all seems like so much Twitter noise, buzz words relying on humanity’s limited recollection, movie memes in place of reality. After Covid, things feel fundamentally different.

Aug 29, 2024 5:29 PM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

A failing empire historically will do even the most irrational and self-defeating things to maintain its status. Empires exist only as long as they have enemies. So it actually does make sense that the US would try to get more mileage out of the Cold War. After all, the Americans who by and large still participate in the election farce still regard Russia as an enemy rather than an ally – so who better to prop up as the enemy?

Aug 28, 2024 5:43 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

To remind you of the premise of your post.

” I’m old enough to remember when a NATO incursion into Russian territory was unthinkable because it would mean instantaneous nuclear war…”

I have asked you on at least two previous occasions to provide evidence to support your thesis and you have failed on both occasions to provide anything except rhetoric.

Therefore, you have de facto accepted the fact that Ukraine is not a member of NATO and your post is nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Aug 28, 2024 6:23 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I suggest you read article 5 of the. NATO Treaty instead of pumping out empty rhetoric!


Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 7:22 PM
Reply to  Brianberou

Oh yes look! I just found the section where it says Russia has agreed to never respond to a proxy NATO invasion by going nuclear!

Wow guess that explains everything. Thanks

Aug 28, 2024 8:25 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It seems you missed this part.

Article 5

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”

Yes, I can see why you keep pumping out empty rhetoric without any supporting evidence.

Aug 28, 2024 7:22 PM
Reply to  Brianberou

After you have read the contents of article 5, perhaps you will grasp why the West is refusing Ukraine membership to NATO and why Zelensky is desperate to drag them directly into the conflict.

Zelensky fails to “drag” NATO into open conflict with Russia – expert (news-front.su)

More Grumbling From Zelensky Because NATO Doesn’t Want Direct War With RussiaSouth Front

More Grumbling From Zelensky Because NATO Doesn’t Want Direct War With RussiaSouth Front

Aug 27, 2024 12:21 AM

Que sera, sera. I think I’ve stopped caring? I was quite the activist once upon a time, but little by little I came to agree with my Dad. Just enjoy yourself, the world is your oyster. The way I now see it is it’s like a bomb has gone off and people arguing over where all the pieces are flying. There is nothing to save but ones self. It is fun though running around flapping your arms caring and saving. So each to their own. I do have a problem though when ‘they’ try to force their saving onto me, that was a wakeup call. I new they were all brain washed but my god they loved the jabby jab. How will they behave once an enemy has been named? To know what lies ahead we must look at how we are being primed for it.

Aug 27, 2024 12:46 AM
Reply to  Speedwellian

I know just how you feel.

Aug 27, 2024 8:01 AM
Reply to  Speedwellian

There are all kinds, wanting to save your body, mind or even soul.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 26, 2024 11:10 PM

Somethings coming !

The fear, hate, contempt, distrust got here in about 2005.

First hint that 911 wasn’t what it was said. (for me).

Then trust gov no thank you

Internet said globe fake around 2015

That can’t be right, surely.

1-2 years later

Nah, still can’t be right, they told me

So, psyops later

Believers stronger

Truthers join in

Used to see the actual light

Now the suns white

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 26, 2024 10:33 PM

Kennedy, and Trump, representatives of the two factions of the US Uniparty have joined together in a Marriage of Convenience (MoC) – such an arrangement is called ‘a mockery’.

Aug 26, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

The two sides united in war.

Aug 27, 2024 12:51 PM
Reply to  Pluto

Politics as usual. And loooooong planned in my opinion.

Paul Cantor
Paul Cantor
Aug 26, 2024 11:17 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Yes – everything is Trump’s fault, even though he has not been in office for 4 years.

Aug 27, 2024 10:47 AM
Reply to  Paul Cantor

he did lock down and add 7+ trillion to the debt and 1.8 trillion was due to covid which he happily followed and shilled for.

Aug 27, 2024 12:52 PM
Reply to  vestama

And is still bragging about.

When this dynamic duo stops any and all countries from having any and all lobbying arms in the United States of America I will sit up and listen.

Until then, it’s more of the same.

Aug 26, 2024 11:18 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Recent studies have shown that living with your head in a dark orifice can lead to Acute Cerebral Oxygen Deficiency. Sufferers frequently turn BLUE.

Aug 27, 2024 10:45 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Mindcontrol is to big for some they will never break out that Trump RFK spell.

Aug 26, 2024 10:29 PM

Another writer who fully grasps the very very dangerous and perilous position, we are all in !


Aug 27, 2024 1:29 AM
Reply to  Brianberou

What a turd. DJT had no war started in his term. Yet you claim with him there will be more. How ignorant of you. Still waiting to see some data and proof of why you hold Netanyahu as evil.

Aug 27, 2024 8:42 AM
Reply to  rascal

I suggest you actually read the article in its entirety thoroughly before commenting since beginning your retort with ad hominem does not give it much credence.

Here are a few snippets from the article to help you grasp what it is about.

Bill Burns, head of CIA, opined that “Russia would offer no concessions on Ukraine, until Putin’s over-confidence was challenged, and Ukraine could show strength”.

Of course, the overall aim was to show Russia as fragile and vulnerable, in line with the narrative that, at any moment Russia, could crack apart and scatter to the wind, in fragments. Leaving the West as winner, of course.

the Kursk incursion was a huge NATO gamble: It involved mortgaging Ukraine’s military reserves and armour, as chips on the roulette table, as a bet that an ephemeral success in Kursk would upend the strategic balance.

 this Kursk affair exemplifies the West’s problem with ‘winning narratives’: Their inherent flaw is that they are grounded in emotivism and eschew argumentation. Inevitably, they are simplistic. They are simply intended to fuel a ‘whole of society’ common alignment. Which is to say that across MSM; business, federal agencies, NGOs and the security sector, all should adhere to opposing all ‘extremisms’ threatening ‘our democracy’.

Over the centuries, Russia has been variously attacked on its vulnerable flank from the West. And more recently by Napoleon and Hitler. Unsurprisingly, Russians are acutely sensitive to this bloody history.

Ultimately the message that western services sent was that the West (NATO) is coming for Russia. This is the meaning of deliberately choosing Kursk. Reading the runes of Bill Burns message says prepare for war with NATO

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 27, 2024 11:19 AM
Reply to  brianborou

I suggest you actually read the article in its entirety thoroughly before commenting.

Perhaps, you should first follow your own advice above in your exchanges here at OffG before you berate others.

I am only commenting here with regard to the hypocrisy, not the actual subject matter of your comment above.

Remember our last exchange? Of course you do.

You never read the links I posted regarding Iran or watched the video. There were several, nor did you answer my questions posed to you repeatedly in the thread regarding BRICS/multipolar world. It is not the first time you have used that M.O in diverting and never giving a straight (or any answer) to a question.

Below is a linked reminder for you, or anyone else that is interested. It jumps straight to where the conversation thread started between us.


Aug 27, 2024 3:59 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I see you are following a pattern by pileing on since you are unable or unwilling to directly answer the original post without a tag team partner.

Now, I have made a number of comments in the last week or so in relation to Russia or subjects related to it and your comments zero.

If you wish to directly comment on the original post please do so without throwing another puerile tantrum.

The western way of war – Owning the narrative trumps reality — Strategic Culture (strategic-culture.su)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 28, 2024 2:45 AM
Reply to  rascal

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.” 
– Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)

How about the October 7th false flag event and the Hannibal Directive issued under his government? Not evil enough?

And never forget Netanyahu’s imposition on his own country people of the Pfizer clinical trial for the so-called Covid “vaccines,” that ended with up to 95% of the ‘vaccinated’ people in hospital with severe respiratory disease and who-knows how many deaths or otherwise injured people.


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 26, 2024 10:11 PM

The fundamental problem with WW3 at the moment is that its quite clear that the EU (and UK) leadership is out of step with much of its population. Its giving as much support as possible to Ukraine (both overt and covert) and its maintain a stranglehold over most of the mass media but somehow its just not generating the traction it needs to convince people that a full on war is necessary. As a result current action in Ukraine consists of ever more inventive provocative acts with the one and only aim of getting Russia to clearly cross some NATO “Red Line” so that full intervention can be justified.

Its currently not working. Although a Really Big Deal is made of a handful of civilian casualties from the latest round of attacks its difficult to make anything of them while the Israelis are wiping out a few dozen Pals pretty much every day (and hoping to use a combination of disease and famine to get the rest of them). They’re also doing the occasional bit of ‘per-emptive defense’, as we (the US) elsewhere in the region. The overall result is that our Foreign Policy, never particularly great, is not just a shambles, its in tatters, its only in countries where we really can manage the media that our narrative gets any traction at all.

This, of course, won’t stop ‘them’ from trying. The most telling sign of progress is that despite chronic youth unemployment our militaries struggle to recruit an adequate supply of cannon fodder. I think that things like TicToc are to blame which is one of the many reasons why we’ve got to ban them before its too late! (The humanize ‘the other’….can’t be having that sort of thing…..next thing it will be soccer matches in no-man’s land!)

les online
les online
Aug 27, 2024 12:43 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Former British diplomat Alastair Crooke has an interesting
take on how we’re all being influenced by the corporate
propaganda media ‘narratives’ about Israel’s, and Ukraine

The Western way of war: Owning the narrative trumps reality:

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 28, 2024 9:05 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

This Martin guy is the shill I refer to in my comment above. He only ever comes here to post establishment-approved narratives – about climate change, 9/11, covid & everything else – and is always mass-downvoted as a result.

So, if he is here now posting about the dangers of a NATO-RUSSIA war….what do you think that means?

Come on you guys who upvoted him by reflex, think…..

Aug 28, 2024 4:47 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I find nothing in Martin Usher’s comment that I would call “establishsment-approved.” What establishment do you have in mind that ever lays the blame for the Ukraine conflict on NATO/US rather than big bad Russia/Putin?

As to being downvoted: so what? Anyone who veers from the Globalists done it/they’re all in it together line will always be downvoted.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 26, 2024 10:09 PM

Run up to US elections:

NO nukes in areas that would affect parasites.

Moneybox replaced by birdflu, (As I have repeatedly said)

Lockdowns for aforementioned hn51.

Call me Nostradamus !!

Aug 26, 2024 9:37 PM

Orwell’s 3 ‘oceania’; ‘eastasia’; and ‘eurasia’: 3 states that are in (purported) perpetual warfare of 1 kind or another appears to be the blueprint (or predictive programming) for what’s transpiring in the world today, viz. thanks to propaganda, info warfare, modern tech/media (i.e., AI; AGI; cybernetics; SWS; satellite systems; deep fakes; CGI; etc.), the hyperreal (see Baudrillard), etc. the world is nothing but a stage; wherein the kakistocracy can manipulate, manoeuvre and mold each and every denizen of the world via a mise-en-scene that would make Shakespeare envious. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 26, 2024 10:41 PM

Keep it kind of real though, got a real picture of a satellite in ‘space’ ?

I think…..

Eyes are projectors, not cameras

Stolen History always gets crushed by npc realtime

The Perpetual Black Cube (PDF) | Page 2 | stolenhistory.net – Rediscovered History of the World

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 27, 2024 7:24 AM

Nor is there a real photograph of Earth, taken from “space”. All we get are NASA’s photoshopped images of a cartoon Earth, which change every year.

David McBain
David McBain
Aug 26, 2024 9:31 PM

“When all else fails they take you to war” (if we let them).

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 26, 2024 9:04 PM

In the latest and possibly final act of this theatre of marionettes the US/NATO/Israel will play the part of the evil empire while Russia/China/Iran will play the part of the resistance. The end result will mostly likely be the horrific death of millions and if not billions of civilians. WWIII will be launched and orchestrated from the Deep Underground Military Bases and from lower earth orbit. However 99% of the casualties will be above ground. WWIII definitely appears to have started already. If you look at the positioning of various forces and equipment it appears as though this game of Risk™ is building to a crescendo.
When and where will be determined by a handful of people but be rest assured open war is upon us all.
No fear, prepare yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Pray. meditate.
In solidarity with every one of you. Peace

Aug 27, 2024 10:41 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

Hopefully nobody is actually stupid enough to fight on either side from the western countries, I think us and UK citizens finally see through the theater and lies, but in my country NZ and it’s neighbor Aus we will gladly go so blindly into the night because all I’ve seen over the last four years here is blind obedience and willful compliance.

Aug 28, 2024 4:03 AM
Reply to  Roy

Untrue, not to mention Liz Gunn in NZ and the NZ Dept of Health IT whistleblower.

Senator Roberts of One Nation Queensland has been praised in the US Freedom Movement as the only senior (Anglo) politician in the world who is speaking out publicly (wrong, not forgetting Andrew Bridgen, actually: there are Federal Senators Antic, Babet, Rennick as well and Russell Broadbent MHR.

Then there is the Aust. rebel med. association called AMPS, and Phillip Altman, and Rebekka Barnett and various lawsuits that have happened and many grassroots groupings around Graham Hood, Monica Smit. Serene Teffaha, Darren Bergwerth, Brady Gunn: his A Stand in the Park is now well-established in the UK.

Btw. Roy. what do you do apart from write on Off-G?

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 29, 2024 4:08 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Thanks for the share.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 28, 2024 6:00 AM
Reply to  Roy

Hi Roy, It’s much the same in Canada. Many people believe everything the CBC tells them to and on cable tv many Canadians actually watch CNN as an alternative to get their American dose of mind poison. There is some push back here and hopefully more people will wake from their “woke” stupor.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Aug 26, 2024 9:03 PM

Astute folks already see expanded wars in the offing as the events unfold in the Russia Ukraine conflict and the crazies in Tel Aviv continue to up the ante against Lebanon, Iran, Syria and the Palestinians. The psychopaths in Washington D.C., New York, London, Brussels and Tel Aviv are hellbent on war. As they foment more and more conflict, we will inevitably reach a point of no return and that point is coming soon..
Why have we abdicated our agency and common sense? Where are the peacemakers? Where are the sane leaders, why is the propaganda apparatus lying to us and justifying carnage and hubris?! Why aren’t we in opposition to current events?! Why do we support this madness?
The global cabal who control the political and economic systems want massive global depopulation; war is one way to accomplish it, as are: induced famines, geoengineering, ecocide, biological warfare and menticide (the deliberate destruction of a people’s mind) are you seeing a trend and pattern here?! If so what are you going to do about it?

Aug 27, 2024 10:44 AM

There’s only non compliance, but all our gutless governments are all compliant, so all well get from saying no is death either slow by forced bioweapons injected into us or fast sent to war.

Aug 27, 2024 1:02 PM

A very simplistic answer to your questions is that here in the United States of America we never studied – studied – The Constituion, the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence. We were taught it. Rudimentarily. But we never studied it. We never discussed it. Never really learned what it meant.

Never taught how to carry out it’s doctrine in the face of “recommendations”, “guidelines”, “mandates”, “emergency authorization”.

I’m talking about elementary and high school. We should have learned what our inalienable rights are. We should have learned that the govt exists only at our whim, not the other way around.

We should have had to memorize those precepts instead of the lies we were taught.

Perhaps we would have been better fighters.

I wonder if most people think the United States is free because you can live here and make as much money as you want as long as you play by their rules.

Or pay them off if you break them.

Aug 27, 2024 3:51 PM
Reply to  judith

I wonder if most people think the United States is free because you can live here and make as much money as you want as long as you play by their rules.

You hit the nail right on the head. Most people’s view of “freedom” consists entirely of being able to make as much money as their so-called “abilities” will allow. Almost every immigrant to the US ever interviewed states just that aspect as why it was so important for them to get here.

The human race has been sold this ultimate bill of goods that money is the be all and end all. And they act accordingly.

Israel and its manager the US want Gaza because of its offshore oil and gas reserves – which is also why the US so desperately want to destabilize Haiti so it can go in and “rescue” its people (and get its grubby hands on the vast oil and gas resources just off Port-au-Prince).

Russia’s share of the world’s resources dwarfs any other nation’s by a large margin. So the US wants Russia in its back pocket.

Aug 26, 2024 8:48 PM

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 26, 2024 10:03 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

Saw Sparks in 1974, 1976 and 2018.

Genius !

” While I’m making you breakfast, I hope it’s just your laugh that’s infectious”

Aug 26, 2024 8:35 PM

I bought a copy of the US Army “Counterinsurgency Manual”, Patraeus, 2007, U of Chicago Press. In it, the forward describes a conflict between the adherents of “Just War theory”. Those who oppose COIN (counterinsurgency) accuse America of weakness in it’s failure to commit to governing the occupied country rather than the constant covert sideline manipulation of COIN. As we can see, all the decision maker elites commit to the warped perception that war is, as James Kirk says in a Star Trek episode, “just a fact of Life”, so one must “manage” the situation.

This is archetypal false consciousness. To see enemies wherever disagreement exists, is a path to never approach peaceful cooperation as the daily paradigm of social relations. This perception is the handle the public needs to declare that Peaceful Cooperation must replace Just War, as Humanity’s operational, goals and objectives.

In 21st C, WAR is functionally-survival obsolete. The rich used to see the foreigner, the “other”, the worthy of domination and extraction, the enemy. On physically maxed out and exhausted Earth, now all commoners are the enemy and must be managed with war empire, a permanent state of counterinsurgency.

Only us commoners can get this to stop by acting. The counterinsurgency op of the elite is in operation 24/7. Stop enabling it and it will fail.