WATCH: Meet Bill Gates

There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet.

But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates’ rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.

This is Part Four of James Corbett’s excellent documentary series on Bill Gates. You can watch parts 1-3 here, here and here. For a transcript, audio-only version, as well as links, sources and show notes clickhere.


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Jonas Aldaietti
Jonas Aldaietti
Sep 29, 2020 12:20 AM

Video manipulation? Bill Gates is asked a question at minute 7, and his answer might be from a different question (copy-paste)? Is it just me or It is a deliberate manipulation. I would like to know other people`s views.

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Jun 1, 2020 4:05 PM

New Research Study Clarifies Health Outcomes in Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Children
Unvaccinated children are less likely to be diagnosed with developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections.

by Children’s Health Defense

A new peer-reviewed study in the journal SAGE Open Medicine details the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children from three pediatric practices in the United States concludes that unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers.

Children in the study were followed continuously for a minimum of 3 years from birth. The study was based on medical records of over 2000 children enrolled in three pediatric practices and born between November 2005 and June 2015. Vaccination status was determined based on any vaccination received prior to one year of age which yielded 30.9% of the children in the unvaccinated group. Results show that vaccination before one year of age led to significantly increased odds of medical diagnoses of developmental delays, asthma and ear infections in children.

In a separate analysis, based on the number of vaccines received by one year of age, children receiving more vaccines were more likely to be diagnosed with gastrointestinal disorders compared to those who received no vaccines within the same timeframe. In temporal analyses, children vaccinated prior to six months of age showed significant risks of each of the disorders studied as compared to unvaccinated children in the same timeframe.

The study, coauthored by Dr. Brian Hooker and Mr. Neil Miller, is unique in that all diagnoses were verified using abstracted medical records from each of the participating pediatric practices.

Lead author of the study, Dr. Hooker, stated,

“The results definitely indicate better health outcomes in children who did not receive vaccines within their first year of life.”

These findings are consistent with additional research that has identified vaccination as a risk factor for a variety of adverse health outcomes. Such findings merit additional large-scale study of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in order to provide optimal health as well as protection against infectious diseases.”

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has assembled nearly 60 studies that find vaccinated cohorts to be far sicker than their unvaccinated peers. CHD is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the recent epidemic of chronic health conditions affecting 54% of children. The organization recognizes a variety of harmful environmental exposures contributing to an overall decline in children’s health.

Read the full article at Children’s Health Defense.

May 31, 2020 5:51 PM

Bill was born w/ a platinum spoon up his ass and his ethnic cleansing family has been a boil on the ass of humanity for far too long. Now his spawn will prey upon us as well. Our fight is a CLASS one primarily and the religion of choice is MONEY/POWER. Until we stop falling for the propaganda which elevates the 1 percent to wipe us off the face of the earth, we are doomed.

May 30, 2020 3:36 PM

The problem with all of the things that Gates promotes makes sense at a simple commonsense level: the level, that is, that the mostly honest, mostly uncorrupt common man or woman as well as the everyday working politician intuitively understands. In the abstract. That is the case even when common men or women or working politicians proceed to contradict that attitude in previous, the same or in subsequent sentences. Only when they are viewed from a vantage point that reveals the self-interest of a highly restricted ‘layer’ of society, along with the understanding that the inhabitants of that layer are mostly as honest and mostly as uncorrupt and as blinkered by their vantage point as all other layers of society, is that sectionalism revealed. It is of little use to attack the concepts in themselves, and it is generally only counterproductive to vilify people who, in their own environment, are as honest and mostly uncorrupted as oneself. “Stop being such a socially blind, one-eyed areshole” (or some less confrontational formulation by bullyable wussies) would possibly have a less dismissive response. I prefer confrontational but Other’s MMV.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
May 29, 2020 4:07 PM

Smart guy Gates … foisted onto the world a useless (and stolen) operating system making him a multi-billionaire – and now hopes to pursued 7 billion schmucks to have an untested (possibly poisonous) vaccine shoved into them, which will be even more profitable! Now that is smart!

May 30, 2020 3:49 PM

When the time comes, I look forward to his desperate attempts, at the age of 93, to find a way of taking a single dollar with him to hell.

Daniel Rodger
Daniel Rodger
May 28, 2020 11:34 PM

There is a saying ‘you get what you focus on, so focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want’.

May 29, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Daniel Rodger

Its more than a saying, its how the universe works.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
May 28, 2020 9:16 PM

I have just listened to this latest Corbett tape. Firstly, we all owe James Corbett a huge vote of thanks for his courage, tenacity, integrity and intelligence. A couple of thoughts came to mind: The Rockefeller who started Standard Oil in 1870, his father was a literal snake oil salesman I.e. showing an early ‘interest’ in public health. It was all down to the first investigative journalist, Ida Tarbell, that Standard Oil Monopoly was broken up By the Anti-trust laws, though it merely created Standard Oil subsidiaries.
But the timing of the rise of Rockefeller closely parallels the unholy birth of Eugenics.
Finally, James Corbett and all at Offguardian follow in the footsteps of Ida Tarbell. No-one has monopolised Truth yet, but it is a fast diminishing virtue which the eugenicists would dearly love to destroy.

May 28, 2020 12:50 PM

Would you trust that face?

May 28, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Probably, yes, if a face gave any indication at all of a person’s moral character. But it doesn’t. A great many psychopaths had faces which hid the truth about their mental state, so, really, unless one is clairvoyant, this avenue of research goes nowhere.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
May 29, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I beg to differ. Human ability to guess a man’s character has been one of our best honed senses essential to our survival. First impressions are important because they save a lot of time. Provided one always applies the caveat that we are sometimes wrong, then gut instinct is a very useful tool. There may indeed be charming psychopaths, but they are the exception who prove the rule. However, life experience will render even psychopaths visible and their charm understood as a superficial veneer.
My wife said that Bill Gates reminds her of Kermit the frog. I consider him more reptilian than amphibian. It may be the eyes darting too much, but there are many signals we unconsciously take in in milliseconds. Physiognomy has not lost face 😉

May 29, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Well perhaps you’re clairvoyant then. Let me emphasize that I am no fan of Bill Gates. I regard him with great suspicion, and the things I have read about him recently paint a very sinister picture. But “darting eyes” and other “signals we unconsciously take in in milliseconds” can also be used to justify gross racism and xenophobia, and it takes a great deal of self-knowledge to be confident that one is free of all that when assessing a person’s character.
Some people say, “first impressions are right”, but I would say that sometimes they are, and sometimes they are not. I am not clairvoyant myself, but I am old enough to have a fair amount of experience in assessing people. “Beauty and the Beast”, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” and “Cyrano de Bergerac” are, of course, our traditional ways of gently broaching this topic.

May 29, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If I could add to this, besides noting that I too consider “first impressions” to be a reliable guide to evaluating others – though I would add that it generally requires face to face encounter to be truly reliable. I would also consider the accompanying body language crucial to this “first impression.”

The first time I ever saw Bill Gates on TV was on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show – Gates was hawking Microsoft’s Vista operating system (generally considered Microsoft’s absolute low point). If you used to watch the Daily Show, you know that Stewart had a routine at the end of every interview where he bent over his desk to speak privately to his guest. Bill Gates was the one and only guest who, instead of playing along, immediately got up and walked away once his interview was over.

Now that’s telling.

May 29, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yeah, it’s very clear that he has anti-social issues. He reminds me of an older Mark Zuckerberg some.

But yeah, when a good friend from one’s teen years, who gets cancer and says that you and a business partner were caught talking about financially driving you out during the height of your plight, that’s a pretty big red flag.

May 30, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

I certainly agree that face-to-face says much more than a photo or a video clip, and perhaps many people have a sort of sixth sense about others, but the witch hunts of history did actually occur, and the facial features and gestures of many terrified women were wrongly used to condemn them to death. That said, I’m pretty sure Gates is a witch…

May 31, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  wardropper

it is best to reserve your first impression until you get to know what one’s beliefs are.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:02 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

What’s your opinion of phrenology?

May 28, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

About as far as I could throw it.

May 29, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Isn’t this all about hindsight? What if nobody had ever read a single word about the man, apart from knowing him vaguely as one of those successful businessmen involved in the beginnings of the personal computer age? I don’t say that to justify anything he is currently doing – and he is doing it, but we should also think about our own capacity to assess objectively.

May 31, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

all the best psychopaths look like your basic gated community neighbors.

May 28, 2020 12:29 PM

There is another person posting with the same name as me with 3 different avatars. I have contacted admin as the person is posting nazi propaganda among other controversial topics 3 days ago and nothing is being done.

The person is a coward as I have replied and asked why but he hides like the coward he is.

Strange how admin hasn’t done anything or replied to my e-mail?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 28, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Hank

Could you not post with a more distinctive name?

May 30, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Mike Ellwood maybe?

People can just copy your name and post things that make you look bad so it fixes nothing.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:04 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Rhyming slang is so outre’.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 28, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Hank

Change your user name to something more distinctive, as the other poster suggested. But if anyone sees nazi propaganda that isn’t detected by us and removed, please flag it for us.

May 30, 2020 2:38 PM

As if the poster doesn’t have other motives? I emailed you 4 days ago with this issue and pointed you to the problem with nazi and controversial arab italian propaganda to make people look bad? While it might not be a banned material it is being used to make someone look like a nazi sympathizer? Pushing the boundaries so to speak.

Is there any way you can check to see the ip an block them? People can keep doing this to others they don’t like by simply thinking by a writing style it’s the same person. Check the ip address and see how many different names they have and why? You might build a rapport with someone and they won’t know who you are or someone will write something bad and they will think it’s you when it isn’t?

So many ways it can go wrong.

People complain about their posts being deleted and you try and fix them but this is far worse.

If for instance someone post vile hate post can you block them or is this site free for all?

I ask because I asked the other 4 Hanks all with different avatars and the coward hides with no reply.

I’m sure admin cannot be copied and used to post by others?

May 30, 2020 3:07 PM

I don’t know how to flag but it’s in the Joe Biden story.

I copied it here,

These two were related.

1-2ReplyMay 25, 2020 12:42 AM
Only the elite may draw up Hitler comparisons with impunity. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/may/23/australian-worker-sacked-over-hitler-parody-video-has-win-in-federal-court

“A victory for the larrikin spirit”. Aha.

2-2ReplyMay 25, 2020 4:23 AM
At least he did not end up under the guillotine because he drew Victory characters.

1-2ReplyMay 25, 2020 4:25 AM
Are Southern Italians genetic Arabs? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8348963/First-study-Italians-genetic-diversity-reveals-dates-19-000-years-ago.html

This may at least explain the emergence of the mafia.

2-3ReplyMay 25, 2020 5:17 AM
What are you trying to do having the same name as me? Troll.

May 28, 2020 6:42 AM

Article’s behind a paywall – would be interesting to know why Gates doesn’t turn his “big guns” on Alzheimer’s.

“Bill Gates watched Alzheimer’s disease rob his father of his mental abilities, yet Gates has spent only a fraction of the money on research of the condition compared to others.”
Frustrated By Alzheimer’s BioPharma Research, Bill Gates Is Hesitant To ‘Throw More Money At Problem,’ Adviser Says
Bill Gates Spends Billions On Global Health. With Alzheimer’s, His Science Adviser Says, Money Is Not The Issue
He’s one of the richest men in the world. He’s sought to eradicate malaria, pledged $10 billion to help fund childhood vaccinations, and poured another $3 billion into fighting HIV. But Bill Gates has been far more restrained in bankrolling research into Alzheimer’s disease.
One of the first investments made by the billionaire’s Gates Ventures was in the Dementia Discovery Fund, which invests in novel science. But, all told, Gates’ Alzheimer’s investments only total roughly $100 million, which even Gates’ chief science adviser, Niranjan Bose, acknowledges is a “drop in the bucket.” (Florko, 10/31)

May 29, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is indeed interesting. If, as many have hypothesized, there is a connection between Alzheimer’s and aluminum; and if, as has been demonstrated, aluminum is often used as an adjuvant for vaccines – then any real investigation into Alzheimer’s might well interfere with Mr Gates’ vaccine interests. Just a thought.

May 28, 2020 6:20 AM

In 1989 “Shut Up, Be Happy” appeared on the Ice-T album, The Iceberg.


Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 28, 2020 2:33 AM

Meet Mr Rockerfeller’s mouth puppet .
Didn’t he fund the Guardian too?

May 28, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Yep, that “independent” rag has received a few drachmas from him. As has the BBC. Angelina Jolie is to present a Gates-funded show for kids on how to spot fake news. Kid you not.

May 28, 2020 8:15 AM
Reply to  Reg

The burning question: will Brad be directing it?

Can’t wait to find out!

May 28, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  Reg
May 28, 2020 2:33 AM

I know there are loads of others, and I occasionally write on them too. Not checked my Disqus account recently, but I reckon it will probably still work in the USA and across the world….not that my words made any difference, but I did get an education. I wanted to understand Americans and they welcomed me, and recommended loads of brilliant books

Currently My Number 1 Website in The World is


If they try and blast you away, we will try and get you back up

You Guys are Special.

Like a Beacon In The Dark

Thank You


May 28, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There is nobody on the internet on our side. if they were, they would be pulled or made totally obscure.

May 29, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Tilly


I’m on your side, and my son has been running an ISP (one man band) for nearly 20 years, based originally in Houston (outsourced when he was 13), and more recently in London and Manchester, though he moved all his servers to Manchester for awhile, about 10 years ago, when someone was trying to nick his business by suddenly increasing his comany’s fees x 10

He actually picked up more business as a result. You can have your servers in more than 1 location if you like.

He has no interest in religion or politics, but is very reliable, providing his customers pay their bills.

90% of the content flowing through his servers is in languages he does not undertstand,and is in extremely high volume. He has been international since he started. There is absolutely no way he can moderate anything, but occasionally works with the UK Police, and the Fraud Squad to investigate online crime.

He is exceedingly honest. Pays all his taxes. Makes enough to get by and now has a wife and two kids, and no longer lives at home with his mum and dad.

I never advertise his company, nor give his name on a blog – and thought the police had come to clean our gutters, when knocking on our door to investigate gross fraud. He said it’s O.K. Dad, – I’ve invited them.

He gets all his business through personal recommendation from his customers.

His business has nothing whatsoever to do with me, and I do not get involved, though I did use to work in the computer industry till my wife and I (who both come from Lancashire) retired in 2004.


Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 28, 2020 2:26 AM


Who is Bill Gates? He’s a fortunate fellow who became a billionaire pilfering computer programming designs from other nerdy techies. It didn’t hurt to have a wealthy well-connected mother who was chummy with the IBM Chairman and a fenagaling lawyer dad who knew how to monopolize the software market.

Ir should be mentioned, that Gates profited immensely by ensuring most of his staff were hired as contract workers. That’s a nice way of saying they were thoroughly exploited by not having any benefits or job security.

“A US state lawsuit was brought against Microsoft in 1992 representing 8,558 current and former employees that had been classified as “temporary” and “freelance”, and became known as Vizcaino v. Microsoft. In 1993, the suit became a US Federal Class Action in the United States District Court Western District Of Washington At Seattle. The Final Settlement came in 2005. The case was decided on the (IRS-defined) basis that such “permatemps” had their jobs defined by Microsoft, worked alongside regular employees doing the same work, and worked for long terms. After a series of court setbacks including three reversals on appeal, Microsoft settled the suit for $97 million.

Microsoft is the largest American corporate user of H-1B guest worker visas and has joined other large technology companies like Google in recently lobbying for looser H-1B visa restrictions.”

Entrepreneurs become billionaires from profits accrued through the blood, sweat, and tears of their workforce. The head of Apple knows a thing about that, inasmuch as desperate Chinese workers regularly commit suicide at the manufacturing plant in Shenzhen.

If we lived in a sane culture we’d be questioning the morality of one person accumulating $90 billion while most workers don’t even have $400.00 for an untoward emergency.

Societies worldwide don’t need charitable foundations, they need a redistribution of wealth. It’s obscene for a tiny sociopathic cabal to possess all wealth. Creepy oligarchs commit a slew of crimes achieve a fortune and then avoid taxes by establishing charitable BUT profitable trusts to promote a specific political agenda. In the case of Bill Gates it’s an obsession with vaccines, contact tracing, and biometric IDs.

If Bill Gates was truly interested in humanitarian concerns he could use his wealth to end homelessness in America. Hundreds of thousands of homes could be constructed for the indigent. In addition, Gates could inspire his oligarch buddies to rebuild the manufacturing plants in rural sections of the US. In fact, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Buffett should invest in rebuilding the US infrastructure. Regrettably, it’s much more profitable to put cash into COVID-19 collateral damage via vaccines or in the case of Warren Buffett acquiring foreclosed properties.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 28, 2020 2:42 AM

Charlotte have to agree to disagree we don’t have capitalism.
You want to use an “Ism” to describe the economic monopoly of the banking cabal?
We have banksterism.

There is also a lot of fear+greed in the world.
Rockefeller’s spokesman Gates is an insane career criminal , like many of the Cabal’s puppets they don’t make any sense.

Makes you rethink what “succe$s” is in this world is …might not be what the global cabal behind the latest COVID show have taught us.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 28, 2020 2:52 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

..And Charlootte we have banksterism not capitalism the reason is that your govts( *set up as corporations) borrow private money with interest from a group of banksters and so are literally owned by the Banking Cabal. The ultimate conflict of interest.
Thats why the govt don’t work for you or your interest they work for the money lenders .

Notice the increased govt borrowing and debt, done in the name of COVID.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 28, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Here’s another “ism” fueling banksterism– imperialism.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 28, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Greed and desire for control fuels the Cabal.

Its high time for some Humanism!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 28, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

I agree, but expecting humanism
from sociopaths is a highly unlikely proposition.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:09 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Particularly when they believe, religiously, that 99.5% of the planet’s population are NOT fully human.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:08 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Have you forgotten Zionism?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:06 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

What the world suffers under is really existing capitalism, ie parasitism tending, inexorably, towards neo-feudalism.

May 28, 2020 2:09 AM

The unstoppable Rappoport trains his guns on weapons of mass destruction, ie, drugs for “mental disorders”. Grim reading.


May 28, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Reg

Site does not work.

May 28, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Shruti

Correction: works, but very slow…

May 28, 2020 2:03 AM

Track and trace? How about… no.

Your illness will most likely be a cold or flu magicked into “with coronavirus” via a dodgy PCR test. So, you are going to inform on yourself to the Government and subject yourself to an interrogation about your comings and goings?

And then, if you are informed upon, and the NHS gets in touch with you to tell you to self-isolate, how about… no. “Your infomant is mistaken”, or even “I’m not ill and I’m not going to self-isolate, what are you going to do about it?”

Get a fine? Well, it’s about time someone contested the science in a court (and why hasn’t that happened yet?). And the UK Government is already on a losing streak.

The “Cummings effect”: UK Government scurries to stay ahead of lockdown disintegration

May 28, 2020 1:28 AM

A little Friday humour to inoculate you from the nasties . . .

May 28, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Reg

never trust a red beard
which one is the beard

tavistock comedy show

May 28, 2020 1:04 AM

My cousin’s son Hamish was cremated today (I mentioned him in a post a few weeks ago).

Hamish was in his 40s and suffered from heart problems. We still don’t have a Death Certificate, but I can almost guarantee that the cause of death will be stated as ‘covid 19’.

My cousin was not allowed to be there at the cremation of her son (this is in England).

The cockroaches are going to find out what anger is.

And fuck all the 77th Brigade scumbags posting long messages here.

Your time is coming…

May 28, 2020 12:10 AM

COVID-19 Action Plan & The UN’s NWO Website As The CDC Goes Door to Door

May 28, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  gordon

Watch/listen to today’s edition of UK Column. They discuss the UNNWO at length. They’ve researched it and found that it is NOT sponsored by the UN at all. Their aim? “Happytalism” – 9 billion blissful people by 2050. That is just the intro.

May 28, 2020 4:31 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

UK Column on the project using Ndaba Mandela (who is a UN ambassador) but organized by Illien Global. IG is run by Jamie Illien who claims to be a former CIA Officer, UN Iraq adviser, UN rep of Economists for Peace and Security, the head of dbFX currency traders, strategic adviser for Blockspeed.com an institutional cryptocurrency.

He is linked to child adoption charity, Illien Adoptions International, formed in 1980 by Anna Belle Illien.

“The International Day of Happiness™ was adopted by consensus of all 193 UN member countries on June 28th, 2012. International Day of Happiness™ calls on member states, organizations of the United Nations system, and other international and regional organizations, as well as civil society (including non-governmental organizations and individuals) to observe the International Day of Happiness™ in an appropriate manner, through education and public awareness-raising activities.”

Did I say dodgy? UK Column: https://youtu.be/siAkzdHilkU?t=797

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:14 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Is that the ‘Jayme’ Illien raised in one of Mother Theresa’s orphanages, then adopted by a Yank? I’m laffin’ already!

May 28, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  gordon

Essential viewing.

May 28, 2020 12:06 AM


Not for the first time Atlantic tries to shame people into submission to government arbitrary decrees and private tyranny of corporations. Atlantic makes anyone of us who have never worn face masks in last three months into sinners endangering people , a first step to witch hunt.

Atlantic quote:

Masks serve to protect not their wearers but the people their wearers come in contact with; to put them on is to engage in a basic but highly visible act of altruism. That fact alone has led to accusations that mask-wearing is a form of virtue-signaling: a smug display of moral values. The refusal to wear masks, though, recorded and turned into shareable media, is evidence of the opposite: vice signaling.

The above quote is total logical fallacy based on no evidence whatsoever spreading moral terror hijacking medicine and hygiene for political control purposes exactly like Nazis did.

First if face masks do not serve to protect wearers from public (germs can defeat mask) as Atlantic posited so why then masks supposedly protect general public from wearers’s germs. SC2 dramatic nosocomial spread is a proof of failure of masks to protect against small viruses.

Of course all that is actually total absurdity stemming from complete ignorance about viral infection dynamics which in short asserts that penetration of viruses ( 2 micron size or less) into upper respiratory track is inevitable and in no way indicates automatically viral infection of human cells (only one or less exposure in 1000 may cause viral cellular infection and only one in 1000 of those are severe enough to produce symptoms) and hence strength of general immunity not fact of exposure itself is what determines if Infection of human cells by virus ever happens and degree of severity of infection leading potentially to viral respiratory diseases.

And in fact human immune system is ready to easily defeat almost any respiratory infectious disease in young and healthy humans.

It is prolonged continuing exposure in unventilated small areas that may lead to transmission of virus with results in infection but not necessarily disease.

In Wuhan SC2 positive patients sent home to self isolate in small crowded apartments infected some of their family members after at least three days of interacting of sharing food, kissing and hugging often wearing masks etc., with notable exception of children hugged and kissed most .(another argument for SC2 being just bad common flu virus children are continuously exposed to acquire perhaps strong general T Cell memory type of immunity)

Controlled experiment performed on cats infected with that same SC2 virus showed that it took three days for two infected cats to infect third cat all caged together and another three days for newly infected cat to develop immunity asymptomatically. Similar results as in Wuhan.

There is no way in hell that young healthy person is in any danger, with or without face mask, of being severely infected by others while shopping or even participating in few hours long mass events.

Even they are safe interacting casually and intermittently with elderly who are real potential spreaders of SC2 as it take longer and more seventy Infection to solicit adequate immune response .

The young and healthy either are immediately protected by general immunity preventing infection and/or quickly (5-7 days while not being infectious to others ) develop acquired antibodies immunity without human cells being ever infected by virus that is actually present in the upper respiratory/digestive areas of a person. Only extremely small fraction of healthy people develop mild symptoms.

All of that nonsense; face masks social distancing or lockdown which no effort was made to massively boost immune system of old and vulnerable to really protect them , are based on voodoo medicine and kindergarten level epidemiology sold gullible and ignorant public to cover up and to proliferate today’s and tomorrow’s oligarchic crimes and that includes big Pharma vaccine agendas.

It is witches of MSM, government puppets of oligarchy and corporate medical liars Atlantic defends who are aggravating devastating ill effects of COVID psychological warfare event accusing rational people who refused to succumb to fear of sinning against supposed public good.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:15 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I wouldn’t call refusing to wear masks ‘vice signalling’. I’d call it misanthropic egotistic compassionless arrogance signalling.

May 27, 2020 11:59 PM

If interested here’s another recent video by Vernon Coleman.

Coronavirus: You’ve been brainwashed (Here’s how they did it)


I’ve been suspicious of Vernon Coleman because he still hasn’t been banned from YouTube (as so many others have). I’ve checked Coleman out and he does appear to be genuine; maybe someone who’s slipped through the cracks.

May 28, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  RobG

He hasn’t the biggest following so he’s under the radar for now..

John Goss
John Goss
May 27, 2020 11:19 PM

Is Bill Gates right? Is the BBC right? Is Foreign Policy author Helene Bienvenu right? Or is the president of Belarus right? On 6 June cup matches start. Up to now all the matches in the premier league and two lower divisions have been played. Today’s statistics for Belarus as I write are 38,956 confirmed cases and 214 deaths. I’m keeping my eye on this country. The article is mainstream so you get what you expect.


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:16 AM
Reply to  John Goss

Well, Sweden’s gone as the pandemic deniers’ Eden, that’s for sure.

May 27, 2020 10:52 PM

I have tried today, and had a rather long series of text messages with a younger highly intelligent friend, who potentially could have some significant influence.

He tried to be subtle about it. He wants me to go back on Facebook, maybe to publish his band – and have them all laughing at me ????

He knows I am mad. I never denied it, but it is depressing to find that even him is brainwashed. He believes all the propaganda hook line and sinker, like nearly everyone else I know.

There is nothing I can do about it, except ignore them, and continue my best to keep fit with my wife on long country walks (we don’t mention it) and growing food in our garden.

I had more success digging up an old almost dead smelly tree today, than changing anyone’s mind, about the absolutely horrific things that are going on in my country now.

They may seem to function a bit -but they are seriously braindead, and soon they are going to be impoverished, and hungry. They won’t be able to afford to pay their mortgages, risking homelessness, for their wife and kids, none of who’m are earning everythinig, and think it will be all right, and that the Tory Government will continue to pay them some money in the depths of winter, whilst their banker mates are repossessing their homes..so they can’t even grow any food in their back garden on the way to the “Nursing Home”

I don’t give up, but I can’t get through. I can’t communicate, how serious this is.

We need them to wake up, and go back to work now or we are all in very big trouble.

I see very little sign except in some young people 21-35

35-65 seem almost totally brainwashed.

Over 65’s know what’s happening in the hospitals and the nursing homes, and have decided to get fit quick, cos no one else is going to look after us.

It’s DIY now.


Old YouTube Truther
Old YouTube Truther
May 28, 2020 12:10 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

@ Tony

Yes, sadly most people have succumbed to the generational ‘brainwashing’ and really are beyond reach – at this time.

I say ‘at this time’ as they may wake up from thier slumber, so to speak, after a shock of sufficient magnitude (such as repossesion of thier home, actual starvation, or a head-to-head with state brutality, for example).

I have found (over many years) that before ‘pain’ of some description is experienced they simply will not, maybe even cannot, ‘wake up’ – no matter how much truth you offer them.

The difficulty in getting people to see the truth was symbolised in the now infamous sunglasses fight scene in the classic movie ‘They Live’ (John Carpenter) where the awakened guy literally has beat the asleep guy (who violently resists being ‘awoken’) to put the glases on and see the truth.

Years ago, back in the golden age of the Alt-Media (prior to 2012) I used to have a popular YouTube channel where I spoke of multi-generational ‘programming’, ‘training’, and ‘conditioning’, and gave firm and vivid examples through showing how people today consider as perfectly normal things which just one or two generations ago would be abhorrent (or even unthinkable).

I had a very popular video which (was to my delight has been widely copied over the last decade or so) which helped to wake many people up (no violence required thankfully, lol).

The video showed how intelligent and subtle programming, training, and conditioning of the masses since the end of WW2 has caused people to actually abandon real money.

Since WW2 most people around the World have been convinced (programmed / trained / conditionioned / coerced / ‘brainwashed’ even, to turn away from real historical ‘money’ (Silver and Gold coins) and towards intrinsiclly worthless substitutes (which are controled by our rulers).

First, people were convinced that ‘currency’ (government backed and bank issued paper ‘notes’ and steel or alloy coins with no intrinsic value) were as good as Gold and Silver and had the same exchange value.

Gold and Silver was then taken out of the hands of the masses once they adopted currency.

Today ‘currency’ in the form of intrinsically worthless pieces of paper and metal slugs called ‘coins’ are considered as ‘money’ and used a such, to the point that the vast majority of people actually do not know that Gold and Silver are / were money.

We are now all being trained, programmed, and conditioned to accept ephemeral ‘digits on a screen’ as being as good as physical ‘currency’ (which remember, previous generations were ‘brainwashed’ into thinking were as good as Gold and Silver).

We today see cash / currency being vilified, ie only terrorists or criminals use it, so it must be controled and transaction sizes and bank withdrawls limited (and now ‘it is dirty with viruses on it).

More importantly, most people have thier salary / pensions / benefits paid elctronically so they now accept, and use, digits on a screen as money. Indeed, because we can exchange them for ‘things’ like it was real money the young of today consider this ‘normal’.

Calling those digits on a screen ‘money’ or ‘wealth’ would have been unthinkable in the 1950’s, laughed at in the 1970’s, thought of as ‘futuristic’ in the 1980’s, but is completely ‘normal’ in the 2020’s.

Soon, the Governments will decide who gets access to those digits, and whatpeple can buy with them, and even how long they get to keep them (something unthinkable a generation ago). Eventually no person will be able to buy or sell anything without access to those digits – which the governments will control like the Chinese Social Credit System (something abhorrent and resembling the Biblical Beast System to previous generations).

I gave up making videos because I became so miserable that so few of my friends / family / associates could see any of this, and worse thought I was crazy. Even some of my own subscribers used to troll me saying things like ‘next you will be saying we are all going to be required to be microchipped’, or ‘the governments would have to lockdown the whole western world for that to happed’, and so forth.

It can be both painful and lonely to ‘right’ but early.

My point is, sometimes it is very hard, and very upsetting too, being able to see the big picture, beeing able to extrapalate where the ‘programme’ is going, and then warning people only to be laughed at, or worse have your warnings thrown back at you with vitriol.

In my experience, people will only ‘wake up’ when they want to wake up, or when they recieve a very significant personal shock which destroys thier current world view.

I no longer have either the strenghth nor will to help people to wake up, but I am available, able, and willing to help them if / when they choose to, or are forced to wake up.

May 28, 2020 4:11 AM

I used to work in television and it was a constant battle to ease a bit of truth into the news. My colleagues would quickly edit it out, even if the source was an MP or Congressman or an international institution. If it didn’t fit the Reuters/Economist (Rothschild) world view… it was out.

Now I can only influence only person directly, but that is fine. If we, here, preach to the converted, so what! It’s not as if there is a fixed body of knowledge. I learn every day.

Please post a link to some of your videos.

Begin at once! For we do not know
What may befall tomorrow!
Many a tempter, many a foe
Lieth in wait where’er you go
With the snare that leads to sorrow.
Begin at once! nor doubting stand,
But swell the ranks of our happy band.
— Frances Ridley Havergal

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 28, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Since you asked:

“Questioning the existence of the pandemic with researcher David Crowe !”

May 28, 2020 4:25 PM

It does not seem to be age-related. In trying to make sense of people’s bizarre behavior, I am leaning toward the hypothesis that many people have no substantial intrinsic meaning in their lives. They have been conditioned to receive external guidance on what to do with their lives. Also, many people did not have a true sense of community, and suddenly discovered an illusion of community and meaning through this false pretense.
I have recently run into some people in their twenties, who were unable to have a discussion about the current situation and were practically screaming at me about how they are saving lives and how we are in a terrible pandemic. It seemed that I was challenging their whole being. Their behavior struck me as fanatical and reminded me of the youth joining the communist party during the Soviet Union. During that time, people were demoralized and youth had no opportunities to build their own vision. Communism filled the void and provided the intoxicating feeling of belonging. The difference between those circumstances and now, of course, is that now most people in free societies have choices.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  Shruti

Pompous Rightist claptrap.

May 28, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Don’t give up Tony. Believe me, there are a huge number of us out there who don’t buy into the bullshit.

These cockroaches in government are all going to be put on trial and held to account.

And that includes all the cockroaches in the 77th Brigade, et al.

These people are all total scum, and they know what’s coming for them.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 28, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“35-65 seem almost totally brainwashed”

Not in my family Tony. And I’m in that bracket.

I don’t think the madness is age related.

May 28, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” Charles Mackay in Extraordinary Popular Delusions the Madness of Crowds.

Some may call us skeptics but I prefer to think of us as Leaders in Thought because as we know when this is all over and the forensic auditors come along and bayonet the wounded the truth will win out, well a lot of it.

I am over 70, a war veteran from 50 years ago. I have not seen so many craven fools in my life. If the Chinese wanted to take over our countries now would be the time because this lot would lay down and request a tummy rub or worse still get behind them.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

Why would China want to ‘takeover’ Anglosphere shit-holes?

May 28, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There a few in Ireland in the 35 to 45 range who don’t buy this bullshit. Not all is lost.

May 27, 2020 9:52 PM

There are priests in Ethiopia, priests in the Ethiopian Coptic Church who can excorcise this man and all his demons. Soros’, The Obamas too and The Clintons’ too. But when and how did Americans become so possessed with evil?

Behold the power of God! For man can only ever lead mankind into darkness. Behold the power of man :- predator drones, vaccines, chip implants, man-made viruses, “the internet of things”… The Amish and the Aborigines should be in charge of things around here not men like this. What does it matter how many billions he’s got if this is all he can do with his money? More importantly, how many of his billions rightfully belong to Africa? The dictatorship in Eritrea is more benevolent than Bill Gates and Hitler was both kinder and saner! Please stop giving these demon possessed entities so much of our time and energy.

Behold the power of man. Behold the power of God!

May 27, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

He’s just a geek is billy. People are making him to be more than what he is.
I’d like to see how long he’d last in the real world without his Mommy.

May 27, 2020 9:38 PM

track and trace

passport bill

desiccated visage
on screen

sickly hue

a man of

Infinite riches in a little room.

“SOME fools that will laugh on earth, must weep in hell”

― Marlowe Christopher,

May 27, 2020 9:27 PM

We see the same old pattern surfacing: the “lone nut” appearing from nowhere, leaves the murder weapon and a roomful of evidence for the police to show to the public, blanks out and is immediately transported to a government psychiatric facility for a thorazine debriefing and further hypnosis. The “Manchurian candidate” aspect of the assassin was none too subtle.

after 100’s of the same old psycho drama from bridge terrorist to school killers
this is the same shit and people still falling for it

bill gates is the lone nut, WHO is the lone nut fergy leggy is lone nut FFS cant you see it!!?

May 27, 2020 9:06 PM

Coronavirus Tracking Bracelets Flooding Market, Ready To Snitch on People Who Don’t Distance

May 27, 2020 8:44 PM

I really don’t believe dodgy Americans from the far-right school of conspiracy theories, when they start pointing a finger at some random oligarch and not the Empire which buys his services.

The CIA have many ways of deflecting the blame away from their own offices, when it comes to operations like this. Look how they have blamed the Saudi’s for 9/11. The Saudi’s, like Bill gates, are rich enough to not care what is said about them, all that is important is that the Empire is protected.

George Robinson
George Robinson
May 27, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Jollyroger

Corbett is a Canadian living in Japan with his native wife and child. His research and presentations cannot be too highly recommended.

May 27, 2020 11:46 PM

He is part of the alt-right-wing conspiracy theorists grouping along with Alex Jones, David Icke and Steve Bannon’s Breitbart and Drudge report…… they are all doing the CIA’s work, covering up for Empire.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 28, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  Jollyroger

I don’t always agree with James, but I think he’s worth listening to. By smearing him in this way you attempt to discourage people from watching.

Maybe people can make up their own minds what they think of him?

May 28, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Isn’t hearing others opinions, the way we form our opinions? seems like you only want one opinion.

George Robinson
George Robinson
May 28, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Jollyroger

Ad Hominem, yawn…
James Corbett provides references to source materials for all the videos he makes. He would love to hear from you if you’ve discovered that he has made any false claims.

Copy us in on the correspondence you have please.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Jollyroger

No one claims Eugenics Billy acts alone. It is just that he is such a sick twisted little goblin that it is easier to bring to the public’s attention the crimes against them, using him as the poster dweeb, by the Big Pharma vaccine scammer syndicate mobsters.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 27, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Jollyroger

I really don’t believe dodgy Americans from the far-right school of conspiracy theories, when they start pointing a finger at some random oligarch and not the Empire which buys his services.

Well who do you think owns that empire if not its oligarchs!

The CIA have many ways of deflecting the blame away from their own offices, when it comes to operations like this.

Funny: for a man who’s been framed, Gates seems awfully eager to accept all the blame (credit?) for this vaccine operation.

And anyway, since when is being against rich and powerful oligarchs “far-right”? Those oligarchs are the far-right!

May 27, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

‘Who rules the Empire?’

that is not what is being asked by these alt right guys. these people do not mention the Empire, it is invisible to them.

They talk endlessly about an international (jewish) conspiracy of big business, that is what they want you to believe in. It is a ridiculous conspiracy, with no backing in reality. It’s absurd.

May 28, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Jollyroger

the empire of the city of london by ec knuth
ye yes

The Broken Cross’ by Piers Compton
expensive information

a simple book all about satanick infiltration

the 13th tribe is a goodly book
a right ripping ashkanazim yarn

any book by douglas reed especially the one
on zion
eustace mullins is not to be sniffed at
especially when talking of caanan

william guy carrs pawns in the game
quite simply bloody
nails it

May 27, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Jollyroger

You haven’t watched all his videos from over ten years research on all various topics have you?

May 27, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

No I’ve not been brainwashed by the CIA, no.

May 28, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  Jollyroger

At least your user names are getting better, if nothing else!

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 27, 2020 8:24 PM

That is weird my previous comment got deleted.
Gates is Rockefeller’ s spokesman .

He, like many people, appears to be criminally insane with no grip on reality and just a desire to create his imaginings of a Utopia( “no place”).
Seems to involve a depopulation agenda through vaccinations/euthanizing. This idea/thought spread through media seems to have infected politicians (and most people, drs, nurses ,healthcare providers= yikes).

May 27, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

It’s just a quirk of the site software. Reload and refresh the page to see your comment.

May 27, 2020 8:00 PM

I was brought up as a Roman Catholic boy in England.
My wife was brought up as Roman Catholic girl in England.

As we were brought up in Lancashire, despite the fact that we gave up our religion when we were 15 picking peas and blackcurrents..well we knew we were the best. We didn’t even think about it.

I now almost feel like a Jew in Nazi Germany(1938-45) in Nazi England (May 2020).

The writing today on Off_Guardian, simply blew my head off. I couldn’t respond, cos I was so angry and it is Personal.

Thank you so much Rosemary Frei

You made my cry.

Let us out now.

“Paolo Nutini – Iron Sky at Glastonbury 2014”



May 27, 2020 7:41 PM

If you want to buy or sell, travel, work, go anywhere or do anything, you will need the Gates/ Epstein Mark Of The Beast, microchipped like a stray cat and barcoded like a tin of baked beans.
Satan is alive and well and living amongst us.

May 27, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  paul

Yes this is totally Satanic. 25,000 contact tracers hit the streets of the UK from tomorrow. Read the articles coming out about contact tracing in China, all tied into the Social Credit score. Fuck. That. However, this is a good reason to mount resistance……it’s time to boycott the mobile phone industry, or at least smart phones. Everyone should go back to 2G/3G, which impact health way less. What’s not to like?

May 27, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Mucho

In lieu of a working app, it’s relying on people snitching on themselves and others. But what happens when the snitcher and snitchee disagree about alleged contact? Who is to be believed, especially if they bring in fines? The implicit message that’s been and continues to be pumped out by TPTB since the start of this “pandemic” is, “don’t trust anyone, not even your family or friends” (Unless they have an immunity passport to prove they are trustworthy! ).

May 27, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

I’ve also taken to not carrying my mobile with me when I don’t really need it. I managed without a mobile for a large part of my adult life and somehow managed to survive!

May 27, 2020 7:39 PM

With each episode of Corbett’s Gates story it’s become more apparent that Bill Gates is a front. This episode repeats how IBM’s CEO instructed staff to help young Bill, because mummy. Like earlier episodes it confirms the West Coast software scene was homebrew and non-profit. Gates moved in and put a price and a law contract on everything.
I suspect Gates was not merely an opportunist, in the version the IBM executive retails. IBM could not have bought out the homebrew software scene openly. Only a fellow coder could have gotten away with that. Hence Bill’s role.
This would be consistent with Bill doing papa’s bidding with the family eugenics sideline. Judging from Bill’s linguistic abilities, he’s more advanced than Zuckerberg but it’s not night and day… these are rich kids who are capable of walking though an open door if mom and pop point to it.

May 27, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“lone nut they been playing this for donkeys year and it still fools the masses

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 27, 2020 7:19 PM

“Ignoring an important truth is another way of lying.”. -M. Parenti

I find illustrative of the weird world we find ourselves embedded in, the language of the California state website on covid, with this as the prelude:

“Your actions save lives.

People can spread coronavirus even if they don’t show symptoms. Stay home except for essential needs or permitted activities. If you go out, stay 6 feet away from others and wear a cloth mask.”

The 1984 tone and syntax creeped (crept?) me out bigly.

As a press release from Big Brother, the language is so global-virus doctrinaire, all that’s missing from the patented Orwellian stylistics is the covid standard for “lather, rinse, repeat.”

I stood outside the Huntington Beach, Ca. Walmart 2 months ago, after they had just added insult to perjury by putting up barricades to herd people in like sheep, and I shouted loud and frequently:


After about a half minute, THAT’S when I put on a mask and drove off, to elude censure or capture. But that was only in my dramatic role as the LONE Ranger, since I was til that moment, the solo protest.

Well, I didn’t know what to expect, I had not seen nor had I heard of anyone resisting or protesting, before my hungry freak-out, daddy.

A few days later there was a pretty big crowd in town, 5 miles west, a corner from the HB Pier and “singin’ songs, and a’ carrying signs, mostly sayin’…”


Well, there had been a lot of sociology under the bridge, in between those two populist eddies, but:

“Coincidence or Conspiracy? We report, you decide.”

To my mind, that is just a Left Coast way to follow the State guideline:

“Your actions save lives.”

Who knows, here’s hoping ours did?

“At the end of the (long) day.”

This time around, anyway….


Just before the weekend, the diocesan website posted that in “a very unexpected announcement Governor Newsom, working closely with Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto, agreed to allow the re-opening of California churches and resumption of the Sacraments beginning Sunday June 14, the Feast of Corpus Christi.”


“When the [Gates] has become lawless, or what is the same thing, corrupt, it becomes the citizen’s sacred duty to resist….”

–(after) Gandhi, updated

May 27, 2020 8:09 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thanks for the post. Another great thought from Michael Parenti. Come the revolution, I’ll knit it into a blanket a la Madame Defarge.

May 27, 2020 6:55 PM
May 27, 2020 6:50 PM

Jon Rappoport has tirelessly warned against the tendency to see a single cause… one illness worldwide, a single hand guiding the plandemic, a unified government response (even within one country).

For example there may have been multiple viruses… Hell, there are ALWAYS multiple viruses around. There are multiple causes of death… comorbidities, ventilation, sending sick people back to care homes. Establishments in each country are fighting like cats and dogs behind the scenes… Britain’s PM seems to have been ousted by Mark Sedwill and Common Purpose; Donald Trump sometimes looks and talks like a prisoner…

Gates has his vaccine money spinner, the bankers have another bailout that absent Covid may not have got through Congress, the U.S. Treasury and intel services are pushing ID chips and digital currency, Mark Sedwill’s civil service is reported to be trying again to stop Brexit…

THE POINT IS… how are they co-ordinating, because CO-ORDINATING THEY ARE. We see multiple interest groups each pushing their own agenda but in concert.

Which organizations have they used, what channels, who is holding all those strings…

May 27, 2020 6:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

John Titus seems to only one who’s on the pulse of this.
I’m weary of his well produced videos.
But sure he’s around the block a while and can’t always be suspicious.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 27, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Britain’s PM seems to have been ousted by Mark Sedwill and Common Purpose; Donald Trump sometimes looks and talks like a prisoner…”

I honestly can’t get my head around this.

The US and UK have very different systems of government. There’s a very powerful “deep state” in the US. I’m not convinced it’s so powerful here, but this Sedwill character I’m not keen on.

Johnson is surely still in charge here, though perhaps his civil servants run rings around him.

May 27, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

John Ward at the Slog has several articles about the illustrious Sedwill – an unelected individual, former spook, at the heart of government, and a remainer in brexit terms, who has too much power and influence and controls the civil service and the cabinet office amongst a variety of ‘jobs’ – you might remember Johnson originally wanted ‘herd immunity’ by being relaxed about the ‘killer virus’ – within days his mind had been changed

May 27, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  bob

ukcolumn also have the inside info on Sedwill of the EU Traitor Division

May 27, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  bob

and this:

private members bill to extend brexit negotiations by Ed Davey on 12th June


John Pretty
John Pretty
May 27, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  bob

Thank you.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 28, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

“Yes Minister”.

May 27, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

because CO-ORDINATING THEY ARE. We see multiple interest groups each pushing their own agenda but in concert.

whats the word
what is it

yes yes

lock step is it?

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 27, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Single cause, single agenda, linked tight out of many, all this singularity arises from the presence of a (more or less) single and venal spirit steering most of these dystopianist acts.

Although the bad causes are plenty, and the bad actors many, the foul spirit and its bad odour are one.

That’s the way I have, the way I see, for understanding the past few months in the “integral simplicity” of our common enemy!

Uncommon Greed -before and above- the Common Good.

May 27, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

House of Rothschild

May 27, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

All the nations involved, from China to Iran, UK to US, Italy to Spain, Russia to New Zealand and Aus, all answer to the Rothschild crime syndicate. Brendon O Connell is your man on the Tube for this.

May 27, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Did he not get banned?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Mucho

If you think that China ‘answers to the Rothschilds’, you need urgent attention.

May 28, 2020 2:09 PM

Watch this and shut your gob with all the ad hominem bullshit. Seriously, gfy

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Bannon groupie are you-explains a lot.

May 27, 2020 6:50 PM

He’s a pawn in this psyop.
He’s dreaming of trillions
And TPTB have given the stabled greyhounds a few laps around the track to try muster up some coin off anyone who’s got the cash.

He’s extremely dull.

The charisma of a second hand Friends box set.

May 27, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

You can see why there’s such a huge industry helping billionaires to buy a personality.
Yacht chandlers (why do they ALL buy yachts and funkin ugly ones at that?)… Art dealers chugging Tracey Emin and Maria Abramovic (or vice versa)… Realtors and architects with a fricking imagination bypass… Lifestyle coaches (come up on stage, Mr Epstein!) Amateur psychologist Jeff Epstein explains: “Man, it was like pushing at an open door.”

May 27, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It works whatever personality they hire to suit the global hoodwink.
Majority of society think these people are passive humble salt of they earth people who just happen to have lots of money.
A lot of people think bill gates is cool.

And can’t put two and two together when they see the photograph of him standing next to Jeffrey.

May 27, 2020 6:40 PM

Big Brother Watch

In this first episode of the Big Brother Watch Podcast, Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch and host of this show, talks with Kevin Blowe (Netpol) and Eveline Lubbers (co-founder of the Undercover Research Group).

Over-policing, emergency laws and future biosecurity

May 27, 2020 6:00 PM

OMG…Test, Trace and Fine coming our way…

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 27, 2020 5:54 PM

Weirdly I find that no sooner do I suggest that people are not being censored (as yet) over covid wrongthink, I find that James Delingpole has been temporarily suspended on twitter for just that.

According to his brother Richard Delingpole, James:

“Spoke up for a certain drug which can’t possibly be a cure because… you know… reasons.”

lol, I have to say I think that’s a great advertisement for the drug. I still think rest would do the trick though.

Toby Young has also been complaining about youtube censorship, so have to be on guard for it.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 28, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

There is censorship all right. Andrew W Saul says that his information on Vitamin C has been censored by Facebook. Not deleted, I don’t think, but they’ve arranged things so that he no loner gets the many views he used to. I think all his YT videos are still up, but they can probably play with the search algorithms there too.

May 27, 2020 5:50 PM
May 27, 2020 4:25 PM

rumours about a plot to extend the brexit negotiations


what exactly s going on in this country?

May 27, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  bob

Oh what a surprise!
Get Brexit Done In?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:25 AM
Reply to  bob

Trump couldn’t buy Greenland, so he’ll just have to make do with the UK.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:24 AM
Reply to  bob


May 27, 2020 3:33 PM

How many planets worth of resources can the Earth System produce every year? There is no trick: the slightly more savvy answer is 0.9 …for regenerative cultivation, fallow, and space for biodiversity …if we leave any.

Because I am not a racist eugenicist: that is 9/10ths for us: 1/10th for the “ancestors” …a common indigenous reciprocal belief. And a common – that is Commons – regenerative and transgenerational custom of custody …to leave the Earth better than we found it – for the Unborn …be they our children; or the ”children” of interbeing and biodiversity.

This is the simpliciter: an indubitable fact of life, and a non-negotiable condition of co-existence. And: potentially and eventually …peace.

What is not possible – even in a disembodied and disconnected imagination – is exponentiating growth. Though currently suspended: the target growth rate for the econometric infinitism civilisation is 3% per annum. Which exponentiates to a doubling rate of 23 years. That is an extra planets worth of resources every 23 years. And three extra planets of resources in 46 years: utterly impossible by any stretch of any imagination. And totally impossible for any sane, rational, objective, or logical person to even contemplate …let alone believe. No questions, no arguments, no chance.

It was not ‘Bill Gates’ who forced mankind to believe in impossible and infinite things. And it is the belief in impossible things that is the real racist eugenicist agenda. Not those who say “It is impossible to carry on this way”.

I wonder how much ‘Bill Gates’ consumes? There are only 2,153 billionaires: do you suppose they are the only ones consuming the planet? Logic tells me much of their consumption is virtual: a digital binary code for their ‘net worth’ …virtual zeroes and ones. And I suspect if ‘Bill Gates’ wanted to withdraw his estimated $100bn ‘net worth’ in cash …the banking system would collapse.

The bank of nature is collapsing not from the false iconicity of ‘Bill Gates” consumption: but from the actual overconsumption of an embourgeoised 15-20% of mankind. Many of whom – independent of the tutelage of the iconographic ‘Bill Gates” – made up impossible and imaginary fantasies of eternal growth. And many more – by null hypotheses of unthinking and unquestioning thoughtlessness – believe the theanthropic principles of incorporeal God-humanism and immortal Exponentiating Realism …growth is infinite. Except it ain’t.

It is the belief in impossible and infinite things, and the consumption of ordinary people – inequitably shared – that brought us here. And the continuation of the belief in impossible things that empowers ‘Bill Gates’. Who becomes an icon of hate, insecurity, and emnity that hides the real agenda of growth resultant racism and eugenecism. And distracts any real analysis of the civilisational foundation on infinite surplus and anti-entropy. Which is impossible: except in an imaginary realm of disembodied incorporeality and immortal and illimitable boundlessness. Where doubt is the only undoubtable thing (for Descartes and St Augustine). If you think this is gibberish: it is. It is also one of the foundational beliefs of the infinity civilisation of theantropy. We should have checked our history before merely enacting it.

If and when humanity emerges from mankind – which is no certain thing it will – then it will be by erasure of the old metaphysical extremist reality. Which is to accept there is one planet: and when the resources are shared equitably – there is no room for ‘Bill Gates’. It was the belief in impossible infinities that empowered ‘Bill Gates’. And it will be the belief in the possible – not the impossible – that disempowers that form of infinite extreme reality …that only exists in the theanthropic civilisational principle of God-Humanism.

Is mortal, bound, finite, limited, feeling, emotional, and embodied in (evil) flesh such a bad way to be that mankind has to deny and destroy its own reality in order to believe impossible things?

La decroissance ou la barbarie?

The barbarism of a historical bad infinity of impossible things. Which were current long before ‘Bill Gates’.

May 27, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  BigB

The world is not overpopulated, it is because we are all crammed into cities…Someone once said that the entire world population could happily exist in Texas.

May 27, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  jay

That Texas claim is mistaken, if you mean with an acre each. However North American is about 6b square acres and the world’s population is claimed at 7b so everyone could live in North America with nearly an acre of land each.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 27, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The majority of the Earths land mass is uninhabitable an incapable of sustaining humans.

May 27, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Jim wherever you live will soon be “uninhabitable” from an alien control freakery environment. You’d be better off in a desert than this.

May 27, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Same goes for you.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Come on, Jim-that’s not the OffGuardian ‘can-do’ mentality. You must be a 77th Brigade troll. Sorry!

May 27, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Save your clap trap for your fellow weak minded.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  jay

The Trump Memorial Prize for Accidental Irony and Projection.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Bags you get an acre in northern Baffin Island or in Death Valley.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 27, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  jay

Pardon my bias, but I lived 3 dusty years in the Dallas to Fort Worth “Metroplex” (Lake Grapevine) and there has never been the slightest evidence that anyone, ever, “could happily exist in Texas” let alone the “entire World Population”.

(IF you are taking anything that is good, and safe, please tell us: I might even consider trying some, in these challenging times.)

I know some great Texans, but last I looked Plano was the national hotbed for teenage suicide, and my mechanic in So. Dallas saw my CA. license plates and asked me, with a drawl, “What are you doin’ in these parts, hidin’ out from the Feds?!”

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:27 AM
Reply to  jay

‘Someone’-insane. Was it you?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 27, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  BigB

Some good points in your post. The theory of exponential growth while correct has been binned along with terms like Eugenics. To suggest managing growth or saying that resources are finite will result in one being attacked from various blocs who make their living promising infinite growth while sustaining our desire to feed and breed infinitely.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 27, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The reluctance or scarcity to accommodate our growing numbers is more of a spiritual kind, not of material or organizational resources.

Bigger hearts and smaller greeds would “flatten the curve” of all those problems.

Like “austerity” and “scarcity” issues, those are “almost” all issues of perception.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2020 1:53 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

As Mr. Malthus pointed out using the science of his time several centuries ago, “Human population will always rise to exceed the food supply” His concern was the squalor of big cities . Today it’s a global catastrophe that political gamesmanship by all sides attempts to sweep under the filthy rug.

May 27, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The Decroissance movement started in the late 70s – from the writings of Debord, Gorz, Ellul, Schumacher. It would have made good sense to transition then: but ”degrowth” goes against every cultural principle we have. Corbett himself supports decentralisation himself, in principle.

There is however the inveterate fantasy that if we grow: then somehow things will get better …which is contra history. All civilisations grow, peak, decline, and eventually collapse. According to dynamics studied by Tainter and Diamond to name two. And so will ours …because of a near ubiquitous cherished belief that we are something more than finite.

Nothing to do with Bill Gates. You might as well blame Plotinus. Our fate was sealed at least 1,700 years ago when Plotinus introduced philosophical infinity into our belief system. Great idea: tragic consequences.

It was a flawed belief system ever before that.

Still, it has been entertaining to watch people who seem to believe that our belief system was forged or corrupted in the last few months. Civilisation is rooted in infinity. Mankind is a product of incorporeality and immortality. And an almost total inhumanity. But we don’t like to talk of that too much: we just blame a few rotten apples. ”Them and us” is the foundation of the state of hate, insecurity, and emnity …the dynamics of which is exactly how we got here. The best explanation of which I could find was in the writings of Achille Mbembe.


Turning ‘Bill Gates’ into Fetish of hate drives us further into the society of emnity that empowers Bill Gates. A smarter approach would be to turn away from sectarian dynamics and decide what we want, who we want to be, and where we want to go …when we are not being manipulated to hate. A smart society would have done that years ago: long before any ‘Bill Gates’ accumulated so much of our cultural power.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  BigB

May I suggest that the Society of Enmity is the great fruit of Abrahamic religion.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2020 2:19 AM

Revenge is the underlying basis of the Abrahamic justice system we employ today , since the Hebrews pilfered it from Hammurabi while working off an ancient debt in Babylon ?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:29 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The essence of Judaic ‘morality’ lies in the differentiation between The Chosen and those who most definitely are NOT.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  BigB

Us and Them as Roger Waters was once heard to croon? The difference between Gate’s Hysteria and the now endemic Trump version is that Mr Trump has embraced it , while Mr Gate’s actually believes he is a god, and has risked a sizable amount of his vast fortune to be treated as such .

May 28, 2020 2:43 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

And he hasn’t even risked any of his vast wealth. It flows hither and thither and keeps growing under the care of various foundations and investment vehicles. The lie about him “giving away” his fortune is just that – a big, fat lie.

May 27, 2020 3:25 PM

Interesting article by Jon Rappoport about the Elite trying to inject the global population with whatever-it-is that will be in those syringes. He basically addresses the question: if you were a psychopath, how would you pull this off — what will it look like?

In many articles over the years, I‘ve provided evidence that vaccines are unnecessary, destructive, and useless. This article is about something else: how the planners are shaping their scheme for injecting a COVID vaccine into the bodies of the global population. The planners aren’t completely stupid, you know. They understand there will be problems. They understand many people will say NO.

Think of their scheme as an intelligence-agency operation. Their architects engage in many discussions; they lay out predictions; they consider options.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 27, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Tom

Were an effective covid vaccination to be found , only those who could pay for it would be inoculated . The rest of us will be left to die. Fortunately this time the so called pandemic has turned out to be a mild flu where herd immunity has now occurring globally, and quickly where no lock-downs have been forced , the panic-demic is now a data gathering test run.

May 27, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I don’t know about that, Jim. If Gates & Co. can wrangle worldwide government vaccination mandates, that would mean taxpayers would be paying for it. Billions of (chronic) mandatory vaccinations — mandatory subscriptions, if you will — is a lot of money. I noticed that one of the talking points of the Elites is “equitable distribution” (here, for example) — they want it rolled out everywhere and to everyone.

May 27, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Tom

Another example of the script. (Twitter post w/ video montage of world “leaders”)

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  Tom

“They” want to be paid for it . Who gets it and who pays for it is of little consequence. Marketing rules apply . Todays AIDS drugs are a good example of that business model.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:31 AM
Reply to  Tom

Mandatory vaccination will provoke a revolt, and a healthy black market in fake vaccination passports.

Jun 1, 2020 1:52 PM

Yes. And I’m certain the Elite have already set up the companies to make the fakes and profit from their purchase.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:30 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Perhaps it will be the vaccinated, this time, who die, and they elites ‘vaccinated’ with sterile water, who will inherit the Earth.

May 27, 2020 2:59 PM

“It’s fully ingrained in DPD’s DNA to be a fast-paced culture, often moving at lightning speed to make things happen for our customers. But loads of our people are enjoying the fact that they’re running around a bit less now. Less time stuck in rush hour traffic jams, less pollution, less time away from the family on business…, in short we’re discovering that less is more and that some of our old habits are past their sell-by-date.”

Dwain Mcdonald UK CEO, DPD Parcel Delivery

There you have it then. The benefits of New Normal.

George Mc
George Mc
May 27, 2020 2:14 PM

Good God – I just caught sight of Bob de Niro in the background to the Gates award from Obama. Where is his Travis Bickle character when you really need him?

May 27, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You tawkin ta me???

May 27, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I like Robert De Niro.

The bit in this clip where the secretary says ‘ Robert De Niro’s waiting’ always make me laugh. Silly I know.

biz/video-1923892/Video-Robert-DeNiro-plays-bakery-crime-boss-latest-bot Warburtons-advert.html

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2020 2:26 AM
Reply to  Loverat

I enjoyed his limited role in the recent Joker film.

May 27, 2020 1:52 PM

The real motivation for the Covid event is financial. I’m sure Bill Gates is sincere about his eugenics project but the big move going on right now is a hidden redistribution of wealth. The following interview from six years ago is prescient: who holds the title to the stocks and shares that you think you own?


May 27, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Gates and big pharma are probably one of the weaker and less significant groupings exploiting the situation.
They’re also the most likely to be thrown to the dogs if a scapegoat is needed.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 27, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The increased borrowing(the global banking cabal make wealth from our debt) from this Hoax is greater than their stock market gains.
And maintaining of control is more important when you run the economic system monopoly and can create as much much as you want.
There was growing uprising against the bankers govts with operation COVID gatherings protests and movements were halted .

May 27, 2020 1:47 PM

Oh, gawd. We’re back to the bogeyman Gates story. The only thing is – wouldn’t the other billionaires and potentates try to stop him if he wanted to take over the world?
No, my strong suspicion is that Gates, big pharma and even the virus itself to an extent are red herrings. This is about economic takedown and power-grabbing, led by the US state and the huge US tech firms (now there is a real Bill Gates connection for you to chew on).

George Mc
George Mc
May 27, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Thom

Corbett says in the video that Gates himself isn’t that important i.e. that Gates is serving an agenda that transcends himself and even his family. He serves an ideology that underlies those very US tech firms you refer to. Although it goes beyond them too. This point can be heard from the 32 minute mark onwards.

May 27, 2020 1:34 PM

Why does this site allow people to have the same name with 3 different avatars?

May 27, 2020 1:24 PM

Worse than Hitler literally.

May 27, 2020 1:15 PM

the crown
a prince
a queensman
a kingsman

purple reign
pink shirts

no man is an island
the crown
a clerk
here to collect a debt

a man of rekoyning
a dead man in deptford
an agent

squeaky facade
a plank
rested on purple bricks
and durham castle keeps.
the crown

bagman just a bagman
company man
married to a man
called melvin

5g is the key dialed up frequency

the vax is just booster bonus shot shock to the system

A ring, a ring o’ roses,
A pocket full o’ posies-
Atishoo atishoo we all fall down