The UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced yesterday that they are changing the way they calculate “excess deaths” across the country. “Deaths above expected” or “excess deaths” is...
Both the US and UK have seen the (attempted) re-introduction of facemask mandates amid “surging Covid cases” in the New Year. On January 9th, ABC news headlined: More US...
The latest figures from the UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) suggest that the knock-on effects of lockdown may be harming more people than “Covid” ever did, or so...
Yesterday Sky News and the Huffington Post and several other outlets all flared up near-identical headlines warning that … Covid Infections Increase For First Time In Two Months The...
Iain Davis There is no moral, legal or logical argument for mandatory vaccination. The only logical argument, from a public health perspective, would be either to reduce the spread...
The numbers speak for themselves. The "danger" - such as it ever was - is over. The curve has been flattened, the hospitals protected, the hands well and...
The Lockdown regime, ushered in by the UK government on March 23rd and enacted into Law on March 25th, appears to have led to the premature deaths of tens...