The big story of 2024 that NOBODY is talking about
Kit Knightly

As the embers of 2024 spit out their dying sparks and tendrils of smoke corkscrew into 2025, I want to ask: what were the important news stories of this year?
Most people will say something international. The war in Ukraine, the atrocities in Gaza, the fall of Assad.
Maybe some will cite elections, it was a big year for voting after all. A global shift-change in the corridors of power saw a dozen governments swapped out for new faces, with 2 weeks of the year left it’s still possible Trudeau, Macron or Scholz may join the procession.
The tech minded might talk about advancements in Artificial Intelligence.
Those are the big stories of 2024. The banner headlines. Sound and fury and all that signifies. But were they the most important?
No, the important story of 2024 was The Great Reset.
Remember that? It was this pan-global supranational plan to tear down and then rebuild society in a “sustainable”, “inclusive”, “fair” and “secure” way that would – totally accidentally – eradicate civil liberties and individual freedom for every single person on the planet.
It was all the rage a few years ago, you might remember. But when it didn’t go over too well with a lot of people, the powers that be dropped the subject and there’s been very little talk about it since 2022.
Does that mean it’s gone away?
We need to have “object permanence” in politics as in all things. Something doesn’t cease to exist just because you can’t see it anymore. The world doesn’t vanish when you close your eyes.
The Great Reset is still the plan.
It’s still happening. It’s just distributed now. A compartmentalized strategy uploaded to the cloud, everywhere and nowhere. A million nanobots working a million angles to change a million tiny rules and build a million tiny cells.
Like the end of The Usual Suspects, stand the right distance back and you can see the pattern.
Just last week, the UK’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty published his annual health report. What does he recommend? Sin taxes on “unhealthy” foods and 15 minute cities. Labour have already increased “sin taxes” on sugar, salt, alcohol and tobacco. Next comes red meat, dairy and just “carbon” in general.
Earlier this year the UK introduced licensing for keeping chickens. They banned smoking too.
By 2035 it will be impossible to buy a new petrol car in the UK. Or the EU. Or Canada. Or New Zealand. Or Australia. Or Mexico. Or South Africa. Or California, and 11 other US states.
From that point you and your car will be anchored to charging points. Even better your new car will probably have automatic drive features, speed limiters – oh and remote kill switches.
This week, all of sudden, the news tells us that wood burning stoves cause cancer. A ban is already being discussed. Since coal is already a no-no for domestic users (since 2023), there effectively goes your last chance of energy and heat independence. If they ban stoves there will be no heating available to you that can’t be hooked up to a smart meter, surveilled, controlled.
Unless you count burning a candle inside a plant pot. And they’re coming for those too.
The much-publicised murder of Sara Sharif has already been parlayed into a new bill taking away parents “automatic right to homeschool their children” – if the state deems them “vulnerable”.
Digital IDs are coming for everyone from everywhere. Here’s just a selection of reasons –
To secure the border and ensure electoral integrity in the US.
To protect children on social media in Australia.
To promote efficiency in the EU.
To combat illegal immigration in the UK.
To track migrant workers in Russia.
Because they said so in China.
The EU wants to establish an “asset register” and biometric tracking across borders. Online anonymity is being eroded with each “hate crime” attributed to “disinformation” and “hate speech”.
There is persistent and consistent talk of rationing – food and water and travel.
Ban it. Ration it. Monitor it. Control everyone’s everything.
Can’t you see the walls closing in?
These are not disparate issues, they are heads on a hydra. They form the universal silent agenda that is everywhere. They are bipartisan and cross-bench. They are the things unquestioned, sanctioned and approved by both “sides” of every fake “divide”.
The people at the apex of the pyramid literally spent two years talking about this. Telling you it was the plan and how great it was going to be.
Then, when it didn’t take, they spent two more years pretending they never said it and distracting you with other things like UFOs. Taylor Swift. ChatGPT. Race-baiting.
They are building a prison around every single person on this planet while we argue about Hunter Biden and QAnon and Transgender bathrooms.
The drones over New Jersey – supposing there’s anything really there at all – may as well be a giant jangling key chain in the sky.
That’s what all of it is. The elections. The terrorism. The scandals. The leaked reports.
It’s a laser pointer. It stops the cat from playing with the things he shouldn’t play with.
Today is my birthday. I’m hurtling – faster than I expected or desired – towards 40. My birthday wish is a world worth living in when I get there.
The silver lining of 2025 being as bad I suspect it’s going to be is that it might force people to re-realise everything they’ve forgotten since 2022. And the first step to fixing something is admitting there’s a problem.
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The “pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset,” and to “re-imagine economic systems,” Trudeau said.
Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided “opportunity for a reset”
The ‘Great Reset’ reads like a globalist plot with some plot holes
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“Tait said CBC/Radio Canada needs to “reach deep” to tell the stories of women and new Canadians, as well as people from the Indigenous and LGBTQ communities.”
It’s my dream job’: Catherine Tait chosen as CBC/Radio-Canada president
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“Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau implied that the national broadcaster will be able to count on the federal government’s support.
“In an era of misinformation and disinformation and the transformation of our media in the digital era, we need CBC/Radio-Canada to be strong, to protect our culture, to protect our democracy and to tell our stories from coast to coast,” he said in question period Wednesday.
“We will always be here to defend CBC/Radio-Canada, and we’re going to seek to make necessary investments to make sure it continues to fulfill its mandate to inform, entertain and to strengthen democracy here in Canada,” he added.”
‘Embarrassing’: MPs react to Catherine Tait’s refusal to rule out bonuses amid CBC job cuts
Musical interlude
“Recruit, when I give you the word, I want you to exit my building to the left, and hit the deck runnin’. I want you to fall in on those yellow footprints with your body at the position of attention. No lolly-gagging around my area. Head and eyes straight forward. You understand me?”
Extreme – Warheads
“AI is the Alchemy of the 21st century. The new Reset, driven by the high net worth figures from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, or the Royal Houses of Europe, is a fantasy. But a fantasy that is part of a long class struggle.
And at a certain point it doesn’t matter, not totally, if AI works.
If errors occur in computation, or in facial recognition, or in food allotments to the projected new slave class, the billionaires on their yachts wont mind. If the implant in my brain crashes during a scheduled update, that’s just one less servant to feed.”
John Steppling
Anteroom of Our Own Extinction
“The decision to deploy the first MOAB also revealed the Trump Administration’s revised chain of command. With the approval of U.S. Central Command, Nicholson called in the strike, a reflection of how President Trump has shifted major wartime decisions to the U.S. military brass. Pressed on whether he had ordered the mission, Trump told reporters, on Thursday, “What I do is authorize my military.” President Obama, a lawyer, was deeply involved in decision-making on all major military actions. Trump has deflected decisions to the generals who hold key positions in his inner circle or who are in the field.”
Trump Drops the Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan
“To fully comprehend this risk, a cognitive conservation phenomenon, one must contemplate the Stanislav Petrov incident.” Cory Morningstar
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet [It’s Not a Social Dilemma – It’s the Calculated Destruction of the Social, Part III]
Extreme – Rest In Peace
“We do not take into consideration political wins or influences in determining our business metrics.” Catherine Tait
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What’s happened in Canada since WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic
Incentivizing the Unvaccinated
Quebec’s premier defends taxing the unvaccinated
Should governments get tougher on the unvaccinated?
The push to target Canada’s unvaccinated
Austria imposes countrywide lockdown for unvaccinated people
“The At Issue panel discusses Quebec’s proposed tax on adults who choose to not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Plus, the panellists look at whether health-care funding in Canada will change after the pandemic. Rosemary Barton hosts Chantal Hébert, Andrew Coyne and Althia Raj.”
Quebec proposes health tax for unvaccinated adults
“Ian Hanomansing speaks to two Canadians about how they are navigating Thanksgiving with their unvaccinated relatives and the difficult conversation they are forced to have.”
Navigating Thanksgiving with unvaccinated relatives
Biden’s message to the unvaccinated
“To give you a feel for what this looks like, consider the Inuit of northern Canada. An old woman was interviewed one time and the interviewer asked, “what’s the worst thing that’s ever befallen your people?” This is a deeply indelicate thing to ask somebody from any kind of traditional culture, and it was clear to him that she didn’t know. So he started suggesting things to her. In fact, what she was trying to do was politely avoid answering the question. He kept prompting her and finally she said, “I think it was television.”
Coming of Age in Troubled Times: An Interview with Stephen Jenkinson
AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental initiative in Canada
Murray Sinclair given Order of Canada for championing Indigenous rights and freedoms
“OK, here comes the big idea, which will only work if enough people do it. You probably won’t like it, but what the hell, here goes…
This is the red inverted triangle the Nazis used in the concentration camps to designate their political opponents and members of the anti-Nazi resistance. Make one. Make it out of fabric, paper, or whatever material you have at hand.
Put a big, black “U” in the center of it to signify “Unvaccinated.” Wear it in public, conspicuously.
When people ask you what it means and why you are wearing it in public, tell them. Encourage them to do the same, assuming they’re not New Normal segregationists, in which case … well, that will be a different conversation, but go ahead and tell them too.
That’s it. That’s the whole big idea. That, and whatever else you are already doing.
The triangle is not meant to replace that. It’s just one simple way for people to express their opposition to the totalitarian, pseudo-medical segregation system that is currently being implemented … despite all that other stuff you’ve been doing, and that I have been doing, for 17 months.” CJ Hopkins
The Propaganda War (And How to Fight It)
Catherine Tait & the CBC ! Justin Trudeau ! …
Open Letter: An Overdue Apology to the World’s Children
Eric Clapton – This Has Got to Stop
I think mention of ‘UN Sustainability Goals’ would have been apt here, it’s ok though I just did it. Isn’t it funny in a morose kind of way that these are being delivered by government, yet are not mentioned in MSM. I would also like to give a shout out to ‘ ‘ and their work at raising awareness for the very issue at hand, namely Klaus Schwab’s Stakeholder Capitalism.
Seeing people as “things” or “hackable animals” is what Technocracy is all about. It’s the worst form of control ever conceived. Musk and Thiel, the Stuttering Technocracy Twins, are HUGE advocates. For proof that there’s no such thing as an expert, especially in social engineering, just watch the Netflix show Married at First Sight. Boy, do they get it painfully wrong, every season.
“The American dream of upward mobility, already heading toward extinction, will receive the knockout blow in a technocratic regime. Instead, compliance and energy usage will determine your level of prosperity. Property rights will also go out the window as the plan is to revolutionize housing into energy-efficient units with little variety and few manufacturers. This could occur today through the combination of an economic crisis wiping out individual wealth and mass printing of 3D houses fit for the technocratic era.
As envisioned, technocracy is no better than communism, fascism, or socialism. It’s just another power grab by individuals who believe they are smarter than the rest of us, with a promised utopia that will never materialize.”
Article: Technocracy Rising: Why It’s Crucial to Understand the End Game
Mr Knightly’s fears that tptb are “building a prison around every single person” are correct. In fact it’s quite logical that societies will trend in this direction organically. Because once you’ve automated something in a domain the only way to stay in the game is to enhance the existing automation or to expand it across other domains. And once you’ve expanded automation across virtually every domain which matters, and achieved mass adoption of these systems, the logical next step is to use this digital “grid” to enforce societal control. We are, of course, very far down this road.
The fact of the matter is that right now there is a lot of money to be made by all concerned in the automation business: it’s not just cigar smoking top dogs who benefit as used to be the case in old style industry; a small army of smart people are needed to build and maintain all the components of the aforementioned grid. These technicians are extremely well compensated; I can testify to that. The financial advantages ensure that moral considerations do not intrude: the nerds who build all this stuff have done what they’ve been told to do until now. On the other side of the equation, the general public are so stupid and lazy that they simply continue to embrace any digital advance which makes their lives easier.
There is, however, some room for optimism. One reason is people: as automation accelerates and “AI” takes over many of the tasks of the existing digital nerd army, large numbers of digital nerds will become surplus to requirements. Some of these laid-off people will expose the systems they know about (perhaps even booby-trap them) or advise the rest of us who listen how to circumvent them. Another reason is that “AI” will simply destroy itself: lousy software-generated “solutions” (e.g. the British post office scandal) will be rejected and public trust in the grid will plummet. Finally, when surveillance & control of everyday life becomes entirely suffocating, people who do “real” work (i.e. brick-layers, plumbers, electricians etc.) will surely take the law into their own hands and destroy the infrastructure. We’ve already seen this with the disabling of ULEZ cameras. But a simpler way to disable things would be to just “pull the plug out”: i.e. cancel the electric grid by destroying components such as transformers & sub-stations. Without power, the vast data centres and energy-munching AI programs at the heart of the grid are worse than useless.
Ummm, we kibd of need the grid in order to survive.
You yhink bricklayers and electricians are going to destroy anything guarded by armed minidrobes and robot dogs?
Belated Happy Birthday Kit… I hadn’t realised you were so young (I’m 80)… keep up the good work
And Elon Musk, grandson of Mr. Technocracy, is the new president of the United States.
So Schwab hasn’t been removed as head of WEF after claims of sexual harassment. Ardern, Trudeau and other WEFers aren’t being removed. The WEF’s core Green agenda isn’t being dropped under cover of ruses like carbon-capture. Fink isn’t distancing himself from ESG investment. There is no concerted drive to remilitarise the West and introduce conscription. The dangerous and reckless war threats from the likes of Netanyahu, applauded by Congress, are just play-acting as every Off-guardian reader knows. Similarly, missiles fired into Russia by our own military: they are not dangerous provocations! ,
“Play-acting” – I think not; it is very real to the hundred of thousands dead and to their loved ones remaining
Not feeling this one.
slapping together a load of msm fear to sell the agenda of something that maybe happening in 2030 or this date or that date is projected fear.
It is religious fear porn propaganda and which is mainly sold by the Conservative Christian media.
Ive added your photo to help sell your negative narrative
Pity that the old “Exit Mundi” site is no longer around. Quite the cult classic of the genre.
RE: ICE cars being banned by 2035 in California etc.
If you click on the link you can find a map of US states that plan to ban gas cars, they just happen to be some of the only states Kamala Harris won. Not sure what that portends…but interesting. Liberals are a shrinking cohort. Their media, while ostensibly dominant, is hemorrhaging viewers and readership.
It’ll be a hard sell getting everyone using electric cars. Now all the rebates and bribes are going away, everyone is abandoning them. Rental companies have piles of EVs sitting in garages dormant. But I have noticed the new cars are overloaded with “smart” everything, to the point where they are almost driverless. The remote kill switch is a very real and near possibility.
Good point. And it should be noted that these policies were adopted before the election of Trump. Setting aside what Trump will do or not do, the election burst the bubble that the Liberal Establishment firmly believed: everybody save the “deplorables” think like they do. In my area the EV is still a sacred cow…though the more people that own them, the more will have confront the reality of their downsides.
Happy Birthday for Dec 18th!
Another is the fake binary racket you often speak of. It’s the eternal weapon of mass distraction.
What nobody is talking about here: the Covid19 vaxx was dangerous because experimental + mRNA – real – most agree. The biolab virus Covid19 was also dangerous for those with the “right” DNA and/or weakened immune system. A “flu” for the rest.
Yes the lockdown state of emergency was quite harmful and disruption civilisations (plus a few months too late for the enormous contagion).
Thanks God Covid19 was not the perfect virus for the whole of the very diverse Human genome.
Thanks Kit – a neat potted summary of what it’s all about, but resistance is growing every day as more become awake, which I track each week. I now live in South Africa, having escaped in time to avoid their planned dystopian future. I don’t think you should have included SA in your list. We are very much part of BRICS+ and the Global South:
The 2001 anthrax situation was a Fauci / Cheney internal false flag to get bio weapon money rolling.
Covid19 was a lab escape in August 2019, funded by Fauci money. The vaxx was ready 5 years prior: docu “Than you Dr. Fauci”.
Blaming Trump for this is THE woke Democrat false narrative, perpetrated also here.
What drove the “doctors”? The excitement to introduce new mRNA tech into the Med business, combined with reckless endangerment egos and US gov. funding in semi secret.
Fauci as Dr. Mengele 2.0 really.
I have always said, when the tire hits the road is the time we will strike back.
In the last 5 years in the countries not invaded, many families have been hit by “covid” and its jab, besides other blood-sucking. Of the few dissidents, most have been eliminated. Instead of being a conduit for truth, the Internet has largely been the narcotic it was developed to be.
The main point in posting on blogs, is to read other peoples points of view, that you maybe have never even considered as might be true.
no point in preaching to the choir done that…but i resigned when I was 15, when the priest wanted to know more….so i told him as if it was true and it was, I had fallen in love with a girl in my class – we didn’t actually do anything – not even a kiss, but I think she knew I really liked her…Then she was gone at 16. never saw each other again – went to different schools colleges. We were too young to do that though we wanted to.
So what’s News?
“The silver lining of 2025 being as bad I suspect it’s going to be is that it might force people to re-realise everything they’ve forgotten since 2022. And the first step to fixing something is admitting there’s a problem.
Couldn’t agree more
Kit, when I was in my 30’s approaching 40’s.we always brought our kids with us, and most times one or two of their school friends on family holidays across the world
My wife was a Childminder not a school teacher….
Most of the time their Children did not want to go home
They wanted to stay, with my wife and children.
Still do.
At the age of 71, I can’t get luckier than that.
I am a bit slow now recovering from Sepsis
Should be fine to walk to the pub in the Springtime
They did tell me to take it Easy and wish Everyone at Off Guardian a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I particularly thank my wife for dialling 999, when I told her to go to Yoga…and The Girl who answered the phone and asked the right questions – and the paramedics who turned up 10 mins later and phoned ahead for an ambulance and the ambulance crew
who phoned ahead – got a spare bed
Through extremely fast action on a Friday morning the NHS SAVED MY LIFE
The Nurse tried to rip my Shirt get the Antibiotic Needle in
I said keep calm. I am going home in that, and did..lets slowly unbutton it..keep calm don’t panic. She slipped the needle in. I was on an antibiotic drip for over 3 weeks to kill all the bugs in my blood. My wife came to see me every day..and I love her so much, but I have not yet get back all my energy,Some days I am fine. Some days, I just keep falling asleep.
I am 71 years old and have got a lovely wife, son 3 grandchildren and a kitten who insists climbing up the Christmas Tree
Can’t Complain – never been to war, not been jabbed and not been genocided – and my jag passed its MOT
A lovely story Tony and thank you for sharing. I made 80 this month but didn’t expect to pass 60 after my life of adventure and risk. I contracted pneumonia earlier this year, and I live in South Africa now, so went to their state hospital. According to the NHS, my life was surely at risk due to SA’s ‘failing’ State medical systems (among most other negative things). They were brilliant; on oxygen for 10 days and, like you, antibiotic drips. But I didn’t take to the African-style food that much!
Full recovery took some weeks, but I am swimming and sailing again now, in the warm Indian ocean with a restaurant nearby on the beach where the prawns are giants, like little lobsters (6 for £5). Don’t believe what they tell you about SA, or the ‘poor’ developing nations – it’s all propaganda. Life here is a bubble in paradise with 300 days of sun each year – hell, I could even make the century!
There really is only one response, not petitions and submissions, not marches and protests, but a full and complete removal of the entirety of the system and each and every one of owners, players, sycophants, etc. Said removal can take many forms but violence will be required as the parasite class will happily, and obviously, resort to extreme violence quite quickly
It is looking like the next phase of the Great Reset is a Plandemic 2.0. Hopefully we won’t be dumb enough to fall for it, again.
Please share widely. If you work or are a parent be aware that state legislation is being passed to “force vaccinate” your children and those that work. The main focus of this essay centers on talk of a coming Plandemc 2.0 and Trumps ongoing support for mRNA injections. The “forced vaccination” agenda is coming back. The right to refuse any vaccine, especially a mRNA injection, is a basic human right that we must fight to preserve. The second focus is the growth of the Anti-Globalist movement and the Globalists attempts to label us as Pro-Russia, Xenophobes and Racists which, of course is nonsense. The essays are for those that want an indepth analysis of current events. If you were to print it out it would be 61 pages. Don’t do that.
Trump’s Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide
But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning
Trumps victory may be a blow for globalism, but is a win for zionism
Same dif. 😏
We are ok with teh Network taxing “sin” such as alcohol or tobacco. Why would we think that taxing the “sin” of meat or natural fats be any different. When we decide that we are not subject to the Network we will have a chance. Til then, Trump is our savior… no, Harris is our savior…
The first step to recovery from mRNA is admitting its a military operation.
It was not military outside US. All those petty tyrants who enriched themselves and friends deserve something severe.
a military operation, yes, but who do the military defend? the apparatus of power, the deep state, whose power is it? of the world financial elite, i.e. the world Zionist power. BlackRock was recently bought by the Rothschilds.
In connection with the debt restructuring in Ukraine, Rothschild bought Ukraine’s largest creditor, BlackRock. (The same stock exchange announcement states that Norges Bank has also acquired BlackRock.)
So we’re always there, the damned 0.001% of plutocrats who want to do us in.
The Rothchilds need close watching… they have kept themselves hidden for the past 200 years ca, with their fingers in most pies…
This world is hopelessly corrupt, criminal, and evil. It was designed and coded to be thus. There can be no redemption, only annihilation. Ragnarok will be the ultimate reset.
Absolutely ridiculous post………..
I think you’re spot on.
The elites aren’t talking about it because because they fell flat on their faces with covid. They completely misjudged the public mood and are still covering up that fact.
Whether they misjudged or not, they deserve to be jabbed involuntarily.
One’s later thirties, says he in patronising tones, can render marvelous opportunities to reflect upon creation, maintenance, dissolution and the unknowability of chaos. It is chaos that will bring your villains undone, since they worship death, predictability, and orderliness.
Venturing forward from the seed of creativity, which emerges from chaos, one may take a natural delight in unique and unpredictable experiences and personalities. They, however, in their power struggles and passions, will inflict upon each other, and upon us all, the most dreadful calamities.
It may come as some consolation the surity that the power of global unity cannot be built with fear of death and the forces that dictate dissolution, but by targeting those forces to hijack creative power.
Hence, it would be wise person who ignores unjust ordinances, abjures the chicken licence, warms themselves with the fuel at hand, and uses force to empower and secure the creative energies.
Are the global establishment racing ahead with their plans because they believe the EMPCOE/Pole Shift-era phenomena are increasing? I (still) have no idea if this cyclical cataclysm is true or not (despite much studying of it; maybe I’ve got cognitive dissonance about it), but I do think more and more natural disasters (interspersed with tptb’s hi-tech weaponry ‘results’ pretending to be so-callled ‘natural disasters’ e.g. Maui and N. Carolina) have become more frequent in the last few years. The controlled opposition Trump and Musk allude to this cataclysm now and again too, fascintaingly. Also, the New Madrid Fault Line has become quite active in the last few weeks which is worrying (and not just for the US, but also the coastal parts of the UK and Europe because this particular tectonic plate involved also moves the area in the N. Atlantic, the Azores so a mega-tsunami could occur)? Interesting times we live in if this global catastrophe is a real thing… I for one hope it is not true, of course but could explain the global establishment’s panic and haste?
If people are interested there is a brilliant video channel named ‘World of SIgns’ which collates all the weekly/daily disasters and sky phenomena from all around the world (over the last couple of years):
BTW Happy (belated) Birthday!
Covid was a testing space to see what they could get away and I’m sure even they were surprised at how many went along willingly or blindly. This has given them confidence to push ahead with the rest of the complete enslavement program. Their weapons are fear, division, scarcity, dependency, blind obedience and hate, our best counteractions are courage, unity, abundance, self sufficiency, critical thinking and love. Stay alert, yet put more of your focus on creating what it is you desire.
Don’t forget the surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope…
As vaccination is an anagram of ‘Icon vatican’ this is nearer the truth than one might think!
The problem is that we are not in touch with our hearts, we are just in our heads. The question is ‘how to change that?’!!! but no one talks about that….
Quickly you will be 60 and this will come too as a sneaking surprise.
“How did I get there and here so fast”?. “Why did I use so many years of my life on bs, when I could have lived the dream so much more truthfully”.
The funny thing is, the way to beat all this Artificial Digital Surveillance Data E-money making shit is precisely to go real, to go Amish so to speak. But we first discover it when it is too late. Good luck to us all.
I looked into the Amish community because I thought that they might be ‘ cut off’ . However my research suggested that they are not. I wonder if there are any internet free zones? That is what I am looking for. Are there any?
I suppose you won’t find them… on the net. However, no, soon with the project like starlink that are developing right now all over the world it will be almost impossible. However I don’t think this is the heart of the problem
But at least the Amish people live more or less without it.
Remember many beautiful and large parts of the Globe are deserted and have no population, even in China and also in US.
Ok these areas are “owned” by Bill Gates, Elon Musk, our Elite and the Cabal, on paper as their Assets.
But these areas are still empty, free to a naked Robinson Crusoe life ;-D. It is possible to dream, the physical conditions are there.
I asked a sitting MP last year why there was a set date on the climate nonsense (2030)
His answer was that it had always been like that.
The logic is that if you set a firm date, you will get closer to the goal than if you aim for “carbon reduction” or somesuch nebulous aim
Makes sense.
If you think like a politician.
“Think BIG Kissinger”,(Nixon 1972).
they aren’t governments, they’re corporations
someone should actually form a government
Everything the government executive does can be outsourced. E.g., one business to replace each ministry. But the track record of outsourcing even specific utilities is disastrous. Money subverts all.
2030 will turn into 2042 I saw it with 1999 end of world and 2012 and all the other inbetweens that did not happen.
watch Alex Jones and see the template of fear porn fake date projections,
The Christians love this fear porn end times shit.
”2030 will turn into 2042 ” . What do you mean plse?
Everything is alright, Camille. Why don’t you give your’ cat a nice hug?
No we don’t 😑
The biggest of big stories which everyone knows but no one speaks about except in dark alleys and back rooms and anonymous comments, is geoengineering. Without it, Elon Musk is nothing, the CIA is nothing, MI6 is nothing – no decent techie with a satellite under his belt is anything at all without the glorious super ionized atmosphere circulating endlessly (until it does end – which it soon enough will thanks to the geoengineers) above our heads and even lovingly embracing our bodies as its particles rain down on us day and night. But rest assured these particles are not gone for good just because we snort them; oh no, they’re constantly replaced.
Bottom line, this silliness called The Great Reset will never come to pass because Sky King (and maybe Boston Blackie too – cartoon characters one and all), working his little jets to the bone to get the sky ionized just right so that The Great Resetters can spy on everyone, will have done for humanity what humanity loves best and has anxiously waited millennia for – he will have given the world the biggest and bestest Unintended Consequence of all time: total destruction of the Planet.
? I certainly don’t want that. I used to like life very much before all our freedoms got taken away. What are you talking about? I don’t understand
Howard, I appreciate you but……
Did someone say it was unintended Howard? This destruction? Don’t bother to listen to the stated goals. Look at the observable out comes. If they say they want to cut down on pollution, but everyday spray Barium, Alumina, and Strontium in nano particles so small they evade regulatory detection (as if they are not bribed and blackmailed anyways) so as to take all the blue from the skies and the sunshine from our Terra, Flora and Fauna, while the earth bakes and fries from the suffocation and poison, and refuses to sustain us. When they say they want peace and democracy (I won’t even bother to capitalize it) and they give us hundreds of thousands of tortured and dead babies, while also destroying the bread baskets of the world, and providing the military industrial complex with the unacknowledged, unproclaimed award for the hands down greatest polluter and killer in the entire world. When they………well, I could go on and on. Fact is, it is INTENDED destruction. It is not ALL about surveillance and control, although Kit is rightly calling the reality out. What is NOT stated is that the obliteration of our chances for our human rights (as in the UN Declaration of Human Rights 30 articles) is another step in our total annihilation. We have allowed raving lunatics to set our policy and determine our fates. We need to take back control over our own destinies.
Happy Birthday Kit!! And thanks for all
you do. You are appreciated!!!!
Humanity has been moving toward self-extinction baby steps at a time, thinking it can keep kicking the can down the road; but that road has reached its terminus.
I will always remember something I saw on the “News” years ago – around the time Evel Knieval was all the fashion. A daredevil other than Knieval rode a motorbike through a burning corridor. Then he kept at it until one last go-round – at which the whole thing collapsed on him. This is humanity and its endless wars of conquest – which geoengineering is helping along: no attack takes place without satellites pinpointing where to strike. He who has no satellite is destined to lose.
The geoengineering – which I don’t believe for a nano-second has anything to do with climate (that’s just a convenient cover in case the geoengineers are ever exposed) – is to give Full Spectrum Dominance to the military. What it may be doing to the planet’s life support systems is of absolutely no consequence compared to the military advantage. Hence the Unintended Consequence of global destruction.
humanity and its endless wars
Wars are mega-projects of the delusional ultra-wealthy, not humanity. Geo-engineering is more another mega-projects. Anything to transfer public wealth to private pockets.
A 40 year old wallowing in defeatism, only seeing the oblivious smoke screen. He should know that the black Yin is trying to obscure to the white Yang, the purifying fire, and it will fail. Patience.
I never knew a smoke screen could be oblivious.
Yes, obvious was the English word I meant.
For a minute I thought you were refering to VVP’s Co-n-vid HAZMAT suit until I remembered it was yellow rather than white. Regular Global Mafia Ghostbuster.
Happy belated birthday Kit Knightly
what is canada?
long live Turtle Island!
Ancient Green
Uru in the Valley of Sleepers Daniel Quinn
Why Canada’s boreal forest is gaining international attentionJimmy Thomson
“How we think ripples out to how we behave. If we view these berries, or that coal or forest, as an object, as property, it can be exploited as a commodity in a market economy. We know the consequences of that.
Why then have we permitted the dominance of economic systems that commoditize everything? That create scarcity instead of abundance, that promote accumulation rather than sharing? We’ve surrendered our values to an economic system that actively harms what we love. I’m wondering how we fix that. And I’m not alone.” Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Serviceberry
Thriving Together: Salmon, Berries, and People
POEMS TO YOUby Heide Goettner-Abendroth
Squeeze Every Drop of Slaves Blood Out of Ourselves
I’m sardonically amazed that, only in a matter of four-or-so years, Trump has managed to transform his “build the wall” stump slogan into a “biometric entry-exit visa tracking system”; for which which his stage managers and paid audience members endeavour to generate canned enthusiasm (see GARANDMAS THUMB (Youtube Channel) | “Trump biometric id” | 01m:08s [ ])
‘sardonically amazed ‘. Does that mean that you are not amazed?
It appears Joey Barton has been charged with writing malicious comments on social media about Jeremy Vine and is due in court sometime soon.
A good friend of mine has had £40,000 fraudulently stolen but the police are not investigating the crime as they claim it is a ‘civil matter’
You have to ask where is the justice? Why are people paying for the police especially when it could be argued that they are colluding with criminality?
The reset is here already and is not people friendly
I think all this promotion of use of online banking could be a plot to nick our money…or maybe the globalists just don’t care. Their plan is to nick all our money in the long run ( but perhaps not by the crude fraud I have suggested) BUT if as a byproduct of their online banking plan people are victims of fraud, they certainly aren’ t going to fund courts/ police to properly police it. I have noticed that a proper lega system /anything that costs money is being done away with.
I liked this piece, minus Kit’s routine absolutism and pessimisic determinism. Can his faith in the great scriptwiter of all worldly events even be shaken? I doubt it, even if I point out that Kit Knightley and his worldview must also be scripted creations.
The endless data farming will continue.
Who remembers the ‘free’ Vit D handed out during the plandemic? Organised by some spook chums of Whitty and Hancock? Mine took 9 months to arrive because ‘I didn’t give them an email addr’. They, of course, had all the data required to supply.
For some the “reset” or what ever you want to call world-wide enslavement, has already happened. Fear is king, death of innocent civilians is rampant, people watch their phones like a guide to self destruction. Then there are those, like yourself who see things clearly. My question is, now what? What do we do collectively to stop this madness? I ask as I drink my coffee, and read your excellent story of truth.
Be well!
That would be my question too, at the start of this pantomime i attended all manner of undercover groups common law meetings and the likes where sheriffs were mentioned and non-payment of council taxes amongst many other services and whilst I sat and listened I made a perhaps premature judgement that most that declined paying anything form now on had little to lose, so I am not game to do that I didnt partake in the jab I didn’t humiliate myself with a face nappy and i stayed away from any establishments that insisted on one, I tried to de google my phone but was locked out of society as we know it so it left me aware when the CBDC replaces good old cash can I be a social outcast if I don’t toe the line,,methinks probably
“Hurtling towards 40 – faster than expected or desired.}
Well, there’s something we likely all have in common.
Although I don’t do much hurtling these days. I just tripped over 70.
As my father used to say “Don’t blink”.
Whoops – Happy Birthday!
At 70 there’s no need to hurry… Watch your step, enjoy the scenery and enjoy quiet moments to rest your eyes. It may have seemed that 70 has come and gone, but its really a long haul. Take care.
Its not that bad. At 70 you finally realise what was important in your life. To live life the way life should be lived. All right it took its time but better late than never…….. 😅 .
But at least most of your neighbours and fellow men got it late too. This is what you and I and most of us have in common………….. 😂 .
As my own dear departed father used to say, “Well, we can’t get outta this world alive!”
Haha. We were going to put “Don’t blink” on the gravestone but we went with
another of his favorites’ “How sweet it is!”
The problem could be not recognizing the problem, yes, gvts love to study their population until the cows come home.
This is only speculation, but before drones were born, a big player announced how these drones were going to revolutionize their industry, a few years later it was a big dud and not heard from, or was it?
For the mysterious drone citings could be nothing more than delivery drone testing as the gvt doubles down and tests their citizens nerves going into a very uncertain period of time.
Off topic again though I think depopulation is a big part of the reset:
So the “ban on puberty blockers” turns out to be not such a triumph after all. But you should always beware of good news delivered by the media. You should know by now that the thugs lording it over us are determined to get their way.
The cull will continue. The only obstacle is an increasingly awake public who will of course be presented as a fanatical “right wing” and “religious” minority whilst the “sensible” “progressive” majority are happy to swallow the formulaic scientifico gish gallop and get their kids sterilized at a rate that Mengele would have envied.
I feel sure you’re right…but what about the elites themselves? They will go on. Surely they won’t be forced to do all the things that they are making us do. DO you think they live in a parallel universe? or is it as simple as South African apartheid? DO you the townships now include everywhere that is not a mansion? or do they create the barriers through tech means?
they are telling us it is a ‘Reset’. however, the use of the word ‘Reset’ is suspicious, since you cannot Reset something to a state that didn’t exist.
was there a time our families or ancestors were eating only vegetables? NO
was there a time we were using digital ids? NO
but there was slavery and they are creating a large scale caste system.
this is more Degradation and Dehumanisation than anything else.
Most peasants in medieval Europe ate grains and vegetables for most meals. Think gruel. You can tell because the english words for the animals come from Old English (Anglo-Saxon), pig, sheep, cow, while the English words for the meats come from Norman French, pork, mutton, beef. Shows who was doing the eating, and who was doing the raising.
The ancient Roman army was for all intents and purposes vegetarian. The usual average legionary’s daily repast was bread, olive oil, gruel, and maybe some lentils. Vegetables and grains were considered “hard” food for “hard” people. Meat and especially seafood was “soft” food for “soft” people. Fact. Look it up.
The Great Reset, fake set targets implanted into the fringe media and the mainstream fake outlets.
I am Not scared and am not waiting for some target of 2030 so everyday until then I am shaking/living in fear of the incoming what ever so they can try to scare you with.
I live my life without it thanks.
The problem is; because you don’t want it, doesn’t mean they’re not going to do it.
Very good article – one of OG’s best of the year.
The latest ETA for The Great Reset is 2048.
However, it’s not that that one should be worrying about, but the machinations that will be increasingly occurring from now until then, e.g. Covid II, WW3, outages, civil unrest, etc.
Excellent essay Kit.
There is a ray of hope, though.
They’re hurtling helter skelter to 2030 and nothing else matters.
The problem is, they’re behind schedule -way behind.
There is no way they’re going to get the NWO machinery in place in five years.
Look at UK, you can feel the panic whenever our glorious leader speaks.
Panicking governments make mistakes. The Starmer regime has inflicted serious wounds on itself and I believe it will implode.
Around the world, their hubris will be their diwnfall.
The NWO (novus ordo seclorum) is simply the name of Earth’s cycle following The Great Reset. TPTB are husbanding mankind into it.
With regards to the UK, you are bang on right. Our erstwhile PM already, after less than 6 months in Office has more deprecating nicknames than you can shake a stick at, including, but not exclusively: Queen Keir, Kid Starver, Two-tier Keir and so on. He is universally despised, even in his own Party. Such being the case his credibility is shot to pieces, nobody takes him seriously, especially as he spouts more and more rubbish, like making Mr Putin feel the pain, like we’re going to go to War with Russia. He comes at the end of a long line of idiots, chances and rogues and sadly, there’s no light on the horizon.
My fear is he will be replaced (with Streeting ?)
Our best hope is that he continues and ensures the total annihilation of the “Labour” party.
The “Conservative” party is already totally discredited.
Maybe the fallout of the destruction of the uniparty will bring forth some sense.
Not holding my breath.
But haven’t the conservatives just edged ahead in the polls again? Our electorate are morons.
I think of him as Queer Stammer.
…and trust is eroding faster than they can generate even AI-fabricated propaganda.
Subtle stuff from the Times Literary Supplement:
“Should we delay human extinction?”
Die! Die! You’re all going to die!