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This Week in the Guardian #13
Every week we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article...
Guardian uses misleading data to imply COVID worse than Spanish Flu
Catte Black The curious downgrading of the 1918 Spanish Flu case fatality rate, which I looked into March 9,...
Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented Heights
Kit Knightly
Another day, another round of shrill headlines. The coronavirus could spread to “every country in the world” (like chickenpox),...
Owen Smith and his fantasy league EU
Philip Roddis Remember this man? It’s close to three years ago he split the delightfully small Anyone-But-Corbyn vote when...
Guardian getting behind Beto O’Rourke?
Kit Knightly
Headlines are important, sometimes they’re the only part of any story people will read. They scan over the words,...