DISCUSS: Inauguration Day

Joe Biden’s big day is finally here. He’s had to work hard for it, sucking a lot of fingers, burbling a lot of nonsense, berating a lot of factory workers, fixing thousands of votes, but he’s finally going to be President.
This particular inauguration is going to look a lot different from all the others – the twin bogus narratives of coronavirus and the “attempted coup” on January 6th have forced, FORCED, capitol city into an almost Martial Law-like standing.
Joe Biden’s inauguration will look a lot less like this…

A heavy troop presence as your leader is sworn in is one of the hallmarks of legitimacy, you understand. And not even slightly a sign of power being seized illegitimately.
That said, Biden will technically be “President”, so it’s time to ask ourselves – what kind of world are we in for?
For one thing, it’s possible they are preparing to sideline the covid “pandemic” narrative, as the mayor of Chicago and governor of New York have both said that lockdowns need to end, and a report has been published saying lockdowns don’t work.
Internationally it’s likely to be business as usual. If you look at his cabinet choices, from Victoria Nuland to Samantha power, we have a LOT of warmongers who bleat about America’s “responsibility to protect”. While politicians and pundits are already rebuking Trump & Johnson for failing in US/UK’s “moral leadership” of the world, or praising Biden for his plans to “counter Russian disinformation”.
If not for the “new normal” we 100% would guarantee a new war – or a restarted old war – within a year. As it stands, we’re only 60% sure they’ll be some kind of military intervention sometime soon (Venezuela wouldn’t be a surprise).
The real crackdowns are going to be domestic. There is a huge push to take “domestic terrorism” seriously, and that will go hand-in-hand with increased purges of social media (again with “Russian disinformation” playing a major role).
The big question is whether the inauguration will go off smoothly, or they’ll try another manufactured incident to sell that agenda.
How do you think President Creepy Uncle Joe is going to shape our world? How long before, for whatever reason, Kamala Harris replaces him? Will the pandemic be “solved”? Will we have a new war? Discuss below.
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The sun literally shines out of Creepy Joes a**ehole. He is literally a cross between Jesus Christ and Mother Teresa.
We are all incredibly fortunate to have this paragon of virtue as our completely legitimate and entirely honestly elected president..
Biden and Kamala won’t last long. Most of them will be locked up or worse. Fake inauguration.
Watch the troops hang around for maybe months at DC.
The best is yet to come. Trump we be President in a few months or less.
O dear leader Biden!
Youre so wonderful!!
The best inauguration ever!!!
Let me lick your boots!!!
What is the opposite of Fascism?
btw, folks who run around being violent n’ shit are not anarchists. They’re reactionaries.
They’re certainly not anarchists … they might well be, ‘reactionaries’ or then again – they could be police, CIA or FBI operatives who are much more violent than mere ‘reactionaries’.
The abolition of the political nation state machine. Democracy like the Thing in Iceland a millennium ago.
it is the extent to which we can’t answer that question (in an answer, at least, that might be presented in a way we all recognise), that is the condition of collective precipitation into what is clearly fascism. The answer to what the opposite of fascism is possible..it just is outside of the scope of these forms of discourse that are concurrent part of this precipitation. In other words: back story too big to answer.
Why are states individually, and the US as a whole, being made to feel like we have uniquely bungled the handling of Covid? The rest of the world are smart and compliant but we are too stupid in the US to take care of business, is the message we’re getting everywhere. Can someone explain why?
Is that a rhetorical question? Of course you know why. Where have you been the last 4 years.
It’s to Blame Donald Trump to whomsoever relish the garbage the fed to them by Establishment Deep State. And it works.
Why discontinue a weapon that works so effectively.
True, but that doesn’t explain why it would happen individually in a state?
That part is easy in my view, the different states are vying for money, as we can see in a more visible way in the UK.
Hello Bob -Enough now: Your answer to LKing’s question Is correct. 5 stars, and an up vote. Funding is key to the entire scamdemic.
I watched the Lehrer Hour News on TV DownUnder and US news is about: USA. A few seconds from overseas. The rest is USA USA USA USA
5 April 2020: New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller announces a criminal investigation into the operator of the Ruby Princess cruise ship after the death of 10 passengers from coronavirus. This was to be conducted by the NSW Police homicide squad.
15 April 2020: A Special Commission of Inquiry into the Ruby Princess was initiated to curtail the police investigation. Some months later the Commissioner reported that everything was an unfortunate string of accidents and errors.
22 April 2020: NZ Customs announced an investigation into Ruby Princess cruise-ship staff concerning Covid-19 clusters in New Zealand.
Accidental, or not, the Ruby Princess certainly spread the virus far and wide:
See image showing where virus from the Ruby Princess was spread.
Here is a false declaration of health sent by the Ruby Princess to the Auckland District Health Board. It was obtained by stuff.co.nz under the Official Information Act. The declaration is dated 16 March, and claims to have been submitted at the port of Tauranga, however, the cruise of the Ruby Princess was cut short, and the ship never visited Tauranga.
On 15 March a declaration of health would have been sent from the Ruby Princess, then at the port of Napier, to the Bay of Plenty District Health Board. This would have been needed to dock at the port of Tauranga, as planned for March 16. After changing one word, Napier, to Tauranga, and the (first instance of the) date to the 16th, and presumably the registration number, the same document was sent to the Auckland District Health Board. This would have been needed to dock at Auckland, as planned for March 17. Doing this had the effect of hiding the true health situation on March 16. Why was it necessary to hide the true health situation of the Ruby Princess? One has to assume that someone on board knew the ship was carrying Covid-19.
From: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184
The false declaration of health sent by the Ruby Princess can be found here:
When that ship docked in Sydney the Premier allowed through her aparitcks to let the tourists leave knowing the situation – meaning this virus is not as lethal as the very same politicians say it is – or conversely the Premier and her ministers wanted the virus to spread because it was not spreading fast enough to claim it is pandemic. I still don’t know anyone who has it nor does my doctor.
All War is Evil
No More War
War is because normal people join armies to kill others because the government of the day says so and off they go. How can one stop such morons.
Welcome to America, the capital of Hollywood.
Set : Washington.
Written and produced by CIA
Directed by CIA
Refreshments provided by FBI
Props stolen from every Hollywood movie ever
Makeup- off the set please.
Lights- you happy ?
Anchor, move that mask if you don’t want it to clash with the jacket..
Actors- now give me Full Metal Jacket , Apocalypse Now- let me see those shoulders.
and remember- the guns are NOT loaded so you can look as cool as you like..
aaaaand – action
“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”
– Frank Zappa –
(December 21, 1940 – December 04, 1993)
People don’t care. Otherwise it would not occur.
The hybrids have completely invaded our planet. Consciousness is our only salvation. We must awaken to see them as who they are. They have no compassion for humans. Now that they have used the American empire to destroy many countries…the empire will torture and then plunge its demonic dagger into the heart of its host…goodbye, America.
Ron. Is that you, whom I met so many years ago in Montana? How the heck are you?
On a brighter note that means the the 192 countries are OK.( yes they exist..it isn’t a conspiracy theory)
I’m a hyper mental manic hybrid – it’s great. Humans are so emotional it is perplexing. Totally screws their sentient capabilities into imagined fears like the Viral Wuhan Brain Spectre – and a few others – bleating on about empathy and sensitivity and being having existential terrors about loosing their identity which is another fantasy. I wonder when they will ever wake up.
I see 2 [possible]way it can go:
1. if the DemState stays in power, I see jo bi Deng taking his one-way trip to Fort Marcy Park by Feb 1st, and then KH elevating to the #1 slot and [after a suitable period of mourning]..picking Hillary as her VP on Feb 3rd. Then KH will trip and fall down the ‘Arkancide Staircase’ in the White House on baaltane..while hurrying to a spirit-cooked State Dinner..and..voy-lahh..Hillary becomes el presidente…the job she has lusted after for 40 yrs. 2. if somehow Jesus Christ returns, Trump will be asked to come back and help Him fix the whole mess, banishing the deep staters to sheolel.
The inauguration was prerecorded; a friend in Spain said they aired it there at 7 a.m. on the 20th, which would be 1 a.m. in DC; it’s all a MSM fake and won’t last long; be patient!
I was woundering and pondering on what on earth would one say about this uh…. inauguration, first I didnt bother to watch it, nor read anything about it, dont even think about it, because, its just words, floating in the wind, like an solid brass fart, and the promisses made, the prospects of what comes, is also, just that, promisses backed by what, and by whom, witch for me is far more intresting than this silly event witch was what I define as an show, Yankikes can make shows, but thats what it was in the end, just an show.
I have passed the 50s, and with that, several presidents, where hope for change have been hanging in the air, and what eventually happened, nothing but that fatc everything got much worse, and I expect that is what comes in the next 4 years, I dont care what Creepy senil sniffing Joe say, what I watch is whom is the king surounded by, the consiglieris, the capo di tutti capis, the real force behind this old rat, and what do I then behold, when we had Trump the ConDon witch creatures as Pompeous, etc, and now, the new ones isnt in any way anykind of more sane, even the Cockie Moster Nuttland is back on the arena, one raving scumbag after the other, incl Yellen whom is best known by doing things much worse than what is could be, I am afraid the rethoric, about been the shining beacon on the hill is more like an death sentence to the rest of the world than anything else, since they claim the world needs them, and so on, delutional rambling, of course but thats whay they have been forcefeed their own people for centurys thru over 250 wars, exceptionalism is their new religion and they are Gods force on this rock to rule us all.
And the nauseating display coming from the pack of asslikers in EU to others, is hideous.
The puke factore is sky high.
The second thing is, americans belive they can do whatever they want, just turn on any of their main propaganda channels like NetFlix to CNN, and if you dont see it, well, belive me, you will sooner or later feel it, the boot, with an steel heel, of course, done in the name of humanism and democrasy as always, and if you dont think or say what they tell you to do, you are now an terrorist, rightwinged and racist, and the ultime scumbag, white.
Do you even think that this pack of wolfs would be better, you are delutional to such an extent that I would call it insanity, to be blind isnt to be stupid, but the present UssA people is hopelessly brainwashed and the brain washing have gone onto become high pressurised water washing, and then teflone coated inside, where nothing sticks, apart from comersials.
So, you even belive Bruche the Sping, and f…. like S. King was somewhat good people, they have made their millions and have since then departed completely from reality into an perspetion of exceptionalism where they impose their perseption of us like we are stupid sheeps and have to think they are somewhat more enlighten because they are stinking rich, yeah, like the narrative about rich means higher intellegence, then Bill of the Gates of hell must have an IQ of 2000 or somewhere around that, right.
I dont understand what have happened in the last 50 years, its like its an constant linear downward prodjected decline and an degenerating of mental capasity, witch have lead us to where we are to day, where the decline is obvious, and people are unable to grasp that we are diverse, but they insist on black and white, and nothing inbetween and if you are not with them you are against them, and you have to be an terrorist, how do you think this world end, huh.
The truth is, Trump wasnt that good, He did an whole lot of shit, to primary other people, and ignored most of the promisses home, and now, I dont expect mush to change other than it to be much worse.
Have an nice day.
Pablo Escobar wrote a piece about it calling the restricted perimeter including the Capitol, where ‘ordinary’ American citizens won’t be allowed to enter anymore, “the Blue Zone”, to refer to Baghdad, Iraq’s Green Zone in which the US invaders found refuge, and outside which everything in the country was chaos. The chickens have come home to roost, no doubt. The people inside that Blue Zone are the architects of the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and on and on… Now it’s the turn of the USA.
Pepe also wrote numerous articles about Q anon and even when I pressed him on it via email asserted it was true and real. So how did “the plan” turn out? And why on Earth would you still be giving credibility to Pepe Escobar? Get off this site and turn off all media. Stop listening to every idiot pushing an agenda. Think your own thoughts about things you would choose to think about. All of this stuff is to pull you into the system and GIVE CONSENT to it. They need to fabricate disruptions in the system that SEEM to threaten the thing you care about, so that you consent to the system ‘doing something about it’s. But they don’t. They purposely dont. Because until they do, they have your consent to do what they’re doing. Are you too blind to see that our government is nothing more than a long list of unfulfilled promises? In your entire life how many times have they told you “we’ve comp!etely solved this thing”? Compared to how many times they’ve said “something horrible is going on and we all have to fix it”. It’s the same con over and over and you all keep falling for it. Look at the detailed explanations so many posters have about so many ‘issues’. They know all the ins and outs. And how couldn’t they, their pols have been ‘actively working to resolve the issue’ for 3 decades now. AT WHAT POINT CAN YOU ADMIT YOU’VE BEEN HAD. Today more than any other day you should all be asking yourselves this.
Hear Hear, my sentiments exactly, complete with appropriate frustration. We’re farting in the wind to be sure.
My response to the gratuitous sentimentality of the “inauguration” >
From Mitteleuropa – 1932
“Sentimentality is the superstructure erected upon brutality”
– Carl Jung –
(July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961)
I don’t know anything about the Hunger Games or Lady Gaga. Is she evil?
“She is a nimcompoop, not unlike that blithering idiot, fabian fascist eugenicist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”
…So… – I saw the show, heard the speeches and in my mind’s eye the whole dang thing just looked and sounded an *Aweful Lot* like this:…
Cookie Monster for Prime Minister.
…- We’ve *Already* got one of *Those*, thankyou much… 😉
Four years of the Bumble-Trump have been so damaging because the Bumble-Trump was so powerful that he could have his Twitter account shut down and… uh… wait (can’t really imagine Adolf Hitler having his Twitter account shut down, or letting himself be mocked for four years, now that I think about it) . Maybe the Bumble-Trump wasn’t very powerful or actually running the country for those four years…? Maybe whoever was running the country for the past four (or 8, or 20) years will still be running it, behind the equally senile and corrupt new figurehead, for the next four years?
(scratches head)
(poem starts)
Let’s listen to the pretty words now instead of thinking!
A week ago Trump was going to be impeached. What happened to that? Mitch McConnell, who when it mattered gave Trump no support at all, refused to convene the Senate in time.
Trump can now announce he’s going to run again in 2024 and string the narrative out even further if needs be. The assets always walk away in the end.
McConnell probably dropped it once it became apparent that Trump wouldn’t pardon Assange or Snowden.
On the topic of Bruce Springsteen – the great working-class icon (yeah right) – appearing to support Biden, well there was also folksy “aw shucks” down-to-earth Tom Hanks there as well. And recall John Steppling’s recent piece on OffG where he says,
Y’all know David Geffen, “American business magnate, producer, film studio executive, and philanthropist. Geffen co-created Asylum Records in 1971…” (Wiki)
“Philanthropist”, eh? More to the point, the groovy guy who, via Asylum and Geffen Records, worked with the Eagles, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Linda Ronstadt, Warren Zevon, John Lennon, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sonic Youth, Aerosmith, Whitesnake, XTC, Peter Gabriel, Neil Young , etc.
Yeah there’s a plethora of great talent and possible genius there. Even some genuine working-class roots too. But “working class” now? I think mostly not.
I thought Bruce Springsteen were on the common men and womens side, how on earth did he end up celebrating this?
Looks like ‘The Boss’ is stuck in the two party matrix. Another either/or whore.
“‘Bruce’s personal enrichment’, might be a good place to start. One does not think he is doing it out of altruism, does one?”
You certainly didn’t see Neil Young up there. Big difference between those two.
Off the top of my head, I think he’s one of those progressive-liberal celebrities who cozy up to Democratic Party candidates.
I was never a Springsteen fan, so I don’t follow him; thus, I am neither surprised nor distressed that he’s celebrating Biden’s fraudulent victory.
It doesn’t make my heart wince, as it did years ago when I became aware that Buffy Sainte-Marie was campaigning for Barack Obama.
Biden’s first executive order is the “100 Days Masking Challenge.” It may sound like a cheesy game-show sell. But if the new boss is “preparing to sideline the covid ‘pandemic’ narrative” (above), this kind of priority instead promises some renewed marketing of the storyline. The National Lincoln Memorial for Covid Victims the night before the inauguration, with both Biden and Harris oozing solemn sentimentalism, also helped set the stage for reminding the American people of the fallen, and that we are at war (even if we are the enemy).
I suppose some of the pandem(ic)onium, like that of the casedemic, might momentarily recede from center-stage propaganda with momentum still strong from the ‘storming of the Capitol’ show on behalf of ‘domestic terrorism.’ But I suspect that will amount to a strategic move, turning audience attention away from the war on (of) bioterror long enough for the coup plotters to weave in this supporting theme to underscore the threat to national security posed by covid-deniers, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and any other ‘target’ groups. Not unlike the mass unrest galvanized by the George Floyd incident on the heels of last spring’s lockdown helping to release rage and redirect it to familiar police state dramas of the old (ab)normal, if only to deflect from the ‘progressive’ police state of the Brave New Normal’s medical martial law.
However the plot thickens, it’s worth remembering as always to follow the money, and that the ruling class has too much invested in this global coup to be sidetracked from the agenda. If true believers like the mayor of Chicago and governor of New York have eased up on their own dictatorial dedications to lockdown, that likely has less to do with logic leading these liars to relent, and more with how the agenda has been furthered with the introduction of the genetic and digital engineering the Frankenscience is calling ‘vaccines.’ The stage is now set for the carrot-and-stick routines of ‘immunity passes,’ also making their debut, versus continuing degrees of imprisonment. And for the rebellious, New York has been leading the way once again, as with past trial balloons for mandatory ‘vaccination’ from its state bar association, with recent legislation for ‘quarantine’ camps for anyone deemed dangerous to public safety (like covid-deniers, conspiracy theorists, anti vaxxers, etc., etc.).
In short, we’re being prepared to become hostage to the plandemic all the more in the ‘land of the free.’ After all, we’ve got some considerable catching up to do with some nation states’ enforcements of ‘public health’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSCDXFbMMuc&list=PLJWhoC1u4KmCzAnyvPW7PtivuSbruLdRJ&index=132.
My money’s particularly on ‘domestic terrorism’ getting associated with cybersecurity, as the sizeable numbers of those refusing ‘vaccination’, notably including ‘frontline’ health care workers, pose significant impediments for the Great Reset’s implementation here. Big Tech’s Ministries of Truth appear to be positioned for a ‘dark winter’ of crashing means of communication should ‘misinformation’ continue to spread a virus of resistance (all because of Russian hackers!).
For now, the World Economic Forum’s Manchurian candidate has been sworn in as chief executive over the empire, and awaits further instructions from Davos upon its annual conference next week. The world war of covid continues.
The President that matters welcomes this other one….
‘Imagine a new form of totalitarian government, composed of people who have been educated into believing that they hold a superior intellect and morality to their own constituents. Imagine a new form of government so convinced of its virtue mandate, that its own constituents are now the enemy, and no longer foreign invaders or agencies.
Imagine a single dominant Party which incites Kristallnacht violence in the streets, smashing windows and burning businesses, because they hold that The Party and their Billionaire Cronies who fund all this are indeed the victims and ‘resistance’. A new, smarter form of diabolical tyranny is on the block, and it is called tyflocracy.’
New? Sounds a lot like the USSR, circa 1920-30. (Of course, technically they didn’t have any billionaires, but still.)
I agree, it does.
Tyflocracy /philosophy : illicit governance : expansion of power by strategic employment of risk/ : /from Greek: τυφλός (tyflós: blind eye)/ : a government which has declared an asymmetric war of risk upon its own citizenry. A government which has illegitimately concluded that those constituents to whom it used to report and who seek to hold it accountable, have now become the enemy.
[from above article]
‘Contemporary liberalism is willful ignorance, driven by cowardice, posing as virtue’
Americans know how to put on a show, one has to give it to them.
One could almost be fooled into thinking it was a normal inauguration.
They had the chutzpah to call it „celebrating America“.
My husband stayed up to watch Bruce Springsteen and both of us liked the gigs.
Kamala Harris is quite impressive, I must say. She has a charm about her the way Obama has, for most Europeans that is, if one is willing to make allowances for her reputation as a ruthless prosecuter but hey Obama was a nobel peace price winner befor he became the drone warrior in chief.
Both of them God forbid would never say outlandish things like President Trump who never had a war to his name. I keep thinking of him as the true President of the American people as the election was rigged and his voters didn´t even have an audit in a court of law of the land.
The great folk-song, „This land is your land, this land is my land. From California to the —was rendered in the absence of the folk. More taunting for the people I guess..
Joe Biden a co-religionist of mine even had the nerve to quote Saint Augustine the greatest Christian philosopher of antiquity.
There is a Saint Augustine quote coming to mind that Biden should have used instead:
„Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? „
The host Tom Hanks was cringworthy with lauding three former US presidents all of them war criminels as the „marvel of the world“-))
Obama as always had a good line with“ we have to talk to people we disagree with“,
instead of shutting them down on all platforms to keep them out of the debate. That I didn´t hear him say.
Try as they might they couldn´t gloss over the absense of the American people they had barricaded away behind barbed wire fences.
How pathetic of the rulers to let pretenders standing in sublime isolation on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial pretending to represent democracy.
Bold text is for some of the words …
FWIW, I wonder about that too.
I presume that people who post entire comments in bold or italics do so to give their post the emphasis they feel it deserves. But to me, it’s too much like posting in all-caps.
Ha! Margaret Thatcher had the nerve to quote St Francis of Assisi when she assumed office. A less St Francis-like person than Thatcher I can barely imagine.
All in all, it kind of vaguely reminded me of videotapes or photos of war parades or official ceremonies from the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The hushed commentators pointing out who was who, the quick glimpses of well known masked faces hugging each other; we peek and point at the TV, as though through a chink in the wall they’ve forgotten to block. The rapid retreat into chauffeured SUVs at the end. And then the televised concert afterwards, to entertain and award the masses…also helps ensure said masses won’t recall annoying little details (like ‘wait, why did we just elect someone who voted twice for the invasion of Iraq, and who we know takes bribes from China?’) and to keep them off the streets. Weird stuff.
North Korean ceremony with different coloured clothes …
It looked like a Presidential motorcade through a defeated occupied country (reminiscent of Hitler in Paris circa 1940). The lack of crowds, no real cheering and the mask wearing gave it a very eerie and somewhat melancholy appearance.
Yup. All that was missing were the ICBMs being towed through the streets.
If you thought the MSM fellating Creepy Joe live on air was a wee bit embarrassing, just wait until they roll out Kamala ‘Woman of Colour’ Harris (aka Hillary Mark II). You ain’t seen nothing yet…
the inaugural speech has been delisted now.
The Bias News
OSINT Nerve Center
All 7 videos posted to the official White House YouTube account have received more dislikes than likes, with today’s inauguration video receiving 2.1K likes versus 16K dislikes.Where were Biden’s supporters? Told to stay home but only in 13 states. Where were the street parties for the most popular prez evah? We’ve waited four years for this moment (or so we’re told).. … … Crickets.
Hello! Doesn’t she look stunning! A tacky wedding album. Faux glamour magazine-style.
Stark! Why all the night time images? Frozen as the dark closes in.
Divergent! Hollywood totalitarianism. The people and the leaders diverge. As secluded as a private island. You don’t even get to peek over the wall.
Menacing! More blatant than election fraud you were meant to see — the messaging here is brutal: know your place!
“This is the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry.
Brace yourself. There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.
Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.”
— By John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
Where are they? On Facebook, telling the world how they weep with happiness and relief. What idiocy.
I’m not one for theatre and pizazz which these type of days generally exude. I’m not really sure that many people are, as its like the crowds at sports events that are stimulated and encouraged by the “cheerleader” entertainer. When a participant is asked whats he so excited about he or she generally mumble something incomprehensible. However as they say “it keeps people of the streets”.
Isn’t it all just about the institutionalisation of society which has been building for the past 500 years or so. Institutions are intrinsically about pure indoctrination.
Consider the development of the individual from leaving the womb and delivered into the world in the heart of an institution called the hospital system. It immediately begins the child’s indoctrination through the feeding process then caring, clothing, adult gesticulation etc.
The next step before schooling is to be taught the “rules” of society with “Tut Tuts” and wagging fingers. Behaving in public, not crying too much, toilet training etc.
The intensive indoctrination begins on the first day of school with hundreds of rules on conduct, learning methods, respect ad nauseum.
You can extrapolate the next ten to 40 years of the persons life with university, employment, marriage, military service, grief management as the individual is incarcerated by formulaic beliefs that bear no resemblance to “being an individual” with inner feelings. I’ve kept this purposely brief because I’m sure you can fill in the hundreds of gaps I have no bothered to cover. Its all just simply hogwash as the Lego blocks begin to build.
“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall” Roger Waters
Then they die!
So much for the theatre of indoctrination with Inauguration days.
Hello Harry Rogers: In today’s world, development pretty much ends when leaving the womb. The rest of “life” is a life that becomes smaller and smaller and thinner and thinner. Society (whatever that is) manicures the individual’s soul down to the size of a shriveled raisin. Eventually, a tiny toe tag catalogs the glorious process between birth and of death. The indoctrination experts call it freedom…
Yes Paul you’re correct there is an answer…withdraw and live within….its not that difficult to control the switch.
My dad died ten years ago today, asbestos,
what we got now
they are dying,
for a lie,
Something that gets me about the whole thing. Those who have died are victims of propaganda and have not had the dignity to die in peace, and mostly all alone too.
What also gets me is that 2.55 million other Americans died of all causes last year, 250,000 from medical malpractice, another 100,000 from hospital caught major infections, over 1 million died in their own homes, and almost no one died ”from” so called covid. Why are people over 80 with an average of 3 other illnesses now to be martyrs after being killed by the state.
President GloboJoe
That is the best summary I have seen as yet…and of course this mad mob are determined to bring democracy to a theatre near you…
Good summary but gone now …
Says the video has been taken down due to violation of bullying and harrassment?
Who made this video ao i can find it elsewhere?
Looks like rumble got it
Thanks, I just watched it on Rumble.
I reluctantly risk giving YouTube more traffic because the narrator reminded me of Lord Buckley’s priceless “Governor Slugwell” riff.
I think it’s relevant, so:
Of course, if this video gets the slightest bump in traffic YT will take notice and censor it too– I think Off-G threads might hold the world record for recommended YT videos being promptly consigned to the Memory Hole.
Ah that makes sense, they’re monitoring off-g traffic, I’ll remember that next time thanks….there is a resemblance to Lord Buckley, guess that’s being taken down next.
Taken down already
That was great, but should have been posted on other platforms. It is now gone.
unfortunately youtube has removed the video, where is democracy? especially from supporters of the democratic party.
I don’t think it was fingers he was sucking…
I’ve been down so goddamned long that it looks like up to me.
The province of Ontario, Canada, has two types of homes for the aged:
Long-term Care Homes, which are administered by the Ministry of Long-term Care, and
Retirement Homes, which are administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
Retirement Homes are not required to provide the same level of care as Long-term Care Homes, however, many Retirement Homes are, in essence, Long-term Care Homes. Long-term Care Homes are largely government funded, whereas Retirement Homes are not. Long-term Care Homes are 54% privately run, and 46% government run. Retirement Homes are 100% privately run.
There are about 627 (licensed) Long-term Care Homes in Ontario.
There are about 770 (licensed) Retirement Homes in Ontario.
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 272 (43.4%) of the 627 Long-term Care Homes, till Apr 7.[9]
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 38 (4.9%) of the 770 Retirement Homes, till Apr 7.[10]
So, the Long-term Care Home outbreaks are 43.4/4.9 = 8.86 times more prevalent than Retirement Home outbreaks.
Because an outbreak is, by definition, the introduction of Covid-19 into an old-age home, the most important factor influencing an outbreak is the number of people that the residents meet from outside the home. Long-term Care Home residents would generally meet more staff (from outside the home), whereas Retirement Home residents would meet more outsiders while they were away from the home, as they are free to wonder wherever they choose. Which of the two groups would meet more outsiders? One suspects that Retirement Home residents would come into contact with more outsiders than Long-term Care Home residents.
Given this, one would expect that Retirement Homes would have had a few more outbreaks than Long-term Care Homes. However, at least initially, Long-term Care Homes had nearly nine times the number of outbreaks. This is proof that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes, but not to the Retirement Homes.
It appears that the list of targeted places included Long-term Care Homes, but not Retirement Homes. An administrative oversight by the spreaders?
In Ontario, as of June 1, there were:
1,652 (89.2%) deaths in Long-term Care Homes.[11]
199 (10.7%) deaths in Retirement Homes.[12]
So, there were about nine times as many deaths in Long-term Care Homes.
<b>About nine times as many outbreaks has led to about nine times as many deaths.</b>
This indicates that the severity of the outbreaks in both classes of home were similar, which is not what we have been told. Although, this is roughly what one should have expected as Long-term Care Homes, and Retirement Homes, are quite similar.[15]
As of 1 June, 1,851/2,293 = 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in Long-term Care Homes.[13]
As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, and 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in Long-term Care Homes.
By June 1, the Long-term Care Homes in the Canadian provinces/territories, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut had no cases of Covid-19 at all, and those in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan had 12 cases between them (including 4 deaths).[14]
Yet as Rosemary Frei exposed last year they didn’t die of covid in any of those ”care homes”, they died of neglect, lack of staff, thirst and hunger. She also exposed that the rule in Canada was if one old person Tested positive on the 45 ct PCR’s always around then all were ”deemed” positive. Now in one home in Australia 2 people tested positive, all 20 in the ward were ”’deemed” positive, they slammed the place shut, 1 family rescued their mother and she was in hospital, turns out it was normal old age pnuemonia. The other 19 died, it haunts me to this day that they probably all had the same pneumonia.
Yes, it has been recorded that some died from neglect, due to lack of staff, in particular, some dementia patients became severely dehydrated which led to their death. Such is mentioned in the Amnesty International reports for Britain, Spain, Italy & Belgium. But mainly, they died due to Covid-19.
The Covid-19 (viral) infection often led to a pneumonia (bacterial) infection which destroyed their lungs.
This is similar to how older people have died for millennia;
They catch influenza which leads to a pneumonia which kills them.
You can find links to the Amnesty International reports on this page:
Check out this chilling and inspiring talk with George Orwell
Hello Mucho: Stunning interview!!! His words are precise and ominous, yet no one seemed to listen. Orgasm has become the sound of bullets tearing into bodies. The sirens are screaming, but they are no longer the sirens of Greek mythology…
I remember watching the first 1984 film when I was 11 or 12 years old. I never forgot the message… Thanks for posting.
Just in case anyone does not realise, that is not George Orwell actually speaking, but an actor speaking words that he did presumably say in an interview (probably for a newspaper or magazine). It’s from the 2003 Television docudrama: George Orwell – A Life in Pictures. The woman is Rebecca Front, more usually known for comedic roles.
Here is the full version:
Almost forgot to mention… Antifa put on their own installation party.
“We don’t want Biden. We want revenge,” is one of the slogans. They promptly smashed up the Democratic Party of Oregon building in Portland and got runty in Seattle.
It’ll be interesting to see how the pendulum swings. The Dem administration may find the idiots are past their usefulness… but I think the FBI and CIA social media will be itching to portray them as Trumpers.
The Controlled Media seem to have got away with misdirecting the Jan 6th Capitol incursion at Trumpers, even though one instigator’s own brother turned him in to the FBI (kinda like delivering the made man to the mob).
As I posted below, Q-Anon isn’t finished yet. Act Two will be Q goes underground. This becomes the domestic terrorist, insurrectionist narrative which will also be used the the state to shore up this not-legit regime (banned word alert).
Less than half in poll say election fraud allegations given ‘fair hearing’ by courts, Congress — Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.
Only 49% of respondents said such concerns received a “fair hearing” before the courts and Congress, while 38% said the concerns were “swept under the rug.”
It didn’t take long for Biden’s useful idiots to turn on him. They want a say and positions of power in his administration. The Democratic party in opposition supped with the devil and now they are going to reap the whirlwind. These groups now want their share of Government power or they’ll riot just like they did against Trump.
Antifa and the like aren’t the devil, Biden and the rest of the neoliberal cunts running the show are. That has been proven time and again all over the third world.
As Candace Owens wisely said, They will get eaten by their own dog.
As of yesterday if you typed “Antifa.com” into your browsers search window it would take you to the White House Home Page.
Do betting houses offer betting on how many brown skin people will be murdered by US officials in each next season? and how many cancers, their beloved pesticides will cause?
It’s interesting to see that the numbers for the pandemic don’t add up, and the same for the US election, and for everyone to see, rendering rational thinking a painful experience, We are here denouncing and they let us… and they hit us hard for it.
Numerology is Schizophrenia
Charisma and clever speeches captivates common people but that inauguration speech, what was that?! How on earth could such a person win the run for president of the US?
The cabal that put these man in position like to insult us and depress us
“that inauguration speech, what was that?!”
No more speeches. Now it’s all 1. public relations blurb and 2. scripted talking points from unelected bodies.
I suggest doing a search for the idiomatic expression “The fix is in.” 😉
More Dance Macabre than Inauguration!
Wonder how long it will take for Trump and Biden to die. 45 because he might blab, 46 because it’s going to be necessary to set the stage for 47 very soon.
Or maybe this silly circus of “elections” can finally end, and the psychopathic elite will finally unveil the curtain because they are powerful enough to end the illusion. Either way, I’m convinced the 2020’s are going to be our final decade resembling a “free” society….mass causalities and slavery for the rest has never felt closer.
“Either way, I’m convinced the 2020’s are going to be our final decade resembling a “free” society….mass causalities and slavery for the rest has never felt closer.”
Only going to happen if the people want it that way – strength in numbers, remember …
I wish I could agree with that. I’ve watched most of my fellow countrymen, including most of my family, completely submit to this tyranny. Even the people who know the truth are bending the knee and wearing the mask, following along. We have no choice
I feel like each crime they commit against us will be a solution to a manufactured disaster, and it will just continue until we have nothing left. I have zero faith…zilch…. that enough people can wake up and overthrow these monsters.
“I feel like each crime they commit against us will be a solution to a manufactured disaster”
This has been proven to be a reality, not just feelings.
Well, you are a cheery lot!
Where the fuck is Mel Gibson when you need him?
Not everyone is on the blacklist. For instance, those making the list, wouldn’t include themselves or their ilks, and then they can continue watching Hollywood movies as if all is dandy!
Most people are desperate for their old lives back.
They’ve been programmed by the state that they must follow what the state dictates.
The state knows best. The state will look after them. The state cares about them.
They think by following these nonsensical tyrannical rules things will eventually go back to the way they were before.
That’s why they are so angry at those who don’t follow the state diktats.
They see us a barrier to getting their lives back.
Most commenters here will know they have no intention of going back to the old normal.
This new abnormal is meant to be a permanent future unless enough people rebel. But they won’t because the role of the behavioural psychologists is to ensure they remain in a constant state of fear.
But when you try and warn others we are dismissed as conspiracy theorist, flat earther etc.
The masses don’t realise they’ve been psychologically attacked and manipulated by their own governments.
They’ve now developed Stockholm syndrome.
It’s truly pathetic.
Yep this will prove the beauty of the lockdowns and masks….they cared for us that is why they did it and see the numbers are not high…perfect foil for asking where are all the dead…after a conversation today I am convinced there will be no real waking up…the public will just invent another narrative to explain their dire state of affairs as this gets worse economically…the manipulation of the minds has been done so well…and proved so easy….they who did it must be feeling so delighted.
Truly pathetic, indeed. These are the words that keep coming back into my mind as I see the sad contortions of the mask-wearing true believers, who are scared of their own shadows. How have people been reduced to doing these absurd things? Human beings aren’t meant to act in this way. The unquestioning obedience is really doing my head in.
Your analysis is spot-on.
Gwyn what we are experiencing is a vicious use of applied behavioural psychology by the government against their own people.
People are being programmed to believe their ability to live life and experience basic freedoms such as the ability to work, travel and have family and social interactions are dependent on a perceived level of capacity within the NHS.
The government are effectively using the NHS as a propaganda tool.
The doubling down on mask mandates and the use of social disapproval is to cover for the fact that as spring approaches the ‘cases’ will fall.
This will be heralded as the proof that lockdowns and masks were effective.
Government will praise the people and give them a few months off freedoms.
Once we hit autumn the lockdowns will be back.
The politicians are reading from a script.
Unfortunately most people are as thick as pigshit and genuinely believe the government has their best interests at heart.
But there has to come a point when people say enough is enough.
How many jobs and businesses have to be lost, how many suicides, how many missed diagnoses for other illnesses have to happen before even the most gullible realise there’s no going back to normal unless we the people make it happen.
They really can’t get their heads around the idea that ‘their’ government doesn’t give a fuck about them, never mind the idea that it’s actively conspiring against them. Thick as pig shit, indeed.
And I get the feeling that no matter what happens, some people will forever remain attached to the so-called virus. It’s completely taken over their lives to the point where they almost seem to defend it, the utter dimwits.
Agree with everything you said.
In the states, I see it as an extension of the new religion of wokeism. Which is just the manifestation of the function of critical theory teachings: to divide the people to make way for a marxist-inspired political takeover (because a majority of people would never buy into a Marxist-inspired government if they were’nt distracted into it with the critical theory nonsense).
People don’t have the mental-experience-wherewithal to see through it or think for themselves as it has been de-programmed via the aid of the era of instant answers and social media.
The “state” need merely take advantage of the self-replicating control mechanisms of wokeism once the state has enough “marxists”(for lack of a better description) in critical positions of power. Some of these government officials know the con and are gleefully wielding it to the detriment of society with zero conscious for what they’re doing, but I think a majority of these government officials have actually fallen for the con and have become zealous evangelists.
The con doesn’t exploit the intellect (which is why you may be shocked when you see seemingly rational, intelligent people falling for the con), but instead exploits the primal ego. Insecurity. The basic human survival instinct to maintain your status in the in-group versus being cast to the out-group. People will throw out all rational thinking in order to secure their survival. Shame, blame, rejection, association with evil things. All very, very effective and easily used to turn people against each other.
So once the idea is seeded, the useful idiots on every level from your neighbour up to the CEO’s of big tech so the dirty work of the state for them.
“That’s why they are so angry at those who don’t follow the state diktats.”
In part, yes, but imo, more so because the “state”/prevailing political ideology (which was skillfully manifested from the long game of subversion), has instilled fear, outrage and a feeling of oppression in these people, and then masterfully directed that anger at their political enemies or anyone who might dare expose their con. And to your point, this is meant to be a permanent behavioural weaponization.
In order to maintain this you need an Eastasia or Eurasia figure. Today that’s anyone who dare challenges state-approved authority (including independent authorities).
“Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth”
(paraphrased from Einstein, and he was talking about a professor not the govt., but I think it still applies).
Washington DC was empty except for the troops. Windblown streets. Jason Goodman did his walkabout… could not even get a distant view of the Capitol.
It’s as if no one voted for Biden: no supporters even tried to attend the inauguration.
You would have expected someone… a few diehards who hadn’t heard about the military occupation.
I wonder if the military occupation was designed to disguise the total lack of support, given the evidence of election fraud. You couldn’t get more emptiness and virtual absence of reality if the military conducted the installation in a bunker in the dying days of the Reich.
Another poster said it looked like a junta in a minor banana dictatorship. Spot on. It was a military installation visually and in a political sense… for there were no people.
An inauguration of the leader of a nation cannot be legitimate if the people play no part.
Celebrities cheered with exaggerated leering grins and lockjaw, tongues lolling in a vain caricature of support from the class of paid actors.
The term ‘State Actor’ has a new meaning today. The Corporatist Media could not recognise its own banality. This was like the USSR Actors’ Union huddling and fawning around Secretary General Brezhnev as the Soviet Union teetered to collapse.
Social cretinism is the best one can say about this sorry debacle but I fear it is something much, much worse.
Crowdsource the Truth 2
To expand on what you said, people pondered why you didn’t see more local parties and celebrations across the country to usher in Biden because of DC being shut down. But you didn’t even see any of that. Some excused it as people not celebrating because they were respecting their local coronavirus rules. I call bull on that because they had no problem going out and protesting despite those rules. Antifa themselves did actually have a party, but it wasn’t exactly friendly to the incoming administration, which is ironic (segue), because, “Antifa.com” which when you typed into your search browser used to take you directly to “Act Blue” a fundraising platform for the Democratic party, now takes you directly to the Biden White House home page.
Think about that. An unapologetically anti-cop, communist-friendly, law-breaking, government-building-attacking for 7 months organization links directly to the white house.
To make sure everybody understand that it was all Trump’s fault, (or his ideas and those who support them which is anyone with a bit of protest in them), everything will be back to normal again… MSM will start to ease up on lies and propaganda (they’ve already started), kids are back in school in Quebec since last week (isn’t January still full in flu season?), and a blenitude of beautifull things to show that if you’re with the cabal and don’t rock the boat everything is fine. But if you dare talk about conspiracies in a position of authority, then it’s hell on you… may this be a lesson. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was just there to represent CTs, and to be ostracized publicly, and just plaid his part… Not always convincingly for that matter. He certainly stopped short and without complain… wishing them well and actually selling us the new administration… We can breathe now… but preferably without thinking
They even made him I suspect better than he was. Creating a bit of peace on earth, raising minimum wages, obtaining the biggest people’s majority support, and making sure everyone would see that the election was rigged, just to stab him in the heart and the populous with him. And today, ahhh… peace
In Trump’s last adress he say’s “don’t worry we’ll be back in another form”.
We know!
Agreed, Trump was used as a puppet to shame anybody who questions the narrative or resists the deep state. He was asked to be a cartoon, a ridiculous exaggeration of a “traditionalist” or “nationalist” to forever tarnish that stance. He was basically the Alex Jones president….the ultimate controlled opposition. A clown.
I’m so embarrassed I fell for it in 2016. Of COURSE he was phony.
They all are, Biden and a couple before him are also clowns… don’t tell me Sleepy Creepy Joe is the most efficient man on 350 million to run this country… he’s acting like he’s the worst (of those that are not locked up that is.. and even that, not all)
and if it’s any consolation, I only woke up last week… I was still hopping in Giuliani and Sidney Powell, and the military to “clean up a-tha swamp”
I have that same suspicion about Alex, and Ike as well, a perfect narrative (and outrageous) but with a twist that only their mother would forgive. Can’t recommend those to sceptics to seal the deal, except to, well, lose your friends, or at least their respect.
Hello Disillusioned Peasant: You said: “He was basically the Alex Jones president….the ultimate controlled opposition. A clown.”
Very, very astute! Thanks for posting.
My only question left is what was the pay off?. How many billions? The reality tv star had to be paid his worth.
No procecution from CIA, security for the rest of their lives… No Kenedy nonsence…. The stars on the internet also get a ton of data money (Elon Musk knows data is the new oil)
SNL might become funny again
YES!! I had to stop watching it for the past 4 years! I couldn’t believe the constant constant vilification of Trump. And I am by no means a Trump supporter – they are all compromised as far as I’m concerned – but SNL became the epitome of the holier than thou pink hat wearing crowd. As did all of the late-night shows. I found it astonishing and so disappointing. But certainly absolute proof of who rules the airways.
Yup, can’t even have a bit if fun

Politicians are unafraid of ‘Covid’
Disgusting hypocrisy
Lol this guy looks like he’s almost smart enough to realize he’s a piece of shit.
Our new governor today gave a speech about Covid and vaccines. Since he was unmasked (as they always are) he said “I’m ok to be maskless because I tested negative this morning.” This ‘no mask required if you tested negative today’ is not a rule that applies to anyone else but them, apparently.
The snake as a new head. It’s still the same snake. It still crawls on it’s belly and it still spits the same lies on behalf of the masters who stand behind the curtain. We could still hear Bush Sr when Clinton spoke ; We could still hear Bush Jr when Obama spoke. Red and Blue are the same colour.
It was refreshing in parts to have an American president who didn’t try to contrive a narrative that would justify invading another country or contrive yet another cell of ‘radicalised’ terrorists. No explosions on home soil intended to be taken as an attack from foreign soil. Nothing in four years.
It was all the more surprising as many believed that Trump was and is a great real estate dealer and TV celebrity who has manufactured his charisma from arrogance and ignorance. He has never been celebrated for much beyond his business acumen in the real estate area and TV. This wasn’t exactly an erudite man. Former presidents of different ages were and were capable of putting it on paper in their memoirs. Trump was the sign of the times ; a Twitter president. His reign was punctuated by the occasional flexing of Uncle Sam’s muscles with threats and a go -ahead-punk-make-our-day approach to public speaking. Yet still no threats of war. This was an odd four years. That odd = peace says more about the US than Trump though. So, what was his role ?
In 2001 we had the Twin Towers. The most dramatic mass murder and the destruction of the laws of Physics and Logic all in one day. Soon after we had the destruction of personal freedom and the creation of domestic terror. It had been suggested by Philip Zelikow three years earlier that a ‘searing event such as a terror attack’ would be a useful and effective tool in transforming the future by breaking away from the past in no uncertain terms. It would be the event that nobody dare question, and that would be perfect for creating a real fear within the people of the west that such a disaster could occur any time without warning. All they needed was the right salesman to address us.
And so the Patriot Act was born. The surveillance of everyone in their streets, in other towns and their homes was pushed through as a public health measure and a matter of national security. If you protested you were a ‘ 9 /11 denier’ and ‘unpatriotic’. If we went too long without evidence of this terror then somewhere would be bombed and the bomber would be ‘neutralised’ before we would ever learn who was behind it. It took time to become a ‘new normal’ but it became the ‘new normal’. Complain- you were a ‘dangerous’ conspiracy theorist; in some states it was considered grounds to label you under the mental health act. Just for asking questions. This was how to protect democracy- by tyranny.
So, two decades on we were ready and primed.
Gates and his cohort billionaire ‘philanderers’ had been beavering away for decades creating more subtle forms of terror. No bangs; no smoke; no mess. These ‘missiles’ were microbes and the control groups had been observed closely. From mice, to bats to black people to gay people. Once the results /data became big enough numbers, the bomb factory went to work behind the closed doors of ‘Cancer Research‘ facilities.
We all know now about the hypothetical exercises ‘imagined’ by the Gates ‘Good Club’ ; nightmares of being unprepared etc. They penned in 2030 as target date for the endgame.. A date that will have seen the human race enslaved or culled by their terrorism.
Liability would have been taken off the table, giving them free reign. All involved sank their pennies into the manufacturing of these little bombs. And all Academic Institutions, MSM platforms, and pharmaceutical industries were funded by Gates and Co. Then Monsanto and it’s subsidiaries were purchased the same way, and the same immunity from prosecution granted from the damaging synthetic /poison crops and food.
So, 2020, was Trump’s last stand. He had his ‘9 /11’. He had domestic bio terrorists. Then the rest of the world had it. We had the same threats to national security and the same ‘need’ for a new version of a Dystopian Patriot Act.
This wasn’t about ISIS or Al -Qaeda and their radicalised lunatics. Trump had found a new group of Bogeymen. China. He would have sounded a bit paranoid if Russia was blamed for something again. Besides, everyone knows that all SARS- type or flu-like viruses are made in China quicker and cheaper. And the US should know that by looking in their many, many stockpiles in their own Biological War labs they pretend are trying to cure cancer.
Trump decided to refer to the Covid 19 virus as ‘The Chinese disease‘. Fang Ling Fauci had told him to on behalf of Wong Sing Gates.
He went on to call himself a ‘war time president’( there you go- he got one).
He invoked the Defence Production Act, an old Cold War law which allows the Executive Branch to control and redirect the production and distribution of scarce materials deemed “essential to the national defense.” In an executive order dated March 18th, 2020.
To add another layer to the movie the troops were brought in and all medics were now ‘heroes on the front line’.
The script went global. It began in the country that Gates had composed such a hypothetical scenario- America. Hence the ‘Chinese Disease’. It was the new war on terror minus the James Bond bad guy Bin Laden.
So Trump ushered it in right on time. It didn’t win the election( we were told). Instead, it won it for Obama’s man, Biden.
Biden and Obama were the most vehement advocates of Monsanto, Sterilisation, and Social Technology ( eugenics ; social cleansing). Obama was made a very wealthy man for his services to the Gates agenda, pharma and GM / Frankenfood. He was surprisingly racist as well as elitist. Tom Vilsack was their frontman. Biden has already called him out of retirement.
So, given the ‘war-on-(bio)-terror‘ that was born in the USA and sold worldwide, there was no place for Trump. His job was to let the the ‘enemy’ in, warn us of the possible ‘war ahead’ and leave it to Gates. But Trump seemed to have spotted that and didn’t seem too keen on the narrative. So, come on down Barack O Biden. The timing’s right..
Cheese and Mustard Sandwich, plenty would disagree, having one anyway.
Can’t please all of the people all the time.
Except, fuck all the people, I’m having my sandwich.
Unauthorised human experiments in Isreal
Ditto the every nation whose citiznes have been duped into taking this poison
Not surprising, since the State of Israel prides itself on a thriving domestic industry of conducting unauthorized human experiments.
Israel is the envy of the the scientific community, at least among behavioral psychologists, for operating Gaza, a world-class behavioral sink.
q said it trust in the plan
the oded yinon
out with the old zio in with new old zio
gangs counter gangs and pseudo
molech must be fed
if bonds are made and traded on your birth certificate
then you are worth a kings ransom alive or dead
ohh forget
Q-Anon isn’t finished yet. It is a play in two parts.
Act One was the psyop to string along the people with promises of jam tomorrow. It was the classic Bolshevik meme of a glorious tomorrow that never arrives (a clue to the statist origins of this psyop).
Act Two will be Q goes underground. This becomes the domestic terrorist, insurrectionist narrative which will also be used the the state to shore up this illegitimate regime (and to criminalize words like the one I just used).
Yeah, maybe right…….http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1280601/pg194
They’re taking the piss https://twitter.com/antzweb/status/1352043700726206467?s=21
Hey, I saw Obama there, thought he and his boyfriend Mike were in Gitmo ? And a Hilary was there too, I saw her. Wasn’t she dead by now ? So confused.
Weren’t all the bad guys deaded by now.
Who knows, I give up.
Most of us here know that presidents are puppets, but I don’t know whether Bidet has more or less strings than past performers. One thing is certain though, he will be as much of a clown as Tan Man, perhaps even funnier. An apt POTUS for the USofdecay.