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Robert Stuart vs the BBC
It’s a David vs Goliath story. A former local newspaper reporter, Robert Stuart, is taking on the British Broadcasting...
“Saving Syria’s Children”: Response to the HuffPo
Robert Stuart News and opinion website The Huffington Post has written about my campaign to crowdfund a documentary about...
Saving Syria’s Children Documentary Announced
Robert Stuart, who has done great work analysing the BBC’s Panorama: Saving Syria’s Children, is working on a documentary...
Did BBC team responsible for faked footage of Syrian chemical attack travel under terrorist protection?
Most of our readers are now more than familiar with the bizarre events surrounding the BBC Panorama program Saving...
Evidence of fakery in BBC “Saving Syria’s Children” is now undeniable
The evidence for some form of fakery here is now undeniable. Not only are some of the major players...
Saving Syria’s Children – The Worst Case Of Fake News?
from UKColumn We’ve talked about this topic many times on OffG, but at a time when “fakenews” is a...
How far will they go to propagandise for war?
As the push for catastrophic intervention in Syria and other acts of equal insanity are being supported with ever...
More puzzles about BBC’s “Saving Syria’s Children” documentary
This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the controversial BBC Panorama documentary "Saving Syria's...
In the age of media manipulation how much can we afford to take on trust?
It may be hard for some to believe the BBC was guilty of the degree of blatant fakery suggested...