by Kit The Guardian has launched some new stories about Ukraine again recently, after months and months of saying nothing…because the only people getting shot were getting shot by...
by The Kremlin Stooge Are you familiar with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)? No? Well, have a look at their website. Not to be a spoiler or...
by Kit Greece, Tsipras and the lunatic economist It’s been highly interesting to note the slow intensification of policy when it comes to portraying Greece’s Syriza government, most specifically...
by the Saker The Washington Post appears to be completely dumbfounded by Putin’s latest approval ratings: Think Russians are tiring of conflict with the West? Not according to President...
by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated from the Russian by Denis, Gideon, and Robin It’s gratifying that “patriots” did not instantly blame Putin for the failure to achieve a full-scale rout...
By F. William Engdahl at NEO On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the...
At a meeting with the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on March 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian leader Poroshenko invited...
by BlackCatte For the past several months Stephen Cohen has been warning the world about a potential catastrophe looming in the standoff between NATO and Russia. The political and...
from As Washington continues to sound its war drums despite the second Minsk ceasefire, it’s worth asking why NATO continued to remain such a bellicose organization after the...
from Ian Sinclair Journalism We’re posting this short but significant piece because it calls attention to the current bid to erase from collective memory the part our media played,...
by ANDREW LEVINE in COUNTERPUNCH Suddenly last summer, Vladimir Putin, formerly once a decent enough Russian leader (with a few unsettling quirks), turned into a malevolent, almost demonic, force....
by Tara McCormack at The current mainstream argument in the West about Ukraine is seriously misguided and dishonest. According to Western media and politicians, Russia has become an...
by BlackCatte The Guardian’s slide from liberal, informed media outlet, to crass, Ministry of Truth propaganda-sheet, gathers pace every day. Yesterday, for example, came this offering: Vladimir Putin describes...