Predicting 2025: Bye-bye Bibi?
Kit Knightly

In my article predicting “The Next Pandemic”, published last April, I wrote that it would not begin until a lot of the leadership of the world had changed:
[The next pandemic] won’t be launched until after the major elections this year, because they want new political faces untarnished by Covid
2024 then saw elections installing new leaders in Mexico, Iran, the UK, the US, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iceland, Georgia, Ireland, Finland and probably some others I don’t remember.
Just yesterday, Justin Trudeau joined the procession. And, as of the time of writing, the Sword of Damocles is still dangling over Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz too.
One name not mentioned is Benjamin Netanyahu, but could 2025 see that change?
In my last radio interview of 2024 with Paul Brennan of Reality Check Radio, I suggested the writing may be on the wall for Bibi, one of the modern era’s great political survivors.
If he does go, it will have been a long time coming. From 2018-2022 Israel was in a sustained “political crisis” that saw five snap elections in four years. Crowds took to the streets chanting Rak Lo Bibi – Anyone but Bibi.
Covid only exacerbated this issue, with numerous protests against lockdowns and their economic impact to the point the government was forced to pass a new law banning public demonstrations.
His plans for judicial reform were so unpopular that 2023 saw 10 months of continuous protest in the streets which drove him tantalizingly close to resignation, before Hamas (totally accidentally) pulled his iron out of the fire by launching their October 7th attack. Yet another “terrorist attack” that only seems to benefit the alleged target.
It’s a sign that he might not be long for the world that the New Yorker was pointing this out only 5 days ago: How Widening Israel’s War Saved Benjamin Netanyahu
He was near political death in July of 2024, with opinion polls massively in favour of his resignation.
Even Nancy Pelosi has been calling for his resignation since at least last April, claiming he “never believed in peace”. The American Enterprise institute recommended he resign in October. When Bibi fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in November, there were fresh protests and fresh calls for his resignation.
He has somehow survived all that. But how much longer can he go on?
The surprising negative responses Israel is getting over its genocide “war” in Gaza is a sign the writing could be on the wall. After all, the Western press has shown itself more than capable of airbrushing Israeli atrocities and war crimes for decades, there must be a reason they are letting headlines like this and this slip through the net now.
Late last year the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu. A first for any politician in a Western-aligned nation in the entire history of the court’s existence. Another sign the clock is ticking.
Netanyahu is being blamed for extending the war to maintain his position and “thwarting” hostage deals in the process. Earlier today, Haaretz reported:
By now, it is clear to almost anybody following the conduct of Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that, whenever a breakthrough is achieved, he levies a new demand, to make things more difficult, thus nullifying any chance of making a deal. Netanyahu and his “moderate” ministers surrender again and again to the demands of the extremists in his government, headed by Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, along with some Likud ministers. Netanyahu is acting out of personal and political considerations in order to sustain his coalition and remain in power, while pretending that he shares the fears about the hostages’ fate and is making every effort to release them.
Then there’s Netanyahu’s reported ill health and prostate surgery. It’s not unheard of for stories about illness to be made up – see Boris Johnson during “Covid” – but real or not, the existence of the story suggests Bibi is about to be let out to pasture.
The evidence is stacking up. The remaining questions are how, why and who replaces him.
I already predicted the incoming Trump admin will be trying to score “peacemaker” points with a deal in Ukraine, that could extend to Israel-Gaza too. A negotiated release of all hostages is also possible.
That situation could see Netanyahu booted out as an “old fashioned warmonger” or allowed to sail into the sunset as a victorious general, but either way you’d expect him to go.
If the “war” doesn’t come to an end, his removal can come from the other direction – his inability to end the war by force and charges of incompetence in letting the October 7th attack happen at all.
Or maybe his poor health can “force” him to retire prematurely.
There are plenty of exit strategies available, but however it happens I wouldn’t expect him to close out the year.
WILDCARD PREDICTION: A “hip” young Israeli politician will storm to prominence this year, fresh off a career in the financial sector and/or an endorsement from the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program – think an Israeli Trudeau or Ardern. They will post “candid” TikToks referencing “young-person things” that are about four years out of date. They’ll have a “cool” hobby, and there will be videos of them playing the guitar or windsurfing or something so the press will laud their “relatable” and “progressive” vibe.
Maybe someone like Stav Shaffir, who I genuinely had never heard of before writing the above paragraph, but is the perfect example. It not might be her, but it will probably be someone like her.
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Bibi’s Revenge
You think Netanyahu can’t take down ever single government which threatens him!
Connor Tomlinson (@17:15)
There are many types of false flags. While 9/11 was a classical false flag carried out by the US deep state and Israel, the October attack by Hamas into Israel was a type which is not considered to be classical. There are several types of classical FFs all of which require an innocent patsy: direct, a hoax, and a hybrid combination hoax and direct involvement. Examples of each are the following: 9/11 – direct, Gulf of Tonkin – hoax, Los Vegas Massacre – hybrid. The Boston Marathon was essentially a hoax with as score of “crisis” actors as was Sandy Hook. In both, the injuries were staged and their were patsies.
October 7 was a FF but does not easily fit into either of the three classic types. The reason for this was that the attack was really carried out by Hamas with the primary goal of capturing hostages to bargain for the release of the thousands of political hostages in vicious Israeli prisons. It was certainly not a hoax, though there was a huge element of this in the Israeli follow-up, such as the ridiculous beheaded babies. The vast bulk of Israeli deaths were caused by the IOF trying to limit the number of POWs returned to Gaza through the Hannibal Directive, and “honest and direct combat” between the IOF with their purportedly elite Golani brigade and capable Hamas fighters.
Both Nutsyahoo and his top political buddies knew well in advance that the attack was coming and let it happen. And they delayed the movement of counter forces to blunt it for many unnecessary hours. Like Cheney, they were order to “stand down.” The purpose of this was to use it as a bogus rational for the Greater Israel expansion, still in progress. As one female soldier who monitored the “fence” between Gaza and Israel, “Not a cockroach could get through our electronic surveillance without us knowing it.” N’s primary object is to get the US military to defeat Iran. The USA cannot do this without the extensive use of nuclear weapons. On Jan. 17, Russia, the most powerful nuclear force on the planet will enter into a comprehensive agreement with Iran. If the USA attacks Iran with nuclear weapons, I have little doubt that Russia will retaliate with a huge nuclear strike against the USA mainland. If the USA chooses not to go nuclear, Iran will defeat the USA and Israel, devastate Israel with missiles, and destroy all the USA military bases within a 2000 km radius of it. I also think that Iran will tell the Gulf states not to export any oil or gas while this war is in progress or they will totally destroy their crude oil and gas infrastructure which will plunge the “West” into the Greater Depression.
I hadn’t previously heard of Raja Miah, but he seems central to the current push for an enquiry. If what he’s saying is true, it’ll be the end of the Labour Party.
Introducing Raja Miah
Described a dangerous man by leaders in the Labour Party, Raja Miah educates working-class white communities and anti sectarians from black and ethnic minority backgrounds to hold politicians to account and safeguard communities from the real extremists.
Nationally recognised for his expertise in tackling extremism, safeguarding children, and strengthening communities, Raja has worked with world leaders, including UK Prime Ministers and Secretaries of State. At just 30 years old, he was awarded an MBE for his services to the community.
With over 25 years of experience, Raja has dedicated his career to supporting marginalised communities, often dismissed as racist. He has created platforms for working-class voices ignored by politicians and policy-makers.
Despite censorship and mainstream media blackouts, Raja’s explosive Welcome to Oldham series reached over 1 million viewers, uncovering the truth about grooming gangs, local government corruption, and the divisive tactics of political elites.
In recent years, he has led successful grassroots campaigns to oust successive Labour leaders from safe seats in Oldham, directly challenging the establishment’s hold on power. His work has exposed how some Labour Party politicians have courted block Asian votes at the expense of other communities.
Jan 6, 2025
Mahyar Tousi @MahyarTousi
Grooming Gang Whistleblower [Raja Miah] Speaks Out
Explosive Tousi TV exclusive interview with the grooming gang whistleblower
He exposes the corruption at the heart of the Labour Party.
The mainstream media won’t show you this. But we will #WeAreTheMedia
Islamic Grooming Gangs: Britain’s Dirty Secret
Turning Point UK
Jan 2, 2025
Exclusive: Anti-grooming gang campaigner Raja Miah details how the Labour Party covered up the industrial grooming of white working class British girls, in order to secure votes from Muslim communities.
“Labour are at the centre of the grooming gang cover up.”
Kids in South London Learned to Play Guitar
“David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust (Official Video)”
Hey there’s a new film that “effortlessly walks a tonal tightrope ….about Jewish American cousins on a Holocaust tour in Poland” and ….. no come back! You must hear this! Nobody in the media ever talks about The Holocaust!
Has anybody Fact Checked that facebook ‘Aint Gonna Fact Check No More’ !
I mean, what of a Sneaky Trick are They pulling ?
I visited a review site during the festive period to leave a review.
It would not let me use the word, ”scammer”, ”cowboys’, ”rip off merchants”
the list was endless. it kept saying in big red letters, defamatory, aggressive, alarming,
please change your use of language to be more polite, less aggressive, be kinder.
You tube, meta, Istagram, X, amazon, ebay , etsy all use the same AI software or better.
They now control the lexicon on what can be used in reviews, comments or blogs, sellers write up.
FFs even making a normal call now, they tell you to ”be kind”,be polite ”dont be aggressive”.
Notice this new madness and posters up everywhere in shops since Bs19.
The World is the way it is because wot people fear most is their
own aggression… They are frightened they’ll Lose Control if they
give into their Aggression… **
It’s why The State mandates Schooling Is Compulsory: Schools are
Anger Management institutions. In them You learn to live with the daily humiliations, restrictions on your movements inflicted; obeying state
functionaries (aka – teachers) – when your every impulse is to play and
enjoy life’s exuberant energies pulsating within you…
You end up so emotionally armoured against your natural impulses you
proudly proclaim membership of a religion based on ‘Turning The Other
Cheek’ (aka – TTOC), or ‘Submission to The Will of Allah.’
** Our Egos are forever on guard against the irruption of all the natural
impulses we have to keep repressed (‘Under Control’)…
I predict more glass,
No complexity,
Review time, Bibi. . .
Abstract: 😂 Asian
What can extremely rich people do with their money to make them Happier…
What are you going to do make you even Happier???
Make Even More Money????
What are You Going To Do With It???
TRY and Control Almost The Entire World??
You just like Killing???
The Blood Lust?
I know, you know you are so EVIL, but just can’t stop the Killing.
Killing People now in Genocidal Numbers – Makes You Happy
Use it to kill the military.
Whatever Netanyahu’s fate in 2025, it’s hard to believe Zionists will ever abandon the Greater Israel project, and leave other nations and religions of the region to co-exist in peace. Has Kit heard of their plans to attack Egypt and Yemen?
We have the likes of Musk and Trump wanting to Invade Greenland
New TEAM AMERICA – what’s Changed…
Still Exactly the Same as When you Bombed Serbia to Hell in 1999 ( – cos my First Real Love – First Real Girlfriend where we nearly got married) Her Family came from Serbia
It really pissed me off..Why are We Bombing some of the Most Beautiful People in The World – Christians – Loving Families… I took her home, and my Mum Thought Wow, and just assumed we likely to get married
She phoned me up, after no contact for many years on New Years Eve.
She sounded exactly the same….So we shared photographs of our Children (Boy & Girl Each – and Our Great Grandchildren – She 2 Girls – Me 2 Boys at School and me one baby 2 year old Grandaughter….
This is what Families are like
You don’t go round slaughtering each other or even meeting – though none of the Grandchildren are Genetically connected – except all Blonde and Beautiful
My prediction, is that before there’s a pandemic a series of “bizarro” incidences characterized as terrorist attacks, but more than likely are false flags will occur followed by another proxy war.
The scamdemic is too fresh in people’s minds and the rage against all the irrational protocols is still festering. 🤨
I am a Child. Both My Grandfather(Trenches – France – Officer and a Gentleman) and My Dad (London Croydon Airport – Patching up the Spitfires and Hurricanes to get them Back in The Air To Shoot The NAZI Bombers down) who were dropping bombs on where we still live…
I Have the Utmost Respect
None of my older Brothers or Sisters, nor any of our Children or Grandchildren Did That. and Neither Did I.
My Dad told me what is like.
Don’t Do it
Now we have The Warmongers in Control AGAIN
Can’t we just arrested them?
They are not nice people
Interesting. Again. It seems that the complexity is overblown. As a kid in the 60s and 70s I found myself watching “world news” and these conflicts. The so called peace treaties. It never made sense. And it still does not. Decades later. Nothing has changed. The UN never should have been involved. In anything. Period. Ban them. Defund them. Kick their fucking asses off the continent. Let “them” fight it out.
The problem is they aren’t “fighting it out,” there’s one side that’s been consistently oppressing and often massacring the other, with the occasional minor pushback from the victims (even if you consider 10/7 to have been a legitimate uprising, rather than some kind of op, it would only be somewhat proportional to the kinds of slaughters that have been perpetrated on them just in the last decade). It’s a clear example of when some kind of outside intervention seems not only necessary, but absolutely indispensable – the only problem is the perpetrators are the most powerful people in the world, and they control every institution that could put a check on their rampages. The only possible solution will be something like The Lord of the Rings, where the power of the Dark Lord is destroyed from the most unlikely quarters imaginable while his attention is fixed on those he considers the real threat. The question is what form that could take- and I’ll agree it’s probably not the UN that will play the role of Sam and Frodo in this story.
Not been to Israel, but have been to Sharm-el-Sheik – The Red Sea underwater is absolutely Beautiful – Yet quite different from The Maldives (Far better than the Carribean)…
Ignore politics, keep dancing and keep fit and smile
Stick around for a bit and your see that ones was issued for the Queen,that Queen Elizabeth took 10 children from Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia, Canada on a picnic and the children were never seen again )U.K column covered it) must be real LOL
another court IIICC efd fff hhhgg g g g g g $%%£$£ huge donate alt media scam was issued for Tony Blair and another for Bush.
Fake court case money swindle Reiner Fuellmich hopium psyop…
same co tel
For the devotees believers it is like fairy on a Christmas tree.
for the real watchers it like bullshit and repeat/boring and about as real as Santa.
Court cases / tribunals / mass arrest. acquittals.
ICC has issued a arrest warrant War crimes prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Netanyahu
No different than Q saying all the democrats where going to get arrest
Trust the plan.
it is aimed a demographic of believers in the voting system.
with respect, its about time people starting growing up as not long ago the same courts said ;”getting vaccinated to work” or ”needing a vaccination to visit hospitals/nursing homes ” was not illegal.
The same people who sold you, vaccine passports to keep you safe.
They repeated the same grift in each different era.
Bush Convicted of War Crimes at Tribunal
I’m not too sure the health thing with Netanyahu is made up. He’s looking very jaundiced lately, which could imply health issues (unless it’s yellow makeup). Beyond that, he’s still riding high in the polls: it seems the Israelis love what he’s doing in Gaza and can’t wait till he does it in the West Bank. As despicable as his policies are, he’s just about the shrewdest politician in the entire world. To paraphrase Mark Twain: The rumors of Netanyahu’s fall are greatly exaggerated.
Not true really.
You’ve official seen within less than 4 year, warp speed mr anti harma sell the biggest vaccine campaign in history, lockdown the USA, which made america even more skint and killed his own fanbase and then get reinvented with WWE style publicity stunts as a hero.
Orban was back voted in again after his maddest during covid and all he did was say immigrants.
Nigel reform ukip, Brexit is a new ticket 3rd incarnation and all he said was go get the vaccine, the 1st lockdown was correct and make Tony Blair an vaccine tazr and all he did was say” immigrants” after appearing on celebrity jungle and the common denominator is…..
They forget they forgive and the loop cycle continues.
Just show photos of Immigrants, say make this great again and all is forgotten with a little help from alternative media to sell you commis under the bed or else.
“[The next pandemic] won’t be launched until after the major elections this year, because they want new political faces untarnished by Covid”
They start launching the next one?
Love the prediction, but when asked who was going to pay the overdue education bonds, they answered Taylor Swift.
Stav Shaffir, leader of the Green party? God help them! Meanwhile, the rest of the [western] world is shifting rightwards.
“We’re all far right now”, and here’s me thinking i might move to
The Extreme Rightwing, as i dont want to party with this ordinary
Far Right mob… **
We’re All Far Right Now (3:21):
** I miss The Old Days when They called us “leftwing”, then
“far left”, then “extreme leftwing” – nowadays, you can only be
somewhere on the Right…
Netanyahu or his clone, the genocide will continue:
I can picture it now.
Henry K leaning on his shovel ready to greet Bibi and tell him:
“No. The shovelling comes later. For the first year or so you’ll be buried in shit and blood. Head first”.
Predicting 2025:the CPC will declare martial law in China.
Too many ordinary citizens lose their fear for public protesting the financial and power ravine between them and The Party officials, 1984 surveillance be damned.They will create a fake reason like a small external war or a birdflu crisis.
Some animals are more equal than others has consequences.
“China has caught A Cold –
must be Winter in China.”
Yet, the more things change the more they’ll stay the same.
There is so much in the world to be outraged about. Yet my woman’s heart says I have found a crime deserving the death penalty:
“Premature babies are at high risk for neurological and pulmonary complications in the neonatal ICU. They are not at risk for hospital-acquired Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, or Haemophilus Influenza B. Thus the wisdom of giving 7 vaccines to a frail and vulnerable preterm newborn. . . .” –Peter McCullough
Every adult who participates in such a pitiless act deserves to die.
same Peter McCullough that wrote a book with Tommy Robinson!!
I’m not sure it matters what happens to that evil fool, like it doesn’t about anywhere else. Why would Israel be any different, in fact, if the zionists largely control the U.S., U.K, Ukraine, Russia, and about everywhere else, they certainly have firm control of Israel, no matter who is “selected”, Netanyahoo is just a front man. Whatever happens after that is just a different shade of the same color.
Netanyahu will remain as long as he promotes himself as the good guy, the one whose policies will manifest Greater Israel into existence. No matter what atrocities Israel is guilty of, the West well not turn on him because the Mossad has too much on Western politicians (think Mossad and Jeffrey Epstein extortion racket). The one constant in 2025 will be Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing in West Asia.
Netanyahu, and all the others, will remain as long as he/they serve a purpose.
Yes so true.
Islamists were the good guys when they overthrew Assad – but now are the bad guys again when the New Orleans “attacker” was supposedly radicalised by them.
It’s getting kinda difficult to keep track of it all… a cynic might almost think they are whatever the needs of the moment require them to be.
Because the Koran gives sociopaths and psychopaths a ‘legalize’ cover: just like lack oversight by Senate, Parliament or Party gives similar types in the CIA, Mi6, MSS some ‘legalize’ cover.
Birds of a satanist feather flock together.. They don’t feel violence because that’s all they’ve experienced from childhood. A vicious circle.
Have you read critical accounts of what the Talmud encourages Zionists to do? I recommend seeking out the work of Michael Hoffman and other revisionists.
At-least they don’t proselytize. Also they occupy only a tiny sliver of real estate.
Pending: it seems that the name of a certain religious “Bible” triggers the filters here…
They can’t keep their stories straight….
if anyone had a memory that stretched back to more than last month or so, these Eurasia-Eastasia policy flipflops would be laughed off the world stage, but instead you have all the profoundly idealistic activists who demand humanitarian intervention so those saintly White Helmets can be protected, and so those fundamentalist demons can be incinerated mercilessly in Raqqa etc, right up until the script is switched and they’re out in the streets again, marching for the exact opposite
Satan will be waitin.
With his big fat interest in your money squared with time.
This time it wont rhyme and you wont be fine,
but I would cash in now before the last proverbial cow.
Bibi isn’t going anywhere.
All Covid faces to be imminently removed from the scene of the Covid crime? Trudeau and Boris may be gone but then what of Putin, Xi, Modi… And Trump back for a second run? Doesn’t seem to fit neatly into the model.
The quotation marks here would seem here to be misplaced. Perhaps better placed around the term ‘genocide’, not ‘war’?
Bibi is Israel’s Trump. Controversial and yet somehow remaining in power. Didn’t Trump once move the US Embassy back to Jerusalem?
Ergo there’s plenty of room for MIGA to enhance MAGA (and vice versa). Bibi and Trump are gonna be great pals imho…
Trump is still out of power until Jan 20. Also, his deep state enemies stole the election and framed him as an insurrectionist to keep him out of power in 2020. However, those who say he may be more MIGA than MAGA may be proved right in the near future. Or wrong.
But is Netanyahu running the show?
In as far as anyone we can actually see running the show? No.
WACKOS: the weird, wild, woke & wonderful world of the people running … the sacred land now known as canada
Why I don’t vote in colonial politics
Andrea Landry
“Thank you for your donation,” Trudeau told the woman as she was escorted out by security. “I really appreciate your donation to the Liberal Party of Canada.”
Trudeau says sorry for sarcastic thank you comment to Indigenous protester
By Mia Rabson
March 28th 2019
World Gone Mad
AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental initiative in Canada
Jorge Barrera
Jun 08, 2020
To the “Old Boys Club:” F*** your Patriarchy
July 23, 2018
Andrea Landry
To the Iskwesis/Young Ones with Brown Skin:
Andrea Landry
The so called chiefs have sold out to the crown long ago. My spouse and son are native. Her entire nation dont trust the colonizers yet they are all into Christianity and they were extremely obident when it came to the scamdemic. They were so obedient to the point where they shunned their own (my spouse included) for raising the flag that this is a hoax perpetrated by the ancestors/parasitic class that enslaved them to begin with. My spouse and I feel its akin to holding two opposing thoughts simultaneously like that described in Orwell’s parasitic class fantasy story.
“Growing the economy”
“We’re going to cut bureaucracy, cut the consultants, cut foreign aid, cut back on corporate welfare to large corporations. We’re going to use the savings to bring down the deficit and taxes and unleash the free-enterprise system,” Poilievre pledged.
He plans to slash the Liberals’ reform of regulation for megaprojects “to cause a massive resource boom in our country” and generate enough electricity to power data centres.”
Pierre Poilievre outlines goals, strategy, key players in Jordan Peterson interview
Dylan Robertson
The Canadian Press
Jan 04, 2025
Musical intermission
Stevie Nicks – The Lighthouse (Official Music Video)
”Give ‘em hell, Netanyahu. Enough is enough.”
Jordan B Peterson: The Reflection I Never Wished to See
VIDEO: Jordan B Peterson – The Reflection I Never Wished to See
WATCH BELOW as the Sun’s political columnist Lorne Gunter tells us about all the extra fat at the CBC and why the broadcaster should be embarrassed handing out executive bonuses.
HE CBC SHOULD BE EMBARRASED! 97% of their executives get bonuses?
Published Jan 03, 2025
“Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau implied that the national broadcaster will be able to count on the federal government’s support.
“In an era of misinformation and disinformation and the transformation of our media in the digital era, we need CBC/Radio-Canada to be strong, to protect our culture, to protect our democracy and to tell our stories from coast to coast,” he said in question period Wednesday.
“We will always be here to defend CBC/Radio-Canada, and we’re going to seek to make necessary investments to make sure it continues to fulfill its mandate to inform, entertain and to strengthen democracy here in Canada,” he added.
‘Embarrassing’: MPs react to Catherine Tait’s refusal to rule out bonuses amid CBC job cuts
Jan. 31, 2024
“There is growing alarm over the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions belonging to the exponential growth of the ICT industry. Of particular concern are the hyperscale data centers which are owned and operated by corporations Microsoft, Google, and Apple, etc. [“Hyperscale refers to the capability of an IT [information technology] system or architecture to scale exponentially and rapidly to respond to demand that is increasingly heavily.”][Source] There are now over 8 million data centers littering the planet, with 541 hyper scale data centers worldwide. At present, there are currently 176 more hyper scale data centers in development.”
In 2017, data superseded oil, becoming the world’s most valuable commodity.
Often described as the “cloud” – successfully conjuring up a comforting perception that nothing exists beyond your device or laptop) – servers exist in real-world data centres. Information technology spending on data center systems worldwide in 2020 alone is estimated at USD 208 billion. [Source] On January, 15, 2020, Technavio released a report stating “hyperscalers” have invested approximately USD 200 billion in capacity expansion and opening of new data centers. For just a moment, contemplate the fact that those who promise an illusory “stakeholder capitalism” will spend billions to house data, while the subjugated and vulnerable remain homeless.” Cory Morningstar
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet [It’s Not a Social Dilemma – It’s the Calculated Destruction of the Social, Part III]
November 28, 2020
Visits to Toronto food banks reach historic new high at 3.49 million
Nov. 12, 2024
“A city spokesman told me last week 11,497 were staying in “emergency accommodation” — an increase of 500% in 25 years.”
LEVY: Toronto still failing to tackle homelessness – some things never change
By Sue-Ann Levy
January 1, 2025
“The economic consequences of these non-debated government policies have been catastrophic. In the U.S. something like 60 million jobs have been lost, many never to return. A hundred and fifty thousand restaurants have gone bankrupt. Only one in three museums will ever reopen. In San Francisco they decided NOT to count the numbers of new homeless. No reason was given but one can guess. The homeless situation in the U.S., in big cities in particular, was critical even before the pandemic. Now the numbers are unprecedented. Not even during the ‘Great Depression’ was there anything like the current level of those without basic shelter.”
Anteroom of Our Own Extinction
“Describing the song in Pearl Jam Twenty, Cornell said: “I was wanting to express the gratitude for my life but also disdain for people where that’s not enough, where they want more. There’s no way to really have a whole lot more than you need usually without taking from somebody else that can’t really afford to give it to you. It’s sort of about taking advantage of a person or people who really don’t have anything.”
Music » From The Vault
Watch Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell perform ‘Hunger Strike’ for the last time
Hunger Strike
A Message from Mohawk Women from Grand River Concerning Vaccine Mandates & Freedom
This Reconciliation is for the Colonizer
I realize that you’re not taking a poll, but I hope I live to see the day when both Netanyahu and Erdogan are frying in Hell. 👿 🔥
Yes, yes, they’ll just be replaced by other monsters, etc. That’s as may be, but I’m not going to deprive myself of longed-for and overripe schadenfreude with a policy of being resigned to accepting the devil(s) you know.
The great irony is that Erdogan and Netanyahu may live to “face off” in Syria. Each wants it: Erdogan as the centerpiece of his new Ottoman Empire, Netanyahu as a piece of Greater Israel. Both leaders are enormously unpopular with their respective constituencies; yet both hang on.
Ah, still another reboot of “King Kong vs. Godzilla”. 🦍 🦖
They dont put on A Pandemic for just Any Reason; that would
be wasting bullets and weakening the Fear effectiveness…
No ! A Pandemic has gotta provide the Cover Story for Something Big !!
I’ve been drinking lotsa tea lately, but the tea leaves just wont
give up their Secrets… (Though it could be the Secrets are in
Chinese – the dregs do look like Chinese characters)…
Maybe they’ll fake his death like they did with Maxwell, Epstein et al and secret him off to… oh, well, maybe he’ll just resign. 😂