MH17: The Continuing Charade
by James O’Neill, from New Eastern Outlook The Sun Herald (Sydney) of 22 May 2016 reported that the Australian families of the MH17 disaster had “served” the European court...
CBS and its (new?) Matrix trick
Many of our readers will be familiar by now with the common practice of our mainstream media – the Guardian has become notorious for it -- of censoring political...
The Myth of the Spoiler: Why the Machine Elites Fear Democracy
by Richard Moser from CounterPunch Spoiler arguments are part of an interlocking set of social control discourses that too often govern our thoughts and actions regarding elections and representational...
Hillary’s Lies and the Benghazi Attack
by Janet Phelan, from New Eastern Outlook Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi testimony on Thursday certainly confirmed suspicions that she knew that the September 11, 2012 attack on the US Consulate...
War Criminal Blair Warmongers for Ground Invasion of Syria and Iraq
from New Eastern Outlook In an ideal world, Tony Blair would have been tried for war crimes years ago, and most probably would be over a decade into a...
U.S., UK, and EU, Are Now Dictatorships
by Eric Zuesse How can it be that in virtually all of the U.S. Presidential-candidate head-to-head Democratic versus Republican polling that was done of both Democratic and Republican candidates...
Documentary: Meet the Clintons
In the run up to the US Presidential election, we highlight James Corbett’s enlightening run-down of the power couple, their unsavoury histories and their scandals both past and present.
Self-censorship – coming to a laptop near you
by Graham Vanbergen, from In our article “Britain Moves From Democracy to Authoritarian State in Pernicious Veil of Secrecy”, written back in September, we described how in little...
Sweden Joins NATO’s Emerging War Against Russia
by Eric Zuesse Sweden, which historically has been a ‘neutral’ country between the U.S. and Russia, is joining the NATO buildup against Russia, allowing NATO to place nuclear weapons...
Silencing America as It Prepares for War
Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I was with Robert Kennedy...
First Deposition Released on Clinton Email Case
by Eric Zuesse The U.S. Ambassador, Lewis Lukens’s, sworn testimony in the case of Hillary Clinton’s privatization of the U.S. Secretary of State’s email is the first evidence to...
Britain’s Tax Office, HMRC sold 600 state owned buildings to offshore property company
by Graham Vanbergen There are a number of interesting facts and figures emanating from the various offshore leaks of recent times. One of them involves Britain’s tax office HMRC,...
James K. Galbraith on Greece: Austerity without debt relief
by Lynn Parramore, via DDP Economist James K. Galbraith warns that ‘unrealistic expectations’ by Athens’ creditors is a recipe for turmoil. A breakdown in negotiations may be the best...
What is to be Done with the Banks? Radical Proposals for Radical Changes
Nine years after the outbreak of the financial crisis that continues to produce damaging social effects through the austerity policies imposed on victim populations, it’s time to take another...
Brazil Coup Govt Onslaught Continues, Public Media Decapitated
via Telesur The public company will now be led by a journalist with a history of working for right-wing politicians. Michel Temer, head of the coup government in Brazil, fired the...
Coup in Brazil: the International Connection
by Pedro Marin | OutrasPalavras Auditoriums filled to the last seat, sound trucks, offices. Organizations such as the Millenium Institute, Free Brazil Movement (MLB), the Liberal Institute, the Ludwig...
US Officials Responsible for Torture Should Be Prosecuted Under Nuremberg Protocols
by Rebecca Gordon, book excerpt, via TruthOut With the Nuremberg tribunal after World War II, the United States helped establish the international principles guiding the prosecution of war crimes....
Three Horrendous Anti-Indigenous Laws
by First Peoples Worldwide, 2013, via Cultural Survival Much of the discrimination that Indigenous Peoples face is societal and economic, such as personal racism, discriminatory hiring practices, a misunderstanding...
The Most Viable and Bloodless Option
by Peter Koenig, via DDP What happens when the accuser of terrorism are themselves the terrorists? – Namely the supra-national corporations and financial oligarchs acting in their own profit-driven...
The People's Economic Impact Statement for the TPP
by the TPP Resisters, April 2016 Background: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international agreement that was negotiated in secret by the Obama administration and hundreds of corporate lobbyists...