9/11 in the “New Normal”
Catte Black

This 9/11 I think the most important thing is to recognise the continuum between that ‘catalyzing event’ and the one we are currently living through.
Just as with Sep 11 2001, the covid19 “pandemic” is being used to initiate a massive paradigm shift in the public consciousness and to render ‘normal’ that which was unthinkable before this began.
The problem is some of those who opposed the perpetual ‘war on terror’ paradigm ushered in by 9/11 are endorsing or accepting the ‘new normal’ paradigm, because they believe it is benign, essential and may even result in a better world of peace, love and happiness.
I think they are horribly mistaken. I think if they want to know the type of world we are being prepped for they should read Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD. It’s pretty much a blueprint – as has been all but spelled out for us by numerous authorities and opinion makers.
Peace? Maybe, though it’s debatable. But it will be the ‘peace’ of enforced conformity.
Love? Ask the people of Melbourne about that one.
Happiness? Well, maybe if you take enough Soma (benzos, Ritalin, or whatever other substance you’re prescribed to enhance your level of obedience…unless they just add it to the water supply).
And no, the masks and lockdowns will not go away because you accept them. You have been told that clearly by the govt you are believing and obeying.
You need to start listening to what they are actually saying.
And so with that we declare OffG’s commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the “New Pearl Harbor” officially open.
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… commemoration of the 19th anniversary …..
yet… I am too negative ?
19 f%^$ing years this BS stands effectively unchallenged …
our collective response since then ..?
this is THE endgame
prepare and stop denial
there is no way out of here
you have been killed
Dont you remember ?
-Global Repo/Bond Markets Eminent Collapse
-5G Rollout (tower activations) Adverse Health Effects*
-China Rising (+Russia)
-Epstein, et al. Sex/Blackmail Revelations
-Bloated (overpaid for value created) Middle Class
-30-year Vaccine/Blood-supply Fraud Revelations**
-WWIII (traditional)
Why Not: Might Go Nuclear
-Global Pandemic (novel) + Global Lockdown
Why: World War Economic Results w/o Nuclear Destruction
* https://www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/English-Summary-of-The-Invisible-Rainbow-A-History-of-Electricity-and-Life-3.pdf
** http://bitly.ws/8Q2H (Plandemic Criticism Rebuttal – Mikovits)
Just leave the 5G out will ya? It is pure bollocks, a distraction at best. It’s the 3rd time I am witnessing this exact same shit, even though I am in fact still really young (as a measure of how recent the previous clear-as-daylight bullshit was).
Don’t lace your otherwise somewhat on point remarks with 5G; it does not help you make your point, to the contrary.
I think is a win win. Only those lacking in real intelligence are buying into this crap. If they are the ones marked for death, then I may survive. If the intelligent ones are marked for death, oh well, I don’t wanna live as a slave anyway. I will sure have some fun on my way out.
NWO mind programming aims directly at the youngest.
The best time ever to cut out television.
Jeff Censored – https://youtu.be/tQXrzqMyuoc?t=375
I prefer the phrase, The New Abnormal. Reminds me of the scene in the film, Young Frankenstein, when the doctor asks Igor whose brain is in the bottle which he is about to install in his reconstructed body, he replies Abby Normal.
For the newbs and those that perished on 9/11… nwosurvivalguidedotcom
We have to make the new normal into something good. That is what capitalism is all about. Tune out the bull crap and tune into creating a healthy world.
Everywhere we turn we see and hear the phrase “New Normal”. At first glance, it appears to be a trite propagandist phrase, used to persuade people that ‘things will have to change’ in response to this ‘deadly virus’ currently doing the rounds.
However, the phrase may be more fundamentally true than I previously thought. I imagine some of you are way ahead of me, but I’m used to that. I hope you’ll indulge me as I work through this process.
I’ve been thinking about 1984, Brave New World and Billy Connolly (stick with me) and a timescale is coming into focus.
One of the central themes of 1984 was ‘newspeak’, where the English lexicon was being continually reduced – removing words (and therefore, to a large extent, the concepts they describe) from use, along with the destruction and/or re-writing of history; Brave New World described a ‘utopian’ civilisation, propped up by the continual administration of drugs; and then there’s Billy Connolly. I remember a routine from years ago where he talked about growing up in a Glasgow tenement. He pointed out that they were very poor, but they didn’t realise because everybody else was very poor too. It was only when he encountered life outside the tenements as he grew up that the penny dropped. In fact, for all three of these examples, the ‘truth’ only became apparent to the protagonists after encountering a factor outside the prevailing paradigm.
We have been conditioned, through books and films, to expect rescue from a hero/group of heroes who ride in at the eleventh hour and save us all. Likewise, we have been conditioned to believe that any totalitarian regime provokes (and is destroyed by) revolution perpetrated by righteous rebels. Star Wars would be my go-to example, but there are lots (and more so over the last couple of decades). (As a side note, transhumanism is also being relentlessly pushed – go back to the bionic man, forward to x-men, avengers and beyond).
My point is that in a couple of generations, once history has been scrubbed clean, the population is drugged to the eyeballs (whether through vaccines or some other method) and everybody believes that whatever is normal at the time is ‘just the way things are’ because everybody is living under the same conditions, then the very concept of revolution will not even rear its head.
As I type this, the very idea seems ridiculous. After all, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world with access to the internet and other sources of information. It would be impossible for that many people to collectively ‘forget’ what we (their grandparents) knew and passed on to them.
Except, there may not be hundreds of millions of people – never mind people with access to information – if global de-population succeeds.
Therefore, I believe we have our timescale. If there isn’t a revolution soon – within the next generation at least, there will never be one. The entire concept of revolution will have vanished. You could argue that it is hard-wired into humans to revolt against oppressive authority. Maybe/maybe not. But what about trans-humans?
I have thought along the same lines, Phillip, with regard to your last paragraph.
In my thinking that “there will never be Peace – it’s not in human nature”, I then, now, think “Oh- wait – they will be creating human nature”
Problem solved. I guess.
Thank your for your thoughts
There is another possibility re why there won’t be a revolution.
When we think of slavery, we think of loss of liberty, absence of life choices, chains, forced labour, shit living conditions, dreadful punishments for minor transgressions etc.
However, if I were running the future world, I would ensure that the few people that are left to provide for those of us in charge would suffer none of that. It would be entirely counter-productive.
Assuming those who survive are not transformed into trans-human monstrosities (or perhaps even if they are), it would make sense to ensure they lived (and worked to provide for us) in gilded cages – more 5-star indentured servitude than slavery.
Think of the bankers of today. Those who actually ‘work’ in the banks are obviously not the ones running this show, yet they personally profit massively from their efforts to fuck us all over on behalf of their masters. Are we expecting a revolution of millionaire bankers against their overlords anytime soon? I seriously doubt it. They’re having so much fun and enjoying such a ‘high standard of living’ that the idea will never occur to them.
Even if the conditions I outlined above come to pass (language, drugs and ‘normal’), why take the chance of excessively pissing off the work force? Why not offer a huge carrot and keep the stick out of sight? Would you even need a stick? Under such conditions, you could argue that the remaining workers wouldn’t revolt because they wouldn’t want to.
Those in charge will have convinced themselves that such a scenario is better for everybody (everybody they decide not to kill in the meantime); therefore they will believe they are not evil at all – merely working in the best interests of humanity. The fact that billions will have to die in order to make their plan a reality will, I imagine, get swept under whatever mental carpet happens to be handy.
Or, to paraphrase Albright, it will be worth it.
Other themes: invisible enemy, second wave, pollution (in a scary sense) and – according to some – “33”.
Drugging “to the eyeballs” may be a part of the periodic compulsory visit to the doctor – not to address your aliments but to “protect society”. Many may opt to accept the dose offered. Otherwise, in the event of some minor offence, the police will see the read-out from the Web showing that you chose to opt out, and hence may be dangerous.
You’re right.
At this stage I don’t think anything is off the table in terms of what they want to be able to do to us to maintain control.
The UN and the Statue of Liberty
Revelation 17
The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast
17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”
Lets’s not forget about the $2.3 Trillion that Rumsfeld stated was somehow lost from the Pentagon coffers. This announcement was on the 10/9/2001.
Hmm I wonder into ‘whose’ pockets that went. Only the thieving parasitic group intent on our annihilation.
And if the moon landings were faked, where did all that money go?
Yep along with most funding for ‘NASA’.
The infinitely improbable, coincidental incompetence drive strikes again; and outrageous conspiracy theories will NOT be tolerated!
Mueller’s ‘Angry Democrats’ Scrubbed Cell Phones After Russia Investigation
by Tyler Durden
Thu, 09/10/2020 – 18:20
Over two dozen phones belonging to members of Robert Mueller’s special counsel team were wiped clean before they were handed over to the Inspector General, according to information contained in 87 pages of DOJ records released on Thursday.
Oregon Skies Apocalypse Red/
BIG REVEAL: Kamala Harris Hubs Runs ChiCom Power Firm/
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Trump’s Serbia.Croatia Deal Implications
To really understand how they propagandise us it’s good to look at the collapse of WTC-7.
The question has always been about HOW the building came down but what about WHY it came down? It didn’t have to, did it? They wanted all the buildings down, of course, as all the WTC buildings came down eventually: the Twin Towers, WTC-7 and WTCs 3-6. No matter what WTC-7 contained inside: control room, particular documents, whatever – why bring it down in a perfect implosion and have all the journalists allude to controlled demolition in such a blatant way? Why not bring it down discreetly as they brought down WTCs 3-6 at a later date. Anyone got videos of those other four buildings coming down? NO doubt those buildings contained important material too.
In the great music video, Free Fallin’, produced by the controlled opposition group, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth we see towards the end of the song, four reporters say the following:
Vince DeMentri, WCBS reporter
“It was almost as if it were a planned implosion. It just pancaked.”
Note his smile as he says the word “pancaked”.
Al Jones, 1010 WINS reporter
“And I turned in time to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion. It looked like it had been done by a demolition crew, the whole thing just collapsing down on itself.”
Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor
“Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third time today, it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.”
Brian Williams and David Restuccio
Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
We absolutely know that Brian Williams and David Restuccio are scripted from their extremely specific words. So they were scripted and the others not? I don’t think so.
My post on WHY WTC-7 came down is here:
Oops. Forgot link to my post. It’s all about the fo-cus, the fo-cus, the fo-cus, the fo-cus.
They’ve been psyopping us for millennia and their events contain very similar hallmarks – they’re on a continuum all right.
I’ve done an exercise on the parallels between 9/11 and COVID-19:
— Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations
— Problem > Reaction > Solution
— Exercises / drills
— Both on continuums of similar types of events (other bombings of evacuated areas, other fake pandemics/epidemics)
— Presages
— Very obvious scientific fraud
— Fraudulent debunking of “conspiracy theory” (which is, in turn, debunked)
— Two major propaganda streams (one for the masses, one for the skeptics)
— Multiple mini-propaganda streams to divert, mislead and dissipate the effectiveness of opposition to the official story
— Controlled opposition used to undermine
— Nonsense miracle survivors
— Unconvincing injured/patients
— They really push it in our faces
Petra, you and Flaxgirl have often been wrong in details but you are right in principle: “They push it in our faces”.
A rational person will usually accept a rational belief. It may take time. But only a very frightened person will accept an irrational belief. Therefore ‘The Powers that Be’ arrogantly abuse their power to frighten people into believing something absurd.
“Credo _quia_ absurdum est”.
“We create our own reality” — PNAC (Program for A New American Century)
If I may be allowed to misquote the late unlamented Hermann Goering:
“People will believe anything if you frighten them enough”.
Another parallel they use that you’ve missed out is the construction of fake heroes.
The revelation of the method is in WAG THE DOG. Every story’s got to have a hero, Dustin Hoffman proclaims, so they create “Old Shoe”.
In Covid, it was the heroic NHS and the heroic doctors and nurses. On 9/11, it was the heroic passengers on United 93 (93 just happening to be Aleister Crowley’s favourite number). The story contains multiple nonsense, most glaringly a supposed cell-phone call lasting nearly half an hour that started at about 20,000 feet which was a technical impossibility in 2001 (and according to the official log doesn’t even contain the words “let’s roll” which the media turned into an icon).
This part of the narrative can mostly be relied on to sustain itself because people get very angry if their heroes are snatched away. However just to be on the safe side they wheeled out one of their reliable stand-bys, the “true” movie to reinforce the official narrative (the director of UNITED 93 Paul Greengrass has just happened to make a film on the Breivik case [22 JULY = 22/7 = Pi] as well).
Thanks for that Edwige. Yes, I’m sure there other parallels I’ve missed too – any more welcome to add to the list. Haven’t yet seen Wag The Dog. Really must do that.
So interesting about Paul Greengrass also making the Breivik case film. Very, very interesting.
Prime example is daily mail LOL the hitchens special branch operative guy tells people subversively the people meaning lower caste scum are at home enjoying furlough money watching netflicks, you see he primes it like that whilst also saying the numbers don’t add it (no shit)! or the government who he supports and told everyone the selcted elected are doing a great job before all this when they wasnt and tells retarded fanbse to vote for now have got it wrong and are acting xyz this is controlled opposition.
firstly the people pay tax and council tax and the people’s employers were told to close their workplaces and there businesss’s, some got confused due to the massive psyop fear porn and closed to be safe,fundamentally they was told and advise to close so this isnt sitting on your ass then you’re where as emplyee put on part paid leave on part pay 80% which has to be paid by the the employer and employee via a loan has already been paid via council tax and tax we all pay which ironically his elected idiots don’t hardly pay tax as paradise papers have show this and also most have offshore tax haven for their business’s he never mentions this only the lower cast at home getting paid.
there will always be people not agreeing with their policies so they control the opinions by having people like him to control the terminologies used,. just like when they government said it was lower caste aka migrant immigrants or uneducated who in Manchester and lestar who did not social distant that why they was lock-down again!
idiots follow these people as it aimed at idiots
run along and go vote for another reality tv star or some person you’ve been primed for and he is some new truther is he?. aimed at simpleton who dont get it nor research above the knowledge base but rather a infomercial type script.
Absolutely right. Hitchens is controlled opposition, and his main role is to spread defeatism and division among the public..
It seems whenever the Empire is about to go into a financial tailspin another crisis magically appears eclipsing the economic one
replacing it with a much more frightening scenario. In 2001, the Enron scandal was superseded by 9/11 and in 2020 the repo market collapse was supplanted by COVID-19. Don’t get me wrong, every psyops operation is multifaceted with numerous objectives, after all, we’re dealing with the highest order of sociopathic genius.
That being said, the panic caused by terrorists exploding buildings are two decades later cleverly updated for Western audiences into a biological terror campaign via the coronavirus, better known as the novelle coronavirus–something old, something new, and something very special just for you……
All forms of terrorism is designed to elicit similar psychological reactions– fear and the desire for SAFETY. The apprehension derived from explosions or deadly diseases results in an emotional victimhood giving acquiescence or obedience to restrictions and laws previously considered unthinkable in a liberal democracy.
I’m convinced the ruling class–you know the ones–the Rockefellers, Gates, and the entire “Eyes Wide Shut” Davos crowd–the merry bunch that funded Epstein’s pedophile honey pot intelligence operation–they consider China’s social experimentation a role model for all the West to follow. 5G, 6G whatever– they’re desirous of sophisticated deep-learning AI, perception AI, and ultimately autonomous AI. “Perception in Artificial Intelligence is the process of interpreting vision, sounds, smell, and touch. Perception helps to build machines or robots that react like humans. Perception is a process to interpret, acquire, select, and then organize the sensory information from the physical world to make actions like humans. The main difference between AI and robot is that the robot makes actions in the real world.” The next step is autonomous AI– a fully autonomous system is one that humans would have no control over….that might be interesting. Once the planet is totally ecologically uninhabitable it might be occupied exclusively by autonomous robotic machines–how delightful–robots will inherit the Earth.
But I digress, the transnationalist capitalists who have dual loyalty “exclusively” to power and money would like to see the world’s population constantly surveilled. If they had their way, every action and thought would be inputted into one centralized database where the tiniest details are watched and recorded. And that brings me to the advocates of a cashless Western society. How better to know, explore, and analyze every move someone makes, what they like, what services they enjoy, who they interact with, and all their inner thoughts. That’s why Western cultures must rid themselves of that dirty COVID diseased cash and substitute it with a convenient germ free APP. Don’t you like convenience–sure you do–you’ll love it. And what’s more it’ll keep you SAFE. No more troublemakers, rebels, nonconformists, or germy super-spreaders. With just one touch of a keyboard undesirables will be denied access to all societies life sustaining interactions….. Isn’t that clever?
I wouldn’t write off the terrorist narrative just yet. The powers have been teasing us with a dirty bomb or a suitcase bioweapon for decades. They are approaching their technocratic climax, writhing in transhuman ecstacy. I doubt they’ll be able to hold on much longer.
Anything is possible. It’s like an accident–if you know something untoward is going to happen it’s no longet considered a mere mishap.
I think the evil get some kind of pleasure from destroying us. Mike Tyson discusses the links between ecstacy and violence in his recent interview with Joe Rogan. It is an honest and revealing (explicit) interview and given the recent behaviour of those in power, I recommend it. https://youtu.be/hcPUoxTvw5g
They love sniffing the essences of eau de Schadenfreude– it’s a classic favorite.
matt at yotube,quantum of concience ‘ talks about this too.worth a look.
It’s no secret that some psychopaths enjoy inflicting suffering for its own sake. Usually as ‘payback’ for their own.
@MC: “The powers have been teasing us with a dirty bomb or a suitcase bioweapon for decades.”
For a century: both ideas (suitcase atomic bomb and polluting a public reservoir) are in stories by HG Wells, start of 20th century.
Charlotte Russe, did you read yesterday that the Allegiant Stadium in Nevada, in the ole USA, will be the first professional sports arena to be CASHLESS.
James Corbett and James Evan Pilato on “New World Next Week” on Corbett report did a segment on it yesterday.
Of course to make it palatable for old fogies (like me) there will be machines in the complex that allow you to transfer your dirty old covid cash into your sparkling clean tracked and traced cashless card. No doubt for a transfer fee.
And the beat goes on…..
The operator of the stadium is Peter Anschutz he’s an American billionaire whose ultra-right-wing. https://www.businessinsider.com/philip-anschutz-lakers-coachella-net-worth-lifestyle-2019-11
It won’t be peace, because the physicists and their sort need to manufacture weapons, so it will be 1984, where a few countries supposedly fight each other.
What’s terrifying about ‘Coronavirus’ is the feeling of being attacked by one’s own government.
For those of us in the US, that applies equally to 9/11.
I wasn’t awakened to the reality of that until 2006, but the pain of coming to terms with the government’s savage antipathy toward “its own people” was tremendous, even five years after the event. That’s the true obstacle to convincing people they’ve been fooled. You don’t only need to battle their pride. You don’t “only” need to convince them every single thing they believe to be true is a lie.
Most of all, you need to persuade them to accept that they are naked, defenseless, powerless slaves at the mercy of savage, merciless mass murderers.
That is simply too much for most people, no matter what rational and empirical evidence you put in front of them. They would rather stay blind–willfully if necessary–to maintain their peace of mind.
And really, can you blame them?
I feel the same way about the assassinations of the sixties. Sickened.
When I think of the President getting his head blown off on a lovely sunny day in a celebratory motorcade, it prepares me and makes me less surprised and shocked at the horror of 9/11. Which, ironically, was on a beautiful sunny day.
“What’s terrifying about ‘Coronavirus’ is the feeling of being attacked by one’s own government”
for those that gave them the mandate, perhaps – but for those that didn’t – they have always suffered the torment of oppressive and deceptive rule.
True but I think this time it feels like they are trying to kill us, perhaps they always did but not quite so insidiously, so psychopathically.
I’m terrified by the normie and their lack of awareness. The things I may have to go along with just to stay alive.
Link link,
Post below is a cut and paste if the article posted by Jamie McIntyre on his fb page
Let’s see how’s these f… go chasing innocent Victorians on a hot Melb summers day. Harassing grandmothers resting in the park or dragging a pregnant mum out of her house in handcuffs for an innocent Facebook post, or physically assaulting a 21 year old girl for not wearing a mask, or 3 of them crash tackling an innocent 48 year old mum , just 3kms from her house trying to pick up her daughter.
Inciting violence against innocent Australians will come at a price for the enemies of the people.
Chocolate Soldiers. Gutless Private Global Police. Your days are numbered. Sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute as part of the so called “ Resilient Cities “. Please explain Dan Andrews
Australian National Review
New Global One World Police Operating in Victoria.
By Staff Reporter
It’s amazing what citizen journalists can find by digging a little deeper and it becomes obvious as to what’s happening in Victoria. Daniel Andrews has also sold out Victoria to the Strong Cities Network (SCN).
What is Strong Cities Network? The privatisation of a Police Force governed by global NGO’s. And Victoria is the only state in Australia to sign on.
Why do you think the Police at Melbourne’s Freedom Day Rally acted like goons, were dressed in black and didn’t have the Australian logo on their uniforms?
SCN is an initiative of London based think tank ISD – whose mission statement is to “Power Solutions to Extremism and Polarisation”
But it’s the link to the Partners and Funders that gives everything away.
Of course, George Soros is involved with his Open Society Foundation. And Big Tech is involved with Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft amongst others.
Amongst NGO’s and Think Tanks, the dubious Brookings Institute sticks out – and I’m sure a deep dive into some of these would connect Bill & Melinda Gates and the Rockerfeller Foundations everywhere.
What struck me really odd are the connections to Australian Universities such as Curtin and Victoria Universities and various Australian government departments – including our very Dictator Dan.
So as you find out today that the curfews in Victoria are not based on the Chief Health Officer’s advice, and rather Dicktator Dan has put this in place, remember that he has sold us out to the military Police State of the New World Order.
*EDIT – Dicktator Dan even hosted the Strong Cities Global summit in 1998
For more evidence read
Evidence that calls to defund the police from (Soros-financed) BLM and the ‘autonomous zones’ — were not organic but came from the billionaire Foundations linked to UN Agenda 21 and the World Economic Forum.
UK police have recently started wearing a monochrome Union Jack. It’s not clear if the police now report to different authorities.
Who owns Who? This site is incredibly detailed and well researched – a grassroots watchdog network connecting the dots between the world’s most powerful people and organizations.
Very interesting post on Facebook about Victoria being part of the strong cities network – an alliance that basically implements UN mandated police forces into cities. It also links to this article from May 2016.
Jamie McIntyre is an independent journalist/education for the. 21st century consultant. I don’t know anything about his politics but his covid reporting on fb and Instagram is gaining a lot of Interest.
Here’s the full membership list:
I find it pretty interesting that, in addition to Dictator Dan’s State of Victoria, two of the UK’s most lockdown-loving cities – Leicester and Manchester – also appear there.
Wow. That’s terrifying.
In the Great Panic of 2020, technocrats have succeeded in their longstanding goal: to crush the capitalist economy.
The plan is to grab all the resources of the world and put them into a global common trust, managed by the billionaires and the technocrats.Americans call it the Green New Deal; elsewhere it”s called Sustainable Development.
Our monetary system suits capitalism but it’s not suitable for technocracy. That’s why the attack on the existing financial system, to be replaced with the technologies known as fin-tech, including digital currency, scrip, vouchers currently called Universal Basic Income.
Surveillance is key: if you are going to measure and apportion all the resources of society you need data, more information on inputs and outputs. Thus the financial system must be one you can control and direct.
At the heart is energy as the unit of exchange. Alternative energy can be switched on an off more easily than hydrocarbon or nuclear.
Put energy + fin-tech together shows you why energy must be limited, just like the role of a gold-backed currency. This is why all forms of unlimited energy have been bought up and shut down.
All cults have their religion and theirs is scientism, in which scientists and engineers are the priesthood: the god is science. All truth, and the only truth, can be discovered through the scientific method. Anything which cannot be explained by scientific principles has no value, such as philosophy. Henri de Saint-Simon was the father of scientism and gave birth to transhumanism and technocracy which are joined at the hip.
Sarah Westall: Tyrannical Takeover by Technocrats, Thought Patterns Behind This Agenda w/ Patrick Wood (1 of 2) https://youtu.be/cHgcwmEwhQc
I’m afraid it’s a lot worse than you think. Over the coming months and years we are going to see the biggest mass slaughter in history.
We are in World War Three, but it’s not the world war that most of us would imagine it to be.
I agree, but it’s important to know their thinking:
Technocracy is the society; tranhumanism relates to the population. They want to change humans to make them suitable to the sustainable or resilient society.
In scientism there is no love (of parent for child), morality or compassion. This provides lots of flexibility for experimenting on people.
Transhumanism has always had the goal of immortality and omniscience, but above all it wants to overcome death and become immortal. Do you hear the echoes of the Thousand Year Reich?
This requires two tiers of society – because state of the art technology is hugely expensive and requires experiments on human lab rats. The benefits will go to the elite, the costs to the masses. The classes will get different technologies: those that enhance and extend life, that are state of the art, go to the elite; the masses will get their digital chip.
The people will live permanently as lab rats and will be culled and shaped to the needs of the global laboratory. That’s where eugenics fits in: to prepare and clean the gene pool.
Bill Gates’ vaccines are already sterilizing people and spreading viruses that come from the vaccine itself. Just an accident? Then why does it fit so perfectly into Transhumanism and Technocracy going back to the founding of Planned Parenthood by Gates’ father?
Collecting your DNA, perhaps willingly through 23andMe, and stamping you with your digital tattoo ID 2020 and then creating vaccines that work on the level of DNA? Do you still insist it is science fiction?
Racism from a human point of view decides who can live longer, and at what level of wealth and technology.
The Nazi’s Third Reich was driven in part by this cold-hearted, low view of humanity as livestock. They are fully signed up to scientism. There is no place for empathy, love, compassion, morality or metaphysical philosophy. Having limited their minds, they believe they understand all.
Question their plans and they will have “this puzzled look, you could see their brains spinning in space. They know they’re right; they’re doing good for the world; and they cannot understand why we are against what they’re doing”, says Patrick Wood, speaking of the globalists on the Trilateral Commmission.
Does that ring a bell: Anthony Fauci, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Neil Ferguson?
The end justifies the means. They know there will be costs: loss of life from shutting down hospitals, schools, offices and the economy. They just don’t care.
The architects of 9/11 knew there would be a huge loss of life, scramble the fabric of the planet, push whole continents into misery, trigger floods of migration, the return of slavery and the regression of much of the world into primitive forms of government. The end justified the means. They didn’t care.
Fear and anger are closely related. The technocrats know this. Hence the nudges from the Behavioural Insights Team, the censorship from Goolag and FaceBook, surveillance from private security companies, and the arrests by police.
You will be allowed to fear: to get angry, maybe not.
Their plans are doomed. Nature always finds a balance – too much yang turns into yin. over-control turns into chaos. The Laws of Nature rule over all.
But as you say, Moneycircus, it will be a hard road before we reach balance.
Nail squarely on head Moneycircus. Post of the week for me. I wish the forum’s bizarre voting software would.ve given me three upvotes, as it sometimes does 😀 .
Agreed. It is WW3, without bombs.
Our enemy comprises of our own politicians, media, doctors, journalists, police officers, friends, teachers, employers, neighbours.
We are surrounded by willing executioners driven by ignorance, fear and sheer stupidity.
This is all related to Nesara Gesara.
The world bank have actively been outlying their plans to bring that to fruition. They are in the process at the moment of implementing this plan initially in the probably form of Nesara and then once embedded Gesara. But they are not hiding the plan and statements from the World Bank confirm they are engaged in it.
This is the funniest one yet (from your friendly GCHQ doctor)…
Amongst other things, he’s actually saying that masks are a load of rollocks. You couldn’t make this shite up.
Dr (Not a medical doctor) John Campbell is on the roll call for the modern-day Nuremburg trials.
RobG, while fully agreeing with your assessment of the prick, I’m left wondering how he’s actually saying that masks are a load of rollocks given that he says at one point “wear a mask for your own protection” ? Am I misunderstanding the meaning of “rollocks”?
In the UK there’s been numerous protests against the lockdown stuff, all over the country, with large numbers of people attending, but I won’t bore you with all that; except the arrest of Piers Corbyn last weekend in Sheffield. Piers (the brother of Jeremy Corbyn) is a 73-year-old man who was protesting peacefully. During the scuffles a protestor was violently knocked to the ground by the police and became unconscious. The police had to give the guy cardiac resuscitation in the street in the midst of the protest…
And now no more than 6 people are allowed to gather together…
I used to teach physics and chemistry at the high school level in the USA for a few years before those subjects were supplanted by gender studies and transhumanist ecstasies. If I were teaching physics today at my own private school, I would announce in advance that the essay question on the final exam would be why and how does everything you learned this past year negate the official 9/11 story? Be specific, give the formulas for the laws of physics violated, and explain precisely how. (Laws of chemistry violated also allowed for extra credit.)
Over a decade ago, I was delighted to discuss S11 with a 12 year old whose teacher allowed a discussion period about it. The future looked rosy that evening.
The kid wasn’t buying any of the official story. Apparently, his teacher wasn’t either.
Last month there was an anti-paedophilia protest outside the gates of Buckingham Palace. At that protest there were maybe 30 or 40 people.
Last Saturday there was a similar protest outside Buckingham Palace, and there were at least 100 people attending. If interested you can find a clip of it here…
“a second lockdown will be far more devastating
Enough of this shit. Lets get our friends and neighbours to resits this fascist propaganda .
This is excellent but slow down OffG…too much at all at once.
Grafter…..please stop using my moniker. I am the original Grafter. Thanks.
“Brave New World”
by Aldus Huxley
Archive.org (free) Audiobook:
11:11 has been seen by so many so often that there are those that sense it has some kind of resonance amongst we free minded. is perhaps in some way itself a product of the collective subconscious breaking into the collective consciousness, the “world mind” now birthing into this reality (billions of minds connected by the “neurons” of our communication devices.
We believe this is a portent, of good rather than evil, and that humanity should adopt this as a symbol of unity worldwide in opposition the everything evil that THEY are forcing upon us.
11:11 is a new age cult that goes back nearly 30 years. Total mindfuck. Best to avoid nothing good there. More Luciferian distraction.
Great, here we are trying to get some sort of world unity and an ill educated fool refuses to read what we’ve written and jumps to stupid conclusions. Oh well, we might as well just give up and let the Power destroy humanity.
Two days ago ( 9 / 8 ) an article was posted : 9 / 11 Truth on the 19th Anniversary. In little time at all it was heading to 300 comments contributed.Suddenly things moved along 2 articles a day and what was an interesting, animated discussion or two were forgotten.
.Now, 4 articles later, we have a 9 / 11 thread. While it’s pointing to a similar situation of population / freedom control relating to the pandemic created by DARPA and it’s girlfriend the CIA,I’d say that many points raised and talked about form two days ago are as relevant to this thread as that.It’s another set of references to Brave New World and Big Brother..
”You need to start listening to what they are actually saying.”
I for one have been and still am. And from the hundreds of comments i read on here, I’m not alone.But, as on the thread two days ago, things are said then swept.
We need to focus on two or three points at a time for more than 5 minutes.Then we need to trace the origins of what’s being said and when the ideology was first espoused and by whom and why.That’s by far the most efficient way to find more dots to join and, by extension of that, reveal a far more clear and detailed exposure of the real face of the real beast. I’ve done it myself already.It would take too long and too much space to share.But, focus and tracing and linking is the only way. In itself it is evidence.Evidence that comes with a built in reply to those sleepy sheepy folk who are waiting to parrot ”conspiracy theorist” from behind their mask.
I agree whole-heartedly with the spirit of what you are saying here. I also wish to add something mildly amusing: I’ve found that, weirdly enough, one approach to the restrictions coming into place everywhere is to both IGNORE them, and to even feign ignorance when people start talking about Corona/Covid and the “numbers” or even worse, the “new normal”. This lackadaisical approach to the “grave” situation at hand drives true devotees of the New Normal absolutely up the wall. Hours of free amusement! Test at your own convenience.
Thanks Julia.I’ll give that a go.Hopefully it will work.It’s far more tactful and less violent than my favoured strategy 😉
Thanks Julia. I find the unawake get furious when I say “I’m bored with this virus thing”.
And they get even more furious when you say “what virus?”
“What mask?”
“ This 9/11 I think…”
Please identify yourself- “I”.
A random ‘I’?
Here is what you are wilfully ignoring, ‘I’ :
“wilfully ignoring” ?
Where is the coverage in the MSM? Where in fact is the coverage in the Alt -Media?
OnG -OffG seem to be in lockstep – wilfully ignoring the Assange Old Bailey daily proceedings; the Craig Murray Scottish judicial kangaroo court; and the Other major crockS of shit being really shoved down our throats.
And seriously an ‘article’ which opens with a first person declaration, surely should be bylined by the author claiming to be the ‘In’.
Or is OGee admitting not to be publishing journalism.
Yeah right, Dung boy.
Limited Hangout.
Where is the coverage of the actual daily proceedings here?
See it?
And who is the ‘I’ of the narrator ?
The article in question was written by Philip Roddis
you know – the guy you keep saying doesn’t write for us any more 😄
Nice try No1. No cigar.
This article now has Catte added to it with a By Line. So not Phillip as you claim.
All best 👌😉
But pile of Dung, good old Craig’s been doing such a great job there’s no need for anyone else to write about what goes on in that so-called court room.
Stick to your crying about Brexit, drongo. At least that’s entertaining.
“Pile of Dung”
“No need for anyone else to write about [it]”!!!
Yeah your excuse for lack of coverage of the hearings is so …77th. Or are you Cabinet? Or are you the 5+1 eyed Gollum?
Dung as you know is very useful. At least I am not a utter and complete piece of shit ; ‘drongo’ marks you as an Aussie son of a criminal deported there ages ago.
Really, you great big steaming pile of fresh Dung? Is that the best ya got? “77th”? “Son of a criminal”?
Underwhelming, to say the least.
Yeah and we thrashed you at cricket today skippy.
What’s that they say about a drowning man clutching at straws, Turdroanin?
Well I hope OffG isn’t publishing “journalism”, going by what that term has now become.
Yes you are here and now.
How does your inner state manifest the outter?
These mindcontrollers know how to manipulate people’s minds and beliefs.
Start with the feeling ” I am” and you may move outside the prison of the ego mind .
Keep in mind it takes very little to break the spell. And there are folks like me who get to spread the word and present real data and science to dozens of students of all levels every single day.
DunGroanin is a misnomer, because you never will be.
I do like Craig Murray and support his site in a very small manner, whilst not agreeing with everything he says.
He is righteous in my book, and I admire him as a human; he is on a pretty short list of folks I would like to be in my “celebrity castaway life boat” of 5 individuals.
The controlled demolition, (and very well done) of the WTC towers was a crime, and the guys that may or may not have been trying to hijack planes is a small part of the story.
Until the guilty are punished, and their crimes are capitol, this shit show will just roll on.
Covid is just act II. Scamdemic
i do still think they will release a more deadly pathogen, as most folks are really quite tired of the flu conversation.
Big picture is the NWO, global communism, with a similar kleptocracy.
The choice is binary, obedience or resistance.
Death is obligatory, for all of us; but it is how we oppose tyranny, those that bother to, that will shape a future discourse, from a higher ground.
I think you meant that for Herr Groaninmeister.
Opposing tyranny starts with not standing for the high and mighty DS controlling the judicial process with their pocket judges and prosecutors.
Who seem to be able to do away with juries. Allow perjury by the state witnesses and abuse the processes of courts and evidence and even treaties.
There is a better link between 911 and the trial of JA than there is with the money grab around Covid.
The biggest political trial this century in the U.K. against freedom of speech and whistleblowing.
We should not be happy about that clear and present witch-hunt in front of our eyes.
That is the priority.
“There is a better link between 911 and the trial of JA than there is with the money grab around Covid.”
There certainly is. JA has always disparaged any approach to 9/11 outside the official account. He has called such alternative theories “distractions”. Oh the irony!
You wish.
Your pish
Is that some kind of slang?
Or were you trying to write something that makes sense. And failed?
And the response of the Left to COVID will also mimic that of the Left to 9/11. 20 years on from 9/11, SOME of the Left have started to think, “Hmm wait a minute!” (even though that little police man inside them is still screaming “No, don’t join the conspiracy nuts!”) Perhaps in 2040, some of them will start to stir uneasily about the virus? Somehow I don’t think we have that long.
are you talking about this ‘left’
socialist campaign group believe we should be aiming for ‘zero covid’
From that manifesto, I’d say that we are looking at …well the great reset that many are talking about. And I’d say that something of the sort is needed WITH NO REFERENCE TO COVID I.e. both “Left” and “Right”and all shades between and beyond were and are aware that we need some kind of revolution since the previous order is falling apart. Naturally the different factions differ in what they assume the “new world” will look like. But either way, COVID is the tool. I wish they would all just come clean and admit it. But maybe they reckon that the general population would never accept something so drastic without being scared into it?
Bob, I used to say Corbyn was a good fellow (still think so) but that his ignorance on foreign affairs (conventionally anti-Putin, anti-Assad) was potentially dangerous. Now his joint statement with Mistress Diane Abbot and others raises biological ignorance to potentially cataclysmic proportions on a global scale. It is not humanly possible to eliminate Corona Covid (the virus which causes Bird Flu). Peaceful coexistence, same as for the past millions of years, is the best we can do. Such wild aims as “Zero Covid” are a modern equivalent of The Childrens Crusade, bound to end in tears.
Fortunately nobody takes notice of Jeremy after his abject capitulation to Zionazi bullies.
Covid – its all on the nose – a very powerful nose – like the one that cut through the outside of the WTC…passed through its substructure and…popped out again intact.
Those were the days that BOEING was able to build AWESOME airplanes!
These famous videos, shown every 10 minutes for weeks, of the “collisions” were obviously faked. The nose cones of these planes are very fragile and could not possibly go through these building and emerge even vaguely intact. The technicians who created them were obviously far better at graphic production than aviation engineering. This leads to a possibility that there were in fact no collisions by passenger jets. Perhaps the explosions were bombs planted well in advance and triggered remotely. Without the fake video evidence it is very possible.
The nose cones of these planes are very fragile and could not possibly go through these building and emerge even vaguely intact.
nor did they, except in the fevered imaginations of people who do not understand digital video compression and the distortions it creates.
Although in this case, “artifacts” is the more appropriate term, rather than distortion.
I had a close friend who was a no-planer, and had in fact dedicated an enormous amount of time proselytizing and debating the issue online. When he showed me his “evidence,” I said that he has no way of knowing what the compression rate was of the video he was showing me, and therefore could not distinguish artifacts, such as extrapolated vectors, from actual captured photons.
He had no idea what “compression” or “artifact” meant. Yet he had made it such a core part of his identity to “reveal” his discoveries to the world, from a place of crippling ignorance. It was painfully like talking to a typical official-conspiracist.
Yet he had made it such a core part of his identity to “reveal” his discoveries to the world, from a place of crippling ignorance.
there’s one of those who posts regularly here, even about “nose cones popping out”, etc. perhaps you’d like to have a go at refuting her BS? I’ve grown tired of doing so.
The tragic turds that down vote such veracity are desperate.
@ Off-G Admin:
In your ‘9/11 in Focus: information, opinion and research‘ item – where there appears to be no comment facility – you fail to mention Christopher Bollyn’s work over this near twenty-year period. That’s a serious omission. Why isn’t he in the list of – highly – pertinent commentators?
christopher bollyn his aim is true
moon on alabama and many such sites craig murray
julian assange gnome chumpski bob fisked guy any journalist one can think of
saymore hershey bar the watergate burn stein into saturn infinity
want you going around and around
keep watchin them wheels move
the mouse on the wheel always thinks he is going places
the nature of limited hang out
Limited hangout, free range
9/11 happend because of a failure of imagination
”9/11 happend because of a failure of imagination”
And a need for the Bush family to steal a few billion dollars, infiltrate another government, foment wars across the middle east and make their friends like Rumsfeld and Silvertsein billionaires.
Why tell people to think about psyop 9/11 during psyop covid?
covid psyop : It is a bio-terrorist war on the people.
Both operations based on ignorance and fear.
On belief and not on knowledge.
Where do you think the chaos and ignorance in the world manifests from?
Why in the propagandists mind control ( fear) is so useful for the mind controllers.
Our inner state is primary .
Last time I checked the govt has no control of my inner world where there is love and peace.
What if tomorrow everyone turned off their phones? What if tomorrow we all go “dark”?
I imagine nothing would happen if people are still in the same mindset.
Insanity is not normal state.
Sep 10, 2020 7:40 PM
Awaiting for approval
Why tell people to think about psyop 9/11 during psyop covid?
covid psyop : It is a bio-terrorist war on the people.
Both operations based on ignorance and fear.
On belief and not on knowledge.
Where do you think the chaos and ignorance in the world manifests from?
Why in the propagandists mind control ( fear) is so useful for the mind controllers.
Our inner state is primary .
Last time I checked the govt has no control of my inner world where there is love and peace.
Only if. I’d muse at the selfie brigade actually having to use their brains to think.
The plague false-flag has proven just how gullible people are- from high betas downwards. The masses had good excuses at the time to not know the truth behind the false flag of Pearl Harbour (staged as the only way to get the US parliament fully behind TOTAL WAR) and the satanic medical experiment that was the dual nuking of Japan.
But Blair’s 911 false-flag happened at a more dangerous time. Staged to allow the fabian fist (the US military machine) to become fully functional again (total mission success for Blair), the internet was advanced enough to allow a sophisticated online community to rapidly dissect the official conspiracy lies spread by the blairites. And internet censorship wasn’t even a significant thing back then.
But even so, it was a battle between honest brains, and the organised propagandists of the mass media. And by any fair reckoning, the blairite lie machine won.
The two WTC towers were over-engineered to an extreme, unlike all the junky skyscrapers now seen in the Middle East, for instance. Jumbo jet after jumbo jet after jumbo jet could have struck either, causing only superficial damage. The massive steel core ensured this. You see in terms of physics, a light as possible ALUMINIUM construct striking the building at high speed is no different from a god holding the tower as a club and swatting the plane. And which wins? A massive steel club or a little tube of aluminium.
Even if a plane does damage at the top, the insane mass of the building below isn’t going to ‘care’. Yet you watched two insane masses ‘VANISH’ as the buildings collapsed into their base at free fall speed. As impossible as actually sawing a woman in half and then instantly reattaching the parts on stage. But 9/11 was staged as a grand illusion with all the same stagecraft psychology and misdirection. Planes hit the towers causing great explosions, so clearly everything that followed resulted from the crashes, and not some ‘hidden’ mechanism.
After day one, the mist started clearing for thinking people. Then the word about WTC7 started spreading, and the lack of evidence of an aircraft hitting the Pentagon. Then yellow journalism started spreading a laughable fantasy about the fate of the plane actually shot down by the US airforce (which was going to hit the White House, but was cancelled at the behest of the planners who thought WTC 1 and 2 a glowing success that would be thrown off the front page by images of the White House in ruins). WTC7, the Pentagon missile, and the free fall of WTC 1 and 2 (and later the fact that the anthrax came from US bio-warfare labs) blew Blair’s official fairy-tale apart.
One word sums up 9/11. Evil. In the most perfect act of projection, lead architect Blair toured the world after 9/11 stating the “evil” of 9/11 was the reason the world must react. How he must have howled with laughter back in his room each night at the irony.
But Blair’s own fabian propaganda team flood the forums with ‘Bliar’ the “hopeless naive puppet of the USA”. The ‘safety valve’ method of getting the masses to LAUGH at monsters rather than acting to bring them down.
“ A massive steel club ..”
Really? That’s just the frame. The rest was glass and office space, wasn’t it?
And your point is, Dung boy, or are you just trolling as is your wont?
Blair’s 911 false-flag
this post is a good demonstration of the principle that effective disinformation should be 90% true.
and also that disinfo operatives should regularly adopt new identities, to keep ahead of the people who have figured out what they are.
“You see in terms of physics, a light as possible ALUMINIUM construct striking the building at high speed is no different from a god holding the tower as a club and swatting the plane. “
That’s the clearest description I have ever read.
So does Covid-Mania as Enemy #1 mean we are officially done with The War On Terror™?
Seems a pyrrhic victory as we’re now having to deal with the Technocratic Taliban who’ve decided for us- no sporting events, no laughter, no joy, no singing, no dancing, no drinking, no socializing, no god other than the State, no music events, stay at home.
This must not be allowed.
The War on Terror™ has been milked for all its worth. Please welcome the War on Germs™, the War on China™, or both.
The Belfer Center, The BMGF, The Kaiser Family Foundation, The Open Society Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Clinton Foundation, The Trilateral Commission, The Heritage Foundation, The Brookings Institution, The CFR, The Blackstone Group, The Chertoff Group, & PhRMA
All of these entities are committed to and engaging the “war on populism,” its just more extreme and tactical.
I go for both… War on Chigerms™
Techno Taliban. Love it!
Oh that we mere mortals could declare a War on Terror. The real Terror.
City of London, Wall Street, Davos, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Palantir, Promis, Satellite Grids, GAVI, NGO’s….. come on fellow mortals, refesh my memory…..
These psychopaths have made flying a horror for billions of people, for what gain? a few wars in the middle east to loot other peoples wealth? even on their own terms this is all insane, unnecessary and is being managed by idiots.
Just like the anal retentive, failed Empire that is forcing us to do this stupid stuff. These useless idiots couldn’t even make a car anyone wants to buy, no wonder they need to murder and steal to make their small mutilated cocks feel big.
These psychopaths have made flying a horrible for billions of people, for what gain? a few wars in the middle east to loot other peoples wealth? even on their own terms this is all insane, unnecessary and is being managed by idiots.
Just like the anal retentive, failed Empire that is forcing us to do this stupid stuff. These useless idiots couldn’t even make a car anyone wants to buy, no wonder they need to murder and steal to make their small mutilated cocks feel big.
None of the “temporary” measures adopted in the US after 9/11 have been removed. Makes zero sense to oppose the lockdown while accepting the official 9/11 story.
Well tomorrow on 9/11, Macron is going to announce further totalitarian rules, and may re-introduce lockdowns… A sort of French Patriot Act on the eve of what is announced as alarge Gilets Jaunes Demos throughout the country on the 12th, the following day.
How odd?! If at this point, people still do not get it, will they ever get it?!
The CIA will be telling them to shut down the economy and wreck the country, but they will be trying to do stuff that does not cause immediate civil unrest. The UK and France are being run in tandem.
Yes I know, that UK and France are in tandem. France is worse in many ways: for example with the masks you have to wear them everywhere in Paris and there are no exemption except heavy handicap. Its relentless here. I really hope that on the 12th the GJ manage to have an impact
Oh yes, the CIA is behind the scamdemic; nothing to do with globalists.
Your shift is it?
I think because the tracking Apps failed so badly, which caused this lack of direction, they are moving to a continual testing programs, where the tests are used as the means of control providing negative and positives as required.
The problem is there are too many people awake and impatience is growing, with the whole operation. They should be trying to find an exit strategy to save face but some seem to be pushing ahead. That is the biggest mistake they could have made.
They do know that pushing an operation too far too quickly risks causing the whole system to collapse. Exposing the moon landings, 9/11 and now Covid as fake, will cause an incredible challenge to the system from which they cannot recover. We are heading towards the great revealing.
firstly lets get something fundamentally correct the smartphone si tracking device among other things and is able to read to read your biometrics.
we always called it surveillance yet in 2020 it now called track and trace
U>k when they lockdown 4+ million in Manchester etc literally not long after they opened up
killing the economy and it was strategically chosen and slight under tone of the reason was because migrants or people of ethnicity just don’t social distant suttley banded about via the regurgitator alt right media as immigrants or moslems hotpots take it back further we have cannon fodder
a recent DWP report said they trailed out a new track and trace system there!!
Would you put in past them to deliberately lockdown down 4 million to try out software as the take up organically for C>A>T>S contact and trace system around May period failed
failed as in it works better with consent even forced consent is still consent
as wiley said they would not never close down lock-down Golders Green
What we are seeing in the U.k and all over is the new Human Settlement Zones
I truly hope you are right because if it doesn’t get revealed now we are all truly heading towards to the end of the road for the majority of the human race – these globalist parasites need to be revealed now and strung up from the rafters!
They do appear to be panicking. This recent more by Bojo the clown is extremely dumb. Or am I overestimating the British public? Surely they must realise this farce has absolutely nothing to do with a virus by now?
They have gone “all in”
The pot is still not theirs.
the moon landings what you talkin about willis
stretch arnstrong and buzz lightyear went to infinity way beyond the van allen belts
also mason carl sagan said we did and 33 degree mason arthur c clarke who came up with the story fiction of the satellite
after the 9 and 11 gorge bush said we where going to mars as well which is great cos it getting dangerous down here with all the virus 5g chips inside the monkey vaccines
Hope you’re right, Humming. But don’t tell them – let them have enough rope to hang themselves.
There will always be the ignorant, the lazy, the easily-led, the pathetic looking for a bit of power over others. There will always be those who refuse to listen and those who do not even want to contemplate the bleak reality.
It takes some time and effort to ‘wake’ fully and requires critical thinking. Something they don’t teach at schools for the same reasons Law is not on the curriculum. That would be equipping the people with the training to defend themselves in court. Our present gov’t and every one before that perishes the thought.
To pretend that the problems and the possible future, which is obvious, will disappear by ignoring them completely is to step into the mind of a child. Those of us who are willing to enlighten others and make a stand really shouldn’t be bothering with these child-like people who start to panic when the mention of a tough subject causes them to begin using their brain.
One can usually tell within the first 10 minutes of any conversation how it’s going to end.
30% is a critical mass apparently. The folly of the 70% will be realised. Even the most stupid or defiant will eventually see their mistake. The brutality being dished out to those who are trying to stop this totalitarian train coming will soon be leveled at everyone, of any age, with no reason required. All one need do to make this a reality is to sit back and do nothing.
Think on 70%, or at least try.
‘Law is not on the curriculum. That would be equipping the people with the training to defend themselves in court.’
Nor is basic financial literacy, for schoolchildren who graduate directly into student debt and credit cards, then loans and mortgages. We don’t want the people to gird themselves against the bankers.
For me the BEST picture of the entire OPERATION is this one!
How come ? Faked ? How come those waving, moving people at the windows ? Robots ?
I dunno either.
She is thought to be Edna Cintron, 46, who worked for Marsh & McLennan on the 97th floor of WTC 1. She stood or sat near on the torn north face of the building for an hour and a half until it collapsed.
She features in the photographs NIST used for its study of WTC 1. She was still there, in the final photograph, 20 seconds before the building collapsed.
NIST north face photo 10:28:06 https://www.flickr.com/photos/117310459@N03/29486972475/in/photostream/
Yet NIST never referred to her. This is because Edna is an inconvenient truth. The fact that she could sit there contradicts NIST’s claim that fire brought down the WTC buildings.
Jet fuel burns quickly and would have largely dissipated in the first seconds after impact. What was left to burn was office equipment. Until the demolition charges detonated, destroying the supporting structural columns.
NIST north face photo 10:23:30: https://www.flickr.com/photos/117310459@N03/29485003345/in/photostream/
On Wednesday, September 12, 2001, William Cintron was wandering the streets of Manhattan, carrying a photo, looking for information about his wife.
He was interviewed by a journalist: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/a-marriage-made-in-heaven-that-ended-in-hell-9188378.html
that is e thing or b thing and gelitine israeli arts projects who lived on those floors
There’s a video that explains the ‘art students’ – along with their March 2000 diagrams of the WTC buildings in this post:
Gorden, this is the full video from which that was clipped:
E TEAM – 9/11 GELATIN B-THING https://youtu.be/-its6EG3DwA
Who shall be the Iraq etc. of this engineered crisis?
>> WW3?
Not too late to focus on preventing it.
Just for this one
I gave a 5 Yellow Stars rating!
Do not forget…
… The Secular Ruling Families are INDEED looking for Peace, Love and Happiness… and They FOUND how to get them.
They’ll put us to Rest!
And let’s not forget to do the math.
Take 500,000 deaths, divide by 40 PCR cycles, subtract database matches, subtract nursing home slaughter, subtract deaths of despair and delayed care, subtract lives ventilators destroyed, net out a typical flu season… anything left?
Yes, Maxwell… You forgot subtract HIV drugs for CUVID deaths, subtract other drugs for CUVID deaths!