The War on Whatever
CJ Hopkins

The War on Whatever is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous, which it is.
Like the never-ending war in Orwell’s 1984, it is waged by the empire against its own subjects, but not only to keep the structure of society intact, also, in our case, to transform society into a neo-totalitarian global-capitalist dystopia.
Are you not familiar with the War on Whatever?
Well, OK, you remember the War on Terror.
You remember when “freedom and democracy” were attacked by “the terrorists,” and we had no choice but to set aside our democratic rights and principles, and declare a national “state of emergency,” and suspend people’s constitutional rights, and wage a war of aggression against a Middle East nation that posed no threat to us, and fill the streets, train stations, airports, and everywhere else full of heavily-armed soldiers, or otherwise “the terrorists would have won.”
You remember when we built an offshore gulag to indefinitely imprison the suspected terrorists we had previously renditioned to CIA black sites where we tortured and humiliated them, right?
Of course you do. Who could forget that?
Remember when the National Security Agency had no choice but to set up a covert “Terrorist Surveillance Program” to spy on Americans, or else “the terrorists would have won”? Or how about the TSA’s “anti-terror” crotch searches, which are still in effect after over twenty years?

And what about the War on Populism? You might not remember that one so well.
I do, because I published two books about it. It was launched in the summer of 2016, when the empire realized that “far-right populists” were threatening “freedom and democracy” in Europe, and Trump was on the rise in the USA. So another “state of emergency” was declared, this time by the Intelligence Community, and the media, and Academia, and the Culture Industry. Yes, that’s right, it was time once again to set aside our democratic principles, censor “hate speech” on social media, bombard the masses with ridiculous official propaganda about “Russiagate,” “Hitlergate,” and so on, or otherwise “the far-right populists would have won.”
The War on Populism culminated with the roll-out of the New Normal Reich.
In the spring of 2020, the empire declared a global “state of health emergency” in response to a virus with a survival rate of roughly 99.8 percent. The empire had no choice but to order the lockdown of entire societies, force everyone to walk around wearing medical-looking masks in public, bombard the public with propaganda and lies, coerce people into submitting to a series of experimental mRNA “vaccinations,” outlaw protests against their decrees, and systematically censor and prosecute those who dared to challenge their made-up “facts” or criticize their totalitarian program.
The empire had no choice but to do this, because otherwise “the Covid-deniers, the anti-vaxxers, the conspiracy theorists, and all the other extremists would have won.”
I’m pretty sure you remember all that.
And now … well, here we are. Yes, you guessed it, it’s time to take another big shit on the US Constitution, and freedom of speech, and deport people to some Salvadoran hellhole we rented because some cop didn’t like the look of their tattoos, and arrest and rendition university students for organizing anti-Israel protests, and, of course, bombard the masses with lies and official propaganda, and so on, because … OK, all together now, “otherwise the anti-Semitic terrorists and Venezuelan gang members will win!”
Are you beginning to detect a pattern here? Yes? Welcome to the War on Whatever!
If you’re still not quite connecting the dots, all right, let me try to spell it out for you.
The global ideological system we all live under is going totalitarian. (That system is global capitalism, but call it what you want. I really don’t give a shit.) It is stripping away the simulation of democracy, which it does not need to maintain anymore. The Cold War is over. Communism is dead. Global capitalism has no external adversaries. So it doesn’t need to placate the masses with democratic rights and freedoms. So it is gradually stripping away those rights, and conditioning us to accept the loss of them.
It is doing this by staging a series of “emergencies,” each featuring a different “threat” to “democracy,” or to “freedom,” or “America,” or “the planet,” or whatever, each with its own particular “monsters,” who are such a threat to “freedom” or whatever that we need to surrender our constitutional rights, and make a mockery of democratic values, or “otherwise the monsters will win.”
It is doing this by switching the face it wears from “left” to “right,” then back to “left,” and then back to “right,” then “left,” and so on, because it needs our cooperation to do this. Not all of our cooperation at once. Just one cooperative demographic at a time.
It is succeeding at this—i.e., the system is—by instrumentalizing our fear and hatred. The system could not possibly care less whether we identify as “left” or “right,” but it needs us divided into “left” and “right” so that it can feed our fear and hatred of each other … one administration, one “emergency,” one “war” at a time.
There you go. That’s the War on Whatever. I cannot make it any simpler than that.
Oh, and, one last thing … if you are one of my former fans, like Rob, who are confused about my “insights,” or allegiances, or whatever … well, the piece you just read should clear that up for you. I’m not on a side. Any side. But I do have a few basic democratic principles. They do not change depending on what is popular at the moment or who’s occupying the White House.

The thing is, I need to be able to look myself in the face in the mirror in the morning and not see a hypocrite or … you know, a coward.
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CJ nailed it. 💯
Never forget!

Whatever it was, it was in the past sha!

We cant everybody live in the past good ol’ days sha. Some of us are YOUNG and wanna live NOW of today and for the future, and not for the past! Finish yr tea slowly and duly.
From time to time, we have to step back and discern the difference between principle and reality…hopefully you understand this, CJ.
Great article pointing out (among other things) the ludicrousness of left / right politics these days, only to garner comments from people about why trump is good or not….oh brother
“People often say that there is a war against Nature, and that this is the third world war.”
END CIV Resist Or Die (Full)
“END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations.
Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?”
About subMedia
“Poilievre said that because the Ring of Fire holds large deposits of critical minerals considered important to national security, Canada could claim some of the infrastructure spending in the region toward its NATO commitment to spend at least two per cent of national GDP on defence.”
‘Poilievre says he would approve mining permits in Ontario’s Ring of Fire region within six months
The Canadian Press
Rianna Lim
Mar 19, 2025
“Over hundreds of years, our lands, our territories have [received] a lot of interest from governments, including the government of Ontario, government of Canada without the proper free, prior and informed consent,” Mamakwa said. “If they fast-track anything, I can be clear and be sure that our people will protect these lands, not just in the courts, but it’s going to be on the lands.”
‘Poilievre criticized for pledging to fast-track Ring of Fire without Indigenous consultation
Rajpreet Sahota, Faith Greco, Kate Rutherford
Posted: Mar 19, 2025
“Our very existence is under attack,” said Neskantaga Chief Chris Moonias. “We need to rise as nations and stand together against colonialism and oppression to defend our lands and our ways of life for future generations.”
‘First Nations ‘take a stand together’
Mike Stimpson
Jan 23, 2024
“I would like to live on this Earth where there are trees, air to breathe and [where I can] hear the birds sing,” said Grassy Narrows’ Chief Rudy Turtle at the rally. “I’m thinking about our future generations, and for that reason, we are saying no to nuclear waste.”
First Nations rally in Thunder Bay against nuclear waste storage
Serena Austin
May 09, 2024
‘Holding in the deep: what Canada wants to do with its decades-old pileup of nuclear waste
Emma McIntosh
Jan. 19, 2022
“On Vancouver Island, karst researchers hustle to save one of Earth’s most underappreciated—and fragile—ecosystems: an ecosystem hidden in plain sight.”
‘The Cavernous World under the Woods
Bruce Grierson
November 20, 2018
Leaders of northern First Nations rally at Queen’s Park against Ontario’s mining push
Kris Ketonen
Jul 20, 2023
Speaking of Nature
Robin Wall Kimmerer
June 12, 2017
“At the time of writing of this article, the comment period for these proposals from Noront had closed. However, another suite of proposals to issue early exploration permits has since been posted on the Environmental Registry, with comments being invited until Dec. 30. Together, the proposed mining permits and the approximate 2,000 mining claims they represent, pose a high likelihood of cumulative impacts to the boreal, James Bay Lowlands region.
Again, environmental and Indigenous organizations have responded, noting the posting of these additional exploration permits illustrates Ontario is not listening to calls by affected First Nation communities to halt Ring of Fire decision making. These permits, if approved, would also open up exploration activities in what is the second largest peatland complex in the world, and home for nearly 40,000 Indigenous people across 35 communities whose food, medicine, cultural and sacred spaces for traditional practices and ceremony are sustained by the area’s extensive river networks and wildlife habitats.”
‘Blog: Mining injustice: Exploration, decision making, community voices in Ring of Fire
Kerrie Blaise and Brady Reid
Dec 22, 2020
“Come out and fight. It is a good day to die. Thank You for making me a Human Being. Thank You for helpin’ me to become a warrior. Thank You for my victories, and for my defeats. Thank You for my vision, and the blindness in which I saw further. You make all things and direct them in their ways, O Grandfather. And now You have decided the Human Beings will soon walk a road that leads nowhere.”
Little Big Man / Chief Dan George / Gratitude Speech – 5 min
Gold? Mining gold permissions. Those bastards!
Trying to repeat the toilet paper fiasco of 2020?
As you maybe know, AP and Reuter are feeding the 6 gigantic MSM corporations in the global West with perception management news.
On youtube you can find videos of various TV stations repeating the exact same bs out in the public……from the Rothschild and Rockefeller financed centralised AP and Reuter.
What do an orange man do if he wants to strangulate the Deep State and Make America Great Again? He kicks the AP and Reuter out of the white house.
In the enclosed link you can hear AP whining and screaming about their reach is 4 billion people.
AP journalists testify over White House revoking access
Zeke Miller, AP’s correspondent in The White House. Evan Vucci underscored thats its photos reach 4 billion people globally. AP is the golden standard.
AP was closed out from the White House and Air Force One – …………………LOL
You can say what you want about Trump, yes he is not perfect, but he is refreshing from the stony fossils we are used to. Make my day!
Amen: Trump is absolutely, unequivocally, undeniably “not perfect….” In fact, he left perfection in the dust eons ago, along with decent, moral, truthful, dependable and law abiding. Truly a man to place on a pedestal.
Your hero on pedestal: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize – Wikipedia . B. Obama . The man who started 5 wars in his time ….. to make peace!
The Nobel Committee’s decision drew mixed reactions from US commentators and editorial writers across the political spectrum, as well as from the rest of the world, and some commenters on OffG, but not Howard.
Howard was obsessed and focused on Trump.
As it so happens, I believed from day one that Mr. Obama was a complete fraud. If I hadn’t already decided, his “Father’s Day” speech before an audience of black men convinced me. Had I been there and been black I would have gotten up and stormed out – it was a speech TOTALLY geared to white racists, who Obama knew he had to win over to get elected.
BTW, no one should ever ascend a pedestal during their lifetime. Only upon their death, when their lives can be seen more accurately.
You are hanging in a very thin thread Howard, but I gave you a thumb up anyway for performance.
I say that it (e.g. the AP expulsion) is entirely performative. That is, it’s not part of a plan – being a thought-out strategy intended to lead to some desired outcome. Of course, it will presumably lead to some or other outcome, but it’s unlikely to be good for MAGA.
Why have you changed your tune.?
Trump45 was a military operation – the objective being to counter the global re-ordering plan of the MRC (see earlier post). The Trump45 operation was run by Christian Zionists (Pence, Pompeo, etc). Trump-the-person was tasked with winning the election and creating the theatrical appearance of being POTUS. The degree to which he was cognizant of the overall operation was always in doubt.
In May 2023, Kissinger conceded defeat to Pax Americana. In 2024/25, Pompeo is dancing with the IDF and declaring victory over Iran and Iranian proxies.
The intention by Pence & co had been to continue with the “smooth transition” to Trump47. However, the Trump movement was being hijacked by Putinista (Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, etc), Project 2025 and Dark MAGA. Consequently, Pence & co formed a uniparty alliance and switched to a new plan. This allows Trump47 a free rein with the expectation that it will crash a burn – as it appears to be doing. Although this is preferable to some of the other possible outcomes, the world ends up with an Atlantic Magazine view of history.
I think so too. But it shows that Trump has some instinct for what is right and wrong.
Its is not right that a simple journalists should held the stick for the whole White House orchestra with a reference to he and his Rothschild company’s photo global reach of 4 billion people.
The episode tells us a lot about real life, our reality with AP and Reuter and their media attitude to the world.
While not hard to see operating at the level of our ‘world’ the ‘war on’ mindset is generally THE default for the mindset in belief that getting is winning over another’s losing.
A lack-based identity must seek outside itself for completion or fulfilment – not as truly shared value but for Getting or boosting a sense of lack seeking immunity against total loss.
Polarised identity feeds extremism, breakdown of communication and systemic or structured failure. But to the conflicted mind will always be assigned to the other or to external agency-while the victim justifies grievance by attack – perhaps masked rather than open, but resisting real communication or relationship by demonising the Other.
The use of a masking proxy or pretext to justify to self and others is a narrative identity or masking persona.
Just as with money, a token representing value can become valued for its own sake and a ‘world’ for getting replaces an appreciation for giving and receiving value.
The focus in the ‘world’ as a gain of fiction runs as claim of function, but once given meaning as a means to Get, will such ‘meanings’ become the lens of a subjection to limitation and division.
The real world is what we can wholly or truly give and receive. This cannot and need not be quantified, patented or commoditised as it is the extension of the Gift that we are, but for getting.
There is no communication between truth and self-illusion, yet there is a bridge of transition from fear to love – where each is undone of seeming to be the other, for who loves to hate must fear to love.
Love waits on willingness.
A ‘free will universe’ is not a licence to kill but wholly un-coercive love.
Unselfconscious joy needs no justification or apology.
There is no substitution for love’s fulfilment.
Bottoming out is ‘letting in’.
A world of lies offers every which way to engage as if THIS time you will win… Regardless the massive ‘history’ of grievance-compounding ‘solutions’ it seeks your attention by guilting conflicts of emotionally charged investment.
Gaslighting includes setting up ideals by which failure is guaranteed. Such cop-out clauses boost self-conviction as pre-emptive denial of love. Because ‘unworthy’. But only as needed, for unworthiness can broadcast to life and world.
Perpetual grievance masks in narratives of justifiction. Will pain of isolation break the investment in a ‘counter-measured’ reality distortion?
How urgent is the Peace of being as the truth that heals the mind that made a world to suffer and die in?
Its past the point of fear and controlled silence using the anti Semitism control mechanism.
Its clear that the Zionists have created a power base in all countries through facilitating friends and colleagues into powerful positions in governments, media and major corporations. They also control the central banking system.
Anyone who thinks that supporting Israel is the right thing to do has either been bought, is a Zionist, is pro genocide, is being blackmailed, is a coward, happy to see the destruction and torture of a people, including tens of thousands of kids.
Anyone wanting another Holocaust memorial in London should get to fk. Lets have a memorial for the millions of dead by the hand of bankers wars. (All wars are bankers wars).
Muricunt. Go away.
…and take me with you. Fixed.
The Atlantic has an article entitled ‘The Return of Meat’ ( I won’t put a link – it requires a subscription). Having spent years lauding veganism, why suddenly the volte face? It couldn’t be wanting those testosterone levels back up for the incoming wars, could it?
For “meat,” read crickets.
High protein vs carb effects on stress hormones and testosterone:
Don’t confuse high stress levels / aggression with testosterone levels.
Excellent, thank you.
Recent discussion between John Waters and Dr T Kozinski attempted to clarify how it is that so many people are ‘in’ or welcome this tyranny like it’s what they’ve been waiting for.
unfortunately it looks like the only way out is through
Trump didn’t ‘start the fire’.
He’s just fanning the flames:
We’re STILL taking our shoes off to get on a plane because of what one nut did (and failed at) 24 years ago!
(AND he was put up to it by our own government.)
Finally one cj article that I was able to read until the end. Only well known facts, little book promotion and some quarrel with one of the readers. I call this a progress. Still a mystery about what he sees in the mirror
Same as the rest of us:
A two dimensional, reverse image of our bodies.
No depth, no mystery.
A war alright; on sanity and common sense:
‘Every major element of the official Covid narrative has been proven false: The origins of the virus, the validity of PCR tests, the suppression of early treatments, the denial of natural immunity, the so-called “safety and effectiveness” of vaccines, and the utility of masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports. Yet those who questioned any part of it faced unprecedented ostracism and persecution.’
A long, but comprehensive analysis;
… and now they are frantically pushing the narrative of a lab origin of the “virus.” Anything, so long as people continue to believe in their virus god on which all the lucrative vaccines hinge on.
🤑 Corparasites run amok.
That piece by Joshua Stylman is truly excellent and well worth a read.
Yes, l filed it away.
I’m a bit taken aback by how easy its been to shove all this ridiculousness down the throats of the public. Its really the mass media that’s the problem. They repeat key phrases and concepts over and over** when they really should be acting very skeptically about the way that there’s always some spokesperson with a glib explanation ready to keep them informed.
I’m watching last week’s Signal SNAFU with interest not because of the actual incident — contempt for the law and a general air of hubris is SOP for this crew — but rather the media’s reaction to it. The instant spin which was barefaced lying by Administration officials. The way that media outlets swallowed and repeated the BS, eventually grudgingly noting the problem (because this particular elephant is a bit difficult to explain away as a figment of a deranged imagination), None of this is particularly surprising to people who’ve been watching but maybe, just maybe, some heads may start to turn.
(**Goebbels might have been a Nazi but he was also a master of his craft. Simple messages, endlessly repeated, was one of his notable techniques. The modern newsroom ‘style guide’ how messages are managed — certain key turns of phrase and descriptive adjectives are required to be inserted into copy.)
ROTE, with flashing lights, dramatic or soothing music to tease our emotions, serious looking expressions (This IS serious), manipulated images and confirmation by the ‘experts’, the authorities and celebrities.
Goebbels wet dream, in other words.
2025 U.K Labour Party has promised an end to austerity.
Not to mention the knock on effect of people losing carers allowance. Essentially, if you don’t get your 4 point descriptor, you and your family will be returned to the days before he welfare state, where the family shouldered (or not) the entire responsibility, physical and financial, for the disabled person.
Even the Tories could not have been more ruthless. Increasing reliance on unpaid carers.
Benny Fitzpatrick Welfare Rights Officer,
Time and time again people fall for theses people
Tuesday 2 April 2013 Benefits:Osborne Defends Welfare Shake-UpThe Chancellor insists that those who “get up in the morning and work hard” will be rewarded in the coalition’s welfare reforms.
I recently signed on for Universal Credit. Before the first payment was made I landed a job. I expected the benefits to simply stop. But no. They want to keep paying me (at least something) but make me attend regular meetings at the job centre. I’ve already taken one (unpaid) day off work for a meeting allegedly to help organising self-employed status (a feature of how this job runs.) It was no help at all, just a way to give me grief and and make me look for a better paid job.
Apparently “minimum wage” is not something nice we are given, it’s a demand by the government. Wow. How did I not realise this before!
Now they want me to take another (unpaid) day off work to discuss my retirement options. They are giving me more grief now I’m working than when I was eligible for full benefits.
Needless to say, once my pay starts rolling in, I’ll tell the job centre to get stuffed. This Universal Credit system is dodgy as Hell.
Tis the Fat Controllers.
Obese with avarice and slaves to Mammon.
To understand, The War on Whatever, further.
The Children of the Devil 42
Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded and came. For I came not of myself: but he sent me. 43
Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. 44
You are of your father the devil: and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and
the father thereof. 45
But if I say the truth, you believe me not. 46
Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me: 47
He that is of God heareth the words of God.
Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God.
So simple and logical words of truth!
11.The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.
12. And further, by these my son, be admonished, dont make any additions/subtractions, for of making many books there is no end; and much study is weariness of the flesh.
Not much of a test when it allegedly, already knew the outcome – that Job was a gullible a-hole.
What a crock-o-sh*t.
I see this case as Satan was a gullible a-hole.
How could Satan ever be so stupid to think he could test Job when everybody with just a little intelligence would already know the outcome?
But you see Satan on top of a throne, and Job and God as miserable and gullible. All right, no problem, your choice. We are different. Go party Luny.
Viagra Boys Live at Lowlands.
Your habit of jumping to the wrong conclusion is, now, well established.
Satan and Job are both gullible a-holes playing their part in a perverse game designed by the, alleged, deity with known outcome – it holds all the cards.
Creation: an exercise in futility for the created.
There is zero difference between free will and direction when the, alleged, infinite number of paths lead to one that was already known to have occurred.
What a crock-o-sh*t.
You have to understand the basics and background. Then you will understand that God has perfectly done his side as he should.
You were kicked out from paradise, condemned to death, first 1000 years (Metusaleh) then 100 years. You were crying to God on how you should live this new punished life. God made 10 Commandments which you overpissed and shittet at too. Good made new additional rules only to help you through the night. You overpissed on them too.
So why are you still here? God said to Lot that he would delete Sodom and Gomorrah because they sinned too much. Lot asked what if some innocent would be killed?
God answered if Lot could find only a few innocent people in Sodom and Gomorrah both cities would be saved.
This tells us why we are saved too. Because among us there are still although few, some men of justice who fear God!
End of story is, that it is understandable that mankind is pessed to be forced to live under these conditions, but that you have been duly advised and answered not only one but many times.
“some men of justice who fear God!”
Quite right to fear a psycho.
Only the gullible and other psychos’s could love such an it though.
Remember to keep sliding round the throne in the correct direction when the new random command is announced otherwise, most of us, will see you sooner than later.
From time to time a parent likes to expose their kin to suffering, especially when they know it’ll be a positive outcome in the end. This is a lesson to all, a lesson to endure, to help one another in grief, and to trust in God who will not forsake us.
“God who will not forsake us”
That’d be a first for a psycho:
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”
“ God will not forsake us “
Indeed !
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
“6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
Unless, of course, you get pissed off crawling round and round and round the throne and decide absolutely anything would be less boring than worshipping it which created you for the pleasure of it’s psycho will.
Good idea if you get up off your knees if you had any left after praising Hazmat Putin.
” Get thee behind me Satan ” or in your case is it a 1% er with a Masons hammer !
Terrific insights. Is it time for complementary outsights indicative of what could be done — other than the preference for “stopping” the current dynamic and the many arguments in favour of doing so?
CJ continues to fear and evoke the ancient demons still colonising and shackling the leftist mind: ‘global capitalism’, ‘the system’ etc. But it really won’t wash; these labels have no moral agency nor agenda. But individuals of the globalisg elite certainly do. Time to name those responsible for imposing endless modern evils on us all, and also their tribal identity.
How does such a thing come to be?
More racism against the white coloured. Why are the leftists so pessed on us?
Because we work.
We work, we design and construct houses, we farm, and earn real money and create real values and civilisations, and because the Leftists are useful idiots for the super-rich, the real racists, the supremachists, and the ‘exceptional’.
Just a Thank you for putting it so clearly!
In principle yes. But you can not overcome this situation as you do:
“I’m not on a side. Any side. But I do have a few basic democratic principles.”This is not enough, and further it is a meager deal to give to a thirsty and hungry public.
“Everyone’s toil is for their mouth, yet their appetite is never satisfied.”Ecclesiastes 6:7.
9 Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people.
10 The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. Ecclesiastes 12:9-10.
13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Ecclesiastes 12:13.
This way you do not chose sides between Liberals or Conservatives, Socialists or capitalists. The poor’s or the rich’s side. You choose God’s side.
What a bunch of TDS infested brainwashed idiots posting here. YES…go ahead and just assume that Trump’s actions have a completely nefarious intent…YES…go right ahead and let illegal scumbag criminals kill and rob American citizens “just in case”…This website used to be pretty good, now it appears a causality of intelligence service reverse mind fuckery…
Amen! They’ve gone beyond cynicism to… I don’t even know WHAT to call it..!
Orange Jaffa Cake.
Whatever !
Whatever !
And just think, its the best one around, and not cause you’re here, you could be anywhere but here, but you choose to come back and realize, the world has gone to hell in a hand basket while you were asleep.
And now you wake, angry and vindictive, with no where to turn but insults, so, thanks for the insults, and see ya, don’t want to be ya!
Whatever, sure annoys him…
Whatever !
Then there’s Twatever.
Trump will forever be a Twat.
Take some meds for your TDS…
I’ve been to a detoxification center and now clean and sober from TDS.
Got TAS.
Trump Awareness Syndrome.
Greed begets greed.
It always has.
Oooooohhhhh…you so intelligent Johnny
Thanks Possum.
All it takes is the desire not to be brainwashed…either way
Yes, all he wants to do is destroy Social Security. What’s wrong with that.
Get educated!
Ohh so you are on Social Security. Let me guess, you participated in the My Lai massacre yes?
Pension, and bad bad Trump now out to take yr bottle and Harley away from you.
Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization from Venezuela. Tren de Aragua is led by Héctor Rusthenford Guerrero Flores, alias “Niño Guerrero”; he was incarcerated in Tocorón prison, which then functioned as the organization’s de facto headquarters.
Same production company that brought you this.
They did 9/11?
I could tolerate the loss of democracy (real or theatrical.) I could even live with a totalitarian government.
But why must these lowlifes set out to diminish our quality of life even when there’s zero benefit to them? They simply hate us. They must be mentally ill. Is mental illness that advantageous in getting into power?
“An unjust man is detestable to the righteous, but the one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked one.” [Proverbs 29:27]
See? How the Bible gives an answer to all desperate questions!
Why, why, whyyy Mr. Anderson.
That does not make sense.
But why must these lowlifes set out to diminish our quality of life even when there’s zero benefit to them? They simply hate us. They must be
mentallyspiritually ill. Ismentalspiritual illness that advantageous in getting into power?What baffles me is that the majority are blind to all of this, and there lies our problem. In a democracy, those with insight and a brain cell are always the minority.
Its like good old Andy Burnham, always the good guy. You can bet your bottom dollar he is shoehorned into power on a tide of people’s support, like Trump, and then we will find out what he really is all about.
Yeah, and ‘good old’ AB got just 20% of the electorate to vote for him at his last attempt. Some mandate to lord over the blighted Mancs
Holy f*ck, the “opportunistically taking advantage of a real problem” brigade out in force again here today.
Roll on 2035 – please, please.
The Bukele Model was a small-scale experiment testing different strategies by which a charismatic, messianic, and authoritarian figure could dismantle a country’s constitutional order with the approval of the masses; everything that was successful is being implemented by the second Trump administration. The goal at the most superficial layer is to complete the construction of the Electronic Government (e-government) as part of the scaffolding for the goal at the deepest layer: the noogenesis of the Planetary Bio-digital Golem as a portal to Platonic Space (Æther) for the entry of a Non-Human Intelligence into the physical world (Assiah).
If this seems too “Occult” or “SciFi” for you, I recommend reading the essay by SynthBio expert Michael Levin, entitled “Ingressing Minds: Causal Patterns Beyond Genetics and Environment in Natural, Synthetic, and Hybrid Embodiments.”
Of course, one must apply the hermetic principle of the correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm (the Holistic Doctrine of the Cryptocracy) to understand that what Levin does at the microbiological level also applies at the Superorganic level in the hybrid planetary system that they are creating by merging the biosphere and the technosphere using converging technologies: Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno-Socio.
The war is (was) real. The MRC [1] had a long-running plan to undermine the US. That plan involved importing terroristic, gangster armies – MS-13, Tren de Aragua. Whereas Trump45 [2] countered this chaos with low-key, highly-effective professionalism, Trump47 is mostly engaged in performative pseudo-masculinity; i.e. D-headism. I therefore conclude that something has changed!
Colorado Town Being ‘Overrun’ By Venezuelan Gangs
Aug 30, 2024
That criminal nuisance was reportedly the Venezuelan gang known as Tren de Aragua (TdA), who were operating in the area.
[1] MRC: The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy; aka The City of London, Bilderberg, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger & Co, etc.
[2] I assume the Trump45 operation was largely run by Pence, Pompeo, etc with Trump-the-person merely tasked with creating theatrical distractions.
You have to admire how it is done. The ‘left’ organises the immigration chaos, so that when the ‘right’ comes along and walks all over the rule of law, the MAGAtards who were so upset about constitutional rights not so long ago applaud energetically, forgetting that the Covid crimes have been cleverly swept under the carpet and that precedents are being set to get them when the time comes.
MY God…what ignorance!
Are you drunk?
no. just too much Whatever !
Whatever !
It’s true in the Big Picture world that it matters not who sits at the Oval Office in the US. But we have not – repeat: NOT – yet reached the place in our journey through human existence when ALL Little Pictures have been cleared away. And these myriad Little Pictures (we call them “everyday life”) do shake and quake and sizzle according to who’s calling the shots.
“Calling the shots” is the same as the “style” of a particular puppet. Biden’s style, for instance, was to mumble his way among the people, then have his mumbles interpreted by minions. Trump’s style is to yell at people then purr at Big Ideas he finds appealing (like turning Gaza into a Riviera). And our co-president Musk’s style is to fumble with a chainsaw with just enough dexterity not to sever important parts of his body (some would even say his brain belongs in that category).
So let’s divide (uh-oh, here come da binary!) the week into Big Picture and Little Picture days. How about Monday, Thursday and Friday for the Big Picture and Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday for the Little Pictures?
The laws of nature call the shots, its the human race that takes the wrong turn.
Little Pictures, you say… Reminds me of
Alternatively Opera (grandiose & foundational narratives) as opposed to operette (the baser passions)
The people behind the “Musk” operation (I assume he’s just a front) are throwing large amounts of money at winning the elections it sees as critical.
Elon Musk will visit Wisconsin on Sunday ahead of the state’s high-profile Supreme Court election. . . . The visit marks an escalation of Musk’s campaigning in Wisconsin, where the Republican-backed Brad Schimel faces Democratic-backed Susan Crawford in an election that will determine control of the state’s highest court. Musk’s political organization, America PAC, has spent more than $12 million on the race, according to campaign finance disclosures, and he personally gave $3 million to the Wisconsin Republican Party.
Can Elon Musk Buy Wisconsin? Ari Berman on Billionaire-Funded Attempt to Flip State Supreme Court
Democracy Now!
Mar 27, 2025
After spending over a quarter of a billion dollars on Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign, Elon Musk is pouring money into a Supreme Court election in Wisconsin. Musk has spent more than $18 million to support Trump-backed candidate Brad Schimel over liberal Susan Crawford and has been paying Wisconsin voters $100 to help flip the state’s top court. This election could impact abortion rights, unions and Republicans’ ability to keep gerrymandered districts in place to control Congress. “The level of corruption at play here, the level of money at play here, really is a warning sign for what’s happening to our democracy,” says Ari Berman, voting rights correspondent for Mother Jones magazine.
Jim Gottstein on Due Process
The Illegality of Psychiatric Imprisonment, Forced Drugging and Forced Electroshock in the U.S.
Sep 27, 2012
This video, shot by Lise Zumwalt, is of a presentation by Jim Gottstein at the 2011 PsychOUT conference in New York City, where he talks about how people’s constitutional rights not to be locked up and drugged or electroshocked against their will unless certain conditions are met are pervasively ignored.
The war on social security fraud – bad! Let it happen, turn the other cheek.
Nailed it! The question then becomes what is the end game. Revelation 13
Revelation is a psy-op, and the whole Jehova-vs-Satan thing is yet another false binary.
Come on Seamus. It is something you believe yes? You believe in what you say. 😅 .
So bad vs good, black vs white, night vs day, heaven vs hell, up vs down, blue vs red, god vs devil, angel vs demon, “is just a psy-op false binary”…………….LOL.
For instance…the catholic church is a centuries old mind fuck….
So what, they have accumulated a lot of money over those years, and done their fair share of damage, but then who hasn’t?
They will never approach the evil of Zionism…
Who said there had to be a competition for evil, like minds?
Who said there was?
Whattabout Trump?
HE is more evil than Zionism, Hitler, Pol Pot, Dulles, and all other bad bad BAAAD guys………together! The resultant of evilness. Yes?
Holy shit…take some meds!
And yet the reality is exactly that call it whatever you like.
The legend of Brahma and Saraswati/Sarasvati briefly: Brahma married his daughter (but – because, as it is characteristic of religious stories, history flows in several versions – in one version, she is Brahma’s sister) Sarasvati.
The legend of Abraham and Sarah: Abraham married his half-sister (“my father’s daughter, but not my mother’s”).
Brahma married his daughter Saraswati
Abraham married his half-sister Sarah”
“In India, a tributary of the river Sarasvati (also and deified mythological river first mentioned in the Rigveda) is Ghaggar.
According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant”
So, which story is older than the two? (Indian’s Vedas)
Abraham and Sarah are completely fake, just a retelling of Indian mythology.
If the story is divine and telling a truth, retelling is not a fake.
Let’s say it is a “psy-op.” They’re still telling us what the script is.
Yes. That script is the religion itself.
During global Operation Covid, most of the Christian priests were good little performing seals, promoting the fear-mongering, justification, evasion and jabs.
Yes they did, and thereby revealed they are not of their claimed Father, but of Lucifer.
Luciferase – Wikipedia . Microsoft did file a patent application for “cryptocurrency system using body activity data” which was given the number W020200060606 .
Luciferases can be produced in the lab through genetic engineering for a number of purposes. Luciferase genes can be synthesized and … See more
But the contra story says, the application was filed in 2019 and does not mention implants, 5G or vaccines. Contra story here.
Whatever again. Facts: Lucifer named, 666 number, genetic (DNA) engineering, used in among other vaccines hereof the controversial Corona.
What a ridiculous so-called article. I’ll bet you would not be spewing this fucking shit if one of your family had been killed by a benevolent tattooed thug,,,asshole!
Ah yes, swallowing the “spooky wetback ese” strategy of tension angle like it’s the worlds largest phallus, wonderful!
That’s the ‘beauty’ of choosing violent non-US citizen gangbangers as the example to deport to El Salvador.
The people who live in the communities plagued by them will say good riddance and much of the public at large won’t be shedding a tear either.
The problem is, if the practice becomes accepted as the norm, then it risks the totalitarian tiptoe into encroaching on other civil liberties and could be used for lesser ‘crimes’.
For example; Anti-vaxxer? Enemy of the state! Off you go to the gulag.
One other thing, we are assuming that this actually took place and is not another piece of scripted theatre.
For all we know the tattied up meatheads are not now sitting on a beach in Fiji sipping Pina Coladas.
WOW…thanks for the “idiot of the day” comment…freakin’ unbelievable…
Do you not remember the Afghanistan withdrawal of US troops in 2021?
The C17 transport plane with the number 1109 – 911 reversed, zeros don’t count in numerology – very coincidental – on the side. There were accusations that it was an inflatable. Perhaps it was not inflatable, but likely a model, a mock-up. Aghans running along the side and back of the plane on the runway, smiling and waving.
If you were running for your life would you be smiling and waving at the cameras?
Furthermore, the thrust even at taxi speed from one of the jets would blow anyone off their feet. The pilots would not risk a take off with hundreds of people around it for risk of killing them or some being sucked into the turbines at the front of the engines just like a bird strike which would destroy the fan blades.
There is no footage of the plane taking off, only of it taxiing on the runway and the next video shots of it are when it was supposedly in the air and a few Aghans allegedly fell out of it.
The plane does exist as it was seen at Prestwick Airport in Scotland a year later. However, at the time it was supposedly in Afghanistan, flight tracking showed it was in Canada.
So, the long story, short is that faking events using planes is not a first. Not forgetting the infamous planes from September 2001, or should I say, no planes!
First video is the C17 surrounded by Afghans
Second is a Top Gear experiment showing the power of jet engines
Neither are they WEF Young Leaders topping up their bank accounts in sweet little Switzerland.
Brain-washed people won’t shed a tear until one of their beloved ones falls victim to the permanent state of emergency, without due process, without presumption of innocence, and dies after being tortured and violated at Bukele’s concentration camps. You see, the CECOT is where most of the gang members are, and the conditions there are paradise on earth compared to the other prisons where non members, probably innocent, go to rot and die.
Why do you just assume the worst-case scenario? In the meantime, and just in case killers and thugs should just have their way?…stop guzzling the kool-aide!
I am being realistic. I did my homework on Trump – his background and his connections.
So far, his behaviour is exactly as I predicted, including stating that his ‘presidency’ would be no ordinary one.
Another comment I wrote last year:
He has to give some ‘wins’ to the electorate to build credibility. He is being scripted as a messianic figure. There will be more than one and depending which script is being run, he could later be shown to be a false ‘Messiah’, and the next scripted one brought on stage. That role will probably go to Putin or he will be run simultaneously with Trump.
You should do some work on understanding the religious and metaphysical to realise that this about fulfilling prophecies in several religions by scripting events to cause their followers to believe it is prophecy coming true. Investigate the Mosiach and how Trump and Putin fit in to that and their connections with a certain Messianic religious group.
Another of my past comments with a very good link showing his past business dealings and his connections to Wilbur Ross:
I dont understand you here. You say Trump has been cultivated?
So what??
We are all cultivated to some extent by our environments. No one is 100% natural.
Trump has his voters, in yr comment you describe Trump being polite towards ordinary people (WARNING WARNING (THIS is cultivated)).
Trump has the pressure that everybody wants something from him.
Trump has Big MIC, Big Finance, Big Pharma to deal with. Unions. His wife, his children, his business.
Cant you guys…and girls..take down your raised finger for a moment and search after what he is factual doing for what?
I am walking away Craig David
I actually linked the wrong comment. Read this one with the very informative link regarding Trump’s business dealings and the role Wilbur Ross played in rescuing Trump’s failing casinos.
Still not good enough. Trump banned Epstein from his house, and cooperated with the Court in the case.
Cant you go to a party without being accused of being in bed with everybody there?
Ok so Trump shake hands with some Rothschild connections.
I do that every week with my bank and its employees who are also connected with bad bad guys.
Im sure some of my property loans also have bad backgrounds.
Digging dirt up from the past. Didnt you do some failures or something wrong in your young days?
Do you want us all here on OffG to discuss your past, or your role here of today?
Some weirdos would say they saved me in my young days. Why? Because they could benefit from it themselves.
Smell the coffee RR.
You shaking hands at the bank with people at the bank “who are connected to some bad, bad guys” is not the same. Unless of course you are some major mover and shaker in this world.
My role past or present is not the same for the same reasons.
However, someone (anyone) who runs for public office should be open to scrutiny and maximum transparency. Your country – I am guessing you are an Amercian – spends hundeds of millions, or is it now billlions of dollars, on campaign funding to give the public a Hobson’s choice of one of two candidates for the (P)resident and one of two parties.
Imagine if we had political offices and public sector non-elected roles including supranational ones, from top to bottom staffed by honest, incorruptible people? It would be much more difficult for corporate interests, NGOs, lobbyists, think tanks and other parties to influence, steer and interfere with public policy.
Sure. Just saying one man cant bear it all on his shoulder.
Whatever !
Are you confused Les?
RE: the invading criminals, the problem is that there are already laws against letting criminal thugs or any other illegal alien into the country, and virtually none of them are ever upheld or enforced. Likewise, laws related to them being removed. That these laws are ignored, of course, makes a mockery of the law. The immiegimmies have no right to be here. Good riddance to all of them.
Or held in Guantanamo for fk all to protect the Mossad fkrs from being exposed on 9/11.
Your the asshole Scoobis.
Where is the fucking evidence of that any of that happening? quit living in a fantasy-what-if-world! WHAT IS HAPPENING…is the removal of scumbags that the 4-year walking corpse let in by the tens of thousands…the stupidity on this website is astounding!
There are more than 20,000 release orders from the courts in El Salvador that the totalitarian regimes of Bukele refuses to comply. 20,000 innocent people, and they’re not at the CECOT, and, by the way, not a single prisoner from the CECOT has died while almost 400 prisoners from other prisons are dead with visible signs of torture and malnutrition. Your ignorance is astounding.
Why in the fuck do I care about what El Salvador does…or Palestine…or Ukraine, Russia and China. Pull your head out of your ass and for once worry about your own country…
The judiciary is usually the simplest, quickest and cheapest route to subvert legitimate government.
Bukele’s dictatorship is not legitimate, he subverted the constitutional prohibition to reelection to perpetuate his mandate.
Yet, his popularity level is through the roof. Why so? Probably because he is perceived as doing the things his citizenry actually want him to do.
So you’re one of those who believes in the polling industry. People are afraid of telling what they really think because, cough!, cough!… Hello!, there’s a permanent state of emergency in El Salvador, constitucional rights and guarantees suspended for over three years. You can’t even have a decent defense because Bukele “legalized“ massive trials. The people who blindly follows these kind of dictators are morons extremely susceptible to AI automatized mind control systems like the Cambridge Analytica Mindfuck Op.
When you have a society that functions essentially as a lawless anarchism, in the worst sense of that word, then don’t be surprised when a strong man shows up and scourges the place. The last stage of democracy is tyranny. Bukele will eventually wear out his welcome, but he didn’t take power in a vacuum.
The Western “left” is facilitating and encouraging that to the nth degree, not because most of them care about the civil rights of the criminals and freaks they coddle and support, but because they themselves want control of the whip hand.
I can see you’re trapped in the political Left-Right spectrum paradigm. This was created on purpose by the Cryptocracy to steer the human hive minds making them believe in political saviors, but, guess what? Those two wings make the same fucking bird fly. Bukele is an abortion of the same western left that you blame for his rising, until 2019 he was a member of Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), the communist party of El Salvador, and served as mayor twice with its banner.
Holacracy for the Noospheric Age is the Synthesis to your beloved Left and Right Hegelian Dialectic.
“I can see you’re trapped in the political Left-Right spectrum paradigm.”
Far from it. But “right”/ “left” are each correct in turn, as is expedient to TPTB. The “left” is completely deranged at the moment, and that will (and is) creating a reaction.
Some of us attempted to warn the “left” that all their cancel shit and censorship would bite them in the ass one day. Same deal with deportations, and I do think there are criminals who should be deported. But you would really trust ANY government or administration to do that correctly and not abuse it? After the covidiocy you damned sure ought to know better by now. You will see it though, one day. As for our stupidity, take a look in the mirror if you still can’t see how all these things done to “protect us” can’t turn on a dime and fuck us.
Its the way The Left earns a living:
Social misery, refugees, immigrants, criminals, vagabonds, organ trade, are food on the table and the road to the top for the Left.
I never said that it is not possible. Given all that we have gone through I trust no one. What I am pointing out is wrongs to this country and its people are currently being righted. THAT is the current reality. Can we not just embrace it for what it is? We can and will keep a third eye on this administration. If we continue to live in the what-if then we will still fall, and the left achieves a win anyway.
You can embrace the good all you want, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that at all. The problem is when you let that good blind you to how good can, and has, been used for not good. The one thing this site does is at least help those who read it to embrace the good, while being very skeptical of it at the same time. There’s nothing wrong with keeping one’s eyes open and realizing that much of what we are told today is blatant manipulation. Surely we have seen by this late date just how things done for our “health and safety” can be used for extremely detrimental purposes. I know, that whole idea of 12th dimensional chess or whatever is extremely tiresome, but that is how our owners play it. We ignore that at our peril.
Granted, however you cannot tell me this website is not devolving into some warped TDS, lets blame everything on Trump. Where is the outrage of what the Obama and Obiden administration did to this country? This faux author of this article dares to defend illegal scumbag gang killers! What, in the name of something that Trump MIGHT do. I cry BULLSHIT to all that!
Whatever !
Dude…did you perhaps blow a circuit? I’m worried.
les online you cant go on saying whatever to everything and everyone.
A couple of whatevers are funny but 50 whatevers are sending a wrong signal to Big Pharma if you know what I mean.
Oh you mean like in Iraq or Afghanistan. Lol.
So… flooding America with 12 million illegals parasites was not a win for the left. Destruction of our children through transgenderism was not a win for the left? so…tearing down all our institutions and making a mockery of God was not a win for the left? Theft of taxpayer’s money for decades through money mills like USAID was not a win for the left? REALLY?
Whatever !
Stuck in a loop?