Video: At the frontline in Latakia, Syria

Still from the video below […] “Terrorists have many American weapons, rockets and even night vision devices. Americans teach them. USA bombed our gas plants in the East. We...

Analyst: Ukraine’s economy is dead

A beggar woman against the background of Saint Sophia’s Cathedral fresco paintings. Kiev, Ukraine, Eastern Europe. Photo Mstyslav Chernov. Political analyst Aleksei Blyuminov is interviewed by Lug-Info: […] Lug-Info –...

VIDEO: Putin’s UN speech

Russian: English: Transcript: Mr. Secretary General, distinguished heads of state and government, Ladies and gentlemen, The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take...

A troll story in 4 screenshots

by Vaska Four days ago, on September 24, we published an item about the use of multiple identities on The Guardian‘s CIF pages by people presenting avidly pro-Western, and...

Stop Bombing Syria: a Letter from Mark Rylance, Brian Eno, John Pilger et al.

via Counter Punch News Service We are gravely concerned at the possibility of a parliamentary decision to bomb Syria. David Cameron is planning such a vote in the House...

The Guardian goes into censorship overdrive over Putin’s speech to the UN

Several people have contacted us to say they had their accounts at the Guardian put on moderation within minutes of it starting its “live” coverage of Putin’s speech. From...

No Brains in Washington

by Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s IQ follows the Fed’s interest rate — it is negative. Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government...

Russia to Add Its 203rd Air Force Base — Its First Outside Russia

by Eric Zuesse According to, Russia has 202 Air Force bases, all in Russia’s various “Military Districts”; but now there is to be a 203rd one, and it will...

Jeremy Corbyn: A Generational Opportunity?

By Sequoyah De Souza Vigneswaren Progressive change is about more than just one man; it requires the strength of a collective mass movement. But Jeremy Corbyn’s success could represent...

60% of Americans Want a New Political Party

by Eric Zuesse A Gallup poll issued on September 25 is headlined “Majority in U.S. Maintain Need for Third Major Party,” and it opens: “A majority of Americans, 60%, say a...

Guardian: “Israel finally stops taking it easy on Palestine.”

by Kit After years of criticism for their soft-heartedness, and hundreds of Israeli casualties from savage stone-throwing-related terrorist attacks, Israel is finally taking a stern line on the Palestinian...

U.S. to Station New Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia

by Eric Zuesse Germany’s ZDF public television network headlines on Tuesday September 22nd, “New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany,” and reports that the U.S. will bring into Germany...

“They have a cave troll…”

In the ongoing war for human consciousness that is the Guardian’s CiF, accusations of state-sponsored trolldom and of multiple identities operated by a single individual are the currency of...

Guardian’s glowing write-up of neo-nazi Aidar Battalion in stark contrast to its mockery of separatist volunteers

Catte Black Interesting to compare Shaun Walker’s sneering piece in today’s Guardian on the foreign volunteers fighting for the”separatists”, with the grotesque and shameful fan write-up the same newspaper...

Video: Azov mob storms Kharkiv city council

Men in camouflage uniforms stormed the city council in Kharkiv. RT reports: At least 200 people wearing camouflage and masks stormed the local administration building in the city of...

UN Condemns Ukrainian Government Cover-Ups

by Eric Zuesse On September 18th, the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights headlined “Statement of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof...

In the age of media manipulation how much can we afford to take on trust?

It may be hard for some to believe the BBC was guilty of the degree of blatant fakery suggested by RT, but at the same time we have to...

Jonathan Freedland: “Corbyn should embrace insincerity! Like we do!”

by Bryan Hemming The slightest glimpse of Jonathan Freedland’s photo gets me smirking these days. It all started when he didn’t make the shortlist in the Guardian ballot for...

Independent journalist: A chaotic war of all against all is the main danger in Ukraine

A scuffle in the Ukrainian Parliament. Photo Vladimir Strumkovsky / AP Sergey Sakadynsky (pictured below), a social activist and independent journalist from Lugansk who now lives in Kiev, is...

Crimea blockade under barrage of criticism

Sputnik International reports: The Right Sector/’Tatar activist’-organized food blockade of Crimea is off to a rocky start, with a split appearing to emerge over the initiative among both domestic...