Fancy a Trip to Russia? Better Not. It's The '11th Most Dangerous' Country in the World.

by Danielle Ryan, via Russia Insider Better travel to Ukraine, Mexico, Colombia, Mali, Mauretania, Yemen, Libya, Turkey or Egypt instead. If you’re perusing the holiday brochures any time soon,...

Google: Lost in translation?

by Seamus Padraig In an article sure to breathe life into the old conspiracy theories about Silicon Valley and the CIA, The Guardian recently reported that: Google has fixed...

Owen Jones: Tough on meanness, tough on the causes of meanness

In his latest piece on Vladimir Putin, Owen Jones demonstrates the weakness of the politically left-of-centre press in the UK - and indeed the Western world as a whole....

U.S. & Allies Make bin Laden Admirer a Negotiator in Syria Peace Talks

by Eric Zuesse On January 25th, which was the date when peace talks on Syria were to start, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry insisted that the organization founded...

Geneva talks delay exposes (again) US links to terrorism

By Finian Cunningham at the American Herald Tribune As is often the case, you have to read between the lines to parse the truth about Syria –or indeed many...

Putin Calls Out Obama on a Big Lie

by Eric Zuesse In 2009, US President Obama said that the missile defense only serves as protection from Iranian nuclear missiles. But now there is an international treaty with...

Reports: Geneva talks to be catastrophic for Syrian opposition

Gulf News`reports: The upcoming Geneva talks, slated for Thursday, is [sic] expected to be a catastrophe for Syria’s opposition. The talks, which were supposed to take place today, were...

VIDEO: The curious incident of the polonium in the nightclub – UPDATED

This short, ever so slightly tongue-in-cheek, documentary interviews material witnesses and renowned experts to probe into some of the gaping holes left in the official “explanation” of Mr Litvinenko’s...

TeleSur interview: Examining the Syrian war chessboard

  The war in Syria is an unparalleled crisis. It has gone far beyond an internal political struggle, and is marked by a complex array of forces that the...

The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud

In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to...

Analysis: Syrian peace to be decided on battlefield, not in Vienna

Tony Cartalucci writes for New Eastern Outlook: The much lauded “peace deal” regarding Syria upon even a cursory examination reveals nothing more than the reiteration of Western demands versus...

VIDEO: 100s of displaced Syrian families return home in Damascus

A displaced Syrian girl holds her national as she stands in a bus in Damascus to return to her home in Qadam after a truce deal was reached between...

Analysis: Saudi Arabia, the next Syria?

Saudi border guard stands next to a fence on Saudi Arabia’s northern borderline with Iraq. Photo Reuters Schuyler Moore writes in The Bridge: The Islamic State group (ISIS) is running...

Russia airdrops aid to besieged Syria areas (w/VIDEO)

Screen grab from the video below Press TV reports: Russian fighter jets have airdropped a large scale of humanitarian aid in areas besieged by the Daesh Takfiri terrorists in Syria’s east. Sources in...

Canada’s Shame

by Mark Taliano Canadians should be hanging their heads in shame. Our government is guilty of the most egregious criminal acts as defined by Nuremberg Principles, and we are...

How Bulgaria supplied drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh

by Thierry Meyssan, for VoltaireNet; translation by Pete Kimberely The best-kept secrets must be revealed in the end.  The mafia cartel which governs Bulgaria has been caught supplying drugs...

The Facts on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Compared to the Obama Administration's Claims

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 12, 2016 Just yesterday the World Bank published a comprehensive analysis of the TPP and concluded that by 2030 the TPP will...

"Newsbud" – terrible name, great idea?

A new initiative from Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett, Pepe Escobar and Peter B. Collins. We can sympathise about the limitations of being purely voluntary. Are donation-sponsored news outlets the...

Russia declares humanitarian front in Syria

by MEE and agencies, January 15, 2016 Russian forces are supplying humanitarian assistance to civilian areas in eastern Syria following months of intensive bombing in support of President Bashar...

VIDEO: Terror in Turkey: New Bombing Highlights Turkish Collusion with ISIS/ISIL