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Our Man Yats: down to 4% support

by Vaska Strange how we don’t get to hear of these facts from our mainstream media, usually so slavish in repeating whatever the Kiev propaganda machine dishes out: “A...

DPR human rights ombudswoman: Ukrainian officials destroying bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers

An Orthodox priest stands next to the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers at a checkpoint captured by pro-Russian rebels in Krasniy Partizan on January 25 2015.Mstyslav Chernov / Associated...

VIDEO: “It seems no one heard about the truce here”

We are driving there [to Shirokino village in the Donetsk area] right after the OSCE observers. At these moments, the shelling dies down. But as soon as they leave...

VIDEO: US journalist Robert Parry says media groupthink on Ukraine most extreme ever

[…] I have to say that in all these years I can’t think of a time when there has been a [media] groupthink as single-minded as the one we’ve...

VIDEO: Patrick L. Smith: Alternative Media Tells It Right on Ukraine

From Russia Insider Patrick L. Smith is the foreign affairs columnist at Salon and author of “Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century” (2013). He was the International...

You’re either with US or you’re a troll

By Julie Levesque at Global Research Foreign Policy Magazine recently had a column called Cranks, Trolls, and Useful Idiots, in which the author, Dalibor Rohac, hunts down “Russia’s information...

US strategic military transport aircraft lands today in Lviv airport

Today 11th April a US strategic military transport aircraft Lockheed C-5 landed in the airport of Lviv, in the west of Ukraine. The pictures were published in the city’s...

Video: NAF veteran says war is going to get more violent

Some of the wreckage that was once the Donetsk Airport They learned how to fight us, we learned how to fight them, so the escalation is only going to...

DPR spokesperson: Armed conflict escalates among Kiev’s forces

Confrontation among the units of the Ukrainian armed forces has resulted in an armed conflict, the DPR Defense spokesperson Eduard Basurin stated today. “We’ve registered cases of the escalation...

Greenwald: Iranians are much talked about on Sunday morning TV, but never heard from

The usual suspects speak again . . . and again, and again . . . Glenn Greenwald provides clear-headed analysis and incisive commentary on the one-sided propaganda about Iran...

The Indy tries to sell NATO as a bringer of peace, but no one is buying BTL

by BlackCatte The Independent bravely stepped up to the plate yesterday to try and sell the tired, discredited meme of “NATO as defender of freedom” to its readers. But,...

Motorola denies killing prisoners

— Hello, Arsen! The “Kyiv Post” blames you in killing 15 prisoners of war according to the interview you allegedly give them earlier. So, what would you answer us...

French Intelligence: Russian Intervention in Ukraine is a Myth

Russian military intervention in Ukraine is a myth, General Christophe Gomart, France’s Military Intelligence Head has said. As reported by RT, General Gomart made his explosive comments in a...

UK Gov pays big money to ‘Demonize Russian politicians’

This extract from a form describing a project to be funded by the United Kingdom’s inter-agency “Conflict Pool” indicates one of the ways HMG is spending British tax money....

Glen Ford: Killer Cops Boost Body Count — The War on Black America

The always-remarkable, thoughtfully-provocative Glen Ford offers his latest at the Black Agenda Report: March was a very good month for killer cops: they racked up at least 111 bodies,...

Does ISIS really smuggle “$3M worth of oil” into Turkey EVERY DAY?

BlackCatte Part 2 of our series “Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS”. Part 1 is here Last summer, quoting either David Cohen, the “US Treasury department’s undersecretary...

VIDEO: Interview with locals in Mariupol

Interview conducted by 5 Kanal, a TV station controlled by the President of Ukraine Poroshenko: If I were a little younger, I would go to the war, but not...

S&P Downgrades Ukraine’s Long-Term Foreign Currency Ratings / Sputnik International

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said Friday it has lowered its long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating on Ukraine to ‘CC’ from ‘CCC-‘ with the negative outlook....

Stephen Cohen: That’s not the way democracies operate

Part 5 of Stephen Cohen Lecture, “The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Cold War?” on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies...

Odessa to Poroshenko: Fascism will not pass! Murderer!

Hundreds of angry protesters shouted “Fascism will not pass!” and “Murderer!” during Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s visit to the Black Sea port city of Odessa, Vzglyad reports. This happened...