UK gov’t (finally) admits Covid statistics are inaccurate
The health secretary has apparently just realised something that's been obvious to many of us for months
Kit Knightly

The UK’s Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, has announced an “urgent review” of procedure for recording Covid19 deaths.
It turns out the British government may have been over-reporting deaths from Covid19.
Who knew, right?
This follows the “news” that Public Health England (PHE) have been recording Covid19 as the cause of death for anyone who has ever tested positive for the virus.
PHE released a statement admitting as much:

This potentially includes people who were asymptomatic, people who had the disease and then recovered and people who never had the disease at all but received a false positive from the incredibly unreliable PCR tests.
In short, as one government insider is quoted in the Evening Standard:
It turns out you could have been tested positive in February, recovered, then hit by a bus in July and you’d be recorded as a covid death.”
Of course, none of this is news for people who have been paying attention – OffG and many others have been reporting this could be happening for months.
Essentially, when the changed rules for registering deaths were passed with the Coronavirus Bill back in March, the over-reporting of Covid deaths became almost inevitable. Indeed, the situation could almost have been designed for that purpose.
Since then anecdotal evidence has also been piling up.
It’s not unique to England either, countries all around the world are doing the same.
Globally, as we have reported, the Covid19 statistics are wide open to mistaken or dishonest reporting, and potentially total nonsense.
So, the question really isn’t whether or not the Covid death statistics are massively inaccurate – we know they almost certainly are. The question is why the government and mainstream media have suddenly decided to admit it.
Or half admit it, anyway.
There’s still no discussion of the “clinical diagnosis” of “likely” covid19, or of the “unlawful” DNRs being forced on elderly or vulnerable people – all of whom would potentially be included in the inaccurate Covid stats. Or of the potential financial incentives for hospitals based on diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Now that the government are admitting, and the media are reporting, that the Covid death statistics are inaccurate, will they start to investigate why conditions for this were seemingly deliberately created?
I wouldn’t hold your breath.
In a way, this perfectly fits with the peculiar trend of this pandemic, where on the one hand government officials have been perfectly open and honest about the danger – underlining, again and again, that the vast majority of people are in no danger – whilst on the other hand stoking hysteria and public panic that is totally at odds with the admitted reality.
Is this the beginning of a roll-back or climb down? Or just another phase in the global gaslighting that the coronavirus “pandemic” has become?
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Unfortunately OffG has resorted to censorship. Not only is that poor form, it’s especially hypocritical given that they’re cancelling a supporter of theirs, whilst allowing those damaging their reputation to continue unabated:
From Twitter, and also posted here but
memory holed this morning, probtby Admin 1….
“I’ve been supporting you for a few years but I’m saddened that in recent months you’ve allowed your fine site to be hijacked by comments from nutjobs.
Also despite my warnings about alleged disinfo agents like Flaxgirl who bring your site into disrepute and thereby get it blocked or taken down.
I hope this block by Twitter is lifted because it’s important that people see your good reporting.
For my care about you I got constantly moderated by you, whilst those that don’t give a crap about your site or its reputation and harm it are given a free pass in the name of “free speech”.
Good luck.
You are absolutely NOT being censored, but someone called “bollox” (or similar) was put on pre-mods, as per our comment policy, for persistent trolling and empty abuse. Was that you using a THIRD name? If so, I’m afraid you are trolling.
We note also that, with perfect doublethink, you simultaneously complain (unjustifiably) of being moderated AND complain that we don’t moderate enough.
Are you seriously suggesting Twitter and Google are censoring us because we let Petra post BTL? 🤣
The Fraudian gets around to publishing what is effectively a rebuttal:
Five minutes’ thought revealed the following problems with what they laughably tag as “Analysis”:
1) The example of someone being hit by a bus being registered as a Covid death is dismissed as rare. No shit, Sherlock. The serious point behind what is obvious to anyone as a rhetorical example designed to illustrate an absurdity is simply ignored. Less rare and repeatedly evidence examples like patients with advanced cancers being registered as Covid deaths if they test positive but show no symptoms aren’t of course mentioned.
2) The accuracy of the PHE stats is considered entirely by comparison with ONS stats. The possibility that the latter may also be highly inaccurate is clearly inadmissable.
3) Comparability with how deaths were recorded in the past is simply ignored. How does this outbreak compare with the flu of 2014/15 when 28k were officially registered as dying from it in the UK? How were deaths recorded then as compared to now – and can the two sets of figured be meaningfully compared? Who cares! (Obviously what I’m getting at is that I suspect if we could compare like with like we’d find this has been nothing more than a typical bad flu season – but that they must obfuscate at all costs).
4) They try to bore you to death with some trivial distraction about the timing at which deaths are recorded hoping that the reader has lapsed into such an alpha state they won’t notice how pitiful their analysis is of the central issue.
5) No doubt there are other problems that someone clever than me might spot.
Fraudian conclusion: nothing to see here, move on. What a surprise.
It took three of their writers to come up with this BTW.
Great article, thanks.
‘UK gov’t (finally) admits Covid statistics are inaccurate in ENGLAND’ – because facts should be sacred.
my new book ‘The Great British Coronavirus Hoax, a sceptics guide’ is available on 120 pages.
Nick Kollelrlstrom, Amazon has already banned your book “The Great British Coronavirus Hoax, a Sceptics Guide” today 7/19/2020 on the first day it was available for sale. We do not have free speech when companies can decide what we can or cannot say.
The complete page for this book is up at but listed “out of stock” with waiting for more.
Nick. when are you and Richard D Hall going to do something in depth on it. Be nice if you could not blame Israel for a change though. Makes you lose a lot of credibility and its sloppy.
Well hang on, this book doesn’t blame Israel or the Jews for anything. Nor did my previous book ‘The great British Skripal hoax.’ All it says is that Israel received ‘advance warning’ in November 2019 from the US about this new virus.
I enjoy a lot of your work and Richard’s but you both tend to blame Israel all too readily. I do not believe this is anti-semitic as many will accuse you of, but I just think it’s sloppy. I was more talking about some of your previous work but I will read your work as I have much of your stuff.
That was my comment above, serves me right for using a name to respond to a comment about Keto! BTW you should also do something on that….keto cures most of these bs so called “diseases”.
keto is one of the main causes of escalating health problems eg. covid.
No it’s not. You are spamming Robert Morse links. Keto is the natural state of human beings, the body burns far more efficient when in ketosis. Robert Morse says high protein is making people ill, well newsflash Keto is not high protein – it’s all about high fat. Vitamin D is fat soluble so good luck getting your dose in winter from all that fruit. Low fat diets make people ill due to the increase in insulin in the body and makes them hungry from all those insulin crashes. Low fat high carb diets are leading to bone problems and even alzheimers could be caused by these low fat high carb diets.
These are all basic facts. Paleo diet is not the same as being in “ketosis”, but you can do paleo and be in ketosis. You can even do veganism in ketosis. Keto isn’t a diet, it’s a switch of your body to burning fat. You are missing basic facts and very obvious common sense.
The mainstream is constantly saying keto is bad (morse is leading you so far up the path of truth then back onto the mainstream agenda like all good stooges). They say its bad because ketosis reduces insulin resistance and insulin is the route of being overweight – if they keep people fat they can keep selling drugs like metoformin which ruins the kidneys and leads to more money for big pharma. Eat fruit during the summer and put weight on. Burn body fat through winter to survive. These are onbious truths.
You are buying everything this Morse chap has to say, as I say he speaks some sense but also a lot of nonsense. Your constant circular reasoning that Morse is the answer and it must be true because Morse says is no different than a Christian saying the bible is true because its the word of God, and its the word of God because the bible says so.
Also you say on one hand COVID is not real on the other hand keto is causing it.
i say it is not caused by a corona virus but am not disputing there is lymphatic problems causing flu like symptoms. all this keto bs is worsening a lot of peoples diets diminishing what little fruit and salad they ate in favour of acidifying food that damages the kidneys. this causes lymph problems like what is termed covid.
You’re only educate don keto by the Daily Mail with all due respect. There’s the keto diet fad and theres actual ketosis. Look up the work of Dr Berg (slammed by the mainstream of course) on youtube. 10 cups of veg and salad a day, small to moderate amounts of grass fed meat) and high fat. Avacados, olive oil, coconut oil, true nuts etc.
Dr Berg is trying hard to sell you stuff. Keto is not some sort of magical secret. It’s a well known fact that you don’t need Dr Berg to teach you about.Just follow the last 3 sentences of your post, get a pee test and that’s it.
That’s how he makes his money – everyone has to pay their way in life. It doesn’t mean his information isn’t factually correct. It’s not as simple as getting a pee test if you want to do it healthy. And for someone who doesn’t know anything or has read too much mainstream he’s a great resource to get started with. He explains why it works to an advanced level for those that want to know why it works and why people who follow NHs advice stay fat.
if your going to eat high fat avoiding carbs odds are there will be a lot of meat. you can do dry fasting but keto is not natural at all. it was a treatment for epilepsy. fruit doesnt make you fat. for that try cheese cake and icecream, steak etc. the fat causes insulin resistance but since keto people avoid carbs they dont use it anyway giving fake idea of fixing something. fruit has simple sugars like fructose absorbed easily independent of insulin. people not eating any fruit at all is very harmful and a direct result of keto sugar is bad propaganda.
No, there is a lot of fat – not protein. To much protein kicks the body out of ketosis via gluconeogenesis. Keto diet describes a craze, ketosis is the process in which the body burns fat. It’s really that simple. The body still uses glucose when in ketosis – the brain requires it which is can make via protein. Suggest you read up on cell autophagy and how that comes about. Did the innuit exist before the 1930s? The “keto diet” was invented, ketosis is the natural process of burning fat. Insulin resistance is the biggest drain on the NHS(other than the corruption of course). Fruit causes an insulin spike, insulin leads to insulin resistance. Green leafy vegetables good 10 cups a day. MCT is also a useful source on brain fuel. Fasting is the most important factor and all that fructose will lead to insulin crashes and in turn ghrellin production. It’s why the NHs reccomend eating 6x a day to lose weight and eating so called healthy food like fruit and pasta. HA! Eat nettles, spinach, kale, lettuce etc!
Fat causes insulin resitance? Fat causes zero insulin response. Carbs cause a huge increase and even bigger when mixed with sugar. Protein on its own causes a moderate relrease.
fruit has simple sugars like fructose that does not use insulin. it also has some glucose but pasta has long chain carbs that are broken down into sugar. fat prevents the insulin working to absorb glucose so then more insulin is produced. fruit cures blood sugar problems. pasta makes me feel tired where as fruit doesnt.
in nature animals eat mono meals eg. a bunch of fruit so it is good not to mix things inapprpriately like nuts at the end coz they digest slower. if you put fruit at the end it can turn to alchohol. if your having a dognut then your mixing fat with sugar which can be problematic.
Do you have any views that are not parroting Robert Morse? You reject the views of others you have never heard of because you think he is the answer to everything. Nobody is right about everything, you’ve been hoodwinked! Use some critical thinking, some people get things wrong some people out right lie. Morse has things wrong, the fact he is fat and red in the face shows that his diet either doesnt work or he isnt doing his diet. “if your having a dognut then your mixing fat with sugar which can be problematic” – Thats exactly what I have said. Coincidentely I would like to know why ketosis reverses type 2 diabetes? Please answer that one? Have you realised that keto diet and ketosis are not the exact same thing at this moment in time?
50% of fructose goes straight to the liver the rest into the bloodstream as glucose – so not just some.And if your liver is already full – it goes on as fat. I don’t like accusing people of fantasy buy this really is a fantasy. And another point if you think fruit cleans your system then you are devoid of common sense. Only fasting can do this.
i like salad but it has few calories where as fruit can provide energy. the inuit have a genetic adaption so do not actualy experience ketosis. they are also not exactly living in a normal human environment like a fruit garden or known for being particularly healthy.
Ahhh they have a genetic adapation – yes so the mainstream like to claim – without evidence whatsoever. Salad is not a nutrient dense as beg and herbs. Fruit is not nutrient dense its mostly glucose and fructose. If you are in the UK you are not in a fruit garden, what fruit is natural in winter? None! His fruitarian theory is clearly nonsense – much like this vegans claiming thats natural but they have to import most of the food from deforrested areas of the Amazon.
Do you have a site also?
This one is Nicholas Kollerstrom’s main site, I think:
As it’s Sunday – have a minor Corrective sermon on fake news and false prophets and think about their hidden purpose for spreading such misinformation as they ready us for the real ‘great disruption’.
A very simple one page summary and a five year graph by an agency of the U.K. Health department- which appears to have been muzzled- which rains on all the bollocks written around here about this new Corona virus.
If anyone can post the chart (figure1) it would be useful. As I can’t find it on any Govt page to link too.
If anyone can explain why this information channel has been blocked it would be revealing.
The Virus is real. The Excess deaths are real. Comparisons with the flu seasons makes it OBVIOUS to all but the self blinding naysayers.
Who benefits by the denial, lies and obfuscation? Who pays the pipers who ply these tunes. Who claims to believe and echo their march?
Nah – the moment I see the word “denial” I smell an ocean of bullshit. Want to create a spurious legitimacy on something? Just label opposition to it as “denial”.
the crazed lockdowns and medical tyranny would obviously cause excess deaths as the data shows and it was predicted it would. same in each country. there is no flu deaths. those are deaths from medical treatments according to dr morse who doesnt see pneumonia deaths either:
Glad you are both showing true ‘colors’ by ignoring the cited information and respond with more alt-news diversion.
Also, as yet no comment on Oxfams report on the 2 million predicted deaths from starvation or the 35,000 missed cancer screenings.
You have the numbers of global covid deaths from your trusted news sources.
How does this stack up against predicted deaths caused by lockdown?
Oxfam is Establishment.
I have seen a few discussions of this data over the year. A big question was what portion is due to suspended, refused and avoided medical care as well as various effects of isolation.
My understanding is that it can take two years to get an accurate breakdown and analysis but that it will likely be impossible under present circumstances.
Policies around recording cause of death in more detail are easily reversed, resources are not an issue however actual knowledge of the patient is.
Autopsy standards could at least be improved but this is more complicated in terms of resources.
I think your data deserves close scrutiny and discussion sir.
“The Excess deaths are real.” – of course they are, but they only appear after the lockdowns begin to be implemented, in every single country that has decent mortality records.
Did you read the article? Any comment on the way deaths are reported?
In your analytical opinion, would you admit that it as at least possible that non-covid deaths have been reported as covid deaths? If they have and many experts are right when they say that coronaviruses are around most of the time, and it is very difficult to isolate one pathogen with current testing, then is it possible that covid deaths have been exaggerated – wilfully or not? That’s your first critical thinking lesson.
Commenting on your chart. Anyone can tell a story with stats, it depends when you start and end. Firstly, and I repeat, many of us are not denying we are experiencing a fairly nasty strain of a new virus, but what we are questioning is the proportionality of the response compared to other new diseases and bad flu years. Unfortunately your chart doesn’t show any particularly bad flu years, which happen every 10-20 years, and in-between times you may have a new disease – swine flu, MERS, Ebola, SARs etc
The last really bad flu year was 00/01, I wonder if you remember it, because excess death rates were very similar to what they are now, as the graphing below demonstrates. A terrible year for sure, something which must, I have no doubt, stick in your memory for all the devastation it caused? (before you criticise, source data is ONS, and you can check the figures)
So, why didn’t we lockdown in this year, and why did we not lockdown when there were instances of the other new diseases I have mentioned? Discuss.
flu peaks by mid january so no there is not a similarity. this was 100% caused by the lockdown that they hoped would have killed manymore and could have sparked a full on black death event. these are blatent satanists trying to induce disease with conditioning and terror. there is zero evidence for covid:
I’m trying to get a poster, who is sceptical of peoples motives on here, to understand the argument against lockdown based on publicly accessible data based on reliable sources.
If he already believes this public health emergency is exceptional or phenomenal, then he’s not going to jump straight to a conspiracy theory for explanation.
I’d rather use the facts that he accepts, even when they are based on exaggerated and dodgy data and a parallel propaganda campaign, because the argument is actually really easy to win.
the only conspiracy thery is the boogeyman virus is after us and all that can be done is to terify people. i am not theorising. there was undoubtedly a concerted effort to terrify people and health experts would undoutedly know this would cause adrenal fatigue and low vitamin d. the poster is not skeptical. he is in on it trying to defend the attack. they have these peole posting all over the web and it helps nothing to claim these crooks data is reliable and hold up the notion a flu virus caused an epidemic in 2000. if it was true the us would have also experienced it.
Just watching this. good balanced opinion by 2 leading epidemiologists
they are talking nonsense based on a belief in a pathogenic virus there is no evidence for. there is no reason to study masks when there is no reason to believe there is a pathogenic virus. care home deaths can easily be explained by the terror caused by the fear of infection. there is actual science involved that adrenal fatigue was caused and inappropriate care occured. we already knew from sars that deaths were mostly in those with kidney problems. if the kidneys are not removing drugs and acid byproducts death can occur.
a quick look at the weather for 2000 and sure enough the uk experienced the wettest autumn on record. the us didnt have a bad year coz guess what it isnt caused by a virus! no there was localised low vitamin d due the wet autumn and precisely when people were stuffing themselves with meat and cheese over xmas they experienced detox symptoms.
A government agency of a department which has been publishing reports for years suddenly STOPPED by their government department from updating their reports – DISCUSS.
Bird flu, Mad Cow …etc were all subject to ‘lockdowns’.
The 99/2000 flu strain was indeed deadly – without a ‘lockdown’.
The novel Corona virus this year is post the flu peak as the chart clearly shows. It is bigger than any flu – imagine how much bigger WITHOUT a lockdown. DISCUSS
Firstly, thank you for engaging with the debate. Intelligent discussion is something that has been sadly lacking throughout this whole affair.
To address your points. I am not aware of any lockdowns the scale of which we have seen now for bird flu etc .. certainly not in the UK anyway, and I lived through them. Maybe you could post evidence for this claim? Particularly for the 2 diseases you mentioned (and by the way, it is generally accepted that in the case of culling livestock for mad cow disease was the wrong approach, again enacted through wildly exaggerated modelling data, which actually came from Imperial) Anyway, evidence please.
Your claim that coronavirus ‘is bigger than any flu’ is quite clearly false to anybody with basic knowledge or memory – we can easily site the 68/69 asian flu as far more destructive, killing 80,000 worldwide, and with a peak mortality way lower than covid
And then we can look at the 1918/19 flu, and we know with certainty that coronavirus pales in comparison – most people know that this flu killed 50m in the most horrendous way with a peak morbidity age of 28 not over 80 as we are seeing now. Clearly this is an exaggeration on your part, it would be worrying if you thought it was true.
Another thing that I’ve noticed in your post is that you are quite happy to bring up a second wave when it suits your argument, but knowingly or not, if you talk about this you are comparing the coronavrus to a flu, because the very idea of a second wave comes from the 1918/19 flu pandemic, so if you don’t like comparisons with the flu, please stop using this phrase. It’s scaremongering at best, ill informed at worst.
Sadly in fact we have a flu about every 10-20 years which causes a similar morbidity rate.
Your central argument seems to be that the lockdown has worked. This is contentious to say the least when we have countries who locked down at different times and with greater severity, all of which seem to show a similar curve with their mortality data. I implore you to engage with this, all based on official governmental data Nobody can actually say (not me, not you) the lockdown has worked because of many factors, and noone, incredibly, has done any official modelling on the effects of the lockdown compared to the effects of the virus, hence providing you with the best unofficial link I can find.
To quote Professor Paul Moynagh, Immunologist, National University of Ireland,
“When I look at the effects of lockdown – I’m surprised and disappointed in terms of the relatively small effect that lockdown has had … So in terms of the effectiveness of lockdown, and it being justified to close down the entire economy – I think there has to be a discussion.”
Indeed, when Oxfam are predicting 2m deaths from starvation, I think this is a discussion that should be had, but unfortunately that discussion is completely shutdown in the mainstream media
I’ll leave you with this
I you don’t want to listen to me, why not 2 very well respected epidemiologists?
Couple of corrections on this post, it was written in a hurry.
The 68/69 killed 80,000 people in the UK alone, not worldwide
It also had a much lower peak mortality age
I guess Prof Heneghan isn’t really a professor and isn’t really the director of Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University? And I guess he’s just spouting random words and not making cogent arguments based on his experience and expertise?
Surely you jest.
Never heard of him – who sponsors his work?
Err .. Oxford University?
I’ve just checked, the latest Global COVID19 Deaths. The Total has now reached 605,587. Which is only, around 1,000 more Deaths, than the UK had in 2019 – 604,700. The UK & Global Media, (and Governments), go on, as if about 10 Million People, have Died from it! The biggest shock, (for me), in all of this, is how many People, just accept what Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, and the UK Media say, about COVID19 – without bothering, to do any research of their own. My Aunt, thinks that the 600,000+ COVID-19 Deaths, are, ‘Unheard of’, for a Virus. So, she goes around, being absolutely terrified – all the time. In fact, if she had bothered to do any research, she would have found out, that 600,000 Deaths, from 1 Virus, is not that terrifying. Small Pox, (now eradicated), killed around 300 Million People, in the 20th Century. Measles killed, as many as 2.6 Million People, as recently as 1980. A ‘Bad’ Flu Year, can see over 650,000 Global Deaths. Such a Year, can see as many as, 1 Billion People, Infected by it. So far, COVID-19 has Infected 14,450,472 People. Yet, Boris & Co. & the UK Media, try to pretend, that it is as bad, as the ‘Black Death’, returning, and that may have killed, as many as 1 Third of all Humanity! It is very depressing, to see how many People, are so hopelessly, naive and stupid…
smallpox was a ‘vaccine’ induced illness. in leicester people rejected the injections after they saw the destruction being caused. this proved the injections were the cause as they stopped seeing smallpox whilst elsewhere people continued to be maimed by the medical cult.
I’ve just passed by a packed ‘drop in’ Covid-19 testing station.
You’ve got to marvel at the number of people just handing over their DNA to the State and Interested 3rd parties for ‘The Greater Good’.
You just can’t make this shit up.
It’s not a phase down they still plan for plandemic 2.0
Poor Hancock, mocking us as we mock him. An insult to mediocrities, an affront to sheepdogs.
Stumbling, mumbling Matt, the UK’s Health Secretary, puppet of an unseen hand. A hand that selects and rejects… Is it illiteracy or a slip of the tongue when human resources managers talk of the ‘war on talent’ (sic)?
There was a time when the rulers needed (or recognized they needed) sharp-witted commoners to run things. Gentlemen-born lacked the stomach for study, and suffered from inbreeding and other vices. So Henry took his Wolsey, Elizabeth her Cecils, Walsingham his Marlowe and, much later, Victoria her Disraeli.
At a certain point, that stopped. The rulers saw no need for educated, independent thinkers. In truth, it happened during the simultaneous ascent of parties and corporations.
It strikes me as odd that there seems so little place in the world of ‘disruptive technologies’ and ‘Great Resets’ for disruptive thinkers, much less disruptive leaders.
Britain’s PM Boris Johnson sometimes seems on the verge of disrupting things, then he retreats. Those who play the clown see through vanities to the dreams, fears and virtues that lie below. Foolery is his shield and his insight.
Entitled but no golden boy, Johnson’s flamboyance as a journalist was never enough, on its own, to break through into politics. His turn was granted, reluctantly I’m sure, on the basis of his Dönmeh connection in Turk’s Peerage. Like Elon Musk in the techocracy, he was on the fringes but still ‘one of us’. Thus he has obligations to act a certain way. His role is constrained.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, saw a chink in the establishment’s armour and seized the opportunity. He has fewer obligations. Thus the establishment is moving heaven and earth to rein him in.
The domination of politics by financial interests was well underway in the 19th century as Disraeli noted in his novel Coningsby (1844):
The public noticed at the dawn of the 20th century as bankers seized control of the monetary system, corporations sparked wars for profit (beginning not with WWI but with the Boer war) and almost deposed FDR in a corporate coup in 1933. Politicians, like monarchs, became less important as corporations took control of the bureaucracy and governed behind the scenes.
Much later, having witnessed the public execution of errant thinkers, two Skull ‘n Boners faced off in the U.S. election of 2004, the public abandoned all hope that political dynasties could produce a scion fit for battle.
Instead of jousting we got a game of kindergarten push and shove. And now we’ve got a rabble of self-conscious chumps whose first thought in the morning is to ruffle their hair so they look like they haven’t.
It strikes me as odd that there seems so little place in the world of ‘disruptive technologies’ and ‘Great Resets’ for disruptive thinkers, much less disruptive leaders.”
Well said.
“An insult to mediocrities, an affront to sheepdogs..”. You put this so well.
I note that it is reported that the UK is determined that every person over the age of 50 will “get” a flu jab on the NHS this Winter.
Hmmm, this 61 yr old won’t be.
I wonder what’s in it and whether it differs from previous years vaccines ?
Might it be a “stealth” vaccine or a minimally-tested “guinea-pig” vaccine ??
I think we should be told……
Get your dose boy, or else you wont get your digital passport number that you need to enter to claim your pension and to access online banking. #fightthepower
I will request the ingredients before deciding/agreeing #mybody
Mistakes happen and I like it when people own up to them rather then pass the buck.
Every good magiacian needs a distraction and advanced propganda requires such admissions to silence the dissenters. Talk about the numbers being a bit dodgy instead of a lot dodgy.
US government has been working this game forever, and no doubt it came in handy in Pharaoh’s times too: admit you were off in your math, once the damage is done and the table is set for more plausible scandal. It’s just the full frontal version of limited hangout, of which Intel conspiracy “revisionism” is the backside.
“Mistakes in math were made, but we’ve adjusted our (brand new) equation (formula).”
Now off you go to our next (foreseen) train wreck.
Coming soon to a Theatre ($tate) near you!
Understatement of the year .
All statistics for a non existent fictitious disease are inaccurate ….more like bordering on criminal!
All the stats fed to us have been utter lies.
My apologies if this has been covered. I think this is huge.
Few months ago I was wondering how most governments caved in and went with the pandemic hoax. Seemed unlikely that only the conflicts of interests, the infiltration of corporate interests could pull of something of that scale with a 99% success rate.
Looking around the internet I found out about the International Health Regulations and, after reading about some of their implications, I speculated that most, if not all of world leaders were suddenly left with a choice: fighting the pharmaceutical mafia, the globalist propaganda apparatus, public opinion, global financial institutions etc, with the huge political and even personal risks involved. Or just going along with the hoax, hoping that if the damage was not so great, rulers could actually emerge like true leaders while advancing their own draconian measures in an open season for power grabs. The profile of the average politician made the likely decision making process pretty obvious to me.
But today I found a much more detailed analysis of this. I think our talented editors and writers here at Off-Guardian might be very interested in following this information.
I will first of all direct you to the rather long and detailed presentation of Ms. Ramola Dharmaraj (of which I have watched only the first 20 min) and leave you with a little summary, hoping that everyone can dive on this documents and help the rest of us better understand their implications. This might explain much of what we are seeing.
The document titled “Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies” issued by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board States in its 39th page:
By September, 2020:
The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen
WHO develops intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in outbreaks, to complement the existing mechanisms for later and more advanced stages of an outbreak under the IHR (2005)
To be clear: under the International Health Regulations of 2005, 196 countries had the obligation to participate in at least two simulation exercises on the spread of a respiratory pathogen before September of this year.
Remember that video of Pompeo saying “we are on a live exercise” and Trump murmuring “you should have told me”?. Those U turns in policy, as if leaders were suddenly reminded of a paper their states have signed? They suddenly become much more significant.
And what about the presience? Those studies that conclude that it is a lab made pathogen?
As we know, every major terrorist incident of the past decades required simulations as the instruments to loosen controls, confuse security forces, apply extraordinary regulations etc. Event 201 was one. But this one is legally binding. Diving into this pandemic simulation frameworks might lead to a deeper and detailed understanding of how the flu d´etat was carried out.
Right around 2009 the WHO changed and broadened it’s definition of what constitutes a “global pandemic.” In the preceding years the WHO gradually went from a member states funded organization to an org. that took on public-private partnerships (PPP’s). What these PPP’s mean is that essentially big business will begin to provide funding for that organization.
What comes with this funding change is a change in structure of the org. where members of those large funders begin to sit on various committees/boards of these once “public” orgs and begin to influence policy. “Influencing gradually turns into “taking over.” That is what happened with the WHO and the largest donors are of course Pharma companies who fund the WHO primarily through the mechanism of the Gates Foundation.
What comes with the declaration of a “global pandemic” are policies that are obligatory to the signatories and these policies are designed by the very “medical” and “security” entities who will benefit financially from these policies. Those who sit on what are called “expert committees” are the very same people from these companies described above.
Excellently put!
The people behind the companies first hijacked UN organisations and then through UN treaties are trying to manipulate the world. I still believe they will fail, even though we the people have forced to be on the back foot right now.
Great info thanks
Indeed, according to former chief of the World Medicine Program, Germán Velasquez, there was incredible pressure to change the definition of pandemic, as big pharma started conditioning their funding to their presence in expert committees.
The guy now is under international police protection. He has been threatened, beaten and stabbed.
Do you know of an English translation of his book?
Since c. 2001, UN bodies have accepted the very largest businesses as direct participants under the guise of “Global Compact”; since at least 2012, they have been able to stymie initiatives on climate collapse directly. – Graham Vanbergen 2016
covid is the means by which the state terrorism followed.
Great insight. Thanks much.
I found all the info on GPMB on the WHO site. Also look up the abbreviations within the report , most interesting. UNAI – United Nations Academic Impact. UN initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the united nations and with eachother. Formed November 18th 2010. . And we wonder how our younger generation are being brain washed, look how many uni’s ,college’s and research institutions around the globe are part of it.
Crisis drills going live, as terrorist events, or a theoretical flu d’état, gone rogue or real, are the staple op of Intel governments big enough to run them.
As most sighted people now know, 9/11 has been well-established as one, 7.7.5 in the Tube, too, and many of these mass shootings. I stayed in London different times in the ’70s and “IRA” bombings were a ritual then, but I didn’t know enough 50 years ago to even suspect false flag, black ops, then. ( It showed us a lot, that even among Conspiracy Realists it wasn’t til 9/11 that it took something that obvious to wake up, but I was onboard at least by the second tower imploding.)
This Magic Virus looks for all the world like a dry run to collect all kinds of data on their victim populations AND a drill to test our reflexes, candidacy for hypnosis subjects, various, and in thst process set the stage for the Real Deal Event.
Unless they can cause enough damage with this that they don’t need global pandemic 2.0 …..
The hardbitten here already know all that, I only post it as a summary and overview of the Big Game in progress, for casual visitors, or new.
To some that’s a shock, but there’s all kinds of tradition jn not wanting to know.
(Lord, that’s almost a definition of any House of Lords.)
“It is my strong conviction that a realist conception of human nature should be made the servant of an ethic of progressive justice, and not turned into a bastion of conservatism, especially one which defends unjust privileges.”
Here’s an excerpt from an article showing how fraudulent COVID-19 fatality statistics inflate the “supposed” official figures: “Fox 35’s Danielle Lama in Orlando, opened a can of worms on Florida’s COVID-19 data and reporting, by asking a simple question about two twenty-year-old COVID-19 deaths that were reported out of Orange County.
A 20-year-old person, who died in a motorcycle accident was added to Florida’s COVID-19 death count, according to a state health official, Lama uncovered on Friday.
Lama asked Orange County Health Officer, Dr. Raul Pino, whether two COVID-19 victims, who were in their 20s, had any underlying conditions.
Pino replied, “The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident.”
Lama, then asked Dr. Pino if the motorcycle accident victim’s death had been removed from the COVID-19 state data, his reply was even more shocking.
“I don’t think so. I have to double-check,” Pino said. “We were arguing, discussing, or trying to argue with the state. Not because of the numbers, it’s 100, it doesn’t make any difference if it’s 99, but the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19, died in the crash. But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash. I don’t know the conclusion of that one.”
Numerous deaths are labeled as COVID-19 fatalities to ensure federal reimbursements and these phony figures are readily accepted as fact because they give credence to the official narrative which promotes Covid-19 hysteria.
I posted a joker comment, joke headline, a few months ago, early in the game, ridiculous enough to get more than its fair share of upvotes and not knowing then how close I was to the bullseye: “Record 13 traffic fatalities yesterday in NYC, all dead of the Coronavirus” — ‘Experts say that their deaths in the city’s gravest ‘Danger Zone’ are an implied warning to health managers: “And they did not die in vain.”‘
I could see that headline happening, though. Still can.
Its good to know too that the broken clock that is Rupert’s Fox News can still be right at least twice a day.
The phony COVID deaths cited by a Fox reporter must be the tip of an iceberg.
Hein, nôtre chère Russe, sans doute. Sans toute doute!
Sans doute!
The Govt need to admit “it” doesn’t even exist.
i saw on top of these hills during the lockdown blue sort of light pulsing. it looked like there might have been a glass tube it was in coz it only went up 30ft or something like there was something there. it was really weird. there was also a vehicle coming fast towards so i hid and heard voices coz they somehow stopped near where i was. i thought i was being chased much of the night. i also sa w vehicles spraying whole hillsides with these lights like they were aiming a fan sort of spray in the dead of night.
it reminded of that blue of like those wifi devices and smart phones. one hill had 2 beams coming out the top. another had only one. there was another that wasnt really visible but it looked like something going into the ground. strange night i thought i was a goner. heard dogs in the distance when ever i stopped so kept going quick. after that vehicle stopped i went straight over some valleys. convinced me the fruit provided some endurance. its not like i had been working out or anything. i dont think these beams were something you could see from far away but coz i was near. i didnt feel to go and investigate closer given the situation.
i definitely think if people are being told to stay home, not go into hospitals its time to do exactly the opposite. check what is going on. maybe check like natural reserve sort of thing
Yes, interesting point, I like your questioning perspectives. Uncle $cam does just that kind of thing, always eith the pretext (or, pretense) of being “National Security” or “for the good of the country”.
That was part of the plotline of “Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind” that the feds came in and shut down the roads, strewing dead livestock everywhere, saying no one could pass, there was a dangerous nerve gas, whatever. If you remember that Spielbergapalooza (I just did!). All to misdirect the nosey tourists away from the alien craft landing site, and lockdown the area.
That would be too much for the masses. They were only nannying them. But our hero, Richard Dreyfuss, electrical power company repairman by day, as Everyman, New Mystic by moonlight, having been rubbed by the spacemen from afar, ain’t buying the official governnment spiel (-berg), and sneaks past their roadblocks, only to meet his date with destiny by adoption, thru the little green men, and a ticket out of this lesser paradise. 😎
I had a weird experience like that myself, a little different, but not explained yet, big mystery, 2 or 3 years ago. Maybe later.
But your aviso sounds right: challenge their dark outs. That’s all people do here, mostly. And it makes great sense since they’re almost never up to any good. Especially this!
It’s really not worth the trouble of dying unless youre already ready to “die hard”.
check your meds.
Wow, don’t tell the local authorities, it might be logged as a Covid-induced vision.
I do not watch TV, but one look at this Slimeball’s face, makes me feel nauseous. I really liked Tony Hancock, but even he couldn’t take it any more. Are they related?
Meanwhile, this little video, tells you all you really need to know, re why you feel extremely ill, through watching TV.
“How Coronavirus Fear could be making you sick and Less Intelligent”
You will feel much better, if you do not watch TV. I personally am not going down the pub. Normally this would be a valuable release from normal levels of Stress, but not if you are told where to sit, and instructed to keep quiet and not move. Apparently you have to put your hand up, if you want to go to the toilet..and one of these people will escort you if you are in luck
The Daily Telegraph reaches The Absolute Depths of Fear Porn. They even make The Daily Mail seem as if some of the people there have a few sparks of intelligence left.
Storm trooper zombies in a bioterrorism war on the people by UN ( shadow govt).
Yeah watch out for computers and robots “AI”taking over humanity ….why when human beings have forgotten their humanity and behave just like robots and this ignorant ego mind ( Nuremberg syndrome)is the problem.
i did watch some news clips back in march and felt physically ill from it. i think it must have been quite deliberate designed that way with specific word combinations, sounds and images. i think it is that serious people should put their tv out front so it is working as a sign to the community. hilde larsen put out this video covering how fear can shut down the adrenal glands and make people ill.
Went to my local last night and apart from the yellow and black tape which was bizarrely everywhere in a little pub and a book on the bar inviting you to sign in – I didnt even see it the place was just like normal. A brief conversation with the owner and largely no one was buying the bs. I would at least check things out. Seems to be lots of different approaches.
Where COVID-19 Masks Come From
Serial explosions hit Iran’s strategic cities & military complexes.
Explosion aboard US Navy ship leaves several injured
US navy Ship video – no explosions – just a few harmless smoke bombs distributed amongst the length of the ship.
The fake surge in the USA based on more testing, (more testing = more cases but lower deaths) is being used in Europe to justify more fear. Lies on lies on lies. We all need to take a hint from the Serbian people, who have forced their government not to surrender to imperial pressure and commit economic suicide.
Belgrade Liberated!
(Sorry for sourcing an alt-right publication)
Don’t kid yourselves this will change anything. they could even rename covid, ‘The Covid Hoax’ and put it on NHS leaflets, but that would not stop them locking down the economy and tracking everyone. They are running the truth and the lies in parallel.
And for some more covidchok jiggery-pokery with the numbers . . .
This from CNN. Not directly. Oh no. I don’t want to catch something nasty. I thank the good burghers at Anti-Empire.
Takeaway from this work of fiction: “It also appears from this research that minks can have Covid-19 without displaying symptoms.”
Just remember, folks, the genocide is moving from animals to humans eventually: “First they came for the minks . . .”
It’s the papaya I worry about.
Wales is planning for a nightmare scenario with coronavirus this winter
“The peak is likely to be much more sustained over the winter period, at a higher level”
More Fear Porn at wales online
There are clear signals going out that this winter forget the flu its covid all the way.
But will the con work.
At least there are lots of comments calling this out for what it is.
Back in March Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health, told the Telegraph that the coronavirus mortality rate in Italy may be exaggerated due to the way the country records fatalities.
But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.
Your statistics on 88% and the others from NIH are close to a match with the same that Italy reported in March. And they run about that elsewhere, wherever the death counts are inflated.
In short, people aren’t dying of coronavirus but of the things people normally die of.
It calls to mind that ‘ 70s spoof of detective stories, “Murder by Death.”
That theme might actually be the plot line of what’s going on in hospitals of UK and USA, or wherever else the death counts suggest a pandemic. Or a bad movie.
A bad film noir about “Euthanisms” –posing as covidian cadavers.
That article is from March. We have known all this time the figures were distorted, as have our government, they were distorting them, so the question is why have they destroyed their own economies, knowing that.
This is the killer quotation —
Prince Bernhard and (Prince) Philip’s powerful lackey Maurice Strong (who served as WWF vice-president under Philip from 1976-78), let the cat out of the bag in a 1990 interview saying:
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no’. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” [1]
This is exactly what Carney and his fellow central banking ideologues are talking about when they speak of “Green New Deals“. (Source –
They’ve done it because these people think in terms of 50-100-150 years. They gain mor ein the long run and ultimately even now we are seeing a massive transfer of public money into the super rich. Want to eat for half price today, well the likes of Burger King will be making a fortune… much for helping the small restaurants etc.
there isnt any evidence even any deaths have anything to do with a virus. there is more evidence santa delivers gifts down the chimney.
Yes. It’s a three for one. Turn humans into living cash cows, force obedience and get rid of half of them. It’s the final solution again. At this point we’re at the ‘aren’t they going to Madagascar?’ stage.
Long in the making: The Global Capitalist Con-19 Conspiracy
Excellent link Mr. Maroudas!!! The global “reset” has been well planned and executed. The only way to correct the damage is to “urgently review” and fire suited bastards such as Mr. Hancock…
This fits too. I don’t agree with Vernon Coleman’s stance on climate change (there’s no doubt our environment is being destroyed by capitalism) but everything else he says in this video rings alarmingly true. Our rulers want to get rid of the sick, the poor and the old – and much of the population.
@Eyes Open: “Our rulers want to get rid of the sick, the poor and the old – and much of the population.”
First I was surprised to hear Bush Sr, in his speech celebrating the end of the Gulf War, use a Nazi slogan, “The New World Order”. Then I was intrigued to hear from a Yank at the launch of Con-WMD, “(Shrub) Bush’s grandpa financed the Nazis, and the fruit does not fall far from the tree.” And now the WHO is planning The New World Order in Health!
If we submit to these Con-niving Loons, the world will be like Nazi-occupied Europe, where the genetic ideal was to be: “As blonde as Hitler, as slim as Goering and as beautiful as Goebels”.
ps I agree with you: the world is being destroyed by Capitalism, and one of the environmental threats is global warming caused by profligate combustion of carbon.
OR, destroyed through this equation:
That’s a quote from Upton Sinclair
And that’s exactly what just a lot of covidian Euthanisms are.
Upton Sinclair (a stalwart of pre-War U$ Socialism which vanished after the cultural genocide during the MacCarthy era) is also well remembered for the line: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Middle class professional Apparatchniks are toeing this line today; their salaries depend on not understanding this Con-19 hoax which has spread throughout our Affluent Democratic West like an epidemic. Con-19 really is an epidemic, but not a biological epidemic; Con-19 is a spiritual epidemic: an Unquestioning Belief in Blatant Lies, and a Servile Obedience to Arrogant Decrees.
An yes, the Quote by Sinclair, I’ve had it tattoed on me, my full frontal nerdity, for a number of years.
And rightly so, why not, since it embodies the gist of what’s being done to us: the salary is the medium of control that they have implemented at every turn. No lockdown without it. Not conscience, but job security doth make cowards of them all.
Scarcity, job security, all that related stuff keeps us in line. I am a grasshopper, almost my entire journey, and somehow I have got away with it til now, several years into Medicare.
I don’t know, if my unseen handlers and the managers of my virtual house arrest, who had bigger things planned for me (or, rather, for them, for the ever-laughin’ godforsaken Reich) can’t take a joke, I don’t know what to tell them.
All my favorite people have been grasshoppers. How else could they survive such a monument to banality as this? Like Piero Heliczer, there’s a gestapo-stomped story, who like Papillon returned from the dead. All the other grasshoppers, like Caine in “Kung Fu”.
Beethoven was an avatar for me in these conundra: “Two things are necessary [for the Composer]: “the spirit of a gypsy and the discipline of a soldier.” But such types are adrift today mostly, clinging to life and the Art Spirit.
Which, truth be told, Beethoven did his entire life: “Composers carry their freedom within themselves.”
This the 250th Anniversary of his birth.
His Große Fuge stands at the uppermost summit of musical conception, in a rarefied atmosphere huffed by only a few others, like Bach and Handel.
“It is a totally contemporary work of music and it shall remain contemporary forever.”. ~~ Igor Stravinsky
“Why did they encore the rest of the quartet and not the Fuge!? It’s all that they should have encored! Cattle! Asses!”
— Ludwig van Beethoven
Don’t know if you read/listen to Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report. (What a fascinating story hers is).
She ends each week on the Solari Report with a piece by Beethoven.
I think it’s a nice touch.
@John Ervin: “Composers carry their freedom within themselves.” This the 250th Anniversary of his [Beethoven’s] birth.
Many thanks, for both the quotation and the reminder. So you, too, were nourished by the spirit of freedom in Beethoven’s works. Some of them were childishly simple (some would say, cringingly simpleminded). Others were hundreds of years before their time. Even in the 20th century there were critics who did not understand Fidelio. But today, in our 21c, in this terrifying dawn of a neo-Liberal-neo-Fascist New World Order, I think nearly everyone on OffG would “get it”:
Wahrheit wagt ich kühn zu sagen,
Und die Ketten sind mein Lohn.
Truth I boldly dared to utter
And the chains are my reward.
May the spirit of Beethoven break those chains!
(“The mind-forged manacles of man”)
“In every cry of every man
In every Infant’s cry of fear,
In every Voice, in every Ban
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear.”
Always one of my favorites of Blake.
I stood next to the golden sculpture of his head, staring blindly atop a dais, in Poets Corner, Westminster Abbey, have you seen that? The only poet there with such a memorial: in a masterstroke, the artist molded it with the eyes missing in their orbits, as though his visions had vacated his very sight, drawing our focus only to his inner vision. Amazing work, amazing poet sanctuary.
He was another seer like Beethoven who was gifted with a sense of his own truth’s sovereignty, and the special access it gave them to the Art Spirit of Freedom. Another way of saying that Beethoven’s Daedalus had finally given him his wings, at the end of his deafness journey, to escape our little Labyrinth, the new Plato’s Cave where billions now are consigned.
And yet the map out is free to one and all. It’s just learning to read it that’s the real homework!
It’s not like riding a bicycle, I have to relearn it every time I try to get back on. But then some of us have runaway A.D.D.
Swimming always against the stream can do that you.
I hitch-hiked to Bonn when I landed in Luxembourg March 24, and I had this inspiration of his Anniversary looming, March 26, to guide me to his birth home. And I got there in time.
I guess you would call that a “pilgrimage” for the right word.
(Another poet, W. H. Auden, has a slab beside Blake’s “skullpture” in Poet’s Corner. He had only died a year or so before, when I first saw his marker in the floor of the Abbey. I had been writing my first ambitious score –two years before in California, where my walls were all once festooned with portraits of Beethoven (and Bach)– and I took quill to a setting of the last verses of Auden’s Christmas Oratorio “He is the Way/ Follow him through the Land of Unlikeness/ You will see rare beasts and Have unique afventures” — when he dropped dead in the streets of Vienna (the other major Beethoven Shrine) of a sudden massive heart attack — which he once said would be his preferred mode of departure! Was it something I penned?!
He weighed in on the Quest for Inner Freedom in his tribute to Yeats, written at just such a time of global uncertainty like this, 1939, and which someone recited to me as a lad and I never forgot:
“In the deserts of the heart
Let the healing fountain start.
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise.”
Somehow that suits these Covid Sundays.
Pope Francis, weighing in on the message and mission of Beethoven:
“He was our Prometheus. He brought the gift of fire to mankind.”
We can use some, this quarter of a millennium later !
HAPPY 250TH, “LUDOVICUS” (the Latin form for “Louis, Ludwig”) from gaelic CLOVIS: “Bold” in “Battle” -Fits.
It is so obvious but many people just can’t see it and they certainly don’t want to listen to me talking about it.
Love your last sentence.
Global warming, was global cooling 30 years ago. the earth gets hot, the earth gets cold.
Rather than euthanize them, just create all the right social distances to the Elite’s advantage, then let “Nature” take its course: involuntary fasting.
There is documentation (extensive Vatican inquiries, vetting) quite a number of Saints, who apparently subsisted for food only on the Holy Eucharist. For years.
The Fixers of this Hoax have dabbled in “EVEN” cutting off that line of nourishment, by closing churches, as a dry run neatly cancelling half of Lent and then precisely ALL 50 days of the Easter Season, which liturgically ends on Pentecost Sunday ~~ and then slyly lifting it for the following Sunday, which was June 14, here in California, and many an elsewhere: the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood. The Eucharist.
Which could be simply a sly bit of ideological chicken feed, limited hangout, to temporarily, momentarily, deflect suspicion from their main overall target, which is access to the Eucharist. (For non-Christians or any non-religious types, or just anyone unfamiliar with all that, just think: the Eucharist is to (sincere) Orthodox Christians and Catholics what Spinach is to Popeye. Only much more so.)
Almost as if this whole thing was choreographed by the Evil One.
Well, it would all seem at least to dovetail, or bat-tail, niftily with many of his main objectives and strategies.
As my man Dave Emory ( often says, and much more frequently, when chronicling all the known details of Intel Black Ops, “….they are **almost** Satanic”.
I guess use of that nomenclature saves his bacon from being grilled in infernal libel suits. I understand that those can get quite heated.
Yes, I’m rather amazed by the number of otherwise perceptive analysts on Deep State politics who adhere to the view that population growth and the concomitant human/industrial waste products are not a threat to the planet. Not only Vernon Coleman, but James Corbett and Matthew Ehret, here on OG.
I believe Corbett’s stand as “climate change denier” is not so much about the fact that the climate is changing, and what or who is responsible, it is that the elitist/globalist/cabal/deep state/oligarchs are using and manipulating the change in climate for their own nefarious, profitable, controlling purposes.
I more or less agree with him. I agree with him that climate change has been usurped and is just one more divide and conquer smoke screen being used by the same people who have brought us war, false flags, assassinations, buildings collapses, and lethal aerosol viruses. I mean Greta Thunberg? I have the same feeling when I see her being exploited that I do when I see children wearing masks. Sick to my stomach.
I would like to see more emphasis put on our out of control consumerism and unbelievable WASTE that causes so much pollution. Of course that would cut into profits so it’s easier to keep the focus on carbon trading.
I read Corbett daily, and have for years. In fact I found offguardian because of his interview with Kit Knightly months ago. He does very good work. I don’t always agree, but I always learn.
My impression came from an old podcast(around 2016) which I can no longer find at Corbett’s website(he has done a lot of streamlining since). I support The Corbett Report with a modest monthly donation but have never heard a reassuring qualification from James on the environmental issue. I agree that the Gates Foundation is a fraudulent means to consolidate power among Deep State operatives. However, apart from the vaccine fixation,The Gates Foundation promotes genetic engineering to support an infinite growth in global population (another disastrous policy).
Of course this would contradict the sterilization motivation associated with vaccines in areas of explosive population but there is no reason to discount duplicity or simply the incompetence of the organization.
As far as the climate change issue being usurped I am in full agreement. It has been trivialized by our neoliberal media along with other major issues e.g. medicare for all, reckless foreign policy. We have only to note the candidate selection to know the situation is grim.
Perhaps the gmo’s are just about control and money?
The alledged sterilization is about population control?
That’s the logical conclusion.
Amidst the ongoing covidchok false flag, Big Tech is hard at work. Jeff C has a good laugh about it . . .
Thanks for the laugh. I’ve had a sticker over the camera on this MacBook since it was new in 2015 — no problems!
glue the microphone too
just know there is so much room at the top…
Why share this garbage?
its not garbage. it is get well soon lyric video. much better than most shabby 60s lyrics like rolling stones or such depressing junk:) its good lyrics but ofcourse the dark forces want you stuck thinking music died in 1970 when really it wasnt so great. the best thing was most lyrics were inaudible:)
My first revelation was that “God has no secrets from man.” It is Satan who must confine his work to stealthy conspiracies to deception, and to promises which will never be kept. “And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God. Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them,
just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God. Satan takes you to the top of the mountain and offers you all the kingdoms of the earth (Martin Luther King proclaimed, “I have been to the top of the mountain,” but he never revealed what had taken place there); the politician offers you free food, free lodging, free medical care –everything will become “free at last!” The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemy–Satan.God does not make offers to you in competition with Satan and his politicians. What could God offer you when he has already given you the whole world? What more could He do than to send His Only Begotten Son to preserve this world for you when it was threatened by Satan? And why would God wish to veil His love for you behind arcane mysteries, occult conspiracies, and obscene practices?
eustace mullins the curse of canaan
People say to me “nothing can be done”. I get the sentiment. However, it ignores the necessity and effectiveness of naming the powers.
Jesus said of the Old Boy, that “Prince of this world” (cf. Machiavelli “The Prince”) that “…that is because he was a thief and a liar from the beginning”.
This is also why state intelligence has to be grown from the grass roots up, to not generate cancer.
Nation states where intelligence is the guarded property of the few — “Privatized” i.e. “rogue”– always eats its own people. It’s close a law of physics, as the states become more organized (criminal) and hyper- complex.
“Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.”
— James J. Angleton, in his 1975 testimony to Congress on “Clandestine Activities”
Jesus went to the top of the mountain more than once. One of those times he was transfigured and joined in a resplendent vision, by Moses and Elijah, with an unseen Voice thunderously rumbling these words, “This is my beloved son”.
So, there’s that.
Too. (2.) Maybe MLK meant that Mountain?
Jesus went to the top of the mountain more than once.
One of those times he was transfigured, and joined in a resplendent Vision, by Moses and Elijah, with an unseen Voice thunderously rumbling these words, “This is my beloved son”.
So, there’s that.
Too. (2.) Maybe MLK meant that Mountain?
~~~~ £4£&$4$
It was a fascinating incident, but I first saw Kobe Bryant at my church in early 2006 ~~ the same one in Corona del Mar that he went with his family for pre-Dawn Mass and Eucharist, the day he (allegedly) died 3 hours later.
When he artivex at Our Lady Queen if Angels that Sunday Evening last Mass, it was that Feast of the Transfiguration. He had just earlier that day beat Elgin Baylor’s decades old NBA record for most 40+ points game in a season.
I’d been wondering about that very thing on the drive to church, but couldn’t get news on the radio. And then suddenly there he was, coming in a little late with his first daughter on his shoulders so he could navigate the pew, puts her down, an athletic geezer behind him taps him on the back, and he turns around beaming cordially with a broad smile and warmly shakes his hand nodding “thanks”. Just as he turns back around to face the altar like us all, the lector reads the Gospel about the Transfiguration, a brief version highlighting The Father’s words, “Then a voice from Heaven was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son”.”
Quite an entry, he stands much larger than life above the throng, so is a gocal point, and the only black person in the pews, other than his then tiny daughter Natalis. His widow Vanessa was standing beside him, as wide as she was tall then, just hours before giving birth to the late “Gigi”.
Quite a moment in time, embedded as it was with the Gospel Reading. And framed by the imagery of Transfiguration, my whole vista was wild and woolly!
But as much as it was counterintuitive to the sensibilities of the local fans of our hometown Clippers NBA franchise, nearby, main rivals of Kobe’s (and my) Lakers, I also had to chuckle.
He’ll always be framed that way in memory. At the top of a Calabasas mountain.
Jesus went to the top of the mountain more than once.
One of those times he was transfigured, and joined in a resplendent Vision, by Moses and Elijah, with an unseen Voice thunderously rumbling these words, “This is my beloved son”.
So, there’s that.
Too. (2.) Maybe MLK meant that Mountain?
~~~~ £4£&$4$
It was a fascinating incident, but I first saw Kobe Bryant at my church in early 2006 ~~ the same one in Corona del Mar that he went with his family for pre-Dawn Mass and Eucharist, the day he (allegedly) died 3 hours later.
When he arrived at Our Lady Queen of Angels that Sunday Evening late Mass, it was that year’s Feast of the Transfiguration. He had just earlier that day beat Elgin Baylor’s decades old NBA record for most 40+ points game in a season.
I’d been wondering about that very thing on the drive to church, but couldn’t get news on the radio. And then suddenly there he was, coming in a little late with his first daughter on his shoulders so he could navigate the pew, puts her down, an athletic geezer behind him taps him on the back, and he turns around beaming cordially with a broad smile and warmly shakes his hand nodding “thanks”. Just as he turns back around to face the altar like us all, the lector reads the Gospel about the Transfiguration, a brief version that year highlighting The Father’s words, “Then a voice from Heaven was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son”.”
Quite an entry, he stands much larger than life above the throng, so is a pretty obvious choice as a focal point, and the only black person in the pews, other than his then tiny daughter Natalia. His widow Vanessa was standing beside him, as wide as she was tall then, just hours before giving birth to the late “Gigi”.
Quite a moment in time, embedded as it was with the Gospel Reading. And framed by the imagery of Transfiguration, my whole vista was wild and woolly!
But as much as it was counterintuitive to the sensibilities of the local fans of our hometown Clippers NBA franchise, nearby, main rivals of Kobe’s (and my) Lakers, to see him set in relief that way, I also had to chuckle.
He’ll always be framed that way in memory. At the top of a Calabasas
Sorry for the copies, I was trying to post and this new edit function here kept timing out, and the whole process got hung up. Only the middle edit needs stay.
As this article points out the scientific and medical advisers and government have been giving conflicting and contrary advice and taking conflicting and contrary actions from the first, to the point where most of the public has given up trying to make any sense of it.
It all makes perfect sense however if we view it through the prism of what the motivation of all concerned really is, and it’s not saving lives or even businesses, it’s all these people in authority of any kind all trying to save their own jobs.
State employed doctors, university scientists and politicians are all public servants, paid for by the public, and supposed to be motivated above every other consideration by the desire to give service to the public, to act in the best interests of the public.
In the case of doctors, they even are sworn to abide by the Hippocratic oath, which basically means they are sworn to protect lives.
But that means one presumes, where there is an unavoidable choice between saving some lives and sacrificing others, they must act on the basis of numbers; so it should therefore have been totally essential to make as accurate as possible an assessment of the lives that would be saved by the measures taken, versus the lives that would be lost in all the cancelled tests and operations, and of all of the people too afraid to seek treatment due to fears of the virus even in emergency situations, and also the number of life-threatening problems caused by the lockdown, including not only vastly more suicides, but any other conditions causing millions of premature health problems and deaths.
Clearly no such even partial serious study was undertaken before the lockdown decision was made, or at least, not by anybody connected with advising the government.
Doctors in particular and scientists in general thus failed the public in their duty to serve the public, and government failed by not insisting such an obvious study was carried out before taking such a momentous, and it is now becoming clear, absolutely catastrophic decision.
The real shameful truth of how all these authorities and officials have acted is therefore, that all concerned simply acted in order to save their jobs.
Perhaps if we ever recover from the current mess, the public will consider only putting wiser older people into power, who already achieved something in life, instead of young ambitious ones all trying to make a name for themselves, and motivated mainly by service to themselves, instead of those they are supposed to be serving.
I agree, except for the ‘ Perhaps if we ever recover from the current mess, the public will consider only putting wiser older people into power, who already achieved something in life, instead of young ambitious ones all trying to make a name for themselves‘
It weren’t the young and ambitious ones who talked in the news: it were the old and ‘wise’ experts who already achieved something in life.
Kit Knightly is calling this a pandemic?! I’m disappointed. It is no such thing.
And there’s no good news in this report (which really pulls punches, surprisingly). Kit might benefit from taking in the July 13th UK Column News show, in which the presenters (Patrick Henningsen, Mike Robinson, David Scott) examine many developments, including the decision of the UK government to include what they call second pillar information about covid 19 cases. What does that mean? Pillar one info is government info only. Pillar two is private sector info. The resulting numbers of cases reported (which are meaningless stats meant for propaganda purposes only) when they combine those two sources of stats on cases will therefore rise.
Matt Hancock is at his terrorist best, saying things like “Each week there are over a hundred local actions taken across the country – some of these will make the news but many more are swiftly and silently dealt with.”
Indeed. The nazis perfected that technique – called “disappearing” – which they called Night And Fog. It was then implemented in the South American police States that formed up beginning with the Kennedy admin’s destruction of Brazil.
The UK Column News show for July 13th:
My commentary on that show:
Your article point of people not voting is sterile. Join the Labour Party and help democratically to kick out the Blairites whilst supporting Socialism, ie Democratic workers control of society.
oh dear
Read: Join the Blairites and help democratically to kick out the Blairites.
news flash: they already tried that.
Thanks so much for reality. We were looking everywhere for it. Now we’ve found it. Not.
Control the virus by burning the house down: not very clever, but they want to keep this narative going, so the hunt is on for a scape goat to justify burning down the garden shed as well. Moar cases should do the trick, caused by naughty children not wearing masks.
Vietnam U.S. military maxim: “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”
When government (by oppressors) rationale has got to that point of logical twistedness, it is a short circuit of the mind that invariably means madness. That is why any really worthwhile scientific mind seems to need to cultivate the Art Spirit to maintain wholeness. (I read a piece in Scientific American over 40 years ago that was a review of an e.e.g. study demonstrating that music is the only human activity that integrates “left and right” brain operations simultaneously in real time, shown by its characteristics that are both “irreducibly” qualitative as well as purely measurably quantitative as values.)
Not doing so leads to the nation states deranged as we see, as they iterate themselves unidimensionally (GNP) forward, at everyone’s expense.
It also explains a lot of who and how the power elites have virtually destroyed classical music culture in the US. The silly nazis.
And despite the best philanthropy that money can buy.
GKC on the grave dangers of artlessly “simple” logic (and RUSSIAN, to boot);:
“The truth is that Tolstoy, with his immense genius, with his colossal faith, with his vast fearlessness and vast knowledge of life, is deficient in one faculty and one faculty alone. He is not a mystic; and therefore he has a tendency to go mad. Men talk of the extravagances and frenzies that have been produced by mysticism; they are a mere drop in the bucket. In the main, and from the beginning of time, mysticism has kept men sane. The thing that has driven them mad was logic. …The only thing that has kept the race of men from the mad extremes of the convent and the pirate-galley, the night-club and the lethal chamber, has been mysticism — the belief that logic is misleading, and that things are not what they seem.
~~ from TOLSTOY (1903)
Reason is always a kind of brute force; those who appeal to the head rather than the heart, however pallid and polite, are necessarily men of violence. We speak of ‘touching’ a man’s heart, but we can do nothing
to his head but hit it.
~~ from “Twelve Types (1903) Charles II”
the flu is from the latin ie. under the influence of the devil. covid is the self same decoy from the unhealthy food promoted by imperialists ie. prison/ hospitial/ school dinners. john rose explaining colds and flus are the most obvious sign there is something wrong with our diet:
Something like that. Terrain theory strikes me as much more logical than for-profit Rockefeller health care ideology.
it is. you can prove it to yourself but a side salad isnt enough. you have to stuff yourself with fruit to see the difference like the saliva tastes more sweet (alkali), you need less sleep, various symptoms fade away, you feel more happy, you have more energy, shit comes out. lol.
While we can (somewhat) control what we eat, we have no control over what we breathe. If one accepts – as I do – that geoengineering (i.e., “chemtrails” etc) is, and has been, going on; and that a toxic brew is being spewed day and night into the atmosphere; and that these toxins rain down in the “breathable air column” – then one is breathing in enough nano poisons to more than counteract anything else we do to stay healthy.
Dane Wigington of has stated that if one goes out on a dark night and shines a very bright light skyward, one will be shocked at the amount of particles falling. I keep meaning to try it; but I’m not sure a regular flashlight will be bright enough.
(As a side note: being a skeptic, I have to wonder how, if these are all nano particles, one would be able to see them as clearly as Mr Wigington maintains.)
Vitamin Megadoses, friend!
That I’ve been doing for about 50 years. I have no doubt it helps. I also have no doubt it’s just a matter of time till the FDA (for those who live in the US) bans vitamin and mineral supplements.
One of the Pharmas has already asked the FDA to declare B12 a controlled substance – because one of its new drugs contains B12 and it wishes no competition.
elimination is a key issue. its not so much about the food but the repair of the elimination processes. if you are not eliminating then these toxins accumulate so it is much more important what you eat than you might think due to the accumulation of damage to the kidneys. the acids build up, things stop working properly, the body becomes dehydrated, many parasites proliferate. even lions cant cope with protein, 80% dieing of kidney damage.
I do try to maintain a low acidic diet and drink water all day long. Though I do eat some meat/protein, I was fortunately raised by a mother who genuinely disliked meat. I was about 10 years old before I tasted my first beef roast (cooked by an aunt). I won’t deny that after 66 years, I still remember how good it tasted!
I had read years ago, regarding meat, that the human digestive system evolved to digest raw meat, not cooked meat. That makes perfect sense – and could be used as a tool to help wean people of meat.
toxins create illness
toxins are all around us
a seeded poisonous soup
a round up
ready for the goy cattle slow slaughter
oil industry big pharma chemi cull
makes you sickly or dead or both
the germ theory pasteur what a rotter
burning on a red hot poker in hell for his crimes.
bechamp godly facts
v pasteur demon caanan lies
Lot of truth but blaming Jews is sloppy thinking and shows you aiont as critical as you think.
Profile of the downvoter:
“IzE Taykin 8 drugz cuz docter sayd I hafe uncurablele illniss! I bettr tayke moOre flue shotz cuz docter sayz itz guud.
U neede to tayke COVID shotz cuz itz only way to go back 2 skool n stuff. Dr Fouchi is a docter u r not. CNN sayz so.
Ryte now I haf a cold, but I am hungree so I will eet McDonald’s now. COUGH COUGH why AMI I SICK ALL THE TIME?”
I am scared.
Without wanting to sound melodramatic, fascism has already arrived in the form of DNR notices applied to those with disabilities. This is Aktion T4 all over again.
Alarm sirens should be warning of impending fascism from every roof top. Will it take an actual jackboot crushing our heads to realise?
The name of every victim who has taken their own life or died prematurely (so far) because of lockdown should be tattooed on the flesh of every scientist, politician and celebrity blue tick who did not speak out. It’s predicted 60,000 cancer patients will die from cancelled medical treatment. How many more will die of suicide and poverty?
It is of paramount importance that careerists think of the bigger picture now, before it’s too late.
**First they came for the anti-vaxxers, and I did not speak out because I was not an anti-vaxxer**
And this from the Telegraph before it turned traitor:
Not melodramatic, Eyes Open, fascism has most definitely already arrived.
It’s been here for a long, long time. People just didn’t want to see it. Academics, and those bamboozled by them, helped to keep people from seeing the fact, even though the man most identified with fascism, Benito Mussolini, stated clearly and simply that fascism or corporatism obtains when the political class joins with the capitalist class to run things, cutting out the people (which the people are not told is happening, of course). Then all kinds of smart people come up with all kinds of convoluted explanations for fascism so as to show that it isn’t really here. Uh, huh. I like what Christopher Black said about it: “And never are the people told that the Nazis were capitalists on a rampage, that they were and are the face of capitalism with the gloves off.”
See “The Whitewashing of The Nazis” by Christopher Black /
I’d always thought I was going mad when I used to reread the Mussolini quote about ”the merger of state and corporate power.” I couldn’t understand why people couldn’t see that this was exactly what was going on in the world.
I finally realised that people just didn’t understand what ”fascism” actually meant.
The word fascism itself means something like ‘binding together’, which you see in the symbol of the axe made up of rods tied together. In this case, the binding together refers only to the capitalist and business classes.
Along those lines, my view of Right and Left is that they are not moral equivalents. (My idea of Left, I suppose, isn’t conventional.) Right is evil. Left is normal. Those on the evil side of life want the good things (and whatever political system you choose) for themselves and their group only. Those on the Left recognize that mankind is an interdependent proposition and they want the good things for all. Which, of course doesn’t mean that we don’t care how evil you are. I believe that criminals should be punished for their crimes, not given the world and our lives to play with. Otherwise, I do not believe in ‘riches for the strongest’. That’s for the animal kingdom.
I couldn’t agree more. The Right are the people for whom the Vile Maxim was coined: All for ourselves, and nothing for other people.
I’m more than a bit sick of their selfish and immature worldview. The basic principles of any sane society involve the opposite of the Vile Maxim.
Immature? Always seemed more like stillborn.
Or, more generously: “waiting to be born.”
Many you may know still waiting, in their ’90s
Maybe they’re just dying to live.
Jim Hightower on his pappy’s watchword for the world: “Everyone does better when everyone does better.”
Simple principle. Ours too.
its from a Roman sandle, the peiece of leather that kept the base of the sandel under control and the foot on top of it. Foot on the face of human kind…..
Oh yeah, Thom Hartmann has been saying that on his shows for years, written in stone maybe 5 years sgo.
Well, so have I. Kind of nearly from the cradle, but adamantly since 2000.
Others would see it, but they prefer some sort or variation of Koolaid to a strong and bitter draft of Truth.
Bitter, but lifegiving in its effects.
If the taste don’t kill ya !!
I’m having snafus trying to get Hartmann on my phone, since I usually use libraries if I need much bandwidth. ( They’ve all been locked tight as a drum since March. Funny, how they don’t seem to have any public computers available, only a $ for every couple minutes at Fedex or Staples. )
He’s the 1st big radio presence I’ve seen where I only get hits for youtube, but no transcripts, which I’d rather have, for searchable refs.
He has a mega-huge audience (“No. 1 liberal talk show in U.S.” etc etc, is considered very left, socialist pink, countercultural) and is big into health, and all the good things, but I found a headline just now, Hartmann says something like, “Covid’s damage can last a lifetime, lifelong terrible traumatic effects, etc etc” run for your lives, head for the hills etc. etc) I dunno, sounds really crappy.
Is he a false flag too, cleverly disguised? That’s about all you have here. Now. Few exceptions. Strange that, in such a land of Exceptionalists.
But although Nader and he say all the right things, always, we’ve never really gut-trusted either one, which explains why we don’t tune in often.
Nader, Null, and Hartmann. Maybe the 3 biggest alt-broadcasters in US. Certainly 3 bigs. Not sure how much you can trust.
Slim .
many lives will be saved by avoiding chemo.
Thank you for introducing me to this man several posts back. Great stuff!
john rose is great. loads of good videos. he also predicted they would try to pull this 1918 rerun. he is the guy who introduced fully raw kristina to fruit. she has a huge following.
Robert Morse speaks alot of sense but his all fruit diet is utterly ridiculous and makes no sense. If Humans are frutopians then they would all die over winter….not much fruit growing where I am for 9 months of the year…..mind you I got abg of wild cherries yesterday. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Indeed. They planned the pandemics that aren’t pandemics. (I await the book that Thomas Cowan said he was co-authoring that seeks to explain all past pandemics in non ‘Rockefeller health care’ terms.) In doing so, they included triage. Since the pandemics are fake, their plans for triage, implemented, are pre-meditated murder.
See “Dancing the Apocalypso with the Microbial Gestapo” by Janet Phelan /
Excellent comment.
Isn’t it ironic? There has been so much consternation about Muslim women wearing the niqab (veil covering all of the face apart from the eyes) and now we are being forced to wear a “veil”.
I notice that John Goss’s Defying the Mask Dictate blog has been reposted and the reposter has added that you can get a card from disabilityHORIZONS that reads:
I have a disability/health condition and am exempt from wearing a face covering.Thank you
It is not required but it might save you dealing with being challenged.
Perhaps I’ll fashion myself one in Australia and make it look official should it come to that. And I might add that I’m allergic to hand sanitiser.
Love Michael Leunig’s cartoon today in the SMH that relates to handwashing. Brilliant.
I like it. I will use it I think in one of my next blog post about the covid 19 pandemic hoax. And the veil thing, I agree, is ironic. It occurred to me as well.
I liked the idea of a card here as well, until the Media asked our premier about them. Seems people are concern about these “fake scammers” and would like more enforcement of mandatory masks. Our premier told us all to be good and to follow the rules.
Our health department states no one is to be denied service for not wearing a mask, but that it’s really up to the store employees to decide. What garbage.
A couple of days ago, a 73 year old man got into an altercation because he would not wear a mask. The employees at that grocery store called the police. The man left and might have hit another vehicle on the way out, was pursued by police for 40kms. The public was told shots were fired and the man was killed by police. No mention who fired shots or what state the man was in. They found firearms at his home, but where?
The store manager called her employees “heroes.” I would call them accessories to murder.
Marie, it has all the hallmarks of a staged event designed to intimidate people – they do this sort of stuff all the time. The guy was only offered a mask so why would he carry on like a complete lunatic.
It says in this story:
“an unidentified 73-year-old man” … and yet
… in this video they report the police were outside the guy’s home so how could the guy be unidentified?
I call bullshit.
Thank you for the info. I wouldn’t put it past “them”. I will be checking this out!
Let’s hope that all those dummies wearing masks and believing everything a flawed gov’t and their highly paid charlatans tells them, have had a perfect example of propaganda overdrive.
Some people won’t get unless Bozo tells them so or they hear it on the gov’t propaganda channels such as bbc, channel4, et al, who all failed to do their job of investigating and reporting the facts.
All those involved in the scam need to dismissed forthwith. They also need to attend some courses on creating computer models before they are ever let lose again in a professional capacity.
“before they are ever let lose again”
I would prefer it if the culpable ones were never again let loose. The blood on their hands will take a lot longer than two rounds of ‘Happy Birthday to You’ to wash off.
Release story on a Friday in July…. blink and you’ll miss it coverage in the Mockingbird media… produce a dozen fear-mongering stories shortly afterwards… throw in a few distractions…. News Management 101.
Will they also admit that electronic payment systems are not reliable?
Real life experience this morning, July 17th 2020 in a High Street store in NW London.
I seek to help the UK high street by spending some money purchasing new clothes. I know that my bank account has a 4 figure sum in it and I have written down my PIN number straight off the piece of paper sent by my bank encoding the 4 figure code.
After collecting items totalling a 3 figure sum starting with 1, I put my card into a Worldpay POS device and am asked to enter my PIN. This I duly do, reading straight from what I have written down. ‘Incorrect PIN’ comes back the POS device (no pun intended). I re-enter, the same message comes back, transaction is declined.
I leave the items with the store manager, jog 150 yards along to my bank branch, whereby I am immediately able to withdraw £200 from a cashpoint, using exactly the PIN number so recently declined by ‘’ POS device.
I go back to the store in question, pay in cash and walk home.
So what we have here is an unacceptable refuse-to-provide-POS-transaction-services company arrogantly suggesting that they know better than the issuing bank what the PIN number for my bank card is. They do so twice, which says that they are incompetent, fraudulent, corrupt or all of those.
What happens when shysters decline payments for essential items where there is no cashpoint 100 yards away?
Do you die??
This episode is the biggest reason why cash cannot be abolished and why electronic payment providers must be watched like hawks, regulated like criminals and constantly be under threat of loss of license if they think that they get to say who can carry out transactions based on fraudulent refusal of PIN numbers.
There is no panacea to electronic payment, it is merely one channel for payment which consumers should have in their armoury. Consumers should never give those payment providers a monopoly, nor even the upper hand, for they will abuse such mistakes immediately.
The Government can control our finances if cash is erased. Likewise, there is a remote ‘backdoor’ built into all smartmeters that can switch off a power supply.
It’s quite feasible. A government could lock the finances and switch off the power of a group of workers who are engaged in an industrial dispute.
There might be a much simpler reason. Was it a new card? Had you activated it (by using it at an ATM) before the POS transaction? If not, that is the reason for the declined transaction.
why were you not paying cash to begin with?
If only consumers had any say. Then again, most consumers these days are cattle, namely cattle with very clean, or destroyed – pick your adjective – hands.
Deleted as was in wrong place.
Kit, as you know Excess Deaths are the ONLY and ABSOLUTE data on the CV epidemic across ALL the world.
Hancock is a owned puppet of the privatisers and secretive global tech/ intelligence- he has FAILED to introduce their absurd App! He has failed to organise the testing never mind tracking. They are looking for anything to protect their only and main endeavour and criminal caper.
Which as you know is the truth of the governments obsession with Hard BrexShit over all else in leading to the unnecessary MASSACRE of not just the elderly and vulnerable but many a poor worker such as security’s guards and bus and taxi drivers is daily more obvious. A longer shut down and a chaotic approach to the winter – “ it’ll all be over by Xmas” !!! – A direct clarion that we are heading into some serious shit on 31st December.
That the government led and defined ‘covid’ death recording was inexact- made up and changed almost daily – has always been the case. They were only counting deaths in hospitals to start with! And have never tested all deaths. The ‘revelation’ doesn’t reveal how many cases were counted as Covid when death was by being run over by a bus! As it doesn’t reveal how many thousands died of Covid but weren’t counted because they were not tested.
Government defined Covid deaths has hugely UNDERSTATED CV deaths. Not the opposite as is the constant refrain from this site and it’s echo bots.
As the hard BrexShitheads realise they cannot and will not be allowed to have their cake AND eat it and they manoeuvre the public towards ditching the Withdrawal Agreement that was Ready to Roll as Bozo told them when they were pushed into giving him his majority to get their Kingly powers – they need distraction from their woeful response to the pandemic and protection for their dumb egos – the Brittannia Unhinged lunatics , the Old Bastards, their new kids on the block and all that have bought into the austerity lie; the no NHS privatisation lie; the no chlorinated chicken, hormone beef and gum everything else LIE; the too many immigrants lie and now the Corona Virus lies – including this more heinous total CV ‘deaths are overstated’ LIE.
I’ll say it again and again as I have for months.
Excess Deaths are the ONLY and ABSOLUTE indicator on the CV epidemic across ALL the world.
And in the U.K. they are a LOT MORE than than dodgy Handjobs ‘Covid’ shuffle.
According to the Office for National Statistics weekly death figures, this year there were fewer deaths than the five yearly average until after the lockdown was introduced, and there have been fewer deaths for the last three weeks of the published figures, which occurred after the lockdown was eased. The excess deaths coincide with the lockdown precisely. When are you going to realise that the lockdown killed people?
There were fewer than average well BEFORE lockdown in January- why the deliberate obfuscation Steve?
We now know that the RNA sequence that we’re told represents CV19 has been around much longer than the lockdowns have been in place. Reports from Spain show it being found in sewage samples from March 2019.
Why did the excess deaths we have had in the UK only start happening after we locked down? This question also applies to every other country we have good data for. Excess deaths only happened after lockdowns started.
What was the virus doing up to this point? Cunningly waiting for the lockdown to start before killing people?
Covid1984 should be filed as Homicide, then, with Special Curcumstances: “lying in wait”.
When a homicide perp is found to be lying in wait (aka “with malice aforethought) judges and juries are always instructed to mete out the harshest longest sentences.
So, this Magic Virus was found to be lying in wait to wreak its dread disease.
AND, all those who have knowingly enabled it are as guilty: as accessories after the fact.
The Spanish report is debunked.
Keep lying.
You obvious have no understanding of the time lag between infection and death, do you? Or how ‘exponential’ increase manifests ? Hmm?
How long do you think that is on average?
Why do you suppose Excess Deaths peaked some time after the shutdown?
Yes I do. Without an unhealthy level of arrogance and blind assumptions, how could you possibly say I don’t?
You didn’t even answer the question, you just came right out with the insults.
You seem to be either a troll or a fool. Probably both.
Run rabbit.
According to Office for National Statistics, there were fewer than the five yearly average for every week this year until April.
I have no idea why you are accusing me of deliberate obfuscation, when I could not have been clearer.
Week 3 – 11 they WERE LOWER as anyone looking at the data set can see with their own eyes.
Is this supposed to make sense?
It makes sense to anyone looking at the link to the ONS data that YOU cite.
The numbers are lower than the average for these weeks.
You are proved to be lying.
What lie are you talking about?
“ there were fewer than the five yearly average for every week this year until April.”
You liar.
It’s the lockdown silly.
I suggest you seek medical attention before you harm yourself or worse still some innocent third party. Perhaps you need to take that muzzle off your empty head and get some oxygen once in a while?
I suggest you do the same.
The FACTS and STATS are clear.
Proof. If any of the echo chamber can be bothered to look at it.
And a very informative graph.
Twat Hancock looking as gormless as a human being can, a mind-control message on the podium, and the Butcher’s Apron in the background.
Just the thing to raise the spirits on a wet Saturday morning…
Oh yes. Absolutely correct. And he’s a typical politician. I just saw a clip of Gord Perks, a councillor here in Toronto, arguing that bodily autonomy is a crap idea!
I believe it was Billy Connolly who said that the desire to become a politician should bar a person for life from ever becoming one.
(Oh, and Gord Perks?!? Has anyone looked into his expenses for any shadiness?).
Interesting. Can you give me some leads on Perks?
I was merely making a joke about the fact that his name’s Perks, given politicians’ penchant for, er, ”enhancing” their earnings. :o)
Ahh. Indeed.
Good article by Kit Knightly.
Similar manipulation of death stats is happening in India. Almost every death is being attributed to the supposed new virus. Who is there to check? The media? The joke that Indian media has become, including the alt media, is really really big.
In India, there is no auditing of government records, and private healthcare operators also take advantage by inflating numbers to receive more government money. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, a statutory audit body supposed to audit all govt records, has been strangulated by Prime Minister’s Office and the Home Minister.
Not just death numbers, but the large +ve cases being touted in India are all hogwash. India is doing much much more antigen tests than PCR tests. Although both can be fudged, the antigen tests are more easily manipulatable and are being manipulated. I wonder if there is any other country that has carried out as much antigen tests as India.
The covidhoax is playing out on a massive scale in India. But I am confident it will boomerang badly on the govt. And, the WHO-Gates gang which has bribed Indian politicians and companies will also FAIL in their nefarious agenda.
India is actually doing very well in the death rate. 19 deaths Per Million.
Considering the poverty India is great compared to many many others so I have no idea what you’re on about.
India’s total population figure of 1.35 bln is always tended to be used when the per capita figure has to be shown low. But it can be very misleading.
All stats emanating from faulty tests (full of false +ves) and deliberately faulty death reporting protocol (full of non-‘cvid’ deaths being recorded as ‘cvid’ deaths) are bogus and the scale of bogus will vary substanitally across countries,
Having noted the above, we can look at the official numbers indicate that the absolute number of supposed +ve ‘cv19’ cases coming from the ‘tests’ (pcr, antibody and god knows what else is there in the mix) in India is the second or third highest in the world.
The rate of ‘+ve coronav19’ cases to total tested is 7.75% in India currently, which is among the 10 countries with highest rates.
The current death rate attributed to supposed ‘cvid’ as a proportion of supposed ‘+ve cv19’ cases is over 2.5% in India. This is not in the top 5 countries but probably in the top 10-15 countries.
The ‘cvid’ hoax in India is playing out on a massive scale, like in 10-15 other countries including US, UK, etc.
“All stats emanating from faulty tests (full of false +ves) and deliberately faulty death reporting protocol (full of non-‘cvid’ deaths being recorded as ‘cvid’ deaths) are bogus and the scale of bogus will vary substanitally across countries.”
It may be seen that it is precisely those variations on bogus, across countries, that provides a cynical CYA.
Sorry, John, I did not get the import. I am not sharp on some things that I come across for the first time.
cynical CNA = cynical ‘cover your ass’?
But how will those variations on bogus provide a cynical CVA?
Erroneously wrote ‘CNA’ & ‘CVA’ in my post above instead of ‘CYA’.
This just more distraction techniques from the govt .The shenanigans are a masterclass psy-op . They aren’t really admitting anything of consequence , ditto the Boris xmas spiel .
unfortunately most don’t seem to know or care .
A lot of the eminent Drs and scientists voicing criticism of the covid scam have been air-brushed from youtube or are hard to find , also George Webb and others .
It’s all still on track .For the continued direction of travel see the following :-
interesting political “opinion” here from Raff Ciccone :-
good video here David DuByne :-
good article here Marc Salvo :-
Milton Friedman on ‘what is America’
The British obey all laws, the French obey no laws and the Americans obey the good laws.
Maybe thats why there are no protests here??
(except Sunday )
It’s remotely possible that the inquiry currently underway in Germany is one of several factors causing fear among those responsible for the global lockdown. Four expert lawyers have joined forces to self-fund the inquiry, knowing that it would take too long to wait for an official inquiry. The initial phase will run from 4-6 weeks, 4 days a week, at around 6 hours a day of hearings, and gather as much data as possible from as many experts and other involved parties. The findings will then be published in English and German, and decisions will be made on how next to proceed.
A little over a week ago, two interesting statements were made at the press conference (German) that announced the inquiry:
One of the striking things about the UK’s perception of the lockdown is how narrow and parochial it is. There is so much taking place in Germany and elsewhere that it’s hard to keep up. For example, around 500,000 have registered to attend a protest – Berlin, 1 August – against the lockdown and for the restoration of all basic rights. This is on top of weekly demonstrations across Germany. And there are so many excellent and mutually supportive German YouTube channels crunching the data and exposing the lies and deceptions pumped out by government and mass media that I don’t have enough hours in the day to keep up with them all. It would be historically poetic if the country that made fascism so infamous last century saves the planet from fascism this time around!
Hurra für das Deutsche Volk!!
German virologist Sucharit Bhakdi was one of the first voices of sanity I listened to. He said of lockdown ‘it is unnecessary and grotesque’.
Those endorsing lockdown are endorsing a dystopian future for their own children and grandchildren. I wonder if George Galloway will have his own children vaccinated. Will he willingly sign up to Tony Blair’s ID 2020 scheme?
There are many like him who are helping to erect the electrified fences of Gates’ new global concentration camp.
Sucharit Bhakdi was recently interviewed on Munich Radio, a significant member of Germany’s mass media. Considering how quickly and roundly he was vilified, this is quite a big change for the better, one of many.
Another is the heroic work of Anselm Lenz, who founded a weekly newspaper — Demokratischer Widerstand (Democratic Resistance) — a couple of months ago, which now enjoys regular circulation above 500,000 weekly. He reports much clandestine support from chief editors and prominent journalists from the mainstream, including financial support. Meanwhile, mass-media publications are bleeding support by the week.
It’s quite possible Germany is close to a seismic tipping point.
Sincere ‘thank you’ to the people of Germany if they are able to stop this terrifying march of fascism in its tracks.
The spirit of Sophie Scholl lives on.
Can you recommend any websites where we can follow the developments in Germany you’ve described? It’s very encouraging and I would like to find out what’s happening.
This is the official website for the German Inquiry:
As I understand it some documents and transcripts will be made available in English on the website, or you can get them translated by your internet provider (e.g. on Google I can access in the top right-hand corner a tickbox requesting English translation of the on-screen windows).
Thanks, Judy! Hope you’re surviving this endless Corona nightmare OK.
Hi, Sam.
As you have probably seen from Toby’s message to me at 7.09 a.m. today, there are two Inquiries going on in Germany at the moment. You will be interested to see this introductory press conference given by the ACU Committee on 3 July, explaining their purpose and how they intend to proceed. It has English sub-titles.
If only we could see similar initiatives in the UK to at least make people aware of unrest amongst experts.
Thanks for alerting me to that. I was assuming that there was only one inquiry. I’m going to watch some of these tomorrow to try to get some encouragement!
It seems there are two inquiries, Judy. You linked to Ärzte für Aufklärung (Doctors for Clarification – Aufklärung is hard to translate: “auf” is a prefix/preposition, here meaning up or open, and Klärung is the noun form of “klar”, which means clear, so there’s a mix of exposure, information, intelligence gathering, reconnaissance…). The inquiry I linked to above is different, though I’ve heard the two bodies will cooperate as much as they can.
On their home page, there are three doctors sitting at a table. To the far left as we view the image sits Dr Bodo Schiffmann, whose YouTube channel I linked to in a comment below. He’s also co-founded a political party called Wir2020 (We2020), born out of the somewhat messy parting of ways from another party, Widerstand2020 (Resistance2020), which has been carried on by the lawyer co-founder of that party. Widerstand2020 exploded to over 100,000 members within a few weeks after being founded, making it – so it seemed – the third largest party in Germany. But it turned out their registration page had been hacked; the membership list was littered with fakes. In starting over from scratch and doing everything properly to very exacting German procedures for party formation, tensions obviously got too much and the parting of ways I mentioned occurred.
I’m not sure about the figures for Widerstand2020, but Wir2020 currently has a modest 7,000 – 8,000. It seems to be growing at a rate of about 1,000 a day, which isn’t bad, I guess. Time will tell how things on this front develop.
Hi Toby
Sorry about my confusion over the two Inquiries, but the more the merrier!
In case you might not have seen it, this is the introductory press conference of the ACU on 3 July with English subtitles. I shall make sure @Sam gets to see it as well.
Thanks Judy, it’s on my watch list, now all I need is the time!
All in German of course, but there’s this Stuff on YouTube…
Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, who has been researching and reporting since the very beginning, has just put together this summary of events up until now:
Narrative on OVALmedia (e.g. interview #6 with Prof. Dr. Bhakdi):
Samuel Eckert’s series:
It’s been a busy day, so that will get you started. I’ll post some more tomorrow…
Thank you! Please keep commenting when you have time to keep us up to date with developments in Germany.
I’ll do my best!
Here’s a great news-based site (Rubikon) that’s been going for a few years now. They also have a YouTube channel.
There’s the indefatigable Ken Jebson. His site is and this is his YouTube channel. His May release of his Me, Myself and Media magazine was excellent.
And I’ve recently been enjoying output from GD-TV (YouTube), which is basically interviews and recorded speeches of pretty much everyone campaigning against the lockdown in Germany.
Finally, my wife is very fond of Lehrer Maphy (YouTube). Most of his stuff is on maths and physics, but there’s a bunch on the lockdown.
Probably that’s enough for a lifetime of viewing! Enjoy!
Fantastic. Thanks again! Wish I was in Germany.
Is there a way to get a ‘thank you – please keep fighting’ message to the German resistance Toby?
Any hope that I once had for the future is slipping away like sand through the fingers.
My best guess would be to write to them in English at the address they (the 4 lawyers) mention at their website:
[I can’t get rid of the align-center formatting rule that got copied over from their site!]
Otherwise, any of the groups I’ve linked Sam to would be happy to receive encouragement in English as a comment on their YouTube channels or elsewhere! Support is always welcome, in whatever form.
I look at the future like this: If we’re wrong and the human population needs to be protected from a deadly virus, then all’s as well as can be, all things considered. I doubt this possibility very much, but you never know 100%. On the other hand, if it is a scam/conspiracy (I would be shocked to discover this were not the case), then we can take some comfort knowing that tyranny/fascism cannot last. It’s inefficient, brutal, paranoid, and most importantly devoid of emotional/spiritual meaning, aka real health. One way or the other, on whatever timescale, it will fall. Nothing lasts forever, and most certainly not the tyranny engendered by that narcissistic/sociopathic, insatiable hunger for total control. Similarly, none of us lives forever, so the important thing is to live with dignity and courage, and fight intelligently for what’s right. It’s quality of life we’re after, not quantity.
Last year I learned about the play, The Winslow Boy. There are two films of it, both very good in my opinion. The line that perhaps best defines the film is “Let right be done!” I find the line inspiring, so try to orient my efforts (and mood!) around its sentiment.
Ha! The text was center aligned in the reply box! Honest!!
Thank you Toby.
I’m in a vulnerable position right now, so I’m much less hopeful. After losing my job (and my health) I’ve become dependent on the State for survival.
What do I do if I’m forced to choose between surrendering to a future of bi-yearly vaccinations (which have been rushed and may ruin what health I have left) tracking, tracing and immunity passports *or* homelessness, hunger and stigmatisation from society?
If freedom to breathe, liberties, benefits, medical care, travel and employment are conditional on acceptance of the ‘New Normal’ then many will face an impossible choice.
That is indeed a terrible choice, and as you say, many will be confronted with it as the months roll on. There are historical periods where these sorts of terrors are visited upon us, and worse. A characteristic of this one that sets it apart from others perhaps is that there may be nowhere out there to run to. To the degree there is another ‘way out’, then, the path could be inwards via an as-calm-as-possible assessment of whatever pertinent facts you can get your hands on, and then doing the inner work to see the ‘best’ choice available. In other words, when we have no control at all over external events, it’s our internal reaction to that powerlessness that becomes our place of work, so to speak. The goal, then, is to develop as much inner calmness as possible so that the courage we need to make the best choices we can discern is available to us when we need it. Part of developing that courage is clearly recognising what you cannot control, letting it go, and then working on what you can control. Hopelessness is thus your enemy, and our adversaries in this battle want us to lose hope. Don’t let them have it all their way. That’s part of what I mean by fighting intelligently, and living a life of quality.
One of the features of medical science is how stringently researchers must arrange trials to rule out the effect of placebo. That placebo is often more effective than medicine is proof positive that our emotional/psychological health and attitude are vital. As such, and because what’s happening in our biology nano-second by nano-second will forever remain a black box, things like adverse effects from vaccines and other medicines can be thwarted by calmness and an unshakable conviction that your health will prevail. After all, we know for sure that this vaccine will not simply be a lethal dose of some poison or other; then there really would be panic and violence on the streets! I know without any doubt that mental attitude is almost all the battle in this scenario, and that our power to develop a strong mental attitude cannot be taken from us unless we allow it, or are fooled into giving it up. I read of a Buddhist monk who was tortured in China for a decade. His one fear the whole time was that he would succumb to hating his torturers, and he did not. I am humbled by the gentle power of his accomplishment. I’m sure there are similar stories from around the world where humans have overcome incredible adversity and ‘incurable’ diseases. Maybe seek such tories out and take inspiration from them, pay attention to your state of mind, do practical things to calm yourself, focus on your diet, do whatever exercise you can, pay as little attention as possible to the mass media, scare stories, etc., etc., etc. Perhaps there’s a way you can join forces with others in your predicament and help each other through…
There is aways a way of not giving in to despair, even though it can be very, very hard at times. I wish you the best and will keep you in my thoughts!
Thank you Toby. Take care.
“The goal, then, is to develop as much inner calmness as possible so that the courage we need to make the best choices we can discern is available to us when we need it. Part of developing that courage is clearly recognising what you cannot control, letting it go, and then working on what you can control. Hopelessness is thus your enemy, and our adversaries in this battle want us to lose hope. Don’t let them have it all their way. That’s part of what I mean by fighting intelligently, and living a life of quality”
Toby, you said it beautifully! Thank you!
And there’s this outfit:
If I’ve understood them correctly, they have developed a contract-based method for turning the tables on those mandating certain actions, such that you would draw up a contract making those mandating the vaccination financially liable, personally, and to the tune of $millions and $millions for example, for any adverse effects from the vaccine mandated. So your legal position would be, Sure I’ll take the vaccine you’re forcing on me, but on these terms. They then have to sign the contract, thus making themselves liable, or they back down and release you from the mandate.
Apparently, it works when done correctly. Their website has a bunch of help on how to go about this…
A question, Toby.
What needs to be argued against is the existence of the virus, not all the associated palaver. That’s what the perps WANT us to do. They want us to get all caught up in the response to the virus, the not-adding-up figures, the misdiagnoses, the lockdown, etc when the only sensible thing to do is call out that THERE IS NO VIRUS.
Do any of these people you link to say there’s no virus? If not, they are either paid controlled opposition or genuine opposition brainwashed by the paid controlled opposition.
You don’t seriously believe that Boris Johnson was infected at the time his wife gave birth to their child, do you?
There is zero evidence of any virus and the existence of one would make absolutely no sense in this psyop, none at all. A real virus simply would not work at all in all the BS they’ve pushed at us – the virus popping up here there and everywhere, the second/third waves, etc. All this stuff is controlled and a real virus cannot be controlled.
That’s a good argument I hadn’t hit upon.
As for whether the people I link to argue there is a virus, Samuel Eckert is arguing for terrain theory, exosomes and no virus, Bodo Schiffmann is, after decades believing in germ theory and vaccines, now moving towards terrain-theory and no virus. Wolfgang Wodarg, who has been interviewed by the four lawyers, seems to be of the opinion that we do not know what it is that’s being measured by the tests, so he’s agnostic, but I imagine, as an epidemiologist, he is a proponent of some form of germ theory. The lawyers themselves will look at everything – including “no virus” – and are wholly agnostic; professionally they have to be. They cannot stridently represent their personal opinions while neutrally gathering facts from experts. I’m not sure about the others.
In terms of how effective it is to win people away from believing the lockdown is needed and all’s above board here, I’ve found the “no virus” argument to be singularly ineffective. More persuasive is “no virus has been isolated” in conjunction with other data, i.e. average age of death = 81, which is above average life expectancy, and other impactful data points of that sort.
To get people who have no sense that The Powers That Be even exist, and if they do, that they would conspire to pull off something like this, to get such people to even begin to question the lockdown is no small task. For example, I am no longer communicating with one of my two brothers and two friends because they expressly refuse to listen to any data that contradicts their position, nor even will they briefly consider the veracity of my sources. My other brother has deleted his Facebook account. The spite, bullying and wilfulness of his 500 ‘friends’, triggered simply by his asking gentle questions and linking to reputable articles and scientific papers questioning the official narrative, became too much for him. His wife is also utterly closed off to any suggestion the narrative is bogus.
My own position is to keep pushing scientifically, openly, earnestly, firmly and humbly until the truth is exposed/discovered.
Thanks so much, Toby. I agree with all your suggestions. So sorry about your brother having to delete his FB account. I get hostility in Australia but it sounds so much worse in the UK.
Yesterday, I was arguing with a doctor on FB who: accused me of being anti-science and a “conspiracy theorist”; suggested I read medical journals and derided the very idea because of the seemingly huge number of people having to be involved.
I asked him to explain Tara Jane Langston, shown to us by both the Telegraph and the Guardian (and no doubt other media), the alleged COVID-patient coughing all over the show in an ICU and whose family’s inbox had supposedly been flooded with people accusing them of a hoax.
Unsurprisingly, he didn’t respond. I’d previously asked another doctor on FB about Tara and he managed to respond! He said that the ICU would have been a separate isolation ICU for COVID patients and I didn’t have the heart to argue against it. However, this time I was all prepared for that nonsense argument if it came but it didn’t, there was simply no response. Oh how I’m used to the “no response” response.
“One of the striking things about the UK’s perception of the lockdown is how narrow and parochial it is.”
Same, cloven hoofed response in Australia. No pushback at all.
Yes sir, mask on, sir. Stay at home, sir.
Job done over here…
I know how you feel. I thought the UK had some spine cos I’d been away since the late 1990s, just returned in 2018! Its supine reaction to the bullshit has shocked me deeply. We appear to be a nation of curtain twitchers. I also thought, in my ignorance, that the Aussies had plenty of fighting spirit. It’s been sad to learn from various sources that the opposite looks to be true.
But, don’t give up till the fighting’s done. This is not over yet.
I think the fighting spirit belonged to earlier generations, mon ami. The past few releases appear to have been conditioned to acquiesce to authority to the point of abdicating their freedom over thought and speech.
“But, don’t give up till the fighting’s done. This is not over yet.”
No, I do not give up. But like you, I envisaged considerable unrest in the public forum long before now.
Still, it’s never too late for a happy ending…
Thanks for this information. It raised my hopes and mood!
“Should it prove to be the case that the lockdowns are essentially based on an unreliable test (the PCR test), no involved party will survive the legal fallout financially or politically. I understand this means responsible companies, politicians, scientists, etc.”
Thats true. All those responsible must face some legal fallout of their nefarious decisions.
The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic & Social Impacts – Peter Koenig – The Global Research Report
“Is this the beginning of a roll-back or climb down? “
As they say don’t hold your breath.
They are only admitting to a possible 1000 out of 46,000
Expect lots of stories of how they have been undercounting. Who knows how many have died who did not realise they had covid and have not been counted.
Remember if the numbers only equal the 50,000 that died in 2018 it was the lockdown that
saved millions of lives.
There still confident that 80% of the recorded covid deaths are from and not with covid.
Meanwhile Boris is saying he may remove the one meter rule by Christmas unless there is a second wave. I wonder what odds the bookies will give me that there will be a second wave before Christmas.
The ever present danger of covid will not go away. Just like terrorism or climate change and those nasty Russian / Chinese / Iranians / Syrians / Libyans / refugees . Pick you scare of the week.
To be safe we needed to stay at home know we need a mask. Then we will need a tracking and tracing , then a vaccine, then a health id passport, Then a good citizen score.
On the brighter side I woke up this morning and found I wasn’t dead yet.
Every day above ground is a plus.
Cuomo’s elderly strategy:
Here we’re seeing some light. Now things are changing. Among the changes is this one : here at OffG we are becoming a group. Groups are subject to the tendency of groupthink. Groupthink’s no.1 distinguishing feature, to quote from OffG’s recent article, is this :
“Illusions of invulnerability lead members of the group to be overly optimistic”
Are we becoming “overly optimistic”?
Is groupthink appearing on this page?
I leave the questions open. The cited list of groupthink features is here:
Rappoport’s latest. This is war. The covidchok fanatics have to be wiped out. Plain and simple.
Rappoport’s reports are always interesting and rarely not informative. I did think he adopted a wrong, pleading, tone with his open letter to Donald Trump however.
Any appeals to Trump are fruitless. The guy is in on it. If he were truly a wild card he would have gotten the ‘tap on the shoulder’ like Bernie did to “STFU or will destroy you and your family”. What people fail to understand is that the power struggles are not that far removed from Medieval times, just more technology and slightly less killing. Much more wealth and power at stake now, as well.
Trump is on it like all mask-wearing Democrats are. Gutless, selfish.
Rappoport: Because this IS war, and the enemy IS in charge right now. You certainly aren’t.
(Rappoport’s “this” = covid lockdown; “You” = Trump; “the enemy” = Big Globalism)
Like virtually every proprietary forum, Rappoport has built himself an echo chamber. The people who post just reflect back the viewpoint Rappoport with minor variations. People who would post radically different viewpoints have long since moved on.
For a radically different view, follow the links:
The Trump deep-state is winning the war against the CIA deep-state. And so long as they don’t get complacent, or do some gung-ho “send in the army” crap, they’re going to stay in control.
Has Jon prevented you from posting your nonsense on his website, out of curiosity?
No; I never suggested or implied that he did.
Did you understand why I asked?
there is no new and emrging infection. no deadly virus. no asymptomatic carriers, no new disease. no normal flu season. no immune system etc. all of this is the mental ilness called allopathic medicine. the body simply gets overloaded with acidic waste much of it encouraged by the self same retards. they feed shit in their hospitals. they inject toxic poisons. expose to emf, fear, panic etc. defend industrial agriculture, pollution etc. suppress colds and flus for decades with antibiotics and fever reducers. they are the problem with no justification to claim to be involved in health. they live in a science fiction fantasy world where they are at war with virions and the human body is designed to eat ice cream and beef steak.
Indeed. However to convince the masses that have endured the system’s indoctrination camps over many years of these facts is all but impossible. They call you the crank! It is quite frustrating given the total lack of any scientific evidence for the basis of what we call ‘germ theory’. I guess it has always been this way.It just takes a hoax like this to highlight just how ignorant the masses truly are.
what do you idiots imagine that the Black Death in the middle ages was?
what suddenly killed off the indigenous population of North and South America?
Agreed. Very agreed.